STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Manhunt" #40272-145 Written by Tracy Torme Directed by Rob Bowman THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1989 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. 2ND REVISED FINAL DRAFT MARCH 29, 1989 STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Manhunt" CAST PICARD ANTEDIAN DIGNITARY RIKER MRS. TROI DATA MR. HOMN PULASKI TRANSPORT PILOT TROI SECRETARY GEORDI SLADE BENDER WORF TOUGHGUY WESLEY REX O'BRIEN Non-speaking Non-Speaking SECURITY GUARD ANTEDIAN DIGNITARY BAR CROWD Voice-over SAILOR COMPUTER VOICE BLEACHED BLOND HARD DRINKERS CHINESE-AMERICAN MISC. PATRONS STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Manhunt" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE TRANSPORTER ROOM ANTEDE THREE CORRIDORS CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM PACIFICA TURBOLIFT MRS. TROI'S QUARTERS HOLODECK THREE SICKBAY CHANDLERLAND (HOLODECK) HALLWAY DIXON HILL'S OFFICE OFFICE RECEPTION REX'S BAR STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Manhunt" PRONUCIATION GUIDE ANTEDE THREE an-TEE-DEE ANTEDIANS an-TEE-DEE-ans TONY PALERMO pah-LAIR-mo HOMN hom STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Manhunt" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit around a planet. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 42881.5. We are in orbit around Antede Three, awaiting the arrival of two dignitaries from this world. 2 INT. CORRIDOR - ON PICARD walking toward us, wearing a full-dress uniform. PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) Our mission is to carry them to a conference on planet Pacifica... 3 TRANSPORTER ROOM - PICARD (OPTICAL) as he the Transporter Room with DOCTOR PULASKI, WESLEY and WORF, all of whom wear work uniforms. PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) ... where their race will be given the opportunity to join the Federation. PICARD I thought you might find this interesting, Mister Crusher. Few humans have ever seen an Antedian in the flesh. Picard nods at TRANSPORTER CHIEF O'BRIEN who begins the energizing process. The two delegates begin to MATERIZLIZE on the platform... STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - TEASER 2. 4 REVERSE ANGLE ON ANTEDIANS as seen from behind. They are dressed in flowing, red robe-like garments with an attached hood which keeps us from seeing their heads from here. PICARD Welcome. I'm Jean-Luc Picard, captain of the Enterprise. WESLEY (hesitates, then) Are they alright, Captain? Doctor Pulaski moves toward them with a medical instrument in hand. She grimaces as she gets near their faces. PICARD No, this is their preferred way of space travel. 5 ANGLE TO INCLUDE THE ANTEDIANS seen from the front for the first time. It is not a pretty sight. Each mottled face resembles an oversized catfish: huge gaping mouth, spindly whiskers, big fish eyes, and a skeletal structure that gives them a grotesque, unhealthy appearance. Their hooded, crimson robes only emphasize their eerie, menacing appearance. But what is really bizarre is that they're completely motionless -- catatonic. A medium-sized container arrives with them. Pulaski methodically runs her medical instruments along the Antedian's necks. PULASKI Their physical condition appears good enough, considering the circumstances. PICARD (to Welsey) It is a self-induced catatonic state. Their way of dealing with the trauma of spaceflight. WESLEY Will we try to revive them? STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - TEASER 3. 5 CONTINUED: PICARD Not until we reach the Pacifica conference. It's three days away. (to Pulaski) You've prepared Sickbay facilities for holding them, Doctor? PULASKI As soon as we make some adjustments. Their physiology is unusual. (to O'Brien) Can you store them for a few hours? O'BRIEN Aye. I'll have them kept out of the way here. WESLEY What's in this container? PULASKI Their food. When they come out of stasis, they will be very hungry. 5A ANOTHER ANGLE Wesley steps over to the container and lifts the cover. It's filled with a writhing, squirming mass of worm-like creatures. WESLEY This is what they eat? PULASKI In great quantities. 5B SCENE PICARD (to Worf) Provide security. WORF Understood, sir. Worf steps forward and looks at the Antedians admiringly. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - TEASER 3A. 5B CONTINUED: WORF (continuing) What a handsome race. The others look at Worf, wondering if he could possibly be serious. And of course, he is. 5C EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as she leaves orbit. 6 INT. BRIDGE The normal bridge crew are in their positions. Troi is also there. RIKER What did you think of the Antedians, Wesley? WESLEY Well, they are rather strange-looking, Commander. Picard ENTERS and walks to his position. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - TEASER 4. 6 CONTINUED: DATA Judging a being by its physical appearance is the last great human prejudice, Wesley. PICARD A point well taken. I'm sure that to the Antedians, we're equally unattractive. RIKER It is interesting to consider just how subjective "beauty" truly is... WORF Captain... we're being hailed by a small transport vessel just coming into range. 7 ANGLE EMPHASIZING TROI As she suddenly stiffens. TROI Oh, my God! PICARD What is the problem? TROI What can she be doing here? WESLEY On the screen, Captain. 8 ANGLE INCLUDING MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) where the pilot of the shuttle is seen. He appears to be a bit weary and nervous. TRANSPORT PILOT Starship Enterprise, come in! RIKER We have you on our viewer, Pilot. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - TEASER 5. 8 CONTINUED: TRANSPORT PILOT Enterprise... I have a passenger -- a V.I.P. passenger -- who I'm ordered to -- MRS. TROI (V.O.) Let me talk to them, Pilot. I'm much more articulate. The transport pilot seems relieved to step aside and let the woman speak for herself. 9 MOVE IN ON THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) as MRS. TROI slides into the picture. TROI Mother! DATA Captain, we are now receiving Starfleet orders granting a Lwaxana.... MRS. TROI (overlapping) Lwaxana Troi, daughter of the Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Riix, heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed. DATA ... full ambassadorial status, sir. RIKER I'm afraid it's back into your formal uniform, Captain. DATA And yours too, Commander. She is listed as representing the Betazed government at the conference. TROI Mother, please don't do this to me. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - TEASER 6. 9 CONTINUED: MRS. TROI Do what to you, Little One? (to Picard) Oh, what naughty thoughts, Jean-Luc. How wonderful you still think of me in that way. 10 ANGLE EMPHASIZING PICARD AND RIKER looking at one another resignedly, preparing for the worst. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: 11 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM - PICARD, RIKER AND TROI as they ENTER, Picard and Riker now in formal full dress. The Antedians, still catatonic, have been moved to the side where a SECURITY GUARD stands with them. TROI It's so like my mother to do the unexpected. She's famous for it. PICARD It will be nice to have her as a guest of the Enterprise again. Riker exchanges a look with Picard signifying some reservations. Picard turns to Transporter Chief O'Brien. PICARD Energize. 12 ANGLE ON THE TRANSPORTER PLATFORM (OPTICAL) as Mrs. Troi beams in. She is apparently kneeling on the platform, hunched over and facing backwards... 13 CLOSE ON MRS. TROI MRS. TROI (opening her eyes) Aaagh! Where are my legs?! TROI Where they belong, Mother, Right under you. Mrs. Troi begins standing up. MRS. TROI (offhand) Oh, wonderful. So they are! (turning to Picard) But I'll never completely trust this device, Jean-Luc... STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT ONE 8. 13 CONTINUED: TROI He's "Captain Picard," Mother... Mrs. Troi has turned to where she suddenly sees the "frozen" Antedians. MRS. TROI Aaagh! PICARD (to Riker, resignedly) Explain. RIKER Sorry they startled you, Mrs. Troi. These are Antedian delegates... ah, temporarily being stored here, I believe... MRS. TROI "Delegates?" The last time I saw something like this, it was being served on a plate. Picard has to turn away to hide his smile at this. But Riker enjoys it openly, especially her next line. MRS. TROI (continuing) But you, Jean-Luc, I was not aware you had such handsome legs. My valet is waiting. You may beam him aboard now. Picard nods at the Chief O'Brien and in a second, a larger figure MATERIALIZES. MISTER HOMN arrives carrying Mrs. Troi's "suitcase". He breaks into that easy, enigmatic smile of his as he looks around the room. MRS. TROI You remember Mister Homn, of course. PICARD It would be hard to forget Mister Homn. Welcome back to the Enterprise. Homn nods toward Picard. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT ONE 9. 13 CONTINUED: (2) MRS. TROI I've retained his services despite the outlandishly lustful thoughts he spews in my direction. I suppose the poor fellow just can't help himself. It's hard to believe Homn would lust after anyone. MRS. TROI (continuing; to Picard) Perhaps you could show me to my suite now? PICARD Certainly. Mister Homn starts to pick up her luggage... MRS. TROI Put that down, Homn. We can't deny the captain the honor of carrying my belongings. Picard looks at the beehive-shaped carrying-case. He remembers the last time... PICARD I won't interfere with Homn's duties this time. MRS. TROI That's not the real reason, Jean-Luc. You forget I'm a telepath. Picard looks from Mrs. Troi to Deanna as Homn picks up the luggage... RIKER Look, since this apparently has some meaning to you, Mrs. Troi, I'll... Riker reaches in to take the luggage from Homn. RIKER (continuing) STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT ONE 10. 13 CONTINUED: (3) Homn has released the luggage and the full weight of it (with a MUFFLED CLANKING SOUND) is taken by Riker, whose words have come out in a surprised GROAN. 14 INT. ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR The others follow Riker who is trying his best to "casually" carry the heavy bag down the hallway. Picard, the Trois and Homn follow closely behind. RIKER (trying not to sound labored) It's... just down this hall. 15 EMPHASIZING THE TROI WOMEN Deanna is glaring at her mother who is looking at Riker's legs. MRS. TROI (telepathic) He has nice legs too, Little One. Is he still yours? TROI (telepathic) Humans no longer own each other that way, Mother. MRS. TROI Oh really? (looks at Picard) That's a custom we may have to introduce again. 16 INT. MRS. TROI'S QUARTERS - PICARD (OPTICAL) as the Group ENTERS and Riker puts down the baggage, SIGHS with relief. MRS. TROI Thank you. RIKER Glad I could help out. Riker and the others EXIT, leaving Picard to face Mrs. Troi alone. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT ONE 11. 16 CONTINUED: PICARD I trust you'll be comfortable here, Mrs. Troi. Now if you'll excuse me, I must get back to my duties. MRS. TROI Captain, I will be serving a Betazoid dinner of greeting tonight. It is an ambassadorial function. PICARD (after a hesitation) Of course. It, uh, sounds delightful. Picard EXITS. Mrs. Troi speaks of him as she flutters about, checking out the intricacies of her quarters... MRS. TROI He's a fine man. Solid. Earnest. Reliable. Perhaps a little on the dull side, but all in all he's not bad. TROI I cannot believe you! You sound like you're sizing up a commodity. MRS. TROI But that's exactly what men are, darling. Especially human men. (chuckles, strokes Deanna's face) Was your father ever unhappy with me? TROI No, he worshipped you, Mother. But I'll never learn to see men the way you do. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT ONE 12. 16 CONTINUED: (2) MRS. TROI You will as you mature, darling. And the males in your life will bless you for it. 17 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - RIKER, WESLEY, WORF, DATA Most of them are LAUGHING, except Data who is smiling slightly. Even Worf seems almost amused. WESLEY ... but it's true she complimented Captain Picard on his legs? Riker nods affirmative. DATA I would have thought a telepath would be more discreet. RIKER No, it's just the opposite. She knows what's in your mind and she lets you know what's on hers. More LAUGHTER -- which is suddenly stilled as they realize that Picard ENTERED the bridge. Picard takes his seat at command and speaks in a tone that's polite, yet gets the point across -- enough of this conversation. PICARD We must not lose sight of the fact that we're talking about someone who has been granted ambassadorial rank. Even if she appears a bit eccentric, Lwaxana Troi must be treated with appropriate respect. Is that understood? The others make it clear that it is. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT ONE 13. 17 CONTINUED: DATA Our orders on her mentioned nothing specific except... PICARD (waits) Except what, Mister Data? DATA We are to cooperate with her as fully as possible, deliver her there untroubled, rested... (seeing Picard's expression) I assume those were merely courtesies due her rank, sir. PICARD (to Riker) See that every bridge officer and supervisor has the full text of that transmission. RIKER Aye, sir. 18 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE IN WARP TRAVEL (OPTICAL) 19 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - FAVORING PICARD PICARD Picard to Pulaski. When was the last time you looked in on our Antedian guests? STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT ONE 14. 20 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM - CLOSE ON PULASKI intently concentrating on reexamining the Antedians. PULASKI I'm doing so right now, Captain. PICARD (V.O.) Are they still catatonic? PULASKI Status of the beings is unchanged. Pulse still steady -- respiration normal for them. 21 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - SAME SETTING PICARD Understood. Keep me informed -- Picard out. Picard leans back in his chair, takes a deep breath, and then rises. PICARD I believe I'll get some rest. (exiting; to Riker) It will be a dress uniform dinner, gentlemen. RIKER Sir? But PICARD EXITS. DATA Inquiry, Commander: to which dinner was the captain referring? Riker ponders the question. RIKER Nothing I've been invited to. Have any of you? Apparently no one has. RIKER (continuing) Very interesting! STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT ONE 15. 22 EXT. THE ENTERPRISE - FLYING BY AT WARP SPEED (OPTICAL) 23 INT. ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR - PICARD (back in formal dress) walks down the hallway with a bottle of ice-blue Altairian brandy in his right hand. As he rounds a corner he comes face to face with Doctor Pulaski, going the other way. PICARD You're not attending the dinner with us this evening, Doctor? PULASKI I've already eaten, Captain. But thanks anyway. We HEAR A CHIME. MRS. TROI (V.O.) (sing-song) Come in! The expression on Pulaski's face is interesting. 24 INT. MRS. TROI'S QUARTERS - PICARD ENTERS to find romantic lighting, with candle-like objects spread about the room, and a small table made up for two. Mrs. Troi is out of sight in an adjoining room; Mister Homn is filling expensive-looking glasses with what looks like wine. Picard holds out the bottle -- Homn accepts it... and then to Picard's surprise, he unscrews the top and begins to drink straight from the bottle. Picard starts to say something, but thinks better of it. In a matter of moments, Homn drains the entire bottle! The giant smiles at Picard and bows regally -- his way of saying thanks. PICARD Tell me Mister Homn, when will the others be arriving? Homn stares back blankly. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT ONE 16. 24 CONTINUED: PICARD (continuing) The other officers? (pause) Commander Riker? Deanna? Homn shakes his head from side to side and smiles mischievously. He points a long finger at Picard and then points behind the Captain. Picard turns to see... 25 MRS. TROI leaning against the wall, wearing a sexy dress and a provocative look. MRS. TROI (purring) Hello, Jean-Luc. So glad you could come. 26 MOVE IN ON THE CAPTAIN this is not what he expected... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT TWO 17. ACT TWO FADE IN: 27 INT. MRS TROI'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Mrs. Troi and the captain are seated at the little table, about to begin their meal. Their glasses are full and Homn is serving them a colorful Betazoid salad. MRS. TROI (raising glass) A toast: to Earthmen... who despite their faults, have a unique ability to charm women of all races, in all corners of the galaxy. PICARD (clinks glass) Speaking for the men of Earth, which is an awesome responsibility indeed, I thank you. Picard is attempting to be light and uncaring, but underneath the surface, this candlelight dinner is making him uncomfortable. MRS. TROI (teasing, flirting) I know what you're thinking, Captain. PICARD (a bit worried) You do? MRS. TROI You're wondering if I've been seeing any other man on a serious basis. PICARD (shaking head) Well actually I wasn't -- MRS. TROI -- I wouldn't worry about it, Jean-Luc. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT TWO 18. 27 CONTINUED: MRS. TROI (Cont'd) (reaches out, touches his hand) Competition seems to bring out the best in the human male. Picard smiles weakly and subtly withdraws his hand to lift his glass to his lips. PICARD I must admit, I wasn't expecting this... setting. I assumed that my high-ranking officers would also be attending. MRS. TROI Never assume anything when it comes to Lwaxana Troi. A Betazoid woman is full of surprises. Not knowing just what to say, Picard begins to pick at his food, but Mrs. Troi seems to be waiting for something. Behind her, Mister Homn, sipping a drink, has just taken his place next to a big, circular chime near the far wall. MRS. TROI (continuing) Strange, I'm not that hungry tonight. (leans forward, coy) I wonder what's making me lose my appetite? Any ideas? She smiles and extends a utensil toward her blue salad. Homn downs his drink and makes ready. She takes a bite, Homn STRIKES THE CHIME. Picard jumps at the SOUND. PICARD Oh yes, you're giving thanks for your food. I'd forgotten about that. (pause) I wonder how many other cultures have similar customs. MRS. TROI I don't know. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT TWO 19. 27 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Let's find out. (touches his communicator) Commander Data. 28 thru OMITTED 30 30A INT. BRIDGE - SCIENCE ONE - DATA (INTERCUT AS NEEEDED) DATA Yes, Captain. PICARD Mrs. Troi and I are having a very interesting discussion about the various ways by which societies give thanks. For instance, the Betazoids use of the chime. DATA The use of the chime is unique, but not at all dissimilar to the Ooolans of Marejaretus Six, who use two large stones which are continuously struck during the meal. Those at the dinner must eat until the stones are broken. Or, the oligarchy on Atifs Four, which require a young male to... PICARD (overlapping) Commander, this is absolutely fascinating, don't you agree, Mrs. Troi? Data, if your duties permit, why don't you join us for dessert? DATA You are forgetting sir -- I do not digest foodstuffs, therefore I cannot participate in the consumption of your post-main course edibles. MRS. TROI What'd he just say? STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT TWO 19A. 30A CONTINUED: PICARD You don't have to eat to join us, Commander. I'm sure Mrs. Troi would simply enjoy the pleasure of your company. Data is pleased to hear it... DATA Indeed, sir. I am on my way; Data out. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT TWO 20. 30A CONTINUED: (2) MRS. TROI (annoyed) How could you possibly think I'd want to share our special time together, with that robot of yours? PICARD Because... because of his wonderful after-dinner conversation. His anecdotes are the stuff of legends aboard this ship. CUT TO: 31 INT. MRS. TROI'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) CLOSE on Data, now sitting at their table, eagerly concluding an "anecdote". DATA -- So by using the square root of pi and then multiplying it by nine to the third power, I was able to accurately calculate the distance between the Omicron galaxy and the Crab Nebula. 32 PULL BACK TO INCLUDE PICARD AND MRS TROI (OPTICAL) She is literally bored stiff by Data's stories. In the b.g. we see Mister Homn break into a slow, cat-like yawn. PICARD Fascinating, Data. I'm sure Mrs. Troi would love to hear the one about the, uh, anomalous chemical composition of... say... brown dwarf stars. MRS. TROI Well, not really -- DATA (enthused) -- Yes Captain, that is a particularly spellbinding subject. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT TWO 21. 32 CONTINUED: Data turns to Mrs. Troi with a pleased, eager look on his face. DATA (continuing) For most stars, the rare-Earth element Europium is enriched relative to samarium and gadolinium... MRS. TROI (flat, bored) Is that so? DATA It is! However in brown dwarf stars, the element Europium is anomalously depleted. MRS. TROI (sarcastic) Fascinating. DATA But that is only the beginning. If the abundances of the elements terbium, dysprosium, holmium and erbium are also factored into the analysis... 33 INT. ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR - TROI AND PULASKI are walking together. PULASKI Your mother seems quite an interesting woman, Deanna. TROI Doctor, perhaps I should tell you something about my mother's condition at this time. PULASKI Condition at this time?! TROI Something that occurs to Betazoid females at mid-life. We call it the Phase. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT TWO 22. 33 CONTINUED: PULASKI At mid-life as in the human female's menopause? TROI (laughing) Almost the exact opposite. It is only at mid-life that Betazed females become... well, fully sexual, if you know what I mean. PULASKI Yes, perhaps I do. I just heard her voice fairly singing when she called the captain into her room. TROI I wonder if I shouldn't warn the captain? Pulaski considers it. Is there a gleam of amusement in her eyes? PULASKI Nooo. As ship's doctor I'd consider it excellent exercise for his reflexes and agility. TROI (somewhat shocked) Doctor... ! PULASKI In staying ahead of your mother. Troi suddenly understands, smiling. TROI Yes. An animal is always at its best when hunted... PULASKI Or when hunting. 34 STAY ON DEANNA as she walks on, turns and ENTERS her mother's quarters... STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT TWO 23. 35 INT. MRS. TROI'S QUARTERS - DATA (OPTICAL) has activated a computer screen and is now pointing out various moving objects, as Deanna ENTERS... DATA ... and at this point, the second co-orbital satellite avoids a collision with the first. MRS TROI (looking up) -- Deanna, darling! Thank the Four Dieties you're here. TROI I hope I'm not interrupting. PICARD (rising) No, as a matter of fact, I need to get back to the bridge myself. DATA Perhaps I should stay here and further entertain our guest. MRS. TROI -- No! I mean, I think you're needed on the bridge as well. Data frowns... then nods, realizing she's probably right. PICARD (a bit stiff) Thank you for a delicious meal. Let's uh, do it again sometime. MRS. TROI (purring) Oh, I know we will. Picard EXITS (followed by Data) a little embarrassed. Deanna looks at her mother with hard, accusing eyes. MRS. TROI Little One, the captain is every bit as charming as your father was. Mrs. Troi innocently takes a bite of her Betazoid dessert and Homn RINGS THE CHIME... STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT TWO 24. 36 INT. ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR, OUTSIDE MRS. TROI'S QUARTERS Data and Picard walking together. PICARD (exhaling) Data, you'll never know just how much I owe you for that. DATA Indeed, Captain? I know many more interesting anecdotes as well. 37 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - THE CAPTAIN AND DATA EXIT the turbolift and ENTER the bridge. Riker swivels from his position at Command, and addresses Picard, still in dress uniform, who is moving toward the Ready Room... RIKER Status of the Antedian delegates unchanged, Captain. PICARD What's our e.t.a. to the conference? RIKER Forty five point three hours, sir. PICARD Very good, Number One. I'll be in my Ready Room. Picard ENTERS his Ready Room while Data crosses to Ops. 38 INT. MRS. TROI'S QUARTERS - HOMN bottle in hand, is cleaning up the table -- Mrs Troi is HUMMING to herself as she throws on a Betazoid shawl. TROI Why would you come aboard at a time like this? STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT TWO 24A. 38 CONTINUED: MRS. TROI (shrugging) I had no choice. I was going to Pacifica, you were going to Pacifica, it seemed the appropriate thing to do. TROI Don't be absurd -- you knew what this would lead to... Deanna trails off as she looks at Homn (she doesn't want to continue this conversation in front of anyone). She takes her mother by the arm and leads her out of the room. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT TWO 25. 39 INT. ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR - ON THE TROIS Deanna is animated and concerned while her mother is smiling and relaxed, nodding hello to passers-by... TROI What stage is it in? MRS. TROI I have it completely under control. TROI (demanding) What stage is it in? MRS. TROI (smiles) Well, far enough along for me to enjoy it, Little One. TROI (worried) Now I know why you wore that dress. MRS. TROI (laughing) Don't be ridiculous. It's just a simple little dress -- there's nothing provocative about it. TROI (more to herself) What are we going to do? MRS. TROI I'm going to do the only honorable thing there is to do. (smiles) And I'd say the captain has the inside track. TROI Don't even think it! MRS. TROI Why not? He was thinking about it all through dinner. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT TWO 26. 40 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM - TIGHT ON PICARD'S FACE He's in his regular uniform. PICARD I was what?! 41 PULL BACK TO INCLUDE RIKER AND TROI (OPTICAL) PICARD (continuing) I tell you Deanna, for a telepath, your mother's accuracy leaves much to be desired. TROI Actually, her telepathic prowess is quite advanced. Except for now. RIKER "Except for now?" PICARD Don't misunderstand me, Counselor. Your mother is a beautiful person... TROI (continuing) My mother is just beginning a physiological phase... one that all Betazoid women must deal with as they enter mid-life. Troi stops talking and looks at the men. The men look at each other... STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT TWO 27. 41 CONTINUED: RIKER It's something Troi warned me about when we were first seeing each other. (looks at Troi) When a Betazoid female goes through "the Phase," it quadruples her sex drive. TROI Or more... Picard looks worried, Riker WHISTLES. RIKER (to Troi) ... "or more?" I didn't know that. TROI I didn't want to frighten you. (to Picard) My mother has opted for the only dignified course of action open to her. RIKER Isolation? TROI She has chosen to focus all of her sexual energy on one male. This man will eventually become her husband, of course. (with difficulty) It seems Captain, that you are the early favorite. RIKER Congratulations, sir! PICARD I am not amused, Number One. (starts pacing again) There must be a way to convince her that it's quite impossible -- without offending her. TROI You cannot apply human style logic to this, Captain. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT TWO 28-29. 41 CONTINUED: (2) TROI (Cont'd) Mother would be shocked and deeply resentful, should you spurn her advances. She would naturally take it very personally. PICARD Well, considering Starfleet's orders not to get her upset, I think it might be prudent for me to make myself less available for the duration of this journey. RIKER Agreed. Off this decision we GO TO: 42 INT. ENTRANCE TO HOLODECK - ANGLING ON THE COMPUTER PICARD (V.O.) Setting: San Francisco California, United States Of America, the year 1945 A.D., program to fit the novel, "The Long Dark Tunnel". COMPUTER VOICE You may enter when ready. 43 PULL BACK TO SEE PICARD (OPTICAL) decked out in trenchcoat and fedora, re-entering Chandlerland as private-eye Dixon Hill... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT THREE 30. ACT THREE FADE IN: 44 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE IN FLYBY (OPTICAL) PICARD (V.O.) Dixon Hill's memoirs: date, the 1940's... 45 INT. HALLWAY LEADING TO DIXON HILL'S OFFICE - DAY Picard walks toward the glass door with "his" name on it. He moves slowly, relishing the detail in the decrepit hallway. PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) It was a grey day in the city by the bay. My pockets were as empty as a press agent's heart. I needed a case, that's for sure, but the private dick racket was as slow as the horse I just blew my last two bucks on. 46 INT. DIXON HILL'S RECEPTION ROOM - PICARD ENTERS and finds his SECRETARY behind the desk... PICARD (pleased) Hello, it's good to see you again. SECRETARY (chuckling) You're too much, Dix. You make it sound like you ain't seen me in a year. Picard smiles to himself, she's close to right. He removes his hat and coat, as she pulls out a small notepad... SECRETARY You got two calls... PICARD New cases? STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT THREE 31. 46 CONTINUED: SECRETARY Are you kiddin'? The last time we got a new case, Hitler wasn't running Germany. (checks pad) Your tailor called -- he wants his dough for cleaning your other suit -- and your landlord called -- you can guess what he wants. PICARD (thoughtful) I see... Well, pay the tailor and stall the landlord. He walks into his office. The secretary swivels her chair and picks up the phone... SECRETARY (to herself) Pay the tailor... (laughs, hangs up) Pay the tailor? With what? 47 INT. HILL'S OFFICE - ON PICARD MOVING AROUND THE ROOM, happy to be back in Chandlerland. 48 INT. MRS. TROI'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Close on Mrs. Troi. MRS. TROI Unavailable? Ship's business? PULL BACK to reveal Deanna, standing across from her. Mrs. Troi seems more surprised than angry... MRS. TROI (continuing) Ship's business takes precedence over me? TROI I'm afraid so. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT THREE 32. 48 CONTINUED: MRS. TROI Hmmm... Oh well, he was too old for me anyway. Still thinking, she moves over to where Homn is happily sampling several tall glasses of multi-colored liquids. MRS. TROI (to Homn) Homn, let's consider my alternate plan. Homn bows deeply -- his way of saying "good idea." TROI Alternate plan? MRS. TROI You worry too much, Little One. Your mother has the situation well in hand. 49 INT. DIXON HILL'S OFFICE - ON PICARD (OPTICAL) sitting with his back to the door, hands clasped behind his head, staring out the window at the San Francisco street scene. He doesn't turn as WE HEAR THE DOOR OPEN behind him... SECRETARY (V.O.) (a little nervous) There's a gentleman here to see you, Mister Hill. PICARD Thank you, Madeline. The secretary steps aside and then EXITS as SLADE BENDER, a huge, bull-necked, square-shouldered tough guy in an expensive gangster suit ENTERS. Finally, Picard swivels his chair around and faces his visitor. He rises slowly, awkwardly lights a cigarette (chokes on it), and deliberately sizes up Slade Bender... PICARD Yes, as the book said, everything about you is big: big shoulders... big neck... big fists... STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT THREE 33. 49 CONTINUED: Slade interrpts, speaking with little emotion, slurring his words in a half-whisper. He's the dumb, silent type. SLADE You a private dick? PICARD Says so on my door, doesn't it? SLADE I want you should do a job for me. PICARD Let me guess -- you want dance lessons. Slade grabs Picard by the arm. SLADE (sincere) You're not trying to be funny are you? I don't like funny things. Picard is feeling some pain from Slade's crushing grip. PICARD Yes... yes, I understand that. No funny things. Slade releases Picard's arm and the captain flexes and unflexes cramped muscles. SLADE I want you to find a missing person. PICARD Alva? Let's see -- I'll bet she's your sister... Picard reacts to Slade's expression. SLADE Yes. She's my sister, and I want you to find her! STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT THREE 34. 49 CONTINUED: (2) Slade's gotten all worked up again -- he's grabbing Picard by the shirt to get his point across. PICARD Take it easy, Mac! I can't take the job of finding Alva if you break me like a matchstick. Slade seems to think that over and ultimately agrees. He releases his vice-like grip. PICARD (continuing; straightening tie) As a matter of fact, I knew who Alva was all along. I've read the book. Slade hovers over Picard again. SLADE Read what book? Are you being funny again? PICARD (to Slade) You got a picture? SLADE Of Alva? PICARD Of course of Alva! The novel wasn't illustrated. Slade is again puzzled but reaches into his shirt pocket, and hands Picard a photograph. 50 CIRCLING PICARD as he studies the photo STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT THREE 35. 50 CONTINUED: PICARD I believe the 1940 expression was "hubbah, hubbah, hubbah." SLADE And I still say you talk funny. I don't like funny talk. PICARD That's part of the cost of hiring a private eye like me, Slade. I'm very different from most you could get. Picard looks up at Slade, then back at the photo. SLADE I want you to find Alva. I'll pay you. PICARD (nods) Okay. I'll find Alva for you; but you might not like what I find. Slade simply nods, and then turns and walks out the door. Picard calls after him and follows. Slade continues out the reception door and into the hallway. As Picard passes his startled secretary, he comments to her with a smile: PICARD (CONT'D) This is so much fun. 51 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM - WESLEY AND WORF are standing before the platform, looking up at the still motionless Antedian delegates. WORF Even in this state, they possess a certain dignity, a graceful countenance. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT THREE 36. 51 CONTINUED: Wes takes a good look at the scaly, grotesque faces under the red hoods. WESLEY If you say so, Lieutenant. WORF (peers at him) I see. Is this how you felt when you first saw me? WESLEY (pause, guiltily) Well... maybe at first. (brightening) But now that I've seen a few more Klingons, I know that you're real handsome, for... for a Klingon. Worf GRUNTS, not sure he likes that compliment. WESLEY That uh, didn't come out quite right. The door opens and Mrs. Troi ENTERS, followed of course by Mister Homn. She looks up at the Antedians and shudders... MRS. TROI I still say they'd look better in sauce. (moves closer; concentrating) No, nothing. (to Welsey) When will the good captain revive them? WESLEY Not until we reach Pacifica, ma'am. Mrs. Troi turns her attention from the Antedians to Worf and Wesley. She walks around them in a slow circle -- Homn follows, two steps behind. MRS. TROI You seem a fine boy. One day you will grow up to be a big, strong man. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT THREE 37. 51 CONTINUED: (2) Wesley looks over at Worf, wondering what she's getting at. MRS. TROI (continuing) But even though humans age far more rapidly than Betazoids, I cannot afford to wait for you to mature. This confuses Wesley even more. Mrs. Troi eyes Worf... MRS. TROI (smiling) But you... your innermost thoughts are primal, savage. I like that in a man. WORF I am not a man. MRS. TROI Which is in your favor, men so often being irrational and egotistical. (eyes him, then sighs) But I'm afraid I've grown accustomed to human companionship. It's nothing personal, you would have made a fine choice. Worf frowns -- he is about to ask her what she's talking about when she turns to her valet... MRS. TROI Who's next, Mister Homn? Homn puts his hands to his eyes and pantomimes the structure of a VISOR. MRS. TROI Ah yes. Let's get to it, I'm not getting any younger. Mrs. Troi EXITS, Homn bows to Wesley and Worf, then follows. WESLEY What was that all about? Worf has no idea. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT THREE 38. 52 INT. ENGINEERING - GEORDI is at his station. The matter/anti matter core is throbbing as Mrs. Troi and Mister Homn approach... MRS. TROI Lieutenant La Forge, I wish to be direct with you. GEORDI (turning to see her) I prefer it that way. Now what are you being direct about? MRS. TROI I have decided to give all the bridge officers an equal opportunity to gain my favor. GEORDI I see. MRS. TROI Ah, but you don't, and that's the problem. I wonder whether a sightless man could ever appreciate great beauty. GEORDI That's funny... I've always had the same doubts about the sighted. MRS. TROI Odd. How so? GEORDI Because my eyes don't seduce my mind, I'm driven to find beauty in other things -- things sighted people tend to ignore. The lovely temperature gradiations of bodies, the moisture patterns, the indications of inner peace and harmony... STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT THREE 39. 53 ANGLE ON HOMN nodding slowly, agreeing completely. 54 BACK TO SHOT MRS. TROI (thoughtful) Very interesting, Lieutenant. But I'm not sure if that's good or bad. A less perceptive man could be easier to live with. 55 STAY ON A PUZZLED GEORDI watching Mrs. Troi and Homn as they EXIT. 56 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE FLYBY (OPTICAL) 57 INT. END OF HALLWAY OUTSIDE HILL'S OFFICE - PICARD stands with Slade Bender before the door marked "Exit." PICARD Twenty dollars a day, plus expenses. Fifty when I find her. Slade pulls out several crisp hundred dollar bills and hands one to Picard. Picard runs the bill between his fingers. PICARD You know it's wonderful to need money. SLADE (poking Picard's chest) You'll get more when you find Alva. He EXITS through the door -- WE CAN HEAR his heavy feet thundering off. Picard pivots and starts to walk back toward his office. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT THREE 40. 58 ANGLE TO REVEAL A MYSTERIOUS MAN IN A GREY SUIT leaning against the wall between Picard and the office. A fedora is tilted down over one eye making his face hard to see. He's looking down, lighting a cigarette. Picard pauses. PICARD Let's see... I must have been skimming pages about here. What part did you play? The man doesn't look up. Picard shrugs, saunters past; the man immediately moves up behind him, sticking a concealed gun against his back. TOUGHGUY Freeze. PICARD Ah, yes, of course. TOUGHGUY I'm looking for Slade Bender, Hill. I understand he was here yesterday. PICARD My, my, time does fly in the Holodeck. Hands up, Picard turns slowly and gets a look at his assailant. The Toughguy has olive skin, a jagged scar on his cheek and oddly pale eyes... PICARD (continuing) Even if I happen to know a Slade Bender, why should I help you? TOUGHGUY Because he owes me money. And because if you don't, I'll blow your head off. A slow, cool smile spreads across Picard's face... PICARD I knew you'd say something like that. Marvelous. The Toughguy is really ticked off by Picard's unfathomable (to him) remark. He jams the gun against Picard's ribs... STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT THREE 41. 58 CONTINUED: TOUGHGUY Cut the crap, Hill! Tell me where he is or so help me, I'll plug ya! PICARD I don't think so. With lightning quickness, Picard throws a classic punch, knocking his adversary reeling. The Toughguy swings about, shoves his gun into Picard's belly, FIRES. On Picard's look of astonishment: FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT FOUR 42. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 59 INT. CHANDLERLAND HALLWAY - PICARD AND TOUGHGUY The hood is staring in disbelief at Picard. TOUGHGUY Come on, drop! I shot ya. PICARD No, the gun misfired. Thankfully the Holodeck is handling it correctly and the mortality failsafe is functional. The Toughguy suddenly swings his gun, catches Picard on the side of the head. It is a real blow which hurts. But Picard pulls the hood up by his tie, and knocks him out with a chopping overhand right. 60 CLOSER - PICARD He rubs the side of his head, finds blood there. PICARD (continuing) But in some ways, the program is almost too accurate. Dixon Hill's secretary has come running out, having heard the shot. She immediately spots the blood on the side of Picard's head. SECRETARY Dixon, you're hurt! Picard grimaces in fine fashion... PICARD Don't worry about it. (shrugs) I'm going out for a drink. Dixon Hill's secretary looks on admiringly as her boss literally shrugs off his wound and EXITS the hallway. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT FOUR 43. 61 INT. REX'S BAR - ON REX the tough-eyed Bartender who owns this dark, moody bar. The place is almost empty: a SAILOR sits next to a BLEACHED BLOND at the bar, a COUPLE OF HARD DRINKERS are at tables in the back. The jukebox is playing A MOURNFUL FORTIES TORCH SONG, and Rex is pouring scotch into the glass of a CHINESE-AMERICAN CUSTOMER... 62 ANGLE ON THE DOOR as Picard ENTERS. He looks around, affection in his eyes. 63 WIDE ANGLE as Rex spots Picard at the door. REX Well hello, Dixon. Haven't seen you in a while. Picard approaches the bar... REX (continuing) What's it been, four hours? Picard sticks out his hand and smiles... PICARD You must be Rex. Am I right? REX If you gotta ask me that pal, you need a drink. PICARD (sitting at bar) You're right, I do need a drink. REX The usual? PICARD (smiling, nodding) Let's see... Scotch, neat? STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT FOUR 44. 63 CONTINUED: REX (chuckling) What else? (pours, notices wound) I hate to be the bearer of bad news old buddy, but you're leakin' blood. PICARD (macho) So? I've got plenty more where that came from. REX (sincere) Geez, Dix. You're tough as nails. Picard belts down his drink and almost turns green. PICARD Uggh, I'm going to have to get used to that. REX (dry) Yeah, it's only your third one today. Picard is still reeling from the drink. He closes his eyes and raps his fist on the bar. PICARD What the hell... make it four. The stoic Bartender pours... REX I'll put it on your tab. PICARD (pulls out a bill) Cash! I just took on a case. 64 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - RIKER is at Command with Troi beside him. Wesley and Data are at Conn and Ops. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT FOUR 44A. 64 CONTINUED: PULASKI COM VOICE Bridge this is Doctor Pulaski. We have completed the transfer. The Antedians are now in Sickbay. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT FOUR 45. 64 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER Acknowledged, Doctor. (to Wesley) E.t.a. to Pacifica, Mister Crusher? WESLEY (checking instruments) Twelve point four hours, sir. That will get us there approximately two hours before the conference begins. The turbolift doors open and Mrs. Troi and Mister Homn ENTER the bridge. Deanna immediately reacts, going to her. TROI Mother, what are you doing here? You can't just stroll up to the bridge whenever you feel like it. MRS. TROI (looking around) I didn't just stroll up, dear. I took the turbotube, or whatever you call it. (to Riker) The captain's not here? RIKER He's busy elsewhere, ma'am. MRS. TROI (beat; shrugs) Well, no matter. I have other interests as well. Mrs. Troi has begun to slowly circle the bridge, pausing briefly before the bridge officers she has been considering... TROI (telepathic) You're scheming something, Mother. I can tell. MRS. TROI (telepathic) You're always so melodramatic, Little One. I'm not scheming, I'm deciding. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT FOUR 46. 64 CONTINUED: (3) Mrs. Troi ends up in the command area, next to Riker. MRS. TROI Tell me Commander... what is your opinion of Betazoid women? RIKER Well... I've only your daughter and you. But judging from that, I'd have to say they're the fairest in the galaxy. 65 EMPHASIZING MRS. TROI AND TROI MRS. TROI (telepathic) He has excellent taste, Little One. TROI (telepathic) That's enough! This is getting embarrassing. MRS. TROI (to Riker) My lovely daughter has always found it difficult to accept compliments from male admirers. I however, long ago learned to accept them. 66 REACTION SHOTS OF WESLEY AND DATA (OPTICAL) MRS. TROI (O.S.) (continuing) The key is learning how to endure constant flattery without letting it go to your head. Don't you agree, Commander? 67 WIDE ANGLE RIKER If you say so, ma'am. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT FOUR 47. 67 CONTINUED: MRS. TROI (to all on bridge) I like that answer! Now here's a man who knows how to defer to a lady. I only hope the rest of you men are listening. Deanna puts her hands to her head -- and for the first time, Riker wonders if he made a mistake. 68 INT. REX'S BAR - PICARD is making love to his scotch. Rex is straight across from him, leaning against the bar; the classic bartender/customer scene. The bar has a few more PATRONS now... REX ... So she says "Rex, when are you gonna sell the bar and get a real job? Make a shoe, mend a fence, do something useful?" Can you believe that, Dix? PICARD It's hard to believe, Rex. REX She just doesn't understand the service I perform here. My regulars depend on me to pour and listen, listen and pour. I'm like some kind'a psychologist to you guys, am I right? Both men are looking down now and shaking their heads. Rex starts to pour again, but stops as he sees someone coming up behind Picard. Soon the captain is also aware of a presence behind him... PICARD I recognize the size of the shadow. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT FOUR 48. 68 CONTINUED: PICARD (Cont'd) (speaking, without turning around) Hello Slade. Buy you a drink? Slade violently spins Picard around and speaks to him, nose to nose... SLADE Where's my Alva? PICARD I'm working on it. SLADE (grabbing Picard's shoulders) You're not working hard enough. REX Hey pal, that's my buddy you're manhandling there! Maybe you oughta -- Rex cuts off as Slade moves up to the bar and fixes a murderous gaze upon him. REX -- Oughta go right ahead with what you were saying. Rex shoots Picard a look that says "sorry, you're on your own", and busies himself with drying glasses. Slade grabs Picard again... SLADE I paid you money, Hill. Where is she? 69 INT. SICKBAY - DR. PULASKI (OPTICAL) is examining the Antedians, who are laid out in beds now. Worf stands alongside her, with one of his security guards in the b.g.... PULASKI The blood chemistry and brain organization of these creatures is completely outside of my experience... But it seems their metabolic rates are increasing. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT FOUR 49. 69 CONTINUED: WORF Is that good or bad? PULASKI It's good, I think. Pulaski moves right up to one of the creatures and runs a tricorder alongside an unseeing eye... She stops with a start, jerking backwards involuntarily. The Antedian's eye just blinked. 70 INT. BRIDGE - FAVORING RIKER PULASKI (V.O.) Pulaski to bridge. RIKER Riker here. PULASKI (V.O.) The Antedians are coming around. They're currently in the early stages of post-hibernation. RIKER How long before they're fully conscious? PULASKI I'd guess it to be a matter of hours now. RIKER Very good, Doctor, I'll notify the captain. Riker out. (to Mrs. Troi) If you'll excuse me, ma'am. MRS. TROI Are you going to see the captain? I thought he was tied up on ship's business. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT FOUR 50. 70 CONTINUED: RIKER In a manner of speaking... he is. I'm uh, not going to interrupt him, I'm simply going to inform him. MRS. TROI What excellent timing! You can also inform him about us. RIKER Us? Mrs. Troi affectionately strokes the bottom of Riker's chin. MRS. TROI You don't mind if I let your bridge crew know first, do you William? Riker is caught off-guard -- he doesn't know what to say. MRS. TROI (continuing, to everyone) Dear friends... you're all invited to a prestigious occasion on the planet Pacifica. TROI (to herself) Oh no. MRS. TROI (dabs her eyes) There, on the shores of the western sea... in a traditional Betazoid ceremony... your Commander Riker and I will be joined in the union of holy wedlock. WESLEY Married? MRS. TROI (smiling at Riker) 'Till death do us part. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT FOUR 51. 71 SHOCKED REACTION SHOTS OF ALL ending with a dazed William T. Riker, as we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT FIVE 52. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 72 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - SAME SETTING Mrs. Troi is beaming -- everyone else is speechless. RIKER Mrs. Troi... I don't know how to put this -- MRS. TROI -- I know just how you feel, dear. (moves to turbolift) Overwhelmed with excitement. Believe me, I understand. Mrs. Troi is about to enter the turbolift. Angry, Deanna starts to go after her but Riker subtly stops her. MRS. TROI (continued) We'll talk about the details later. Right now, there are preparations to be made. She EXITS into the turbolift. TROI Why did you stop me? Someone needs to set her straight! RIKER I'd rather let the captain handle that. TROI Coward! RIKER Simply following Starfleet's orders. Keep her mind untroubled until the conference. DATA Are you planing on going into the Holodeck, Commander? RIKER Thought I might, Data. Want to come along? STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT FIVE 53. 73 CLOSE ON DATA a trace of a smile spreading across his face 74 INT. HALLWAY LEADING TO HOLODECK - MATCHING CUT on Data the same little smile on his face. 75 PULL BACK TO REVEAL that he is now decked out in his pin-stripe suit and fedora. Riker steps INTO FRAME beside him, still in his uniform. DATA I have mastered the language, or "lingo" of the period, sir. Also, the mannerisms and body language. Data stops for a moment and demonstrates a tough/cool mannerism -- a classic "Cagney hitch". DATA For example, this is a gesture denoting confidence and physical prowess. It is effective in attracting females and frightening off would-be adversaries. They have reached the Holodeck entrance. DATA Should anything in there confuse you sir, do not hesitate to ask. RIKER It's comforting to know I'm with an expert Data, but we're really not going to be there that long. (to computer) Computer... STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT FIVE 54. 76 INT. REX'S BAR - SAME SETTING AS BEFORE only now, Slade Bender has taken a seat at the bar, beside the captain. Rex stands bottle in hand, directly in between them on the other side of the bar. PICARD She could be anywhere, Slade. You can't expect me to find her in one afternoon. SLADE It's been three days. PICARD (surprised) Has it really? What I mean is -- you gotta have patience. I'll find her; I guarantee it. SLADE (earnest, almost child-like) She'd contact me if she knew I was lookin' for her. Rex breaks into A CACKLING LAUGH... REX Come on, pal! So she told you that? So what? If I had a dime for every time a dame's said that to a guy -- Rex cuts off as Slade gets to his feet, steamed, and looking at Rex like a bull about to charge. Rex quickly changes course in mid-stream... REX (continuing) -- I'd... probably have less than a dollar. Cuz a girl never says that unless she really means it. The big fella buys it hook, line and sinker. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT FIVE 55. 76 CONTINUED: SLADE (to Picard) See? I want you to find my sister! Behind them, Riker and Data ENTER the bar. As they walk inside, Data speaks to Riker in a hushed voice... DATA In the last program here, we said I was from South America. It seemed to explain my unorthodox appearance. As they approach the bar, Picard spots them. Slade instantly rises and reaches under his coat. Picard grasps his arm... PICARD Easy Slade. They're friends of mine. Slade doesn't pull his gun, but he doesn't relax either. RIKER Sorry to bother you, Captain. PICARD -- Call me Dixon. RIKER -- Sorry to bother you, Dixon, but our two "passengers" are awakening. PICARD Well then, it's time to go. REX Your friends've got time for one drink, haven't they Dix? Riker nods to Picard -- there is still some time. Picard smiles and pushes his hat back. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT FIVE 56. 76 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Sure, I can afford another round. As Rex pours, Picard does the introductions. Data reaches out, examines the money. DATA Very accurate. Fascinating. PICARD These are my associates... (indicates Riker) "Nails", from Chicago. (indicates Data) And -- DATA Carlos, from South America. Rex opens a new bottle... REX Sit right down fellas, and tell me your troubles. RIKER (to Picard) Troubles I've got, sir. There's a certain woman, a wealthy and beautiful woman, who suddenly says she's going to marry me. Picard looks at Riker -- he gets the point. REX She's got looks and bucks? Sounds like you've got yourself a heck of a deal. 77 INT. MRS. TROI'S QUARTERS - MRS. TROI (OPTICAL) is looking at her reflection in the mirror, making final adjustments on a flowing, outlandish new dress. MRS. TROI (to Homn) My fiance just has to see how I look in this. Come along, Homn. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT FIVE 57. 78 INT. ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR - MRS. TROI and Mister Homn stop at a computer wall panel just outside her quarters. MRS. TROI Tell me, computer, is Commander Riker still on the bridge? COMPUTER VOICE Negative. Riker is currently in Holodeck Three. MRS. TROI Holodeck? Where is that? COMPUTER VOICE Follow the com panel lights. They will lead you there. The panels begin to light up, pointing the way to the Holodeck. 79 INT. REX'S BAR - SAME SETTING Rex leans across the bar, a shocked look on his face... REX Good God, what's that? All eyes turn to see the amazing sight he's referring to: 80 ANGLE TO INCLUDE MRS. TROI AND MR. HOMN who have just entered the bar. The wildly-dressed Betazoid and her giant valet look incredibly out of place in Chandlerland. REX I'll bet that's the broad with the big bucks! (to Mrs. Troi) Come on over here, darlin'. I got the best stool in the house saved for ya. Mrs. Troi saunters over and sits down -- still looking around the room with clear distaste. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT FIVE 58. 80 CONTINUED: MRS. TROI (to Picard) I'm surprised you let this part of the ship get this dirty. PICARD (indicating Riker) Actually, that's the first officer's job. RIKER (nodding) Well, as a matter of fact... MRS. TROI Relax, Commander. You have begun making your true feelings clear. Obviously you feel unable to handle me. REX Anyway, why would a beautiful high-class lady like yourself... (indicates Riker) ... want to hook up with a mug like that? You're too good for him, if you ask me. She leans across the bar and smiles... MRS. TROI I couldn't agree more. REX So... what'llitbe, Doll? Her attention is completely on the bartender. Something about him interests, then fascinates her. MRS. TROI You are a most interesting person. REX You're not so bad yourself. In fact, you're as much class as this joint's ever seen. He pulls out an opened bottle of house wine. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT FIVE 59. 80 CONTINUED: (2) REX Here -- on the house. It's French... well, almost. She turns to Picard. MRS. TROI This is the most remarkable man. I have never met anyone quite like him. PICARD I don't suppose you have. MRS. TROI He's strong. I feel no thoughts from him... nothing. I've never known a man so able to keep his true feelings completely hidden. PICARD That's because... MRS. TROI No man has ever been such a mystery to me. I usually know their thoughts before they do. REX But not me, huh? MRS. TROI No. And I never realized how erotic that could be. Carry my beverage to that table... we have some things to talk about. 81 ANOTHER ANGLE as they watch Mrs. Troi walk over to the table. Rex picks up the glass of wine, gives Riker and Picard a little knowing wink, and heads for the table. 82 RIKER AND PICARD watch with amusement as Rex joins Mrs. Troi at the table and they begin a very intimate conversation. RIKER Should we tell her? STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT FIVE 60. 82 CONTINUED: PICARD I think it's only fair, but let's allow her the moment. Riker has to smile. As we GO TO: 83 INT. SICKBAY - PULASKI AND WORF react with completely different expressions as 83A THE ANTEDIANS awake, quite agitated, trembling as they squeak with: ANTEDIANS Food-food-food-food-food-- 83B PULASKI quickly realizes what must be done: PULASKI Worf! The vermicula! Worf picks up the scoop net, and digs into the tank, coming up with a load of writhing vermicula. The Antedians see it, and tremble with joy as Worf holds the net out for them and they gobble it up while... PULASKI (touching communicator) Pulaski to Captain Picard. 84 INT. REX'S BAR Picard is still with Riker PICARD Go ahead, Doctor. PULASKI COM VOICE Our passengers are on their feet. PICARD Understood. RIKER I had better get to the bridge. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT FIVE 60A. 84 CONTINUED: PICARD What's their condition? PULASKI COM VOICE Hungry. Picard acknowledges with a nod. Riker EXITS. 85 ANOTHER ANGLE BAR Picard crosses to the table occupied by Rex and Mrs. Troi. PICARD Coming, Mrs. Troi? MRS. TROI Not just yet. Tell William I'm sorry... but Rex and I are getting married. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT FIVE 61. 85 CONTINUED: PICARD Mrs. Troi, your government expects us to deliver you to the conference and I intend to do that! Mrs. Troi considers it, nods and rises, patting Rex on the cheek. MRS. TROI Duty calls, darling. I'll be back for you later. 86 ANOTHER ANGLE As Picard and Mrs. Troi walk toward the exit. PICARD There is something about Rex I think you had better know... The rest of the conversation is lost as the doors close behind them. 87 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit around blue Pacifica. 88 INT. CORRIDOR AT THE TURBOLIFT as it opens and Mrs. Troi EXITS, followed closely by Deanna and Mister Homn (who is effortlessly carrying her suitcase). Mrs. Troi leads the way down the corridor at a brisk pace, in a bad mood. MRS. TROI Imagine -- allowing me to go on like that with a simple bartender who doesn't even exist! TROI (amused) Mother, you always say you like new experiences. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT FIVE 62. 89 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM - THE TROI ENTOURAGE (OPTICAL) arrives to find the Antedians on the platform and Picard, Riker, Data and Worf there to see them off. She indicates the Antedians... MRS. TROI Why are they still here? RIKER We thought that since you're going to the same conference, you might like to beam down with the other delegates. MRS. TROI (casually) They're not delegates. Those two are assassins. ANTEDIAN FEMALE That is... an outrage!... Lies! We demand you... transport at once! MRS. TROI Oh honey, don't bother to deny it. Your minds are so unsophisticated -- I can read your thoughts in my sleep. (to Picard, offhand) The inside of their robes are lined with ultritium. Highly explosive and virtually undetectable by your transporter. Data is already aiming his tri-corder at their robes... DATA (surprised) She is correct, sir. I am detecting large amounts of ultritium. MRS. TROI Of course you are. They planned to blow up the entire conference. Worf has drawn his phaser. PICARD Take them to level five. Disarm them and hold for questioning. STAR TREK: "Manhunt" - 3/29/89 - ACT FIVE 63. 89 CONTINUED: Worf leads the angry Antedians away -- they hiss at Mrs. Troi as they pass by. Mrs. Troi gives Deanna a hug and steps onto the platform, followed of course by Homn. MRS. TROI (sighing) Oh well, I didn't find a mate but I saved the conference as well as your reputations. All in a day's work I suppose. PICARD Good-bye Mrs. Troi... and thank you. She closes her eyes and nods her head, showing she's ready. Picard signals the transporter chief and Homn and Mrs. Troi begin to DEMATERIALIZE. Suddenly she opens her eyes and looks right at Picard. MRS. TROI (scolding, excited) Jean-Luc! Shame on you for thinking such a thing! And they're gone. All eyes turn to Picard... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE