STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Arsenal Of Freedom" (fka "Among The Missing") #40271-121 Story by Maurice Hurley and Robert Lewin Teleplay by Richard Manning & Hans Beimler Directed by Les Landau THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1988 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. 2ND REV. FINAL DRAFT JANUARY 25, 1988 STAR TREK: "The Arsenal Of Freedom" - 1/25/88 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Arsenal Of Freedom" CAST PICARD THE PEDDLER (A HUMANOID) RIKER CAPTAIN PAUL RICE BEVERLY DATA TROI TASHA WORF GEORDI ENSIGN LIAN T'SU CHIEF ENGINEER LOGAN LIEUTENANT (J. G.) ORFIL SOLIS Voice-Over TRANSPORTER CHIEF STAR TREK: "The Arsenal of Freedom" - 1/25/88 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Arsenal Of Freedom" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE SAUCER SECTION BATTLE BRIDGE BATTLE CRUISER IN SPACE IN ATMOSPHERE PLANET MINOS PLANET MINOS TUNNEL (OR LIMBO SET) CAVERN PLANET SURFACE RUINS JUNGLE STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Arsenal Of Freedom" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) It's moving through sparkling, black velvet space -- a blue-green planet slowly enlarging in the distant background. PICARD (V. O.) Captain's log, stardate 41798.2. We are ordered by Starfleet, to proceed to the Lorenze Cluster and investigate the disappearance of the light cruiser USS Drake, which was in that system trying to unravel a mystery of its own. 2 INT. MAIN BRIDGE EVERYONE's at station except Riker and Troi. Riker's at the Aft Station going over some computer readouts. PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) Recent long range probes indicate that all intelligent life on the planet Minos has disappeared. PICARD Number One? RIKER No help from their communications log. The Drake reported arriving at Minos and was never heard from again. PICARD Mister Data? DATA The citizens of Minos gained fame during the Ersalrope wars as arms merchants. They manufactured sophisticated and highly advanced weaponry. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: GEORDI For which side? DATA Both. GEORDI We are nearing the planet Minos. PICARD Standard orbit, Mister La Forge. GEORDI Aye, sir. Standard orbit. RIKER Whatever happened to the Drake, happened quickly, otherwise Captain Rice would have sent another message. PICARD You know Captain Rice? RIKER We were at the Academy together. PICARD Tell me about him. Troi listens intently. RIKER Able. A good officer. TROI How would he react under stress? Riker thinks for a beat, then: RIKER Paul Rice is confident almost to the point of arrogance, but carries it well because he usually makes the right choices. He's a risk taker. PICARD Oh. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER I'll give you an example. One of the final tests in advance navigation at the Academy presents the student with three options. When Rice took the test, he rejected all of them and offered one of his own. PICARD I'd call that arrogant. RIKER But it paid off -- he received the top mark. And now that test has four options. The original three... plus his. TROI In a difficult situation a man like that would react aggressively. RIKER Agreed. PICARD Number One, weren't you offered the Drake? RIKER Yes. TASHA You turned down your own command to take this assignment? RIKER At the time, I thought it was more advantageous for me to do a tour on the Enterprise. DATA Captain -- readings correspond with the findings of the probe. No signs of intelligent life-forms. Vegetation and animal life only. PICARD None? DATA Correct. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - TEASER 4. 2 CONTINUED: (3) TROI What happened to all those people? WORF War? DATA Disease? GEORDI A dissatisfied customer? TASHA In any war, natural disaster, or even the most virulent plague, there are always survivors. DATA Captain, we are being hailed. 2A EVERYONE REACTS The question on their faces. RIKER How is that possible from a planet with no people? PICARD Your sensors indicated no intelligent life? DATA Correct. PICARD Put it on the Main Viewer. 3 ANGLE TO INCLUDE MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) A humanoid, THE PEDDLER, APPEARS on the Main Viewer. He has a ROLLING, LILTING VOICE, the confidence of a master salesman with a touch of the carny thrown in. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - TEASER 5. 3 CONTINUED: THE PEDDLER'S COM VOICE Whoever you are -- wherever you're from -- greetings and welcome to Minos -- the Arsenal of Freedom... PICARD I am Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise. To whom am I speaking? The Peddler ignores the question and continues with his pitch. THE PEDDLER'S COM VOICE ... Where we live by the motto -- peace through superior firepower. Come -- allow us to meet your needs. If you need a little something special, be it for one target -- or multiple targets -- we got it, you'll see it... here on the Arsenal of Freedom. Because we don't just provide weapons -- we also offer complete weapon systems. DATA It is a recorded message. THE PEDDLER'S COM VOICE To be totally armed is to be totally secure... PICARD It must be left over from the time of the Romulan wars, when the business of selling arms was booming. THE PEDDLER'S COM VOICE ... Remember, the early bird that hesitates gets wormed. Perfection in highly-advanced weaponry. Versatility... flexibility. And... everything one hundred percent guaranteed... So lock on to my signal and beam on down. PICARD Screen off. The screen GOES OFF. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - TEASER 6. 3 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI It's a heck of a sales pitch. PICARD If an automated message system is still functioning -- other systems on the planet may also be operational. TASHA Weapons systems? PICARD Possibly. RIKER We are going to have to go down there to find it. PICARD Prepare your away team, Number One. RIKER Lieutenant Yar -- Commander Data. Data rises from his chair and is immediately replaced by LIEUTENANT (J. G.) ORFIL SOLIS. TASHA Commander, I recommend a minimum complement. RIKER Oh? I would have thought otherwise. TASHA We'll keep the first landing party small and mobile. Until I'm confident that whatever killed the inhabitants of this planet isn't still down there. Riker nods his agreement. And they head for the turbolift. 4 thru OMITTED 5 FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: 6 EXT. PLANET SURFACE (OPTICAL) It's a small clearing in a verdant, overgrown area. Riker, Data and Tasha BEAM IN, and stand apprehensively looking around. The SOUNDS OF LIFE -- BIRDS, INSECTS -- surround them. The away team stands quietly, looking around tensely, and then slowly turning on their tricorders and scanning the periphery, protecting each other with their backs together. RIKER Spooky. (touches com) Riker. PICARD'S COM VOICE Bridge. Captain speaking. RIKER We'll start a pattern search from this point. PICARD'S COM VOICE Keep this channel open. RIKER Aye, sir. DATA Commander, our communications are being monitored. RIKER By whom? DATA Sir, since there is no intelligent life, the question is "by what?" RIKER Captain. 7 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard in his Command position listening to the away team. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT ONE 8. 7 CONTINUED: PICARD Yes, I heard, Number One. We'll try to track it down from here. Worf and the others strain over their instruments. 8 EXT. PLANET SURFACE The team moves slowly down the clearing, very alert, and OUT OF SHOT. 9 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - RUINS Crumbled high-tech ruins, aged and rusted in spots. The team ENTERS SHOT, Tasha leading. Near the base of a ruin she pulls away some foliage and a melted rod and plank of tritanium ARE SEEN. TASHA Tritanium. It's been melted. RIKER What could do that? TASHA Whatever it was, it's beyond our technology. DATA Over here. Data has found something. Its shape is clearly that of a weapon: a super-high-tech RIFLE, gimbal-mounted, with laser rheostats and sighting. Riker kneels, scans, and examines it. RIKER We've never even seen anything like this. TASHA It's undamaged. RIKER Maybe a demonstration model for some potential buyer. TASHA Maybe. Let's spread out a little. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT ONE 9. 10 INTERCUT The away team as it SPREADS OUT. 11 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard listening to the SOUNDS OF THEM MOVING THROUGH THE UNDERBRUSH. SOLIS Commander Riker. This is Lieutenant Solis. I am monitoring a slight energy buildup near your position. I am not able to pinpoint the source. RIKER'S COM VOICE Give me a direction. SOLIS East of your position -- ten meters. I will continue monitoring. 12 EXT. PLANET SURFACE ON Riker -- as he looks through the foliage. RIKER I can't see anything from here. The underbrush is very thick. He goes behind the ruin to examine the back side of it. Suddenly he tenses, sensing something. RICE (O.S.) Hello... Commander Riker. Riker turns at the sound of the voice. CAPTAIN PAUL RICE STEPS INTO SHOT. He is dressed in a Starfleet Captain's uniform, trim and neat, a man of Riker's age with a military bearing. He is businesslike and calm, and acts as if this kind of meeting, under these circumstances, is perfectly normal. Riker, on the other hand, is stunned. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT ONE 10. 12 CONTINUED: RIKER Rice! Where did you come from? RICE I was over there. RIKER You had us worried. But, I should have known you'd pop up. RICE How are you, Commander Riker? RIKER Me -- never mind me. How are you? No word, no message... nothing. RICE How many are with you? RIKER Two others. Where's the Drake? Where's your crew? 13 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (INTERCUT WITH PLANET AS NEEDED) Picard is as surprised as Riker. PICARD What's going on Number One? Riker STEPS AWAY, so the following conversation is confidential. RIKER It's Paul Rice from the Drake. PICARD (confused by the apparent contradiction) Lieutenant Solis? SOLIS Sensors indicate low level energy readings, but the only life signs are the away team. PICARD Careful, Number One. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT ONE 11. 13 CONTINUED: RIKER Understood. 13A EXT. PLANET SURFACE Riker MOVES BACK TO Rice. RIKER (to Rice) You look strange, Paul... RICE I was injured getting here. RIKER Do you need medical help? Riker is very suspicious and ready for anything. He knows this image in front of him is NOT Captain Paul Rice, but in order to find out the purpose of this replica he will play along. RICE No. What is your purpose here? Tasha and Data join Riker. They stare at Rice, who hardly notices them. RIKER This is Commander Data and Lieutenant Yar. Data looks down at his tricorder, then back to the figure. DATA Other than ourselves, sir, I am picking up no other life signs here. RIKER Yes. I know. RICE Riker, you didn't answer me. Who sent you here to look for me? RIKER Your mother. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT ONE 12. 13A CONTINUED: Both Tasha and Data REACT to this obvious lie. RIKER (continuing) She's worried about you. RICE Tell me about your ship -- the Enterprise, isn't it? RIKER No... The name of my ship is the Lollipop. RICE I have no knowledge of that ship. RIKER It's just been commissioned. It's a good ship. RICE Riker, refresh me, would you? What's its size and complement? RIKER Who's here with you? RICE (puzzled) What's the armament on the Lollipop? RIKER Paul -- I will only answer your questions if you answer mine. Why do you want to know so much about my ship? RICE We're friends, aren't we? RIKER Old friends. RICE Our top speed is warp three. What's yours? STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT ONE 13. 13A CONTINUED: (2) RIKER "Is?" Then the Drake has not been destroyed. RICE The Drake? RIKER Yes, your ship? RICE Of course -- my ship is the Drake. RIKER Where is it? RICE Classified. RIKER Classified? RICE Please -- it's important. Our survival depends on knowing. What's the armament on your ship? RIKER Ten. RICE Ten? I don't understand. Ten what? RIKER Six. RICE Commander Riker, those answers make no sense. RIKER You haven't used my first name once, Paul. There is a slight hesitation. RIKER (continuing) You remember it, don't you? STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT ONE 14. 13A CONTINUED: (3) No response. Rice looks confused. RIKER (continuing) Because you don't even exist. You're a fake -- an image of the original! Aren't you?... Answer me! Rice twitches -- a slight REACTION, then SUDDENLY: 14 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) The Image of Captain Rice DISAPPEARS and is REPLACED BY A WEAPON-LIKE OBJECT. IT QUICKLY MOVES several meters away. PICARD'S COM VOICE Report, Number One. RIKER The image of Rice has been replaced by something which is hovering several meters away. 15 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard is very concerned. PICARD Number One, get your team back here. 16 EXT. PLANET SURFACE (OPTICAL) Riker and the others set to beam up. RIKER Prepare to beam up. TASHA Commander. He looks as she indicates a direction. The WEAPON IS MOVING toward them. Before anyone can answer, THE WEAPON FIRES. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT ONE 15. 17 CLOSE ON RIKER (OPTICAL) The BEAM HITS HIM. He STIFFENS -- and BECOMES ENCASED IN A clear, transparent CUBE of material. 18 INT. MAIN BRIDGE They all HEAR, and REACT to, the SOUND OF THE PHASER BLAST. 19 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - ANGLE ON TASHA (OPTICAL) She FIRES ON THE WEAPON AND DESTROYS IT. 20 FULL SHOT - AWAY TEAM Picard's VOICE is heard. PICARD'S COM VOICE (tense, tight) What just happened down there? Number One! Report! 21 OMITTED 22 EXT. PLANET SURFACE Tasha and Data APPROACH him. They touch the cube. PICARD'S COM VOICE Report! Report! Tasha and Data examine the cube. TASHA He can't answer you, Captain. Commander Riker has been encased is a cube of complex lucinium compound. PICARD'S COM VOICE Is he alive? STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT ONE 16. 22 CONTINUED: Data and Tasha examine the cube containing the inert form of Commander William T. Riker. DATA Unknown. 23 thru OMITTED 25 FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT TWO 17. ACT TWO FADE IN: 26 INT. MAIN BRIDGE manned as before. The bridge crew is stunned by what has happened to Riker. Picard is on his feet. PICARD Transporter Room Three - have you locked on to the away team? TRANSPORTER CHIEF'S COM VOICE I am unable to lock on to Commander Riker. 26A REACTIONS From all those involved. PICARD (crisply) Lieutenant Solis, situation report. SOLIS The previous energy readings are gone. PICARD Data, have you been able to assess Commander Riker's condition? DATA He appears to be in a kind of stasis. PICARD Theorize. What's the purpose of the encasement? DATA Typically, the purpose of such an enclosure is for storage. PICARD Which would suggest what? STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT TWO 18. 26A CONTINUED: TASHA'S COM VOICE That sooner or later someone or something will be along to collect him. PICARD Stand by. I'm coming down. Eyebrows are raised. TROI You, sir? PICARD Yes. (into Com) Doctor Crusher, this is the Captain. Meet me in Transporter Room Three. (to Geordi) Mister La Forge, you have command of the bridge. GEORDI Aye, sir. 26B ANGLE ON GEORDI He leaves his position and is immediately replaced by ENSIGN LIAN T'SU. 26C MAIN BRIDGE as Geordi takes the command position. PICARD Whatever happens below, your prime responsibility is to the ship. GEORDI Understood. 27 ANGLE ON PICARD as he starts for the turbolift. Troi springs to her feet, steps into his path. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT TWO 19. 27 CONTINUED: TROI Captain! I must take exception to your decision to beam down. PICARD Noted. Picard moves around her. 28 EXT. PLANET SURFACE (OPTICAL) Picard and Beverly MATERIALIZE. Data is scanning Riker and the material encasing him with his tricorder. Tasha, ever security-conscious, keeps a lookout, her phaser in hand. Picard and Beverly APPROACH the cube. PICARD What is it? DATA The encasing material appears to be solid... BEVERLY I am getting no life signs. PICARD He's alive. What he ran into is an intelligence gathering device used during the Ersalrope Wars. TASHA Probably developed here. PICARD It projects an image of someone the subject will trust -- gets as much information as possible. TASHA If it's found out -- it encases the subject to await a more detailed interrogation later. Clever. PICARD Can you remove it? DATA Yes -- but I cannot predict the risk to Commander Riker. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT TWO 20. 28 CONTINUED: PICARD We have little choice. Whatever has him is interrupting the transporter beam. Remove it. 29 ANOTHER ANGLE as Data examines the cube like a diamond cutter looking for the place to make his cut. 30 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Worf at the Aft station. WORF I am picking up energy readings. GEORDI Captain, this is Lieutenant La Forge. Sensors indicate energy readings in your area. 31 EXT. PLANET SURFACE (OPTICAL) As Data continues working... Tasha scans the area. SUDDENLY, MINOS WEAPON 2 BURSTS THROUGH the jungle foliage. It makes a close pass. It comes closest to Beverly who is startled. She stumbles backward. Data calmly continues working. Tasha takes aim, as Picard moves over next to Beverly. All this happens very quickly -- the reaction instinctive. The team BECOMES SEPARATED. 32 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) as MINOS WEAPON 2 STARTS FIRING. Picard pushes Beverly out of the way. 33 ON PICARD AND BEVERLY As THEY DIVE TO THE SIDE, the ground suddenly gives way under her feet. Beverly FALLS, BEGINS TO SLIDE -- PICARD Doctor! Picard makes a grab for her, catches her hand, but only succeeds in being pulled into the sinkhole -- the sandy GROUND SWALLOWS THEM UP. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT TWO 21. 34 OMITTED 35 INT. CAVERN Beverly and a half ton of sand FALL into a large subterranean cavern. She LANDS HARD AND IS immediately BURIED in rocks, sand, and dust. 36 NEW ANGLE as Picard also FALLS through into the cavern, but manages to land more or less on his feet atop a pile of sand. 37 ON PICARD rushing to Beverly's side and frantically digging sand away with his hands to keep her from suffocating. PICARD Beverly! 38 thru OMITTED 39 40 EXT. PLANET SURFACE (OPTICAL) The WEAPON darts through the heavy foliage. Tasha has difficulty getting a clean shot. Everything is happening so fast that neither she nor Data have noticed the disappearance of Picard and Beverly. TASHA This one is different. 41 ANGLE ON TASHA (OPTICAL) She FIRES. 42 ANGLE ON THE WEAPON (OPTICAL) It anticipates and DODGES OUT OF THE WAY. 43 ANOTHER ANGLE The area. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT TWO 22. 43 CONTINUED: TASHA It's evasive. Data -- I need you. Set your phaser on kill. I'll fire so that it will move left, and you get it. Data adjusts the setting on his phaser. 44 WIDER ANGLE (OPTICAL) as the WEAPON STARTS FIRING from behind some trees. 45 ON DATA AND TASHA (OPTICAL) She FIRES. 46 OMITTED 47 ANGLE ON WEAPON (OPTICAL) As it DODGES TASHA'S BLAST, DATA GETS IT. The combined effect works. The WEAPON EXPLODES. 48 DATA AND TASHA Data calmly returns to his examination of the casement. TASHA Captain! No response. TASHA (continuing) Doctor Crusher. Still no response. Data has stopped cutting. He touches his communicator. DATA Captain Picard. He looks down at his chest. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT TWO 23. 48 CONTINUED: DATA (continuing) I have a malfunction. Tasha touches her communicator. TASHA Enterprise, this is Lieutenant Yar. Nothing. TASHA (continuing) Mine's out too. DATA The close pass by the weapon must have disrupted our communicators. TASHA Keep working. I'll look for Captain Picard and Doctor Crusher. Data nods and resumes working. Tasha MOVES OFF in the direction she last saw Captain Picard. 48A INT. CAVERN (FORMERLY SCENE 38) Picard is beside Beverly. She's nearly unconscious, and in very bad shape, with multiple lacerations. She fights to speak through the intense pain: PICARD How bad is it? BEVERLY Bad... It's my arm. PICARD Hold on. We'll get you out of here. (he touches his communicator) Enterprise, this is the Captain. Two to beam up. No response. He touches Beverly's communicator. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT TWO 24. 48A CONTINUED: PICARD (continuing) Enterprise. Nothing. PICARD (continuing; he touches it again) Data... Lieutenant Yar. BEVERLY What's wrong? Why don't they work? PICARD I don't know. But it's all right because once they realize our communicators are out, the sensors will locate us and Geordi will beam us up. 48B ON PICARD (FORMERLY SCENE 39) He rips a piece from her smock, finds some sticks and fashions a crude splint. PICARD (reassuring) Hold on. It won't be long. Beverly is hit by a wave of pain; her eyes close. Picard fights his own sense of helplessness. 49 EXT. PLANET SURFACE Tasha RETURNS. TASHA I can't find them. DATA Step back. Data has solved the puzzle. He makes a slight adjustment on his phaser, then holds it against a specific point on the encasement. He points the muzzle up. And FIRES. The vibration of the phaser against the casement causes it to disintegrate in a SHOWER OF LIGHT. Riker collapses in a heap. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT TWO 25. 49 CONTINUED: RIKER Data. 50 NEW ANGLE Riker has been all but freed from his encasement. He stirs. Data and Tasha are visibly relieved. Data scans him with the tricorder. DATA All vital signs returning to normal. TASHA Good. Now Geordi can get us out of here. 51 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Worf is at Tactical, using everything at his command to scan the planet. SOLIS (to Geordi) Sir, I'm reading life-forms on the planet. All five members of the away team. GEORDI Good. They have freed Riker. (into com) Transporter Room. Get a lock on the away team, and beam them up. The insistent SOUND OF a BRIDGE ALARM fills the room. WORF Shields just came on! Deflectors also up -- (a beat) I'm picking up an object off our port bow -- It's firing! STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT TWO 26. 52 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) as the ENTERPRISE IS HIT by something quite unlike a phaser beam. The weapon -- call it an INTERRUPTER -- plays havoc with the ship: WE HEAR A SCREECH as LIGHTS DIM, CONSOLES GO CRAZY, and the BRIDGE VIBRATES as if the ship's shaking itself apart. After a beat, the INTERRUPTER EFFECT ENDS, and bridge systems slowly return to normal. GEORDI Red Alert! Battle stations! More BRIDGE ALARMS as Red Alert is SOUNDED. WORF Shields holding. GEORDI (grimly) But we can't beam up the away team with our shields in place. 53 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) as more BRIDGE PERSONNEL ENTER and take up Battle Stations. WORF Phasers ready. Photon torpedoes standing by. Locking on target... (then, surprised) Correction: target has disappeared! GEORDI Full scan! WORF Scanning... (shakes head) No readings. Wait -- something dead astern -- GEORDI Emergency power to shields! WORF Object is firing -- And again the INTERRUPTER EFFECT SHAKES THE BRIDGE, more severely. Geordi SHOUTS over the DIN: STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT TWO 27. 53 CONTINUED: GEORDI Return fire! The EFFECT ENDS. SOLIS Aft shields weakened. (a beat) Whatever they're using, our shields can't stand up to it much longer. 54 ON GEORDI As he grimly ponders his options, WE: FADE OUT: END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT THREE 28. ACT THREE FADE IN: 55 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) still in orbit above Minos, performing an escape maneuver. GEORDI (V. O.) Captain's log, stardate 41798.25. Lieutenant J.G. Geordi La Forge in temporary command. 56 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Geordi's in the Command Chair, Troi next to him, Worf at Tactical, Lian at Conn, Solis at Ops. GEORDI (V.O.) (continuing) Orbiting the planet Minos, we are under attack. The turbolift doors OPEN and CHIEF ENGINEER LOGAN ENTERS. Logan is young, intelligent, competent, and sure of himself. LOGAN Why are we still in orbit? We're taking a beating! GEORDI We've got to hold out as long as we can. If we can disable our attacker, even for a few seconds, we can drop our shields and beam the away team back aboard. LOGAN If we follow that plan, we'll lose the Enterprise! In view of the present crisis... I believe you should relinquish command to me. GEORDI No. LOGAN I outrank you. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT THREE 29. 56 CONTINUED: GEORDI Mister Logan -- Captain Picard put me in command. LOGAN The Captain did not anticipate that the Enterprise would come under attack. If he had, would he have left the bridge to you? GEORDI If he had, he would not have left the ship. 57 OMITTED 58 WIDER ANGLE Lian has picked up a reading: LIAN Picking up an object to starboard, sir -- heading toward us. GEORDI Lock phasers and fire the moment it's in range. WORF Aye, sir. Locking and -- (scanning) Object has vanished. 59 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) The INTERRUPTER EFFECT SHAKES THE BRIDGE as the ship takes another hit. WORF Phaser lock lost. The EFFECT ENDS. LIAN Starboard shields weakened. WORF It's cloaked itself. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT THREE 30. 59 CONTINUED: LOGAN You can't fight this thing and win. We've got to break orbit -- now. Geordi ignores Logan, ponders the problem. GEORDI Worf -- analyze its firing pattern. Maybe we can anticipate its location. WORF Aye. (to Solis) Correlate the trajectory of the energy bolts with the attack path. I'll compute the optimum spread of phasers and photon torpedoes to hit it. Solis programs that into the computer as Worf sets up the weaponry. LOGAN (protesting) Lieutenant La Forge. Logan stops himself, tries another tack. LOGAN (continuing; softer) Geordi -- I know you want to do what's best for the Enterprise. So do I. Now... the best thing... GEORDI The best thing is for this discussion to end and for you to get on with your duties. I am in charge until relieved by Commander Riker or Captain Picard. LOGAN You are ignoring my greater rank and experience. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT THREE 31. 59 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI Not at all, I'm counting on it. Get back to Engineering and find me every scrap of extra power you can. The more we can channel to the shields, the longer we can hold out. LOGAN All right. Logan EXITS into a turbolift. GEORDI Have you got a lock on it? WORF Impossible to be sure. 60 thru OMITTED 68 69 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - JUNGLE (OPTICAL) Tasha steps up to Riker. TASHA Maybe you should wait here while Data and I search for Doctor Crusher and Captain Picard. RIKER I'm a little groggy, but I'll be all right. DATA I am getting energy readings. Another WEAPON WHISTLES PASSED them. THEY SCATTER. 70 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) Tasha looks over at Data. TASHA We'll do it just like before. They try their little "I-make-it-go-to-the-left-and-you-pick-it-off" trick. Tasha FIRES - then Data FIRES. This time the Weapon doesn't dodge out of the way. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT THREE 32. 70 CONTINUED: TASHA It's got a deflector shield. DATA The product continues to upgrade and improve. TASHA Spread out. We'll concentrate our fire and try to collapse its shield. Data, Tasha and Riker SPREAD OUT. Then as the WEAPON MOVES toward Tasha, THEY all FIRE - HITTING THE WEAPON from different angles and putting the most possible drain on its deflectors. The combination works. The WEAPON EXPLODES. TASHA (continuing) You're right, they keep getting better. DATA Commander, the weapons are appearing at intervals of precisely twelve minutes. TASHA That one took everything we had. I don't know how we'll handle the next one. RIKER Then let's try and not be here. Come on, let's find the rest of our team. The Trio SPREADS OUT and MOVES into the dense jungle foliage. 71 INT. CAVERN Beverly is half buried under a ton of debris. Picard tries to pull her out. He can't. But he clears away more of the rubble. 72 ANGLE ON BEVERLY drifting into unconsciousness; she's in very bad shape, with multiple lacerations. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT THREE 33. 73 ON PICARD shaking her and talking to her -- desperately to keep her awake. PICARD Oh, no you don't -- no time to sleep. But Beverly is falling rapidly -- BEVERLY (barely audible) I'm tired. Very tired. PICARD Come on, stay with me, Doctor. She's very weak, and though she tries -- she can't keep her eyes open. Picard's frustration builds -- PICARD (continuing) Stay alert, Doctor! That's an order, damn it! BEVERLY I must have lost a lot of blood. PICARD I've stopped the bleeding -- Beverly makes an effort to shake her head. BEVERLY There's another wound. My leg. Picard frantically digs away the rubble and mush around her legs -- the DIRT IS A DEEP RED MUD from the blood. 74 NEW ANGLE Picard can't get to her wounds -- he must lift and pull her legs from under the rubble. PICARD This is going to hurt a bit, Doctor. BEVERLY (with the faintest of smiles) I heard that before. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT THREE 34. 74 CONTINUED: Picard then lifts her legs -- and Beverly does everything to hold in a scream. But her expression tells us just how much pain she's going through. This is a woman of great courage! Picard then rips a piece her smock into a makeshift bandage and strap for a tourniquet. When that's done, Picard turns to Beverly: PICARD Doctor -- you have to stay awake -- you have to help me! Tell me what to do. Beverly nods -- she'll try. PICARD (continuing) What else can I do? Beverly makes an effort to point at something -- but she is too weak to lift her hand. BEVERLY The wound needs a clotting agent. PICARD I can't find your medical kit. She forces herself to look around. BEVERLY Those roots. What are they? PICARD These? She nods. Picard pulls at a long root, breaking it off and showing it to her. PICARD (continuing) I don't know. BEVERLY Break off a piece and taste it. Don't swallow. Picard breaks open the root and pops a piece into his mouth, and spits it out. PICARD It's very bitter -- STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT THREE 35. 74 CONTINUED: (2) She nods. BEVERLY Good. Pound it into a paste and spread in onto the wound. PICARD I understand. 75 ON PICARD as he SQUEEZES THE ROOT, making a sort of ointment. When he has enough, he smears it on her wounds. Again, Beverly begins to drift away. PICARD What do we do next, Doctor? But Beverly is so tired -- PICARD (continuing) Help me -- you've got to help me! Beverly opens her eyes -- fighting the sleep with all her fading strength. Picard gets an idea -- he appeals to her professionalism: PICARD (continuing) The patient has lost a great deal of blood from multiple lacerations. What's your diagnosis, Doctor? BEVERLY Your patient is going into shock. PICARD What do I do? BEVERLY Elevate the legs and keep her warm. PICARD All right. Stay with me, Doctor. Keep talking... STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT THREE 36. 75 CONTINUED: Picard gently lifts her legs -- resting them on top of some rubble in an effort to keep the blood flowing to her brain. BEVERLY Did you happen to bring a blanket? Beverly is shivering and sweating profusely. 76 ON PICARD anxiously looking at Beverly and then scanning the area for something -- anything! -- to keep her warm. PICARD No, but I'll find something. He gets up and begins looking around for something. PICARD (continuing) Keep up your end. Stay awake. That's an order, Doctor. 77 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) still in orbit around the planet. 78 OMITTED 78A INT. MAIN BRIDGE (FORMERLY SCENE 60) Everyone is very tense. GEORDI A shot in the dark is better than nothing. Let's see if we can get lucky. SOLIS I can't seem to pin down the pattern... Geordi STEPS TO Solis's position, looks over Solis' shoulder, and makes an adjustment on the console. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT THREE 37. 78A CONTINUED: SOLIS Sorry, sir. I should have seen that. GEORDI It's all right. You are doing fine. Worf completes his own adjustments. WORF Program laid in, sir. Phasers and photon torpedoes ready. 78B ANOTHER ANGLE (FORMERLY SCENE 61) Geordi RETURNS to the Command position. GEORDI Bring her about to two-three mark one-eight-five. LIAN Aye, sir. 78C NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY SCENE 62) as the INTERRUPTER EFFECT HITS them again. The moment the EFFECT ENDS -- GEORDI Fire! WORF Phasers and photons firing. 78D EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY SC. 63) FIRING main PHASERS and a spread of PHOTONS simultaneously. 78E INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Worf SLAMS the console in frustration. WORF We missed. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT THREE 38. 79 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) as the BRIDGE IS SHAKEN BY another INTERRUPTER EFFECT, taking the crew by surprise. The EFFECT ENDS. SOLIS Number four shield buckling. 80 ON GEORDI (OPTICAL) as he sits back down in the Command Chair. He's stunned. How do you fight this thing? What should he do next? The INTERRUPTER EFFECT HITS again. BRIDGE LIGHTS DIM ALMOST TO BLACK -- power systems can no longer compensate. The EFFECT ENDS. SOLIS Number three shield nearing failure. LOGAN'S COM VOICE Bridge, this is Engineering. I can't hold this power level much longer. SOLIS Backup systems are overloaded. Worf looks to Geordi. 81 OMITTED 82 WIDER ANGLE (OPTICAL) Geordi is silent, desperately trying to come up with a plan. The INTERRUPTER EFFECT HITS again, then ENDS. SOLIS Backup systems failing. There's a touch of urgency in Solis's voice. Geordi becomes aware that Worf, Lian, Troi, and the rest of the bridge crew are looking at him. Nothing obvious, not a cold stare -- just a simple expectation. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT THREE 39. 83 ON GEORDI as it dawns on him: they're waiting for orders. The entire crew is looking to him for their next move... and he hasn't got one. LOGAN'S COM VOICE Bridge, this is Engineering. Tell me something. As we PUSH IN on his look of pain and indecision, we: GEORDI (into com) Mister Logan, report to the bridge. LOGAN'S COM VOICE On my way. 83A REACTIONS Everyone on the bridge believes Geordi is about to relinquish his command. FADE OUT: END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT FOUR 40. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 84 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) It's BEING HAMMERED by something which we cannot see. 85 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Geordi is in the Command position. WORF Deflectors are breaking down. We have less than one minute of reserve. Logan STEPS ONTO the bridge and STRIDES OVER TO Geordi. GEORDI We are getting out of here. Worf REACTS to the thought of retreat. GEORDI (continuing) Ensign T'su - set course. Three-one-five... mark zero-seven. LIAN Course set. LOGAN You are leaving them on that planet? GEORDI Speed warp five. LIAN Warp five - aye. GEORDI Engage. 86 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it WARPS AWAY from the planet. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT FOUR 41. 87 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Those around Geordi are surprised by this apparent retreat. GEORDI Hold course and speed for twenty-eight seconds, then come to a full stop. Geordi stands so that everyone on the bridge can see him. GEORDI If we stay, we'll be destroyed. There are over a thousand people on the ship -- I have a responsibility to them. LOGAN What about your responsibility to Captain Picard and the members of the away team? GEORDI We have a responsibility to them as well. Mister Logan, you are going to take command... Logan REACTS. GEORDI (continuing) ... of the Saucer Section. Bridge crew - prepare to move to the Battle Bridge. LOGAN You're going to separate? GEORDI Yes. I want you to take the Saucer Section and proceed immediately for Starbase One-zero-three. LOGAN You still won't be able to see that device. GEORDI There are ways. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT FOUR 42. 87 CONTINUED: LOGAN (with a little envy) Risky. GEORDI That's why we are going to separate. Geordi rises and moves toward the turbolift which goes to the Battle Bridge. GEORDI (continuing) Worf, Solis, T'su. You're with me on the Battle Bridge. Good luck, Mister Logan. The key members of the bridge crew FOLLOW Geordi to the turbolift. 88 INT. CAVERN Picard is in the pit looking for something which will provide warmth. {Picard will continue talking to Beverly as he searches the cavern. Pages to come.} Roots have come in and tightened the passageway making it difficult for him to move around. He sees something - a little FLICKERING GLOW. He moves toward it. 89 ANOTHER ANGLE He clears away roots and earthen debris from around the GLOW. It's a viewscreen -- OFF Picard's REACTION. 90 EXT. PLANET SURFACE Tasha, Data, and a more revived Riker are searching close to the spot where Picard and Beverly disappeared. DATA Commander -- here. There seem to be air shafts overgrown with vegetation. Perhaps they somehow fell through one of them. RIKER Clear some of that away. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT FOUR 43. 90 CONTINUED: TASHA If Data's calculations are correct, the next sphere should show itself in two minutes. They work faster. 91 INT. CAVERN (OPTICAL) Picard moves closer to the viewscreen. SUDDENLY, a figure MATERIALIZES beside him. Picard nearly jumps out of his skin. 92 ON PICARD AND THE FIGURE It's the Peddler from the opening. THE PEDDLER {He starts to give a sales pitch to Picard. It tells Picard about the machine. Picard realizes that these people have created a nearly perfect killing system. The spy at the beginning, and all of these devices which are capable of learning and improving.} PICARD You poor fools. The first time you tested it, or demonstrated it... something went wrong and your creation destroyed you. Picard hears a NOISE... a GURGLING from somewhere behind the screen. PICARD What was that noise? THE PEDDLER {Another (something from the model number... ) is about to clear. Something about the demonstration. that it is another one of the devices going to the surface.} PICARD Can you stop it? STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT FOUR 44. 92 CONTINUED: THE PEDDLER Why would I want to do that? It can't demonstrate its abilities unless it leaves the nest. Picard looks at the Peddler. A VOICE calls out. RIKER (O.S.) Captain... can you hear me? 93 ON PICARD He steps back and looks up. PICARD Yes -- we're here. 94 INTERCUT AS NEEDED Riker YELLING down the hole and Picard YELLING back. RIKER Are you all right? PICARD Doctor Crusher has been seriously injured. Our communicators are out and I haven't been able to contact the Enterprise. RIKER Yes, we are in the same fix. Is there a way to get down to you? PICARD None that I know of. Number One, those devices are part of a system which is located down here. Another is about to be released. 95 EXT. PLANET SURFACE Riker, Data and Tasha as they look down the hole. TASHA We know, Captain. Riker stares down into the cavern. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT FOUR 45. 95 CONTINUED: RIKER It's too far. There is nothing to hold onto... no way to climb down. TASHA I'm surprised either of them survived. DATA Commander, I can do it. RIKER How? DATA Jump. RIKER It's over ten meters. DATA Eleven point seven five. TASHA Data, you're sturdy, but you're not indestructible. DATA I believe I can safely traverse the distance. RIKER (yelling) Captain -- Data is coming down to join you. With a little look, Riker takes a STEP BACKWARD. RIKER (continuing) Be my guest. And without further discussion or hesitation, Data STEPS FORWARD AND DISAPPEARS. 96 INT. CAVERN as Data FALLS IN, lands on his feet with great force. His android legs absorb the impact. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT FOUR 46. 96 CONTINUED: PICARD (concerned) Data! DATA At your service, Captain. 97 INT. BATTLE BRIDGE Worf and other BRIDGE PERSONNEL take their stations and fire up their consoles. After a beat, Geordi takes the Command position. GEORDI Prepare to initiate separation sequence. SOLIS All decks report ready. GEORDI (with a pause, because it's such a big decision) Begin separation. 98 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL - STOCK) VARIOUS ANGLES of the separation process, ending with the TWO SECTIONS APART. 99 INT. BATTLE BRIDGE WORF Separation complete, sir. GEORDI Lian -- lay in a course for Minos -- warp five. LIAN Course set. GEORDI Engage. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT FOUR 47. 100 thru OMITTED 102 103 EXT. SPACE - BATTLE CRUISER (OPTICAL - STOCK) It BLASTS INTO WARP EIGHT AND VANISHES. 103A EXT. PLANET SURFACE Tasha and Riker by the hole through which Data has disappeared. TASHA We had better find a defensive position. If Data's right -- RIKER And he usually is. TASHA We're going to have company in thirty seconds. And this time... I don't know how we're going to stop it. OFF their REACTION, WE: FADE OUT: END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT FIVE 48. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 104 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE BATTLE CRUISER (OPTICAL)) 104 as it COMES OUT OF WARP SPEED near the planet Minos. 105 INT. BATTLE BRIDGE Everyone is tense. SOLIS Shields and deflectors are up. GEORDI (to Lian) When I order the shields down, you have one responsibility. Locate the away team and get them up here. You may only have a few seconds. LIAN Approaching the planet, sir. Geordi has picked up on Lian and Solis's look of apprehension. He gets up from the Command chair, CROSSES to them. GEORDI The ride's going to get a little bumpy. Things are going to happen fast. Although he's looking at both of them, his concerns are more for the younger Ensign T'su. GEORDI (continuing) Just keep alert... stay calm... and focus on the task at hand. You know your jobs. 105A REACTIONS as Lian and Solis listen and draw courage from Geordi's words. Even Worf pays respectful attention. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT FIVE 49. 105A CONTINUED: GEORDI You've been trained, you've been tested, and you've earned the right to sit in those chairs. 105B OMITTED 106 INT. CAVERN Data is with Picard inspecting the computer. There is a NOISE. DATA Another weapon has been launched. PICARD We have to find a way to stop this system. DATA I need to see the program schematic. Data expects Picard to answer, but it's the Peddler who says: THE PEDDLER You got it. 107 ON VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The DIAGRAM OF THE WORKINGS of the system. 107A BACK TO SHOT (OPTICAL) PICARD Is it possible to re-adjust the targeting sequence? THE PEDDLER Absolutely. They wouldn't be much good if you couldn't. PICARD Data, assign it a neutral target. DATA The target must be specific. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT FIVE 50. 107A CONTINUED: PICARD Itself, then. Have it track itself or the power source that manufactures it. DATA The force of that explosion would destroy this chamber and evervone near by. PEDDLER Watch now - the Echo-Papa, Series Six-oh-seven is about to complete this phase of its mission. ON the Screen, the DOTS representing Tasha and Riker are ABOUT TO INTERSECT WITH THE DOT representing the weapons. 107B EXT. PLANET SURFACE Tasha and Riker SCRAMBLE to find cover in the foliage. RIKER Got any ideas? TASHA None. 107C INT. CAVERN Picard knows the clock is running out. PICARD Give me some options, Data... Quickly. BEVERLY Why don't you just shut it off? Picard REACTS. PICARD (to Data) Is that possible? BEVERLY Why not -- it's a machine, isn't it? STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT FIVE 51. 107C CONTINUED: PICARD (to the Peddler) Shut it off. THE PEDDLER But, you haven't seen half of what this beauty can do. PICARD We've seen enough. THE PEDDLER Does that mean you are going to buy it? PICARD If that's what it takes to shut it off. Yes... I've seen enough -- you've made a sale. THE PEDDLER You won't be sorry. PICARD Now... end the demonstration. THE PEDDLER Done. And the Peddler DISAPPEARS, and the screen goes DARK. There is the SOUND OF SERVOS SHUTTING DOWN. 108 EXT. PLANET SURFACE (FORMERLY "INTERCUT") Riker and Tasha see the weapon MOVING through the foliage and they know there's nothing they can do about it. Riker gives Tasha a look, they both turn to face the weapon. Suddenly, IT STOPS. Right where it is - HANGS in the air for a moment, then DISSOLVES (or if you like... just DROPS to the ground). Riker and Tasha REACT with relief. PICARD'S COM VOICE Number One! Riker is surprised to have his communicator working. RIKER Here, sir. That was close. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT FIVE 52. 108A INT. CAVERN Picard and Data. The Peddler HAS GONE. PICARD (into com) Lieutenant La Forge. 109 OMITTED 110 INT. BATTLE BRIDGE (OPTICAL) manned as before. GEORDI It's great to hear your voice, Captain. We're a little busy right now. I'll get right back to you. WORF Phasers at full readiness. GEORDI Keep those shields at full power. It'll be on us any moment. And without warning, the INTERRUPTER EFFECT HITS, shaking the ship. The moment it ENDS: WORF Shields holding. GEORDI Ahead one-quarter, heading two-five mark three-zero-zero. LIAN That heading will take us further into the planet's atmosphere. GEORDI That's correct. (to Lian) We're going to lose some maneuverability, so keep a firm hand on the helm. LIAN (can do) Aye, sir. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT FIVE 53. 110 CONTINUED: WORF (catching on) You want our attacker to follow us into the atmosphere... GEORDI (nods) That's what I'm hoping. (to Solis) Scan for any air disruption or vortex -- cloak or no cloak, we'll spot it by its turbulence. All around the Battle bridge, faces light up with enthusiasm. Geordi's plan will work. GEORDI (to Worf) How fast will you be able to get a phaser lock? WORF Just watch me. SOLIS Hull temperature one thousand degrees and rising. GEORDI Emergency power to deflectors. 111 ANGLE TO INCLUDE MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) Minos fills the Main Viewer. The image begins to SHIMMER and BLUR as the atmospheric turbulence worsens. LIAN Velocity increasing, sir. GEORDI Steady as she goes. 112 EXT. SPACE - BATTLE CRUISER IN ATMOSPHERE (OPTICAL) The STARS ARE STILL VISIBLE, BUT THE BLACKNESS OF SPACE IS DEFINITELY GRAYISH AND OBSCURED. A RED HALO SURROUNDS THE BATTLE CRUISER, the result of air friction upon the ship's shields. STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT FIVE 54. 113 INT. BATTLE BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The Main Viewer shows nothing but a BLUR of motion. The bridge itself is beginning to SHAKE from the TURBULENCE. Geordi MOVES from station to station, brimming with controlled energy. SOLIS Hull temperature twenty-five hundred degrees. WORF Deflectors nearing overload. LIAN Helm is growing unresponsive, sir. GEORDI Can you compensate? LIAN Yes, sir, I can. SOLIS Hull three thousand degrees. GEORDI Maintain heading. SOLIS Thirty-three hundred degrees. WORF Number four deflector inoperative. SOLIS Turbulence to starboard! 113A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) WE SEE the OUTLINE OF THE CLAW. 113B INT. BATTLE BRIDGE SOLIS Scanners locked -- WORF Weapons locked! GEORDI (overlapping) Fire! STAR TREK: "The Arsenal... " - 1/25/88 - ACT FIVE 55. 114 EXT. SPACE - BATTLE CRUISER IN ATMOSPHERE (OPTICAL) FIRING FULL PHASERS to starboard. 115 INT. BATTLE BRIDGE (OPTICAL) as a splendiferous TECHNICOLOR EXPLOSION fills the Main Viewer. WORF Got him! The bridge crew is jubilant. GEORDI Come to four-zero mark six-five, ahead one-third, and assume standard orbit. LIAN Locked onto life-forms and ready to beam them up. GEORDI Excellent. Energize. 116 thru OMITTED 119 120 ANOTHER ANGLE - BATTLE BRIDGE (OPTICAL) as Riker, Tasha, Data, Picard, and Beverly MATERIALIZE on the bridge. GEORDI Ensign T'su -- lay in a course to rendezvous with the Saucer Section. {There will be an exchange between Picard and Geordi.} 121 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE BATTLE CRUISER (OPTICAL)) as it WARPS OFF. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END