STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Royale" #40272-138 Written by Keith Mills Directed by Cliff Bole THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1989 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT JANUARY 10, 1989 STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Royale" CAST PICARD BELLBOY RIKER ASSISTANT MANAGER DATA TEXAS PULASKI VANESSA TROI DEALER GEORDI MIKEY D WORF CROUPIER WESLEY O'BRIEN Non-Speaking ROYALE HOTEL GUESTS Non-Speaking CREWMEMBERS STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Royale" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM PLANET THETA EIGHT TRANSPORTER ROOM SURFACE OBSERVATION LOUNGE THE ROYALE HOTEL LOBBY CASINO SEVENTH FLOOR HALLWAY RICHEY'S SUITE STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Royale" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit around an ice-green planet with swirling white cloud patterns. RIKER (V.O.) Ship's log, stardate 42625.4, First Officer Riker reporting. We have achieved orbit around Theta Eight... 2 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - ON WESLEY at helm, DATA at Ops, WORF at his Tactical position. 3 MOVE PAST THEM SLOWLY as RIKER walks from Command to the Aft Science Station where GEORDI is studying a sensor readout screen of the planet's atmosphere and surface. RIKER (V.O.) (continuing) ... the planet furthest from its sun in this previously unmapped solar system. It is a world of ruthless realities: particularly harsh, barren, and inhospitable... 4 ANGLE UP ON GEORDI'S FACE reflecting the screen's amber light. Riker STEPS INTO FRAME behind him... RIKER (V.O.) (continuing) Our reason for being here -- a passing Klingon cruiser reported discovering pieces of a strange vessel in the upper atmosphere. We've come to investigate... STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - TEASER 2. 4 CONTINUED: GEORDI (studying the screen) Nasty. Nitrogen... methane... liquid neon. Surface temperature minus two hundred and ninety-one degrees Fahrenheit. Winds up to three hundred and twelve meters per second. RIKER Not exactly a vacation planet, eh? GEORDI Uh uh. Not unless you like ammonia tornadoes. Or orange lightning bolts for that matter. RIKER (smiling) Not my cup of tea. Found anything artificial in the atmosphere? GEORDI Nothing so far. We're just coming around to the night side now. RIKER Keep me informed. The sooner we identify what the Klingons think they saw, the sooner we can get the hell out of here. GEORDI Sounds good to me. 5 STAY ON GEORDI as Riker walks away. He shakes his head as more data return from the surface of Theta Eight... GEORDI (to himself) Nasty. 6 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM PICARD sits on a chair staring at a tabletop viewer. It has a number of equations and theorems on it -- like a present-day blackboard. The door CHIMES. STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - TEASER 3. 6 CONTINUED: PICARD Come. Riker ENTERS, looks at the viewscreen. PICARD (continuing) Fermat's last theorem. Familiar with it? RIKER No. I'm afraid I spent too many math classes daydreaming about being on a starship. PICARD It's intriguing. When Fermat died they found scrawled in the margin of his notes that he had found a "remarkable proof." (beat) Unfortunately he never lived to write it down. And for the last eight hundred years people have been trying to rediscover it. RIKER And that includes you? PICARD I find the process relaxing. RIKER (changing the subject) We've detected debris of some sort in a loose orbit. PICARD Can you identify? RIKER I suggest we beam a section aboard for analysis. PICARD Make it so, Number One. 7 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM - PICARD (OPTICAL) ENTERS and goes to where Riker is standing by the platform. He nods to O'BRIEN standing at the console. STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - TEASER 4. 7 CONTINUED: PICARD Energize. Riker explains as a piece of the debris begins to MATERIALIZE: RIKER We've locked onto something with markings on it. PICARD What sort of markings? RIKER Uncertain, sir. A large chunk of jagged metal MATERIALIZES on the platform. It seems featureless, the color of brushed aluminum. Picard is intrigued -- he touches it and spots something as he turns it over... PICARD There's something here. Riker goes to see what Picard has found. PICARD (continuing; frowning) That symbol... Do you recognize it? RIKER (quietly stunned) Yes sir. I -- I think I do. 8 REVERSE ANGLE to see what they're seeing. 9 MOVE IN ON THE SYMBOL a white five-pointed star on a dark blue circular background intersected by red and white horizontal lines on either side. It is the insignia of the United States Air Force... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT ONE 5. ACT ONE FADE IN: 10 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) seen from a different angle, still in orbit around Theta Eight. 11 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - PICARD Riker, Data and TROI are gathered to discuss the debris... DATA Metallic analysis bears out that the object in question was terrestrial in origin. Most likely late twenty-first century. PICARD But that's not possible. No ship of that time period could have come this far. DATA Nevertheless, that is what our tests indicate. And the markings we discovered are consistent with this hypothesis. TROI Any idea what destroyed it? An explosion of some sort? DATA Unknown. PICARD The question is, how did it get here? Picard's train of thought is interrupted by the INTERCOM... WESLEY'S COM VOICE Captain. We've detected a large structure on the planet. STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT ONE 6. 12 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - CLOSE ON SCREEN Wesley and the others are studying the sensor readout screen. DATA It is a building of some sort, situated on a plane of frozen methane, smack in the middle of a tremendous storm belt. It is incongruous; it simply should not be there! PICARD Are you certain it's artificially constructed? DATA Absolutely. The structure is surrounded by breathable air. Picard steps back, taking it all in. RIKER It's hard to accept... PICARD Yet it does seem to be down there. Is there a connection between the structure and the ship? No one seems to have an answer to this. PICARD (continuing) Suggestions? RIKER (small smile) Only one, sir. Suggest we go down and have a look. PICARD Form an away team, minimal complement. 13 MOVE IN on a thoughtful, determined Picard. PICARD Let's see if we can find the architects. STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT ONE 7. 14 OMITTED 15 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM - ON DATA AND WORF checking equipment, standing on the transporter platform. Over at the transporter panel, O'BRIEN looks up. O'BRIEN Give me a moment, gents. We're dealing with an extremely narrow access point. 16 OMITTED 17 RIKER (OPTICAL) steps on platform. RIKER We're ready when you are... (then to Worf) Phasers on stun. They adjust their phasers. Riker looks to O'Brien. O'Brien nods. RIKER (continuing) Energize. O'Brien complies, and the party of three is BEAMED AWAY. 18 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - DATA, WORF AND RIKER (OPTICAL) MATERIALIZE in a featureless black void. It is completely still, no sound, no movement. The calm is unnerving. RIKER (tense) Where are we? Data checks his tricorder. DATA Exactly where Geordi said we would be. The structure is directly behind us. STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT ONE 8. 18 CONTINUED: They all turn and look behind them. All they can see is blackness... DATA (continuing) I am detecting vast ammonia storms raging mere kilometers away. Yet they do not appear to penetrate this breathable zone. RIKER (soft, awed) It's like the eye of a hurricane. Data has wandered toward where he believes the structure to be. He looks up, as though sensing the hugeness of the thing. DATA It is here. It must be here, yet we cannot see it. 19 INTERCUT WITH PICARD ON THE MAIN BRIDGE RIKER'S COM VOICE Enterprise, this is Commander Riker. We have arrived in a very unusual place... it is like being in the eye of a hurricane. It is completely calm, no sound, no movement, yet a few meters away a storm, which we can neither see nor hear, is raging. PICARD'S COM VOICE Describe the structure. RIKER We can't see it. WORF Commander, over here. I see something! Data and Riker hurry over to Worf. The Klingon has discovered an old-fashioned revolving door, seemingly situated in the middle of nothing. It turns slowly, as though beckoning them... STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT ONE 9. 19 CONTINUED: WORF (continuing) What is this thing? PICARD'S COM VOICE What is it, Commander? RIKER (to Picard, amazed) I think it's a door. An antique. DATA Judging by its location, it may be an entrance to the structure we seek. The three of them exchange wary glances... RIKER Well... this is what we came here for. (to Picard) Captain, we are entering the structure. Riker cautiously steps in and the revolving door automatically turns to the right. Riker disappears into the darkness, and when the door stops revolving he is gone. Worf looks at Data and then follows suit. Data follows him... 20 INT. ROYALE LOBBY - DATA steps out of the revolving door and joins the others inside the structure. They are standing on a garish carpet, scarlet with gold trim. All are looking around incredulously as we HEAR THE SOUND OF A SLOT MACHINE hitting a jackpot and the tumult of a casino in full swing. 21 ANGLE TO REVEAL THEIR WHEREABOUTS inside the lobby of a small Vegas-style hotel, roughly our time period. To their right is a front desk beside some elevators. To the left is a modest casino with blackjack tables, crap tables and roulette wheels, all flanked by a row of slot machines and a lounge with a piano player. STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT ONE 10. 21 CONTINUED: There is a bustle of activity on all sides. People are gambling, hotel workers are scurrying about. No one is paying much attention to the three stunned strangers. Riker touches his communicator. RIKER Riker to Enterprise. We have entered the structure. (then, realizing) We're not getting through. 22 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - PICARD stands between Wesley and an n.d. crewmember at Conn and Ops. Troi can be seen sitting at the Command Section with Geordi still at the Aft Station. PICARD Where's that interference originating? GEORDI From the source, sir. Cause... unknown. PICARD Lock onto the landing party. Have the Transporter Room prepare to beam them up. Geordi shakes his head as he studies the screen... GEORDI We can't distinguish them as long as they're inside that structure. PICARD Can they hear us? GEORDI We've got to recalibrate all frequencies. PICARD Make it so. 23 INT. ROYALE LOBBY - RIKER is touching his communicator, frustrated. STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT ONE 11. 23 CONTINUED: DATA Without radio contact, we should leave immediately. RIKER Agreed. We'll make a preliminary sweep of this environment and then return. A BELLBOY, a Latino in his mid-twenties, nervously looks them over as if he is expecting someone else. BELLBOY Checking in, gentlemen? You'll have to go to the front desk. He indicates the front desk and then moves off before our people can respond. What follows plays off the point of view of Riker and the others. Riker thinks about what he said and then heads for the front desk. Worf and Data follow him, still looking around in wonder. A SLIGHTLY BUILT MAN WITH PERFECT HAIR stands behind the counter, underneath a sign that says REGISTRATION. The name tag on his lapel reads "ASSISTANT MANAGER." He's the type of assistant manager we've all met at one time or another: polite in a routine, impersonal and annoying way, fastidious and slightly effeminate. ASSISTANT MANAGER Welcome, gentlemen. Have a nice trip? Riker looks at Worf quizzically. RIKER Uh... Do you know us? ASSISTANT MANAGER We've been expecting you. A trio of foreign gentlemen. RIKER We're from the United Federation of Planets -- ASSISTANT MANAGER Of course. Welcome to The Hotel Royale... STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT ONE 12. 23 CONTINUED: (2) The Bellboy comes up beside the assistant manager, interrupting: BELLBOY (urgently) Did Rita call? ASSISTANT MANAGER No -- and for your own good you had better quit thinking about Rita. BELLBOY I'm not afraid of him. ASSISTANT MANAGER Then you're a fool. Everybody with any sense is afraid of Mikey D. BELLBOY (waves off the thought of Mikey D) If Rita calls -- you let me know. He then turns and walks away. ASSISTANT MANAGER (confidentially to Riker) The kid's just askin' for trouble -- Rita's too much for him to handle, and Mikey D will plant his face in the pavement. (then, handing them to Riker) Now, here are your room keys and some complimentary casino chips. Enjoy! Riker and Worf don't know what any of this means. WORF What is this place? How did a being like you get here? The assistant manager finally looks up. STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT ONE 13. 23 CONTINUED: (3) ASSISTANT MANAGER Why this is the Royale, of course. And my personal life is really none of your business, thank you. He looks back down again... RIKER What he means is, what planet is this? The assistant manager SIGHS and faces Riker... ASSISTANT MANAGER I beg your pardon? RIKER This planet. What do you call it? ASSISTANT MANAGER (rolling his eyes) Earth. (very dry) What do you call it? Riker and Worf are stunned to hear him mention Earth. WORF We call it Theta Eight. ASSISTANT MANAGER How charming. This time the assistant manager spins and begins to EXIT the area behind the desk. DATA Commander... RIKER Yes Data? DATA (reading from his tricorder) None of these people... are emitting life signs. WORF You mean they're not alive? STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT ONE 14. 24 OMITTED 25 MOVE IN ON RIKER looking around at the "people" moving about the lobby with more than a little concern. RIKER (more to himself) Then what are they?... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT TWO 15. ACT TWO FADE IN: 26 INT. ROYALE LOBBY - THE AWAY TEAM are still examining their unexpected surroundings -- studying the movements of the hotel's seeming inhabitants. WORF (to Data) These beings... are they machines, (eyes narrow) or mere illusions, designed to deceive us? DATA (studying tricorder) Not illusions, Lieutenant. They do exist, but they do not register as either man or machine. Just then, a cheerful, burly, MIDDLE-AGED MAN wearing a huge tan-colored Stetson (we'll call him TEXAS) comes out of the elevator behind Data. The android turns his tricorder on him... DATA (continuing) For example, this creature exhibits no DNA structure. Texas overhears and replies in a Texas twang... TEXAS Look who's talkin'. (to Riker) He sounds just like my ex-wife. Texas shakes his head and mutters to himself as he hobbles OUT OF FRAME. We can hear him BELLOW OUT as he reaches the casino O.S. TEXAS (continuing) Aaaaall right!! Time to get back to business! DATA What sort of business do you suppose he is getting down to? STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT TWO 16. 26 CONTINUED: Curious, Data wanders toward the casino. Worf and Riker wander with him, as we: GO TO: 27 thru OMITTED 29 30 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard stands and walks to the Aft Station, where Wesley and Geordi are working on something together. PICARD Status report? WESLEY We're attempting to employ alternate encoding schemes. GEORDI There are hundreds of possible combinations, Captain. PICARD Is there an intelligence causing the interference? GEORDI Impossible to tell, Captain. Troi looks at Picard, concerned. 31 INT. ROYALE CASINO - ENTRANCE - THE AWAY TEAM are standing at the edge of the casino. We can hear occasional SHOUTS OF ENTHUSIASM AND DESPAIR from the gaming tables. Data quietly walks up to a table where TWO HIGH-ROLLERS are playing blackjack surrounded by onlookers and supporters. THE DEALER is a twenty-eight year old black man, cool and laid back. Texas sits to his right, while VANESSA sits to his left. Texas notices Data and motions him to come up beside him. The dealer shuffles his decks as Texas converses with the android, Data holding his complimentary chips in his hand. STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT TWO 17. 31 CONTINUED: TEXAS You're new around here, aren't you? DATA Yes. I have certainly never visited this place, or its true counterpart, before. TEXAS (re the game) Sit down, boy. I'll show you how this game is played. (re Data's chips) Go ahead. Ante up. Texas does just that; Data follow suit. The dealer has just finished shuffling. He slides the deck toward Data... and waits. DATA (to Texas, frowning) It seems he expects something of me. VANESSA He wants you to cut the cards. DATA Ah, is this poker? TEXAS No, it's blackjack. DATA Also known as twenty-one, a number which defines the object of the game. Tens and picture cards are worth ten, ace -- one or eleven -- the other cards face value. The dealer must hit seventeen -- five cards under pays double. TEXAS Not at this joint - (to dealer) Run 'em, boy. And make 'em friendly. There's no bread in the house. 32 thru OMITTED 37 STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT TWO 18. 38 WIDE ANGLE The dealer deals. The other players look at their two cards and the dealer shows a ten. TEXAS (to Vanessa) Aren't you going to look at your hand? (aside to Data) Poor girl needs to win. Vanessa has a ten and a five. VANESSA Fifteen - do I hit, Texas, or stand? TEXAS If you've got to win -- then you've got to hit. VANESSA Hit me. The Dealer slides her a new card -- a jack. VANESSA (continuing) Damn! She flips her cards toward the dealer; she's gone over. Vanessa's spirits sink. TEXAS Hit me. Dealer flips over a nine; Texas nonchalantly turns his cards - a ten and a deuce. TEXAS (continuing) Twenty-one -- a winner. RIKER (O.S.) Having fun, Data? 39 ANGLE TO INCLUDE RIKER now standing with Worf among the onlookers. Data is quickly self-conscious. STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT TWO 19. 39 CONTINUED: DATA Fun, sir? While there is a certain amount of enjoyment involved I was mainly conducting research into -- RIKER -- Save it, Data. We're getting out of here. DATA Understood, sir. DEALER Hey, you're holding up the game. RIKER Our apologies. Come on, Data. Riker and Worf turn to exit the casino. Data follows after, nodding at the other players and remembering to take his two chips. 40 INT. ROYALE LOBBY - THE AWAY TEAM approach the revolving door through which they came into the Royale. Riker enters it first, followed by Data and Worf. Much to their surprise, they find themselves exiting right back into the lobby. They are all disconcerted... RIKER Try it again. And they try again... and come back out in the lobby again. DATA Sir, there is no other exit point. Unless we can find another way... it seems we are trapped here. Worf reacts, frustrated, claustrophobic; Riker puts a steadying hand on his shoulder as he fights his own fears, as we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT TWO 20. 41 OMITTED STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT THREE 21. ACT THREE FADE IN: A42 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit around the planet. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, supplemental. We remain in orbit around Theta Eight, still out of contact with the away team. 42 INT. ROYALE CASINO - RIKER AND DATA stand at the edge of the casino, watching the goings on from afar; Riker's concerned, Data's interested. Worf approaches, frustrated. WORF Phasers are totally ineffective on all surfaces. DATA (to Riker, showing his own variety of concern now) I am checking options... they seem quite limited -- RIKER We don't have any. If we're ever going to get out of here, we'll have to do it on our own. (then, heading off) I'm going to get some answers out of that desk clerk... Riker strides off toward the front desk, as we: GO TO: 43 INT. ROYALE LOBBY - FRONT DESK - THE BELLBOY is beside himself with anxiety, waiting for the proper moment before he does what he has to do. Finally, all eyes are diverted and he steps behind the bell captain's stand, opens a small drawer, and pulls out a snub-nosed .38. He checks the load, snaps the cylinder shut and slides the revolver into his waistband. STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT THREE 22. 43 CONTINUED: He sighs with satisfaction, suddenly starting as the assistant manager puts a hand on his shoulder. ASSISTANT MANAGER Are you crazy? BELLBOY Wrong. I'm finally getting some smarts -- Riker approaches, quickly intrigued by the obvious intensity of the conversation. ASSISTANT MANAGER You think you're gonna scare Mikey D with that thing? BELLBOY I'm gonna make him leave Rita alone. ASSISTANT MANAGER Kid, she's a big girl... and she's Mikey D's girl. BELLBOY Not any more. Not after tonight. ASSISTANT MANAGER Look. I like you. I don't want to see you get hurt... especially over some dame -- BELLBOY (bristling at that) Don't call her that! (then, eyes welling up with anger) You'll see! You'll see how tough Mikey D is! He's nothin'! With that, the bellboy stomps off; Riker seizes the moment, quickly steps up to the assistant manager. RIKER I want some answers! ASSISTANT MANAGER The concierge can help you with any -- STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT THREE 23. 43 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER We want out of here. Now. ASSISTANT MANAGER I'm afraid you've missed your check-out time. We do have our rules, you know. RIKER I mean out of the building. We want to get outside -- ASSISTANT MANAGER The Royale's exits are clearly marked. RIKER That's not good enough. ASSISTANT MANAGER If you have a complaint about the service you've received during your stay, you can always take it up with the manager. RIKER Fine! I'd like to see him immediately! ASSISTANT MANAGER (calm smile) I'm afraid the manager is very busy. Before the sssistant manager gives one of his typical non-answers, RIKER'S COMMUNICATOR UNEXPECTEDLY COMES ALIVE. PICARD'S COM VOICE (heavy static) ... Riker, can you read me? Riker hits his communicator: RIKER Yes, go ahead. Then, nothing. He tries again: RIKER (continuing) Enterprise?... Enterprise?... STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT THREE 24. 44 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - ON PICARD AND TROI standing behind Wesley and Geordi. RIKER'S COM VOICE (through static) ... Enterprise... PICARD (into com) Why haven't you left the building, Number One? RIKER'S COM VOICE (through static) ... Tried... Trapped here... No immediate danger... 45 INT. ROYALE LOBBY - NEAR ELEVATOR - RIKER is conversing with the Enterprise; behind him, the assistant manager is peering over, covertly listening in. PICARD'S COM VOICE Something at your location is interfering with our exchange... Working on the problem... Picard's voice is completely drowned out by the static. 46 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - PICARD is frustrated. WESLEY These frequencies aren't working. PICARD (sharply) Then find another. WESLEY Yes sir. Picard returns to Command -- sighing with exasperation as he sits down. PICARD (to himself) What is going on down there? STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT THREE 25. 47 INT. ROYALE LOBBY - NEAR REGISTRATION DESK Data is back at it with his tricorder, aiming it up toward the ceiling... DATA (studying tricorder) Commander... I am picking up something most unusual in another section of this structure. Indications of DNA. RIKER Where? DATA Thirty-one point nine meters above and to the right of us. WORF (indicates elevators) Perhaps those turbolifts could take us there. 48 INT. ROYALE - SEVENTH FLOOR HALLWAY - THE AWAY TEAM move down the hallway -- Data using his tricorder like a Geiger counter. He pauses in front of a door marked "727." DATA The reading I got is behind this door. 49 ANGLE ON THE DOOR TO ROOM 727 Riker's hand COMES INTO FRAME. It hesitates for a moment... and then knocks... and knocks again. There is no response, so he opens the door. 50 INT. ROYALE - RICHEY'S SUITE is typical of what you'd find in a Vegas hotel. The lights are on, the shades drawn, there is no sense of movement; however, there is someone apparently sleeping in the bed (we can see hair on a pillow as well as a body buried under the covers). DATA My reading is intensifying. STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT THREE 26. 50 CONTINUED: RIKER Life signs? DATA None. Riker moves forward and pulls the cover off the body. 51 CLOSE ON WHAT IS SHOCKINGLY REVEALED a skeletal figure -- long dead and decaying. Riker recoils... DATA Definitely human. Male. RIKER Looks like the poor devil died in its sleep. WORF What a terrible way to go. Worf has moved to the window... DATA He has been dead for two hundred eighty-three years. The lack of any advanced decomposition is attributable to the sterile environment. WORF Commander, look here. Worf pulls back the drapes, revealing a garish neon sign blinding us to anything beyond its surreal imagery of a long-legged cowgirl. Data crosses to a closet in b.g. WORF Is that... this "Las Vegas" you spoke about? RIKER I believe that's what the illusion is meant to be. STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT THREE 27. 51 CONTINUED: RIKER (moving, looking around the room) Why would anyone go to all this trouble? It's all just... window dressing for a dead man. Data pulls out a pale-blue, sleek, one-piece space suit. There's an American flag stitched on the right sleeve. DATA Is this significant, sir? RIKER American. Fifty-two stars -- that would date it between 2053 and 2079 A.D. Riker examines the suit and finds a name embroidered on the chest area. RIKER (continuing; reading name) Colonel S. Richey. Riker looks at the skeleton and somehow feels sad... RIKER (continuing; soft) Rest in peace, Colonel. Riker's communicator comes alive again and Picard can be heard clearly now. PICARD'S COM VOICE Picard to Riker. RIKER Finally. (touches communicator) Riker. Go ahead. 52 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard and Troi are standing behind Wesley and Geordi at Science Two. PICARD What's your situation? STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT THREE 28. 52 CONTINUED: RIKER We are locked in a structure made to resemble twentieth century Earth -- all efforts to exit have failed. PICARD We can't transport. RIKER I assumed as much. Captain, we have located the remains of a human. 53 INT. ROYALE - RICHEY'S SUITE - ON RIKER RIKER Request identity scan on a Colonel Richey, American, first initial S., roughly same time period. 54 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - SAME SETTING RIKER'S COM VOICE We also need a computer library check on hotel known as the Royale; possible location, Las Vegas, Nevada, circa twenty-first century. Static overwhelms Riker's voice, terminating communication. Picard turns to Geordi and Wesley... PICARD Get on it. 55 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit. 56 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - WESLEY calls over to Picard: WESLEY Information retrieved, Captain -- STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT THREE 29. 56 CONTINUED: Picard steps over to a search/file screen which is sizzling with readout. He studies it for a beat, then intones: PICARD Colonel Stephen Richey was the commanding officer of the explorer ship Charybdis which had a terrestrial launch date of 7-23-2067. It was the first manned attempt to travel beyond the confines of the Euclidian solar system. Its telemetry system failed and it was never heard from again... (then, intrigued) Why is this of interest, Number One? There is no com response from Riker: GEORDI The frequency scramble remains unpredictable, sir... Picard sighs with the frustration of being out of touch with his away team while: 57 INT. ROYALE - RICHEY'S SUITE - RIKER AND DATA react to the information they just got on Richey as Worf steps up with something in his hands. WORF Commander? Some curiosities... RIKER (taking them from Worf) Books... A novel... (reading the cover) "The Royale Hotel"... (hands it to Data) Summarize. Data smiles, takes the paperback, stares down at it as he literally lets the pages fan past his eyes. That done, he looks up at Riker with: STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT THREE 30. 57 CONTINUED: DATA The story of a group of compulsive gamblers caught up in the web of crime, corruption and deceit spun by nefarious lothario Mikey D who appears only at the climax to be brought to his knees by a heartbroken bellboy. There is a subplot about an older man conspiring with a younger woman to murder her husband while squandering her inheritance. The writing is elementary, the plotting predictable, the characters one-dimensional. The only thing of interest, quite honestly, is the intriguing setting, that of a Las Vegas gambling casino-hotel -- RIKER (interrupting) This novel... and everyone in it you've just described... that's this hotel... Riker picks up the other small book now. RIKER (continuing) This... this appears to be a diary... but with only one entry... (reading from it with great interest now) "I write this in the hope that it will someday be read by human eyes... I can only surmise at this point, but apparently our exploratory shuttle was contaminated by an alien life-form which infected and killed all personnel except myself. I awakened to find myself here in The Royale Hotel... and for the last thirty-eight years I have survived here. (MORE) STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT THREE 31. 57 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER (Cont'd) "I have come to understand that this place was created for me out of some sense of guilt, presuming that the novel we had on board was in fact a guide to our preferred lifestyle and social habits. Obviously, they thought this was the world from which I came. I hold no malice toward my benefactors... they could not possibly know the hell they have put me through, for it was such a badly written book, filled with endless cliche and shallow characters. I shall welcome death when it comes... " Riker looks up at Data and Worf, who realize: RIKER Then that is why... all of this is here. But why can't we get out? And as they all react to that, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT FOUR 32. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 58 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit around the planet. 59 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard is there with Geordi and PULASKI. PICARD Suppose we phaser a slice in the field which surrounds the structure? GEORDI Yes... PULASKI That would mean the atmosphere of the planet would instantly rush in. PICARD How long would they live under those conditions? PULASKI A minute -- maybe less. PICARD But you could revive them. PULASKI Well, that would depend on how long they were exposed, how soon I got to them, but Captain realistically... I wouldn't give them much of a chance. I'm a doctor -- not a magician. PICARD I understand the risk, but I will not warp off and leave them. (to Geordi) Make your preparations. GEORDI Yes, sir. Off Pulaski's reaction: STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT FOUR 33. 60 INT. ROYALE - RICHEY'S SUITE The away team is searching the room for any other clues when the PHONE RINGS. Worf looks to the others and then awkwardly picks it up after figuring out how to separate the receiver from the rest of the phone. WORF (into phone) Yes? (listens, frowns, turns to others) There is a female voice asking if we want... "room service." Data and Riker look at one another -- they have no idea how to answer that question. DATA I believe they are asking if we want the room cleaned. RIKER Tell them no. WORF (into phone) No. Worf listens to the response, shows surprise, and then hangs up. RIKER What'd she say? WORF She said... "The kitchen's open twenty-four hours if we change our minds." Data cocks his head, puzzled. RIKER I'm going to explore the other floors; you two go down to the lobby, see if we've missed anything. Talk to the other "guests" -- try and find out who and what they are. 61 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit. STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT FOUR 34. 62 INT. ROYALE CASINO - BLACKJACK TABLE - THE DEALER looks up from his deal toward the entrance to the casino. 63 ANGLE ON DATA AND WORF just walking into the casino. Data turns to Worf... DATA I suggest we separate and blend in with these beings. Casual queries offered in an inconspicuous manner might prove most fruitful. WORF What? Data shrugs. DATA Mingle, Worf. Mingle. Data walks off into the casino leaving Worf to ponder just how he plans to mingle. 64 INT. ROYALE CASINO - DATA has wandered up to the "21" table where Vanessa and Texas are still playing. Data comes up beside Texas. Vanessa is looking more desperate, Texas more confident, just as the dealer reveals his hole card. Blackjack. Vanessa sags: VANESSA How much do I have left? TEXAS Honey, it's bad luck to count your chips at the table... Data sits beside Texas, cocks his head. DATA If I might inquire, where are you from, sir? TEXAS Lubbock, Texas. STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT FOUR 35. 64 CONTINUED: DATA How did you get here? TEXAS To Vegas? Drove. Got a ninety-six caddy with only eighty thousand miles on her. DATA And where is your automobile now? The Dealer deals a round. Comes to Vanessa. DEALER Hit? She slides her cards under her chips; she's pat. TEXAS It's out front, I suppose. What the hell difference does it make? DATA Could you take me there? The Dealer reveals his hole card. Blackjack again. VANESSA (to Texas) I'm losing my shirt here -- TEXAS (ignoring her; to Data) Now son, why would I wanna do that? Can't you see I'm tryin' to to help this little lady? DATA I do not believe you could go to your car, even if it truly exists. You are trapped inside the Royale, just as I am. STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT FOUR 36. 64 CONTINUED: (2) TEXAS (chuckling) Sure does feel that way when you're losin', doesn't it? But right now we're tryin' to turn this lady's wagon and win back some lost change. Otherwise she's goin' to be in a desperate situation with nowhere to turn. (with a wink to Data) Well, almost nowhere. The dealer deals again while Texas lets his hand run suggestively down her arm. 65 SCENE Vanessa looks at her cards. She's got thirteen. The dealer has a five showing. VANESSA I stay, right? TEXAS I wouldn't. The woman is so desperate now -- all her money -- what little that's left -- is on the line. DATA The odds favor standing pat. Texas is confused -- it's as though no one has ever interfered before. VANESSA What do I do? The dealer is getting impatient. DEALER You want a card or what? Vanessa looks from Data to Texas. Then she looks at the dealer and nods "yes." The dealer lays down a card -- it's a king. VANESSA Too many. She turns and looks at Texas. STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT FOUR 37. 65 CONTINUED: VANESSA (continuing) That's everything I had. I've lost it all. What am I going to do? Texas puts his arm around her shoulders and pats her gently. TEXAS There, there... Then he looks up at Data with another knowing wink. 66 INT. ROYALE LOBBY Worf joins Riker at the registration desk. The assistant manager is talking with the bellboy. Both are agitated -- nervous -- expectant. Suddenly both look at the door. Their eyes widen. 67 RIKER AND WORF turn to see: 68 DOORWAY Through the revolving door comes a hard-looking man -- MIKEY D -- it's obvious he's got murder on his mind. 69 RIKER AND WORF as they look from Mikey D to the bellboy. 70 SCENE The bellboy moves off to the side -- he's young and scared, but he's not the kind to back down. (All of this has to be played through the eyes of Riker and Worf.) MIKEY D You were told. The bellboy nods. STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT FOUR 38. 70 CONTINUED: BELLBOY It's not for you to make the call... it's for Rita. MIKEY D She sent me to tell you. Mikey moves slightly to the side -- a gunfighter looking for an edge. ASSISTANT MANAGER Boys -- we can't afford to have any trouble here -- take it outside. MIKEY D Yeah -- I like that... come on, baggage man... let's you and me take it outside. The bellboy hesitates. ASSISTANT MANAGER Watch yourself. BELLBOY Don't worry. The bellboy moves his hand back to where he has stashed his gun. 71 RIKER He looks from the bellboy to Mikey D. 72 MIKEY D He smiles. His hand also moves. 73 RIKER AND WORF Worf smells a firefight coming and his hand goes to his phaser. With a look, Riker tells Worf to stay out of this. RIKER It's all part of the novel. Don't interfere. STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT FOUR 39. 74 SCENE As the bellboy moves toward the door... Mikey D makes a little circling move -- just enough to get the angle. Without warning -- Mikey D pulls his gun and fires. It's loud and smoky. The bellboy falls. Mikey D quickly turns his attention on the room. 75 RIKER AND WORF Neither moves -- they are both mesmerized by what they are watching. 76 SCENE Mikey D looks over at the bellboy. MIKEY D You should have listened, kid no woman is worth dying for... killing for... but not dying for. Mikey D then turns and walks OUT of the hotel as Data walks up to: 77 RIKER AND WORF Riker reacts. RIKER (re Mikey D) How can he leave? DATA It is on page 244. Riker reacts, realizing: RIKER The book... Then... how does it end? DATA A bad love affair ends in a bloody shoot-out, the hotel gets bought out and life goes on... such as it is -- RIKER The hotel gets bought? By whom? STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT FOUR 40. 77 CONTINUED: DATA (re the book) It is not very specific. The acquiring party is simply referred to as "foreign investors." Sale price, twelve point five million. RIKER That's how we're getting out. We're buying this place. Riker leads Data and Worf off and we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT FIVE 41. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 78 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit around the mysterious Theta Eight. 79 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - PICARD is in his Command Chair, weighing the impossible situation. PICARD (sighs with frustration) Number One... If we don't take some action, make some attempt -- however dangerous it may be -- to rescue you, you may very well be lost to the confines of that conundrum for all eternity. That is certain death for you all... and that... (building angrily now) ... that is unacceptable! We have set phaser focus with energy ratios sufficient to penetrate the structure -- RIKER Hold on that. There may be another way. I'll keep you informed. 80 thru OMITTED 83 84 ANGLE - DATA, RIKER, AND WORF AT THE CRAP TABLES where Data studies the action with curious intensity, taking it all in: DATA It is a question of decimal percentages. Quite simple, really if one bets with any sequential consistency. STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT FIVE 42. 84 CONTINUED: RIKER Can you do it? DATA Certainly. Just then, someone moves aside to reveal Texas and Vanessa standing beside the away team. TEXAS C'mon, sugar, seven-come-eleven and we're on easy street -- Vanessa rolls the dice and a monotone tells us: CROUPIER (O.S.) Snake eyes. Texas sags; she shoots daggers at him. VANESSA I'm almost broke! TEXAS Baby, relax! It's only money -- VANESSA But if I lose it all, I won't even have a place to sleep. TEXAS (protective) Don't worry your pretty little head. I'd never let that happen. The croupier passes the dice to Data. CROUPIER It's your roll, sir... Riker urges him forward. RIKER Go to work. Data places one of his chips on the pass line. TEXAS Maybe this turkey'll change our luck -- STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT FIVE 43. 84 CONTINUED: (2) She sighs heavily; Texas shoves several chips out behind Data's and now Data picks up the dice and awkwardly rolls them down the length of the table. The croupier barks out: CROUPIER Six. The point is six -- TEXAS Six! Hell, my blind grandmother can make a six! Let 'er rip, boy! Data picks up the dice and rolls again, his face reflecting a sudden realization as we hear: CROUPIER Seven. Seven and out... Data's eyes widen as he sees his chips swept away by the croupier. At his side, Vanessa tries to pull away from Texas. VANESSA So much for your new turkey -- Texas pulls her back to the table. Data turns to Riker and Worf as he picks the dice up again: DATA These cubes are improperly balanced. I believe that their final resting position is adversely affected -- Riker reacts, realizing: RIKER Loaded dice. (then, to Data) Can you... "repair" them? DATA I believe so... 85 ANGLE - DATA'S FINGERS begin to apply android pressure to the dice. STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT FIVE 44. 86 DATA blows on the dice and rolls again and now his face lights up with the sound of: TEXAS (O.S.) Seven! A winner! Data's money is quickly doubled; so is Vanessa's. They both like it. TEXAS Attaboy! Just do that a few more times and everybody's gonna get well -- And as Data prepares to roll again now, we: GO TO: 87 THE ASSISTANT MANAGER as he walks to the table with a tray of $100,000 placques. Data has quite a crowd around him now as he continues his hot streak. ASSISTANT MANAGER (to croupier) Who has the dice? The croupier nods toward Data. At his side, Vanessa is doing just fine, with more money in front of her than she ever dreamed. Now, of course, Vanessa is all over Texas like a cheap suit. VANESSA Oh, Tex, darlin', you're brilliant! TEXAS Yeah. An' good lookin' too, huh? Worf studies the action, leans over to his comrades. WORF (to Riker) Isn't that enough? RIKER Almost. I don't want to be short, that's for sure... (then, to Data) You are keeping count? STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT FIVE 45. 87 CONTINUED: Data reaches down, touches the stack, pauses for a moment, then whispers: DATA Eleven point three million. (then, whimsically) Perhaps I will bet it all -- Riker leans in to him, whispering urgently: RIKER No! Simply reach twelve million. DATA As you wish... With that, Data rolls one last time and we hear: ASSISTANT MANAGER (O.S.) The man has the touch. The croupier shoves more chips over to Data; Riker leans in to Data with: RIKER Now. DATA (to the Croupier) I would like to cash out, please. The croupier blanches; he turns to the assistant manager who steps up. ASSISTANT MANAGER I'm afraid you've broken the bank. That's over twelve million -- RIKER Twelve point five million to be exact. The purchase price of this hotel. ASSISTANT MANAGER That's impossible -- Riker smiles, holds up the novel. STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT FIVE 46. 87 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER Wrong. We're the "foreign Investors" on page 244. We're buying you out, lock, stock, and barrel. (slides the chips toward the pit boss) Consider it a "done deal." The assistant manager reacts, stupefied, not knowing how to react. Texas turns to them, wide-eyed. TEXAS Hey, y'know what? Y'all got style! I like that! Let me buy y'all a drink -- Riker smiles at him, reaches into Texas's coat pocket and pulls out a big cigar. As he twirls it in his own mouth: RIKER Enjoy the game, friend. And don't let 'em change the dice on you. With that, Riker leads Worf and Data away through the crowd. The assistant manager, sweating nervously, shouts out: ASSISTANT MANAGER Wait! You can't leave! RIKER Oh yeah? Watch us. (then, wagging a finger at him) Don't forget, we own the joint. Riker leads them toward the revolving door in the distance. Worf looks a bit worried, puffs himself up, anticipating a struggle with strange physical elements beyond his ken. WORF You're confident about this, Commander? RIKER Focus. Concentrate. See only where we want to BE, not where we are. STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT FIVE 47. 87 CONTINUED: (3) DATA Ancient philosophical overtones of thought process... "Zen", I believe -- RIKER We own the place... and we're walking through that door... 88 thru OMITTED 91 91A ANGLE - THE REVOLVING DOOR And as they approach the door, we see each of our away team members steel himself for the impossible... and they step into the revolving door and we: GO TO: 92 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - THE BLACK VOID envelops them once again. Riker smiles confidently as he intones: RIKER I think it's time to go home... 93 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - PICARD smiles in relief as he hears those words. He turns to his crew. PICARD Transporter Room, we have a fix on our away team. Beam them up... and please be quick about it! Troi comes over to his side and shares his moment of relief as: 93A EXT. PLANET SURFACE - THE AWAY TEAM (OPTICAL) BEAMS UP and: STAR TREK: "The Royale" - 01/10/89 - ACT FIVE 48. 93B THE REVOLVING DOOR continues its perpetual motion as we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END