STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Conspiracy" #40271-125 Story by Robert Sabaroff Teleplay by Tracy Torme Directed by Cliff Bole THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1988 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. 2ND REV. FINAL DRAFT MARCH 8, 1988 STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - 3/8/88 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Conspiracy" CAST PICARD CAPTAIN WALKER KEEL RIKER TRYLA SCOTT BEVERLY CAPTAIN RIXX DATA ADMIRAL SAVAR TROI ADMIRAL AARON WORF ADMIRAL GREGORY QUINN GEORDI LT. COMMANDER DEXTER REMMICK Voice-Over Non-Speaking COMPUTER VOICE CEREMONIAL GUARD TRANSPORTER OPERATOR (EARTH) STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - 3/8/88 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Conspiracy" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS DYTALLIX B SICKBAY STARFLEET HQ TRANSPORTER ROOM CORRIDOR EARTH OBSERVATION LOUNGE QUINN'S GUEST QUARTERS CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM GREAT HALL OF STARFLEET - EARTH HALLWAY RECEPTION AREA DINING ROOM TRANSMITTER ROOM TRANSPORTER ROOM MINING TUNNEL - DYTALLIX B STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - 3/8/88 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Conspiracy" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE TRYLA SCOTT TRY-la ADMIRAL SAVAR suh-VAAR DYTALLIX B die-TAL-icks Bee TAU CETI III tow (rhymes with cow) - set-ee 3 STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Conspiracy" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) sweeps by majestically at warp. WE CLEARLY SEE THE REGISTRY NUMBER on her wing -- ten foot tall navy blue letters reading NCC-1701D. RIKER (V.O.) First officer's log, stardate 41775.5. We are en route to the ocean world known as Pacifica... 2 INT. ENTERPRISE - MAIN BRIDGE - WIDE ANGLE The mood is relaxed. RIKER is at Command with TROI beside him. WORF'S at Security, DATA and GEORDI at Ops and Conn. RIKER (V.O.) (continuing) Our mission is routinely scientific in nature. We look forward to seeing the warm blue waters and fine white beaches that make Pacifica a treasured jewel of the galaxy. 3 ANGLE ON DATA intently listening to the punchline of a joke Geordi's telling... GEORDI (grinning) ... So the guy staggers to his feet and goes back to the girl. She smiles, looks him right in the eye and says "Just try that in hyperspace!" Geordi LAUGHS at his own joke, but Data is simply reflective. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - TEASER 2. 3 CONTINUED: DATA (thoughtful) Ah, I see. So the difficulty in attaining such complex positioning in a zero gravity environment, coupled with the adverse effect it would have on the psychological well being of the average human male, is what makes this anecdote so amusing. Yes. Very humorous indeed. Hysterical, in fact. The look on his friend's face tells Data that something is missing. Suddenly, he realizes what it is and bursts into STIFF, FORCED LAUGHTER. It comes out awkwardly and ends much too abruptly. 4 BACK TO WIDE ANGLE Riker is smiling, having overheard. RIKER What's our e.t.a. at Pacifica, Mister La Forge? GEORDI Twenty two hours, fourteen minutes. RIKER Increase to warp six. GEORDI Aye sir. RIKER (to Troi, mischievous) Think anyone'll mind if we arrive a little ahead of schedule? TROI (warm smile) I know I won't. I've been looking forward to a nice swim. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - 3/8/88 - TEASER 3. 4 CONTINUED: DATA You are aware Counselor, that the Holodeck can be programed to recreate an oceanic environment. TROI It's just not the same, Data. Have you ever gone for a real moonlight swim? DATA (deeply puzzled) One can swim in moonlight? Troi rolls her eyes and turns to Worf... TROI How about you, Worf? WORF (shaking head) Swimming is too much like bathing. DATA -- Commander Riker. Data is monitoring something, looking concerned... DATA (continuing) I am receiving a Code Forty-Seven. Riker frowns, instantly concerned... RIKER Verify. Data rechecks his console... DATA (astounded) It is a Code Forty-Seven, sir. Starfleet emergency frequency. Riker and Troi exchange worried glances... TROI Code Forty-Seven... Captain's eyes only. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - 3/8/88 - TEASER 4. 5 INT. CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS - SLOWLY MOVING TOWARD BED (OPTICAL) The room is DARK, Picard is sleeping. THE SCREEN by his bed COMES TO LIFE, awakening the Captain... RIKER Riker on the bridge, Captain. I'm sorry to disturb you. Picard is still a bit groggy. PICARD What is it, Number One? RIKER An incoming message -- Code Forty Seven, sir. Picard REACTS to the news. He sits up in bed, wearing a form-fitting sleepsuit (warm and extremely comfortable). PICARD Pipe it through. A YELLOW LIGHT above the screen FLASHES on and off signifying that an urgent message is coming through. 6 OMITTED 7 ON SCREEN RIKER'S IMAGE IS instantly REPLACED BY THE official SEAL OF STARFLEET and the United Federation of Planets. A FEMALE COMPUTER VOICE addresses Picard... COMPUTER VOICE This is an emergency communique. It is not to be discussed with fellow officers unless deemed absolutely necessary. There will be no computer record of said transmission. PICARD Understood. COMPUTER VOICE Proceed with voice print identification. PICARD Picard, Jean-Luc. Captain, USS Enterprise. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - TEASER 5. 7 CONTINUED: The screen HUMS momentarily... COMPUTER VOICE Voice print verified. The SEAL FADES OUT and a FACE FADES IN... It's the noble face of WALKER KEEL, a striking middle-aged man in a Starfleet captain's uniform. He is tall, with piercing grey eyes and long brown hair just going silver at the temples. Picard is clearly shocked, though not displeased, to see him... PICARD (half-whisper) Walker... KEEL Hello, Jean-Luc. Been a long time. PICARD Too long, my friend. Why are you contacting me on this frequency? KEEL It was a difficult decision. I felt it was worth the risk. PICARD Risk?! KEEL It's about Starfleet... about something we've always considered to be impossible. 8 MOVE IN ON PICARD grimly stunned by his friend's powerful words... 9 OMITTED 10 INT. CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS - PICARD (CONTINUOUS ACTION) (OPTICAL) STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - 3/8/88 - TEASER 6. 10 CONTINUED: PICARD I don't understand. KEEL I can't explain it now. We need to talk, face to face. PICARD You're using a Code Forty-Seven! I have to know what this is all about. KEEL Not over subspace. No. PICARD For God's sake Walker, you know this is a secure channel -- KEEL -- No! For the first time, Keel looks a little over the edge. KEEL (continuing) I want you to meet me on Dytallix B. PICARD (thinking it over) When? KEEL Immediately. PICARD Impossible. We're expected at Pacifica -- KEEL -- That can wait. Keel's face grows hard... KEEL (continuing) You owe me. And you owe it to yourself to hear what I have to say. Picard is flustered and thoroughly confused. Still, he is mesmerized by the bleak urgency in Walker's voice... STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - 3/8/88 - TEASER 7. 10 CONTINUED: (2) KEEL (continuing; slow, measured) Something's beginning... Have you felt it?... Creeping out of the woodwork... (whisper) An infestation. 10A BACK TO TWO SHOT PICARD What is? Keel looks long and hard at Picard -- as though studying his face for some reason. KEEL Don't trust anyone. Remember that, Jean-Luc. Don't take anything for granted. PICARD Walker -- KEEL -- Dytallix B. We'll be waiting. KEEL'S IMAGE VANISHES as he ends the transmission. Picard is left staring at the BLANK SCREEN -- the YELLOW LIGHT REFLECTING OFF HIS FACE. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - ACT ONE 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: 11 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - WIDE ANGLE The same crew is on the bridge. Picard EXITS the turbolift and addresses them from the railing... PICARD (to Geordi) Are you familiar with Dytallix B, Lieutenant? GEORDI Uh, well... DATA If I may, sir? Dytallix B is one of seven uninhabited worlds mined for the Federation by the Dytallix Mining Company. I believe B is in the nearby Mira system. PICARD Fine. Chart a course for it immediately, warp seven. And there will be no records or logs mentioning any aspect of this diversion. RIKER Captain, they're expecting us at Pacifica. Shouldn't we contact them to let them know -- PICARD -- Negative, Will. Nothing goes out without specific orders from me. 12 ANGLE ON TROI watching the captain, concerned. PICARD (O.S.) Hopefully our delay will be minimal. 13 BACK TO SHOT The captain EXITS to the Ready Room without another word, leaving behind a concerned group of officers... STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - ACT ONE 9. 14 OMITTED 14A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at warp. 15 thru OMITTED 16 17 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - WIDE ANGLE - WORF AND GEORDI at Conn and Ops, Riker in command, Data at Science One. DATA I have the readout on Dytallix B, Commander. RIKER On screen. 18 ANGLE TO INCLUDE SCREEN where a solar system CHART is laid out with the correct planetary dimensions. DATA Dytallix B is the fifth of six planets circling the red giant known as Mira. The CHART IS REPLACED BY a closer look at the REDDISH-BROWN WORLD, Dytallix B. DATA (continuing) One side always faces the sun -- where temperatures reach up to one hundred and eighty degrees Celsius. The mines line the temperate zone between the day and night sides, but they are long deserted. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - ACT ONE 10. 18 CONTINUED: RIKER Why the devil would we be going there? Are there any miners or indigenous life forms on the planet? DATA I believe the answer is negative to both questions, sir. In a manner of speaking, it is nothing but a lifeless hunk of rock, a useless ball of mud, a worthless chunk of -- RIKER Thank you, Data. I get the idea. (into com) Captain, we're approaching Dytallix B. PICARD'S COM VOICE Very good, Number One. I'm on my way. 19 thru OMITTED 20 20A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) coming out of warp. 21 OMITTED 22 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - WIDE ANGLE as Picard ENTERS. WORF Captain, sensors are detecting three Federation starships already in orbit around the planet. Picard raises his eyebrows in surprise... PICARD Identify. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - ACT ONE 11. 22 CONTINUED: WORF Two are frigates: the Renegade commanded by Tryla Scott, and the Thomas Paine, Captain Rixx commanding. DATA (studying his console) The third is just coming into range now, sir... It is an Ambassador Class heavy cruiser... The USS Horatio. RIKER Horatio? (to Picard) Isn't that Walker Keel's ship? Picard looks at him but doesn't answer. WORF Attempts at communication have been ignored by all three vessels. PICARD You will make no further attempts, Mister Worf. Any life-form readings on the surface, Mister Data? DATA Three sir. All gathered inside what appears to be the entrance to a mining tunnel. PICARD (moving toward turbolift) Very well. Relay those coordinates to the Transporter Room. I'm beaming down. RIKER (a bit alarmed) Alone, Captain? Picard ENTERS the lift and turns to face Riker... PICARD Alone, Number One. The door slides SHUT, accentuating Picard's response. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - 3/8/88 - ACT ONE 12. 23 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit around Dytallix B. 24 INT. MINING TUNNEL - PICARD (OPTICAL) MATERIALIZES into a narrow shaft which opens out to the surface behind him. The entire TUNNEL IS BATHED IN VIVID RED SUNLIGHT from Mira. WE CAN HEAR THE WIND BLOWING like a hurricane outside. 24A PICARD'S P.O.V. The tunnel is DARK and forboding. 24B BACK TO SHOT As Picard moves forward, THREE FIGURES STEP OUT of the shadows. KEEL (O.S.) (monotone) Good to see you, Jean-Luc. Thanks for coming. 25 ANGLE ON THE THREE FIGURES as THEY STEP INTO THE LIGHT. Walker Keel is flanked by a HANDSOME BLACK WOMAN and a BLUE-SKINNED BOLIAN. Each is aiming a phaser directly at Picard's heart... 26 INT. THE TUNNEL - ON PICARD under the barrel of the phasers. PICARD This is some greeting, "old friend." Keel ignores the comment -- instead STEPPING FORWARD, empty hands at his sides... KEEL Tell me Jean-Luc -- where did we first meet? Picard doesn't reply, thinking it ridiculous... BOLIAN (tense, waving gun) Answer the question! STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - ACT ONE 13. 26 CONTINUED: Picard remains cool -- a thin smile on his lips. PICARD On Tau Ceti III. It was a bar -- Quite an exotic one at that. (looks at Bolian) What do I win? KEEL Do you recall the night you introduced Jack Crusher to Beverly? PICARD You know full well I hadn't even met Beverly then. You introduced them. KEEL My brother introduced them. PICARD (losing patience) You don't have a brother -- two sisters, Anne and Melissa. Now what the hell's this all about?! Keel takes a deep breath and nods at the others. Slowly, they lower their weapons... RIXX Apologies, Captain. We had to make sure you were really you. PICARD Walker, what's going on? KEEL Captain Picard, meet Captains Scott and Rixx. The Bolian offers Picard his pale-blue hand... PICARD I believe we've met... The Altairian conference? Rixx smiles and bows slightly. At last he too is convinced that Picard is Picard. Our captain turns his gaze to the woman... STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - ACT ONE 13A. 26 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Tryla Scott. It's said you made captain faster than anyone in Starfleet history, present company included. (pause) Are you that good? STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - ACT ONE 14. 26 CONTINUED: (3) TRYLA Yes. I am. Picard is impressed by her unblinking honesty. She comes off confident, not arrogant. Picard addresses all of them... PICARD Starfleet's finest. (looks around shaft) Fancy meeting you here. RIXX We all came secretly, Picard. To discuss the threat. PICARD What threat? TRYLA Have you noticed anything about Starfleet Command lately? Anything unusual? PICARD (thinking about it) No. We've been on the outer rim for awhile. Haven't had much contact with them. The other captains look at one another. The RED SUNLIGHT CASTS EERIE SHADOWS across their faces... KEEL Some of us have seen strange patterns emerging. Unusual orders... High-ranking officials backing irrational proposals -- RIXX -- Starbase twelve was completely evacuated for two full days! No explanation given. TRYLA And what about the deaths? Mckinney... Ryan Sipe... Onna Karapleedeez... STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - ACT ONE 15. 26 CONTINUED: (4) PICARD (quietly stunned) All dead? TRYLA (nodding) A series of "accidents". KEEL Or so they say; it's hard to be certain of anything. Interfleet communications are at a minimum. But something is happening. TRYLA And we fully expect the Enterprise to be targeted soon. PICARD (incredulous) Targeted for what? By whom? KEEL We're not sure yet. Picard is clearly skeptical. These people seem to be chasing shadows. Walker Keel addresses him with renewed intensity... KEEL (continuing) Dammit Jean-Luc, I tell you that some of Starfleet's top command people are changing! This could affect the very core of our organization. Officers I've known for years are bluffing their way through talk of old times! RIXX That's their weakness! A lack of memory. Picard turns away, troubled by the picture they're painting. TRYLA (scornful) He doesn't believe us. He thinks we're crazy. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - ACT ONE 16. 26 CONTINUED: (5) PICARD (turning, angry) You've given me nothing to believe in! Just vague talk of wild schemes. Who's behind it, and for what purpose? How are people being changed? KEEL (softly) I can't say exactly. But I think its spread to my own ship. The WIND MOANS AND HOWLS outside the tunnel, ROCKS AND SAND CAN BE HEARD SCRAPING against the walls... KEEL (continuing) My first officer hasn't been the same since we stopped off at Earth. Our medical officer says he's perfectly normal, but I don't think I trust him either. PICARD (exasperated) Walker -- TRYLA -- We know we don't have all the answers. All we ask is that you keep your eyes open. PICARD That's sound advice at any time, Captain. KEEL Stay in touch with us -- covertly. This meeting never took place as far as Starfleet is concerned. Keel can tell that Picard is clearly uncomfortable with this. KEEL (continuing) Please... I'm asking you as a personal favor. Reluctantly, Picard gives a slight nod, indicating agreement. Keel grasps him warmly by the shoulders... STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - 3/8/88 - ACT ONE 17. 26 CONTINUED: (5) KEEL (continuing; warm, intense) I'm glad, Jean-Luc... Glad you're still one of us. Keel smiles sadly and steps back... KEEL (continuing) Tell Beverly... I said hello. RIXX (sly smile) And watch your back, Picard. At this moment, the WIND REACHES ITS MOST VIOLENT PEAK -- viciously assailing the mine shaft and adding emphasis to the Bolian's words. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - ACT TWO 18. ACT TWO FADE IN: 27 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit. 28 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM - PICARD AND TROI TROI It seems you're in turmoil. PICARD Friends... close friends, are few and far between. I'm a private man, Deanna. My Starfleet duties have shielded me from social circles. My two oldest and closest friends were Jack Crusher, may he rest in peace, and Walker Keel. Until various missions split us apart, we were almost inseparable. (pause) I trust Keel completely. If he felt it necessary to violate regulations, I know he must have a good reason. TROI And you are about to put your career at risk for him. PICARD Isn't that what friendship's all about, Counselor? TROI -- They illicitly used the emergency channel to draw you here. Then they asked you to keep secrets from your superiors. Effectively, to disobey Starfleet regulations. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - ACT TWO 18A. 28 CONTINUED: PICARD The people involved are all of the highest caliber. If I didn't believe in their loyalty, I wouldn't have gone this far. TROI Don't you think you should tell the rest of the crew? PICARD No. I won't risk implicating them. Not until we have solid evidence that something really is wrong. 29 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker at Command, Worf at Security, Data at Science One, Geordi and Wesley at Conn and Ops. The turbolift door OPENS and Picard and Troi ENTER the bridge. PICARD (moving to Command) Take us out of orbit, Mister La Forge. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - 3/8/88 - ACT TWO 19. 29 CONTINUED: GEORDI Aye, sir. PICARD Resume heading to Pacifica, warp factor eight. GEORDI Aye sir, warp eight. DATA At that speed sir, we should arrive nine point six three hours behind the original schedule. PICARD Very well. Data, I have an assignment for you. One especially suited to your talents. 30 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM - DATA (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY "DATA'S QUARTERS") is staring at a computer terminal with a gleam in his yellow eyes. He sits down in front of it and almost lovingly touches its top... DATA Computer -- this is Lieutenant Commander Data. Access all Starfleet Command orders to starships, starbases and colonies, for the past six months. COMPUTER VOICE Working. The screen begins to HUM and the ORDERS FLASH before Data's eyes. For anyone but him, this could take months to sift through. 31 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - WIDE ANGLE Beverly ENTERS and walks to Picard... BEVERLY (serious) I understand the Horatio was in orbit around Dytallix. Did you see Walker? STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - 3/8/88 - ACT TWO 20. 31 CONTINUED: Picard thinks before answering. PICARD Yes. He asked me to say hello to you. BEVERLY I would have liked to have seen him -- PICARD (stern) -- That wasn't possible, Doctor. There's an awkward silence between the two of them. The memory of Jack Crusher is intrinsically linked with Walker Keel. Old wounds are easily reopened... WORF (puzzled) Captain... I'm picking up an unusual disturbance in a nearby quadrant. GEORDI Confirmed, sir. Sector sixty-three. PICARD Specify. What kind of disturbance? WORF Hard to say at this distance, Captain. Picard looks to his first officer, who breaks into a small smile... RIKER I suppose Pacifica can wait a little longer. PICARD Yes. Let's investigate. Maintain speed and alter course accordingly. GEORDI Aye sir, changing course to three-five-one mark four. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - ACT TWO 21. 32 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) A flyby at warp as she moves toward the spot of the disturbance. 33 INT. MAIN BRIDGE GEORDI Approaching Sector sixty-three, sir. PICARD Slow to impulse, Mister La Forge. GEORDI Aye sir, slowing to impulse. WORF Sensors beginning to pick up small objects, Captain. PICARD On screen. 34 SWITCH TO ANGLE FAVORING SCREEN (OPTICAL) where WE CAN SEE SMALL BOULDER-SIZED THINGS floating toward us... RIKER Doesn't look natural. PICARD (concerned) Agreed. (to Worf) Enlarge and identify. WORF (checking scanners) It looks like... debris. (looking up, surprised) From a space vessel of some kind. RIKER It could be one of the ships that was orbiting Dytallix. GEORDI Agreed, sir. This sector is in close proximity to that planet. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - ACT TWO 22. 35 ANGLE ON WORF PICARD (O.S.) Any identifying marks, Worf? WORF (checking scanners) Nothing so far... Sensors not detecting any bodies in the flotsam... but judging from the amount of wreckage... 36 BACK TO WIDE ANGLE as Worf looks up at the captain, speaking hesitantly. WORF ... I'm sorry sir. (pause) It can only be the Horatio. She's been totally destroyed. 37 MOVE IN ON BEVERLY AND PICARD both deeply shocked by the news... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - ACT THREE 23. ACT THREE FADE IN: A38 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) through space on impulse. 38 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - TRACKING SHOT SLOWLY CIRCLING THE TABLE where Picard and Riker are seated. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's personal log, stardate 41776.1. The death of my friend Walker Keel, has had a powerful impact on me. I now believe there may be a cancer growing within the ranks of Starfleet. 39 MOVING IN ON PICARD at the head of the table. PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) I've decided to alert my executive officer to the suspicions voiced by Keel and the other two captains. RIKER There is no proof of anything. PICARD The last time I saw Admiral Quinn he tried to warn me of a subversion inside the Federation. Then Walker tried, and now he's dead. RIKER Subversion? Personally I don't believe in conspiracy theories. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/8/88 - ACT THREE 24. 39A OMITTED 40 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM - DATA (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY "DATA'S QUARTERS") is still glued to the console. As the information on the screen passes by, we can sense his growing concern and fascination... DATA Startling. Quite extraordinary, in fact. COMPUTER VOICE Directions unclear. Please repeat request. DATA That was not a request. I was simply... talking to myself. (smiles, pleased) A human idiosyncrasy triggered by fascination with a particular set of facts. Or sometimes brought about by senility. Or, used as a means of weighing information before reaching a conclusion. Or, as a -- COMPUTER VOICE -- Thank you, sir. I comprehend. 41 CLOSE ON DATA taken aback. Even the computer has learned to interrupt when he is rambling. COMPUTER VOICE Continuing with record scan. Data leans forward as the renewed flow of INFORMATION ON THE SCREEN REFLECTS OFF HIS FACE... DATA Intriguing. 42 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - BACK TO THE OFFICERS (FORMERLY "BRIEFING ROOM") sitting around the table. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - ACT THREE 25. 42 CONTINUED: PICARD I do not think the explosion of the Horatio was an accident. It was sabotage. RIKER But we can't be certain. DATA (O.S.) Perhaps we can. 43 ANGLE ON DATA all eyes turning to him as he ENTERS the room. He looks toward Picard for permission to speak. Picard grants it with a nod. DATA My orders were to search for abnormal patterns in Starfleet's directives. I believe I have found just that. 44 WIDE ANGLE FAVORING DATA (INCLUDES SCENE 45) (OPTICAL) as he ACTIVATES THE SCREEN. WE SEE a layout of part of THE GALAXY which includes Earth, with certain Starbases and defense posts HIGHLIGHTED IN GLOWING RED... DATA These are various outposts and starbases where I have detected unusual activity over the past few months. PICARD What sort of activity? DATA An uncustomary reshuffling of personnel, usually in the command areas. The new officers have had abnormally frequent contact with the highest levels of Starfleet Command. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - 3/8/88 - ACT THREE 26. 44 CONTINUED: RIKER (concerned) Why hasn't anybody noticed this before? DATA The orders were given with great subtlety. To use an aphorism, Starfleet's left hand did not know what its right hand was doing. PICARD Can you speculate as to the purpose of these reassignments? DATA I believe it is a clandestine attempt to control vital sectors of Federation territory. A stillness hangs over the room as the implications of Data's bold statement sinks in... RIKER It could be a prelude to invasion. But who's behind it? DATA There is insufficient data to make such an assesment. RIKER What do you suggest we do, warp over to Starfleet headquarters and demand to know what's going on? DATA Why not?! PICARD Yes... (thoughtful pause) ... Why not indeed? STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/11/88 - ACT THREE 27. 44 CONTINUED: (2) All eyes turn to Picard to see if he's serious. PICARD (continuing) We're talking about a threat to the entire future of the Federation. I don't think any of us can rest easy until we've gone to the source. 45 thru OMITTED 46 47 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at warp speed. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's personal log, supplemental. We have altered course and are traveling toward Earth. I have apprised the remaining bridge crew of our situation. 48 OMITTED 49 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - ON RIKER as he ENTERS and walks to Command, where Picard is seated in the Command Chair. Troi stands by the railing, while Data and Geordi man Ops and Conn. Worf stands at Security. GEORDI Approaching Earth, sir. PICARD Standard orbit, Mister La Forge. GEORDI Standard orbit, sir. PICARD Any word from Starfleet Command, Mister Data? DATA Nothing so far, sir. PICARD Strange... STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - ACT THREE 28. 49A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) going into orbit around Earth. 50 thru OMITTED 51 52 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - WIDE ANGLE DATA I have a message coming in from Starfleet Command, Captain. Picard and Riker exchange glances. This is a moment they've been thinking about for three days. PICARD On screen. CROSSCUTTING FROM BRIDGE TO VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) where a trio of admirals APPEAR. SAVAR (suh-vaar) is a regal Vulcan. AARON is old and lean -- hollow cheeks and cold, piercing eyes, beneath a shock of white hair. QUINN looks much the same as he did in "Coming Of Age." The three senior admirals are seated at an impressive looking table with a Starfleet banner on the wall behind them. Throughout this sequence, Savar always speaks with the calm, cool rationality we expect from a Vulcan... SAVAR Greetings Enterprise. I am Admiral Savar. This is Admiral Aaron, and I believe you know Admiral Quinn. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - 3/8/88 - ACT THREE 29. 53 CONTINUED: PICARD Yes. Good to see you again, Admiral. QUINN (smiling) And you, Captain. SAVAR Of course. We are always delighted when the Enterprise returns to the nest. Yet we are puzzled by the timing of your visit. PICARD Yes sir, I can imagine you would be. AARON (harsh sounding) Governor Delaplane of Pacifica informs us that you canceled your scheduled stop there. Is this true? PICARD It is, sir. AARON Explain yourself, Captain. Why have you returned to Earth? PICARD That... is something I'd rather discuss in person, Admiral. Lieutenant Commander Dexter Remmick ENTERS the room, walks to Savar and WHISPERS something in his ear. SAVAR Please excuse us a moment, Captain. The SCREEN GOES TO THE STARFLEET LOGO. RIKER They seem normal enough. PICARD On the surface. Any thoughts counselor? STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - 3/8/88 - ACT THREE 30. 53 CONTINUED: (2) TROI Hard to say, sir. I sense that someone is hiding something, but I can't tell who or what. RIKER I can't say I'm overjoyed to see Remmick again. GEORDI Considering what we've done, their response has been pretty temperate. WORF I don't like it, Captain. We can't trust -- Worf cuts off in mid-sentence as THE THREE ADMIRALS REAPPEAR ON SCREEN. Remmick is gone. SAVAR Forgive the delay, Captain Picard. We'd be delighted if you and your first officer would join us for dinner. AARON Yes. Delighted. SAVAR This should give you a good opportunity to expatiate your viewpoint. AARON (nodding) To elaborate upon whatever it is that's troubling you. PICARD (smiling after a brief hesitation) We accept your gracious offer. SAVAR Excellent. Preparations are already underway. AARON We'll greet you in the reception area in say... twenty minutes? PICARD Fine. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - ACT THREE 31. 53 CONTINUED: (3) QUINN I, uh, won't be able to attend the dinner I'm afraid. But I would like to see the ship and say hello again, Captain. PICARD Of course. Looking forward to seeing you. Enterprise out. 54 ON SCREEN a view of the EARTH from orbit REPLACES THE ADMIRALS. 55 CLOSE ON PICARD PICARD (quietly to Riker) Quinn wants to see us alone -- at least we know he's still on our side. 56 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM ON EARTH - A MAN is about to step onto the platform. WE CANNOT SEE who he is. We barely glimpse the living thing he places inside the small briefcase he is carrying. Looking something like an oversized silverfish, it wriggles violently just before he shuts the case. A door OPENS and Remmick ENTERS and addresses the man (who we still cannot identify). REMMICK Are you ready to beam up to the Enterprise sir? 57 PULL BACK TO SEE THAT QUINN is the man. QUINN Yes, Commander, quite ready. Briefcase in hands, Quinn STEPS ONTO the platform. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - 3/8/88 - ACT FOUR 32. ACT FOUR FADE IN: A58 OMITTED 58 INT. ENTERPRISE TRANSPORTER ROOM - PICARD AND RIKER (OPTICAL) are awaiting the arrival of Admiral Quinn. He MATERIALIZES and steps off the platform. Quinn's warm smile is in marked contrast to the cold businesslike look he had on Earth. 59 OMITTED 60 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (CONTINUOUS ACTION) PICARD Welcome aboard, Greg. You remember Commander Riker. QUINN (warmly) Yes, hello again Commander. The old admiral shakes Rikers hand vigorously. Something begins to strike Picard as slightly odd, but he masks his feelings... PICARD I must say, you're looking well. QUINN Never felt better in my life. PICARD Last time we met you told me how tired you'd been feeling. QUINN (laughing) Tired of life, I was. But not anymore. I look forward to new challenges now. (pats Picard on the back) I'd sure like to see some more of the ship. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - 3/8/88 - ACT FOUR 33. 60 CONTINUED: Picard shoots Riker a quick glance. 61 INT. CORRIDOR - TRACKING SHOT - RIKER AND PICARD flank the admiral as they WALK down the hallway. He is taking in the architecture with wide-eyed appreciation... PICARD Remember what you told me back at Relva 7? About the threat you perceived to the very fabric of the Federation? 62 ANGLE FAVORING QUINN as he STOPS in his tracks. He gives both officers a long look before breaking into a slow smile... QUINN Is that why you're here? Because of what I said? PICARD That's one of the reasons. QUINN (grinning broadly) Jean-Luc! You took me far too literally. I was only referring to the difficulty involved in assimilating new races into the Federation. 63 REACTION SHOT OF RIKER AND PICARD QUINN (O.S.) It's an ongoing and tumultuous process that can cause stress and strain on all aspects of our alliance. PICARD (quietly) I'm sorry... I must have misunderstood. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - 3/8/88 - ACT FOUR 34. 64 BACK TO SHOT QUINN (boisterous) I'm the one who should be apologizing. (chuckles) If I led you down the garden path, I humbly ask forgiveness. PICARD (softly, thoughtful) Of course. Quinn BEGINS TO WALK AGAIN. Picard and Riker FOLLOW suit. QUINN Now gentlemen, I believe you have a dinner to attend, while I would like to freshen up a bit before looking around some more. RIKER We have a guest accommodation at your disposal, sir. QUINN Outstanding. PICARD (still a bit dazed) I should be getting down to the planet. Commander Riker will be at your disposal to show you anything you'd like to see. Riker and Quinn both seem surprised to hear this... QUINN That's really not necessary -- PICARD -- I insist. (to Riker) You can join me on Earth when the admiral's tour is completed. QUINN I may want to stay a while, Jean-Luc. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/10/88 - ACT FOUR 35. 64 CONTINUED: PICARD (eyes narrowing) Of course, Admiral. Stay as long as you wish. 65 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM - PICARD AND RIKER (OPTICAL) ENTER together. PICARD (adamant) That's not Gregory Quinn. He may look like him and sound like him... but it isn't him. RIKER Can you be absolutely certain, sir. PICARD I am certain, Number One. I want you to go back to that cabin and keep your eye on his every move. Have Beverly concoct a reason for a complete medical examination. RIKER How? PICARD I don't care how! Just do it! Use force if necessary. RIKER He's a senior admiral. PICARD (grasping Riker's shoulders) It's not him, Will. I know that now. What we need to find out is how he's been duplicated. (pause) And who or what's behind it. Picard hands Riker his phaser and STEPS UP onto the platform. Riker goes to the transporter controls. RIKER Captain... if you're right -- STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/10/88 - ACT FOUR 36. 65 CONTINUED: PICARD -- I am right. RIKER -- Should you be beaming down alone? Unarmed? PICARD I'll take care. Find out what you can, and then join me -- in force if you believe it's warranted. (nods at Riker) Energize. Riker calls out as the captain BEGINS TO DEMATERIALIZE. RIKER Good luck, sir. Riker stares at the empty spot where Picard just stood, wondering when he'll see him again. 66 EXT. STARFLEET HEADQUARTERS (OPTICAL) ESTABLISHING SHOT. 67 INT. GREAT HALL OF STARFLEET (OPTICAL) Picard MATERIALIZES into the impressive hallway. Savar and Aaron are there to greet him. LIEUTENANT COMMANDER DEXTER REMMICK stands in the background, but the hall seems strangely empty... SAVAR Welcome home, Captain Picard. PICARD Thank you, sir. My first officer will be joining us shortly. SAVAR Yes, I'm sure he will. Picard thinks this an odd line. AARON You've met Commander Remmick, haven't you? STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - ACT FOUR 37. 67 CONTINUED: Picard nods toward Remmick... REMMICK (soft, friendly) Under less than ideal circumstances. It is nice to see you again, Captain. Savar and Aaron lead Picard down the hall, with Remmick a few strides behind. SAVAR I hope you have a healthy appetite. We've prepared a special meal in your honor. PICARD I'm honored. (pause) Tell me, why is it so quiet here? The last time I saw this corridor it was bustling with activity. REMMICK It often is. Tonight's a quiet night. SAVAR Yes, a quiet night. 68 CLOSE ON PICARD feeling that this is a very strange conversation. 69 BACK TO SHOT AARON Let's have some Andonian tea while we wait for your Riker. Then you can tell us what's brought you here. PICARD I see you keep up with our duty roster. AARON (cool smile) Of course, Captain. The Enterprise is very important to us. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - ACT FOUR 38. 70 EXT. SPACE - EARTH SEEN FROM ORBIT (OPTICAL) the Enterprise slowly COMES INTO FRAME, crossing between us and the Earth as she continues to orbit. 71 INT. QUINN'S GUEST QUARTERS - QUINN is sitting on the sofa, blankly staring into his slightly opened briefcase. Riker ENTERS, catching him off guard... RIKER Ready for your tour, Admiral? Quinn quickly stands, but Riker has seen the briefcase... QUINN Quite ready, Commander. RIKER What's in the case? From where he stands, Riker can barely see a few delicate-looking tendrils coming out of its opening... He looks at the Admiral somewhat suspiciously... QUINN (thoughtful) Actually... I brought this for Doctor Crusher. But perhaps you'd like you to see it first? RIKER (slowly moving closer) What is it? QUINN A form of life. Discovered quite accidentally by a survey team on a distant uncharted planet. RIKER Why haven't we heard anything about that? QUINN Oh, you'll be hearing more about it shortly. But first there is much scientific study to be done. After all, this is a superior lifeform. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/8/88 - ACT FOUR 39. 71 CONTINUED: RIKER Superior? QUINN Totally. (voice grows hard) Now come, Riker. Take a good look. Riker stands where he is, uncertain of what to do. RIKER I think I'll summon our science officer -- QUINN It won't like your science officer. It likes you. (rises, grabs Riker's arm) Now look! Riker looks down at his arm and grimaces; Quinn is squeezing it with tremendous force. Riker grasps the old man's wrist and tries to pull it off him... he can't. QUINN (dark smile) Vitamins. They do wonders for the body. RIKER CRIES OUT -- it feels like Quinn is crushing his arm. Unable to break free, HE RAISES HIS OTHER ARM TO STRIKE the admiral. Riker's BLOW IS BLOCKED and QUINN responds by effortlessly THROWING HIM backwards toward the wall. The FIRST OFFICER hits it at breakneck speed and CRUMPLES TO THE FLOOR, severely dazed... QUINN (dry -- evil smile) Ahh, your life is so painful now. But soon you'll be one of us. Before Riker can clear his head, QUINN ATTACKS again -- rapping him across the chin WITH A KARATE KICK. Riker staggers to his feet -- Quinn swings from the heels with a sure knockout blow... RIKER DUCKS under it and puts all his weight behind a powerful PUNCH to THE ADMIRAL'S solar plexus. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/11/88 - ACT FOUR 40. 71 CONTINUED: (2) For a moment, Quinn seems affected, sucking in his stomach and gasping for air... But it quickly passes and he straightens and smiles at a disbelieving Riker, before DEALING HIM A vicious double fisted BACKHAND. Riker hits his communicator. RIKER (pained, weak) Riker to Security. Emergency -- QUINN'S final blow KNOCKS RIKER OUT before he can say another word... 72 INT. ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR - WORF AND GEORDI run down the corridor. 72A OMITTED 73 EXT. AERIAL VIEW OF STARFLEET HEADQUARTERS (OPTICAL) STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/8/88 - ACT FOUR 41. 74 INT. RECEPTION ROOM OUTSIDE DINING ROOM - PICARD Aaron and Savar are all holding glasses filled with amber colored liquid. Remmick continues to quietly look on from a distance... PICARD I'd like to begin the discussion of why I'm here. AARON In time Captain, in time. First, a toast. Aaron and Savar raise their glasses... Finally, Picard does the same. AARON To the Horatio, gentlemen. SAVAR The Horatio. The captain warily clinks glasses with the others. They sip the liquid, but Picard simply lowers his glass... AARON (faintly sarcastic) What an awful tragedy. Such a terrible loss of life. PICARD It's interesting you mention the Horatio. That's one of the things I wanted to discuss. AARON (dry) Really? PICARD Has the cause of her destruction been ascertained? SAVAR Absolutely. (looking straight at Picard) Implosion, due to extreme negligence on the part of her captain. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/11/88 - ACT FOUR 42. 74 CONTINUED: Picard wants to cry out in defense of Keel, but he realizes that would be a foolish thing to do at the moment. Aaron gleefully senses his discomfort... AARON Drink up, Picard. I believe you'll find it an excellent aperitif. 75 INT. QUINN'S QUARTERS - QUINN (OPTICAL) is sitting calmly on the sofa with the unconscious Riker at his feet when the door OPENS. Worf and Geordi BOLT IN. QUINN It's good that you're here. He slipped and hit his head. GEORDI (into intercom) This is Lieutenant La Forge in Guest Quarter Sixteen. We have a possible medical emergency. QUINN Your Doctor Crusher is most capable; I'm sure he'll be all right. Now if you'll excuse me, my time here is limited... Quinn MOVES TOWARD THE DOOR, but Geordi blocks his path. Quinn looks to Worf as though he's about to question what is going on, then quickly flies into action, LEAPING TOWARD GEORDI. The blind man BACKPEDDLES, FIRING HIS PHASER directly into the old Admiral's chest. Quinn halts, temporarily. Then Geordi and Worf are stunned to see Quinn BRUSH OFF THE EFFECTS OF THE PHASER with a simple shake of his head. With amazing quickness, HE LIFTS GEORDI AND brutally THROWS HIM into the door. GEORDI GOES OUT the door and HITS THE FLOOR, unconscious. This leaves Quinn and Worf to face off over a gaggle of comatose bodies... QUINN (evil smile) Come on, Klingon. It's just you and me now... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - 3/8/88 - ACT FIVE 43. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 76 INT. QUINN'S QUARTERS - WORF AND QUINN (OPTICAL) are about to fight it out. Quinn is savagely smug and barely breathing hard after mopping the floor with Geordi and Riker. Worf must get over the shock of seeing an old man with the strength of ten. The Klingon psyches himself up and CRIES OUT LIKE A WARRIOR as he makes a move on Quinn. WORF THROWS A PUNCH that would knock the head off Mike Tyson... It lands squarely on Quinn's chin, jerking his head to the side. Worf can't believe his eyes when QUINN'S HEAD SNAPS BACK INTO PLACE -- the Admiral is smiling, seemingly unaffected by the punch. QUINN Do Klingons fear death as much as humans? I could snap your neck in a second, but that wouldn't be as much fun. QUINN GRABS WORF'S STOMACH -- his hands digging deep into the flesh. WORF BELLOWS in pain as QUINN LIFTS HIM off the ground by his stomach muscles. The old man's strength is mind- boggling. Suddenly a PHASER BLAST HITS QUINN dead on. Mildly stunned but still standing, he lets go of Worf and turns to face his new adversary. 77 ANGLE ON BEVERLY standing in the doorway, phaser in hand. 78 ANGLE TO INCLUDE QUINN (OPTICAL) disregarding Worf and moving toward her. SHE FIRES AGAIN... Halted for an instant, HE MOVES FORWARD... SHE FIRES AGAIN... Though slowed, HE KEEPS COMING... SHE FIRES AGAIN... He stiffens, the phaser blasts are starting to take a toll -- he still moves forward, nearing her now. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - ACT FIVE 44. 78 CONTINUED: Beverly fires again and again, DRIVING HIM TO HIS KNEES. WORF'S FIST FLIES INTO FRAME, catching the side of Quinn's head with a powerful smash. QUINN SLUMPS to the ground, incapacitated at last. Beverly and Worf are breathing hard, shellshocked by the battle. Quinn lies quivering at their feet -- his metabolism racing crazily even though he's unconscious. Geordi is coming around. WORF Are you all right? GEORDI (groaning) If I could see... I'd be seeing stars. Geordi sits up. Behind him, Beverly is kneeling over the unconscious Riker. Worf indicates the twitching admiral lying before them. The Klingon rubs his sore stomach and speaks with detectable awe... WORF Who... what is he? Beverly stares at "Quinn" before answering. BEVERLY Let's find out. 79 INT. SICKBAY - QUINN lies on a Sickbay bed. Riker can be seen lying unconscious on a bed in the background. Beverly stands over Quinn with Worf and Geordi beside her... BEVERLY (disturbed) Retinal scans are an exact match ... It really is Quinn! GEORDI How can that be? He picked me up like a rag doll. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - ACT FIVE 45. 80 ANGLE FAVORING QUINN tossing his head back and forth in restless sleep. Beverly administers a hypo before he can reawaken. He calms down a bit, his head resting on its side. BEVERLY I'm going to run a complete internal scan. GEORDI Keep me posted, Doctor. I'll be on the bridge. Geordi EXITS. Beverly is transfixed by something she spots on the back of Quinn's neck... BEVERLY (to Worf) What is this? It's a small blue splinter-like thing protruding slightly from the base of the neck... Beverly leans down to get a closer look... She hesitantly reaches forward to touch it... and it moves! 81 INT. RECEPTION AREA, EARTH - PICARD and the two admirals are still waiting to enter the dining room. AARON (trace of a smile) What do you know of conspiracies, Captain? PICARD (surprised by the question) Not nearly enough I suppose. AARON But that's the charming thing about them, isn't it? When a machination is real, no one knows about it. And when it's suspected, it's almost never real. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - 3/8/88 - ACT FIVE 46. 81 CONTINUED: SAVAR Except of course, in the paranoid delusions of those who believe. The dining room doors swing OPEN and Remmick STEPS OUT and addresses them... REMMICK Sorry to interrupt. Dinner is served. AARON Wonderful! Bantering with the captain has given me quite an appetite. They start to move toward the dining room, but Picard lingers in the hallway... PICARD I'd like to contact my ship. To inform Commander Riker that we're ready to sit down. Aaron is about to object to this but Savar cuts him off, nodding graciously... SAVAR Of course, Captain. We'll wait for you at the table. Picard waits until the two admirals have gone inside, before activating his communicator. He speaks in hushed tones with one eye on the dining room door... PICARD Picard to Riker. 82 INT. SICKBAY (INTERCUT AS NEEDED) - RIKER is still dead to the world. Beverly answers for him... BEVERLY Doctor Crusher here, Captain. May I speak freely? PICARD (looking around) I suppose we have no choice. Where's Riker? STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - ACT FIVE 47. 82 CONTINUED: BEVERLY He was attacked by Quinn. Or what We thought was Quinn. PICARD Specify, Doctor. 83 ANGLE TO SEE QUINN (OPTICAL) resting fitfully on the bed -- and a large diagram of his body on the medical screen above it. WE CAN SEE A STRANGE INSECT-LIKE ANIMAL IS LIVING INSIDE HIM. It's tendrils have wrapped themselves around the stem of Quinn's brain. BEVERLY A parasitic being has invaded his body. It has complete control over all brain functions. It seems to breath through a small "gill" protruding through the back of Quinn's neck. Look for this, Captain. I believe it will be visible on anyone who has been compromised. PICARD Any idea what it is or where it comes from? BEVERLY Negative. I've never seen anything like it before. WE HEAR GEORDI'S INTERCOM VOICE summoning Worf to the bridge. GEORDI'S COM VOICE Lieutenant Worf. If the situation is under control, we could use you on the bridge. BEVERLY (looks to Worf) It's okay. He won't be waking up for a long time. Worf EXITS, leaving Beverly alone with the unconscious forms of Quinn and Riker. PICARD Continue, Doctor. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - ACT FIVE 48. 83 CONTINUED: BEVERLY By the placement of the tendrils, the parasite appears to stimulate the vicim's adrenal glands which generate great strength and resistence to -- PICARD -- Spare me the medical details, Doctor. Just tell me if you can remove it. BEVERLY Not without killing the patient. Unseen by Beverly, Riker bolts upright in the bed behind her. Wild-eyed and seemingly disoriented, he slowly begins to rise... BEVERLY You must set your phaser on kill, Captain. Stun has little effect -- PICARD Doctor, one does not beam into Starfleet Headquarters armed. Just then, Remmick EXITS the dining room and walks by Picard... REMMICK (as he passes) Your food is getting cold, Captain. PICARD About to go to dinner now, Doctor. Have Riker join me when he's available. Picard out. Beverly is anxious and doesn't want to terminate the conversation. Riker is moving up behind her... She turns and GASPS just as he puts his hand on her shoulder -- STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/8/88 - ACT FIVE 49. 84 INT. DINING ROOM - PICARD (OPTICAL) is seated across from Aaron and Savar at a polished black table. Three other settings are unattended -- in front of each is a silver bowl-like covering that conceals the entree. A ceremonial guard lines the wall beside the table... AARON Go ahead and start, Captain. We don't stand on ceremony around here. Picard removes the lid and is repulsed to find a plate full of squirming worm-like things -- moving around like living spaghetti. Picard quickly pushes his plate away and watches in abstract horror as Savar and Aaron greedily use their hands to down their portions of the same living meal. The Guard MOVES FORWARD and wolfs down a bowl of the stuff. AARON (continuing) Oh do eat up, Picard. Just raise your hand if you want seconds. The admirals and the guards laugh salaciously. The sight of a Vulcan giggling as he chews on live worms is too much for Picard to bear. Jumping to his feet, he turns and runs right into Number One. Riker roughly shoves the captain back into his seat. RIKER You're not going anywhere. Picard closes his eyes in dull shock as Aaron walks to Riker and reveals the blue splinter on the back of Riker's neck... RIKER (continuing; to Picard) You'll be one of us soon. Riker nods at the others as he sits down at the table. AARON (angry) You were meant for the doctor. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - 3/8/88 - ACT FIVE 50. 84 CONTINUED: RIKER It couldn't be helped. Riker walked in on us unexpectedly. SAVAR No matter. The doctor will soon be joining us. All in good time. A door OPENS and Tryla Scott WALKS IN and takes her place at the table. SAVAR Ah, Captain Scott. Good, the setting is now complete. It's a bitter blow to Picard when her evil smile lets him know that she's been one of them all along. She takes a strand of "live spaghetti" and delicately gulps it down. AARON (to Picard) You didn't really think we were in the dark about your intentions, did you? SAVAR Patience is one of our virtues, Captain. Instead of going after you, we allowed you to come to us. AARON More dramatic this way, don't you think? TRYLA Yes... one thing both races share is a love of theatre. And you've put on a fine show. PICARD (shellshocked) What exactly is your race? Where do you come from? SAVAR It's not important. Let's just say... we've come a long way to join you. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/8/88 - ACT FIVE 51. 84 CONTINUED: (2) TRYLA (grinning) It's a perfect match. We're the brains and you're the brawn. RIKER (cold) You'll understand soon, Picard. SAVAR Indeed. We've been moving slowly, cautiously, for many months now. Careful to cover our tracks. Careful not to arouse suspicion, until it's too late. RIKER (to Picard) And it is too late. For you, that is. AARON Well said, brother. Picard and Riker control the Enterprise. Which means we control the Enterprise. Dejected, Picard watches as Riker removes the lid and takes a big handful of living spaghetti. He tilts his head back and prepares to swallow it. SAVAR (smiling) Eat hearty, brother! Relish your new body! Just as the worms are about to touch his tongue, RIKER shocks everyone by PULLING A PHASER AND FIRING at the guard. HE quivers before DROPPING like a fly. Tryla fires at Riker and misses. Picard seizes the moment, grabbing the phaser from the unconscious Guard. Aaron pushes Picard to the ground and BOLTS FOR THE DOOR. Before Picard can pivot to pick him off, TRYLA SCOTT JUMPS UP AND takes aim on him. SHE FIRES, barely missing his head. RIKER CUTS HER DOWN before she can fire again. Scott quivers and drops. A PARASITE quickly FLEES her open mouth... STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/8/88 - ACT FIVE 52. 84 CONTINUED: (3) Meanwhile, Savar has charged Riker and has him in a death grip around the throat. PICARD FIRES INTO THE VULCAN'S BACK... The VULCAN drops to his knees, finally releasing his grip. He falls over, dead. Still holding his throat, Riker reaches back and removes the counterfeit splinter from his neck. Suddenly, both he and Picard have the same thought... PICARD Aaron! 85 INT. GREAT HALLWAY - AARON (OPTICAL) is desperate, running straight toward us down the long hallway. Far behind, Picard and Riker come around a corner and take aim... RIKER (calling out) Hold it, Aaron! Aaron spins and FIRES -- Picard and Riker dive out of the way. The Admiral keeps running... he's almost at the end of the hall... RIKER AND PICARD FIRE, scoring two direct hits. AARON WINCES AND GOES DOWN. His momentum sends him sliding along the smooth floor. 86 ANGLE ON PICARD AND RIKER (OPTICAL) running up to the body. They get there just in time to see the PARASITE evacuating it. Before they can fire, it SCURRIES AROUND THE CORNER and out of sight. PICARD (to Riker) Come on! 87 INT. ANOTHER SECTION OF HALLWAY - PICARD AND RIKER cautiously turn the corner. In the distance, they see the CREATURE SLITHER UNDER A DOOR... Hurrying to the door, they give each other a long look, knowing that anything could be behind it. At last, Riker touches a wall panel and the door slides OPEN... STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - 3/8/88 - ACT FIVE 53. 88 ANGLE INTO THE ROOM where Remmick is tapping on an unknown object similar to a typewriter. A HIGH-PITCHED BEEPING SOUND is emanating from it... Remmick looks up at Riker and Picard, his face a mask of calm innocence. REMMICK Can I help you, gentlemen? Picard and Riker aren't sure just what to make of this. Remmick seems so placid and unconcerned. REMMICK Is there any trouble? Perhaps if you'd tell me what it is -- PICARD -- Remmick! Picard is pointing to a PARASITE that is beginning to CLIMB UP REMMICK'S LEG. Riker raises his phaser, preparing to fire on it, but Picard blocks that with his forearm PICARD No, Will! 88A ANGLE FAVORING REMMICK (OPTICAL) looking on wide-eyed, as the Parasite climbs up his arm and onto his shoulder. Picard and Riker are momentarily paralyzed, unsure of what to do. Remmick looks from the creature to the two Officers with a stoic expression on his face. Then, in a strange almost lizard-like movement, he rolls his head to the side and opens his mouth. In an instant, the PARASITE SCAMPERS INTO HIS MOUTH and down his throat. Remmick addresses the stunned Picard and Riker as though nothing of consequence had happened... REMMICK (calm, sincere) You don't understand. As he speaks, his NECK BULGES as some of the creatures dart around inside it... REMMICK (voice distorted) We mean you no harm. We seek co-existence. STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/14/88 - ACT FIVE 54. 88A CONTINUED: Remmick is slowly starting to rise... Picard and Riker look at each other as if to say "freak this!" They OPEN FIRE, DRIVING REMMICK BACK down into his chair. The upper half of REMMICK'S BODY BEGINS TO DISSIPATE under the phaser fire... A bizarre form is taking its place. Shaped vaguely like a man, IT LOOKS LIKE A liquidy BUBBLE WITH HUNDREDS OF PARASITES swarming around inside it. The BUBBLE BEGINS TO COLLAPSE down into what used to be Remmick's lower abdomen. Another SHAPE IS REVEALED as the gooey mass collapses. It is dull yellow -- looking LIKE A CROSS BETWEEN A PARASITE AND A HUMAN FETUS. It looks at Picard and Riker and CRIES OUT WITH AN ANGRY ROAR. Picard and Riker concentrate on its head and SCORE A DIRECT HIT between the eyes... The FETUS-CREATURE EXPLODES AND THE PARASITES DISSIPATE into nothingness... Picard and Riker CEASE FIRING. All that's left before them is a smoldering mass -- a pair of legs and part of a spine that used to be Dexter Remmick... 89 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) orbiting Earth. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 41780.2. Admiral Quinn is expected to make a full recovery... 90 INT. SICKBAY - QUINN is sitting up in bed, being fed liquid by Beverly. He seems weak but in general okay as he flashes her a small smile. PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) There is no trace of the parasite which took control of him. We'll never know how many of these life-forms infiltrated Starfleet, but it seems they could not survive without the "mother creature" which had taken over Commander Remmick... STAR TREK: "Conspiracy" - REV. 3/9/88 - ACT FIVE 55. 91 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - WIDE ANGLE PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) ... Still, the haunting question remains... Who were these beings... and will we ever have to face them again? RIKER (to Picard) It was Doctor Crusher's idea to simulate the blue splinter. We had to make sure it would fool everyone, including you. PICARD That it did, Number One. Rest assured. DATA I have attempted to trace the message Remmick was sending. I believe it was aimed at an unexplored quadrant of our galaxy. GEORDI Any idea what the message was, Data? Data seems reluctant to answer. DATA Well... I believe it was a beacon. PICARD (half-whisper) A beacon? DATA Yes, Captain. A homing beacon... sent from Earth. 92 EXT. ENTERPRISE - DEEP SPACE (OPTICAL) The great ship roars past us... PAN away from her and toward the endless black void of deep space... WE HEAR a sound... AN INCREDIBLY HIGH-PITCHED BEEPING SOUND that repeats its intricate pattern over and over. A sound waiting for a reply... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END