STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Booby Trap" #40273-154 Story by Ron Roman & Michael Wagner Teleplay by Ron Roman Directed by Gabrielle Beaumont THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1989 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. REVISED FINAL DRAFT AUGUST 31, 1989 STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/5/89 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Booby Trap" CAST PICARD GOLEK SAR RIKER DATA BEVERLY TROI GEORDI WORF WESLEY O'BRIEN GUINAN CHRISTY LEAH BRAHMS COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking CREWMEMBERS GYPSY VIOLIN PLAYER STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/1/89 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Booby Trap" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE TEN-FORWARD PROMELLIAN WARSHIP CORRIDOR TRANSPORTER ROOM ENGINEERING HOLODECK THREE OBSERVATION LOUNGE READY ROOM HOLODECK UTOPIA PLANITIA YARDS/ DRAFTING ROOM TROPICAL BEACH PROMELLIAN WARSHIP CORRIDOR BRIDGE COMMUNICATIONS ROOM STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - 8/31/89 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Booby Trap" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ORELIOUS NINE Oar-LEE-us 9 CLEPONJI Klep-ON-gee MENTHAR MEN-thar KAVIS TEKE KAY-vis Tee-Key ACETON ASS-ah-tawn STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/7/89 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Booby Trap" TEASER FADE IN: 1 thru OMITTED 3 3A EXT. BEACH - NIGHT (OPTICAL) Pounding waves. A full amber moon. A tropical breeze. 3B A PAIR OF HANDS (OPTICAL) pick up two half coconuts with two straws in them. As it moves... pull back to reveal GEORDI's the one holding them and he's sitting on a blanket on the sand with a very attractive young woman (CHRISTY) ... a decided tension in the air. GEORDI Another Coco-no-no? CHRISTY No thanks, I think I've had enough already. GEORDI Yeah, me too. And he has these two coconuts in his hand... looks around with what to do with them. Finally, just sort of drops them off to the side. He snaps his finger and a GYPSY VIOLIN PLAYER MATERIALIZES beside them... startling Christy. Geordi desperately wants to find the courage to make his move. The gypsy begins to play romantic music. Finally, awkwardly, attempting to be casual, he moves closer to her... raises... 4 HIS ARM toward her shoulder... he hasn't touched her yet... 5 GEORDI has the stiff smile of someone who wants to look comfortable but isn't. Slowly... STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/1/89 - TEASER 1A. 6 HIS HAND comes to rest on her shoulder... and now's the moment... and the instant he touches her... CHRISTY (O.S.) Geordi... STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/5/89 - TEASER 2. 7 GEORDI AND CHRISTY GEORDI (tense) What? CHRISTY I'm sorry. I think I better go back now. GEORDI You're chilly... ? I can turn down the breeze... CHRISTY No, it's been a lovely program, and you're a terrific guy... GEORDI (knows what's coming) Yeah... CHRISTY I just don't feel that way about you... GEORDI Yeah... The gypsy violinist plays his soul out... irritatingly loud. GEORDI Knock it off. The music continues. COMPUTER VOICE Do you require full termination of the Holodeck program or just the audio portion? On Geordi's frustrated sigh... 8 INT. TEN-FORWARD (OPTICAL) WESLEY and DATA standing at the window looking out the windows at a field of immense flotsam and jetsam moving by, the remains of a planet destroyed in a battle long ago... STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 8/31/89 - TEASER 2A. 8 CONTINUED: WESLEY This was the final battle, wasn't it? STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - 8/31/89 - TEASER 3. 8 CONTINUED: DATA (acknowledges) Neither side intended Orelious Nine to be the decisive conflict. WESLEY Not much of it left, is there... DATA The destruction is remarkable considering the primitive weapons of the period. In the background, Geordi ENTERS looking forlorn, sits at the bar... GUINAN moves to him... Wesley reacts. WESLEY Uh oh... DATA I beg your pardon, Wesley? WESLEY (off his look) "Uh oh"... it's an expression, Data. It just means, you know, uh oh, something's wrong... DATA There is something wrong? WESLEY Commander La Forge had a big date with Christy tonight. He's been working on the perfect program for days. Looks like it ended kinda early. DATA Uh oh. RIKER'S COM VOICE Commander Data to the bridge immediately. DATA Acknowledged. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 8/31/89 - TEASER 4. 9 INT. MAIN BRIDGE PICARD, RIKER, WORF are already at their stations as Data ENTERS. Riker fills them in... RIKER We're picking up a signal, coordinates two-one-one mark six-one. Data sits in his position, immediately engages his computer. The sound of the signal is on the main speaker... it is a series of rapid "blips" of sound. DATA (reacting to the signal) It is an ancient interplanetary code. RIKER Survivors on Orelious Nine after all this time... not possible. PICARD Not at all possible. Lay in a course to the source of the signal. 10 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as the Enterprise alters course. The space debris speeds by -- some fragments dangerously close. 11 INT. MAIN BRIDGE DATA Approaching the source, Captain... PICARD Put it on the viewer, Mister Data. 12 MAIN VIEWER - CREW'S POV (OPTICAL) An ancient warship lying dead in space. 13 REVERSE - ON THE CREW WORF A Promellian battle cruiser. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/5/89 - TEASER 5. 13 CONTINUED: PICARD (enthusiastic) And with its Lang Cycle fusion engines intact. DATA Scanners indicate no life signs aboard. PICARD I should hope not. That ship belongs in a museum. (moving closer) Gentlemen, I'm afraid we're a little late. This call for help was very likely initiated over a thousand years ago. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/1/89 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: 14 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE AND THE ANCIENT WARSHIP (OPTICAL) PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 43799.1. We have arrived at Orelious Nine, to chart the battle in which the Menthars and Promellians fought to their mutual extinction. Among the ruins we have found a relic: a Promellian battle cruiser that has withstood the centuries. 15 INT. CORRIDOR Picard and Riker walking toward the Transporter Room; Picard enthused with a spring in his step, Riker concerned... PICARD Indulge me, Number One... RIKER I'd prefer Lieutenant Worf and I did a security sweep of the vessel first... PICARD (frowns) No. Captain's prerogative, here. This one's mine. We've examined every conceivable risk... RIKER The risks aboard a vessel this old and fragile are inconceivable, Captain... PICARD Ghosts, perhaps? (beat) Haven't you ever dreamed of climbing inside the bottle... ? RIKER Sir... ? STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/5/89 - ACT ONE 7. 15 CONTINUED: PICARD The ship in the bottle, Number One. Model air ships... I used to build them as a child. By God, I'll bet I even had a Promellian battle cruiser too. 16 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) As they arrive... Worf is already waiting along with Data. PICARD Ready to beam the away team to the vessel... O'BRIEN Locked on to the Main Bridge, Captain... RIKER You're certain about the atmospheric conditions, Data... ? DATA There is adequate oxygen for life support, Commander... PICARD It is exactly as they left it, Number One. In the bottle. (off their looks) Good Lord, didn't anyone else here build ships in bottles when they were boys? WORF I did not play with toys. DATA I was never a boy. O'BRIEN (speaking up, filling the breach) I did, sir. PICARD (to a compatriot) Thank you, Mister O'Brien. Proceed. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT ONE 8. 16 CONTINUED: And the child in the man has taken over his face as his eyes shine with anticipation. The away team DEMATERIALIZES. Riker looks at O'Brien with a cocked eyebrow, suggesting he was stroking the captain for points. O'BRIEN I did. I really did. Ships in bottles. Great fun. Riker gives him a little smirk and as he starts to exit, there is a notable, brief dip in the power of the components -- a brown out. Neither Riker or O'Brien are overly alarmed. RIKER What's that? O'BRIEN Not sure. The secondary power bus may need adjusting. RIKER Let me know. Riker leaves the Transporter Room. O'Brien adjusts some switches on the console. 17 INT. DARKENED ANCIENT WARSHIP BRIDGE Picard, Worf and Data move around a corner. It is eerily still and dark... Worf lights a powerful flashlamp. PICARD Extraordinary. You would expect the layout of a bridge from this era to be clumsy, awkward... but see this -- it is a model of simplicity. They built the same craft for generations. And it worked. Picard wants to see everything, looks around like a kid in a candy store. Something catches Worf's attention, he turns... STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/13/89 - ACT ONE 8A. 17 CONTINUED: WORF Admirable. They died at their posts. And Picard and Data look at Worf's discovery -- the skeletal remains of an ancient crewman still in his chair, head cocked to the side in the final throes of death. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - 8/31/89 - ACT ONE 9. 18 INT. TEN-FORWARD His head cocked to the side, rather like the skeleton, Geordi downs another glass of synthehol. And he can't quite get drunk, no matter how hard he tries... GEORDI Don't you have anything stronger than this, Guinan? GUINAN Yes. GEORDI Would it help? GUINAN No. GEORDI Can you tell me something, Guinan? You're a woman, right? GUINAN Yes, I can tell you that. GEORDI What is it that... you want in a man? GUINAN Me personally? GEORDI As a woman. What's the first thing you look at? GUINAN His head. GEORDI Uh huh... his mind, of course. GUINAN No, his head. I'm attracted to bald men. GEORDI Seriously? GUINAN Seriously. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/8/89 - ACT ONE 10. 18 CONTINUED: GEORDI Why? GUINAN Maybe because a bald man was very kind to me once... when I was hurting. Took care of me. GEORDI I'd like to do that. GUINAN (not serious) I'm taking care of myself these days. GEORDI I mean take care of somebody. (beat) Guinan, I just don't get it... I can field strip a fusion reactor... I can realign a power transfer tunnel... why can't I make anything work with a woman like Christy? I don't know what to do, what to say... GUINAN I never noticed... as a woman. GEORDI You're different. GUINAN No, you're different. GEORDI But I'm not trying now. GUINAN Exactly. Another customer signals Guinan and she moves away. A beat. He shakes his head sadly. He takes another drink. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT ONE 11. 19 INT. ANCIENT WARSHIP Data is patching in a small power pack... takes a few calculations, then turns it on... dim emergency lighting comes on. They continue their exploration... the sound of the electronic distress signal is coming closer as they work their way down a corridor... Worf is recording images with a tricorder. DATA The source of the distress signal is twenty meters ahead... PICARD Mister Worf, be sure we get tricorder images of their tactical display... WORF Yes, sir. PICARD Look here, Worf... how well laid out it is. We went through how many different designs before we reached this kind of sophistication... ? DATA I believe it was four, sir. We did not have a fully integrated tactical command until the twenty-third century. In fact, several of the Promellian innovations served as inspiration for early Federation starship design... PICARD As well they should have. Moving along, observing the large ducts... PICARD Positron ducts. These channeled power from one end of the ship to the other. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT ONE 11A. 20 INT. ANCIENT WARSHIP COMMUNICATIONS ROOM They ENTER. It is a room with several visual monitors as well as radio and electronic equipment. The signal beeps from a console where another skeleton has died... Worf scans the room... WORF It is safe to enter. PICARD Let's put an end to their last cry for help. Worf moves to a switch on the console where a light blinks and turns it off. DATA Captain... Data has found a device that may vaguely suggest a playback apparatus... he examines a round wire coil that is in playback position... DATA I believe this is an information storage device... a crude analogue of our own iso-linear optical chip. PICARD Crude by our standards today, Data. When this ship was built, humans on Earth had just perfected the mechanical clock... and were using steel crossbows in battle. (examining it) Is there any way to see what's on this? Data looks it over. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/5/89 - ACT ONE 12. 20 CONTINUED: DATA Questionable. I can supply power to the playback unit, Captain... but the components are quite old... I will attempt to amplify its image with a tricorder... As he goes to work... 21 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker at command. Wes reacts to something on his console... tries to make adjustments... RIKER What is it, Wes? WESLEY The main power return is acting a little weird... RIKER Define "weird". WESLEY I'm getting fluctuating waveguide readings... RIKER Run a maintenance sweep. WESLEY Right. 22 INT. ANCIENT WARSHIP (OPTICAL) Data has patched in the power. A monitor lights up... and the wire coil begins to turn... the picture is poor and the sound is distorted... but the image of a Promellian commander fades in... he begins to speak.... GALEK SAR I am Galek Sar, Captain of the Promellian cruiser, Cleponji. I wish anyone who finds this record to know my crew has behaved courageously. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT ONE 13. 22 CONTINUED: GALEK SAR (Cont'd) I want it recorded for all time that I, alone, am responsible for the fate that befell us. (a beat) I have failed -- as a captain. And as the man responsible for all the souls aboard my ship. PICARD Indeed, sir. (keys insignia) Picard to Enterprise. RIKER'S COM VOICE Go ahead, Captain. PICARD I think we've seen just about all there is to see here. At Mister O'Brien's convenience... we are ready to return... RIKER Aye, sir. On Picard's reaction... 23 INT. BRIDGE As the away team ENTERS from the turbolift... Picard is still enthused... Riker, Wesley and TROI are on the bridge... PICARD You were absolutely right, Number One. There were ghosts aboard the old ship after all... one of them even spoke to us. RIKER A friendly one, I hope. PICARD My own counterpart. The ship captain's final message... praising his crew. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/13/89 - ACT ONE 13A. 23 CONTINUED: RIKER I hope you'll be as thoughtful when the time comes. PICARD Data, advise the Astral-Five annex of the Smithsonian... This should be catalogued and scheduled for retrieval... He catches Troi smiling at him... a look, what? TROI I'm sorry... it's just a rare pleasure to meet this side of your personality, Captain. Picard grunts, doesn't like allowing his feelings to show. Sits in his command post. Tries to pull it in. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/5/89 - ACT ONE 14. 23 CONTINUED: PICARD (gruff) Mister Crusher, set our course for the original coordinates. WESLEY Yessir. People move quickly... there is a slight dip of energy and a flutter in the light panels... they react... DATA Captain, we are experiencing a two percent drop in our energy reserves. Compensating. RIKER (to Picard) We were having a few problems while... An alarm goes off on Worf's panel. WORF (concerned) Readouts indicate we are being bombarded with a field of high intensity radiation. RIKER Shields up. Another dip in energy. Picard and Riker exchange a curious look. DATA Captain, energy loss increasing to five percent. I am unable to correct. PICARD Yellow Alert. 24 INT. TEN-FORWARD Geordi with Guinan... STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/5/89 - ACT ONE 15. 24 CONTINUED: GEORDI Maybe I should've gone with the Mardi Gras program... something a little livelier... GUINAN You ever consider doing it without a program? Geordi lets that sink in a beat... GUINAN You're a pilot... Try flying without instruments for a change... you might surprise yourself. RIKER'S COM VOICE Mister La Forge, report to Engineering... And Geordi sits up, focuses... GEORDI On my way, Commander. He's on his feet, alive again, clears his head... GEORDI Save my seat, Guinan. He's gone. GUINAN (to herself) Always room at the bar for another broken heart. 25 INT. MAIN BRIDGE As before. DATA Energy loss increasing. PICARD Mister Crusher, reverse course. Full impulse power. WESLEY Sir, there's no response. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/1/89 - ACT ONE 15A. 25 CONTINUED: PICARD Increase speed to warp one. WESLEY Engines are not responding, sir. RIKER Mister La Forge, I need warp power now! STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/5/89 - ACT ONE 16. 26 INT. ENGINEERING As Geordi arrives, taking stock of the situation... on the move -- a sweeping track shot... here's a man in charge, vast talent on display... moving from console to console, monitoring the instruments, making adjustments. GEORDI Matter/anti-matter mixture ratio settings at optimum balance... Reaction sequence corresponding to specified norms... Magnetic plasma transfer to warp field generators per program specs. Commander, we should be going like a bat out of hell. 27 INT. BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) DATA Power loss now at twelve percent. PICARD Red Alert. Red Alert sounds. WORF Radiation intensity increasing. GEORDI'S COM VOICE We better slow these engines down before we burn out the reaction chamber. Riker looks to Picard who acknowledges... RIKER Slow to idle, Geordi. CAMERA CLOSES IN on Picard's face as warning lights continue to flash and klaxon continues blaring. Faced with the image on the view screen of the dead battle cruiser. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 8/31/89 - ACT ONE 16A. 27 CONTINUED: PICARD Is it possible... have we stumbled into the same snare that killed them? A thousand-year-old... booby trap? FADE OUT: END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/5/89 - ACT TWO 17. ACT TWO FADE IN: 28 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The two vessels lie motionless in close proximity to one another. 29 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE (OPTICAL) Picard, Riker, Data, Worf, BEVERLY and Geordi. GEORDI With the engines idling, the energy loss has been limited. But our reserves will be depleted in less than three hours. We won't be able to hold our shields in place. BEVERLY If we lose shields, the radiation will kill everyone on board, Captain. DATA Not everyone, Doctor. BEVERLY I stand corrected. PICARD Have you identified the source of the radiation, Mister Worf? WORF No, sir. The radiation field is too strong -- it interferes with our sensors. PICARD And no apparent explanation for the loss of energy... ? Geordi shakes his head, no. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 8/31/89 - ACT TWO 18. 29 CONTINUED: RIKER Anything in the history books, Data that might give us a clue... ? DATA There are many fascinating records of Menthar battle strategy... they were exceptionally innovative. In fact, they were the first to devise the Kavis Teke elusive maneuver as well as a Passive Lure stratagem that is comparable to Napoleon's... RIKER (interrupting) Any mention of a situation like this? DATA No. RIKER Recommend I lead an away team to the cruiser. GEORDI They didn't have much success with this problem, Commander... RIKER But at least they knew their enemy better than we do. Maybe they even knew how they got into trouble... they just didn't know how to get out. PICARD Agreed. Worf, what would be the impact of lowering shields long enough to get an away team out... ? WORF Negligible, sir. GEORDI It won't help our energy conservation any, Captain. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/1/89 - ACT TWO 19. 29 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD That's your job, Commander La Forge. Determine a way to keep the Enterprise up and running. Data, you will join Commander Riker on the away team. Find out what happened to that ship. 30 EXT. SPACE - ANCIENT WARSHIP (OPTICAL) 31 INT. ANCIENT WARSHIP (OPTICAL) As Data MATERIALIZES on the bridge... takes a reading with the tricorder. To his communicator -- DATA (keys insignia) Radiation factor is within safe human limits, Commander. Riker MATERIALIZES. They move to begin exploration. RIKER Why isn't this ship being hit with radiation? DATA That is curious, Commander. The radiation field must be directional in nature... aimed only at the Enterprise. RIKER Maybe our own engines triggered it somehow... (beat) Data, see if you can determine what kind of defenses the Promellians tried to employ... I don't want to waste time trying them again... DATA Understood. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - 8/31/89 - ACT TWO 20. 31 CONTINUED: RIKER What'd really help us is a ship's log... any kind of record of their last battle. He moves off to look for one... 32 INT. ENGINEERING - A MONITOR Circuits being tested one after another... a red line signifies working condition... 33 GEORDI - CU watches... enters another command... 34 HIS FINGERS working a keyboard... 35 INT. ENGINEERING Another test is completed successfully. Geordi frowns... GEORDI (to himself) So why can't we move? A beat. Drums his fingers, mind working hard. GEORDI Computer, as we increased our power levels, was there any counter-reaction? COMPUTER VOICE Affirmative. The opposing force grew in direct proportion to the power output of the Enterprise. GEORDI So it kept us from forming a subspace field for the warp drive? COMPUTER VOICE That is correct. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/12/89 - ACT TWO 21. 35 CONTINUED: He is satisfied that he is at last making progress as he gets down to work at the computer keypad. INTERCUT: 36 COMPUTER SCREEN (OPTICAL) Typing: "Access data bank. Enterprise. Galaxy class. Subspace field." Geordi watches as the screen fills up with a "Subspace Field Menu"... revealing line by line a long list of notes, entrees, chapters... your basic intimidating owners manual index. What we want to notice... and want Geordi to notice is next to each file -- the stardate (ranging from 40000 to 41000) and name of the person who entered it... and it is the same name each time... 37 CLOSER (OPTICAL) The name -- "L. Brahms... L. Brahms... L. Brahms... " at the end of each line... GEORDI (reacts) Computer, who is this L. Brahms? The computer screen uses a digital insert to show a Starfleet identification card with a photograph of an attractive woman. COMPUTER VOICE Doctor Leah Brahms. Engineer. Graduate of the Daystrom Institute. Theoretical Propulsion Group, Galaxy class starships. Team seven, junior member. GEORDI Junior member, huh. Looks like she wrote the book on propulsion. (beat, considering) Call up subspace design logs... COMPUTER VOICE Select menu, visual records or L. Brahms' voice entries. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/6/89 - ACT TWO 22. 37 CONTINUED: GEORDI (a beat, why not?) Voice entries. A neutral, "dictating" tone of voice -- LEAH'S VOICE Theoretical propulsion logs, Federation Starship Enterprise, Galaxy class. Heading: Subspace. Author: Leah Brahms. GEORDI Geordi La Forge. How ya doin, Doc... There is no programmed response in this file, so there is no answer. And Geordi knows this, it's just tongue-in-cheek, understands he's just talking to himself... GEORDI Yeah, down to work. You're absolutely right. 38 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard, Beverly, Wesley, Worf. Somber mood. BEVERLY I recommend we evacuate and seal off all non-operational areas and group the families and crew on odd-numbered decks. PICARD Proceed. BEVERLY I'd also like to set up an assembly area for treating radiation in case we need it. A beat. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/5/89 - ACT TWO 22A. 38 CONTINUED: PICARD (to Beverly) After the shields fall, how long for a fatal exposure? STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/5/89 - ACT TWO 23. 38 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Thirty minutes. After that, there's nothing that can be done. Picard nods, stares at the ghost ship on the viewer. RIKER'S COM VOICE Away team to bridge. Captain, we may have found something... Picard's expression changes and... INTERCUT: 39 INT. ANCIENT WARSHIP - A DIFFERENT AREA Close on a filed collection of tightly coiled wire. RIKER (continuing) We're in the Promellian communications area... PULL BACK to show Data examining the coils from a small, isolated locker. Another skeleton's remains nearby. RIKER There's a file of memory coils here... DATA They are identical to the coil we found earlier, Captain... PICARD Their captain's log, perhaps? RIKER That's what we were thinking. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/5/89 - ACT TWO 24. 39 CONTINUED: PICARD Data, are the coils in working condition? DATA I believe so. We can enhance them through the image processor in the ship's computer. PICARD Good. Return at once. 40 INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) Geordi pacing, talking, thinking... GEORDI What about the dilithium crystal control? LEAH'S VOICE It should be possible to fine tune the frequency ranges... GEORDI (hopeful) Yes? STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/5/89 - ACT TWO 25. 40 CONTINUED: LEAH'S VOICE And the propulsion group is investigating numerous theories to determine how. GEORDI (frowns) Great. Thanks a lot. Computer, generate a cross section image of the dilithium crystal chamber. On the monitor -- a multi-colored wire-frame image of the chamber. Geordi works the keyboard... the image rotates and changes shape. GEORDI What about reorienting the crystal? LEAH'S VOICE It is possible to reorient the crystal. The key lies in adjusting the lattice structure direction. This modification will be integrated into the next class starship. GEORDI Sorry, can't wait. You and me, Leah. We have two hours to figure this out. Silence. Studying it -- GEORDI You know what I need to do -- I need to get inside there. I need to turn that thing inside out... (standing) Computer, is there a cross section of the engines we can replicate on a Holodeck? COMPUTER VOICE Select menu: design specifications or prototype schematic. GEORDI Prototype? Elaborate... STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/12/89 - ACT TWO 25A. 40 CONTINUED: (2) COMPUTER VOICE A development stage prototype schematic at Utopia Planitia, drafting room five, of the Mars Station, Stardate 40174. GEORDI Perfect. Recreate it in Holodeck Three. Stay with me, Doc. He goes to the door. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/12/89 - ACT TWO 26. 41 INT. CORRIDOR Geordi arrives, presses a panel outside Holodeck Three. GEORDI Ready computer? COMPUTER VOICE Holodeck Three program is ready. Geordi ENTERS the Holodeck. 42 INT. HOLODECK/DRAFTING ROOM (OPTICAL) A recreation of drafting room five. Banks of computers working, propulsion equipment in various modes of completion. (Through a window can be seen other forms of starship equipment). In the center of the room is the schematic display of the engines. Geordi moves to the display, circles it, greatly impressed by the room, its contents and purposes. To him, it's beautiful. GEORDI Damn. Right back where it all started. This is incredible... He moves to the cross section of the engine. GEORDI Leah, did you design this? LEAH'S VOICE The dilithium crystal chamber was designed at outpost designated Seran-T-one, Stardate 40052... Some of the Federation's best engineering minds participated in its development. GEORDI Sure, that's visiting dignitary talk, what's the inside story... off-the-record? COMPUTER Access denied. Personal logs are restricted. GEORDI Another woman who won't get personal with me in the Holodeck. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - 8/31/89 - ACT TWO 27. 42 CONTINUED: GEORDI Leah, I want to find a way to supplement the energy supply to the ship and to the engines. Could we alter the matter/anti-matter paths? Close -- he studies a maze of systems... LEAH'S VOICE Theoretically, yes. The system should be able to accept more reactants at a faster rate of injection. GEORDI Well, this is your baby, show me which ones... And, focused on the wall of connections, he may not have realized exactly what he said... for over his shoulder, a female hand reaches in and points to the path configuration... and slowly Geordi reacts and turns to see the image of Leah Brahms standing there... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/1/89 - ACT THREE 28. ACT THREE FADE IN: 43 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) As before. 44 INT. HOLODECK/DRAFTING ROOM (OPTICAL) Geordi still reacting to the image of Leah. (And he's seen her face before on her ID card.) GEORDI Computer, did I ask for a simulation? COMPUTER VOICE Affirmative. You asked Doctor Brahms to show you which system could accept reactants at a faster rate. By accessing available imagery, an adequate facsimile was possible. GEORDI I did do that, didn't I? He shakes his head, smiles at himself. GEORDI Okay... Leah... good to see you... A beat as he realizes how attractive she is. GEORDI Real good. There is no response from the image. GEORDI Continue your analysis. LEAH Systems L-452 through L-575 will accept reactants, providing all other systems are calibrated to an equal factor. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/5/89 - ACT THREE 29. 44 CONTINUED: Geordi puts it together in his head, senses a breakthrough... GEORDI Then, if we use multiple injector streams, hitting more than one crystal facet, we could do it... we could hold our own. Leah, you're beautiful. (keying insignia) La Forge to Picard.... 45 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - SCIENCE ONE AND TWO (OPTICAL)) The array of equipment, operated full bore by SUPERNUMERARIES, glow in front of Picard and Riker. The coils retrieved from the alien ship are being analyzed and decoded... an operator opens a panel and inserts a coil. PICARD Go ahead. GEORDI'S COM VOICE Captain, we've found a way to extend the matter/anti-matter energy supplies. PICARD Well done, Mister La Forge. RIKER Geordi, can you give us enough energy to get us out of here? INTERCUT: 46 INT. HOLODECK/DRAFTING ROOM (OPTICAL) GEORDI Sorry, Commander... we haven't addressed that one yet. First priority was to maintain shields. RIKER Acknowledged. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/1/89 - ACT THREE 30. 46 CONTINUED: GEORDI We'll get on it, right away, though... PICARD Pass on my congratulations to your team, Commander. Geordi glances at the impassive face of the Leah facsimile. GEORDI Thanks, Captain. We're... all smiles down here. 47 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - SCIENCE ONE PICARD Picard out. Data moves over with an update on their progress. DATA We have been able to verify that these coils are logs of the Promellian captain... but most of them have decayed and cannot be repaired... RIKER They're beyond any sort of playback... ? DATA On most there are brief sections that may yield some information. RIKER Do the best you can, Data. Let's just hope we have the brief section we need... Data moves back to the supernumeraries... PICARD (to Riker) He must have logged the cause of his ship's death. What captain wouldn't? STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/1/89 - ACT THREE 31. 47 CONTINUED: They stop to look at a console. On its screen the image is fuzz and static. One of the supernumeraries shakes his head, puts the coil into a pile of others... RIKER They were all in an open locker. I don't think he was too concerned with security. 48 INT. HOLODECK/DRAFTING ROOM GEORDI (to computer) ... 452 through system L-575. COMPUTER VOICE Adjustments to dilithium crystal chamber complete. GEORDI Impact analysis, computer. COMPUTER VOICE Warp energy has increased fourteen percent. Reactants per unit time remaining steady. GEORDI All right. It worked. Geordi turns to share the moment with Leah. There is of course nothing to share with a blank wall. He looks at her. Frowns. GEORDI Computer, do you have any... you know... personality... on file for Doctor Brahms? COMPUTER VOICE Starfleet personality profile analysis, stardate 37650... Moves to her, thinking, what else does he need... GEORDI Did she ever debate at the intergalactic caucuses on Chaya-seven? STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 8/31/89 - ACT THREE 32. 48 CONTINUED: COMPUTER VOICE Doctor Brahms attended Chaya-seven caucuses on the following stardates... GEORDI Never mind the dates... (beat) Computer, if you add all data from these sources, could you synthesize a true representation of Doctor Brahms? COMPUTER VOICE There would be a nine-point-three percent margin of error in the interactive responses from the facsimile. GEORDI I can live with that. Make it happen. The image of Leah warms up, turns and smiles at Geordi. There's a feisty spirit in her eyes. GEORDI Doctor Brahms? LEAH Geordi, it's me, Leah. Don't start calling me "Doctor Brahms" or I'll call you "Commander" La Forge. GEORDI (smiles) Right. LEAH Now, we've managed to maintain energy but we can't leave it in this realignment forever without burning out components so we need to move quickly... He's a little slow on the uptake, still a bit mesmerized with her... noticing, with a curl of a smile -- LEAH Are you with me? STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/6/89 - ACT THREE 33. 48 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI Right. And back to work.... 49 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - CLOSE ON MONITOR (OPTICAL) On screen is the fuzzy, distorted image of the Promellian captain, GALEK SAR. There is no audio at first, just hiss and static and isolated words... when it clears up -- GALEK SAR (MONITOR) ... have been stripped of all propulsion, and our weapons are useless. We can't move -- and we can't fight. The ship is being lashed with lethal radiation from the Aceton assimilators concealed in the rubble surrounding.... More hiss and static.... the image freezes. 50 NEW ANGLE Picard, Riker standing behind Data who is seated. PICARD Aceton assimilators -- ? DATA An Aceton assimilator is a primitive generator which can drain power from distant sources. RIKER Generator... DATA It would not be difficult to modify them to convert energy into radiation. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/1/89 - ACT THREE 34. 50 CONTINUED: RIKER (theorizing) The Menthars hide them in the floating debris... and an unsuspecting enemy ship flies in... instant booby trap. PICARD And now we're supplying the devices with the energy to kill us. 51 INT. HOLODECK/DRAFTING ROOM (OPTICAL) Geordi with Leah... in an argument. Voice on top of voice... they're working on the cross-section of the crystal chamber... GEORDI No... no... no... LEAH Will you listen to me... GEORDI You can't boost the warp power that way... LEAH If you can just increase the speed of the parallel subspace field processor to gain a quicker response time... GEORDI I want to give us enough power to strengthen the shields and barrel out of here... not blow us up... LEAH This is my design we're talking about. I did all the calculations myself. GEORDI I don't care if you built it with your bare hands out of an old Ferengi cargo ship, it's going to go -- STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 8/31/89 - ACT THREE 34A. 51 CONTINUED: He whistles and makes a flying away gesture with his hand. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/1/89 - ACT THREE 35. 51 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI -- and we're going with it. LEAH I'm not used to having people question my judgment. GEORDI And I'm not used to dying. (beat) You worked in a lab on a static model. This is a working machine, it has tens of thousands of light years on it. Leah thinks about it. LEAH True. GEORDI Damn right. (calmer) We'd never be certain the circuit paths are sealed. She frowns, forced to agree, looks at him with interest. LEAH You're good. Very good. GEORDI (shrugs) I know my ship. Inside and out. LEAH (grins) Then I guess you know me. Inside and out. Cause a lot of me is in here. GEORDI I always wished the chief engineer could be present when a ship is being built. LEAH And that's what's wrong with designers -- we never get out in space. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/6/89 - ACT THREE 36. 51 CONTINUED: (3) GEORDI You're there now. And it's a unique intimate moment between them... she smiles at him. RIKER'S COM VOICE Commander La Forge to the bridge. GEORDI On my way, Commander. (to Leah) Don't go anywhere. (beat, second thought) I mean, computer -- save program. He EXITS. TIME CUT: 52 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard, Riker, Worf, Data and Geordi. PICARD How many of these devices do we think we're dealing with? DATA To create the radiation field we are experiencing, it would take several hundred thousand, Captain... STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/1/89 - ACT THREE 37. 52 CONTINUED: RIKER They've been out there a long time, Data... there must be some deterioration.... DATA There is no way to calculate that precisely, Commander... but it is likely... PICARD Is there any indication of a weakness in a specific part of the field... Worf checks indications at his station. WORF Nothing substantial, Captain. PICARD Of any kind. WORF A point-one percent dip in the strength of the radiation field at two-one mark eight by four-two mark zero... PICARD I'll take that point-one percent. RIKER Recommend we fire a directional phaser pattern at those coordinates... GEORDI We won't be able to maintain energy reserves... we might even lose some circuits in the new configuration... PICARD How critical would the losses be? GEORDI Not enough to shut down our engines... but if we don't make it... I don't know if we could hold shields. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 8/31/89 - ACT THREE 38. 52 CONTINUED: (2) DATA There is also the possibility the phasers will supply the assimilators with what they need most -- energy. PICARD Mister La Forge, alternative suggestions? GEORDI (shakes his head) Maybe down the road, Captain... But we can't overload the dilithium crystals much longer. The focus turns to Picard... who must make the extraordinarily difficult decision. He agonizes over it a moment. PICARD I imagine a discussion very much like this took place on our neighbor's ship a thousand years ago. May our decisions meet with more success than theirs. (decides) Mister La Forge, you will return to Engineering and continue your efforts without delay. Mister Worf, prepare the phasers. And Geordi EXITS... and as everyone else moves into their positions... WORF Phasers locked on coordinates. Picard nods to Riker RIKER Fire. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 8/31/89 - ACT THREE 39. 53 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) A multiple stream of phaser fire fans out in one direction. 54 ANGLE ON MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) Phaser fire strikes the debris. The debris absorbs the fire. 55 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Slow push in on Picard's face as he realizes the gamble has failed. RIKER (O.S.) Nothing. WORF (O.S.) Radiation levels increasing, Captain. Eight percent. Ten percent. DATA (O.S.) Energy reserves on board dropping rapidly... Extreme close-up... to an enemy dead a thousand years, he says, under his breath -- PICARD Damn you. 56 INT. HOLODECK/DRAFTING ROOM (OPTICAL) Geordi and Leah huddle over a computer graphic. GEORDI Wouldn't that increase the output of the parallel subspace processors to gain a quicker response time... ? LEAH The processors can handle the extra input. GEORDI Yeah, but how do we reconfigure... ? STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/5/89 - ACT THREE 40. 56 CONTINUED: The drafting room begins to fade. COMPUTER VOICE Energy reserves reaching critical stage. Standard procedure requires termination of all simulations. GEORDI Computer, override standard procedure... COMPUTER VOICE Override authority restricted. GEORDI What? -- computer -- The drafting room and Leah disappear. Geordi is in the empty Holodeck. A few lights pulsate on the walls. FADE OUT. END ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/1/89 - ACT FOUR 41. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 57 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) In space. The Promellian cruiser lying dead near it. 58 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE (OPTICAL) Picard, Riker, Data, Worf and Beverly. Faces are grim. GEORDI'S COM VOICE The crystal lattice is breaking down... INTERCUT: 59 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi checking over readouts. GEORDI (continuing) We'll have to pick up repairs when we can reach a starbase.... RIKER The optimist in the group. PICARD How long do we have shields based on current calculations... ? WORF Under two hours, Captain. And the radiation field has increased by seventeen percent. PICARD (to Beverly) Impact on fatal exposure? BEVERLY Down to twenty-six minutes. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/5/89 - ACT FOUR 42. 59 CONTINUED: RIKER If we resist, we die. If we don't resist, we die. PICARD Mister La Forge, have we shut down all non-essential energy usage? GEORDI Yes, Captain. In fact, I need to get some back... I'm running a program on Holodeck Three... PICARD For what purpose? GEORDI I've gone back to the beginning... to the earliest construction entries of the Enterprise. I've created... a... propulsion design model to assist me. I believe we're... making progress... PICARD Computer, reinstate Holodeck Three program. COMPUTER VOICE Holodeck Three program is reinstated. PICARD Your best suggestion in an hour, Mister La Forge. Picard out. 59A INT. CORRIDOR Geordi arrives at the Holodeck... GEORDI Computer, resume Holodeck Three program. COMPUTER Enter when ready. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/5/89 - ACT FOUR 42A. 60 INT. HOLODECK/DRAFTING ROOM Geordi ENTERS. He and Leah share a look of concern. LEAH There isn't much time left. Geordi acknowledges... his mind working. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 8/31/89 - ACT FOUR 43. 60 CONTINUED: GEORDI Somehow, we have to generate enough energy to get out of here... but we've got a booby-trap that eats energy for breakfast... how do we fool it, block it, shut it down, anything... He moves to the computer terminal... GEORDI Okay, we know for every movement the Enterprise makes, there's a counter-movement from the energy field... could we use that to our advantage somehow... LEAH Maybe. There must be a time differential between the force and counter-force response... He makes an entry into the terminal... feels Leah moving up behind him, her body brushes against the back of his neck as she looks over his shoulder... LEAH If we could make quick, continuing adjustments in the linkups before the counterforce reacts, we might just be able to move this bucket... And he nods, GEORDI Yes... He turns and looks at her with enthusiasm... and her face is terribly close to his and it's that moment when two people have been locked up together for hours on end working toward a common goal and it moves into personal, sexual feelings... he feels it inside, but there's no time for this now... and her face acknowledges it... he turns away, types furiously... GEORDI Leah, you like Italian food? She looks at him and smiles at him from behind... lays a hand on his shoulder... STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/1/89 - ACT FOUR 44. 60 CONTINUED: (2) LEAH Like it? Wait til I make you my fungilli. As they look at the computer display coming up... GEORDI (re: computer) Okay, fusion reactor uplink to navigation processor... 60A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Time transition. 61 INT. HOLODECK/DRAFTING ROOM - ON SCREEN DISPLAY (OPTICAL) Showing connections between the master computer and other controls... changing rapidly... GEORDI (O.S.) But then we have to adjust the drive coils... and the vector processor... it's impossible.. Pulling back to see him tired in his chair, posture suggests he's been sitting for awhile now... she's massaging his shoulders... GEORDI Don't do that... LEAH Sorry... I thought it might feel good. GEORDI I don't want to feel that good right now. What time is it? LEAH Coming up on sixteen hundred hours. GEORDI God, what am I supposed to tell the Captain? He stands, frustrated... STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/1/89 - ACT FOUR 45. 61 CONTINUED: GEORDI It's possible and yet it's impossible... everything we've done says we can't adjust fast enough... but if we could, it might work... LEAH (quietly) I could do it. GEORDI Data couldn't even do it. It'll take a hundred... maybe even a thousand adjustments every second... how are you gonna do it? It's humanly impossible. LEAH I'm not human. And that hits Geordi and after a beat he laughs at himself for getting so caught up in his program... but it is a little sad too... GEORDI You mean the computer could do it. She acknowledges. The door slides open and Picard ENTERS, reacts to Leah... GEORDI (almost introducing) Captain, this is... a holographic simulation of one of the propulsion experts who designed the Enterprise engines... Leah Brahms. Doctor Leah Brahms. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/1/89 - ACT FOUR 46. 61 CONTINUED: (2) Picard looks at her without acknowledging her... there's an awkward beat. He turns and waits to hear from Geordi... GEORDI We... I've been examining the force and counter-force response time... and trying to see if we could create linkage at maximum power... PICARD The bottom line, Commander. GEORDI There's a chance we could manuever out of the trap... if we turn the ship over to the computer. And he feels awkward as he says it. And Picard's eyes tell us he loathes the idea. But his feelings aren't relevant right now. PICARD What kind of chance? GEORDI I don't know yet. But we can program it and try it out on a few simulated runs. PICARD Proceed. He starts to exit... pauses. PICARD This is the only way... GEORDI I think so, Captain. Picard acknowledges, leaves without glancing again at Leah. Geordi exchanges a look with her. 62 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM Picard is sitting, staring into the middle distance. There is a chime. He pauses before -- STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/1/89 - ACT FOUR 47. 62 CONTINUED: PICARD Come. Riker ENTERS. RIKER Any word from La Forge? PICARD He's come up with something that might give us a chance. If we agree to stay out of it. RIKER Sir? PICARD He proposes to turn control of the ship over to the computer because it is capable of making quicker adjustments than any human being. They exchange a look. RIKER Computers have always impressed me by their ability to take orders; I'm not at all as certain about their ability to give them. PICARD Especially with a thousand lives at stake. (frowns) What choice do I have? (MORE) STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/5/89 - ACT FOUR 48. 62 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (Cont'd) (beat) You missed something by not playing with model ships. They were the source of one boy's imaginary voyages, each holding a treasure of adventures. Manning the earliest space craft. Or flying a plane with only one propeller to keep you in the sky. Imagine that. (beat) Now, the machines are flying us. Off Riker's reaction... 63 INT. HOLODECK/DRAFTING ROOM Geordi and Leah watching a viewer... INTERCUT: 64 CLOSER - THE VIEWER (OPTICAL) seems like a super sophisticated graphic arcade game... a ship moving through the asteroid field... when it gets too close to one, there is a brilliant beam of energy that covers the ship... the image freezes... COMPUTER VOICE Fatal radiation exposure. GEORDI Computer, reduce thrust levels another four percent... adjust trajectory angle to compensate... begin simulation again... The image of the ship moves cautiously through the asteroid field... and this time it gets through. LEAH There you go. We got out. Geordi isn't satisfied... GEORDI Repeat simulation, same levels. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/6/89 - ACT FOUR 49. 64 CONTINUED: The image of the ship just begins to move when radiation wipes it out. COMPUTER VOICE Fatal radiation exposure. GEORDI Swell. Same variables. Only this time the computer didn't quite make it... The console screen goes to static. The Red Alert sounds. COMPUTER VOICE (so calmly) Deflector shield failure. Lethal radiation levels. Fatal exposure in twenty-six minutes. Geordi exchanges a glance with Leah. The Red Alert continues. FADE OUT. END ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/6/89 - ACT FIVE 50. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 65 INT. HOLODECK/DRAFTING ROOM As before. COMPUTER VOICE Deflector shield failure. Lethal radiation levels. Fatal exposure in twenty-three minutes. Pushing in to Geordi's face... looking at the static viewer. GEORDI I can't do it. LEAH It might work, Geordi. GEORDI And it might not. I can't ask the captain to turn the ship over to a computer. LEAH It's all we've got. PICARD'S COM VOICE Picard to La Forge. GEORDI Captain... two minutes... give me just two minutes.... 66 INT. MAIN BRIDGE All hands in place except Geordi. GEORDI'S COM VOICE There is another way, Captain... two minutes... PICARD Two minutes. Picard out. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/1/89 - ACT FIVE 51. 67 INT. HOLODECK/DRAFTING ROOM LEAH Geordi, there's no other way... GEORDI (interrupting) wait, listen... turn it upside down, literally... come at it from the opposite direction... God, it's so simple... it might even work... She shakes her head... COMPUTER VOICE Lethal levels of radiation... GEORDI Computer, shut up... at least in Holodeck Three... The computer shuts up... Geordi sits down at the console... GEORDI Computer, new simulation... Push into his face... TIME CUT: 68 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Full cast. GEORDI Everything we've been trying to do is based on overpowering the trap... more energy, faster adjustments... but that's exactly what we can't do, because that's what we're supposed to do. That's the booby trap. (beat) The answer is in our own computer... the mind -- the best piece of engineering we'll ever need. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/6/89 - ACT FIVE 52. 68 CONTINUED: PICARD Didn't your research suggest thousands of adjustments would be required per second? GEORDI Not if we turn everything off. Reactions. Turn everything off. Whoa, Geordi... GEORDI One blast of everything we've got left for a microsecond to beat the inertia and then we shut it all down except minimal life support and two thrusters. No impulse engines. No computer. Riker looks at Picard... RIKER One propeller, Captain... COMPUTER VOICE Deflector shield failure. Lethal radiation levels. Fatal exposure in twelve minutes. PICARD Have you analyzed the risk factor? GEORDI The numbers say it's even money. No better than handing it over to the computer. No worse either. But I say forget the numbers. There's no way for a computer to compensate for the human factor... the intuition, the experience... Picard nods... PICARD Make it ready. People move into positions... GEORDI I've run the simulations... If you want me to take Conn... STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/5/89 - ACT FIVE 52A. 68 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD No, Mister La Forge. You've done your job. Now I must do mine. Picard crosses to Conn. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/6/89 - ACT FIVE 53. 68 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD I relieve you, Mister Crusher. Wesley yields his station to Picard. WESLEY Yes, sir. Wesley moves to the command area, stands to Riker's side. 69 ON PICARD Picard sits down at Conn, looks over the controls. RIKER (to com) All hands, this is Commander Riker. We are about to engage impulse engines for a short burst. Inertial dampers are on manual. They may not fully compensate for acceleration. Brace yourselves. COMPUTER VOICE Deflector shield failure. Lethal radiation levels. Fatal -- RIKER Computer, discontinue radiation warning till further notice. Riker nods to Picard: "all yours, Captain." PICARD Firing impulse engines. Picard makes it so. 70 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as the impulse engines flare to life and almost immediately shut down. The ship slowly starts to move. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/7/89 - ACT FIVE 54. 71 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Crew reacting to the force of breaking free. Picard touches the helm panel. DATA Impulse engines are now down. GEORDI Shutting down all systems. The bridge lights go out. DATA Velocity is one hundred thirty two meters per second. WORF We will enter the debris field in eight seconds. 72 ANGLE TO INCLUDE MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) as Picard stares intently at the asteroid fragments and other debris ahead, decides on the course he wishes to take, and touches his panel. DATA Starboard thruster firing. 73 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as a tiny lateral thruster fires and the ship gently shifts course. A large chunk of asteroid looms ahead. 74 INT. MAIN BRIDGE RIKER Coming to heading three-four-zero mark one-zero. Picard, intent on the viewscreen, kills the thruster. RIKER Captain, that large mass to port may contain an assimilator. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/7/89 - ACT FIVE 55. 74 CONTINUED: Picard fires another thruster -- a quick burst this time. DATA Port thruster firing... 75 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) gradually adjusting course and gliding silently past the asteroid. 76 INT. MAIN BRIDGE WORF No reaction from the assimilator. RIKER We're past the first hurdle. Wesley shakes his head in wonder at Picard's coolness. WORF Sir! Object to port -- Picard, imperturbable, is already firing a thruster. DATA Starboard thruster. Picard, watching the viewer, sees the object sail past the ship... Reactions... Picard's eyes move on to the next problem. DATA Sir, the gravitational attraction of the various masses has reduced our velocity by eight percent. By my calculations, we no longer possess sufficient momentum to clear the debris field -- Picard quietly interrupts; he doesn't need to hear this. PICARD Thank you, Mister Data. Picard fires a thruster -- STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/7/89 - ACT FIVE 55A. 76 CONTINUED: DATA Port thruster... 77 OMITTED 78 ANGLE TO INCLUDE MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) as a monstrous asteroid glides into view, dead ahead. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/7/89 - ACT FIVE 56. 79 ON WESLEY AND RIKER Wesley's eyes widen. He looks to Riker. 80 ON PICARD AND DATA Picard watches the viewscreen -- but makes no move to fire a thruster. DATA The asteroid's gravity is drawing us closer. Velocity increasing. Picard doesn't react. 81 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) heading straight for the massive asteroid and picking up speed. 82 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Everyone's watching the viewscreen. Geordi and Worf exchange a look -- "I hope he knows what he's doing." Still Picard waits... and waits. DATA Velocity still increasing... now two hundred and nineteen meters per second. Picard remains impassive. 83 ANGLE TO INCLUDE MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) as the bulk of the asteroid fills the screen. Picard poises a hand over the helm, waits a beat, then fires a thruster -- DATA Starboard thruster. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/7/89 - ACT FIVE 57. 84 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as a thruster BLASTS to life. The ship, still gaining speed, slowly changes course -- and instead of colliding with the asteroid, it whips around it -- the slingshot effect flinging the Enterprise on a new course, completely out of the debris field. 85 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard, as impassive as before, shuts down the thruster. DATA (to Picard) You have used the asteroid's gravitational pull as a slingshot. Excellent. RIKER We're out. We beat it. Picard stands, the crew looks at him with awe. PICARD Mister Crusher, the conn is yours. WESLEY (with great respect) Yes, sir! Wesley takes his station. Picard returns to the command chair. PICARD Initiate full restart. Bring all systems back on-line. GEORDI With pleasure, sir. And with a victorious jab, Geordi turns his Engineering Station back on, starts to work. BRIDGE LIGHTS come back on full. PICARD Number One... make sure the booby trap won't bother anyone again. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/13/89 - ACT FIVE 58. 85 CONTINUED: RIKER Mister Worf, ready photon torpedoes, all bays... set to detonate upon impact with the Promellian vessel. WORF Aye, sir. 86 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) FIRING a spread of torpedoes that explodes at the ancient vessel... and the entire area goes white with the explosive force obliterating the entire asteroid field. TIME CUT: 87 INT. HOLODECK/DRAFTING ROOM (OPTICAL) Geordi with Leah. A quiet moment. GEORDI I've always thought that technology could solve any problem. It enhances our quality of life... It lets us travel across the galaxy... It even gave me my vision. (beat) But sometimes you just need to trust yourself and turn it all off. Even the gypsy violins. LEAH Violins? GEORDI Different program. Sorry. They look at each other for a beat. LEAH We made a good team. GEORDI Maybe we could do it again some time. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/5/89 - ACT FIVE 58A. 87 CONTINUED: LEAH I'm with you every day, Geordi. Every time you look at this engine, you're looking at me. Every time you touch it, it's me. STAR TREK: "Booby Trap" - REV. 9/5/89 - ACT FIVE 59. 87 CONTINUED: (2) He acknowledges. They smile at each other. He moves to her and kisses her on the lips... a soft gentle, goodbye kiss. A last look and... GEORDI Computer, exit Holodeck. Save program. The door opens. The program ends. He leaves. 88 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) As it moves off to explore other worlds... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END