STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Dauphin" #40272-136 Written by Leonard Mlodinow & Scott Rubenstein Directed by Rob Bowman THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1988 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. 2ND REV. FINAL DRAFT DECEMBER 23, 1988 STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Dauphin" CAST PICARD ANYA RIKER SALIA DATA "TEENAGE GIRL" PULASKI "FURRY ANIMAL" TROI "MONSTER" GEORDI WORF Voice-Over WESLEY DALED FOUR VOICE GUINAN ENSIGN GIBSON TRANSPORTER CHIEF ARON Non-Speaking HENNESEY THREE SECURITY PERSONNEL Voice-Over COMPUTER VOICE STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Dauphin" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE TRANSPORTER ROOM PLANET KLAVDIA THREE CORRIDORS OUTSIDE SALIA'S QUARTERS PLANET DALED FOUR SALIA'S QUARTERS MAIN ENGINEERING TEN-FORWARD SICKBAY HOLODECK CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM WESLEY'S QUARTERS STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Dauphin" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE SALIA Sal-EE-ya ANYA ON-ya KLAVDIA KLAHV-dee-ah STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Dauphin" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) traveling at warp speed through the black silk of space. 2 INT. MAIN BRIDGE DATA is at Ops and WORF at Tactical. RIKER stands behind ENSIGN GIBSON at Conn. PICARD sits at his Command Station. RIKER Captain, we are approaching Klavdia Three. PICARD Take us to impulse power. GIBSON Aye, sir. Impulse power. 2A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as the Enterprise comes out of warp. 2B INT. MAIN ENGINEERING GEORDI is at his position. WESLEY CRUSHER is nearby. GEORDI Bridge, this is Engineering. RIKER'S COM VOICE Yes, Lieutenant. GEORDI Now that we are out of warp, I would like to use this time to make routine adjustments to the deuterium control conduit. It's overdue. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - TEASER 2. 2C INT. MAIN BRIDGE as before. RIKER (to Picard) That would preclude use of our warp drive engines. PICARD How much time do these adjustments require? GEORDI'S COM VOICE A few hours, sir. Picard nods to Riker. RIKER You may proceed, Lieutenant La Forge. Standard orbit. GIBSON Aye, sir. Standard orbit. 3 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) establishes orbit about a large yellow planet. 3A INT. MAIN ENGINEERING Geordi crosses to Wesley. GEORDI I am going to need an S-C-M, model three, from stores. WESLEY Right away. And he exits. 4 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The glowing planet is featured on the Main Viewer. Everyone's at their station except Wesley, who is not present. Picard gazes at the image of the planet. PICARD Magnify. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - TEASER 3. 4 CONTINUED: The image on the Main Viewer enlarges. PICARD Not a very inviting planet. Even for a research outpost. TROI I would have thought the inhabitants of Daled Four would send a future leader to a more hospitable environment. WORF For some, security is more important than comfort. TROI But sixteen years... WORF We are being hailed, Captain. PICARD Open hailing frequencies, Mister Worf. WORF Hailing frequencies open. PICARD This is Captain Picard of the USS Enterprise. The voice transmission comes through with a heavy harmonic on the carrier, making it sound like someone talking from the bottom of a barrel. DATA The planet's troposphere is distorting the signal. PICARD (to Worf) Can you clean it up? WORF I'll try. Worf makes some adjustments. Then nods to Captain Picard. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - TEASER 4. 4 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD This is Picard -- would you please repeat your message? FEMALE COM VOICE I am Anya. Have you come for Salia of Daled Four? PICARD That is correct. ANYA What species are you? PICARD Human. There is a pause. ANYA Excellent. Bring us aboard. That is all. The bridge crew registers surprise at Anya's sharpness. RIKER Friendly, isn't she? PICARD Whether they're friendly or not, Salia has the rank of head of state. We will treat both her and Anya accordingly. Number One, Mister Worf, let's greet our visitors. Picard, Riker and Worf head for the turbolift. 5 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM - ANGLE ON TRANSPORTER PAD (OPTICAL) as TWO FIGURES MATERIALIZE: ANYA, elderly, school-marmish; and SALIA, sixteen, gorgeous, wide-eyed, but regal. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - TEASER 5. 6 ANOTHER ANGLE TRANSPORTER CHIEF O'BRIEN stands at the controls. Picard and Riker focus on Salia, who glances around the room, enthusiastically taking in her new environment. PICARD Welcome aboard the Enterprise. I am Captain Jean-Luc Picard. ANYA (re Salia) This is Salia of Daled Four. SALIA I didn't feel a thing. Is that normal when you are transported, Captain? PICARD It is. Salia steps off the transporter pad and looks toward the control console. Anya steps off beside Salia, eyes the crew suspiciously. SALIA Those must be the matter/energy conversion controls. May I take a look? PICARD Of course. RIKER If you like, I'll arrange a tour of the ship. SALIA I'd love that. ANYA (firm) No. Disappointed, Salia looks at Anya. ANYA (continuing) That won't be necessary. Just show us our quarters, Captain Picard. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - TEASER 6. 6 CONTINUED: Picard turns to Salia. It's obvious she accepts Anya's authority. PICARD Very well. 7 INT. CORRIDOR Picard leads Salia, Anya toward her quarters. Worf and Riker trail. PICARD We are housing you in the quarters normally reserved for Starfleet admiralty. I'm sure you'll find them quite comfortable. 8 ON WESLEY as he EXITS a turbolift further down the corridor. He carries a superconducting magnet. 9 ANOTHER ANGLE Salia gazes at Wesley, fascinated and attracted. She steps away from the entourage and smiles innocently. SALIA That's a superconducting magnet, isn't it? Wesley can't take his eyes off her. He can barely get his words out. WESLEY Yes... It's a... say, how did you know that? SALIA Study, for the last sixteen years it is all I could... Before she can finish, Anya comes over and pulls Salia away. ANYA Please walk ahead with me. Salia starts away, then turns back to Wesley. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - TEASER 7. 9 CONTINUED: SALIA (tinge of coyness) You'd better be careful. I was taught those can rip the iron right out of your blood cells. 9A CLOSER - WESLEY AND SALIA The attraction of her smile is even stronger than the magnet's. WESLEY Who are you? No one mentioned we were beaming up such a... a... ANYA (interrupting) Please, Salia. Wesley watches as Anya propels Salia into following Picard into an intersecting corridor. As Riker walks by, Wesley pulls him to the side. WESLEY I don't believe this! Who is she? RIKER (teasing) I think she's a governess. WESLEY (impatient) Not her. The girl. RIKER I doubt she'll have time for you, my friend. She's slated to rule an entire world. Off Wesley's look of determination, we: FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT ONE 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: 10 EXT. SPACE THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as the Enterprise leaves orbit and heads off at impulse speed. 10A INT. WESLEY'S QUARTERS Wesley is there alone. He is checking himself out in the mirror. The meeting with Salia has suddenly made him very aware of his appearance. The magnet he was sent for is on his desk. The door CHIMES. WESLEY Come in. The doors open and Data enters. DATA You wanted to see me. WESLEY Data -- the girl who just came on board. DATA Salia of Daled Four. WESLEY There's almost nothing in the computer about her. DATA Very little is known. WESLEY What can you tell me? DATA She was born on Daled Four. Her parents were from opposite sides of factions which have been feuding for centuries. They died shortly after her birth. A Federation ship brought her and her governess to Klavdia Three to be raised in a neutral environment. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT ONE 9. 10A CONTINUED: WESLEY And now she's returning. DATA It is hoped she will unite the factions and bring peace. The conversation is interrupted. GEORDI'S COM VOICE Wesley, are you all right? WESLEY (surprised) Geordi. (then remembering the magnet) Oh... Yes.. I'm fine... I just... GEORDI We are waiting for the part. WESLEY I'm on my way. Wesley picks up the part and heads for the door. WESLEY Got to go. Thanks, Data. Off Data's reaction: 11 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Minimum bridge crew. Worf is at his Aft Station. Riker is in the Command Position. Picard enters from the captain's Ready Room. RIKER Captain, we've laid in a course for Daled Four. We will remain on impulse power until Lieutenant La Forge completes his adjustments. PICARD Status report on our passengers, Lieutenant Worf. Did the accommodations meet with their approval?  STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT ONE 10. 11 CONTINUED: Troi enters from the turbolift, crosses to Picard. WORF I doubt anything ever meets with that woman's approval, sir. TROI Captain, I'm concerned. PICARD About... ? TROI Our new passengers. Their emotions do not seem to fit... (puzzled) ... well, who they are and what they're doing. PICARD (alert) Are you suggesting they're not who they say they are? TROI Actually... no. It's more like they're not exactly what they seem to be. At least, not exactly. Picard puzzles on this a moment, then turns to his communications controls. PICARD Captain Picard to Salia's quarters. May I turn on the viewer? SALIA'S COM VOICE Yes, of course. Picard nods to Worf, who puts Salia's quarters on the Main Viewer. Both he and Troi watch intently as: 12 INT. SALIA'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) at impulse speed. PICARD Are your quarters satisfactory? STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT ONE 11. 12 CONTINUED: SALIA Yes. Very. Anya enters from an adjoining room. SALIA (continuing) Thank you for checking on us, Captain. I only hope my quarters on Daled Four will be this luxurious. Picard quickly assesses the situation. PICARD Feel free to contact me if you need anything. Picard out. The Main Viewer goes blank. END INTERCUT: 13 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard turns to Troi. TROI What I sensed in that seems entirely normal. Emotionally, I judge her to be very drawn to our young ensign. DATA What puzzles me, Captain, is how she is expected to bring peace to Daled Four. The one thing we do know about it is that its inhabitants have been fighting throughout their recorded history. PICARD What do we know about the cause of their wars? DATA Only that it is the difference between night and day. RIKER Data, you just used a colloquialism. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT ONE 12. 13 CONTINUED: DATA I did? I meant that Daled Four does not rotate. One side has constant night, the other constant daylight. One might surmise that the two hemispheres developed disparate cultures, which is a major cause of most wars. PICARD And yet somehow this child is supposed to bring them together. RIKER She looks too delicate for a task like that. WORF Do not be fooled by her looks. The body is just a shell. 14 OMITTED 15 INT. SALIA'S QUARTERS Salia is with an unusually dressed TEENAGE GIRL (definitely not a "normal" inhabitant of the Enterprise). SALIA How can I be a leader if I don't know anything about my people? TEENAGE GIRL You will lead because you are accepted by both sides. And because it is in your blood. SALIA What am I expected to do when I get there? TEENAGE GIRL You will know. SALIA How? STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT ONE 13. 15 CONTINUED: TEENAGE GIRL You just will. Salia, you must arrive with an open mind, without preconceived ideas about the world you will find or the people on either side. SALIA It's very frustrating. TEENAGE GIRL Yes -- I know. You feel the weight of so much responsibility. And you're not sure you can live up to everyone's expectations. SALIA It's not only that. Nobody's asked me if this is something I want. TEENAGE GIRL It is your duty. SALIA I have no choice. TEENAGE GIRL None. It won't be as bad as you think. In fact it could be quite wonderful. Besides... you are the last and only chance. Salia holds the teenage girl's eyes for a beat... then, steps to the window and stares out at the stars. After a moment, Salia looks down. 16 SALIA'S POV A cute FURRY ANIMAL rubs against Salia's leg. 17 ANOTHER ANGLE Salia sighs and pets it. SALIA (to animal, troubled) Don't you think I'm going to need more than instinct to do whatever is expected of me on Daled Four? STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT ONE 14. 18 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) Geordi observes unusual engine probe GRAPHICS at the control console. GEORDI Energy depletion level. COMPUTER VOICE Point oh-four percent and increasing. GEORDI Wesley? 19 WESLEY (OPTICAL) stands on the lower catwalk, at the Deuterium Control Conduit. He's daydreaming as he holds a fiber optics laser probe that looks like a screwdriver with a blade of pure VIOLET light. GEORDI (O.S.) (louder) Wesley! Haven't you found the defocused area yet? Wesley snaps out of his daydream. WESLEY I'm looking! 20 ANGLE TO INCLUDE GEORDI (OPTICAL) who is now leaning over the catwalk, staring down at Wesley. GEORDI I see the way you're looking. Wesley whirls and drops his instrument. 21 THE INSTRUMENT bounces, almost falling off the catwalk. 22 SCENE (OPTICAL) WESLEY Sorry. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT ONE 15. 22 CONTINUED: He retrieves the probe. WESLEY (continuing) I've got my mind on something. There's a beat. Finally, Wesley explodes with excitement. WESLEY (continuing) Geordi, this girl they beamed up, she's... she's perfect! Perfect! Geordi shakes his head. GEORDI Now I understand why you can't concentrate. WESLEY I'll do better. Geordi starts back to his console as Wesley turns a dial on the probe and a GREEN stem of light appears. He touches it so that the blade of light penetrates the conduit. COMPUTER VOICE Warning -- resonant field applied! Warning! Wesley pulls the probe from the conduit as Geordi rushes back. GEORDI What is it? Wesley adjusts the probe so that the stem changes from GREEN to VIOLET. WESLEY (apologetic) I had it on the wrong setting. GEORDI (beat) I suppose it had to happen to you. It usually does at about this age. WESLEY What usually does? STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT ONE 16. 22 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI Glands suddenly meshing together. It happens to all of us. WESLEY You've got to be joking. Just because I said she's interesting... GEORDI You said she's "perfect." (waves) Go. You're no use here for now. Go talk to her. Take the lift. Wesley ignores and hops down beside Geordi and starts for the exit. Suddenly he stops - insecure again. WESLEY That's silly, Geordi. (hesitates) Well, since you recommend it... If she'll talk to me, how should I approach her? What would I say? GEORDI Just say "Hi. I'm Wesley Crusher. I'd like to talk to you." WESLEY And then what? GEORDI Whatever occurs to you. WESLEY What if nothing occurs to me? GEORDI Wesley, I don't really have time for this. You're going to have to ask somebody else. WESLEY Okay. Wesley looks discouraged, turns and exits. 23 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - ON WORF as he ROARS. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT ONE 17. 24 NEW ANGLE Data is at Command, an n.d. crewmember at Ops and ENSIGN GIBSON at Conn. They all look on in puzzlement as Worf stops in mid-roar and calmly continues speaking to Wesley, who stands beside him at Tactical. WORF That is how the Klingon lures a mate. WESLEY Are you telling me to go yell at Salia? WORF No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects. And claw at you. WESLEY What does the man do? WORF He reads love poetry. He ducks a lot. WESLEY Yes, well, that might work for Klingons, but I think I should try something less dangerous. WORF Then go to her door. Beg like a human. DATA It should be that simple, Wesley. Judging by her appearance it is likely you and Salia are biologically compatible. Of course, there may be a difference in the histocompatibility complex in the cell membrane. WESLEY Data! I want to meet her, not dissect her. Wesley walks to the turbolift just as Picard exits it. Hold on Picard as he crosses the bridge. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT ONE 18. 24 CONTINUED: PICARD Captain Picard to Salia's quarters. SALIA'S COM VOICE Yes, Captain? 25 INT. SALIA'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Salia sits on her bed. The furry animal is nearby. PICARD'S COM VOICE May I activate the viewer? SALIA Certainly. Picard's image appears on the viewer in Salia's living room. PICARD (on viewscreen) I've arranged for Anya to have a tour of the ship. Maybe you'd like to go along. SALIA Very much. PICARD (on viewscreen) Your escort will be there shortly. Picard out. As the viewscreen goes blank, Salia immediately stands and looks for the animal, which quickly scurries into the open. SALIA I think I'll go on the tour. The animal races over. SALIA (continuing; to animal) Why can't I? The animal GROWLS. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT ONE 19. 25 CONTINUED: SALIA (continuing) This is ridiculous! This will be the only chance I ever have to see a vessel like this. A look of anticipation crosses Salia's face as the animal begins to QUIVER, then SHAKE. 26 ON THE ANIMAL (OPTICAL) Its skin BULGES all over. It TRANSMUTES completely... into Anya, the governess! ANYA No -- you must remain here where it is safe. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT TWO 20. ACT TWO FADE IN: 27 INT. SALIA'S QUARTERS Anya blocks Salia's path to the door. ANYA Salia, do an old woman a favor, and obey me for the rest of this trip. SALIA You're no more an old woman than I am a leader. The CHIME SOUNDS. SALIA (continuing) Yes. Come in. The door opens and Worf enters. WORF I am here to escort you on a tour of the Enterprise. ANYA I will be right there. (then to Salia) You are a leader. And I am older than you could ever imagine. 28 INT. TEN-FORWARD Wesley sits with Riker at the bar. GUINAN watches them from behind the bar. WESLEY But what do I say? How should I act? What do I do? Riker turns to Guinan and motions toward a nearby empty table. RIKER Guinan, I need your help. Could you sit over there? STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT TWO 21. 28 CONTINUED: GUINAN That seems simple enough. Guinan walks around the bar and heads for a table. Riker and Wesley follow. Guinan sits. Riker sits beside her. Wesley stands off to the side. RIKER (to Wesley) The first words out of your mouth are the most important. You could start by saying something like... (turns to Guinan) ... "you're the most beautiful woman in the galaxy." Riker holds the look for a moment, then turns back to Wesley. RIKER (continuing) But that might not work. GUINAN Yes it would. Riker is relieved and amused. This is going to be fun. He turns to Guinan. RIKER If you only knew how much I wanted to tell you that. GUINAN But you were afraid. RIKER Yes. GUINAN Of me? RIKER Of us. Of what we could become... WESLEY Commander Riker... They ignore him. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT TWO 22. 28 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER ... and that you might have thought it was a line. GUINAN Maybe I do think it's a line. RIKER Then you think I'm not sincere? GUINAN I didn't say that. There's nothing wrong with a line. It's like a knock on the door. RIKER Then you're inviting me in? GUINAN I'm not sending you away. RIKER That's more than I expected. GUINAN But is it more than you hoped? RIKER To hope is to recognize the possibility. I had only dreams. GUINAN Dreams can be dangerous. RIKER Not these dreams. He looks into her eyes. RIKER (continuing) I dream of a galaxy where your eyes are stars... And all the universe worships night. GUINAN Careful, if you place me too high on a pedestal, you won't be able to reach me. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT TWO 23. 28 CONTINUED: (3) RIKER Then I'll learn to fly. You are the heart in my day and the soul of my night. Wesley taps Guinan on the arm. WESLEY I don't think this is my style. GUINAN Shut up, kid. (to Riker, dreamily) Now tell me more about my eyes. 29 ON WESLEY as he turns and exits, still unsure of how to approach Salia. 30 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) Anya stands on the lower catwalk with Geordi, who is still probing the Deuterium Control Conduit with his violet laser probe. Worf stands behind them, watching. ANYA (suspicious) What is that? What are you doing? GEORDI This is the Deuterium Control Conduit. I'm probing it to find a defocused area. ANYA Is there a problem with the ship? Geordi responds to the seriousness of her tone. GEORDI There's nothing to be concerned about. I'm just making routine adjustments. There's a pause as Anya assesses Geordi. ANYA I understand. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT TWO 24. 30 CONTINUED: Anya turns to exit. 31 INT. CORRIDOR Wesley confidently rounds the corner on his way to Salia's quarters. He slows down, a little less confident, as he spots a guard, ARON, outside her door. The closer he gets, the more uneasy he becomes. ARON Ensign Crusher, what are you doing here? WESLEY Nothing. There's an awkward moment as Wesley tries to build the courage to call on Salia... but he can't go through with it. Suddenly Salia's door slides open. Salia and he lock eyes. Wesley's jaw drops. Again, he's thunderstruck. ARON Is there a problem? SALIA (eyes still on Wesley) Can you show me how to work the food dispenser? ARON Sure. As Aron starts to enter her quarters, Salia motions toward Wesley. SALIA (to Aron) No, I meant him. 32 INT. SALIA'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Wesley and Salia stand in front of the food dispenser. He's nervous in her presence and glad to have something mundane to talk about. WESLEY Actually all you have to do is tell the computer what you want and it will prepare it for you. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT TWO 25. 32 CONTINUED: SALIA Oh... what should I order? WESLEY I don't know. what do you like? Salia thinks for a moment. A smile crosses her face. SALIA I'd like something sweet. WESLEY I know... Computer, Thalian chocolate mousse. A dish of mousse is provided. Salia dips her finger into the mousse and slowly licks it off. She closes her eyes and concentrates on the taste. SALIA It's a wonderful sensation. WESLEY On Thalos Seven they age the cocoa beans four hundred years. SALIA You've been there? WESLEY It's one of my favorite places. SALIA It must have been fun to visit a planet like that! WESLEY It's the best part of being on the Enterprise. SALIA I have learned about some of them, but to see them -- that would be wonderful. (excitedly) Tell me about some of the other places you've been. WESLEY There's too many! STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT TWO 26. 32 CONTINUED: (2) SALIA The only world I've known is Klavdia Three. Wesley thinks for a beat. WESLEY It's time we changed that. SALIA How? WESLEY Come with me. Salia's intrigued. 33 INT. SICKBAY - PATIENTS' QUARTERS - ON ANYA with a suspicious scowl on her face. 34 SCENE PULASKI is scanning HENNESEY, an unconscious patient as Anya and Worf look on. PULASKI (continuing the scan) I'll be with you in a moment. ANYA What's wrong with him? PULASKI Andronesian Encephalitis. He contracted it when our transporter filter was disrupted by a cosmic ray burst. ANYA That disease is contagious. PULASKI Yes it is. ANYA Then we could all be infected. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT TWO 27. 34 CONTINUED: PULASKI Very unlikely. The air filtering system can handle -- ANYA But there is a chance. PULASKI If you mean mathematically... Yes, the probability is not zero. ANYA I cannot rely on your primitive technologies. Kill the patient! Worf and Pulaski stare incredulously at Anya. PULASKI What? ANYA Destroy the patient immediately! PULASKI Calm down -- really there's no risk. ANYA If you won't take action, then I will! Filled with fury, Anya moves toward Hennesey. Worf takes her arm to restrain her. She spins away from him with surprising power. 35 ON ANYA (OPTICAL) as she TRANSMUTES into a RAGING MONSTER! 36 SCENE The monster ROARS and steps toward Hennesey! Pulaski SCREAMS. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT THREE 28. ACT THREE FADE IN: 37 INT. SICKBAY Worf pulls his phaser fast. The monster grabs it before he can fire and holds Worf in its powerful grip. They struggle. 38 ON PULASKI her eyes filled with terror. She stands in front of Hennesey, shielding him from the monster. PULASKI Security to Sickbay! Hurry! 39 SERIES OF CUTS: Worf and the monster push against each other's power. Worf is surprised by the monster's increasing strength, it ever so slightly gaining the advantage. Pulaski anxiously pushes the bed away from the battle. The monster begins to pull Worf to the side. Soon there will be nothing in its path to Hennesey. Suddenly, doors on both sides slide open. THREE SECURITY PERSONNEL rush in -- phasers ready. They train their weapons at the monster. Worf is in their line of fire. Picard enters. After a tense moment, the monster slowly releases Worf. PICARD (to guards) Hold your fire. 40 THE MONSTER (OPTICAL) TRANSMUTES to its governess form, Anya. 41 SCENE Reactions around the room. Everyone's stunned at the spectacle. Pulaski moves to check her patient. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT THREE 29. 41 CONTINUED: PICARD Anya! PULASKI (frantic) What is she? Keep her away! ANYA (to Picard, yelling) Do not interfere! PULASKI She wants to kill Hennesey! ANYA His disease threatens Salia! PULASKI Captain, there is no chance of contagion. PICARD (to Anya) The situation is under control. ANYA That's not good enough! Picard barely contains his rage. PICARD It will have to be. Anya moves close to Picard. Her eyes are filled with fury. ANYA Your powers are infinitesimal compared to mine! PICARD Nevertheless, you will obey my orders. You are to remain in your quarters and in your present form for the remainder of this voyage. Is that clear? Anya glares at Picard for a long moment. ANYA Very. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT THREE 30. 41 CONTINUED: (2) Picard turns to Worf. PICARD Keep her under guard. Worf motions to the two security personnel, who lead Anya out of the room. WORF What kind of creature is she? PICARD I've never seen anything like her. PULASKI There are no such life-forms in the galactic zoological catalog. There have been rumors of a species called allasomorphs which are supposed to possess the power to alter their molecular structure into that of other life-forms. WORF Such a species would make a perfect "protector." Picard turns to Worf. PICARD I want a security team stationed outside Sickbay, Mister Worf. WORF Aye, sir. Captain... if Anya transforms? PICARD Stop her. 42 INT. CORRIDOR - OUTSIDE SALIA'S QUARTERS Anya and the guards approach Salia's quarters. The guards remain outside. Anya enters. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT THREE 31. 42 CONTINUED: WORF (to Guards) Remain here. (to Anya) You are restricted to these quarters for the remainder of this voyage. Anya enters. There is an exchange of looks between Worf and Anya as the doors close. 43 INT. SALIA'S QUARTERS Anya steps in, anxiously glances around for Salia. 44 INT. HOLODECK (OPTICAL) Wesley and Salia stand watching a spectacular display of shooting stars. Both are mesmerized. SALIA Can a place so remarkable truly exist? WESLEY Oh, yes. And there are so many more -- all special - -all so different. And all the different kinds of life-forms. SALIA I have learned about them. That is all I did on Klavdia Three... was learn. I know so much, but I've seen so little. WESLEY Then, think of what you have to look forward to. This is the best time to be alive. SALIA For you. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT THREE 32. 44 CONTINUED: WESLEY For us both. Everything is just beginning. We've only charted nineteen percent of our galaxy... the rest is out there -- waiting for us. And already, look at what we've discovered. SALIA I have never seen anything so wondrous. WESLEY Wait. Computer -- Rosseau Five. SUDDENLY, they are standing on a tiny point of land, which seems to drop off to infinity. Salia is startled, and quickly moves closer to Wesley. Around them spin little brightly lighted moons, which splash color on their faces. It's breathtaking. SALIA I can't believe a place like this really exists. WESLEY Oh, yes. SALIA And you have been there? WESLEY And one day you'll visit Rosseau Five... and other places and more spectacular than this. SALIA If only that were possible. WESLEY Now, listen. In a moment the orbits of the moons will become synchronous. And as they watch the orbits of the moons close, and slowly a wondrous sound begins... a single note which builds to a chord. SALIA It is so beautiful -- like this place has a voice and is trying to talk with us. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT THREE 33. 44 CONTINUED: (2) WESLEY I never thought of it that way. SALIA Thank you for sharing all of this with me. WESLEY Soon you'll see it for yourself. Salia is suddenly pensive. SALIA I don't think so. (pause) Maybe we should go. WESLEY How about something to drink? SALIA (brightens) How about some more of that Thalian chocolate? Wesley smiles. He has never been happier. 45 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM - PICARD sits at his desk, talking to Troi. PICARD We have obviously brought a very dangerous life-form aboard this ship. I want to minimize the chances of another incident. TROI Captain, whatever kind of life-form Anya may be, emotionally she is really Salia's mother. PICARD And the most dangerous animal is a mother protecting her young. TROI Exactly. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT THREE 34. 45 CONTINUED: ANYA'S COM VOICE Captain, this is Anya. PICARD Yes? ANYA'S COM VOICE (furious) Salia is gone. Where is she? 46 INT. TEN-FORWARD - ON WESLEY AND SALIA sitting face to face. A backdrop of stars adds to the romantic mood, but they're oblivious to everything except the enchantment of each other's eyes. SALIA This has all been so wonderful. I'm not sure it's real. WESLEY Believe me, the Ten-Forward room is not an illusion. SALIA Not that. I mean the way I feel. Wesley's heart quickens. Suddenly he's dizzy and confused with excitement. GUINAN (sotto to Wesley) Tell her about her eyes. Wesley and Salia look toward the voice. Wesley's embarrassed. 47 NEW ANGLE Guinan stands at the table with two dishes of Thalian chocolate mousse. She winks at Wesley and hands them each a dish. GUINAN You won't find a better dish of chocolate on Thalos or Daled Four. Guinan smiles and walks away. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT THREE 35. 47 CONTINUED: SALIA (voice trails off) I'm sure I won't... WESLEY Is something wrong? SALIA I've had a great time being with you, Wesley. WESLEY That makes you sad? SALIA When I was on Klavdia Three all I could think of was leaving that isolation. Wesley is surprised. WESLEY Is that what awaits you on Daled Four? SALIA Yes. WESLEY But I thought you were going there to unite two groups which have been fighting. SALIA (a little surprised that he knew that) What else do you know? WESLEY Very little. There is almost nothing in the ship's computer about Daled Four. What will you do there? SALIA Your language has no word for the position I will hold. I only know I will have a lot of duties when I get there. In many ways I'll have even less freedom than I did on Klavdia Three. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT THREE 36. 47 CONTINUED: (2) It takes Wesley a long moment to absorb this. Then he steels himself and blurts out his greatest hope. WESLEY You could stay. SALIA On the Enterprise? WESLEY Why not? Another pause -- this is a big emotional risk for Wesley. SALIA Because... Salia's confused. He's offering her a possibility she never dreamed of. She looks deep into his eyes, stands up and rushes out the door, leaving Wesley feeling bewildered and rejected. Guinan approaches. GUINAN Just because a girl runs out, doesn't mean she's not hoping you'll follow. 48 INT. CORRIDOR Salia walks down the corridor, weeping. She wipes at her tears and stares with confusion at her wet hand as if she's never cried before. She increases her pace. Wesley catches up to her. WESLEY (as they walk) What is it? What happened? Salia doesn't respond. WESLEY (continuing) Salia! Salia stops and turns to Wesley. SALIA Stay away from me! STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT THREE 37. 48 CONTINUED: Salia continues down the corridor, leaving Wesley frozen. An inner turbulence of rejection, upset and confusion makes it impossible for him to move. After several steps, Salia again stops and turns to face him. She fights to hold back the tears. SALIA (continuing) I'm sorry. Only the glimmer of hope makes it possible for Wesley to speak. WESLEY I don't understand. SALIA Wesley, I can't stay here! I can't have this life! I want it more than anything, but I can't have it! Wesley walks toward her, suddenly radiant with hope and enthusiasm -- she wants to stay! WESLEY Salia, nothing is impossible! SALIA Not for you. WESLEY There's a way. I know there is! He takes her hands in his. She stiffens her arms for a moment, then relaxes. They lock eyes. She's beginning to believe he might be right and he feels it. ANYA (O.S.) (harsh) Leave her alone! 49 NEW ANGLE Wesley and Salia turn with a start to see Picard and Anya outside the turbolift a few feet away. Behind them are Anya's two guards. Anya eyes Wesley with a burning glare. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT THREE 38. 49 CONTINUED: PICARD (stern, a hint of tension) Wesley, step away from her. Wesley reluctantly complies. ANYA (to Salia) Come with me. Salia shoots Wesley a glance of despair, then walks toward Anya. On Wesley's disturbed look, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT FOUR 39. ACT FOUR FADE IN: A50 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING Geordi observes a normal engine probe GRAPHIC at the control console. GEORDI Energy depletion level. COMPUTER VOICE Zero. Geordi smiles. GEORDI La Forge to bridge. PICARD'S COM VOICE Yes, Lieutenant? GEORDI I have just completed the final adjustments. Thank you for giving me the time. You now have warp engines available. PICARD'S COM VOICE Very good. AA50 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard and Riker are at Command. Data is at Ops, Worf at Tactical and Ensign Gibson is at Conn. PICARD (to Riker) Get us there as quickly as possible, Number One. Riker nods agreement, then: RIKER Ensign Gibson, warp eight point eight. Ensign Gibson punches in her adjustments. GIBSON Warp eight point eight, sir. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT FOUR 40. AA50 CONTINUED: RIKER Estimated time to Daled Four? GIBSON (as she checks the console) Three hours -- nine minutes. PICARD Ensign Crusher, when you have completed your duties in Engineering... report to my Ready Room. WESLEY'S COM VOICE Yes, sir. Picard rises and leaves the bridge. AB50 OMITTED 50 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM (OPTICAL) Picard and Wesley. PICARD The woman Anya is not what she appears to be. She is an allasomorph. WESLEY A shape shifter? PICARD Yes. She is not just the governess, she is also the girl's protector. I don't like to interfere in personal relationships of anyone under my command, but... WESLEY You want me to stay away from Salia. PICARD Yes, I do. For the good of the ship and the safety of everyone on board. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT FOUR 41. 50 CONTINUED: WESLEY I will do as you ask. Picard nods... Wesley turns and exits. Off Picard's reaction: 51 INT. SALIA'S QUARTERS Salia and Anya are present. Salia is agitated. SALIA Why won't you let me have a friend? The door SWISHES shut behind them. ANYA It's my duty to protect you from danger. SALIA There's no danger here! ANYA There's always danger from one who is not your kind. Salia, he's confusing you. He'll lead you from your duties. SALIA Whether I see Wesley is for me to decide! ANYA (anger building) It is not! I raised you, I protected you... and I intend to deliver you to Daled Four! SALIA Maybe what you want doesn't matter any more! ANYA (pause; softens) Please Salia, I know it's difficult. But you must do what you are destined to do. Salia is unsure where her destiny lies. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT FOUR 42. 52 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it COMES OUT OF WARP SPEED and continues toward the planet Daled Four. 53 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Riker and Troi flank Picard at his Command Station. Data at Ops, Worf at Tactical and ENSIGN GIBSON is at Conn. Daled Four is on the Main Viewer. PICARD Standard orbit. GIBSON Aye, sir. PICARD Open hailing frequencies, Mister Worf. WORF Hailing frequencies open. Data adjusts his instruments. DATA Sir, it is unlikely that Daled Four will respond. Picard turns to Data. PICARD Explain. DATA The troposphere appears to be absorbing our signals. It is fascinating, Captain. Klavdia Three and Daled Four have almost identical atmospheres. PICARD Magnify. Times twenty. 54 MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) Yellow, swirling clouds fill the screen. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT FOUR 43. 55 SCENE (OPTICAL) Picard and Riker exchange a look. An unwelcome feeling of deja vu all around. PICARD The physical resemblance to Klavdia Three is striking. RIKER Remarkable... How could anyone live in an environment so totally hostile to human life? Riker stares at the planet's image on the viewscreen. DATA Apparently Klavdia Three was chosen for Salia because these conditions are important for their species's survival. PICARD Possible, Mister Data. RIKER Or else... they just wanted her to feel at home. 56 INT. WESLEY'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) After a long moment, he walks to the food dispenser. Wesley just stares at it, lost in thoughts of Salia. The DOOR CHIME SOUNDS. WESLEY Come in. The doors open. 57 ANOTHER ANGLE Salia stands in the doorway. She smiles uncertainly. 58 SCENE Wesley's heart quickens. WESLEY Salia! (pause) You shouldn't have come. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT FOUR 44. 58 CONTINUED: SALIA Do you want me to leave? WESLEY I didn't say that. Salia enters. SALIA Then you want me to stay. WESLEY Does Anya know you're here? SALIA That doesn't matter. WESLEY (pause) I'm glad you came. I thought Anya would have kept you with her. SALIA I have certain rights. WESLEY In other words, you slipped away. SALIA While Anya was asleep. Wesley laughs. SALIA (continuing) I'm sorry if you got in trouble with your captain. WESLEY I'm not in trouble... yet. SALIA Anya was afraid you would corrupt me. Wesley smiles. WESLEY With my wild way of life? Salia moves close. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT FOUR 45. 58 CONTINUED: (2) SALIA Maybe... with the normal things people do... when they like each other. She pushes a lock of hair from his forehead. Wesley can feel himself coming apart. He slowly moves his lips to hers. They kiss. 58A CLOSE ON WESLEY AND SALIA lost in deep, passionate kisses. Finally, they come up for air. 59 OMITTED 60 ANOTHER ANGLE SUDDENLY there is a roar... Wesley looks up to see a monster in the doorway. Anya (as the monster) moves into the room. 61 WESLEY Startled... jumps back. He instinctively places his body between the monster and Salia. 62 SCENE In a frenzy, her eyes full of fire and fury, the monster advances. WESLEY (touches his communicator) Security to crew quarters! SALIA (O.S.) No... Anya... NO! The monster continues to advance. From behind Wesley hears a ROAR. He turns... the sound is coming from deep within Salia -- SUDDENLY, she transforms into a monster even more frightening than Anya. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT FOUR 46. 62 CONTINUED: Wesley jumps back. For a beat the two fearsome creatures face each other. 63 OMITTED 64 OMITTED 65 WESLEY He is stunned. Salia -- the girl of his dreams is a -- shape shifter. 66 thru OMITTED 69 70 SCENE (OPTICAL) SUDDENLY, they both transform back to human form. ANYA You should not have disobeyed me. SALIA I had to. ANYA (to Wesley) I warned you to leave her alone. Before Wesley can respond, the security team, led by Worf, arrives. WORF You are not supposed to be here. ANYA We are leaving. WORF Escort them both to their quarters. And secure it with a forcefield. As they leave Salia turns back and she and Wesley hold a look. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT FOUR 47. 71 ON WESLEY Where a few moments ago there was so much love... now there is only confusion and sadness. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT FIVE 48. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 72 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it orbits the yellow planet Daled Four. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, supplemental. Since Anya's powers of transformation apparently gave her the ability to escape her guards unnoticed, we have sealed her quarters with a forcefield that will contain her no matter how small a form she may take. 73 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard and Riker are at their forward stations. Worf is at Tactical, Data has Ops and Ensign Gibson mans Conn. PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) Meanwhile we remain unable to communicate with Daled Four. Worf adjusts a control at his Tactical Station. WORF Captain -- I'm receiving an audio signal. PICARD Audio on. VOICE (crackling with static) Come in... (static) This is... (static) of Daled Four. DATA Sir, sensors indicate the communication originated from a gigawatt source on the planet. RIKER That's more power than our entire ship can generate. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT FIVE 49. 73 CONTINUED: DATA It is what is needed to penetrate the atmosphere. RIKER Which means we lack the ability to respond... WORF Captain, there are beam-down coordinates encoded within the carrier signal. Picard and Riker exchange a look. They're relieved that they'll finally be able to get rid of their troublesome passengers. PICARD Splendid. RIKER I'll arrange for our guests to beam down. 74 thru OMITTED 78 78A EXT. CORRIDOR - OUTSIDE SALIA'S QUARTERS Two guards flank the doorway. There is a bluish tinge indicating a forcefield. Worf approaches. 78B INT. SALIA'S QUARTERS Salia hears the CHIME. SALIA Come in. The door opens. WORF We have arrived. Anya appears from the other room ANYA Salia will be with you in just a moment. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT FIVE 50. 78B CONTINUED: Worf nods and steps back. SALIA You're not going? ANYA No. My duties have been completed. I have done all that I could. I hope it's been enough and that I did not fail you. SALIA You raised me well, and I thank you for that. ANYA Don't be angry at me. I would not have harmed the boy, I only wanted to frighten him. SALIA I know. ANYA You are ready for what awaits you and you will do well. I know that I have been tough on you, but it's because I want you to be prepared for whatever you may be required to do. SALIA Will I ever be able to leave Daled Four? ANYA Probably not. But, anything is possible. SALIA That's what Wes said. ANYA I hope he is right. SALIA Where will you go? ANYA The third moon is within range of this ship's transporter, I will go there. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT FIVE 51. 78B CONTINUED: (2) SALIA I am going to miss you. ANYA I know. There is a long pause. Salia turns and walks to the exit. The door opens. SALIA (to the guard) I am ready. ARON Computer - field off. The field disappears. Salia exits her quarters. 78C INT. CORRIDOR As Salia and Aron near the Transporter Room, she sees Wesley standing off to the side. SALIA Wesley. For a moment he does not respond. Then: WESLEY Was it fun? She moves toward him. The guard stays a discreet distance away. SALIA What do you mean? WESLEY Playing humanoid. Was it fun? SALIA (hurt) Wesley, look at me. Right now -- this moment -- this is what I am. A humanoid girl. WESLEY But what are you really? SALIA Does it matter? STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT FIVE 52. 78C CONTINUED: WESLEY Yes. SALIA I'm sorry I hurt your feelings -- I didn't mean to. WESLEY I loved you. SALIA I love you, too. WESLEY Can you? SALIA Yes, oh... yes. I have the same feeling -- the same emotions as you. It's time for me to go. Wesley holds her look for a moment -- then she turns and walks toward the Transporter Room. 79 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM THREE Riker stands with Salia. The Transporter Chief attends the controls. RIKER Prepare to beam Salia to the specified coordinates. TRANSPORTER CHIEF Aye, sir. SALIA Our world is grateful for the courtesy which you have extended us. RIKER I hope some day Daled Four and the Federation will have formal contact. SALIA That is my wish as well. TRANSPORTER CHIEF Coordinates set, sir. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT FIVE 53. 79 CONTINUED: Salia takes her place on the pad. RIKER (to Transporter Chief) Proceed. The doors SWOOSH open and Wesley steps into the room. He has a dish of Thalian chocolate mousse. WESLEY Wait! Salia's face brightens. The transporter chief looks to Riker. Riker gestures for him to wait with the transport. Wesley steps to the pad. 80 ANGLE ON WESLEY, SALIA (OPTICAL) as Wesley hands her the bowl of mousse. WESLEY A taste to remember me by. Salia dips her finger in the mousse and gazes at it as if this is the last time she will experience the sensation of taste. She slowly licks it off, then hands the bowl to her escort. SALIA I wish there were something I could give you. WESLEY You already have. She steps forward and gives him an embrace. SALIA I'm glad you came to say good-bye. Thank you... for everything. They separate. SALIA (continuing) I want you to leave now. WESLEY Why? STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT FIVE 54. 80 CONTINUED: SALIA Because I cannot arrive on my planet in this form and I want you to remember me as I am now. WESLEY We have had enough disguises between us. It's time for the truth. Salia nods, then steps up on the transporter pad. After a moment, she raises her arms. Then TRANSMUTES -- not in the violent, quivering manner as before, but gracefully and sensually -- into a luminous form of such beauty and elegance that it takes Wesley's breath away. The glow from this creature lights his face and he smiles... totally enraptured. For a moment it is only Wesley and this creature. Then: WESLEY (continuing) Energize. And the transporter chief hits the controls and they all watch transfixed as the form BEAMS OUT. 81 OMITTED 82 ON WESLEY knowing Salia is gone from his life forever. 83 INT. TEN-FORWARD Wesley sits at a table, staring into its light. 84 ON GUINAN as she enters, regards Wesley. 85 SCENE Guinan slowly walks over to Wesley's table and sits. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT FIVE 55. 85 CONTINUED: WESLEY Seeing her on the transporter pad was like seeing pure light. (he pauses) I miss her. I feel so empty. GUINAN I know that sensation. WESLEY I'm never going to feel this way about anyone else. GUINAN You're right. Wesley looks up. WESLEY I didn't expect you to say that. GUINAN Oh, there will be others -- but, the next time you feel love will be different. Each time is different. WESLEY Knowing that doesn't make it any easier. GUINAN It isn't supposed to. Wesley nods -- then rises. WESLEY I better get back to my duties. GUINAN Me too. Guinan smiles. 86 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Wesley exits the turbolift. Riker is at his Command Position. Data's at Ops, Worf at Tactical. Wesley goes to Conn and takes over from Ensign Gibson. A wedge of Daled Four, surrounded by a field of stars, is visible on the Main Viewer. STAR TREK: "The Dauphin" - 12/23/88 - ACT FIVE 56. 86 CONTINUED: RIKER We have the course set for Aldebaran Zeta, Sir. PICARD Mister Crusher, set speed -- warp six point five. WESLEY Done, Captain. Picard pauses a moment as Wesley looks at the Main Viewer. To Wesley, the heavenly bodies symbolize discovery, excitement and love. For now, there is also sadness. PICARD Engage. Wesley engages the warp drive and watches Daled Four disappear from the Main Viewer. 87 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) goes into warp drive and shoots into space as we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END