EXCLUSIVE: Another Collection of Stills from the TNG Season 2 Blus!




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EXCLUSIVE: Another Collection of Stills from the TNG Season 2 Blus!




Updated: November 19, 2012 
Updated: November 21, 2012

Still wanting more stills from Star Trek: The Next Generation – Season 2 on Blu-Ray? Can’t wait until the December 4th Release Date? TrekCore has got hold of another collection of wonderfully remastered HD stills from the second season, thanks to our friends at Amazon.de & Paramount Germany. The images are all just shy of full 1080p HD resolution so you can get a better appreciation of the level of detail on display in the remastered second season!

Original SD (DVD) Remastered HD (Blu-Ray)
Data takes the stand in TNG 2×09 ‘The Measure of a Man
Riker holds Data’s detatched arm from TNG 2×09 ‘The Measure of a Man
The Enterprise orbits Daled IV from TNG 2×10 ‘The Dauphin
The Enterprise orbits Starbase Montgomery from TNG 2×14 ‘The Icarus Factor
The Enterprise orbits Drema IV from TNG 2×15 ‘Pen Pals
Note – this is a higher resolution version of the same shot we posted earlier
The Enterprise is held in the Borg Cube’s tractor beam from TNG 2×16 ‘Q Who
The Enterprise fires at the Borg Cube in TNG 2×16 ‘Q Who
The Enterprise inflicts damage on the Borg Cube in TNG 2×16 ‘Q Who
The away team explore the mysterious Borg Cube in TNG 2×16 ‘Q Who
The Enterprise orbits Antede III in TNG 2×19 ‘Manhunt

UPDATE (Nov 19): We’ve got a further selection of new preview images for Season 2! Check them out below, with the original SD DVD stills to compare with.

Original SD (DVD) Remastered HD (Blu-Ray)
Wesley and Salia on the holodeck in TNG 2×10 ‘The Dauphin
The Enterprise orbits Starbase Montgomery from TNG 2×14 ‘The Icarus Factor
Geological calamities strike the Dreman planet in TNG 2×15 ‘Pen Pals
The Enterprise and the Mondor from TNG 2×17 ‘Samaritan Snare

UPDATE (Nov 21):

Original SD (DVD) Remastered HD (Blu-Ray)
The Enterprise alongside the Repulse in TNG 2×01 ‘The Child
Picard talks to Guinan in TNG 2×01 ‘The Child
The Enterprise orbits ‘aucdet IX in TNG 2×01 ‘The Child
The Enterprise approaches Science Station Tango Sierra in TNG 2×01 ‘The Child
Picard, Pulaski and Data analyze Nagilum in TNG 2×02 ‘Where Silence Has Lease
Data and Geordi playing Sherlock Holmes in TNG 2×03 ‘Elementary, Dear Data

As we’ve mentioned before, this blu-ray set comes loaded with new material including never before seen deleted scenes, a gag reel, a full one-hour cast reunion, an extended edition of ‘The Measure of a Man’ and SO much more! If you haven’t already – pre-order Season 2 below so you get it on release date in your country. All Amazon stores have significantly discounted the title – at the time of writing it’s under $65 in the U.S.£47.00 in the U.K. and under 57,00EUR in Germany!

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