STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Too Short A Season" #40271-112 Story by Michael Michaelian Teleplay by Michael Michaelian and D. C. Fontana Directed by Rob Bowman Copyright 1987 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. REV. FINAL DRAFT OCTOBER 6, 1987 STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Too Short A Season" CAST PICARD ADMIRAL MARK JAMESON RIKER ANNE JAMESON DATA JAMESON (BOY) TROI KARNAS BEVERLY BEVERLY TASHA TASHA GEORDI Non-Speaking Roles: WORF TRANSPORTER CHIEF MORDANITE SOLDIERS OLD MORDANITE VETERANS ENTERPRISE CREW MEMBERS STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Too Short A Season" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE IN SPACE TRANSPORTER ROOM ORBITING PERSEPHONE V SICKBAY ORBITING MORDAN IV CONFERENCE LOUNGE PICARD'S READY ROOM JAMESON QUARTERS CRUSHER'S OFFICE OBSERVATION LOUNGE MORDAN TUNNEL #1 TUNNEL #2 TUNNEL #3 KARNAS' OFFICE STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Too Short A Season" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE IN ORBIT (OPTICAL) The great ship circles a reddish planet. Behind both is the backdrop of a sparkling splash of stars against black space. PICARD (V. O.) Captain's log, stardate 41309.5. We are in orbit around Persephone V where I have been sent to confer with Admiral Mark Jameson in regard to an extraordinary situation.... 2 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - ANGLE ON PICARD All other bridge personnel are in place at their usual stations. PICARD Starfleet received this subspace transmission two days ago, Admiral. 3 ANGLE ON MAIN VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) REVEALING CLOSE UP OF ADMIRAL MARK JAMESON. The Admiral is a man of eighty, still crusty and alert, still a Starfleet warhorse. Jameson nods briskly as: JAMESON Let's see it, Captain. 4 ANGLE TOWARD COMMAND AREA PICARD On screen and relay to the admiral, Mister Data. Data taps his console quickly and: STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - TEASER 2. 5 CLOSE ON MAIN VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The Screen FLASHES UP a sharp color picture of KARNAS in his OFFICE. There is a desk, several chairs. The wall behind the desk is barren, save for a set of three weapons mounted on it. Two of the weapons are phaser-like, but of old design and of different sizes. One of the weapons is a short pole about two inches in diameter with a wicked-looking blade on either end. Karnas sits at the desk, facing INTO CAMERA. He is in his sixties, with a formal, military bearing, a man with a good many worry lines marking his face, a man without many smiles. KARNAS I am Karnas, governor of Mordan IV. A dissident terrorist group has taken Federation Ambassador Hawkins and his staff hostage. They will not discuss terms with me. This is a crisis I cannot resolve without assistance. The terrorists are demanding a Federation negotiator. 6 CLOSE TWO - PICARD AND RIKER studying the screen as Karnas speaks. 7 ANGLE ON MAIN VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) KARNAS I feel there is only one negotiator with the skills and understanding to resolve this situation. The hostages' lives will depend on Starfleet delivering this man to Mordan. Commander Mark Jameson. (corrects himself) Admiral Jameson. The terrorists have given you six Earth days to arrive here -- or the hostages will die. Please...hurry. Abruptly, the Screen goes BLANK. A star b.g. appears. It, in turn, is replaced by the IMAGE OF JAMESON. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - TEASER 3. 8 ANGLE ON PICARD PICARD Starfleet doesn't understand how or why this situation developed. Mordan IV has finally gained peace after decades of civil war -- 9 INTERCUT JAMESON ON MAIN VIEWSCREEN WITH PICARD AS NEEDED (OPTICAL) JAMESON Forty years of civil war, Captain. PICARD Yes, sir. Karnas was largely responsible for the planet's unification and peace. Why should he suddenly be unable to deal with rebellious factions? Jameson leans back in his chair, looking inward. JAMESON Forty-five years ago I negotiated a hostage situation on Mordan. Karnas was a young man then.... (light chuckle) ... but so was I. He seems to feel I can handle the situation again. Obviously Starfleet feels that way too, or you wouldn't be here. PICARD (nods) I'm detailed to take you to Mordan IV as soon as you can be ready, Admiral. 10 ANGLE ON MAIN VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) JAMESON My wife and I will beam aboard at 1500 hours, Captain. Be prepared to depart this starbase and proceed immediately to Mordan IV. Acknowledge. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - TEASER 4. 11 ANGLE ON COMMAND AREA PICARD Received and acknowledged, sir. Picard out. TROI Nearly 1500 now, sir. PICARD (rising) Well, Number One. Why don't we go and welcome the admiral aboard? 12 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM - ANGLE ON TRANSPORTER CHIEF, PICARD AND RIKER Picard and Riker ENTER, glancing toward the platform. RIKER Admiral Jameson, sir. Have you met him before? PICARD Your hero, Number One? RIKER Not only mine. My father served on the Falcon with him. I grew up on stories about Mark Jameson. PICARD (nods) I've heard all the legends about him, too. Not only the Falcon's missions and the Mordan rescue, but the Gettysburg's explorations, his command of the old Pegasus in the Klingon conflicts.... 13 ANGLE AT TRANSPORTER Two Figures are BEGINNING TO MATERIALIZE on the pads. As the TRANSPORTER EFFECT AND SOUND DIE DOWN Jameson and his wife, ANNE, FULLY MATERIALIZED. Jameson appears as he did on the Main Viewscreen -- except WE NOW SEE he has been confined to a "physical support chair," which greatly inhibits the physical movements of his lower body. The chair is enclosed around his hips and legs, hiding them from our view. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - TEASER 5. 13 CONTINUED: Anne Jameson is seventy, slim, one of those especially graced women whose face still shows the looks that made her a beautiful young woman. Picard and Riker exchange a quick glance; the admiral's physical condition is a surprise. Then they move forward as: PICARD Welcome aboard, Admiral. (indicating Riker) My executive officer, Commander William Riker. RIKER My pleasure, sir. (a nod to Anne) Ma'am. JAMESON My wife, Anne. Anne smiles graciously at Picard and Riker. JAMESON Captain, there are certain details of this mission that you should understand before we begin. PICARD Is this the place to be discussing them, sir? JAMESON Why not? You and your first officer are both here. PICARD Yes, sir. JAMESON Captain, I am not simply an advisor. On any assignment I accompany, Starfleet has designated me Senior Mission Officer. I control the Away Team and all its actions. Is that understood? Picard and Riker exchange a surprised look. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - TEASER 6. 14 CLOSE ON JAMESON He seems quite pleased with himself -- but also concerned for Picard's feelings. JAMESON Of course, Captain, you will command the ship -- but the mission is mine. I trust you are in complete agreement. 15 ON PICARD AND RIKER nonplussed -- but what can Picard do? He puts the best face on it he can and manages another smile. PICARD Yes, sir. Of course. FADE OUT: END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: 16 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) underway at warp speed, flashing by on her urgent mission. 17 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - ANGLE TOWARD GEORDI AND DATA Geordi sees something on his console, turns in his chair toward Picard. GEORDI Response to our message coming in from Mordan, sir. PICARD Put it on the screen, Mister Data. Data nods and tabs the panel quickly. 18 ANGLE ON COMMAND AREA Picard, Riker and Troi are in their usual positions, with Jameson installed in his support chair on Riker's right. They all respond with interest as: KARNAS (V.O.) (filtered) Mordan IV to Enterprise. This is Karnas. I will speak to the captain. PICARD I am Captain Picard, in command of the Enterprise. 19 ON MAIN VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) (KARNAS'S OFFICE) Karnas is seen seated behind his desk. KARNAS (abrupt, curt) Is Admiral Jameson on board? STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT ONE 8. 20 ANGLE AT COMMAND AREA The others glance over at Jameson, who sits up straighter in his chair. PICARD (nods toward Jameson) He is here, beside my first officer. Do you wish to speak to him now? 21 ANGLE ON MAIN VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Karnas nods and squints INTO CAMERA as: KARNAS So, Jameson. (squints again) I see time has not been kind. 22 WIDER - INCLUDING TROI AND JAMESON JAMESON It seldom is, Karnas. However, we could save a good deal of it now if you'll outline the terrorists' demands.... Troi is shifting her attention between Jameson and Karnas (on the screen), taking in the speech and body nuances of both men. 22A ANGLE ON MAIN VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) KARNAS They insist all discussions will take place here... on Mordan. They refuse to speak to me -- only to you. JAMESON (V.O.) They could relay their terms on your communications channels.... STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT ONE 9. 22A CONTINUED: KARNAS (shakes head) They insist on speaking face to face when you arrive. They say they will brook no excuses. If there are any offered, your ambassador and his people will die. Unpleasantly. I believe them -- and so should you, Admiral. JAMESON (pause, then:) Tell them I accept the conditions of negotiation. KARNAS I will do so immediately. Karnas out. The IMAGE CUTS OUT, and is replaced by WARP STARS. 24 ANGLE TOWARD COMMAND AREA - EMPHASIZING PICARD AND JAMESON Jameson navigates his chair a little forward as: RIKER For a man in his position, Karnas doesn't seem to know much about the situation. JAMESON Wrong, Number One. He told me the terrorists are desperate enough to kill if they're crossed. They're willing to talk one on one, but not to him. PICARD (to Troi) Counselor? TROI From his body language as well as his words and tone... I'd judge that what Karnas said was honest, but I sensed a holding back. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT ONE 10. 24 CONTINUED: PICARD Perhaps he knows more about the terrorists than he is willing to admit. JAMESON Possible, but I suspect it's closer to the mark if we said he doesn't want to admit failure of his own efforts to negotiate. He is a proud man. TROI That could be, sir. Karnas has established himself as a powerful man on Mordan. Suddenly -- in this situation -- his power is useless. Interrupted by: BEVERLY'S COM VOICE Sickbay to bridge. I am ready for Admiral Jameson now. PICARD He is on his way, Doctor. JAMESON On my way to what, Captain? PICARD Just a routine medical checkup. Ship's regulations. 25 CLOSE ON JAMESON His expression flickers just slightly, but he nods toward Picard, acquiescing. 26 ANGLE ON TROI watching Jameson. She frowns as she senses something behind Jameson's apparent agreement. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT ONE 11. 27 INT. SICKBAY - CLOSE ON BEVERLY BEVERLY Pardon me, sir, but refusing a simple medical check -- CAMERA PULLS BACK TO INCLUDE JAMESON. JAMESON I'm sorry, Doctor, but it isn't necessary. (hands her a tiny disk) The chief medical officer on Starbase 45 ran a complete battery of tests on me two days ago. Semi-annual exam. You'll find I've been a victim of Iverson's Disease for five years. My "case," as you doctors like to call it, is now chronic. In another year, it will undoubtedly progress to terminal. BEVERLY I'm sorry -- JAMESON No need. I do not accept the prognosis, Doctor. But right now, I don't have time to waste, and there's no point in you wasting your time either. (indicates disk) There's your information. Beverly considers only briefly. Commanders don't win arguments with admirals. BEVERLY Thank you, Admiral. I'll look them over. 28 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) traveling at warp speed, as before. 29 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM - WIDE SHOT Gathered around the desk are Picard, Riker, Data, Troi and Jameson. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT ONE 12. 29 CONTINUED: RIKER What I don't understand, sir, is how Karnas knew you were still... available. JAMESON Still alive, you mean. RIKER (unembarrassed) So far as Karnas knew, you might have been dead, sir. JAMESON Quite right, Commander. But I'm not, and I imagine Ambassador Hawkins told him that. I briefed the ambassador about Mordan before he left to take up residence. PICARD All right. Karnas has a problem he feels you can handle. What can the terrorists want that Karnas can't or won't give them? DATA Mordan has had peace for five years. They have finally come to a state of productivity that satisfies their planetary needs, but no more than that. Perhaps the dissidents feel the Federation can provide more -- technology, science, agricultural assistance.... JAMESON I've negotiated many a treaty on many planets, Picard. I've found that peace -- or the appearance of it -- is often a prelude to war. TROI Admiral are you suggesting the terrorists want arms and weapons? STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT ONE 13. 29 CONTINUED: (2) JAMESON They may. I am suggesting Karnas is the last man to give them such weapons. PICARD Karnas worked and fought for years to achieve peace. JAMESON And he's not likely to throw it away... even for the lives of the hostages. TROI I see. You believe Karnas won't negotiate on that point, so the terrorists demanded an outside negotiator. JAMESON I know Karnas. He is a warrior... he lives for challenge. These people have insulted his honor by taking the embassy staff hostage. I'll negotiate -- but I'll have to be very careful in handling Karnas. He'll want revenge for that insult. He looks around at them challengingly, daring them to debate it. No one cares to argue with the expert, but Troi still studies Jameson with particular interest. 30 INT. JAMESON QUARTERS - ANNE AND JAMESON Anne is straightening out the final details of their quarters, putting away clothing items, etc. As Jameson ROLLS IN, seated in the support chair: ANNE (mildly teasing) ... You're late. Couldn't get away from the bridge? JAMESON Didn't want to. It feels good to be on one again. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT ONE 14. 30 CONTINUED: ANNE (going to him) I'm glad, Mark. (touches chair) Do you want me to help you up? Jameson waves her off, opens the front of the chair, and lifts himself out of it into a regular chair. Anne stares at him, somewhat surprised. ANNE You're stronger today... JAMESON I'm fine. Feel like a kid again. Anne touches his face gently, smiling at him. Sure -- there are the good days. She pecks him on the cheek, turns away to put away some final item. ANNE This ship is magnificent. Pity we didn't have them twenty, thirty years ago. We could have been together almost all of your career. 31 CLOSE ON JAMESON as her voice comes OVER, we see he is beginning to feel pain... gradually at first, and then getting worse... and worse. ANNE (V.O.) It's so good to be able to be with you now. 32 TWO SHOT A GASP from Jameson as he can no longer contain the pain. Anne swings around sharply, hurries to him. ANNE Mark! I'll call Sickbay -- His hand shoots out and traps her wrist, nailing her in place. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT ONE 15. 32 CONTINUED: JAMESON No! There's no need. It's happened before -- ANNE When? You haven't said anything -- JAMESON It'll pass... give me a moment.... She watches him, concerned, caring. And the pain does die away from his face, loosening its grip. His hand on her arm loosens, too; and she absently rubs her wrist where his fingers dug in and left deep red marks. She's more worried about him than herself. JAMESON (continuing) See... I'm better. It's going away. ANNE What is it? Do the doctors know? JAMESON Just body changes... My last checkup, they said I'd have to expect it. He notices she is still rubbing her arm, and he reaches out to touch her gently. ANNE You're sure? Don't lie to me. JAMESON I'm sure. He holds out his arms, and she bends into his embrace. They hold each other very tightly -- old lovers still in love. 33 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM - TWO SHOT - BEVERLY AND PICARD BEVERLY ... All the medical information the admiral provided is satisfactory, sir.... STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT ONE 16. 33 CONTINUED: PICARD (it's routine) Excellent, Doctor -- BEVERLY (overriding) Except for one thing. Picard gives her an inquiring look and waits for it. BEVERLY (continuing) The test results he gave me aren't two days old, they're two months old. The medical file coder always includes the date as part of the file number. He lied to me, sir -- and I don't know why. PICARD He is eighty years old, Doctor. For some, the memory begins to fail.... BEVERLY He suffers from Iverson's Disease, sir. It affects the body -- not the mind. I just have a gut feeling he's hiding something. PICARD I'd expect that observation from Counselor Troi, but -- (on her sharp look) I respect your opinion, Doctor. And I'll want you on the bridge for the next day or so. The admiral has to remain in the best of health for these negotiations. He might require your services. The level look he exchanges with her tells her a lot. Picard respects her judgment -- and he's uneasy about the situation. She nods to him, she'll go with it. 34 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The great ship travels by at warp speed. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT ONE 17. 34 CONTINUED: PICARD (V.O.) Captain's personal log... I am puzzled and somewhat concerned by the dating error Admiral Jameson made on his medical records. 35 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - ANGLE ON COMMAND AREA All regulars at their stations, Jameson in the support chair surveying information at Science Station 2, near Worf. Beverly is seated on the guest bench near Troi. PICARD (rises, turns to Jameson) Admiral, we're approaching the Idini Star Cluster. Would you like to take the Conn as we make transit? 36 ANGLE ON JAMESON He turns slightly in the chair and smiles at Picard. JAMESON Thank you, Captain. I would. And then he swings away the enclosing front section of the support chair, rises and walks toward the ramp. 37 INTERCUT REACTIONS - ALL KEY BRIDGE PERSONNEL staring at Jameson as he moves a little unsteadily but entirely on his own down the ramp. Halfway down, he stumbles slightly, and Riker reaches out a hand to him. Jameson waves him away, regains his balance and MOVES ACROSS to Picard. 38 ANGLE ON BEVERLY She is frowning deeply, not liking what she sees. 39 AT THE COMMAND CHAIR Picard reins in his surprise, quickly collects himself. Jameson is grinning, pleased with his feat. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT ONE 18. 39 CONTINUED: PICARD Well, Admiral. Quite a little surprise you've pulled on us. BEVERLY Yes. Quite. Jameson shoots a look at Beverly, nods to her. JAMESON Neglected to mention... I began some new therapy before I left. Seems to be working. I haven't felt this good since the last time I was in space. The Gettysburg. All I needed to get me out of that chair was the thought of walking the decks in command of a starship again. Beverly stares at him, impassive -- and not buying it. PICARD Admiral... you only have the Conn temporarily. JAMESON (laughs lightly) Figure of speech. Of course she's your ship. (takes the chair) I'll just keep an eye on her for a while. As he continues to smile genially at Picard: FADE OUT: END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT TWO 19. ACT TWO FADE IN: 40 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) traveling at warp speed. 41 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM - PICARD, BEVERLY Picard has led the doctor into the room; Beverly is still disturbed by what has happened. As the door closes behind them, Picard turns to face her. PICARD The admiral displayed a remarkable improvement out there, wouldn't you say? BEVERLY Captain, no one recovers from Iverson's Disease. There is no known cure, and there are no cases where it has gone into remission. I haven't heard of any new therapy that would have results like this. PICARD Then how do you account for it? BEVERLY I can't. All I can tell you is that the admiral has been confined to the support chair for four years by the effects of Iverson's. By all the medical facts we know, he should never have walked again. Picard considers that, finally looks up at her. PICARD I'd like you to look into it, Doctor. Thoroughly. BEVERLY Yes, sir. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT TWO 20. 42 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) traveling at high warp. 43 INT. JAMESON QUARTERS - ANGLE ON JAMESON He is seated at a desk, studying a personal Viewer. NOTE: The light is dim here, turned down so he can see the screen better. 44 CLOSE ON VIEWER (OPTICAL) Jameson is reviewing the Karnas message seen in the Teaser. KARNAS The terrorists have given you six Earth days to bring him here -- or the hostages will die. Please...hurry. 45 WIDER ANGLE - INCLUDING ANNE (Viewer o.s.) She comes into the main room from the bedroom area as: ANNE I don't know how much more information you think you can get out of that tape. He rises, walks easily toward her, still in DIM LIGHT. Anne stops, staring at him. ANNE Mark... ? My God... what happened? JAMESON It's a new therapy I've been taking. It's -- working, Anne. ANNE (runs to him) Oh, Mark! He puts his arms around her, gives her a warm kiss. In fact, as she responds, his kiss gets warmer. His hands move toward a more intimate position. Anne pulls back slightly, surprised by the sudden sensuality from him. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT TWO 21. 45 CONTINUED: ANNE Mark... ? JAMESON I told you I just needed to get back into space again. ANNE (studies him) You're really looking much better.... JAMESON It's the new treatment. 46 EMPHASIZING ANNE She is frowning a little. ANNE No... come here.... JAMESON (makes another grab for her) I hope you're heading for the bedroom. ANNE Stop it, Mark. She takes his hand, leads him into the brighter area of the room where a mirror hangs on the wall. As he COMES INTO BRIGHTER LIGHT, WE SEE far more changes about him than just the smoother walk. His hair has darkened, lost some of the gray. Some of the deep wrinkles in his face have softened. Anne moves Jameson in front of the mirror and, in this brighter light, she stares at him in shock. ANNE Mark, you look like you did twenty years ago. JAMESON (laughs) You're flattering me. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT TWO 22. 47 TWO SHOT Anne looks up at him, frightened and angry. ANNE Mark, what the hell is going on? JAMESON I don't know what -- He suddenly breaks off, nearly falls to the floor, wracked with intense pain. As an anguished CRY escapes him, Anne reaches out to him. ANNE Mark! Jameson goes to his knees, then collapses on his side. Anne runs to the companel and activates it, near panic. ANNE (continuing) Sickbay! Medical emergency in the admiral's quarters! Anne looks back at Jameson, who is curled into an almost fetal position on the floor, still wracked with intense pain. As he CRIES OUT AGAIN: 48 INT. CRUSHER'S OFFICE - BEVERLY AND PICARD The Captain is looking over her shoulder at the Viewer (o.s.). It is flashing up confirming information as she talks: BEVERLY (frowning) I've found traces of chemical substances in his blood and tissue samples, but none of them are in our pharmacopeia. We're still working on alien references to substances like these. All I can say is that he ingested something that's strongly affecting his body. PICARD Specifics, Doctor. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT TWO 23. 48 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Captain, there are so many things going on here, I can't be positive without a lot more tests. PICARD Give me what you have now. BEVERLY His red cell count is running riot. Then there's the cellular structure of his body tissue. It's -- changing. I can't even begin on that until I see what it's changing to. His DNA is all skewed. I don't know how it's possible, but he even looks younger. And Captain... there is absolutely no sign of Iverson's Disease. PICARD You said there is no cure for Iverson's. BEVERLY (shakes head) None we know of. Whatever else these substances are doing to his body, at least they've done that for him. But how or why, I can't say on the information I have now. PICARD Get me some answers, Doctor. As soon as possible. BEVERLY Yes, sir. Picard STRIDES OUT, and Beverly looks after him, crinkles her nose slightly. Easy for him to say. 49 INT. JAMESONS' QUARTERS - ANGLE AT THE DOOR as Picard ENTERS. Anne comes to meet him, concerned and frightened -- more than we'd expect her to be. ANNE Captain.... STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT TWO 24. 49 CONTINUED: PICARD There are some questions I have to ask the admiral, Mrs. Jameson. JAMESON (O.S.) Ask away. There's nothing to hide now. Picard looks o.s. at the man standing in the doorway to the bedroom -- and goes rigid. 50 CLOSE ON JAMESON He now looks like a man in his fifties -- vital, strong, still ready to take on the world. 51 WIDER - TO INCLUDE PICARD, ANNE PICARD (recovers himself) Admiral -- in addition to your rank, you are a particularly valuable commodity just now. Starfleet has a right to some answers. Jameson shrugs, gestures toward a group of chairs. Picard and Anne follow him there as: JAMESON I'd been planning this for a long time -- ever since I learned I had Iverson's Disease. Since it put me in that chair. From her expression, this is news to Anne. ANNE What did you do, Mark? 52 CLOSER ON THE GROUP as they sit. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT TWO 25. 52 CONTINUED: JAMESON There's a planet in the Cerberus system -- Cerberus II -- they say the natives have a process that rejuvenates the body... gives you your youth back. PICARD I've heard that story, too. It's a myth. JAMESON It's true, Picard. I'm the living proof. Oh, it's dangerous -- the mortality rate is high -- and it's painful. (ruefully) Very painful. Aliens are seldom allowed to obtain the process, but I managed it. I negotiated a treaty for Cerberus II several years ago, and they felt obligated to honor my request for the process. PICARD (studies him) Obviously it works rapidly. How does it work? JAMESON The herb and drug combinations are self-administered... slowly, over a period of two years. Every response is different, depending on a being's DNA. (to Anne) I got enough for both of us, Anne -- but I had to test it on myself first. I couldn't risk you. If I died... well, I was half a man anyway, to what did it matter... ? ANNE It would matter to me. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT TWO 26. 52 CONTINUED: (2) JAMESON But I was starting to change, Anne. It was almost undetectable, but the improvement was there. Then this hostage situation came up, and I knew I'd have to be at my peak to deal with it. I didn't have time to wait for the drugs to work naturally -- PICARD You took the whole dose. JAMESON I took both of them. And look at me! Annie, look at me. I'm strong, alert, I'm fit. I'm fitter than you are, Picard. And I'm getting younger! PICARD The only question I have, Admiral, is why you felt it necessary to be young to negotiate the hostage release. Surely Karnas requested you because of your age and experience. Jameson stares at him -- then glances away, his face flushing. He doesn't have an answer. Picard sighs, rises. PICARD I'll be on the bridge, Admiral, if you wish to talk further. Picard EXITS. 53 CLOSE ON ANNE ANNE Why didn't you tell me, Mark? We've always been honest with each other -- until now. CAMERA ANGLE WIDENS TO INCLUDE JAMESON as he faces her bitter anger. The visible difference in their ages is very apparent here. JAMESON Annie, I did it for us. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT TWO 27. 53 CONTINUED: ANNE I'm sure you believed that -- until you had a chance to head up a mission... to command again. Then you just upended the bottle -- or whatever it was -- and damn all. Did you think about me at all? JAMESON I got enough of the dosage for both of us.... ANNE But you never asked if I wanted it. It's just like you, Mark, to assume that what you felt was right was the only answer. JAMESON It was the right answer for me. It was killing you, having to take care of an invalid. What good was I to you? Annie -- we can be together again.... He takes her in his arms, tries to kiss her passionately. She exerts a strong, angry effort and pushes him away. ANNE Let me go! JAMESON I can get another supply of the drug for you -- Anne SOBS IN ANGER -- he just doesn't get it -- and she runs into the bedroom. The door slides closed behind her. Jameson is angry at her behavior. He slaps his open palm on a piece of nearby furniture, heads rapidly for the door. 54 INT. CONFERENCE LOUNGE - ANGLE ON JAMESON He is seated at the table in front of a small Viewer. There is no one else in the room. The lights are DIMMED DOWN, and Jameson's face is largely in shadow. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT TWO 28. 54 CONTINUED: JAMESON Commander Data, I wish to open a communication frequency to Karnas. 55 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - ANGLE ON PICARD AND DATA Picard sits up straight as: DATA Aye, sir. PICARD A moment, Mister Data. Admiral, this is Picard. May I know the purpose of this communication? 56 INT. CONFERENCE LOUNGE - ON JAMESON JAMESON Karnas must have tried to negotiate with the terrorists before he was forced to call on me. I want all the information he has access to. 57 INTERCUT BETWEEN PICARD ON BRIDGE AND JAMESON AS NEEDED PICARD You said he was a proud man... probably sensitive about his failure to deal with the situation. Is it wise to press him on this? JAMESON I'm the negotiator, Picard. Karnas will have to cooperate with me and the terrorists, and damn his sensitivities. PICARD Then I suggest a secured channel, Admiral. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT TWO 29. 57 CONTINUED: JAMESON (beat, then:) A sensible precaution, Picard. Make it so. Picard nods to Data, who tabs his console as: DATA Aye, sir. Frequency open and secured. 58 INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - ON JAMESON NOTE: The LIGHTS in the room REMAIN DIM; Jameson is careful to remain back away from the light, so his face is in shadow and cannot be clearly seen. JAMESON (to Viewer) Karnas. 59 ANGLE ON VIEWER (OPTICAL) WE SEE Karnas, again in his office. His attitude is firm, formal, but with a touch of belligerence. KARNAS What is it you want, Admiral? 60 INTERCUT CLOSE ON JAMESON AND KARNAS ON VIEWER AS NEEDED. (OPTICAL) JAMESON We're on a secured channel, Karnas. You can talk freely. Who's behind this thing? You said dissidents. KARNAS (carefully) Yes... political opponents who feel the Federation will disavow me as governor if they stir up enough trouble on Mordan. JAMESON Then who is it? Ardan? Gilnor? STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT TWO 30. 60 CONTINUED: KARNAS They're dead, Jameson. A long time now. For a long time I thought you were dead, too. JAMESON I almost died a couple of times on missions, but I always made it through somehow. KARNAS (coldly) Yes. Now you're coming back to Mordan -- to negotiate for hostages again. It's almost as though the forty-five years between never happened.... Jameson stiffens and stares at the image on the viewer, suddenly realizing what this is about. JAMESON You've never forgiven me. KARNAS Should I have -- after the legacy of war you left us in your last "negotiation?" JAMESON There are no dissidents, are there? No terrorists. You have the hostages. KARNAS And if I have? You're coming to Mordan, Jameson. You're going to negotiate for their lives, and I'm going to ask a very high price for them. JAMESON What if I refuse? KARNAS Then the hostages will die. You've seen how my executioners work. They are still as efficient as they were... perhaps even more skilled now. You'll come -- even if you don't have much honor left. Karnas out. The Viewer GOES BLANK. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT TWO 31. 61 CLOSE ON JAMESON angry, determined now on a course of action. 62 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) traveling as before at high warp speed. 63 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - FULL SHOT All personnel in their accustomed stations. Jameson ENTERS from the Conference Lounge doors, CROSSING to Picard as: JAMESON Are we still on schedule to arrive at Mordan in thirty-eight hours? GEORDI Yes, sir. We're at warp four now. JAMESON Picard, I want a jump to warp eight so we arrive ahead of our announced ETA. It'll throw Karnas off balance, and we can catch him before he's ready. PICARD Ready for exactly what, Admiral? JAMESON I believe Karnas is planning something new... something that will directly endanger the hostages' lives. PICARD What happened in your communication to bring you to that conclusion? It seems a big jump.... JAMESON I'm not at liberty to say, Picard, but negotiation is not the answer or the issue here. The hostages' lives are at stake. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT TWO 32. 63 CONTINUED: PICARD I agree the most important thing is saving the lives of the hostages... JAMESON And you agree with that, too, Riker? RIKER I do, sir. JAMESON Good. Because I plan to personally lead an away team on an armed rescue mission to get them out of there. On Picard and Riker's stunned shock and surprise: FADE OUT: END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT THREE 33. ACT THREE FADE IN: 64 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship is traveling at warp speed against a background of streaking stars. 65 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - FULL SHOT Gathered in the Command area are Picard, Riker, Tasha, Worf, Troi. Jameson presides from the Command Chair. Data and Geordi are at their stations. JAMESON Commander Data, will you bring up the plans I requested on the Viewscreen, please. DATA Yes, sir. He begins to work his console. As Data activates the Main Viewscreen, Jameson leans forward. JAMESON Most of Mordan's principal city was devastated in the war. What was left consisted of a network of underground tunnels -- a rat's maze. When they rebuilt the city, they simply built over the tunnels. DATA I have it, sir. 66 CLOSE ON VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Jameson was right. The GRAPHIC seen on the screen depicts what looks like a complicated crochet-work doily, every line indicating a tunnel. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT THREE 34. 67 BACK TO WIDER ANGLE RIKER Admiral, even if you're right about Karnas being behind this, he still wants to negotiate. Or at least to talk. Why not hear what he has to say? JAMESON I've heard what he has to say, and I have good reason to believe he's lying. GEORDI Pardon me, sir, but where do these come into the picture? JAMESON This is where Karnas held his hostages before and where I believe he has them now. PICARD Wouldn't that be a little too obvious, Admiral? JAMESON Karnas is a dogged strategist, Picard -- not a brilliant one. He sticks to what works. PICARD An overt rescue attempt could push Karnas into killing the hostages outright. JAMESON I don't think that's what he wants, Picard. PICARD Then what does he want? Troi studies Jameson closely, reacting with a slight frown to his remarks. TASHA Maybe his threats are just a way to bargain for what he wants.... STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT THREE 35. 67 CONTINUED: JAMESON Karnas means exactly what he says, Lieutenant. He will kill the hostages if we don't get them out of there. PICARD Therefore you see an armed raid as our only option. JAMESON You don't agree. PICARD I would point out no one else has heard or considered Karnas's demands but you, Admiral. The Federation might take a different view of them if they knew what they were. JAMESON Starfleet gave me command of the away team, Picard. I intend to use them as I see fit. 68 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM - PICARD, TROI, BEVERLY They are gathered around Picard's desk as WE COME IN: PICARD Is Jameson physically able to lead an away mission, Doctor? BEVERLY His cells, his tissue, even his bones are still de-aging, but I'd say he was. Generally, I'd call Admiral Jameson a healthy man... about forty-five... in excellent physical condition. PICARD What about his mind? BEVERLY The same. Brain scan reveals all cells and tissue are changing, but healthy. No loss of memory... exellent grasp of facts. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT THREE 36. 68 CONTINUED: PICARD Counselor? TROI Certainly his physical capacities have been restored. I sense that gives him great satisfaction. When he came aboard, he seemed hopeful, eager. Now there seems to be a harder, more forceful attitude... ambition.... PICARD More of a young man's attitude, I'd say. Aggressive... going right for the throat of a situation instead of considering the alternatives. TROI Part of that is ambition too. He wants to be the man he once was. He is the man he once was, but sometimes old memories aren't very accurate. He was able to lead away teams like this once. Now he believes he can do it again. As Beverly mulls over the implications of that one: 69 INT. CRUSHER'S OFFICE - BEVERLY, TROI, ANNE Anne is miserable, carrying the signs of her anguish on her face. ANNE Our anniversary is next week. Fifty years.... BEVERLY In his heart, he's still the same man you married, Anne. TROI That's true. He still cares for you, despite the physical changes he's undergoing. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT THREE 37. 69 CONTINUED: ANNE (confused, anguished) But he's getting younger, and I'm -- well, look at me. Why did he do this... ? TROI There are lives at stake, Mrs. Jameson. ANNE What about our lives? Mine and his, together? BEVERLY (takes Anne's hand) Anne... I think I know a little of what you're feeling. My husband died on an away mission. We'd been married two years. So little time. Look at what you've had with Mark -- ANNE Years, yes -- but not together. I was looking forward to time together finally -- our retirement. Now he's young again and has a life to live over. Troi and Beverly exchange a worried glance. TROI She has to know, Doctor. ANNE Know what? BEVERLY Anne... he's -- ANNE What is it? BEVERLY He's not stabilizing. (pause) He may not have that life to live over. Anne looks at her in anguish and despair as we go to: STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT THREE 38. 70 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as before, traveling at high warp speed. 71 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - WIDE ANGLE as Picard ENTERS. It's dimly lit, indicating it's late -- ship's time. Picard makes his way toward a comfortable chair, then: JAMESON (O.S.) We'll be at Mordan in three hours. 72 ANOTHER ANGLE - INCLUDING JAMESON He is seated further back from the windows, a drink of some kind in his hand. Picard changes direction and joins him as: PICARD I couldn't sleep either. Jameson indicates the glass in his hand... an offer. Picard shakes his head and sits down opposite him. We can see in this closer look at Jameson that he looks younger still -- mid-thirties, perhaps. JAMESON I never could before a mission. Always wound up in the Observation Lounge, staring out at the stars. Thinking. PICARD Maybe in this case rethinking? JAMESON Perceptive. They always have given you high marks for that at Starfleet, Picard. PICARD (shrugs it away, then:) Why is this mission so important to you? Why did you risk your life so you could lead it personally? JAMESON I want to save lives, Picard. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT THREE 39. 72 CONTINUED: PICARD Noble sentiment -- but too easy an answer. You've been here before. You negotiated a release of hostages with Karnas before. Why is it now your answer is an armed raid? Jameson is silent, staring into his glass. PICARD (continuing) It's my away team you're going to send in. There's something you're not telling me, and I have a right to know what it is. JAMESON (grunts) Do you know the background? The Mordanites had some sophistication, but were still ruled by tribal family units. Karnas's father was the ruling chief of one of the families, and another tribe had him assassinated. Karnas seized the passengers of a starliner and held them hostage, demanding that Starfleet provide him with weapons that would enable him to defeat his rivals. PICARD That's the official record. JAMESON (nods) Officially the story is that after two other mediators were murdered, I went in and negotiated with Karnas to bring out the hostages safely. PICARD Are you saying that's not the truth? JAMESON It wasn't my golden oratory that saved them, Picard. I gave Karnas the weapons he wanted. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT THREE 40. 72 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD You did what? JAMESON I gave exactly the same weapons to his rivals. My interpretation of the Prime Directive. Let them solve their problems with those arms on an equal basis. Picard is staring at him with disbelief and disgust. PICARD That decision plunged them into forty years of civil war. JAMESON I didn't know that would happen. I thought, a minor war -- it'll be settled in less than a year. How could I know it would be four decades? I falsified the reports to Starfleet, but I've lived with that on my soul, Picard. Sixty-three people came away safe -- but millions died on Mordan because I delivered those weapons. PICARD Karnas could have worked for peace all those years instead of continuing the war. It's not all on your head, Admiral. JAMESON But I started it. I lit the match. Now, finally, I can vindicate myself, if only in a small way. I came to negotiate, but that isn't what Karnas wants. PICARD Revenge. That's why he demanded you when he found out you were still alive. JAMESON I'm not going to give it to him, Picard. I'm going to do what I should have done the first time. We're taking the hostages out by force. No deals. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT THREE 41. 73 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE IN ORBIT AROUND MORDAN IV (OPTICAL) Mordan is not a very promising looking planet. In fact, it's a mud-brown ball with some hints of blue and green. The Enterprise is in standard orbit. 74 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM - WIDE ANGLE Jameson is standing, facing Picard and Riker. Already on the pad are Tasha, Worf, Data, Geordi. All are equipped with phasers. Data and Tasha also have tricorders. Jameson steps up on the pad. JAMESON Prepare to energize, Chief. PICARD Belay that. The chief looks helplessly from one officer to the other. Who's he supposed to obey? PICARD (continuing) Admiral, the correct place for you is on the bridge... JAMESON I will remind you one more time, Picard, I am the Senior Mission Commander, and I'm leading this team. Picard pauses for just a beat, then steps up on the platform himself. RIKER Sir? PICARD The Admiral is correct, Number One. He has that right. But I'm the captain of this ship, and I have it, too. You have command of the Enterprise, Commander Riker. (to the Chief) Energize. As Riker watches the TRANSPORTER EFFECT BEGIN TO BUILD: FADE OUT: END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT FOUR 42. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 75 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE IN ORBIT AROUND MORDAN (OPTICAL) as before, the Enterprise holding standard orbit around the planet. 76 INT. TUNNEL - DAY - ANGLE ON AWAY TEAM as they MATERIALIZE IN THE TRANSPORTER EFFECT. As soon as the TRANSPORTER EFFECT FADES, the Team is immediately busy, checking phasers, Data taking tricorder readings. Jameson looks around, seems to recognize where he is. The tunnel itself is old, seems unmaintained. JAMESON Yes...perfect. We are in the M-4 tunnel directly under the governor's residence. M-4 is a subsidiary tunnel, but it crosses and links with several main ones. DATA I am sorry, sir. That does not correspond with the information I have on the tricorder, sir. JAMESON Your information is incorrect, Commander. I know these tunnels like the back of my own hand. (gestures off) That way. It takes us to the hatch that will let us into M-1 tunnel. Keep scanning for signs of human life forms. Karnas held his hostages in these tunnels before. He'll do it again. Jameson STARTS OFF down the tunnel. The others FOLLOW, staying alert. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT FOUR 43. 77 CLOSER - PICARD AND DATA Data drops in beside Picard, staring at the tricorder screen in bewilderment. DATA The admiral is definitely incorrect, Captain. The tunnel schematics we have indicate this is a dead end. It was sealed off two years ago.... PICARD I've no doubt you're right, Mister Data. However, forty-five years ago, I'm sure it linked in with the tunnels Admiral Jameson remembers. 78 INT. TUNNEL #2 - DAY - ANGLE ON THE TEAM (OPTICAL) They round a corner -- and see the way has been blocked off. There was a hatch of some kind, but this has been cemented over. Geordi scans it with his VISOR. GEORDI Steelplast. Fairly recent installation. JAMESON Damn. This is the most direct route. Set phasers to cut through it. Worf and Tasha adjust their phasers and FIRE at the blocked area. 79 ANGLE AT BLOCKED AREA (OPTICAL) The two PHASER BEAMS slash in and cut a rough square in the blocked area. 80 BACK TO WIDER ANGLE TASHA If you have the coordinates for where you think the hostages are, sir, we could just beam in there. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT FOUR 44. 80 CONTINUED: JAMESON But Karnas might not have them in the same place. There is no substitute for a personal reconnoiter, Lieutenant. TASHA No, sir. She glances at Picard, decides not to say anything else. With Jameson leading, they step through the hole into another tunnel. 81 INT. TUNNEL #3 - ON THE AWAY TEAM The team moves along this tunnel, toward an intersection ahead. There is some debris in the way, as though part of the tunnel had given way at one time and has been shored up. Geordi is still scanning with his VISOR. GEORDI Admiral, there's an infrared light signal ahead. Steady beam, straight across the tunnel, chest high. Another at hip level. TASHA An alarm trigger or -- PICARD Reset phasers to stun. Jameson steps forward, and: WORF Look out, sir! 82 ANOTHER ANGLE - AT INTERSECTION (OPTICAL) Ahead of them, a SQUAD OF MORDANITE SOLDIERS has come around the corner of the intersection, armed and ready for action. Our team brings phasers up, but the Mordanites FIRE FIRST. Tasha moves herself in front of Picard, but he pulls her down flat behind the tunnel debris as PHASER-LIKE FIRE zips over their heads. The SOUND OF THE FIRE is different, flat and humming. Tasha begins to FIRE back. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT FOUR 45. 82 CONTINUED: Worf, in the meantime, has bodily picked up Jameson and moved him aside, against the wall, using his own big body as a shield for the Admiral. Data ducks down beside Picard. DATA Their phasers, sir -- set on kill. PICARD (drily) Thank you, Mister Data. I have heard the sound before. 83 ANGLE ON JAMESON AND WORF (OPTICAL) Jameson has unhitched his phaser and is firing quickly down the tunnel toward the Mordanites. Worf's fire is steady, methodical. Several Mordanites fall stunned as a result of our people's fire. Jameson moves away from the wall and the cover of Worf's body and tries to charge down the tunnel toward the soldiers, who are offering up a steady fire. 84 WIDER ANGLE (OPTICAL) Picard reaches out to try to stop Jameson, but the Admiral suddenly crumples, almost into Data's arms. TASHA Is he hit? DATA (trying to examine him) I cannot tell -- PICARD (tabs communicator) Enterprise, this is Picard. Five to beam up -- now! The five of them cluster together. MORDANITE FIRE is still steady as the soldiers begin to advance toward them. Tasha and Worf maintain a steady covering fire that slows them down. Then the TRANSPORTER EFFECT BEGINS TO BUILD AND COVER OUR PEOPLE. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT FOUR 46. 85 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM - ANGLE ON PLATFORM as the team IS MATERIALIZED. As soon as the EFFECT STOPS, Picard bends down to where Data, supporting Jameson, is lowering him to the platform. PICARD How badly is he hurt? DATA I do not see any sign of a wound, sir. 86 CLOSER ON THE GROUP WE DO NOT SEE Jameson's face, which is turned AWAY FROM CAMERA. He is doubled over, shaking violently as though palsied. Data looks up at Picard, frowning. DATA It appears to be another attack, sir. PICARD (to Tasha) Call Doctor Crusher here immediately. TASHA Sir. (goes to transporter console) Transporter Room Three to Sickbay. Doctor Crusher, please report immediately with Medical Support Team. 87 ANGLE ON JAMESON WE DO NOT SEE his face. He CRIES OUT in agony, and writhes painfully. 88 OMITTED 89 INT. SICKBAY - ANGLE ON JAMESON He is lying on one of the examination beds, face turned AWAY FROM CAMERA, still shaking in pain. Troi is standing by with Anne as a medtech monitors him closely. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT FOUR 47. 90 INT. CRUSHER'S OFFICE - PICARD AND BEVERLY BEVERLY This last attack is the worst one he's suffered, sir. The others were overwith fairly quickly. He hasn't recovered from this one yet, and nothing has been able to relieve his pain. PICARD Do you have any answers, Doctor? BEVERLY I'm afraid none of it is very hopeful. The compound he took seems to be rejuvenating the DNA, but it's also sloughing off the old cells too fast for his body to cope. His body is trying to grow and die and regenerate all at the same time. PICARD (sighs) You're saying the overdose of the drug he took is working too well. BEVERLY Exactly, sir. PICARD When will it stop? BEVERLY It won't... because it can't. Eventually, he won't be able to stand the strain. 91 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - ON PICARD ENTERING from the aft turbolift. Riker comes out of the Command Chair toward him. NOTE: Data, Worf and Tasha are now back at their regular stations. Troi is not on the bridge. RIKER The admiral... ? PICARD Sickbay. "Not good" is a galactic understatement. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT FOUR 48. 91 CONTINUED: GEORDI Karnas again, sir. On the screen. He actives his console. 92 ANGLE ON PICARD INCLUDING MAIN VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Karnas's image APPEARS ON SCREEN in the same setting as before. KARNAS Enterprise. There has been an armed intrusion in the tunnels beneath the city. That smells of Jameson. Where is he? PICARD This is Picard. I am sorry to inform you that the admiral is critically ill, Karnas. KARNAS (coming out of the chair) That is not my concern. Sick or well, you have ten minutes to beam him down, Captain Picard. Otherwise, the hostages die. The VIEWSCREEN GOES BLANK. Then: TROI'S COM VOICE Sickbay to bridge. PICARD Picard. TROI'S COM VOICE Doctor Crusher requests your presence in Sickbay immediately, sir. Picard exchanges a worried look with Riker, then: PICARD On my way. As he HURRIES for the turbolift: STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT FOUR 49. 93 INT. SICKBAY - ANGLE AT DOOR as Picard ENTERS. Beverly meets him, her face grim. PICARD What is it? BEVERLY You'd better see for yourself. 94 ANGLE AT JAMESON'S BED Troi is trying to comfort Anne, who huddles at the side of the bed in utter despair. Picard approaches, looks down at the body there -- and his jaw drops. 95 CLOSE ON JAMESON The eyes are alive and intelligent -- but the face and body Picard sees are those of a teen-aged boy. NOTE: Jameson's VOICE remains the same as before. JAMESON (BOY) Picard.... 96 WIDER - GROUP JAMESON (BOY) Picard, I have to get to Karnas. BEVERLY I can't allow him out of my care, sir. JAMESON (BOY) My last option, Picard. The raid failed... all I have left to bargain with is myself.... RIKER'S COM VOICE Bridge to Picard. PICARD (to companel) Picard here. What is it, Number One? STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT FOUR 50. 97 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - ON RIKER RIKER A new demand from Karnas, sir. If we don't deliver Jameson in five minutes, a hostage will be executed. Fifteen minutes after that, another. 98 INT. SICKBAY - ON PICARD, BEVERLY, JAMESON RIKER'S COM VOICE He promises the method of execution will be both slow and painful. A beat, as Picard looks from Beverly to Jameson. JAMESON Let me go. If I turn myself over to him, he'll let the hostages go. It's me he wants. PICARD It's certain death for you, Admiral. JAMESON My life for how many hostages, Picard? Twenty? (hard) Let me go. PICARD (beat, then:) Number One, inform Karnas we'll be beaming down in less than five minutes. RIKER'S COM VOICE "We," sir? PICARD You have your orders, Number One. RIKER'S COM VOICE Aye, sir. Riker out. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT FOUR 51. 99 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM - ANGLE ON PLATFORM as Picard, Beverly (with medical kit) and the boy Jameson are mounting the platform. Jameson's uniform, while still that of an admiral, hangs loosely on him. Riker ENTERS, moves toward them as: RIKER Captain, you can't go down there again -- (stops, staring at the boy) Jameson... ? PICARD Yes. Exactly why I have to go, Will. As a Starfleet captain, I have negotiating powers. (to Transporter Chief) Energize. The Transporter Chief works his console. The TRANSPORTER EFFECT BEGINS TO BUILD and cover the figures of Picard, Beverly and the boy Jameson. 100 INT. KARNAS'S OFFICE - DAY The TRANSPORTER EFFECT MATERIALIZES the three figures directly in front of Karnas's desk. Karnas is waiting, puzzled to see three. There are several Mordanite soldiers in the room, but it will be noticed they are old soldiers -- veterans in their late fifties and sixties. Karnas gets to his feet as THE MATERIALIZATION EFFECT FADES, and he sees Picard, Beverly and the boy Jameson. KARNAS (outraged) Who are you! I want Jameson! PICARD This is Admiral Mark Jameson. FADE OUT: END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT FIVE 52. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 101 INT. KARNAS'S OFFICE - DAY - PICARD, JAMESON (BOY) as we left them. Karnas stares at the boy in the Starfleet uniform, dismisses him with a grunt, and turns to Picard. KARNAS This charade will accomplish nothing, Picard. Beam Jameson down, and the hostages will be freed. Continue this -- and I promise you they will die -- and you with them. JAMESON (BOY) Karnas, if you'll just listen.... KARNAS (to Picard) Why have you brought him here? This is no place for children. JAMESON (BOY) (interrupting) Peretor Karnas. You always were a stubborn man. I thought you wanted me. I'm here. Release the hostages. now. Karnas stares at him, startled for a moment, then: KARNAS "Peretor" was my old title. Why do you call me that? JAMESON (BOY) Because you're acting like the warrior you were -- not like the planetary governor you are. KARNAS Picard, I warn you, this trick is going too far. He has been coached... for some devious reason. If this farce is not stopped immediately, you and the hostages will be put to death. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT FIVE 53. 101 CONTINUED: Suddenly Jameson doubles over, the intense pain driving him to his knees. Beverly rushes to him as: PICARD Admiral! Beverly is checking him, frowning. She administers a hypospray, which seems to ease him a bit. 102 ANGLE ON KARNAS AND PICARD KARNAS I'm waiting for an explanation, Captain. PICARD He is the admiral. Before we left on this mission, he administered an overdose of an alien de-aging drug to himself. He wanted to face you with strength again... on even terms. This is what the drug has done to him. 103 ANOTHER ANGLE - INCLUDING BEVERLY AND JAMESON Beverly has helped Jameson to a chair. He seems to be weak, almost frail. Karnas paces in front of the desk, railing at Picard. KARNAS This story you are telling is unbelievable. Jameson is a man of eighty, not -- (points to Jameson) -- this. I want that old man, Picard. I want to show him this world he helped to make... the scars on old soldiers' bodies... the graveyards of our young dead... the wasted cities we are still rebuilding... and all of it caused by him. PICARD As I understand the facts, Karnas, you were the one who demanded weapons to avenge your father's death. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT FIVE 54. 103 CONTINUED: KARNAS But Jameson didn't give weapons only to us. If he had, we would have triumphed over our enemies in less than a year, and we would have had peace in all these decades. When Jameson gave weapons to both sides, he gave us forty years of war. I want him to pay for that, Picard. Jameson is hit by another viciously painful attack, GASPS AND MOANS in pain. Beverly takes a quick reading on her instruments, looks over at Picard. BEVERLY Sir, I think Mrs. Jameson should beam down. Now. PICARD (nods quickly) Do it. As Beverly touches her communicator: 104 ANGLE ON PICARD AND KARNAS PICARD Karnas, I've asked Doctor Crusher to bring down the visual records we've made of Admiral Jameson's deterioration. Will you look at them? KARNAS You're wasting my time, Picard. PICARD Only a few moments. When Karnas does not reply immediately, Picard nods to Beverly, who hands her medical P.A.D.D. to Picard. PICARD (continuing) You saw Admiral Jameson when he was on board en route to Mordan? KARNAS Yes. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT FIVE 55. 104 CONTINUED: PICARD You recognized him? KARNAS (reluctantly) Yes. Picard holds out the medical P.A.D.D. for him to see. PICARD And this is the man you saw. 105 CLOSE ON P.A.D.D. SCREEN (OPTICAL) The screen shows Jameson as he was at the beginning, in the physical support chair. KARNAS (V.O.) Yes. This is the man I want. 106 WIDER ANGLE - PICARD AND KARNAS PICARD Never again, Karnas. He holds out the tricorder again. Karnas reluctantly looks. 107 CLOSE ON TRICORDER SCREEN (OPTICAL) Still shots APPEAR in sequence -- Jameson as he began to de-age, as he became younger and younger. PICARD (O.S.) Once he took the compound ... there was no way to stop it. The final picture is the boy Jameson. 108 WIDER - EMPHASIZING KARNAS, PICARD Karnas stares across the room at Jameson, who is being tended by Beverly. The boy has begun to shake. Not pain, but a quivering in the body that cannot be stopped. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT FIVE 56. 108 CONTINUED: THE SOUND OF THE TRANSPORTER BEGINS, and ANNE MATERIALIZES IN THE ROOM. She looks around, sees Jameson's terrible condition and quickly goes to him. She sits beside him, takes his hand, but he is paying no attention to her. His eyes are on Karnas. PICARD You'll have to deal with me, Karnas. Whatever you wanted from Jameson isn't possible any more. Karnas leans against his desk, stares around at the old soldiers who had come to share his moment of triumph over their legendary enemy. None of them know what to think, but Karnas clearly is still not convinced. PICARD (continuing) You wanted revenge, Karnas. You blamed your war on Jameson, and there's no doubt he had a lot to do with it. But you had the weapons, and you used them. You could have tried for negotiations for peace on your planet long ago. You chose to fight instead. How many of those forty years of war are on your head? KARNAS Jameson has to pay for his crimes... I have sworn it to my people. When I found out he was alive, I gave them my word I would kill him for what he did. A public execution... public retribution for what he did to us. Picard realizes he may be talking to a wall. But one more time: PICARD (points to the boy) Then there's Jameson. He wanted to atone for what he'd done here. Forty-five years ago, he made the wrong decision, and he wanted to come here to somehow right it. He wanted to negotiate, and when that failed, he decided to fight. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT FIVE 57. 108 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (Cont'd) Your men foiled that, and all he has left now is to give himself up to you. He's brought this retribution on himself. KARNAS No. I don't believe you. You are shielding Jameson on the ship and telling me this tale to save his life. 109 ANGLE ON JAMESON (BOY) He is still shuddering, gets to his feet. Anne tries to hold his hand, but he pulls away from her. Beverly signals to her to let him go, but she keeps a close eye on him herself. JAMESON (BOY) Peretor Karnas... there were only two of us in the meeting. You didn't even trust your lieutenants then. You told me old Peretor Sain had ordered your father's assassination. You told me you wanted arms to destroy him. Peace wasn't on your mind. You just wanted revenge. And I gave you the weapons to do it. KARNAS Jameson told you all this. JAMESON (BOY) I am Jameson. Do you want a list of the weapons I gave you? Only you and I would know what it was, because I erased every trace of them from the records. KARNAS Jameson still could have told you this. (beat) If you are him, show me the scar. JAMESON (rolls up sleeve) There. The blood cut you gave me to seal our bargain. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT FIVE 58. 109 CONTINUED: He holds out his arm, and Karnas stares at him. 110 CLOSE ON JAMESON'S (BOY'S) ARM A curious V-shaped scar arcs across the wrist, almost like a chevron. 111 ANGLE ON KARNAS AND JAMESON Karnas looks up at Jameson... and he finally believes. KARNAS It is you. Somehow... it is you. Suddenly, Karnas twists away, reaches for the wall behind his desk and the weapons there. He grabs one of the phasers and raises it, aiming it at Jameson's heart. KARNAS (continuing) Then die by one of your own weapons! Everyone else is frozen by the moment. The boy/man simply stands there, still shuddering from the terrible changes going on in his body, but not afraid. Slowly, Karnas lowers the weapon. KARNAS (continuing) No. My revenge is in letting you live like this. 112 EMPHASIZING JAMESON (BOY) He holds for a long beat, and then he crumples to the floor with a CRY of agony. Beverly and Anne go to him immediately, Beverly running a quick scan with her instruments. 113 PICARD AND KARNAS as Karnas moves forward, laying the weapon down on his desk. Jameson CRIES OUT AGAIN, in terrible pain. KARNAS Such pain.... STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT FIVE 59. 113 CONTINUED: PICARD Doctor Crusher? 114 ANGLE ON BEVERLY, JAMESON (BOY), ANNE Beverly looks up, shakes her head. BEVERLY His body can't rejuvenate any further. The compound he took is trying to force the organs and tissue to go further, younger, and they can't take the stress. It's like he's -- imploding. I can't do anything to stop it, sir. Jameson CRIES OUT AGAIN. PICARD Can you give him something for the pain? Slowly, sadly, Beverly shakes her head. 115 CLOSE ON JAMESON (BOY) AND ANNE Quietly, she moves in beside Beverly, who pulls back out of the way. Anne takes the boy's head in her arms, cradles him against her. No matter that this is just a young teenager now -- this is still the man she loved for fifty years. ANNE Mark... can you hear me? JAMESON (BOY) Yes. ANNE I'll always love you. JAMESON (BOY) Annie with the golden hair.... ANNE (forces a smile) Flatterer. It's grey now. JAMESON (BOY) I only see the gold.... STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT FIVE 60. 115 CONTINUED: He convulses in a wave of fierce pain, and she holds on to him tight. Then as it seems to pass, and he looks up at her: 116 CLOSE ON JAMESON'S EYES They are old eyes, filled with the memories of eighty years. And then they close for the last time. 117 WIDER - EMPHASIZING ANNE, JAMESON (BOY), KARNAS As the others look on, Anne begins quietly to weep. Karnas moves closer, staring down at the strange body of his old enemy. Finally: KARNAS Rest, Jameson. Your long night -- and mine -- is over. (up to Picard) The hostages will be released immediately, Captain. I am prepared to be -- cooperative. 118 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE IN ORBIT AROUND MORDAN (OPTICAL) Enterprise in standard orbit. 119 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - ANGLE ON COMMAND AREA where Picard is completing the dictation of his log. PICARD ... The hostages have been freed by Karnas, unharmed. (pause) Personal note. The body of Admiral Mark Jameson has been buried on Mordan, at the request of his widow and with the permission of Karnas. Log out. Picard glances across to Riker, shakes his head. PICARD The quest for youth, Number One... so futile. Age and wisdom have their graces. STAR TREK: "Too Short... " - 10/6/87 - ACT FIVE 61. 119 CONTINUED: RIKER I wonder if one doesn't have to have age and wisdom to appreciate that, sir. PICARD I hope not, Number One. It would be such a waste of youth. (beat, then:) Mister La Forge, prepare to take us out of orbit. Set course for Isis III. GEORDI Aye, sir. Leaving orbit. 120 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND MORDAN (OPTICAL) as the sleek starship begins her pull away from the planet and heads for the stars. FADE OUT: END OF ACT FIVE THE END