STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Haven" (fka "Eye of The Beholder") #40271-105 Teleplay by Tracy Torme Story by Tracy Torme and Lan O'Kun Copyright 1987 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. REVISED FINAL DRAFT JULY 13, 1987 STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Haven" CAST PICARD TRANSPORTER CHIEF RIKER TWO BEAUTIFUL WOMEN (SILENT) DATA DATA TROI FACE ON GIFT-BOX BEVERLY MRS. LWAXANA TROI TASHA VICTORIA MILLER WORF STEVEN MILLER GEORDI WYATT MILLER MR. HOMN VALEDA INNIS WRENN ARIANA STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Haven" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS ENTERPRISE U.S.S. Enterprise Main Bridge Tarellian Ship Riker's Cabin Transporter Room Ready Room Corridor (outside Transporter Room) Turbolift Mrs. Troi's Quarters Wyatt's Quarters Conference Room Formal Dining Area Holodeck (Desert Landscape) Sickbay TARELLIAN SHIP Main Bridge STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - TEASER STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "HAVEN" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - STARSHIP (OPTICAL) The Enterprise sweeps toward a beautiful blue-green planet. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 41294.5. Our destination, the Class M Beta Cassius planet known simply as Haven. It is a world... 2 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - WIDE ANGLE PICARD sits alone in the Command Area. GEORDI is at the Conn, WORF mans Ops, DATA's at Science Station #1. PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) ... so renowned for its peaceful beauty that some believe it to have mystical healing powers. 3 OMITTED 4 ANGLE ON PICARD He's lost in thought as he looks up at the viewscreen. PICARD Such a beautiful world. Legends say it has been known to mend souls and heal broken hearts. 5 TWO SHOT - DATA AND PICARD As Data looks up, considers Picard's statement. DATA Legends which are totally unsupported by fact, Captain. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - TEASER 2. 5 CONTINUED: PICARD Legends like that are the spice of the universe, Mister Data, because they have a way of sometimes coming true. DATA They have intrinsic value regardless of the facts, sir? PICARD Facts are not everything, Mister Data. DATA (startled by the thought) Indeed, sir. Picard nods. Data seems to be trying to add this blasphemous concept to his voluminous memory. Meanwhile, Picard addresses the Conn. PICARD Standard orbit, Mister La Forge. GEORDI Standard orbit, sir. 6 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise eases into orbit. 7 INT. RIKER'S CABIN (OPTICAL) CLOSE ON TWO BEAUTIFUL WOMEN working delicate harp instruments. These players radiate a warm sensuality. Their "harps" sound more like mandolins and pedal steel guitars. 8 thru OMITTED 9 10 ANGLE ON RIKER leaning back, fully enjoying this, until: TASHA'S COM VOICE Lieutenant Yar to Commander Riker. Your presence is requested in Transporter Room One.  STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - TEASER 3. 10 CONTINUED: Riker sighs good-naturedly and gets to his feet. The SONG IS SOARING in the b.g. RIKER Sorry ladies. Duty calls. 11 ON RIKER AND THE WOMEN (OPTICAL) For the first time, WE SEE that the Musicians are only two feet tall. As he EXITS, Riker hits a switch and the Songstresses DISAPPEAR. 12 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM ONE Riker ENTERS, joining TASHA, GEORDI, and a TRANSPORTER CHIEF. RIKER Lieutenant, you needed me? TASHA Yes sir. There's an object of some kind beaming in from Haven. RIKER What is it? TASHA We're not sure. I'm holding it in stasis until we can register its exact nature. It's listed as a gift for Counselor Troi. RIKER For Deanna? From here? TASHA That's what I wondered about. She's on her way now. TRANSPORTER CHIEF (indicating his viewer) Surface Station approval coming in now, Lieutenant. TASHA Okay, let's bring it in. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - TEASER 4. 13 ANGLE ON TRANSPORTER (OPTICAL) The object is beamed aboard. WE SEE the surprised faces of those in the room as a big black chest rests on the transporter pad. Its design is somewhat old-fashioned except for A ROUND SLEEPING HUMAN FACE ON ITS SIDE. The chest is seamless and featureless except for the slumbering Face. They circle it, looking for a way of opening it. RIKER Odd looking. Why would one of our people be getting a gift from this world? Anxious to solve this mystery, Tasha moves in for a closer look at the Face. 14 FULL SHOT - INCLUDING FACE (OPTICAL) Troi ENTERS the room, surprised to see them huddled at a chest. TROI What's going on? Tasha gasps as the Face's eyes pop open. The Face has come alive! Two bright red eyes scan the scene, stopping only when they fall on Troi. All eyes turn to Troi, who's as surprised as anyone. FACE (deep, booming voice) I hold a message for Deanna Troi! The Face grins wildly -- it seems overjoyed with the news it is about to reveal. FACE (continuing) Lwaxana Troi and the honorable Miller Family will soon arrive! The momentous day is close at hand! Rejoice! The Face then abruptly SIGHS and goes back to sleep. TROI No, oh NO... ! STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - TEASER 5. 14 CONTINUED: Everyone turns to look at Troi, who is stunned and mute. There is an another silence... but nothing happens until Troi moves slowly to the chest and kneels close to examine the Face. THE CHEST SUDDENLY GOES BANG. A door flies open and dozens of brightly-colored gems and trinkets spill out. The astonished onlookers get a closer look at the items. Troi picks up a necklace made of red Betazoid jewels (like the ones she wears in her hair). TROI (continuing) I don't believe this! RIKER Counselor, what's this all about? TROI (softly; slowly) They're bonding gifts... (pause) ... what you would call... wedding presents. RIKER Wedding presents? What wedding? Who's getting married? Troi slowly turns to look him in the eye. TROI (in shock) I am. Riker stares at her, immobilized. FADE OUT: END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: 15 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise orbits Haven. 16 INT. READY ROOM Picard and Riker are with Troi. Riker is naturally perturbed; this is a woman he's loved although without any commitment being made. Picard is sorry to lose this top quality counselor and he's curious over how it happened -- and also curious about the effect of this upon these key officers. TROI I was certain it would never happen, Captain. The years I'd spend on this mission, the distance it has taken me away from home... (a deep breath) As you must have heard, genetic bonding is a Betazoid tradition. RIKER But your father was human, Deanna. The Millers are human... TROI You'd understand if you knew the loveliness of my world. The Millers and my father knew it, they loved Betazed so that they adopted the customs and traditions, including this one. A hesitation, then Picard breaks in: PICARD Will you and your husband be staying with the ship, Counselor? Her eyes go first to Riker in a way indicating her answer has much to do with him. Then she answers the captain: TROI No, sir. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT ONE 7. 16 CONTINUED: Picard sees this, decides it is time to leave them alone. PICARD Then... I'll just say congratulations for now, Deanna. (including Riker) If you'll excuse me. Riker and Troi nod and MUMBLE a kind of assent, their eyes very much on each other now. Picard EXITS. CAMERA MOVES IN ON THE TWOSOME who stand uncomfortably eyeing each other. Then: TROI Bill ... more than anything else in the world ... anything ... you want to be a starship captain. True? RIKER (beat) I love you, Deanna. TROI I can feel that. (nods; small smile) I know you love me... within those limits. (touches him) So almost more than anything else in the world, I want to honor my father's memory with this bonding. They look at each other. She has invited him to say more and he considers it. TROI (continuing) Did you hear carefully what I said? RIKER (nods sadly) Every word. (beat) I'm sorry. They exchange a long, long look. Then: TROI (nods) Come dance at my wedding. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT ONE 8. 16 CONTINUED: (2) Interrupted by the SOUND OF A CHIME. Riker ignores it. RIKER I'll try. Then Worf ENTERS. WORF Message from planet Haven, Counselor. They wish to beam the Miller... (hesitates) ... ah, wedding party aboard. She nods, EXITS. Then Riker EXITS too, leaving behind a Klingon who puzzles over the strange ways of humans. 17 thru OMITTED 18 19 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Picard and Troi face the platform. The Transporter Chief stands by the controls, the platform in b.g. SOUND of TRANSPORTER EFFECT, then THREE FIGURES MATERIALIZE. 20 CLOSE ON TROI AND PICARD Troi's face reflects the fact that she's about to see her future husband for the first time in nearly three decades. Clearly, Picard is aware of the stress she feels and sympathizes. 21 WIDE ANGLE The Miller Family steps off the platform. STEVEN MILLER is a balding bear of a man in his late fifties. VICTORIA MILLER is small and slim, prim and proper. Their son WYATT is a likeable, blond young man with an easy smile and an open, honest face. PICARD I'm Jean-Luc Picard, captain of the Enterprise. Welcome aboard. STEVEN Quite some starship you have here, captain. Look forward to this visit. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT ONE 9. 21 CONTINUED: VICTORIA Oh, yes, yes. (looks to Troi) You couldn't be... TROI ... I'm Deanna. VICTORIA (dabbing her eyes) Deanna darling! You probably don't even remember me. Steven brushes by his wife and gives Troi a hug. Then he holds Troi off, looking at her but speaking to his wife excitedly. To one side Wyatt stares at Troi. STEVEN Wyatt was absolutely right, Victoria. She is a beauty. Wyatt steps forward. He looks at her, but his smile lacks something. Troi senses that something as she looks into his eyes. WYATT I'm Wyatt. He reaches out to her. When their hands touch, Mrs. Miller begins to cry. VICTORIA (to Picard) Isn't this simply beautiful? I knew romance was still alive somewhere. 22 ANGLE EMPHASIZING WYATT AND TROI (OPTICAL) Wyatt offers Troi a large rose: Navy blue petals atop a twisting golden stem. Troi studies the flower in wonder. The petals are softly TURNING from blue to white. WYATT I'd like you to have this. It's a Chameleon Rose. It changes color with the mood of its owner. TROI It's wonderful. Thank you. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT ONE 10. 22 CONTINUED: She looks up from the rose and it seems Wyatt is studying her face. What's he looking for? STEVEN (to Troi) Deanna, did you like the chest? TROI Oh, yes. Especially the way It rolled its eyes at me. STEVEN (to Victoria; exuberant) You see, Victoria? I told you she'd love it! VICTORIA (to Picard and Troi) I was in favor of something more dignified. (looks at Steven critically) Steven picked the ugliest face imaginable. STEVEN It was a fine face. Full of character! TROI Excuse me, but... when is my mother arriving? Mr. and Mrs. Miller go silent, giving each other knowing looks. Victoria frowns at the very mention of Mrs. Troi. WYATT Your mother's still down on the planet, Deanna. TROI Why? Wyatt takes the initiative -- prodding his parents toward the exit. WYATT Er -- is there a place for my parents to rest, Captain? STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT ONE 11. 22 CONTINUED: (2) STEVEN We're not really tired, son, and besides I'd like to see some of the ship. VICTORIA Steven, you know full well Lwaxana Troi isn't about to beam aboard until we've cleared out. So... Slight pause. Picard fills in the breach. PICARD You can visit your quarters now, if you wish. Victoria nods her thanks and Picard leads the family to where a crewperson is waiting outside. PICARD (continuing) See the Millers to their accommodations, please. (to Steven) I'll join you all later. As Picard turns and RE-ENTERS, the Transporter Chief looks up from a reading. TRANSPORTER CHIEF A Mrs. Troi ready to beam up, sir. Picard throws a look toward Deanna, gets a nod, then nods in turn to the Transporter Chief. PICARD So be it. As the Transporter Chief sets the Transporter controls: PICARD (continuing) Wyatt seems a fine young man. TROI (puzzled) Yes, he does... But I'm not what he expected. PICARD I don't understand. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT ONE 12. 22 CONTINUED: (3) TROI Neither do I... but I'm definitely a surprise of some sort to him. THE SHIMMERING HUM OF THE TRANSPORTER EFFECT turns both heads toward the platform. TROI (continuing) I should warn you. My mother's a bit... eccentric. There's expectation as A GAUNT FIGURE IN A FLOWING BLACK ROBE materializes. He has faded white-grey skin and beady purple eyes. He moves smoothly and deliberately. Quite a ghostly figure this MR. HOMN. ANOTHER FIGURE begins to materialize. As it solidifies, CAMERA MOVES IN ON MRS. TROI, who looks like a Bohemian Queen. Her gown is striking, as is her jewelry. Her facial make-up, though unusual, brings out her high-cheekboned beauty. Behind her, a large, ornate luggage item has also BEAMED IN with her. MRS. TROI (looks around) Where is everyone? 22A EMPHASIZING TASHA AND MOTHER Troi moves toward her. TROI Hello, Mother... MRS. TROI TELEPATHIC V.O. (turning to Troi) Don't say it... think it. Use your mind, not your mouth. Troi refuses to go along, uses words, repeating: TROI Hello Mother. MRS. TROI TELEPATHIC V.O. Deanna. Shame! What has this life done to you? Mr. Homn helps Mrs. Troi off the platform. Picard is about to introduce himself when Mrs. Troi cuts him off. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT ONE 13. 22A CONTINUED: MRS. TROI Don't tell me. You're the captain. PICARD (smiling; nods) Of course. Your daughter explained your telepathic abilities. MRS. TROI That wasn't telepathy, it was common sense. Who else would they send to greet me but the Captain? (indicates luggage item) You may carry my luggage. This stumps Picard for an instant, but then he nods, STEPS ONTO the platform. TROI Mother! 22B EMPHASIZING PICARD STEPPING TO the luggage item. PICARD No, no, quite all right. I'm indebted to your mother for the... the fine counselor she... The luggage item is much heavier than Picard realized and it takes so much effort to lift it that he GRUNTS-GROANS slightly and realizes he is trapped into displaying something less than a dignified figure. FADE OUT: END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT TWO 14. ACT TWO FADE IN: 23 OMITTED 24 INT. CORRIDOR - OUTSIDE TRANPORTER ROOM As Deanna, Mrs. Troi, Mister Homn, and lastly Captain Picard MOVE OUT into the Corridor. Picard is laboring and Deanna looks toward him anxiously. A couple of crewpersons pass and double-take this strange use of their captain. TROI Mother, it's quite inappropriate to ask the captain to... MRS. TROI (to Picard) Yes, you do seem to be having difficulty. A man your age must work to keep himself in shape. Troi stops short. TROI I'm not going another step this way! (to Mother) A starship has its customs just as we do. Please set that down, Captain. (turning to Homn) If you're my mother's valet, then please valet! PICARD Well, so long as you insist... The Captain sets the luggage down gratefully. Meanwhile, Mrs. Troi turns to him apologetically. MRS. TROI I apologize for her behavior. (to Troi) Do you realize you've embarrassed your captain? (to Homn) Do as she says. Anything to avoid a quarrel on this occasion. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT TWO 15. 24 CONTINUED: The seemingly frail Mr. Homn bends, easily lifts the heavy luggage. Picard's look of astonishment at this is covered by Mrs. Troi taking his arm possessively and leading him down the corridor. 24A PANNING SHOT Deanna hurries to walk with Picard and her mother. She indicates Homn following them with the luggage. TROI Mother -- what happened to Xelo? MRS. TROI I was forced to terminate his employment. (to Picard) Xelo was strongly attracted to me -- his thoughts became truly pornographic. They REACH a Corridor Turbolift where the doors snap OPEN. 25 INT. TURBOLIFT as they ENTER. PICARD (to turbolift) Passenger accommodations. The turbolift will go upwards for a ways, then travel horizontally. Meanwhile: MRS. TROI (to Captain) Of course the thoughts of Wyatt's father toward me were almost as vulgar... TROI (pleading) Mother... STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT TWO 16. 25 CONTINUED: MRS. TROI (without pause) ... but he really doesn't have Mister Homn's imagination. Between that and his wife's inane chatter, it's a wonder I made it here at all. How do you like the Millers, Captain? PICARD (startled; then) I'm sure I'll find them as pleasant as... MRS. TROI As for me, I've found it shocking how they've changed in the years since my husband and I knew them. Or perhaps, I've just grown beyond them. You realize of course that with Betazoids, our ability to read the thoughts of others does see us grow and learn much faster than the typical dull and plodding human who... 26 CLOSE ANGLE EMPHASIZING TROI who whirls on her mother, interrupting her telepathically, angrily. TROI TELEPATHIC V.O. Mother, that's enough! Mrs. Troi turns her head toward her daughter. MRS. TROI TELEPATHIC V.O. So, you're not totally out of practice. Good. Very good. The turbolift stops, the doors snap OPEN. 27 OMITTED 28 INT. MRS. TROI'S QUARTERS Mrs. Troi looks around the room with a jaundiced eye. PICARD We hope you'll be comfortable here. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT TWO 17. 28 CONTINUED: MRS. TROI Yes, the room is adequate. Small, but adequate. You will of course adjust the temperature to a civilized level. PICARD I'll see what I can do. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm sure you two have a lot to talk about. MRS. TROI Yes Captain, you may go. Picard is only too happy to WALK OUT, past the strong Mr. Homn who begins to unpack for Mrs. Troi. MRS. TROI TELEPATHIC V.O. You've been slack, little one. Allowed your mental powers to rust. TROI TELEPATHIC V.O. To avoid becoming confused, mother. Humans constantly think one thing but say another. MRS. TROI TELEPATHIC V.O. Yes, they do, don't they. The poor dears. Our style of complete honesty frightens them. TROI (switching to voice) On that subject Mother, there is such a thing as too much honesty with humans. MRS. TROI TELEPATHIC V.O. Nonsense. It sets them a good example. If they'd only say what they think instead of hiding it... TROI But they're accustomed to hiding their thoughts... MRS. TROI TELEPATHIC V.O. And I quite understand what you faced here. An entire shipload of such inconsistency could drive one insane. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT TWO 18. 28 CONTINUED: (2) Mrs. Troi, rearranging what Homn unpacks, looks at her daughter, begins to soften and show empathy for her. She now uses her VOICE. MRS. TROI Darling, I'm sorry this had to happen. Truly I am. But Steven Miller tracked me down and reminded me of the vows we made. TROI (with difficulty) Mother... I'm having some trouble believing in those vows as I once did... MRS. TROI Deanna! TROI But... but I'll honor them, of course. I'm a Betazoid. Mrs. Troi lovingly touches her daughter's face. MRS. TROI And you may find Wyatt an unusual person. I've sensed remarkable depths in him. Troi lifts her rose INTO VIEW and sniffs it. It's now turned a pale purple. 29 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Worf and Geordi are at Ops and Conn respectively, Riker and Picard sit in the Command area, Data at Science One. GEORDI Message coming in from Haven, Sir. PICARD On screen. A handsome, raven-haired woman named VALEDA INNIS fills the viewscreen, wearing a sheer, silky kimono-like garment that embodies the pleasure of the world she governs. VALEDA I'm Valeda Innis, First Electorine of Haven. Captain Picard? STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT TWO 19. 29 CONTINUED: PICARD I'm Picard. VALEDA (slight bow) Your presence honors us. And your timing is fortuitous, Captain. PICARD How so? VALEDA An incoming vessel has bypassed our stargate, violating our law. It has refused all attempts at communication. PICARD Are you saying you believe it to be hostile? VALEDA Failure to communicate is inherently hostile. (pause) We have no defensive capabilities here and our treaty specifies your obligations in that regard. PICARD Agreed. But let's hope it doesn't become a defense matter. VALEDA Of course, Captain. But I'm very happy we can count on you. 30 INT. WYATT'S QUARTERS Wyatt is resting on his bed -- listening to MUSIC. He hears A SOFT CHIME, telling him someone's at the door. (There are some renderings or paintings unpacked in a room corner.) WYATT Come in. Troi ENTERS. Wyatt is surprised but pleased to see her. There's an awkward silence -- each realizes they'll be spending the rest of their lives with the stranger standing across from them. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT TWO 20. 30 CONTINUED: TROI I wanted to apologize for my mother's behavior. I'm certain she was hard to bear on the trip over. WYATT Your mother's honest -- I respect that. TROI Yes, but she never lets up. WYATT (grins) I'll admit, her honesty is a bit persistent. TROI (nods) I've never heard it described better. But it is a Betazoid trait. (smiles) I'll try to be only half as annoying. They smile at each other. Then: WYATT Let's see... what can I tell you about me? I'm a medical doctor, for whatever that's worth. TROI "Doctor?" Where? How? WYATT If you're picking up my thoughts, you'd know. Can't you do that at all? Troi concentrates on Wyatt, for a moment, then TROI Yes... This could be what mother felt about you. I believe we could read each other eventually. WYATT Can I take that as a compliment? STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT TWO 21. 30 CONTINUED: (2) TROI (smiles) Absolutely. I've only felt this with... well, with someone who's on this ship. WYATT Oh? Do I have competition? TROI No. All he wants is to captain a starship. WYATT What I want is to... well, to do another kind of brave and noble thing... which you may find prosaic. What I want is to cure people. TROI Well, since I am a practicing psychologist, maybe we can work in concert. We are going to be together a long time. His smile fades. He looks Troi in the eyes. WYATT Yes. That's the point of marriage, I suppose. TROI I really thought you'd tell me you were an artist. 31 OMITTED 32 EMPHASIZING PAINTING Troi has indicated the renderings that lie unpacked in a corner of the room. Each is a portrait of a STRIKINGLY BEAUTIFUL YOUNG WOMAN. They have been drawn over several years and show development from girl to woman. There is a compelling intensity to the work. TROI (continuing) I just felt your mind very much on those. And they are your work, aren't they? STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT TWO 22. 32 CONTINUED: WYATT Yes. (faint smile) And I can see it'll be very hard to keep secrets from you. Troi begins to sense the surprising truth. She indicates the pictures. TROI This is why you were surprised when you first saw me. (indicating) This woman... you thought that I would be this woman. She looks from Wyatt to portraits and back again. Wyatt touches one of the renderings. WYATT (with difficulty) I've seen this face since I was a boy. When I closed my eyes at night, I could hear her whispering my name. (pause) Knowing you were Betazoid, I assumed it was you, projecting yourself into my mind. Wyatt struggles with his confused feelings. Troi puts her hand on his shoulder, sincere. TROI I'm sorry I'm not what you hoped for... WYATT No. Please don't mistake a childish fantasy for disappointment. You're so beautiful, I-- I feel honored. It is clear they've begun to like each other... but also that they both feel more or less trapped by the agreement their parents have made. Troi looks back at the drawings. TROI You have no idea who she is? WYATT No. And it really doesn't matter now. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT TWO 23. 32 CONTINUED: (2) They smile at each other WHILE CAMERA ANGLES TO INCLUDE, beyond them, the dream woman, her eyes warm and patient, silently waiting. 33 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise in a flyby as it circles Haven. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's personal log. I trust my concern over the problems of ship's Counselor Troi are not based merely on the fact of losing a highly valuable crew member. Actually... 33A INT. MAIN BRIDGE - CLOSE ON PICARD PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) ... it seems to me that she has become trapped by a custom of her home world which the facts of the twenty-fourth century have made unwise and unworkable. I wish I could intervene. DATA (V.O.) On the viewer, Captain... 34 WIDER ANGLE (OPTICAL) Riker beside Picard in Command Area. Geordi and Worf in the front stations with Data at Science and Tasha at Security in upper level. All are turning toward the viewscreen where a tiny bright object is moving across the starfield. DATA Unidentified vessel. Traveling sub-warp speed, bearing two-three- five, mark seven. PICARD Sub-warp? It's several hours away then? (to Worf) Let's take a look at it. Enlarge to maximum. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT TWO 24. 34 CONTINUED: WORF Increasing magnification, sir. ON SCREEN, a small IMAGE of a ship of strange, unearthly design. Its center is a shiny globe. Dozens of spike-like structures jut out of it, tumbling end over end as the vessel moves along. Though clearly alien, there is a pleasing aesthetic quality to the ship, which gives off a soft, violet glow. 35 EMPHASIZING DATA Intently curious and puzzled by what he's just seen, he turns to his console and begins calling up information rapidly. 36 ANGLE ON COMMAND AREA A deeply concerned Picard. PICARD Mister Data! Am I seeing the trouble I believe is there? Data looks up from his viewer. DATA If you mean a Tarellian vessel, you are, sir. Riker is startled by this information. RIKER I thought the Tarellians were finished! What are the poor devils doing here? PICARD Doctor Crusher to the Bridge, urgent! (to Riker) There's no way I'll permit them to destroy us. And the treaty here forces us to protect this world too. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT THREE 25. ACT THREE FADE IN: 37 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) Enterprise in orbit around Haven. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, supplemental. It has been believed the Tarellian race was extinct, an assumption contradicted now by the sight of one of their vessels... 38 INT. CONFERENCE ROOM (OPTICAL) Picard, Riker, Beverly, Geordi, Tasha and Troi are seated around the table with Data at the front viewer. INTERCUT this with viewer as necessary. PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) ... approaching Haven. RIKER The fact it is traveling at its present velocity suggests an answer. GEORDI A damaged vessel, sir? That could explain it. RIKER (nods) If it were unable to reach warp speed, it would have taken all these years to get here. PICARD (nods) Continue with the briefing, Mister Data. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT THREE 26. 38 CONTINUED: Data touches a control and a six planet solar system chart appears on the viewer, the second of the six planets enlarges to show two island land masses. Then, as Data continues, that IMAGE will become alive with FLASHING TECHNICAL INFORMATION such as gravity, atmosphere, planet dimensions, mineral composition, temperature details, etc. DATA Class M world, much like your Earth world, very similar humanoid life form, which faced the unfortunate old story of their hatreds outrunning their intelligence. PICARD Hostilites between the two land masses? DATA (nods) Ending with one of them... it doesn't really matter which... unleashing a deadly biological weapon on the other. BEVERLY (glumly) And naturally the other also became infected in the end... (shaking head) It makes one question the intelligence of humanoid forms. PICARD Are you acquainted with the facts of the infection, Doctor? BEVERLY (nods) They had reached Earth's late-twentieth century, early twenty-first century level. Which was all that's needed if you're a damned fool. A highly deadly, extra-infectious virus... which at that modest level of knowledge, is not that difficult to grow. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT THREE 27. 38 CONTINUED: (2) TASHA (nods) We learned the rest of the story in security training. Some Tarellians made it to other worlds only to die along with the populations they infected. GEORDI (to Picard) It's pretty well covered in Academy training now, Captain. (to the others) Many of them tried to avoid other inhabited worlds as they escaped... only to be hunted down and destroyed anyway. PICARD Unfortunately, we had believed the last Tarellian vessel was destroyed eight years ago by the Alcyones. (to Data) Exactly when will they reach Haven? DATA Exactly thirteen hours, nine minutes, twenty-one... PICARD (interrupting; to all) Which will create a very difficult problem for the Enterprise at that time. Our treaty here requires us to protect Haven from alien threats ... and a plague ship certainly qualifies as that. But Federation policy requires us to assist life forms in need ... which qualifies the Tarellians too. I'll want you to help me find some answers by then. Picard pauses, the assembled bridge crew sitting concerned. Then: STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT THREE 28. 38 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD (continuing) All of which gives ample time for your second assignment. Or you may prefer it on a volunteer basis. (beat; then smiles to Troi) The pre-joining dinner of Counselor Deanna Troi will proceed as planned. 39 OMITTED 40 INT. FORMAL DINING AREA The dinner party is in progress, attended by the Bridge Officers, the Millers, Mrs. Troi and Mr. Homn, all of whom are standing, chatting, having a drink as the dinner table is made finally ready. The officers wear ceremonial dress. Mrs. Troi wears a length of vine which seems at this time to be merely decorative. Mr. Homn stands erect by himself at a small table to one side. There are a dozen or so tall, fluted glasses on the table, along with a small bell suspended from a unique, arched crescent. Homn watches the goings-on like a silent sentinel. 41 ANGLE ON PICARD approached by Mr. and Mrs. Miller. VICTORIA We've talked it over, Captain. We'd like you to perform the ceremony. PICARD I'd be honored, Mrs. Miller. Mrs. Troi has overheard. MRS. TROI Impossible. The captain is not practiced in the ways of Betazed joining. VICTORIA This will be a traditional Earth ceremony! STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT THREE 29. 41 CONTINUED: MRS. TROI I'm sorry, but it proceeds out of a Betazed bonding. VICTORIA And I am sorry, Lwaxana, but my family and I are living on Earth now... MRS. TROI So that's why you want that barbaric ritual. (to Picard) Terrible, Captain, to see a woman go downhill like this... TROI Mother! VICTORIA Downhill?! MRS. TROI The human ritual is out of the question! 42 ANGLE ON DATA Enthralled by the latest flare-up. 43 BACK TO SHOT VICTORIA Who are you to tell us what's out of the question? MRS. TROI (cool, superior) Your ignorance is astonishing. I am Lwaxana Troi: Daughter of The Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed. (pause; insultingly) Who are you? Victoria, infuriated, turns to Steven for support. Before Steven can approach him, Picard steps in. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT THREE 30. 43 CONTINUED: PICARD Excuse me, everyone, but dinner is served... (to the mothers; smiling) ... and by Starfleet tradition, all disputes and disagreements are thereby resolved. VICTORIA (moving off) In who's favor? PICARD The captain's. MRS. TROI That's not what you're thinking. PICARD Captains are not required to think. Picard puts his arm out for Mrs. Troi, who lets him escort her to her chair, where Wyatt waits to pull it out for her. Riker watches Troi, trying to be pleasant while helping seat Mrs. Miller. 44 WIDE ANGLE Everyone is seated around the table. Stewards are busy serving food. 45 EMPASIZING VICTORIA still seething. 46 EMPHASIZING MRS. TROI Adjusting her decorative vine, throwing a look toward Victoria 47 ANGLE ON PICARD PICARD (raising glass) A toast. To the young couple and their families. May this union be a happy and productive one. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT THREE 31. 47 CONTINUED: Everyone drinks to this. 48 OMITTED 48A CLOSE ON MRS. TROI Adjusting her decorative vine, but she seems to be doing it in an "affectionate" way. Now, unnoticed by others, she has picked up a crumb of food from the table, CAMERA MOVING IN CLOSER as she offers it to the end of the vine which seems to be "nibbling" at it. 49 ANGLE ON BEVERLY AND MR. HOMN She looks on in wonder as Homn, now seated, downs an astonishing quantity of liquid, drinking one glass after another, without stopping, each with a different color. 50 ANGLE ON WYATT AND PICARD WYATT Is it true, Captain -- that there's a Tarellian ship, headed for Haven? PICARD Yes, it's true. Wyatt is puzzled about this. 51 ANGLE ON HOMN still putting away a steady stream of fluids. 52 ANGLE TO INCLUDE WYATT AND OTHERS WYATT That's amazing! I've read everything I could about them. Biological virus analysis was a favorite subject at medical school. BEVERLY In which case, I'd very much like to meet with you, sir. I'm pleased to have a medical colleague aboard. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT THREE 32. 52 CONTINUED: A BELL RINGS OUT. It's a small bell, but it gives off a shrill RING. Mr. Homn hits it after every bite Mrs. Troi takes. WYATT (distracted by the bell) Yes, ma'am... Uh, Doctor? Would it be possible to prepare some medical supplies, geared toward the Tarellian's probable needs? We could beam it over without any fear of infection. PICARD (to Beverly) What do you think, Doctor? The bell RINGS again... It's becoming highly distractive. BEVERLY I think it's a considerate idea. (to Wyatt) Sickbay's at your disposal, Doctor. WYATT Thank you. Homn RINGS the bell again as Mrs. Troi takes another bite. VICTORIA (to Homn) Must you do that? MRS. TROI (never looking up from food) As you well know, it is the Betazed way of giving thanks for the food we eat. VICTORIA (amused) You? Giving thanks? Besides, you never did this before. MRS. TROI I do it now. Unlike some people, I am in growth. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT THREE 33. 52 CONTINUED: (2) As if to prove her point, she takes a big bite -- Homn RINGS the bell accordingly. 52A CLOSER ON MRS. TROI As she "adjusts" her vine, loosening it and CAMERA MOVES IN TO REVEAL the "vine" now beginning to move toward where Victoria sits next to Mrs. Troi. CAMERA PANS IT inching along somewhat like a caterpillar until Victoria's ARM COMES INTO VIEW. 52B TWO SHOT OF MRS. TROI AND VICTORIA as Mrs. Troi turns to Victoria, watching the "vine" move toward Victoria's arm. MRS. TROI (continuing) Victoria, I've forgotten whether you enjoy pets or not. Mrs. Troi has taken another bite, the bell RINGS again, and Victoria gives Mrs. Troi only a quick annoyed glance. VICTORIA Love them, of course. 52C INSERT SHOT The "vine" reaching Victoria's arm, beginning to wrap itself around her wrist. 52D BACK TO SHOT Victoria becomes slowly aware of something tightening on her wrist, looks down, SCREAMS. Mrs. Troi, begins taking her "vine" back. MRS. TROI Gently... gently! (retrieves vine) I thought you said you enjoyed pets. 53 EMPHASIZING RIKER Watches Mrs. Troi gather in her "vine," then goes back to eating listlessly. It's clear he's unhappy. He looks up to see Troi gazing at him from across the table. They lock eyes. They each have so much to say, and so little time. And this is not the place. He decides to stand. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT THREE 34. 54 WIDE ANGLE Riker turning to the Captain. RIKER Captain... If I may be excused... (lamely) ... to spend some time considering the Tarellian situation... PICARD Of course. RIKER (rises; slight bow) Ladies and Gentlemen. He EXITS. Mrs. Troi turns to Victoria. MRS. TROI (quietly) Why didn't he mention you? DATA Mrs. Troi, I'm very interested in the Betazed ceremony you mentioned. Could you tell us more? 55 CLOSE ON TROI She cringes. 56 BACK TO FULL SHOT MRS. TROI I'd be delighted, Commander. It is an ancient ceremony, widely regarded as the most beautiful in the universe. She takes a tiny bite. Homn hits the bell VERY LIGHTLY. MRS. TROI (continuing) After the young couple remove their clothing -- TASHA The Bride and Groom go naked?! MRS. TROI No. You misunderstand. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT THREE 35. 56 CONTINUED: Wyatt looks vastly relieved. MRS. TROI (continuing) All guests must go unclothed. This honors the act of love being celebrated... 57 ANGLE ON VICTORIA nearly choking on her food. 58 ANGLE ON STEVEN He smiles slightly -- thinking about it. 59 FULL SHOT MRS. TROI (continuing; to Victoria) Don't worry too much, dear. Your body's not that bad. Picard is bemused; Victoria is beside herself, so angry and embarrassed that she can't even spit out the words. MRS. TROI (continuing) Besides, your husband quite likes the idea of seeing me unclothed. Victoria jerks her head toward Steven who quickly puts his drink down and tries to look innocent, as: VICTORIA Steven!! MRS. TROI You did know he's attracted to me, didn't you? STEVEN Untrue! I don't.... Not really... TROI (rising; angrily) Stop it, all of you -- (to her mother) Especially you! STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT THREE 36. 59 CONTINUED: MRS. TROI (turning to Picard) Captain, as you requested, I have carefully avoided disagreements during this. But did you wish me to ignore what my senses tell me? Then Mrs. Troi shrugs and takes a bite of food. Homn strikes the BELL -- and Troi comes to her feet, knocks it off the table with the back of her hand and marches toward the door and is OUT before anyone can say anything. 60 CLOSE ON HOMN Laughing to himself, he then happily kills another glassful. 61 WIDE ANGLE A dark cloud hangs over the gathering. After a few moments of petrified silence, Data breaks the ice. DATA (pleasant; to Parents) Could you please continue your bickering? I find it intriguing. 62 OMITTED FADE OUT: END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT FOUR 37. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 63 INT. HOLODECK -- DESERT LANDSCAPE (DUSK) (OPTICAL) His back to us, Riker stands in the desert, silhouetted against the horizon. This is a lonely, lifeless place -- beautiful but barren. A place picked to match a mood. Troi ENTERS SHOT, coming in through the archway as we PULL BACK to SEE the desert again. If Riker hears her coming, he doesn't turn around. TROI Why did you order up a desert? Riker gives her a look, then stares off into the distance. RIKER It matches my mood. Empty. 63A CLOSER SHOT Troi concentrating on him, then nods. TROI Yes. It does. RIKER I lost you once before, and now I've lost you again. TROI Are you certain exactly who lost who, Imzadi? RIKER Don't use that word now, Deanna... TROI It means 'my beloved.' RIKER It also suggests the same feeling will go on ... tomorrow, and tomorrow... TROI (nods) It suggests a kind of bonding ... an agreement... Riker sits silently. After a long moment of waiting: STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT FOUR 38. 63A CONTINUED: TROI (continuing) As I said ... I understand. RIKER Do you? Really? (turns; moves close) Imzadi... yes, you are my beloved. Today. But I can't lie to you and say I'm certain about tomorrow ... and tomorrow ... I can't guarantee it will be something you can share. (moves close to a kiss) Because you are my Imzadi, I refuse to promise you a future I can't yet see. TROI How... would an Earth woman react to that, Bill? RIKER To an Earth woman, I'd lie. (faint smile) But you'd know it if I did. WYATT (V.O.) Hello you two! 63B WIDER ANGLE They turn, see Wyatt MAKING HIS WAY IN from the Holodeck entrance. Riker gets to his feet. RIKER Next! Wyatt moves in and Riker CROSSES OUT OF SHOT toward the Holodeck entrance. 64 ON WYATT Head cocked, spinning around joyously -- taking in the wonders of the Holodeck. By the time he turns in a full circle, Riker is gone. WYATT (excited) This is incredible. I've heard about this, but I never imagined... STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT FOUR 39. 64 CONTINUED: Troi walks down to meet him. WYATT (continuing) I respected what you did tonight... TROI I lost my temper. WYATT It worked. You shamed them into compromise. After you left it really calmed down. (he laughs) The Joining will be half-Betazed, half-Old Earth. The Captain'll do the ceremony and Mister Homn will be my best man. TROI And we'll take our clothes half off? Wyatt laughs at this. It's clear he very much likes Deanna. WYATT Some of us all. You do... I do... Your mother, my father. (smiles) But not my mother. TROI How did you manage that? WYATT I didn't. Your mother did. They laugh together. She's beginning to really like Wyatt too. WYATT (continuing) And I just caught my father, practicing naked in front of his mirror. He imitates his father preening, holding in his belly and looking at himself from every side. They LAUGH. Troi sits on a small hillock, closes her eyes, stretches and lies back. Wyatt sits beside her, looking at her fondly. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT FOUR 40. 64 CONTINUED: (2) WYATT And so... A question I should have asked before. (takes her shoulders; turns her to him) Deanna... do you really want to go through with this? TROI (beat) Yes. I want to. WYATT I'm a very lucky man. He kisses her. Tentatively at first, gently. Then she begins to kiss back; he reacts to this and Deanna too. 65 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Tarellian ship cruising toward the orbiting Enterprise. PICARD Captain's log, supplemental. All attempts at warning off the Tarellian ship have failed. They still refuse to communicate and I am growing concerned. 66 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) All except Troi at proper stations: Riker and Picard in the Command Area, Geordi and Data at the Conn and Ops, Tasha and Worf at Tactical and Weapons station. 67 CLOSER ON REGULARS (OPTICAL) INTERCUT this with viewer as necessary. PICARD How can you be certain they're receiving us? DATA Because our sensors are showing a responder echo, sir, on the frequency they once used. GEORDI Message coming in from Haven. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT FOUR 41. 67 CONTINUED: PICARD Viewer on. VALEDA (on screen) Captain, the plague ship is approaching transport range. PICARD We're aware of that, Electorine. VALEDA You realize they can turn this lovely world of ours into a graveyard? Please take action, now, before it's too late. RIKER We'll take action in a few moments. VALEDA Please... please destroy them now! PICARD We will not fire on them, Electorine. TASHA I'm certain I could disable their ship with a phaser burst, Captain. PICARD And then? He gets no answer. 68 ANGLE ON VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The Tarellian ship -- growing larger and larger. 69 INT. SICKBAY (OPTICAL) Wyatt is gathering medical supplies for the Tarellians: packets and jars of pills go into boxes, hypo-sprays are packed, etc. Along with Beverly, he spends half his time looking at her VIEWSCREEN where WE CAN SEE the Tarellian ship drawing nearer. WYATT Almost complete, Doctor. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT FOUR 42. 69 CONTINUED: BEVERLY You show a remarkable knowledge of viral immunology, Wyatt. Wyatt indicates the viewscreen. WYATT It's a striking design, don't you think? Beverly takes a look at the Tarellian ship. WYATT (continuing) They built it underwater. At a base, three miles below sea-level. BEVERLY Oh? How did you know that? Wyatt stops what he's doing, concerned, confused, puzzled at what he said. Then he forces himself to snap out of it, turning his attention back to the supplies. WYATT I don't know... I must have heard it somewhere. 70 ANGLE ON BEVERLY wondering about his strange statement. 71 INT. MAIN BRIDGE DATA They're coming within transporter range, sir. PICARD Can't delay any longer, then. Ready the tractor beam, Lieutenant Yar. Target ship and activate on my command. Tasha quickly touches the proper controls on her console. TASHA Tractor beam ready. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT FOUR 43. 71 CONTINUED: RIKER Let's hope it buys some communication. PICARD Engage. Tasha engages. 72 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) Enterprise in BACKGROUND and in the FOREGROUND the Tarellian ship is engulfed by the briefly appearing BEAM. Then the alien vessel slows. 73 INT. MAIN BRIDGE As the Bridge shudders and protests ever so slightly. TASHA Got them, sir... 73A EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) REPEAT LAST SHOT with the Tarellian ship slowing to a stop. 73B INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The Tarellian vessel on the viewer, Picard waiting. And waiting. Then he turns toward Worf who is at Science Station. PICARD Do we have them securely, Worf? Can they beam out to the planet? WORF Negative, sir. They can't leave that ship. Picard turns toward Geordi who checks his own instruments. GEORDI I know they're receiving us, sir. And at this distance they could reply with their running lights if necessary. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT FOUR 44. 73B CONTINUED: DATA Unless they have all died. Their ship could have been brought in by automation. RIKER (indicating) Captain! The viewer... ! All turn in that direction. 73C ANGLE ON MAIN VIEWER The Tarellian ship IMAGE IS FADING, being replaced slowly by INDISTINCT SHAPES WHICH ARE BECOMING A HUMAN FACE. 73D ANGLE ON BRIDGE CREW reacting, beginning to realize that life does exist on the alien vessel. 73E ANGLE ON MAIN VIEWER The IMAGE resolving slowly in the woman we've seen in Wyatt's painting. 73F ANGLE EMPHASIZING TROI coming to her feet. TROI It's the woman in Wyatt's painting! 74 thru OMITTED 75 FADE OUT: END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT FIVE 45. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 76 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND TARELLIAN VESSEL (OPTICAL) Fairly close together now in orbit of Haven. PICARD'S (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 41294.7 orbiting Haven with the Tarellian vessel locked in our tractor beam. Question: What strange combination... 77 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - PRINCIPALS AND MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) Everyone stunned by this seemingly impossible occurance. PICARD'S (V.O.) (continuing) ... of circumstances has caused a woman out of someone's imagination to appear on the plague ship? GEORDI Enterprise to Tarellian vessel, are you receiving us? ON THE VIEWER, the IMAGE of the young woman whom we'll know as ARIANA, is gently moved aside by a distinguished looking older man whom we'll know as WRENN. He looks out from the viewer, speaks gently: WRENN My name is Wrenn... and before I inquire why you've trapped us here, is there one aboard your vessel named Wyatt? PICARD Your business is with me, sir. I am Captain Picard, commanding this starship. The Turbolift door OPENS, Wyatt and Beverly HURRY ONTO THE BRIDGE. He carries one of his paintings of the woman being seen on the viewer and exhibits it. WYATT Captain, I don't understand... STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT FIVE 46. 77 CONTINUED: Wrenn appears as startled by Wyatt's appearance. WRENN I can't believe this! Ariana was right! (moving to the side) He is there, daughter! Ariana's IMAGE joins Wrenn on the viewer screen. ARIANA Wyatt, you've come to us. Just as you promised. Troi rises, hurries to Wyatt who speaks low-voiced. WYATT What's happening? Except for dream images, I've never seen her. TROI I'm not sure but perhaps mother would... PICARD (interrupting; to Wrenn) Our first order of business, sir, is with the threat your vessel poses to the planet below. If you still carry the infection which destroyed your world... WRENN Oh, we still carry it, Captain. My daughter, I, all eight of us. PICARD Eight? WRENN (indicates) All of us that are left, Captain. VIEWER IMAGE WIDENS TO REVEAL Ariana and six others. WRENN (continuing) Most of the rest passed on during the years it took to reach Haven. PICARD Sir... if you've come here because of the legend about planet Haven miraculously healing the sick... STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT FIVE 47. 77 CONTINUED: (2) WRENN No, no. We've learned to face the truth about such things. But Haven is a remarkably lovely and pleasant place, is it not? All we want is a resting place until the last of us are gone. Picard clearly feels the hurt of what he is going to have to say. It is in his voice: PICARD I'm... sorry, but circumstances make it impossible for us to allow you to beam down to Haven. WRENN We do not ask to make contact with those living below. All we ask is to be on the edge of some sea, some unpopulated island or faraway peninsula... PICARD This is not our planet, sir. I'll be happy to present your needs to those who govern this world... WRENN Present the fact we intend to die here, Captain. And if we die while caged by your tractor beam, so be it. Wrenn touches a control on his vessel, the viewscreen IMAGE FADES. 77A INT. MRS. TROI'S QUARTERS She is trying on an exotic outfit we haven't seen. There's a CHIME from the entry and Wyatt ENTERS. MRS. TROI Isn't this combination exciting? But I can't wear it, of course, since your father would be devastated if I weren't naked. WYATT Mrs. Troi, may I talk to you about something serious? STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT FIVE 48. 77A CONTINUED: MRS. TROI I am always serious, dear boy. Only my pleasant nature makes it appear otherwise. She continues fluttering with the jewelry decorating her outfit. WYATT Please, Mrs. Troi. She turns, eyes him for a moment, then: MRS. TROI Yes, that was puzzling. A woman out of another place who insists she knows you. WYATT And... MRS. TROI (interrupts, nodding) And whom you've dreamed of for all these years. WYATT And I hoped that with you handling thoughts the way you do... MRS. TROI Fascinating, Wyatt, how easily your thoughts come through. I wonder if it is because you were raised on Betazed? (smiles) Well, no matter, I can see you were wrong for my daughter anyway. WYATT Ma'am? MRS. TROI The answer to the puzzle of Ariana and you is too simple for most humans to understand. WYATT Too simple? STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT FIVE 49. 77A CONTINUED: (2) MRS. TROI Of course. It's something they all know instinctively but go to great effort to reject or to build complicated superstitions about it. All life, Wyatt, all consciousness, wherever or whenever it occurs... is indissolvably bound together. Indeed, it is all part of the same thing. WYATT (startled; considers it) Yes! I have wondered if something like that... MRS. TROI (carrying on his thought) ... weren't so. And no doubt so has Ariana, which helped the two of you to make contact. (touching neck jewelry) Shall I wear the light or deep ruby stones? Which would be best for me, naked? But Wyatt's mind is elsewhere. He rises, heads for the door. MRS. TROI (continuing) Wyatt, don't puzzle on it so much! It was just a simple thought! But Wyatt EXITS, unhearing. 78 thru OMITTED 79 80 INT. SICKBAY Beverly notices Wyatt's disconcerting look. BEVERLY Wyatt, are you feeling all right? Wyatt nods weakly. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT FIVE 50. 80 CONTINUED: WYATT The supplies are ready. I'll take them to the transporter room. BEVERLY I'll notify the captain they're ready. Wyatt turns to the supplies -- then as Beverly's back is turned, he takes a spray-hypo from a medical shelf, secretes it as he EXITS. 81 INT. FORMAL DINING AREA The room used for the dinner has been modified to accommodate the rehearsal. Troi is fidgeting with an unusual, flowing wedding dress. Mr. Homn drinks vials of bright green liquid. 82 ANGLE ON WYATT He ENTERS, dazed but determined. 83 ANGLE ON THE MILLERS Steven, in a bathrobe, is turned sideways, sucking in his stomach as he checks himself out in the mirror. VICTORIA (indicates Steven) Look at your father, Wyatt. He just can't wait to strip off his clothes in that barbaric ceremony. STEVEN (overhearing) We had to compromise. As usual, I'm making the sacrifice. Wyatt gives his parents a long look, as if trying to memorize the scene. Then he turns and walks towards Troi. Victoria hurries to undo something Mrs. Troi just did. 84 CLOSE ON TROI She is fidgeting with her special dress. WYATT (V.O.) You look beautiful. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT FIVE 51. 84 CONTINUED: Troi looks up and smiles. PULL BACK to FULL SHOT as Troi immediately senses the turmoil raging within Wyatt. WYATT But you looked best of all in the desert on the Holodeck. (moves in) When you did this... He kisses her. She senses something, looks carefully as he takes a long look around the room. Then he's OUT the door. HOLD on Troi. 85 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM The Chief is alone at the console as the door slides open and SOMEONE ENTERS. TRANSPORTER CHIEF You can put the supplies on the pad. (points; looks down) Doctor Crusher had me set the coordinates. All we need is the captain's order -- Wyatt steps INTO SCENE. The spray-hypo HISSES as it touches the Transporter Chief. He slumps to the ground, unconscious. 86 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker leans over and speaks to Picard, who is eyeing the screen glumly. GEORDI Captain! Someone's transporting to the Tarellian ship. PICARD Override! GEORDI (after pause) I can't sir. It's too late. 86A ANGLE ON VIEWER (OPTICAL) The Tarellian ship. 87 OMITTED STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT FIVE 52. 88 INT. TARELLIAN SHIP (OPTICAL) Wyatt BEAMS INTO a small, curved-wall room on the spherical Tarellian ship, the supplies alongside him. He is alone. The ship is quiet, except for THE HUM of the engines fighting the tractor beam. He moves forward, looking around. 89 WYATT'S POV The room is minimally furnished, with an open door to what seems like a bridge, navigational equipment indicated beyond. But it's the walls that are mesmerizing. PORTRAITS OF WYATT, RANGING FROM BOY TO MAN, are everywhere. He moves about the empty room in astonishment, his heart pounding wildly. Suddenly he senses something behind him, and spins to see FIVE TARELLIANS standing in the doorway. WRENN Hello, Wyatt. We always thought you were a dream. WYATT You're not surprised. Did you know I'd beam over? WRENN Once we saw you were real, we knew. You are a doctor? WYATT Yes. (indicates) I've brought medicines and supplies. I'll do what I can to help. He then moves along the walls, studying the remarkable portraits. ARIANA And I knew you'd be this brave. Ariana steps INTO SCENE. Wyatt's insides churn as she approaches. She's astoundingly beautiful and exactly as he pictured her. They take each other's hands. 90 INT. MAIN BRIDGE The parents and Troi surround Picard, Riker and Data in the Command Area. Mrs. Miller is wildly emotional. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT FIVE 53. 90 CONTINUED: VICTORIA (to Picard) How could you let this happen? My son, surrounded by those horrible lepers! PICARD Mrs. Miller, if I could have prevented this... VICTORIA Then beam him back! TROI He can never come back, Mrs. Miller. Victoria looks like she is about to faint. Then her attention is drawn to the Bridge Viewer. 91 ANGLE INCLUDING VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) as Wyatt, Ariana, and Wrenn APPEAR on screen. WRENN You may turn off your tractor beam, Captain. We will not be going to Haven. VICTORIA Wyatt! WYATT Mother...Father... Forgive me, but I must... I'm going to try to cure these people. ARIANA And Wyatt will do it. I've believed that all along. Wyatt puts his arm around Ariana and speaks with difficulty. WYATT I knew I was coming to Haven to meet my destiny. I thought it was to be with you, Deanna. But it was Ariana who drew me here. I'm sorry. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT FIVE 54. 91 CONTINUED: TROI Wyatt, I'm happy for you. Ariana, I love you both. MRS. TROI (softly) You've done surprisingly well for a human, Wyatt. TROI Mother... WYATT I take that as a compliment, Deanna. Wyatt smiles; Troi smiles, proud of her mother. 92 ANGLE ON THE MILLERS saddened, but becoming more confident of their son's judgment. 93 BACK TO SHOT WRENN (to Picard) My respects, Captain. PICARD And mine, sir. The Tarellian image begins to fade from the screen. CAMERA MOVES IN on Troi, who stares at the screen long after it's gone black. TROI (whispering) Good-bye. 94 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Tarellian ship pulls away from Haven -- heading for deep space. 95 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM Transporter Chief at the controls. The Millers are on the platform. Picard, Beverly, Riker and Troi have come to see them off. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT FIVE 55. 95 CONTINUED: STEVEN (pleasantly) Keep the chest. You'll have use for it some day. Mrs. Troi ENTERS, followed by Homn carrying her luggage. MRS. TROI Seems such a shame to waste that lovely wedding dress. Perhaps I should stay and be Joined to a new mate. TROI What?? MRS. TROI The captain is highly attracted to me, but he's a little too old. Picard lifts his eyebrows in surprise. MRS. TROI (continuing; to Riker) Perhaps I should choose you. TROI (sharply) He has other obligations, Mother! MRS. TROI -- Very well. It's his loss. Mister Homn! She kisses Troi and abruptly turns to step onto the platform... Homn grabs her bag and turns to the officers. HOMN (deep voice) Thank you for the drinks. The officers are caught off guard by his voice. Homn joins Mrs. Troi on the transporter pad. MRS. TROI TELEPATHIC V. O. Try and remember your heritage, little one. (spoken) You may energize. STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT FIVE 56. 96 ON MRS. TROI AND HOMN (OPTICAL) As the transporter ACTIVATES, she stares at Picard, as if something shocking has just entered her mind. MRS. TROI Captain! Even Xelo never had such thoughts about me. Before Picard reacts, Mrs. Troi and Homn have been BEAMED AWAY. 96A EMPHASIZING PICARD AND TROI He is still at a loss, but Troi is smiling at him. TROI That was meant as a joke, Captain. PICARD But she has claimed to be so completely honest. TROI (nods) Except when a lie is more amusing. Weren't you amused? PICARD (firmly) I was not! 97 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Our regulars all at their stations. PICARD Take us out of here, Mister Riker. RIKER Aye, sir. (to Geordi) Warp two, helm, heading five-seven mark three-one-nine. Riker lays a very happy look upon Troi and she returns it, as: GEORDI Warp two, five-seven mark three-one-nine. RIKER Engage! STAR TREK: "Haven" - 7/13/87 - ACT FIVE 57. 98 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise heads out of orbit, then INTO WARP DRIVE. FADE OUT: END OF ACT FIVE THE END