STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Angel One" #40271-115 Written by Patrick Barry Directed by Michael Rhodes Copyright 1987 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. REVISED FINAL DRAFT NOVEMBER 9, 1987 STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Angel One" CAST PICARD BEATA RIKER TRENT BEVERLY ARIEL DATA RAMSEY TROI TASHA WORF Non-Speaking Roles GEORDI SEVERAL MALE SECRETARIES WESLEY TWO TALL WOMEN THREE MALE SURVIVORS FEMALE GUARDS Non-Speaking Roles TWO NATIVE WOMEN A BUDDY NATIVE MEN TRANSPORTER OPERATOR CREWMEMBERS STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Angel One" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE Main bridge Corridor ANGEL ONE (PLANET) Transporter Room Holodeck Door ANGEL ONE (SURFACE) Sickbay Doctor Crusher's Lab Captain's Ready Room Picard's Quarters ANGEL ONE Executive Office Great Hall Guest Quarters Hideout Holding Area STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Angel One" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - STARSHIP AND PLANET (OPTICAL) The Enterprise APPROACHES, bearing down as: PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 41636.9. As feared, our examination of the seven year overdue Federation freighter, Odin -- disabled by an asteroid collision -- revealed no survivors. 2 REVERSE ANGLE (OPTICAL) to show the Enterprise APPROACHING a GREEN PLANET. As the Enterprise slows to assume an orbit: PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) However, three escape pods were missing, suggesting the possibility of survivors... 3 INT. ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The Green Planet is featured on the Main Viewer. PICARD, GEORDI, DATA, RIKER, TASHA and TROI at their stations. GEORDI Ready to begin orbit of Angel One, Captain. PICARD Make it so, Mister La Forge. What kind of place is this, Data? STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - TEASER 2. 3 CONTINUED: DATA Angel One is a class M planet, supporting carbon-based flora and fauna, sparsely populated with intelligent life forms... similar in technological development to mid-twentieth-century Earth. GEORDI Just like being marooned at home. RIKER Assuming any survivors made it this far. Admittedly, it's the closest planet to the Odin. But the distance we've traveled in the past two days at warp one would've taken the Odin escape pods five months. DATA Five months, fourteen days, eleven hours, two minutes -- RIKER Thank you, Data. DATA -- and fifty-seven seconds. During this, Tasha reacts to a display at her station. TASHA Captain, we're receiving an audio signal from Angel One. PICARD Starfleet was quite adamant that we maintain excellent diplomatic relations with this planet. Any other pertinent information before we reply, Mister Data? Their form of government would be a logical starting place. DATA Angel One has evolved into a constitutional oligarchy. It is governed by a parliamentary body consisting of six elected Mistresses, and headed by a female they refer to as "The Elected One." STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: (2) TROI It sounds very much like my own planet. WORF (aside to Data) Klingons appreciate strong women. RIKER How current is your information, Data? DATA A Federation vessel last visited this planet sixty-two years ago, Captain. PICARD Except, let us hope, for the Odin escape pods. (then:) Since this is a female-dominated society, it might be more prudent if you made the initial contact, Counselor. TROI (nods, and:) Please open hailing frequencies. TASHA Hailing frequencies open. TROI This is Counselor Deanna Troi of the USS Enterprise. FEMALE'S COM VOICE I am Beata, The Elected One. How may we assist you, Counselor? TROI The Federation has neglected a visit to your planet for far too long. With your permission, we would like to correct that oversight. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - TEASER 4. 3 CONTINUED: (3) BEATA'S COM VOICE We feel in no way neglected, Counselor. A diplomatic courtesy call is neither expected nor required. REACTIONS at lack of hospitality. Troi pushes on: TROI We also come in search of possible survivors from one of our freighters. BEATA'S COM VOICE A brief visit will be tolerated. CLICK. TASHA They've broken off transmission. GEORDI Ever feel like you're not really wanted? PICARD That's their prerogative, Lieutenant. (then:) Prepare the away team, Number One. RIKER Aye, aye, sir. As Riker, Data, Troi and Tasha stand down, heading toward the turbolift, Picard returns his attention to the green planet on his Main Viewer. 4 INT. ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR WESLEY and a BUDDY converge on the Holodeck entrance. As WE FOLLOW this excited twosome, WE PICK UP Riker (carrying a METALLIC BOX) Troi, Data and Tasha APPROACHING from the opposite direction. RIKER Where're you boys off to? STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - TEASER 5. 4 CONTINUED: WESLEY Skiing, sir. Our instructor has us scheduled for the Swiss Alps, sir. RIKER Save us some deep powder. WESLEY No problem, sir. The Holodeck has all you'll ever need. All enjoy the enthusiasm of the boys as they HURRY INTO the Holodeck. 5 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Picard and a transporter operator at the console as the away team ENTERS. RIKER The away team is ready, Captain. PICARD Angel One's position in this quadrant may become strategically vital. The hope at Starfleet is that some day this planet could become a part of the Federation. RIKER We'll try to make a good impression, Captain. Riker, Troi, Tasha and Data take their places on the Transporter pad. PICARD Energize! The operator does. TRANSPORTER EFFECT. Then: 6 EXT. ANGEL ONE - DAY - ESTABLISH (OPTICAL) Lush vegetation surrounded by high-tech architecture. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - TEASER 6. 7 INT. ANGEL ONE EXECUTIVE OFFICE - DAY Steel and glass and concrete, with all the trappings of a Presidential Suite. The Elected One, BEATA, sits behind a huge desk. Dressed in utilitarian fashion, the woman is still very attractive. Hovering over her is TRENT, her personal secretary. He's shorter in stature, much more frail than Beata (as are all the men of this planet). In contrast to his boss, he's dressed in bright colors. Beata is busy scanning and signing papers that Trent places in front of her, when: 8 ANGLE - THE DOOR Another male secretary shows Troi, Data, Tasha and Riker INTO the office, then WITHDRAWS. They stand before the desk, waiting. 9 FULL SHOT Beata lets our away team "learn their place" as she continues to ignore them, studying documents, etc. BEATA See that these matters are handled immediately. TRENT As you wish, Mistress. He takes the papers, HURRIES OUT. Finally, Beata focuses on the away team. BEATA I am Beata, The Elected One of Angel One. TROI Mistress Beata, I am Counselor Troi. (refers to metal box) We've brought you a small token of our goodwill. Beata eyes the metal box... eyes Riker. BEATA My cooperation is not for sale, Counselor. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - TEASER 7. 9 CONTINUED: TROI We didn't mean to imply that it was, Mistress. (beat, and:) Out of respect to your wishes that we keep our visit brief, perhaps you would like to address the issue of survivors immediately. BEATA (curtly) Immediately -- but not impetuously. You will present your case. She rises. This woman is as tall as Riker. BEATA (continuing) Until I am certain of your intentions, I know of no such survivors. And on this unexpected twist, we: FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT ONE 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: 10 EXT. ANGEL ONE - DAY - ESTABLISH (OPTICAL) 11 INT. GREAT HALL - DAY Steel, glass and smooth concrete softened by dripping ferns and draped sheers. The outer doors swing open and IN STRIDES our away team. Riker still carries the metal box. 12 ANOTHER ANGLE TO REVEAL the occupants. A large U-shaped table dominates the room. At the top of the U is Beata. Trent stands behind off one shoulder. The flanking sides of the table are occupied by three (tall) WOMEN to each side, one of whom will be identified as ARIEL. Several other male secretaries are in attendance along the perimeter of the table. BEATA Representatives of the Starship Enterprise -- do you wish to petition the Parliament of Angel One? TROI We do. We have reason to hope that survivors from a damaged Federation freighter may be marooned on your planet. We are seeking to learn if this is so. General stoicism from the Parliamentarians. Except for Ariel who displays particular interest. Suspiciously: BEATA Even a planet as remote as Angel One has heard of Starfleet. Searching the galaxy for survivors seems a petty task for one of their mighty vessels. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT ONE 9. 12 CONTINUED: RIKER We don't consider even one survivor petty. BEATA (to Troi, offended) Is this man suggesting that we place a lesser value on life than you do? TROI Not at all. Troi looks to Riker for encouragement. He nods for her to continue. TROI (continuing) Our discovery of the abandoned freighter was an accident, Mistress Beata. We have a duty to investigate. BEATA I see. And if you were to find survivors? What then? TROI We will take them with us. See that they are reunited with their families. Ariel reacts to this, her concern evident. ARIEL Mistress Beata... ? BEATA Yes, Ariel? ARIEL Are we to take these strangers at their word? BEATA A good question. TASHA What reason could we possibly have to deceive you? STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT ONE 10. 12 CONTINUED: (2) BEATA Another good question. RIKER Are there survivors from the freighter Odin on this planet? BEATA After we discuss that matter, we'll let you know. What the hell kind of answer is that? Before it can be pursued: BEATA (continuing; to Trent) See to their comforts. Trent leaves his place near the seat of power to escort the away team from the Great Hall. 13 INT. ANGEL ONE GUEST QUARTERS - DAY As plush as the Great Hall, consisting of common area with doors leading to separate sleeping cubicles. The main door OPENS -- Trent LEADS the away team IN. TRENT You will remain here until summoned. Trent EXITS. Tasha removes a tricorder, checks the area. As Riker places the metal box on a side table: RIKER Are we able to talk? Is the area secure? TASHA Yes. Tricorder doesn't show any listening devices or anything else of a threatening nature RIKER Good. Troi? TROI There was much fear in that room. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT ONE 11. 13 CONTINUED: RIKER Paranoia, if you ask me. But of what? TROI I cannot say. Nor do I feel their fear was focused. I sensed that all were not concerned for the same reason. RIKER Data? DATA There are undoubtedly survivors from the Odin on this planet, Commander. RIKER I agree. Otherwise, why would they be so circumspect? TASHA As the Mistress Beata is so fond of saying -- good question. DATA What do we do if they elect to deny the existence of any survivors? RIKER Let's not look for problems. But of course, that's what they are all trained to do. 14 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship continues to orbit Angel One. 15 INT. ENTERPRISE - CORRIDOR NEAR HOLODECK Picard and WORF are walking down the hallway. PICARD I want all departments prepared for a warp six trip to the Neutral Zone as soon as the away team completes its mission. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT ONE 12. 15 CONTINUED: WORF Trouble, Captain? PICARD Insurance. Romulan battlecruisers have been detected near one of our border posts. They've requested assistance as soon as we are available. Without warning, Picard is hit squarely on the cheek by a SNOWBALL. He stops cold. 16 REVERSE - OPEN HOLODECK DOOR A laughing Wesley comes TUMBLING OUT, smashing into Worf as he avoids the pursuit of his buddy. Both skid to a shocked halt at sight of Picard. WESLEY Captain Picard! Picard wipes the snow from his face. The boys, soaking wet themselves, cringe. PICARD Report, Mister Crusher. WESLEY We, ah, finished our ski lesson, sir... and it kinda just happened, sir. PICARD On the Enterprise, Mister Crusher, nothing "just happens." (distracted) What is that smell? WORF (sniffs, and:) Hmm, yes... slightly reminiscent of Night-Blooming Throgni, Captain. From home. (deep breath) Quite stimulating, wouldn't you say? STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT ONE 13. 16 CONTINUED: PICARD No. Wesley tries to smell, but no luck. He glances at his Buddy who shrugs. WESLEY I can't smell anything. I'm a little congested... PICARD Don't let this "just happen" again, Mister Crusher. WESLEY (snapping to) Yes, sir!! As the boys wheel and MARCH/RUN OFF, Worf catches Picard with the hint of a smile. Shaking it off, the two men continue on. 17 INT. ANGEL ONE GUEST QUARTERS - DAY Tasha pacing; Troi and Riker sitting; Data examining knickknacks. Data's attention falls on an atomizer. Squeezing the ball, he gets a face full of mist. Sniffs: DATA Interesting. An alcohol-based synthetic, artificially reproducing a floral scent. TROI It is called perfume, Data. DATA The purpose of which is... ? TASHA Certain cultures consider perfume an aphrodisiac. DATA I am unfamiliar with that term. RIKER An aphrodisiac is something designed to stimulate or enhance sexual pleasure. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT ONE 14. 17 CONTINUED: DATA How does stimulation of the olfactory nerve affect the enjoyment of sex? All look to the other to field this one. They are saved by the door. Trent ENTERS. TRENT The Elected One will see you now. He stands aside so that Riker, Tasha and Troi can EXIT. Data brings up the rear, putting the atomizer down as he EXITS. Trent picks up the atomizer, sprays himself, enjoys the scent a moment before FOLLOWING. 18 INT. GREAT HALL - DAY CLOSE ON Beata. BEATA You claim you intend to remove these survivors from our planet. Are you prepared to give us your solemn word on that? 19 REVERSE ON OUR AWAY TEAM standing as before. TROI We are. 20 FULL SHOT Parliament in full session as before. BEATA You should know that the vote was not unanimous. Some among us are suspicious. 21 ARIEL to name one.  STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT ONE 15. 22 BACK TO SCENE BEATA Yet, the majority feel that we have no choice but to trust you. RIKER We don't understand the source of your misgivings, Mistress, but we appreciate your faith in us. BEATA (sharply) Make certain that our faith has not been misplaced. (then:) There are four survivors from the ship you call the Odin. All male. Their leader is a man who calls himself Ramsey. RIKER If you'll bring these men to us, we'll have them off your planet immediately. BEATA If they were mine to deliver, I would do so without hesitation. Unfortunately, their hiding place has long eluded us. TASHA Hiding place? Why are they in hiding? BEATA Because they are fugitives on Angel One! And the sooner we are rid of them, the better! (calming down) When these men arrived seven years ago, they accepted our hospitality quickly enough. But gradually, they grew restive. Making unreasonable demands, going against the natural order -- there seemed to be no end to the trouble they created. TROI Using the technology of the Enterprise, we might be able to find these men. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT ONE 16. 22 CONTINUED: BEATA I assumed as much. But be warned, Counselor -- (beat, and:) -- these men are dangerous. Our away team members exchange a look -- what have they stepped in this time? And on this, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT TWO 17. ACT TWO FADE IN: 23 EXT. SPACE - STARSHIP (OPTICAL) The Enterprise continues its silent orbit. 24 INT. ENTERPRISE - SICKBAY BEVERLY administers hypo shots to Wesley's buddy who is laid out on a bed next to Wesley as: WESLEY (suffering) This is worse than Hesperan Thumping Cough. What is it, Mom? BEVERLY You and your friend probably picked up something on the Quazulu Eight field trip last week. Whatever it is may have been activated by your exposure to the cold ski environment of the Holodeck. WESLEY But the transporter biofilter is supposed to kill stuff like that. Beverly has moved to stand at his side, checking his vital signs with an instrument. BEVERLY If this is our first contact, it wouldn't have been programmed into the biofilter computer yet. WESLEY (getting sleepy) Mom... And he's asleep. Beverly gives in to the out-dated, yet motherly hand-to-Wesley's-forehead-checking-for-fever, tucks him in. FOLLOW AS she CROSSES to her LAB AREA. The work space already shows the CLUTTER of her search for answers to this illness. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT TWO 18. 24 CONTINUED: Activating her com: BEVERLY Sickbay to Captain Picard. 25 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (INTERCUT AS DESIRED) Geordi and Worf at their stations as: PICARD Picard here. BEVERLY Wesley and one of his friends have contracted some form of respiratory ailment -- most likely a viral infection. PICARD Is it contained? BEVERLY I believe so. I've isolated the twelve students who were on the field trip where I believe the problem began. PICARD How contagious is it? BEVERLY Unknown. Nor do I have a clue as to how it's transmitted. PICARD Please stay with it, Doctor. Starfleet has important business for us as soon as the away team returns. I don't relish having my crew infected. BEVERLY At the moment, my only suggestion is that all crew avoid any cold-weather Holodeck simulations until further notice. Picard rubs his neck, trying to ease the stiffness. His voice betrays a trace of irritation: STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT TWO 19. 25 CONTINUED: PICARD Agreed. And keep me advised. Damn that stiffness! 26 REVERSE ANGLE (OPTICAL) Picard, rubbing his neck, glances toward the Main Viewer, the Green Planet below. 27 INT. ANGEL ONE GREAT HALL - NIGHT Away team present. Beata and her Parliamentarians listen as: RIKER Data, how can we best go about finding Mister Ramsey and the other survivors? DATA Assuming the survivors have retained some remnants of their lives aboard the Odin, we might not have a difficult task. If we can isolate something unique to the survivors -- perhaps an element not otherwise found on Angel One -- we can utilize the Enterprise scanners. RIKER (to Beata) Mister Data will need access to your library. BEATA Our library is far too sophisticated for a man to comprehend. DATA I am an android, Mistress, though anatomically, I am a fully functioning male. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT TWO 20. 27 CONTINUED: BEATA An amusing notion. Perhaps you could teach our males a thing or two. (with a look) Trent -- see to the android's needs. Trent nods, LEADS Data from the room. To the team: BEATA Do not forget your promise. Without another word, Beata, and then the other women, rise and LEAVE. 28 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) In orbit. 29 INT. ENTERPRISE - MAIN BRIDGE Worf, Geordi and others. Worf on the com: WORF Bridge to Captain Picard. PICARD'S COM VOICE Go ahead, Lieutenant. WORF The away team has requested that we scan the planet surface for traces of platinum. PICARD'S COM VOICE Have Mister La Forge break fixed orbit and initiate a search pattern. WORF Aye, Captain. (and:) Geordi. GEORDI Search pattern initiated now. Punctuated by the appropriate button pushing. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT TWO 21. 30 INT. ENTERPRISE - CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM Beverly hovers over Picard with a medical tricorder. PICARD This is all quite unnecessary, Doctor. (suppressing the pain) I'm merely fatigued. Beverly reads the tricorder, shakes her head. BEVERLY Because you are very ill, Captain. You have the virus. (in full stature) Captain, in my opinion, you are no longer physically able to effectively command this vessel. PICARD Don't be ridiculous, Doctor. I've got an away team down there, in less-than-friendly territory, not to mention an appointment with the several Romulan battlecruisers... BEVERLY You have an appointment in your cabin, Captain. With your bed. PICARD Is that an order? BEVERLY Yes. She's as stern as she can be. He relents. PICARD I guess I'm better at giving orders than taking them. She smiles. He shivers. 31 INT. ENTERPRISE - MAIN BRIDGE Geordi and Worf at their stations. WORF (stuffy nose) I think I may sneeze... STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT TWO 22. 31 CONTINUED: GEORDI A Klingon sneeze?! WORF Only kind I know. Geordi's dread is short-lived as Picard, walking unsteadily, ENTERS the bridge, FOLLOWED by Beverly. Every eye sneaks a look. Pausing at the turbolift, he turns to Geordi: PICARD Lieutenant La Forge -- you have command until further notice. Please make the proper entries in the ship's log. GEORDI Aye, sir. Picard and Beverly ENTER the turbolift; doors CLOSE. Geordi's concern for Picard is tempered by the supreme pleasure he feels as he experiments with the fit of the command chair. Worf glances at his scanner display: WORF Scanners indicate a platinum trace. Should I notify the away team? GEORDI Make it so. Worf stares and shakes his head in reaction. Even Geordi can't believe he said that. The command chair seems to fit Geordi like a glove. 32 INT. ANGEL ONE GUEST QUARTERS - NIGHT Riker, Trent with him as escort, stands before Beata who is seated at her desk. Ariel is also present, her business with Beata suspended by: RIKER The Enterprise reports a possible location for Mister Ramsey and the other survivors. BEATA So soon? I'm impressed with your haste. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT TWO 23. 32 CONTINUED: ARIEL I am suspicious of it. BEATA You've had your opportunity to object, Ariel. You were in the minority. ARIEL Excuse me, Mistress. I have matters to attend to elsewhere. Giving the away team a final look, she EXITS. And: RIKER With your permission, we'd like to begin our search immediately. BEATA By all means. (rising) But I'm sure that Counselor Troi and the others can do that without you. (off his reaction) If I recall, you had a gesture of goodwill you wished to give me... ? RIKER That can certainly wait until we've recovered the survivors. BEATA Are you suggesting that the women in your party are incapable of performing this task without the help of a man? RIKER Not at all. Lieutenant Yar and Counselor Troi are completely qualified. BEATA (sarcastically) How generous you are with your praise. (an order) Inform them you will remain here with me. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT TWO 24. 32 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER (a beat) Riker to Lieutenant Yar. 33 INT. GUEST QUARTERS (INTERCUT AS DESIRED) Data, Troi and Tasha standing by. TASHA This is Yar. RIKER Tasha - you'll be leading the team without me. TASHA (puzzled) Commander... ? RIKER In the interest of diplomatic relations, I'll remain with Mistress Beata while you conduct your search. TASHA Certainly, sir. (END INTERCUT) Beata indicates a chair. BEATA Relax. We have much to discuss. Riker sits. 34 INT. GUEST QUARTERS - NIGHT (OPTICAL) TASHA Set phasers to stun. Data and Tasha do. TROI Is that really necessary? DATA A justified precaution, Counselor. Mistress Beata observed that Mister Ramsey and his men were dangerous. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT TWO 25. 34 CONTINUED: TASHA (into Com) Lieutenant Yar to Enterprise. GEORDI'S COM VOICE Go ahead, Tasha. TASHA Three to beam to the location of that platinum trace, Geordi. GEORDI'S COM VOICE Coordinates set. TASHA Energize! Tasha, Data and Troi DEMATERIALIZE. 35 INT. HIDEOUT - NIGHT (OPTICAL) Primitive by the standards we've grown accustomed to on Angel One, but comfortable communal housing nevertheless. Data, Troi and Tasha MATERIALIZE, phasers at the ready. But their vigilance seems the product of over-training as they REACT to the sight of: 36 RAMSEY relaxing in a chair. He smiles at the away team. RAMSEY Welcome. I've been expecting you. And, on the away team's REACTIONS to this unexpectedly benign threat, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT THREE 26. ACT THREE FADE IN: 37 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) In orbit. 38 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Geordi at Command; Worf at his station. Other crewmembers are scattered about. PICARD'S COM VOICE Picard to bridge. Worf lets go a SNEEZE that packs a wallop. WORF Pardon me. GEORDI La Forge here, Captain. 39 INT. PICARD'S QUARTERS (INTERCUT AS NEEDED) Drawn, weary, listless, Picard huddles under a blanket as he tries to sit at his desk. The man is incredibly ill, his speech halting, broken by coughs and shivers. PICARD Status report, please. GEORDI Eighty-two more reported cases of the virus, sir. Doctor Crusher has converted the Holodeck into an isolation ward. PICARD And the -- He's suddenly overcome with a terrible COUGH, making further speech impossible. As it calms: PICARD (continuing) -- away team? STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT THREE 27. 39 CONTINUED: GEORDI No recent contact, Captain. But I've informed them of the medical situation up here and the growing Romulan threat to our Neutral Zone outpost. PICARD Keep me-- (coughs) --advised. You'll have the bridge until Commander Riker returns. With great effort, Picard drags himself away from his desk, finally collapsing onto his bunk. 40 ANGLE FAVORING WORF referring to his console at the conn. WORF (congested) Engineering reports a computer malf... ... The rest of which is lost in another Klingon SNEEZE. WORF (continuing) Sorry, I'm... getting sick. GEORDI I'm sure half the ship knows that by now. Report to Sickbay. As Worf struggles to his feet, the Com crackles: ENGINEERING'S COM VOICE Engineering to bridge. GEORDI La Forge here. ENGINEERING'S COM VOICE Sir, the computer won't accept the variant climate controls Doctor Crusher wants in the quarantine areas. GEORDI I'm on my way. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT THREE 28. 40 CONTINUED: Worf, on his way to the turbolift, (and struggling against the urge to sneeze), stops Geordi with a hand to his shoulder. WORF With all respect, Lieutenant, there are other people to do that job now. Geordi sees the wisdom of this, presses the Com: GEORDI bridge to Engineering. Lieutenant Wong knows the system. I'm sure she'll be able to resolve all problems. ENGINEERING'S COM VOICE I'll ask her to look at it right away, sir. GEORDI Worf... Stopping in the Lift, Worf turns back to face Geordi. GEORDI (continuing) Thanks for the advice. Worf nods. But he can't speak because another sneeze is on the way. The turbolift doors CLOSE just in time as the SNEEZE explodes. 41 INT. ANGEL ONE HIDEOUT - NIGHT Ramsey, a large, pleasant man, pours drinks for the away team. He's dressed in a subdued version of the male native dress. TROI We haven't much time, Mister Ramsey. The Enterprise has urgent business elsewhere. RAMSEY Certainly we have time for a drink. Troi and Tasha take the offered drinks. He raises his in silent toast, takes a sip, and: STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT THREE 29. 41 CONTINUED: RAMSEY (continuing) How did you find me? DATA Actually, it was quite simple. I accessed all possible elements available to the crew of the Odin, cross-referenced those to elements endemic to Angel One, then eliminated the common denominators. Angel One has no platinum. Enterprise scanners did the rest. RAMSEY Platinum, was it? Ramsey pulls a PENDANT on a CHAIN from around his neck INTO VIEW. RAMSEY (continuing) My wings. I kept them for their sentimental value. TASHA Where are the other survivors, Mister Ramsey? RAMSEY Oh, they're nearby. Packing, as a matter of fact, since we can no longer remain here. As the unofficial leader of our little group, I've been chosen to speak for us all. TROI Marooned seven years on an alien planet. Rather than excitement or anticipation at being rescued, I sense a feeling of calm in you. RAMSEY What is it you think you're rescuing me from? My shipmates and I have all taken wives. A few even have children. You can't "rescue" a man from the place he calls his home. Home? This is getting more complicated by the moment. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT THREE 30. 42 INT. EXECUTIVE OFFICE - NIGHT Trent is no longer in the room. Beata and Riker, seated comfortably on a lounge, each have a drink. RIKER ... Why were you so hesitant at first to tell us about the Odin survivors? BEATA Simply because Ramsey and his men are anarchists. Tampering with the laws of nature. Obsessed with spreading untruths, and encouraging dissent among our people. I had to be certain you weren't here to fuel their struggle. RIKER It's not our place to interfere in the domestic affairs of other societies. BEATA Not you, perhaps, because you understand a man's place. But Ramsey is not so well-mannered. (shakes her head) Sometimes I fear that it is actually the men who are the clever ones, enjoying all that life has to offer while we women devote ourselves to the drudgery of making life work. RIKER In our society, men and women share equally in all that life has to offer. BEATA Don't misunderstand me, Riker. I'd be the last to imply that men are in any way inferior to women. But, after all, men are... men -- with a natural place in the scheme of things. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT THREE 31. 42 CONTINUED: RIKER (amused) We gave up those distinctions centuries ago. In our world, equality among the sexes is so well established, we no longer consider it an issue. BEATA (humoring him) You deny that differences exist between men and women? RIKER We not only acknowledge the differences. We delight in them. The mood is growing a bit more seductive. BEATA That's so like a man. So emotional. What would we do without you... ? A question she is about to answer with a kiss. But the moment is cut short by a NOISE o.s. Both REACT to: 43 ANGLE - TRENT ENTERING with the metallic box. Taking the box: RIKER Thank you, Trent. Trent continues to stand. Dismissing him: BEATA You may go. Reluctantly, Trent EXITS. Riker offers Beata the metallic box. RIKER With compliments of the USS Enterprise. Their hands linger at the touch before Riker finally pulls his away. Beata opens the box and withdraws a large, clear, octagonal CRYSTAL. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT THREE 32. 43 CONTINUED: RIKER It's called an Albeni meditation crystal. Riker removes a small striking bar from the box, taps the crystal. It comes to life, producing a warm GOLDEN GLOW and accompanying resonant HUM. BEATA Very impressive. Riker puts his hand over the crystal to turn it off. Beata covers his hand with her own. There's a lot of heat between these two, and it's no secret. BEATA (continuing) And now, of course, I must repay you in kind. She leans to kiss Riker. He submits. Willingly. 44 INT. HIDEOUT - NIGHT Ramsey paces the small place, the away team watching, listening to: RAMSEY ... Five months in a rescue pod no bigger than this room is an eternity I hope none of you ever have to face. When we finally made it here, we all thought we'd died and gone to heaven. You've seen the women of the planet -- tall and strong and lovely. Shakes his head, remembering his moment of realization: RAMSEY (continuing) But once the newness wore off, we started to see how men on this planet were treated. No vote, no opinions... no respect. TASHA None of which is any longer your concern, Mister Ramsey. Call the others in, please. It's time to leave. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT THREE 33. 44 CONTINUED: RAMSEY Despite its problems, Lieutenant, we like it here on Angel One. (simply) We're not going anywhere. TROI But Mistress Beata -- RAMSEY (overlapping) Mistress Beata be damned! Her wish is not my command. And neither is yours. You can't force us to go. DATA Mister Ramsey is correct, Counselor. The Odin was not a starship, which means its crew is not bound by the Prime Directive. If he and the other survivors wish to stay here, there is absolutely nothing we can do. Tasha and Troi exchange a look, a shrug. 45 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE in orbit. 46 INT. SICKBAY SHOOTING from the lab area, WE CAN SEE the room is overflowing with beds of sick crewmembers. A line of newly infected has formed in the doorway. Beverly is busy with her research when: GEORDI'S COM VOICE Bridge to Sickbay -- how are you Doing, Doctor? BEVERLY (into Com) We have more sick than we do beds. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT THREE 34. 47 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (INTERCUT AS REQUIRED) Geordi, nursing a stiff neck of his own, listens: BEVERLY I've been forced to confine over three hundred to their private quarters. GEORDI We're going to be seriously undermanned if we're forced to engage the Romulans in battle. BEVERLY The Romulans are your problem, Lieutenant. Trying to find an innoculant is mine. This virus mutates every twenty minutes. On the positive side, the virus is debilitating -- but so far we haven't had any fatalities. GEORDI If this continues, there'll be no one left to run the ship. BEVERLY If it continues, no one will be healthy enough to care. (END INTERCUT) Geordi surveys his undermanned bridge. If anything, his neck seems even stiffer. TASHA'S COM VOICE Lieutenant Yar to Enterprise. GEORDI (activating Com) Enterprise, go ahead. 48 INT. ANGEL ONE HIDEOUT - NIGHT (OPTICAL) Data and Troi standing by. Ramsey watching. TASHA Prepare to beam three back to our previous location, Geordi. After we regroup with Commander Riker, we'll return to the ship. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT THREE 35. 48 CONTINUED: GEORDI'S COM VOICE Suggest you make that on the double. We have a real medical emergency brewing up here. A third of the crew is down. And the latest report from the Neutral Zone outpost is that more Romulan battlecrusiers are entering the area. TASHA I'll inform the commander. (then, to Ramsey) One thing before we go. You said you were expecting us. Why? RAMSEY I'm sorry. I can't tell you. The away team accepts this. TROI We wish you well, Mister Ramsey. TASHA (into Com) Energize! Our away team DEMATERIALIZES. Beat. Ramsey goes to a door, opens it, speaking off: RAMSEY They are gone. Beat. OUT steps Ariel. They embrace. 49 INT. EXECUTIVE OFFICE - NIGHT CLOSE ON the Albeni mediation crystal. Beata's hand reaches INTO FRAME, taps the crystal with the striking bar. It GLOWS, HUMS. PAN off the crystal to the lounge where Riker and Beata are wrapped in each other's arms. There are caresses and kisses as counterpoint to: BEATA It is such a refreshing change to be with a man who knows what he wants. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT THREE 36. 49 CONTINUED: RIKER You mean without a woman having to tell him? BEATA Exactly! I knew you were bright enough to understand. Women, by our very nature, want only what is best for their men. RIKER Men are not objects to be possessed, Mistress Beata. BEATA (humoring him) Of course they're not. It was merely a figure of speech. A BELL o.s. The kiss continues. Another BELL. Angered by the interruption, Beata reaches out to quiet the Albeni crystal before sharply calling off: BEATA Enter. 50 ANOTHER ANGLE as Trent ENTERS the chamber. "Don't kill the messenger" is practically stamped on his forehead. BEATA Why do you bother me? TRENT Forgive the disturbance, Elected One... BEATA (to Riker) I expect so little from this sorry excuse for a man. Perhaps even that much is too much... She is on her feet, charging the smaller man. BEATA (continuing) What is so important you find it necessary to intrude on my privacy? STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT THREE 37. 50 CONTINUED: TRENT They have returned, Mistress. But without Ramsey or the others. Trent motions off, and IN WALK Data, Tasha and Troi. Riker rises on their entrance. BEATA Your advanced technology has proven inadequate? Rather than answer her, the away team turns to Riker. RIKER What happened, Troi? TROI Mister Ramsey and the other survivors refuse to leave. BEATA But you promised! RIKER (considers, and:) I'm sorry. There's nothing else we can do. BEATA I am sorry as well. She moves to sit behind her desk. BEATA (continuing) Since you refuse to take them with you, I am left with no choice... but to sentence them all to death. On Riker's REACTION, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT FOUR 38. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 51 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Everything normal on the outside. 52 INT. ENTERPRISE - PICARD'S QUARTERS Still in bed; still very sick. Door CHIME. Weakly: PICARD Enter. Beverly, a thermos-like container in hand, ENTERS. Picard makes no pretense of health as he shivers under his blankets. Beverly squirts a serving of green liquid into a cup. He's too weak to take the cup. She lifts his head, holding the cup to his lips. He resists. BEVERLY It looks horrible, tastes worse -- but it's absolutely guaranteed to make you feel better. Picard gulps, nearly choking on a mouthful of the foul brew. He sputters, growls, twisting up his face. BEVERLY (continuing) Knew you'd like it. (smells) New cologne? PICARD (coughs, groans) Same... you gave me last birthday. BEVERLY Uh-uh, different. Like something I smelled earlier. Something... I don't know... like a flower I remember. Something Klingon, I think. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT FOUR 39. 52 CONTINUED: PICARD Lieutenant Worf and I... detected a similar scent when we bumped into... your son at the Holodeck. BEVERLY (lightbulb!) It's that smell! That must be how the virus travels! (working it out:) An airborne microbe whose sweet scent inspires deep inhalation... (bingo!) ... And once inside the body, becomes this damned virus! (quickly) I have a great deal of work to do. She's GONE in a rush. On the closed door, a feeble: PICARD You are excused, Doctor. He falls back into his pillows to sleep. 53 EXT. ANGEL ONE - NIGHT - ESTABLISH (OPTICAL) 54 INT. ANGEL ONE GREAT HALL - NIGHT Riker, Tasha and Troi are joined by Data RETURNING from a quiet corner of the hall. Except for our away team, only Trent and a female guard are standing by to make sure no one steals the paperclips. In hushed voices: RIKER What's the latest on the Enterprise's medical situation? DATA Doctor Crusher feels the virus will undoubtedly run unchecked through the entire ship's contingent. Attempts to develop an innoculant have so far ended in failure. Lieutenant La Forge still has the Conn pending your return. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT FOUR 40. 54 CONTINUED: RIKER What about the Romulans in the Neutral Zone? DATA The border outpost reports a contingent of seven Romulan battlecruisers within sensor range. The USS Berlin has answered their distress call, and is standing by. However, should hostilities erupt, the outpost and the starship will be outgunned. It is felt that the Enterprise's presence in the area will be a vital show of force. TASHA Some show of force. The Enterprise may be able to fly on autopilot. But with that virus knocking down our crew, we're going to be in sorry shape if things turn ugly. RIKER The Romulans won't know our strength, Lieutenant. (glancing around) It's time for us to leave this place. TROI It feels terribly wrong to leave while Beata is determined to execute those people. RIKER She has to find them first. Ramsey and his bunch have been fugitives for years. I suspect he's pretty good at evading capture. As cold as it sounds we're going to have to treat this mission as if it never happened. Everything will remain exactly as it was before we arrived. A COMMOTION o.s., and they turn to see: STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT FOUR 41. 55 BEATA AND THE PARLIAMENTARIANS FILING INTO the Hall, taking their seats. Ariel is not among them. TROI (low, to team) Something is wrong. The away team's attention is focused on Beata even as her attention is on them. Finally: BEATA Your presence on Angel One no longer amuses me. RIKER Amusement was never our intention, Mistress. BEATA Before you go back to your ship, there is something I wish you to see. She nods to a guard near the far door. The guard opens the door, and other guards lead Ramsey, three male earthlings, two other native women and a handful of native men into the hall. RAMSEY (to Troi) We were no harm to anyone. Why did you tell them where to find us? BEATA Don't blame them, Ramsey. You brought this upon yourself. You... and the traitor. She glances to the guard near the door she and the Parliamentarians used. The guard opens this door, EXITS... only to RETURN half a beat later with Ariel in tow. Ariel and Ramsey exchange a pained look. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT FOUR 42. 55 CONTINUED: BEATA (continuing) One doesn't need the technology of the Enterprise to follow Mistress Ariel sneaking off to warn her husband. (to Guard) Let her stand with him now... The Guard leads Ariel to Ramsey's side, into his arms as: BEATA (continuing) ... For tomorrow they will die together. Off our away team's REACTIONS, we find ourselves: 56 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) In orbit. 57 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Beverly, medical tricorder in hand, is examining Geordi. He looks terrible, feels worse. Otherwise, the bridge is empty. BEVERLY You're out of commission, Geordi. Report to your quarters. GEORDI (in horrible pain) Can't leave my post... until I'm relieved. BEVERLY I've been aboard the Enterprise long enough to know she's designed to run herself. GEORDI But the innoculant -- BEVERLY I can do my research on the computers here. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT FOUR 43. 57 CONTINUED: GEORDI Then I can convalesce here. Geordi holds his position, sick as he is. Beverly resigns herself to taking the seat adjacent. She's not at all pleased with what's happening. What's worse is -- she's beginning to feel ill herself. 58 INT. ANGEL ONE EXECUTIVE OFFICE - NIGHT Riker stands before the desk, fighting to draw Beata's attention from the stack of paperwork she intentionally hides behind. RIKER You claim to be an advanced society, yet you resort to tyranny and executions in order to suppress those who don't share your views. BEATA I don't expect you to understand. RIKER Why? Because I'm only a man? BEATA You'll accomplish nothing with that attitude. Riker counts to ten, and: RIKER Mistress Beata, if you could avoid executing Ramsey and his followers, would you do so? BEATA Is that not the way of an advanced society? RIKER Then let us talk to men from the Odin one last time. Let me try to convince them to leave with us. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT FOUR 44. 58 CONTINUED: BEATA But what of the others? Their minds have been poisoned. Will you also include those from this planet who unwisely chose to follow Ramsey and his group? RIKER Yes. All of them. Beata considers this. 59 INT. HOLDING AREA - NIGHT Ramsey, Ariel, and the others sit, stand or lean in the cramped area like ancient Christians awaiting dawn and the inevitable lions. All react to: 60 ANGLE Riker, Data, Troi and Tasha are allowed into the room by a Guard who closes and locks the door behind them. TROI Mistress Beata is giving you a second chance. We're prepared to take your entire group with us. RAMSEY That's very kind of you, sir, but we're not going. TASHA Haven't you been paying attention, Ramsey? You're scheduled to be executed tomorrow. A glance to his followers, all of whom are listening, confirms his resolve. RAMSEY We don't want to die. We don't want to leave, either. I'm not Academy educated, but I've studied a little history. The ancient Christians faced their lions, the natives of the African continent faced their suppressors. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT FOUR 45. 60 CONTINUED: RAMSEY (Cont'd) Even the women of the twentieth century chose to settle for nothing but full equality. RIKER There's no time to debate the issues, Ramsey. We're taking you with us whether you choose to go or not. DATA Excuse me, Commander, but removing any of these people against their will would be a violation of several Starfleet regulations, not the least of which would be the Prime Directive. RIKER (sharply) I realize that, Data. (softly) But I'd rather be facing a court martial than trying to live with the guilt of leaving these people to their deaths. (into Com) Commander Riker to Enterprise. 61 INT. ENTERPRISE - MAIN BRIDGE - (INTERCUT AS NEEDED) BEVERLY (into Com) This is the Enterprise. Our away team share a look. TASHA Things must be worse up there than we thought. RIKER Doctor, where is Lieutenant La Forge? For the first time, WE SEE Geordi, barely conscious in the command chair. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT FOUR 46. 61 CONTINUED: BEVERLY He's right here, Will, but he's in no shape to be here. RIKER We're on our way, Doctor. There'll be fourteen to beam up. Two groups, five each. I'll be in the last group of four. BEVERLY I'm afraid I can't allow that, Will. The virus is totally out of control. Until I know exactly what I'm dealing with, I can't let anyone new be exposed. RIKER There are people facing certain death down here, Doctor. BEVERLY They could well be facing the same thing up here, Will. I have no idea what effect living on Angel One might have on a person's immune system. I'm sorry. REACTIONS all around. RIKER Understood. (considers, then:) Doctor -- would this virus have any effect on Data? BEVERLY None that I can imagine. RIKER You're going back alone, Data. We have no idea what the Romulans plan to do to that outpost. You're going to have to get the Enterprise to the Neutral Zone before it's too late. Reading Data's pause as uncertainty: RIKER (continuing) That's a direct order, Mister Data. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT FOUR 47. 61 CONTINUED: (2) DATA Neutral Zone before it is too late. Understood, Commander. 62 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) DATA (into Com) This is Data, standing by to beam up. Data DEMATERIALIZES. 63 ANGLE - OUR AWAY TEAM turning now to look at tomorrow's intended victims. TROI And what of them? RIKER I don't know, Deanna. And on this uncertain fate, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT FIVE 48. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 64 EXT. ANGEL ONE - DAY - ESTABLISH 65 INT. ANGEL ONE - GUEST QUARTERS - DAY A sleepless night has been spent by all. Trent ENTERS. TRENT Mistress Beata invites you to witness this morning's reaffirmation of Angel One's moral imperative. TASHA Is that supposed to be the fancy name for murder on this planet? RIKER Send Mistress Beata our regrets. TRENT The Elected One will not look fondly upon -- Trent's admonishment is cut short by: DATA'S COM VOICE Enterprise to Commander Riker. TROI (surprised) They are still here? RIKER (into Com, angry:) This is Commander Riker. 66 INT. ENTERPRISE - MAIN BRIDGE (INTERCUT AS DESIRED) RIKER I gave you a direct order to head for the Neutral Zone immediately. Explain the delay. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT FIVE 49. 66 CONTINUED: DATA To be precise, Commander, you ordered me to reach the Neutral Zone "before it is too late." I have computed the length of time the border outpost and USS Berlin can safely withstand a Romulan attack... deducted our time to destination at maximum warp speed. That leaves Doctor Crusher with forty-eight more minutes to complete her research and develop an innoculant to the virus. TASHA (energized) Which means there's still time for us to do something. RIKER Forty-eight minutes... I think we're down to splitting hairs. DATA Splitting hairs is a figure of speech I recognize, Commander. Speaking for those whose hair is soon to be split, forty-eight minutes may make a great deal of difference. (refers to console) Excuse me -- forty-seven minutes. RIKER (considering:) Perhaps, Data, just perhaps. (then) Thanks for following my orders so precisely, Data. Riker out. (END INTERCUT) Riker turns to Trent. RIKER (continuing) On second thought, Trent, we would be honored to watch your moral imperative in action.  STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT FIVE 50. 67 INT. GREAT HALL - DAY - (TO BE WRITTEN) Lots of folk. Tasha, Troi and Riker. Ramsey and Ariel. Ramsey's merry band of followers. Guards. Beata. The Parliamentarians. Trent. Anyone else we can find and costume. It's hangin' time. The thrust of this scene is Riker trying to convince Beata that the execution of Ramsey will not halt what can only be perceived as an irrevocable evolutionary cycle in Angel One's societal development. After getting Beata to admit that Ramsey and his followers are merely symbols of a change that preceded their arrival on Angel One, Riker is quick to point out that executing these people will only make martyrs of them. That, in fact, to kill them will accelerate rather than stop or retard the coming equality between the sexes of Angel One. Riker might even point out similar occurrences in Earth's history... I don't know... depends on how clever he is. Nevertheless, Riker is able to demonstrate to our audience, and Beata, that executing Ramsey, et al, will be counterproductive. The ladies adjourn to caucus. 68 INT. ANGEL ONE GUEST QUARTERS - DAY (TO BE WRITTEN) Our away team waits. They're running out of time. They explore their options. Hey, it's a short scene. 69 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) In orbit. 70 INT. ENTERPRISE - MAIN BRIDGE Data moves from station to station, checking all is well. BEVERLY'S COM VOICE Sickbay to bridge. DATA Go ahead, Doctor. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT FIVE 51. 71 INT. CRUSHER'S LAB (INTERCUT AS DESIRED) Her work area shows evidence of much work. Beverly looks tired... but very pleased. BEVERLY Bingo, Data. DATA Bingo? I fail to see the relevance, Doctor. Is that not a reference to an ancient Earth game? BEVERLY It's also a reference to success, Data. I've got the innoculant. DATA Excellent, Doctor. And we still have a margin of seventeen minutes. I will inform the away team immediately. (changes channel) Enterprise to Commander Riker. 72 INT. ANGEL ONE GUEST QUARTERS - DAY Our Team listens as: DATA'S COM VOICE We are ready to have you beamed up, Commander. RIKER Data, I want you to lock the transporter on the holding area where they're keeping Ramsey and the others. If we don't hear from Beata in the next ten minutes, you are to begin the beam up sequence, five at a time. The away team will beam up last. DATA Understood, Commander. Enterprise out. NOISE o.s., and Trent ENTERS. TRENT The Elected One wishes to see you. STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT FIVE 52. 73 INT. EXECUTIVE OFFICE - DAY (TO BE WRITTEN) Beata, Trent, the away team. Basically, Beata tells Riker he's pretty smart for a man. She's given his words a great deal of thought, sees his point, has (with the help of her parliament) reached a decision. The Ramsey cult will not be executed. Instead, they will be exiled to a remote part of Angel One where they can promote all the heresy they wish. And anyone else on Angel One who feels the same way can go with them. This solution won't stop the inevitable decay of Angel One's cherished system, but at least it will retard it long enough so that Beata won't have to be around to see the damage. Beata urges them to be on their way. She strikes the meditation crystal, giving in to its soothing warmth as Riker belays the previous order to "kidnap" the Ramsey group, and our away team DEMATERIALIZES. 74 INT. ENTERPRISE - TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Riker, Troi and Tasha MATERIALIZE. Beverly is standing by to inoculate the returning away team. BEVERLY Welcome home. RIKER It's good to be back. Is everyone recovering? BEVERLY Slowly... but yes. He HURRIES OUT, FOLLOWED closely by Troi and Tasha. 75 INT. ENTERPRISE - PICARD'S QUARTERS Picard is still in bed, but he looks much better than before. DOOR CHIME. PICARD Enter. Troi ENTERS his stateroom. TROI How are you feeling, sir? STAR TREK: "Angel One" - 11/9/87 - ACT FIVE 53. 75 CONTINUED: PICARD On the mend, thank you. Tell me about Angel One. Troi sits next to him, ready to make her report. 76 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Data is seated at his usual station. The turbolift doors OPEN and OUT STEP Riker and Tasha, each hurrying to the appropriate station. As Riker takes the center seat. RIKER Set coordinates for the Neutral Zone, Mister Data. We have a call to pay on the Romulans. DATA Coordinates set, Commander. On your mark -- RIKER As Captain Picard would say -- make it so, Mister Data. Data hits the "make it so" buttons and: 77 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) the ship breaks out of orbit and heads toward its next adventure as we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END