STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Time Squared" #40272-139 Story by Kurt Michael Bensmiller Teleplay by Maurice Hurley Directed by Joseph L. Scanlan THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1989 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. REVISED FINAL DRAFT JANUARY 25, 1989 STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Time Squared" CAST PICARD/P2 RIKER DATA PULASKI TROI GEORDI WORF O'BRIEN Non-Speaking CREWMEMBERS Voice-Over COMPUTER VOICE STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Time Squared" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE RIKER'S QUARTERS MAIN BRIDGE SHUTTLECRAFT GEORDI'S ENGINEERING STATION SHUTTLE BAY TWO CORRIDOR OUTSIDE SICKBAY SICKBAY OBSERVATION LOUNGE TURBOLIFT CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM MAIN ENGINEERING SHUTTLECRAFT STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Time Squared" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) moves along at warp speed. 2 INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) RIKER has cleared a space on his desk and set up a little work station. He has a bowl and several strange-looking eggs. Some smaller containers with other ingredients and condiments for what appears to be an omelet. He breaks the last egg into the bowl and whips them with a jerry-rigged whisk. He is obviously enjoying himself. The CHIME SOUNDS. RIKER Come in. The door opens; it's DATA and GEORDI carrying what look like a homemade Bunsen burner and a frying pan. RIKER (continuing) Excellent. Exactly what I need. Before the door closes, PULASKI appears, carrying something. RIKER (continuing) Well, Doctor, and bearing gifts? PULASKI Ale from Ennan Six... your omelets deserve no less. Again before the door can close, WORF appears and follows them into the room. 3 THE TABLE Riker sets up the "Bunsen-type burner," ignites it, heats the pan and pours in the beaten eggs, while Data watches. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - TEASER 2. 3 CONTINUED: DATA This is not an efficient method for the preparation of sustenance. RIKER You're right, Data. The ship's computer is much more efficient, but it lacks the subtlety needed for great cooking. It mixes the ingredients to precise measurements. There's no flair, no individuality, and Data, as we both know... inspiration and flair are the difference between artistry and mere competence. PULASKI For much of the history of mankind, the breaking of bread was a sign of friendship and community. Something we have gotten away from in the twenty-fourth century. (re: Riker and the whisk) You have a practiced hand, Commander. RIKER I have my father to thank for that. PULASKI Oh, your father liked to cook? RIKER No, he hated it. It was a chore left to me. WORF It is my understanding that in most human families, the woman shares in the cooking. RIKER There were only the two of us. I never knew my mother. She died when I was very young. 4 PULASKI as she pours the ale - STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - TEASER 3. 5 DATA as he takes a sip. GEORDI Where did you get the eggs? RIKER During our last stop. GEORDI (with surprise) At Starbase seventy-three? RIKER Yes. 6 SCENE as Riker dishes up the food. And they all sit down to eat, all eager to enjoy the meal. Geordi is the first to taste it; it clearly does not suit his palate. GEORDI What kind of eggs did you say these are? As Riker takes a bite: RIKER 'Owon. From Geordi's expression it's apparent the eggs are lacking. Riker and Pulaski both react to the uneatable food. RIKER (continuing) A cook's only as good as his ingredients. Then they look over at Worf, who is enjoying it immensely. WORF Delicious. Something to end the scene. PICARD'S COM VOICE Commander Riker... STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - TEASER 4. 6 CONTINUED: RIKER Yes, Captain. PICARD'S COM VOICE Would you join me on the bridge? RIKER On my way. Without having to be told, Data and Worf leave with him. Worf pausing to take one last forkful of omelet. 7 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker, Data and Worf ENTER and take their positions. PICARD We have picked up an automated signal from a Federation shuttlecraft. Riker looks surprised and confused. RIKER A shuttle? Out here?! How is that possible? We're the first manned Federation vessel to enter this area. PICARD Apparently not. RIKER So what's a shuttle doing out this far? And where's the mother ship? PICARD I don't know. WORF Sensors indicate there is at least one life-form on board the shuttle. Humanoid. PICARD Perhaps someone to answer your questions, Number One. Open hailing frequencies. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - TEASER 5. 7 CONTINUED: WORF Captain, the shuttle is without power. Communication is not possible. RIKER Set course to intercept. DATA Estimate intercept in three minutes. 8 OMITTED 9 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) veers off course to intercept with the shuttlecraft. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: 10 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) comes out of warp. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 42679.2. While traversing an unexplored section of the galaxy en route to the Endicor system, a Federation shuttlecraft has quite suddenly appeared -- virtually out of nowhere. There are no other ships in the vicinity -- and no indications whence it came nor how it got out here. 11 INT. MAIN BRIDGE The bridge is as before. WORF We are closing on shuttlecraft. PICARD On screen. 12 ANGLE TO INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) as the image changes and the shuttle appears -- it is out of control -- cartwheeling through space. RIKER Magnify. The image changes again. The shuttle now appears in close-up. RIKER (continuing) Prepare to lock tractor beam. 13 OMITTED STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT ONE 7. 14 INT. MAIN BRIDGE as before. DATA Target vehicle -- we will be within tractor beam range in two zero seconds. RIKER Set automatic locking device. Alert Shuttle Bay Two. 15 INT. SHUTTLE BAY TWO (OPTICAL) as the Enterprise closes with the violently spinning shuttlecraft. 16 INT. MAIN BRIDGE as before... DATA Locking tractor beam. 17 INT. SHUTTLE BAY TWO (OPTICAL) as the tractor beam shoots out from the Enterprise and grabs the shuttlecraft and stabilizes it. 18 INT. MAIN BRIDGE as before... DATA The tractor beam has been locked. PICARD Number One. Riker is out of his chair and heading for the turbolift. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT ONE 8. 18 CONTINUED: RIKER Worf -- you're with me. PICARD Doctor Pulaski, you are needed in Shuttle Bay Two. PULASKI'S COM VOICE I have been monitoring. I am on my way. 19 INT. SHUTTLE BAY TWO (OPTICAL) The doors have been opened. The shuttle, held firmly by the tractor beam, is being pulled toward the Enterprise, as Riker and Worf ENTER. 20 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) as the shuttle moves closer. An n.d. crewmember, at a control panel near the door, attaches a second tractor beam, which automatically releases the first -- stronger one -- and transfers control to the n.d. operator. 21 RIKER AND WORF They move closer as the shuttlecraft is pulled on board. 22 SHUTTLECRAFT (OPTICAL) as it settles on the floor. The doors are closing as the tractor beam disengages. 23 SCENE As Riker and Worf move closer, Doctor Pulaski ENTERS the Shuttle Bay with an assistant. RIKER Well, it's a Federation shuttle all right. WORF Yet, there are no Federation vessels or bases in this area. Riker steps closer. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT ONE 9. 24 RIKER AND SHUTTLE He reads the registration number. On the other side of the craft, Pulaski and two n.d. crewmembers are working to open the shuttle door. RIKER (reading) NCC one-seven-zero-one-D -- USS Enterprise, shuttle number five. He turns in shock and stares at Worf. Riker looks back at the registration number to be sure he read it correctly. Riker then looks to the other side of the Shuttle Bay... 25 SCENE (OPTICAL) ... to another shuttlecraft, identical in design to the one which was just brought on board, and carrying the exact same number. RIKER (reading) NCC one-seven-zero-one-D -- USS Enterprise shuttle number five. WORF How is this possible? 26 OTHER SIDE OF SHUTTLE The crewmembers get the door open. Pulaski starts to enter, then freezes. Pulaski calls out: PULASKI Commander! Come here! 27 RIKER AND WORF The urgency in her voice sends Riker and Worf quickly around to the other side of the shuttle where: 28 ANOTHER ANGLE Pulaski steps back to allow Riker to look in. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT ONE 10. 29 RIKER Instantly he understands the reason for Pulaski's reaction. 30 SHUTTLECRAFT Slumped over the controls is CAPTAIN JEAN-LUC PICARD. Unconscious, but otherwise exactly the same as the man we just left on the bridge! RIKER (he touches his communicator) Captain? PICARD'S COM VOICE What is it, Number One? RIKER Captain, are you on the bridge? PICARD'S COM VOICE (irritated) Where else would I be? RIKER Right now, I think you had better be in Shuttle Bay Two. PICARD'S COM VOICE Why? What is it? RIKER This you had better see for yourself and, Captain, bring Commander Data. 31 ANOTHER ANGLE - SHUTTLE BAY TWO Picard and Data ENTER. Pulaski is in the shuttle checking P2's condition. The tension level in the room is very high. Without being called, TROI instinctively ENTERS the Shuttle Bay. 32 PICARD as he moves closer he sees what has them all so concerned. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT ONE 11. 33 INTERCUT the others, all waiting to see how Picard is going to react. 34 PICARD moves closer, wanting to be certain his eyes are telling him the truth. Riker moves up next to him. For a beat they both watch Pulaski as she does her medical checks. 35 SCENE Data is nearby, waiting to enter the shuttle as soon as Pulaski is clear. RIKER We have been in a lot of bizarre situations, but nothing like this. Picard's response comes out as a grunt. Seeing a duplicate of himself, in a duplicate of an Enterprise shuttlecraft, has put Picard and the others under enormous strain, so much so that words come slowly. No one knows what to say, and all are waiting for some explanation about what's going on. This all plays off Picard, who is the most involved. In a strange way the crew avoids making eye contract with Picard. PICARD What's his condition? 36 SHUTTLE (OPTICAL) Pulaski completes her scan. PULASKI The life signs are confusing. I get a strong heartbeat, but the rhythm is off. PICARD Has he been injured? PULASKI No signs of trauma. PICARD Then why is he unconscious? What happened to him? STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT ONE 12. 36 CONTINUED: PULASKI I can't say. As she scans P2's head she gently touches his face, as if double checking her readings. PULASKI (continuing) The readings from his brain waves are very... strange. Little alarm bells go off for Picard. PICARD Strange? In what way? Non-human? Artificial? PULASKI No -- neither. They are just out of phase. PICARD Can you revive him? PULASKI I won't attempt it until he's in Sickbay. (she holds the look for a beat, then:) Let's get him there. Pulaski and her medical team remove P2. 37 PICARD AND TROI (OPTICAL) Both are confounded. PICARD Counselor. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT ONE 13. 37 CONTINUED: TROI I have never felt anything quite like this so it is difficult to put into words. (she pauses to gather her thoughts) That person is you. What I mean, the person we are looking at is as much Jean-Luc Picard as the person I am standing next to; beyond that there's very little of which I am sure. I will have to wait until he is conscious before knowing more. 38 SCENE PICARD Data, we have to know what is on the shuttle's logs. DATA Yes, sir. Data enters the damaged shuttle. 39 INT./EXT. SHUTTLE Data takes the command position and attempts to activate the system. DATA Both primary and reserve power has been drained from the shuttle. I am going to have to connect to the Enterprise in order to activate the shuttle's systems. RIKER Lieutenant La Forge -- report to Shuttle Bay Two. GEORDI'S COM VOICE I'm on my way. PICARD Number One, I'll be in Sickbay. Keep me informed. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT ONE 14. 39 CONTINUED: RIKER (indicating an unusual burn on the skin of the shuttle) Did you see this, Captain? Picard steps over to the shuttle and examines the burn. PICARD It looks like the kind of damage caused by an antimatter explosion. RIKER Yes, the shuttle must have been just out of range. PICARD (urgent) Data, I need those logs. (to Troi) Counselor. As Picard and Troi EXIT: RIKER We'll be on the bridge. He and Worf EXIT as Geordi ARRIVES. 39A INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker and Worf ENTER and go to their stations. RIKER Resume course and speed. (to Worf) Scanners at maximum range. WORF Maximum range. 39B EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as the Enterprise stretches to warp speed. 40 INT. SHUTTLE BAY TWO (OPTICAL) Geordi comes around to the shuttle door. Data is sitting at the controls. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT ONE 15. 40 CONTINUED: GEORDI You should have power now. Data activates the shuttle's on-board computer. There is a SUDDEN EXPLOSION. Filling the shuttle with sparks. 41 DATA (OPTICAL) neither affected nor distracted by the chaos around him, calmly shuts down the unit. GEORDI What happened? DATA The polarity was not compatible. GEORDI Not possible, the connection is idiot proof. DATA The power requirements of the shuttle do not match the Enterprise. We are going to need a variable phase inverter, to align the power from the Enterprise to the circuits of the shuttle. GEORDI Data, what do you think is going on? I don't just mean about the shuttle, I mean about all of this? DATA I do not have enough information. GEORDI The captain here, the captain there. This shuttle -- that shuttle. Commander Riker is right -- this is very strange. 42 thru OMITTED 43 STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT ONE 16. 44 INT. CORRIDOR - OUTSIDE SICKBAY Picard and Troi are approaching Sickbay. PICARD This smells like a set-up. TROI A trap? PICARD (nods, yes) If it is me, me from where? And why in a shuttle? There is nothing about this which is random or happenstance. Look beneath the boards, Counselor; I expect something foul and familiar to crawl out. Picard holds her look for a beat, then turns and ENTERS Sickbay. 45 INT. SICKBAY (OPTICAL) They have placed P2 in the center of Sickbay. Pulaski is doing her medical work-ups. PULASKI We have just started doing a complete work-up. The vital signs are distorted. Some of the indicators are totally depressed, others are fluctuating wildly. I can't explain any of it. But he is alive, and I don't think he's in any immediate danger. She activates a forcefield, which briefly appears as a restraining device. PULASKI (continuing) The restraints are for his own protection. PICARD Have you been able to determine why he is still unconscious? STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT ONE 16A. 45 CONTINUED: PULASKI I have been able to rule out head injury -- otherwise there is no apparent cause. PICARD Wake him. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT ONE 17. 45 CONTINUED: (2) She touches the hypospray to his neck. Suddenly all of the indicators fall to zero. Pulaski quickly adjusts her hypospray and gives P2 another injection. While they watch, the indicators return to their previous readings. PICARD (continuing) What happened? PULASKI Apparently a normal stimulant had the opposite effect. I'll have to try something else. She steps over to a counter to prepare a different injection. Picard moves slightly closer to himself. 46 INT. SHUTTLE BAY TWO Geordi and Data are working together to synchronize the power from the Enterprise with the circuits of the shuttlecraft. GEORDI There... that should give you something. Making this power adjustment is very tricky. By all rights, this connection should overload all the shuttle's circuits. Data steps over to the shuttle control position. DATA Perhaps you had better step back out of the way. Geordi responds. GEORDI Remember you're not indestructible yourself. Data again attempts to activate the systems. 47 SHUTTLE The lights on the control panel come on, then die out. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT ONE 17A. 47 CONTINUED: DATA Increase the power. The lights come back. DATA (continuing) Adjust the invert two percent positive. The lights dim. GEORDI That's the correct decision, but it's having the opposite effect. DATA Yes. GEORDI There is nothing I can think of which could cause such a radical change in this circuit. DATA Adjust the invert two percent negative. The lights glow brighter and hold. GEORDI Got it. It shouldn't work, but it does. The lights glow brighter and hold. Geordi steps in beside Data. GEORDI (continuing; stunned) Data, take a look at the stardate. Data looks at the control panel. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT ONE 18. 47 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI (continuing) Four-two-six-seven-nine-point-five. (he touches his communicator) Captain. 48 INT. SICKBAY They are still gathered around P2. PICARD Go ahead. GEORDI'S COM VOICE Captain, we have been able to activate the shuttle; the on-board clock indicates that the shuttle is six hours ahead of us. Picard moves a step closer to P2... up until this time he has carefully kept his distance. GEORDI'S COM VOICE (continuing) Captain, did you read me? If the shuttle is from six hours into the future, so is the other Captain Picard. 49 PICARD He studies P2. Off his reaction: FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT TWO 19. ACT TWO FADE IN: 50 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at warp speed. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, supplemental. Part of the mystery has been solved. The reason there are two NCC one-seven-zero-one-D-five shuttlecrafts is because one of them is from the future... six hours to be exact. And, so presumably is the facsimile of me. 51 INT. SICKBAY Picard is there with Pulaski and Troi. PICARD Try to wake him, again. Pulaski gives Picard a little look, then adjusts her hypospray and touches it to P2's neck. 52 P2 ... he becomes conscious. His face is a mask of terror, pain and fear. His head rolls back and he tries to scream, but no sound comes. As he looks around, his movements have a strange stuttering quality. 53 PICARD He reacts to seeing himself as he has never felt, nor ever thought he would feel, out of control and impotent. 54 PULASKI She moves to comfort P2, but his flaying hands hold her off. His movements come in a series of stutters. He's here - in this Sickbay, on this ship, but if as though he were in another dimension as well. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT TWO 20. 55 PICARD Troi is close beside him. They watch as: 56 P2 He pushes in his herky-jerky way against an unseen wall behind which he is imprisoned. His mouth is open -- but still there is no sound. 57 PICARD The terror of seeing himself in such a condition. A little sound comes from him... It's primal, in response to what he sees and the anguish he feels from his otherself's helpless condition. 58 SCENE Pulaski responds to seeing a patient in this condition, steps up to touch the hypospray to P2's neck. PICARD No! The word explodes from him. PULASKI It's a only a sedative. PICARD I know what it is... don't sedate him. Let him be! (then, changing his tone) Please... allow him to remain conscious. 59 P2 If P2 is aware of his surroundings, it would be impossible to tell. But clearly he is in some kind of horror chamber, from which he cannot escape. PULASKI I have never seen anything like this. Pulaski looks over at Picard. The color has been drained from his face. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT TWO 21. 59 CONTINUED: PULASKI (continuing) Captain, you had better sit down. Picard waves her off. PICARD I'm fine, Doctor... Save your ministrations for the patient. I want a staff meeting in five minutes. Doctor, I assume you will want to remain here. She acknowledges with a nod. Picard turns and heads for the exit. PULASKI I will monitor the conference from here. PICARD Keep me informed, Doctor -- of any change no matter how small. 60 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE (OPTICAL) Riker is there with Picard, Data, Geordi, Worf and Troi. Pulaski is still in Sickbay with P2. GEORDI Captain, we have retrieved all we are going to get from the shuttle logs, including the last visual records. Everything before this is just a jumble. 61 ANOTHER ANGLE Picard stands. PICARD Proceed. 62 DATA He inputs the computer pad in front of him. 63 SCENE (OPTICAL) An image appears on the viewscreen. It's slightly distorted. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT TWO 22. 63 CONTINUED: GEORDI The distortion is because we had to use a phase inverter to retrieve the logs. It will improve slightly. The image changes, but the quality does not noticeably improve. 64 PICARD watches transfixed. 65 SCREEN (OPTICAL) It's the shuttle's on-board camera. As the shuttle doors open, we see that the Enterprise is surrounded by a maelstrom of energy - a chaos of swirling, violent colors. The scene shifts, to a camera angle looking back at the Shuttle Bay. Riker is standing there. His expression is both pained and very concerned. He gives a little motion with his hand. It's difficult to tell the meaning of the motion. 66 RIKER Here in the Observation Lounge, his face shows the same concern. 67 THE SCREEN (OPTICAL) as the shuttle slowly leaves -- then quickly accelerates away until we see the Enterprise from the point of view of the shuttlecraft. It is surrounded by a swirling cacophony of energy and colors. It's like being on the edge of a great whirlpool. There is a lot of buffeting -- both the shuttle and the Enterprise are being thrown about. 68 PICARD He is very intent on the scene before him. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT TWO 23. 69 SCREEN (OPTICAL) The turmoil around the Enterprise increases. Then, without a sound... the Enterprise is literally torn apart, by a great, yet unseen force. Right on the screen -- before their eyes -- the ship is destroyed. Then the screen goes blank. 70 REACTIONS FROM EVERYONE Picard turns away from the screen. DATA According to the shuttle log, the Enterprise was destroyed three hours, nineteen minutes from now. The room is silent for a beat, then: GEORDI Captain, we have a portion of your last log entry. PICARD Proceed. Data activates the control panel on the table in front of him. GEORDI It's audio only. There is a pause, then a strange phasing sound, followed by the distorted but understandable voice of Captain Picard. There is: PICARD (V.O.) Captain's personal log, supplemental. (there is a long pause) For the record... I have just witnessed the total destruction of the USS Enterprise with a loss of all hands, save one. Me. The entry ends with a very strange sound. DATA That last sound apparently occurred when the shuttle was thrown back in time. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT TWO 24. 71 REACTIONS There is a long pause as those in the room try to absorb and comprehend what they have just seen. GEORDI All attempts to obtain additional information from the shuttle's logs have failed. Picard nods an acknowledgement. RIKER At least now we have something to go on. GEORDI I can't understand how you could end up in a shuttlecraft while the Enterprise is being destroyed. WORF Nor I, the last thing you would do is leave the bridge of the Enterprise during an emergency. PICARD Yes, but let's proceed on the premise that what we have just seen is factual and that somehow, in less than four hours, the Enterprise will be destroyed and somehow -- although this is unfathomable -- I, and I alone escaped. Discussion. RIKER Our destination is the Endicor system. We are not due to arrive for three days. The charts indicate nothing of consequence, certainly nothing which could threaten the Enterprise, between here and there. WORF Sensors indicated no other vessels -- Federation or otherwise -- in this area. PICARD Data? STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT TWO 24A. 71 CONTINUED: DATA I have nothing to offer. There is not enough information upon which I can base a hypothesis. GEORDI Well, the shuttle apparently came from somewhere up ahead. Rather than continuing on this course, perhaps we should stop here and let whatever is out there come and find us. RIKER I think it's already too late for that. GEORDI Are you saying that stopping, turning left, or right, or even reversing course, is pointless? RIKER When we brought the shuttle and the other Picard on board, we committed ourselves to a sequence of events which may be unalterable. PICARD Yes, this isn't a rock in the road which once seen can be avoided. It's much more complex. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT TWO 25. 71 CONTINUED: (2) WORF There is the theory of the moebius, a twist in the fabric of space where time becomes a loop from which there is no escape. GEORDI So, when we reach that moment -- whatever happened will happen again... The Enterprise will be destroyed, the "other Picard" sent back to meet with us and do it all over again. (he shudders) That sounds like someone's definition of hell. RIKER I know this much -- we can't avoid the future. PICARD Agreed. So let's continue on course. Everyone return to your duty stations. Somewhere out there something will happen... a decision will be made which will cause me to become separated from the Enterprise -- at the time that decision will seem correct, but it won't be. We have to anticipate and not make the same mistake once. Something is waiting for us out there -- let's determine what it is as quickly as possible. Off their reactions: STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT TWO 26. 72 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker, Worf ENTER and take their positions. Riker sits in the Command Chair and stares at the Main Viewer. Worf is intent upon his console. The tension level on the bridge is very high. 73 INT. SHUTTLE BAY TWO Data is there with Geordi. GEORDI (he studies the shuttle) Data -- I think the molecular structure of the shuttle has changed! Data takes a tricorder and makes a scan. DATA Your assessment is accurate. GEORDI Why now? DATA Perhaps it always was unstable and it was only by leaving and coming back that you were able to see the change. 74 INT. SICKBAY Pulaski is doing further tests on P2, as Picard ENTERS with Troi. PICARD Doctor? PULASKI I am beginning to realize just how much of the body is held together by its own internal clock. You -- he was thrown out of time, which caused the body systems to change their rhythms. Slowly, as we move closer to the time he left, the internal body clocks are realigning. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT TWO 27. 74 CONTINUED: PICARD You're saying, when our time intersects with the time he left, at that instant he will be functioning normally. And there will be two of us. PULASKI Right now, that would be my guess. PICARD I don't believe that is possible. Pulaski pauses as the thought hits her. Troi has moved over closer to P2. She is watching him intently. TROI Captain, I am able to feel more from him now. Much of his emotions are still a jumble, but... She steps even closer. Her eyes shut as she concentrates. P2 flinches in the same stuttering way. His body jerks back. His face contorts. His hands reach out and grab Troi. For a moment nothing -- then she screams, in agony. P2... throws back his head but no sound comes out. Pulaski rushes to Troi. As she touches her, Troi collapses. PICARD What did you feel? TROI Only that he wants desperately to leave this ship. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT THREE 28. ACT THREE FADE IN: 75 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) It continues on course. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, supplemental. We continue on course to Endicor. We are now less than two hours away from our rendezvous with ourselves. 76 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Everyone is at his station except for Data. RIKER Worf. WORF All sensors are on maximum scan. There is nothing unusual to report. The tension level on the bridge is very high. RIKER If the timetable is correct, we should get an indication of something very soon. PULASKI'S COM VOICE Bridge, this is Sickbay. PICARD Yes, Doctor. PULASKI'S COM VOICE Captain, my patient is more coherent. PICARD I'll be right there. Picard rises and goes to the turbolift. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT THREE 29. 76 CONTINUED: PICARD (continuing) Number One, you have the bridge. Off Riker's concerned reaction: 77 thru OMITTED 78 79 INT. SICKBAY (OPTICAL) Picard ENTERS. (He pauses at the doorway and watches Pulaski and P2). PICARD How is he? PULASKI His vital signs are more normal -- which is to say, more like ours. He is calmer. Indeed as Picard approaches him, P2 becomes more agitated. PICARD He is now aware of me. PULASKI In some fashion. PICARD (sotto, almost to himself) But, does he know where he is, and who's here with him? PULASKI I doubt it. PICARD (then to P2) What went wrong? P2 turns away. Like a bizarre painting by Goya, a face frozen in agony. Picard moves a step closer. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT THREE 30. 79 CONTINUED: PICARD (continuing) You know... don't you? P2 turns back and faces Picard -- but his eyes still do not make contact. It's impossible to tell whether he hears Picard or not. PICARD (continuing) What did you do? What happened? Why did you leave the ship? P2 -- just trying to orient himself as much as anything -- turns his head. PICARD (continuing) Don't turn away. Look at me. Without being summoned, but somehow knowing that she is needed, Troi appears in the doorway behind them and slowly approaches as Picard continues to try and make contact. PICARD (continuing) Picard! He speaks the name as if it belongs to another, and at this moment it does. PICARD (continuing) LOOK AT ME! TROI He doesn't understand you. PICARD He knows I'm here. TROI Yes, as part of a nightmare of disjointed images, half-heard voices. He is in another dimension -- seeing us across a great chasm -- and he's filled with remorse at what he has witnessed, and he's afraid. PICARD What is he afraid of? STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT THREE 31. 79 CONTINUED: (2) Troi doesn't have that specific answer. PICARD (continuing; back to P2) Damn you -- help me! Why did you leave the ship? Now, for the first time, P2 turns and looks Picard full in the face. Through what must be a blur of shifting and nightmarish images, P2 tries to focus. 80 P2 He leans forward. Like a sailor straining against the fog, then with a grimace made up of frustration and rage, he turns away. For the first time we hear a sound from his lips. It's strange -- otherworldish. 81 SCENE Picard takes a step forward. For a second it looks as if Picard is going to grab P2 and shake him. But he only glares at him. TROI It's no use, Captain. He can't answer. PULASKI As we get closer to the time he left, he may be able to. Picard steps back, frustration etched on his face. PICARD (to Troi) Are you still convinced he is me? TROI Yes -- but you're not. PICARD Not in the slightest. Except for his features there is nothing about him which I find familiar. He turns to leave. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT THREE 31A. 81 CONTINUED: PICARD (continuing) I want you to stay with him. He will be able to communicate with you before any of the rest of us. Picard then turns and EXITS. PULASKI I don't know how long anyone can take this kind of schizophrenia. There has to be a breaking point. TROI He is handling it very well. PULASKI He has a lot of anger. TROI Yes. Because of what... (indicating P2) ... he represents. PULASKI And what is that? TROI Doubt. Seeing him here and knowing what happened to the Enterprise could make him timid or, worse, cause him to hesitate. PULASKI When he said -- that there is nothing familiar about him... (re P2) ... except his features. It sounded like a form of denial. TROI It's his accurate feelings. PULASKI Part of my job is to anticipate problems. I have a duty to the captain, but first to the ship and its crew. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT THREE 31B. 81 CONTINUED: (2) TROI Doctor, the captain is fully capable of command decisions. Pulaski is pensive for a beat. PULASKI Yes... for now. But... this situation has put enormous pressure -- of a unique and very personal nature -- on Captain Picard. And we both know that pressure is going to increase. You said he already has doubt. TROI Yes, which is necessary and healthy. PULASKI But could potentially paralyze. If we begin to see signs that he is acting in an irrational manner, then I have the authority and the duty to relieve him. Troi nods. TROI I do not think that will be necessary. PULASKI I hope you're right. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT THREE 32. 82 OMITTED 83 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it continues along -- without so much as a hint of trouble. 84 thru OMITTED 87 88 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM (OPTICAL) Picard is behind his desk -- Riker is sitting across from him. PICARD What force or phenomenon could cause a shuttle to be thrown back in time? RIKER None that we have ever encountered. In theory, accelerating beyond warp ten. PICARD Using the gravitational pull of a star to "slingshot" back in time. Is that what happened here? RIKER The shuttle doesn't have warp capability. PICARD No. Some external force was needed. RIKER We have never encountered any natural force that powerful. And why only six hours? Why not a day? A year? STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT THREE 33. 88 CONTINUED: PICARD Are you suggesting there is a conscious mind at work here? RIKER There is no evidence either way. PICARD The Traveler moved through time with the power of his mind. RIKER I don't think that's the case here. PICARD (frustrated) No -- and Manheim's experiments with gravity and time were rudimentary, and uncontrollable. RIKER Captain, this is one instant where you must suppress your natural tendencies. PICARD Explain. RIKER (then more as a friend than a subordinate, or even a fellow officer) Your strength, Jean-Luc, is your ability to evaluate the dynamics of a situation, step in and make the definitive, preemptive move. You take charge. You're frustrated now because, not only can't you see the solution... you can't even define the problem. PICARD Go on. RIKER This is not place or person we are facing... at least not yet... it's time. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT THREE 34. 88 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Are you telling me to just sit down -- shut up and wait. Riker smiles. RIKER I wouldn't have used those exact words... but, yes. PICARD I don't do that well. RIKER It's your Persian Flaw. PICARD (thoughtfully) Yes -- perhaps it is. Sudden the Enterprise shudders. Both men are on their feet and heading for the door. WORF'S COM VOICE Captain to the bridge. 89 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Riker and Picard EXIT the captain's Ready Room. On the Main Viewer they see the swirling energy which they saw in the shuttle's view log. PICARD Report. WORF This energy vortex appeared out of nowhere. There was no warning. RIKER Well, now at least the waiting is over. 90 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) is at the top of a great whirlpool of energy. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT THREE 35. 91 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Off Picard's reaction -- almost relieved. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FOUR 36. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 92 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at the top of the whirlpool. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, supplemental. The waiting is over. We have apparently intersected with... something. 93 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker and Picard are back at Science One with Data. DATA It is similar to our tractor beam, only much more powerful. 94 INTERCUT WITH MAIN ENGINEERING GEORDI'S COM VOICE Bridge, this is Engineering. RIKER This is the bridge. GEORDI'S COM VOICE The pull on the Enterprise is steady. I am having to hold the warp engines at thirty percent, in order to maintain this position. PICARD Transfer engine control to the bridge. GEORDI Aye, sir. Everyone is watching Picard -- waiting for an indication of what he wants to do next. TROI There is a consciousness here, Captain. Not thought -- it is more like instinct. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FOUR 37. 94 CONTINUED: PICARD What do you make of it, Number One? RIKER I would say we're being probed. DATA The beam is coming directly from the center of the vortex. Sensors show only massive amounts of energy. PICARD What is it trying to learn? TROI I think it is trying to determine if we are a life force. PICARD (to Riker) We should stay and investigate. RIKER Agreed. PICARD But, was that the mistake? Riker looks at him. PICARD (continuing) ... staying too long. RIKER Possibly. PICARD We should go now. Riker is unsure of his response -- he has never seen Picard so indecisive. While this is going on, Geordi EXITS the turbolift and crosses to the bridge Engineering Station. RIKER Well... STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FOUR 38. 94 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD It's the prudent move. Picard pauses. PICARD (continuing) I never thought I would hear myself say something like that. RIKER Under the circumstances -- I think you may be right. PICARD But you'd rather stay and find out what it is? What is its intent? Riker's silent hesitation is read as affirmation. 95 INT. BRIDGE ENGINEERING STATION Geordi steps up to the position. GEORDI Engineering, transfer to bridge. The panels light up in sequence. 96 thru OMITTED 99 100 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard returns to his Command Chair. PICARD Lieutenant La Forge. GEORDI Yes, sir. PICARD See if you can get us out of here, Mister La Forge. Maximum warp. GEORDI Aye, sir. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FOUR 39. 101 GEORDI as he inputs. GEORDI I have set velocity to warp nine. PICARD Engage. Geordi complies. 102 SCENE There is a surge of power as the Enterprise attempts to pull free. Then nothing. GEORDI The warp engines are at ninety-one percent. PICARD Put it to the wall. GEORDI Aye, sir. Geordi inputs. The ship shudders -- like a great shackled animal fighting to break free. SUDDENLY the Enterprise shakes -- those standing are thrown to the deck. And AGAIN the ship shakes. The computer automatically takes the ship to RED ALERT. GEORDI (continuing) I can't hold it. RIKER Captain! The engines can't take this strain. PICARD All stop. 103 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) But the Enterprise doesn't stop -- it instantly seems to fall -- drawn along the beam of energy by an irresistible force. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FOUR 40. 104 INT. MAIN BRIDGE They have no control. Without having to be told, Geordi instantly tries to stop the Enterprise. His fingers fly over the controls. 105 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Warp engines re-engage. The Enterprise slows, then stops. 106 INT. MAIN BRIDGE It's a little calmer, but still very tense. PICARD Status. WORF All decks have reported... no damage -- no injuries. GEORDI The pull on the Enterprise is steady, but much stronger than before. I am at warp seven just to hold this position. PICARD Everything we do tightens its grip. Let's see what we can learn. Launch a Class One probe. WORF Aye, sir. 106A OMITTED STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FOUR 40A. 107 thru OMITTED 108 109 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The probe leaves the Enterprise. 110 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) As they watch the Main Viewer -- as it reaches the vortex -- it explodes. Nothing is left. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FOUR 41. 111 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) A little tongue of energy speeds up toward the Enterprise. Then splits, with half going to separate parts of the ship. 112 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) They see it racing toward them. The energy goes directly at Captain Picard and knocks him down. 113 INT. SICKBAY (OPTICAL) A similar piece of energy leaps into the room, directly at P2... only it does not slap him to the deck. As Pulaski watches it whirls around P2, like a wreath, then disappears. 114 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker helps Picard to his feet. There is fire in Picard's eyes. PICARD That was personal. GEORDI Captain -- the power drain needed to hold this position is enormous. PICARD How long can you maintain it? GEORDI A few minutes, then we are going to have to shut down again. PULASKI'S COM VOICE Captain -- some kind of energy has just surrounded my patient. PICARD Is he still alive? PULASKI'S COM VOICE Yes... RIKER Arm photons, Mister Worf, and lock them on the center of the vortex. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FOUR 42. 114 CONTINUED: WORF Photon torpedoes locked on target. PICARD Hold. 115 OMITTED 116 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Another sliver of energy slashes across the bridge and slams Picard up against the bulkhead. 117 PICARD ... dazed he struggles to his feet. RIKER We're like a rag in a dog's mouth. GEORDI I am now at maximum warp. The ship is hammered by another wave of energy. TROI It's you, Captain. It was the entire ship, but now it has turned its attention completely on you. GEORDI Captain, I can't hold it. If we don't shut down, we are going to explode. PICARD Counselor, what if I were to leave the Enterprise? Would its attention stay focused on me? TROI Yes. I think it would. 118 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) is being pulled into the vortex. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FOUR 43. 119 INT. MAIN BRIDGE as before. RIKER You'd never survive. PICARD But, maybe in those few seconds -- the Enterprise could break free. In any case, that's what he... the other Picard... must have thought. 120 thru OMITTED 121 122 PICARD He is on his feet and heading for the turbolift. RIKER Captain, where are you going? PICARD Prepare a shuttle, Number One. RIKER You're leaving the ship?! PICARD I have to make a stop in Sickbay. We may be on a road which has no turns. Troi follows Picard to the turbolift. Off Riker's reaction, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FIVE 44. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 123 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) is slipping down into the energy whirlpool. 124 INT. SICKBAY (OPTICAL) Picard ENTERS -- Pulaski is there with Troi and P2. There is a moment of near recognition from P2, then he avoids eye contact with Picard. P2 now appears to be physically closer to normal. P2 is much closer to being in sync. PULASKI He's very agitated. P2's eyes dart around the room. Picard steps over in front of P2 to make and hold eye contact. P2 looks off. 125 ANOTHER ANGLE - P2 P2 I must get to the shuttle. 126 PICARD watches himself. PICARD I know. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FIVE 45. 127 SCENE (OPTICAL) PICARD Do you know where you are? P2 The Enterprise. Picard is relieved - PICARD But you're only vaguely aware of it. And me -- do you know who I am? P2 deflects the question. He's in a living nightmare. He has no answer. PICARD (continuing) No. You don't. P2 I must go. P2 tries to rise. PICARD Release him. PULASKI Do you know what you are doing? PICARD No -- release him! Pulaski deactivates the forcefield, which again appears briefly, and P2 is released. PULASKI (touching her communicator) Security to Sickbay. PICARD No. Security, this is the captain -- disregard that order. And clear all personnel -- repeat, all personnel -- from Shuttle Bay Two. I don't want any distractions. You... (meaning both Troi and Pulaski) ... stay here. P2 and Picard head for the door. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FIVE A45A. 127A INT. CORRIDOR Picard and P2 walk along. PICARD You have made the decision to leave the ship? STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FIVE 45A. 127A CONTINUED: P2 I must. PICARD Why? P2 The energy in the vortex wants me. PICARD You're certain. P2 Yes... it's an entity -- a life-form which recognizes the Enterprise as an entity with me as the brain, and it wants me. P2's level of anxiety is rising, as they turn... 127B INT. TURBOLIFT ... and enter the turbolift. P2 Shuttle Bay Number Two. PICARD What's your other option? P2 This is our only chance. If I leave, it might be distracted long enough for the Enterprise to escape. PICARD You are wrong. Leaving won't save your ship. Don't you remember? It was destroyed -- you saw it happen. P2 If I don't leave the Enterprise, the ship will be destroyed. The turbolift comes to a stop and the doors open. EXITS, with Picard right behind him. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FIVE 45B. 127BB INT. CORRIDOR Picard and P2 continue heading toward Shuttle Bay Two. PICARD If that's true, then help me. We want the same thing. We want the Enterprise to be safe. There has to be a piece of information which I don't have. What is it? P2 It's me. PICARD You? They are interrupted by Riker's COM VOICE. RIKER Captain. PICARD Yes. RIKER We are about to lose warp drive. PICARD & P2 (in sync, they respond to Riker) Understood. Only Picard reacts to this bizarre occurrence. PICARD (continuing) When you say it's "you," do you mean it's still you? And it's not me -- just you. Has this entity singled you out -- somehow making a connection? P2 You're confusing me. We're almost out of time. 127C INT. SHUTTLE BAY TWO The doors open and the two Picards ENTER. P2 is heading directly for the shuttle. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FIVE 46. 127C CONTINUED: P2 I must get to the shuttle. PICARD Wait. You can -- I'll let you, hell, man, I'll go with you, but first tell me. What is -- what was, your other choice? P2 Stand aside. PICARD You don't know what I'm talking about. You're frozen with a single thought -- unable to change -- unable to alter any part of your previous actions. P2 I must leave -- there's no other way. PICARD There must be. P2 Only one -- but it would never work. PICARD What is it? What would never work? P2 Better to sacrifice myself than destroy the Enterprise. PICARD Destroy the Enterprise -- how? P2 I have to leave. PICARD Tell me -- what was your other choice? We can't escape it -- we can't fight it, we can't go forward. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FIVE 46A. 127C CONTINUED: (2) P2 No -- no... We can't go forward, it would destroy the Enterprise. PICARD (realizing) Was that it... Was that the other choice? P2 I must leave. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FIVE 47. 127C CONTINUED: (3) PICARD No. P2 is about to climb into the shuttle. Picard pulls his phaser. PICARD (continuing) I can't allow it. Before we have any chance of moving forward, the cycle must end. Then, without further comment, he fires the phaser. 128 OMITTED 129 P2 falls back. 130 OMITTED STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FIVE 48. 130A INT. SHUTTLE BAY TWO PICARD (touching his communicator) Doctor Pulaski -- report to Shuttle Bay Two. Picard heads for the door. 131 INT. TURBOLIFT Picard steps on. PICARD Bridge. The doors close. 132 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard steps off the turbolift. PICARD Number One, we have been wasting our energy trying to escape. It only weakens us. (he moves to his Command Chair) Helm, set a course for the center of the vortex. Lieutenant La Forge, on my command -- I want all the power you can muster. GEORDI Yes, sir. RIKER We are going into it? PICARD Yes. DATA Course set. PICARD Everyone hold your position -- no matter what. ENGAGE! STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FIVE 49. 133 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as the Enterprise turns and streaks toward the center of the vortex. 133A INT. SHUTTLE BAY TWO Pulaski, followed by TRANSPORTER CHIEF O'BRIEN, ENTERS and reacts to the body. 134 INT. MAIN BRIDGE They all tense for whatever is coming. 135 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) rushes down. The funnel narrows. The swirling energy closes in on the ship. 136 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as the Enterprise rips into the center of the whirlpool. There is a SOUND -- almost like a SCREAM. 137 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Everyone braces. 138 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) bursts through the core of pure energy, which triggers an implosion. 139 OMITTED 139A INT. SHUTTLE BAY TWO (OPTICAL) At this instant O'Brien watches as the body of P2 and the shuttle disappear. 140 EXT. SPACE - THE WHIRLPOOL (OPTICAL) collapses in upon itself. For a beat the Enterprise is alone in a great emptiness. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FIVE 49A. 141 INT. MAIN BRIDGE The reactions of everyone. Picard gets to his feet and looks around. PICARD What's our position? STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FIVE 50. 141 CONTINUED: DATA We are back on course to Endicor. RIKER Stand down from Red Alert. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Bridge, this is Shuttle Bay Two. The other Picard and the shuttle are gone. PICARD Explain. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE They just... vanished. WORF All decks have reported in. No damage -- no casualties. RIKER I want a complete check -- all systems. WORF Yes, sir. PICARD You have the bridge, Number One. Picard rises and heads for the Observation Lounge. Riker watches him leave. 142 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE (OPTICAL) Picard stares thoughtfully out at the stars streaking by. After a beat, the door opens and Riker ENTERS. For a long moment nothing is said. PICARD Lots of questions, Number One... Riker nods in agreement. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FIVE 51. 142 CONTINUED: PICARD (continuing) ... and damn few answers. There is a pause. RIKER Everything about it seemed a tick off. PICARD He certainly did not act like me, at least not the way I think I act. RIKER Maybe none of it was real... we could have just been part of a shared illusion. PICARD Or maybe "he" was thrown back in time so that we would be able to take another road... make another choice? RIKER That suggests a moral force, giving us the opportunity... or specifically giving you the opportunity to right a wrong. Picard is pensive for a moment. PICARD It's said... if you travel far enough you will eventually meet yourself. Picard turns and stares off at the stars. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FIVE 51A. 142 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (continuing) I will tell you this... it's a very unnerving experience, one I hope never to repeat. Off Picard with: 142A INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS Riker has his cooking equipment in place. He has already placed all of the ingredients in a cooking utensil on the hot plate. The CHIME SOUNDS. RIKER Come. Worf ENTERS with Pulaski and Geordi. RIKER (continuing) I know you were all disappointed with my last culinary effort. WORF Not all. RIKER Thank you, Worf. Anyway, considering the stress of the last few days, I thought we could use a little diversion and at the same time I could make amends for the 'Owon omelet. PULASKI So what are you preparing? RIKER The specialty of the house, Alaskan stew. GEORDI Not with ingredients you picked up at Starbase seventy-three? RIKER No -- I had the computer fabricate everything. The potatoes, the onions, the flour, and the meat. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FIVE 51B. 142A CONTINUED: WORF Meat? What kind of meat? RIKER Ahh... Well, to be authentic I needed moose. But, I couldn't find the specific molecular pattern for moose, so I had to improvise. The computer came close... Riker fills their plates. RIKER (continuing) ... actually, it's somewhere between venison -- musk ox -- and Kobe beef. WORF I thought that humans had long ago given up the practice of raising animals for food. RIKER There were a couple of winters when it was either starve or hunt. WORF How fortunate. Pulaski looks down at her plate. PULASKI I'll give you this -- your stew smells a lot better than the eggs. They taste it. Reactions around. PULASKI (continuing) This is quite good. GEORDI Agreed. Worf's expression is one of revulsion. RIKER No good, Worf. STAR TREK: "Time Squared" - REV. 2/7/89 - ACT FIVE 51C. 142A CONTINUED: (2) WORF I appreciate the effort, I would have preferred another omelet. RIKER Sorry. I used the last of 'Owon eggs. GEORDI Thank goodness. Off their reactions: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END