STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "A Matter of Perspective" #40273-162 Written by Ed Zuckerman Directed by Cliff Bole THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1989 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT NOVEMBER 27, 1989 STAR TREK: "A Matter of Perspective" - 11/27/89 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "A Matter of Perspective" CAST PICARD KRAG RIKER APGAR DATA MANUA BEVERLY TAYNA TROI GEORDI WORF WESLEY O'BRIEN Non-Speaking TWO ART STUDENTS ENSIGN WILLIAMS LIEUTENANT WRIGHT NUDE FEMALE MODEL NURSE CREWWOMAN SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: "A Matter of Perspective" - 11/27/89 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "A Matter of Perspective" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM SPACE STATION CORRIDOR TRANSPORTER ROOM TURBOLIFT SICKBAY HOLODECK HOLODECK EMPTY ART CLASS SPACE STATION SPACE STATION LABORATORY LIVING AREA GUEST QUARTERS STAR TREK: "A Matter of Perspective" - 11/30/89 STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "A Matter of Perspective" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE APGAR AP-garr DICOSILIUM dye-co-SIL-lee-uhm MANUA MAN-you-ah TANUGA TAN-ooh-guh TANUGAN TAN-ooh-gun TAYNA TAY-nah EMILA em-EEL-ah STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/28/89 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "A Matter of Perspective" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. HOLODECK/ART CLASS Open on side view of painting canvas. PICARD'S hand comes into picture from o.s. with paintbrush and works on the as-yet-unseen painting. PULL BACK to reveal PICARD sitting in an art class along with TWO SUPERNUMERARIES. They are all painting something that is presently o.s. 2 ANOTHER ANGLE shows that the class is painting a NUDE FEMALE MODEL. 3 ON HOLODECK DOORS The doors OPEN and DATA ENTERS. He walks over to address Picard. DATA (sotto voce) We have arrived at Tanuga Four, Captain. The away team has completed its survey of Doctor Apgar's work and is ready to return to the ship. PICARD (putting aside paintbrush) Good. Data is curious about Picard's artwork and is trying to get a better look at it when Picard notices his interest. PICARD (cont'd) (gestures) Please... and examine the work of the other students as well. Data moves in front of all three paintings as the other students move aside. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/30/89 - TEASER 2. 4 DATA AT PICTURE #1 Woman with flowers. DATA Ensign Williams' striking style is heavily influenced by geometric constructivism. Moving to... 4A DATA AT PICTURE #2 Woman with violin. DATA Lieutenant Wright has effectively fused the incongruities of the surrealists with the irrationality of Dadaism. Returning to... 5 PICARD'S PAINTING Picard tries not to betray his feelings as Data prepares to pronounce judgment. DATA Interesting. PICARD How so? DATA While suggesting the free treatment of form usually attributed to Fauvism, this quite inappropriately attempts to juxtapose the disparate cubistic styles of Picasso and Leger. In addition, the use of color suggests a haphazard melange of clashing styles. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/30/89 - TEASER 3. 5 CONTINUED: DATA (Cont'd) Furthermore, the unsettling overtones of proto-Vulcan influences... Picard's features have become progressively clouded during this speech and finally he's had enough. PICARD (strained) Thank you... Mister Data. DATA You are welcome, sir. If I may be of any further assistance -- PICARD No... thank you. Data turns and EXITS. Off Picards reaction... 5A ALTERNATE Picard slowly walks toward his painting; picks up a jar full of paint brushes, removes the brushes and proceeds to throw the bright red liquid onto his canvas. 6 OMITTED 7 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND SPACE STATION (OPTICAL) The ship is in orbit around a planet along with a small space station. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 43610.4. After completing a delivery of dicosilium to the Tanuga Four research station, our away team is receiving an update from Doctor Nel Apgar on his efforts to create Krieger Waves, a potentially valuable new power source. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/28/89 - TEASER 3A. 8 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard and Data ENTER from the turbolift. WORF at Tactical. GEORDI is at an Aft Science Station going over some information on the console. Data goes to Ops. PICARD Welcome back, Mister La Forge. Where's Commander Riker? And Geordi answers evenly, but there is a trace of tension in his voice... STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/28/89 - TEASER 4. 8 CONTINUED: GEORDI Still on the station, sir. Doctor Apgar wanted a word with him. Picard notices... PICARD Any problems... ? Hesitating, this is really something Riker should tell Picard about... GEORDI Not... with the scientific part of the mission, sir... Picard's curiosity is raised even further by Geordi's evasiveness, but before he can pursue it, Riker's voice breaks in over the com line. RIKER'S COM VOICE (a little stiffly) Riker to Enterprise. I'm ready to leave now. Saved by the bell... to Picard's unspoken question -- GEORDI I'm sure Commander Riker will explain, sir... What is going on, wonders Picard. As... 9 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM O'BRIEN Stand by, Commander. Engaging transport. O'BRIEN energizes the transporter console. Nothing happens. O'Brien frowns at his console: O'BRIEN (to com panel) Transporter Room to Engineering. I have a power drain... STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/4/89 - TEASER 5. 9A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Near the space station... which suddenly EXPLODES. 10 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - ON PICARD AND MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAAL) Picard is moving toward the command center. In the b.g. the aftermath of the explosion is clearly visible on the Main Viewer. Data at Ops. Supernumerary at Conn. PICARD (urgently) Transporter Room! Is Commander Riker aboard? 11 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) O'Brien working furiously at the console. O'BRIEN Not yet, Captain. I'm having trouble clearing the signal... He continues to fight to bring Riker aboard. On the transporter pad, the TRANSPORTER EFFECT shimmers, weakens, shimmers again... finally RIKER begins to take shape. The EFFECT ENDS and Riker steps off the pad. O'BRIEN (cont'd) Transporter Room to bridge. He's aboard. RIKER You sound surprised, Mister O'Brien... O'BRIEN For a moment, we weren't sure you left the space station in time... RIKER In time for what... ? O'BRIEN It just exploded, sir. On Riker's reaction -- FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/28/89 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: 12 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship is in orbit as before. The space station is gone, but perhaps there is a faint cloud of particles or debris left over from the explosion seen earlier. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, supplemental: Commander Riker has informed me that Doctor Apgar was the only one aboard the space station when it exploded. We remain in orbit investigating the accident... 13 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard, Riker, Geordi... WESLEY is at Conn, Worf at Tactical, Data at Ops... O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE I've gone through the whole system, sir... I can't find any malfunction in the transporter, nothing that would cause an explosion like that... INTERCUT: 13A INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM PICARD'S COM VOICE Why was there a power drain before transport? O'BRIEN I don't know, Captain. PICARD'S COM VOICE I want an answer to that question... I'm sure the Tanugans will too... O'BRIEN Yessir. END INTERCUT: STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/28/89 - ACT ONE 6A. 13B INT. MAIN BRIDGE DATA Captain, the radiation and debris are consistent with an overload of the station's reactor core. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/29/89 - ACT ONE 7. 13B CONTINUED: Picard turns to Riker and Geordi... PICARD Any indications of reactor core problems while you were on the station? GEORDI No, sir. Riker's brow is wrinkled... his mind is not in the room. Picard notices... PICARD Number One... ? Riker looks up, shakes his head, no. PICARD (to Riker) Commander La Forge suggested this was not an entirely routine mission... RIKER (sighs) It's a long story, Captain... (beat) ... but I'm sure it doesn't have anything to do with this accident. His voice sounds uncertain. WORF Captain, Chief Investigator Krag of the Tanugan security force requests permission to beam aboard. Picard reacts, stares at Riker. PICARD Granted, Lieutenant, please escort our guest to the bridge. (beat) ...slowly. WORF Aye, sir. Worf EXITS... STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/28/89 - ACT ONE 7A. 13B CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (to Riker) Perhaps you should tell me as much as possible prior to his arrival, Number One. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/28/89 - ACT ONE 8. 13B CONTINUED: (3) Riker sighs, acknowledges. 14 thru OMITTED 17 17A INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) As Inspector Krag MATERIALIZES. His curious eyes examine his surroundings, study the Klingon who greets him, and O'Brien behind the console. WORF I am Lieutenant Worf, head of ship's security. I will take you to the captain. Krag nods and follows; he could be intimidated here, away from his usual turf, but he isn't... 18 INT. MAIN BRIDGE As before. Worf ENTERS from the turbolift along with Krag. Geordi is at the science station. Data and Wesley are at their accustomed stations. Krag is at all times soft-spoken, calm, rather British in nature (no accent)... qualities of the men of his race... but also fine qualities for an investigator. He is also quite relentless and determined to get to the truth. PICARD Chief Investigator, welcome to the Enterprise. I'm Captain Picard... my first officer, Commander William Riker. Krag all but ignores Picard at the mention of Riker's name. KRAG Commander Riker, I am here to take you into custody... RIKER On what charge? KRAG Suspicion of murder. All over the bridge, heads turn in shock. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/29/89 - ACT ONE 9. 18 CONTINUED: RIKER (reacts) Murder... now wait a minute... PICARD (interrupting) Chief Investigator... we are more than willing to cooperate fully with you, but... KRAG Then you will release the prisoner for transportation to the planet. Picard holds up a hand: "just wait a second", realizes the bridge is no place to have this discussion... PICARD (to Krag) Why don't we discuss this in private... Indicating the way... Riker moves to join them, but Picard, as his captain, looks him back with purpose... PICARD You have the bridge, Number One. Riker is about to protest, but instead says nothing and remains on the bridge as Picard and Krag EXIT into the Ready Room. The rest of the bridge crew can't help but steal glances at Riker. 19 INT. READY ROOM Picard indicates a chair for Krag as he seats himself at the desk. Krag remains standing and is waiting for Picard to make the first move. PICARD Just what is your evidence against my officer? KRAG Two witnesses have come forward to describe Commander Riker's threats against Doctor Apgar... STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/28/89 - ACT ONE 10. 19 CONTINUED: PICARD Threats... ? I am aware of an altercation between the two of them... KRAG It apparently was much more than just an altercation, Captain... but he will have a chance to prove his innocence... PICARD In our system of legal jurisprudence, a man is innocent until proved guilty. KRAG In ours, he is guilty until he is proved innocent. And you are in our jurisdiction. If I understand the Federation regulations on these matters, and I just happened to look them up before I... PICARD (interrupting) I'm aware of the Federation regulations, sir... and if you will check further, they say the captain will decide if extradition is warranted... KRAG Are you saying it is not? PICARD I'm saying... ... backing off the conflict, knowing it does not help matters. PICARD (continuing) If I find that there is sufficient cause to warrant a trial, I will... release Commander Riker to your custody. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/28/89 - ACT ONE 10A. 19 CONTINUED: (2) KRAG (thoughtful beat) Would you say you're close to your first officer, Captain? STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/29/89 - ACT ONE 11. 19 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD That's irrelevant here... KRAG Really, Captain, you cannot believe that. And how can I expect a fair and impartial decision? PICARD I will protect the rights of my officer... KRAG I appreciate that. But you'll have to do it on the planet, not here. After all, what if you were suddenly to decide to leave this star system... ? PICARD You have my word as an officer of Starfleet that I will not. KRAG Unacceptable. You must turn him over to me for interrogation. PICARD Interrogate him here. KRAG Captain, we must recreate step-by-step, moment-by-moment, the events leading to the explosion... we need immediate access to all the witnesses, as well as the data from the lab's ground computers. It would be impossible to accomplish here. A beat. Looking for a compromise -- PICARD Perhaps not. (keys insignia) Mister Data, please report to my Ready Room. (to Krag) In fact, I may be able to assist you in recreating the events. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/28/89 - ACT ONE 11A. 19 CONTINUED: (4) Data ENTERS. PICARD Commander Data, Chief Inspector Krag. They bow to each other... Krag looks curiously at the android... STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/29/89 - ACT ONE 12. 19 CONTINUED: (5) PICARD Data, by taking testimony from both the away team and from witnesses provided by Investigator Krag, would it be possible to program the Holodeck to recreate what happened aboard the science station? DATA It would require construction and design specifications, full orthographic representations of the Krieger equipment, as well as visual representations and voice analyses of the persons involved... but yes, it is possible. Krag considers this. Picard is clearly unmovable on releasing Riker. He nods. KRAG Very well. Arrangements will be made to provide you with all available information. I shall return shortly with our witnesses. PICARD Data, escort the chief inspector to Transporter Room Three. As they EXIT, stay on Picard a beat, see his frown as he considers the situation... STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/27/89 - ACT ONE 13. 20 INT. MAIN BRIDGE As before. Riker is sitting in command and trying not to throw glances at the Ready Room door. Picard ENTERS from the Ready Room. TROI is now on the bridge. PICARD Mister La Forge, Ensign Crusher, we are going to recreate the research station on the Holodeck. I want you to work with Mister Data on the preparations. In addition, Mister La Forge, you and Commander Riker will give the computer detailed depositions on everything you heard and saw while aboard. Counselor, you will assist me during this inquiry. Picard pauses for a second as he considers the impact of his next words on his trusted first officer. PICARD (cont'd) (quiet yet firm) My decision on extradition will be based upon the evidence presented in these re-creations. Riker can't really believe all this is happening, but Picard's expression is set. RIKER Captain, may I have a word with you? PICARD Under these circumstances, I believe it would be inappropriate, Number One. Picard exits. PUSH IN on Riker's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/3/89 - ACT TWO 14-14A. ACT TWO FADE IN: 20A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) As before. DATA (V.O.) Second officer's log, Stardate 43611.6. Programming of the Holodeck has taken eighteen hours and is now complete. 21 INT. CORRIDOR as Picard, Riker, Troi, and Krag approach the Holodeck doors. DATA (V.O.) All participants have entered their depositions. Technical schematics, and complete records from the lab's ground computers, as well as Doctor Apgar's personal logs, have been included. The recreation has a nominal eight-point-seven percent margin of error. The participants ENTER the Holodeck. 22 INT. HOLODECK/SPACE STATION LABORATORY (OPTICAL) This is the main laboratory of the space station. The walls are lined with consoles, readouts, and computer equipment, most of which is inactive at the moment. Dominating the room is a large array of energy-focusing condensers, field coils, refractors, and so forth. Nearby is a medium-sized power reactor. Picard and Krag step into the center of the simulation. Picard nods approval. Even the normally poker-faced Krag is impressed. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/3/89 - ACT TWO 15. 22 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Is there anything you'd like to say before we begin, Number One? To Krag -- RIKER Just this. I'm not a murderer. I went to the Tanugan lab as an official representative of Starfleet. And I acted accordingly. I was there to evaluate Apgar's progress on development of a Krieger Wave converter. That's all I was interested in. Computer. Load deposition program, Riker One. 23 ANGLE ON THE LAB (OPTICAL) The holograms of APGAR and TAYNA APPEAR, frozen in position. Apgar is male, older than Riker, cold, intelligent, antisocial... and like Krag, he is soft-spoken, reserved. Tayna is female, early twenties, the deferential assistant. RIKER Run the simulation. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/3/89 - ACT TWO 16. 24 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) The Apgar and Tayna holograms "come to life" just as (holograms of) Geordi, and Riker MATERIALIZE in the lab (the away team beaming onto the station). (It's important to note that in Riker's presentation of the story, he is extremely business-like, almost flat in character... he is not as charming or personable as we know he can be. Nevertheless, for him, this is the truth.) RIKER Doctor Apgar? I'm Commander William Riker; Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge. Apgar's making an effort to be polite, but he's plainly less than overjoyed to see them. And impatient to get it over with. APGAR My assistant Tayna... well, let's get on with it, shall we? From off camera, heads turning to the voice of -- MANUA (O.S.) Don't be in such a hurry, dear... 24A ANGLE - MANUA entering... and it's a moment... like that first look that Bacall gave Bogart in "To Have and Have Not", she gives that look to Riker... female, thirties, strong, outgoing -- she takes your breath away. But Riker's hologram is quite unmoved. MANUA (continuing) Perhaps our guests would like some refreshment... STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/3/89 - ACT TWO 17. 24A CONTINUED: She moves to Riker, looks him in the eyes... APGAR My wife, Manua... RIKER (pleasant but routine) Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Apgar. His attention is on Apgar... RIKER Doctor, if you're prepared to get started, so are we... APGAR (defensive) Prepared? Of course I'm prepared... RIKER (reacts) All right... then why don't you give me the overview of your research while Mister La Forge and your assistant look at the experimental data... APGAR Fine. Whatever. I must say, Commander, I resent your early arrival. Starfleet will get its converter... I've had a few setbacks, that's all... STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/4/89 - ACT TWO 17A. 24A CONTINUED: (2) RIKER (sympathetic) Doctor, we're not here to pressure you, we just want an update on your progress. Apgar grunts, disbelieving. Riker glances toward -- STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/3/89 - ACT TWO 18. 24B ANGLE - MANUA revealing she is bored beyond description, leaning languidly against a counter with her elbows back, supporting her and her chest thrust out rather invitingly, her eyes undress Riker. APGAR Tayna -- show the commander's assistant whatever he wants to see. Give him full access to our records. TAYNA (to Geordi) If you'll come with me... Tayna leads Geordi over to the other side of the lab, shows him the large array of condensers. TAYNA Our Lambda Field generator is on the planet since it requires a minimum of five thousand kilometers for the field to collimate. ... And out of earshot. 25 ON MANUA turning to Riker and smiling warmly. MANUA (to her husband) Really, darling, you're being rude... after all, Commander Riker is willing to sit through all your prattle about Krieger Waves... Apgar bristles at his wife's digs... she takes Riker's arm... and Riker is embarrassed for Apgar, but it would be extraordinarily awkward for him to throw down her arm now that she has it... MANUA Commander, let me get you a drink... and we'll hear all about Krieger Waves... And Riker is clearly uncomfortable as she leads him to another room... Apgar follows as they exit. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/30/89 - ACT TWO 19. 26 INT. HOLODECK/SPACE STATION LIVING AREA CLOSE on champagne being poured into three flutes. WIDEN to reveal Manua doing the pouring. Riker and Apgar are seated. Manua hands a glass to Riker; as Riker takes it, their hands touch. Manua smiles. Almost as an afterthought, she hands Apgar his glass. Riker raises his glass in a friendly toast: RIKER To your success, Doctor. MANUA (pointed) ... and the rewards that come with it. Apgar scowls, makes a point of not joining in their toast. Apgar gets down to business, states his grievances: APGAR Riker -- what is Starfleet doing here anyway? My delivery wasn't scheduled for another three months. RIKER Actually, we're in this sector on another mission... and you had asked Starfleet for additional dicosilium.... it seemed like a good opportunity. MANUA How interesting. Tell us about this other mission. As though she's interested in anything other than her husband's work. RIKER It's just a study of a proto-star cloud. The Enterprise will be returning tomorrow. APGAR (even less pleased) The Enterprise just left you here? Riker can't understand why Apgar has such a negative attitude. He tries to placate Apgar: STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/1/89 - ACT TWO 20. 26 CONTINUED: RIKER We have no wish to inconvenience you. We've arranged for quarters on the planet... MANUA (smoothly) I won't hear of such a thing. Commander, I insist you and Mister La Forge stay with us. Again the inviting smile from Manua. Apgar protests: APGAR I hardly think -- MANUA (to Apgar, firm) I know you'd prefer to be alone with your important work... but I, for one, am glad for the company. Apgar sullenly clams up. Manua beams at Riker. MANUA Good. (a beat) I must apologize for my husband's lack of social graces. He may be one of the great scientific minds in the galaxy... but he does come up a bit short in other areas. Riker doesn't know what to say to that, takes a sip of champagne. 27 WIDER ANGLE to reveal Picard, Troi, Krag, and Riker watching the holograms of Manua, Apgar, and Riker in the b.g. KRAG Stop. PICARD computer -- freeze program. The holograms freeze in their tracks. Krag turns to the real Riker: STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/4/89 - ACT TWO 21. 27 CONTINUED: KRAG Then it's your testimony that it was Mrs. Apgar's idea for you to spend the night aboard the station. RIKER It's my testimony... and it's the truth. Krag nods noncommittally. PICARD Resume program. 28 OMITTED 29 INT. HOLODECK/SPACE STATION GUEST QUARTERS (OPTICAL)) The door OPENS; Manua and Riker ENTER the tight quarters. A bed which has been decorated with a definite feminine touch. MANUA Our guest quarters aren't luxurious... but I've tried to make this room warm... and inviting. RIKER I'll be very comfortable, thank you. Good night. But she doesn't leave... MANUA The environmental controls are here... Manua brushes past Riker to show him the controls -- no "accident." RIKER I'm sure I can find everything I need. MANUA And the door shuts by touching this panel. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/28/89 - ACT TWO 22. 29 CONTINUED: It closes. RIKER Mrs. Apgar... MANUA This is my sanctuary. Privacy is very important on a small station. I'm left alone here... ... often for hours. She looks directly at Riker -- Riker ignores her meaning. RIKER It's late. And I'm tired. Manua lets her garment fall off her shoulders. She is wearing a sexy undergarment. MANUA Are you still tired, Commander? Riker quickly reaches for her garment... RIKER Ma'am, excuse me, but I really think you ought to leave... And as he puts it back over her shoulders... his arms around her -- 30 ON THE DOOR as it OPENS to REVEAL Apgar. Seeing Riker's arms around his wife, he snaps: APGAR (to his wife) I knew I'd find you with him. Did you think I didn't notice how you looked at him? I'm not the fool you take me for... RIKER Doctor... STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/29/89 - ACT TWO 22A. 31 NEW ANGLE Apgar slaps his wife hard across the cheek, she cries out, Riker is forced to intervene... Apgar takes a swing at him. Riker deflects the punch harmlessly. Apgar loses his balance and falls. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/3/89 - ACT TWO 23. 31 CONTINUED: Apgar stares at Riker with hatred and embarrassment. RIKER Doctor, believe me, this is all a terrible mistake... Apgar scrambles to his feet and as he storms out of the room he says -- APGAR (to Riker) You won't get away with this. I'll see to it. I swear I will, Riker. He EXITS... Manua in tears, rushes out after him without even a glance at Riker. The hologram program ends with Riker alone in the room. RIKER (O.S.) Freeze program. Riker's hologram FREEZES. 32 ANGLE ON RIKER (OPTICAL) RIKER I didn't see Doctor Apgar again until the following morning when he asked to see me alone. Commander La Forge returned to the Enterprise... (a beat) Resume program. An over the shoulder shot establishing our people watching. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/30/89 - ACT TWO 24. 33 ANGLE ON HOLODECK/SPACE STATION LABORATORY The holograms of Riker and Apgar stand in the main laboratory area. APGAR (fuming) I suppose if I make a formal complaint, your report on my work won't be very good... RIKER Doctor, this will have no impact on my report. It was a misunderstanding of the worst kind... and I feel I could straighten it out if you would ask Mrs. Apgar to join us... APGAR (curtly) My wife and my assistant have transported down to the planet. Apgar is a man under a great strain, looks away, shakes his head, then looks back at Riker. He can't let Riker leave without knowing where he stands... APGAR What are you going to put in your report, Riker? That there's no justification for all the extra dicosilium I've requested? That is why they sent you early, isn't it? RIKER Doctor... APGAR (too earnest) I can explain why I needed it. They have no idea what my problems are... there are explanations for all of it... RIKER (interrupts) I don't need explanations. A moment as they study each other. Apgar seems to understand where he stands now. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/3/89 - ACT TWO 24A. 33 CONTINUED: APGAR Then we have nothing further to say to each other. RIKER (nods, he tried) I will tell my captain to expect your grievance. APGAR Do that. Apgar seats himself at a console begins to work, entering commands. Riker taps his insignia... RIKER Riker to Enterprise. I'm ready to leave now. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Stand by, Commander. Engaging transport. 34 thru OMITTED 38 38A ANGLE - INCLUDE THE GALLERY RIKER Freeze program. As Apgar looks up one last time at Riker, it freezes. RIKER (cont'd) And then I returned to the Enterprise... STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/4/89 - ACT TWO 25. 38A CONTINUED: KRAG And there's nothing you'd like to add... about firing a phaser, Commander? RIKER I fired no phaser aboard the science station. Krag's eyes look perplexed. KRAG That's very odd, Commander. Very odd. Captain Picard, isn't it true that your sensors picked up a power drain just before transport? PICARD That is correct. KRAG Have you been able to explain it? PICARD Not to my knowledge. KRAG (nods) We have. Our readings are quite clear about it. Information retrieved from the lab's ground computers show that a focused energy pulse was fired just as Commander Riker began transport. Furthermore, by analyzing the trajectory and angle, it is clear that it came from the very spot that Commander Riker was standing. In short, allow me to show you my own recreation of the end of this story, a speculation if you will... computer, play hypothetical Krag One. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/29/89 - ACT TWO 26. 39 ANGLE ON HOLODECK/SPACE STATION LABORATORY (OPTICAL) The holograms of Apgar and Riker VANISH, and reappear in the positions just prior to Riker's departure. Riker taps his insignia... RIKER Riker to Enterprise. I'm ready to leave now. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Stand by, Commander. Engaging transport. Just before the dematerialization effect begins on the hologram of Riker, he takes out his phaser and aims it behind Apgar. Riker FIRES the phaser at the reactor -- KRAG Freeze program... Program freezes. KRAG (cont'd) Three seconds later the station exploded. 39A ANGLE - RIKER reacts as we: 40 thru OMITTED 41 FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/28/89 - ACT THREE 27. ACT THREE FADE IN: 41A INT. MAIN BRIDGE (FORMERLY SCENE 45) Data, Geordi and Wesley are gathered around Science One looking at monitors displaying information. Worf is at Tactical. Supernumeraries at Conn and Ops. GEORDI No question about it, the Tanugans are right... something was fired at the reactor core just before transport... DATA The energy signature would seem to indicate a phaser-like blast... WESLEY (strong) Well, it wasn't the commander's phaser. It couldn't be. There's gotta be another answer... we're just not seeing it yet... DATA Was there anything else in the lab capable of creating this kind of energy discharge... ? GEORDI Nothing I saw. And besides, how do you explain that it came from Commander's Riker's exact position... (beat) Dammit, I should have stayed with him... A small alarm goes off on Worf's console. He reacts. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/29/89 - ACT THREE 28. 41A CONTINUED: WORF Sensors indicate a radiation burst on Deck Thirty-Nine. Outside Cargo Bay Twelve. DATA Source? WORF Unknown. DATA Computer identify type of radiation. COMPUTER Emission is not consistent with any known radiation. WORF It is subsiding, sir. They all exchange glances. 41B ANGLE ON - WALL (FORMERLY SCENE 46) A section of wall about the size of a quarter has melted. A tricorder is run across the spot. Pull back to reveal -- 41C INT. CORRIDOR (FORMERLY SCENE 47) Geordi, and Wesley in the deserted corridor, checking tricorder readings. WESLEY Make any sense to you? GEORDI (using the VISOR) I don't recognize it. Even the main deflector doesn't put out that kind of spillage. WESLEY Where would it be coming from... STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/30/89 - ACT THREE 29. 41C CONTINUED: GEORDI I don't know, Wesley... but whatever it is, it's capable of putting a hole in solid duranium. Off Wesley's reaction... 42 INT. HOLODECK/SPACE STATION LABORATORY (OPTICAL) The Holodeck doors open to reveal Krag escorting in Manua. She reacts, stops as she sees the lab recreation. She is as beautiful as Riker described, but is dressed quite conservatively and does not ooze sensuality. She is in fact a grieving widow. 43 OMITTED 44 ANOTHER ANGLE - THE GALLERY As she comes over -- KRAG In a sense we've all met Mrs. Apgar, so shall we dispense with the introductions? But Manua is ignoring him. Her attention is riveted on Riker. Riker half-rises from his chair... PICARD (holding up a hand) Mrs. Apgar, do you understand the purpose of this hearing? She nods. TROI We understand how difficult this will be for you. If you need a recess, please don't hesitate to ask. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/28/89 - ACT THREE 30. 44 CONTINUED: PICARD Would you like to make a statement before we begin? MANUA (unprepared) No. I just know he did it. He killed my husband. Riker reacts... KRAG Load Manua Simulation One. 45 thru OMITTED 47 48 INT. HOLODECK/SPACE STATION LIVING ROOM (OPTICAL) The witness, the accused and the observers at the table. Frozen on stage is Manua and Apgar alone... heading through the living area... she is straightening out his tie (or whatever accessory is appropriate)... 48A MANUA visibly gasps at this sight. Krag studies her, decides she's ready to proceed. KRAG Run program. 49 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) The figures unfreeze... and Manua continues to adjust her husband's appearance, brushing off his suit, etc... he is impatient, bitter and defeated. As she speaks she punctuates her words with encouraging little touches to his hand, cheek, etc. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/3/89 - ACT THREE 31. 49 CONTINUED: MANUA If you greet them with such a long face they're going to assume something is wrong with the experiment. APGAR I just need time... A little more time. MANUA (smiles at him) I'm certain they'll give you the time you need if you just show a little charm. APGAR (kisses her lightly) You do that so much better than I. He catches her as she starts to walk away. APGAR (cont'd) Manua, someday I'll be able to reward you... for all your patience. I'll get you everything you ever dreamed of. MANUA I have all the reward I need. Manua smiles at him, a warm, loving glance. This is a very supportive woman who's charming and in love with life. MANUA (cont'd) Go on, I'll be right in... He EXITS and she takes a deep breath, smiles a hopeful smile to herself... and as she takes a beat to look in a mirror and adjust her hair... from the other room, we can hear the materialization sound... and... STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/3/89 - ACT THREE 32. 49 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER (O.S.) Doctor Apgar? I'm Commander William Riker; Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge. She moves toward the door... APGAR (O.S.) My assistant Tayna... well, let's get on with it, shall we? 49A INT. HOLODECK/SPACE STATION LABORATORY MANUA ENTERS. MANUA Don't be in such a hurry, dear. Perhaps our guests would like some refreshment... APGAR My wife, Manua... And she is Donna Reed here... the happy homemaker... but still there is that moment... because now Riker gives her that look... the look that John Garfield gave Lana Turner in "The Postman Always Rings Twice"... and she feels it and is immediately uncomfortable... RIKER (warm) It's a... pleasure... to meet you, Manua. (And it's important to note that in this take on the story, Riker's attitude is less aloof and formal. He's relaxed and charming. In fact, in some ways he is more like the Riker we know and love.) APGAR I'm anxious to get started... Reluctantly, bringing back his attention to Apgar -- RIKER If you wish. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/29/89 - ACT THREE 32A. 49A CONTINUED: APGAR I must say I resent your early arrival, Commander... I have much work to do... RIKER I'll try to make this as painless as possible. For both of us. (smiles to Manua) Do you assist your husband in his work? MANUA Oh, dear, no. I'm no scientist. RIKER Frankly, neither am I. MANUA (uncomfortable) But I find this all fascinating, don't you? Riker grins as though they share a secret boredom. RIKER Mister La Forge, why don't you go over the doctor's experimental data... (to Apgar) Later on, you can give me an overview... APGAR (defensive) Fine. Whatever. Starfleet will get its Krieger Wave converter... These things take time. I've had a few setbacks, that's all... Manua gives Apgar a warning glance... don't be rude, dear. Apgar pulls it in... RIKER Doctor, I'm not here to put pressure on you. And this is said to Manua -- STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/3/89 - ACT THREE 33. 49A CONTINUED: (2) RIKER (continuing) I'm sure my report will only underscore the need for continued support of your research. And as nice as that sounds, the fact that it is said to Manua could carry with it a tinge of sexual leverage. Apgar grunts, disbelieving... moving away with Geordi and Tayna -- APGAR Tayna, I'll call up the records... show the commander's assistant whatever he wants to see. TAYNA (to Geordi) If you'll come with me... (moving across the lab) Our field generator is on the planet, since it requires a minimum of five thousand kilometers for the field to collimate. Manua suddenly finds herself alone with Riker and his eyes are undressing her... their eyes meet, she quickly moves to her husband at a computer bank... MANUA Darling, let Tayna take care of that... I'm sure Commander Riker wants to hear how close you are to a breakthrough... And it's her husband's arm she takes... MANUA I'll make the two of you a drink and you can talk all about Krieger Waves... And she leads them out... 50 INT. HOLODECK/SPACE STATION LIVING AREA Manua handing a glass of champagne to Riker who is standing close at her side. She crosses to her husband, who is seated on the couch, and gives him a glass. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/3/89 - ACT THREE 34. 50 CONTINUED: APGAR To success. RIKER (glance to Manua) Success. They drink. Manua looks at Apgar with encouraging eyes. Apgar gets the message, clears his throat... APGAR Well, in a way, I suppose it's good you're early. Manua's right -- it gives me a chance to show you the progress we've been making. Riker is paying no to attention to the babbling scientist. He is watching Manua. RIKER I'd appreciate it if Commander La Forge and I could stay here until the Enterprise returns. MANUA (uncomfortable) It's a little inconvenient -- RIKER It might help accelerate the process... Apgar feels the pressure... APGAR If you wish, Commander... Apgar stands, and begins to pace as he warms to his topic. APGAR Now, where shall I start... well, first of all, you should know that I'm very close to being able to collimate a Krieger field... Manua looks up from an abstracted study of her glass, and finds Riker staring at her intently. A long beat as they stare at each other. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/4/89 - ACT THREE 35. 51 INT. HOLODECK/SPACE STATION - GUEST QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Riker is surveying the tiny room. Manua, who stands behind him, and very close to the door, is uncomfortable. RIKER Very... charming. (smiles at her) It has your touch. MANUA (embarrassed) The station is very small, and we don't often have guests. So I use this as my sanctuary. RIKER Who do you need sanctuary from? She smiles off the question uncomfortably... MANUA The environmental controls are here... While she is talking Riker moves to the control panel and CLOSES the door, blocks the exit. Manua starts, and looks back at him. MANUA Commander... it's late and I'm tired. RIKER A husband more interested in Krieger Waves than in a woman like you... how is it possible... MANUA (angry) My husband is one of the great minds in the galaxy... and we love each other very much... She moves toward the door but he stops her, puts his hands on her shoulders... MANUA (softly pleading) Please... don't... STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/4/89 - ACT THREE 35A. 51 CONTINUED: RIKER It must get very lonely for you up here... a princess in a very high tower... MANUA My husband will be looking for me... RIKER Your sanctuary, remember... ? He slips the garment over her shoulders... she covers herself... RIKER (O.S.) She's lying... this never happened... PICARD (O.S.) Freeze program... It freezes. 51A ANOTHER ANGLE - THE WATCHERS (OPTICAL) As Riker can't take this anymore, and he stands. RIKER Captain, you know I would never act like this. PICARD Commander Riker... He crosses into the Holodeck quarters, goes up to his image. RIKER (cont'd) This isn't me. I wasn't the one who closed the door... I didn't proposition her... I certainly didn't try to rape her... (turning to Manua) Why are you doing this? Manua reacts... MANUA It's exactly what happened... STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/28/89 - ACT THREE 35B. 51A CONTINUED: Troi moves out to Riker... STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/3/89 - ACT THREE 36. 51A CONTINUED: (2) Riker looks again at the frozen image... TROI Come on, Will. Sit down. Riker returns to the table. Krag watches it all curiously. KRAG Resume program. 51B INT. HOLODECK/SPACE STATION GUEST QUARTERS (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY SCENE 51A) The door OPENS to REVEAL Apgar. Seeing his wife in Riker's arms he snaps: APGAR (to Riker) I knew you'd try this, Riker. Do you think I didn't notice how you looked at her? I'm not the fool you take me for... In a rage he rushes Riker. Riker blocks Apgar's wild punch, and follows with two hard jabs to the scientist's gut. Apgar doubles over, and falls to the floor. Manua runs to her husband, and drops down protectively at his side. APGAR You won't get away with this. Your career is over. I'll see to it. I swear I will, Riker. RIKER (threatening) If you report this, you'll be making a terrible mistake, Doctor. A terrible mistake. Manua is terrified of Riker. She gets Apgar to his feet, and helps him from the room. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/1/89 - ACT THREE 37. 52 OMITTED 53 ANGLE ON - KRAG (OPTICAL) in the gallery. KRAG Freeze program. MANUA (to Riker) Your career was safe. He was a scientist. In another day some fascinating bit of technical trivia would have distracted him. He would have forgotten about you and his complaint to Starfleet. Riker reacts. MANUA (cont'd) (she begins to cry) Excuse me. She heads for the Holodeck doors, followed by Krag. Picard is deeply troubled by the charges... not that he believes them, but the mounting evidence is forcing him to see extradition may be unavoidable. After a beat, he glances at Troi and Riker... softly -- PICARD We'll, uh... take a short recess. Picard EXITS. Troi and Riker are alone. Riker is stunned. RIKER Why would she lie like that... ? Troi doesn't immediately answer... in fact, she's uncomfortable with what she's feeling and he notices it. RIKER She was lying. You must have felt it. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/30/89 - ACT THREE 38. 53 CONTINUED: TROI Will, I sensed no deception from her... RIKER (reacts) Then you must think that I... TROI No, of course not. I know you. You don't have to convince me of anything. RIKER We can't both be telling the truth. TROI It is the truth... as you each remember it. Riker tries to lighten the mood, but there is an undercurrent of seriousness and truth to his words. RIKER Yes, but her version is going to put a noose around my neck. Off Troi's reaction. CUT TO: 54 OMITTED 55 INT. SICKBAY Beverly, assisted by a NURSE, is examining a CREWWOMAN'S arm. BEVERLY This is healing beautifully. I think you can begin to work on strengthening these muscles again... STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/30/89 - ACT THREE 39. 55 CONTINUED: WORF'S COM VOICE Security to Doctor Crusher... evacuate, repeat evacuate... radiation emissions are indicated in Sickbay... 55A ANGLE (OPTICAL) As Beverly guides the others out, move to find the wall is melting... 55B thru OMITTED 56 FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/29/89 - ACT FOUR 40. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 57 INT. SICKBAY Geordi and Wesley are examining the melted spot in the wall, (which is about the size of a basketball) with tricorders. Picard, Riker, and Beverly are listening to Data's report. DATA It is definitely the same radiation that penetrated deck thirty-nine... highly focused, very powerful... but of unknown origin. GEORDI If this should happen in the engine core or the anti-matter containment tanks, we'll be in trouble, Captain... PICARD Do you have any theories? WESLEY Data noticed something too strange to be a coincidence... DATA The two radiation events aboard the Enterprise occurred five hours, twenty minutes and three seconds apart. The science station exploded yesterday at almost exactly four times that interval. WESLEY There's a point-zero-zero-one-four second variance we haven't been able to explain yet. RIKER (reacts) Are you saying there's a connection between the radiation bursts and the explosion? STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/29/89 - ACT FOUR 41. 57 CONTINUED: DATA We do not have the evidence to support that conclusion at this time, Commander. He glances at Picard... BEVERLY If they're right, we should be able to predict the next event... GEORDI We expect it in just over five hours. PICARD Take every precaution you can to protect the ship's vital areas... if you haven't identified the source before the time interval is up, we will leave orbit. If you perceive any further danger, advise me immediately. He leaves... Riker gives his colleagues a look that says my life may be in your hands... WESLEY We'll figure it out, Commander. Riker nods with silent appreciation, moves quickly off to join the captain... 58 INT. TURBOLIFT Picard is already inside as Riker ENTERS. PICARD Deck eleven. They begin to move. Riker glances at Picard... thinks for a second, and then... STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/28/89 - ACT FOUR 42. 58 CONTINUED: RIKER (to computer) Halt. Turbolift STOPS. Picard looks at Riker with surprise. PICARD (about to warn Riker) Number One... RIKER I'm not going to try to influence your decision, Captain. I know you may have to turn me over to Krag. I can accept that. PICARD It hasn't come to that yet. RIKER But it might... and it's more important to me that you know I didn't do it. Picard's looks at his first officer. Lets his guard down. Not serious -- PICARD If you could just keep your trousers buckled... things like this wouldn't happen to you... RIKER (not realizing he's joking) I never even gave her a second glance... PICARD Number One, even I gave her a second glance. Picard gives him a half grin... and Riker relaxes... PICARD Did I ever tell you about the mayor's wife in Brussels... RIKER The one who collected Starfleet cadets... STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/28/89 - ACT FOUR 42A. 58 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD I did tell you... RIKER No, you didn't... Picard does a take. Not you too... RIKER Brussels is lovely this time of the year. Isn't it? Picard and Riker nod in unison. RIKER All things considered right now, I'd rather be in Brussels. PICARD As would I, Number One. As would I. A long beat. Picard searches for the right thing to say without looking at him. PICARD Will, giving you to them would be like handing over a part of myself. Riker gives Picard a long look until Picard is so uncomfortable that he must ends this... PICARD (to computer) Resume. Hold a beat as they don't look at each other. 59 INT. HOLODECK/SPACE STATION LABORATORY Close on Tayna while Picard, Riker, Krag and Troi look on. TAYNA After the... the fight, Doctor Apgar came to find me... he was very upset... STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/30/89 - ACT FOUR 43-45. 59 CONTINUED: KRAG And he told you what happened? TAYNA Yes, he told me everything that happened... KRAG (to Picard) Based on Tayna's deposition, we have reconstructed the incident in Commander Riker's quarters as Doctor Apgar described it to her... computer... PICARD (interrupting) Inspector, this is hearsay... She wasn't a witness to this incident... KRAG Doctor Apgar is dead. Tayna's statement is admissible under Tanugan law... and I insist you consider it. PICARD (beat, frowns) We will... watch this evidence. And I will weigh it accordingly. Krag moves out of the lab. KRAG Computer, run Tayna Simulation Three. 60 thru OMITTED 63 64 INT. HOLODECK/SPACE STATION GUEST QUARTERS - (OPTICAL) As the door opens to reveal Apgar, we can see Riker and Manua in the same basic position that they have been in the other flashbacks... her dress is off, Riker's arms around her... here, though, they are fully embracing in a passionate kiss, both on fire... they react as... STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/3/89 - ACT FOUR 46. 64A OMITTED 64B NEW ANGLE - APGAR in a rage... APGAR I knew I'd find the two of you together. Do you think I didn't notice how you were looking at each other? I'm not the fool you take me for... Apgar moves quickly at Riker... Riker throws a wild PUNCH at Apgar, who quickly ducks out of the way. Apgar smoothly moves under Riker's swing and sends him to the ground with a flurry several quick PUNCHES to Riker's stomach and jaw. APGAR I'm going to report this, Riker. You can count on that. From the floor -- RIKER You're a dead man, Apgar. A dead man. 64C ON RIKER IN THE GALLERY shaking his head... KRAG (O.S.) Freeze program. Program freezes. 64D ANGLE - THE GALLERY KRAG And then Doctor Apgar came to find you... STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/30/89 - ACT FOUR 47. 64D CONTINUED: KRAG Run Tayna Simulation Four. 65 INT. HOLODECK/SPACE STATION LAB (OPTICAL) Apgar and Tayna are alone in the lab. Apgar is very distraught and upset. APGAR I want you to take Manua and beam down to Tanuga immediately. TAYNA Doctor, if he threatened you, you shouldn't stay... APGAR I'm not leaving him here alone. He's capable of anything. I've got to protect our work... TAYNA I'll contact the authorities. Apgar thinks about that... after a beat... APGAR No, I'll take care of that. She reluctantly moves to exit... as Apgar, his mind working, moves across the room and touches a panel (that will become meaningful later)... Tayna pauses at the door... TAYNA Doctor, be careful... APGAR It'll be all right. Go on... She EXITS. 65A ON TAYNA AND KRAG KRAG Computer, freeze program. (to Tayna) What happened next? STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/29/89 - ACT FOUR 48. 65A CONTINUED: TAYNA I left the station with Manua. The next morning when I heard that the station had exploded... I knew what had happened. He'd killed Doctor Apgar. KRAG Thank you. You're excused. She exits off camera. 66 ON KRAG AND PICARD KRAG (to Picard) Captain, I have established motive, method and opportunity. In any court in the Federation, it is enough to warrant the extradition of the accused. I await your decision forthwith. Push in on Picard... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/28/89 - ACT FIVE 49. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 67 INT. READY ROOM Picard and Troi. PICARD I don't see any alternative, do you? TROI We both know Will is innocent... PICARD Of course he is. But as a Starfleet captain, I don't have the luxury of yielding to my personal feelings. (beat) The evidence certainly warrants a trial... I will have to allow extradition. TROI Do you think there's enough evidence to prove his innocence? A long beat. PICARD Frankly... no. DATA'S COM VOICE Captain, we have discovered the source of the radiation... can you join us on the bridge? PICARD Acknowledged. (pausing, to Troi) Why don't you spend some time with Commander Riker... TROI I'd like that. Picard acknowledges and EXITS. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/1/89 - ACT FIVE 50. 67A OMITTED 67B INT. MAIN BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) Geordi, Data, and Wesley are at one of the aft science stations. Picard ENTERS from the Ready Room. DATA Captain, as you know, we have been looking for a phenomenon that reoccurs every five hours, twenty minutes and three seconds... PICARD (nods) The interval between radiation bursts... DATA We have found one such phenomenon on the planet's surface. GEORDI It's the field generator that Apgar used in his research. When it's fully charged, it emits an energy pulse and then requires five hours, twenty minutes and three seconds to recharge itself. WESLEY It must have been left on after the explosion of the lab. PICARD But why would the generator be affecting the Enterprise this way... ? DATA It should not be. It is a harmless Lambda Field generator. GEORDI But we knew that somehow it was related to our radiation bursts ... and that's when the pieces started falling together... STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/29/89 - ACT FIVE 50A. 67B CONTINUED: DATA We now know what is causing the bursts, sir, and why the science station exploded. WESLEY We also know who killed Doctor Apgar. Off Picard's reaction... 67C thru OMITTED 67E 69 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Still in orbit. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/4/89 - ACT FIVE 51. 70 INT. HOLODECK/SPACE STATION LABORATORY Picard, Riker, Troi, Geordi, Krag, Manua and Tayna. (NOTE: Troi has already heard the explanation and should not be perplexed at what she hears.) PICARD Chief Inspector, we've watched the events replayed over and over again... I've been impressed... and admittedly dismayed... by the body of evidence you've prepared against Commander Riker. Krag acknowledges. PICARD But isn't it remarkable that with all the witnesses, all the different points of view of the events aboard the space station... that we've never seen what really happened at all? KRAG (reacts) I don't understand. PICARD Allow me, with the help of Mister La Forge, to explain. computer, load Manua Program One, time code fourteen-four-one... 70A ANGLE The holograms of Riker, Manua, Apgar, Geordi and Tayna appear frozen as they did in Manua's version of the first lab scene... PICARD Play program. APGAR (defensive) Fine. Whatever. Starfleet will get its Krieger Wave converter. These things take time. I've had a few setbacks, that's all... PICARD Freeze. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/29/89 - ACT FIVE 52. 70A CONTINUED: The holograms freeze. PICARD Mrs. Apgar, this was from your deposition. It would suggest that your husband had failed to create Krieger Waves... MANUA Yes. But he was very close to a breakthrough. PICARD (acknowledges) He says here he needed more time... and he was upset by our early arrival. In fact, I maintain he already had made a breakthrough... and that he was lying to us... KRAG On what basis... ? Picard glances to Geordi... GEORDI For the last several hours, the Enterprise has been experiencing unusual radiation bursts. We've identified them as Krieger Waves. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/3/89 - ACT FIVE 53. 70A CONTINUED: (2) Reactions... TAYNA Krieger Waves... but that's impossible. From where? GEORDI From right here. In the Holodeck. PICARD We recreated your science lab in every conceivable detail... from all technical sources available including Doctor Apgar's own personal records... There is a slight margin of error, but essentially whatever was in the original lab is here... GEORDI (moving to the experimental display) Including the Krieger Wave converter that Doctor Apgar claimed didn't work... except it does work. PICARD Your field generator on the planet surface has been sending out harmless energy charges... and this facsimile has been converting them into Krieger Waves. RIKER (confused) But the Holodeck can't create anything dangerous... GEORDI (acknowledges) It didn't. When you get down to basics, the converter is nothing more than a complex series of mirrors and reflective coils. The energy from the field generator on the planet simply reflects off elements in the convertor which turns it into highly focused Krieger Waves... STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/30/89 - ACT FIVE 54. 70A CONTINUED: (3) PICARD And those waves have been randomly striking different areas of our ship as we orbit the planet and our angle to the generator changes. KRAG Why would Apgar lie about his own success... ? PICARD (nods, yes, good question) Computer, run Manua Program One, time code, fourteen three-eight. The set changes to -- 70B OMITTED 70C ANGLE - SPACE STATION LIVING ROOM (OPTICAL) From Manua's story -- APGAR Manua, someday I'll reward you for all your patience. I'll get you everything you ever dreamed of. MANUA I have all the reward I need. PICARD Freeze. The Holodeck figures freeze. PICARD (continuing) Run Riker Program Two, time code, sixteen-one-zero. The Apgar/Manua holograms DISAPPEAR and REAPPEAR with Riker, from Riker's story, the champagne toast: RIKER To your success, doctor. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/4/89 - ACT FIVE 55. 70C CONTINUED: MANUA (pointed) And the rewards that come with it. PICARD Freeze. The Holodeck figures freeze. MANUA I never said that. PICARD Nevertheless, it seems clear that your husband was motivated to earn the kind of rewards that would please you, Mrs. Apgar. MANUA (defensive) What's wrong with that? TROI He wouldn't have earned great profits from his dealings with Starfleet... We were only interested in a new power source... GEORDI But if he could turn this into a weapon... it would be worth a lot to the Ferengi or the Romulans or a few others. Doctor Apgar had been ordering extra dicosilium for months... that's a pretty good indication he was trying to create larger reflective coils. PICARD When the away team arrived early he must have been worried that Starfleet was getting suspicious. He needed more time to finish his work. Apgar said that in all three versions. No doubt, he was afraid that Commander Riker might learn the truth and cut off his support prematurely. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/4/89 - ACT FIVE 56. 70C CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (Cont'd) Discovering Commander Riker with his wife did not improve matters. (dramatic pause) And, I submit, that he decided to murder Commander Riker. Reactions. MANUA Ridiculous. PICARD Is it? Computer, run Tayna Program Four, time code eighteen-one-four. The set changes back to... 71 OMITTED 71A ANGLE - SPACE STATION LABORATORY (OPTICAL) From Tayna's story, Apgar and Tayna -- TAYNA I'll contact the authorities. APGAR No, I'll take care of that. She reluctantly moves to exit... as Apgar, his mind working, moves across the room and touches a panel... PICARD Freeze. The holograms freeze. PICARD (nods) Tayna, what is it that he's doing here... ? STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/1/89 - ACT FIVE 57. 71A CONTINUED: Apgar's hologram has been frozen as he touches the panel. TAYNA (realizing) Activating the generator on the planet. PICARD Why would he do that? TAYNA (shrugs) Maybe he was going to work on the converter, I don't know. PICARD Or he might have already been thinking ahead to his next confrontation with Commander Riker... Computer, play Riker Program Four, time code twenty-four-one. 72 NEW ANGLE The holograms of Apgar and Tayna disappear and are replaced by Apgar and Riker... as described by Riker... APGAR What are you going to put in your report, Riker? That there's no justification for all the extra discosilium I've requested? That is why they sent you early, isn't it? RIKER (shakes his head) Doctor... APGAR (too earnest) I can explain why I needed it. They have no idea what my problems are... there are explanations for all of it... RIKER (interrupts) I don't need explanations. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/3/89 - ACT FIVE 58. 72 CONTINUED: A moment as they study each other. Apgar seems to understand where he stands now. PICARD Freeze. The holograms freeze. PICARD To Apgar, that must have seemed as though Commander Riker was confirming his worst fears. And I believe this is when Apgar decided finally to kill him. KRAG You forget, Picard... we know the energy pulse which blew up the reactor was fired from Commander Riker's position not Doctor Apgar's. Picard glances to Geordi. GEORDI We are hypothesizing that Doctor Apgar energized the converter at the moment of Commander Riker's beam-out hoping to make his death look like a transporter accident. But something went wrong... the energy pulse hit the Transporter beam and reflected back to the lab's reactor which caused the explosion. KRAG An interesting hypothesis. But impossible to prove. GEORDI Not really. We know that the field generator on the planet has been repeating a discharge command ever since the explosion. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/1/89 - ACT FIVE 59. 72 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI (Cont'd) The intervals are like clockwork... except the explosion occurred point-zero-zero-one-four seconds after the first discharge... the only explanation for that variance is the time it would take the energy pulse to bounce back from the transporter beam to the reactor. MANUA I haven't the slightest idea what anyone's talking about. PICARD Nor should you, Mrs. Apgar. We have arranged a demonstration to illustrate. Mister La Forge, I believe it is almost time is it not? GEORDI (acknowledges) Computer, load program, La Forge One... coordinate auto-engage time sequence. 73 ANGLE The holograms of Riker and Apgar disappear and reappear in different positions... GEORDI (beat) The next discharge from the field generator is scheduled to occur in a few moments. We have aligned the Holodeck program to recreate the final events as Commander Riker described them... only this time our facsimile will automatically process the energy charge from the planet and reflect it just as the original convertor did before the explosion. PICARD If we're correct, we'll know it instantly. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 12/1/89 - ACT FIVE 60. 73 CONTINUED: The program begins automatically... the holograms begin to move and talk -- RIKER I will tell my captain to expect your grievance. APGAR Do that. Apgar seats himself at a console, begins to work, entering commands... 74 ANGLE - INCLUDE THE GALLERY (OPTICAL) Riker's hologram taps his insignia... RIKER Riker to Enterprise. I'm ready to leave now. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Stand by, Commander. Engaging transport. Riker begins to DEMATERIALIZE... Apgar glances up... suddenly an energy beam shoots from the converter hits the transport effect and reflects back past Apgar into the reactor... and then there is a huge explosion that wipes out everything except of course the gallery... when it clears, we are in: 75 INT. HOLODECK -- the empty Holodeck. Picard, Riker, Troi, Geordi, Krag, Manua, and Tayna are unharmed. PICARD Doctor Apgar killed himself... during his attempt to kill Commander Riker. A long beat. KRAG Captain... I withdraw my request for Commander Riker's extradition. Troi smiles. Riker relaxes. STAR TREK: "Perspective" - REV. 11/30/89 - ACT FIVE 61. 76 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard and Riker at their command stations. Everyone else in their usual positions. Troi is ENTERING from the aft turbolift. As she walks down to her chair she takes the long way so she can pass by Riker, and lay a hand briefly on his shoulder. He looks up at her, and a glance is exchanged. "I'm glad you're safe." "I'm glad you were there." She takes her chair. PICARD Well, Number One... have we any "further business" in the Tanuga system? RIKER Not that I know of, sir. I'm more than willing to put it behind me. PICARD Then perhaps you'd be so good as to get this ship underway? RIKER With pleasure, sir. They exchange a glance. Riker then turns toward Wesley. RIKER Mister Crusher, set a course for Emila-Two. WESLEY Course laid in, sir. RIKER Engage. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END