STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Ensigns of Command" #40273-149 Written by H. B. Savage Directed by Cliff Bole THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1989 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. 3RD REVISED FINAL DRAFT JULY 13, 1989 STAR TREK: "The Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/14/89 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Ensigns of Command" CAST PICARD SHELIAK RIKER DATA ARD'RIAN BEVERLY GOSHEVEN TROI HARITATH GEORDI KENTOR WORF WESLEY Non-Speaking ENGINEERS (2) O'BRIEN OTHER LOCALS (26) Non-Speaking A VULCAN VIOLINIST YOUNG BOY (age 12) A WOMAN VIOLIST BOY'S MOTHER N.D. CREWMEMBERS (12) SUPERNUMERARIES (CONN & OPS) STAR TREK: "The Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/14/89 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Ensigns of Command" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE TEN FORWARD TAU CYGNA FIVE OBSERVATION LOUNGE FRONTIER TOWN TRANSPORTER ROOM CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM TOWN SQUARE AQUEDUCT PUMPING STATION TAU CYGNA FIVE DATA'S SHUTTLE ARD'RIAN'S FRONT ROOM SHELIAK WARSHIP SHELIAK WARSHIP STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/14/89 PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Ensigns of Command" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ARD'RIAN ARD-ree-an ARMENS ARE-mens ARTEMIS ARE-tih-mus GOSHEVEN GO-sheh-ven HARITATH HAH-ree-tath KENTOR KEN-tor SHELIA Shell-LEE-ah SHELIAK SHELL-lee-awk S'SMARITH Ss-sa-MAH-rith TEREMI-BOSONS Teh-REH-mee-BOH-suns STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/13/89 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Ensigns of Command" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Moving at impulse near some extraordinarily interesting astronomical object. 2 INT. TEN-FORWARD Present are PICARD, BEVERLY, and TWELVE N.D. CREWMEMBERS. A VULCAN and ONE WOMAN are seated, holding their instruments -- a violin and a viola. O'BRIEN tunes his cello. DATA ENTERS carrying a violin. He checks at the door, startled to see the captain. Picard beckons, and Data crosses to him. DATA Captain, Doctor, I am honored by your presence, but may I suggest you attend the second concert. BEVERLY Why, Data? DATA Ensign Ortiz will perform the violin part. My rendition will be less enjoyable. PICARD Oh? DATA While I am quite proficient Technically, according to my fellow performers, I lack soul. BEVERLY Data, telling us why you're going to fail before you make the attempt is never wise. DATA But is not honesty always the preferred choice? STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/14/89 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: PICARD Excessive honesty can be disastrous... particularly in a commander. DATA (very intrigued) Indeed? PICARD Knowing your limitations is one thing. Advertising them to a crew can damage your ability to lead. DATA Because you lose their respect? BEVERLY No, because you may begin to believe in those limitations yourself. Data considers this, then moves to take his place with the other performers. 2A ANGLE ON PICARD AND BEVERLY O.s., the string quartet TUNES. There is the SOUND of the communicator hail. RIKER'S COM VOICE Captain, we're receiving a message from the Sheliak Corporate. Picard reacts with surprise, stands and EXITS. As he leaves, the quartet starts to PLAY. CUT TO: 3 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard ENTERS. RIKER and WORF at their usual stations. Supernumeraries at CONN and OPS. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/14/89 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: WORF Origin point of the message confirmed. It is from the Shelia star system. RIKER The Sheliak have not attempted to communicate with the Federation for a hundred and eleven years. PICARD On screen. 4 ANGLE ON VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) What appears is the text of a treaty. English on one side, Sheliak on the other. Sheliak is not symbols as we know them, but rather a pattern of lights. A recorded message begins. SHELIAK VOICE Federation creatures, there are humans on the fifth planet of Tau Cygna. This planet was ceded to the corporate in section one hundred and thirty-three, paragraph seventy-seven of the Treaty of Armens. We will begin settlement of this world in four days. Remove the humans. Riker is up, and heading for Science One. PICARD What the devil -- SHELIAK VOICE Federation creatures, there are humans on the fifth planet -- PICARD Cancel message. Inquiring look to Riker. RIKER Tau Cygna Five is in the de Laure belt -- heavy concentrations of hyperonic radiation. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/14/89 - TEASER 4. 4 CONTINUED: PICARD Humans can't survive in such an environment. Exposure to hyperonic radiation is fatal. RIKER Then the Sheliak are asking us to chase ghosts. PICARD No, Number One. The Sheliak haven't broken a century of silence to send us after phantoms. An investigation is in order. Set course for Tau Cygna Five. Off Picard's expression: FADE OUT. END OF THE TEASER STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/19/89 - ACT ONE 5. ACT ONE FADE IN: 5 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) entering orbit around a planet. 6 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard, Riker, Data, Beverly and Worf. Supernumerary at CONN. WORF Human life form readings from the planet. RIKER So, the Sheliak weren't hallucinating. PICARD Numbers? WORF Impossible to get an accurate reading, Captain. The high radiation levels are disrupting our sensors. DATA Hyperonic radiation also interferes with ship's transporters; they are now inoperable. WORF So are the ship's phasers. RIKER How can humans survive down there? BEVERLY They must have found a way to adapt. (thinks it over) Milan's work in radiation sensitivity suggests it's possible. Perhaps with extensive virotherapy... (grimly) Until they found the answer, their mortality rate must have been staggering. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/18/79 - ACT ONE 6. 6 CONTINUED: PICARD Well, whoever they are and however they've survived, we've got to get them off the planet. RIKER By treaty, this world does belong to the Sheliak... PICARD ... who are within their rights to demand the removal of these "trespassers." RIKER And if we don't remove them, the Sheliak will. BEVERLY How forcefully? RIKER To the Sheliak, humans are a lower life form. They'd have no compunctions about exterminating the intruders. Beverly is taken aback. Riker's dead serious. PICARD Mister Data. As you are unaffected by hyperonic radiation, you will go to the planet via shuttlecraft and commence evacuation procedures. DATA Aye, sir. Without a word wasted the android is out of his chair, and EXITS the bridge. PICARD Any speculation as to what he'll find, Number One? RIKER A lost survey ship would be my guess. A dozen or so survivors at most. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/17/89 - ACT ONE 6A. 7 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - SHUTTLE LANDING SITE - DAY Data is outside the shuttle, scanning with his tricorder. 7A NEW ANGLE as HARITATH and KENTOR (two male humans) and TWO N.D. WORKERS cautiously approach the shuttle from the other side (the shuttle blocks their view of Data). HARITATH (in wonder) A shuttlecraft! KENTOR Where's it from? HARITATH Look at the markings. I think it's from the Federation. Data steps into their view from around the shuttle. DATA Hello. The four humans jump, startled. HARITATH We saw your ship... You're the first visitor we've had in... STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/14/89 - ACT ONE 7. 7A CONTINUED: (2) KENTOR The first visitor we've ever had. They take a closer look at Data. HARITATH You're -- not human. DATA That is correct. I am an android. I am Lieutenant Commander Data of the Federation Starship Enterprise. HARITATH (excited) Our great-grandparents were citizens of the Federation. (realizing) But you don't want to waste time talking to us... KENTOR You'll want to speak with Gosheven. We'll take you to him. DATA Excellent. HARITATH I'm sure the Federation will be very proud of us. Wait until you see all we've accomplished. DATA And who, precisely, is "we?" HARITATH You don't know? No, I guess you wouldn't, would you? We are the descendants of the original settlers -- from the colony ship Artemis. CUT TO: 8 INT. ENTERPRISE - MAIN BRIDGE Picard and Worf in their usual places. Riker at Science One. Supernumeraries at Conn and Ops. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/19/89 - ACT ONE 8. 8 CONTINUED: RIKER Got it. The Artemis, launched one hundred forty-two years ago, destination Septimis Minor. When they failed to check in, Starfleet began an extensive search. PICARD What carried the Artemis so far off course? 9 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - SHUTTLE LANDING SITE - DAY Haritath and Kentor wait patiently for Data to finish him communication. DATA My local informant does not know. In the early days survival on Tau Cygna Five was more important than history. 10 INTERCUTS PICARD Understood. How many are there? DATA Approximately fifteen thousand. Reactions from the bridge crew. Now they really have got a problem. RIKER (to Picard) We've only got three days. Without working transporters, we couldn't have them out in time. PICARD Shuttles? Worf does some figuring on his console. WORF Loading all the Enterprise shuttlecraft to capacity -- evacuation would take four weeks, four days. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/24/89 - ACT ONE 9. 10 CONTINUED: PICARD Then we need more time. Mister Data, prepare the colonists for an evacuation. DATA'S COM VOICE Aye, sir. Picard closes the com line. PICARD (continuing) Mister Worf, get me the Sheliak. WORF Their home world is quite distant, Captain. This will take some time. CUT TO: 11 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - MAIN STREET - DAY The main pumping station of Tau Cygna V. In the distance are mountains. A thin white line descends from the mountains, and as it comes closer we realize it is an aqueduct. Along the line of the aqueduct are lush fields, a veritable Garden of Eden, which ends like a knife-cut and the desert returns. It culminates in a strange cubistic-shaped purifying station. In a pool, the water churns into a white froth. GOSHEVEN, the leader, supervises TWO WORKERS testing the water in the pool. Data, Haritath, and Kentor approach. HARITATH Gosheven, look what's come -- Gosheven sees Data, looks him up and down very carefully. Gosheven's as surprised as Haritath was, but keeps a lid on it -- Data may represent a threat, so Gosheven's attempting a poker face. DATA Lieutenant Commander Data of the Starship Enterprise. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/20/89 - ACT ONE 10. 11 CONTINUED: KENTOR He's an android. GOSHEVEN So he is. (a beat) Well, you're here -- what do you want? DATA My mission is to prepare this colony for evacuation. Reactions from the men. Gosheven is calm, almost amused: GOSHEVEN Why? DATA Because this planet belongs to the Sheliak. GOSHEVEN And just who is this Sheliak? DATA The term is plural. The Sheliak are an intelligent, non-humanoid life form, classification R-3 -- GOSHEVEN (interrupting) This colony's been here for a hundred and forty years -- and no one's ever seen a Sheliak. I'd say that makes Tau Cygna Five our planet. (ALTERNATE: ninety years) DATA But the original destination of the Artemis was Septimis Minor. GOSHEVEN The guidance systems on the Artemis failed -- and sent them off course. Far off course. Our ancestors were lucky to find any place to land. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/24/89 - ACT ONE 11. 11 CONTINUED: (2) HARITATH And when they did, the radiation started killing them. GOSHEVEN Hyperonic radiation took the lives of a third of the colonists before they learned they could adapt to it. KENTOR But the colony survived -- and prospered. GOSHEVEN (with pride) Look around. We've brought water to the desert, built a community. DATA Your accomplishments are indeed remarkable. However, the Sheliak and the Federation have a treaty that clearly makes this planet Sheliak domain. GOSHEVEN Then change the treaty. DATA That may not be possible. The Sheliak wish to colonize this planet, and they are unwilling to share it with humans. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/24/89 - ACT ONE 12. 11 CONTINUED: (3) DATA (cont'd) If you are still here when the Sheliak colony ship arrives, they will eradicate you. Haritath and Kentor exchange a worried glance, but Gosheven is unfazed. HARITATH They would kill us all? DATA They have little regard for human life. Thus, our most sensible course is to prepare a contingency plan for the evacuation of your people. GOSHEVEN We're not evacuating. Data is taken aback. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/18/79 - ACT ONE 12A. 11 CONTINUED: (4) DATA Perhaps I have not made myself clear. GOSHEVEN Yes, you have. Now let me be equally clear. There's going to be no evacuation. (a beat) You've delivered your message -- so go back to your ship. I have work to do. Gosheven returns to his work on the pumping station. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/18/89 - ACT ONE 13. 11A ON DATA as he considers his next move. Then -- an object comes flying at Data. With android speed and reflexes, Data catches the object and examines it. It is an iron bar. ARD'RIAN (O.S.) Nice catch. Wonderful reflexes. Data turns to see -- 11B WIDER ARD'RIAN, an attractive female, approaches. ARD'RIAN Sorry to test you like that -- but I was curious. GOSHEVEN (amused) Found a new toy, have we, Ardy? ARD'RIAN Toy? This is the most incredible android I've ever seen. DATA Have you seen many? ARD'RIAN Actually, no. You're the first. GOSHEVEN (to Ard'rian) Only you would get this excited over a walking calculator. ARD'RIAN (bridling) He's more interesting than anything else walking around here... Gosheven CHUCKLES -- he's succeeded in getting under her skin. GOSHEVEN Depends on what you find interesting. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/24/89 - ACT ONE 13A. 11B CONTINUED: Ard'rian's had enough of Gosheven's male conceit. She moves away, motions for Data to follow. Data does. ARD'RIAN (to Data) Cybernetic intelligence fascinates me. Are your neural pathways duotronic? DATA No -- they are positronic. ARD'RIAN I didn't know that was possible! What's your memory capacity? How many operations per second? I have a million questions... DATA I am afraid I have no time to answer one million questions. I have a mission to accomplish. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/24/89 - ACT ONE 14. 11B CONTINUED: (2) DATA (cont'd) I need to know more about your people, and Gosheven seems unwilling to talk to me further. ARD'RIAN (extending a hand) I'm Ard'rian McKenzie. Perhaps I can help you. As Data shakes her hand, we: CUT TO: 12 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Riker and TROI are seated as GEORDI, O'Brien ENTER. RIKER Gentlemen, we're giving you an assignment, and the one thing we don't want to hear is that it is impossible. Riker defers to Picard. Geordi and O'Brien cast wary glances at Picard. Now what the hell is he going to want? PICARD I need the transporters to function despite the hyperonic radiation. GEORDI Impossi -- Yes, sir. Geordi and O'Brien EXIT. Riker, Troi and Picard study each other seriously. RIKER Even if we can get the Sheliak to talk to us, they're not likely to be accommodating. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/13/89 - ACT ONE 15. 12 CONTINUED: TROI Captain, when the treaty was negotiated the Federation sent three hundred and seventy-two legal experts. What have we got? PICARD Thee... and me. Off Troi's very dubious expression as we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/14/89 - ACT TWO 16. ACT TWO FADE IN: 13 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit around Tau Cygna V. 14 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard pacing, Troi seated as they wait for the call. Worf at his station. Supernumeraries at Conn and Ops. WORF No response. PICARD Try again. Boost signal strength. Worf makes adjustments. WORF Sheliak Corporate. This is the Starship Enterprise. Respond please. 15 ANGLE ON VIEWSCREEN - (OPTICAL) as it changes from a view of stars to -- someplace? a bridge? Wherever the SHELIAK are calling from it is a disturbing place for humans. Darkness, mirrored surfaces, and hidden in the shadows a creature who is decidedly unsettling for the crew. Its shape is constantly shifting like oozing sludge, and there is a hint of flickering eyes -- too many eyes. SHELIAK Conversation is neither required nor desired. Picard schools his features into an expression of polite interest. PICARD Conversation is necessary if we are to find a solution to our mutual problem. SHELIAK Our involvement in Federation illegality is not indicated. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/14/89 - ACT TWO 17. 15 CONTINUED: PICARD Both parties are involved, sir. SHELIAK Remove the humans from the Tau Cygna system. Three Earth days remain. Troi leans in, and whispers: TROI Their culture is extremely formal, almost ritualistic. An apology might smooth matters. PICARD I apologize for our inadvertent violation of the treaty. SHELIAK Acknowledged and accepted. Now remove the human creatures. PICARD Let us negotiate in good faith... SHELIAK Negotiate to what purpose? The treaty is signed. PICARD There is a thriving colony on the planet. Rather than uproot these people may I offer a compromise? SHELIAK Denied. PICARD Why?! SHELIAK The law is paramount. We are entitled. PICARD This is not a law. It is a treaty. It is designed to smooth relations between peoples. Not to act as a strait... STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/20/89 - ACT TWO 18. 15 CONTINUED: (2) But Picard's talking to a blank screen. The Sheliak have hung up on him. PICARD ... jacket. Off Picard's annoyed expression. CUT TO: 16 OMITTED 17 INT. ARD'RIAN'S FRONT ROOM - DAY A comfortable room constructed of stone with a heavy beamed ceiling. The furniture is hand hewn, durable but comfortable. Contrasting with this are various computer parts and consoles, both assembled and in pieces, strewn about. Ard'rian and Data ENTER. ARD'RIAN ... you really think we'll have to leave Tau Cygna Five? DATA The possibility exists, and Gosheven appears unwilling to prepare for it. Why? STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/20/89 - ACT TWO 19. 17 CONTINUED: ARD'RIAN Maybe because you're an android. I don't think Gosheven likes the idea of machines ordering him around. DATA I am not ordering him to do anything; I am merely trying to persuade him that his people should prepare to evacuate. (thinks) Do you believe my suggested course of action should be followed? ARD'RIAN Of course. DATA In spite of the fact that I am an android? ARD'RIAN Because of that fact. I don't have any silly prejudices against computers -- I like them. SHe gestures around the room, a bit apologetically: ARD'RIAN (cont'd) Not that any computer we have is half as sophisticated as you... Data looks at a particularly "primitive" computer: DATA No, I would say not. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/20/89 - ACT TWO 20. 17 CONTINUED: (2) ARD'RIAN (cont'd) People can be selfish, irrational, stubborn, malicious -- you name it. But computers don't have those failings. Data follows her logic: DATA You conclude from this that I am impartial... hence you accept my recommendations. She nods. DATA (cont'd) Yet Gosheven does not. (thinks) Perhaps he might reconsider his position if someone other than myself were to present the arguments. ARD'RIAN Well, I'm willing to talk to him, but I don't think he'll take me seriously. (with distaste) He finds me attractive -- but I'm not interested in him at all. So he belittles me to protect his ego -- 18 OMITTED 19 NEW ANGLE as Data's communicator TRILLS. He touches the insignia. DATA Data, here. PICARD'S COM VOICE The Sheliak won't bargain. DATA Understood. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/18/89 - ACT TWO 20A. 19 CONTINUED: PICARD'S COM VOICE I'm contacting Starfleet to arrange for transport. Get those people prepared for evacuation. We may have to move very quickly. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/13/89 - ACT TWO 21. 19 CONTINUED: DATA Yes, sir. Data cuts the communication, turns to Ard'rian. DATA We must speak with Gosheven immediately. Ard'rian grabs a coat, and they EXIT. CUT TO: 19A INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY SC. 16) Geordi, O'Brien and WESLEY have the panels removed from the wall behind the transporter console. Geordi's tool box is nearby. Sophisticated tools litter the floor. Off to the left side of the transporter are six test objects. The trio is watching tensely as O'Brien touches the console. A test object MATERIALIZES looking like swiss cheese. Geordi picks it up. Riker ENTERS. RIKER Gentlemen, how are you coming? (spots the object) What the hell is that? Geordi sets aside the mutilated object. GEORDI Our first attempt. O'BRIEN We recalibrated the transporter setting for the tightest possible beam. WESLEY But we've got plenty of things left to try. Geordi is studying the test object again. GEORDI There's some really interesting residue . . . reminds me of -- (a beat) There's that damn pulsar in the neighborhood. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/20/89 - ACT TWO 22. 19A CONTINUED: WESLEY Teremi-thorons. O'BRIEN This just got a lot harder. WESLEY They're one of the most elusive sub-atomic particles known, and they really shred a transporter signal. RIKER Thank you, Ensign, I passed physics. (to Geordi) Keep at it. We need those transporters. Riker EXITS. GEORDI We're going to have a lot of fun cracking this one. CUT TO: 20 thru OMITTED 21 22 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - MAIN STREET - DAY Gosheven, Data, and Ard'rian are standing near the pool of water. Gosheven cups some water in a hand. GOSHEVEN See that? Do you have any idea what it is? What it means? DATA It is water, a substance composed of two atoms of hydrogen -- GOSHEVEN It's not water. It's blood and sweat -- the result of a hundred and forty years of combined effort. (ALTERNATE: ninety years) This isn't a town. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/24/89 - ACT TWO 23. 22 CONTINUED: GOSHEVEN (Cont'd) It's a monument to every man, woman, and child who has lived and died on Tau Cygna Five. ARD'RIAN Gosheven, you're talking nonsense. GOSHEVEN Am I? My grandfather's buried on that mountain. (points to the distant line of hills) He died in a rock slide surveying the route for this aqueduct. This colony exists because of his sacrifice, and the sacrifices of thousands of others. No, we're not leaving. DATA The Sheliak will not accept humans on their planet. And they will not hesitate to use force to remove you. GOSHEVEN (calmly) And we will not hesitate to fight back. DATA You cannot win. GOSHEVEN You just don't understand, do you? We will not be bullied off our land... not by you, and not by the Sheliak. Gosheven whirls and walks away. End of conversation. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/18/89 - ACT TWO 24. 22 CONTINUED: (2) ARD'RIAN (re Gosheven; bitter) Stubborn and irrational. Now what do we do? DATA Are his sentiments typical among the colonists? ARD'RIAN I hope not. Are you thinking of bypassing Gosheven and taking your case directly to the people? DATA (nods) I see no other course of action. If I can convince enough people of the necessity of leaving -- ARD'RIAN (a smile) Don't you mean "if we can convince?" DATA You are offering assistance? Ard'rian nods, extends her arm -- c'mon, let's get going. As they move off: CUT TO: 22A EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY SC. 20) In orbit around Tau Cygna V. 22B INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM (FORMERLY SC. 21) Picard is pacing rapidly about the office. Riker ENTERS. RIKER Yes, sir? STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/18/89 - ACT TWO 25. 22B CONTINUED: PICARD Three weeks. Starfleet is profuse in their apologies, but it will still be three weeks. RIKER Until? PICARD Until the arrival of a colony transport ship equipped with dedicated personnel shuttles. RIKER We can't wait three weeks. PICARD The Sheliak must agree to extend our deadline. Picard sits in silence for a beat. PICARD (cont'd) If they plan to settle Tau Cygna Five two days from now... RIKER ... one of their ships must already be en route. PICARD (decides) We're going to intercept that ship. RIKER The Sheliak may interpret that as a hostile act. PICARD We have to take the risk. Off Picard's determined expression as we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/18/89 - ACT THREE 26. ACT THREE FADE IN: 23 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Riker pacing slowly, looking out at the stars. RIKER The Enterprise is going to try to intercept the Sheliak colony ship. Your job ... well, you know your job. CUT TO: 24 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - MAIN STREET - DAY Data standing alone in an archway. DATA Commander, in human parlance, I do not believe I can "get the job done." My training has prepared me for starship command duties. As a cultural contact I am proving to be less than exemplary. 25 INTERCUTS RIKER What's the situation? DATA Their leader has rejected my counsel. He denies the logic of my arguments and talks of structures they have built. RIKER Then try something else. DATA I have. In the last three hours and eight minutes, I have spoken to fifty-six colonists. Ten refused to believe a threat exists. Twenty-two favored staying and fighting the Sheliak. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/14/89 - ACT THREE26A. 25 CONTINUED: RIKER (more to himself) I don't have time for this. DATA Sixteen preferred negotiation or some form of passive resistance. Only eight were willing to consider evacuation. And of those eight -- STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/20/89 - ACT THREE 27. 25 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER (cutting him) Data, I can't help you -- I don't know these people; I haven't talked to them. You have. Use that fancy positronic brain of yours -- and carry out your mission. Ard'rian walks up to join the android, politely keeps a few paces away to let him complete his "phone call" with privacy. DATA If I do not succeed, how violent is the Sheliak reaction likely to be? RIKER The treaty is the only thing which kept them from eradicating the colony the moment they discovered it. DATA Ah. RIKER "Ah" is right. The lives of fifteen thousand people are riding on you. You'd better get innovative. Riker out. Data gazes into space, thinking. Ard'rian steps up. Her mood is upbeat. ARD'RIAN Data -- we're having an effect. So many people are asking questions about the Sheliak that Gosheven's called a public meeting. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/20/89 - ACT THREE 28. 25 CONTINUED: (3) DATA Is there any indication that Gosheven has changed his position? ARD'RIAN No. But a meeting will give you the chance to present your recommendations. DATA First, will Gosheven allow me to speak? Second, even if he does, what good will it do? So far, my attempts at persuasion have been ineffective. Ard'rian looks at him with compassion for a beat -- then suddenly gives Data a quick kiss on the lips. DATA (cont'd) Why did you do that? ARD'RIAN You appeared to need it. DATA Among humans, a kiss normally serves to seal a friendship or to indicate support, attraction, affection. Ard'rian nods. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/20/89 - ACT THREE 29. 25 CONTINUED: (4) DATA (cont'd) In this context, I would assume your intention was to express support. ARD'RIAN That was my primary motivation. The implication being that there were secondary motivations. But if Data is aware of the implication, he makes no sign. ARD'RIAN (cont'd) You don't really understand human behavior, do you? DATA That is something of an understatement. ARD'RIAN (sighs) Sometimes I don't either. androids are a lot more rational. DATA Thus far, that quality has not helped me accomplish my mission. ARD'RIAN A rational argument isn't always enough. Maybe to be more persuasive, you need to use a little reverse psychology. DATA (accessing) Elicit a desired behavior by advocating its opposite? (a beat) That implies deception, does it not? ARD'RIAN A little. But if it helps us get our point across... STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/20/89 - ACT THREE 30. 25 CONTINUED: (5) DATA (considers) Perhaps this is a situation in which excessive honesty is detrimental. As they walk off: CUT TO: 26 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Travelling at warp speed. 27 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM As before, except there are more high tech tools and equipment lying about. Geordi is lifting yet another trashed test object off the platform. He holds it mutely out to Wesley and O'Brien who stare dully at this latest failure. There are now four intact objects and three blasted ones. Picard ENTERS. PICARD (you will get it done) How are we progressing, Mister La Forge? GEORDI (it's impossible) About like you'd expect. PICARD (get it done) Splendid. Picard EXITS. WESLEY (wearily) He wants the impossible. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/14/89 - ACT THREE 31. 27 CONTINUED: GEORDI (with a grin) That's the short definition for "captain." Geordi and O'Brien have already returned to work. Wes looks at them bemused, then shrugs and pitches in. CUT TO: 28 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - MAIN STREET - DAY A large horseshoe-shaped amphitheater with a place for the engineers and Gosheven. A number of citizens -- including Haritath and Kentor -- have turned out for the debate so the place is filled. In the b.g. is the aqueduct purifying plant. GOSHEVEN You've all heard about the android Starfleet sent here, and you've been discussing why he's come. Data and Ard'rian ENTER. Gosheven ignores them. GOSHEVEN (cont'd) I called this meeting to replace misinformation with cold, hard fact. The colonists are craning their necks to look at Data. Gosheven realizes Data's presence can't be ignored. He strides over to confront Data. GOSHEVEN Leave. Immediately. DATA I wish to speak. GOSHEVEN No. DATA (loud, for the crowd's benefit) You deny me the opportunity to address the assemblage? STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/20/89 - ACT THREE 32. 28 CONTINUED: GOSHEVEN This meeting is not for outsiders. DATA Do you consider your position so weak that it cannot withstand debate? HARITATH Let him talk. MURMURS of assent from the crowd. Gosheven gives a terse nod. In a sense Data's called him a coward and he has to stand up to this city slicker, this outsider. Data steps front and center. In an effort to pull this off, he attempts to use human rhetorical devices (timing, dynamics, inflection, gestures, etc.) -- but, as there's no real passion behind them, they come off as studied and not quite sincere. A good performance, but still a performance. DATA You know of the Sheliak threat. Starfleet wishes to evacuate you for your own protection. Gosheven has decided otherwise. That is his right. And I will not waste time trying to reverse that decision. Surprised reactions from the crowd. This is not what they expected to hear. DATA (cont'd) I admire your conviction in the face of certain defeat. Your effort will be valiant, though doomed. Still, when you die, you will die for land and honor. 29 ANGLE ON The crowd. Data's starting to get a reaction. People are beginning to eye each other nervously. It's one thing to thumb your nose at a distant enemy, quite another to talk about dying. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/20/89 - ACT THREE 33. 30 ANGLE ON DATA As he reaches down, and takes a YOUNG BOY (twelve or so) by the arm, and pulls the child up next to him. DATA Your children will understand that they are dying for a worthy cause. Big crowd reaction here. Murmurs from various people. Mothers pull their children closer to them. Data steals a glance at Ard'rian -- "how am I doing?" Ard'rian nods encouragingly back -- "fine." DATA (continuing) Long after the battle is over, their courage will be remembered and extolled. Ard'rian jumps in to support him. ARD'RIAN Remembered by who? DATA (as if he hadn't considered that) Ah, that is true. There will be no one left alive to remember. 31 ANGLE ON GOSHEVEN as he begins to applaud slowly. GOSHEVEN A valiant try, android, but what a low opinion you must have of us. The boy's MOTHER snatches her son back from Data, and pulls him down in her lap. DATA I was simply attempting to describe your inevitable destruction in a manner that would have an emotional effect. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/20/89 - ACT THREE 34. 31 CONTINUED: HARITATH (standing) And he did it pretty damned well. MURMURS of agreement from the crowd. GOSHEVEN Are you ready to follow this machine, Haritath? Give up everything? Without a fight? He says we're going to lose, I think that's his own cowardice talking! Kentor stands. He has a calm but commanding presence. KENTOR And what if he's right, and you're wrong? Shouldn't we consider that possibility? More crowd reaction. Sympathy is swinging away from Gosheven. HARITATH We may be sacrificing ourselves for nothing -- GOSHEVEN Last winter we buried your little girl -- laid her to rest next to your mother, and you dare speak of sacrifice? Gosheven whirls and nails Kentor with a look. GOSHEVEN (continuing) And you, Kentor, we built you a new house after the fire wiped you out. Can you simply walk away from that? KENTOR Better to walk away than to be annihilated. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/18/89 - ACT THREE 35. 31 CONTINUED: (2) GOSHEVEN (addressing them all) This colony exists because generations gave their lives for it. Many people died before we found a way to adapt to the radiation. Many more died bringing water to the desert. My father -- ARD'RIAN (interrupting) -- is buried on that mountain. Well, who's going to be left to bury you? A vote of confidence is about to take place, and Gosheven realizes he's about to lose it. He falls back on the innate authority of an elected leader. GOSHEVEN Have you considered what this evacuation means? Everything we have, we abandon. Everything we've built turns into dust. Everything we've accomplished means nothing. (shakes head) Well, I say NO! You elected me to be your leader -- follow me now! I don't think our chances are as hopeless as he says. And I'm willing to stake our lives on it. Any objections? He rakes the crowd with a look. Some mutterings, but nobody's quite ready to lead the revolution. GOSHEVEN (continuing) Good, because here... we... stand. A few people step up to pound Gosheven on the back, but most of the crowd remains huddled, glancing from Data to Gosheven and back again. Haritath and Kentor step away to talk in private. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/13/89 - ACT THREE 36. 32 ANGLE ON DATA standing with Ard'rian. DATA (almost to himself) Then here you die. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/18/89 - ACT THREE 37. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 33 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Wesley, Geordi and O'Brien. There are now three intact test object and four trashed ones. These are three exhausted people. They've been working round the clock. WESLEY Maybe if we bypassed the autosequence and decompiled the pattern buffer... ? GEORDI (shrugs) It's no crazier than anything else we've tried. Wesley drops down by the panel, and begins to tinker while Geordi places the last test object on the platform. Suddenly the transporter console blows a fuse. Electricity races across the panel, and the console goes dark. O'Brien is not a happy man. Wesley slowly stands up. O'Brien struggles with himself, but can't master it. O'BRIEN Ensign Crusher. WESLEY Yes, sir. O'BRIEN If you ever touch my transporter again... I'll kill you. WESLEY Sorry, sir. CUT TO: 33A EXT. PLANET SURFACE - MAIN STREET - DAY Data watches the town meeting break up into small groups of people TALKING among themselves. Ard'rian approaches. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/20/89 - ACT THREE 38. 33A CONTINUED: Haritath and Kentor step up furtively. HARITATH Mister Data -- I want to tell you that... well, Gosheven doesn't speak for all of us. Ard'rian looks at Data hopefully -- maybe the early returns aren't so bad after all. HARITATH (cont'd) I see no point in dying needlessly. DATA And you, Kentor? KENTOR I'm not sure. Gosheven has done well for us. But I'd like to hear more of what you have to say. HARITATH There are many others that feel the same way but are uneasy about confronting Gosheven. ARD'RIAN Get them together. We'll meet at my house. Haritath and Kentor nod agreement then slip away. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/24/89 - ACT FOUR 39. 33A CONTINUED: (2) Ard'rian leads Data toward her house. They EXIT. 34 thru OMITTED 35 36 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Traveling at warp speed. 37 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM (OPTICAL) Picard has brought Troi in for consultation. TROI In our dealings with other non-humanoid races there has been some point of reference; not so with the Sheliak. PICARD We must have something in common. We communicate. TROI Barely. The Sheliak have learned several Federation languages, but theirs continues to elude us. STAR TREK: "Ensions of Command" - REV. 7/13/89 - ACT FOUR 40. 37 CONTINUED: PICARD (have we tried?) Telepaths? TROI Attempted and failed. PICARD This is ludicrous! TROI No, sir, the fact that any alien race communicates with another is quite remarkable. She lifts Picard's tea cup from the desk. TROI (continuing) We are stranded on a planet. No language in common, but I want to teach you mine. Troi points to the cup. TROI (continuing) S'smarith. What did I just say? PICARD Cup? Glass? TROI Are you sure? I might have meant liquid, clear, brown, hot. And we conceptualize the universe in relatively the same way. PICARD Point taken. TROI During your talks you must be extremely accurate. The treaty is 500,000 words. The length was to accommodate the Sheliak. They consider our language irrational, and demanded this level of complexity to avoid any future misunderstandings. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/17/89 - ACT FOUR 41. 37 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER'S COM VOICE Captain, we have the vessel carrying the Sheliak colonists on visual. PICARD On my way. (to Troi) So it begins. They EXIT onto: 38 INT. MAIN BRIDGE The tension on the bridge is palpable. Picard moves swiftly to the command station. Riker relinquishes command. 39 ANGLE ON VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Where a Sheliak ship hangs ominously. PICARD Open hailing frequencies. This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise. We again have a vision of the mirrored, shadowed, shifting place. A hint of a watcher in the shadows. SHELIAK Your purpose, Enterprise? PICARD We desire face-to-face negotiation to settle the crisis on Tau Cygna Five. Troi hands him a PADD. PICARD (continuing) We are entitled to consultation under paragraph five hundred and sixty-three subparagraph nine. A beat as the Sheliak look it up. SHELIAK Granted. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/20/89 - ACT FOUR 42. 39 CONTINUED: The screen again shows the Sheliak vessel. RIKER Was that an invitation? PICARD I'm going to take it as such. Number One, you have the bridge. Troi and Picard EXIT. HOLD on Riker. RIKER Helm, maintain relative position. Mister Worf, have Transporter Room Two stand by. WORF Aye, sir. CUT TO: 40 INT. ARD'RIAN'S LIVING ROOM - DAY Haritath, Kentor, and a group of other colonists are gathered around Data and Ard'rian. KENTOR ... and once the Federation resettles us, we'll be left alone? DATA If you so desire. HARITATH We do. We like doing things on our own. DATA The Federation will offer as little or as much help as you dictate. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/20/89 - ACT FOUR 42A. 40 CONTINUED: Nods all around; they are impressed. Data is the perfect no-pressure salesman; he simply presents the facts. Ard'rian looks expectantly to Kentor; Kentor's still uncertain. ARD'RIAN Kentor -- are you with us? Kentor makes up his mind: KENTOR Yes. (a beat) The question is, how do we convince Gosheven? STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/20/89 - ACT FOUR 43. 40 CONTINUED: (2) HARITATH Why do we need to? KENTOR Because he's respected. Most people will do as he says. ARD'RIAN The people respect you, too. If you take a stand, they'll fall in line. KENTOR I don't know. Gosheven's got a lot of supporters... GOSHEVEN (O.S.) Don't forget that, Kentor. Everyone turns to see -- 40A OMITTED 40B NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Gosheven fills the doorway. He ENTERS and looks around the room. GOSHEVEN I'm disappointed. I thought we had settled this. DATA Apparently, that is not correct. Gosheven steps up to Data. GOSHEVEN (to Data) Still stirring up trouble? STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/20/89 - ACT FOUR 44. 40B CONTINUED: ARD'RIAN Since when is talk trouble? Gosheven ignores her -- looking only at Data. GOSHEVEN It's over. Don't you get it? You had your say, and you lost. DATA I appear to be reversing that defeat. GOSHEVEN No, you're not -- you're just stubborn. (getting closer) Well, let me tell you something... Gosheven touches Data with an electronic prod -- BLUE SPARKS dance over Data. Data's whole body stiffens -- then goes limp and falls. GOSHEVEN (completes his thought) ... so am I. ARD'RIAN Damn you, Gosheven -- Ard'rian rushes to Data's aid. HARITATH You killed him? GOSHEVEN I've killed no one. (to Ard'rian) I've merely shut down a machine. Ard'rian looks daggers at Gosheven, who turns his attention to the gathering. GOSHEVEN (cont'd) That's it, everyone. Time to go home. The momentum has changed. A few sheepish glances as one or two of the group head for the door. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/20/89 - ACT FOUR 45. 40C ON ARD'RIAN She's pulled out an electronic scanner from her piles of computer junk and is checking out the fallen Data. 40D WIDER to include Gosheven. GOSHEVEN (to Ard'rian) You'll see I'm right. He EXITS. We hold on Ard'rian and Data. CUT TO: 41 INT. SHELIAK SHIP (OPTICAL) Picard and Troi MATERIALIZE. What surrounds them bears little resemblance to a ship. Darkness hangs like bats in the corners. What little light there is filters through swirling mist. As they look down the effect is as if they are walking on black ice, and tiny lights, like flickering eyes twinkle beneath the floor's surface. SHELIAK Advance and speak. Troi and Picard exchange glances for they can see no sign of the creature they are speaking with. They step forward, and are pinned in a bright light. PICARD Director, we will comply with your request to remove the colony on Tau Cygna Five, but we need time. SHELIAK The given time has elapsed. We carry the membership and we will proceed with their debarkation. TROI The temporary presence of these humans should not interfere with your plans. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/19/89 - ACT FOUR 46. 41 CONTINUED: SHELIAK Unacceptable. You must remove the creatures. PICARD I'm trying! But the needed ship won't be available for three weeks. SHELIAK Then you are in violation. PICARD I have admitted that! I'm only asking for a little tolerance. SHELIAK Section five hundred and one, paragraph seven hundred and sixteen, subparagraph five -- unwanted lifeforms inhabiting H class worlds may be removed at the discretion of the Sheliak corporate. PICARD We will remove them. But you must grant us the time we require. SHELIAK You need time, Picard of the Enterprise, we will save you time. We will eradicate the human infestation. PICARD (outraged) They are not vermin! They are citizens of the Federation and I will not permit this travesty! STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/13/89 - ACT FOUR 47. 41 CONTINUED: (2) SHELIAK Intelligent converse is impossible. You do not discuss, you gibber. PICARD Between intelligent species of good will -- Suddenly the Sheliak transporter kicks in, and slams Picard and Troi back to the Enterprise. They have been rudely thrown out on their ears. 42 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The startling EFFECT of the Sheliak transporter and Picard and Troi APPEAR. Riker, Worf, and the supernumeraries at Conn and Ops react. Picard and Troi are both very disoriented, staggering slightly. Riker steadies them both. RIKER I take it the Sheliak just hung up on us. Again. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/19/89 - ACT FIVE 48. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 42A INT. ARD'RIAN'S LIVING ROOM Ard'rian worriedly inspects the unmoving Data with an electronic scanner. Data twitches, "reboots," comes back to life, and sits up. Ard'rian SIGHS, relieved. ARD'RIAN I was afraid your neural pathways were scrambled beyond repair. DATA I am equipped with diagnostic circuits and can correct many malfunctions. Data moves his head, arms, and legs, testing his responses. ARD'RIAN I'm not surprised at Gosheven's behavior. But Kentor and the others... they said they were on our side. (bitter) I guess words don't mean very much. Data mulls this over carefully. DATA Perhaps that has been part of our difficulty. Words are all we have been using. (thinking) Humans seem to take much stronger notice of actions. Data makes a decision, gets to his feet. DATA (cont'd) I require a phaser. ARD'RIAN What's a phaser? DATA A type of weapon. Unfortunately it will not function in the presence of hyperonic radiation. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/24/89 - ACT FIVE 49. 42A CONTINUED: Data ponders this new problem for a beat, then shrugs it off: DATA (cont'd) I will have to be innovative. CUT TO: 42B INT. SHUTTLECRAFT - CYGNA FIVE - DAY Data has opened up a phaser and is adapting it. His forearm is opened, revealing his arm's inner workings; Data is "cannibalizing" his arm for parts to modify the phaser. Ard'rian looks on in fascination. DATA Hyperonic radiation randomizes phaser beams. But I believe I can improvise a servocircuit which will compensate by continuously recollimating the output. ARD'RIAN You're using your own neural subprocessors to build a smarter phaser. DATA Essentially correct. Ard'rian's impressed. Data completes his work. DATA (cont'd) Get word to Gosheven. Tell him I am coming to the pumping station. Tell him I am going to destroy the aqueduct. Ard'rian is gaping like a carp over this, doesn't know what to say. Finally manages: ARD'RIAN He'll try to stop you -- DATA I sincerely hope so. Off Ard'rian's expression: CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" - REV. 7/19/89 - ACT FIVE 49A. 43 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise hanging motionless in space with the Sheliak ship. 44 INT. MAIN BRIDGE As before. PICARD (to Worf) Go to Yellow Alert. Shields up. WORF Aye, sir. PICARD Mister Riker, put us nose to nose with the Sheliak ship. If she makes a move, match it. RIKER Aye, sir. PICARD Open a hailing frequency. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/17/89 - ACT FIVE 50. 44 CONTINUED: WORF They're not responding, sir. PICARD (tight control) They don't have to answer. They just have to listen! Sheliak vessel, you will have to go through me to get at the colony on Tau Cygna Five! 45 thru OMITTED 46 47 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS WORF No response. PICARD Close channel -- and get me that treaty! They've been beating us over the head with it for three days. Let's see if we can't find something in it that can be turned to our advantage. RIKER We're going to try to beat them at their own game? WORF The treaty is how long? TROI Five hundred thousand words. WORF (glumly) We are going to regret Data's absence. CUT TO: 48 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - MAIN STREET - DAY (OPTICAL) The square. FOUR MEN armed with rifles stand shoulder to shoulder in front of the plant and aqueduct. Standing defiant and unarmed, save for the probe at his belt, on an upper level is Gosheven. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/20/89 - ACT FIVE 51. 48 CONTINUED: Off to one side are a number of colonists (including Ard'rian, Haritath, and Kentor), nervously awaiting the outcome. Then a PHASER STUN hits one of the armed men; he drops. As the others whirl to take aim -- 48A NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) A PHASER BEAM sweeps across the line of armed men, STUNNING them instantly. No one even gets a shot off. Gosheven, astonished, reaches for the probe at his belt. Data calmly stands up from his hiding place, aims his phaser. Gosheven freezes -- it's futile; obviously Data could stun him before he could get anywhere near Data. 48B WIDER (OPTICAL) as Data steps out into the street, holds his phaser up for all to see. DATA That was the "stun" setting. Data switches the setting on the phaser -- DATA (cont'd) This is not. Data turns, BLASTS the control panel on the aqueduct. A shower of SPARKS. EFFECT as the reaction races up the aqueduct. The water stops flowing. Gosheven is speechless. Data addresses the colonists: DATA (cont'd) I could reduce this pumping station to a pile of debris... but I trust my point is clear. I am one android with a single weapon. There are hundreds of Sheliak on the way... and their weapons are far more powerful. Data pauses. The colonists are dead silent. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/24/89 - ACT FIVE 52. 48B CONTINUED: DATA (cont'd) And the Sheliak may not even offer you a target. They can obliterate this colony from orbit. You will die never having seen the faces of your killers. Data walks deliberately to one of the stunned defenders, picks up the rifle with his free hand, holds it out to the group of colonists. DATA (cont'd) The choice is yours. The colonists look at one another. Finally: KENTOR There are other places -- other challenges. It's time to move on. And Kentor EXITS. One by one, the colonists follow him. The mantle of leadership has passed. 48C NEW ANGLE Gosheven, slump shouldered, bends and scoops up a handful of dirt at the base of the silent pool. Data moves to join him. GOSHEVEN I really was willing to stay and die for this. DATA I know that, but it is just a thing, and things can be replaced. Lives cannot. Live, rebuild and be remembered. A long beat. Then Gosheven wipes his hand on his pants, and walks back to join his people. 49 OMITTED STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/13/89 - ACT FIVE 53. 50 ANGLE ON DATA watching Gosheven go. Data looks down at the phaser for several moments, then holsters it. He looks up to find Ard'rian gazing at him with an expression of pride and love. 51 OMITTED 52 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Troi is seated at Science One with Picard hanging over her shoulder. Riker and Worf are at Science Two. Pages of treaty crawl past on both screens. WORF This is hopeless. Fighting would be preferable. A look from Riker. PICARD That's it. He indicates a clause. TROI I don't follow you, sir. PICARD Worf, get me the Sheliak. WORF (just heard the reprieve) Yes, sir! Picard, Riker and Troi return to the command station. The strange Sheliak scene replaces a view of the ship. PICARD Pursuant to paragraph one thousand two hundred and ninety I formally request third party arbitration of our dispute. A beat while they look it up. SHELIAK Agreed. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/13/89 - ACT FIVE 54. 52 CONTINUED: PICARD And further, pursuant to subsection D, three, I name the Grizzelas to arbitrate. SHELIAK Grizzelas? Riker glances, puzzled, at Troi. RIKER (mouths) Grizzelas? Troi quells him with a look. PICARD Unfortunately they are currently in their hibernation cycle, but they'll awaken in six months, and then we'll get this matter settled. Now, do you want to wait... or give me my three weeks? SHELIAK Absurd. We carry the membership! We can brook no delay! PICARD Then I declare the treaty in abeyance! SHELIAK Wait! Negotiation is -- Picard gestures to Worf -- cut the transmission. Worf obeys. A long beat. RIKER (smiling) You enjoyed that. PICARD You're damn right. WORF Captain, they are hailing us. Picard studies his nails. Takes a turn around the bridge. Settles himself back in the command chair. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/13/89 - ACT FIVE 55. 52 CONTINUED: (2) WORF (continuing) Sir? PICARD (a beat) On screen. The Sheliak reappear. SHELIAK You may have your three weeks, Picard of the Enterprise. PICARD (with careful enunciation) Thank you. The screen returns to a view of the Sheliak ship pulling away. Instant release of tension. Suddenly the turbolift doors open, and Geordi ENTERS. He is looking frazzled. People's expressions reflect the thought that "dear God, he did it." GEORDI Captain, we can do it! We can modify the transporters. PICARD Excellent. GEORDI It'll take fifteen years, and a research team of a hundred -- PICARD (dryly) Mister La Forge, I believe we will postpone. GEORDI (with a grin) Yes, sir. Geordi EXITS. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/14/89 - ACT FIVE 56. 53 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - SHUTTLE LANDING SITE - DAY Data is inside the shuttle making preparations for departure. DATA Commander Data to Enterprise. I am preparing to leave Tau Cygna Five and await rendezvous instructions. WORF'S COM VOICE Acknowledged. Stand by. Outside the shuttle, Ard'rian approaches. Data sees her, emerges from the shuttle to meet her. ARD'RIAN Hi. DATA Hello, Ard'rian. ARD'RIAN The evacuation plan is going well. When the transport ship arrives, we'll be ready. (a beat) You succeeded. DATA I would not have succeeded without your support and insight, and I appreciate your assistance. ARD'RIAN Good. Then you won't forget me? DATA I am incapable of forgetting. I will remember every detail of my visit with perfect clarity. ARD'RIAN But nothing more? DATA I do not understand. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/14/89 - ACT FIVE 57. 53 CONTINUED: Ard'rian bites the bullet: ARD'RIAN I guess what I really want to know is -- do you have any feelings for me? DATA I have no feelings of any kind. Ard'rian is silent. ARD'RIAN No. Of course you don't. Data studies her. She's downcast. Mimicking her behavior earlier, he gives her a quick kiss on the lips, startling her. ARD'RIAN (cont'd) What was that for? DATA You appeared to require it. ARD'RIAN You observed I was unhappy and did what you concluded would make me feel better. A purely rational deduction. She's still downcast. DATA Have I disappointed you? ARD'RIAN No, I'm disappointed in myself -- for wanting something I know I can't have. (a beat) Data, in so many ways you're superior to humans. But you are still a machine... without emotion. DATA Yes. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/14/89 - ACT FIVE 57A. 53 CONTINUED: (2) ARD'RIAN It's so easy to believe otherwise. It's so easy to read things into your behavior... and perceive feelings where none exist. (a beat) Well, I am human and I do have feelings... silly though they may be at times. I like you, Data. You're my favorite android. DATA But I am the only android you have ever met. ARD'RIAN Rational to the last. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/17/89 - ACT FIVE 58. 53 CONTINUED: (3) And with a smile, Ard'rian EXITS. Data climbs into the shuttle, and the door closes. CUT TO: 54 OMITTED 55 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM Picard is listening to a recording of Data's string quartet concert in Ten Forward. DOOR CHIME. PICARD Come. Data ENTERS. PICARD (cont'd) Welcome home, Mister Data. Well done. DATA Thank you, sir. PICARD The good doctor was kind enough to provide me with a recording of your concert. Your performance shows a good deal of feeling. DATA As I have lately had to remind others, I have no feelings. PICARD That's hard to believe; your playing is quite beautiful. DATA Strictly speaking, it is not "my" playing. It is a precise imitation of the techniques of Jascha Heifetz and Trenka Bron-Ken. STAR TREK: "Ensigns of Command" REV. 7/17/89 - ACT FIVE 59. 55 CONTINUED: PICARD And is there nothing of Data in what I'm hearing? Data ponders this. PICARD (cont'd) You chose the violinists. Heifetz and Bron-Ken had radically different styles, but you combined them -- successfully. DATA I suppose I have learned to be innovative... when necessary, sir. Picard nods. He's made his point. PICARD Mister Data... I look forward to your next concert. On Data's thoughtful expression, we: 56 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END