STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Pen Pals" #40272-141 Story by Hannah Louise Shearer Teleplay by Melinda M. Snodgrass Directed by Winrich Kolbe THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1989 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. REVISED FINAL DRAFT FEBRUARY 10, 1989 STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - 2/10/89 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Pen Pals" CAST PICARD SARJENKA RIKER DATA PULASKI Voice-Over TROI OFFSTAGE DREMAN VOICES GEORDI WORF WESLEY ENSIGN DAVIES HILDEBRANT ALANS O'BRIEN Non-Speaking CREWMEMBERS BARTENDER Voice-Over COMPUTER VOICE STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - 2/10/89 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Pen Pals" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE CORRIDORS MEADOW OUTSIDE HOLODECK DOORS OBSERVATION LOUNGE PLANET DREMA FOUR DATA'S QUARTERS GEOPHYSICAL LABORATORY TEN-FORWARD PICARD'S QUARTERS CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM TRANSPORTER ROOM SICKBAY PULASKI'S OFFICE PLANET DREMA FOUR SARJENKA'S ROOM STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - 2/10/89 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Pen Pals" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ZABATHU Zah-BAH-thu SARJENKA Sahr-ZHEN-kah ICO-SPECTOGRAPH I-co SPEK-toh-graf SELCUNDI DREMA Sel-KUN-dee DRAY-mah PIEZO PI-zo STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/21/89 - TEASER 1 STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Pen Pals" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) moving along at warp speed. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 42680.3. We are the first manned vessel to enter the Selcundi Drema quadrant. Previous unmanned probes have recorded unusual levels of geological activity in all five planetary systems. I am hoping the Enterprise will find the answer to this engima. 2 INT. MAIN BRIDGE RIKER is in the command position. WORF and DATA are at their respective stations. Supernumeraries at other positions. DATA Commander, I have been reviewing the unmanned probe scans. In the past one hundred and fifty years, the fifth planet of Selcundi Drema has shattered, forming an asteroid belt. RIKER I'd call that geological instability. WORF Is there any indication that this is the work of an unknown intelligence? STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - REV. 2/13/89 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: RIKER I think this is geology, not malevolence. These planets live fast and die hard. The question is why. 3 INT. CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) PICARD and TROI come walking down the corridor toward the Holodeck doors. He is dressed for riding in breeches, high boots, sweater. Hunt cap beneath his arm, gloves, whip. PICARD You're sure you won't reconsider? TROI No, I'll watch you and be impressed. PICARD An optimistic vote of confidence from the non-rider. TROI I've never thought of you as particularly an animal person. PICARD Small animals, no, but horses -- They reach the Holodeck doors, and he steps to the computer panel. PICARD (continuing) Computer, program Holodeck for a woodland setting with a bridle path and an appropriate mount. COMPUTER VOICE Type of mount? Andorian Zabathu, Klingon Sark -- PICARD (impatiently) A horse, an Earth horse. COMPUTER VOICE Breed? STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/21/89 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: PICARD Arabian. (to Troi) The Arabs believed that Allah gathered the south wind and made the horse. TROI On the Holodeck we've made that legend come true. PICARD I like that. Oh yes, computer, English tack, and I will control the animal myself. COMPUTER VOICE Acknowledged. The doors open, and there is the scene. The horse, already saddled and bridled, stands quietly in a glade in the trees tethered to an old-fashioned horse head hitching post. Picard and Troi ENTER. 3A EXT. MEADOW Picard and Troi cross to the horse, and Picard allows it to smell his hand. He rubs her between the eyes, and straightens the forelock. PICARD Hello, my beauty. TROI So you like horses for the romance? PICARD It goes deeper than that. A fine war mare would sleep in a bedouin's tent, carry him into battle, feed his children with her milk. There is a bond which forms from mutual need. Picard inspects a forefoot. TROI Now I understand. You don't want the comfort of a pet. You want a companion. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - 2/10/89 - TEASER 4. 3A CONTINUED: She reflects for a moment, looks a little wistful. TROI (continuing) I had a Betazoid kitten once. My mother and the cat reacted... badly to one another. She pauses as if considering how to phrase the words. Then decides to just say it. TROI (continuing) Captain, my mother and I share a bond. She is going through a difficult time, and I may need to be with her. PICARD If you want leave, you need only ask. TROI Thank you, sir, I appreciate that. PICARD (indicating the horse) You're sure you won't try? It's a good way to relax. We can get you something quiet and gentle. TROI No, no. I prefer a mode of transportation that doesn't have a mind of its own. PICARD Strange. I should have thought that Betazoids would be outstanding animal trainers. TROI We become too involved in the thoughts and shifting passions of the beast. We lose our way and become swept up in emotionalism. Picard checks the girth and the length of the stirrups. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - 2/10/89 - TEASER 5. 3A CONTINUED: (2) PICARD I should think the shifting passions of... (he taps his chest) ... this beast would be far more terrifying. Picard gathers up the reins and prepares to mount. Then RIKER'S COM VOICE interrupts. RIKER'S COM VOICE Captain. PICARD Yes, Number One? RIKER We've entered the first system. I think you might want to come to the bridge. PICARD Something interesting? RIKER Spectacular and a little terrifying. PICARD On my way. (he pats the horse's neck) Later, old girl. 4 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Riker, Worf and Data at their stations. Picard ENTERS (back in uniform). On the main viewscreen is the image of a planet that is in the throes of a violent geological upheaval. The various tectonic plates are outlined in red as if the planet is literally tearing itself apart. RIKER This is our first long-range reading, extremely high magnification. PICARD Quite impressive. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - 2/10/89 - TEASER 6. 4 CONTINUED: RIKER And deadly. The last unmanned probe showed a thriving ecosystem. Now there's nothing. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - REV. 2/13/89 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: 5 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) moving on impulse power. 6 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Present are Picard, Riker, and GEORDI. Troi and PULASKI ENTER and look to Picard. PICARD This is Commander Riker's meeting. RIKER I need your advice and recommendations. I was given the responsibility of overseeing Wesley's education. To further that goal I want to put him in command of the planetary mineral surveys. PULASKI This is a big job with a lot of responsibility. RIKER The game's not big enough if it doesn't scare you a little. GEORDI To do the job, Wesley's going to need a team. It takes command presence to lead. Is he ready for that? TROI Leadership grows from self-confidence which is also part of a Starfleet officer's education. PICARD All of this is true, but there is an old horse trainer's adage about putting too much weight on a young back -- we don't want him to break under the pressure. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - REV. 2/13/89 - ACT ONE 8. 6 CONTINUED: PULASKI We seem to be shifting the focus here. Are we talking about a young officer on the fast track to the Academy or are we talking about guiding a young man through adolescence and into adulthood? RIKER Both. TROI You can't guide someone into adulthood. The experiences are unique to each person. Whether Wes succeeds or fails, he will learn from the experience. PULASKI I agree. I'm just questioning the speed at which we're moving. GEORDI You think we're pushing him too hard? PULASKI It's a valid concern. PICARD Tempering is done in extremes. PULASKI He's a boy, not a sword. PICARD Who will someday be a man and need a fine edge that will hold, that won't dull at the first touch of resistance. RIKER Sooner or later he's got to feel the burden of command. 6A INT. MAIN BRIDGE Worf has the bridge; he is seated in the captain's chair. WESLEY is at Ops. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - 2/10/89 - ACT ONE 9. 6A CONTINUED: RIKER'S COM VOICE Mister Crusher to the Observation Lounge. Wesley rises, and we follow him up the ramp toward the Observation Lounge doors. 6B INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Wesley ENTERS. He checks slightly when he sees this array of brass all staring at him. RIKER Wesley, I'm placing you in command of the planetary mineral surveys. WESLEY Sir! Um... thank you, sir. RIKER You may not thank me once you see how much work it entails. Assemble your team, and take a look at the records on the Drema quadrant. We've got a mystery to solve here. WESLEY Yes, sir. A team, sir? Riker just nods. PICARD Ensign, this is a serious responsibility. WESLEY I know, sir. PICARD These officers are here to assist you. Not judge, but help. I suggest you use them; they are a valuable resource. And by the way, I have more respect for an officer who knows when to admit ignorance and ask a question than one who, out of pride, will blunder blindly forward. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - REV. 2/14/89 - ACT ONE 10. 6B CONTINUED: WESLEY I understand. RIKER You're dismissed, Mister Crusher. Wesley starts to leave, then turns back and looks from Riker to Picard. WESLEY I'll try not to disappoint you Picard merely grunts noncommittally. 7 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Data is running scans at Science One. The area around his feet is cluttered with a CRT screen, a panel at his feet is open, and a circuit board is out. Worf steps gingerly through the mess. WORF Is this part of your regular duties? DATA No, a personal project. I have just reset the sensors to scan for frequencies outside their usual range. WORF Such as? DATA The dips and peaks of the galaxy's magnetic field, organic molecules in nebular clouds, energetic cosmic rays. WORF Interesting. Would these scans also detect artificial transmissions as well as naturally occurring signals? DATA Of course. WORF Good. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - Rev. 2/22/89 - ACT ONE 11. 7 CONTINUED: DATA Those signals are very faint and difficult to distinguish from background noise, which is why I am boosting the power. Worf starts back to his station, crashes into a pile of isolinear chips, and almost takes a header over the control board. DATA (continuing) I will be removing this equipment to my quarters. Worf is not happy. He glowers, and snarls out: WORF Good! 8 INT. CORRIDOR Troi and Riker are walking together. They cross an intersection, and Wesley spots them. He runs to catch up, a PADD gripped hard in one hand. WESLEY Hi, may I walk with you? I need a little advice. TROI Yes. RIKER And it's free. WESLEY Walking or advice? RIKER Both. WESLEY It's about my team. I'm considering so many factors I'm confusing myself. TROI What have you done so far? STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - Rev. 2/22/89 - ACT ONE 12. 8 CONTINUED: WESLEY Broken down the task and picked the best people in those disciplines. RIKER Who have you got so far? WESLEY Prixus for mineralogy and metallurgy, Alans and Hildebrant, volcanology and geo-mechanics, and I want Davies for geo-chemistry, but -- Wesley breaks off. They stop walking, and Riker and Troi wait for a beat. TROI But they're all older than you? WESLEY Yeah, it makes me feel awkward. And what about compatibility -- RIKER (interrupting) Completely irrelevant. They're professionals. And if there are personality conflicts, you resolve them. You're in charge. WESLEY So you not only have to understand the job, you have to be a ship's counselor. TROI Sometimes. Wesley looks at them both for an instant, then nods. WESLEY Well, thanks. He walks away and they watch him go. STAR TREK: "Pen PALS" -- REV. 2/15/89 - ACT ONE 13. 9 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) At impulse. There is a solar system ahead. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 42680.7. We are entering the second Selcundi star system. I believe the volatility of these planets originated in the primordial gas cloud which formed them five billion years ago. 10 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Data's desk is cluttered with the black boxes which are boosting and filtering his experimental scans. There is a keyboard. Data is fiddling with his equipment when suddenly there is a signal. DATA Computer, identify. COMPUTER VOICE Sensors indicate low-level R.F. waves. DATA Is there a pattern? COMPUTER VOICE Affirmative. There is a SOUND OF STATIC and under it all a repeating tonal pattern. DATA Naturally occurring? COMPUTER VOICE Negative. DATA Key universal translator. COMPUTER VOICE Unable to comply. Weak signal. DATA Lock on com link and boost. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - REV. 2/21/89 - ACT ONE 14. 10 CONTINUED: COMPUTER VOICE Lock on complete. DATA Read. COMPUTER VOICE Working. Data settles back to wait. 11 INT. GEOPHYSICAL LABORATORY (OPTICAL) High tables filled with rocks and crystals of various sizes, shapes and colors. Screens on the walls showing the molecular structure of various minerals, cross sections of volcanos, rock strata, etc., computer consoles. DAVIES, a man of some thirty years, sits in a chair and examines a rock sample, runs one of our ever-useful black boxes across it. It VANISHES in a flare of rainbow colors. The doors open, and Wesley ENTERS. He is brisk and confident. WESLEY Ensign Davies? DAVIES You got him. WESLEY Wesley Crusher. They shake hands. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - 2/21/89 - ACT ONE 15. 11 CONTINUED WESLEY (continuing) I've been put in charge of the planetary survey, and I'd like to have you on the team. DAVIES Sounds great. Who else is on it? WESLEY Prixus and Hildebrant and Alans. DAVIES It's a shame you didn't talk to me first. Personal opinion, but I like to break up married teams. WESLEY Oh, I hadn't thought about that. DAVIES Don't worry, they'll probably work out fine. Wesley starts for the door. DAVIES (continuing) And if you need any help, just give me a signal and I'll take over for you. We don't want you getting too beat up on your first command. The tone is kindly, but Wesley's confidence is being slowly eroded by all the good advice and kindly protection. He sounds much younger now than when he entered the room. WESLEY Uh... thanks, but I think I'll be okay. He EXITS. 12 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS Data seated at his desk. COMPUTER VOICE Analysis complete. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - REV. 2/14/89 - ACT ONE 16. 12 CONTINUED: STATIC fills the room, and under it a sense of a VOICE SPEAKING. DATA Enhance. Coming in clearly is a LITTLE GIRL'S VOICE. SARJENKA (V.O.) Is anybody out there? There is a look of excitement and great interest on Data's face. Hits some keys to activate. DATA Yes. Off Data, as we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - REV. 2/21/89 - ACT TWO 17. ACT TWO FADE IN: 13 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at impulse. Off in the distance is a sun; one planet is visible. 14 INT. CORRIDOR Wesley is dithering near a doorway. Pulaski comes by, takes a look at that taut young face and stops. PULASKI Wes. WESLEY Hi, Doctor Pulaski. His eyes keep sliding to the door. PULASKI Is there trouble behind that door? WESLEY My team's in there. I've got to assign planets, set a schedule. PULASKI Sounds like you've got everything under control. WESLEY But I haven't had to deal with them. Not all together. Not professionally. PULASKI Wes, the minute you walk through that door they're your team. You don't have to prove a thing. You've got the authority. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - REV. 2/21/89 - ACT TWO 18. 14 CONTINUED: WESLEY Only because Commander Riker says I do. PULASKI It's up to you to hang on to it. (a head jerk toward the door) You better get in there. She pauses. PULASKI (continuing) And for whatever it's worth, I think you're going to do just fine. (a beat) Or not. She walks away, with Wesley staring after her. 14A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) on impulse power. PICARD (V.O.) It has been six weeks since our entrance into the Selcundi Drema quadrant. Each system has revealed the same disturbing geological upheavals on every planet. 15 INT. CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) Picard is keying the Holodeck panel. COMPUTER VOICE Program complete. Enter when ready. The doors open and we see the woodland scene with the Arab mare patiently waiting. Picard ENTERS. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - REV. 2/13/89 - ACT TWO 18A. 16 EXT. MEADOW Picard crosses to the already saddled horse and strokes her neck, straightens the mane, scratches her neck. PICARD Feels good, doesn't it? You're a lovely darling. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - REV. 2/13/89 - ACT TWO 19. 16 CONTINUED: Picard mounts. Disappears into the trees. There is a flash of horse and rider through the trees. Picard rides toward the camera at the trot. He cues the horse and rocks into a canter. Cantering away from the camera, slowing to a walk. Picard leans forward and pats the horse on the neck. There should be no pass-by's because he is functionally on a treadmill; or, if there is a ride-by, the horse should be bent around Patrick's leg as if they are in an arena. 17 INT. GEOPHYSICAL LABORATORY Davies is busy at a table. Wesley and HILDEBRANT stand before a screen. WESLEY I agree. Nice job. Hildebrant nods and moves away. Davies rises and crosses to Wesley carrying a PADD. He's friendly but a little off-handed. DAVIES Here are the results of my scan of the third Selcundi system. Just the same old song. Wesley takes the PADD and checks the information. WESLEY Didn't you tell me that U.V. absorption readings like these are indicative of traker deposits? DAVIES And where there's traker there's generally dilithium? Yeah, I did. WESLEY Then don't you think we ought to run an Ico-spectrogram? STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - REV. 2/21/89 - ACT TWO 20. 17 CONTINUED: DAVIES Those tanker readings are really faint. It's probably a fool's echo. WESLEY (hesitantly) I think I'd still run the Ico-gram. Hildebrant has been drawn by the discussion. HILDEBRANT Wesley, it's a major undertaking to set up that scanner. DAVIES We're looking at five hours -- minimum. WESLEY I know, I just don't want to do the job halfway. DAVIES Wes, there's being thorough and then there's wasting time. It's also the mark of a good officer to recognize the difference. WESLEY Well, maybe you're right. Davies and Hildebrant move away. And OUT OF CAMERA RANGE. BACK ON Wesley looking uncomfortable with the implication that he's picking nits and not really in command. We see him struggle with himself; Wesley has the expression of a man who doesn't feel good about a decision, but can't figure out what to do about it. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - REV. 2/13/89 - ACT TWO 20A. 18 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker has the bridge. Worf at Tactical. Supernumeraries at other stations. Data is at Science One. On the screen we see a diagrammatic of continental plates grinding past each other. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - 2/10/89 - ACT TWO 21. 18 CONTINUED: DATA Access all volcanic and tectonic plate activity of Drema Four. COMPUTER VOICE Accessing. Information hits the screen, and Data executes a fast read. DATA Computer, locate Captain Picard. COMPUTER VOICE Captain Picard is on Holodeck Three. Data crosses and enters the turbolift. His expression is very serious. 19 EXT. MEADOW Picard riding. Data ENTERS. He stands very quietly until Picard notices him. Picard trots up and reins in directly in front of the android. DATA I am sorry to disturb you, Captain. Picard dismounts and flips the reins over the horse's head. Steps up to Data. PICARD Quite all right. It must be important, or you wouldn't be here. DATA Yes, Captain, it is important. Very. Eight weeks ago I received a transmission -- a simple four word message: "Is anybody out there?" I answered it. He looks at Picard, but the captain is impassive just waiting to hear the rest. DATA (continuing) I could not help myself. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - REV. 2/13/89 - ACT TWO 22. 19 CONTINUED: Picard softly strokes the horse's neck. Evaluating what he has heard. PICARD There is a loneliness inherent in that whisper in the darkness. DATA Yes, I am glad that you understand. They begin walking slowly side by side. Picard leading the mare. PICARD (gently) But it didn't stop there. DATA (sighs) No. I have been drawn into her life. PICARD To what degree is this involvement? DATA We have been communicating regularly. PICARD Dear heaven, you've got a pen pal. Does this society have any idea that there is interstellar life? DATA No. PICARD Merde. Just where does she think you're calling from? DATA I have kept that somewhat vague. But Sarjenka has been quite specific, telling me detailed stories of her family and friends. It was fascinating, but among these confidences were interspersed alarming references. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - 2/10/89 - ACT TWO 23. 19 CONTINUED: (2) Picard's expression is beginning to look a little "alarming." His crop is beating out a very light tattoo against his boot. PICARD Go on. DATA Captain, Drema Four is enduring the same geological stresses we have found in the other systems. PICARD Then your pen pal is in trouble. DATA Yes, sir. PICARD What are you proposing? DATA If we can determine the cause of the geological instability, we might be able to reverse the process. PICARD And violate the Prime Directive. DATA I was hoping that you might have an option. Despite Data's cool tones this is a cry for help, and Picard knows it. His frustration is evident on his face. PICARD (almost to himself) We don't even know if this catastrophe is preventable. (a beat) Call a conference in my quarters. All senior staff. DATA Yes, sir. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - 2/10/89 - ACT TWO 24. 19 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD And Data, all communication with this life-form must stop. DATA (softly) Yes, sir. I understand. Data turns smartly on his heel, and heads for the door. Off Picard's face, as we: 20 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - REV. 2/13/89 - ACT THREE 25. ACT THREE FADE IN: 21 INT. TEN-FORWARD Riker is seated with an attractive woman. Their heads are close together, and they are laughing together. In the background a pair of crewwomen play three-dimensional chess. The BARTENDER waits on a customer at the bar. Wesley ENTERS and scans the room. He then crosses to Riker. Riker studies the boy's serious face, rises. RIKER (to the woman) Will you excuse me? He puts an arm around Wesley's shoulder, and they cross to another table. Dialogue is over the move. RIKER (continuing) You have the look of someone who didn't come up here to relax. WESLEY No, sir, I need your advice. Wesley and Riker seat themselves. WESLEY (continuing) Yesterday Ensign Davies turned in his survey results. I thought he should run an Ico-spectrogram. He didn't agree. RIKER Did you think you were right? WESLEY Well, yeah, I guess. Or I could have just been picking nits. RIKER Or perhaps intimidated? It's tough to tell people what to do. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - REV. 2/13/89 - ACT THREE 26. 21 CONTINUED: WESLEY I suppose I could have made it an order, but that's the hard part. How do I give orders to somebody older and more experienced then me? RIKER Your and Davies's relative ages aren't the issue here. Are they? WESLEY I guess not. RIKER Do you think it might have something to do with ego? WESLEY Maybe the opposite of ego. Every time I give an order, there's this part of me that's asking what makes my judgment so superior to this other person's. RIKER Wes, authority and responsibility go hand in hand. I know you're responsible, now you have to learn to handle authority. You've been put in command so you can make a few right decisions. That will establish a pattern of success and build your self-confidence. That's why I said this was about ego. If you don't trust your own judgment, you don't belong in the command chair. WESLEY But what if I'm wrong? RIKER Then you're wrong. It's arrogant to think you'll never make a mistake. WESLEY But what if it's something really important -- not just a mineral survey, and what if someone ends up dead because of my mistake? STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/15/89 - ACT THREE 27. 21 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER In your situation you only have to do one thing: Ask yourself, what would Picard do? WESLEY He'd listen to all the opinions, then make the decision. But he's Picard. RIKER Doesn't matter. Would anyone argue with the captain once his decision was made? Wesley gives a bark of incredulous laughter. WESLEY No way. RIKER Why not? WESLEY I'm not sure. DATA'S COM VOICE Commander Riker, report to the captain's quarters. RIKER When you've worked it out, you'll understand command. Riker taps his insignia. RIKER (continuing) On my way. He starts for the doors, then pauses and adds. RIKER (continuing) I hope I've helped. Let me know what you decide. WESLEY I've already decided. I'm going to have Davies run that Ico-gram. (he smiles) And thank you, sir. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - REV. 2/13/89 - ACT THREE 28. 21 CONTINUED: (3) RIKER You're welcome. 22 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) moving on impulse power. 23 INT. GEOPHYSICAL LABORATORY Davies is studying some test results on a screen. Wesley ENTERS. DAVIES Hey, Wes, hi. Wesley holds himself a little stiffly. WESLEY Ensign Davies, I want that Ico-spectrogram run on the Selcundi Drema system. DAVIES (very light) You got it. He moves away to obey, and Wesley stands in stunned amazement. 24 INT. PICARD'S QUARTERS Present are Picard, Riker, Pulaski, Troi, Geordi, Worf and Data. As we come in, Picard has outlined the problem. Data is staring tensely at Picard, waiting for the miracle to happen. Everyone else is very serious. There should be growing passion in this scene. It's not just another cool discussion. Confusion manifesting in physical action. PICARD You see the dilemma? WORF There are no options. The Prime Directive is not a matter of degree. It is an absolute. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - 2/10/89 - ACT THREE 29. 24 CONTINUED: PULASKI (a little sharply) I've always had a problem with that kind of abstract intellectualizing. It seems very callous and even a little cowardly. Worf reacts to the "cowardly," and Picard holds out a quelling hand. PICARD Doctor, I'm sure the lieutenant did not intend it in that way. In this situation we must use caution. Our actions could have a profound effect upon the future. If we could see all possible outcomes -- Picard pauses searching for the right words. Riker jumps in. RIKER We would be gods, but we're not. If there is some cosmic plan, isn't it the height of hubris to presume that we can, or should, interfere? GEORDI So what are you saying? That the Dremans are fated to die? RIKER It's something that needs to be considered. GEORDI (with heat) Well, consider it considered, and rejected. TROI If there is a cosmic plan, are we not part of it? Our presence at this place at this moment in time might be part of that fate. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/14/89 - ACT THREE 30. 24 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI (eagerly) So it might be part of the plan that we interfere. RIKER I think that eliminates the idea of "fate." PULASKI Commander, remember "Human reason needs only to will more strongly than fate, and she is fate." DATA Doctor, you quote Thomas Mann, and Commander Riker could no doubt cite Euripides to support his position, but all of this is just philosophy. Sarjenka is not a subject for philosophical debate, she is a person. PULASKI (to Picard) He's got a point. The Prime Directive was designed to protect, not destroy. PICARD So Doctor, you draw the line at the death of millions. PULASKI Yes. PICARD Same situation if it's an epidemic rather than a geological catastrophe? PULASKI Absolutely. PICARD How about a war? A generations-long conflict that is killing millions. Do we interfere? There is an uncomfortable silence. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/16/89 - ACT THREE 31. 24 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD (continuing) Now we're less secure in our moral certitude. And what if it's not death. What if it's an oppressive government which is enslaving millions? He scans the faces of his officers. PICARD (continuing) The Prime Directive serves many purposes. Not the least of which is to protect us. It keeps us from allowing our emotions to overrule our judgement. PULASKI My emotions are involved. Data's friend is going to die. That means something. WORF To Data. PULASKI Does that invalidate the emotion? They all look at Data, who is busy looking from Worf to Pulaski and back to Worf again as they attribute emotions and reactions to him. Picard with profound pity. This is really the problem. Not some unknown life-form on an unknown planet. GEORDI If the Dremans asked for our help? DATA (eagerly) Yes, Sarjenka's transmission could be viewed as a call for help. PICARD That's sophistry and you know it. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - REV. 2/16/89 - ACT THREE 32. 24 CONTINUED: (4) PULASKI Hell, I'll buy that excuse. We're all jigging madly on the head of a pin anyway. WORF She cannot ask for help from people she does not know. DATA She knows me. RIKER What a perfectly vicious little circle. PICARD (to Data) I want you to sever the remaining com link with Drema Four. DATA Captain, to maintain contact without subspace radio capability required the computer to remotely scan all subspace resonance in her area. If I break that link the probability of relocating her signal falls to one in twenty-three million... Picard is sitting very still, eyes lowered, head bowed. Everyone becomes aware of his silence, and they focus on him. It is very, very quiet, and suddenly it hits Data. DATA (continuing) We are going to allow her to die, are we not? Troi, who is seated next to Data, gives a tiny shiver and looks quickly over at him. Then looks puzzled and shakes her head slightly. Did she or didn't she feel something out of him for the first time? Her attention is then drawn by Picard. Data touches whatever panels necessary. There is the SOUND OF STATIC, a VOICE slowly becoming clear. A FRIGHTENED CHILD'S voice. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/16/89 - ACT THREE 33. 24 CONTINUED: (5) SARJENKA (V.O.) Data, Data! Where are you? Why won't you answer? Are you angry me? Please, please, I'm so afraid! Don't leave me! Now suddenly it's real. There's a person at the end of those words who is going to die. Data reaches out to sever the link. PICARD Wait. A long beat. PICARD (continuing; very weary) Oh, Data. Another beat. PICARD (continuing) That whisper in the dark has become a plea. We cannot turn our backs. Off Picard's face, as we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - REV. 2/13/89 - ACT FOUR 34. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 25 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) coming into orbit around Drema Four. 26 OMITTED 27 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Present are Picard, Riker, Wesley, Davies, ALANS and Hildebrant. RIKER We've found the reason for the geological instability. PICARD Excellent. DAVIES We would have missed it if Ensign Crusher hadn't requested an Ico-gram, but he did, and... Davies indicates Wesley, clearly deferring to his commander. WESLEY Drema Four has the largest deposit of dilithium ore ever recorded. It's also laid down in a very unusual pattern. The crystals are growing to form perfectly aligned lattices. Alans and Hildebrant are playing off each other. Finishing each other's sentences, interrupting. They're excited because they've discovered something new and fascinating, so they're teasing each other. HILDEBRANT The ore is forming generator strata. ALANS Which creates a piezoelectric effect. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/14/89 - ACT FOUR 35. 27 CONTINUED: PICARD In plain English this means that the dilithium is causing the geological catastrophe? ALANS Right, the crystals take the natural radiant heat of the planet -- HILDEBRANT Focus it, and turn it into mechanical energy. ALANS That increases tectonic stresses -- HILDEBRANT (tapping him on the shoulder) Excuse me, those plates are mine. Stick to your volcanos. Anyway the stress tears the planet apart. DAVIES Then the crystals break down, which is why we found all these traces of Illium-629. PICARD All right, we know the why. Now what can we do? RIKER That's going to take a little more work. PICARD Can we reverse the process? Davies, Wesley, Hildebrant and Alans all exchange glances. WESLEY (cautiously) We think so. PICARD No theories or half answers. Yes or no. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/14/89 - ACT FOUR 36. 27 CONTINUED: (2) HILDEBRANT We'll get to work on it. ALANS (as an afterthought) Sir. Wesley, Davies, Alans and Hildebrant EXIT. RIKER Data's out there... (indicates the bridge with a head jerk) ... monitoring conditions on Drema Four. The situation's becoming pretty desperate for his friend. He's calculated the safest locations on the planet's surface. You can guess why. PICARD We just keep getting in deeper and deeper, don't we? Riker sits down. Leans his head back. RIKER She's going to die. They're all going to die. PICARD Unless. RIKER Yes... unless. Picard studies his hands. PICARD You may tell Commander Data that he has my permission to contact his friend and guide her to a safer location. Riker rises and starts for the doors. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/15/89 - ACT FOUR 37. 27 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD (continuing) Do you know where we are now, Number One? RIKER Sir? PICARD Up to our necks. 28 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) In orbit around Drema Four. 29 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS Data is seated at his desk. He makes adjustments to his transmitter, reopening communication. DATA Sarjenka, this is Data. Respond please. COMPUTER VOICE Unable to complete transmission. DATA Reason for failure? COMPUTER VOICE Damage to remote receiver on planet's surface. Data rises, and heads briskly out the door. 30 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM (OPTICAL) Present are Picard, Riker, Worf, and Hildebrant. WORF We are modifying Class One probes so they become resonators. We will then use torpedo casings to protect the probes once they begin burrowing beneath the surface. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/16/89 - ACT FOUR 37AA. 30 CONTINUED: PICARD How do these resonators destroy the crystals? STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/15/89 - ACT FOUR 37A. 30 CONTINUED: HILDEBRANT By emitting harmonic vibrations which will shatter the lattices. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/15/89 - ACT FOUR 38. 30 CONTINUED: (2) WORF The Enterprise will monitor and adjust the frequency of the resonators. RIKER (to Hildebrant and Worf) It sounds like a plan. Get started on it. The two officers start to EXIT and meet Data on his way in. Picard rises and crosses to the food unit. PICARD Tea, Earl Grey, hot. DATA Captain, permission to beam down to Drema Four. Picard almost spills his tea. PICARD What? DATA I have been unable to contact Sarjenka. PICARD I know you're worried, but transporting to the surface is only going to make a bad situation worse. DATA I feel it is important to determine the reason for -- RIKER (interrupting) Come on, Data! DATA (to Picard) Sir, your orders were to deliver the message, correct? PICARD Yes. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/15/89 - ACT FOUR 38AA. 30 CONTINUED: (3) DATA So what is the difference whether I send the message or deliver it personally? STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/15/89 - ACT FOUR 38A. 30 CONTINUED: (4) Picard is a little stunned by the chutzpah and remains silent. Riker bursts out: RIKER A whopping big one, and you know it. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - 2/10/89 - ACT FOUR 39. 30 CONTINUED: (2) DATA (to Picard) We have come this far. PICARD In for a penny, in for a pound, is that what you're saying, Mister Data? Data just stares at him. Picard stares into those too-wide eyes. It's like kicking a dog. He drops his head into his hand. PICARD (continuing) Oh hell. He jerks his thumb toward the door. PICARD (continuing) Go. DATA (not quite believing it) Sir? PICARD Go. Handle the transport, Number One. Riker and Data start for the doors. Riker looks back with an ironic smile. RIKER Now where would you say we are? With a hand Picard indicates someplace way over his head. Data and Riker EXIT. 30A OMITTED 31 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) O'BRIEN is behind the console as Data and Riker ENTER. RIKER O'Brien, take a nap. You didn't see this, you're not involved. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - 2/10/89 - ACT FOUR 40. 31 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Right sir, just standing here dozing off. He folds his arms across his chest and leans up against a wall. Data climbs onto the transporter. RIKER Ten minutes, Data, that's it, and if you meet anybody but Sarjenka -- DATA I will signal for immediate beam out. Data DEMATERIALIZES. PICARD'S COM VOICE Commander Riker to the bridge. RIKER Damn! O'BRIEN I just woke up, sir. RIKER You know what to do? O'BRIEN No problem. I'll have him out of there as smooth as ice. Riker EXITS. 32 INT. SARJENKA'S ROOM (OPTICAL) Data MATERIALIZES. A lurid red light is filtering through the hexagonal cells of the comb-like room. The transmitter lies on the floor. Occasional tremors shake the room. On one side of the room is a raised platform covered with tumbled furs. In one corner is propped a lute-like instrument. Brightly colored ribbons hang from the neck. On one wall hang a number of pictures. They are all of improbable ships sailing through the stars or winged creatures flying through stars, ringed planets, etc. All the detritus of childhood, but no child. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/16/89 - ACT FOUR 41. 32 CONTINUED: Data unlimbers his tricorder and takes readings. The tricorder is emitting HIGH-PITCHED BEEPS which DROP IN TONE as it scans across the door areas of the walls. Data approaches a doorway and runs a hand across it. The wall VANISHES, and he is looking out at a volcano which is spurting molten lava high into the sky. A river of the viscous rock crawls toward the house. Ash is raining down outside. Data closes the wall. Slowly he crosses and picks up the lute. An earth tremor shakes the room. Data steadies himself. He thoughtfully draws his fingers across the strings. The SOUND of the strings hang in the room. Suddenly the wall VANISHES, and... SARJENKA rushes in. The wall remains open. She is an eerie but beautiful child between ten and twelve. Her skin has a luminous gold color; her eyebrows have a metallic quality as if gemstones and precious metals had been crushed and brushed across the hairs. From above each brow spring delicate antennae which curve back over the top of her head. The hair which hangs to her waist is of the same metallic multicolored strands as the brows. The quality is as if a dragonfly developed bipedally. Eyes can be faceted or not. She is coughing. Data turns. She freezes when she sees the Android, then shrinks back in terror. She bolts for the exit. Data leaps after her and grabs her by the shoulders. DATA Sarjenka, wait! She struggles violently in his grasp. DATA (continuing) Do not be afraid. I am Data. She stares at him in dawning wonder. Slowly she reaches out and touches his cheek with her fingertips. SARJENKA (breathing the word) Data. (a beat) Data, you came. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - REV. 2/13/89 - ACT FOUR 41A. 32 CONTINUED: (2) Then to his vast confusion the child throws herself into his arms. His arms hang limply at his sides. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/14/89 - ACT FOUR 42. 32 CONTINUED: (3) SARJENKA (continuing) Data, where have you been? DATA There is no time for explanations. You and your family must leave. SARJENKA We already have. We ran when the tremors began. DATA (confused) Then why are you here? SARJENKA My father wouldn't let us take anything, but I had to have my transmitter. I knew you would come back, and I didn't want you to find only silence -- the way I did. DATA (distractedly) Yes, well, I am sorry about that, but it is very complicated -- Does your family know where you are? SARJENKA No. DATA (looking outside) You cannot survive in this. Data closes the wall, and suddenly the little girl begins to realize that she is in danger. Fright washes across her face. SARJENKA What are we going to do? Data considers. There is another tremor, and Sarjenka almost loses her footing. Data steadies her. He has evaluated all the available information and there is only one alternative. He taps his insignia. DATA Enterprise, two to beam up. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - 2/10/89 - ACT FOUR 43. 32 CONTINUED: (3) SARJENKA Where are we going? Data points upward. SARJENKA (continuing; thrilled) To the stars? DATA Yes. He positions the child, and they DEMATERIALIZE, as we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" - 2/10/89 - ACT FIVE 44. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 33 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Data and Sarjenka MATERIALIZE. O'Brien gapes at the alien. Sarjenka edges nervously sideways and slides her hand into Data's. O'BRIEN (sotto voce) There's gonna be hell to pay. DATA Where is Commander Riker? O'BRIEN On the bridge. Data, with Sarjenka in tow, steps down off the platform and heads for the doors. O'BRIEN (continuing) Where are you going? DATA To the bridge. O'BRIEN You're going to take that? Data pauses to consider. DATA Leave her here? Sarjenka seizes his arm, stares in fear at O'Brien and in a frenzied whisper: SARJENKA Don't leave me here. Please don't leave me. DATA (to O'Brien) Quite impossible. They EXIT, the child's hand still locked in Data's. Off O'Brien's completely befuddled expression: STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/21/89 - ACT FIVE 45. 34 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Riker, Picard, Troi, Wesley and Worf are all at their accustomed places. A supernumerary at Ops. The planet is on the main viewscreen. WORF Sir, we are three minutes from resonator launch. PICARD (to Riker) Where is he? RIKER He'll be here. Right on cue the doors of the aft turbolift open. Picard and Riker rise and turn. Riker's expression of relief turns to consternation as he and Picard stare at the child with Data. Picard very slowly turns his head to regard his first officer. There is a world of frustration in the glance. PICARD He has brought that child aboard my ship and onto my bridge. RIKER I'm sure Data will have a very good explanation. DATA She was frightened and did not want to be left alone PICARD Mister Data, would you kindly assume your station. Picard nods to Troi and gestures toward Sarjenka. PICARD (continuing) Counselor, escort her to Sickbay. Troi starts up the ramp, and Sarjenka shrinks even closer to Data. She is in a very strange place, among strangers who look hideously ugly to her, and there is this gruff man who is angry with her and angry with her friend Data. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/21/89 - ACT FIVE 46. 34 CONTINUED: (2) TROI (reaching the pair) It's all right, nobody's going to hurt you. Troi holds out her hand to Sarjenka. TROI (continuing) We'll go and get a treat, and -- SARJENKA NO! DATA Captain, I will not allow her to be in the way. Sarjenka is beating at Troi's hand as Troi reaches for her and twining around Data like vines on a tree. Data is very rattled by this. Everyone's attention is on this little psychodrama and not on their stations. WORF Two minutes to resonator launch. TROI Little one, hush, it's all right. SARJENKA (interrupting, very shrill) NO! Leave me alone! I want Data! Troi catches one of Sarjenka's flailing hands. Troi continues murmuring soothing endearments, but Sarjenka is having none of it. She bursts into wild sobs. DATA Counselor, allow me. Please. Troi drops Sarjenka's hand and steps back, watching with great interest. Data drops to one knee. The little girl wraps her arms around his neck, rests her head on his shoulder, and sobs. Data's eyes are flicking from side to side, his head is cocking as waves of confusion break over him. Suddenly his arms go around her, and he hugs her close. With one hand he strokes her long hair. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/21/89 - ACT FIVE 47. 34 CONTINUED: (3) DATA (continuing) Hush, it is all right now. No one will harm you. These are my friends. Sarjenka's sobs subside. The bridge is completely silent. PICARD Take your station, Mister Data, and keep her with you. This does directly concern her. Data and Sarjenka move down to Ops. She is still holding his hand. She settles between the two stations. Still hanging on. WORF Thirty seconds to resonator launch. DATA (to Sarjenka) I require my hand now. WORF Firing torpedoes. 34A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) We see the lights of the six racing torpedos heading for the planet like a flight of birds. 34B INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) DATA Sensors locked on probes. WORF Torpedos have reached their targets... A beat. A thermographic image appears on the main viewscreen. DATA Resonators activated. Harmonic sequences have begun. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/15/89 - ACT FIVE 47AA. 34B CONTINUED: SARJENKA What are you doing? STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/16/89 - ACT FIVE 47A. 34B CONTINUED: (2) DATA We are attempting to quiet your planet. If we succeed, there will be no more quakes, no more volcanos. PICARD (to Wesley) When should the results become evident? WESLEY Very quickly, sir. SARJENKA And my parents and brothers? DATA If our experiment... He breaks off, realizing that what Sarjenka needs is reassurance. DATA (continuing) They will soon be safe. Data looks at his panel DATA (continuing) Captain, sensors indicate a planetwide reduction in tectonic stress levels. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/21/89 - ACT FIVE 48 - 49* 34B CONTINUED: (3) WESLEY It's working. We did it! People shift in their chairs as the tension now eases on the bridge. SARJENKA (to Data) You did this for me? Data reacts. Sarjenka slowly turns and studies the bridge. DATA Sarjenka, look. Data taps the console. DATA (continuing) Starboard view. The view of Drema Four on the Main Viewer is replaced with a view of the stars. DATA (continuing) There, there are your stars. Absolute wonder. Sarjenka approaches the Main Viewer. DATA (continuing) What are you thinking? SARJENKA Someday, I'm going to be here. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/16/89 - ACT FIVE 50. 34B CONTINUED: (5) PICARD Data, take Sarjenka to Sickbay. DATA Sir, must we? PICARD Yes. Data holds out his hand to Sarjenka. She runs to him. Trustingly takes his hand, and they EXIT. Picard rises, crosses to the Ready Room, and ENTERS. 34C INT. PULASKI'S OFFICE (OPTICAL) Pulaski is seated at her desk talking to Picard on the com screen. PICARD'S COM VOICE Data and the alien are on their way down. What would be involved in removing all memory of her communication with Data and her visit to this ship? PULASKI Assuming her brain structure is similar to ours the memories will be stored chemically on the neurons of the cerebral cortex. They are also time dependent. I'll have to scan for age of the chemical links, and try to find the relevant neurons. To be sure I may have to go back weeks before the initial contact with Data. PICARD'S COM VOICE Well, do your best. His image vanishes as he cuts the com. 34D INT. CORRIDOR Data and Sarjenka walking toward Sickbay. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/14/89 - ACT FIVE 50A. 34D CONTINUED: SARJENKA You have many different kinds of people here. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/21/89 - ACT FIVE 51. 34D CONTINUED: (2) DATA Yes. SARJENKA When I'm bigger can I be on your ship? DATA I am certain you could. SARJENKA (with a sigh) I wish I could come with you now. DATA There are many things in life which we desire but will never receive. This is one of them. SARJENKA I know, but I can still wish for it. The doors of Sickbay open and they ENTER. 35 INT. PULASKI'S OFFICE Data and Sarjenka cross the room and enter. Pulaski is seated at her desk. On the desk are some collectibles, among them the Elanin Singer Stone. DATA Sarjenka, this is Doctor Pulaski. PULASKI Hello, dear. SARJENKA Hello. Her eye is caught by the Singer Stone, and she picks it up. It begins to sing, and her eyes widen in wonder. She smiles. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/14/89 - ACT FIVE 52. 35 CONTINUED: SARJENKA (continuing) What is this? PULASKI An Elanin Singer Stone. It sings a different song for each person. Sarjenka thrusts the crystal at Data. SARJENKA What does it sing for you? He folds her fingers back around the stone and pushes it away gently. DATA It does not sing for me. SARJENKA Why not? DATA Because I am a machine. SARJENKA Oh Data, I'm sorry. She touches his cheek. PULASKI Sarjenka, we're going to run a few scans just to make sure you're all right. An expression of alarm crosses the child's face. PULASKI (continuing) Data's going to be right with you. Don't worry. 35A INT. SICKBAY (OPTICAL) Data and Pulaski lead Sarjenka to the biobed, and Data boosts her up. Pulaski gives her a hypospray, and the little girl is out. Pulaski begins studying the readouts over the bed. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/14/89 - ACT FIVE 52A. 35A CONTINUED: PULASKI (continuing) You did a good thing, Data. He looks down at Sarjenka. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/16/89 - ACT FIVE 53. 35A CONTINUED: (2) DATA But are we doing a good thing now? PULASKI Data, this is to protect her as much as us. DATA By robbing her of her memories? PULASKI To remember you and this ship would complicate her future. She has to be the person she was born to be. And you'll remember. Pulaski sets up a complex machine. It emits a beam of blue light across the child's head. 36 INT. SARJENKA'S ROOM (OPTICAL) Data MATERIALIZES. He is carrying Sarjenka. (Stunt double if necessary.) Data carries the sleeping child to her bed and tucks her in. He then opens his hand, revealing the Elanin stone. It is silent. He then presses it into her hand, gently folding the fingers around the crystal. It begins to sing. He crosses to the wall and opens it, revealing the now quiet volcano. There are anxious VOICES OFF STAGE. Data quickly closes the wall, hurries to the center of the room, touches his insignia and DEMATERIALIZES. 37 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at warp speed. 38 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker is in the command position. Worf is at his station. Supernumeraries at Conn and Ops. Wesley ENTERS and starts to cross to his station. Riker motions to him, and Wesley joins him at the command station. He nods toward the first officer's chair. RIKER Sit down. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/21/89 - ACT FIVE 54. 38 CONTINUED: WESLEY No thank you sir. It's going to be a long time before I'm really qualified to sit here. RIKER You did a good job, Wes. I'm proud of you. WESLEY Thank you, sir. Wesley starts for Conn, then pauses and looks back. WESLEY (continuing) Does it get any easier? RIKER No. 39 INT. PICARD'S QUARTERS There is a CHIME. Picard looks up from book. In the background music is softly playing. PICARD Come. Data ENTERS. Picard closes the book on a finger. DATA I came to thank you. PICARD No thanks are necessary. You reminded us that there are obligations beyond duty. STAR TREK: "Pen Pals" -- REV. 2/16/89 - ACT FIVE 55. 39 CONTINUED: DATA You did not have to hold that conference. Your decision could have been unilateral. PICARD One of my officers... He stops, and sets aside the book. PICARD (continuing) ... One of my friends was in trouble. I had to help him. DATA I am going to miss her, Captain. PICARD That too is part of friendship, remembrance and regrets. DATA Yes, sir. PICARD And understanding that has taken you a step closer to humanity. Off Data's quizzical look. 39A EXT SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Moving away at ways speed FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END