STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Datalore" #40271-114 Story by Robert Lewin and Maurice Hurley Teleplay by Robert Lewin and Gene Roddenberry Directed by Rob Bowman Copyright 1987 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. REVISED FINAL DRAFT OCTOBER 26, 1987 STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Datalore" CAST PICARD RIKER BEVERLY DATA (plus DATA as LORE) DATA/LORE (PHOTO-DOUBLE) TASHA WORF GEORDI WESLEY CHIEF ENGINEER ARGYLE COMPUTER VOICE (MAJEL BARRETT) STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Datalore" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE Main bridge Data's Quarters DATA'S PLANET Sickbay Observation Lounge CRYSTAL ENTITY Corridor Captain's Ready Room turbolift Cargo Room Transporter Three DATA'S PLANET Underground Complex Colony Laboratory Storage Area corridor STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Datalore" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) traveling at high warp against an array of stars. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 41242.4. Our last assignment has taken us into the remote Omicron Theta star system, home of our android crewmember Lieutenant Commander Data. Although we are due... 2 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Everyone at his regular station with the exception of Data whose station is manned by WESLEY. PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) ... at our next assignment, I have decided to increase velocity to warp eight to visit Data's home planet for a few hours in the hopes of unraveling some of the mystery of his beginnings. GEORDI turns to RIKER. GEORDI Sir, we are now twenty minutes from Omicron Theta... (checks reading) ... mark! Riker gets a nod from PICARD, replies to Geordi. RIKER Stand by for subwarp; head for standard orbit of Data's planet. (to Picard) Wonder why Data hasn't come up here. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: PICARD He said he wanted to be alone. Perhaps it's a bigger moment for him than we thought. (turns to Wesley) If he needs a formal invitation, Ensign, you do the honors. WESLEY (to his feet) Yes sir! Wesley heads quickly toward the turbolift. PICARD Walk! Wesley slows to a walk. 3 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS Totally bare except for a quite sophisticated wall computer and a mirror on a tripod which DATA now stands in front of watching himself. He SNEEZES. It is not a good sneeze, comes off rather artificial. Data tries again, harder... but not much better. Then a CHIME and Wesley ENTERS. WESLEY (excitedly) Data... ! Data SNEEZES a third time. Wesley stops, puzzled. WESLEY (continuing) What are you doing? DATA Sneezing. WESLEY Have you got a... a "cold?" DATA A cold what? WESLEY It's a disease my mother says people used to get. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: DATA (nods) Ah. But humans still sneeze for other reasons and I cannot seem to do it right. Another artificial sounding SNEEZE. WESLEY How can you be practicing sneezing when you're arriving for the first time at your home planet? Aren't you interested in that? Without changing tone of voice or expression, Data heads with Wesley for the door of the cabin. DATA More than interested. Fascinated. One might say agog. But I find sneezing interesting also. 4 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) From the Main Viewer WE CAN SEE that the starship is at subwarp now, and a rather BROWNISH LOOKING PLANET IS COMING INTO VIEW in the distance. TASHA (checking readings) Confirming Class M reading there. But... (checks readings) ... but the sensors aren't showing any life readings. Not even vegetation. PICARD Strange. The cruiser that found Data reported farmland here. Data and Wesley EMERGE from the turbolift, CROSS ONTO the bridge. Riker turns to Data, indicates Helm. RIKER Want to take her into orbit, Data? DATA No thank you, sir. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/27/87 - TEASER 4. 4 CONTINUED: Riker, surprised, indicates for Wesley to fill Data's Helm position again. Data instead, walks forward and examines the PLANET COMING CLOSER, more than filling the Main Viewer screen. All eyes are on Data as he examines his home planet on the viewer, then turns and moves back to take a seat in the Command Area. PICARD Continue on into close parking orbit. GEORDI Aye, sir. DATA (beat; to Picard) I could say "home, sweet home," sir... if I understood how the word sweet applies. PICARD It usually refers to the memories. RIKER But usually one's own memories, Captain. (to Data) Do the memories you were given include "farms?" DATA Affirmative, sir. Turning soil, seeding, harvesting... but the colony's principal interest was science. TASHA Data, I can't understand how you can hold the memories of four hundred eleven people. If that means every experience, every day they lived... DATA It does not, unfortunately. It means only the knowledge they had accumulated. Actually, I am quite deficient in some basic human information. (to Picard) Sneezing, for example. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/27/87 - TEASER 5. 4 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD "Sneezing?" GEORDI Approaching close parking orbit, sir. PICARD (to Riker) Assemble your away party, Commander. Riker stands; Picard smiles at Data. PICARD (continuing) This is an exciting moment for you, Data. I'm tempted to lead the away team down myself, except for the fact the first officer would object... RIKER How would Starfleet judge me if I didn't, sir? An entire Earth colony did disappear down there. As Riker stands, replacements are ENTERING to take over the bridge positions of Geordi, Worf and Tasha who will move to the turbolift with him. WORF (to Data) You have no memory at all of what happened to them, Data? STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - TEASER 6. 4 CONTINUED: (3) DATA My final memory is of great danger, something sudden and not understood... then a blank as if the colonists were gone. GEORDI Now in close parking orbit, sir. PICARD Welcome home, Mister Data. Data looks puzzled at this. Then he joins the away team which EXITS the bridge. FADE OUT: END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/27/87 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: 5 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE IN ORBIT (OPTICAL) The starship in close orbit of Data's home planet. 6 EXT. DATA'S PLANET (OPTICAL) The Away Team of Riker, Data, GEORDI, TASHA and WORF MATERIALIZING on the planet surface. Far from it looking like farmland, the place is barren. They stand for a moment looking around -- Worf is alert to any security problems -- Tasha scans with her tricorder -- Riker is carefully looking over their surroundings -- Geordi kneels, inspecting the ground. TASHA (to Riker) Recording signal now locked onto the Enterprise, sir. RIKER (to Geordi) This looks like anything but farmland. GEORDI Agreed, sir. The soil here's completely lifeless. RIKER This is the exact position listed in the Tripoli log. (turning Do you recognize anything, Data? DATA The land contours are familiar, sir. Topographically, this is the correct area. Interrupted by Geordi who has begun crumbling soil close to his nose, examining it as he lets the fragments fall from his hand. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/27/87 - ACT ONE 8. 6 CONTINUED: GEORDI This once was rich farmland. I'd guess something like twenty to thirty years ago... DATA I was discovered twenty-six years ago... GEORDI (still sifting soil) There is still plant cellulose in the soil. No signs of decay. Also no signs of bacteria either. (looks up) If you don't mind a wild guess, sir, I'd say everything on this planet could have been dead or dying at the time Data was found. RIKER The Tripoli log stated that all plant life appeared brown and "dormant." They assumed it was normal for that season. GEORDI ... whereas actually everything was dying... DATA (interrupting; indicating) I was found twenty meters in that direction, sir. Data begins leading the way toward a narrow ledge leading down into a depression. 7 ANOTHER ANGLE as all follow Data's lead. TASHA (moving alongside Data) Data, any idea at all why you were given the colonists' memories? DATA I have always felt that it was done hurriedly, but I know little more. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - ACT ONE 9. 7 CONTINUED: Data stops where a small rectangular depression has been carved in the rock. DATA (continuing) Here, sir. This is where the cruiser's landing party found the signal device that had led them here. (indicates) And they found me lying there, sir. 8 ANOTHER ANGLE Data is leading them to a very undistinguished-looking stone pallet. This and the barren location look to be considerably less than the exciting mystery they have expected. TASHA You were just lying out in the open? No identity record, no instructions... ? DATA Only a layer of dust. Data bends, BLOWS, and a CLOUD OF DUST ARISES from the pallet. DATA (continuing) There's much more of it now, after twenty-six years. Only Geordi shows active interest in this place. He has moved off to begin scanning the area from different perspectives. RIKER What is the first thing you remember, Data? DATA Opening my eyes and finding myself looking into the eyes of the Tripoli landing party, sir. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/27/87 - ACT ONE 10. 8 CONTINUED: DATA (Cont'd) (indicating the path back) They believed that the signal device sensed their presence, and activated me. TASHA Then this very spot was your birthplace... DATA But not at all like a human birth. Having the colonists' memories, I knew immediately how to speak, who I was, where I was... TASHA You were born and became fully knowledgeable at the same instant! DATA I had no idea that was unusual, of course. TASHA It's such a strange place to be born. RIKER So was a manger. WORF A "manger," sir? RIKER I won't even try to explain that one, Worf... GEORDI (calling) I understand now, sir! I've got this figured! Geordi moves in, indicating aspects of the area. GEORDI (continuing) It was really very cleverly done to make this look like a natural hollow in the terrain here. Signs of it being constructed hurriedly... STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/27/87 - ACT ONE 11. 9 SPECIAL EFFECTS ANGLE Geordi moves to the rock face behind Data's "birth pallet," examining it very closely. GEORDI ... as if to hide something here. Data nods, seeming to understand more of this now. DATA Yes, that was it, Geordi. (to Riker) This has awakened a memory remnant of how the colonists hoped to remain hidden... (beat; concentrating) ... but their fear of being discovered led to their storing information in me. Geordi has brought his VISOR device within inches of a point on the rock facing. GEORDI Yes, I thought so. Geordi brings a finger carefully to an almost invisble crack on the rock facing... presses! A HUMMING SOUND and a SPECIAL EFFECT opening in the rock facing APPEARS. 10 INT. UNDERGROUND COMPLEX - ANGLE INTO THE ENTRY A curving tunnel. Geordi steps in closer, Riker and Data pressing in next. Geordi reaches out, touching something that suddenly ILLUMINATES the tunnel. Tasha, duty always, steps forward and scans the tunnel. Then to Riker: TASHA No life readings in here either, sir. Riker leads the way as the team cautiously heads into the tunnel. Worf and Tasha flank him, weapons ready, as they move into a rectangular corridor. 11 ANOTHER ANGLE as they continue to an intersecting corridor which features a familiar-looking type of sliding metal door. Geordi again makes a close examination of this, then touches a sensor switch. The sliding door OPENS. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/27/87 - ACT ONE 12. 12 INT. COLONY LABORATORY Similar to some very sophisticated things we've seen on the Enterprise, the lab is filled with equipment and instruments of the most sophisticated twenty-fourth century level. In addition to workbenches, etc. there is a prominent covered worktable which will figure in scenes here. The team ENTERS with Tasha at the lead, weapon in hand -- and with Worf professionally guarding their rear at the door to the corridor they entered from. Riker scans the lab. RIKER The colony laboratory, I'd guess. Extremely well equipped. (to Data) Does this place stir any memories, Data? DATA Only vague impressions of some of my functions being tested here, sir... Data indicates, moves toward a wall on which proud scientist parents had posted their children's drawings. Several of them PICTURE a crystal-like formation or design, obviously huge judging from the very tiny people who seem to be fleeing from it. Data pulls one of these drawings free, hands it to Riker. RIKER Posted by a proud parent... DATA (continuing) This pictures something that feels familiar, sir. And dangerous, although I have no idea what it represents. And that is all... Then Data indicates a desk/workbench combination which includes highly sophisticated-looking devices. DATA (continuing) ... except for an impression that this was a... "Doctor Soong's" work area. RIKER Who? You can't mean Doctor Noonien Soong? STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/27/87 - ACT ONE 13. 12 CONTINUED: DATA (nods) He was called that here... although, his memories indicate he traveled here under a different name. GEORDI Doctor Noonien Soong, my friend, just happens to have been Earth's foremost robotics scientist! TASHA Until he tried to make Asimov's dream of a positronic brain come true. RIKER (nodding) The positronic brain. He promised it would do so much. When it failed completely, Doctor Soong disappeared. (eyes Data) Now we know he went off somewhere to try a second time. (turns; indicating) Geordi, Data, we'll take a close look at this lab. (to Tasha) You and Lieutenant Worf reconnoiter where the rest of these corridors lead. Tasha and Worf EXIT, AD LIBBING "Aye, sir." Geordi and Data choose areas to inspect while Riker concentrates on the Soong workbench. 13 ANOTHER ANGLE Riker moves to the large, thick laboratory table mentioned earlier. Whatever they've found out about it has lead Riker now to touch a control on it -- and it now hinges apart HUMMING and presenting the torso and head part of a human-shaped mold. Seeing what is happening, Geordi and Data hurry over. GEORDI (beat) Data... it's you. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - ACT ONE 14. 13 CONTINUED: Data hesitates, then reaches in and extracts a one-half head and shoulders portion of the mold, presses it against himself. It fits perfectly! RIKER An epidermal mold, I'd guess. Made to give your exterior the desired finish. TASHA'S COM VOICE Lieutenant Yar to Commander Riker. Riker touches his insignia. RIKER Come in, Lieutenant. TASHA'S COM VOICE Sir... this installation is big enough to hold hundreds of people. But all that's here now is empty beds. RIKER Thank you, Lieutenant. Complete your record scans, then report back here. GEORDI Sir... (bends) Seems to be a storage area here... Geordi has indeed discovered a storage area which he now opens. All three of them look, REACT. 14 ANGLE INCLUDING STORAGE AREA which REVEALS enough Data-like arms, torso and head to startle us. It also startles our away team members. The head looks surprisingly lifelike! (There are more Data-like parts further back in the storage area, apparontly enough to make up a whole Data if put together.) 15 ANGLE ON DATA, RIKER, AND GEORDI stunned. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/27/87 - ACT ONE 15. 15 CONTINUED: RIKER How many more Datas are there? GEORDI (looking around) Looks like just these two... (quickly apologetic) I mean that and the real Data. 16 PANNING THE REAL DATA and REVEALING the "DATA" HEAD as he bends to examine "himself." 17 INCLUDING RIKER AND GEORDI as Data straightens up INTO THE SCENE with them. DATA Commander, can this be another me? Or perhaps my brother? RIKER I honestly don't know, Data. DATA He needs assembling. RIKER "He?" Data, we don't know that this could become "alive." DATA It is of great interest to me to find out, sir. I never believed it possible I might have a link with some form like my own. RIKER (beat; nods) Understood. We'll take it back to the ship, of course. FADE OUT: END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - ACT TWO 16. ACT TWO FADE IN: 18 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - WIDE ANGLE Picard, Riker, Geordi, Tasha, Worf and Wesley at their regular positions. Tasha is receiving a subspace message, turns now toward Picard. TASHA Captain, I have a subspace reply to your request. (turns to Picard) Starfleet considers it vital we begin our ship's computer upgrade at Starbase Armus Nine on schedule. PICARD (annoyed) Damn. Can anyone see why they've turned down a perfectly legitimate request to finish this investigation here? WESLEY (waits; then) Sir... you asked for the kind of computer upgrade that only the Bynars can handle. And they're available only at this time. Picard is at first annoyed at Wesley, then turns to Riker, snapping an order: PICARD Then, get us there on schedule, Number One. (to Wesley; controlling self) Thank you, Wesley. I'd completely forgotten that. Wesley starts to say something more, but Riker quiets Wesley with a friendly warning gesture. RIKER Take us out of orbit, Mister La Forge. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - ACT TWO 17. 19 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) We hold on our starship long enough to see it LEAVING orbit of Data's home planet. PICARD (V. O.) (continuing) Captain's log, Stardate 41242.45. Despite having only a few hours in which to explore Data's home planet... 20 INT. SICKBAY Where Doctor Crusher and CHIEF ENGINEER ARGYLE work with Medical and Engineering Specialists at an advanced type operating table containing the various parts of the unassembled android which was discovered. PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) ... we have discovered something which may explain Data's beginnings... if we can properly assemble and communicate with what we've found. 21 ANGLE EMPHASIZING DATA An expression of hope and longing on his face as he watches the medical and engineering people at work on the unassembled android. Doctor Beverly Crusher MOVES INTO SHOT with Data. She understands what the unassembled android means to him and her sympathy is obvious. BEVERLY Signal from the captain. They need you at the debriefing. Data nods as Chief Engineer Argyle MOVES INTO SHOT also, his sympathy obvious too. DATA I've been anxious to hear the chief engineer's opinion, Mister Argyle. Do you believe he can be made to function? STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - ACT TWO 18. 21 CONTINUED: ARGYLE It appears to include all the components in your body. Not that we really understand your construction either... BEVERLY We'll have our top medical and engineering specialists working on its assembly, Mister Data. The Doctor and Engineer appear to hesitate over something uncomfortable. Data nods at their previous statement, moves as if to leave. ARGYLE Just... one thing. Without disassembling you, of course, if we should need... BEVERLY ... If we should need to compare this with the way... uh, with the way you're put together... ? Data nods his answer, turns and EXITS. 22 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE (OPTICAL) Outside, the passing stars reflect the fact our starship is at warp speed to make up for the delay at Data's planet. On the table, the child's drawing of a strange crystalline shape. Present are Picard, Riker, and Geordi. As before, they will continue treating Data as a living person but at times they may try a bit too hard to make that feeling clear. For some, their first meeting with Data was many years ago and they have long thought of him simply as a fellow crewmember. Now, with the discovery of the disassembled android form, they've been suddenly reminded that their friend is also a machine. It brings their emotions into play because they're concerned for Data. How does he feel about this remarkable happening? What should they say to him -- what words should they now use or not use? Meanwhile, Picard is speaking to Riker: STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - ACT TWO 19. 22 CONTINUED: PICARD Bringing it up here was the right thing to do, of course, Number One. Picard trails his words as Data ENTERS and seats himself. Despite themselves, everyone stiffens a bit. PICARD (continuing) I was just saying, Data, that if it functions, it might answer a lot of questions for us. Data feels the tension too. He's sharing their discomfort, merely nodding at the captain's comment. An uncomfortable beat, then: RIKER Does it appear to have all your... ah, parts? DATA Completely, sir. GEORDI (beat) Will we know how to... to "turn it on?" PICARD All right, all right... (stands; hesitates, then) Legitimate questions about this need not be asked apologetically. (to Data) You're uncomfortable about aspects of your duplicate, Data... we're uncomfortable, too... and none of it for any logical reason. We know that you're as "alive" as any of the rest of us. (to the others) If you find it awkward to be reminded that Data is a "machine"... you might remember that the rest of you are merely a different variety of machine... in our case, electro-chemical in nature. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/27/87 - ACT TWO 20. 22 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (Cont'd) (sits) Let's begin handling this as we would anything else. A grin has come over Riker's face during this and he TAPS his knuckles on the table approvingly. Geordi looks up, SLAPS the table. GEORDI Agreed! Love that captain! PICARD (snaps) My comments, Lieutenant, do not require applause! GEORDI Yes, sir; sorry, sir. But as the captain now turns toward the others, Riker flashes Data a big wink. Data looks puzzled. PICARD Let's start with you, Data. DATA Well... a good starting point might be, "Why was I given human form?" GEORDI To make it easy for humans to relate to you. Had to be. But your designer may have had something else to prove also. PICARD (nods) That human-shaped robots need not be clumsy, limited things... (turning) You certainly operate as well as we do, Data... DATA In some ways better, sir. PICARD Ah... yes! But the important question now may be what happened to the colonists. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - ACT TWO 21. 22 CONTINUED: (3) RIKER Agreed. (exhibits child's drawing) One of several exhibited in the lab, by proud parents, no doubt. This could be simply a child's imagination. But then, several children made similar drawings. A COM SIGNAL, followed by: BEVERLY'S COM VOICE Doctor Crusher to Captain. At this point, sir, we very much need Mister Data's help. Data is already coming to his feet as Picard gives him a nod. As Data EXITS: PICARD He's on his way, Doctor. 23 INT. SICKBAY - DATA AND BEVERLY standing well away from the medical and engineering technicians, talking quietly. Data presses a finger at the spot which on humans would be between the second and third joint of his spinal column. He also checks that none of the others are watching too closely. DATA There, Doctor. Press your fingers there. Beverly moves in and complies. Then a look of slight surprise on her face. 24 INSERT - BEVERLY'S HAND At the described spot on Data's back -- the fingers pressing almost their full length through Data's uniform fabric and into his back. DATA (O. S.) It operates somewhat like a "switch," Doctor. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/27/87 - ACT TWO 22. 25 BACK TO SHOT Beverly pressing further. BEVERLY And these small projections? DATA An android alarm clock, Doctor. Is that amusing? (sees it isn't) It times how long I remain unconscious. Beverly sees someone APPROACHING, quickly drops her hand away. It is Chief Engineer Argyle who carries what we'll later see are "high temp heat molders" used to join together Data's "skin." ARGYLE Are you certain about us using these heating devices, Data? DATA (nods) I will feel nothing at all. ARGYLE (smiles) Marvelous. It should all be a lot simpler... once we can see how your circuitry's connected. Argyle MOVES OFF to discuss the molding devices with the Technicians. Beverly turns to Data who is watching her closely, expectantly. She nods: BEVERLY I'll mention it to no one. You have my word. DATA If you had an off-switch Doctor... would you not keep it secret? BEVERLY I probably would. 26 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) traveling against a background of stars at warp speed. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - ACT TWO 23. 27 INT. SICKBAY - WIDE ANGLE Two Data-like forms on two operating tables next to each other. Neither of the Data look-alikes is moving, and the torso of each is all but hidden by the medical scanners over the tables. At one of the tables, the mixed engineering and medical team is gathered. Argyle and Beverly are reaching in, intent on what they are seeing and doing. 28 CLOSER ANGLE AT THE BUSY TABLE We're unable to tell whether this is Data or the look-alike. Whichever, it is unmoving as Beverly and Argyle lean in to peer closely at what is under the sensor hood. ARGYLE Yes, notice the micro-circuitry here... and here. 29 CLOSE UNDER SENSOR HOOD (OPTICAL) Revealing some of a Data-like torso in which a flap has been cut open TO REVEAL a bit of complex android body interior in which WE SEE low-level PURPLE AND GREEN FLICKERING. Argyle's hand is pointing a finger at something. ARGYLE (O.S.) Then another fibroid-like connection here. 30 ANGLE ON BEVERLY AND ARGYLE As he withdraws his hand, looks to her for confirmation. Beverly nods, reaches for one of the heat molding instruments. BEVERLY Let's close up. She reaches the heat molding instrument in under the sensor hood. 31 CLOSE UNDER SENSOR HOOD (SPECIAL EFFECTS) as Beverly's hand presses the "skin" flap shut, applies the heat molder against it. A HISSING SOUND, SMOKE... and when the heat molder is removed, the "skin" flap has been sealed closed without a mark left. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/27/87 - ACT TWO 24. 32 INT. CORRIDOR Picard and Riker striding toward Sickbay. 33 INT. SICKBAY - CLOSE ON DATA A slightly groggy Data at one of the operating tables, finishes slipping into his uniform. Beverly moves INTO SHOT, looks at the other android form, speaking quietly. BEVERLY If I've done it right, he'll switch on in a minute. 34 WIDER ANGLE as Picard and Riker ENTER Sickbay. Chief Engineer Argyle is closest and gets a questioning look from Picard. ARGYLE It seemed to go well... (indicates) ... thanks to a look inside Mister Data. But there have been no signs of consciousness, yet... Picard and Riker CROSS TOWARD the operating table which holds the unmoving android Form. Data and Beverly CROSS IN too. 35 ANGLE INCLUDING ANDROID, PICARD AND RIKER The Data-like Android. Picard and Riker STEP IN, look down at it. RIKER Certainly a perfect match for Data, sir. PICARD (uncertain) Do you think so, really? (leans in; inspects) I wonder which of them was made first? The LORE android opens its eyes. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - ACT TWO 25. 35 CONTINUED: LORE He was. But they found him imperfect and I was made to replace him. 36 ANOTHER ANGLE Data SURGING IN, surprised. Lore looks up at him, then back to Picard. Its face twitches once -- a nervous tic we'll see again. LORE You may call me Lore. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - ACT THREE 26. ACT THREE FADE IN: 37 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) traveling at warp eight against a star background. 38 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM Picard and Data considering the Lore happening. PICARD I'm also a bit troubled by it describing you as "imperfect." DATA Human language gives me difficulties too, sir. "Imperfect" could mean I lack abilities that he possesses. PICARD I wonder. But the point of this is whether you and it have approximately the same capabilities. DATA We do, sir, and your referring to him as an "it"... suggests I too fit into the category of a "thing." It is a fair shot at Picard and he recognizes it, nodding sincerely. PICARD I see your point, Commander. My sincere apologies. DATA Gladly accepted, sir. As for Lore's abilities, his use of syntax and grammar suggests he was given human memories similar to mine. PICARD You both have about equal physical strength and mental ability? STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/27/87 - ACT THREE 27. 38 CONTINUED: DATA I believe so, sir. PICARD (troubled) Which requires I now ask you... a very serious question. Since the two of you are closely related to each other... DATA The answer, sir, is that my loyalty is to you and Starfleet. Completely. PICARD (beat; small smile) Thank you, Commander. I was certain of that. 39 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Lore is now wearing a plain-colored utility uniform without rank or insignia. It includes pocket-pouches and a turtle-necked kind of undergarment beneath. His only other difference from Data is in the fact he often smiles (perhaps with a suggestion of insincerity), plus his occasional facial "tic" or twitch. He is now seated in Wesley's position at the Helm next to Geordi who is pointing out various controls. Wesley, standing behind that position, and Riker at Command, seem a bit uncertain of this android. The other regulars watch approvingly. GEORDI And Helm control are here, with the ship's heading given in measurements, we call them "degrees"... (indicating) ... with three hundred-sixty of them in a full circle this way. LORE ... Then you say "mark"... 40 EMPHASIZING DATA (OPTICAL) who has left the Ready Room and CROSSES IN, stopping to watch and listen. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/28/87 - ACT THREE 28. 40 CONTINUED: GEORDI On the nose! WESLEY Which separates it from another three hundred-sixty degree full circle like this... on a right angle to that one. LORE (demonstrating) So by ordering a heading so many degrees this way, and so many this way, the ship can travel in any direction. All three dimensions. RIKER And the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle... LORE Is equal to the sum of the square of its other two... (stops; covering) ... its two "somethings"... which I once heard but never understood. Riker and Wesley exchange a look at this juncture. Data has stopped to watch this exchange with interest also. Now, he moves toward Lore with a friendly tone. DATA All of which you can learn more about, when the captain has approved your being on the bridge. LORE (surprise and contrition) Have I committed an offense? WESLEY (pleasantly) You'll find as I have that starships are loaded with rules which have to be learned. But Wesley's expression also indicates he has begun to have some doubts about Lore -- especially now when he hears: STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/28/87 - ACT THREE 29. 40 CONTINUED: (2) LORE You're very clever, Wesley. (to Data) I now have duties to perform. Correct? Except for Riker and Wesley, the rest of the bridge crew is enjoying Lore. WORF Were you ever this anxious to please, Data? DATA Never. I judge Lore to be superior in that desire as well. LORE Because I was designed to be so human, my brother, I enjoy pleasing humans. GEORDI "My brother." That has a nice sound, Data. DATA (to Lore) And you consider it important to please humans? LORE It's not important? DATA (beat) There are many things of importance... some more so than others. Data indicates the turbolift, guides Lore in that direction. Lore seems eager to cooperate as they EXIT into the turbolift. 41 INT. TURBOLIFT Data speaks toward the panel. DATA My quarters. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - ACT THREE 30. 41 CONTINUED: At which, the turbolift HUMS into life and powers downward. LORE Is my brother that important? It knows you? DATA It can identify any of the crew. (eyes Lore) Just as I can identify flattery, brother. LORE I used it only to please you, my brother. Is that forbidden too? DATA It is best used when it reflects genuine feelings. LORE Then, I used it properly with you. 41A INT. CORRIDOR as Data and Lore ENTER from the turbolift, move down the corridor. DATA (beat) Do you realize Commander Riker's hypotenuse question tricked you into showing your knowledge was much greater than you were indicating? LORE He didn't seem that clever. I'll be more careful. DATA You tend to underestimate humans, my brother. The way you praised young Wesley at the Helm, for example... LORE A child! STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/27/87 - ACT THREE 31. 41A CONTINUED: DATA He has a child's body, but we have found him to be much more than that. LORE Thank you for that information, too. (beat; eyeing Data) You do care about how I perform. I pledge to be worthy of your teaching, my brother. Data looks at Lore for a long moment as they walk. 42 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) A plain, almost unfurnished interior. The door from the corridor slides OPEN and Data ENTERS with Lore who takes a moment to examine the quarters. They include mainly a large computer, but little more. LORE How would they describe this? "Spartan?" DATA I have no need for places to sit or sleep. Do you? LORE Do I appear that weak? During which, Data has gone to his computer controls, punched in an information request. The word DICTIONARY COMES ONTO the viewer. Data touches the computer controls again and CAMERA ZOOMS IN to show JEALOUSY defined as "INTOLERANCE OF RIVALRY, OR HOSTILITY TOWARD A RIVAL OR ONE BELIEVED TO HOLD AN ADVANTAGE." CAMERA ZOOMS BACK to an expressionless Data. LORE What information are you requesting? DATA Everything available on a Doctor Noonien Soong. Information on Soong is COMING UP on the computer. Lore moves in as Data studies it as he continues talking with Lore who nods at the last statement. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - ACT THREE 32. 42 CONTINUED: LORE Good old "Often-Wrong Soong." (sees Data's puzzlement) A joke, brother. Actually, he was a genius by human standards. DATA (reading computer viewer) But had destroyed his own reputation by making what seemed wild promises about his positronic brain design... almost all of which failed. LORE Promises he later proved to be true... (taps his head) Which made you and I possible. Our beloved "father." (touches Data's uniform) Will I soon have a uniform like that, my brother? The casual mention of "father" and the fast switch to uniforms bothers Data. His reply contains some annoyance. DATA If you get one the way I did, Lore, it means four years at the Academy, another three as ensign, ten or twelve on varied space duty in the lieutenant grades... LORE (interrupting) ... A system designed to compensate for limited human abilities. But you, my brother, have begun thinking as humans do. You and I are completely different from them. Are you truly satisfied with the memories and knowledge of just a few hundred human colonists? Suppose it could reflect thousands... or a million... or the knowledge of hundreds of millions of life forms of every kind? STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - ACT THREE 33. 42 CONTINUED: (2) They look at each other for a long beat. Lore's facial "tic" happens again. Then: DATA How? Oddly enough, Lore's face twitches again at that, too. LORE We will discuss it in time. DATA And will we also discuss which of us was constructed first? LORE (surprised) It would be foolish to underestimate you, my brother. (nods) Yes, I lied when I said you were made first. With good reason. Doctor Soong made me perfect on his first attempt. But he made me so completely human that the colonists became envious of me. DATA You lived with the colonists? LORE (nods) Until they petitioned Soong to design a more comfortable, less perfect android. In other words, you, my brother. Data and Lore sit looking at each other, until: LORE (continuing) For example, haven't you noticed how easily I handle human speech? I use their contractions... such as isn't or can't. You say... (mimicking formality) ... is not or cannot. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/27/87 - ACT THREE 34. 42 CONTINUED: (3) LORE (Cont'd) (half singing it) I say tomato, you say tomahto; I say potato, you say potahto... (amused) A very old joke, but you also have trouble with their humor, too. Am I right? DATA (considers it; nods) Quite true. I keep trying to be more human... and keep failing. LORE Do you realize, my brother, that I can help you become more human? DATA And... do you realize... Lore, that I am obligated to report all of this to our ship's captain? LORE I assumed as much when I began studying you. (moves to computer) May I use this to learn more of this vessel and its customs? DATA (nods) Use it also to describe for the captain the time you spent with the colonists. Including all you know about what happened to them. LORE I promise a report with great detail and accuracy. DATA Thank you, Lore. And now, I have duties to perform, unless you need something more. LORE I have more than I dreamed possible, my brother. Data EXITS. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - ACT THREE 35. 43 ANGLE ON LORE AT COMPUTER beginning to punch in information requests more rapidly... then still more rapidly. 44 ANGLE ON VIEWER (OPTICAL) providing starship information so rapidly now that the viewer IMAGES ARE A BLUR. 45 CLOSE ON LORE He seems to absorb this flood of information easily. He is very pleased with himself. FADE OUT: END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/27/87 - ACT FOUR 36. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 46 EXT SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) still traveling at high warp speed. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 41242.5. We now have the full story of the micro-engineering achievement which produced Data... and Lore... 47 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - SCIENCE STATION (OPTICAL) Intent upon the Science Station Viewer are Picard, Riker and Beverly. Geordi, Wesley, Tasha and Worf are on duty at their bridge stations. PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) ... and of the tragedy which deprived humanity of the remarkable minds behind that. Our first clue was a child's drawing which showed a great, complex crystal shape... 48 CLOSE INSERT ON VIEWER (OPTICAL) as needed. The IMAGE there IS LORE'S REPORT which includes a look at the child's drawing.. PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) ... confirmed by Lore's report to be an unknown kind of creature, capable of stripping all life from an entire world... insatiably ravenous for the life force found in intelligent forms like us... which Lore explains it stored in new crystal patterns... for purposes which are unknown. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/29/87 - ACT FOUR 37. 49 BACK TO SHOT OF MAIN BRIDGE TASHA But how did Data escape that thing? Or Lore? RIKER Lore had been disassembled. He explains it as jealousy from the colonists. And Data wasn't yet "alive" at that time. PICARD Which explains why Data could be left outside in no danger from the creature. Whatever happened to the colonists, he would be found by any Starfleet team that responded to the signal being transmitted. TASHA By which Doctor Soong left proof behind that his experiment did work. RIKER Captain, how believable do you find that crystal thing? PICARD Having explored so little of just our galaxy, I find anything possible. TASHA (overlapping; puzzled by readings) Data, are you expecting Lore to come up here? He left your quarters some time ago. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/28/87 - ACT FOUR 38. 49 CONTINUED: DATA To go... ? TASHA My Turbo-sensors say he went to Deck One... (turning to Worf) Worf? WORF ... where he examined some microminiature work tools, then some... (squints at her Viewer) ... fine grind quadratanium... ? DATA Which is used in our construction. (to Picard) That particular compound is no more suspicious, sir, than a human looking for an antiseptic or an ointment. Nevertheless, I should check it out. BEVERLY You're watching everything he does, Data? Is that the act of a brother? PICARD The act of a Starfleet officer obeying his captain, Doctor. Tasha watches Data stand and EXIT the bridge. Then she turns toward Picard. TASHA Speaking strictly as security chief, Captain... how much can you trust Data now? The idea shocks some of the bridge crew. PICARD I trust him completely, Lieutenant! (then softer) But everyone should also realize you just asked a necessary and legitimate security question. TASHA Thank you for explaining that, sir. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/27/87 - ACT FOUR 39. 50 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) where Lore has set out a champagne bottle from which he fills stemmed glasses. Then, he pours silver metal bits into one of the glasses, causing the champagne momentarily to FIZZ WITH A SHRILL SOUND. It has hardly settled down when the sliding door OPENS and Data ENTERS. Lore manages to slip the vial into a pouch in his utility uniform as he turns, smiling. LORE Lesson one in becoming more human, my brother. You must observe all human customs. Data is surprised to see the champagne that Lore is pointing out. DATA Champagne? LORE An ancient ritual, still practiced when they celebrate events of importance. (picking up undoctored glass) My brother... I toast our discovery of each other. May it fill our lives with new meaning. Data is surprised at this ritual being suggested. But Lore is holding his glass in toast position and Data sees no reason not to indulge Lore in this. He picks up his own glass. Lore drinks the full glass; Data takes a couple of sips, sets the glass down and looks up. DATA I have some doubts about the value of human... customs in brother... Data reels, begins slumping toward the floor as Lore watches, pleased. LORE And let us toast also... DATA (thickly) Brother... help me... STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/27/87 - ACT FOUR 40. 50 CONTINUED: LORE ... also Doctor Soong who gave me the full richness of human needs and ambitions... a perfect match for my mind, my body... Data is slumping prone now, becoming unable to fight the effects of the compound given him. Lore squats to keep his face near to him. LORE (continuing) And let us toast also the great Crystal Entity... with which I learned to communicate. Before Doctor Soong disassembled me, I earned its gratitude by revealing the way to the colonists. Data is close to being completely unconscious now. LORE (continuing) Can you image its gratitude when I give it the life on this vessel... and when my cleverness lets it safely feed upon crowded worlds in the galaxy... ? Satisfied with what he sees now, Lore begins stripping down to the turtleneck undershirt beneath his utility uniform. 51 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Only Riker, Geordi, Wesley and Worf on duty now. Worf gets a reading which causes him to look toward Riker. WORF This is strange, sir. I show Mister Data transmitting on a subspace channel. RIKER He's been doing considerable research on Doctor Soong's background... but let's be sure. (turns) Wesley, can you look in on him discreetly? STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/27/87 - ACT FOUR 41. 51 CONTINUED: WESLEY (coming to his feet instantly) Yes sir! bridge crew watches Wesley EXIT, enjoying his youthful eagerness. 52 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS where Data's android form now wears the utility uniform, lying unconscious on the floor neatly parallel to a cabin wall. Wearing Data's uniform and rank insignia is Lore, now speaking into the computer. LORE ... and upon arriving here you can identify me as the machine named "Data." Any doubts as to the true identity of this Android are resolved at the sight of Lore's facial "tic" or twitch. WE HEAR the door CHIME. LORE (continuing) End of message. (turning computer off) Come in, please. Wesley ENTERS, stops in surprise at the sight of an android in utility uniform lying unconscious on the floor. LORE (continuing) Glad you are here, Wesley. Lore suddenly attacked me and I had to turn him off. WESLEY Why did he do that, Data? LORE He discovered we have been using sensors to follow what he does. Lore's facial twitch happens. Wesley REGISTERS SURPRISE at this happening. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/27/87 - ACT FOUR 42. 52 CONTINUED: LORE (continuing) I practiced his facial "tic." Do I have it right? WESLEY I'd suggest you forget imitating him... (smiles) ... because if you had said "We've been using the sensors," instead if "we have," I might have suspected you were Lore. LORE Yes. I do use language more formally than Lore. Please inform the captain I will come up to the bridge... (indicating unconscious Form) ... and report on this. WESLEY Aye, sir. CAMERA HOLDS ON LORE as Wesley EXITS. Then the facial "tic" happens again and Lore turns to a cabinet and extracts several hand devices, selects a heavy one. 53 CLOSE ON LORE as he lifts the device to his face, touches a control making it WHINE into power. Then another control which causes it to BATHE THE FACIAL "TIC" AREA WITH ELECTRONIC DISCHARGES WHICH APPEAR AS MINIATURE "LIGHTNING BOLTS." He keeps at this "treatment" until that part of his face BEGINS TO GLOW. Then he lowers the device and as the GLOW FADES, then works his facial muscles, testing them. 54 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) still traveling at high warp against a star background. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/29/87 - ACT FOUR 43. 55 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Any angles on the Main Viewer SHOW the same high warp speed. The full bridge crew we saw earlier is on duty, Wesley back at the Helm position, Beverly seated in the Command Area again. Data hasn't returned, of course. Picard ENTERS from his Ready Room, reflecting annoyance as he speaks to Wesley. PICARD You're certain he said he'll be right up? WESLEY He indicated that, sir. TASHA Sensors show Data just now entering a turbolift, sir. BEVERLY (to Wesley) Wes, tell me again how Data said he immobilized Lore. WESLEY He said he "turned him off," Mom... (quick correction) ... uh, Doctor. Lore, in Data's uniform, ENTERS by turbolift. Beverly eyes him, puzzled. BEVERLY (quietly) Question, Mister Data... did you or did you not swear me to secrecy about your "off switch?" LORE (a slight hesitation) A change of mind, Doctor. If I cannot trust the bridge crew, whom can I... ? GEORDI (interrupting; to Picard) Sir! I'm picking up a "bogey" coming in on a five o'clock tangent. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/28/87 - ACT FOUR 44. 55 CONTINUED: WESLEY Confirm! And so fast it makes our warp eight look like we're standing still! TASHA It's transmitting no ID signal, Captain... RIKER Set Main Viewer on that tangent. Main Viewer SWITCHES to the indicated REAR ANGLE, changing the relative star movement accordingly. As the view magnifies, WE CAN SEE A TINY BRIGHT SPOT WHICH STEADILY GROWS LARGER. PICARD Shields up; go to Yellow Alert! Transmit friendly greetings, all languages, all frequencies. RIKER I can't believe anything overtaking us this fast. LORE Beautiful, isn't it? Wesley pivots, EXPRESSING SURPRISE at this. The rest of the bridge crew is too busy at their readings and controls to notice. RIKER I recognize it, Captain... it's similar to that child's drawing... WE CAN NOW SEE that the IMAGE (computer generated?) IS SHAPED LIKE THE CRYSTAL COMPLEX. BEVERLY My God, it's big! 55A EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND CRYSTAL ENTITY (OPTICAL) MOVING IN to float close to our starship, the SHIMMERING CRYSTAL COMPLEXITY is very obvious. It looks both very lovely and terribly powerful at the same time. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/27/87 - ACT FIVE 45. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 56 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND CRYSTAL ENTITY (OPTICAL) The huge crystal form, two or three times the size of the starship, SLOWLY SPINNING, pictorially dominating the starship as it floats next to it. 57 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The complex crystal IMAGE on Main Viewer, still SHIMMERING as it SLOWLY TURNS. Watching it are Picard, Riker, Wesley, Tasha, Worf and "Lore." TASHA Still no ID transmitted, sir. Also, no answer to our inquiries. Geordi ENTERS hurriedly. PICARD Did you have a direct look at it? GEORDI It's like a snowflake crystal, sir. But much more complex... the entire electromagnetic spectrum seems to play about inside it... (seeing Picard's look) I haven't the slightest idea what it is, sir. PICARD Data, anything else Lore can tell us about it may be important. Can you control Lore enough to question him? LORE (rising; moving to turbolift) I'll have to examine him to know, sir. Wesley, who has reacted uncomfortably to all this, comes to his feet. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - ACT FIVE 46. 57 CONTINUED: WESLEY Captain, recommend you do not let... (hesitates) ... him move around the ship alone. PICARD Ensign... ! LORE (interrupting; chuckling) Wesley is only trying to show himself alert and responsible, sir. (to Wesley) Something to encourage. Come, you can watch everything I do. WESLEY Not if I have a choice. PICARD That is quite enough, Ensign! When addressing a senior officer... RIKER (interrupting) I've guided his training; I'm the one at fault, sir. (to Wesley) You will show proper courtesy, and I'm taking you down there to make certain of it! (to Picard) With your approval, of course, sir. Picard gives a wave of approval to Riker and a look of annoyance to Wesley. 58 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS as last seen, with Data unconscious on the floor. The door opens with Lore very cleverly managing to block Riker's and Wesley's view as he takes a precautionary look inside. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/27/87 - ACT FIVE 47. 58 CONTINUED: LORE Careful of Lore... (steps aside) Good, he is still unconscious. Wesley ENTERS with Riker. LORE (continuing; to Wesley) The captain refused to listen to you but you were right... Lore can be extremely dangerous. Lore has knelt with an arm going behind Data, pretending to lift his head more upright to examine his face. Then, even though unconscious, Data's face twitches. LORE (continuing) Notice? The same twitch, even when he's unconscious... I suspect that... 59 REVERSE CLOSE ANGLE On Data's back where Lore's hand, hidden from view, probes fingers toward the "switch" deep in Data's back. LORE (O.S.) ... something went seriously wrong during Lore's construction. 60 BACK TO SHOT LORE Stay back. We could have a problem if he senses someone else is near. (bringing android closer) Lore, I have some questions to ask you... Data's eyes flicker open, rolling about. 61 REVERSE ANGLE Again on Data's back -- Lore's fingers jabbing viciously at the "switch" area. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - ACT FIVE 48. 62 BACK TO SHOT Data's head begins to jerk about, then begins doing it more and more violently and he begins making PAINED SOUNDS -- then struggles as if to sit up, Lore pretending to hold him down. LORE Lore, it is Data. I have a few easy questions for you... (pretending to control Data) He senses you! (Data begins flailing) I'm sorry, I can't control him if you stay. Wesley is still uncertain, but Riker feels obliged to obey Picard's orders. He moves Wesley toward the door. Data is beginning to flail rather wildly. LORE Please! I'll record anything he says! RIKER And bring it to the bridge. Immediately! The cabin door IS OPENED as Riker GUIDES Wesley OUT. Then the doors CLOSE. Then, Lore releases Data who falls back prone and unconscious again. 63 ANOTHER ANGLE Lore still turned toward the door area, an ugly expression now on Lore's face. LORE And you want to be as stupid as them... ? Lore suddenly KICKS HARD at Data's head, knocking it violently aside. LORE (continuing) ... dear brother! He kicks again. Then again. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/27/87 - ACT FIVE 49. 64 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) where Riker and Wesley are moving back to their positions. PICARD Well, Number One? RIKER Sir, it's Lore... with the same facial twitch we've all seen... lying unconscious exactly as Data described. But he became violent, apparently sensing that Wesley and I were present... WESLEY (interrupting) Or is it Lore pretending to be Data, and faking it all? PICARD I asked for Commander Riker's report, "Acting Ensign" Crusher. And since it is now clear you are unable to function here within the limits of that appointment... Wesley has come to his feet expecting the worst but all is now interrupted: GEORDI Captain! Picard whirls at the sound of alarm in Geordi's voice... and sees that the huge crystal shape is rapidly MOVING IN toward the Enterprise. Reaching the deflector shields area, it is deflected back somewhat, but the smaller Enterprise is JOLTED MORE, SHAKING THE BRIDGE CREW ABOUT. TASHA Deflector shields holding, sir. PICARD (keeping voice calm) Bring photon torpedoes to ready; main phasers to ready... A flurry of activity from Tasha and Worf. Wesley has quickly seated himself again, checking his controls as the immense crystal shape now COMES AT THE ENTERPRISE HARDER. The SHAKING this time is HEAVIER, and WE BEGIN TO HEAR the SOUND OF STRUCTURAL STRAIN. Beverly COMES OUT of a turbolift, concerned. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - ACT FIVE 50. 64 CONTINUED: PICARD (continuing: to Riker) Go to Red Alert, please. Riker hits a control and the ALERT SIGNAL begins HONKING, the RED LIGHTS begin FLASHING. And Lore, still in Data's uniform, COMES OUT of a turbolift on the run. WORF (raising voice over it) Weapons now ready, sir! LORE No, Captain, let me talk to it... PICARD (interrupting) Why didn't you say you could? Interrupted by the CRYSTAL SHAPE COMING at the Enterprise still HARDER, with STRUCTURAL STRAIN HEARD MUCH LOUDER this time. The shaking makes Lore grab support as: PICARD (continuing) Affirmative! Talk to it! LORE (whirling to Tasha) Open hailing frequencies! (as she hits switch) Crystal Form, I identify myself as "Data," advising you to stop your attack. The humans here are powerful, capable of injuring or even destroying you. They can be changed only in other ways. The crystal shape stops, begins to BACK OFF from the Enterprise, taking its earlier position. GEORDI Now I call that communicating. WORF But he mentioned "changing us," Captain. What does that mean? Wesley looks back toward Worf thankfully. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/29/87 - ACT FIVE 51. 64 CONTINUED: (2) LORE It has many meanings, as any human language dictionary could inform you. (to Picard) Suggest moving fast to confirm what I told it, sir. Permission to use the large transporter in Cargo Room Three? There I can beam out some living pattern, perhaps a large tree... RIKER Which you'll beam over next to the entity... LORE You are correct, Riker. (to Picard) Our ship's phasers will then blast and disintegrate it... proving we're dangerous. PICARD Make it so! LORE Sir? Which brings a slight change of expression onto Picard's features. PICARD Do it! Lore EXITS via turbolift. Wesley has come to his feet, protesting. WESLEY Sir, I know this may finish me as an acting ensign, but... PICARD Shut up, Wesley. (turning) Lieutenant Yar, pick a good security team, let me know what he does. Yar turns to Worf, silently requesting him to handle it. Worf gives a brisk "Aye, sir," EXITING via turbolift. Beverly has been watching Picard, troubled. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - ACT FIVE 52. 64 CONTINUED: (3) BEVERLY "Shut up, Wesley?" PICARD Stay out of this, Madam... WESLEY Since I am finished here, Captain, may I point out... ? BEVERLY Shut up, Wesley! WESLEY (still to Picard) ... that what I've said would have been listened to if it came from an adult officer. Request permission to return to my quarters, sir. PICARD Granted, if you take your mother with you. BEVERLY (flaring) You're putting me off the bridge? PICARD I'm asking that you keep an eye on your son during this, Doctor. WESLEY Please, Mom. Let's go. A hesitant Beverly lets Wesley accompany her to a turbolift. 65 INT. CORRIDOR where Worf and two Security People hurry toward a turbolift door there. It OPENS... REVEALING Lore waiting there. Worf REACTS, quickly steps toward Lore. LORE Emergency close! Causing the turbolift doors to CLOSE in the face of the Security People. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/29/87 - ACT FIVE 53. 66 INT. TURBOLIFT Worf, alone with Lore in the small cab, whirls toward the android. LORE (continuing) Now show me your warrior fierceness. Worf draws his small phaser fast... and Lore chops it from his hand even faster. Worf pivots, his fist striking powerfully at Lore who moves very fast, deflects it and chops again at Worf, bringing a look of surprised pain to Worf's face. Like a windmill, Lore chops at Worf with one hand, then the next, then again with the other -- and WE SEE Worf's knees beginning to buckle. 67 OMITTED 68 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS with Data crumpled in a heap on the floor. No blood or bruises appear on an android, but the epidermal covering of his head is damaged, with pieces of it hanging down. WE HEAR a CHIME. Then a wait, then a MECHANICAL SOUND AT THE DOOR which slides open TO REVEAL Wesley there with Beverly who now has a major phaser on her belt. BEVERLY I'll look, but I should never have let you talk me into this... But Wesley presses ON INTO the room... then REACTS at what he finds. WESLEY It's Data, Mom. He's been hurt! Beverly COMES IN too, kneels at the utility-clad Form there. Then the facial twitch happens. Beverly looks up at Wesley, alarmed. WESLEY It's Data! For once will you trust me about something? Beverly looks questioningly at the unconscious android form. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/29/87 - ACT FIVE 54. 68 CONTINUED: WESLEY (continuing) You must know how much Starfleet means to me. But I'm finished unless you can help me. (touches her arm) I heard you know how to turn them on. Please? Beverly pulls away, starts to rise. BEVERLY No, this is very serious... WESLEY I know, Mom. So tell me again to "shut up, Wesley," and I will. BEVERLY You're being very unfair, Wesley... But Beverly still reaches to Data's back... then Data opens his eyes and sits upright, examining Beverly and Wesley. WESLEY Data, the Crystal Thing is outside close to the ship... and Lore is loose somewhere inside. Data comes to his feet. A loose piece of epidermal covering FLUTTERS to the floor, causing him to run a hand over his facial damage. BEVERLY How badly are you hurt... Data? DATA I will function sufficiently to stop Lore, Doctor... Wesley is already OUT the door. Beverly and Data hurry to FOLLOW. 69 INT. CORRIDOR TO CARGO THREE Data, Beverly, Wesley hurry to a small door marked "TRANSPORTER TECHNICIANS ONLY." STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/27/87 - ACT FIVE 55. 69 CONTINUED: DATA Whatever happens, it is important that you two stay away from him. Do not try to help me. Both Wesley and Beverly nod agreement. Data tries the door, it doesn't budge. Data gives an "I thought so" nod, turns to a panel next to the door, punches in a code... then easily pushes the door open. 70 INT. CARGO THREE TRANSPORTER ROOM The small door has led to the Transporter Control Area. Beyond past the large Transporter Platform are large cargo doors used for bringing bulky cargo items in and out. As Data, Beverly and Wesley ENTER, they stop, freeze as they hear: LORE (O.S.) Good, you understand perfectly so far. Next, I'll signal I'm about to transport something out... Data is now moving in quietly, motioning Doctor and son to stay back. 71 ANOTHER ANGLE Lore standing at a computer where Data can see him now. LORE (continuing) ... at which time the deflector shields will turn off for a moment, and if you move in at that time... Lore suddenly stops in mid-sentence, turns and looks directly at Data. Then, as if sensing someone else there, Lore steps unexpectedly to one side... sees Wesley and Beverly there. DATA How sad, dear brother. You have made me wish I were an only child. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - ACT FIVE 56. 71 CONTINUED: LORE (raising phaser) Then why this marvelous gift, my brother? The troublesome little man-child. (circling; to Wesley) Are you prepared for the kind of death you've earned, little man? This is too much for Beverly. She draws her major phaser, aiming it at Lore. BEVERLY If you take one step toward my son... Startled, Data takes his eyes off Lore for just a fraction of a second... enough for Lore to send Data spinning to where he blocks Beverly's aim. Wesley tries to move in to help but Lore has already chopped again at Data, spinning into Beverly, easily taking the phaser away from her. He makes a quick setting on it. Data is coming to his feet to attack Lore. LORE Ah, motherhood! (aims phaser at Wesley) Back off or I'll turn your little man into a torch! Frightened for Wesley, Beverly backs off. Lore makes another quick setting, holding phaser on Wesley. LORE I promise him exquisite pain unless you obey me too, dear brother. BEVERLY Move away, Data, please! Data backs off a few steps. LORE Do you see now the advantages of being completely human? (to Beverly) It includes kindness. I give you your life, Doctor. Go, quickly and I may not injure your son at all. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - 10/26/87 - ACT FIVE 57. 71 CONTINUED: (2) Beverly is willing to die if it helps her son. But leaving him this way? DATA I will stay with Wesley, Doctor. LORE Go! Or he'll be shrieking on the count of five. One... two... 72 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL & SPECIAL EFFECTS) Beverly panics, hurries toward the small door where they had entered. BEVERLY I'll bring help, Wesley. LORE Thank you for my human quality, Doctor Soong. (aiming phaser) Now a small payment for your son's misdeeds. LORE PHASERS BEVERLY, a BEAM which strikes her left arm in a FLASH OF FIRE. WESLEY Mom! Wesley turns, rushing at Lore... but Data reaches out, stopping Wesley and holding him immobile. Meanwhile, the PHASER BEAM has IGNITED Beverly's MEDICAL COAT which she must now tear away one-handed, opening the door the same way. As the EXITS, the door CLOSES but with Lore distracted with the door, Data leaps at him fast, shoving Wesley tumbling to safety. It is a vicious android battle, both using incredible speed and power. It SURGES OUT into the open room, toward the big transporter platform. 73 thru OMITTED 74 75 ANGLE ON WESLEY coming to his feet, alert to anything he can do to help Data. He moves toward the conflict. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/29/87 - ACT FIVE 58. 75 CONTINUED: DATA Stay back, Wesley! Help me some other way! Wesley backs off. Data and Lore in action that now SURGES toward the transporter platform. Wesley, desperately seeking some way to help, sees their direction of movement... turns quickly toward the transporter controls. Can this be it? 76 EMPHASIZING DATA AND LORE at the edge of the transporter platform. Data now sees where Wesley is standing -- he pretends to stumble, faking Lore in over him -- then surges up to his full height, tossing Lore onto the platform. DATA Wesley... now! 77 ANGLE ON WESLEY already moving the controls. 78 ANGLE EMPHASIZING LORE (OPTICAL) as he is beamed out into oblivion. 79 ANGLE ON SMALL DOOR as it is FORCED OPEN, Picard, Riker, Tasha, with an injured Beverly RUSH IN. Wesley rushes to his mother, worried about her injuries. WESLEY (to Picard) Lore's gone, sir, permanently! PICARD (to Beverly) Now that your son's safe, Doctor, report immediately to Sickbay. Riker has noticed something happening on the computer view screen. RIKER Captain... The crystal thing has begun to move away. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/27/87 - ACT FIVE 58A. 79A EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND CRYSTAL SHAPE (OPTICAL) as the crystal thing MOVES AWAY from the starship, accellerating, DISAPPEARING quickly into the distance. 79B INT. CARGO THREE TRANSPORTER ROOM as a figure, clothed like Lore, MOVES IN toward the Captain. As Picard looks him over, its face twitches. PICARD (continuing; beat; eyeing him) Data, get rid of that damned twitch! And put on a correct uniform. STAR TREK: "Datalore" - REV. 10/27/87 - ACT FIVE 59. 79B CONTINUED: DATA Yes, Captain. Data EXITS. PICARD And Ensign Crusher... (as Wesley HURRIES IN) ... are you able to return to duty now? WESLEY Yes, sir! PICARD Then do so! Let the bridge know all is well down here. Wesley HURRIES OFF too. Riker turns from another look at at the view screen. RIKER It's gone, sir. Without Lore, it had no way to reach us. PICARD (nods) And we're overdue for our computer refit. (beat) Number One, have you ever considered whether Data is more human, or less human than we want? RIKER (grins) I only wish we were as well balanced, sir. PICARD (beat; nods) Agreed! The two of them begin to EXIT. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END