STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Allegiance" #40273-166 Written by Richard Manning & Hans Beimler Directed by Rick Kolbe THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1990 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT JANUARY 15, 1990 STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - 1/15/90 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Allegiance" CAST PICARD FALSE PICARD RIKER HARO DATA THOLL BEVERLY ESOQQ TROI ALIEN #1 GEORDI ALIEN #2 WORF WESLEY Non-Speaking SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: "Allegiance" 1/15/90 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Allegiance" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE READY ROOM SICKBAY TEN FORWARD CORRIDOR CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS RIKER'S QUARTERS DATA'S QUARTERS HOLDING BAY STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/22/90 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Allegiance" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (STOCK OPTICAL) in orbit around a blue-green planet. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 43714.1. We have finally succeeded in eradicating the plague on Cor Caroli Five, and are now preparing to leave orbit and proceed to our next mission -- 2 OMITTED 3 INT. CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) PICARD is relaxing on a recliner-type chair, reading an antique leather-bound book. An empty brandy snifter is nearby. CLASSICAL MUSIC plays softly. PICARD (V.O.) -- a rendezvous with the USS Hood to assist their terraforming efforts on Browder Four. After a moment, Picard lays the book over his chest and closes his eyes. Almost immediately, a body-length metallic slab MATERIALIZES directly over the sleeping Picard. The slab emits a BEAM which scans the captain from head to toe. Once the scan is complete, the beam stops and Picard DEMATERIALIZES in a new, ALIEN TRANSPORTER EFFECT. 4 INT. MAIN BRIDGE RIKER, WORF, DATA, and supernumeraries are at their posts. Data reacts to something on his console. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - 1/15/90 - TEASER 2. 4 CONTINUED: DATA Commander, ship's sensors detect an abnormal energy reading in the captain's quarters. RIKER Type? DATA Undetermined. RIKER (to com) Riker to Captain Picard. No answer; after a beat, Riker turns to Worf who is already on the move toward the turbolift. WORF Security team to captain's quarters -- 5 INT. HOLDING BAY CLOSE on Picard as he slowly awakens and looks around -- and is stunned to see he's no longer on the Enterprise. Instead, he's in a large square, empty, windowless, rather featureless room. One door -- which is solidly shut. Each corner of the room contains a "bunk" (a small padded area slightly raised from floor level); in the center of the room is a "feeder" (a simple dispenser filled with what looks like hockey pucks). Picard's on one "bunk," another is vacant. The remaining two are occupied by unconscious -- or possibly dead -- humanoids: MITENA HARO (a "Bolian" -- young, female Starfleet cadet) and KOVA THOLL (a "Mizarian" -- middle-aged male civilian). 6 ON PICARD as he gets to his feet, taps his insignia: PICARD Picard to Enterprise. No response; not even the beep to indicate the communicator's working. Picard suspects it's futile, but tries again; STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - 1/15/90 - TEASER 3. 6 CONTINUED: PICARD (cont'd) Anyone receiving this transmission, please respond. Nothing. Picard scowls. 7 INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS Worf and security team are at the captain's door. Worf touches the CHIME. No response. WORF Security override. Priority one. but before he can finish the door OPENS to reveal Picard -- actually a perfect replica of Picard -- staring back at Worf and the security team. FALSE PICARD Is something the matter, Lieutenant? On Worf's relieved and embarrassed expression: FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/19/90 - ACT ONE 4. ACT ONE FADE IN: 8 INT. HOLDING BAY Picard crosses to the motionless Haro, kneels at her side, touches her carotid artery to check for pulse. Haro stirs, awakens -- realizes someone's close, and panics, reflexively swinging an arm at the stranger. Picard's ready for it, blocks the blow by seizing Haro's wrist, whispers to calm her: PICARD It's all right. I'm not going to hurt you. HARO Who -- ? Haro slowly relaxes. Picard lets her go; she sits up, notices Picard's rank. HARO (cont'd) Captain... PICARD (nods) Jean-Luc Picard of the Enterprise. HARO Captain Picard! We've studied your missions at the Academy... Haro realizes she's being less than professional, straightens up: HARO (cont'd) Mitena Haro, first year cadet, Starfleet Academy. Picard nods acknowledgement, but before he can respond: THOLL (O.S.) Perhaps you can explain what this is all about. 9 NEW ANGLE Tholl is sitting up, regarding Picard with a mixture of suspicion and disdain. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/22/90 - ACT ONE 5. 9 CONTINUED: PICARD Unfortunately, I can't, Mister... THOLL Tholl. Kova Tholl, of Mizar Two. PICARD Well, Mister Tholl, all I know is that I've been brought here against my will. (gestures) Wherever "here" is... HARO The same thing happened to me, sir. I was alone, studying... and I fainted. When I came to... (gestures) That was about three days ago. PICARD (to Tholl) And you, sir? THOLL I've been here twelve days, possibly more. I had been meditating privately -- and for no reason whatever, I lost consciousness. PICARD What can you tell me about our captors? THOLL Nothing. They've never shown themselves. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/22/90 - ACT ONE 6. 10 ON PICARD as he moves around, inspecting the walls. Haro follows Picard, keeping a respectful distance. PICARD Four sleeping areas... that implies we'll be joined by another captive... Picard stops at the feeder, pulls out a "hockey puck" -- it's a dark, translucent disk of solid but malleable material, sort of a gigantic gumdrop. Not very appealing. Picard pulls off a small hunk, examines it. PICARD Food? THOLL (making a face) It's edible... but I wouldn't call it food. 11 NEW ANGLE as Picard moves to the door, examines it. Next to the door is a small panel flush with the wall -- a key panel? It appears to be -- it's divided into a grid of sub-panels, each with an alien symbol upon it. Picard presses one; it lights up briefly and makes a short, annoying BEEP SOUND. He tries another -- same result. THOLL I wouldn't touch that. PICARD Why not? STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/22/90 - ACT ONE 7. 11 CONTINUED: THOLL If it's the door lock, the combination is too complex to hit at random -- I tried it, and was punished. PICARD Punished -- how? THOLL Severe pain... some sort of energy beam. (shudders at the memory) I won't get near that panel again... Picard leaves the panel alone for the moment, inspects the door itself. Haro steps up -- and a little of her insecurity and fear show through: STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/22/90 - ACT ONE 8. 11 CONTINUED: (2) HARO The Enterprise will find us, won't it, sir? As soon as they discover you're missing, they'll start to search... Won't they? Picard realizes Haro needs a dose of morale-building: PICARD Of course they will. They'll do everything they can. In the meantime, we keep our heads... (wryly indicating the room) ... and enjoy the hospitality. Haro takes courage from Picard's words, manages a smile. HARO Yes, sir. 12 thru OMITTED 14 15 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Riker, Data, WESLEY, Worf, supernumeraries. False Picard ENTERS from the turbolift. WORF Sir, the Hood has arrived at the rendezvous point. They are expecting us in thirty-six hours. FALSE PICARD Thank you, Lieutenant. (a beat) Mister Data. The nearest pulsar is in the Lonka cluster, is it not? DATA Correct, sir. Everyone is a bit surprised: why has the captain brought this up? Unfortunately for them, he's keeping his reasons to himself. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/17/90 - ACT ONE 8A. 15 CONTINUED: FALSE PICARD And what do we know about that pulsar? STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/17/90 - ACT ONE 9. 15 CONTINUED: (2) DATA A great deal, sir. It is a rotating neutron star of approximately four point three five six solar masses. False Picard considers this for a moment, then: FALSE PICARD Mister Crusher -- how long would it take us to get there? WESLEY At warp seven... thirty-four minutes. False Picard takes another moment to consider this. FALSE PICARD Mister Crusher -- make it so. WESLEY Sir? Wesley is a bit surprised. FALSE PICARD Set course for the Lonka pulsar. Warp two. WESLEY Aye, sir. Wesley hesitates before adding: WESLEY (cont'd) Sir, at warp two -- we'll arrive at the pulsar in thirty-one hours... FALSE PICARD Thank you, Ensign. Engage. The stars on the viewscreen STREAK into warp. Riker is slightly puzzled; he half-expects the captain to elaborate or explain the change in plans. After a beat, it's clear no explanation is forthcoming. RIKER Captain, are we delaying our rendezvous with the Hood? STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/17/90 - ACT ONE 9A. 15 CONTINUED: (3) FALSE PICARD We may have to. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/18/90 - ACT ONE 10. 15 CONTINUED: (4) That's all False Picard offers. Riker takes it from there: RIKER Mister Worf, contact the Hood and inform them of our delay. WORF Aye, Commander. FALSE PICARD Belay that. (firm, not angry) There'll be no further communications off this ship without my prior authorization. False Picard turns to Riker. FALSE PICARD (cont'd) Commander -- I'd like a word with you. False Picard gets up and heads for the Ready Room. Riker is right behind. FALSE PICARD (cont'd) (to Data) Mister Data -- you have the bridge. DATA Aye, sir. False Picard and Riker EXIT. 15A ON WESLEY glancing over towards Data. WESLEY Data -- any guesses as to what this is all about? DATA I see no point in randomly selecting alternative motivations for the captain's actions considering that not enough information has been offered to make any one "guess" superior to another. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/17/90 - ACT ONE 11. 15A CONTINUED: WESLEY In other words, you don't know either. Wesley returns his attention to his console. 15B INT. READY ROOM (OPTICAL) False Picard is leaning on his desk; Riker stands before him. FALSE PICARD Number One... You know I like to keep you well informed as to the nature of our missions. RIKER Yes, sir. FALSE PICARD And if I don't inform you -- there's a reason. Riker nods. FALSE PICARD (cont'd) I don't like keeping you in the dark, Commander... but for the next few days I won't be able to be as communicative as usual. It may make things difficult for you... RIKER Don't worry about me, sir. I can handle it. FALSE PICARD And the crew? RIKER You can count on us all, sir. False Picard eyes Riker carefully. Riker has complete faith in the captain. FALSE PICARD I appreciate that, Number One. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - 1/15/90 - ACT ONE 12. 16 OMITTED 17 INT. HOLDING BAY Picard, Haro, Tholl. Picard is again examining the keypad next to the door. He thinks it over, starts pushing just one of the panels in a repeating sequence of numbers -- 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13. Haro looks on with interest, Tholl with ill-concealed skepticism. THOLL Picard -- what are you doing? PICARD Attempting to show our captors that we possess intelligence. THOLL You don't think they know that already? They can hear us talking... PICARD They may not realize we are communicating through language. HARO Captain Picard's letting them know that we comprehend mathematics... by tapping out the first six prime numbers. Tholl gives Haro a look -- "you think I'm stupid?" THOLL I know what he's doing. I'm trying to understand why. PICARD To get their attention. THOLL Oh, you may get their attention, all right... and they'll give you a dose of agony for using the keypad. PICARD I'll take the chance. It's imperative that we communicate with our abductors... find out what they want. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/22/90 - ACT ONE 13. 17 CONTINUED: THOLL Obviously, they want us. PICARD Obviously. But why? What made our captors choose us? What makes us special? Picard looks from Tholl to Haro. Haro's at a loss. Her -- "special?" HARO I couldn't say, Captain. I'm certainly not special -- I'm just one cadet. PICARD (points out) You're a Bolian. There are very few Bolians in Starfleet. HARO I am one of three in the Academy. The other two have academic records much better than mine... PICARD What's your best area of study? HARO Impulse propulsion systems. I'm really good with field coils... PICARD Good enough to be useful to our abductors? HARO (it's a new thought) I don't know. Maybe. (a beat) But if they needed an engineer, sir, why didn't they take a "real" one? Why pick a Starfleet cadet? PICARD That, I can't answer. (a beat) The Bolians are maintaining an uneasy truce with the Moropa, are they not? STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/22/90 - ACT ONE 14. 17 CONTINUED: (2) HARO That's right. (looks around) But this doesn't look like Moropa technology... and, even assuming the Moropa wanted me, why would they want either of you? 18 NEW ANGLE as Picard turns to Tholl, who anticipates his question. THOLL I've never even heard of the Moropa. My race has no enemies. PICARD (surprised) None? In the last three hundred years of Mizarian history, your planet has been conquered six times! THOLL And we've survived by not resisting. Mizarians value peace above confrontation. PICARD Then you have no idea who might have done this. THOLL No. I don't know of anyone who bears malice toward my race. PICARD Or against you personally? THOLL You can't mean to suggest that someone with a personal grudge against me has gone to all this trouble... PICARD I'm not suggesting anything. I'm merely trying to come up with an explanation for your abduction. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/22/90 - ACT ONE 15. 18 CONTINUED: THOLL I'm sorry, Picard -- I can't give you one. I am neither important enough to hold for ransom nor radical enough to be dangerous. I'm a simple public servant... assistant to the regent of Pozaron, our third-largest city. PICARD Nonetheless, Mister Tholl -- Picard stops as an odd SOUND catches everyone's attention. They turn to see: 19 ANGLE TO INCLUDE THE EMPTY BUNK (OPTICAL) as a FORM begins to APPEAR (ALIEN TRANSPORTER EFFECT). PICARD It would seem a new arrival is imminent... The FORM COALESCES -- revealing ESOQQ (of the Chalnoth race) -- a large, hairy, nasty-looking brute of an alien. Bad-tempered... and if his sharp teeth are any indication, a meat-eater. 20 NEW ANGLE as Esoqq looks around with surprise -- plainly he has no idea what's happening to him. He sees the three others in the room -- and his face contorts with rage. He draws a weapon -- a mean-looking dagger or blade of some sort. PICARD Stop! We mean you no harm... Picard spreads his hands in a gesture of peace. Esoqq warily takes a step back -- and assumes an attack posture. Picard motions for Tholl and Haro to stand absolutely still. On the tense standoff, we -- FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/22/90 - ACT TWO 16. ACT TWO FADE IN: 21 INT. HOLDING BAY Esoqq holds the knife threateningly. Tholl and Haro remain motionless as Picard tries to calm Esoqq: PICARD We are prisoners, like yourself! We are not the enemy! The command in Picard's voice is compelling. Gradually, Esoqq lowers the knife, eyes Picard darkly. ESOQQ Who has done this? PICARD We don't know. We were brought here the same way you were. Our captors refuse to show themselves. Esoqq, unsure whether to believe Picard or not, looks as if he may attack at any second. ESOQQ I don't trust you... PICARD You must trust us. We wish only to return to our worlds. Were you abducted from Chalna? ESOQQ (surprised) You know my planet? STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/23/90 - ACT TWO 17. 21 CONTINUED: PICARD Yes. I visited there twelve years ago. A long beat as it hangs in the balance. Then Esoqq makes up his mind, sheathes his knife. Haro closes her eyes, relieved. Picard merely nods acceptance. 22 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS The poker game is on; Riker, Geordi, Worf, Troi, and Data are seated at the table, enjoying the game as well as the drinks and snacks. Troi has the largest pile of chips. Riker tosses chips into the pot. RIKER Your five... and twenty more. GEORDI Ouch. TROI If it's too rich, fold. GEORDI I'm thinking, I'm thinking... WORF Think less, play more. Geordi looks at his cards again. Riker, looking at Geordi, makes a CLUCKING sound -- "chicken!" RIKER I say he folds. DATA I believe you are incorrect, Commander. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/16/90 - ACT TWO 18. 22 CONTINUED: DATA (Cont'd) In situations where more than two players have asked for three cards and the minimum raise was ten, Geordi has stayed in the game seventy-three percent of the time. RIKER I still say he folds. They all look at Geordi: "Well?" Geordi puts in his chips. GEORDI I don't want to hurt my average. As everyone CHUCKLES, the CHIME SOUNDS. DATA Enter. The doors OPEN and the False Picard ENTERS. The CHUCKLES die down -- everyone's surprised to see the captain. FALSE PICARD Counselor, gentlemen. Forgive the intrusion... I was just passing by. DATA You are always welcome, Captain. FALSE PICARD Don't let me interrupt... please continue. The mood of the table has shifted somewhat with the captain's presence. The play continues but the frivolity and banter are muted. RIKER Bet is twenty-five to you, Lieutenant. Worf scowls at his cards, locks eyes with Riker. WORF You are bluffing. Riker's expression is unreadable. Worf gives in: STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/17/90 - ACT TWO 18A. 22 CONTINUED: (2) WORF (cont'd) So was I. Worf folds. Riker turns to Troi, but before he can speak: FALSE PICARD I was wondering, Mister La Forge... what's our engine efficiency status? GEORDI Operating at ninety-three percent, sir. False Picard considers this information, then: FALSE PICARD That's good, but I'd like to increase that efficiency to ninety-five percent. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/16/90 - ACT TWO 19. 22 CONTINUED: (3) GEORDI I'll get on it right away, sir. FALSE PICARD It wasn't an order, Mister La Forge. You can get to it later. An awkward moment -- Geordi's not quite sure if the captain is kidding. FALSE PICARD (cont'd) I don't wish to disrupt your recreation. Geordi decides the captain is just being considerate. GEORDI No problem, sir. (regarding the game) Lady Luck left me long ago. Geordi tosses in his hand, EXITS. TROI Would you care to join us, sir? We have an opening. FALSE PICARD I'd rather just observe, if you don't mind. RIKER Of course not. (to Troi) Your bet, Counselor. All eyes go to Troi, who matches the bet. Data does also. RIKER Pair of threes. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/16/90 - ACT TWO 20. 22 CONTINUED: (4) TROI Flush. Queen high. DATA That beats my three fours. As Troi takes the pile of chips: FALSE PICARD Well played, Counselor. (a beat) May I have a word with you? TROI Certainly, sir. As Worf shuffles and deals, Troi gets up and follows False Picard. FALSE PICARD Forgive me, gentlemen. I'll return your player in a moment. RIKER (in fun) Take your time, sir... she's won almost every hand. False Picard smiles and EXITS with Troi. 23 OMITTED 23A INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE DATA'S QUARTERS False Picard and Troi stand outside Data's quarters. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/16/90 - ACT TWO 21. 23A CONTINUED: FALSE PICARD I wanted to ask you about the crew... how are they reacting to our sudden change in course? TROI I've sensed no unusual reaction, Captain. Troi is curious about the captain's question; there hardly seems a reason to be concerned. TROI (cont'd) After all -- such a change is hardly out of the ordinary. FALSE PICARD Aren't they curious or concerned as to why? TROI Curious, yes -- concerned, no. They trust you. FALSE PICARD And how far do you think that trust goes? That's an odd question from Picard. Troi is taken aback. TROI Sir? False Picard realizes he's pushing it. He backs off: STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/16/90 - ACT TWO 22. 23A CONTINUED: (2) FALSE PICARD I know... the crew has always had full confidence in me. (a beat) But if that were to change... TROI I'd inform you, sir... of course. False Picard nods, then prepares to exit. FALSE PICARD Thank you, Counselor. The captain EXITS. We hold on Counselor Troi, left to ponder her thoughts. CUT TO: 24 INT. HOLDING BAY Picard, Haro, Tholl, Esoqq. ESOQQ My given name is Esoqq. PICARD Has it a meaning? ESOQQ Yes... it means "fighter." THOLL (with disdain) I'll bet half the names in the Chalnoth language mean "fighter." STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/22/90 - ACT TWO 23. 24 CONTINUED: Esoqq looks disparagingly at Tholl. ESOQQ Mizarians. Your names all mean "surrender." THOLL (taking umbrage) We are a peaceful race, a race of thinkers -- ESOQQ A race of cowards. (looks to Haro) And you? I don't know your people. Haro doesn't know how to deal with Esoqq, looks nervously to Picard for guidance. Picard nods to her -- go ahead and answer. HARO I am Mitena Haro, of Bolarus Nine. (then adds) I'm a Bolian. THOLL (dry) Yes, that would follow. ESOQQ (re Haro) Who would want to imprison a child? HARO I'm not a "child" -- PICARD (intervenes) Esoqq -- I've been trying to determine if we have a common enemy... someone who'd have reason to confine us here. Esoqq gives it thought. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/22/90 - ACT TWO 24. 24 CONTINUED: (2) ESOQQ There are Chalnoth who would kill me if they could... but kidnap? There is no reason. PICARD You have many enemies? ESOQQ None of consequence. I've slain all the ones who mattered. Haro can't help a GASP. Esoqq hears it. ESOQQ (cont'd) That shocks you, Bolian? HARO A little... Esoqq looks to Tholl -- "and you?" THOLL I'm not surprised... I've heard about your race. You're uncivilized -- you have no laws, no system of government -- ESOQQ The Chalnoth have no use for laws or governments! We are strong -- we obey no one. THOLL You live in anarchy, murdering one another -- that mentality may get us all killed. ESOQQ (dangerous) And you may be the first... Esoqq's heating up again. Picard steps in: PICARD Both of you -- this is getting us nowhere. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/23/90 - ACT TWO 25-26. 24 CONTINUED: (3) THOLL Neither is asking us useless questions, Picard. (a thought) But if you must pursue the topic, answer this: who are your enemies? The Federation's in conflict with half the galaxy. Haro jumps to the Federation's defense: HARO That's not true -- Picard signals Haro to calm down and let Tholl speak. THOLL Isn't it? How long have you and the Romulans been adversaries? PICARD (unruffled) Quite a while, Mister Tholl. And I'm perfectly willing to entertain the hypothesis that our captors are Romulans. (a beat) But what would Romulans want with you? THOLL My brainpower, perhaps. It's well known that my species possesses superior intelligence... and I am considered among the smartest of my people. HARO (sotto; with disgust) And the least modest. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/22/90 - ACT TWO 27. 24A OMITTED 25 ANGLE ON ESOQQ stepping up to one of the food dispensers and glaring at it. ESOQQ What is this? PICARD Food. Esoqq pulls a "hockey puck" from the dispenser. ESOQQ The only food? PICARD It would seem so. Esoqq tastes it -- spits it out, and whirls angrily upon Picard. ESOQQ Poison! THOLL (with a dread foreboding) Then there's nothing here for you to eat? ESOQQ (looking at Tholl) You. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/16/90 - ACT TWO 28. 25 CONTINUED: THOLL (shrinking back) Don't even think that! Picard -- you won't let him... PICARD Esoqq -- how long can you go without food? ESOQQ Three days. Perhaps four. PICARD No longer? ESOQQ (with determination) No longer. Haro and Tholl are seriously worried. Picard is grim. Now the clock's ticking... 26 INT. SICKBAY False Picard is concluding the physical examination being conducted by Beverly. BEVERLY All tests indicate the same result -- you're in great shape. FALSE PICARD I've never felt better. BEVERLY I see. (a beat) Then why did you come in? Your annual physical wasn't due for another month. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/16/90 - ACT TWO 29. 26 CONTINUED: FALSE PICARD You usually have to remind me, then badger me, and finally order me to report. For once, I thought I'd save you the trouble. Beverly doesn't quite buy it; her logical conclusion is that there is something wrong that Picard isn't telling her. With genuine concern and openness, Beverly looks False Picard in the eye: BEVERLY Jean-Luc -- be honest with your doctor. Were there any symptoms or warning signs you haven't told me about? FALSE PICARD (equally open) As far as I know, I'm in perfect health. Beverly accepts that, smiles. BEVERLY Well, then... return to your post. False Picard smiles back at Beverly's jest, prepares to exit. Casually: FALSE PICARD Will you dine with me tonight? Beverly takes this as no big deal -- just friends dining together. BEVERLY In Ten-Forward? FALSE PICARD How about my quarters? More intimate. This puts a different complexion on things. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/22/90 - ACT TWO 30. 26 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY You're full of surprises today, Jean-Luc. False Picard heads for the door. FALSE PICARD I take that to be a yes. He EXITS. Hold on Beverly's expression -- the captain is definitely a complicated man. CUT TO: 27 INT. HOLDING BAY Picard, Haro, and Esoqq are examining the door and the inert locking panel next to it. Tholl looks on from his "bunk." THOLL Picard -- is it wise to attempt an escape? PICARD It's imperative. THOLL Why? So far, our captors haven't mistreated us. HARO We've been kidnapped, locked in a room -- you don't think that's mistreatment? THOLL They haven't hurt us, have they? I think we should just be patient until we find out what they want. PICARD We can no longer afford to be patient. If we don't act soon, Esoqq will starve... "... or eat us" is the unspoken alternative. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/22/90 - ACT TWO 31. 27 CONTINUED: THOLL If we antagonize them, they may decide we're more trouble than we're worth... kill us, and go capture another four. PICARD I agree we're taking a risk. But I see no alternative. THOLL Well, I refuse to help. PICARD As you wish, Mister Tholl. (eyeing the wall) We must open this panel. ESOQQ (inspects it) Not very sturdy... Esoqq looks to Picard, who nods. PICARD Haro -- stand back. Esoqq hauls off and SMASHES the panel with one blow. 28 ON THE PANEL Behind the smashed panel is a mass of circuitry and wave guides. Haro inspects it. HARO The design is simple... crosscircuiting the door mechanism should be easy. Haro looks to Picard for instructions. Picard reflexively replies: PICARD Make it so. HARO Yes, sir. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/22/90 - ACT TWO 32. 29 ON HARO (OPTICAL) making progress. HARO I think I've got it... The DOOR HUMS to life and very slowly opens about one inch. Then, quickly and suddenly, it closes -- and glowing BEAMS spring from a spot above the door and strike Picard, Haro, and Esoqq. Whatever the BEAMS are, they're intensely painful. Picard, Haro, and Esoqq drop to the ground. 30 NEW ANGLE Tholl, clear of the beams and unhurt, gets to his feet, concerned but helpless. THOLL I warned you... On the dazed Picard, Haro, and Esoqq -- FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/17/90 - ACT THREE 33. ACT THREE FADE IN: 31 INT. CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) False Picard, dressed in formal evening attire, sits across a table from Beverly -- looking lovelier than ever in her evening dress. Soft MUSIC and candlelight set the atmosphere. The captain and Beverly have finished their meal and are enjoying the last few sips of a dessert champagne. Beverly smiles. BEVERLY Out with it, Jean-Luc. FALSE PICARD Out with what? BEVERLY Whatever's been on your mind all evening long. FALSE PICARD Has it been that apparent? Beverly nods. False Picard smiles. FALSE PICARD (cont'd) You know me well, don't you? BEVERLY After all this time, I ought to. False Picard gazes at the candles for a beat, then turns to Beverly: FALSE PICARD I have been preoccupied. I've been thinking about us... and the choices I've made. BEVERLY We've both made choices... FALSE PICARD And I've been wondering if they've been the right ones. (a beat) Sometimes I feel we've allowed our positions to isolate us... STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/17/90 - ACT THREE 34. 31 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (nods understanding) Our positions necessitate a degree of professional detachment... FALSE PICARD But there's a danger in becoming too detached... in never allowing ourselves to get closer. BEVERLY (direct) Is that what you want, Jean-Luc? To get closer? FALSE PICARD You're a very attractive woman. BEVERLY And you're a very attractive man. But we both know it's not as simple as that. FALSE PICARD Would it be simpler if I weren't your commanding officer? BEVERLY Simpler, perhaps, but... that's not the only issue. (beat) Right now, I guess, I'm comfortable with our relationship the way it is. False Picard nods, understanding her position. FALSE PICARD Then I'll respect that. Beverly smiles -- "you're a good friend." False Picard smiles back. FALSE PICARD (cont'd) Would you care to dance? Beverly holds out her hand. BEVERLY All right. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/17/90 - ACT THREE 34A. 32 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) as False Picard leads Beverly to the middle of the room. He takes Beverly in his arms and they begin a slow dance. After a beat: FALSE PICARD I don't know if I've ever told you... but I'm glad you're back on the Enterprise. I missed our... friendship. BEVERLY So did I... 33 CLOSER (OPTICAL) as the captain holds her near... His arm curls around hers... They get closer... cheek-to-cheek. As they dance, the mood changes -- the sexual tension becomes undeniable. False Picard's arm tightens around her waist... STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/17/90 - ACT THREE 35. 33 CONTINUED: They continue to dance... the captain and Beverly look at one another -- their lips almost touching... and then False Picard kisses her. Immediately, Beverly pulls away. BEVERLY Jean-Luc, if I didn't know you better... I'd think you were playing games with me. FALSE PICARD Are you sorry you came here tonight? BEVERLY I didn't say that. FALSE PICARD Good. Because I'm delighted you did. But perhaps we should call it a night. And with that, the captain leads Beverly to the door; it OPENS. Beverly is momentarily bewildered -- she didn't expect to be ushered out. FALSE PICARD Good night. She EXITS and the door CLOSES. 34 INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS Beverly stands in the corridor, confused. For a moment she hesitates, considers ringing the bell... then changes her mind, EXITS down the corridor. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/25/90 - ACT THREE 36. 35 INT. HOLDING BAY Picard, Haro, and Esoqq are back on their feet. Esoqq glares accusingly at Tholl, who's watching from several feet away. THOLL I warned you not to provoke our captors. The next beams might be lethal. Esoqq's kept staring at Tholl throughout. ESOQQ Not to you. You moved far from the door... THOLL Of course I did! Being stunned once was enough. ESOQQ You claim you were hit by the stun beam... before the rest of us arrived. You could be lying. Maybe our enemy is watching us... from inside. THOLL (indignant) You accuse me of collaborating with our abductors? ESOQQ Collaboration is what your species does best! STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/22/90 - ACT THREE 37. 35 CONTINUED: HARO (dawning suspicion) You did try to talk us out of attempting to escape... ESOQQ For all we know, you may be our captor. THOLL Impossible. I'm a Mizarian. My people are not agressive -- ESOQQ How can we be sure you're a Mizarian? What if you're an impostor? 36 ANGLE ON ESOQQ Getting steadily angrier, Esoqq advances toward Tholl. Even Haro is looking at Tholl with new eyes. Tholl's getting desperate: THOLL This is nonsense! What if you're an impostor? (to Picard and Haro) Esoqq was the last one to appear... and he is the only one with a weapon... ESOQQ Which I may still use... PICARD Tholl -- our captors have transporters and stun beams. I hardly think they'd try to keep us at bay with a knife. Tholl looks about for a new scapegoat: THOLL (re Haro) Then maybe she's an impostor. She could have triggered the stun beams deliberately. HARO I was hit, too... STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/22/90 - ACT THREE 37A. 36 CONTINUED: THOLL To forestall suspicion! You were very quick to volunteer... PICARD Tholl -- I asked her to open the door. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/22/90 - ACT THREE 38. 36 CONTINUED: (2) THOLL You mean ordered her. You've been giving orders from the moment you got here... trying to make everyone do what you want. 37 ON PICARD frowning at Tholl's wild accusations. PICARD What I want is for all of us to escape. ESOQQ Why should we believe you? HARO Captain Picard's put his life at stake for others many times... the primitive culture on Mintaka Three, the Wogneer creatures in the Ordek Nebula... Haro looks to Picard to provide another example. PICARD Cor Caroli Five... HARO Right -- helping to cure the Phyrox Plague. ESOQQ And how do we know this is the heroic Captain Picard? We have no proof of his identity... Haro, despite herself, takes a second look at Picard: is it possible? Might he be a double? THOLL You've wasted our time with failed attempts to communicate with them or escape. Is that your task -- to keep us busy so we're off-guard? STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/17/90 - ACT THREE 39. 37 CONTINUED: ESOQQ What have you to say, Picard? Tholl, Esoqq, and even Haro are all staring at Picard, waiting for an answer. As Picard looks from one accusing face to another -- CUT TO: 38 thru OMITTED 39 39A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (STOCK OPTICAL) as it slows from warp to impulse. RIKER (V.O.) First officer's log, supplemental. Although we're still two hundred million kilometers from the Lonka pulsar, the Captain has ordered us to slow to one-half impulse. 40 INT. TEN-FORWARD Medium busy. Geordi and Worf are having a drink at the bar. RIKER (V.O.) He has offered no explanation. PAN TO Riker and Troi at a table, deep in conversation. RIKER I don't understand why we're going to this pulsar. And creeping up on it at half impulse makes even less sense... TROI The captain's given unusual orders before... RIKER I know... but this time it's different. He's different. I can't put my finger on it... but I'm worried. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/17/90 - ACT THREE 40. 40 CONTINUED: Troi looks out the window for a moment; she isn't sure whether she should confide her worries. Finally: TROI The captain does seem... detached from his emotions. False Picard ENTERS, moves toward the bar, nods greeting to Geordi, Worf, and supernumeraries. FALSE PICARD Mister La Forge -- we are operating at ninety-six percent engine efficiency. Well done. GEORDI Thank you, sir. To the crowd -- FALSE PICARD When we arrive at the pulsar, I'm going to need everyone at their best. I know I can count on you all. False Picard looks to Worf for response. WORF Of course, Captain. FALSE PICARD Excellent. (to the bartender) An ale for me, please... (re: Geordi and Worf) ... and for my officers... (then, expansive) In fact, ales for everyone. 40A ANGLE ON RIKER AND TROI exchanging a look of incredulity. 40B ON THE BAR as the ales are delivered. False Picard picks up his drink, raises it high. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/17/90 - ACT THREE 40A. 40B CONTINUED: FALSE PICARD Here's to the finest crew in Starfleet. The others raise their glasses, join the toast. False Picard takes a slug of ale. FALSE PICARD (cont'd) You know, back when I was in the Academy, we would follow each toast with a song. WORF An unusual tradition. FALSE PICARD Let's see if I can remember one... No one is quite sure how to react -- least of all when the captain starts SINGING: FALSE PICARD (cont'd) (Insert old English or Irish drinking song -- i.e., "Garry Owen") The captain SINGS a few bars, then motions for others to join in. A captain's suggestion is almost an order, so Worf, Geordi, and others start SINGING. 41 ANGLE ON RIKER AND TROI looking incredulously at the captain leading the SINGING. Geordi subtly detaches himself from the group at the bar, crosses to Riker. GEORDI Commander... What's the captain up to? Riker shakes his head in amazement. RIKER That's not the captain I know... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/18/90 - ACT FOUR 41. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 42 INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS Starting on Data entering... reacts as he sees, and we reveal, Riker, Troi, Worf, Geordi and Beverly are gathered in Riker's living quarters. And implicitly we understand that this is a secret meeting, that the participants are uncomfortable being here... RIKER ... We have a mission that has no apparent purpose... by itself, I can accept that, all of us can... because the captain says it is important and we trust him... Then he runs the crew through efficiency drills for the first time in my tour of duty... but if he says we need them, we need them... because we trust the captain. But we also have a captain singing drinking songs with his men... GEORDI ... a captain who's come to the poker game for the first time... TROI And he was very odd with me afterwards... he asked me to warn him if the crew started to lose confidence in him... RIKER (to Troi) Any signs of mental stress or trauma? She shakes her head, no. BEVERLY He came in for a physical without a word from me... WORF Anything unusual, doctor? STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/18/90 - ACT FOUR 42. 42 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (shakes her head) He was in perfect health... every test result identical to his last physical... that's kind of unusual in itself, actually... RIKER It's almost as though he wanted to establish that there was nothing wrong with him. BEVERLY There was one... other... thing... A little embarrassed, off their looks -- BEVERLY He asked me to his cabin for dinner... I think he tried to seduce me. Reactions. RIKER Which brings us to a most serious possibility -- is there an outside influence at work here... TROI I can detect no evidence of telepathic coercion. DATA Commander, there is one other fact we have not considered. The abnormal energy reading in the captain's quarters that was never explained. More reactions. WORF It is not enough evidence to justify mutiny. RIKER Worf -- nobody has suggested removing the captain from command. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/18/90 - ACT FOUR 42A. 42 CONTINUED: (2) WORF Nobody has yet. BEVERLY And nobody will -- unless we have solid evidence that the captain is unfit for duty. RIKER Right now, all we have are suspicions... not enough to act upon. The next move is his. On Riker's frustration: CUT TO: 43 thru OMITTED 45 45A INT. HOLDING BAY Tholl, Esoqq, and Haro are confronting Picard. THOLL Well, Picard? Prove to us you're not the enemy. PICARD I can't. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/25/90 - ACT FOUR 43. 45A CONTINUED: The simplicity of that statement catches the group by surprise. Picard calmly elaborates: PICARD (cont'd) You're right, Tholl. Any of us could be the enemy. And there's no way to prove we aren't. A beat as Picard lets that sink in. Everyone's now looking suspiciously at everyone else. PICARD (cont'd) But unless we set aside our mutual fears and trust one another, we have no hope of escape. HARO (after a beat) Sir... how can we trust each other? THOLL She's right. There may be an enemy among us. PICARD And what if there is, Mister Tholl? Shall we continue accusing one another until hostility leads to violence? Shall we allow our suspicions to destroy us? 45B NEW ANGLE as Tholl, Esoqq, and Haro sheepishly weigh Picard's words. Picard doesn't wait for an answer, turns his attention to the hole in the wall. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/18/90 - ACT FOUR 44. 45B CONTINUED: PICARD Let's see if we can deactivate that stun mechanism... Haro moves to Picard's side; they examine the circuitry within the bulkhead. 46 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in high orbit around the pulsar. 47 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) False Picard, Riker, Data, Wesley, and Worf watch the pulsar which fills the viewscreen. WESLEY Orbiting the pulsar at fifty million kilometers, sir. DATA The pulsar is exactly as our records indicate. There appear to be no anomalies or significant changes since the last scan by a Federation ship. FALSE PICARD Helm -- take us in to twenty million kilometers. WESLEY Aye, sir. RIKER Mister Worf, divert enough power to the shields to offset the increased radiation and magnetic fields. DATA Sir, at twenty million kilometers our shields will be effective for only eighteen minutes -- FALSE PICARD (interrupts) Noted, Mister Data. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/18/90 - ACT FOUR 44A. 47 CONTINUED: False Picard falls silent, stares at the viewscreen. Riker studies False Picard, makes up his mind: RIKER Captain, may I have a word with you? False Picard considers Riker's request for a moment, then moves toward the Ready Room. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/18/90 - ACT FOUR 45. 47 CONTINUED: (2) FALSE PICARD You have the bridge, Mister Data. DATA Aye, sir. Riker looks over to Worf, then follows the captain into the Ready Room. 48 INT. READY ROOM False Picard waits for Riker to speak first. RIKER What is our mission? FALSE PICARD I'm under no obligation to tell you that. RIKER If you don't -- you force me to take command of this vessel. FALSE PICARD On what grounds? RIKER You're endangering this ship... for no reason. FALSE PICARD No reason you're aware of. RIKER That's not good enough. Your behavior has been erratic -- FALSE PICARD Erratic enough to justify mutiny? Do you honestly believe you have sufficient evidence to convince a board of inquiry? RIKER No, I don't. But I can't let you risk the lives of the crew. False Picard moves closer to Riker. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/25/90 - ACT FOUR 46-46A. 48 CONTINUED: FALSE PICARD Number One... has it occurred to you that you might be the one with the problem? I realize you've been under stress, and I'm willing to let the matter drop if you report to Sickbay for a full examination. Otherwise... I'll have to relieve you from duty. (a beat) Think about it. False Picard EXITS. Riker stares after him impassively. CUT TO: 49 thru OMITTED 56 5656A INT. HOLDING BAY (OPTICAL) Picard and Haro examine the circuitry in the bulkhead as Esoqq looks on. Tholl also watches, from a few feet away. Picard indicates a thick cable inside the bulkhead. PICARD That would appear to be the power lead to the stun device. HARO It may be "live." Cutting it could be dangerous. Picard almost smiles, as if he knows something no one else does. PICARD I don't think it will be. Esoqq -- your knife, please. Picard holds out his hand. Esoqq warily moves away. PICARD (cont'd) You assured me you'd cooperate. Slowly, not liking it, Esoqq hands over his knife. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/25/90 - ACT FOUR 47. 56A CONTINUED: Picard carefully sticks his hand through the opening and cuts the cable with Esoqq's knife. A sharp ARCING sound and a FLASH OF LIGHT -- that's all. Picard nods as if he expected exactly that, hands the knife back. Haro reaches into the bulkhead, manipulates circuitry as before. The door opens half an inch -- and stops. Haro's further efforts produce no results. HARO I may have overloaded it, sir. Picard crosses to the door, wedges his fingers into the crack. He, Haro, and Esoqq strain to pull the door open. It doesn't budge. PICARD Mister Tholl... THOLL Picard, I still think this is a mistake -- But Tholl crosses to the door, wordlessly adds his muscle to the effort. Still nothing. Then, without warning, the door slides open as if it had never been jammed. Everyone's surprised... and even more surprised to see what the open door reveals: 56B ON THE DOORWAY Behind the open door is a solid, blank wall. Tholl, Esoqq, and Haro are astounded, then turn accusingly to Picard: THOLL Now what? We're no better off than when we started! Picard betrays no reaction. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/18/90 - ACT FOUR 48. 57 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) As before. The pulsar's intense pulsating light bathes the area intermittently, adding to the tension. False Picard stands near his chair. Riker ENTERS from the Ready Room. False Picard watches Riker -- will Riker leave the bridge, or not? DATA Captain -- number four shield has failed. Increasing power to number three shield to compensate. FALSE PICARD Helm -- move us closer. Ten million kilometers. The looks on everyone's faces confirm that they don't believe the captain knows what he's doing. DATA Sir -- at that distance, the ship will not withstand the magnetic fields and radiation. FALSE PICARD Take us in, Mister Crusher. RIKER Belay that order. FALSE PICARD You're relieved of duty, Commander. (to Worf) Confine Mister Riker to his quarters. No one moves. A tense moment: all eyes are on Riker. 58 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/18/90 - ACT FIVE 49. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 58A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) orbiting the pulsar. 59 INT. MAIN BRIDGE As before. FALSE PICARD Mister Worf, I gave you an order. A moment of hesitation. Riker looks at Worf: RIKER Maintain your position, Lieutenant. False Picard turns to face Riker. A beat of tension as False Picard and Riker stare at one another and wonder who the crew will follow. FALSE PICARD You're destroying yourself and anyone who is foolish enough to listen to you. Starfleet will never sanction this. RIKER I'll take that chance. FALSE PICARD You're making a terrible mistake, Will. Listen to me... as your captain... as your friend... RIKER You've shown none of the concerns that Captain Picard would show... the safety of this ship, the welfare of its crew... False Picard stares at Riker, then: STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/19/90 - ACT FIVE 50. 59 CONTINUED: FALSE PICARD Mister Worf -- remove Commander Riker from the bridge. RIKER Mister Crusher -- take us away from the pulsar, heading one-eight-five mark three-two, full impulse. This is it -- the moment... Which way is the crew going to go? After a long beat, it's clear Worf isn't going to move. Wesley works his console. WESLEY Full impulse -- aye, Commander. It's clear the crew is on Riker's side. RIKER Engage. False Picard says nothing, merely stares at Riker and the bridge crew. They ignore him. CUT TO: 60 OMITTED 60A INT. HOLDING BAY as Picard gazes thoughtfully at the second door their efforts have revealed. Tholl, Esoqq, and Haro look to Picard for reaction, get none. THOLL I hope you're satisfied, Picard. You've accomplished nothing. ESOQQ (to Tholl) The sound of your voice is beginning to anger me. Picard looks at Tholl and Esoqq for a beat, then turns to address Haro: STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/19/90 - ACT FIVE 51. 60A CONTINUED: PICARD I think this charade has gone far enough, don't you? Esoqq and Tholl have no idea what Picard is talking about. Haro is also at a loss. HARO I don't understand... PICARD Yes, you do. This isn't a holding cell; it's a laboratory maze -- and we're the white rats. A carefully concocted test... an experiment to see how we'd react under pressure. ESOQQ How do you know? PICARD It's the only explanation. Look at the four of us... we do have something in common: we all react differently to authority. (to Esoqq) You, the anarchist, reject authority in any form... (to Tholl) ... you, the collaborator, defer to whoever's in control... (re himself) ... I, a Starfleet Captain, am trained to command... (to Haro) ... and you, a cadet, have sworn to obey a superior officer's authority. (a beat) Our captors put us here and devised obstacles for us to overcome. We were given food Esoqq couldn't eat -- to make him a threat. We were given a door that wouldn't open -- until all four of us cooperated. And each time we succeeded, we were dealt a reversal -- to set us against each other again. (to Haro) While you observed our reactions. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/22/90 - ACT FIVE 51A. 60A CONTINUED: (2) HARO Sir, I've been trying to help -- PICARD I found it unlikely that a first-year cadet would know of the Enterprise's visit to Mintaka Three... so I tested you. Starfleet has classified the Cor Caroli Five plague "secret." No cadet would have knowledge of the incident. HARO (helpless) Captain -- STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/22/90 - ACT FIVE 52. 60A CONTINUED: (3) PICARD You may as well drop the pretense. I refuse to play along any further -- I'm quitting the game. As far as I'm concerned, this experiment is over. 61 ANGLE ON HARO (OPTICAL) regarding Picard carefully... and reaching a decision. HARO You are correct, Captain Picard. And Haro METAMORPHOSES into THREE IDENTICAL ALIEN CREATURES (a species we've never seen before). Esoqq and Tholl are flabbergasted. ALIEN #1 To further our knowledge of alien interaction, we borrowed you, Tholl, and Esoqq, and replaced you with replicas. ESOQQ Replicas? ALIEN #2 Our transporter is able to replicate living matter -- including the brain's many trillion dendritic connections where memory is stored. THOLL You mean there's a copy of me on Mizar Two? PICARD (nods grimly) And an impostor running my ship. ALIEN #2 No longer. Commander Riker has taken charge of the Enterprise. ALIEN #1 Our species is telepathically linked; we are all in continual contact. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/19/90 - ACT FIVE 52A. 61 CONTINUED: ALIEN #2 Much more efficient than your primitive vocal communications. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/19/90 - ACT FIVE 53. 61 CONTINUED: (2) ALIEN #1 We would like to pursue this study... but, of course, your awareness of it would taint the results. ALIEN #2 We will therefore return you to your places of origin. Picard, Tholl, and Esoqq are each joined by one alien -- and everyone VANISHES in the same ALIEN TRANSPORTER EFFECT we saw when Esoqq materialized. 62 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) False Picard, Riker, Data, Wesley, Worf as before. Alien #1 and the real Picard MATERIALIZE (ALIEN TRANSPORTER EFFECT) on the bridge. RIKER Captain! Riker and Worf start to approach Alien #1, Worf drawing his phaser. Picard stops them: PICARD Hold your positions. Take no action. Alien #1 joins False Picard -- and False Picard METAMORPHOSES into Alien #4. Surreptitiously, Picard signals Riker with a look. Riker nods, almost imperceptibly. Picard addresses the twin aliens: PICARD (cont'd) Why did you choose to study the concepts of authority and leadership? While the aliens' attentions are focused on Picard, Riker catches Data's eye. Data nods, works his console. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/18/90 - ACT FIVE 53A. 62 CONTINUED: ALIEN #4 Because our species has no such concepts. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/19/90 - ACT FIVE 54. 62 CONTINUED: (2) ALIEN #1 As we are all identical, distinctions among ourselves are meaningless. Hence we have no leaders -- no followers. Riker catches Worf's eye; they exchange a meaningful look. The aliens, busy chatting with Picard, don't notice. ALIEN #4 We wanted to examine the nature of command. Under what conditions will authority be obeyed -- or disobeyed? ALIEN #1 Our replicas of Tholl and Esoqq explored this issue on Mizar Two and on Chalna... just as our Picard replica did on the Enterprise. Data works his panel, turns, nods to Worf, who then works his panel. ALIEN #4 Your responses were most intriguing. PICARD You had no right to put us through this just to satisfy your curiosity. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/19/90 - ACT FIVE 54A. 62 CONTINUED: (3) In b.g., Worf nods to Riker -- all is ready. Riker silently acknowledges. ALIEN #1 Why not? PICARD Because kidnapping is immoral. The lives of other races must be respected. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/19/90 - ACT FIVE 55. 62 CONTINUED: (4) ALIEN #4 This concept of morality is a very interesting human characteristic. We shall have to study it sometime. Until then, Picard -- PICARD (turning to Riker) Number One? RIKER Now, Mister Worf. Worf taps his console -- and a cylindrical FORCEFIELD appears around the two aliens. 63 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) The aliens look puzzled -- "you think this will hold us?" Their puzzlement turns to apprehension when they try to move outside of the forcefield -- and can't. ALIEN #1 What is this? ALIEN #4 Why do you hold us? PICARD Because there's something more you can learn from us. With an alert crew, even our "primitive vocal communications" are unnecessary. Commander Riker understood I wished to hold you here... (indicates Data) ... he had Mister Data scan you and pass the information to our security officer... (indicates Worf) ... who devised a forcefield that would entrap you. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/19/90 - ACT FIVE 56. 63 CONTINUED: ALIEN #4 But why? PICARD I've decided to perform an experiment of my own. I want to see how you react to being imprisoned. ALIEN #4 Captain -- our species cannot bear captivity. ALIEN #1 We were merely curious. We meant no harm. ALIEN #4 We did not, after all, injure you in any way. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/19/90 - ACT FIVE 57. 63 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Captivity is an injury, regardless of how it's justified. Picard lets them sweat for another beat, then nods to Worf. The FORCEFIELD VANISHES. PICARD (cont'd) And now that you've had a taste of captivity, perhaps you'll reconsider the morality of inflicting it upon others. (shrugs) In any event, we now know about your race -- and we know how to imprison you. Bear that in mind. (a beat) Now get off my ship. A beat later, the two relieved aliens DEMATERIALIZE (the ALIEN TRANSPORTER EFFECT). 64 ON PICARD crossing to the command chair and settling comfortably in. PICARD Mister Crusher. Set course for our rendezvous with the Hood... Warp eight. Everyone's delighted to have the real captain back. WESLEY Aye aye, sir. (a beat) It's good to have you back. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/19/90 - ACT FIVE 58. 64 CONTINUED: Smiles of agreement from the rest of the bridge crew. Picard permits himself the tiniest of smiles in acknowledgement, turns to Riker: PICARD Status, Number One? RIKER Ship and crew functioning normally, Captain. PICARD Then my doppelganger caused no serious damage. (a beat) Was the replica convincing? RIKER Very convincing, sir -- but not perfect. PICARD Not perfect in what way? RIKER Well, sir... (a beat) ... for one, I simply cannot believe you're that good a singer. PICARD A singer? Riker can't hide his grin. Picard looks at him suspiciously, decides not to pursue it for the moment. In b.g. Beverly ENTERS. PICARD (cont'd) I look forward to reading your report, Commander. At least, I think I do. Picard notices that Beverly's on the bridge. They nod in greeting: BEVERLY Captain. PICARD Doctor... Their eyes meet for a moment. STAR TREK: "Allegiance" - REV. 1/19/90 - ACT FIVE 59. 64 CONTINUED: (2) WESLEY Course laid in, Captain. PICARD Engage. 65 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) turning to its new heading... and blasting into warp. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END