STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Hunted" #40273-159 Written by Robin Bernheim Directed by Cliff Bole THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1989 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT OCTOBER 25, 1989 STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - 10/25/89 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Hunted" CAST PICARD Angosians RIKER PRIME MINISTER NAYROK DATA ZAYNAR BEVERLY ROGA DANAR TROI GEORDI WORF WESLEY Non-Speaking SEVERAL ATTRACTIVE WOMEN O'BRIEN 12 PRISONERS/VETERANS 10 GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS Non-Speaking SEVERAL SECURITY GUARDS TRANSPORTER ENGINEER OTHER ENGINEERING PERSONNEL STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Hunted" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE SHUTTLECRAFT CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM OBSERVATION LOUNGE ANGOSIA SICKBAY TRANSPORTER ROOM CORRIDOR ANGOSIAN TRANSPORT TURBOLIFT SHIP ENGINEERING JEFFERIES TUBE CARGO BAY SHUTTLE BAY DETENTION CELL ANGOSIAN SENATE ANGOSIAN TRANSPORT SHIP STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - 10/25/89 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Hunted" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ANGOSIA ang-GO-sha ROGA ROE-gah DANAR DAY-nar STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - 10/25/89 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Hunted" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. ANGOSIAN CAPITOL - ESTABLISHING (MATTE) A cluster of low buildings, a bud of civilization whose outlying roadways vein a vast plain. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 43489.2. We have arrived at Angosia, a planet that is eager for membership in the Federation. 2 EXT. ANGOSIAN SENATE PICARD and RIKER are with NAYROK, the Angosian leader, in the rotunda of the senate building. The Angosians take their civic duty very seriously and the senate is considered a repository of wisdom and law. Various government officials and petitioners pass by, either in deep discussion or thoughtful meditation. PICARD I'm greatly impressed with what I've seen so far, Prime Minister. NAYROK Then I hope it will reflect favorably in your report, Captain. RIKER It's a tribute to your people to have recovered so rapidly from the Tarsian War. NAYROK It is indeed. (sadly) We are not warriors. We believe reason can settle disputes. But not every culture agrees with our position. PICARD An unfortunate reality. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: NAYROK The development of the mind, the cultivation of the intellect -- these are the pursuits to which the Angosians have dedicated themselves for centuries. Nayrok nods and is about to respond... but is interrupted by ZAYNAR, an aide who casually interrupts. ZAYNAR I'm sorry to interrupt, Prime Minister. There's a problem. May I see you a moment? NAYROK Excuse me, gentlemen. 3 ANGLE -- on Picard and Riker. PICARD I think they'll make a fine addition to the Federation, Number One... Riker acknowledges, but without enthusiasm. Off Picard's look... RIKER I'm not sure I'd want to live here. A little stuffy for my taste. Picard thinks it over, nods slightly. It's a little dry for his taste, too. 4 ANOTHER ANGLE -- Nayrok returns, his face has a look of concern... NAYROK A prisoner has escaped from the penal colony on Lunar Five. (shaking his head) Two guards are dead. The prisoner has taken a transport vessel. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - TEASER 2A. 4 CONTINUED: RIKER Do you have means of pursuit? STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - 10/25/89 - TEASER 3. 4 CONTINUED: NAYROK The tracking station was sabotaged. The entire base is in chaos. We have ordered ships from the surface to follow him, but to be honest, our civilian pilots are not trained to handle this... RIKER With your permission, sir... ? Picard acknowledges. RIKER (keying his insignia) Mister Data, a stolen transport vessel has departed from Lunar Five. Have you picked it up on sensors? INTERCUT: 5 INT. MAIN BRIDGE DATA is in command. GEORDI, WORF, and WESLEY are on the bridge. Supernumeraries. DATA (checking sensors) Yes, Commander. RIKER Good. Detain the vessel and quarantine the pilot. (to Nayrok) Is he armed? NAYROK Yes. And he's very dangerous, Captain. Lunar Five is our maximum security facility. RIKER Did you hear that, Data? DATA Yes, Commander, we will use extreme caution. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - 10/25/89 - TEASER 4. 5 CONTINUED: RIKER Keep us informed. Riker out. WORF On screen, sir... END INTERCUT: 6 ANGLE ON THE MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) A small ship, as well as an asteroid, are visible in front of the planet. DATA Specifications on the vessel, Mister Worf. WORF No warp drive. Minimal weaponry. DATA Heading, Ensign Crusher. WESLEY Three-one-nine mark two-five-zero. GEORDI Vessel's speed increasing to point-two impulse. He's seen us, Data. 7 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Moving toward the transport vessel... which disappears behind the asteroid. 8 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) On the main viewscreen, we see that only a small piece of the ship appears on the other side of the asteroid. GEORDI (reacts) The ship's drive section... WESLEY What happened to the rest of his ship? STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - 10/25/89 - TEASER 5. 8 CONTINUED: DATA Scan the drive section for life form readings. WORF None. DATA Mister Crusher, bring us around to the back side of the asteroid. A beat. GEORDI Sensors indicate wreckage on the asteroid's surface. WORF No life signs. DATA Apparently, he did not survive. Wesley, puzzled, is checking his console... and he looks surprised. WESLEY Data, the drive section... where'd it go? 8A ANGLE - MAIN VIEW SCREEN (OPTICAL) Only the asteroid remains on screen. The ship is gone. Data reacts... looks at his sensors... looks at the screen. WESLEY There's no sign of it on its previous heading. Someone must be at the helm. RIKER'S COM VOICE Status report, Mister Data? There's no beating around this bush. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - 10/25/89 - TEASER 6. 8A CONTINUED: DATA (simply) I am afraid the prisoner has eluded us, sir. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - 10/25/89 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: 9 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard and Riker have returned, are listening to Data's explanation. Other personnel are there as before. DATA We followed procedures precisely. Scanners indicated no life forms present in the drive section. I cannot explain how he escaped. WORF Incoming message from the Angosian prime minister. PICARD (settling into the Command Chair) On screen. 10 ANGLE ON THE MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) The planet's surface is replaced by an image of Nayrok, seated in his office. NAYROK We've identified the prisoner, Captain. His name is Roga Danar. His criminal record is too long to go into. But you must be aware that he is given to bouts of uncontrollable violence. PICARD We appreciate the warning, Prime Minister. We will keep you posted on our progress. The image on the viewscreen returns to planet. RIKER Mister La Forge, how far and how fast can that transport ship travel? STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - 10/25/89 - ACT ONE 8. 10 CONTINUED: GEORDI Without warp drive, there's no way it could be outside our range by now. WESLEY We've been sweeping the area constantly, Commander. There's nothing within sensor range. Picard frowns, frustrated. This annoying little space gnat is turning out to be more than they bargained for. PICARD A cloaking device? WORF The Angosians have no cloaking technology... RIKER (it dawns on him) Unless he's borrowing one... (off Picard's look) If he's hanging over the planet's pole, its magnetic field could confuse the sensors. DATA I believe I can recalibrate our sensors to read through the electromagnetic interference over the poles, Commander. RIKER (to Wesley) Realign for polar orbit. WESLEY Aye, sir. Data sits, his fingers dance over the keys on the console. He looks at 11 HIS MONITOR - COMPUTER GRAPHIC of the planet, over the north pole, we can see magnetic interference which Data tunes out, revealing an image of a craft hovering there, hiding... STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - 10/25/89 - ACT ONE 9. 12 ANGLE DATA There he is, Commander. You were correct. RIKER The fellow knows all the tricks, doesn't he... Data studies his console, confused. DATA There are still no life form readings coming from the vessel. GEORDI It could be the magnetic interference, Data. DATA I have compensated. There are no readings. PICARD We'll have our answer shortly. Lock on tractor beam, Mister La Forge. GEORDI Tractor beam locking on. 13 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The tractor beam shoots out from the Enterprise towards the tiny half-ship, which begins to turn to face the Enterprise. 14 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Data checks his instruments. DATA Sir, the vessel is coming about. RIKER (looking over his shoulder) Is he out of his mind? STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - 10/25/89 - ACT ONE 10. 14 CONTINUED: WORF Sensors detect a massive power build up in his aft thrusters. PICARD On Main Viewer, Mister Worf. 15 ANGLE - VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The tiny ship is now facing the Enteprise. It is slowly approaching within the tractor beam. GEORDI He's making a suicide run. DATA Shields have been automatically activated. Tractor beam disengaged. 16 EXT. SPACE - THE TRANSPORT VESSEL (OPTICAL) No longer enveloped in the tractor beam, the transport vessel hurtles head on towards the Enterprise, then skids off the invisible shield, away from the ship. 17 INT. MAIN BRIDGE WESLEY (reacts) He's bounced off our shields. RIKER That's one trick I didn't even know about... PICARD Ensign Crusher, fix coordinates of that vessel. We'll transport the whole thing to a shuttlebay if we have to. Data has been working hard the whole time. DATA I do not think that will be necessary, Captain. He is no longer in the drive section. (MORE) STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - 10/25/89 - ACT ONE 11. 17 CONTINUED: DATA (Cont'd) (reactions) I anticipated this diversionary tactic based on his pattern to date. We are picking up a cylindrical object approximately seven meters in length and three meters in diameter. WORF On screen, Captain. 18 ANGLE ON THE MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) A tiny, cylindrical object is just visible. WESLEY An escape pod. GEORDI This guy is incredible. 19 INT. MAIN BRIDGE DATA (puzzled) Yet there are still no life form readings. PICARD Transporter Room Four, prepare to beam aboard anything that's large enough to be a humanoid adult from inside that pod. WORF Security to Transporter Room Four. O'BRIEN'S VOICE We are holding the contents in stasis pending arrival of security. An illicit weapon has been detected in the transport beam, sir. It's been rendered inoperable. RIKER (to Worf) Let's greet our guest. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT ONE 12. 19 CONTINUED: Riker and Worf disappear into the turbolift. 20 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM TWO ARMED SECURITY OFFICERS wait with the transporter engineer. All eyes and weapons are trained on 21 THE TRANSPORTER PAD (OPTICAL) It glitters to life. An image begins to materialize. ROGA DANAR stands before them. Haggard. On the edge. A dangerous gleam to his eye, like a frightened, trapped animal. Without wasting a second, Roga aims his rifle and pulls the trigger. Nothing happens. SECURITY MAN Just stay where you are. Roga barely reacts... with the quickness of a snake striking, he lunges off the transporter pad... 22 WIDE - THE SECURITY MEN (OPTICAL) fire their phasers... he's so quick, one shot misses him... the other connects with him in mid-air but he still lands on the security guard, takes him out, rolling off him, hit by another phaser shot, growls with pain, sags, then pulls himself back up and leaps at the second guard... 23 INT. TRANSPORTER CORRIDOR They come crashing through from the Transporter Room... Roga and the guard wrapped up together, fighting for control of the guard's phaser... the transporter engineer comes from behind, grabs Roga... who throws him backwards hard against the wall... 24 WORF AND RIKER arrive... RIKER What the hell... STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT ONE 13. 24 CONTINUED: Riker and Worf charge Roga... it's like two linebackers trying to bring down a powerful running back... and then the other two guards are on him too and O'Brien... and it's a gang tackle... and finally with all of their force, Roga goes down... pinned to the floor. 25 ANGLE - RIKER He looks down at the enraged face of Roga still struggling, helpless now. RIKER Take him to the detention cell. Set phasers on kill. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - 10/25/89 - ACT TWO 14. ACT TWO FADE IN: 26 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) continuing to orbit the planet. 26A INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard at command, Worf at Tactical, Data at Ops, Supernumerary at Conn. The prime minister on the main viewscreen... Riker ENTERS during the conversation... his arm repaired. NAYROK We need a few hours to get the containment field on Lunar Five operational before we pick him up. The damage he caused during his escape was considerable. PICARD We will await your signal. NAYROK I appreciate your patience. Our prison psychologist has recommended you keep Danar fully sedated until he's ready for transport. PICARD He's in our highest security detention area... there shouldn't be any more problems... NAYROK Do not relax your security for one moment, Captain. He is extremely violent and cunning, as you already know, Commander Riker. I'm so pleased to learn your injuries are not serious. My most sincere apologies... RIKER None required, Prime Minister. Nayrok acknowledges. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - 10/25/89 - ACT TWO 15. 26A CONTINUED: NAYROK I will send a transport vessel to retrieve him as soon as possible. Nayrok out. The screen returns to a view of the planet. 26B ANGLE Riker moves to Data... RIKER Have you run a diagnostic on the sensors, Data? DATA Yes, Commander. There is nothing wrong with the ship's sensors. The reason that we did not sense any life signs aboard the escape vessel is because the prisoner has no life signs. Picard and Riker exchange a glance. RIKER Computer, identify the occupant in the detention cell. COMPUTER The detention cell is vacant at this time. PICARD Can he be some sort of android? DATA Our sensors can identify artificial lifeforms, Captain. Apparently, he is capable of deceiving the sensors. 27 OMITTED 28 INT. DETENTION CELL High security is evident. A guard is stationed outside the cell. The room is divided by a glowing rim, indicating an activated invisible forcefield. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - 10/25/89 - ACT TWO 16. 28A CLOSE ON ROGA Lying on a bed, Roga borders between consciousness and unconsciousness. He tosses from side to side, tortured by a nightmare. 28B INT. CORRIDOR (FORMERLY SCENE 27) Troi walks down the corridor towards her quarters, slows as she senses something. 29 INT. DETENTION CELL Roga's mental pain has intensified. His face is beaded with sweat. He moans in anguish. 30 INT. CORRIDOR - TROI reacts, turns around and heads back in the direction from which she came. 31 INT. DETENTION CELL Roga's eyes open, he sits up abruptly on the edge of his bed, recuperating from the demons of his subconscious, turns to see Troi standing there outside the divider. For a beat, he has to shake himself back to reality... their eyes meet. TROI Are you all right? He stares at her, considers the question... and may not be entirely sure of the answer. Surprisingly, Roga's manner is calm and circumspect, the antithesis of the labels he has been given. There is no sign of the violent nature he displayed in the Transporter Room. If anything, he is detatched and cerebral. He stands, looks around, disoriented. ROGA What is this ship? TROI You are on board the USS Enterprise. ROGA A war vessel? STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - 10/25/89 - ACT TWO 17. 31 CONTINUED: TROI A Federation starship. ROGA (reacts) Federation... TROI We were orbiting Angosia when you escaped from Lunar Five. He examines the force field around him, sticks his hand out... the force field reacts. ROGA It seems I am a victim of my own bad timing. (examines her) And you are the keeper of this jail? TROI I am Deanna Troi. Ship's counselor. He reacts negatively to her profession. ROGA "Counselor". Too bad. I'd rather you were a jailer to keep me company during my return trip. He moves to a sink and washes his face. ROGA (casually probing) I assume that we are returning to Lunar Five... TROI That terrifies you, doesn't it? ROGA I have just killed two men to get out of there, Counselor. (sad, almost apologetic) I am fully capable of killing you too. A terrifying thought, isn't it? Even to me. A line which says a lot about his inner turmoil. She is sensing extraordinary things from this man. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - 10/25/89 - ACT TWO 18. 31 CONTINUED: (2) TROI Do they mistreat you there? ROGA Not at all. I am comfortable, well fed and housed. (bitter) The Angosians take good care of their... prisoners. I am simply not allowed to ever leave. Beat. He moves toward her... ROGA (continuing) Do you visit all the prisoners, Counselor? Are you a specialist in criminal behavior? Or am I just an interesting specimen that landed on your ship like an insect to be studied under your microscope... TROI Why do you have such anger toward me? ROGA (seriously) A girl with long dark hair broke my heart long ago... out of bitterness and rejection, I turned to crime... She looks at him until he breaks into a grin... ROGA How about this one -- my mother abandoned me when I was born and I never had the guidance a wild young man needs... TROI Why are you doing this? ROGA Playing games? Isn't that what you do, Counselor? Isn't that what all of you mind control experts do? STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/26/89 - ACT TWO 19. 31 CONTINUED: (3) TROI I am not a mind control expert. I came because I sensed you were in pain. ROGA And now, what do you sense? TROI (beat, reacts) The pain is gone. ROGA Interesting, isn't it? Off her reaction... 31A INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM Troi and Picard. TROI There is a duality in the man... hard to describe... he is aware of his crimes... in fact, they deeply trouble him... PICARD (sensing a problem) Counselor... TROI He is intelligent... a thoughtful man. Typically Angosian. I know what he's done, but when I am with him, I cannot believe he is randomly and deliberately violent... in fact, inherantly, he has a non-violent personality... PICARD Counselor, it took five men to restrain him... and he took apart half of the Transporter Room in the process. TROI I am not opening the door for him, Captain. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - 10/25/89 - ACT TWO 20. 31A CONTINUED: A beat as they look at each other and pull away from the moment's conflict. TROI I can only tell you I sense something very unusual about this man. Something that is not inherent to a criminal personality... PICARD Your dedication to helping others in pain is admirable, Counselor. But in a few hours, I will turn him over to the Angosians... and be glad to do so. TROI I understand. She exits. Stay a beat on Picard. 31B OMITTED 32 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Troi ENTERS, goes to Data who is working at an Aft Station. Worf is at his station. Otherwise supernumeraries fill the posts. TROI Data, do we have a link up to the Angosian central computer? DATA Yes, Counselor... we are copying records for Federation inspection pursuant to their application for admittance. TROI Can I see a police record on Roga Danar? Data presses the keys on the console. The screen flashes information, which Data quickly scans. DATA There is no police record, Counselor. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - 10/25/89 - ACT TWO 21. 32 CONTINUED: TROI But that's impossible. He's been in prison. Data makes a few other entries... DATA Lunar Five is a military prison facility... TROI Military... he's a soldier... ? DATA That may provide an explanation for the tactics he was able to use against us when we tried to capture him... TROI (looking over his shoulder) It doesn't say what he was arrested for. Call up his military record. Data goes to work... 33 ANGLE - INCLUDE THE MONITOR (OPTICAL) A military file... including a list of campaigns in which he fought... DATA (V.O.) He served in many campaigns during the Tarsian War, received two promotions, to the rank of Subhadar... a very honorable tour of duty... 34 RESUME - TROI studying the screen... TROI What was this man's crime? STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - 10/25/89 - ACT TWO 22. 35 thru OMITTED 37 38 INT. DETENTION CELL Danar looks up to see Troi arriving... he is even calmer than before. TROI I've learned you are a soldier. ROGA I was a soldier. TROI Why were you put in prison? ROGA Obviously, because I am a threat to society. TROI There is no police record. What did you do? ROGA (calmly) Everything they asked me to do. That's why I became such a threat. TROI I don't understand. ROGA Why are you bothering to try, Counselor? TROI I want to help if I can. ROGA (if you really want to help) Unlock the door. A beat. TROI Why does a non-violent man commit acts of excessive violence? STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - 10/25/89 - ACT TWO 23. 38 CONTINUED: ROGA You can learn to do it if you have to. TROI Did you have to? ROGA It was war. TROI This started in the war... ROGA It started the day I volunteered, Counselor... the day training began... the day I met my first instructor. He called himself a "counselor" too. Off her reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/26/89 - ACT THREE 24. ACT THREE FADE IN: 39 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Riker, Troi, Data, Beverly. TROI Roga Danar was an idealistic young man who answered his people's call to service. He joined the military to fight for the Angosian way of life. He didn't realize that by doing so... he would forever have to give up that way of life. He's not the same man who left home to go to war. He's been through intense psychological manipulation as well as biochemical modifications. BEVERLY At Troi's request I examined him... his cellular structure has been been significantly altered... They used a combination of cryptobiolin, triclenidil, macrospentol... and a few things I don't even recognize. RIKER Was he a prisoner of war? Who did this to him? TROI His own government. Riker exchanges a glance with Picard who is growing more uncomfortable by the moment. TROI He has been programmed to be the perfect soldier. He can be absolutely normal, but whenever a danger is perceived, the programming clicks in and takes over. Intelligence, memory, strength, reflexes -- all become enhanced. He is conditioned to survive at any cost. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/26/89 - ACT THREE 25. 39 CONTINUED: BEVERLY One of the new substances in his cellular structure even shields electrical impulses. DATA That would explain why our sensors did not detect him. Picard is holding a building rage. PICARD Why was this man assigned to the Lunar Five facility? TROI He committed no crime. He says he was ordered there... with others like him. The first soldiers who had returned to Angosia had trouble. The rules changed too quickly. A lost temper could result in murder. DATA Counselor, did no one try to adjust their progam? TROI (shakes her head) They were simply exiled to Lunar Five. A beat. They look to their captain for a reaction. His look registers his outrage. 40 INT. DETENTION CELL Roga is on his bunk, eyes open, looking up... glances over and sees Data looking at him. ROGA What do you want... DATA Am I disturbing you? ROGA Yes. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT THREE 26. 40 CONTINUED: DATA Then I will leave. As Data begins to go, Roga stands... ROGA Wait. I'd rather talk to someone. I'm sorry. Data returns. Roga reacts as he gets a closer look ROGA Why do you have yellow eyes? DATA Simply a lack of pigmentation. I am an android. You and I have something in common. ROGA We do? DATA Yes. We have both been programmed. ROGA (reacts) Ah, you have been talking with Counselor Troi. (beat) It is not at all the same, android. DATA I do not mean to belittle your condition. I understand your dilemma. But I am curious. My program can be altered and changed. Yours cannot? ROGA The man I once was is still inside me... but this conditioning has been imposed... woven together with my thoughts and feelings and responses. How do you separate the program from the man? STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT THREE 26A. 40 CONTINUED: (2) DATA Without further analysis of your condition by Counselor Troi or Doctor Crusher, I cannot say. But it would seem possible. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/26/89 - ACT THREE 27. 40 CONTINUED: (2) ROGA (scorn) Doctors. Angosian doctors did this to me. If it could be undone, wouldn't they undo it? DATA I cannot answer that. ROGA Nor can I... and I ask the question every moment of every day. 41 thru OMITTED 42 43 INT. READY ROOM (OPTICAL) Picard, controlling his displeasure, talks to Prime Minister Nayrok on the viewscreen. Troi observes. NAYROK Captain, what he is telling you is full of half-truths... he is a prisoner, what do you expect him to say about us? PICARD Then, perhaps you'd clarify it for me... NAYROK These soldiers were resettled on Lunar Five... it was to be their colony... PICARD Their Gulag... NAYROK I beg your pardon? PICARD Was it a forced "resettlement"? NAYROK It was for their own protection as well as that of others. Most of them are quite happy there... (MORE) STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/26/89 - ACT THREE 27A. 43 CONTINUED: NAYROK (Cont'd) we have gone to great lengths to give them a fine quality of life... PICARD Even the most comfortable prison is a prison, Prime Minister. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/26/89 - ACT THREE 28. 43 CONTINUED: (2) NAYROK A few agitators like Danar forced us to add security... PICARD Prime Minister, my medical team has suggested there may be treatment alternatives... NAYROK Captain, I assure you all alternatives have been explored. And this discussion is now treading upon matters of Angosian security. This is not your concern. Picard cannot argue. NAYROK (continuing) I have dispatched a ship to rendezvous with you and transport the prisoner back to Lunar Five. On behalf of Angosia, I thank the Federation for its assistance in retrieving our citizen. The viewscreen goes blank as the image of Nayrok disappears and Picard looks to Troi with frustration. 44 INT. DETENTION CELL Roga and Data are still talking, the atmosphere more relaxed than before... ROGA Were you built for combat, android? DATA No. But my program does include military strategy... that is how I was finally able to anticipate your last tactic and capture you. ROGA You did that? Perhaps you would be better at combat than you think. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT THREE 29. 44 CONTINUED: DATA I am not programmed to kill. ROGA My improved reflexes have allowed me to kill eighty-four times. And my improved memory lets me remember the face of each of those eighty-four. Can you understand how that feels? DATA I am incapable of any feeling. ROGA (beat) Then I envy you. Data reacts as Picard and Troi ENTER. He rises. Picard acknowledges him... looks at Roga who puts his food down as he senses his time has come. TROI Roga, this is Captain Picard ROGA Captain... PICARD Mister Danar, I am going to transfer you back to Angosian security. They are en route and will arrive shortly. I came to tell you that I have no choice. The prime minister has insisted and we have no right to refuse. ROGA (sympathetic) And you would be foolish if you even considered it, Captain... because they are very correct. I am dangerous. I have no place in a civilized society. TROI I do not believe that. DATA Nor do I. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT THREE 30. 44 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD I respect my officers' judgement, Danar. I wish I could help further. If a way appears to me, I will. ROGA I appreciate your telling me face-to-face. PICARD I felt you deserved that much. ROGA (nods, not a threat) You deserve to know that I must use whatever means I can to escape. Picard studies him a beat. His insignia BEEPS. WORF'S COM VOICE Captain, the Angosian transport vessel has arrived. PICARD Inform them the transfer will take place shortly. Picard out. Mister Data, to the bridge please... Picard nods to Roga and EXITS. Data pauses as Roga smiles at him... ROGA Take care of yourself, android. I enjoyed our talk. DATA Good-bye, Roga. And he follows the captain out. Troi and Roga exchange a look. TROI Perhaps when this planet becomes a member of the Federation, we will be able... STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT THREE 30A. 44 CONTINUED: (3) ROGA I will not be here to see it, Counselor. Because even with this overwhelming demand to survive that they've built into my soul... I would rather die than return to Lunar Five. Off her reaction... 45 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) An Angosian transport ship is now in proximity to the Enterprise. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/26/89 - ACT THREE 31. 46 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Riker, Data, Wesley, Worf, supernumeraries. On the viewscreen are two Angosians -- WAGNOR and his first officer. Picard faces the viewscreen. WAGNOR Captain Picard, we're ready to receive the prisoner. Now transmitting the coordinates of our holding cell. DATA (to Picard) Coordinates received, sir. PICARD (to Wagnor) Stand by for transport. Picard out. The viewscreen returns to the starfield. Picard turns to Worf. PICARD (continuing) Mister Worf, have all security precautions been taken? WORF Release of the force field and activation of the transporter will be virtually simultaneous, Captain... There will only be a point-one second interval between them. RIKER Even Danar can't move that fast. WORF There will be a full security contingent present. Phasers will be set on kill. PICARD (acknowledges) Proceed. Worf EXITS... STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT THREE 32. 47 INT. DETENTION CELL (OPTICAL) Roga is on one side of the room; Troi, Worf, and three security guards are on the other, phasers ready for the least sign of trouble. Worf's insignia BEEPS. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Transporter Room One to Lieutenant Worf. We're ready. WORF Proceed. Troi and Roga exchange a look. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Energizing... The forcefield momentarily SHIMMERS into visibility and then VANISHES as it's powered down. Roga sees that the forcefield is gone the instant the transporter effect begins... With all his strength, he strains against the beam, trying to break free. TROI Roga, don't, you'll be killed... Worf and the others raise their phasers... 47A INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM as the transporter chief works the console. O'BRIEN (to com panel) I'm losing him... what the hell... ? 47B INT. DETENTION CELL (OPTICAL) Roga makes a final leap out of the beam and an EXPLOSION fills the room. When the smoke clears, Troi, Worf and security are on the floor, dazed... he is gone. 48 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT FOUR 33. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 49 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard, Riker, Data, supernumeraries. RIKER (to com panel) Security personnel, full alert. Shut down all shuttlebays, transporters, and turbolifts. 49A INT. DETENTION CELL Worf, Troi, and the security guards are picking themselves off the floor. Worf taps his insignia: WORF'S COM VOICE Captain, a phaser is missing. We must assume that he's armed. 49B INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard and Riker exchange a look. PICARD (to Data) Sound general quarters. Clear corridors of all non-essential personnel. I don't want him taking any hostages. Data works his panel. DATA General quarters sounded, sir. PICARD Raise security containment fields immediately on decks thirty-four, thirty-five, and thirty-six. As Data complies, Riker gets an idea. RIKER Data... put the turbolifts back on line. If Danar sees they're operating, he may try to use one. (MORE) STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT FOUR 33A. 49B CONTINUED: RIKER (Cont'd) (to Picard) Soon as he does, we have him. Picard nods grimly. He wants this situation contained as soon as possible. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT FOUR 34. 50 INT. CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) as Roga calmly moves through it, phaser in hand, senses alert. He peers around a corridor. A security guard stands nearby the glowing rim of a forcefield. Roga ducks back around the corner. What to do? He approaches a turbolift. Its door OPENS. Roga hesitates -- then enters the turbolift. 51 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard, Data, supernumeraries. DATA Sir, unauthorized access of turbolift dive on deck thirty-four. RIKER He took the bait. PICARD Data -- override its destination and divert that turbolift to a position near Lieutenant Worf's current location. Data works his panel. 52 INT. CORRIDOR (Not the same corridor we've just seen.) Worf and a security guard are facing a turbolift, standing well clear of the door with phasers levelled at it. Worf taps his insignia: WORF We're in position. DATA'S COM VOICE Four seconds to arrival. The door OPENS. The turbolift's empty -- except for a phaser on the floor. We HEAR the SHRIEK of a phaser set to overload. Worf immediately slaps his communicator -- STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/30/89 - ACT FOUR 35. 52 CONTINUED: WORF Phaser on overload! Seal this deck -- Worf swiftly drops to his knees, picks up the overloading phaser, opens it, makes a quick adjustment to it. The SHRIEK ENDS. WORF (cont'd) Captain, the overload's been averted. Worf inspects the phaser: WORF (cont'd) Ingenious. 52AA INT. CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) (Same one we saw Roga in before.) The security guard still at his post. He hears a sound, turns... it's Roga, who dispatches him quickly with a blow to the neck. The Security Guard crumbles. Roga quickly kneels beside him, grabs hold of one of the guard's hands and presses a finger to his communicator. ROGA (to computer) Drop force field on deck thirty-six. The force field SHIMMERS for an instant and then disappears. Roga is immediately up and running down the corridor. 52A INT. MAIN BRIDGE DATA Sir, containment field down on deck thirty-six. RIKER How the hell did he manage that? From Picard -- the simple statement. PICARD He's headed for Engineering. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT FOUR 35A. 52A CONTINUED: RIKER (to Comm) Riker to La Forge. No response. Alarmed, Riker tries again: RIKER (cont'd) Engineering -- respond. Still no response. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT FOUR 36. 53 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi and two engineering crewmembers are sprawled unconscious. PAN to reveal Roga standing by a wall display and looking at a "map" of the Enterprise. 54 ON ROGA crossing to the isolinear chips and going to work. 54A INT. MAIN BRIDGE DATA Sir -- someone in Engineering is attempting to override the security system lockout. RIKER Riker to Worf. He's in Engineering... WORF'S COM VOICE Acknowledged, Commander. PICARD Data -- I want you to stall Danar. Allow him to think he's succeeding. DATA (as he works) As he bypasses each subsystem, I can reroute it without his knowledge. PICARD Make it so. 54B INT. ENGINEERING as Danar moves isolinear chips around. 54C INT. MAIN BRIDGE as Data compensates on his console. With each "move," Data is more impressed with Danar's skills. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT FOUR 37. 54C CONTINUED: DATA Danar is extremely adept, sir. I am not certain which security measure he is attempting to circumvent. (then, surprised) Sir, Danar has succeeded in restoring power to Shuttlebay Two. 54D INT. ENGINEERING as Danar crosses to the reactor core. 55 NEW ANGLE as Roga quickly ascends the reactor core, disappears. 55A INT. MAIN BRIDGE Data works his console. DATA I have overridden Danar's bypass; Shuttlebay Two is once again inactive. PICARD Very good, Mister Data. And now we know where he's headed. 56 ANGLE ON MAIN ENGINEERING Worf and two security guards ENTER. Geordi and the two engineering crewmembers are slowly coming around. 57 INT. JEFFERIES TUBE Roga is walking through a Jefferies Tube. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT FOUR 38. 58 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi's sitting up, shaking off a phaser stun. GEORDI He surprised us... came out of nowhere. I didn't know anyone could move that fast... Worf's insignia BEEPS. DATA'S COM VOICE Lieutenant, I am reading an open access panel... K-twelve, deck thirty. WORF Acknowledged. GEORDI Danar must have climbed the reactor core and gotten into a Jefferies tube. He could be anywhere. WORF We believe he is attempting to reach Shuttlebay Two. GEORDI (surprised) That's twenty-five decks up from here... quite a climb... but I wouldn't put it past him... WORF There is a full contingent of security waiting at all shuttlebays. Geordi looks up the reactor core shaft. Having seen Roga in action, he's not about to underestimate him: GEORDI You want my advice... double it. 59 INT. JEFFERIES TUBE Roga continues walking through the tube. He reaches an intersection where many wave guides and conduits come together. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT FOUR 39. 59 CONTINUED: Roga takes one of the two phasers he's carrying, opens it, adjusts it. We HEAR the faint first stage of a PHASER OVERLOAD WHINE. Roga jams the phaser into the mass of conduit and continues his walk. 60 OMITTED 61 INT. MAIN BRIDGE DATA Reading another open access panel... Picard looks over his shoulder. PICARD (to Comm) Security team to Jefferies tube J-four, deck fifteen. SECURITY GUARD COM VOICE Security acknowledges. On our way. RIKER Deck fifteen. Only a few decks below the shuttlebay. Data turns to Picard. DATA Captain, I find it highly unlikely that Danar is attempting to reach Shuttlebay Two. PICARD Explain. DATA In our previous encounter, Danar employed a strategy of misdirection in an attempt to gain his objective. PICARD And you believe he's using the same tactic now. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT FOUR 39A. 61 CONTINUED: DATA He is aware that our sensors are unable to track him. Yet he seems to be purposely leaving a trail for us to follow. Riker remains somewhat skeptical. RIKER And where do you think he's headed. DATA I am afraid his true destination remains a mystery. 61A INT. JEFFRIES TUBE Roga making quick adjustments in one of the access panels. 61B INT. MAIN BRIDGE Data notices a new reading on his panel. DATA Captain, readings now indicate an open access panel... Jeffries tube N-eleven, deck thirty-eight. Picard and Riker exchange concerned looks. PICARD He doubled back on us. RIKER The cargo bays? Picard makes a quick decision. PICARD (to Data) Advise personnel on deck thirty-eight to stay out of all Cargo Bays. DATA (checking) They would appear to be empty, sir. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT FOUR 40. 61B CONTINUED: PICARD Good. I want you to flood them with Anastazine. Now it's Riker and Data who exchange looks. 62 OMITTED 63 INT. CARGO BAY Roga is working at the transporter console when gas begins to rush out from the floor and ceiling. As he reacts -- 63A INT. MAIN BRIDGE DATA (reading off panel) Sensors show Anestazine concentration of seventy parts per million within the cargo bays. RIKER That should have put our boy to sleep. PICARD Restore normal environmental conditions, Mister Data. 63B INT. DECK THIRTY-EIGHT CORRIDOR Worf and two security guards stand outside the entrance to one of the cargo bays, phasers ready. PICARD'S COM VOICE Move in security teams, Mister Worf. WORF Acknowledged. The cargo doors open. 63C INT. CARGO BAY They enter and spread out, moving through the assorted cases, boxes and supplies piled all around the room. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT FOUR 41. 64 CLOSE on an opened cargo box. Worf sees it, rushes over. Something's been taken. Worf taps his insignia. WORF Worf to bridge. We have found no sign of the intruder. But there is a pressure suit missing from Cargo Bay Three. 64A INT. MAIN BRIDGE as Picard and Riker react. PICARD A pressure suit... RIKER Could be he's planning to enter Shuttlebay Two from outside the Enterprise... bypassing the security guards. PICARD Mister Worf -- 65 thru OMITTED 68 69 INT. CARGO BAY as Worf and the two security guards listen. PICARD'S COM VOICE Post security guards at all emergency airlocks on decks thirty-seven through thirty-nine... 69A ANGLE ON ROGA hiding behind a crate. The discarded pressure suit at his feet. WORF (O.S.) Aye, sir. I'll also cover the photon torpedo launchers... Danar may attempt to leave the ship that way. Worf out. Roga listens. SOUND of the DOOR CLOSING. Roga peeks: STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT FOUR 42. 70 ON THE DOOR - ROGA'S POV As the door CLOSES, the two security guards can be seen EXITING into the corridor. 71 thru OMITTED 77 78 WIDER ANGLE as an unarmed Roga emerges from his hiding place -- and at the same moment, Worf emerges from his hiding place, phaser aimed at Roga. WORF You are cunning, Danar... you must have Klingon blood. But the battle is over. ROGA My battle is never over. WORF (taps insignia) Worf to bridge. I have Danar... SMASH CUT TO: 79 INT. JEFFERIES TUBE as the phaser reaches overload and EXPLODES. 80 INT. CARGO BAY as the lights FLICKER and the ship SHAKES. Worf's thrown off balance for a split-second -- and that's all Roga needs. With a lightning move, he disarms Worf -- the phaser goes skidding across the floor -- and the fight is on. 80A INT. MAIN BRIDGE DATA Explosion in Jefferies Tube section T-nine-five. All external sensors are inoperative. RIKER Go to backup systems. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT FOUR 43. 80A CONTINUED: DATA Unable to transfer control... 80B INT. CARGO BAY as Roga and Worf battle. Roga fights like a cornered tiger, finally gets the upper hand, drops Worf with a massive two-handed blow. Worf sags, nearly unconscious. Instinctively, Roga prepares to deliver a death blow -- but stops himself at the last second, runs off toward the transporter console. 81 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Roga taps the face of the transporter console as he runs past it; the console and the pad spring to life and energize. Roga jumps onto the pad and DEMATERIALIZES. 82 thru OMITTED 83 83A INT. ANGOSIAN TRANSPORT SHIP (OPTICAL) as Roga MATERIALIZES in a compartment aft of the cockpit, opens the door. In the cockpit, Wagnor and his first officer turn, are stunned to see Roga... 84 INT. CARGO BAY Two security guards have joined Worf, who is still staggering from his fight with Roga. Worf opens a panel on the transporter console, sees that a phaser has been jerry-rigged into the circuitry. He taps his insignia: WORF Worf to bridge. Danar has escaped. He used a phaser to power the cargo transporter. (checks console) Coordinates indicate he beamed aboard the Angosian transport ship. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT FOUR 44. 84A INT. MAIN BRIDGE Data is working his console with little success. PICARD Data, can you verify that? DATA Negative. External sensors are still nonfunctioning. PICARD Then we have no way to track him. RIKER That was his plan all along. And as Riker looks at Picard, we, FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/26/89 - ACT FIVE 45. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 85 thru OMITTED 90 91 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit. RIKER (V.O.) First officer's log, supplemental. We are continuing to repair damage to the ship's sensors following the escape of the Angosian prisoner Danar. He is still at large. 91A INT. MAIN BRIDGE Hours later. Worf has returned to the bridge. Riker is with him at Tactical. Troi is there too. RIKER (keys insignia) Engineering, I'm getting readings at Tactical, are we back up... GEORDI'S COM VOICE That's affirmative, Commander. PICARD Sweep the area, Mister Worf... DATA Captain, the prime minister is hailing us, priority one... PICARD On screen. 91B ANGLE - MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) PICARD Yes, Prime Minister. NAYROK Captain, I've just been informed that Roga Danar has attacked the penal colony on Lunar Five... STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/26/89 - ACT FIVE 46. 91B CONTINUED: PICARD Attacked it... ? NAYROK (angry) In our own police shuttle. Several of my people are wounded. Hundreds of prisoners are rioting. Some of them have escaped with Danar. We have reports they are headed for the capitol city... (scared) Captain, we are not suited to handle situations like this... that's why we created them... Picard frowns. He has much to say to the prime minister, but this is not the time. PICARD We'll send an away team, Prime Minister... Picard out. 91C ANGLE -- Leading the way... PICARD Counselor Troi, Mister Data, Lieutenant Worf... you will accompany me to the planet... 91D INT. CORRIDOR Outside the transporter room... moving... Picard with Troi and Data... followed by Riker and Worf... PICARD My understanding is that these men were programmed to survive, is that correct? STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - 10/25/89 - ACT FIVE 47. 91D CONTINUED: TROI Yes, Captain. PICARD And they will not kill unless their survival is at stake? DATA It is against their nature to do so, Captain. PICARD (dry) Then let us hope they do not believe their survival is at stake. Moving back to center on Riker and Worf... RIKER Mister Worf, you are personally responsible for the captain's safety. WORF I understand, Commander. As they enter the Transporter Room... 92 thru OMITTED 93 94 INT. ANGOSIAN SENATE - NIGHT Nayrok and a group of TEN ANGOSIAN SENATORS have gathered in the rotunda... Zaynar is passing out phaser rifles... the men look at the weapons in their hands as though they've hardly seen them before. NAYROK (addressing the senators) I do not expect them to listen to reason... I loathe the idea of a violent confrontation, but we must be prepared... Picard, Data, Troi and Worf MATERIALIZE. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT FIVE 48. 94 CONTINUED: NAYROK (reacts) This is all you've brought... ? Where are your security men... ? PICARD We're not here to fight your wars, Prime Minister... NAYROK They've been seen moving toward the center of the city... people are scared, Captain... don't you understand... ? They're dangerous. PICARD You are dangerous. They are only victims. (reactions) You made them what they are. You asked them to defend your way of life... then you discarded them. ZAYNAR They were not happy here... TROI They were not welcome here. ZAYNAR It was the will of the people to resettle them... NAYROK Nobody was pleased with the solution, Captain... but we had to act for the greater good... DATA Prime Minister, if you have the skills to create a master soldier, can you not contradict the effect... ? NAYROK The chemicals can be removed from their systems. But we're not convinced the psychological conditioning can be entirely reversed. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT FIVE 49. 94 CONTINUED: (2) DATA Have you tried? NAYROK We've studied it thoroughly... even before the training began, we knew there would be problems reversing it. It was a risk we had to take. WORF Did you reveal that "risk" to the men who volunteered for service? And now the shame shows on the Prime Minister's face... we know the answer is no... he doesn't have to say it. NAYROK We were helping them to survive the, war, don't you understand? They needed these skills... PICARD They are your sons, your brothers. And you have turned your backs on them. TROI There are methods of treatment... until you try them, you can't know if they will work. Even a partial recovery would give them some peace... ZAYNAR (repeating) It was the will of the people... TROI (losing patience with this guy) To allow them to suffer? NAYROK There was a referendum. The people weighed the costs involved. They chose the resettlement solution. ZAYNAR Besides, we may need to use them again some day. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/27/89 - ACT FIVE 49A. 95 VARIOUS ANGLES - THE ROTUNDA (OPTICAL) Roga comes bursting through the door... he carries a phaser weapon... he walks toward us... a few beats later, more figures appear, firing as they enter... entering through doors, from the roof, windows, until a dozen veterans, all armed, are in the building... some have been wounded in the prison break... bloodied arms and legs... bandages... INTERCUT: 96 THE SENATORS OF ANGOSIA, along with Picard and his officers, watch them cross the rotunda toward them... 97 ROGA has sustained a wound somewhere along the line, his arm is bloodied... STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 11/3/89 - ACT FIVE 50. 98 NAYROK watches them come... 99 PICARD glances over and sees... Zaynar lifting his weapon... PICARD Unless you are prepared to die, I'd suggest you put that down. NAYROK (to Zaynar) Do as he says. 100 THE VETERANS (OPTICAL) committing acts of mayhem and destruction. ROGA Shoot us. Destroy us. Do what you have to do. But, by God, you will no longer ignore us. He fires a shot over the prime minister's head blowing a piece of the wall up behind him. The officials begin to react... raise their weapons... the veterans raise their weapons and we are about to have death in the hallowed halls of government... Picard steps out between the two sides, intent on quelling the immediate crisis. PICARD Danar, it appears to me that you are deliberately attempting to provoke a response... so you may justify your own attack on men who do not wish to fight... ROGA Cowards... PICARD Yes... (beat) But you are not programmed to murder cowards... and if they will not fight back, what will you do? STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 11/3/89 - ACT FIVE 50A. 100 CONTINUED: ROGA We will not go back... STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - 10/25/89 - ACT FIVE 51. 100 CONTINUED: NAYROCK You are programmed to survive... you can survive at the Lunar Five settlement... ROGA Survival is not enough... to exist is not enough... TROI Roga, tell them what you want. A long beat as he looks at her and then Nayrok. ROGA We want our lives back. We want to come home. NAYROK (political) I'm not prepared to negotiate under a threat, Danar... but if you will put down your arms and return peacefully to Lunar Five... I would be willing... ROGA Mister Prime Minister. Our respects, sir. But you'll have to force us... or try to. A beat. Nayrok pales. NAYROK (sotto, to Picard) Captain, you must do something, call your ship... PICARD You're quite right, Prime Minister. (keys insignia) Enterprise, prepare to beam the away team back. RIKER'S COM VOICE At your command, Captain. NAYROK You can't leave us like this, Picard. STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - REV. 10/26/89 - ACT FIVE 52. 100 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD We have everything we need for our report. Your prisoner has been returned to you. You have a decision to make... either try to force them back or welcome them home. In your own words, this is not our affair. We cannot interfere with the natural course of your society's development and I'd say it's likely to develop significantly during the next several minutes. (beat) It's been an interesting stay. When you are ready for membership in the Federation, we will be pleased to reconsider your application. He keys his insignia... PICARD Four to beam up, Mister Riker. And as he stares at the Prime Minister... Troi exchanges a look with Roga and the away team DEMATERIALIZES. 101 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) 102 INT. MAIN BRIDGE The away team enters... Wesley is at Conn. RIKER Success, Captain? PICARD Number One, note in your report that if the government of Angosia survives the night, we will offer Federation assistance in the efforts to reprogram their veterans. RIKER And if the government doesn't survive? STAR TREK: "The Hunted" - 10/25/89 - ACT FIVE 53. 102 CONTINUED: PICARD I have a feeling they will choose to. He sits in his command chair. PICARD Mister Crusher, set coordinates for the starbase at Lya Three. WESLEY Coordinates set, Captain. PICARD Engage. 103 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) As it warps away to a new adventure. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END