STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Enemy" (f.k.a. "The Mettle of Man") #40273-155 Written by Michael Piller Directed by David Carson THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1989 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT SEPTEMBER 11, 1989 STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - 9/11/89 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Enemy" CAST PICARD PATAHK RIKER TOMALAK DATA BOCHRA BEVERLY TROI GEORDI WORF WESLEY O'BRIEN Non-Speaking MEDICAL SUPERNUMERARIES SECURITY GUARDS TWO CREWMEMBERS STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/12/89 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Enemy" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM ROMULAN WARSHIP TRANSPORTER ROOM CORRIDOR GALORNDON CORE SICKBAY SURFACE BEVERLY'S OFFICE OBSERVATION LOUNGE RIKER'S QUARTERS ROMULAN WARSHIP CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM GALORNDON CORE PIT CAVE STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Enemy" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE RIBOSOME RYE-bo-zome PATAHK Pah-tock TOMALAK TOM-uh-lack BOCHRA BAH-kruh STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - 9/11/89 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Enemy" TEASER FADE IN: 1 thru OMITTED 4 5 EXT. GALORNDON SURFACE (OPTICAL) A hellish environment bathed in a BLUE-HUED light. Cold and dusty (it is always night), the planet is whipped by gale force winds. Visibility is only a few feet. Crackling blue ARCS of electricity slash across the sky. RIKER, WORF and GEORDI MATERIALIZE. It is an immediate struggle to see. Riker lays a marker down on the ground where they beamed in. RIKER Marking beam-out position. Return transport: fourteen minutes, forty seconds. Worf and Riker light their palm beacons... beams of light shoot out... it doesn't help a lot. RIKER Your view any better, Geordi? GEORDI (adjusting his VISOR) Not too bad, sir. A lot of charged-particle precipitation, but I can compensate. WORF Communicators are dysfunctional. RIKER Tricorders? WORF Readings only valid within five meters. GEORDI (re: his tricorder) I'm not so sure of that... I'm reading Worf as an unintelligent life form. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/15/89 - TEASER 2. 5 CONTINUED: Worf shoots Geordi a look. RIKER Good thing we didn't bring Data... we would've been unscrambling his circuits for a week... As they move from the beam down position... Geordi reacts to something he sees... 6. GEORDI'S VISOR POV - (OPTICAL) picking up objects that have a different molecular reading than the ground cover... GEORDI (O.S.) Picking up something on the positron scan, Commander. 7 EXT. GALORNDON SURFACE Geordi takes the point... GEORDI Over here. Some electrically conductive objects. Moving with them as they begin to encounter pieces of wreckage from a small landing craft, badly destroyed... Riker looks down at some, reacts as he sees familiar markings. RIKER Recognize the markings, Worf? WORF Yessir. Romulan. RIKER I wonder what the hell they were doing in a Federation sector. GEORDI I'm picking up traces of ultritium residue with my VISOR, Commander. An explosive device must've been used to destroy the craft after it crashed. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - TEASER 2A. 7 CONTINUED: They exchange a look. That means survivors. They draw phasers. RIKER Spread out... twenty five meter radius... our window back closes in nine minutes... STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/12/89 - TEASER 3. 7 CONTINUED: They spread out. Moving with Geordi as he continues to follow -- 8 ANOTHER ANGLE as the distance between them increases, there is no longer visual contact... Geordi disappears into the storm as Worf comes across a seriously hurt Romulan (PATAHK). WORF Commander... Riker is not visible... likely out of earshot in the wind... Worf bends down, rolls the Romulan on his back. Patahk is MOANING, delirious. WORF Commander Riker... Patahk opens his eyes and sees Worf. He lunges up from the ground, and tries to close his hands around Worf's throat. Worf struggles with the Romulan and succeeds easily in immobilizing the injured man. A moment later, Riker appears, reacts to the sight of the Romulan. 9 WITH GEORDI moving along the terrain... suddenly without warning, the earth beneath him collapses and... 10 INT. PIT Geordi falls hard to the ground, splashing in muddy water... his VISOR is flung from his face on impact... he groans, stunned... reaches out, trying to find the VISOR in the puddle, finally touches it... puts it on... wipes it off... sees that he's in a deep pit... NEW ANGLE The sky raging in a small opening many feet overhead... The walls are slick and muddy -- not rocky... there's no way back up. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/13/89 - TEASER 4. 11 CONTINUED: GEORDI (yelling) COMMANDER RIKER... WORF... HEY UP THERE... 12 RIKER AND WORF can't hear him. They are supporting the Romulan... moving him back to the beam-out spot. WORF Four minutes to beam-up, sir. Riker tries to see through the storm... it's impossible... RIKER Where is he? Wait here... He moves into the storm, quickly disappearing... 13 GEORDI trying his communicator, knowing it doesn't work... GEORDI La Forge to Riker... La Forge to Worf... (yelling up again) HEY... He tries to climb... the walls are wet and slippery... he only succeeds in bringing more mud sliding down on top of him... 14 RIKER moving through the storm... it's getting worse... RIKER GEORDI... 15 WORF AND PATAHK (OPTICAL) Worf kneeling on one leg... the Romulan is barely clinging to consciousness. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - 9/11/89 - TEASER 5. 15 CONTINUED: Worf, knowing time is running out, looks out into the fog... sees Riker returning alone... they exchange a look that says Geordi's lost. With a burst of determination, Worf rises and starts to move away into the storm to find Geordi... RIKER (sharply) Lieutenant Worf, maintain your position. Worf reluctantly obeys. A moment later all three DEMATERIALIZE. HOLD on the wind-swept wasteland as the fierce electrical storm takes hold. 16 INT. CAVERN Geordi looks up and no longer bothers yelling. He knows it's useless. As we push into his face... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/12/89 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: 16A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) In orbit around Galorndon Core, an electromagnetically shrouded planet, obscured by fierce storms and wildly erratic arcs of jagged electricity. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 43349.2. An unidentified distress signal has led to the discovery of a crashed Romulan vessel on the surface of Galorndon Core, a Federation planet. 17 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM Much activity... the Romulan being examined by BEVERLY... MEDICAL SUPERNUMERARIES arriving with a gurney... PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) We have recovered one survivor. Lieutenant Commander La Forge did not report back with the away team and is still missing on the surface. BEVERLY Get him to Sickbay. Worf observes... ordering SECURITY GUARDS to follow -- WORF Secure Sickbay. Post guards in visual contact at all times. Reacting, on the move -- BEVERLY He's not going anywhere, Lieutenant. Worf doesn't waver, nods to the security personnel to follow the medical team... as they do, they pass PICARD who arrives... moves to Riker who is with O'BRIEN at his console... STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/12/89 - ACT ONE 7. 17 CONTINUED: O'Brien trying in vain to find some trace of Geordi in the transporter scan. O'BRIEN I'm sorry, Commander... There's just no way to lock in on anything down there... RIKER (controlled) Keep trying, Mister O'Brien. O'BRIEN (shakes his head, useless) The electrical storms are creating thousands of ghosts... RIKER (sharp) Then beam some of the ghosts up here... one of them may be La Forge. (sees Picard) Request permission to lead another away team... PICARD Denied. (off his look) When we get another window in the storms. Riker acknowledges, collects himself. PICARD The crash site? Moving out into... 18. INT. CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Walking... RIKER The Romulan craft's a total loss. There's nothing there to salvage -- unless we do it with tweezers. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/15/89 - ACT ONE 8. 18 CONTINUED: PICARD No sign of others... RIKER (shakes his head) We could barely see two meters in front of us down there... PICARD It certainly is the last place one would expect a Romulan encroachment. (speculating) On the other hand, Galorndon Core would provide ideal cover for an opening move of a new offensive. RIKER (agrees) I doubt they were there for the climate. 19 EXT. GALORNDON SURFACE Emphasizing his point... the storm is continuing to build. 20 INT. PIT Geordi is closely examining the muddy walls around him... 21 HIS VISOR/POV (OPTICAL) His scan reveals a substance buried in the wall that has a different quality to it than the surrounding soil... 22 INT. PIT Geordi reacts, burrows the mud away to reveal -- STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/15/89 - ACT ONE 9. 23 INSERT - A SILVER ORE-LIKE SUBSTANCE 24 INT. PIT (OPTICAL) Geordi examines it... begins to pull more dirt off the wall, giving himself something of a work-table... using the mud to shape a rough mold... he takes small bits of ore out of the vein, puts them into his mold, uses his phaser to melt them... steam erupts as it turns into hot liquid in the cold mud... and as it collects in the mold, we can see he is creating a short, sharp pole... 25 INT. SICKBAY Beverly is with Picard and Riker... as they observe life-saving measures being taken with the Romulan. BEVERLY We thought it would be like working on a Vulcan, but there are subtle differences... too many of them... PICARD Can you treat him? BEVERLY He has cell damage in vital areas... He's going to need a transfusion of compatible ribosomes in order to recover. I'm setting up a schedule to test every member of the crew. RIKER Will he survive? BEVERLY I can't answer that yet. RIKER Let me put it another way -- will he survive long enough to tell us what he was doing here? Beverly reacts. PICARD It is an important consideration, Doctor. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT ONE 9A. 25 CONTINUED: BEVERLY I can't put his life in any additional jeopardy... STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/15/89 - ACT ONE 10. 25 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Nor would we ask you to. BEVERLY I can bring him around for a few minutes... As she prepares an injection... BEVERLY There is one serious complication. His brainwaves indicate early neural-pathway degeneration. RIKER A head injury? BEVERLY (shakes her head, no) There was no obvious cranial trauma. I'm guessing the exposure to the magnetic fields on the surface was slowly breaking down his synaptic connections. Picard and Riker exchange a glance. RIKER Will it affect Geordi the same way? She nods, concerned... Gives the injection to Patahk who stirs. As he awakens, Picard observes as Riker moves closer to the Romulan. Patahk is in clear discomfort. RIKER You are aboard the Federation Starship Enterprise. (Patahk reacts) We are treating your injuries. How long were you on Galorndon Core? (he does not answer) Do you understand me? PATAHK I will not answer questions. RIKER We must know if there are any other survivors on the surface. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/12/89 - ACT ONE 11. 25 CONTINUED: (3) PATAHK I am alone. I will not answer any questions. RIKER Is there a mother ship we should advise of your condition? The Romulan closes his eyes and drifts back into unconsciousness. Beverly signals that's it... Riker joins Picard who has heard... PICARD The only answer he offers is that he was alone... RIKER ... which suggests he wasn't. 26 INT. PIT - GEORDI'S FACE STRAINING and then... 27 NEW ANGLE to see he is halfway up the side of the pit... using two of his "spike" tools in each hand to poke into the earth, pulling himself up, inch by inch... the howling of the wind above... crashing thunder... flickering of lightning... 28 HIS FEET are almost useless, slipping on the sides... 29 INT. PIT - GEORDI as he grits his teeth and raises himself another notch and... 30 EXT. GALORNDON SURFACE Geordi's arm reaches over and drives a stake in the ground... pulls himself up and out, exhausted... STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/13/89 - ACT ONE 12. 31 OMITTED 32 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard, Riker, Worf, Beverly, TROI, WESLEY and DATA. Picking up in mid-conversation... RIKER Something that can cut through the storm... to give us some way to signal him... Wesley has an idea... WESLEY A neutrino pulse... They turn to him... WESLEY We could build a portable neutrino source and send it in a probe to the surface. It would be like a beacon. Picard glances at Data for a reaction. DATA A neutrino pulse would send non-charged particles back up through the atmosphere... and would be detectable by Geordi's VISOR. WESLEY He'll be able to show us that he's found it by modifying the pulse... PICARD (nods to Wesley) Make it so. Wesley moves from his position and EXITS. Data has something new on his sensors... STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT ONE 13. 32 CONTINUED: DATA Captain, I have a new transmission on a parallel frequency to the distress call... PICARD From the planet? DATA No sir... from inside the Romulan Zone. We should be able to view the transmission. PICARD On screen. 33 ANGLE ON MAIN VIEWER - ROMULAN READY ROOM (OPTICAL) as the image of TOMALAK, a Romulan commander, appears. TOMALAK Tomalak to Pi. (a beat) We have received your distress signal. Respond. (a beat) If you can hear me, we are entering the Neutral Zone now... We will reach you in six hours. The transmission ends. The viewscreen goes back to the starfield. On reactions... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/13/89 - ACT TWO 14. ACT TWO FADE IN: 34 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) 35 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) As before. PICARD Mister Worf, hail the Romulan vessel. WORF Frequency open, sir. Picard addresses the viewscreen. PICARD Romulan vessel. This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation Starship Enterprise. There is a long beat and no response. WORF The frequency is open, sir. PICARD Commander Tomalak, we have intercepted your transmission. You are not to enter Federation space. Finally, the screen comes to life and Tomalak appears... he is cool, almost cordial. TOMALAK Captain Picard, my apologies. If I had known you were in this sector, I certainly would have advised you before crossing the Neutral Zone. PICARD (dry) Really... STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/13/89 - ACT TWO 15. 35 CONTINUED: TOMALAK I'm sure you'll understand when I explain. Simply, one of our ships had a slight navigational error and apparently crashed on Galorndon Core. PICARD A "slight" navigational error. Nearly half a light year past the Neutral Zone. TOMALAK I assure you, Captain, no aggression was intended. PICARD Commander, we have recovered one of your survivors. Tomalak's poker face barely reacts... but there's a blink if you catch it. TOMALAK He is on board your ship? PICARD We are treating him for severe injuries. TOMALAK And his craft? PICARD (pointed) Destroyed... deliberately... after the crash. TOMALAK (shrugs) Standard procedure for all Romulan crews. PICARD For all Romulan crews in enemy space... which would suggest they knew where they were, Commander. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/13/89 - ACT TWO 16. 35 CONTINUED: (2) TOMALAK (disagrees) If I were lost and uncertain, I would not take any chances. Nor I suspect would you, Captain. May I speak to him? PICARD He is not conscious... and not well enough to leave Sickbay. BEVERLY Captain, with your permission... Picard nods. She looks to the viewscreen -- BEVERLY I am Doctor Crusher, the medical officer. We are doing everything we can for him and it still may not be enough. Any medical guidance your ship's doctor can offer... TOMALAK (patronizing) My dear, there is no way to talk you through the intricacies of Romulan medicine. His life is in your hands. And it is clear that Tomalak is using this "responsibility" as a diplomatic weapon. TOMALAK (to Picard) I assume that you are prepared to leave at once and rendezvous with me in the Neutral Zone. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT TWO 17. 35 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD I have an away team on the surface. We are waiting for a window in the storm to beam them back. Tomalak considers that... TOMALAK And then you will return my officer? Picard is not yet prepared to discuss that issue. Instead... PICARD Are there any other Romulans we should be looking to recover from Galorndon Core... ? TOMALAK No. It was a one-man craft. (beat, cool) Captain, we will be at the Federation border of the Neutral Zone in roughly five hours. We will expect you to rendezvous at that time. The Main Viewer switches back to the starfield. 36 ON PICARD turning to Troi. PICARD Counselor? TROI There is great hostility behind his smile, Captain. To complete his mission, he will stop at nothing. RIKER Including the Neutral Zone border? STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT TWO 18. 36 CONTINUED: WORF Sir, I see no reason to return the Romulan to his ship. He should be held and interrogated. RIKER We do have a right to detain him, Captain. PICARD Without clear evidence of intent, it would not be a simple matter. RIKER (disagreeing) This was obviously not pilot's error, Captain... it requires a response from us. PICARD (acknowledges) We must measure the response carefully, Number One. Or history may remember Galorndon Core alongside Pearl Harbor and Station Salem-One... as the stage for a bloody preamble to war. 37 EXT. SHELTERED AREA (OPTICAL) Geordi pushes into a crevice offering slim protection from the furious storm... rests out of breath... He is cold and hungry... rubbing his hands together for heat... sees some (basketball-sized) rocks on the ground... leans down to pick one up... and misses it off to the left. He reacts... GEORDI What the hell... ? He tries it again, comes down wrong again. Geordi removes his VISOR, presses a tiny button on the inside of it. After a beat, the VISOR BEEPS softly. Geordi shrugs, puts it back on. As he tries again, this time he methodically adjusts... STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/15/89 - ACT TWO 19. 37 CONTINUED: GEORDI About five degrees off... huh. The water maybe... ? He shakes his head -- nothing to be done here and now. He rolls a few rocks into a pile... uses his phaser to heat them up... sits next to the rocks to get warm. 38 INT. SICKBAY Medical supernumeraries are taking DNA (TECH) samples from several crew members who have reported for testing... moving to find Beverly examining the Romulan's life signs and is not encouraged... to a medical supernumerary -- BEVERLY I want him off all the drugs... they aren't doing anything... (keys insignia) Doctor Crusher to Picard. INTERCUT: 39 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard, Riker, Worf, Data and supernumeraries... PICARD Go ahead. BEVERLY My patient is not responding to treatment. PICARD You haven't found a compatible ribosome donor? BEVERLY The lab is still processing the tests... early results indicate humans have far too many biorejection factors. I've also ruled out the Vulcans we've tested. In the background, Wesley ENTERS the bridge. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/15/89 - ACT TWO 20. 39 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (continuing) We'll try a little old-fashioned country medicine... keep the fever down, try to let the body heal itself... PICARD Keep me advised. Picard out. Staying on the bridge... WESLEY Captain, the neutrino beacon is operational. We've placed it aboard a class three probe. PICARD Well done, Ensign. (to Worf) Launch the probe. Worf makes it march -- 40 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) FIRING the probe. (STOCK photon torpedo) 41 OMITTED 42 INT. MAIN BRIDGE As before. Wesley has returned to Conn. WORF Probe has entered the atmosphere, sir. DATA The neutrino stream is coming in strongly. Sensors are tracking the probe despite the interference. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT TWO 21. 43 EXT. SHELTERED AREA Geordi is sitting by the hot rocks when he senses something in the distance... something we can't see... 44 ANGLE - INCLUDE THE HORIZON To our naked eye, there's nothing there. But... 45 GEORDI reacts to something he sees, stands... GEORDI This better not be another malfunction... 46 HIS POV - (OPTICAL) His VISOR reveals the staccato beacon of light from the neutrino beam... quite a distance away. GEORDI (O.S.) A stationary neutrino source... 47 GEORDI Hope fills his face... GEORDI (smiles) Wesley Crusher. He moves out into the muck... 48 EXT. GALORNDON SURFACE Geordi moving through the storm along the rocky hillside toward the neutrino beam... as he moves forward... STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - 9/11/89 - ACT TWO 22. 49 ANGLE to find two feet moving out from cover... coming up quickly behind him and a HARD THUD sound... and Geordi falls into frame unconscious by the feet... and tilt up to see another Romulan (BOCHRA) looking down at him. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/12/89 - ACT THREE 23. ACT THREE FADE IN: 50 EXT. GALORNDON SURFACE The wind is getting stronger. Geordi, dazed, gets to his knees, shakes his head to clear it. As sense returns, he instinctively reaches for his phaser. It's gone -- as are his tricorder and communicator. Geordi looks up: 51 ON THE ROMULAN BOCHRA is standing a few meters away, holding Geordi's tricorder and insignia in one hand -- and training a phaser on him with the other. The wind grows more furious. The Romulan does not look entirely well. BOCHRA You are my prisoner. Geordi looks at him -- big deal. GEORDI Right. Congratulations. Certainly, a strategic triumph for the Romulan Empire. Geordi starts to stand. Bochra waves the phaser. BOCHRA Stay there. GEORDI My shoes are getting full of sand... I just hate that, don't you? You think we could just maybe move outta the... BOCHRA (interrupting) How many other Federation troops are with you? FLASH of lightning. Wind stronger still. Geordi will not offer any "military" information, sidesteps the question. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/12/89 - ACT THREE 23A. 51 CONTINUED: GEORDI We just stopped by to rescue you, big fella... which I'm still willing to do if you'll put that down... STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/13/89 - ACT THREE 24. 51 CONTINUED: (2) Bochra holds it steady... GEORDI Or we can just stand here and take in the view... BOCHRA Your name and rank. GEORDI Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge. I don't believe I caught yours... ? BOCHRA A Romulan ship will arrive shortly... you will accompany me on board... GEORDI Uh, I really don't think that's gonna happen, Ensign... or is it Commodore... (a beat, Bochra doesn't react) Yeah, see... we heard your message too... and well, the fleet's in, Commodore. Sky's full of Federation ships. BOCHRA You're lying. GEORDI I never lie when I've got sand in my shoes, Commodore. BOCHRA Get up. The wind is swirling dangerously now. Bochra gestures for Geordi to start walking toward a cave (where he was hiding). Geordi stands, but doesn't move. GEORDI Seriously. There's only one way out of here. Put that down and I'll take you back to my ship as soon as there's a window in the storm... STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/12/89 - ACT THREE 25. 51 CONTINUED: (3) But now a hurricane force gust of blinding wind virtually knocks them down... Geordi scrambles to his feet, sees Bochra still struggling on the ground... as rocks, loosened by the wind, start falling from the cliff above all around them... one strikes the Romulan's leg... Geordi doesn't hesitate, he pulls the Romulan to safety. 52 thru OMITTED 53 54 INT. GALORNDON CAVE as Geordi and Bochra ENTER. Bochra raises a hand -- "I can manage" -- limps over to a rock, sits down. Geordi looks out at the storm, then turns to see Bochra is once again levelling a phaser at him. GEORDI You gotta be kidding. Bochra isn't kidding. BOCHRA Sit. Bochra motions for Geordi to move away from the cave mouth and cross to a spot where Bochra's between Geordi and the cave mouth. As Geordi complies, sits down and takes the shoe off... GEORDI (to himself) Welcome to Galorndon Core, where no good deed goes unpunished... ... and lets the sand fall out. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/15/89 - ACT THREE 26. 55 INT. SICKBAY - BEVERLY'S OFFICE Beverly is at her desk as Worf ENTERS, having been summoned... WORF Yes, Doctor... She looks up, pleased to see him. BEVERLY Lieutenant. Good. Come in. Please, sit down... He does. Stiffly. She smiles at him. BEVERLY We've finally found a compatible ribosome match for the Romulan. But only one. You. WORF That is impossible. I am a Klingon. BEVERLY Different species, yes. But Humans, Romulans, Vulcans, Klingons, Betazoids -- we're all genetically similar. We have comparable cell structures. And you have what this Romulan needs. There's absolutely no risk to you... Worf frowns, looks away. She reacts. BEVERLY You did understand that was the purpose of all the testing... WORF I have no objection to tests. BEVELRY (beat) You have an objection to being a donor. WORF Yes. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT THREE 27. 55 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Lieutenant, I understand your feelings about the Romulans. But this is not the time or place... WORF If you had seen them kill your parents, you would understand, Doctor. It is always the time and place for those feelings. BEVERLY This Romulan did not kill your parents. And you are the only one who can save his life. WORF (beat) Then he will die. He stands and EXITS. Beverly is flabbergasted. TIME CUT: 56 INT. READY ROOM Beverly sits with Picard trying to enlist his aid. BEVERLY I don't need him to like the idea, Captain... just to do it. PICARD There is no alternative? BEVERLY The alternative is the Romulan will die. Worf is quite correct on that point. Picard stands, thoughtful. PICARD We need him alive... (beat) It is easy to forget that our Lieutenant Worf is not human. His values are very different from yours and mine. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/15/89 - ACT THREE 28. 56 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Of course they are. But he is also an officer of Starfleet... and this is... PICARD ... this is a personal matter... BEVERLY It's very personal, Captain. Especially to the Romulan who's dying in my Sickbay. Maybe he has a family waiting for him to come home. Picard studies her. BEVERLY Worf is a good man. I know with a word of encouragement from you he will do the right thing. A long beat. PICARD (you mean) Order him. BEVERLY Encourage him. PICARD (uncomfortable) A captain's encouragement is difficult to refuse, Doctor. (beat) And difficult to offer to a man whose feelings run so deep. BEVERLY Even if it means the life of the Romulan? Picard's expression is pained. He is torn by his respect for this woman, his need to respect Worf's beliefs, his own personal feelings. Slowly, regretfully, he shakes his head. PICARD I must respect his personal views... even if I do not share them. He will have to live with the consequences of his decision. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT THREE 28A. 56 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY We will all have to. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/12/89 - ACT THREE 29. 56 CONTINUED: (2) He and Beverly share a last long look. She is not happy. She EXITS. Picard looks somberly after her. 57 INT. GALORNDON CAVE Bochra and Geordi sit facing one another. Bochra's posture is ramrod-straight as he keeps his phaser levelled at Geordi. But he seems oddly overheated for the cold environment. Geordi, however, has made himself as comfortable as possible, reclining and putting his feet up -- a small show of rebellion. GEORDI I wish you'd put that away. BOCHRA (smug) You're afraid of dying. GEORDI ("are you stupid?") You bet I am. Who isn't? BOCHRA I'm not. GEORDI Right. BOCHRA To die in the service of my people... GEORDI Ah, the Romulan path to glory. Such irreverence. Bochra starts to boil, then gets control of himself. No sense letting a lowly human get your goat. BOCHRA You can be sarcastic -- now. But in a few millennia, when humans are extinct and the Romulan Empire spans the galaxy... GEORDI (genuinely curious) You really believe that stuff, don't you, Commodore? STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT THREE 30. 57 CONTINUED: BOCHRA Our culture is far older and wiser than yours. It's inevitable that we will prevail. GEORDI Well, if you're that sure of yourselves, why be so tight-lipped? You won't even tell me your name. BOCHRA I see no need to tell you. GEORDI Why? Is it a military secret or something? I've told you mine. (shrugs) Okay, Commodore... whatever you say. Bochra bristles. Geordi pretends not to notice. BOCHRA You may address me as Centurion Bochra. GEORDI Ahh. Bochra. Good, solid Romulan name. And you're a centurion. Well, stay with it, you'll be a commodore someday. Bochra starts to react, realizes Geordi's deliberately trying to get a rise out of him, decides two can play at this game. Unruffled, Bochra replies: BOCHRA I'm not certain of the equivalent Federation rank... but I do know it's higher than lieutenant commander. Geordi can't help a grin. Good shot. Bochra's head weaves momentarily as though he's dizzy. GEORDI What's the matter? BOCHRA Nothing. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/15/89 - ACT THREE 31. 57 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI Wrong. Your heart rate just shot way up. Bochra can't help his curiosity, looks at Geordi -- How can you tell? Geordi taps his VISOR in response. GEORDI It translates a wide range of radiation into neural impulses. Allows me to see. BOCHRA Without it, you are blind? GEORDI Yes... BOCHRA How did this happen? GEORDI I was born that way. BOCHRA (honestly doesn't understand) And your parents let you live? Geordi's stunned. GEORDI What kind of question is that? Of course they let me live. Bochra shakes his head. Humans are strange. BOCHRA No wonder your race is weak. You waste time and resources on defective children... That pushes Geordi's button. GEORDI Defective? Listen, Commodore -- I'm a chief engineer in Starfleet. You don't get there by being defective. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT THREE 31A. 57 CONTINUED: (3) BOCHRA But if you can't see... GEORDI I can see things you can't even imagine. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/13/89 - ACT THREE 32. 57 CONTINUED: (3) Geordi turns to look out in the direction of the neutrino beacon... 57A HIS POV (OPTICAL) He sees the neutrino beam through the storm... but suddenly the vision goes haywire. 57B GEORDI reacts... GEORDI Whoa... Bochra looks on with fascination as Geordi removes his VISOR and presses the tiny button inside. The VISOR BEEPS back. GEORDI (to Bochra) I'm having some sort of polarity shift. The diagnostic insists everything's fine... Geordi replaces his VISOR over his eyes, looks at Bochra with concern. GEORDI (continuing) Your body temperature's gone up another full degree... BOCHRA (giving nothing away) What are you saying? GEORDI It's this place... All that electromagnetic soup is playing hell with our nervous systems. Your metabolism's messed up... so's my interface with the VISOR. Geordi starts to get to his feet. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT THREE 33. 57B CONTINUED: GEORDI (continuing) We've got to get out of here while we still can. Bochra raises the phaser -- "don't move." Geordi freezes. BOCHRA Sit down. GEORDI Bochra... Bochra wavers. He's feeling dizzy, short of breath, feverish -- but is trying not to let it show. Maybe Geordi's telling the truth -- but Bochra can't bring himself to trust him. BOCHRA (deliberate) Sit down. Reluctantly, Geordi sits down... 58 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard, Riker, Troi, Worf, Wesley, Data. Wesley is monitoring the neutrino probe... a concerned look on his face. Riker, impatient for a sign, glances over Wes' shoulder, sighs... a shiver in the signal makes him react... he looks at Wesley who shakes his head... RIKER What's that? WESLEY Just a background fluctuation, Commander... he hasn't found it yet. RIKER Then he must be hurt... or dead. (beat) How long before another window, Data? DATA There are none indicated, Commander. I have no way to predict. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/12/89 - ACT THREE 33A. 58 CONTINUED: WORF Incoming Romulan transmission, Captain. Picard and Riker exchange a look. RIKER They're early. DATA (agrees) The Romulan warbird should still be twenty-nine minutes away from the edge of the Neutral Zone. PICARD Close enough, however, to see we're not there. (to Worf) On screen. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT THREE 34. 59 ANGLE ON MAIN VIEWER - ROMULAN READY ROOM (OPTICAL) Tomalak speaks from his command chair. TOMALAK Picard, I'm approaching the Federation border and the Enterprise is not to be found. Why? Picard doesn't like Tomalak's attitude, but he maintains his composure. PICARD My away team has not been able to leave the surface because of the storms. TOMALAK And my officer? PICARD He is alive. TOMALAK His life remains in jeopardy? PICARD Yes. Include Worf. TOMALAK And yet you will still not permit me to cross into your precious Federation space to retrieve him... Picard feels himself being manuevered into a defensive position. He knows he's escalating the stakes when he responds... PICARD If the point hasn't been made clearly, Commander, let me make it again. (MORE) STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT THREE 34A. 59 CONTINUED: PICARD (Cont'd) Romulan warships do not enter Federation space unless they are prepared to do battle. TOMALAK But a mission of mercy... PICARD A mission to recover one of your officers who was caught on a Federation planet. For reasons still unknown... TOMALAK I have already explained that. PICARD And I have rejected your explanation. TOMALAK Territories... you would measure territories against a man's life? Picard does not at all like being in this position. He takes the only posture he can. PICARD Commander, your singular concern for a life is impressive. Do not risk any more lives by leaving the Neutral Zone. Picard out. The screen returns to starfield. Picard is really furious with the way this is going. He turns and cannot help exchanging a glance with Worf. As he EXITS to the Ready Room. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT THREE 35. 60 OMITTED 61 INT. GALORNDON CAVE The SOUND of the storm outside has abated. Bochra's definitely not a well Romulan; he's sweating, and his hands have developed a slight tremble. He is clearly much further along in his deterioration than Geordi. But he never takes his eyes -- or the phaser -- off Geordi. GEORDI Bochra, you're in bad shape. Bochra doesn't respond. GEORDI My vision's getting worse. There's a beacon out there... it'll get us back to my ship... but not if I can't find it. Bochra shakes his head. BOCHRA I can't surrender to the Federation. GEORDI Then stay here and die. Bochra looks inquisitively at Geordi, trying to understand this human. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/13/89 - ACT THREE 36. 61 CONTINUED: BOCHRA If the situation were reversed... would you not die to avoid capture? Geordi takes a beat to consider. GEORDI I don't know. I might... if I thought it was necessary. If the stakes were high enough. (a beat) But they'd have to be pretty damn high. Bochra thinks this over. Maybe he's considering just how high -- or low -- the stakes are in his case. GEORDI (continuing) Guess I'd make a pretty lousy Romulan, huh... ? BOCHRA I no more wish to die than you do. GEORDI (a smile) You mean Romulans aren't always ready to sacrifice themselves on command? BOCHRA No more than humans are frail, weak-willed children without any conception of loyalty or duty. They exchange a weak grin. Geordi tests his vision; it's getting worse. GEORDI Bochra -- there are times when dying for one's ideals is necessary. (a beat) Do you believe this is one of those times? Bochra agonizes, makes up his mind, gets to his feet -- and lowers the phaser. Geordi nods in acknowledgement of what that cost Bochra. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - 9/11/89 - ACT THREE 37. 61 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI Let's find that beacon. They start toward the entrance. 62 NEW ANGLE as Geordi stumbles over a rock, gropes for the walls of the cave. BOCHRA What is it? Geordi holds his VISOR to his forehead with both hands. GEORDI Everything's gone blank. (a beat) I'm blind. Geordi takes off the VISOR, revealing his white, sightless eyes. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT FOUR 38. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 62A INT. CORRIDOR Worf approaches a cabin door, considers a beat, then rings the bell. RIKER'S VOICE Come. The door opens to Riker's quarters and Worf ENTERS. 63 INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS - CONTINUOUS Riker is in his quarters studying territorial maps on his computer screen. Worf ENTERS, stops... WORF You are busy. Forgive my intrusion. He starts to leave... Riker stops him with... STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT FOUR 39. 63 CONTINUED: RIKER For what it's worth, I understand your bitterness. Worf stops, turns... WORF With respect, sir... you cannot. (beat) I am asked to give up the very lifeblood of my mother, of my father, to those who murdered them. RIKER Must you blame all Romulans for that? WORF Yes. RIKER Forever, Worf? (Worf thinks deeply) What if the Federation should make peace with the Romulans someday... WORF Impossible. RIKER Not long ago, your people said the same thing about humans. Worf reacts. RIKER And so many on both sides died in that war. How could you and I be here now... like this... if we were unable to let go of the anger, the blame. (beat) When does it end, Worf? If the Romulan dies, does his family carry the bitterness forward another generation? WORF Then you believe I should. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT FOUR 39A. 63 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER What I believe doesn't matter. WORF My Starfleet training tells me one thing. Everything I am tells me another. BEVERLY'S COM VOICE Lieutenant Worf, report to Sickbay. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/15/89 - ACT FOUR 40. 63 CONTINUED: (3) WORF Acknowledged. Worf and Riker exchange a look. Then he EXITS. 64 INT. SICKBAY CLOSE on Patahk in the biobed, MUTTERING in semiconsciousness. 65 ANGLE ON THE DOOR as Worf ENTERS and stays at the door. Beverly crosses to him. Worf looks suspiciously over at Patahk, then at Beverly. Calmly, softly -- BEVERLY Lieutenant, his life is coming to an end. I thought it important for you to see him again. Worf studies him... perhaps begins to turn... BEVERLY It is not too late to change your mind. They exchange a long look and she leaves him with the Romulan... 66 ANGLE - OVER HIS SHOULDER Patahk's eyes open slightly and sees Worf. Hatred succeeds in awakening him even more. PATAHK Come close to me, Klingon. Let me die with my hands at your throat. Worf just stares at him. Patahk trembles, has to force his body back under his control. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/13/89 - ACT FOUR 41. 66 CONTINUED: Worf pulls away from his instinctive reaction, desperately wants to find a way to make this okay. We should see the two sides of him pulling back and forth. WORF I am the only one who can keep you alive. PATAHK You? WORF There is a substance within my cells which you need to survive... Patahk grins weakly... with irony. PATAHK You have come to hear me beg for my life. WORF (beat) No. Is an appreciation of warriors who can respect each other as enemies beginning here? Patahk looks up at him through weakening eyes... reaches up with a wavering hand and takes Worf by the wrist, tries to speak, pull himself up, cannot... Worf leans over to hear what he has to say. PATAHK (whispers) I would rather die than pollute my body with Klingon filth. Worf reacts as the Romulan grins, leans back. Worf EXITS past Beverly without looking at her. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/13/89 - ACT FOUR 41A. 67 INT. GALORNDON CAVE A dejected Geordi examines his VISOR with his touch. Bochra is lying back now, weaker... The diagnostic BEEP is emitted, signalling all is okay with the VISOR itself. BOCHRA I have lost almost all feeling in my legs. Geordi looks at him with concern... GEORDI My synapses must be turning to jelly. The VISOR's fine, but I can't see a thing. BOCHRA How do we locate the beacon? GEORDI We don't. Another thin smile from Bochra. BOCHRA Do all humans give up so easily? Geordi smiles in return. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/13/89 - ACT FOUR 42. 67 CONTINUED: GEORDI Are all Romulans so pushy? Bochra, we're lost... unless you've got something that can smell neutrinos. Bochra picks up Geordi's tricorder. BOCHRA We have the sensor device you were carrying. GEORDI My tricorder? It isn't set up to detect neutrinos. BOCHRA But your eye device does. Connect them. GEORDI That's crazy. They don't speak the same language. I'd never get an accurate sampling... (stops; maybe it's not so crazy) But, then, I don't need an accurate sampling. I just need a pointer... a neutrino Geiger counter. Geordi considers the problem, then sinks back into dejection. GEORDI (continuing) Still not possible. BOCHRA You cannot do it? GEORDI Under normal circumstances, maybe. Here, no way. BOCHRA Why? STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/15/89 - ACT FOUR 43. 67 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI Because I can't see. Adapting the neural output pods of the VISOR is tricky work. It can't be done by "touch." Bochra is not to be dissuaded: BOCHRA Then I'll be your eyes. On Geordi's reaction... 68 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard, Riker, Data, Worf. DATA The storm is beginning to subside, Captain... we should have a window in less than an hour... RIKER Still no indication he's found the beacon, sir... PICARD (to Riker) Assemble an away team... RIKER (moving with purpose) Yes, sir... But before Riker can leave... WORF (interrupting) Captain... the Romulan warship has crossed the Neutral Zone border. It is in Federation space and heading toward us. PICARD Stand by, Number One. (quietly) Red Alert. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/13/89 - ACT FOUR 43A. 68 CONTINUED: As RED ALERT SOUNDS, we -- 69 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/13/89 - ACT FIVE 44. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 70 INT. GALORNDON CAVE CLOSE ON Bochra's hand shaking badly as he tries to make some final delicate adjustments on the tricorder/VISOR. GEORDI (V.O.) ... make sure the scan select limiter matches the VISOR output range. BOCHRA Not so fast... 71 WIDER to see Bochra, exhausted, complete the task. Geordi is behind him, guiding him through the operation. BOCHRA Done. GEORDI Now close the case and place the neural output pods in contact with the tricorder scanner heads. Bochra closes up the tricorder then places the VISOR around it. BOCHRA Ready. GEORDI Let her rip. Bochra pans the area with the unit. As he scans, the tricorder/VISOR suddenly emits a series of faint BEEPS. BOCHRA (excited) Bearing three-five-zero. GEORDI We did it! The first Federation-Romulan co-venture. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/13/89 - ACT FIVE 44A. 71 CONTINUED: A brief moment of shared jubilation -- then they remember they're supposed to be enemies, and return to the task at hand. More somber: STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT FIVE 45. 71 CONTINUED: (2) BOCHRA The storm may be breaking. GEORDI With any luck an electromagnetic window will be opening up and we can get out of here. BOCHRA At which point I'll be your prisoner. They exchange a look -- best not to look too far ahead. Geordi puts his hand on Bochra's shoulder. GEORDI Can you walk? BOCHRA I don't know... Geordi helps him to his feet... Bochra leans on him for support... Bochra provides the vision for them both. BOCHRA Straight ahead... 72 INT. READY ROOM Picard seated. Worf ENTERS. WORF You wished to see me, Captain. PICARD Yes, Lieutenant. (a beat) I assume you know what this is about... Worf nods. PICARD The Romulan ship will reach us within the hour, Lieutenant. If our patient dies... it may be just the excuse the Romulan commander needs to start an incident. The death of a Romulan officer at the hands of the Federation! Think of it. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT FIVE 45A. 72 CONTINUED: WORF I have, Captain. PICARD (acknowledges) There is no question that this Romulan is more valuable to us alive than dead, Lieutenant. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/15/89 - ACT FIVE 46. 72 CONTINUED: (2) WORF I understand. Picard chooses his next words carefully. PICARD Sometimes the moral obligations of command are less than clear. I weigh the good of the many against the needs of the individual... and try to balance them as realistically as possible. God knows I don't always succeed. WORF I have not had cause to complain, Captain. PICARD (with appreciation) You wouldn't complain even if you had cause, Lieutenant. WORF If you order me to agree to the transfusion, I will, of course, obey. Picard turns to him. PICARD I cannot order you. I will not order you, Lieutenant. But I ask you. I beg you to volunteer. WORF (a beat) I cannot, Captain. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/15/89 - ACT FIVE 47. ON PICARD PICARD Lieutenant... WORF Sir? A long beat. Picard nods evenly. PICARD Dismissed. Worf nods, EXITS. After a beat... PICARD (keys insignia) Picard to Doctor Crusher. BEVERLY'S COM VOICE Go ahead. PICARD Do not continue to enlist Lieutenant Worf's assistance. BEVERLY'S COM VOICE I won't have to, Captain. The Romulan has died. On Picard's reaction... 74 EXT. GALORNDON SURFACE The hellish winds have died down and electrical ARCS are few and far between. Vision is still difficult. Geordi supports Bochra as they walk, Bochra holding the BEEPING tricorder/VISOR before him, Geordi shielding his VISORless eyes. 75 NEW ANGLE as they come to the probe... barely sticking out of a crater (virtually impossible to see with the naked eye). STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT FIVE 47A. 75 CONTINUED: Bochra points the tricorder/VISOR down into the crater; the BEEPS speed up. Pay dirt. BOCHRA We've found it. GEORDI Now we have to change its signal pattern so the Enterprise knows we've found it. BOCHRA Will that be difficult? GEORDI Not with your help. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/13/89 - ACT FIVE 48. 75 CONTINUED: (2) They start down into the crater. 76 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard ENTERS; Riker, Troi, Worf, Data, and Wesley at their stations. RED ALERT continues. DATA Scanners show a window, Captain. PICARD Estimated duration? DATA Nine minutes, forty seconds. Picard turns to Wesley, who anticipates his question with: WESLEY No change in the neutrino beacon signal, sir. Worf interrupts: WORF Romulan ship approaching. Bearing three-fifty-four mark two-eight-seven. PICARD On screen. 77 ANGLE ON MAIN VIEWER - ROMULAN WARSHIP (OPTICAL) A Romulan warbird majestically cruises into view. WORF (O.S.) Romulan is entering phaser range. 78 CLOSE as Picard stares at the screen. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT FIVE 49. 78 CONTINUED: WORF We are being hailed, sir. PICARD On screen. 79 ANGLE ON MAIN SCREEN - ROMULAN READY ROOM (OPTICAL) Tomalak glares at Picard. Icy formality. TOMALAK You have one chance to escape destruction, Picard. Return my officer at once. PICARD (equally hard) You have entered Federation space despite my warning, Commander. TOMALAK You forced this situation. I will not leave without him. A long beat. PICARD He is dead. Tomalak reacts, controls his rage. TOMALAK Then he is but the first to fall, Picard. Tomalak cuts off transmission; the starfield with the Romulan warbird returns to the viewscreen. WORF The Romulan ship is routing power to its forward disruptor array. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT FIVE 50. 79 CONTINUED: PICARD All shields to maximum. WORF Aye, sir. PICARD Lock phasers on target. WORF Phasers locked and ready. A tense silence as everyone braces for a hit. 80 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS Wesley reacts to something on his panel. WESLEY Captain -- the signal pattern from the neutrino beacon is modulating. TROI Geordi! RIKER We can't transport him with our shields up. WORF If we lower our shields, the Romulan will strike. DATA The electromagnetic window on the planet is closing. Three minutes remain. PICARD Transporter Room. Lock onto the coordinates of the neutrino beacon and stand by. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Standing by, Captain. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT FIVE 51. 80 CONTINUED: DATA Captain, the window is allowing intermittant sensor readings... There are still numerous ghost images, but I believe we are picking up two life forms near the beacon... RIKER Another Romulan? DATA I cannot say. The electromagnetic interference prevents an accurate reading. PICARD (mind racing) But it is a likely hypothesis, Number One. If Mister La Forge located a second survivor... (to Worf) Hail the Romulan ship, Lieutenant. WORF Aye, sir. (does so) They're ignoring our hail, sir. PICARD Repeat the hail -- all channels. (to Riker) He has no way of knowing how accurate our sensors are... put on your poker face, Number One... (to Worf) Open frequency. 81 ON PICARD (OPTICAL) as he rises, faces the viewscreen. PICARD Commander Tomalak. It would appear our away team has rescued a second man from your one man ship. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT FIVE 52. 81 CONTINUED: A long beat. PICARD They are on the surface, ready to beam up. We are preparing to do so. (beat, a decision) After which we will return the survivor to you. A beat. WORF No acknowledgement, Captain. Slow push to Picard. PICARD Commander, both our ships are ready to fight. We have two supremely powerful, destructive arsenals at our command. Our next actions will have serious repercussions for both sides. (a beat) We have good reason to mistrust one another, Commander, but we have better reasons to set our differences aside. The question, of course, is who will show vulnerability first. (a beat) The answer is -- I will. I must lower my shields to transport these men off the planet surface. Picard crosses and stares at the warbird on the viewscreen. PICARD Once the shields are down, you will have an opportunity to open fire. If you do, you will not only destroy the Enterprise and its crew -- but also the cease-fire that the Romulans and the Federation now enjoy. Picard looks back at Worf. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT FIVE 52A. 81 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Lieutenant, lower the shields. Leave hailing frequencies open. Worf takes a deep breath. WORF Yes, sir. Worf then executes the order on his panel. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT FIVE 53. 82 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) as everyone -- even Picard -- half expects a phaser blast at any moment. PICARD Mister O'Brien. Transport Mister La Forge and the Romulan directly to the bridge. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Aye, sir. Energizing. Geordi and Bochra MATERIALIZE. (Note: Geordi's VISOR is back on his face.) The sight of a Romulan on the bridge sends Worf reaching for his phaser. Riker and Picard exchange a glance. It's like drawing to fill a straight flush. WORF Security team to bridge. PICARD Belay that order, Lieutenant. Shields up. (to Bochra) No one is going to harm you. Bochra isn't so convinced; his eyes looking around the room full of enemies. GEORDI (to Bochra) You have my word. Bochra relaxes a notch. Picard takes this all in, then faces the viewscreen. PICARD Well, Commander? 83 ANGLE ON THE VIEWSCREEN - ROMULAN READY ROOM (OPTICAL) Sure enough, the view of the warbird is replaced with the image of Tomalak. Bochra immediately salutes his Commander. Still looks pretty bad, though he will improve during the scene... TOMALAK If he has been in any way mistreated... STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT FIVE 54. 83 CONTINUED: BOCHRA I have given them no information, Commander -- but I have not been mistreated. (after a look to Geordi) In fact, this human saved my life. Picard nods acknowledgment, then turns his attention back to the screen. PICARD Commander, how is it possible you didn't know of this second Romulan on Galorndon Core? Having been caught with his pants down, Tomalak reverts to his earlier manner -- the unctuous commander worming his way out of trouble. TOMALAK A simple misunderstanding, Captain Picard. I was obviously misinformed as to the size of the craft. I assure you, I intended no deception. PICARD Of course not. TOMALAK You doubt my good faith? PICARD Let's just say my faith would be strengthened with a gesture -- such as powering down your disruptors. Tomalak nods, pushes a button. A moment later: STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/15/89 - ACT FIVE 55. 83 CONTINUED: (2) WORF Disruptors powering down, Captain. PICARD Thank you. Cancel Red Alert, Lieutenant. As the ship goes off Red Alert, the relief is almost palpable. Picard returns his attention to Tomalak: PICARD (continuing) We will return your officer and escort your ship back to the Neutral Zone, Commander. TOMALAK That is acceptable. The view of the warbird returns as Tomalak ceases transmitting. 84 ANOTHER ANGLE as Picard returns to his chair. PICARD Mister La Forge, it's good to have you back. GEORDI (looking at him) I have Centurion Bochra to thank, sir. BOCHRA Your vision is returning... GEORDI Yeah, gradually. Your heart rate's slowing down. Bochra and Geordi exchange a we-made-it look. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT FIVE 55A. 84 CONTINUED: PICARD Mister La Forge, Mister Worf -- escort our guest to Transporter Room One. GEORDI Aye, sir. Worf and Geordi lead Bochra to the turbolift, EXIT. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/14/89 - ACT FIVE 56. 84 CONTINUED: (2) Riker lets out a sigh of relief. RIKER Close call. PICARD Too close, Number One. Brinksmanship is a dangerous game... 85 OMITTED 86 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM O'Brien is behind the console. Beverly supervises two CREWMEMBERS who are placing a coffin on the transporter pad. Worf, Geordi, and Bochra ENTER. Bochra sees the pallet, looks at Beverly. And she says this to Bochra, but all the while gives Worf a scathing look: BEVERLY It was not in my power to save him. Perhaps a slight stress on the "my" for Worf's benefit. Worf is stiffly silent as Beverly and the two crewmembers EXIT. 87 ON BOCHRA crossing to the transporter pad -- and his fallen comrade. BOCHRA He was a loyal officer. STAR TREK: "The Enemy" - REV. 9/15/89 - ACT FIVE 57. 87 CONTINUED: Bochra somberly takes his place on the pad, nods in salute and farewell to Geordi. BOCHRA (continuing) Lieutenant Commander La Forge. GEORDI (returns the nod) Centurion Bochra. BOCHRA You're not what I expected of a Federation officer. GEORDI That's okay; you're not what I expected of a Romulan, either. (with a grin) That's a compliment. Bochra manages a thin smile. Geordi nods a final goodbye and... 88 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Geordi signals O'Brien, who energizes; Bochra and the pallet DEMATERIALIZE. 88A GEORDI AND O'BRIEN GEORDI That's the way to fight all the wars from now on. Two guys on a planet with no one else to talk to and nowhere to go. Things get settled in a hurry. Exiting with O'Brien past Worf... GEORDI (leaving) I'm gonna sleep for four days... The doors hiss closed. Staying a beat on Worf as he remains there a long beat, stands quietly, deadpanned... and we can only speculate what he's thinking. He EXITS and... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END