STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "A Matter of Honor" #40272-134 Story by Wanda M. Haight & Gregory W. Amos and Burton Armus Teleplay by Burton Armus Directed by Rob Bowman THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1988 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. 2ND REV. FINAL DRAFT DECEMBER 2, 1988 STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "A Matter of Honor" CAST PICARD CAPTAIN KARGAN RIKER SECOND OFFICER KLAG DATA VEKMA PULASKI TACTICS OFFICER WORF WESLEY Non-Speaking KLINGON CREWMEMBERS TRANSPORTER CHIEF O'BRIEN ZEGOV ENSIGN MENDON Non-Speaking CREWMEMBERS REPLACEMENT CREWMEMBERS WAITER Voice-Over STARBASE COM VOICE STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "A Matter of Honor" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE TRANSPORTER ROOM KLINGON VESSEL "PAGH" PHASER RANGE CORRIDORS OUTSIDE TRANSPORTER ROOM TEN-FORWARD KLINGON VESSEL "PAGH" CORRIDORS MAIN BRIDGE TACTICS STATION MESS HALL STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "A Matter of Honor" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it travels through space at warp speed. 2 INT. MAIN BRIDGE WESLEY is at the Conn. WORF is at Tactical. DATA is at Ops, RIKER has the Command Chair. All other stations are staffed by n.d. crewmembers. DATA We are approaching Starbase one-seven-nine. RIKER Half impulse, Mister Crusher. WESLEY Going to half impulse. 3 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as the Enterprise comes out of warp, slows to the proper impulse speed. 4 INT. MAIN BRIDGE as before. RIKER Captain, this is the bridge. We have arrived at Starbase one-seven-nine. PICARD'S COM VOICE Acknowledged, Number One. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - TEASER 2. 4 CONTINUED: RIKER (to Wesley) Establish position -- zero-nine-zero mark three-seven-five -- at twenty-seven thousand kilometers. WESLEY Aye, sir. RIKER Open hailing frequencies, Lieutenant. WORF Hailing frequencies open. RIKER Starbase one-seven-nine, this is the USS Enterprise. STARBASE COM VOICE Enterprise, this is Starbase one-seven-nine. We are ready for transfer on your mark. RIKER Thank you. Riker gets to his feet. RIKER (continuing) Commander Data, you have the bridge. Ensign Crusher, you will accompany me. As Riker and Wesley exit, Data takes the Command position. 5 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as the Enterprise establishes its position near the starbase. The starbase is located on a misty, shrouded planet. 6 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Data has the Command Chair. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - TEASER 3. 6 CONTINUED: DATA Starbase one-seven-nine. We are ready to commence transfer. STARBASE COM VOICE Acknowledge Enterprise. Begin transfer. 7 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) FIVE MEMBERS of the Enterprise crew (three men, two women) stand on the transporter pads. Riker and the TRANSPORTER CHIEF O'BRIEN at the control panel. Wesley is off to one side. Riker eyes them with a warmth and with a sense of humor. RIKER This is my last chance to say that it has been a pleasure to serve with you and to wish you luck on your new assignment. You have served the Enterprise well. (slight smile) No tears, please. Before the members on the pad can cover their smiles to answer: RIKER (continuing) Energize. The five crewmembers DEMATERIALIZE. Wesley and Riker laugh. Transporter Chief O'Brien responds to a signal on the panel, announces in response. CHIEF O'BRIEN Enterprise ready. Beam aboard. 8 ON PADS (OPTICAL) FOUR REPLACEMENTS MATERIALIZE on the pads, among them is ENSIGN MENDON, a large, blue-skinned officer from the planet Benzar. He breathes through a special device at his chest which converts the oxygen level to his use. He is young, alert, quick moving and as the nature of Benzites, he is always ready to please and demonstrate his abilities. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - TEASER 4. 9 SCENE The new members step off the pad and file through the doorway with nods and smiles. Wesley spots Mendon and reacts. RIKER Welcome aboard the Enterprise. I'm Commander William Riker, your first officer. Those of you who are here as replacements will step outside and Lieutenant Lewis will assign you to crew quarters. (to Mendon) Ensign, you are here on the exchange program, you'll follow Mister Crusher. Wesley steps forward anxiously. He addresses Mendon in a friendly manner. WESLEY Mordoc, what are you doing here? You couldn't have graduated from the Academy already. Mendon eyes Wesley oddly. MENDON I am not Mordoc. I am Mendon. Ensign Mendon of the planet Benzar. 10 ON WESLEY He is slightly flustered, embarrassed. He explains: WESLEY I'm sorry sir. I thought you were a friend... Mordoc... (beat) ... You look just like him. MENDON We are from the same geostructure. Naturally we look alike. WESLEY How do you tell each other apart? MENDON We just do. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - TEASER 5. 11 SCENE Riker steps in to save Wesley any further embarrassment. RIKER Well, nice to have you here Ensign. There will be a briefing and indoctrination session as soon as you settle in. 12 SCENE Mendon stops next to Riker to announce. MENDON I want to tell you how happy I am to be assigned to the Enterprise. It wasn't just luck. I requested it. I know I can be of great help to the ship. RIKER (surprised) Yes, of course. Now if you'll just follow Ensign Crusher. MENDON Yes sir. As Mendon exits the room Riker gives a quick "God save us" glance to Transporter Chief O'Brien. Picard's com voice is heard. PICARD'S COM VOICE Commander Riker, report to the Phaser Range, please... Riker touches his communicator. RIKER On the way. Riker exits the room. 12A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in position near the starbase. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - TEASER 6. 13 INT. PHASER RANGE - CLOSE ON TARGET (OPTICAL) as it is zapped by a phaser beam and flashes a burst of light and a change of color. Then another one next to it. The CAMERA PULLS BACK to show Riker and Picard at the firing station, almost back to back and firing at light targets that appear in an arc around them. Picard fires off two blasts of his own phaser. The targets are HIT. PICARD I was wondering if you had any feelings about the Officer Exchange Program that has been initiated by Starfleet Command. RIKER Just positive ones sir. I've already welcomed Ensign Mendon on board and he certainly seems eager to please. PICARD That's a Benzite trait. (beat) It's been suggested that one of the officers on the Enterprise might like to participate in this exchange program. RIKER Probably a good idea. Picard takes a moment to fire off three quick blasts and then to remark offhandedly. PICARD There's a Klingon vessel in the vicinity. Riker covers any reaction by firing his own phaser at the target. Both men continue to fire in order, both of them covering any reaction and attempting to act nonchalant about this assignment RIKER I don't recall ever hearing of a Federation officer serving on a Klingon vessel. PICARD Neither have I. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - TEASER 7. 13 CONTINUED: RIKER It could be beneficial. PICARD Having Worf on board certainly has been. RIKER Yes sir, that's true. (a shot) Who did you intend to send? PICARD I was going to ask for a volunteer. As Picard fires his phaser: RIKER I wouldn't mind, sir. PICARD What was that, Number One? Picard covers his smile. Riker spots it, knows he's been played with. RIKER I said I wouldn't mind the assignment. PICARD Any particular reason? RIKER (broad grin) Because nobody has ever done it before. Riker opens up with a series of three blasts at the target which light it up like a Christmas tree. PICARD I'll notify starbase of your acceptance... They'll contact the Klingon vessel and make the arrangements. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - TEASER 8. 13 CONTINUED: (2) Picard fires at his target, hits it, turns to Riker to smile, then walks away. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT ONE 9. ACT ONE FADE IN: 14 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it continues its solo, steady and effortless impulse flight. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 42606.5. I have informed the staff of Commander Riker's temporary duty assignment and we have departed from Starbase one-seven-nine and are headed for a rendezvous with the Klingon vessel, the Pagh. 15 INT. CORRIDOR Worf and Riker walk and talk. Worf is more animated than usual as he speaks of the Klingon ship and his heritage with a certain pride. WORF I have studied and know everything about my heritage. RIKER Then you are the one to fill me in on something that I'm not clear about. (beat) It's my understanding that one of the duties of the first officer on a Klingon ship is to assassinate the captain. WORF Yes sir. RIKER (reacts) Wouldn't that bring about chaos? STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT ONE 10. 15 CONTINUED: WORF Of course not. When and if the captain becomes weak and unable to perform, it is expected that his honorable retirement should be assisted by his "first." (beat) The second officer would assassinate you for the same reasons. RIKER (beat) This method of attrition could take a little getting used to. WORF The Klingon system has operated successfully for centuries. RIKER It is different. 16 CLOSE ON WORF He looks at Riker, nods solemnly. WORF Many things will be different. 17 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Wesley at his Forward Station of Conn. Data is in Command. All other stations are covered by n.d. crewmembers except for Science One, which is manned by Ensign Mendon. Ensign Mendon steps from his station to look over the shoulder of the crewmember at the Tactical Station. He watches for a beat, then comments: MENDON That's a wonderful method of maintaining a constant control factor over defensive shields, but I'm sure there's a way to improve response time. The crewmember turns to give Mendon a look. Mendon reads it. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT ONE 11. 17 CONTINUED: MENDON Oh, sorry, didn't mean to interrupt you... Just thought I could be of some help, however I am correct in what I said. Mendon continues his studying walk and ends up next to Wesley at Conn. He peers over Wesley's shoulder in the same overseeing manner. MENDON That is superb designing, absolutely first rate. Wesley remains courteous to a ranking officer even if he has the annoying Benzite trait of aggressiveness of an over-achiever. WESLEY Yes it is. Would you care to be more specific? MENDON The input sampling. It's simple yet efficient enough. Of course a minor change of the helm readout would be much more helpful in emergency situations. WESLEY We've never had any trouble with it. Have you seen it work? MENDON Not in a practical exercise, but in theory... my theory... it would be more than a marginal improvement. I'll have to mention this to the captain. WESLEY You're going to advise Captain Picard? MENDON Captain Picard... I'll have to discuss these improvements with him. (beat) He is open to some astute observations, isn't he? STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT ONE 12. 17 CONTINUED: (2) WESLEY Well, I've never heard Captain Picard refuse to listen to his officers. MENDON Outstanding! Pretty soon we'll get things running perfectly. Mendon walks away. Wesley's look follows him. 18 INT. TEN-FORWARD LOUNGE Riker sits at a table surrounded by an assortment of dishes. Each one is a little more disgusting than the other. If they are edible it is the surprise of the space age. Riker grimaces as he tests each one in order. Pulaski steps over to look down on his feast. She reaches over to lift something ugly. PULASKI What is this? RIKER A Klingon delicacy. That's heart of targ -- this is pipius claw. And this is stewed "gagh." PULASKI "Gagh"? RIKER Serpent worms... would you like to know how they're prepared? Pulaski sits down at the table. A waiter arrives with about six different drinks. Riker moves some plates around to make room. PULASKI No thanks. I've never heard of a Klingon starving to death on one of their own vessels, but you might. RIKER Not if I weaken first. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT ONE 13. 18 CONTINUED: PULASKI I know all about that. Their beliefs may be somewhat brutal but usually what kills us, kills them. RIKER (sniffing an awful drink) That's something to look forward to. Would you like a drink, Doctor? PULASKI I'm abstaining in honor of your last hour on board. RIKER (mock serious) Your sacrifice will not go unnoticed. Picard approaches the table from the turbolift. 19 NEW ANGLE as Picard looks down at the table full of food and covers his reaction. Riker is about to get to his feet. Picard puts a restraining hand on his shoulder. PICARD I understand the theory of the feast before the transfer. I've done the same thing dozens of times. However, I usually made more civil choices. Pulaski covers her grin. A tray of desserts arrives and Pulaski starts to arrange them in whatever space is left. RIKER These are the most civil choices. PICARD I see... Well, their food may be somewhat backward but the Klingons are efficient, loyal to their beliefs, and are regulated by a strict code of ethics. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT ONE 14. 19 CONTINUED: PULASKI True enough. They tend to lean towards a Samurai civilization that is thousands of years old. PICARD But they are pure in that tradition. Picard turns back to Riker. PICARD This is a great opportunity, Number One. We really know so little about them. We have so much to learn. (beat, smile) I think I envy you, Will Riker. Riker eyes him, nods, almost takes another bite of food accidentally, then drops it as he becomes aware... 20 INT. CORRIDOR - OUTSIDE TRANSPORTER ROOM Riker moves down the corridor towards the Transporter Room. Worf approaches him. He carefully hands Riker a small electronic device about the size of a Bic lighter. Riker studies it. RIKER An emergency transponder? WORF Slightly altered to transmit an omnidirectional signal and an emergency call. RIKER (examining) Are you sensing some trouble that I don't? WORF (embarrassed) Simply a security precaution. I want to insure your return to this ship. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT ONE 15. 20 CONTINUED: RIKER (surprise) Sentiment, Lieutenant Worf? WORF Efficiency, Commander. RIKER (smile) I understand. Thank you, Lieutenant. He tucks the transponder into his boot and walks away. 21 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Wesley and an n.d. crewmember at the Forward Stations, the Aft Stations are covered by n.d. crewmembers. Science One is covered by Ensign Mendon, Worf stationed at Tactical. Picard and Data in the Command Area. WORF We have a Klingon vessel approaching. PICARD Hailing frequencies open. WORF They are returning our hail in proper language. It is the Pagh. PICARD On viewscreen. 22 MAIN VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) We see the Klingon vessel on viewscreen. Then the fierce and unmerciful face of CAPTAIN KARGAN fills the viewscreen. PICARD I am Jean-Luc Picard, captain of the Enterprise. KARGAN And I am Captain Kargan of the Pagh. Beam your first officer on board immediately. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT ONE 16. 22 CONTINUED: PICARD We are preparing to do so. You're getting a good man, Captain Kargan. KARGAN Thank you for your opinion but I will judge that for myself. Screen off. The viewscreen goes blank. Mendon comments to Worf. MENDON Not very hospitable are they? Worf responds to him immediately. WORF That is not your concern. Observe your station, Ensign Mendon. MENDON (realizing) Didn't mean to offend you. WORF You didn't... (beat) ... Yet. 22A ANGLE ON SCIENCE SCREEN Mendon turns back to his screen, adjusts a knob so that the schematic on screen starts to turn. It is a skeleton version of the Klingon vessel. Various technical information scrolls across the screen below the blueprint. Then the faint glimmer of a red smear appears on the hull of the ship. 23 CLOSER ON SCREEN Mendon magnifies the screen and brings the red smear to the forefront. Then he punches in an informational request DIRECT SENSOR BEAM. The screen blinks with SUBSTANCE REQUEST then after a beat answers NOT DETERMINED. Mendon types in an additional request, CATEGORY. The scrolled response appears MICROBIOTIC COLONY... BACTERIAL ANALOG... SUBATOMIC... STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT ONE 17. 23 CONTINUED: Then DIAGNOSIS, the answer TO BE DETERMINED. Mendon's concentration is interrupted by Captain Picard's orders. PICARD Transporter Room, prepare to beam Commander Riker aboard the Pagh. Picard exits. 24 OMITTED 25 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM Transporter Chief O'Brien behind the control panel. Riker is already standing on the pad. Picard enters. CHIEF O'BRIEN Ready, Captain. PICARD Good Luck, Commander. RIKER Thank you sir. PICARD On your command, Will. 26 ON RIKER (OPTICAL) He nods. RIKER Energize. He DEMATERIALIZES... Hold on the empty pad for a beat, then: FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT TWO 18. ACT TWO FADE IN: 27 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The Klingon vessel Pagh slowly moving away from the Enterprise. 28 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard eyes the main viewscreen. We see the Pagh diminishing in size as it puts more distance between itself and the Enterprise. Data acting as first officer issues the orders. DATA Viewscreen off. Resume course. WESLEY Aye sir. The viewscreen returns to its original pattern. PICARD Take over Commander Data, I'll be in my quarters. DATA Yes sir. Picard moves away from his Command position. He passes the Science One station, nods to Mendon who seizes this opportunity to attempt to ingratiate himself to his new commander, much to the annoyance of Worf. MENDON Sir, I'm Ensign Mendon. I just wanted to tell you how pleased I am to be aboard the Enterprise. PICARD (distracted) Yes, of course. Nice to have you on board. Picard continues on the move. Mendon takes a few steps with him. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT TWO 19. 28 CONTINUED: MENDON If you have a few minutes I've noted a few procedural items that could speed up operations on the bridge. Picard understanding his Benzite traits, is patient with him. MENDON (continuing) I pick things up very quickly. PICARD I'm sure you do Ensign, you have an excellent record. However, on the Enterprise we use the chain of command. You may report your observations to Lieutenant Worf. MENDON I didn't mean to challenge your authority... (trailing off) ... I just wanted to impress upon you... PICARD No need to apologize Ensign... we should have explained it better during indoctrination. Picard continues on to the turbolift. 28A ANGLE ON WORF He turns to Mendon with a look that could burn holes in your chest. WORF Ensign Mendon... You may impress me. On Mendon's look. 29 EXT. SPACE - THE KLINGON VESSEL "PAGH" (OPTICAL) alone in space. Its harsher angles and look almost scary against the stillness. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT TWO 20. 30 INT. PAGH - CORRIDOR Everything about this ship is utilitarian and lacks the smooth free-flowing lines and coloring of the Enterprise. Riker and a KLINGON OFFICER, who is the TACTICS OFFICER, turn a corner and walk down the corridor. They are both wary but open. The Klingon studies Riker in a speculating manner. Crewmembers also eye Riker in passing. Some with the same reaction as the tactics officer, others simply interested... They all acknowledge Riker with a courteous nod. Riker returns the look. RIKER Something wrong? TACTICS OFFICER No, Commander. (beat) It's just I have never seen anyone of your species before... RIKER (smile) I'm just your average everyday human who happens to be a commander. Now what are your orders? TACTICS OFFICER I am to escort you to the captain. RIKER Proceed. Riker falls in behind the Klingon. 31 thru OMITTED 32 33 INT. PAGH - MAIN BRIDGE Riker and his escort enter onto the bridge. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT TWO 21. 33 CONTINUED: The same sparse but functional look. The bridge is manned by FIVE CREWMEMBERS at varying stations. Captain Kargan is seated in the Command Chair. SECOND OFFICER KLAG stands next to him. They are businesslike in their appraisal of Riker. Firm but not harsh. Riker steps forward. RIKER I am Commander William Riker of the Starship Enterprise. KARGAN That is incorrect. RIKER (beat) I don't understand. KARGAN You are Commander Riker, first officer of the Klingon Cruiser Pagh, or do you intend to disobey Federation orders? RIKER I have no such intentions, Captain. KARGAN Exactly where are your loyalties, Commander? RIKER I'm afraid I still don't understand. Kargan explains carefully in a low, calm voice. KARGAN This ship is equipped with our best weapons and our finest warriors. Although we are on a peaceful mission we are prepared to go into battle instantly. I know I can count on every Klingon warrior in this crew to serve and die in that battle. So I ask again Commander Riker, (beat) where are your loyalties? STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT TWO 22. 33 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER I have been assigned here to serve this ship and to obey your orders. I will do exactly that. KARGAN Will you take an oath to that effect? RIKER (meets his gaze) I just did. Klag interjects firmly to Captain Kargan. KLAG yI-Har-Qo! nep-we' ghaH! (Do not believe him! He lies!) KARGAN (to Klag) Hol-chaj yI-jatlh. (Speak in their language.) (to Riker) This is your second officer, Lieutenant Klag. RIKER Was there something you wanted to say to me, Lieutenant? KLAG Yes sir. (beat) I don't believe you. RIKER Then I take it you challenge my authority over you. KLAG Correct. RIKER (to Kargan) And your position in this, Captain? KARGAN (with disdain) I would call it your first command decision. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT TWO 23. 33 CONTINUED: (3) Riker looks around the Main Bridge at the other crewmembers. 33A RIKER'S POV The Klingon crewmembers watch him, waiting to see his reaction to this challenge. 33B SCENE Riker eyes the arrogant stance and size of Klag who gives him an insubordinate snort. Riker realizes he has no choice. He deftly, with no advance warning or aggressive motion, swings a two-handed blow with his full strength and lands a monstrous blow across the chest of Klag. 33C SERIES OF CUTS The sound of the blow against Klag's chest armor echoes through the bridge and is followed by the roar of his breath leaving his body, and then his bulk smashing against the bulkhead and slipping to the ground. Riker calmly steps around the still-seated captain and steps in front of Klag who is struggling to his feet. Klag is almost to his feet when Riker swings again, this time taking the legs out from under Klag who drops to the ground again. The crewmembers are animated and watch the fight with relish, not caring who wins or loses but that there is combat. Riker looks over to the captain. Captain Kargan simply sits back and allows it to continue. Riker turns back to the dazed but still active Klag who is once more attempting to get to his feet. Riker eyes the combatant with a calculated but astonished eye. Klag can barely stand but bravely fights for balance. Riker shrugs, and rams his fist into Klag's stomach, then drops him with another double-handed blow over the head. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT TWO 24. 33D SCENE Kargan applauds with a grunt and a motion of his head. Klag is awake but prone. He struggles to his feet, manages to prop himself against the wall. Klag gives Riker as much a look of respect as he is able... 33E ON RIKER RIKER My oath is between Captain Kargan and myself. Your only concern is how to obey my orders. (beat) Or do you prefer the rank of prisoner over that of lieutenant? Klag calculates Riker carefully, then: KLAG I will take your orders. Riker nods his acceptance. Klag returns it. Kargan interjects: KARGAN And you, Commander Riker, will obey my orders. RIKER Agreed, Captain Kargan. Riker turns away from the captain, and when no one can see him he lets his breath out. 34 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) continuing on its solo run at impulse. 35 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard and Data at Command. Worf at Tactical and Mendon at Science One. All other crew personnel are n.d. WORF Sir, the automatic scan has registered some unknown substance on the aft quarter of the exterior skin of the dorsal fin. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT TWO 25. 35 CONTINUED: PICARD Zero in on that location and define. 36 ANGLE ON SCIENCE STATION SCREEN (OPTICAL) Mendon punches in the various components needed. His screen picks up the schematic of the Enterprise and the designated location of the "unknown substance." MENDON I've located it sir. The dorsal of the Engineering Section. DATA On viewscreen. Focus on area. Magnification factor ten. The matter appears as a sort of haze on the viewscreen. Data walks over to the Science Station. DATA (continuing) Increase magnification to twenty. The viewscreen now shows a more detailed picture of the mass. PICARD Analyze. DATA The substance appears to be a rare form of subatomic "bacteria," capable of doubling every fifteen minutes. It seems to be reacting with two of the compounds present in the Enterprise structure. PICARD Determine origin. Mendon feels that he has his opportunity now. MENDON I noticed it when I did an intensive scan of the Pagh, the Klingon ship. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT TWO 26. 36 CONTINUED: PICARD (reacts) And you informed no one? MENDON I have not yet completed my full analysis. PICARD You are supposed to report whatever is out of the ordinary. This falls into that category. MENDON But sir, as I said I have not yet completed my analysis. It would be improper to report it until then. DATA How did you come by that decision? MENDON It is a Benzite regulation. No officer on the deck of one of our ships would report an occurrence like this until he had a full analysis and a resolution. (beat) I have simply followed proper procedures. On Picard -- he holds for a beat then instructs Mendon calmly but firmly. PICARD It is our procedure for you to bring to the attention of command any possibility of danger. You will not make those decisions. (beat) Is that clear, Ensign Mendon? Mendon is somewhat deflated. MENDON Yes sir. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT TWO 27. 36 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Fine. Now I want you to complete the analysis and determine the danger not only to this ship but the Klingon vessel as well. MENDON Yes Captain... That will take a couple of hours. PICARD You'll remain at your station until it is complete, then report to me. Lieutenant Worf will supervise you. WORF Yes sir. Picard turns and walks to the turbolift. Worf eyes Mendon, whispers to him. WORF (continuing) ... and then I will instruct you in Enterprise etiquette. On Mendon's look: FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT THREE 28. ACT THREE FADE IN: 37 thru OMITTED 38 38A EXT. SPACE - THE PAGH (OPTICAL) traveling alone. RIKER (V.O.) Commander's log, supplemental, Stardate 42607.8. I have been on the Pagh a short time but long enough to be impressed with the abilities and singlemindedness of the Klingons. I can now see why they have gained the respect of Captain Picard. 39 INT. PAGH - MESS HALL Klingons line the long bench-like table, Riker among them. They are not unfriendly to Riker but they watch him eat like he were on display. A COUPLE OF THE FEMALES, VEKMA one of them, are a little more outgoing and interested. They mumble to each other as they eye Riker. They match Riker in size, maybe even a little bigger. 40 ON RIKER He is aware of the attention he is getting and tries to ignore it and simply fall in unnoticed with the rest of the Klingon personnel. His look alone makes that impossible. The Klingons keep pushing plates in front of him and he takes each one in turn and tries to eat as little as possible while not showing any reaction. TACTICS OFFICER You're not eating very much. RIKER Well, I'm not that hungry. KLAG Is the food all right, Commander? STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT THREE 29. 40 CONTINUED: RIKER Fine. The "pipius" was excellent, and I also liked the "Bregit lungs." VEKMA And the Rokeg blood pie? RIKER Excellent. KLAG Then you'll also like this. Klag pushes another bowl in front of him. 40A ON RIKER His face as he examines it. RIKER This is "gagh," isn't it? KLAG Very good. You did some research on our nutritional choices. RIKER Yes... but this is still moving. KLAG "Gagh" is always best when served live. (covering smile) Would you like something "easier"? RIKER Easier? KLAG If Klingon food is too strong for you, perhaps I could get one of the females to breast feed you. Vekma and the other female laugh. The men at the table eye Riker with careful but joking looks. Riker goes along with the mood. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT THREE 30. 40A CONTINUED: RIKER Don't tell me you're still concerned about my not weakening? Klag bellows out in laughter. KLAG Look around. You'll see that there are no old warriors. RIKER Of course, I'm sure they all died with honor. KLAG (slaps him on the back) Exactly. You may live long enough to learn about us. Vekma reaches over to poke Riker in the arm and then the ribs, then comments to ZEGOV and they both break up with laughter. VEKMA He's not very attractive, but I will have him. Riker gives Klag a pleading look. TACTICS OFFICER They are inquisitive. They would like to know how you would endure. RIKER Endure what? KLAG Them. 40B RIKER'S POV The two enormous and violent Klingon women as they stare at him and dwarf him with their size and strength. Riker looks at them innocently. RIKER One or both? STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT THREE 31. 40B CONTINUED: Klag holds for a beat then breaks out laughing. The women join in, Vekma smacking Riker across the back in good will and almost dislodging a rib. She moves closer to Riker. On Riker's look... 41 thru OMITTED 47 48 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) At impulse. To establish. 49 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - SCIENCE ONE A worried looking Ensign Mendon is explaining to Captain Picard and Data as he points to the science screen in front of him which shows the molecular spectroscopic breakdown of the bacteria. MENDON It is confirmed that the organisms feed on some of the compounds that make up the Enterprise hull. PICARD And the Klingon ship, the Pagh? MENDON (hesitates) They are much more susceptible. Their hull contains all of the compounds. PICARD Project your calculations. Mendon depresses a couple of keys and his work screen is filled with a scrolling set of mathematical computations. Data stares at the screen, then hits another button so they project faster. They reach an end. Data looks up. DATA According to the rate of reproduction there should be a twelve centimeter hole in the Klingon hull at this time. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT THREE 32. 50 NEW ANGLE Picard issues orders as he moves to his Command Chair. Data is right behind him. PICARD Signal them at once and advise them. Change our course to attempt an intercept. We will make every attempt to cleanse the vessel and assist with repairs. DATA It will take some time to locate them. They are on undesignated maneuvers in the Pheben solar system. PICARD Then start immediately. Alert Engineering of this situation. Ensign Crusher, adjust course toward the proper sector. WESLEY Aye sir. Shall we prepare for warp speed? PICARD Yes... (beat) ... and hope that we get there in time. 51 EXT. SPACE - THE PAGH (OPTICAL) To establish. The CAMERA MOVING IN to show a hole forming on the hull. 52 INT. PAGH - A CORRIDOR Riker moves down the corridor with an n.d. crewmember. The VOICE of Captain Kargan comes over the ship's speakers. CAPTAIN KARGAN'S COM VOICE Commander Riker to the bridge. Riker and the crewmember stop. Riker changes direction and moves off. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT THREE 33. 53 INT. PAGH - MAIN BRIDGE Captain Kargan waits with Klag and the rest of the bridge crew who are functioning in a normal manner. Riker steps onto the bridge. Captain Kargan motions him over. KARGAN On monitor. Tell me Commander Riker, what do you make of this? 54 ANGLE MONITOR (OPTICAL) Showing the section of the Klingon hull where an apparent haze (and/or bacterial look) surrounds a small hole in the hull. 55 INT. PAGH - MAIN BRIDGE Captain Kargan calls out his orders to the crewmembers present. RIKER I felt no collision. Were we hit by a small meteor? KARGAN There was no collision. RIKER Corrosion then. KARGAN No, not corrosion. RIKER (orders) Science Station, analyze. KARGAN We already have and fortunately the cavity opened into a section that could withstand the change in pressure. RIKER Then what is it? STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT THREE 34. 55 CONTINUED: KLAG A space organism eating away at our hull. Our estimate is that in less than eight hours we will have lost too much of our shell to remain intact. RIKER You must have a way to repair it. KARGAN I'm afraid not. RIKER There has to be. Where did this come from? KARGAN "Where" might be the answer. (harsher beat) The only contact we had was with the Enterprise. RIKER There was no direct contact with the Enterprise. KARGAN Tactics Officer, report to Commander Riker. 56 TACTICS STATION The Tactics Officer runs the check on his board. Various information pops up on the screen. TACTICS OFFICER The Enterprise did conduct an intensive scan of this vessel. RIKER It's normal procedure. The other bridge members turn angry looks at Riker. KARGAN What type of beam did the Enterprise use to create this damage in our hull? STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT THREE 35. 56 CONTINUED: RIKER None! Why would they do that? We are allies. TACTICS OFFICER My logs indicate that the Enterprise directed an intense scanning beam at this specific area for a duration of two minutes. KARGAN Explain that. RIKER I can't. TACTICS OFFICER It could be a weapon. RIKER Wait a minute. Why? There's no new weapon. The Enterprise has no reason to do this, especially not with me on board. It makes no sense. KARGAN "Why" is no longer important. What is important is our response to this attack. (beat) Engage cloaking device. Change course to intercept the Enterprise. RIKER Captain, what do you intend to do? 57 ON KARGAN His face a mask of fury. He screams out. KARGAN Intend? There is only one response. We intend to attack the Enterprise and destroy it!! STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT THREE 36. 57 CONTINUED: On Riker's reaction: FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT FOUR 37. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 58 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at warp speed. The signs of the organism still present on the hull. 59 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Ensign Mendon works at the Science Station along with another n.d. officer. Mendon is efficient and intent on his assignment. It is obvious that he knows what he's doing. Wesley is relieved from his station and before he leaves he steps over to stand next to Mendon. 60 CLOSER ANGLE Wesley watches for a beat, then seeing Mendon's growing frustration, he comments: WESLEY You seem to be making progress. You've already eliminated half the possibilities. Mendon looks up at Wesley, realizes that the youth is trying to offer him some support. He nods. MENDON Thank you, but I seem to have become efficient a little later than was needed. It was my responsibility to learn and adapt to the Enterprise's regulations. I didn't do that. WESLEY Not really, it was an error. Captain Picard may not like them, but he does know they can happen from time to time. MENDON I failed, I had an opportunity to show the captain my superior abilities and I failed. I can never recover from that. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT FOUR 38. 60 CONTINUED: WESLEY It was a mistake... That's all. You didn't put the organism on the hull. You discovered it and you were attempting to analyze it. All you did was mess up a little on the ship's protocol. Mendon studies Wesley for a few beats. He steps away from the console to confer with Wesley in a more private fashion. MENDON I know you're trying to be nice to me and I appreciate it. What I don't understand is why? WESLEY Why not? I thought you could use a friend. Mendon eyes Wesley a few beats, then nods his acceptance. MENDON Thank you. I only hope I can learn your ways before I "mess" up again. I imagine my methods seem foolish to you. WESLEY They are different. But that's what this exchange program is all about... You learn the way we do things and bring that information back to your command. It's up to you to decide which way is better for you. (beat) It's easy. All you have to do is learn. 61 ANGLE ON MENDON He holds for a few beats, confirms seriously: STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT FOUR 39. 61 CONTINUED: MENDON You're right. I'll try your way... (turns back to Science Station) I'll work even harder than before. I'll succeed brilliantly. On Wesley's look: 62 EXT. SPACE - THE KLINGON VESSEL THE PAGH (OPTICAL) The organism's growth is expanding on the hull. 63 INT. PAGH - MAIN BRIDGE Captain Kargan and Klag maintain the bridge Command Area. KARGAN What is the status? TACTICS OFFICER Unchanged. The rate of increase continues. Kargan contemplates for a beat. KARGAN Commander Riker, check the organism growth with Engineering. Riker seems about to respond but decides the better of it. He exits the bridge. After Riker leaves, Kargan turns to Klag. KARGAN Keep him under scrutiny. I'm not sure I trust him. KLAG I'm not totally convinced that Riker knew of any plot against us. If he did then why would he have come on board? KARGAN Because he was ordered to. 69:[1,#b] STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT FOUR 40. 63 CONTINUED: KLAG To die? KARGAN To be ordered to die is an expectation for any officer at any time. KLAG For a Klingon perhaps, but Riker's people do not volunteer for death so easily. Even so, Riker may be a spy, but he's no coward. KARGAN That only proves that he is intelligent and that you may not be as strong as you used to be. 64 ANGLE ON TACTICS OFFICER He becomes more alert, announces: TACTICS OFFICER Captain, we have picked up the Enterprise. KARGAN So soon? TACTICS OFFICER The Enterprise is on an intercept course with us. Kargan and Klag react. Riker re-enters the bridge. Kargan turns on him in anger. KARGAN You almost had me believing that perhaps this was a misunderstanding. RIKER Yes... So? KARGAN The Enterprise has changed course and is following us. Why? RIKER I don't know. Let's ask them. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT FOUR 41. 64 CONTINUED: KARGAN The reason is obvious. Their intent is clear. How long before we have contact? TACTICS OFFICER Less than fifteen minutes, sir. KARGAN Put the ship on battle alert. Arm all photon torpedoes and put phasers on full power. Let them charge into their destruction. 65 thru OMITTED 66 67 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) moving through at warp. The organism still present. 68 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard and Data at Command. Wesley and an n.d. at forward positions; Worf, Ensign Mendon, and n.d. crewmembers at the aft command positions. WESLEY Sir, bearings show that we should be in contact with the Klingon ship. DATA Slow to impulse speed. Continue on course. WESLEY Aye sir, impulse speed. WORF Hailing frequencies open. There is no response. PICARD Continue to transmit. DATA The Pagh is either destroyed or cloaked. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT FOUR 42. 68 CONTINUED: PICARD Begin intensive scan for debris. Conduct a thorough search of the area. 69 OMITTED 70 INT. PAGH - MAIN BRIDGE staffed as previously. Riker is on the bridge facing Kargan. There is an obvious tension present. TACTICS OFFICER The Enterprise has slowed to impulse speed and is making an intensive sweep. KARGAN Hold your position. Let them come to us. RIKER They may be here to help you... Don't be a fool! KARGAN (rages) Do not forget my rank. RIKER I haven't. I am simply trying to get you to understand. KARGAN I fully understand... Now you understand. (beat) I am still the captain of this vessel and you are still crew and sworn to obey me. You gave me your oath. RIKER Yes sir, I did. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT FOUR 43. 70 CONTINUED: KARGAN Then fulfill that oath and serve this ship as you swore to. (beat) Tell me of the surest method of attack against the Enterprise. 71 ON RIKER He eyes the captain a few beats. RIKER I can't. KARGAN You must tell me. It is a matter of honor and loyalty. RIKER I cannot surrender the secrets of Starfleet and the Enterprise to you. KARGAN Then if your word is no good, how can we trust any of your people? RIKER (strong) I won't break any vow I took in the past. I also swore a loyalty to your ship and I will keep that. KARGAN (yelling back) They are in conflict! RIKER No sir, they are not! I will obey your orders. I will serve this ship as first officer, and in an attack against the Enterprise I will die along with this crew... but I will not dishonor my oath to the Enterprise. Riker glares at Kargan who holds his stare a beat, then nods in agreement. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT FOUR 44. 71 CONTINUED: KARGAN If you had agreed to disclose those facts about the Enterprise I would have labelled you a traitor and killed you on the spot... (beat) Instead you will die with us. You will die like a Klingon. On Riker -- he nods his acceptance of his fate. RIKER So be it. 72 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) continuing on its orbit at impulse. 73 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - SCIENCE ONE STATION Ensign Mendon studies his screen and then reacts. He punches in one more code, seems satisfied and then moves from his station towards the captain. 74 AT COMMAND Mendon stands in front of the captain. He is ill at ease but trying to maintain what he thinks is the proper protocol. MENDON Sir, I have something to report to you immediately. Worf seems like he's about to reach over the railings and snatch Mendon by the skull. Picard restrains his actions with a glance. PICARD Go ahead, Ensign. MENDON I have managed to isolate the organism on our hull. PICARD Spare me the technical details... just the results. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT FOUR 45. 74 CONTINUED: MENDON They are of a sub-micron form. They are controllable and can be removed from the hulls of both ships. PICARD (relieved, but covers) Thank you Ensign, well done. Prepare whatever procedures are necessary. (to Worf) Lieutenant Worf, add this information to hailing messages. WORF Aye sir. Still no response. Picard's concerned look. 75 INT. PAGH - MAIN BRIDGE The tactics officer motions Klag to his station. Klag observes the screen for a few beats then announces: KLAG The Enterprise has changed hailing messages. They now include a promise of cleaning the organisms and assisting in repairs. RIKER They mean it... They will help. KARGAN And I mean what I say. (stronger) Arm all weapons... Prepare for attack... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT FIVE 46. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 76 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) We see only the Enterprise on screen. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, supplemental, Stardate 42608.2. Although our search has been extensive, we are still unable to locate the Klingon ship or any debris. The absence of both leaves us puzzled and somewhat tentative. 77 INT. MAIN BRIDGE staffed as in the previous scene. The atmosphere on the bridge is tense, all members waiting for Picard's decision. DATA Considering the absence of debris, it is reasonable to assume the Klingon vessel is in the vicinity and cloaked. PICARD Agreed. DATA Since we do not know their intent I recommend we go to Red Alert. PICARD (thoughtful for a beat) Make it so. Picard shows the tension of the situation. 78 INT. PAGH - MAIN BRIDGE Captain Kargan is intent on his own plan of attack. TACTICS OFFICER The Enterprise has raised its shields. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT FIVE 47. 78 CONTINUED: RIKER It is normal procedure when entering into a suspicious situation. The act is not aggressive. The Enterprise will not fire first. KARGAN Then they are fools, for we will. RIKER (a beat, then) You'll get only one shot. KARGAN We will only need one. Arm all phasers and torpedoes. Prepare to fire them simultaneously. RIKER Then I recommend you do not fire until you are within forty thousand kilometers. KLAG Why? RIKER It will reduce their response time. Both Klag and the captain give Riker a grudging nod of admiration. KLAG You are honoring your promise to serve us. RIKER Would you do less? The Klingons nod their acceptance of this. KARGAN No. (beat) You will give the order to fire, Commander Riker. (to Klag) Call out distances. (beat) Any questions, Mister Riker? STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT FIVE 48. 79 ON RIKER his face a mask, the skin drawn tight. RIKER Just something I have to say... (beat) ... I dispute your judgment. Your reasons for forcing this confrontation are not valid. KARGAN Are you finished? RIKER Yes sir. KARGAN Then commence with attack as ordered. Klag begins his countdown... KLAG Fifty-five thousand kilometers and closing. Riker removes the small transponder device supplied by Worf, looks at it carefully, then glances over to Kargan. 80 KARGAN returns his look and then observes the apparatus in Riker's hand. KARGAN Is that a weapon? RIKER No sir, it is a signaling device. KARGAN Hand it to me, Commander. 81 SCENE As Riker steps over to hand it to him, he flips it on. Only a small signal light appears on the apparatus... He hands it to Kargan who starts to examine it. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT FIVE 49. 82 INT. ENTERPRISE - MAIN BRIDGE Worf at his station suddenly becomes alert. He adjusts a switch and then quickly announces: WORF We are getting an emergency signal from a command transponder. Location nine-three-five mark six-one-three... Frequency and code designate it as Commander Riker. The members on the bridge become more alert. Troi averts her eyes to hide her emotion. PICARD (touches com link) Chief O'Brien, align with emergency transponder signal. 83 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM - INTERCUT AS NEEDED Empty except for Chief O'Brien. CHIEF O'BRIEN Yes Captain. We are not yet in safe range for a transfer and defensive shields are still in place. PICARD We may have to stretch it a little. On my command. WORF Forty-eight thousand. DATA Lieutenant Worf to the Transporter Room. Doctor Pulaski will accompany you. Mendon take over the count. MENDON Yes sir. Forty-five thousand and still closing. Worf gives Mendon one last warning look, then moves from his station. MENDON Forty-four thousand. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT FIVE 50. 83 CONTINUED: PICARD Transporter Room, ready. You will control defensive shields... 84 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM Worf and Pulaski have just entered. CHIEF O'BRIEN Ready sir. MENDON Forty thousand... 85 INT. PAGH - MAIN BRIDGE KLAG Forty thousand. KARGAN Prepare to drop cloaking shields and fire. Steady... 86 INT. ENTERPRISE - MAIN BRIDGE PICARD Transporter Room, energize. 87 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM The Transporter Chief throws the necessary switches. 88 INT. PAGH - MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Captain Kargan DEMATERIALIZES in front of the crew. Klag is stunned, then reacts. Riker has a slight smile on his face, he turns and tenses. Klag with a growl, advances on Riker. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT FIVE 51. 88 CONTINUED: RIKER Hold where you are Klag. I have relieved Captain Kargan. He was acting in an irrational manner. I am now your captain!! (beat) Serve this ship as I have! Klag falters a beat, unsure... then slowly stands upright in acceptance. Riker nods. 89 INT. ENTERPRISE - TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Uncertain, Captain Kargan on the pad. He spins his head around unsure. Then he spots Worf and crouches. Pulaski backs away. CHIEF O'BRIEN Defensive shields back in place. KARGAN Who are you? WORF I am Lieutenant Worf of the Starship Enterprise. Kargan reacts, screaming out as he reaches for his sidearm. KARGAN Riker has no honor... He tricked me!! As Kargan starts to aim his weapon, Worf fires his hand phaser. It hits Kargan and he drops. Worf lets out a celebration call then: 90 ANOTHER ANGLE Pulaski moves forward quickly, shoves Worf aside to examine the prone Captain. PULASKI He's barely stunned. WORF (with pride) Of course, he is a Klingon captain. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT FIVE 52. 90 CONTINUED: PULASKI That's great, but where's Will Riker? Worf reacts for a beat, then helps Kargan to his feet. 91 INT. PAGH - MAIN BRIDGE Klag is still tense. Riker turns to the Tactics Officer. RIKER Cloaking shields off. The Tactics Officer stalls for a beat, not sure what to do. 92 CLOSER SHOT Riker steps forward and blocks his view of any of the crew and faces him down. RIKER Obey my orders. TACTICS OFFICER We will be destroyed. RIKER If we are, it will be in battle and I will die with you. (harder) Now, cloaking shields off! 93 ANGLE The Tactics Officer throws the switch. 94 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Enterprise in its orbit... The Klingon ship Pagh suddenly appears from nowhere. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT FIVE 53. 95 INT. ENTERPRISE - MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The Pagh appears on the main viewscreen. The bridge crew reacts but still remains professional. Captain Kargan is also present. DATA It is the Pagh sir. It has all armament locked on us and ready to fire. PICARD Hold position. Hailing frequencies open. (beat) Calling the Pagh. This is the Enterprise. We are here to assist you. Do not fire. KARGAN They will not believe you. 96 INT. PAGH - MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Riker has heard the Enterprise call. It continues: PICARD'S COM VOICE Pagh... Do you read me?? Riker looks around at the Klingon bridge crew. He then sounds very much like a Klingon as he bellows out: RIKER Enterprise, this is Captain William Riker of the Klingon vessel, the Pagh. (pause) I order you to lower your shields and surrender. 96A INT. ENTERPRISE - MAIN BRIDGE The reactions of the crew. 96B ON PICARD A tense look slowly becomes a slight smile. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT FIVE 54. 96B CONTINUED: PICARD Lower shields. (beat) Surrender as ordered. Kargan steps forward in a rage. KARGAN I demand to be beamed back aboard my vessel. PICARD (nods) Transporter Chief, prepare to beam Captain Kargan aboard the Pagh. (to Riker, who has heard) Captain Riker, preparations are ready for immediate repairs to your ship. RIKER Thank you, Captain Picard. Picard's reaction. 97 OMITTED 97A INT. PAGH - MAIN BRIDGE Captain Kargan steps onto the bridge. He is tentative, unsure. Kargan looks around at the bridge crew who eye him with a kind of disapproval and uncomfortableness that Kargan recognizes. He turns to Riker. KARGAN You should have killed me. RIKER I don't want your command. KARGAN You tricked me so you could have it. RIKER And I give it back to you now. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT FIVE 55. 97B ON KARGAN His confidence returns slightly, the force of his personality taking over. KARGAN Then return to your position. 97C ON RIKER He also senses that he must do something more to return Kargan to his proper status. He feels the responsibility for placing Kargan in this situation. He and Klag exchange a look, a very slight nod passes between them, then Riker's look and attitude change to one of open insubordination. He almost sneers at Kargan. 97D NEW ANGLE Kargan recognizes it, roars out in fury, charges at Riker, and swings a devastating blow with his fist. 97E SCENE Riker is sent skidding across the bridge floor and up against the bulkhead where he lies stunned but aware. Klag steps next to Riker, then turns to face Kargan... Klag's hand reaches down towards his weapon... 97F CLOSER Riker grabs his wrist to restrain him. Klag looks down at bruised but alert Riker who gives Klag an eye signal. RIKER No more, Captain Kargan... 97G SCENE Kargan fills his chest, glares around the ship, and then at Riker... He holds a beat, then orders Klag: KARGAN Get him off my ship! KLAG Yes, Captain. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT FIVE 56. 97G CONTINUED: Klag reaches down to assist Riker to his feet. Their eyes meet. Klag whispers to him. KLAG (continuing) You understand the Klingons better than I thought. RIKER (nods) Thank you, my friend. Klag assists a battered Riker past a triumphant Captain Kargan. 98 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE/THE PAGH (OPTICAL) the Enterprise assisting the Pagh in repairs. 99 INT. ENTERPRISE - TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Worf and Picard are present to see Riker MATERIALIZE on the pad, bruised but healthy. 100 thru OMITTED 101 102 SCENE Picard turns to Riker. RIKER That might be one of the shortest assignments in the history of Starfleet. PICARD You're wrong, Number One... it was almost the longest. (beat) You did well. RIKER Thank you. I learned quite a bit. PICARD Apparently not how to duck. STAR TREK: "A Matter of Honor" - 12/02/88 - ACT FIVE 57. 102 CONTINUED: RIKER When not to duck would be more accurate. Picard eyes him a few beats, then smiles... PICARD If that was the intention... Welcome aboard. They both smile. Worf stands in the b.g., hiding all emotions and trying to look bored by it all. Riker steps over to him... RIKER Thank you. Your little toy worked. WORF I'm glad it did, sir. RIKER You come from a very brave and unique race. I'm glad you're here on the Enterprise. Worf swells slightly, covers his reaction. WORF Thank you, Commander... (beat) ... and welcome home. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END