STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "When the Bough Breaks" #40271-118 Written by Hannah Louise Shearer Directed by Kim Manners THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1987 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. 2ND. REV. FINAL DRAFT DECEMBER 11, 1987 STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "When the Bough Breaks" CAST PICARD ALDEANS RIKER RASHELLA BEVERLY RADUE DATA DUANA TROI ACCOLAN TASHA LEDA WORF MELIAN GEORDI WESLEY Non-Speaking GAREN COUPLE HARRY THREE ADULTS DR. BERNARD TOYA Voice-Over ALEXANDRA CUSTODIAN'S VOICE KATIE Non-Speaking ROSE TARA MASON CREWMEMBERS PARENTS CLASSMATES Voice-Over COMPUTER VOICE STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/10/87 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "When the Bough Breaks" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE CORRIDORS MAIN BRIDGE PLANET - ALDEA CLASSROOM FAMILY QUARTERS KATIE'S BEDROOM (CORNER OF) OBSERVATION LOUNGE TURBOLIFT BEVERLY'S OFFICE TRANSPORTER ROOM PLANET - ALDEA FIRST UNIT CHAMBER RASHELLA'S QUARTERS FIRST UNIT CHAMBER FOYER TELEPORT ARCH COMPUTER (CUSTODIAN) ROOM ARTISTS' UNIT WESLEY'S ROOM MELIAN'S MUSIC ROOM KATIE'S QUARTERS CORRIDORS POWER ROOM STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "When the Bough Breaks" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. ENTERPRISE - CORRIDOR Riker ENTERS the corridor as he is PAGED. COMPUTER VOICE Commander Riker, report to the bridge. RIKER On the way. 2 INT. ANOTHER CORRIDOR as Riker HURRIES to the turbolift. HARRY, a smallish ten-year-old boy, runs down the corridor, head down, colliding with Riker. RIKER What's your hurry, Harry? Harry looks up at him, not believing what he's done. HARRY Oops. Sorry, Commander. I was, um, just... DR. BERNARD Harry! Harry's father, HARRY BERNARD, SR., APPEARS and is furious with his son. DR. BERNARD I'm sorry if he bothered you. RIKER No bother, Doctor Bernard. Riker limps slightly as he walks toward the turbolift. HARRY I'm not going back. I hate that teacher. And I hate calculus. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: DR. BERNARD Everyone needs an understanding of basic calculus, whether they like it or not. HARRY Why? Riker REACTS to Harry's question with a smile. 3 RIKER'S POV From inside the turbolift, Riker watches Dr. Bernard take his son by the hand and lead him back down the corridor as the turbolift doors CLOSE. 4 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker LIMPS OFF the turbolift. PICARD is at the Aft Station. The other CREWMEMBERS are at their positions. BEVERLY is also at the Aft Station. BEVERLY You're limping. RIKER A small run-in with an aspiring sprinter. PICARD Ah, Number One. RIKER A problem, Captain? PICARD A curiosity. For the past several hours we have been tracking faint energy readings in an attempt to locate the source. It's been like following a trail of bread crumbs. Riker steps over to the Aft Station. PICARD (continuing) The path lead here and stopped -- which is what I knew would interest you. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - TEASER 3. 4 CONTINUED: RIKER (to Geordi) What's our position? GEORDI The Epsilon Mynos system. RIKER (with a look of surprise) Really? Thank you, Captain; you're right... I wouldn't miss this for anything. TASHA What's so interesting about this system? RIKER Aldea. Tasha still doesn't get the point. RIKER (continuing; to Tasha) Tasha -- I'm surprised. You mean you've never heard the stories about Aldea? A wonderous mythical world -- like Atlantis on ancient earth... or Neinman on Xerxes Seven... with an advanced culture, centuries old. Self-contained, peaceful, with incredible technical sophistication which provided for every citizen's daily needs, allowing them to devote themselves to culture and art, which was beautiful beyond compare and valued beyond price. TASHA Where is it supposed to be? RIKER Ahh -- that is the myth -- somehow -- so the legend goes -- the Aldeans were able to cloak their planet in darkness and go unseen by marauders and other hostile passersby who might rob and plunder. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - TEASER 4. 4 CONTINUED: (2) Tasha LAUGHS. TASHA A wonderful fairy tale. DATA Scanners still show nothing, sir. Troi is concentrating, puzzled. TROI Scanners may show nothing, Captain, but I am sensing something very strong. (a beat) Thousands of minds, sir. 5 VARIOUS SHOTS OF THE CREW REACTING with interest and curiosity. PICARD Where? TROI Very close. 6 BACK TO SHOT PICARD All stop. GEORDI Answering all stop. PICARD Anything? WORF Captain, I am recording a distortion in quadrant one, mark nine-zero. PICARD On screen. 7 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) There is nothing specifically visible on the Main Viewer, except a SLIGHT BLURRING in the center. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - TEASER 5. 8 REACTIONS as the crew puzzles over the unusual effect. PICARD Shields and deflectors up. TASHA Aye, sir. 9 BACK TO SHOT (OPTICAL) Suddenly, with a great, low-decibel NOISE like BLANKETED THUNDER, which draws everyone's attention, a huge planet begins to APPEAR on the viewer, clearing until it's visible. It is a LIGHT GREEN, peaceful and inviting, necklaced with a LIGHT FILM. Everyone stands amazed, in awe. RIKER (almost breathless) Aldea, Captain... It has to be. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: 10 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as she maintains orbit around Aldea. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 41509.1. Either by chance or intent, we've been led to the mythical planet of Aldea, which appeared out of nowhere, hidden behind a sophisticated shielding device. 11 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Everyone is at stations. DATA Captain, the sensors indicate that the shield is electromagnetic. A complicated light refracting mechanism. PICARD A cloaking device. DATA Yes, sir. GEORDI To hide an entire planet it's gotta be pretty sophisticated. Picard, Riker and Troi watch the planet. WORF (from Aft Station) We're being scanned, sir. PICARD Let's let them know our peaceful intent. Open hailing frequencies, Lieutenant Yar. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT ONE 7. 11 CONTINUED: Before Tasha can comply, a WOMAN'S IMAGE MATERIALIZES on the viewscreen, startling everyone. RASHELLA, a melancholy beauty with almost translucent skin, is shrouded in DIM LIGHT. She emanates a quiet tensile strength, her body covered by the simplest utilitarian clothes. RASHELLA I'm Rashella. Welcome to Aldea. PICARD I am Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise. We come in peace. RASHELLA We know. PICARD We've heard the stories about Aldea, but frankly never thought they could possibly be true. RASHELLA (laughing) Our shield has confused outsiders for millennia, Captain. PICARD A very long time to have that kind of technology. Why are you revealing yourself now? RASHELLA We're eager to meet in person to discuss that, and other subjects of mutual interest. PICARD We're ready anytime. RASHELLA Excellent! Instantly, THREE ALDEANS MATERIALIZE on the bridge. The crew is stunned. Rashella; GAREN, a large fierce-looking man; and behind them, RADUE, pale, older, stately-looking, with great authority and kindly eyes, and a squint at the brightness of the bridge. They carry baskets filled with fruits and flowers. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT ONE 8. 12 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) REACTIONS from the bridge personnel. All are taken aback. RASHELLA (reacting to their astonishment) Our arrival seems to have startled you. RADUE We mean no harm. PICARD It was a little sudden RADUE I'm Radue, First Appointee of Aldea. PICARD Welcome aboard. BEVERLY Captain, they haven't been through decontamination. Picard waves her off. PICARD It's all right. (to the Aldeans) Our medical doctor is concerned you didn't go through our regular transporting procedure. RASHELLA You couldn't transport us. The only way through our shield is our way, Captain. Our cloaking device may be off, but our shield is operating. We've brought you small tokens of welcome. She hands Picard a basket of flowers and bows her head to him slightly, then gestures to Garen, who offers his basket of fruit to Tasha. RADUE And our personal invitation to a celebration on Aldea. PICARD We'd be delighted. Number One, assemble your away team. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT ONE 9. 12 CONTINUED: RADUE We will prepare for your arrival, Commander Riker. RIKER How did you know... RADUE ... your name? We've been monitoring your ship's communications. We must return now to Aldea. Our eyes are very sensitive to bright light. Rashella, Garen. They use their arm devices and the three DISAPPEAR from the bridge. Picard looks at Troi and Riker. PICARD Amazing. Only to exist in mythology and suddenly they're here, right in front of us. Number One? RIKER Now you know who placed the bread crumbs. We're not here by accident. PICARD Counselor? What do you sense? TROI Only the obvious. They want something from us. RADUE'S COM VOICE Commander Riker, is your party ready? The away team, not as normally constituted, DISAPPEARS off the bridge. It includes only Riker, Troi and Beverly, selected by the Aldeans. Picard looks around at who is missing. PICARD Interesting choices. 13 INT. ALDEA - FIRST UNIT CHAMBER (OPTICAL) The away team MATERIALIZES in a spartan, white-walled room with ancient hanging tapestries. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT ONE 10. 13 CONTINUED: (From now on, throughout the script, every room on Aldea has a Teleporting Arch which allows the Aldeans to move from place to place on their planet simply by stepping in and identifying their destination.) Rashella, Radue and DUANA, an older woman who is very pale and slight, greet them. RADUE I hope Duana and I know how to greet you properly, Commander. "May your light shine through the ages." Radue's hand begins to shake uncontrollably. RADUE (continuing) My apologies. Age has no respect for the body. Beverly and Troi exchange worried glances. 14 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) WESLEY has joined Picard on the bridge. WESLEY How do they cloak the planet? DATA The theory is simple. The shield bends light rays around the planet's contour -- similar to the Romulan cloaking device -- but the implementation is very difficult. A BEAM OF ENERGY PENETRATES the bridge at that moment. It searches until it finds Wesley, then SURROUNDS him. He can't move away from it. He closes his eyes and relaxes into it. PICARD Wesley! GEORDI Sir, the energy beam is originating from Aldea. PICARD Shields up. La Forge, contact Commander Riker. Worf, check all other decks. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT ONE 11. 14 CONTINUED: DATA Shields inoperable, sir. All decks are being probed in a methodical pattern. PICARD All decks? Everything? The entire ship? DATA Aye, sir! GEORDI Captain, I can't get through to Commander Riker. We're being blocked. The ENERGY BEAM STOPS as suddenly as it appeared. Wesley shakes his head, as if to brush it off. PICARD Are you all right, Wesley? WESLEY (nodding) It was scary at first, but I really didn't feel anything. WORF Sir, similar incidents, all decks, (surprised) but only with the children. 15 INT. ALDEA - FIRST UNIT CHAMBER (OPTICAL) The hosts are getting down to business as they all sit around a table laden with food. RADUE Yes, Commander, we are an ancient power. But we've suffered for it. Our history is littered with the deaths of those people who craved more and more things. Nothing was ever enough. So, we've evolved a very simple way of living: for whatever is taken, something is given in return. RIKER It seems an equitable code. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT ONE 12. 15 CONTINUED: RADUE It's given us peace. Unfortunately, there are very few of us left to enjoy it. TROI Why? RADUE That is some of what we wish to discuss. We need help from the Federation to rebuild our heritage... we need a younger generation, strong and healthy, following in the Aldean traditions. RIKER I don't understand. How can the Federation help influence your children in your traditions? RADUE Because we have no children, Commander. Rashella was the last child born on this planet. Rashella watches the away team for its reaction. They're shocked. BEVERLY And your medical community can do nothing? RASHELLA They've tried, Doctor Crusher. And failed. BEVERLY Perhaps we can help... Troi senses something ominous and makes a signal to Riker who quickly and correctly interprets it. RIKER Radue, exactly why have we been invited to Aldea? RADUE We propose a trade. One which will solve our problem and give something back to the Federation. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT ONE 13. 15 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER And the nature of this trade? RADUE We need some of your children. In payment, we will give you the kind of knowledge which would take you centuries to acquire. 16 REACTIONS from Riker, Beverly and Troi. RIKER That might be acceptable to some other races, but humans are unusually attached to their own offspring. 17 BACK TO SHOT RIKER We sympathize with your situation, Radue. But what you ask is not possible. RADUE And that's your final answer? RIKER It's my only answer. If we can be of help in some other way... RADUE I am sorry you are intransigent. Radue nods at Rashella and touches his arm band. The three Enterprise officers are immediately GONE from the room. 18 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard is surprised when the away team abruptly APPEARS on the bridge. As Wesley turns in reaction, a BEAM ENGULFS him and he DISAPPEARS from the bridge. Beverly's anguished face is stunned as she reaches out to the empty place where he was standing. BEVERLY Wes! STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT ONE 14. 19 INT. CLASSROOM (OPTICAL) HARRY BERNARD DISAPPEARS in front of his classmates. One by one, TWO other CHILDREN DISAPPEAR: ROSE and TARA, eight-year olds. 20 INT. CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) MASON, a nine-year old, walking with his parents, DISAPPEARS. 21 INT. FAMILY QUARTERS (OPTICAL) ALEXANDRA, carrying a stick-em toy in one hand, DISAPPEARS in front of TOYA, her terrified mother. 22 INT. CORNER OF KATIE'S BEDROOM (OPTICAL) where KATIE, a twelve-year-old, playing something that looks like a violin, VANISHES. The instrument she was holding FALLS to the floor. 23 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard sits. Beverly is next to him, like a statue, gripping the chair. WORF Saucer Section reports six more children are gone. RIKER It's the children. That's why we've been brought here. That's what they wanted. PICARD And that's what they have. FADE OUT: END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT TWO 15. ACT TWO FADE IN: 24 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The crew is in turmoil. PICARD Status! TASHA Aldean shields still up. Hailing frequencies open. No response. PICARD Keep trying, Lieutenant. Counselor, gather the parents. TROI They'll need to talk to you as well, Captain. Radue's image APPEARS on the Viewscreen. RADUE Captain, your children are with us. Picard fighting his outrage. PICARD ... Go on. RADUE My word of honor... no harm will ever come to them. PICARD Harm has already been done. RADUE Captain, let us begin discussions regarding appropriate compensation. PICARD (angrily) Compensation! You steal our children -- from their classrooms -- their bedrooms -- and you talk about compensation. Return them... now! STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT TWO 16. 24 CONTINUED: RADUE We will continue this discussion when you've calmed down. The viewscreen GOES BLACK. PICARD I shouldn't have lost my temper. He and Beverly exchange looks. Their faces are tight. 25 INT. ALDEA - FIRST UNIT CHAMBER Wesley stands in the middle of the room with most of the children huddled around him. He watches Harry wander around, looking at the tapestries on the wall, while Alexandra toddles aimlessly. KATIE Wesley, I'm frightened. WESLEY I know. We all are, but it's going to be all right. Everyone knows where we are. No one is going to hurt you. I promise. (then to the toddler) Alexandra, don't go too far! KATIE She's not afraid of anything. Harry feels the texture of a magnificent wall-hanging. WESLEY (continuing) Harry, don't touch that! HARRY I'm not gonna hurt it. WESLEY I know that. But maybe they don't. All the children move closer together. KATIE Who? Wesley runs after Alexandra. He holds onto her hand. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT TWO 17. 25 CONTINUED: WESLEY I don't know who. HARRY Why are we here? WESLEY I don't know that either. The children suddenly realize there is someone watching them. Radue SWEEPS majestically INTO the room, Rashella and Duana FOLLOWING. He stares at the children. Wesley steps forward in front of the group and stares back at Radue. RADUE Greetings, Wesley Crusher. WESLEY How did you know my name? (realization) Oh, through that energy beam. RADUE Excellent analysis. The Custodian indicated you would be the leader. WESLEY The Custodian -- who is the Custodian? RADUE The Custodian is not a person. RASHELLA We have brought you to Aldea as our guests. We'll provide anything you need or want. WESLEY We want to go home. RADUE Wesley, all of you have been chosen because you are special. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT TWO 18. 25 CONTINUED: (2) DUANA Children, we are starting on a wonderful adventure. RADUE Exactly... Just ask for anything you want, and you shall have it. Radue WHISKS OUT of the room, leaving the children more confused than they were before. Alexandra follows him to the door and waves. ALEXANDRA Bye-bye. Rashella looks down at this creature and can't help but smile. She reaches out her hand and Alexandra smiles and takes it. 26 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard stands in front of a table where the children's tense, hostile parents sit with Troi. TOYA stands defiantly, like an Amazon facing the only enemy she can find. TOYA What happened to Alexandra and the other children, Captain? How are you getting them back? Beverly gently rebukes Toya. BEVERLY Toya, sit down... You're reacting out of fear. (gently) We all knew what the risks were when we signed on. And that's the choice we made. Captain Picard will do everything possible to bring our children back. Picard acknowledges Beverly's support. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT TWO 19. 26 CONTINUED: PICARD The Aldeans are anxious to discuss "compensation." That will buy us time. I've asked Doctor Crusher to be involved in the negotiations as your representative. The parents MURMUR. Picard looks around the table at his frightened personnel. DR. BERNARD Why were these specific children taken? PICARD We can't be sure. We do know the Aldeans can't have children of their own. DR. BERNARD Then they won't let them go easily. PICARD I won't insult you by pretending it will be easy. I can only say the Enterprise will not leave them behind. Be assured of that. DR. BERNARD Can we talk with our children? Give them some reassurance. Let them know that we are here, and that they will be safe. PICARD I will do my best to arrange it. Toya and the others do their best to believe Picard. DR. BERNARD The last time I saw him I yelled at him. They all understand his pain. 27 INT. ALDEA - RASHELLA'S QUARTERS A spartan area, seemingly empty. Until Alexandra pops her head around a corner. Rashella JUMPS OUT of hiding. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT TWO 20. 27 CONTINUED: RASHELLA There you are! Alexandra GIGGLES and pretends to run away, letting Rashella catch her. RASHELLA (continuing) I have you now! 28 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard ENTERS the bridge from the lounge. PICARD Any response from Aldea, Lieutenant Yar? TASHA Not yet, sir. RIKER Captain, Data has found something interesting. The Aldean shield gives evidence of sporadic fluctuations, weakening its structure in isolated sections. PICARD You're saying there are holes in their defense system? RIKER In essence, yes. It is surprising after all these eons that the Aldeans' use of their technology is not perfect. One would assume they would be aware of the weakness and repair it. PICARD Can we beam down an away team through one of these so-called holes? RIKER It is a possibility. It would have to be perfectly timed -- and there are no guarantees. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT TWO 21. 28 CONTINUED: DATA We may be more successful in deciphering the code they use to transport through the magnetic shield. PICARD Can you do that? DATA Eventually, sir. I am working on it now but the number of permutations is almost endless. PICARD Keep trying. (turning to Riker) Number One, while he's doing that, you find a way of getting through one of those holes because one way or the other we have to get an away team on that planet, locate the power source of that shield and neutralize it. RIKER You're certain they'll negotiate? PICARD Oh, they'll negotiate, Number One. Or call it that. They took what they wanted, now they'll rationalize it by throwing us some sort of bone. Data is puzzled by this. DATA A bone, sir? In exchange for the children? Picard just looks at him. DATA (continuing) Oh. A metaphor. RIKER And when we don't accept their offer? STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT TWO 22. 28 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD The minute they believe we will accept no compensation for the children, they will end all discussion and disappear behind their shield... locking us out and the children in -- forever. That's why I have to keep them talking. 29 INT. ALDEA - FIRST UNIT CHAMBER FOYER Wesley, Katie and Harry are sitting in the hallway, waiting. Tara COMES OUT of the room with an ALDEAN COUPLE. The woman is holding Tara's hand. Tara looks back at the boys, pleadingly. WESLEY Excuse me, sir, where are you taking Tara? They continue walking down the hall, leaving Wesley behind. Harry turns accusingly to Wesley. HARRY What's happening? I thought you said the captain was going to rescue us! WESLEY He will. It just might take him a little while. Radue opens the door and gestures the boys to enter. They hesitate. RADUE Come in. 30 INT. ALDEA - FIRST UNIT CHAMBER THREE other ADULT ALDEANS are waiting inside. They are all extremely pale and thin. RADUE Don't be alarmed. The other children have been assigned to their units. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT TWO 23. 30 CONTINUED: WESLEY Units? RADUE A unit is a group where people of similar talents and interests live together. WESLEY Like a family. RADUE Yes, you could call it that. WESLEY We already have families. Radue gently pulls Harry forward. Harry nervously shuffles his feet. WESLEY (continuing) Does Captain Picard know what you are doing? RADUE We are keeping nothing from him. Accolan and Leda can barely control their happiness as they close in on Harry. LEDA We have been waiting for you so long, Harry. We are artists, just like you. HARRY I'm not an artist. ACCOLAN You will be. And a great one. LEDA This way, Harry. 31 ANGLE ON TELEPORT ARCH (OPTICAL) Accolan and Leda lead Harry into the Arch. LEDA Unit B -- three seven five. And the three DISAPPEAR. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT TWO 24. 32 BACK TO SHOT RADUE Katie. Katie steps forward to meet MELIAN, a middle-aged Aldean, very distinguished looking. Melian reaches out his arthritic, crippled hand to clasp Katie's. MELIAN I am honored. KATIE Thank you. RADUE Melian is the foremost musician on Aldea. MELIAN Music speaks its own language... I know we'll have much to learn from each other. Katie looks at Wesley. MELIAN (continuing) Don't worry, Katie. You'll be seeing Wesley soon. He puts his arm around Katie and takes her OUT OF FRAME. Wesley stands alone, almost defiant. He stares at Radue, forcing him to speak first. RADUE We're the only ones left, Wesley. Does that tell you something? WESLEY Do you want me to guess? DUANE No. You'll be staying with Radue and me. As First Unit we require someone with innate leadership ability -- and a great mind. You have both. We need you, Wesley. WESLEY What about me? Don't I have a say in this? STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT TWO 25. 32 CONTINUED: RADUE Wesley, sometimes things happen which we just must accept. You and the other children are now members of this society. That will not change. It's up to you to make the transition as easy as possible for the others. You are their leader. It's your duty. Help them accept it -- because nothing you, or those on the starship can do will change it. Because like you, we also have no choice. DUANA We'll do our best to see you're happy here. And I promise you one thing: the secrets of Aldea's power will one day be yours. Before he can answer, Alexandra BURSTS INTO the room, chased by Rashella, who's a little breathless. RADUE Where have you been Rashella? Zena and Aran are waiting to take Alexandra. RASHELLA No. Radue shows surprise at her rebellion. RADUE No? I told you... RASHELLA No, Radue. They can't have her. Rashella picks Alexandra up and holds her tightly. RASHELLA (continuing) I will never let her go. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT THREE 26. ACT THREE FADE IN: 33 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) still in orbit around Aldea. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, supplemental. We remain in orbit around Aldea. It's becoming all too evident that talk will not effect the return of our children. We must neutralize the Aldean shield. Until then we are helpless. 34 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The crew is at their regular posts. TASHA Sir, Radue is hailing us. Radue APPEARS on the Main Viewer. RADUE Captain Picard. PICARD Doctor Crusher and I are ready, Radue. RADUE Are you ill, Captain? PICARD No. Doctor Crusher is a Staff Officer, Radue. Starfleet Regulation 6.57 requires at least two staff officers to be present during any treaty or contract negotiations. RADUE Very well. Radue's image DISAPPEARS from the Viewscreen. RIKER Not much on pleasantries, is he? STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT THREE 27. 34 CONTINUED: DATA I am not aware of Regulation 6.57, sir. PICARD Neither am I, Data. DATA Oh. I see. PICARD Doctor Crusher, report to the bridge... Now we'll see what they have in mind. 35 INT. ALDEA - COMPUTER (CUSTODIAN) ROOM (OPTICAL) Duana and Wesley APPEAR in the Teleporting Arch, which has a DISTINCTIVE SOUND. The room is very simple. It doesn't look as advanced as the Enterprise's computer. Wesley looks around, unimpressed. He notices a massive door at the end of the room that looks as though it's never been opened. DUANA Over here, Wesley. Wesley moves to a table in the center of the room. Duana speaks into a panel. DUANA (continuing) Custodian, Wesley Crusher's voice will be entered into the authorized file -- for Third Level clearance. CUSTODIAN VOICE Proceed, Duana. Wesley listens to the sounds and speed of the Custodian. DUANA Announce yourself to the Custodian. WESLEY Hello, Custodian. I'm Wesley Crusher. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT THREE 28. 35 CONTINUED: CUSTODIAN VOICE Hello, Wesley. Your voice will now activate Third Level clearance. WESLEY Thank you. What does that mean? CUSTODIAN VOICE You may ask any questions you wish. WESLEY Thank you. Duana, what does the Custodian do? DUANA It frees us from all burden. It takes care of all our needs. It regulates our lives. WESLEY Who built it? DUANA The Progenitors. WESLEY When? DUANA Before my time. Centuries ago. WESLEY ... What's its power source? DUANA Wesley, why is that important? It does what we ask it. It always has. What difference does it make how it works? WESLEY If you don't know how it works, how can you repair it? DUANA (not understanding the concept) Why would we want to repair it? STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT THREE 29. 35 CONTINUED: (2) WESLEY From time to time, every computer -- I mean Custodian -- requires maintainance. DUANA (laughing) Wesley, Radue is right. You ask questions I can't answer. Ask the Custodian instead. Wesley leans towards the terminal. WESLEY Custodian, can you show me where Harry is? CUSTODIAN VOICE Yes. WESLEY Show me Harry. A small screen ACTIVATES in the center of the console. Wesley watches: 36 INT. ALDEA - ARTISTS' UNIT A workshop that's an artist's dream. Tools of every kind, small and large, ancient and modern. Leda is showing Harry the use of an unusual shaped wood-sculpting tool. Harry watches her work with awe. She hands him the tool, and he repeats what she did with only a little difficulty. Leda's pleasure shows in her face. She pats Harry on the shoulder as he continues working. He looks up at her happily. HARRY I never did this before. It's fun. 37 INT. ALDEA - CUSTODIAN ROOM (OPTICAL) Harry and Leda are still ON THE SCREEN. WESLEY You are going to make Harry into a sculptor? STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT THREE 30. 37 CONTINUED: DUANA He already is. He has just never been encouraged properly. The tool Leda is giving him will allow him to bring out his visions. WESLEY It will take years for him to learn to do that. DUANA Oh, no. It will happen quite quickly. He looks at her, wonderingly. WESLEY Custodian, show me Alexandra. Wesley watches. 38 INT. ALDEA - RASHELLA'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Rashella is demonstrating to Alexandra how to use a Plexiglas-type multidimensional set of blocks designed to enhance her reasoning ability. Rashella is thrilled that Alexandra repeats what she's been shown -- and then some. She pushes some buttons and the SHAPES AND COLORS CHANGE. Alexandra GIGGLES and looks to Rashella for approval. Rashella gives her a tight hug, then nods to Garen to take over. 39 INT. ALDEA - CUSTODIAN ROOM (OPTICAL) Alexandra is still ON THE SCREEN. WESLEY Custodian, show me Jason... DUANA Stop, Custodian. The screen GOES BLANK as the Custodian obeys Duana. DUANA We must work now... there is much to learn. Wesley points to the locked door. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT THREE 31. 39 CONTINUED: WESLEY What's in there? Duana's eyes dart towards the fortress-like wall. WESLEY It's probably the power source. DUANA I don't know. It's forbidden. The Custodian allows no one in there. There's no one left who's authorized. 40 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Beverly and Picard are ready to be transported. PICARD Open hailing frequency, Lieutenant Yar. TASHA Open, sir. Radue APPEARS on the Viewscreen. RADUE Ah, good. You're ready. Beverly and Picard DISAPPEAR from the bridge. 41 INT. ALDEA - FIRST UNIT CHAMBER (OPTICAL) Picard and Beverly MATERIALIZE. Rashella and Radue are waiting. PICARD I want to see the children before we begin. RADUE No. We're here to negotiate for compensation, not to pander to emotions. This way. They follow Radue to the same area where they had their celebration. Radue motions them to be seated. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT THREE 32. 41 CONTINUED: PICARD Radue, we do not condone your actions. You're attempting to salve your conscience by offering goods in exchange for our children. RADUE Why do you want them back so badly? You can always make more. PICARD We happen to like these particular children. RADUE Humans have great attachment to their offspring. But we're digressing. Returning the children is non-negotiable. RASHELLA I promise you they will have a beautiful life with us. And they'll be father and mother to a new breed born of an ancient culture. BEVERLY What makes you think they'll be able to have children? You can't. RADUE But they will. Our inability to bear children is a genetic dysfunction. It's not contagious. PICARD Radue, we do sympathize. But surely there is a solution which can be mutually satisfactory. RADUE For us, the problem is solved. We are offering you information on areas of the galaxy you don't even know exist. What more can we offer? What more would you want? STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT THREE 33. 41 CONTINUED: (2) Picard pretends to be impressed. He waits a moment before replying. PICARD A significant beginning, I think. But first I must ask again that Doctor Crusher be allowed to speak with her son before we continue. RADUE You are a very stubborn people. Ah, well, that can be a positive trait. You may see him. 42 INT. ALDEA - WESLEY'S ROOM Duana is at the door as Beverly is BROUGHT IN to see Wesley. WESLEY Mom! They hug. WESLEY (continuing) I knew the captain would get us home. Beverly braces herself to tell him. BEVERLY Not yet, Wes. Wesley tries to accept this like a man. WESLEY Oh. I thought... never mind. BEVERLY Are you okay? And the others? WESLEY Okay, really okay. Everyone's been assigned their own units... you know, like families. We're being treated, well, almost like gods. BEVERLY Don't let it go to your head. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT THREE 34. 42 CONTINUED: WESLEY (lightly) I won't. Beverly covers her surreptitious tricorder reading of Wesley -- and of Duana -- with small talk. BEVERLY So, what have you been doing? WESLEY I'm learning a lot. They have a computer which they call the Custodian. It controls everything. (lowers his voice) The captain should know this. All their defense systems, the city's environment, everything. And it's all voice command. So simple. But the amazing thing is the Aldeans don't know how it works. They know how to talk to it, but they don't even know what its power source is, and they didn't do the original programming. Wesley looks down at the floor. WESLEY (continuing; normal voice) They said that later on, when I'm really an Aldean, I'll know all their secrets. Beverly WHISPERS to him. BEVERLY That won't happen, Wes. I promise I won't let that happen. Duana becomes nervous about all the whispering. DUANA You must leave, Doctor Crusher. Duana escorts Beverly to the door. Beverly looks back at Wesley. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT THREE 35. 42 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY Take care of yourself. WESLEY I will, Mom. 43 INT. ALDEA - FIRST UNIT CHAMBER (OPTICAL) Picard looks at Beverly questioningly when she ENTERS. BEVERLY Wes seems fine. He says the other children are too. Rashella is insulted by their doubt. RASHELLA Of course they're well. RADUE Captain Picard, you have our offer. It is final. Rashella. Rashella touches the instrument on her belt -- and Picard and Beverly DISAPPEAR. 44 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard and Beverly MATERIALIZE on the bridge. Radue immediately APPEARS on the viewscreen. RADUE Captain, we want you to understand the nature of your choice. A small demonstration of our power... 45 EXT. ALDEA - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) is PUSHED OUT OF ORBIT by a great BURST OF VISIBLE ENERGY which envelopes the ship. 46 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The crewmembers SHUDDER slightly as the Enterprise comes to a quick stop. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT THREE 36. 46 CONTINUED: PICARD What was that? DATA I believe it was a repulsor beam, sir. PICARD Position report. GEORDI It's unbelievable, sir. According to my calculations, we're three days from Aldea -- at warp nine. RIKER They call that a "small" Demonstration? PICARD Geordi, take us back to Aldea orbit. Warp factor nine. Radue again APPEARS on the viewscreen. RADUE Captain, if you don't accept our terms, the Enterprise will be pushed so far away, by the time you get back, your children will be grandparents. Radue DISAPPEARS from the viewscreen. Picard, Riker and Troi REACT. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT FOUR 37. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 47 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as she travels back towards Aldea at warp nine. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 41509.45. We are twenty hours away from Aldea, and no closer to a solution. Their deliberate show of force pushed us out of orbit and could have disintegrated the ship. In the face of that power, a direct assault on Aldea would be disastrous. 48 EXT. SPACE - ALDEA (OPTICAL) ESTABLISHING. 49 INT. ALDEA - MELIAN'S MUSIC ROOM As spartan as the rest of the Aldean quarters. Katie holds an instrument awkwardly in her hands, while Melian uses his pain-ridden hands to show Katie how to use it. The instrument is small and circular, about a foot in diameter. There's a pad for the thumb, and for the fingers. It CHANGES COLORS for each different SOUND. MELIAN Now, hold it a little bit more firmly. Katie moves her fingers around. MELIAN (continuing) That's it. Perfect. Now... think. No, think's not right. Feel the notes inside your head. Katie closes her eyes and the instrument SOUNDS A NOTE. Katie's so startled she drops it. KATIE I'm sorry! Did I break it? STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT FOUR 38. 49 CONTINUED: MELIAN No. It's all right. You can't break it. KATIE It did exactly what I thought... I mean, felt. MELIAN Yes. It's a direct expression of the music within. Now we just have to teach you to structure that feeling... Katie takes the instrument back from Melian and looks at it in wonder. Then hands it back. She begins to play. A beautiful, melancholy TUNE. Melian listens - enchanted. She STOPS. MELIAN (continuing) That was beautiful. Now play something happier. KATIE (sadly shaking her head) That's not how I feel. (pause) I don't want to do this anymore. Melian smiles sadly at her. 50 INT. ALDEA - ARTISTS' UNIT (OPTICAL) 50 Accolan is helping Harry with a wood carving. Harry pushes the sculpting tool along the block of wood and a portion of a dolphin is revealed. ACCOLAN You see, Harry, I told you you were going to be an artist. HARRY Are you sure? Did I really do this? ACCOLAN Oh, yes. Your talent has always been there. The sculpting tool is just helping you develop it. It's what you were meant to do. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT FOUR 39. 50 CONTINUED: HARRY You mean I don't have to do calculus anymore? ACCOLAN You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. What's calculus? HARRY Nothing important. Can I do some more? 51 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) It COMES out of warp speed. 52 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it ENTERS orbit around Aldea. PICARD Captain's log, supplemental. It has been three days since the Aldeans pushed us away. We have had no contact with Radue since then. 53 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The crewmembers are in place. PICARD Lieutenant Yar, open hailing frequencies. TASHA Frequencies open, sir. PICARD Radue, this is Captain Picard. Radue APPEARS on the Main Viewer. RADUE Welcome back, Captain. What have you decided? PICARD There is room for discussion, Radue. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT FOUR 40. 53 CONTINUED: RADUE We will bring you down when we are ready. Radue DISAPPEARS from the viewscreen. PICARD Data, find a way to defeat that shield. DATA That may be impossible, sir. PICARD Things are impossible, until they're not. DATA Yes, sir. 54 ANGLE ON TURBOLIFT Beverly ENTERS from the turbolift. BEVERLY Captain, here's what I've learned. (a beat) Duana is dying. I have no reason to believe the rest of the Aldeans are any healthier. PICARD We're all dying, Doctor. Can you be more specific? BEVERLY They're suffering from some kind of chromosomal damage. It could be genetic, or environmental. PICARD Then that's why they can't conceive. BEVERLY Yes. It also explains their lack of appetite, their sensitivity to light, and their extreme pallor. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT FOUR 41. 54 CONTINUED: PICARD An entire civilization that's terminally ill... is it reversible? BEVERLY I won't know until I've found the cause... and you don't need to tell me time is running out. PICARD Good work, Doctor. 55 INT. ALDEA - FIRST UNIT CHAMBER Radue and Duana are trying to coax Wesley to eat. DUANA I thought growing boys are always hungry. WESLEY You didn't eat anything. RADUE We need very little. DUANA I know you miss your family. But you will grow accustomed to us. I promise. I promise you'll be happy. Wesley's clear eyes look at Duana with compassion. WESLEY You can keep me here, but you can't make me want to stay. You'll never be able to make me forget. And I'll never be an Aldean. 56 INT. ALDEA - ARTISTS' UNIT - NIGHT Leda creams her hands with an ointment as Harry bends over a table, putting the finishing touches on his work. ACCOLAN Have the lesions gone? STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT FOUR 42. 56 CONTINUED: LEDA Yes. The medicine worked again. ACCOLAN Good. Come see what Harry's doing. Harry's hands polish the last bit on his creation: a carved dolphin. ACCOLAN (continuing) Beautiful! Harry gives Accolan the finished piece. Accolan touches it, admiring the workmanship. HARRY (surprised) It really turned out well. ACCOLAN It is so graceful and alive. What do you call it? HARRY It's a dolphin. LEDA Dolphin? HARRY You know, it swims in the ocean. Like a fish, only it's not a fish. LEDA Ah. A fish. We used to have them in our oceans. I've never seen one before. HARRY I used to live near the ocean. On Zadar IV. My dad's an oceanographer. He says... never mind. It doesn't matter. Harry turns away, ambivalent. 57 INT. ALDEA - RASHELLA'S QUARTERS - NIGHT She is holding Alexandra, COOING to her. The baby falls asleep in her arms. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT FOUR 43. 58 INT. BEVERLY'S OFFICE Beverly is feverishly working the computer, trying to make sense out of the disparate information. She shakes her head. BEVERLY No. That doesn't fit the pattern. Give me a list of the appropriate medical literature from the twenty-second century. The computer shows her a list that's very long. BEVERLY (continuing) There's not enough time! She looks at it and rubs her eyes. Picard WALKS INTO the room and sees her. He APPROACHES her carefully and puts his hand on her shoulder. Beverly covers his hand with hers. PICARD Is there anything I can do? BEVERLY You just did, Jean-Luc. Now... I have to get back to work. She turns back to her desk. 59 INT. ALDEA - RASHELLA'S QUARTERS - NIGHT Alexandra is CRYING. ALEXANDRA I want Mommy! Rashella tries to hold and comfort her, but there's no solace. 60 INT. ALDEA - WESLEY'S ROOM - NIGHT (OPTICAL) It's dark. Wesley slips out of his bed and opens the door. There's no one around. He steps into the ARCH. WESLEY (quietly) Custodian's room. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT FOUR 44. 61 INT. ALDEA - CUSTODIAN ROOM - NIGHT (OPTICAL) Wesley APPEARS in the Arch. The room is empty. Wesley sits at the console. He WHISPERS his instruction. WESLEY (whispers) Custodian, this is Wesley Crusher. CUSTODIAN VOICE (normal level) Proceed, Wesley. Wesley jumps at the sound. WESLEY Show me where all the Enterprise children are in relation to this room. The Custodian FLASHES the children's locations on the screen. Wesley stares at it, memorizing the locations. WESLEY (continuing) Thank you. He moves away from the console, then has second thoughts. WESLEY (continuing) Custodian, what's your instruction set? Wesley is nervous, not sure he's authorized. The Custodian ANSWERS WITH a kind of nonelectronic MUSIC. Wesley doesn't understand, but goes on. WESLEY (continuing) How can I command your attention? Do you have a non-maskable interrupt? CUSTODIAN VOICE Yes. WESLEY What is its address? CUSTODIAN VOICE Zero, twelve, twenty-two, twenty-one, twenty-three, twenty-six. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT FOUR 45. 61 CONTINUED: WESLEY That doesn't make any sense to me. Wesley's puzzled, but pushes ahead anyway. He takes a deep breath before he asks the really important question. WESLEY (continuing) Custodian, what's in the locked room next to this one? CUSTODIAN VOICE You are not authorized for that information. WESLEY Thank you. Good night. CUSTODIAN VOICE Good night, Wesley. Wesley sits a moment, deep in thought. 62 INT. ALDEA - KATIE'S QUARTERS - NIGHT Katie's asleep. An arm reaches over her and shakes her slightly. Katie opens her eyes, startled. Wesley leans over her, finger to his mouth. He WHISPERS. WESLEY I need your help. I have an idea how we can get home. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT FIVE 46. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 63 INT. ALDEA - WESLEY'S ROOM - EARLY MORNING Welsey, Harry, Alexandria and Katie, are gathered in Wesley's room. Their VOICES LOW. KATIE Why will not talking or eating make them send us home? Wesley patiently tries to explain again. WESLEY It's called "passive resistance." We don't do anything they want us to do and then they won't want us. KATIE Will they get mad at us? WESLEY They won't hurt us. HARRY But, Wes, I do kind of like them. WESLEY So do I, but I don't want to stay here forever. Do you? Harry hesitates. HARRY (thoughtfully) No, but I like working with the wood. WESLEY Harry, we all have to do this together or it won't work. With some reluctance, Harry agrees. HARRY Okay. I'll do it. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT FIVE 47. 63 CONTINUED: Rashella RUSHES INTO the room. RASHELLA What are you all doing here together? There's no answer. RASHELLA (continuing) What is going on here? Still no answers. She reaches for Alexandra, but Wesley picks up the child and shakes his head "no." RASHELLA (continuing) Garen! Garen RUSHES INTO the room. RASHELLA (continuing) Take the children back to their units. 64 INT. ENTERPRISE - MAIN BRIDGE Beverly STEPS OFF the turbolift. She's exhausted. BEVERLY The Aldeans are suffering from a form of radiation poisoning. PICARD And that's what's made the Aldeans sterile? BEVERLY Yes. PICARD Is it reversible? BEVERLY Of course. DATA Captain, these permutations are going to take a very long time. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT FIVE 48. 64 CONTINUED: PICARD How long? DATA Weeks. RIKER Captain, there is another option. We have identified a weakness in the shield. GEORDI But it's not constant. WORF It's a hole. GEORDI It's not a hole as much as it is a fluctuation. RIKER Still, there is a chance. Captain, if we can time it exactly -- I think we can beam a team through the hole and onto the planet. PICARD Then why can't we beam the children up through the hole? RIKER The timing would be more difficult, and the risk greater. PICARD What are you suggesting, Number One? RIKER Beam through the hole. Locate the source of the shield, and knock it out. PICARD I'll try to delay the Aldeans until you're ready. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT FIVE 49. 65 INT. ALDEA - WESLEY'S ROOM The children sit in silence. Leda COMES IN with a tray of food for them. LEDA Will you at least eat? They do not answer. She sets the tray down and LEAVES the room. Alexandra wanders over to the food and looks at it. Wesley knows that she's hungry. He goes to Alexandra and kneels down. WESLEY I know you're hungry. We all are, but Alexandra, we are not going to eat anything. It's our way of telling them that we want to go home. Do you understand? The little girl nods. Wesley puts his arm around her. Harry comes over, picks up the tray and puts it outside the door. Wesley acknowledges the act with a smile. 66 INT. - MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Radue APPEARS on the viewscreen. RADUE Captain Picard. You may come down now to conclude our discussion, or your ship may leave. It is your choice. 67 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM where Riker, Tasha and Data wait to beam down. RIKER We are ready, Captain. 68 INT MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) PICARD Doctor Crusher and I are prepared to conclude these negotiations. Beverly and Picard DEMATERIALIZE from the bridge. WORF Transporter room, now! STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT FIVE 50. 69 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) RIKER Energize. Riker, Tasha and Data FADE and DISAPPEAR as the transporter activates. 70 INT. ALDEA - CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) Tasha, Riker and Data MATERIALIZE. There is no one else around. Riker looks around and motions for the Team to follow him. 71 INT. ALDEA - FIRST UNIT CHAMBER Beverly and Picard are confronted by Radue. RADUE Before we begin, Captain, you must speak with the children. It seems they are on some sort of "strike." I don't understand it. You must deal with this, Captain. I'm not very good with children. Picard is amused for the first time in days. PICARD A strike? I'll see what I can do. 72 INT. ALDEA - WESLEY'S ROOM (OPTICAL) Picard APPEARS in the Teleport Arch to find Wesley and the others silent and defiant. The children are overjoyed to see the captain. WESLEY Sir! We knew you'd come! PICARD It's not over yet, Wesley. WESLEY Captain, I think I figured out their computer controls -- I'm not sure, it's a different system than ours. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT FIVE 51. 72 CONTINUED: PICARD Good, Wesley. Now... HARRY (interrupting) ...Captain. PICARD Yes, Harry. HARRY If something happens and you have to leave us here -- tell my Dad... I'm sorry I made him angry... and I miss him. PICARD I will tell him, Harry, and I will tell him how much I admire his son. Alexandra waddles over to Picard and raises her arms to be picked up. Picard has no choice but to awkwardly lift her into his arms. She looks up at him with her big eyes. 73 OMITTED 74 INT. ALDEA - CUSTODIAN ROOM As the three officers ENTER the room. DATA This is it, Commander. Data scans the room with his tricorder. DATA (continuing) It is programmed to accept only authorized voice commands. RIKER So we can't override. DATA No. But I can intermix the input so nobody else can. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT FIVE 52. 74 CONTINUED: RIKER We must find the power supply for the shield. 75 INT. ALDEA - FIRST UNIT CHAMBER (OPTICAL) OPEN ON Beverly - then PAN TO Teleport Arch as Picard and the children STEP FORWARD. Beverly, Radue and Rashella have been joined by Accolan. Beverly looks lovingly at her son. RADUE What is this? PICARD They want to go home. RADUE No. They're staying. PICARD (his communicator) Number One. RIKER'S COM VOICE We are in position. PICARD Hold for orders. RIKER'S COM VOICE Aye, sir. BEVERLY (with persuasion) The radiation levels on Aldea have built up over a long period of time. It is similar to what was experienced on Earth in the twenty-first century, when the ozone layer deteriorated and the surface of the planet was flooded with ultraviolet radiation. PICARD The shield that protects your world in one way has weakened it in another. It's the radiation of your own sun which is destroying you. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT FIVE 53. 75 CONTINUED: RADUE You are trying to confuse the issue. BEVERLY Please listen. You're all suffering from a kind of poisoning. Sterility is only the latest symptom. If the children remain, they will be affected as well. RADUE It is impossible. Our scientists would have known. BEVERLY How could they? Your scientists have forgotten how everything works. RADUE No. It's a lie. Send them back to their ship. Rashella starts to touch her arm band, then hesitates. RASHELLA Wait. No. What if they're right? Instead of the children being our hope, what if we are just condeming them to our fate? RADUE They are just protecting their own interests. RASHELLA As are we. But hear them out. The captain and Doctor Crusher are saying our entire life is based on a misconception, and the very thing which has given us this wonderful world is the very thing which has caused this tragedy? STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT FIVE 54. 75 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD That is exactly it. The shield that protects you, has weakened and your computer has controlled your lives so completely you've lost the desire to even question it. RADUE Lies. The discussion is over. Radue hits his arm band to send them back to the ship. Nothing happens. Picard touches his communicator. PICARD Commander Riker. RIKER'S COM VOICE Yes, sir. PICARD I assume you have control of the computer. RIKER'S COM VOICE We've disabled the system temporarily and we've found the power source to the shield and we've neutralized it. PICARD Good. (using com) Enterprise, this is Picard. Beam the children up. HARRY Wait. Harry goes to Accolan. HARRY (continuing) Thank you. ACCOLAN Let me get the dolphin for you to take with you. HARRY No. You keep it. I'll make another. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT FIVE 55. 75 CONTINUED: (3) Harry joins the others. PICARD Beam them up. Harry waves good-bye to Accolan as all the children, but Wesley, DEMATERIALIZE. RADUE You've destroyed us. PICARD We are not here to destroy you, Radue. We can help you. 76 OMITTED 77 INT. ALDEA - POWER ROOM (OPTICAL) They ENTER cautiously. In the center is a shiny black box, not very large. It PULSATES with a GLOWING LIGHT. RADUE What is it? PICARD The legacy your Progenitors left you, Radue. The source of your power. And your problems. DATA It is reading incredible amounts of energy, sir. Even more since we have taken down the shield. RASHELLA What are we going to do with it? RADUE Learn all over again... all this time we've been destroying ourselves. So secure, so sure of our technological invulnerability. Now... PICARD Will you let us help? Radue puts his hand out to Picard. RADUE Yes. Please. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT FIVE 56. 78 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE AND ALDEA (OPTICAL) The Enterprise uses a wide angle ENERGY BEAM to "sew up the hole" in the atmosphere. (To be researched and revised.) 79 INT. CORRIDOR Harry and his father walk hand in hand to Harry's classroom. Harry stops in front of the door. HARRY Dad, I want to be an artist. And I don't want to take calculus anymore. DR. BERNARD You can be anything you want, Harry. Anything. But you still have to take calculus. Harry thinks about it for a moment. HARRY Okay. Thanks, Dad. They hug and Harry goes back to school. 80 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The Main Viewer SHOWS the ship finishing its job on the atmosphere. DATA It worked well, sir. Beverly ENTERS from a turbolift. PICARD Are you finished? BEVERLY Yes. They're responding very well to the treatment, but for this to work, they can never use their shield or be cloaked again. PICARD The legend will die, but the people will live. STAR TREK: "When the Bough... " - 12/11/87 - ACT FIVE 57. 80 CONTINUED: TROI And we know they'll make good parents. Alexandra WADDLES OFF the turbolift with Wesley. She's carrying a flower. PICARD Wesley! WESLEY Sorry, sir. She just wanted to give you a present for bringing her back to her mommy. Picard bends down to accept the flower -- and a hug. Alexandra waves bye-bye to him and GOES BACK with Wesley. The entire bridge crew tries not to snicker. Picard gives them a fierce look to cover his discomfort. PICARD Mister La Forge, out of orbit. Warp five. GEORDI (coughing) Yes, sir. Certainly, sir. Picard turns around and the rest of the crew can see the stick-em toy on the back of his uniform. 80A EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at sub-warp speed, it heads for its next adventure. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END