STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Coming Of Age" (fka "Starfleet Academy") #40271-119 Written by Sandy Fries Directed by Mike Vejar THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1987 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. 3RD REV. FINAL DRAFT DECEMBER 30, 1987 STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Coming Of Age" CAST PICARD JAKE KURLAND RIKER ADMIRAL GREGORY QUINN BEVERLY LT. COMMANDER DEXTER REMMICK DATA MORDOCK TROI OLIANA MIRREN TASHA T'SHANIK WORF TAC OFFICER CHANG GEORDI RONDON WESLEY TECHNICIAN #1 TECHNICIAN #2 Voice-Over STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Coming Of Age" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE Deck 21 Forward Lounge Transporter Room RELVA 7 (PLANET) Corridor SHUTTLECRAFT Captain's Ready Room Main bridge Holodeck Admiral's Quarters Main Engineering RELVA 7 Classroom Corridor Testing Room Long corridor Environmental Lab SHUTTLECRAFT Cockpit STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Coming Of Age" TEASER FADE IN: A1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) orbiting the planet Relva 7. B1 INT. ENTERPRISE - CORRIDOR WESLEY is running down the corridor after someone. WESLEY Hey, Jake! Wait a second! JAKE KURLAND, eighteen, dark-haired and intense, stops and waits for Wesley. WESLEY (continuing) How're you doing? JAKE (tries to smile) I'm fine. Really. WESLEY I'm real sorry... BEVERLY'S COM VOICE Acting Ensign Crusher, report to Deck Twenty-one Forward Lounge. Wesley ignores the request. JAKE It's not your fault. WESLEY Yes, I know, but I wish we were both going. JAKE (shrugging) Only thirty-two points... BEVERLY'S COM VOICE Acting Ensign Crusher, respond. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - TEASER 2. B1 CONTINUED: Wesley touches a com panel. WESLEY I'm on my way. Wesley looks at Jake. WESLEY (continuing) Gotta go. They shake hands. JAKE Do well for both of us. Wesley smiles at Jake and HURRIES BACK the other way. Jake stares dejectedly after him. C1 INT. CORRIDOR - OUTSIDE DECK 21 FORWARD LOUNGE Beverly waits for Wesley just outside the lounge. WESLEY Mom, I can't be late. BEVERLY Don't worry. You have time. 1 INT. DECK 21 FORWARD LOUNGE A large cake with seventeen BURNING candles is in the center of the table. It says "HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY" and "GOOD LUCK, WESLEY." The whole BRIDGE CREW waits around the table as Wesley ENTERS with Beverly. He's touched, embarrassed and -- wants to get out of there. RIKER Happy Birthday, Wesley! Everyone ECHOES THE SENTIMENT. WESLEY Thanks everybody. But it's not until next month. RIKER Close enough. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - TEASER 3. 1 CONTINUED: TROI You won't be here next month. After you pass the entrance exam, you'll be on your way to Starfleet Academy. BEVERLY Go on, make a wish. Wesley closes his eyes, thinks a moment, then blows out the candles. Everyone CLAPS as he makes the first cut. Troi takes over and cuts cake for everyone, handing pieces to Riker and Wesley. RIKER You'll breeze through those tests. WESLEY I hope so, sir. RIKER I know so. I remember how tough it was for me. He pauses, reliving the fear, then smiles at Wesley. RIKER (continuing) But you've got brains, and family tradition, and actual experience. WESLEY I wish I felt that sure. GEORDI I was scared to death the whole time. But it's good for you. Keeps your adrenaline going. Not that you'll need it, Wes. 1A ANOTHER ANGLE Troi hands pieces of cake to Data and Worf. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - TEASER 4. 1A CONTINUED: DATA Thank you... Humans are fascinating. They celebrate the passage of time with such joy until a certain age, and then it becomes a topic of some discomfort. I suppose it is because each birthday is another step towards inevitable death. Do Klingons observe birthdays, Worf? WORF Klingons are born, live as warriors, and die. DATA Then how do you know how old you are? WORF I don't. Do you know? DATA I have no age. Data stares at Beverly, who's standing next to Picard. BEVERLY Is there something wrong? DATA No. I am simply trying to understand the celebration of aging. And how old were you when Wesley was born, Doctor? Beverly shoves her piece of cake at him. BEVERLY Have some cake, Data. She LEAVES him standing there with Picard. DATA I do not understand, sir. Why... PICARD You never ask a woman her age, Mister Data. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - TEASER 5. 1A CONTINUED: (2) DATA I am very confused, sir. PICARD Some customs will never change. TASHA'S COM VOICE Acting Ensign Crusher, this is the Transporter Room. We are ready to beam you down to Relva 7. WESLEY (to the party) Thanks for the party, everyone. And the good wishes. They all RESPOND with "Good luck;" "Go get 'em;" "You'll do great." TASHA'S COM VOICE Captain Picard. PICARD (touching his communicator) Picard here. TASHA'S COM VOICE We've received communication from Relva 7 that Admiral Gregory Quinn is about to beam aboard, sir. PICARD Admiral Gregory Quinn. Why wasn't I informed earlier, Lieutenant Yar? TASHA'S COM VOICE We just received the request, sir. Picard gestures to Riker. PICARD I'm on my way to the Transporter Room, Lieutenant. Number One! Picard and Riker FOLLOW Wesley and Beverly OUT the door. 1B thru OMITTED 1C STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - TEASER 6. 2 OMITTED 3 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Riker, Picard and Beverly say good-bye to Wesley. Beverly reaches out to shake his hand, but Wesley leans over and kisses her. He nods and Tasha works the console and Wesley BEAMS DOWN to Relva 7. A beat, then almost immediately, ADMIRAL GREGORY QUINN and LIEUTENANT COMMANDER DEXTER REMMICK BEAM UP. Quinn is a rugged man in his early sixties. He is accompanied by Remmick, a young, blond, dedicated officer. They step off the platform. PICARD This is unexpected. Welcome aboard, Admiral. QUINN Thank you. Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Lieutenant Commander Dexter Remmick. REMMICK Sir. They shake hands, then Remmick steps back and watches. PICARD Allow me to present my staff: First Officer William Riker, Chief Medical Officer Beverly Crusher, chief of security, Lieutenant Tasha Yar. Quinn nods to them. PICARD (continuing) What can we do for you? QUINN I need to speak with you. PICARD Certainly. This way. Number One. They turn to leave, as: QUINN No. Alone. PICARD Is this personal? STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - TEASER 7. 3 CONTINUED: QUINN Official business. PICARD Then my first officer... QUINN ... Alone, Captain. This is unheard of. It's as if Riker's in big trouble and no one knows why, as WE: FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT ONE 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: 4 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it orbits Relva 7. PICARD (V. O.) Captain's log, stardate 41416. 2. We are orbiting Relva 7, one of the testing sites where final examinations are taking place for entrance into Starfleet Academy. But with the appearance of my old colleague, Admiral Gregory Quinn, our stay has taken on another meaning. 5 OMITTED 5A INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM Picard and Quinn ENTER. Remmick stands off to the side. QUINN Commander Remmick is with the Inspector General's office. PICARD Oh? QUINN He'll be conducting a complete investigation of the Enterprise. PICARD What are you looking for? Quinn turns to especially include Remmick. Remmick stands almost at attention. QUINN I have reason to believe there may be something very wrong on this ship... very wrong. PICARD Tell me what you suspect. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT ONE 9. 5A CONTINUED: QUINN No. It's... inappropriate to discuss it now. We'll go over it fully when Mister Remmick concludes his investigation. (turns to Remmick) You will find out what is wrong on this ship. Starfleet is depending on you. REMMICK Yes, sir. (glances at Picard) Nothing and no one will stand in my way. QUINN And you, Captain, are ordered to cooperate in every way necessary with the investigation. Clear? PICARD Yes, sir. QUINN Mister Remmick, unless there are further questions... REMMICK No questions, sir. QUINN Get on with your duties. REMMICK Yes, sir! Remmick purposefully EXITS. When the door CLOSES: PICARD Greg, we've known each other for years. If you weren't just motivating young Mister Remmick, tell me what you believe is wrong. Quinn dodges the question. QUINN Captain, it is vitally important that my orders are followed exactly. I'll be staying on the ship. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT ONE 10. 5A CONTINUED: (2) PICARD As you wish, Admiral. 6 EXT. RELVA 7 (OPTICAL) ESTABLISHING the planet. 7 INT. RELVA 7 - CLASSROOM Wesley is the first one to ARRIVE in the high-tech classroom. He looks around the room uncomfortably. There's an impressive array of DEVICES, including a special SENSOR UNIT. He reaches down to inspect it, but puts it back guiltily as OLIANA MIRREN ENTERS. She's a gorgeous eighteen-year-old human, a red-head with sparkle and probably a temper. OLIANA What is it? WESLEY What? OLIANA The unit you just put down. Don't worry. I won't tell anybody. WESLEY Oh. It's a flux coordinating sensor. Oliana puts out her hand. Wesley takes it and absentmindedly holds it. He's mesmerized by her. OLIANA I'm Oliana Mirren, one of the other finalists. You must be Wesley Crusher. She gently removes her hand from his. WESLEY Yeah! You know me? OLIANA I heard there was a very smart, very young man who'd be tough competition. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT ONE 11. 7 CONTINUED: WESLEY (embarrassed) Well, you wouldn't be here if... OLIANA ... I weren't smart? I know. But there's a lot more to it than that. You're lucky - you've had practical experience on the Enterprise. As she speaks, the door OPENS and T'SHANIK, a dark young Vulcan woman, who looks as if she's surprised anyone else bothered to show up, ENTERS with MORDOCK, a powerfully built alien with a special suit using circulating gas tubes. Mordock hangs back a little, quietly. T'SHANIK Oliana. (to Wesley) T'Shanik of Vulcana Regar. WESLEY Wesley Crusher, from the Enterprise. T'SHANIK You don't look as if you meet the age requirements. WESLEY Uh, I'll be sixteen next month. OLIANA (pats him on the shoulder) Happy birthday. When this is all over, we'll celebrate. Wesley basks in the thought of celebrating anything with her, then realizes he's being rude. He turns to Mordock. WESLEY Hi. I'm Wesley Crusher. Mordock nods and moves forward. MORDOCK Mordock. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT ONE 12. 7 CONTINUED: (2) WESLEY Mordock? The Mordock? The Benzite who constructed the Mordock Strategy? I thought you already were in the Academy. MORDOCK No. Only a hopeful, like you. WESLEY You're a legend in the Galactic Computer Network... TAC OFFICER CHANG ENTERS and walks to the head of the classroom. CHANG Finalists, please take your seats... The Four take seats at individual computer stations, as Chang continues. CHANG (continuing) I'm TAC Officer Chang. Welcome. You are here because you are all top candidates. Although only one student will be chosen for the Academy, you have shown from the preliminary testing that any of you could easily qualify. (makes eye contact with each) We are looking for the person who combines all the important qualities necessary to be part of Starfleet's future. Integrity, intelligence, courage, imagination... and that indefinable quality of leadership. This may be the most difficult, exhausting experience of your life. And the most exciting challenge. Expect the unexpected... May you all do your best... Now, we'll begin. Chang LEAVES the room as the computers LIGHT UP. The four students immediately start the test. And the faster they answer the questions, the faster the computer asks them. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT ONE 13. 7 CONTINUED: (3) They're all pounding away at extreme high speeds, but with different kinds of energy, and each time they take a test they'll respond with the same kind of energy. Wesley concentrates completely and works at an incredibly fast, even pace. T'Shanik works quickly, calmly and methodically. Mordock, with great intensity. Oliana, alternates bursts of energy with quiet. The students continue with their answers. 8 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit. 8A INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker commands the bridge, with Data and Geordi, Tasha and Worf at their regular stations. Remmick stands over Data, just watching him sit there. Remmick HOLDS A HAND DEVICE which he will carry with him everywhere -- A MINIATURE PERSONAL COMPUTER where he punches in every observation. Riker watches him without saying a word. DATA May I help you, Mister Remmick? REMMICK Just keep on doing whatever it is you're doing, Commander Data. DATA Yes, sir. Data continues staring, as Remmick moves over to Geordi.. and stands over him, making entries in his computer. GEORDI There's nothing much to see here, Commander. We're in standard orbit. And, uh, the station has to be manned, even if it's routine... STAR TREK: "Coming of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT ONE 14. 8A CONTINUED: RIKER Is there something I can help you with, Mister Remmick? Remmick whips around to Riker. REMMICK When I'm ready, Mister Riker, I'll want to speak with you. Privately. Remmick moves aft, to stand next to Worf. Remmick watches Worf work at his console and makes more notes. Worf pretends he's not there. Geordi turns to Data. GEORDI Just having that guy around makes me feel guilty. (to Riker) Commander, what's this guy after? RIKER I don't know, Geordi. But I'm going to find out. Now. He gets up and heads purposefully for the Captain's Ready Room. 9 thru OMITTED 10 11 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM Picard is at his desk, star window at his shoulder. The doorbell CHIMES. PICARD Come. Riker ENTERS, and sits down as the Captain motions him. RIKER Captain, may I speak frankly? PICARD Always, Number One. RIKER As executive officer, I should be informed. I should know everything you know. STAR TREK: "Coming of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT ONE 15. 11 CONTINUED: PICARD I agree. You should. RIKER What's this about? Remmick is going to turn this ship upside down. PICARD That is his job. RIKER And mine is to make sure the ship runs smoothly. PICARD Which you do very well. RIKER Sir, am I under investigation? PICARD I don't know. RIKER And if you did? PICARD I couldn't tell you. RIKER I don't understand, sir. This is extremely frustrating. PICARD No less so for me. But I have promised full cooperation. And we shall give it. Riker tries not to lose his temper. RIKER Sir. He EXITS the Ready Room as Picard looks after him unhappily. 12 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Remmick is waiting for Riker outside the captain's Ready Room. STAR TREK: "Coming of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT ONE 16. 12 CONTINUED: REMMICK I want some answers from you now, Commander Riker. RIKER Later. REMMICK You were ordered to cooperate... RIKER When it doesn't interfere with my duty. Not now, Remmick! The crew watches the furious Riker head for the turbolift. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Coming of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT TWO 17. ACT TWO FADE IN: 13 EXT. RELVA 7 (OPTICAL) ESTABLISHING. 14 INT. RELVA 7 - CLASSROOM The four students sit in front of computer readout screens set apart from each other. T'Shanik is the only one who appears calm. COMPUTER VOICE Last question on the Hyper Space Physics test: If the matter and antimatter tanks on a Galaxy Class starship are nine-tenths depleted, calculate the intermix ratio necessary to reach a starbase a hundred light years away at warp factor eight... All the students begin to use the calculators attached to the computer, except Wesley, who immediately punches in the answer. T'Shanik reaches the answer almost immediately. Mordock, driven and intense, is startled at their speed, then pushes in his answer. Oliana finishes last. COMPUTER VOICE (continuing) Thank you, students. You now have one hour free before the next test. The computer shuts down, its lights FADE OUT. T'Shanik EXITS the classroom immediately as Wesley, Oliana and Mordock relax. MORDOCK I admit, Wesley, you have a very fast mind. WESLEY As soon as I realized it was a trick question, there was only one answer. STAR TREK: "Coming of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT TWO 18. 14 CONTINUED: MORDOCK Yes. There is only one "ratio" with matter-antimatter. One to one. Wesley sneaks a look at Oliana. Her jaw is set, then she shrugs and smiles her bright smile at the two of the them. OLIANA You're both very lucky. I can't imagine what it feels like to have things come so easily. I have to push every step of the way. WESLEY Oh, no, Oliana, it doesn't come easily. I have to study all the time. Mordock's the one who's brilliant. OLIANA You really don't know, do you? It's a good thing you're cute, Wesley, or you could really be obnoxious. She pushes her chair back and gets up. OLIANA (continuing) See you later. She LEAVES the room. WESLEY Did you hear that Mordock? She said I was cute! MORDOCK Is that good, Wesley? WESLEY I don't know. I think so. Maybe. I don't know. MORDOCK Perhaps I was incorrect about the speed of your thought processes, Wesley. STAR TREK: "Coming of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT TWO 19. 15 OMITTED 16 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) orbiting Relva 7. ESTABLISHING. 16A OMITTED 17 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker STEPS OFF the turbolift and APPROACHES Picard. RIKER Captain, I think I should apologize. PICARD No need, Number One. Mister Remmick's presence is unnerving, to say the least. RIKER Regardless, sir, I should realize that whatever your reasons are, they're valid. Whether or not I understand them. Remmick ENTERS the bridge. REMMICK Are you available now, Mister Riker? Or do you still have duties to perform? RIKER I'm available, Mister Remmick. REMMICK Any problem with using your Ready Room, Captain? The crew considers this an intrusion. TASHA I'll find him a comfortable place on Deck Fifteen, sir. REMMICK It's more convenient here. Is there a problem, Captain? STAR TREK: "Coming of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT TWO 20. 17 CONTINUED: PICARD No, Mister Remmick. Be my guest. Remmick ENTERS the Ready Room and motions for Riker to FOLLOW. 18 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM Remmick sits at Picard's desk, Riker in front of him. REMMICK There are several seeming discrepancies in the captain's log. Let's go over them, one by one, shall we? Riker is surprised -- he thought he was the one on the hot seat, but it's Picard. RIKER The captain's log? REMMICK Yes. To your knowledge, has the captain ever falsified a log? RIKER Have you discussed this with him? REMMICK Right now, I'm asking you. RIKER If you want to discuss anything about Captain Picard, bring him in here and ask him face to face. REMMICK You are required to answer my questions, Mister Riker. Unless you're trying to cover something up? Now, there are several discrepancies in the captain's log. Shall we go over them, one by one? RIKER Proceed. 19 OMITTED STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT TWO 21. 19A INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM (FORMERLY SCENE 16A) Troi calmly faces Remmick. REMMICK Do you believe the captain is emotionally and psychologically fit for command of this starship? There is nothing in his history or his personality that might suggest... mental lapses? TROI Nothing. REMMICK Not even the Ferengi incident with his old ship, the Stargazer? TROI He was being controlled by a mind-altering machine, Commander. Without his knowledge. REMMICK I would say that was a mental lapse. 20 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING Geordi is working on a panel as Remmick questions him. REMMICK So, you are saying Captain Picard had no control over this vessel. He handed it over to Kosinski, who took the entire crew to some sort of "alternate" universe. GEORDI No, sir. That's not what I'm saying. Kosinski was sent by Starfleet to improve our warp drive. The captain was ordered to take him aboard. REMMICK According to his own logs, the bridge crew didn't think highly of Mister Kosinski's theories, yet the captain allowed him access to the engines anyway. Is that true, La Forge? STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT TWO 22. 20 CONTINUED: GEORDI Not exactly, sir. REMMICK One way or the other, La Forge, Picard lost control of this ship. Is that true? GEORDI Yes, but that's not how it happened. REMMICK So, the answer is yes. Geordi is completely frustrated as Remmick makes notes. 21 OMITTED 22 INT. HOLODECK (OPTICAL) It's empty and SILENT. Wesley stares off into the distance, frowning. Worf ENTERS, startling Wesley. WORF Ensign Crusher... What are you doing on the Holodeck? I thought you were still on Relva 7. WESLEY I'm through testing for the day. WORF I'm sorry if I disturbed you. I'll leave. WESLEY No! Stay. I thought I wanted to be by myself, but I guess I didn't really. WORF How is the testing? STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT TWO 23. 22 CONTINUED: WESLEY Okay. So far. It's not the ones I've studied for I'm worried about. It's the Psych Test, facing my deepest fear and living through it. I don't even know what it is. I'm trying to figure out what images to bring up. WORF Why? WESLEY I wanna scare myself. What do you think -- Bulgallian rats? Lightning storm? WORF Do those things frighten you? WESLEY Kinda. But's it's exciting, too. You know, that rolling feeling in your stomach? WORF No. I don't know. Wesley... The Psych Test is no more or less important than the rest of the process. WESLEY That's what they said, but it's all I can think about. WORF Thinking about what you can't control simply wastes your energy and creates its own fear. WESLEY (angry) How can they know what my deepest fear is when I don't? WORF (shrugs) By analyzing your psychological profile. They were right about everyone I tested with. Including myself. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT TWO 24. 22 CONTINUED: (2) WESLEY You? I didn't think there was anything that could frighten a Klingon warrior. WORF Only fools have no fear. WESLEY I'm sorry, Lieutenant Worf. I shouldn't ask so many personal questions. Worf stares at Wesley for a moment. WORF It is very... difficult for me to depend on anyone else. For anything. But especially for my life. WESLEY But on the Enterprise you do that every day. Everyone depends on everyone else to protect them. WORF Yes. WESLEY Then you got over it. WORF No. It is still my enemy. Wesley looks at Worf with intense admiration. 23 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard and Riker are at the Aft Station reviewing supply choices. Remmick stands, watching and making entries. RIKER ... With this new extricator, sir, we could eliminate three other bulky machines from cargo space. PICARD Excellent, Number One. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT TWO 25. 23 CONTINUED: TASHA Captain, there's an unauthorized entry in Main Shuttlebay. Remmick becomes intensely interested. REMMICK "Unauthorized?" PICARD Who is it, Lieutenant? TASHA The computer reads the I.D. number of... Jake Kurland. PICARD Bridge to Main Shuttlebay. Mister Kurland... This is Captain Picard. Respond. REMMICK Isn't the area secured? I want answers. RIKER Not now, Remmick... Captain, he's going to take her out. PICARD Lock off the bay launch doors. WORF Too late, sir. He's using the flight emergency override... GEORDI Smart kid. Remmick's taking notes. TASHA ... He's launching! PICARD Enterprise to shuttlecraft. Mister Kurland. 23A EXT. SPACE - THE SHUTTLECRAFT (OPTICAL) It LAUNCHES. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT TWO 26. 24 INT. SHUTTLECRAFT - COCKPIT Jake's at the controls. JAKE Captain Picard. I'm going to Beltane Nine to sign onto a freighter. Tell my father I'm sorry. PICARD (V.O.) Tell him in person. Bring the ship back. Now. Jake shakes his head and WHISPERS: JAKE No. I can't face him. I'm leaving. Jake works the controls, and the shuttle LURCHES, the LIGHTS DIM, the ENGINE NOISE DIES. His face shows panic as he frantically recomputes, and works the controls again. JAKE (continuing) I've lost power! 25 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The crew is shocked by Jake's mistake. RIKER All he's got left are his maneuvering jets. GEORDI At that trajectory, he'll hit the atmosphere and melt at two hundred kilometers. PICARD Probable impact? DATA Atmospheric entry... seventy-eight seconds. PICARD Options? STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT TWO 27. 25 CONTINUED: TASHA He's out of transporter range. WORF Tractor beam? RIKER Won't work. He's too far away for a positive lock. REMMICK You're completely responsible for that boy's life, Captain. PICARD (to Remmick) Either get out of my way and be quiet, or I will have you escorted from the bridge... Visual on shuttle cockpit. TASHA Visual on Main Viewer. Jake's face APPEARS on the Main Viewer. He's terrified. JAKE (V.O.) The engine's dead. What am I gonna do? PICARD Stay calm, Jake. We'll get you back. The crew looks anxiously at Jake on the Viewer, then at Picard, who is grim. 25A INT. SHUTTLECRAFT - COCKPIT (HIS P.O.V.) (OPTICAL) As Jake watches Relva 7 looming closer by the second. JAKE Please help me! FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT THREE 28. ACT THREE FADE IN: 26 EXT. SPACE - SHUTTLECRAFT (OPTICAL) as it hurtles towards Relva 7. 27 INT. SHUTTLECRAFT - COCKPIT (CONTINUOUS ACTION) (OPTICAL) Jake's futilely fighting the useless controls. Relva 7 looms even CLOSER on his Viewer. PICARD (V.O.) Jake! JAKE It's no use, Captain. I'm going to die out here. 28 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) ON the Main Viewer, Jake is desolate. PICARD Mister Kurland! You are not going to die out there. Do exactly as I tell you. Take the nose of the shuttle and aim it directly at Relva 7. Riker and the others REACT to this, startled. 29 OMITTED 30 INT. SHUTTLECRAFT - COCKPIT (OPTICAL) The planet's COMING CLOSER. JAKE Aim it at Relva? I can't do that. It's crazy. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT THREE 29. 31 INT. MAIN BRIDGE The crew watches grimly. DATA Twenty-eight seconds to impact... PICARD Jake, listen carefully. I'm the captain and I'm giving you an order. Aim the shuttle at Relva. Now. 32 INT. SHUTTLECRAFT - COCKPIT (OPTICAL) Jake hesitates, then maneuvers the nose of the craft directly at Relva. JAKE Okay. It's done. 33 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard is monitoring Data's console. PICARD Good. Monitor your speed exactly. When it hits point zero-two-zero, I want you to restart the engine and pull up, hard! 33A INT. SHUTTLECRAFT - COCKPIT ON Jake's face. JAKE Point zero-two-zero speed... Captain, I sure hope you're right. PICARD (V.O.) You'll just have to trust me. JAKE (nodding) Point zero-zero-three; zero-zero-nine; zero-one-two... STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT THREE 30. 33B INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard, Riker and the others tensely watch Jake's face. He's pouring sweat. PICARD Hang on tight. It's going to be bumpy. JAKE (V.O.) Zero-one-five, zero-one-nine. PICARD Now! Start the engine! 33C INT. SHUTTLECRAFT - COCKPIT (OPTICAL) Jake starts the engine. WE HEAR IT CATCH as he pulls the shuttle up. 33D EXT. SPACE - SHUTTLECRAFT (OPTICAL) WE SEE the shuttle angle off the planet's atmosphere. 34 OMITTED 35 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) CHEERS all around, including Remmick, who's standing over the console. RIKER Incredible, Captain! REMMICK He bounced her off the atmosphere! PICARD Mister Kurland, can you maneuver the shuttle home? JAKE (V.O.) Yes, sir. PICARD Do so. Then report to Mister Riker. Jake is so relieved, he doesn't care he's in deep trouble. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT THREE 31. 35 CONTINUED: JAKE (V.O.) Yes, sir! RIKER Main Shuttle Bay, prepare to receive shuttle. Remmick stops smiling. REMMICK Very... original, Captain. But how did this child gain access to a Shuttlecraft? RIKER Kurland is a highly qualified Enterprise Academy candidate and fully trained in many areas ... including shuttles. REMMICK And did this "full" training include discipline? PICARD Young men sometimes make rash choices, Mister Remmick. Which is why Mister Kurland will receive a strong refresher specifically in discipline... REMMICK I'll note that in my report. Picard turns away from Remmick as Riker starts to protest: PICARD Full cooperation, Number One. 36 EXT. RELVA 7 (OPTICAL) ESTABLISHING. 37 INT. RELVA 7 - CORRIDOR Wesley walks down the hall as Oliana is having an intense M.O.S. discussion with Chang outside his office. He's telling her what her point standing is in relation to the other candidates. Chang ENTERS his office, leaving her there looking dejected. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT THREE 32. 37 CONTINUED: WESLEY Oliana! OLIANA Oh. Hi, Wes. WESLEY I, um, thought you might want to have lunch... together. OLIANA Thanks, but I'm not very hungry. WESLEY Oh... okay. She pats him on the hand. OLIANA It's not you... it's just that Mordock and you are so far ahead in points, I'll never catch up. WESLEY Oh. Sorry. (worried) You're not leaving., are you? OLIANA And give up? Never. Besides, it'll be good practice for next year. See you later. She's almost back to her cheerful self. Wesley stares after her thoughtfully, then turns around, almost bumping into Mordock. MORDOCK Ah, Wesley. Distracted by the female human again. No matter. It does not seem to diminish your mental faculties. You do good work. WESLEY Me? No, you're the one. I've studied the Mordock Strategy... MORDOCK Are you a player of Benzite chess? STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT THREE 33. 37 CONTINUED: (2) WESLEY Sure! MORDOCK If you like, we can discuss this at lunch... I am hungry. Wesley cheers up. WESLEY Me too! They start towards the Mess Hall. RONDON, an irritable, powerful-looking Alien, WALKS TOWARDS them with a package under his arm. RONDON (to Wesley) You. I have a package for Operations. Where is it? WESLEY End of the corridor on your right. Room 406... As Rondon walks away, he BUMPS right into Wesley. RONDON You blocked my path... you Bulgallian sludge rat! TAC Officer Chang LEAVES his office and HEADS their way. WESLEY I apologize. An honest mistake, okay? I'm sorry. CHANG Is there a problem here, gentlemen? WESLEY No, sir... I, he... RONDON (shouting) How dare you! I am Rondon, you despicable Melanoid slimeworm! (raises fist) Liar! STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT THREE 34. 37 CONTINUED: (3) Wesley sees the fist and suddenly becomes tough and straightforward. He advances towards Rondon. WESLEY Who do you think you're bullying? You bumped into me. It was your mistake. You were rude. (assuming defense posture) Do you want this to become violent? Mordock moves to separate them, but Chang motions him back, as Wesley holds his ground. Abruptly, Rondon warmly pats Wesley on the Back. RONDON Friend. I like you. He turns and is GONE. Mordock is confused. MORDOCK A very strange reaction. WESLEY Not really. When he held up his hand, I could see it was webbed... the sign of a Zaldan. CHANG But you became hostile. WESLEY Zaldans are infuriated by courtesy. They see it as a form of phony social behavior, designed to hide real feelings. CHANG Congratulations, Mister Crusher. You handled that particular incident very well. Mordock is alerted. MORDOCK Was that "incident" deliberate? CHANG It's important to know how you candidates deal with other cultures, other species. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT THREE 35. 37 CONTINUED: (4) MORDOCK Then it was a test. CHANG Yes. Not all tests are announced. Or what they appear to be. He smiles and LEAVES. MORDOCK Zaldans have webbed fingers? I wouldn't have passed. They share a look. They can't relax for a second. 38 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) still in orbit. 39 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - MONTAGE Remmick holds court as he interviews the bridge Officers, one by one. First is Data: REMMICK Commander Data, I'm getting very little cooperation from the bridge crew. You're an android, correct? DATA Yes, sir. REMMICK And as an android, you are programmed to tell the entire truth? DATA Yes, sir. REMMICK There is a problem with this ship, Mister Data. It's in the records, somewhere. I need your help to find it. DATA All the ship's records are available to you, sir. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT THREE 36. 39 CONTINUED: REMMICK This information is very cleverly hidden. Your captain is not what he appears to be. Do not forget you have loyalty to Starfleet above all else. DATA Loyalty is not the issue, Commander. There is nothing wrong with Captain Picard -- or the ship's logs. Therefore there must be something wrong with your original assumption. REMMICK That is not acceptable, Mister Data. DATA Acceptable or not, sir, it is the truth. CUT TO: Remmick interviewing Worf: REMMICK (looking at some notes) Just how did this contaminant come on board? WORF By accident, sir. REMMICK Meaning Captain Picard has no standing procedure for this type of situation? WORF No. Meaning "by accident" sir. REMMICK You don't like me very much, do you? WORF Is it required, sir? CUT TO: Remmick interviewing Beverly: STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT THREE 37. 39 CONTINUED: (2) REMMICK How would you characterize your relationship with Captain Picard? BEVERLY We're officers of Starfleet who have known each other for many years. Remmick leans in towards her. REMMICK Everything said here is confidential, Doctor. You can be completely open with me. BEVERLY About what? REMMICK About how you feel serving with a man who was responsible for the death of your husband. BEVERLY My personal feelings about Captain Picard are irrelevant to this investigation. And none of your business. CUT TO: Remmick with Picard. REMMICK Then you confirm the logs are accurate: you violated the Prime Directive with the Edo? You deliberately interfered with their laws? PICARD Yes. It's exactly as I explained it in the log records. REMMICK All to save Doctor Crusher's son? PICARD One of my crew was held unjustly. I stand by my decision. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT THREE 38. 39 CONTINUED: (3) Remmick fumbles around, looking for something else to ask. PICARD (continuing) Mister Remmick, you have talked to everyone on this ship. I think you've had enough time to find out whatever it is you need to know. REMMICK Are you worried that if I keep looking I'll find what you're guilty of? PICARD The only thing I'm guilty of is allowing this charade to go on too long. He gets up, as WE: 40 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT FOUR 39. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 41 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit around Relva 7. 42 INT. ENTERPRISE - ADMIRAL'S QUARTERS The admiral looks weary as Picard and he watch each other carefully. PICARD If it's me you're after, Admiral, ask me directly what you want to know. Then tell me exactly what's going on. QUINN I need a little more time, Jean-Luc. PICARD How much time? I won't tolerate my crew being harassed any longer. QUINN Remmick's full report is almost ready. PICARD I want to be here when he presents it. QUINN That has always been my intention. Quinn pushes a com button near his hand. QUINN (continuing) Commander Remmick, report to Admiral Quinn. REMMICK'S COM VOICE On my way, sir. Picard looks at Quinn sadly. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT FOUR 40. 42 CONTINUED: PICARD This has been a strain on our friendship. QUINN I know. Believe me, Jean-Luc, I regret that, but it has been necessary. 43 EXT. RELVA 7 (OPTICAL) ESTABLISHING. 44 INT. RELVA 7 - CLASSROOM The four finalists are again in front of their separate computer screens. Chang is at the front of the room. CHANG This test will be graded as to the number of problems you complete within the allotted time. As the computers LIGHT UP, he LEAVES the room. COMPUTER VOICE The Carlundrum I.Q. Test will now appear. The task is to predict the variable patterns of Platonic Solids. Your responses will be timed. Begin. The four students stare at their separate screens as images APPEAR. Wesley watches the screen as various SHAPES (triangles, squares, etc.) APPEAR in various COLORS and PATTERNS, SPINNING in a space, ROTATING along their axes, and REAPPEARING with DIFFERENT markings. The PICTURE CHANGES rapidly from one to another in seemingly meaningless combinations. Wesley watches, then begins his move. 45 ANGLE ON WESLEY AND MORDOCK as they continue to predict the patterns and program the shapes and colors onto the screen before the computer does. Wesley is really having a good time. Mordock, on the other hand, is tense and misses one or two sequences, then has to go back. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT FOUR 41. 46 ACROSS THE ROOM T'Shanik moves methodically and calmly through the problems. Oliana moves with great bursts of energy, then pauses. 47 WESLEY pushes the console with ease. The time is rapidly diminishing. Mordock begins to struggle. MORDOCK I... I can't get... it. WESLEY Don't fight it. Relax into it and just do it automatically. MORDOCK No... it's going too fast! Mordock jabs at the controls, but his fingers trip over one another. Wesley glances over to Mordock's screen. WESLEY You're doing all right... Wesley looks back to his screen, and keeps up, but has lost a few seconds. MORDOCK No... no. Wesley, I can't do it. Wesley glances away again, points at Mordock's screen. WESLEY (DIALOGUE TO BE WRITTEN) Mordock realizes he's right, and punches the combination in, finishing the test. The last set of SHAPES FLASH different COLORS. Wesley finishes his test a beat later. COMPUTER VOICE Test completed. Mordock is very upset as Chang COMES BACK INTO the room. MORDOCK Mister Chang... STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT FOUR 42. 47 CONTINUED: CHANG Congratulations, Mordock. That was the second fastest time recorded on this test. You all did well. MORDOCK It should not have been that way. Mister Crusher helped me. CHANG Yes. I know. An interesting choice, Mister Crusher. Especially considering how close you and Mister Mordock are in overall score. WESLEY Yes, sir. CHANG You all have an hour to prepare for your last test. WESLEY The Psych Test, sir? CHANG We prefer to think of it as a psychological evaluation based on reactions to various individual problems. (smiles) But the Psych Test will do. 48 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) orbiting Relva 7. 49 INT. ENTERPRISE - ADMIRAL'S QUARTERS Remmick ENTERS. REMMICK Sir. QUINN Please sit down, Mister Remmick. Proceed with your report. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT FOUR 43. 49 CONTINUED: Picard is intent, ready and willing to hear Remmick's findings. Remmick is very uncomfortable. REMMICK Admiral, I've done my best to be objective during this investigation. And yet, I feel a sense of failure. He hesitates. QUINN Continue. REMMICK I couldn't find what you asked, sir. I spoke with officer after officer, at length. I probed the log reports. And I have found nothing wrong. Except, perhaps, a casual familiarity among the bridge crew, but... mostly that comes from a sense of teamwork. (beat) I'm sorry, sir. I did my best. QUINN Quite. You're dismissed, Commander. REMMICK Yes, sir. He gets up to leave, and pauses at the door. REMMICK (continuing) Captain Picard, my tour in the Inspector General's office will be up in six months. When I'm finished, this is where I'd like to serve, sir. He nods and LEAVES. Picard looks at Quinn. QUINN Don't judge the young man too harshly. He's a good officer. PICARD It's not him I'm judging. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT FOUR 44. 49 CONTINUED: (2) QUINN Don't judge me too harshly, either. Not until I'm finished. We had to be very sure about you. (beat) Some time ago, a few of us in Starfleet Command became suspicious of problems within the Federation. PICARD What kind of problems? QUINN Something or someone is trying to destroy the fabric of all we've built over the last two hundred years. PICARD What's your evidence? QUINN I can't go into that. Too many other people are involved. But if we're right, this is the most critical time in the history of the Federation. PICARD What do you want from me? QUINN I don't know if the threat is coming from within or from the outside. I need people I can trust in strong positions throughout the Federation. PICARD You have my complete support. You know that. QUINN Not enough. I want to promote you to admiral, Jean-Luc. I want you to take over as Commandant of Starfleet Academy. PICARD The Academy? STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT FOUR 45. 49 CONTINUED: (3) QUINN Yes. I need you close. PICARD Then there was never a problem with the Enterprise. QUINN No. I had to be sure you hadn't been co-opted. PICARD Greg, the real issue is politics. I'm no good at politics. Surely there are others more suited. Picard isn't sure how to take all of this. QUINN I sense you're doubtful about this. All right. Suppose it's the rambling paranoia of an old man. Even if I am wrong, and I hope I am, you're still the best man for the job. PICARD I appreciate the value of what you're offering. It's not something I can decide quickly. Quinn pushes him. QUINN I need your answer soon, Captain. PICARD All right. You'll have it tonight, Admiral. As they shake hands, WE FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT FIVE 46. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 50 EXT. RELVA 7 (OPTICAL) ESTABLISHING. 51 INT. RELVA 7 - CORRIDOR Wesley sits nervously waiting outside the Testing Room. He closes his eyes and tries to do breathing exercises to keep himself calm. Chang COMES OUT of the Testing Room. CHANG Mister Mordock will be finished with his Psych Test momentarily. Wesley watches the door, waiting. It slides OPEN, but no one is there. Then... Mordock EMERGES, badly shaken, his face covered with sweat. He looks down at his hands. WESLEY Mordock? Are you... all right? Mordock tries not to scare Wesley. MORDOCK I will be... CHANG Mister Crusher... you're next. Good luck. Chang gestures for Wesley to enter. Wesley hesitates, then STEPS THROUGH. The door slides SHUT behind him. 52 OMITTED 53 INT. RELVA 7 - TESTING ROOM An ordinary room. White walls, two or three chairs, no windows. Wesley looks around for some guidance as to the next step. He waits a beat, then looks around and decides to sit down. Still nothing. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT FIVE 47. 53 CONTINUED: WESLEY Hello? He gets up and starts to pace. WESLEY (continuing) I'm here. I'm, uh, ready. Nothing. He sits down again. WESLEY (continuing; muttering) Maybe they forgot. Wesley jumps up again and resumes pacing. WESLEY (continuing) Breathe. Gotta remember to breathe. He's startled by something -- a sound, a sense of something wrong. He becomes alert, checking out the room. He takes another deep breath, then realizes he hears something in the distance -- MUFFLED THUD. He moves towards the door he entered. He listens intently near the door, and hears a LOUDER NOISE. Wesley opens the door manually and ENTERS the corridor. 54 INT. RELVA 7 - LONG CORRIDOR Several more O.S. EXPLOSIONS. Wesley runs towards its source. He reaches a door and hears ALARMS RINGING and another EXPLOSION. The door says: "ENVIRONMENTAL MAINTENANCE LABORATORY." He runs down the empty corridor and YELLS. WESLEY Somebody help! Something's wrong in the lab! There is no response. Then he hears: TECHNICIAN #1 (V.O.) Help! We're trapped. Help! We're gonna die. COMPUTER VOICE (V.O.) Evacuate immediately. Sixty-five seconds to life-support seal-off. Wesley presses the wallplate and the door GLIDES OPEN. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT FIVE 48. 55 INT. RELVA 7 - ENVIRONMENTAL LAB Wesley ENTERS cautiously. The door CLOSES behind him. WIND HOWLS through the room, which has been partially trashed by the explosions. It's FREEZING. A large pipe has fractured, allowing fumes of liquid hydrogen (or another gas) and a vortex of wind to act as a barrier between Wesley and the TWO TECHNICIANS. TECHNICIAN #1 is cowered in a corner, uninjured, YELLING, on the other side of the wind tunnel. His pathway out is partially blocked by debris, so he must cross the vortex to get to the door. TECHNICIAN #2, is trapped, under a piece of equipment on the far side of the vortex, not far from Technician #1. Wesley hesitates, then makes his way ACROSS the HOWLING WIND to the injured Technician. The WIND and COLD continue to batter the two of them. COMPUTER VOICE Evacuate immediately. Forty-five seconds to life-support seal-off. Wesley tries to move the equipment off the trapped man. WESLEY (to Technician #1) Help me move this! The Technician remains cowered in the corner, shaking his head. Wesley keeps pushing the equipment. WESLEY (continuing) You have to help me! TECHNICIAN #1 I can't! It's too late. We're going to die! The liquid hydrogen's gonna blow! TECHNICIAN #2 Please don't leave me! The shut-off valve ruptured. If we don't get out of here fast, they'll seal us off to contain the explosion! STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT FIVE 49. 55 CONTINUED: COMPUTER VOICE Evacuate immediately. Twenty-five seconds to seal-off. Wesley finds something to use as a lever. The equipment begins to move slightly. Beads of sweat pour off Wesley's face as he makes a Herculean last effort. Technician #2's leg is free. Wesley drags him out. He turns to Technician #1. WESLEY Come on! TECHNICIAN #1 There's no way out! I can't move through that! WESLEY You have to. I can't carry you both! You can walk. Come on. COMPUTER VOICE Evacuate immediately. Five seconds to seal-off. Technician #1 remains terrified in the corner. Wesley hesitates a moment, then half-carries, half-drags Technician #2 through the vortex towards the exit. He looks back: WESLEY I'm sorry. Wesley pulls Technician #2 THROUGH THE DOOR to the corridor. 56 INT. RELVA 7 - CORRIDOR Wesley pulls Technician #2 THROUGH THE DOOR INTO the corridor. The door SNAPS SHUT behind him. Chang is standing there, waiting. Wesley's heart is pounding, his adrenaline up. WESLEY Officer Chang! There's been an... CHANG It's all right, Wesley. The "injured" Technician gets up, brushes himself off, and shakes Wesley's hand. Wesley's shocked. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT FIVE 50. 56 CONTINUED: TECHNICIAN #2 Thanks. He WALKS down the corridor, leaving Wesley with Chang. Wesley's still pale and breathing shallowly, when Technician #1 EXITS the Lab, nods to them both, and FOLLOWS the other Technician. CHANG. Excellent performance, Mister Crusher. WESLEY Performance?!... That was the test. CHANG Yes. WESLEY But a man died! CHANG Theoretically, yes. You had to make a choice. And you did. There's no right or wrong about it. Your greatest fear has been that you couldn't make that decision. Wesley just looks at him, and nods his head slowly. WESLEY Because of my father? Because Cap... someone made that choice and my father died. Chang smiles and pats Wesley on the shoulder. 57 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) orbiting Relva 7. 58 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM Picard is standing as Riker ENTERS. RIKER Sir? STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT FIVE 51. 58 CONTINUED: PICARD Yes, Number One? RIKER Mister Remmick has left the ship. PICARD Yes. He found nothing wrong on the Enterprise. You may inform the crew that Admiral Quinn is most impressed. RIKER Thank you. They'll be pleased... Can you explain now what he was after? PICARD They were after me, Number One. They want me to take over as Commandant of Starfleet Academy. RIKER Congratulations! What a wonderful choice, sir! You'll be able to shape the minds of the future leaders of Starfleet. He looks at Picard, realizes his ambivalence. RIKER (continuing) You haven't decided what you're going to do. PICARD Yes I have, Number One. I'm going for a walk. 59 EXT. RELVA 7 (OPTICAL) ESTABLISHING. 60 INT. RELVA 7 - CLASSROOM Chang is at the front of the class as the four students await his decision. Wesley, Oliana and Mordock are nervous, T'Shanik impassive. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT FIVE 52. 60 CONTINUED: CHANG I'm proud of all of you. You've done a superb job. Each of you would make a fine Starfleet officer. It's unfair that only one candidate from Relva will attend the Academy this year -- and a loss to the Federation if the rest of you do not return to test again... Mister Mordock will be the candidate. His results were slightly higher than Mister Crusher's. Congratulations, Mister Mordock. You are the first Benzite in Starfleet. Wesley slumps in his seat. Mordock looks at all of them, then turns to Chang. MORDOCK Thank you, sir, but it's not right. It shouldn't be me. Wesley lost points because he helped me. He shouldn't be punished for his generosity. CHANG He wasn't. He lost time, but it wasn't only that... Candidates, thank you and good luck. They all stand as Chang EXITS. MORDOCK I am sorry, Wesley. WESLEY It's okay. You deserved to win. Besides, you would've done the same thing for me. They all look questioningly at Mordock, who hesitates. Then he looks at his comrades: MORDOCK Yes. I believe I would. T'Shanik APPROACHES Mordock. T'SHANIK Congratulations. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT FIVE 53. 60 CONTINUED: (2) She nods to the others and LEAVES the room as Oliana and Wesley shake hands with Mordock. OLIANA Well, personally, I hate losing. So you'd better be ready next year, Wesley. I won't be easy to beat. Wesley smiles at the thought of seeing her again, whatever the circumstances. 61 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) ESTABLISHING. 62 thru OMITTED 63 64 INT. CORRIDOR Picard strides down the corridor when he runs into Jake Kurland, who takes one look at him and would like to be anywhere else on the Enterprise. PICARD Mister Kurland! JAKE Yes, sir. Picard is uncomfortable around him. PICARD Are you... feeling better? JAKE Yes, sir... I'm sorry I damaged the shuttle. But Mister Riker says I can work on fixing it as part of my "discipline" training. PICARD Good idea. I hope you learned that running away doesn't solve anything, young man. JAKE Yes, sir. I'm sorry I messed up. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT FIVE 54. 64 CONTINUED: PICARD I know. But you did keep your wits about you out there... don't forget that. JAKE No, sir. And... thank you for saving my life. Now Picard would rather be anywhere else on the ship. PICARD You're welcome. He turns and WALKS BACK the other way. 64A OMITTED 65 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Wesley stands there, alone and melancholy, staring at the starfield outside the window. Picard ENTERS. PICARD Mister Crusher? Why aren't you in your dress uniform for Admiral Quinn's farewell dinner? WESLEY I... I didn't think it would be appropriate. PICARD Why not? WESLEY I failed, Captain. I didn't get into the Academy. I failed you... and the Enterprise. PICARD Ridiculous. Did you do your best? A beat. Wesley nods. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT FIVE 55. 65 CONTINUED: PICARD (continuing) When you test next year -- and you will test again -- do you think your performance will improve? WESLEY Well, yes... PICARD Good. The only person you're truly competing against is yourself. WESLEY Then you're not disappointed? PICARD Your failures and successes have to be measured within, Wesley. Not by me or anyone else... But if it helps you to know this, I failed my first time. And you may not tell anyone! WESLEY You? You failed? PICARD Yes. But not the second time. Now, do me the honor of sitting next to me at dinner. I'm going to have to disappoint an old friend. Picard smiles at Wesley as they walk to the door. 65A INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Picard and Quinn stand next to the platform. The only other person in the room is Tasha, at the controls. QUINN I wish I could convince you to change your mind. PICARD I'll serve you better here. Quinn gives up. STAR TREK: "Coming Of Age" - 12/30/87 - ACT FIVE 56. 65A CONTINUED: QUINN This is where you belong. PICARD If you need me... Quinn brushes aside Picard's concern. QUINN I've been playing politics too long. Perhaps I see conspiracy everywhere. Don't worry. Quinn shakes Picard's hand and then steps onto the platform. QUINN (continuing) Safe travels, my friend. Quinn nods to Tasha, who works the console. Picard stares at Quinn for a long time, as if memorizing what he looks like. The admiral is BEAMED DOWN. 65B INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard STEPS OFF the turbolift. He walks to where Wesley sits at the Conn, and stands between Wesley and Data. PICARD Set course to Algeron 4, Mister Crusher. WESLEY Course plotted and laid in, sir. PICARD You know, we're really alike, you and I. Both explorers to the core... Engage, Mister Crusher. Wesley smiles happily at Picard's praise. 66 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) moves off to its next destination, as WE: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END