STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Heart Of Glory" #40271-120 Written by Maurice Hurley Directed by Rob Bowman THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1988 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. REV. FINAL DRAFT JANUARY 13, 1988 STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Heart Of Glory" CAST PICARD KLINGONS RIKER CAPTAIN KORRIS BEVERLY LIEUTENANT KONMEL DATA KUNIVAS TASHA CAPTAIN K'NERA WORF GEORDI NURSE GUARD (RAMOS) Non-Speaking MOTHER DAUGHTER SECURITY TEAM ONE GUARD STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Heart Of Glory" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE Main bridge Transporter Room THE BATRIS Sickbay Guest Quarters Various corridors Security Area Main Engineering THE BATRIS corridor Main Engineering Auxiliary Control Room - Engineering Compartment STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Heart Of Glory" TEASER FADE IN: A1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) moving at sub-warp. 1 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Minimum BRIDGE CREW -- TASHA; GEORDI is at Conn; DATA at Ops; RIKER and PICARD in the Command Position. WORF turns from his Aft Station. WORF Captain! Communication from Starfleet. They have recorded a disturbance in the Neutral Zone. 2 REACTIONS PICARD What is the nature of the disturbance? WORF A battle. Quadrant nine -- coordinates zero-seven-zero, mark three. No information who is involved. They are asking if we can investigate. PICARD Answer "affirmative." (to Geordi) Lieutenant La Forge, lay in the course. DATA Captain, I have no reports of any Federation ships in that area. RIKER Ferengi? PICARD It's a little out of their area. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - REV. 1/14/88 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: RIKER Should we separate the saucer? PICARD Let's get some more information first. GEORDI Course set. PICARD Speed -- warp seven. GEORDI Warp seven. Aye. PICARD Engage. 3 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it warps towards us. 4 INT. MAIN BRIDGE It's very tense. Worf at Science; Data at Ops; Picard -- alert, watching. GEORDI We are approaching the Neutral Zone. TASHA Sir... Sensors indicate several recent photon explosions and heavy phaser activity. DATA I have analyzed the residue of the explosives. They are not of any known Ferengi design. It is possibly Romulan. Picard REACTS. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - TEASER 3. 4 CONTINUED: PICARD That's a name we haven't heard for a while. RIKER And I could have gone a lot longer without hearing it. PICARD If the Romulans have returned to this sector we should know about it. RIKER Shall we move to the Battle bridge? PICARD Not yet. Worf, any further activity? WORF Negative, sir. PICARD Slow to half impulse. GEORDI Slowing to one-half impulse. 5 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship comes out of warp speed. 6 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Everyone is tense and expectant. GEORDI Entering quadrant nine-zero-seven, mark three. PICARD Shields and deflectors up. DATA I have located a ship. It is drifting. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - REV. 1/15/88 - TEASER 4. 6 CONTINUED: PICARD On the Main Viewer. DATA Aye, sir. 7 ANGLE TO INCLUDE MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) There is a distant ship. PICARD Magnify! The IMAGE on the Screen INCREASES in size. It is now possible to see extensive battle damage. DATA The life-support systems on the ship are failing, propulsion, navigation, and all communication, inoperative. PICARD Any trace of the other ship? DATA None, sir. RIKER If it is a Romulan vessel, it could be cloaked. PICARD (to Worf) Send this to Starfleet. We are entering the Neutral Zone. (to Geordi) Get us in a little closer, Mister La Forge. Stay sharp everyone. 8 OMITTED 9 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - TO INCLUDE MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) which displays THE BATRIS. Everyone studies the damaged vessel as the Enterprise moves around it. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - TEASER 5. 9 CONTINUED: RIKER It's Talarian. PICARD Any life signs? WORF Nothing yet. There is a lot of tension. DATA I have identified the vessel. It is the Batris. A general cargo vessel. RIKER Long way from home. PICARD Stay sharp. If this is a result of a Romulan attack, they could still be in the area. WORF Captain. Possible life signs. PICARD What do you mean "possible?" WORF I cannot be positive. The readings emanate from a location near what is left of Main Engineering. There is a great deal of magnetic and radioactive clutter making a positive determination difficult. RIKER I'll prepare an away team. PICARD Lieutenant Yar, remain at your post. Whoever attacked the freighter may still be in the area. TASHA (reluctantly) Aye, sir. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - TEASER 6. 9 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER Data, Geordi. Let's go. PICARD Lieutenant La Forge, are we close enough to use the Visual Acuity transmitter? GEORDI We can try it, sir. PICARD Then please do. And Number One - everything about this seems wrong. RIKER Agreed. It smells like a trap. And they DEPART. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - REV. 1/14/88 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: 10 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it slowly APPROACHES the other ship. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 41503.7. We have entered the Neutral Zone. A Talarian freighter has been severely damaged in a battle. Why, and with whom is unknown. Personal note: I hope this event is not a precursor of things to come, and that the peace which has endured for the last several decades will continue. 11 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM Riker, Data and Geordi have gathered and are preparing to beam over. A check of equipment. Geordi clips on the transmitter for his VISOR. RIKER What exactly does that device do? GEORDI Data and I have been working on a way to transmit what my VISOR sees. If it works, the bridge will be able to monitor us. DATA It is very restricted. The signal from Geordi's VISOR is so complex that it is difficult to encode and breaks down easily. RIKER That means it doesn't have much range. GEORDI Correct. The effective range is a few kilometers, but we're working on that. (touches communicator) Bridge, this is Lieutenant La Forge. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT ONE 8. 11 CONTINUED: WORF'S COM VOICE This is the bridge. GEORDI I have attached the Visual Acuity Transmitter. WORF'S COM VOICE We are receiving. GEORDI I am switching off. 12 ANOTHER ANGLE as they gather on the Transporter Pad. RIKER Set phasers on stun. They all check their weapons. RIKER (continuing) Let's be ready for anything. He takes a quick, final look at his team. RIKER (continuing; to the TRANSPORTER CHIEF) Energize. 13 INT. BATRIS - CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) The corridor is very DIMLY LIGHTED. There is evidence of the recent battle everywhere. Charred walls - damaged bulkheads. The transporter effect brings the away team INTO THE SCENE. They are very tense. Data scans with his tricorder as the others look around. 14 GEORDI steps slightly to the side. GEORDI La Forge to Enterprise. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT ONE 9. 15 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard on the bridge. PICARD This is the Enterprise. GEORDI'S COM VOICE Captain, I am switching on the transmitter. PICARD Ready to receive. (to the bridge crew) Put this on the Main Viewer. He leans forward as the IMAGE COMES ON the Screen. For the first time, Picard sees as Geordi sees. (Pattern and image to be determined.) PICARD Extraordinary. 16 INTERCUT The other members of the bridge crew as they, too, REACT with astonishment. PICARD I understand him better than I ever have. 17 MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) Geordi's VISIONS. (TBD) 18 ANGLE ON PICARD (OPTICAL) For a moment all else is forgotten as he is consumed by the image on the Main Viewer. PICARD Geordi. What was that? Over to the left. Geordi looks to the left. GEORDI'S COM VOICE What? STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT ONE 10. 18 CONTINUED: PICARD That -- right there? No -- back. Yes. That -- right there. What is it? GEORDI'S COM VOICE It's Commander Riker. PICARD To me it's just an undefined upright form, standing in a wild visual frenzy. Can you filter out the extraneous information? GEORDI'S COM VOICE No, I get it all simultaneously. PICARD It's a jumble. How can you make heads or tails of it? GEORDI'S COM VOICE I select what I want to see and disregard the rest. PICARD How is that possible? 19 INT. BATRIS - CORRIDOR Geordi chuckles. GEORDI How, in a noisy room, can you pick out one specific voice or sound? PICARD'S COM VOICE It's something you learn. GEORDI Exactly. It's something I have learned. Does that make it clearer? 20 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard stares at the viewscreen, trying to accomplish in minutes what took Geordi a lifetime to learn. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - REV. 1/14/88 - ACT ONE 11. 20 CONTINUED: PICARD Yes. Look over at Data. Geordi complies and WE SEE the difference between them from Geordi's point of view. PICARD (continuing) There's an aura around Data. GEORDI'S COM VOICE Yes, of course. He's an android. 21 INT. BATRIS - CORRIDOR Data and Riker are getting impatient with this conversation. PICARD'S COM VOICE From the way you say that, you must think we all see it. GEORDI Don't you? RIKER Captain - I don't mean to break this up, but... PICARD'S COM VOICE Yes, of course, Number One. Proceed. Riker leads the away team down the corridor. DATA I am detecting high levels of Deuterium gas. Probably coming from the leakage in the drive system. RIKER Toxic? DATA Not as yet. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT ONE 12. 22 OMITTED 23 INT. BATRIS - ANOTHER ANGLE - CORRIDOR As the members of the Enterprise move forward, the damage becomes move extensive. They pause at an intersection. DATA The life signs are emanating from the far side of Engineering. RIKER What's the safest way around? DATA All routes are equally dangerous. GEORDI Which one is the least dangerous? DATA There is no significant difference. RIKER Then steady on. Geordi notices something. GEORDI Commander, a fissure is developing in the bulkhead. The skin of the ship is losing its integrity. RIKER Where? I don't see it. GEORDI There. Riker looks, but still cannot see anything except the charred bulkhead. 24 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard is standing in front of the Main Viewer. PICARD Step closer. Geordi complies. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT ONE 13. 24 CONTINUED: PICARD (continuing) It looks to me like a spectrograph indicating metal fatigue. Is that how you interpret it? GEORDI'S COM VOICE Correct, Captain. 25 INT. BATRIS - CORRIDOR Riker steps up beside Geordi. RIKER How long before the hull ruptures? GEORDI Impossible to be exact. Five minutes -- probably less. RIKER Come on. 25A ANOTHER ANGLE They move forward into the DARKENED corridor toward the WHITE GLOW coming from what was the Engineering Section of the Batris. 25B INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY SCENE 35) as Picard watches Geordi's POV, his IMAGE BREAKS UP, then GOES OUT. PICARD I've lost the transmission. GEORDI'S COM VOICE Signal overload. I'm surprised it lasted this long. 26 INT. BATRIS - MAIN ENGINEERING As the away team COMES to the entrance. All except Data cover up against the heat and INTENSE LIGHT. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT ONE 14. 27 INT. MAIN BRIDGE as Picard and the others on the bridge listen to what is happening on the Batris. 28 INT. BATRIS - MAIN ENGINEERING Data makes a sweep with his tricorder. DATA The life signs are very strong now. They are coming from over there. RIKER Is there any other way around? DATA Negative. This is the only way. I think the safest way to proceed is for me to cross alone. The heat and toxic gases have less effect on me. RIKER Agreed. 29 ANOTHER ANGLE as Data walks through the maelstrom. 30 ANGLE ON RIKER AND GEORDI They watch Data DISAPPEAR through the wall of heated gases. 31 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard listens. 32 INT. BATRIS - MAIN ENGINEERING Riker and Geordi wait impatiently. 33 INT. MAIN BRIDGE As Picard listens. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT ONE 15. 34 INT. BATRIS - MAIN ENGINEERING What Picard saw was Data RETURNING. He pauses halfway across the Engineering compartment. DATA I found them. The door to their compartment is jammed. One by one they cover up from the intense heat and SPRINT ACROSS the Engineering section. 35 OMITTED 36 INT. BATRIS - CORRIDOR They arrive in front of the sealed compartment. The damage here is more severe. Torn pieces of bulkhead block the door to the compartment. DATA The control mechanism. It is inoperative. Riker squeezes his arm through a twisted piece of metal and pounds on the door. RIKER This is Commander Riker of the USS Enterprise. Can you hear me? There is no response. DATA I advise against the use of phasers. The gas buildup is too great, Commander. GEORDI Yes. A phaser discharge now could blow us all out of here. They BACK OFF. 37 OMITTED 38 INT. BATRIS - DOOR TO AUXILIARY CONTROL ROOM Data clears the doorway of debris. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - REV. 1/14/88 - ACT ONE 16. 39 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard is frustrated at no longer being able to see what's happening to the away team. PICARD What's going on? RIKER'S COM VOICE We are about to force the door. 40 INT. BATRIS - DOOR TO AUXILIARY CONTROL ROOM as Data steps closer to the door. With considerable difficulty he wedges one hand in between the sliding door panels. Then slowly he gets the other hand in place. Data, now with both hands in between the door panels, puts his great strength to work again, and slowly pries the doors APART. 41 thru OMITTED 42 43 ANOTHER ANGLE As soon as there is enough of an opening, both Riker and Geordi put their shoulders to the job, and between them all the door is OPENED. Riker STEPS THROUGH. 44 INT. BATRIS - ENGINEERING COMPARTMENT As Riker ENTERS the room he sees TWO BLURRED FIGURES. The first steps forward. It's dreamlike. A figure looms out of the DARKNESS. A very tall, very fierce KLINGON. PICARD'S COM VOICE What is it? What are you seeing? RIKER Klingons. 45 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard REACTS to this new twist. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT ONE 17. 45 CONTINUED: PICARD Klingons. Worf REACTS. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT TWO 18. ACT TWO FADE IN: 46 OMITTED 46A INT. MAIN BRIDGE (FORMERLY SCENE 47A) PICARD Tasha, go to Transporter Room Three. I want you there when the away team returns. 47 INT. BATRIS - ENGINEERING COMPARTMENT The Klingon, KORRIS, moves forward to begin formalized greetings. KORRIS I am Korris. RIKER We'll handle the formalities later - right now we have to get off this ship. Are there any others still alive? KORRIS No. Data APPEARS in the torn hatchway. DATA I believe there is a quicker way out of here. GEORDI Let's go. Riker indicates a third figure on the floor. RIKER Check him, Data. Data steps over and scans the figure with his tricorder. DATA He is alive -- but just barely. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT TWO 19. 47 CONTINUED: RIKER Pick him up and let's get out of here. Data starts to lift the stricken man. Korris steps up beside Data. KORRIS No. I will carry him. DATA As you wish. 47A OMITTED 48 INT. BATRIS - CORRIDOR as the group hurries through the debris. There is a BOILING, RUMBLING EFFECT on the ship. GEORDI We're out of time, Commander -- the ship's going to blow. RIKER Transporter Room, have you got a lock on us? TASHA'S COM VOICE Not yet. Too much interference. You have to get farther away from the Engineering section. Behind them there is an ominous change in the GAS BUILDUP. 49 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Everyone watches the screen. Worf, from his Science Station where he is monitoring the Batris: WORF Sir, the Engineering section is at critical. Destruction of the Batris is imminent. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - REV. 1/14/88 - ACT TWO 20. 50 INT. BATRIS - CORRIDOR They come to a bend in the corridor, turn the corner and bump into a solid wall of debris. RIKER End of the line. Transporter Room, we've gone as far as we can. Get us off -- now! The away team and the Klingons stand ready to beam. 51 OMITTED 52 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM as Lieutenant Yar tries to get a solid fix on the away team. TASHA It's not good. I can't get locked on. PICARD'S COM VOICE They're out of options. Do it. Tasha energizes. 53 INT. BATRIS - CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) The BEAM OUT BEGINS, then STOPS, then TRIES TO START again. 54 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM Tasha shakes her head in frustration, makes an attempt to fine-tune her equipment and tries again. 55 INT. BATRIS - CORRIDOR A CLOUD BOILS up at the end of the corridor. There is a CRACKLING SOUND, followed by a RUMBLE. ANGLE ON THE AWAY TEAM They REACT. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - REV. 1/14/88 - ACT TWO 21. 56 EXT. SPACE - THE BATRIS (OPTICAL) As it BLOWS UP. 56A INT. MAIN BRIDGE REACTION to the explosion of the Batris and the concern that the away team may have been lost. 57 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) As the six figures slowly STACK UP on the platform. RIKER Bridge, this is Commander Riker. We are taking the survivors to Sickbay. TASHA (steps over to the platform) I'll need your weapons. 58 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard, relieved, gets up from his Command Chair. PICARD I'll be in Sickbay. WORF Captain. Request permission to join you. Picard hesitates for a beat, then: PICARD Granted. 59 INT. SICKBAY BEVERLY and her NURSE are working on the most seriously injured Klingon. Riker is slightly off to the side. Data and Geordi have returned to their duties. Picard and Worf ENTER. The two Klingons REACT with surprise at seeing one of their countrymen. PICARD Situation, Doctor. BEVERLY His injuries are serious. Picard then turns to the other two. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT TWO 22. 59 CONTINUED: PICARD I am Jean-Luc Picard, the captain of this vessel. KORRIS My name is Korris -- captain of the Klingon Defense Force. This is Lieutenant Konmel. PICARD Do you mind telling me what happened? KORRIS Not at all. PICARD Firstly, what were you doing on that ship? It's not Klingon. KORRIS We were passengers. The Talarians were taking us to outpost M-Zed-Five. PICARD What was the ship doing in the Neutral Zone? KORRIS We were attacked without warning by a Ferengi cruiser. During the course of the battle we must have unknowingly entered the Neutral Zone. WORF The weapons were not Ferengi. Now the two Klingons turn their full attention on Worf. It's a time for evaluation. KORRIS What is your name? WORF I am Lieutenant Worf. KORRIS And you are a member of this crew? STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT TWO 23. 59 CONTINUED: (2) WORF Yes. Korris pauses a beat, then continues. KORRIS You are correct. The weapons were Klingon, but the vessel was Ferengi. PICARD What precipitated the attack? KORRIS I don't know -- we were in our quarters. KONMEL The captain of the freighter had no combat experience so he did not anticipate the first attack, which was nearly fatal. KORRIS We took control -- with his permission. The Ferengi called for surrender. I told the captain to agree to all their terms. We had one chance -- I was confident it would be enough. KONMEL As adversaries the Ferengi are not very worthy. Worf listens with relish to the story of the battle. WORF Still, your weapons were limited, and their ship superior. KORRIS Yes -- all we had was an ancient battery of Merculite rockets. Our only chance was to trick them into lowering their shields. KONMEL We reduced power and lured them in. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT TWO 24. 59 CONTINUED: (3) KORRIS They suspected nothing. KONMEL Then, when they lowered their shields to beam over a boarding party, we opened fire. WORF Your strategy was very sound. PICARD There are still a few items that are not clear. KORRIS Captain -- we are hungry and tired. PICARD Yes, of course. KORRIS If there is anything more you need to know about this incident -- we will be available. WORF Permission to show our guests to their quarters, Captain. PICARD Permission granted. Worf leads them OUT of Sickbay. RIKER What do you think, Captain? PICARD There's a lot more to this than we've been told. Why was the Talarian ship so far off course? What was its point of departure? RIKER And why would three Klingon officers hitch a ride on a broken-down freighter? STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT TWO 25. 59 CONTINUED: (4) PICARD Contact Starfleet -- find out what they know about Korris and company. RIKER It will take forty-eight hours for a message to get to Starfleet on subspace frequency. PICARD They are going to be with us for a while; we might as well learn all we can about them. RIKER Do you think I should have a security team assigned to our guests? PICARD No -- Worf is capable of dealing with anything that may arise. (to Beverly) How's your patient, Doctor? BEVERLY Not good. I'll keep you posted. Riker and Picard EXIT. Beverly's expression offers little cause for hope. 60 INT. GUEST QUARTERS as Worf and the two Klingons ENTER. In the b.g., Konmel goes directly to the food station. As Worf and Korris APPROACH the table, Konmel orders a Klingon meal - complete with Klingon ale. KORRIS KONMEL Sit, friend - let us eat. O'MAT - GRI - T'M - I did not know there are. PFFIOTS - Klingons serving on human Starfleet vessels. WORF As far as I know, I am the only one. Konmel comes over and pours three great glasses of ale. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT TWO 26. 60 CONTINUED: KORRIS Tell me, what it is like for the hunter to lie down with the prey? Have they tamed you -- or have you always been docile? KONMEL Does it make you gentle? Has it filled your heart with peace? KORRIS Do glorious battles no longer inspire your dreams? WORF Why do you mock me? Why do you wish to anger me? KORRIS Only to see if it is still possible. WORF It is. The two Klingons give Worf a long look of evaluation. 61 OMITTED 62 INT. SICKBAY Beverly's aide (Nurse) calls to her. NURSE Doctor Crusher. I think you'd better look at this. Beverly COMES OUT of her office and INTO Sickbay. NURSE (continuing) The Klingon's condition is worsening. Beverly comes over and makes a quick examination. The Klingon's body JERKS VIOLENTLY. BEVERLY He's convulsing. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT TWO 27. 62 CONTINUED: She does what is possible, but his condition has gone too far. 63 INT. GUEST QUARTERS The Klingons are finishing their meal. Worf has touched neither his food nor drink. PICARD'S COM VOICE Commander Korris, this is Captain Picard. KORRIS Yes, Captain. PICARD'S COM VOICE I am sorry to report -- your comrade's injuries are beyond our medical abilities. 64 INT. SICKBAY Picard is there with Worf, Korris and Konmel. BEVERLY He's dying. Korris and Konmel APPROACH their dying comrade. 65 ANGLE ON THE KLINGONS as they STEP OVER to the examining table. Korris takes KUNIVAS' head in his hands and turns it toward him. Kunivas opens his eyes and looks up. Korris leans forward and with his thumbs he keeps the dying man's eyes from closing. Korris leans even closer. Worf is drawn to them. 66 ANGLE ON WORF with Beverly and Picard standing beside him, watching the strange ritual. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT TWO 28. 67 ANGLE ON THE KLINGONS It is intense, and very private. From one of the three, or maybe from all of them, it's difficult to tell, there comes a LOW RUMBLING GROWL as the moment of death approaches. Then -- with a SHUDDER it happens. The wounded man dies. For a beat, Korris continues to stare into the dead man's eyes. Then, like an explosion from the bowels of Valhalla -- the living Klingons, including Worf, throw back their heads and ROAR. 67A ANGLE ON PICARD AND BEVERLY as they REACT to the ritual. 68 OMITTED 69 BACK TO SCENE The three Klingons, shoulders touching -- faces skyward -- fill the room with a SOUND which comes from deep inside them. It is not the WAIL of the dead, but the exaltation of the victorious. Then -- as one, they stop. The looks they exchange between them are the looks of men who have participated in a great and noble victory. 70 ANGLE ON PICARD AND BEVERLY Both are awed by the ceremony. 70A KONMEL AND DEAD KLINGON Konmel pauses by the dead Klingon -- as if to say a final farewell. While no one is looking, he removes the spike from his comrade's boot. 71 BACK TO SCENE It's QUIET. The three Klingons are content. BEVERLY Is there any special arrangement you would like for the body? STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT TWO 29. 71 CONTINUED: KORRIS It is only an empty shell now. Please treat it as such. He EXITS with Konmel. Worf FOLLOWS and he exchanges a look with Picard as he passes. 72 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - REV. 1/15/88 - ACT THREE30. ACT THREE FADE IN: 73 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) ESTABLISHING. 74 INT. CORRIDOR Worf, Korris and Konmel walk along. KONMEL The opponent that killed Kunivas should have been an enemy -- then his death would have been even more glorious. WORF (stunned by the revelation) If the opponent was not an enemy... who was it? For a beat, neither Korris nor Konmel answer. WORF (continuing) Tell me -- what really happened? Korris gives Worf a long steady gaze. KORRIS I do not wish to anger you. We are after all, brothers lost among the infidels. (he pauses; then) How did you come to this ship and that uniform? WORF Through an act of kindness. The Romulans attacked the Khitomer outpost. Everyone was killed. I was buried under the rubble and left for dead. A human Starfleet officer found me. He took me to his home on Gault and told his wife to raise me as his son. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - REV. 1/15/88 - ACT THREE31. 74 CONTINUED: KONMEL How old were you? WORF Before the age of inclusion -- KONMEL That young? KORRIS (with disdain) Gault is a farming colony. WORF When my foster brother and I were of age we entered the Starfleet Academy. He hated it and returned to Gault. I stayed. KONMEL You haven't spent much time among your own kind. WORF Almost none. KORRIS So when the night was still and quiet, and the sound of the blood rushing through your veins filled your ears, the only way to silence it was to slip out into the night and, like the hunter that spawned you, join in the struggle of life and death... but you were unable... KONMEL ... And those around you did not understand. You frightened them. KORRIS They shunned you. Cursed you. Called you vile names, and you knew not why. Even now do you know why you are driven? Why you cannot relent -- or repent -- or confess -- or abstain? How could you know? There have been no other Klingons to lead you to that knowledge. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT THREE 32. 74 CONTINUED: (2) WORF Yes -- those feelings are part of me, but I control them. They do not rule me. KORRIS Yes, to fit in, the humans demand you change the one thing you cannot change. Yet, because you cannot -- you do, for that too is the mark of the warrior. You said I mock you -- I do not. I salute you. There is a pause as the bonding which began in the death ritual, now continues. KONMEL But, against whom do you test yourself? Against what enemy do you charge into battle? WORF I have been in battle. Korris moves closer to Worf. KORRIS Then you understand. WORF I do. KORRIS Brother, this peace, this alliance, is like a living death to warriors like us. KONMEL You are right, we lied to your captain. We commandeered that freighter -- left the crew behind, and were in search of a place where we could live our lives as true Klingons. WORF You did not fight the Ferengi. KORRIS It was one of our own cruisers sent to bring us back. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT THREE 33. 74 CONTINUED: (3) WORF (surprised) You destroyed a Klingon ship? KORRIS I did not want to battle our brothers. But, we had no choice. Our leaders sent the cruiser. They have been corrupted by the illusion of peace. KONMEL They have traded our birthright -- so they may die in their sleep... KORRIS ... A peace that makes the Klingon heart that beats in my chest wither and die. Worf looks at his fellow warriors for a long beat. Korris changes the mood. KORRIS (continuing) Is it permitted for you to show us around this ship? WORF Yes -- of course. 75 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Other than Worf, the crew is in their usual positions. DATA Captain, long-range sensors indicate another vessel approaching this area. PICARD Can you identify it, Mister Data? DATA No, sir. Not yet. PICARD Keep a close watch on it. We're too close to the Neutral Zone for it to be random. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT THREE 34. 76 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING Worf proudly leads Korris and Konmel through, and the two visitors are suitably impressed. KONMEL What magnificent battles we could have at the helm of this ship. Worf gives him a sharp look. WORF Perhaps your dreams of glory no longer fit the time. They belong buried with the past. KORRIS Standing here we will never know. The answer lies out there. Our instincts will lead us. KONMEL Instincts that have not been dulled by living among "civilized" men. Worf studies him for a long beat. 77 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The usual crew. PICARD I believe, Number One, that was the first time outsiders witnessed the Klingon death ritual. I think I can figure out why they look into the dying man's eyes - but the howling... ? DATA It is a warning. PICARD To whom? DATA They are warning the dead -- beware -- a Klingon warrior is about to arrive. A shiver passes over Riker's body. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - REV. 1/14/88 - ACT THREE 35. 77 CONTINUED: GEORDI Captain, the unidentified vessel is moving towards us at warp five. Intersect in one hour, sixteen minutes, thirty-three seconds. PICARD Can we get a visual? GEORDI I can try, sir. Geordi works the controls. A PINPOINT APPEARS on the Main Viewscreen. PICARD Magnify. Geordi works the controls some more. A Klingon warship APPEARS. 78 OMITTED 79 ANGLE ON CREW as they stare at the viewer. RIKER Klingons. PICARD Open hailing frequencies, Lieutenant Yar. TASHA Hailing frequencies open. PICARD To Klingon cruiser -- this is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise. 80 FAVOR MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) As the image of the Klingon, CAPTAIN K'NERA, APPEARS. K'NERA I am Commander K'Nera. What is your purpose in this area? STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT THREE 36. 80 CONTINUED: PICARD We came to investigate a battle. We rescued three Klingon survivors. K'NERA Is that all that is left of the crew of the cruiser T'Acog? PICARD These men are not from the cruiser, they are off the freighter Batris. The leader is Captain Korris. The Klingon Commander REACTS with anger. K'NERA You have him? On your ship? He is alive? PICARD Yes. K'NERA He is a criminal. A renegade who with two others stole that freighter, and somehow destroyed the Klingon cruiser sent to bring them back. We expect the criminals to be delivered into our custody as soon as we are within transporter range. K'Nera CLICKS OFF. PICARD (to Tasha) Where are they now? Tasha checks her console. TASHA They are with Worf on Deck Seventeen. PICARD Deck Seventeen? STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT THREE 37. 80 CONTINUED: (2) TASHA Yes, sir -- next to the auxiliary turbolift to the Battle Bridge. Shall I alert Lieutenant Worf? PICARD No. Send a security team to Deck Seventeen. RIKER Captain, you don't think Worf would allow them access to the Battle Bridge? PICARD Right now, Number One, we cannot assume anything. TASHA Captain, should I stay at my tactical position or lead the security team? PICARD Lead the security team. And Lieutenant -- remember with whom you are dealing. TASHA Aye, sir. 81 INT. CORRIDOR The three Klingons walk. Korris stops and faces Worf. KORRIS We have heard this ship can separate in time of battle. WORF Yes. When relieved of its bulk, the Enterprise becomes an exceptional weapon. Behind Worf, Korris sees the security team ENTER the corridor. He instinctively knows why they are there. TASHA Worf. He turns. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT THREE 38. 81 CONTINUED: KORRIS They are here for us. TASHA Step to the side. WORF What is the problem? TASHA The captain wants those two taken into custody. Worf looks at the two Klingons. KORRIS Do not let them take us, Worf. Help us. KONMEL Listen to the voice of your blood. You are not "of" these people. 81A ANGLE ON WORF He looks into Korris' eyes. This is a moment of decision for Worf. Then he looks down the corridor. 81B INT. CORRIDOR - WORF'S POV as Tasha and her security team edge CLOSER. 81C ANGLE ON WORF, KORRIS AND KONMEL Worf looks at Korris, then glances to the turbolift, which is only two steps away. Korris thinks he has read the thoughts racing through Worf's mind. KORRIS Yes. Join us. 81D ANGLE ON WORF It's a moment of decision, but it's impossible for us to tell which way Worf is going to go, and WE: FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT FOUR 39. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 82 INT. CORRIDOR As before -- Worf and the two Klingons; Tasha and her security team. Suddenly, the turbolift doors located between them, OPEN and a mother and her young daughter STEP OFF. As the little girl turns, she almost runs into Korris. The girl FREEZES. The mother is surprised to find the two Klingons standing there. (Worf wears a Starfleet uniform and doesn't evoke the same visceral response.) 82A ANGLE ON TASHA She instantly recognizes how the dynamics of the situation have changed. TASHA (urgently) GO BACK! 83 ANGLE BY THE TURBOLIFT The woman FREEZES. The little girl stands STARING up at Korris. 83A INTERCUT Everyone involved -- they can only wait to see what Korris does. 83B ANGLE ON KORRIS He glances over at Worf. 83C ANGLE ON WORF Korris senses, as do we, that Worf will protect the little girl. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - REV. 1/14/88 - ACT FOUR 40. 83D BACK TO SCENE As Tasha watches, Korris slowly reaches down and picks up the little girl. The mother catches her breath. Tasha EDGES FORWARD and touches her communicator. TASHA Bridge -- we have a hostage situation on Deck Seventeen. Korris shoots her a glance. Then -- milking the moment slightly -- he turns and hands the little girl to Worf, who smiles as he takes her. Tasha looks relieved and surprised as she touches her communicator. TASHA (continuing) Bridge, this is Lieutenant Yar -- disregard. The situation is under control. She WALKS FORWARD and confronts Korris and Konmel. TASHA (continuing) By order of the captain, you are confined to Security. Korris smiles and looks over at Worf, then turns and allows the security team to LEAD him and Konmel AWAY. Worf delivers the little girl to her grateful mother. TASHA (continuing) I thought for a minute we had a problem. WORF Oh? TASHA Yes. It looked like Korris was going to hold the little girl as a hostage. WORF That is not our way. Worf looks down the corridor as the security team of six LEADS the Klingons OFF. WORF (continuing) Cowards take hostages -- Klingons do not. Tasha REACTS and FOLLOWS after the Security team. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - REV. 1/14/88 - ACT FOUR 41. 84 OMITTED 85 INT. CORRIDOR - ANOTHER ANGLE The Klingons appear to be going along. None of the tension associated with someone about to make a break or do something violent. 86 INT. CORRIDOR - DOORWAY TO SECURITY AREA (OPTICAL) The Klingons are placed in what serves as the Security Holding Area. A forcefield surrounds the door. Two guards are left outside. 86A INT. SECURITY ROOM The tension, which was missing after their capture, returns. KORRIS R'oiaro. Konmel nods his agreement. It's clear these two haven't played all their cards. 87 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard has his eye on the aft turbolift, as Worf EMERGES and goes to report to him. PICARD A Klingon vessel is due to arrive. They have requested return of the renegades. WORF They will be tried and executed, sir. PICARD Lieutenant Worf, understand that I am not unmindful of the mixed feelings you must have about this incident. WORF Thank you, sir. Worf remains standing where he is. A long moment. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT FOUR 42. 87 CONTINUED: WORF (continuing) Are there no other options, sir? PICARD None that I can see. Worf nods and goes to his station. Picard leans over to Riker. RIKER He seems to be handling it well, sir. PICARD So far. But he must be torn. These are his people. DATA Sir, the Klingon vessel is within range. They are requesting visual contact. PICARD Open frequencies. The Klingon captain APPEARS on the Main Viewscreen. K'NERA We are in position now to receive the criminals. PICARD We will prepare for transfer. WORF Captain -- permission to address the captain on the Klingon vessel. Picard is surprised. WORF (continuing) I know it is against standard procedure -- but there is something I must say. PICARD Permission granted. Worf STEPS FORWARD. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT FOUR 43. 87 CONTINUED: (2) WORF K'OMGI BIMOGUS. K'NERA G'ARMOND T'RIS. WORF Could we speak English, sir? I am not comfortable in Kling. K'NERA What is it you want? WORF To plead. K'NERA You waste your time. Their actions threaten the alliance. They disobeyed and must be punished. WORF Yes, they must be punished, but not executed with dishonor. K'NERA Why do you care? WORF What burns in their eyes -- fires my soul. I hear their words and I see it all as it was. Part of me longs for that time. K'NERA It's bred in the bone. We all do. WORF Then send them to a planet in the Halee system. Allow them to meet death on their feet with a weapon in their hand. Not tied and helpless. K'Nera pauses a beat. K'NERA When one of us dies that way -- it diminishes all of us. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT FOUR 44. 87 CONTINUED: (3) WORF Yes. K'NERA Brother -- I feel as you. I too wish they could fly free. But -- I have no choice. Worf studies the screen for a beat. WORF (to K'Nera) Sir. He BACKS OFF. K'NERA We await the transfer. Main Viewer GOES OFF. PICARD (into Com) Lieutenant Yar, escort the prisoners to the Transporter Room. TASHA'S COM VOICE Aye, sir. 88 INT. SECURITY AREA Konmel and Korris construct a Klingon weapon. Each takes off his belt buckle. Korris twists them together. Then each removes the side panels from their boots. These too, fit together and form more of the weapon, which now begins to GLOW. Then Konmel removes the item he took off the dead Klingon. He turns it until it forms into a tube which he attaches to the other pieces and this becomes the barrel. The weapon takes shape. The bracelet which Korris takes from his wrist becomes the muzzle. Konmel's the stock. 88A ANGLE ON KORRIS He holds the very deadly looking "phaser" and with a nod of his head, he indicates the forcefield. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - REV. 1/14/88 - ACT FOUR 45. ANGLE ON KONMEL (OPTICAL) removes what looks like a very common button from his uniform, then leans down and carefully attaches it to the bottom of the forcefield. The field instantly IS NEUTRALIZED. 89 INT. CORRIDOR - OUTSIDE SECURITY AREA (OPTICAL) The two security guards immediately realize the forcefield is down. GUARD (on communicator) This is Ramos -- the forcefield in Security Three has... He never finishes. Korris and Konmel COME BURSTING OUT the door. Korris FIRES at one guard. A PHASER FIGHT breaks out. Konmel and the two security guards are killed, as Korris ESCAPES. ANOTHER ANGLE - OUTSIDE SECURITY AREA Tasha and a team of security guards ARRIVE. She touches her communicator. TASHA Lieutenant Yar to bridge. There has been an escape. Two of my security are dead. So is Konmel. Korris is loose -- and armed. 90 thru OMITTED 92 93 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The crew REACTS. PICARD Keep me informed, Lieutenant. TASHA'S COM VOICE Aye, sir. PICARD Data, visual on K'Nera. DATA Visual on, sir. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT FOUR 46. 93 CONTINUED: PICARD There will be a slight delay, Captain. Korris has escaped. K'NERA He is a trained Klingon warrior, perhaps more than you can handle. It is no disgrace to request our assistance. PICARD I think we can handle the situation. 94 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING Korris COMES BURSTING around the corner. Those on duty REACT. Korris brandishes his weapon... They BACK OFF, and he CONTINUES THROUGH -- past the Dilithium Crystal Chamber. He PAUSES and looks around for a position of advantage. 94A INT. MAIN ENGINEERING - ANOTHER ANGLE Tasha and her team ENTER cautiously. 94B ANGLE ON KORRIS He's found a ladder and is climbing to the second level. 94C ANGLE ON TASHA as she sizes up the situation. TASHA Captain. Korris is in Main Engineering. 95 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING - ANOTHER SECTION where Korris is barricaded. The phaser pointing directly at the Di-Crystal Chamber. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT FOUR 47. 95 CONTINUED: PICARD'S COM VOICE Commander Korris. This is a futile effort. You cannot win. Korris does not respond, then: KORRIS I will speak only to my countryman -- only to Worf. 95A INT. MAIN BRIDGE REACTIONS from Picard and Worf to this demand. 96 ANGLE ON TASHA as she looks around to see where Korris is. TASHA Captain, he has a phaser aimed directly at the Dilithium Crystal Chamber. At that range, one blast and... 97 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Everyone's uncertain as to what to do next. PICARD I understand, Lieutenant. WORF Permission to leave the bridge, Captain. PICARD We'll both go. Worf and Picard LEAVE the bridge as the crew watches him. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT FIVE 48. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 98 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) ESTABLISHING. 99 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING as Worf and Picard APPROACH. Tasha has contained the situation and cleared out all but her security force who have been strategically placed. PICARD What's the siutation? TASHA He's on the second level. Armed with a phaser. We do not have a clear field of fire. PICARD How do you suggest we proceed? TASHA Wait him out. WORF Captain. May I speak with him? TASHA I don't think that's a good idea. Right now he's running on adrenalin. Let it cool. There's no place he can go. WORF He will wait only as long as he believes it is to his advantage, the moment it is not, he will fire his phaser into the Dilithium Crystal Chamber. TASHA That would destroy the Enterprise and him along with it. WORF Yes... he knows. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT FIVE 49. 99 CONTINUED: Picard is pensive for a beat. PICARD Talk to him, Worf. Worf nods, and WALKS THROUGH Engineering toward the Di-Crystal Chamber. 99A ANOTHER ANGLE As Worf moves up beside the Di-Crystal Chamber, he looks up and sees: 99B ANGLE ON KORRIS He's perched on the second level. He has a clear field of fire. Before another could reach him, he could easily take out the Di-Crystal Chamber. He sees Worf. KORRIS Brother -- I knew you would come. 99C ANGLE ON WORF He glances over to the ladder and walks toward it. Korris continues to talk. KORRIS Now I... we have a chance. 99D ANGLE ON KORRIS He relaxes slightly because now has has an ally. KORRIS I could not do it alone, but I would rather die here, than let the traitors of Kling pick the meat from my bones. With you it will work. WORF What will work? STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT FIVE 50. 100 BACK TO SCENE (OPTICAL) as Worf nears the top of the ladder and swings onto the catwalk. KORRIS I will demand Captain Picard give us access to the Battle Bridge. We will separate from the rest of the ship, and together, we will light up the galaxy. Imagine the fear which will roll before us. WORF Captain Picard will not comply. KORRIS He cannot -- dare not -- refuse us. In order to save themselves, they will give us what we demand -- then, brother, we are free. WORF Put down the phaser. Korris is surprised. KORRIS Wait. I do not believe this. WORF Believe it. KORRIS I have tasted your heart. You have been with them, but you are still "of" us. Do not deny the challenge of your destiny. Get off your knees and soar. Open your eyes and let the dream take flight. WORF My brother, it is you who does not see. You are looking for battles in the wrong place. The test of the warrior is not without -- it is within. Worf touches his chest. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT FIVE 51. 100 CONTINUED: WORF (continuing) Here we meet the challenge. It is the weaknesses in here the warrior must overcome. KORRIS No. WORF You have talked of glory -- and conquest -- and legends we will write. KORRIS Yes -- the birthright of every Klingon. WORF Yet in all you say, where are the words -- duty -- honor -- loyalty. Without which a warrior is nothing. KORRIS What are you saying? WORF Put down the phaser. Korris ignores the command -- as he continues to rail at Worf. KORRIS Living among these humans has sucked the Klingon heart out of you. You are a sham. My words were dust upon the ground. Your blood has no fire -- you are weak -- like them. I don't care what you look like -- you are no Klingon. WORF Perhaps not. And without warning -- he BLASTS Korris. The phaser is set on kill. 101 ANGLE ON KORRIS as he FALLS. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - 1/13/88 - ACT FIVE 52. 101A ANGLE ON WORF He REACTS. 102 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING - PICARD, TASHA, SECURITY TEAM Tasha and the others START TO MOVE FORWARD. PICARD Wait. The security team FREEZES. 103 ANGLE ON WORF He steps over to Korris, leans down and takes the dying Klingon's head in his hands and with his thumbs pries open the eyes. For a long moment he stares into them. 104 PICARD AND TASHA as they watch the ritual. 105 ANGLE ON WORF After a beat, he leans back his head and ROARS a warning to those who have gone before. A Klingon warrior is coming -- beware. 106 ANGLE ON PICARD OFF his REACTION. 107 OMITTED 108 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard and Worf EXIT the turbolift. As Picard takes his Command Chair: PICARD Open hailing frequencies. GEORDI Hailing frequencies open. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - REV. 1/14/88 - ACT FIVE 53. 108 CONTINUED: PICARD Commander K'Nera, this is Captain Picard. The image of the Klingon Commander COMES ON the Viewscreen. K'NERA Yes, Captain. PICARD Korris and the other Klingon are dead. K'NERA May I speak with Lieutenant Worf? Picard motions for Worf to step forward. WORF Yes, Commander. K'NERA How did they die? WORF They died well. K'Nera nods. PICARD Do you wish the bodies? K'NERA They are now only empty shells - dispose of them as you see fit. (to Worf) Worf, when your tour of duty on the Enterprise is complete -- consider serving with us. Your training and experience would be of benefit to us -- and perhaps there are some things we could teach you. WORF I will consider it. Thank you. K'Nera nods and CLICKS OFF. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - REV. 1/15/88 - ACT FIVE 54. 109 ANGLE ON PICARD He REACTS with mild surprise at Worf's statement and looks over at Tasha, who is also surprised. 110 CLOSE ON WORF Worf pauses for a beat, then replaces the crewman at a Forward Position. As he sits, Worf senses the tension, and hears the SILENCE. He slowly turns and looks back at them. 111 FULL SHOT Picard, Riker -- and the rest wait for some explanation. WORF (to Picard) I was just being polite, sir. PICARD Commendable, Lieutenant. Mister La Forge, set course for Starbase Eight-four. Geordi taps in the information. WORF Really... I have no desire to leave the Enterprise. They continue to just look at him. PICARD Good. Worf turns back to his console. GEORDI Course set. PICARD Speed -- warp five. GEORDI Warp five. PICARD ... And Worf. Worf turns and looks at Picard. STAR TREK: "Heart Of Glory" - REV. 1/15/88 - ACT FIVE 55. 111 CONTINUED: PICARD (continuing) The bridge wouldn't be the same without you. A look between Worf and the others, who are in complete agreement. PICARD Engage. A very satisfied Worf turns back to his console as Geordi engages the warp drive. Picard settles back with a smile, as do all the others. 112 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as the great ship MOVES OFF. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END