STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Yesterday's Enterprise" #40273-163 Story by Trent Christopher Ganino & Eric A. Stillwell Teleplay by Ira Steven Behr & Richard Manning & Hans Beimler & Ronald D. Moore Directed by David Carson THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1989 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT DECEMBER 8, 1989 STAR TREK: "Yesterday's Enterprise" - 12/08/89 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Yesterday's Enterprise" CAST PICARD RACHEL GARRETT RIKER RICHARD CASTILLO DATA BEVERLY TROI GEORDI WORF WESLEY Non-Speaking GUINAN SUPERNUMERARIES TASHA Non-Speaking SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: "Yesterday's Enterprise" 12/08/89 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Yesterday's Enterprise" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE-D USS ENTERPRISE-D MAIN BRIDGE CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM USS ENTERPRISE-C OBSERVATION LOUNGE SICKBAY 3 KLINGON SHIPS TEN-FORWARD CORRIDOR TURBOLIFT ENGINEERING TRANSPORTER ROOM TASHA'S QUARTERS USS ENTERPRISE-C MAIN BRIDGE STAR TREK: "Yesterday's Enterprise" - 12/11/89 STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Yesterday's Enterprise" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE NARENDRA nah-REN-dra SARAJEVO sar-ah-YEH-voh STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - 12/8/89 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Yesterday's Enterprise" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. TEN-FORWARD (OPTICAL) WORF is seated at a table near one of the windows. The ship is traveling at WARP SPEED and the stars STREAK by. GUINAN comes over to Worf's table and delivers a drink to him. GUINAN Try this. WORF (looks at drink with suspicion) What is it? GUINAN Just try it. Worf takes a cautious sip, then reacts with pleasure. He looks at her with surprise. GUINAN (smiles) It's an Earth drink... prune juice. Worf takes another belt of this marvelous concoction and nods with pleasure. WORF A warrior's drink. Guinan sits down at the table. GUINAN You're always drinking alone. It wouldn't hurt you to look for a little... (glances at a YOUNG COUPLE at nearby table) ...companionship. Worf looks at her with vague irritation. This conversation is venturing into areas he'd rather avoid. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: WORF (measured) I would require a Klingon woman for... companionship. Human females are too fragile. GUINAN Not all of them... I know one or two on board who might find you a bit tame... WORF Impossible. GUINAN You never know until you try... WORF Then I will never know. GUINAN Coward... WORF I am merely concerned for the safety of my crewmates. Guinan nods -- "oh, right." GUINAN Drink your prune juice. The view out the window abruptly changes as the ship DROPS OUT OF WARP. The stars cease to streak by, and far out in front of the ship, a RIFT can be seen in space. The rift resembles a large jagged tear in space within which can be seen a maelstrom of changing colors and patterns. 2 ON GUINAN AND WORF (OPTICAL) who both react to the view and the rift. Worf is already starting to rise when he hears... RIKER'S COM VOICE Lieutenant Worf, report to the bridge. WORF (heading out) On my way, sir. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: Guinan steps toward the window with a look of concern on her face. She can sense something... confusion, dread, possibly a trace of fear cross her face. Linger on her expression then... CUT TO: 3 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND RIFT (OPTICAL) The ship hangs before the gaping rift in space. 4 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) PICARD, RIKER, TROI in Command, WESLEY at Con, DATA at Ops. Worf ENTERS and goes to Tactical. PICARD Analysis, Mister Data. DATA Sensors are reading gravimetric fluctuations... most unusual ones. RIKER "Unusual" how? Specify? DATA Nothing I have seen before. PICARD Is it a wormhole? DATA Yes... and no. Like a... time displacement, but it does not have a discernible event horizon. WESLEY Sir, navigational subsystems are unable to give coordinates on the object. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - TEASER 4. 4 CONTINUED: DATA (checks console) Confirmed. The phenomenon does not have a definable center or outer edge. RIKER Are you saying it is... and yet it isn't there? DATA I do not have sufficient information to make an analysis as yet, Commander. The dynamics of the radiation patterns--- 5 ON WORF He sees something on his tactical display and interrupts Data. WORF Something's happening, Captain. A new change in sensor readings. 6 INT. TEN-FORWARD Guinan is still looking out the window. Her puzzlement turns to alarm. GUINAN (almost a whisper) No... 7 EXT. SPACE - THE RIFT (OPTICAL) The colors within the rift change, swirl, shift... a SHIP suddenly appears. It is barely visible and no identification of design or type is possible yet. 8 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - CLOSE ON PICARD His eyes fixed on the viewscreen... his voice strangely echoing... PICARD Mister Data? STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - TEASER 5. 8 CONTINUED: PULL BACK to reveal the rest of the bridge except for the Tactical station. (NOTE: history has just been changed although none of our characters realize it) The bridge has now been ALTERED to suggest a more militaristic atmosphere. The mood is darker, more somber... our comfortable bridge is more like the nerve center of a battleship than of an explorer. Even our uniforms have been slightly altered to emphasize rank and status. Troi is gone. Wesley now wears a regular Ensign's uniform... what were once science stations are now damage control centers... SECURITY SUPERNUMERARIES with sidearms are posted near all turbolifts... Picard's chair is larger and more impressive... patches and scars on the bulkheads attest to the action the ship has seen recently. The attitudes of our characters are more military and formal. These people have been hardened slightly and are not the relaxed, at ease people we've come to know. PICARD Can you identify the ship, Lieutenant? Is it an enemy vessel? MOVE TO TACTICAL and now reveal TASHA at station. The Tactical station itself has been expanded and enhanced with more panels and displays. Tasha replies crisply and efficiently... as if she had never been anywhere else. TASHA (shakes head) I'm getting too much interference, Captain. 8A EXT. SPACE - THE RIFT (OPTICAL) The ship within the rift is more clearly visible. It is unmistakably a starship of an earlier design than our own. It is very battered and beaten and looks as though it's been to hell and back. 8B INT. MAIN BRIDGE As before. TASHA It's clearing, Captain. Definitely a Federation starship... accessing registry... STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - 12/8/89 - TEASER 6. 8C ON MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) The other ship, hereafter called Enterprise-C, can be seen and the heavy damage is apparent. RIKER (O.S.) Looks like they had a rough ride. 8D NEW ANGLE TASHA (reading display with surprise) N, C, C, one-seven-oh-one... C. U.S.S.... Enterprise. On reactions... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: 9 EXT. SPACE - THE TWO ENTERPRISES (OPTICAL) Enterprise-C in f.g. with name and designation number clearly visible. Enterprise-D in b.g. PICARD (V.O.) Military log, Combat-date 43625.2. While investigating an unusual radiation anomaly reported by Starbase one oh five, the Enterprise has encountered what could almost be called a ghost from its own past... The Enterprise-C, the immediate predecessor of this battleship. 10 INT. MAIN BRIDGE As before. DATA Sensors confirm design and specifications, Captain. Analysis of hull and engine materials conform to engineering patterns and methods of that time period. WESLEY But that cruiser was destroyed with all hands about twenty years ago. DATA Presumed destroyed. The Enterprise-C was last seen near the Klingon outpost on Narendra Three exactly twenty-two years, four months and three days ago. RIKER And now it's here. PICARD Mister Data, is it possible... that it has... traveled through time? STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT ONE 8. 10 CONTINUED: Everyone's been thinking the same thing, but hearing it actually said out loud makes them all take another look at the ship sitting in front of them. DATA It is a possibility, Captain. If that is the correct hypothesis, then the phenomenon we just enountered was a temporal rift in space. PICARD A rift? DATA Possibly the formation of a Kerr loop from superstring material... it would require high-energy interactions occuring in the vicinity for such a structure to form. The rift is certainly not stable, Captain. It could collapse at any time. TASHA (eyes on tactical display) I'm able to scan the interior of the ship now, sir... heavy damage to warp field nacelles and hull bearing struts... internal space frame -- (shock at new reading) Life-signs, Captain! Picard and Riker react. TASHA Readings are sporadic... looks like they have massive casualties, but some are still alive. RIKER (to com) Bridge to Sickbay. Emergency teams, stand by Transporter Rooms. BEVERLY'S COM VOICE Understood. Picard gives Riker a look: STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT ONE 9. 10 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Belay that order, Doctor. RIKER I respectfully suggest that regardless of how they did it, they are here now and they need our help. PICARD That ship has traveled into its own future. We are dealing with variables that could alter the flow of our own history. RIKER But their influence on history has ended, sir. That ship disappeared from the past twenty-two years ago and never returned. Before Picard can reply, Tasha interrupts them. TASHA Captain, the Enterprise... C is sending out a distress call, sir. Audio only. Picard nods. GARRETT'S COM VOICE (strained as if in pain) This... is Captain Garrett... of the Starship Enterprise, to any Federation ship. We... have been attacked by Romulan warships and require... immediate assistance. We have lost warp drive... life-support is failing. RIKER We have no record of a Romulan assault on the Enterprise-C... TASHA Voice message has ended, Captain. All I'm receiving now is their automated distress signal. All eyes turn to Picard. He looks at the Main Viewer as he makes his decision... a long tense moment. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT ONE 10. 10 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD Hailing frequency, Lieutenant. This is Captain Picard of... a Federation starship. Standby to receive emergency teams. The only response is STATIC. PICARD (to Riker) We'll handle this one step at a time. Stabilize power systems and attend to their casualties. Avoid discussions of where and when they are. RIKER Aye, sir. (heads to turbolift) Lieutenant. SUPERNUMERARY goes to Tactical. Tasha and Riker EXIT. WESLEY (reading console) Message coming in from Starfleet monitor stations, Captain. Klingon battlecruisers have been reported moving toward this sector. This is not welcome news. PICARD (grimly) Battle alert, Mister Crusher. Condition Yellow. bridge alert status goes to YELLOW and we hear a new ALERT SOUND. WESLEY Aye, sir. (works console) All decks report Condition Yellow. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT ONE 11. 11 thru OMITTED 12 12A INT. TEN-FORWARD Which is somewhat different than we last saw it... no civilians... about twenty UNIFORMED CREWMEN and WAITERS all carrying sidearms. Not as casual... more a military canteen/mess hall than a lounge. Guinan's expression is puzzled. She's walking around. She frowns and shakes her head. GUINAN (to no one in particular) It's changed... it's all changed... A customer overhears, gives her an odd look... she moves quickly to EXIT. 13 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE-C (OPTICAL) The battered starship drifts in space. 14 INT. ENTERPRISE-C BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The bridge has been heavily damaged. RED ALERT is in effect. FOUR SUPERNUMERARIES are lying dead on the deck plates or at their consoles. Smoke lingers in the air and burning panels add their own eerie lighting. Slumped in the captain's chair is RACHEL GARRETT, a tall, handsome woman that commands respect instantly. She is injured and barely holding on to consciousness. Riker, GEORDI, BEVERLY, and Tasha BEAM onto the bridge. Beverly moves to a crewman lying on the deck, Geordi goes to what's left of the engineering console, and Riker and Tasha go to Garrett. RIKER Captain Garrett? GARRETT (through fog of pain) Yes. RIKER I'm Commander Riker. We have emergency teams boarding your ship. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT ONE 11A. 14 CONTINUED: RIKER (Cont'd) (to Beverly) Doctor. Beverly goes to Garrett and runs a tricorder over her. BEVERLY (quietly to Riker) The rest of the bridge crew is dead. (reading tricorder) Her leg is fractured and she has serious internal injuries. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - 12/8/89 - ACT ONE 12. 14 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (Cont'd) I'll have to get her back to the Enterprise, it's more than I can do here. GARRETT (fighting to make sense of it all) To where? RIKER We'll explain later, Captain. GARRETT (summons some steel) You'll explain now, Commander. RIKER We're from a Federation starship. We've answered your distress call. Your ship is in good hands, but we need to get you to our Sickbay. GARRETT (reluctantly) Very well. BEVERLY (activates com badge) Crusher to Transporter Room. Two to beam directly to Sickbay. Riker stands back as Beverly and Garrett BEAM out. He goes over to Geordi. GEORDI (shaking his head at console) Pretty bad, Commander. Looks like they were in a hell of a fight. RIKER If you can't stabilize life-support, we'll have to evacuate the ship. GEORDI I think we can do it. I'll have to get to Engineering... Riker gives him a curt nod and Geordi moves toward emergency exit. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT ONE 13. 14 CONTINUED: (3) GEORDI (activates com badge) La Forge to damage control team alpha. Meet me on Engineering level three. Geordi EXITS. A RASPING OF METAL is heard coming from one of the collapsed bulkheads. Tasha moves quickly to the wall and manages to move some of the material with Riker's help. 15 NEW ANGLE on Tasha and RICHARD CASTILLO, who is lying under the rubble. Castillo is ruggedly handsome, with jet black hair and fiery eyes. He is apparently just regaining consciousness, but otherwise does not look injured. CASTILLO Thanks... Castillo gets up, he's still a bit wobbly on his feet. He looks at Tasha and Riker and tries to put his memories in order. Riker wants to head off this discussion for now. RIKER I'm Commander Riker. CASTILLO Lieutenant Castillo. Helmsman. RIKER Your Captain has been sent back to the Ent--... back to our ship. (glance around bridge) You would appear to be the senior officer left aboard. Castillo looks around the shattered bridge. The destruction, though no surprise to him, is still shocking. His gaze travels over the bodies of his former shipmates. CASTILLO (quietly) So it would appear. As Tasha and Riker exchange a look... CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - 12/8/89 - ACT ONE 14. 16 thru OMITTED 17 18 INT. ENTERPRISE-D MAIN BRIDGE As before. DATA Away team reporting in, sir. PICARD On screen, Mister Data. 19 ON VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Riker appears on the viewscreen. He is standing on the bridge of the Enterprise-C. PICARD (O.S.) Go ahead, Commander RIKER We've stabilized life support, Captain. Mister La Forge is working on restoring the main power couplings but it'll take time. Things are a real mess over here. 20 NEW ANGLE PICARD Survivors? RIKER One hundred twenty-five, sir WESLEY (softly) Out of seven hundred. PICARD Recommendation? RIKER I'd hate to scrap her, sir. Starfleet could certainly use another ship, even if it is a little old. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - 12/8/89 - ACT ONE 15. 20 CONTINUED: PICARD Agreed. But we can't stay in this area too long. (makes decision) You have nine hours. If you can get her underway in that time, we'll escort her back to Starbase one oh five. If not, we'll evacuate the survivors and destroy the ship. RIKER Understood, sir. 21 ON TURBOLIFT Guinan ENTERS. She looks around the bridge. It looks familiar, yet somehow wrong to her... just like everything else aboard. 21A NEW ANGLE PICARD Keep me posted, Picard out. Picard turns away from the viewscreen and sees Guinan for the first time. Her appearance on the bridge is somewhat unprecedented and Picard is very surprised. PICARD Guinan... ? GUINAN (quiet yet urgent) We need to talk. Now. It's all wrong, Captain. This is not the way it's supposed to be. PUSH IN on Picard's reaction.... 22 thru OMITTED 23 FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/15/89 - ACT TWO 16. ACT TWO FADE IN: 23A EXT. SPACE - THE TWO ENTERPRISES (OPTICAL) As before. 24 INT. READY ROOM Guinan and Picard talking. GUINAN I don't know... PICARD You must have some idea how things have changed... GUINAN I look at things... at people... and they don't feel right. PICARD What things? What people? Guinan looks around helplessly for an example, settles on Picard himself: GUINAN The bridge... PICARD What's the matter with it? GUINAN It's not right. PICARD It's the same bridge, Guinan. It hasn't changed. Worried, confused -- she sits. Knowing but being unable to explain... her placid nature cannot mask her frustration... it's more frightening than anything she's ever known. GUINAN I know that. And I also know... it's wrong. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT TWO 16A. 24 CONTINUED: Her eyes look to Picard almost apologizing, needing to be believed... Picard takes a deep breath, sits. PICARD What else? Feelings... reaching inside for feelings... almost to herself -- STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT TWO 17. 24 CONTINUED: (2) GUINAN Families. There should be children here... PICARD Children? On the Enterprise... ? (she nods) We're at war, Guinan. GUINAN (quick) No, we're not. (beat, thoughtful) I mean, we shouldn't be. This is a ship of peace. Not of war. PICARD (beat) Guinan, what you're suggesting... GUINAN It's not a suggestion, Captain. And that ship from the past... it was not supposed to come here. It's got to go back. On his reaction... 24A INT. ENTERPRISE-D SICKBAY (FORMERLY SCENE 17) Garrett is lying on a table while Beverly and a MEDICAL SUPERNUMERARY work on her. In b.g., TWO MORE SUPERNUMERARIES tend to FOUR INJURED ENTERPRISE-C CREWMEMBERS. Garrett is awakening, looks around the Sickbay. She's beginning to realize that this isn't just another starship. She looks at the instruments that Beverly is using with curiosity... they don't seem quite familiar to her. She looks over as Picard ENTERS. PICARD (to Garrett) I'm Captain Picard. GARRETT (tries to sit up) Rachel Garrett. How's my ship? PICARD Life support systems have been restored. Repairs are continuing. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - 12/8/89 - ACT TWO 18. 24A CONTINUED: She leans back, relaxes... GARRETT Where did you come from? We weren't picking up any other Federation ships in this sector... Picard and Beverly exchange a glance... PICARD (avoiding her question) What is the last thing you remember? GARRETT We were answering the distress signal... PICARD Distress signal... ? GARRETT You must have heard it. From the Klingon outpost, Narendra Three. (off his look) But you didn't... did you? Garrett looks around the Sickbay again. GARRETT I've never seen a Sickbay like this... not even on a starbase. And your uniforms... (firmly) What ship is this, Captain? BEVERLY Please... try to keep still... Picard struggles with the decision for a moment. GARRETT I insist on an answer. PICARD You are aboard the Enterprise, Captain... one-seven-oh-one-D. He lets that sink in for a second. Garrett grasps the implication after a moment and her expression is shocked. Picard nods... STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - 12/8/89 - ACT TWO 19. 24A CONTINUED: (2) PICARD You have come twenty-two years into the future. GARRETT Twenty-two years. It's a difficult realization for even a starship captain. GARRETT Does my crew know yet? PICARD No. GARRETT I must tell them... I owe them that, Picard... PICARD (reluctantly) If you wish, I will see to it that they're informed... Garrett is puzzled by Picard's reticence. GARRETT Is there a reason they should not be told? PICARD I am concerned that if you return to your own time with knowledge of the future... GARRETT Return? To the battle? We barely escaped with our lives. If we return, we'll be destroyed. A beat. Picard nods, this is not the time to discuss Guinan's feelings. PICARD Have you any idea how this happened? STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT TWO 20. 24A CONTINUED: (3) GARRETT (shakes her head) There was a fierce volley of photon torpedoes... we were hit... there was a bright light and then... here. PICARD It is possible your exchange of fire was the catalyst for the formation of a temporal rift. (beat) History never recorded your battle with the Romulans. GARRETT (weary) We were responding to a distress call from the Klingon outpost on Narendra Three... the Romulans were attacking it... we engaged them... but there were four warbirds. PICARD The Narendra Three outpost was wiped out. Remembering what Guinan said -- PICARD It is regrettable you did not succeed, Captain. If a Federation starship had rescued a Klingon outpost... it might have averted twenty years of war. Off her reaction... 25 thru OMITTED 30 30A INT. ENTERPRISE-C BRIDGE Angle favoring Riker working at a forward Ops console... other supernumeraries are repairing damage. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT TWO 21. 30A CONTINUED: RIKER I'm not getting any kind of ready condition on the impulse engines, La Forge... GEORDI'S COM VOICE Acknowledged, Commander... some of the engine control processors went off-line. And there's probably damage to the accelerator coils... stand by... Moving to find Tasha and Castillo are next to each other at aft stations... testing panels... CASTILLO I just can't quite make myself believe it. (trying to grasp it) Twenty-two years... Tasha is all business... TASHA I'm reading forty percent on forward shields... what do you have on aft... CASTILLO (checking data, nods) Forty percent... TASHA That's not going to do... Commander, advise Lieutenant La Forge that shields are below minimum... RIKER Acknowledged... CASTILLO We'll never see our families again. Our homes... TASHA How do you know your family's not still alive? STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT TWO 22. 30A CONTINUED: (2) CASTILLO You're right... I don't... but imagine coming home after twenty-two years... Would I even recognize them? Tasha is more tuned to her panels and monitors... not into real personal things here... TASHA What are the status readouts on main phaser banks? CASTILLO Emitters available -- sixty percent forward, fifty-two percent aft. TASHA (acknowledges) Let's take a look at the torpedo launchers... CASTILLO (still lost in thought) I guess I'm lucky to be alive at all. TASHA You may not like the future. It's been a long war. The Federation's lost more than half of Starfleet to the Klingons. CASTILLO (reacts) We were negotiating a peace treaty with the Klingons when I left... TASHA A lot of changes, Lieutenant. A lot of changes. He nods. A beat. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - 12/8/89 - ACT TWO 23. 30A CONTINUED: (3) CASTILLO When we get a break, maybe you could fill me in on some of them. They exchange a look... she acknowledges, maybe. TASHA Photon banks are depleted... auxiliary fusion generators are down... 30B INT. MAIN BRIDGE - ENTERPRISE-D At an aft science station... Picard looks over Data's shoulder as he studies a computer graphic on a monitor... DATA The probability is high that the temporal rift is symmetrical, Captain. PICARD If that is the case, what would happen if the Enterprise-C were to fly back through it? DATA (reacts) Back, sir? The Enterprise-C would emerge in her own time period at almost the same instant she left. PICARD Right in the middle of her battle with the Romulans. DATA Yes, sir. PICARD Based on the logs of the Enterprise-C, is there any possibility she could survive that battle? DATA None, sir. Picard sighs, a beat. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - 12/8/89 - ACT TWO 24. 30B CONTINUED: PICARD Then sending them back would be condemning them to death. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT THREE 25. ACT THREE FADE IN: 31 EXT. SPACE - THE TWO ENTERPRISES (OPTICAL) As before... 32 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY 25A) A Transporter CREWMAN is present as Tasha and Castillo MATERIALIZE. Castillo takes his first look at the Enterprise-D. CASTILLO Unbelievable. TASHA Lieutenant... ? Castillo realizes Tasha's waiting for him. They EXIT. 33 INT. CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS (FORMERLY 25B) as Tasha leads Castillo. Castillo's fascinated by everything around him. They pass several people in the corridor, some acknowledge Tasha. TASHA (re: the new Enterprise) She was the first Galaxy Class warship built by the Federation... forty-two decks... capable of transporting over six thousand troops... CASTILLO How long have you been on board? TASHA Four years. Straight out of the Academy. I was lucky to get the Enterprise. CASTILLO Yeah, me too. I mean... my Enterprise. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT THREE 25A. 34 INT. SICKBAY (FORMERLY 26) Captain Garrett convalesces on a biobed. She is awake, but remains weak. Beverly checks her patient's vital signs. Beverly moves off as Castillo and Tasha ENTER. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - 12/8/89 - ACT THREE 26. 34 CONTINUED: Castillo nods to Garrett. It's their first meeting since Garrett left the Enterprise-C. GARRETT Lieutenant, how's the ship? CASTILLO We've restored minimal shields and the forward phaser banks. Still no photon launchers or warp drive. GARRETT Concentrate on the weapon systems. From what Captain Picard has told me, the Federation can use all the help it can get. TASHA And soon. Our sensors have picked up Klingon warships in this sector, Captain. Garrett reacts... GARRETT Why wasn't I informed, Mister Castillo... ? She begins to rise... CASTILLO Captain, you shouldn't -- GARRETT (cutting him off) As senior officer, I want you to be my liaison to the Enterprise- D... coordinate with Tactical... TASHA That's me, Captain. Beverly rushes up, forces the Captain back on the bed. BEVERLY Where do you think you're going? GARRETT I'm ready to resume my duties. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/13/89 - ACT THREE 27. 34 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY Captain, you need at least another twenty-four hours... GARRETT Nonsense. Doctors always over-protect their patients. BEVERLY (equally stubborn) And captains always push themselves too hard. Garrett stubbornly gets back on her feet. GARRETT Doctor, my ship and crew need me -- now. Twenty-four hours might as well be twenty-four years. And she EXITS to Crusher's chagrin. 35 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Which has been converted into a war room atmosphere. The door slides open and Guinan ENTERS, pauses at the door, looking at -- 36 NEW ANGLE - PICARD alone at the far end of the table filled with wartime displays and charts... they look at each other a beat. Picard is quite tense, a man who needs answers to make a difficult judgment. PICARD I need more. Guinan looks at him. She can't help him. GUINAN There is no more. I wish there was, Captain. I wish I could prove it. I can't. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/13/89 - ACT THREE 27A. 36 CONTINUED: PICARD Then I can't send them back. GUINAN You must. PICARD Dammit, Guinan, they will die moments after they return... how can I ask them to sacrifice their lives based solely on your... intuition? GUINAN I don't know. And it is torture for her... not to be able to give him more... with uncharacteristic emotion -- GUINAN This is a mistake. Every cell in my body knows this is a mistake. I cannot explain it to myself so I cannot explain it to you. I... just know. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/13/89 - ACT THREE 28. 36 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Who is to say this history is any less proper than the other? GUINAN I guess I am. PICARD Not good enough. (softly agonizing) Not good enough. I will not ask them to die. GUINAN (beat, softly) Forty billion have died in the war... PICARD I cannot justify readjusting history on the basis of saving lives in war... shall I return to Sarajevo and stop the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand... or go back to warn Station-Salem Four of the Bel-zon raid... GUINAN This war was never meant to be. They must return to their own time to correct that. PICARD And what is the guarantee that by going back they will succeed... ? She gives him a look -- there is none. PICARD In fact, they could conceivably create a third time line. GUINAN Yes. PICARD Every instinct tells me it's wrong and dangerous and futile. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/13/89 - ACT THREE 29. 36 CONTINUED: (3) She moves closer to him... and if there is a sense of quiet power from Guinan that seems almost evangelical, it is intended. GUINAN Picard, we have been together for twenty-two years. I have been your advisor, your confidant, your friend and in all those twenty-two years, I have never led you astray. This time line cannot be allowed to continue. I've told you what you must do. You have only your faith in me to help you decide. On his reaction... 37 INT. TEN-FORWARD - WITH TASHA AND CASTILLO at the bar... TASHA Deflector shield technology has advanced considerably during the war... our heat-dissipation rates are probably double those of the Enterprise-C, so we can hang in a firefight longer... Move to find Guinan returning... moving behind the bar... she glances over and reacts as she sees -- 38 OMITTED 39 EMPHASIZE GUINAN'S POV - TASHA talking away to Castillo, hasn't seen Guinan yet... 40 GUINAN - CLOSEUP As she feels there's something really wrong with Tasha... we can see it in Guinan's eyes... and then... STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/13/89 - ACT THREE 29A. 41 RESUME PREVIOUS ANGLE as Tasha turns and makes eye contact with Guinan... and she begins to smile, then reacts as... 42 GUINAN Guinan's eyes avoid hers... and it's only a moment but still... STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - 12/8/89 - ACT THREE 30. 43 TASHA - CU wonders what's wrong... TASHA Guinan... ? 44 WIDER as Guinan moves to them... trying to be casual. GUINAN Have you ordered yet, Tasha? TASHA Not yet... Is something wrong, Guinan? GUINAN Not a thing. What can I get you? Slightest beat. Tasha knows something's wrong. TASHA Just a couple of T-K-L meal rations... we're in a hurry. (barely hesitates) Oh, this is, Lieutenant Castillo... Guinan nods. Moves away quickly. TASHA (curious) First time for everything. CASTILLO First time? TASHA (confused chuckle) It's just that I've never seen anything bother her before... CASTILLO (grins) What's a T-K-L? TASHA Standard rations. Food replicators are on minimum power... (MORE) STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - 12/8/89 - ACT THREE 31. 44 CONTINUED: TASHA (Cont'd) Everything else is diverted to defensive systems. (beat) So where was I... CASTILLO You've told me more about tactical in an hour than I learned my last year in the Academy... TASHA You're gonna need it, Lieutenant... CASTILLO Hey, I've known you a whole day now, Lieutenant. I won't salute if you won't. What did she call you... Tasha? TASHA Yeah. CASTILLO Most everybody just calls me Castillo. My mother calls me Richard. TASHA (smiles) Okay, Castillo. CASTILLO (beat, a little shy) Naw, I think maybe I'd like it better if you called me Richard... And there's a charming boyish look in his eye that makes her fell warm... it's a feeling Tasha Yar has never had an easy time with and it's not easy for her to acknowledge here... but it's kinda nice nevertheless... there may be something between them and they both know it. She nods... tries it on... TASHA Richard. PICARD'S COM VOICE This is the captain. Senior officers will report to my Ready Room immediately. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/15/89 - ACT THREE 32. 44 CONTINUED: (2) TASHA So much for lunch. 45 ANGLE - GUINAN cleans behind the bar, going out of her way not to look at Tasha until she passes... 46 INT. READY ROOM Picard, Riker, Geordi, Data, Beverly, Tasha. Picard has been briefing the others for the first time on Guinan's feelings... in measured words. BEVERLY Captain, are you suggesting they should return and attempt to complete their mission? PICARD I am, Doctor. BEVERLY Based on Guinan's intuition... ? Looks of incredulous reactions around the table. Crusher and Riker, as senior officers, are the loudest voices of disagreement... RIKER But it won't accomplish anything. There's no way they can save Narendra Three... TASHA Captain Garrett says there were four Romulan warbirds. The Enterprise-C would be outmanned and outgunned... STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/14/89 - ACT THREE 33. 46 CONTINUED: GEORDI Unless we were to re-arm them with modern... PICARD We can't do that. If we send this ship back with new technology... we would be altering the past... RIKER But that's what you're talking about doing anyway, isn't it? Altering the past. PICARD We're talking about restoring the past. GEORDI How could Guinan know that history has been altered... if she's been altered along with the rest of us? DATA Perhaps her species has a perception that goes beyond linear time. PICARD (acknowledges) There are many things about her species that cannot be easily explained. Even she cannot explain how or why she senses that history has been altered. And yet it is very possible she is correct. A ship from the past has traveled through time. Who among us could know what effect that event has had on the present. Indeed, we will never know for certain if Guinan is correct. But I, for one, have decided the consequences of that possibility are too grave to ignore. RIKER Sir, if you wish my opinion... STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/13/89 - ACT THREE 33A. 46 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD I think I know your opinion, Commander. This is a briefing. I'm not seeking your consent. Riker refusing to back off, challenging Picard -- RIKER With all due respect, Captain, we'd be asking one hundred and twenty-five people to die a meaningless death. DATA Not necessarily meaningless, Commander. Klingons place honor above all else. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/13/89 - ACT THREE 34. 46 CONTINUED: (3) DATA (Cont'd) If the crew of the Enterprise-C had died fighting for the survival of a Klingon outpost, that would have been considered a meaningful act of honor by the Klingon Empire. PICARD Even their deaths... might have prevented the war. The officers consider that a beat. PICARD If the Enterprise-C returns to the battle and its mission is a success, history will be irrevocably changed. This time line will cease to exist... and a new future will have been created. (beat) I've weighed the alternatives. I will follow Guinan's recommendations. (beat) Dismissed. 47 OMITTED 47A INT. BRIDGE As they EXIT the Ready Room... favoring Tasha as she hears -- BEVERLY If she's right... we may not even be in the alternate time line... GEORDI Yeah, who knows if we're dead or alive... STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - 12/8/89 - ACT THREE 35. 48 ANGLE ON TASHA as she processes this... and the quick memory of the way Guinan was acting toward her, passes across her face... She pushes it away. The group splits up and we find... 49 INT. TURBOLIFT Data and Tasha ENTER. She is troubled by this turn of the events. Data notices. DATA Engineering. Tasha doesn't order a destination. DATA Is Engineering your destination as well? She glances up... realizing... TASHA Oh... Deck six... sorry... DATA If I interpret your facial expression correctly, you were preoccupied with something unpleasant. TASHA I was just thinking... a lot of things... (short sigh) I've been working with one of the officers from the Enterprise-C... he's nice, you know? I like him. I'm worried about what's going to happen to him. DATA We may never know what happens, Tasha. If they succeed, we will not even realize any of these events occurred. The turbolift stops and the door opens... STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/13/89 - ACT THREE 36. 49A INT. TURBOLIFT At corridor. Tasha pauses in the doorway. TASHA Data, how different do you think your life would be in the other time line? DATA (considers a beat) The possibilities are too numerous even for me to calculate, Tasha. TASHA (thinking to herself) Kind of scary, isn't it? DATA Scary? I would not know. She EXITS, the door closes and on Data's reaction... 50 EXT. SPACE - THE TWO ENTERPRISES (OPTICAL) 51 EXT. ENTERPRISE-C BRIDGE Tasha and Castillo work at the aft stations, doing additional checks... CASTILLO Shields are up to seventy-two percent... That's better... Moving to find Garrett and Picard, alone. He has just informed Captain Garrett of his feelings. She is thoughtful, not hostile, looking for solutions as is everyone else... GARRETT You believe this woman... STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/14/89 - ACT THREE 37. 51 CONTINUED: PICARD (nods) I discovered long ago that she has a special wisdom... I've learned to trust it. (beat) If you wish, I can arrange for you to speak with her... GARRETT Captain, I'd be lying to you if I told you there was a chance in hell of coming out of this alive. And my crew means a lot to me. Picard solemnly acknowledges, he knows. GARRETT Why doesn't your ship come back with us? The Romulans would be no match for your weaponry... PICARD I can't do that. GARRETT (beat, agrees on closer examination) No, I suppose not. You don't belong in our time... any more than we belong in yours. (beat) To be honest, Picard, there are some members of my crew who have expressed a desire to return... even knowing the odds. Some because they can't bear to live without their loved ones... some who don't like the idea that we slipped out in the middle of a fight. But I've told them... that in the here and now, the Federation needs another ship against the Klingons... and we better get used to being in the here and now... STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/13/89 - ACT THREE 37A. 51 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD By going back, you may be a great deal more helpful. The war is going badly for the Federation. Much worse than is generally known. Forcing himself to say it. PICARD Starfleet Command believes defeat is inevitable... that within six months we will have no choice but to surrender... This hits home to Garrett. For a moment, she's too stunned to speak. GARRETT (softly) And you're saying all this may be a result of our arrival here. PICARD One more ship will make no difference in the here and now, Captain. But twenty-two years ago, one ship could have stopped this war before it ever started. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/13/89 - ACT THREE 38. 51 CONTINUED: (3) A long beat. She glances at Castillo, nods. GARRETT Mister Castillo, inform the crew that we're going back. CASTILLO Yes, Captain. He exchanges a glance with Tasha, moves to an aft station. GARRETT The Romulans'll get a good fight. We'll make it one for the history books. PICARD I know you will, Captain. Picard nods with admiration for his counterpart. And as he takes his leave... PICARD Lieutenant Yar... TASHA Permission to remain for a moment, sir... Picard sees that she wants to say good-bye to Castillo... PICARD Granted. They EXIT to go the Transporter Room... Tasha goes to the aft station... Now that she's there, she doesn't know exactly what to say to him. Other supernumeraries are near-by -- what they might have said is forced into the most formal language. TASHA I just wanted to say good luck... STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT THREE 39. 51 CONTINUED: (3) CASTILLO I'll try to put some of your tactical briefing to good use when we get back... TASHA Your ship has a lot more maneuverability than the Romulan counterparts of that era... in fact, if you could isolate... She stops in mid-sentence, knowing she doesn't want to be talking techno right now... TASHA You'll do fine. CASTILLO If you get back to Earth... and you see a man, oh, in his late fifties taking a hard look at you across a crowded room... (she smiles) Hey, you never know. And she nods, forcing back her emotions... she puts out her hand... TASHA Good-bye, Lieutenant. As Castillo reaches for it... suddenly an EXPLOSION rocks the ship, throwing them off balance. 52 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) A Klingon bird of prey has appeared on the Main Viewer. Castillo rushes over to the helm... Tasha to tactical. Over this: GARRETT Red Alert. Full power to shields. Red Alert sounds. TASHA Shields are up. Functioning. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT THREE 40. 52 CONTINUED: CASTILLO Initiating evasive maneuvers... Gamma sequence. GARRETT Ready phasers... (to comm) Enterprise-D, has your captain returned safely... 53 INT. ENTERPRISE-D MAIN BRIDGE Red Alert. Riker at command... RIKER (to comm) Acknowledged, Enterprise-C. Captain Picard is safely aboard... (to Data) Fire phasers. DATA (overlapping) Firing phasers... Behind him, Picard moves onto the bridge from the turbolift with a purpose... PICARD Situation report... RIKER One Klingon bird of prey... off the starboard bow... 54 INT. ENTERPRISE-C BRIDGE TASHA Firing phasers... GARRETT Load torpedo bays... Suddenly they're hit by a massive EXPLOSION. Garrett is caught by flying debris. She goes down. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - 12/8/89 - ACT THREE 41. 55 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) As the Enterprise-D fires a barrage, a shimmering EFFECT surrounds the bird of prey and it disappears. 56 INT. ENTERPRISE-D BRIDGE DATA The Klingon vessel has re-cloaked, sir. I have no readings. PICARD Captain Garrett -- damage report. (no answer) Captain Garrett... TASHA (com) This is Lieutenant Yar, sir. 57 INT. ENTERPRISE-C BRIDGE Castillo is kneeling beside the body of Captain Garrett. Tasha stands helplessly beside him. TASHA Captain Garrett is dead. 58 INT. ENTERPRISE-D BRIDGE On their stunned reactions. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT FOUR 42. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 59 thru OMITTED 61 61A EXT. SPACE - THE TWO ENTERPRISES (OPTICAL) As before. 61B INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Riker, Castillo, Tasha. CASTILLO I'm prepared to lead the Enterprise back myself, Captain Picard. RIKER (to Picard) Sir, Lieutenant Castillo is the last senior officer alive... he will have limited support from Ops, no Tactical, reduced staff in Engineering... CASTILLO I have good people willing to do their best... RIKER (to Castillo) But certainly, history never meant this ship to be led into battle without your captain. CASTILLO I can't speak to that point, sir... but I can get us back to where we're supposed to be. I believe that's what Captain Garrett would want me to do. DATA'S COM VOICE Commander Data to Captain Picard. PICARD Go ahead. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - 12/8/89 - ACT FOUR 43. 61B CONTINUED: DATA'S COM VOICE Sir, sensors are showing additional instability in the time rift. Possibly the result of the battle with the Klingons. PICARD Any signs of other Klingon vessels? DATA'S COM VOICE No, sir. TASHA I'm sure our coordinates have been transmitted to the Klingon command... we must not remain here. Picard studies the helmsman... CASTILLO Sir, it is my intention to return, unless you order me not to. Picard's eyes glow with admiration for the young lieutenant... Tasha watches with renewed concern, but she too respects him enormously. PICARD How soon will your ship be ready? CASTILLO We sustained moderate damage in the attack... I think we can get underway in a few hours... PICARD (to Riker) We will maintain position to provide cover. (to Castillo) Make it so. Castillo salutes the captain, Picard gives him a good tough salute in return... and he EXITS, followed by Tasha. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - 12/8/89 - ACT FOUR 44. 61C INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Tasha and Castillo ENTER. A supernumerary mans the console. CASTILLO One to beam to the Enterprise-C. The engineer acknowledges... he turns to Tasha. CASTILLO We keep saying good-bye... don't we? TASHA I wish there was more time. CASTILLO More time... I think we have all the time we can handle as it is. They look at each other and damn the engineer, they move together into a warm and tender kiss. When they break... CASTILLO (good-bye... ) Lieutenant. And she watches as he moves to the transporter pad... and they look at each other with a love that might have been... and he DEMATERIALIZES... and as we push into her face, her thoughts racing... SMASH CUT TO: 61D INT. TEN-FORWARD - GUINAN CLOSE UP She's behind the bar... and as she turns and looks up, reacts as she sees -- 61E NEW ANGLE - TASHA alone... looking at her... GUINAN What would you like? TASHA Guinan, I have to know something. Guinan looks at her evenly. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT FOUR 45. 61E CONTINUED: TASHA What happens to me in the other time line? A long beat. GUINAN I don't have alternate biographies of the crew, Tasha. I told the captain... it's just a feeling... TASHA But there's something more when you look at me, isn't there... A long beat. TASHA I've seen it in your eyes, Guinan. We've known each other too long... GUINAN (beat) We weren't meant to know each other at all. (off Tasha's look) Or that's what I sense when I look at you. Tasha looks at her with a curious smile... GUINAN You're not supposed to be here, Tasha. TASHA Where am I supposed to be? GUINAN Dead. Tasha is shaken as any of us would be... she tries to cover it. A beat. TASHA Do you know how? GUINAN No. (beat) But I know that it was an empty death. A death without purpose. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT FOUR 46. 61E CONTINUED: (2) As Tasha considers this revelation, her mind begins to work. 62 INT. READY ROOM Picard at his desk, working... a chime. PICARD Come. The door slides open and Tasha ENTERS. PICARD Yes, Lieutenant. TASHA Captain, I request a transfer to the Enterprise-C. Picard is taken by surprise. PICARD For what reason? TASHA They need someone at Tactical. PICARD You're needed here. TASHA Sir, I don't belong here. PICARD (reacts) Sit down. (she does) What did she tell you? TASHA I'm not supposed to be here. I'm not supposed to be alive. Picard is shaken by the revelation... PICARD (rather aghast) She felt it was necessary to disclose this to you? TASHA I felt it was necessary. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - 12/10/89 - ACT FOUR 47. 62 CONTINUED: PICARD I see. (beat) You realize that it is very possible that the Enterprise-C could fail. We may be forced to remain in this time line... in which case your life would go on, hopefully for a long while. TASHA I know how important it is that they don't fail, Captain. That's why I'm requesting this transfer. PICARD Lieutenant, you don't belong on that ship... TASHA No. Captain Garrett belongs on that ship. But now that she's dead, there's a certain logic in this request. PICARD There's no logic in it at all. (beat) Tasha, whether they succeed or not, the Enterprise-C will be destroyed... TASHA At least, with a tactical officer on board, they will have a chance to defend themselves well, Captain... it may be a matter of seconds or minutes... but those could be the minutes that change history... (beat) Guinan says I died a senseless death in the other time line. I didn't like the sound of that, sir. I've always known the risks that come with a Starfleet uniform. If I am to die in one, I'd like my death to count for something. PICARD Lieutenant... STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - 12/8/89 - ACT FOUR 48. 62 CONTINUED: (2) A long look, many feelings... PICARD Permission granted. She rises. Salutes him. TASHA Thank you, sir. And EXITS. A long beat on Picard and... 63 INT. ENTERPRISE-C MAIN BRIDGE The CREW is busy at work, closing up patched-together consoles. Castillo is in command. CASTILLO (to com) I'm showing phaser banks up to seventy percent efficiency... we've got an hour left... see if you can get them up to ninety... COM VOICE Aye, sir... 64 NEW ANGLE as Castillo steps up to two of his young CREWMEN. CASTILLO Parker, you've got Ops. Fredericks, you take the Conn... TASHA (O.S.) I'll handle Tactical. 65 ON TASHA stepping up to Castillo. TASHA Lieutenant Tasha Yar reporting for duty, sir. Castillo reacts with surprise. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT FOUR 49. 65 CONTINUED: CASTILLO You're not part of my crew. TASHA I am now. Captain Picard approved my request for transfer. 66 NEW ANGLE as Castillo leads Tasha to one side -- not wanting to continue this discussion in front of the crew. CASTILLO This isn't a joke, Tasha. We're going back in the rift -- into battle -- and we're not coming back. TASHA I know the mission. These are my orders, Lieutenant. CASTILLO But I don't want you here. TASHA You need me. Show me someone on your crew that can do the job better than I can. Castillo knows he can't; there is no one as qualified. He looks at her with appreciation. CASTILLO (quietly) Welcome aboard. (then, louder, for the crew) Take your station, Lieutenant. Tasha, all business, moves to her station. TASHA Aye, sir. As she runs a check on Tactical, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT FIVE 50. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 67 INT. ENTERPRISE-D MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard in command, studying the image of the Enterprise-C on the viewer. Riker at one of the aft consoles, Data at Ops, Wes at Conn. Tactical is vacant. Tasha ENTERS from turbolift. TASHA We've finished the transfer of equipment, Captain. The new converters should be able to compensate for the damaged units on the Enterprise-C. Picard stands, nods. Riker moves a couple of steps closer, while Wes and Data turn to look at Tasha. An awkward moment... too much to say... this is neither the time nor the place. Picard clears his throat, but before he can say anything there is a SOUND from the Ops panel. Data turns to his console. WESLEY Long-range scans have picked up Klingon battlecruisers, Captain. They are on an intercept course. This is it and everyone knows it. No time at all for whatever they might have tried to say to Tasha. RIKER E.t.a.? WESLEY Fourteen minutes, thirty-one seconds. PICARD Red Alert. All hands to battle stations. Bridge status goes to RED and we hear a new ALERT KLAXON. Picard turns to Tasha but she anticipates him. TASHA I'm on my way, sir. (beat) Good-bye, Captain. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT FIVE 51. 67 CONTINUED: PICARD Good-bye, Lieutenant. Tasha looks around the bridge. Wesley manages a halfhearted smile which Tasha returns. Tasha heads to the turbolift and pauses for a second near the Tactical station. A SUPERNUMERARY ENTERS from turbolift and takes up the station. Tasha touches the panel for a second -- a quick farewell to her station and her ship -- then EXITS. 68 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE-C (OPTICAL) The ship motionless in space. 69 INT. ENTERPRISE-C MAIN BRIDGE Tasha ENTERS from turbolift. Alert status is RED. Castillo in Command, supernumeraries at their posts. TASHA Damage control teams have all returned to the Enterprise-D... Captain. Castillo reacts slightly to his new title, then down to business. Tasha moves to Tactical station. She checks a few readings. CASTILLO Raise shields. TASHA Shields up. Charging weapon systems. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT FIVE 52. ANGLE ON MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY SCENE 67) The main viewer shows the Enterprise-D. CASTILLO (quietly) Good luck, Enterprise. 71 ON TASHA (FORMERLY SCENE 68) as she also looks at the viewer. Her ship, her friends are about to make their final stand... without her. Linger on her look of concern then... CUT TO: 72 EXT. SPACE - THE TWO ENTERPRISES (OPTICAL) Enterprise-C in b.g. The Enterprise-D begins to wheel around to face the imminent Klingon attack. The rift can now be seen in the b.g. 73 INT. ENTERPRISE-D MAIN BRIDGE The mood is tense. These are seasoned professionals getting ready for another round of combat in a long and hard war. RIKER Number and type of ships, Mister Crusher? WESLEY Three K'vort class battlecruisers. RIKER (to Picard) Not bothering to cloak themselves. PICARD They shouldn't be so confident... after the pasting we gave them at Archer Four. Picard studies the display and calculates the odds against them. RIKER (quietly) We won't last long against that many. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - 12/8/89 - ACT FIVE 53. 73 CONTINUED: Picard already knows that. He looks at Riker and a silent beat of understanding passes between them. Picard stands and addresses his bridge crew. PICARD We could, of course, outrun the Klingons, but we must protect the Enterprise-C until she can enter the temporal rift. (beat) We may not survive... but we must succeed... Let's make sure they don't forget the name Enterprise. The mood of the bridge crew is determined... if this were a few centuries earlier, a cheer would go up. 74 EXT. SPACE - THE KLINGONS (OPTICAL) THREE KLINGON BATTLECRUISERS in attack formation head for the Enterprise. The lead ship FIRES phasers. 75 INT. ENTERPRISE-D MAIN BRIDGE The ship ROCKS with the impact. DATA Shields holding. PICARD (coolly) Hold your fire. Mister Crusher, come about to one-four-eight mark zero-zero-three, on my command. WES Aye sir. RIKER Ready photon torpedoes. Dispersal pattern: Sierra. PICARD Ready... and... now! CUT TO: 76 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE-D (OPTICAL) The Enterprise-D FIRES TORPEDOES. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT FIVE 54. 77 INT. ENTERPRISE-D MAIN BRIDGE As before. DATA One enemy target hit, sir. Moderate damage to their forward shields. The ship is ROCKED as another Klingon shot hits the ship. DATA Our shields still holding. Minor damage to secondary hull. RIKER Course one-seven-zero, mark zero-one-four. WESLEY One ship has broken off and is heading toward the Enterprise-C. Moment of decision. Picard knows what he must do. PICARD Mister Crusher. Belay previous course change... keep us within two hundred kilometers of the Enterprise-C. WES Aye, sir. Coming to two-one-seven mark one-one-five... increasing to two-thirds impulse. 78 EXT. SPACE - THE TWO ENTERPRISES (OPTICAL) The Enterprise-D moves closer to the Enterprise-C in order to protect it from the Klingons. 79 INT. ENTERPRISE-D MAIN BRIDGE The ship is ROCKED by several hits. Riker works the Tactical console. RIKER Damage control teams to deck fourteen. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT FIVE 55. 79 CONTINUED: GEORDI'S COM VOICE Engineering to bridge. Starboard power coupling is down. Containment field generator three is damaged -- attempting to bypass. RIKER If we lose anti-matter containment... Picard nods grimly. PICARD Acknowledged, Engineer. WESLEY The Klingons are flanking us... trying to draw us away from the Enterprise-C. PICARD Hold your course. (to Tactical) Continual fire, all phasers. 80 ON WESLEY as he works his console. Another HIT. Wesley struggles to maintain helm control. 81 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE-D (OPTICAL) The ship sends out a firestorm of PHASER fire. 82 ON KLINGON SHIP (OPTICAL) The phasers punch through the Klingon shields and the ship EXPLODES. 83 INT. ENTERPRISE-D MAIN BRIDGE DATA One enemy target destroyed. The bridge is ROCKED again and again as the Klingons pound the Enterprise. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - 12/8/89 - ACT FIVE 56. 83 CONTINUED: PICARD Damage report! RIKER Heavy casualties in the secondary hull. Navigational sensor array inoperative. GEORDI'S COM VOICE Anti-matter containment fields failing... if I can't stabilize them, we'll have to eject the reactor core or she'll blow... DATA (sees new reading on console) Shields buckling, Captain. They will not -- Another HIT ROCKS the bridge. INTERCUT: 84 INT. ENTERPRISE-D MAIN ENGINEERING The room is filled with smoke and crackling consoles. SUPERNUMERARIES, some wounded or dead are in b.g. Geordi is trying to make his report through the confusion and damage. GEORDI Engineer to bridge. Can't hold the antimatter containment fields... Initiating emergency shutdown... TWO EXPLOSIONS go off in the Engine Core. An ALARM sounds just as a CLOUD OF GAS starts to pour out of the Engine Core. Geordi reacts with horror. (NOTE: computer registers a "force field failure" and the emergency isolation door descends to close off the engine core.) GEORDI Coolant leak! bridge, we have a coolant leak in the engine core! I can't shut it down -- estimate two minutes to warp core breach... STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - 12/8/89 - ACT FIVE 57. 85 INT. ENTERPRISE-D MAIN BRIDGE Geordi is cut off in mid-sentence as the bridge is ROCKED again. PICARD How long until the Enterprise-C enters the rift? DATA Fifty-two seconds. 86 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE-C AND RIFT (OPTICAL) The ship is just about to enter the rift. 87 INT. ENTERPRISE-D MAIN BRIDGE PICARD All remaining power to defense systems. DATA Power couplings severed in forward phaser banks. Attempting to by-pass. (works console) Controls not responding. A SHAKE as the ship is hit again. An EXPLOSION at Tactical. Riker goes down. Picard's face is grim. This is the end and he knows it. A Klingon voice is heard on the com (possibly Worf). KLINGON COM VOICE Federation ship Enterprise... surrender and prepare to be boarded! Picard looks defiantly at the ships on the viewer. He goes to the Tactical station and works the controls himself. He looks at the Klingons with steel in his eyes. PICARD (softly) Like hell. Picard fires the phasers. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - 12/8/89 - ACT FIVE 58. 88 CLOSE ON PICARD holding on to the Tactical console as the ship is hit by phaser fire... 89 ON KLINGONS (OPTICAL) They press in closer for the kill and continue to FIRE at the Enterprise-D. 90 ON ENTERPRISE-C AND RIFT (OPTICAL) The ship enters the rift and disappears. CUT TO: 91 INT. ENTERPRISE-D MAIN BRIDGE - CLOSE ON PICARD Match shot on Picard as we last saw him. It is not immediately apparent whether or not anything has changed or if the battle is still raging. PICARD Report, Lieutenant. 92 NEW ANGLE which reveals the bridge of the Enterprise as seen in the Teaser. Everyone is back at their normal stations. The uniforms, the bridge itself and the people have returned to normal. Worf is back at Tactical; Troi is in her chair. WORF Readings fluctuated momentarily, Captain. It appeared to be a ship, but then it vanished. Picard takes this information in stride. DATA The rift is closing in on itself, Captain. PICARD Very well. Prepare a class-one sensor probe. We'll leave it behind to monitor the final closure. Mister Crusher, lay in a course for Archer Four. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT FIVE 59. 92 CONTINUED: Business as usual. As if nothing ever happened... and to them it hasn't. GUINAN'S COM VOICE Guinan to Captain Picard... is everything all right up there? Picard is a little puzzled by this unusual communication from Guinan. PICARD Guinan?... Yes... everything's fine. Is something wrong? 93 INT. TEN-FORWARD Guinan is behind the bar, holding a drink she's just made. GUINAN No, sir. Sorry to bother you. She looks around. Everything is right. A sad smile crosses her features. She nods her head with satisfaction. FOLLOW her as she moves down the bar and hands the drink to Geordi. GEORDI Thanks, Guinan. Guinan nods, leans on the bar: GUINAN Geordi... tell me about Tasha Yar. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END