STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Who Watches the Watchers" #40273-152 Written by Richard Manning & Hans Beimler Directed by Robert Wiemer THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1989 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If it is lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. 2ND REVISED FINAL DRAFT AUGUST 7, 1989 STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " - 8/7/89 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Who Watches the Watchers" CAST PICARD Mintakans RIKER NURIA DATA LIKO BEVERLY OJI TROI FENTO GEORDI HALI WORF BARRON Non-Speaking PALMER WARREN MEDICS ENTERPRISE CREW MINTAKANS STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " - 8/9/89 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Who Watches the Watchers" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE MINTAKA THREE MAIN BRIDGE ASSEMBLY HALL OBSERVATION LOUNGE DUCK BLIND READY ROOM PATH SICKBAY SECLUDED AREA TRANSPORTER ROOM TEN FORWARD CORRIDOR DUCK BLIND ASSEMBLY HALL STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " 8/7/89 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Who Watches the Watchers" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Cruising at warp speed. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 43125.2. We are en route to Mintaka Three, where a three-man Federation anthropological field team has been studying the inhabitants. 2 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) PICARD is flanked by RIKER and TROI. WORF and DATA are at their stations; SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. PICARD (V.O.) Our mission is to resupply the outpost and repair their malfunctioning reactor. TURBOLIFT DOORS OPEN and GEORDI ENTERS. PICARD Report, Mister La Forge. GEORDI We've finished replicating the parts they need. (a beat) What I don't understand is why a three-man station needs a reactor that can produce four-point-two gigawatts. Riker knows, but wants to see if Geordi can figure it out for himself: RIKER That's enough to power a small phaser bank, a subspace relay station, or... STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/14/89 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: GEORDI (putting it together) ... a hologram generator. Right -- a "duck blind." PICARD (nods) The anthropologists are studying an extended family of Mintakans at close range... from a camouflaged observation post. TROI According to Doctor Barron's preliminary reports, the Mintakans are proto-Vulcan humanoids at the Bronze Age level. Quite peaceful and highly rational. PICARD (nods) Not surprising, considering how closely their evolution has paralleled Vulcan. WORF Captain, incoming transmission from Mintaka Three. PICARD On screen. On the MAIN VIEWER appears the fuzzy image of BARRON, intermittently broken up by LINES AND SWIRLS of STATIC INTERFERENCE. Barron is a middle-aged human; he's in a small cave-like room -- the "DUCK BLIND" -- which is both scientific laboratory and living quarters for the three members of the field team. One wall contains ports looking out onto the planet. Behind Barron, two more scientists -- PALMER (a young human male) and WARREN (an older human female) -- work on the malfunctioning reactor. Barron's mood is calm, unhurried -- the situation is not desperate. BARRON Barron to Enterprise. Our temporary repairs have failed. The reactor is now inoperative. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/9/89 - TEASER 2A. 2 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Do you have battery backup? BARRON Three hours' worth at best. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/11/89 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (3) DATA Captain, if we increase to warp seven we can be there in twenty-three minutes. PICARD Make it so. (to Barron) We're on our way -- On the Main Viewer, an EXPLOSION rocks the outpost. Haywire ELECTRICAL BOLTS cascade everywhere. A console a few feet from the reactor SHORTS OUT. STATIC and INTERFERENCE obscure the image. Barron and Warren are STRUCK by the BOLTS and knocked unconscious. Palmer, also ZAPPED, covers his eyes, temporarily blinded, and gropes randomly. 3 EXT. MINTAKA THREE - DUCK BLIND - DAY (OPTICAL) A hillside with sheer rock walls and outcroppings. About three meters up a nearly sheer rockface is a narrow path. A large section of the rockface above the path SHIMMERS and FADES AWAY -- revealing the exterior ported wall of the "duck blind" (the interior of which is built inside the rockface). BLUE SPARKS dance about the metal structure of the duck blind. 3A INT. MINTAKA THREE - DUCK BLIND - DAY (OPTICAL) Palmer stumbles to a port, falls through it to the outside -- 3B EXT. MINTAKA THREE - DUCK BLIND - DAY (OPTICAL) Palmer has fallen clear of the duck blind. Dazed and disoriented, he makes his way down the path and EXITS the area. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/11/89 - TEASER 4. 4 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard watches the Main Viewer helplessly as the image from Mintaka -- with Barron lying on the floor -- BREAKS UP completely and DISAPPEARS. WORF We've lost contact, sir. PICARD Increase to warp nine. 5 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) streaking to the rescue. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/14/89 - ACT ONE 5. ACT ONE FADE IN: 6 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit around Mintaka Three. 7 INT. DUCK BLIND - DAY (OPTICAL) Riker, Data, Geordi, BEVERLY, and A MEDIC MATERIALIZE inside the duck blind. SPARKS and CORONA EFFECTS are coursing through all metal parts of the structure. Riker and Geordi start working on the damaged reactor while Data begins repairs on the shorted-out console. Beverly and the medic tend to the injured Barron and Warren. 8 EXT. MINTAKA THREE - PATH - DAY Two Mintakans -- middle-aged LIKO and his teenaged daughter OJI -- are walking. Mintakans look very similar to Vulcans -- they have the same pointed ears and arched eyebrows. Note: Though Mintakans are a cool-headed, rational people, they are not as stoic and emotionless as Vulcans. LIKO Why did we have to come so early? OJI When the sun reaches its zenith, I have to be ready to take the measurements. LIKO (amused) You'll be ready. You've read the sundial hundreds of times. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/14/89 - ACT ONE 6. 8 CONTINUED: OJI Yes, father -- but never as the appointed recordkeeper. LIKO (smiles) You're taking your duties quite seriously. Your mother would have been proud of you. 8A EXT. MINTAKA THREE - ASSEMBLY HALL - DAY Liko and Oji ENTER the area, which is presently unoccupied. Outside the "assembly hall" is a large bronze sundial/astrolabe. Oji steps up to the astrolabe, takes a preliminary sighting. In doing so, she notices something o.s.: 9 REVERSE ANGLE (OPTICAL) On a distant hillside, the exterior of the duck blind is visible. Oji points it out to Liko: OJI What is that? LIKO I don't know... Curious, they quickly head off toward the hillside. 10 INT. DUCK BLIND - DAY (OPTICAL) The medic works on Warren as Beverly tends to Barron, who is semi-conscious. BARRON (delirious) Keep work... Palmer... Warren... Beverly applies a hypo. 10A ON RIKER AND GEORDI (OPTICAL) still working on the reactor; Data is finishing up on the console nearby. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/16/89 - ACT ONE 6A. 10A CONTINUED: DATA The hologram generator is now functional. RIKER Or would be, if we had power... GEORDI Almost there... 10AA EXT. MINTAKA THREE - DUCK BLIND - DAY (OPTICAL) Liko and Oji ENTER the area around the duck blind and stop in amazement. Liko gestures for Oji to stay hidden as he cautiously approaches the path leading to the duck blind. 10B WIDER ANGLE (OPTICAL) The medic working on Warren nods to Beverly -- ready. Beverly taps her communicator: BEVERLY Enterprise -- beam Martinez and his patient directly to Sickbay. Warren and the medic attending her DEMATERIALIZE. Data looks up: DATA Doctor -- Beverly also looks up -- 11 ANGLE ON THE PORT (OPTICAL) Peeking in one of the ports is Liko -- stunned at the sight of these strangers magically disappearing. Curious, Liko pokes his head further into the port, and places a hand on the metal frame. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/11/89 - ACT ONE 7. 11 CONTINUED: A furious ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE ZAPS Liko; dazed and disoriented, he stumbles back. 12 EXT. MINTAKA THREE - DUCK BLIND - DAY (OPTICAL) Liko has fallen away from the duck blind. He slips off the narrow path, falls three meters, and lands hard on a section of jagged rock, severely gashing his head. He GROANS. 13 ANGLE ON OJI Oji is at the bottom of the path. She's about to come to her father's aid, but holds back as she sees: 14 ON BEVERLY (OPTICAL) Beverly has already emerged from the duck blind and is heading down the path to Liko's side. 15 ANGLE ON LIKO (OPTICAL) in intense pain. Beverly approaches, administers a hypo. A moment later, Liko is out cold. Beverly examines him, then touches her communicator: BEVERLY Crusher to Enterprise. Medical emergency. Two to beam directly to Sickbay. Beverly and Liko DEMATERIALIZE. 15A ANGLE ON OJI emerging from her hiding place and moving toward the spot where her father disappeared. 16 INT. DUCK BLIND - DAY Riker and Geordi at the reactor. Geordi finishes up: GEORDI That should do it. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/23/89 - ACT ONE 8. 16 CONTINUED: Geordi makes an adjustment. The reactor HUMS to life. 17 EXT. MINTAKA THREE - DUCK BLIND - DAY (OPTICAL) As the camouflage unit kicks in, the duck blind DISAPPEARS; the rockface is now, to all appearances, solid rock. 18 ANGLE ON OJI gazing bewildered at the wall of rock. She's overwhelmed by the inexplicable wonders she has witnessed. CUT TO: 19 INT. SICKBAY Busy. MEDICAL PERSONNEL are performing surgery on Liko and applying various forms of burn and anti-radiation treatment to Warren and Barron. Beverly moves from one station to another, giving orders. She crosses to Liko's biobed. The medic is finishing up with Liko. 20 NEW ANGLE as Picard ENTERS, crosses to Liko's biobed, and reacts to the sight of a Mintakan aboard the Enterprise. Picard glowers at Beverly, but before he can speak: STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/23/89 - ACT ONE 9. 20 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Before you start quoting the Prime Directive -- he'd already seen us; the damage was done. It was bring him aboard or let him die. PICARD Then why didn't you let him die? BEVERLY Because we were responsible for his injuries! PICARD I don't know if I concur with that reasoning, Doctor. But now that he's here, you must remove all memory of his encounter with the away team. BEVERLY By erasing short-term recall? PICARD It's been accomplished before. BEVERLY Yes, I'm familiar with Doctor Pulaski's technique. (studies Liko) Though I can't guarantee it will be effective on Mintakan brain chemistry -- Beverly is interrupted by a COMMOTION O.S. -- 21 ANGLE ON BARRON Barron has regained consciousness, but he's half-delirious and agitated. He struggles wildly with a medic who's trying to restrain him: BARRON No! We must evacuate -- Picard, Beverly, and other medics run to Barron's biobed and hold him back. Beverly zaps Barron with a hypospray; Barron's struggles weaken. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/23/89 - ACT ONE 9A. 21 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (forceful) Doctor Barron! You're on the Enterprise. You're safe now. Barron gazes at her; reason slowly returns. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/23/89 - ACT ONE 10. 22 ANGLE ON LIKO CLOSE on Liko's face -- after a beat, Liko's eyes open. BARRON (O.S.) The others? PICARD (O.S.) Doctor Warren is here. We're doing all we can. Liko, not daring to move a muscle, looks to the source of the voices: 23 ANGLE - WHAT LIKO SEES Medical personnel, Beverly, and Picard are gathered around Barron's biobed. Picard is the only one in a red uniform; he stands out dramatically. BARRON And Palmer? Where is Palmer? PICARD Still on Mintaka Three. BARRON Picard -- you have to find him. PICARD We will. BARRON He may be hurt -- PICARD Rest assured -- we will not leave until we locate Palmer. Picard's strength and conviction mollify Barron. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/23/89 - ACT ONE 11. 23 CONTINUED: BARRON Thank you, Picard. Beverly helps Barron lie back and relax. Picard moves away from the biobed, taps his communicator: PICARD Picard to bridge. Report. WORF'S COM VOICE Scans of the planet detect no humans, Captain. PICARD Very well. Take us into a close orbit. WORF'S COM VOICE Sir, a close orbit will increase sensor efficiency by only four percent. PICARD I want that four percent, Lieutenant. WORF'S COM VOICE Aye, sir. PICARD Picard out. 24 NEW ANGLE as Picard turns, finds himself looking at Liko -- who's looking right back at him. Picard's speechless. After a beat: LIKO (tentative) Picard? Liko's voice catches everyone's attention. Beverly moves instantly to Liko's side, knocks Liko out with a hypospray. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/23/89 - ACT ONE 12. 24 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Damn -- PICARD Doctor, your next task is clear. Beverly nods as she looks at her troublesome patient: CUT TO: 25 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit around Mintaka Three. 26 EXT. MINTAKA THREE - DUCK BLIND - DAY Oji is atop a bluff, finishing her reconnaissance. No luck. She returns to the duck blind rockface, touches it once more. Nothing happens. The hologram generator's doing its job; the rockface looks and feels authentic. 27 EXT. MINTAKA THREE - SECLUDED AREA - DAY (OPTICAL) In a location not visible from the duck blind area, the sleeping body of Liko MATERIALIZES. Slowly, Liko awakens. 28 EXT. MINTAKA THREE - DUCK BLIND - DAY as Oji starts to walk back down the path. LIKO (O.S.) (weak) Oji? STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/9/89 - ACT ONE 13. 28 CONTINUED: Startled, Oji turns, looks about, tries to place which direction the voice came from -- OJI Father? 29 EXT. MINTAKA THREE - SECLUDED AREA - DAY as Liko sits up, examines himself. LIKO Here... After a beat, Oji ENTERS, rushes to her father's side -- and is amazed to see that her father's wounds have disappeared. OJI I thought I'd never see you again. When you and the woman vanished, I was sure you were dead. LIKO I think I was... but I was brought back to life. I awoke in an incredible place -- and my wounds were gone. I had been healed. OJI How is that possible? Liko ponders this gravely. LIKO Long ago, our people believed in beings with great powers. These beings made the rains come, told the sun when to rise, and caused all life to be born, to grow, to die. OJI But those are just tales -- old superstitions. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/14/89 - ACT ONE 14. 29 CONTINUED: LIKO Perhaps the beliefs of our ancestors are true. Nothing else can explain what's happened. (a beat) Everything's changed now, Oji. We must tell the others... On Liko's resolute expression, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/16/89 - ACT TWO 15. ACT TWO FADE IN: 30 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Riker, Troi, Data, and Beverly. Beverly is in mid-report. BEVERLY ... Barron is stable, but Warren is still critical. RIKER Palmer is missing, and scans of the planet pick up Mintakan life forms only -- no humans. However... Riker looks to Data. DATA The area around the duck blind exhibits Karst topography -- sinkholes, underground rivers, and caverns. And the rock strata contain a high concentration of thallium compounds, which may be obstructing our sensor beams. PICARD So if Palmer, in his delirium, fled into a cave, we might be unable to detect his life signs. DATA Correct. BEVERLY Captain, if he is still alive, he probably needs medical attention. We must send an away team to locate him. TROI But our presence mustn't interfere with the cultural development of the Mintakans. PICARD Agreed. Further contamination must be prevented. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/9/89 - ACT TWO 16. 30 CONTINUED: RIKER Sir, I have a suggestion. CUT TO: 31 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Orbiting Mintaka Three. RIKER (V.O.) First officer's log, Stardate 43125.3. Counselor Troi and I are beaming down to Mintaka Three to locate Doctor Palmer and determine the extent of the cultural contamination. 32 EXT. MINTAKA THREE - SECLUDED AREA - DAY (OPTICAL) The same spot where Liko was beamed down. Riker and Troi MATERIALIZE, along with two bundles of woven cloth. Riker and Troi have been made up as Mintakans, complete with angled eyebrows and pointed ears. They're wearing typical Mintakan garb: austere, mannerly outfits of woven cloth. RIKER (V.O.) Doctor Crusher has temporarily altered our features and skin color. She's also implanted subcutaneous communicators so that any transmissions we receive will be inaudible to the Mintakans. Riker and Troi look around. No one's in sight. RIKER Riker to Enterprise -- do you read? Riker hears Data's com voice via direct bone conduction, so it sounds unusually thin and faint: DATA'S COM VOICE (filtered) Perfectly, Commander. I will be monitoring you continuously. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/14/89 - ACT TWO 17. 32 CONTINUED: Riker and Troi pick up their bundles of woven cloth. TROI Mintakan emotions are quite interesting. Like the Vulcans, they have highly ordered minds... A very sensible people. They start to walk. Riker automatically takes the lead. Troi stops him, moves in front of him. MOVE with them as they walk. TROI (cont'd) (enjoying this) For example, Mintakan women precede their mates. It's a signal to other women. RIKER "This man's taken; get your own?" TROI Not precisely... More like, "if you want his services, I'm the one to negotiate with." RIKER What kinds of "services?" TROI All kinds. RIKER (amused) Ah. They are a sensible race. Riker and Troi come around a rock formation and find themselves on a path leading to the assembly hall area. 32A EXT. MINTAKA THREE - ASSEMBLY HALL - DAY A few MINTAKANS are entering the area. Riker and Troi ENTER and follow the Mintakans toward the assembly hall. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/9/89 - ACT TWO 17A. 33 INT. MINTAKA THREE - ASSEMBLY HALL - DAY Assorted MINTAKANS are gathered around Liko and Oji. This is the "town hall" where Mintakans meet daily -- both to barter and to talk, philosophize, exchange information, and debate ideas. Among the listeners is NURIA, an attractive, middle-aged Mintakan woman who's the leader of this community; the Mintakans respect her calm, clear-headed intelligence and give extra weight to her opinions. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/14/89 - ACT TWO 18. 33 CONTINUED: Next to Liko and Oji is FENTO, an elderly Mintakan man who's the community's "storyteller" -- its oral historian. LIKO I understand your skepticism. Had it not happened to me, I would find it difficult to accept as well. 34 ANGLE ON RIKER AND TROI as they enter the assembly hall. OJI (O.S.) But it did happen, just as we've told you. Riker and Troi stay on the outskirts of the group. 35 WIDER as Liko turns to a skeptical Fento. LIKO Fento -- you know the legends better than anyone. Don't they speak of beings like the ones I've seen -- OJI -- who could vanish like smoke? FENTO (dubious) There are the stories of the Overseer... who could appear and disappear at will... To Liko, this is confirmation. Fento's tone, however, indicates that though he's aware of the legend, he doesn't believe it. LIKO And couldn't this Overseer heal the dead? STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/14/89 - ACT TWO 18A. 35 CONTINUED: FENTO (nods) He had supreme power -- or so our ancestors believed. Liko nods. That's more confirmation. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/18/89 - ACT TWO 19. 35 CONTINUED: (2) LIKO I believe I've seen the Overseer... RIKER (sotto) Uh-oh... LIKO He is called the Picard. MURMURS from the Mintakans. This is heady stuff. Riker and Troi exchange an "oh, hell... " glance and speak in low tones: TROI His memory is intact. RIKER The procedure didn't work. 36 NEW ANGLE as Nuria steps forward. NURIA Liko -- all this talk of a supernatural being... No one's believed that for countless generations. Just as we no longer believe the stars control our fates, or that the spirits of the dead haunt the living. LIKO I'm not saying all the old beliefs are true. But I did see the Picard, and I was restored to life. More MURMURS from the Mintakans. 37 OMITTED STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/21/89 - ACT TWO 20-22. 38 WIDER as Riker and Troi step forward and address Liko. TROI We are visitors; we've come to trade our cloth. May we speak? NURIA Please do -- we welcome outsiders. I am Nuria. TROI I am Troi; this is Riker. (to Liko) You've had a very interesting dream. LIKO (scoffs) Dream? It was real! OJI My father and I both witnessed these beings. TROI If you are father and daughter, you may have shared the same dream. LIKO That is not reasonable. RIKER Is it any less reasonable than being magically propelled to a strange place by "the Picard?" The Mintakans exchange looks. Riker makes a good point. Then: HALI (O.S.) Nuria! The Mintakans turn -- 39 thru OMITTED 41 STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/21/89 - ACT TWO 23-23A. 42 NEW ANGLE as HALI and one more MINTAKAN HUNTER (both with elaborately-designed crossbows) come into view at the entrance to the assembly hall -- carrying a bedraggled and unconscious Palmer. Surprised reactions from the Mintakans. Liko and Oji are triumphant. LIKO It has to be -- Palmer -- the one the Picard wished to find. The Mintakans rush as one to gather around Palmer, peer at him, touch his skin and clothing. They're not aggressive -- merely curious about the stranger. NURIA (examining Picard) Remarkable. You were speaking the truth. LIKO The Picard will be pleased. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/21/89 - ACT TWO 24. 43 thru OMITTED 44 45 ON RIKER AND TROI exchanging a look. So much for their cogent arguments. RIKER Riker to Picard. 46 INT. SICKBAY Picard and Beverly in f.g. Warren lies motionless on her biobed, her vital signs dangerously low. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/21/89 - ACT TWO 25. 46 CONTINUED: Barron, in a hospital gown, is standing next to Warren. PICARD Go ahead, Number One. 47 INTERCUTS - SICKBAY AND MINTAKA THREE RIKER We have a problem. PICARD The contamination? RIKER It's worse than we suspected. The Mintakans are beginning to believe in a god -- and the one they've chosen... is you. PUSH IN on Picard's appalled reaction, and -- FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/14/89 - ACT THREE 26. ACT THREE FADE IN: 48 INT. SICKBAY As before. BARRON Picard -- you must beam Palmer aboard immediately. Without medical attention -- PICARD It's not that simple. He's surrounded by Mintakans. If he dematerializes before their eyes... BARRON ... it will slightly increase the cultural contamination which already exists. A small price for saving Palmer's life. Picard thinks it over, addresses the com panel: PICARD Number One -- is there any chance of your freeing Palmer and transporting up unseen? 49 INTERCUTS - SICKBAY AND MINTAKA THREE Riker and Troi, still out of earshot of the Mintakans, survey the area. RIKER We can try... PICARD Try hard. Picard out. 50 ANGLE ON BARRON scowling at Picard. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/21/89 - ACT THREE 27. 50 CONTINUED: BARRON Picard, I must protest. You're endangering Palmer with this delay. PICARD I'm aware of that. But each of us -- including Doctor Palmer -- took an oath to uphold the Prime Directive... if necessary, with our lives. 51 INT. MINTAKA THREE - ASSEMBLY HALL - DAY Nuria, Liko, Oji, Hali, Fento, and the other Mintakans are still gazing at the unconscious Palmer. Riker stands nearby; Troi is not present. Hali explains: HALI We followed a hornbuck into a cave. The stranger was there -- asleep. NURIA This Palmer is one of the Overseer's servants? LIKO Yes -- the Picard has many servants. (to Fento) Isn't that true? FENTO (still skeptical) According to the legends. But if Palmer is a servant of the Overseer, what was he doing in the cave? OJI Perhaps he ran away. HALI Or he failed the Picard somehow and was hiding from him. LIKO We should bind him in case he wakes and tries to escape. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/21/89 - ACT THREE 27A. 51 CONTINUED: RIKER It's senseless to hold this stranger captive. This Overseer talk is nothing more than an old superstition. Fento nods agreement. NURIA I disagree. All the evidence suggests the Overseer does exist. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/15/89 - ACT THREE 28. 51 CONTINUED: (2) LIKO And I heard the Picard say he wanted to find Palmer. OJI Then by keeping Palmer safe, we will please the Picard. LIKO And he'll grant us favors in return. NURIA Favors? Nuria raises an eyebrow, looks to Fento for elaboration. Fento shrugs: FENTO The Overseer was said to be all-powerful. He could provide gentle winters, plentiful hunting, fertile crops... anything. LIKO (quiet intensity) He could even bring back those who have died. Oji looks at Liko as Liko's meaning dawns. Is it possible... ? Liko smiles warmly back at Oji: yes, it is. The Mintakans look to Nuria, who reaches a decision: NURIA We will keep Palmer for the Picard. A BUZZ of approval from the Mintakans -- good decision. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/14/89 - ACT THREE 29. 52 NEW ANGLE Troi ENTERS. TROI I've seen another one -- like Palmer! LIKO Another servant of the Picard? TROI (nods) He's headed toward the caves! NURIA Fento -- stay and bind Palmer. Troi, Nuria, Liko, Oji, Hali, and the others EXIT the assembly hall. 53 EXT. MINTAKA THREE - ASSEMBLY HALL - DAY Troi leads Nuria, Liko, Oji, Hali, and the others off toward the hills. 54 INT. MINTAKA THREE - ASSEMBLY HALL - DAY Fento leans over Palmer, starts tying him up with a length of woven rope. Riker steps up next to Fento. RIKER Excuse me... that knot won't hold. If I may assist... FENTO Please do. As Riker unties the rope: RIKER The trick is to make a knot that tightens under pressure. Here, I'll show you... STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/11/89 - ACT THREE 30. 55 EXT. MINTAKA THREE - PATH - DAY Nuria, Liko, Oji, Hali, and the others are following Troi. Oji suddenly notices the sun's position, stops: OJI Father -- the sun's reaching its zenith. If I don't go to measure... LIKO Go. Oji turns around, rushes back the way she came. 56 INT. MINTAKA THREE - ASSEMBLY HALL - DAY Fento has been bound and gagged by Riker. RIKER Forgive me, friend... but the stranger must be set free. Riker picks up Palmer in a fireman's carry and starts off. 57 EXT. MINTAKA THREE - ASSEMBLY HALL - DAY Riker EMERGES from the assembly hall, carrying Palmer, and heads for a path out of the area (not the same path Troi took). STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/14/89 - ACT THREE 30A. 57 CONTINUED: Riker sees Oji ENTER the area at the far end. RIKER Riker to Enterprise. Lock on and prepare to beam us directly to Sickbay, but wait for my signal. DATA'S COM VOICE (filtered) Acknowledged, Commander. Oji sees Riker -- OJI Riker? Riker ignores her, keeps heading out. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/11/89 - ACT THREE 31. 58 EXT. MINTAKA THREE - PATH - DAY Troi leading the others as before. OJI (O.S.) (distant) Riker! Stop! NURIA Oji? OJI (O.S.) (distant) It's Riker -- he's taking Palmer! Nuria puts it together instantly, whirls to face Troi: NURIA Yari -- don't let her escape. The Mintakan hunter levels his crossbow at Troi, takes her captive. The others follow Nuria as she charges back toward the assembly hall area. 59 OMITTED 60 EXT. MINTAKA THREE - ASSEMBLY HALL - DAY Riker is about to reach a path through the rocks surrounding the assembly hall area. Nuria and the others ENTER the area at the other end. Hali levels his crossbow to take a shot at Riker, but Riker ducks between the rocks, EXITS the area. The Mintakans pursue. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/24/89 - ACT THREE 32. 61 OMITTED 62 EXT. MINTAKA THREE - ANOTHER PATH - DAY (OPTICAL) Riker carrying Palmer; Nuria and the Mintakans in pursuit. Finally, Riker finds what he's been looking for: a spot where he's momentarily out of sight of the Mintakans. RIKER I'm clear. Energize! Riker and Palmer DEMATERIALIZE. A moment after they're gone, Nuria and the others ENTER, rush down the path past where Riker disappeared, and keep going. 63 OMITTED 64 INT. SICKBAY (OPTICAL) as Riker and Palmer MATERIALIZE in Sickbay. Beverly and a medic help Riker put Palmer on a biobed. Riker stretches his aching muscles. RIKER Data. Has Counselor Troi beamed up? DATA'S COM VOICE Negative, Commander. Sensors show she's in the midst of a group of Mintakans. RIKER Damn. Riker EXITS. 65 INT. MINTAKA THREE - ASSEMBLY HALL - DAY Hali uses a knife to cut Fento's ropes. Nuria, Liko, Oji, and other Mintakans surround Troi. Liko's concerned; Troi is calm. NURIA Hali -- find Riker and Palmer. Hali motions for the hunter and other Mintakans to accompany him; they EXIT. Liko accosts Troi: STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/10/89 - ACT THREE 32A. 65 CONTINUED: LIKO Why? Why did you and Riker take Palmer from us? STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/14/89 - ACT THREE 33. 65 CONTINUED: (2) TROI We did not "take" Palmer... 66 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard, Data, and Worf are silent, listening to Troi's communicator. Riker ENTERS. TROI'S COM VOICE ... we set him free. Riker and I don't believe these fables about the Overseer. LIKO'S COM VOICE Don't you realize what you've done? 67 INTERCUTS - BRIDGE AND MINTAKA THREE LIKO You've angered the Picard -- and we may all suffer for it! (to Fento) Weren't there stories of the Overseer destroying those who offended him? FENTO Stories. Nothing more. NURIA Liko, we'll get Palmer back. Riker was carrying him -- they can't have gone far. LIKO Still, the Picard may blame us for Palmer's escape. (points to Troi) Perhaps we should punish her -- to let the Overseer know that she and Riker acted alone. NURIA We'll keep Troi captive. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/11/89 - ACT THREE 34. 67 CONTINUED: LIKO That's not enough. NURIA You would have us harm her? Liko looks sadly at Troi. He's not a zealot out for blood -- he's concerned for the future of his people. This isn't an easy thing to suggest, but -- in Liko's eyes -- it's imperative. LIKO If it will hold off the Picard's anger -- yes. I've seen how powerful he is... 68 ON NURIA weighing Liko's argument as the anxious Mintakans look to her for orders. Sometimes being the leader is a hell of a burden. NURIA (slowly) I am unwilling to hurt Troi needlessly. (a beat) We will wait for Hali and the others to return. OJI And if they don't find Palmer? NURIA (looking at Troi) Then we may have to do as Liko suggests. 69 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Riker, and Barron. PICARD (to Barron) You believe the Mintakans are capable of harming Troi? STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/14/89 - ACT THREE 34A. 69 CONTINUED: BARRON (nods) They are not normally a violent people... but these are extraordinary circumstances. They're trying to comprehend what they believe to be a god. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/14/89 - ACT THREE 35. 69 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Recommendations? BARRON The Mintakans wish to please the Overseer, but they can only guess what he wants. They need a sign. PICARD Are you suggesting... BARRON (nods) You must go down to Mintaka Three. RIKER Masquerading as a god? PICARD Out of the question. The Prime Directive -- BARRON Has already been violated. The damage is done; all we can do now is minimize it. PICARD By sanctioning their false beliefs? BARRON By giving them guidelines... letting them know what the Overseer expects of them. PICARD I cannot -- I will not impose a set of commandments on these people. To do so violates the essence of the Prime Directive. BARRON Like it or not, we've rekindled the Mintakans' belief in the Overseer. RIKER (to Barron) And you're saying that belief will eventually develop into a religion. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/14/89 - ACT THREE 35A. 69 CONTINUED: (3) BARRON It's inevitable. And without guidance, that religion could degenerate into inquisitions... holy wars... chaos. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/14/89 - ACT THREE 36. 69 CONTINUED: (4) PICARD Your own reports describe how rational these people are. Millennia ago, they abandoned all belief in the supernatural. And now you're asking me to sabotage that achievement... send them back into the Dark Ages of fear and superstition. (adamant) No. We must undo the damage we've caused. (turning to Riker) Number One -- tell me about the group's leader. RIKER Nuria is exceptionally fair-minded and sensible... the Mintakans trust her judgment. If we could convince her we're not gods... PICARD ... she might be able to persuade the others. BARRON And how do you propose to convince her? PICARD She sees the Picard as a magical figure. I'm going to show her how the magic works. (a beat) Bring her aboard. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/10/89 - ACT THREE 36A. 70 INT. MINTAKA THREE - ASSEMBLY HALL - DAY Troi is being guarded by two Mintakans. Liko and Oji are standing nearby. Nuria is walking away, toward the exit. 71 ON TROI Troi doesn't react as Data's voice pops into her ear: DATA'S COM VOICE (filtered) Counselor, sensors indicate five Mintakans in your immediate vicinity. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/14/89 - ACT THREE 37. 71 CONTINUED: DATA'S COM VOICE (cont'd) Four are motionless; the fifth is eight meters away, proceeding south. Is Nuria one of these five? TROI ("yes") Mmm-hmm. 72 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard, Riker, Worf, supernumeraries. Data reacts to the odd sound Troi just made. DATA Was that intended to be an affirmative? RIKER (a smile) Yes, Data, it was. 73 INTERCUTS - BRIDGE AND MINTAKA THREE DATA Is Nuria the closest of the five? TROI ("nope") Mmm-mmm. Data reacts, puzzled again. Riker "translates": RIKER Negative. DATA Is Nuria the one in motion? TROI ("yes") Mmm-hmm. RIKER Lock sensors on Nuria. DATA Locked on, Commander. We can beam Nuria aboard at will. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/16/89 - ACT THREE 38. 73 CONTINUED: Picard gets to his feet. PICARD Data, when sensors indicate she's alone, beam her to Transporter Room One. DATA Aye, sir. Picard EXITS into a turbolift. 74 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) In close orbit to Mintaka Three. 75 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM Picard ENTERS, approaches the ENSIGN at the console. PICARD Ensign Hoy, I'll handle this. The Ensign EXITS and Picard takes his place behind the console. Picard energizes. 76 ANGLE ON THE TRANSPORTER PAD (OPTICAL) as Nuria MATERIALIZES -- and GASPS in shock. What's happened? Where the hell is she? PICARD (O.S.) Nuria -- don't be afraid. Nuria turns to face -- 77 WIDER Picard steps forward, nods reassuringly. PICARD No one's going to harm you. Nuria can barely speak: NURIA Who... ? PICARD My name is Jean-Luc Picard. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/7/89 - ACT THREE 39. 78 ON NURIA astonished. She sinks to her knees in fear and reverence, and we -- FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/10/89 - ACT FOUR 40. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 79 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM Nuria is still on her knees on the transporter pad. Picard takes another step. She averts her eyes. PICARD Please -- get up. No response. PICARD (cont'd) Get up! You don't kneel to me. NURIA You do not wish it? PICARD I do not deserve it. Picard extends a hand. Slowly, timidly, Nuria takes it. Picard lifts her to her feet, stands eye-to-eye with her, clasps her hand. PICARD (cont'd) Look at me. Feel the warmth of my hand, the rhythm of my pulse. I am not a supreme being -- I am flesh and blood, like you. Nuria shakes her head -- inconceivable. NURIA Not like me... PICARD Like you! Different in appearance, yes. But we are both living beings -- we are born, we grow, we live, we die. In all the ways that matter, we are alike. NURIA But -- you are the Picard! Nuria gazes at him, uncomprehending. Picard smiles. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/23/89 - ACT FOUR 41-41A. 79 CONTINUED: PICARD Let me show you my people. (ALTERNATE:) Let me show you something. Picard leads Nuria to the door, which OPENS. Nuria jumps back, startled -- then looks at Picard, gathers courage from his presence. In the corridor, a CREWMEMBER passes. NURIA What a wondrous place this is. Even the doors obey your commands. PICARD It is wondrous -- but not miraculous. The doors merely work differently from the ones you know. Picard and Nuria EXIT into the corridor. 80 thru OMITTED 81 STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/10/89 - ACT FOUR 42. 82 OMITTED 83 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE (OPTICAL) Picard and Nuria are at a window, looking at the magnificent sight of Mintaka Three set amid thousands of stars. Nuria is overwhelmed. So many wonders... NURIA That is my home? PICARD Seen from far, far above. NURIA Yet we don't fall. (a beat) I never imagined I would see the clouds... from the other side. Your powers are truly boundless. She looks like she's ready to drop to her knees again, and that's not the attitude Picard is trying to inspire. He SIGHS, tries again: PICARD Nuria -- your people live in huts. Was it always so? NURIA No. We have found remnants of tools in caves. Our ancestors must have lived there. PICARD Why do you now live in huts? NURIA Huts are better. Caves are dark and wet -- PICARD If huts are better, why did your people ever live in caves? NURIA The most reasonable explanation is that at one time we didn't know how to make huts. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/11/89 - ACT FOUR 43. 83 CONTINUED: PICARD (nods) Just as there was a time when you didn't know how to make cloth -- or bows. NURIA That is reasonable. PICARD Someone invented huts. Someone invented the bow. And they taught others, who taught their children, who taught their children's children... Nuria mulls it over. Makes sense. She nods. PICARD (cont'd) Now suppose one of your cave-dwelling ancestors could see you as you are today. What would she think? NURIA I don't know. PICARD Put yourself in her place. You have a power she lacks. You can kill a hornbuck from a great distance. NURIA Only because I have a bow. PICARD She has never seen a bow -- it doesn't yet exist in her world. To you, it's a simple tool. To her, it's magic. NURIA (musing) I suppose she might think so. PICARD And how would she react to you? NURIA I think... she would fear me. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/21/89 - ACT FOUR 44-44A. 83 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Just as you fear me. Nuria nods slowly. Picard's made his point. After a long beat: NURIA (matter-of-fact) I do not fear you any longer. PICARD Good. My people once lived in caves, too. We learned to build huts... and, later, to build ships such as this one. NURIA Perhaps some day my people will travel above the sky... PICARD Of that, I have absolutely no doubt. 84 INT. MINTAKA THREE - ASSEMBLY HALL - NIGHT A fire has been lit in a fire pit. Flashes of LIGHTNING outside are followed by distant THUNDER. Liko, Oji, and Fento are worried. LIKO It's not the season for lightning. It must be a warning... FENTO (protests) We've had storms at this time of year before. ANOTHER BOLT FRACTURES the night outside. The Mintakans react. OJI Not like this one... STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/21/89 - ACT FOUR 45. 84 CONTINUED: LIKO It must mean something! (mounting anxiety) The Picard is angry with us. He blames us for Palmer's escape. FENTO Liko -- we don't know that the Overseer is responsible for this storm... LIKO (interrupts, panicking) Will he also send floods? My wife died in last year's floods -- will we all die now? Still more THUNDER. Liko makes a decision: LIKO (cont'd) We must find Nuria. As Liko, Oji, and Fento EXIT, the THUNDER CRASHES ever closer. 85 INT. READY ROOM Nuria and Picard are looking at the model of the Stargazer. NURIA Picard... you have shown me wonders I could never have imagined... and I am grateful beyond words... but might I request something for my people? Picard is moved by her devotion to her people. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/11/89 - ACT FOUR 45A. 85 CONTINUED: PICARD You are indeed a leader. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/14/89 - ACT FOUR 46. 85 CONTINUED: (2) NURIA You have shown me such generosity; I wish my people could share in it. (a beat) Six Mintakans died in a flood last winter. Four of them were children. Picard grows wary as he sees what's coming: NURIA (cont'd) Would you bring them back to life? Picard takes a long beat before replying: PICARD That is beyond my power. NURIA Why? You restored Liko's life. Did the six who died offend you in some way? (a new thought) Or have I offended you? Should I have ordered the death of Troi? Please -- if there is anything I can do to change your mind... 86 ON PICARD A sobering realization. PICARD (almost to himself) I've failed to get through to you, haven't I? Despite all my efforts... Nuria looks at Picard, her expression pleading for him to do her people this simple favor. And all Picard can do is look helplessly back at her... 87 INT. MINTAKA THREE - ASSEMBLY HALL - NIGHT Oji and Fento ENTER, rush up to a desperate Liko as LIGHTNING CRACKLES outside. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/11/89 - ACT FOUR 47. 87 CONTINUED: OJI Nuria can't be found. No one knows where she's gone. Hali and the Mintakan hunter ENTER, out of breath. LIKO Hali! Any sign of Palmer or Riker? HALI (shaking his head) They've escaped us. We searched everywhere. The LOUDEST THUNDER CRASH; this time, directly overhead. OJI What do we do now? After a moment of indecision: LIKO As the Picard wishes. Punish those responsible. Liko holds out his hand to Hali -- "give me your crossbow." The Mintakans are astonished. FENTO Nuria would not allow -- LIKO Nuria isn't here -- and we can't wait. More ear-splitting THUNDER. Hali looks from Liko to the others, reluctantly makes up his mind, hands his crossbow to Liko. Liko marches off toward the captive Troi. 88 CLOSE ON TROI watching impassively as Liko strides purposefully toward her, crossbow in hand... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/24/89 - ACT FIVE 48-48A. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 89 thru OMITTED 90 91 INT. SICKBAY Warren has started to spasm. A medic is at Warren's side. Barron looks on helplessly. Beverly ENTERS, tapping her communicator as she crosses -- BEVERLY Crusher to Picard. I think we're going to lose Warren. PICARD'S COM VOICE On my way. Warren's spasms worsen. Beverly looks at the monitor. Not good. The medic has a hypo ready; Beverly glances at it, shakes her head. A massive convulsion shakes Warren's body. The vital signs are dropping. Beverly and the medic can do little more than wipe the sweat from Warren's brow and keep Warren restrained. It's any doctor's nightmare -- being forced to watch from the sidelines as the patient fights the final battle. Picard ENTERS. Nuria is right behind him. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/21/89 - ACT FIVE 49. 92 ON WARREN Another spasm. Her eyes open. She tries to speak, but hasn't the strength. Beverly motions for Barron to stand near so Warren can see him. Warren can barely focus -- but she recognizes Barron, tries to take his hand. Barron clasps her tiny, frail hand and holds on. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/10/89 - ACT FIVE 50. 92 CONTINUED: BARRON I'm here, Mary. Beverly watches the vital signs. Almost nil. BEVERLY (to Medic) Prepare two cc's of norep. The medic readies a hypo. Warren is hit with a seizure; her eyes close as a wave of pain racks her body. Again she tries to speak -- nothing. With a last effort of will, she forces her eyes open, looks up at Barron -- -- and then, mercifully, it's over; Warren goes limp; her vital signs drop to zero. Beverly takes the hypo, injects Warren's carotid artery, but it's futile and she knows it. BEVERLY (cont'd) (to Barron) I'm sorry. Barron sits down, bows his head in grief. 93 ON PICARD AND NURIA Picard lowers his head, grieves over their loss. Nuria, profoundly moved, looks from Picard to Barron to Beverly -- their remorse is palpable. NURIA (quietly) Picard? Picard doesn't respond. NURIA (cont'd) You could not save her. PICARD No. NURIA You do have limits. You are not masters of life and death. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/21/89 - ACT FIVE 51. 93 CONTINUED: PICARD No, we are not. (a beat) We can cure many diseases and repair many injuries. We can extend life... but despite all our knowledge -- all our advances -- we are just as mortal as you are... just as powerless to prevent the inevitable. Nuria gazes at Picard as if seeing him for the first time -- empathizing with his remorse, his helplessness, his humanity. NURIA You are a remarkable people. But you are not superior beings. (a beat) My people must be made to understand that. Picard nods agreement. 94 INT. MINTAKA THREE - ASSEMBLY HALL - NIGHT As before. The THUNDER continues. Liko steps up to the captive Troi, followed by Oji, Fento, and Hali. TROI Liko -- you don't want to kill me. LIKO I have no choice. I must do as the Picard wishes. TROI Are you sure you know what he wants? Liko is torn. No, he's not sure. TROI (cont'd) (after a beat; to the others) That's one problem with believing in a supernatural being... trying to determine what he wants. A PEAL of THUNDER. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/21/89 - ACT FIVE 51A. 94 CONTINUED: LIKO We must do something. OJI But what if we do the wrong thing? 95 NEW ANGLE Liko, agonized, picks up the crossbow and moves toward Troi. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/10/89 - ACT FIVE 52. 95 CONTINUED: As the Mintakans part, clearing the way, Liko makes an invocation: LIKO Picard. We need your guidance. Is it your wish that this woman should die? (a beat) Answer us! Speak! PICARD (O.S.) Liko! Everyone turns to see -- 96 ANGLE ON PICARD ENTERING, accompanied by Nuria. Note: This is no grand entrance of a god. Quite the opposite -- they simply walk in the entrance. 97 WIDER Liko sighs with relief. LIKO The Picard! The Overseer has come! Picard steps up. PICARD No, Liko -- I am not the Overseer. I am a man... a traveller from a faraway land. Nothing more. Strange talk from a god. Liko's confused. LIKO But you restored my life! I am your servant. PICARD You are no one's servant. I deserve neither your obedience nor your worship. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/11/89 - ACT FIVE 53. 97 CONTINUED: LIKO Why are you trying to deceive me? NURIA Picard speaks the truth. I've visited his people... I've seen how they live... how they die. When death takes their loved ones, they are as helpless as we are. LIKO Then how was I brought back to life? NURIA You were not dead. Picard's people have knowledge we lack -- they can heal wounds that we cannot. Liko whirls upon Picard. LIKO You can bring people back from the dead. Show them, Picard. You can bring my wife back to me. PICARD I can't. LIKO Why? Why won't you do this for me? Have I failed you somehow? Are you angry with me? PICARD I am not angry. LIKO Then I beg you -- bring her back to life! Picard answers with silence. LIKO (cont'd) I will give you my life in exchange! Please -- take back what you've given me -- and give it to her! Let her live! STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/10/89 - ACT FIVE 54. 97 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD It is beyond my power. LIKO Nothing is beyond your power! You are the Overseer -- I'll prove it! Liko raises the crossbow, aims it at Picard. Nuria, shocked, starts toward Liko -- NURIA Liko! 98 ON PICARD as he blocks Nuria with his arm. PICARD Go ahead, Liko. If I am all-powerful, you can't hurt me. (a beat) If, however, I am telling the truth and I am mortal... you will kill me. Picard lets that sink in. PICARD (cont'd) But if the only proof you will believe is my life -- then shoot. Liko doesn't respond, keeps the crossbow aimed at Picard's heart. NURIA Don't do it, Liko! Picard remains unflinching. 99 CLOSE ON LIKO A jumble of emotions -- anger, frustration, fear, and doubt swirl in Liko's mind. OJI Father -- no! Oji grabs Liko's arm to stop him. The crossbow fires. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/16/89 - ACT FIVE 55. 100 ON PICARD as the bolt strikes him in the shoulder -- hurling him to the ground. 101 WIDER as Nuria rushes to Picard's side. Picard writhes in pain. Nuria touches his wound and holds up her bloody hand for all to see. Liko drops his crossbow and steps up to Picard. Liko's shock gives way to grief as he stares at the wounded man lying in agony. 102 NEW ANGLE The Mintakans approach Picard with curiosity. The fear and reverence are gone. 102A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Orbiting Mintaka Three. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, supplemental. Before we dismantle the observation post and depart, I must make one last visit to Mintaka Three. 103 EXT. MINTAKA THREE - DUCK BLIND - DAY (OPTICAL) Picard, wearing a sling on his arm, stands before the rockface. (His wounded shoulder has been healed in Sickbay.) Above and behind Picard is the (camouflaged) rockface. Gathered are Nuria, Liko, Oji, Hali, Fento, and several other Mintakans. One of the children hands Picard some woven cloth. Picard nods his appreciation, then taps his communicator. PICARD Now, Mister La Forge. The rockface camouflage DISAPPEARS, REVEALING the duck blind. The natives are surprised -- but not overwhelmed. STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/10/89 - ACT FIVE 56. 103 CONTINUED: NURIA What is it? PICARD A place where we could watch your people. FENTO Why? PICARD To study you. To understand your ways. NURIA Why should a people so advanced want to learn about us? PICARD Because we were once as you are. To study you is to understand ourselves. FENTO But why did you have to hide from us? LIKO (realizing) Because their presence would affect us... as it affected me. Picard is pleased that Liko has made this leap. PICARD It is our highest law that we shall not interfere with other cultures. OJI Then revealing yourselves was an accident. PICARD Yes. And now we must leave. OJI Why? There's so much you could teach us... STAR TREK: "Who Watches... " REV. 8/11/89 - ACT FIVE 57. 103 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (gently) But that would also be interfering. You must progress on your own. NURIA As we will. You've shown us that nothing is beyond our reach. PICARD Not even the stars. NURIA I wish you good journeys, Picard. Remember my people. PICARD Always. 104 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as she breaks orbit and leaves Mintaka Three behind. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END