STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Best of Both Worlds, Part I" #40273-174 Written by Michael Piller Directed by Cliff Bole THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1990 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT APRIL 6, 1990 STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Best of Both Worlds" CAST PICARD ADMIRAL HANSON RIKER LT. COMMANDER SHELBY DATA BORG LEADER BEVERLY PICARD/BORG TROI GEORDI WORF WESLEY Non-Speaking SEVERAL BORG GUINAN O'BRIEN Non-Speaking SUPERNUMERARIES TECHNICIAN STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Best of Both Worlds" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM JOURET FOUR SURFACE OBSERVATION LOUNGE TURBOLIFT BORG SHIP CORRIDOR TRANSPORTER ROOM TEN-FORWARD MAIN ENGINEERING PICARD'S QUARTERS RIKER'S QUARTERS SHELBY'S QUARTERS BORG SHIP INTERIOR CHAMBER STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Best of Both Worlds" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Leaving warp as it approaches a planet. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 43994.1. The Enterprise has arrived at Jouret Four in response to a distress signal from one of the Federation's outermost colonies. 2 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Riker enters, meets Geordi, Data and Worf. O'Brien at the console. RIKER (to Worf) Anything from the surface? WORF Nossir. There have been no communications from the colony for over twelve hours. RIKER Sensors picking up any signs of life? WORF None. Riker frowns. Anticipating the question -- O'BRIEN The surface environment is safe for transport, Commander. Riker acknowledges as they move into transport position... he nods to the technician and they DEMATERIALIZE. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - TEASER 2. 3 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - DAY Fairly close so we have no clear bearings yet... the away team reacts to what they see... pulling back slowly. RIKER (keying insignia) Mister O'Brien, verify these are accurate coordinates for New Providence colony. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Coordinates verified, sir. You're at the center of town. 4 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - WIDE - DAY (MATTE SHOT) To see the away team is standing on an empty site... where the colony should be, there is now a shallow depression... as though it has been scooped out and taken away. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT ONE 3. ACT ONE FADE IN: 5 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) In orbit. Another starship, transport class, has joined them. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 43997.6. Admiral Hanson and Lieutenant Commander Shelby of Starfleet Tactical have arrived to review the disappearance of New Providence colony. No sign remains of the nine hundred inhabitants. 6 INT. CAPT. READY ROOM Picard, Riker, Hanson -- fifties, high ranking, hard driving -- and Shelby. She is late twenties, very beautiful, energetic, extremely motivated and ambitious. The mood is somber. HANSON The truth is... hell, we're not ready. We've known they were coming for over a year... we've thrown every resource we've got into this but still... RIKER Then, you're convinced it is the Borg... ? SHELBY That's what I'm here to find out. The initial descriptions of these surface conditions are almost identical to your reports from system J-two-five. PICARD (acknowledges) Mister Riker wrote those reports... he agrees with you. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT ONE 4. 6 CONTINUED: HANSON (setting protocol) Commander Shelby took over Borg tactical analysis six months ago. I've learned to give her a wide latitude when I want to get things done... That's how I intend to operate here. It is clear that she's in charge as far as the admiral is concerned. SHELBY My priority has been to develop some kind, any kind of defense strategy... RIKER Obviously nothing we have now can stop them. SHELBY (acknowledges) We've been designing new weapons... but they're still on the drawing board. HANSON We expected much more lead time. Your encounter with the Borg was over seven thousand light years away... PICARD If this is the Borg, it would indicate they have a source of power far superior to our own... SHELBY I'd like to see the colony site as soon as possible, Captain. RIKER It'll be night at the site in thirty minutes. We've scheduled an away team for dawn. PICARD (to Riker) Why don't you show the commander to her quarters... STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT ONE 5. 6 CONTINUED: (2) Riker rises to escort her to the door... RIKER It's our poker night, Admiral. There's always an open seat for you... HANSON (would love to, but... ) Next time, Commander. Your captain and I have a lot to cover. But rumor has it that Commander Shelby's played a hand or two... Riker reacts, exchanges a look with Shelby who grins as they EXIT. Hanson smiles. After the door closes... HANSON Keep your eye on her, Jean-Luc. One impressive young lady... Picard grins, obviously has a special affection for this particular admiral. PICARD You seem rather taken with her, J.P. HANSON Just an old man's fantasies. When Shelby came into tactical, every damned admiral's uncle had a take on this Borg business... she cut through it, put us on track. Picard moves to a teapot, pouring... PICARD Earl Grey? HANSON Four sugars. (beat) She'd make you a hell of a first officer. Picard raises an eyebrow... PICARD I already have a hell of a first officer. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT ONE 6. 6 CONTINUED: (3) HANSON Don't tell me he's gonna pass up another commission? PICARD One's available? HANSON The Melbourne. It's his if he wants it. Hasn't he told you? Picard sighs, shakes his head, no... resigned to the inevitable. PICARD Well, I guess I knew this day would have to come... he'll make a fine captain, J.P. HANSON You may want to tell him that. (off Picard's look) We're still waiting for his decision. Hell, this is the third time we've pulled out the captain's chair for Riker. He just won't sit down. And I'll tell you something -- there are a lot of young hotshots like Shelby on their way up. Riker could suddenly look like he's standing still next to them. He's hurting his career by staying put. If I were you, I'd kick him in the rear end for his own good. As he drinks again, Picard reacts and... 7 INT. CORRIDOR Riker moving with Shelby. SHELBY We know the Borg have no interest in power or political conquest... RIKER (acknowledges) They identify what's useful to them, then consume it. Or try to at least... STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT ONE 7. 7 CONTINUED: At her quarters, they pause... SHELBY But here's the question -- after they take what they want... what happens to the rest? (off his look) There has to be some evidence... residue... something that tells us they've been here. 8 INT. SHELBY'S QUARTERS - CONTINUOUS As the door slides open and they ENTER. SHELBY I don't know exactly what I'm looking for... but we've tested the sections of the Enterprise's hull that were damaged by the Borg. There were some unusual magnetic-resonance traces... RIKER A Borg footprint? SHELBY That's my theory. I'll see if it holds up tomorrow. (beat) I've reviewed your personnel... I'll be assigning Mister La Forge and Mister Data to accompany me on the away team... Riker barely reacts... isn't prepared to allow her to make crew assignments... RIKER I've... already assigned them to the away team, Commander. And I'll be with you as well. A quick awkwardness. SHELBY (smiles) Of course. I appreciate any assistance you can offer. She measures him for a beat. Examining the quarters--- STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT ONE 8. 8 CONTINUED: SHELBY Tell me, something, Commander... is serving aboard the Enterprise as extraordinary an experience as I've heard? RIKER Every bit of it. SHELBY Good. (intimately sharing a secret) Because I intend to convince Captain Picard that I'm the right choice for the job. RIKER (beat) Job? Which job... ? SHELBY Yours, of course. (off his look, "embarrassed") I'm sorry... I heard you were leaving. And she's very good -- it could be taken as an innocent faux pas by a lesser man, but Riker knows a fishing expedition when he sees one... their eyes connect, he won't bite... RIKER If I am... I'm sure you'll be the first to know, Commander. (beat) Poker's at seventeen hundred hours, my quarters, deck eight... He EXITS. Hold just a beat on her reaction and... 8A INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS - POKER TABLE Troi is the dealer, Wesley, Geordi, Riker, Data, Shelby... five card stud... four cards have been dealt. DATA I will buy another card, Counselor. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT ONE 9. 8A CONTINUED: Throws a pair of chips in... WESLEY Got another king in the hole, Data? DATA I am afraid I cannot answer that Wesley. And as you are a newcomer to the game, may I say it is inappropriate to ask. Troi deals Data his last card. TROI No help there. GEORDI (bad night) Fold. Again. WESLEY I'm in. Throws in his chips. His card is a third jack. TROI Three jacks looking back for the handsome young ensign. Reactions around the table. Data folds. GEORDI Beginner's luck. Shelby puts her chips out... gets a worthless card. TROI Pair of deuces stands. Riker throws in his chips... gets a card that continues his straight flush... reactions. TROI Possible flush, possible straight flush. The bet is yours, Mister Crusher. Wes looks nervously at Riker. WESLEY I'm in for ten... STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/9/90 - ACT ONE 10. 8A CONTINUED: (2) He throws in a pair of chips. Shelby studies Wesley carefully... and then throws in her two chips to stay in. But the tension is clearly between Riker and Wesley. Riker gives him his best poker face. RIKER (to Wesley) Time to put on the long pants, Wes. I'll see your ten. And raise you a hundred. GEORDI He's got the straight flush. DATA Not necessarily. Commander Riker may be bluffing, Wesley. Wes studies Riker's face. Breaks... WESLEY I don't think so. I fold. GEORDI (groans) With three jacks? (shakes his head) Wesley, you may get straight A's in school, but you've still got a little to learn about poker... And so the attention turns to Shelby... who looks at Riker and they look at each other and after a long look beat... SHELBY I've only got two pair, Commander. But I've got to see that blind card. I'll call. She puts in her chips. Riker blinks... looks down at his card... turns it over. It busts his straight flush. He's bluffing. Reactions. Wesley groans, hangs his head. GEORDI (delighted) You got him! Riker and Shelby's eyes meet. She collects the winnings. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT ONE 11. 9 OMITTED 10 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) In orbit. The other ship alongside. 11 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM O'Brien at the controls as Riker and Geordi arrive together... Geordi carrying a work kit... RIKER Mister Data and our guest appear to be tardy... O'BRIEN Sir, Commander Shelby and Data beamed down to the planet surface an hour ago... RIKER (reacts, angry) On whose authority? O'BRIEN (blinks) On... hers, sir. Riker exchanges a look with Geordi as they get in position on the transporter... 12 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - DAWN (OPTICAL) Shelby and Data are examining exposed rock strata with their tricorders as Riker and Geordi MATERIALIZE. SHELBY Morning. Early bird gets the worm, eh? We've had some interesting results... RIKER (interrupting, burning) Commander Shelby... (he pauses, will not do this in front of the other officers) Walk with me, Commander. It is an order. She obeys. Geordi and Data exchange a look... STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT ONE 12. 12 CONTINUED: DATA I believe Commander Shelby erred... there are no known avifaunal or crawling vermicular lifeforms on Jouret Four. GEORDI That's... not what she meant, Data... but, uh, you're right, she erred... On Data's reaction... 13 ANGLE - MOVING WITH RIKER AND SHELBY SHELBY (responding) I'm sorry... I woke up early and I saw a weather system was moving in... it could have affected the soil readings... RIKER So without any regard to the risk of coming down alone... SHELBY Really, Commander... if we ran into the Borg, two extra bodies wouldn't've made a hell of a difference, would they? We had three hours before the storm front hit, less than two hours now. Data was available. I took him. We came. I don't see your problem... RIKER My problem, Commander, is I expect to be notified before there's a change in my orders... SHELBY (tight) Noted for future reference. Do you wish to hear my report, sir? RIKER Go ahead. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/10/90 - ACT ONE 13. 13 CONTINUED: SHELBY The soil contains the same magnetic-resonance traces... That's our footprint. There's no doubt any more. It's the Borg. On Riker's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT TWO 14. ACT TWO FADE IN: 14 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) In orbit. The transport ship is gone. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 43998.5. With confirmation of the Borg's presence in Federation space, Admiral Hanson has returned to Starbase three two four to discuss strategy with Starfleet Command. Lieutenant Commander Shelby remains on board to continue tactical preparations. 15 INT. CAPT. READY ROOM Riker and Picard. RIKER ... a standing Yellow Alert... all Federation and allied outposts have been warned... Ops will continue to monitor long range sensors... I've assigned Data, La Forge and Mister Crusher to work with Commander Shelby. Picard nods... a beat. PICARD Very good, Number One. You've covered all the bases. As usual. (beat) What's your impression of Shelby? RIKER She knows her stuff, Captain. Picard notes a vague hesitation in his attitude. PICARD She has your full confidence... RIKER Well, I think she needs... supervision. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT TWO 15. 15 CONTINUED: RIKER (Cont'd) She takes the initiative a little too... easily. Sometimes with risks. Picard nods, smiles slightly... PICARD Sounds a little like a young lieutenant commander I once recruited as my first officer. RIKER (returns smile) Perhaps. And all this is played with great warmth and personal connection... PICARD You're the best officer I've ever served with, Will. Riker crinkles his forehead, nods, thanks. PICARD (most gentle) But what are you still doing here? RIKER (reacts) Sir? PICARD I hear you've been offered the Melbourne. Riker acknowledges, believes the captain will be pleased when he says -- RIKER I've decided not to pursue the commission at this time. But Picard surprises him by not showing pleasure, but rather discomfort with the decision. PICARD She's a fine ship, Will. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT TWO 16. 15 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER She's not the Enterprise. (beat) With all due respect, sir, you need me. Particularly now. PICARD Starfleet needs good captains. Particularly now. I cannot keep you to myself forever. Picard takes a long beat... this is most difficult. PICARD I want you to reconsider your decision. RIKER (reacts) Are you asking me to leave, Captain? PICARD I'm asking you to look at your career objectively and make the best decision. (beat) I know it's hard to walk away. But you're ready to work without a net, my friend. You're ready to make the life and death decisions a captain must make. And, hard as it is to accept, if you choose to leave, the Enterprise will go on just fine without you. Riker looks hard at Picard and on that look... 15A INT. TEN-FORWARD Troi and Riker at a table. Riker is troubled, confused. RIKER What am I still doing here, Deanna? I've pushed myself hard to get this far... (glancing at her) ... sacrificed a lot. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/9/90 - ACT TWO 17. 15A CONTINUED: RIKER (Cont'd) I've always said I wanted my own command. And yet something's holding me back. Is it wrong to want to stay... ? TROI What do you think? RIKER (shakes his head, doesn't know) Maybe I'm just afraid of the big chair. TROI I don't think so. RIKER (unconvinced) The captain says Shelby reminds him of the way I used to be. And he's right. She comes in here, full of drive and ambition, impatient, taking risks... I look at her and I wonder whatever happened to those things in me? I I liked those things in me. (shakes his head) I've lost something. TROI (suppressing a smile) You mean you're older, more experienced... a little more seasoned... RIKER (grins) "Seasoned". What a horrible thing to say to a man. TROI I don't think you've lost a thing... and you've gained a lot more than you realize. You're much more comfortable with yourself than you used to be... STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT TWO 18. 15A CONTINUED: (2) RIKER Maybe that's the problem. Could be I'm too comfortable here. TROI I'm not sure I know what that means. (But I do know that.. ) You're happy here... happier than I've ever known you to be. It really comes down to a simple question -- what do you want, Will Riker? Riker laughs to himself. TROI What? RIKER Stupid. An old song I heard when I was a kid. Keeps running through my mind... (off her look, he begins to sing) "Didja ever have the feeling that you wanted to go... still had the feeling that you wanted to stay... You knew it was right... wasn't wrong... still you knew you wouldn't be very long... it's tough to have the feeling that you wanted to go... " 15B ANGLE - GUINAN moving by with a tray of drinks reacts as she hears Riker... RIKER (continuing) "... still had the feeling that you wanted to stay... start to go... change your mind... " He stops as he realizes Guinan is looking at him... GUINAN You start on Friday -- two shows a night, matinee on Wednesday. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT TWO 19. 15B CONTINUED: RIKER I play the trombone too... She nods, and walks on... 16 INT. ENGINEERING - CLOSE ON MONITOR shows an Okudagram, a graphic representation of the Borg ship... SHELBY (O.S.) ... a manipulation effect in the Borg ship's subspace field... a definite pattern -- at four-point-eight minute intervals during your first confrontation with them. 17 ANGLE - AT THE POOL TABLE (OPTICAL) Shelby, Riker, Geordi, Wesley, Data and three other supernumeraries, at least one other woman in the group. It's been a long day... fatigue is clear on all faces... GEORDI Might indicate high-output auxiliary generators kicking in. SHELBY (acknowledges) One theory is that their systems are decentralized with redundant power sources located throughout the ship. DATA It is a reasonable conclusion. Borg technology has given each member of their society the ability to interface and function collectively. It is likely they would construct their ship with the same philosophy. WESLEY (shakes his head) Knock out one generator and another takes over without interruption. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT TWO 20. 17 CONTINUED: RIKER What kind of damage would we have to do to shut them down... ? SHELBY Projections suggest a Borg ship like this one could continue to function effectively even if seventy-eight percent of it was inoperable. Reactions. WESLEY (grim) And our best shot barely scratched the surface. Geordi in particular is stumped... moves to a monitor, presses panels that put up several design schemes... GEORDI From what I've seen, I can't believe any of your new weapons systems can be ready in less than eighteen months, Commander. SHELBY (acknowledges) We've been projecting twenty-four. RIKER (looking at the designs) Is there anything here we can try to adapt to our current defense systems... ? GEORDI (studying them intently) We'll have to look through the specs again. (sighs, tired) I don't know. My mind's turned to clay. WESLEY Mine too. He inadvertently looks at Data... there's a beat of visual humor -- obviously Data's mind could run all night. Shelby intends to push them until they fall... moving to the computer, calling up specs... STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT TWO 21. 17 CONTINUED: (2) SHELBY I think we should look at modifying the plasma phaser design... Riker notices the excessive fatigue on everyone's faces... RIKER Commander, I think we should call it a night. A beat. Shelby reacts without eye contact... there's a crisis, how can he think about breaking for the night? She keeps on working at the computer... eyes on the screen. Restrained -- SHELBY All right. Anyone who's really that tired... if you want to leave... Overlapping -- WESLEY No, that's okay... GEORDI Go ahead, Commander... SHELBY (quickly back to work) What would happen if we take the frequency klystron from the existing unit... Riker interrupts, firm, but none of this ever gets loud -- RIKER We'll break here. That's an order. We'll reconvene at oh five hundred... SHELBY Sir, if you'll allow me to continue with Mister Data, who does not require rest... RIKER You need rest, Commander. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/9/90 - ACT TWO 22. 17 CONTINUED: (3) SHELBY If we have a confrontation with the Borg without improving our defense systems... RIKER If we have a confrontation, I don't want a crew fighting the Borg at the same time they're fighting their own fatigue... Dismissed. Their eyes meet in conflict. She EXITS. 18 thru OMITTED 19 20 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) In orbit. 21 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE (OPTICAL) Picard, Riker, Shelby, Data, Geordi, Worf, Beverly. On the monitor Admiral Hanson is addressing them. HANSON (MONITOR) At nineteen hundred hours yesterday, the USS Lalo departed Zeta Alpha Two on a freight run to Sentinel Minor Four. At twenty-two hundred hours and twelve minutes, a distress signal was received at Starbase one five seven. The Lalo reported contact with an alien vessel... (with emphasis) ... described as cube-shaped. The distress signal ended abruptly. She has not been heard from since. Reactions. PICARD How long to get there at warp nine, Mister Data? DATA One hour, seventeen minutes, sir. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT TWO 23. 21 CONTINUED: PICARD Make it so. Data acknowledges, rises and EXITS. HANSON We're coming with every available starship to assist, Captain. But the closest help is six days away. PICARD (dry) We'll try to occupy them pending your arrival, Admiral. HANSON I know you will. Hanson out. RIKER All hands will stand to battle stations... PICARD Commander Shelby, status of defense preparations? SHELBY Mister La Forge has a plan to modulate shield nutation... hopefully, that'll hold them off for awhile. GEORDI At the same time, we're retuning phasers to higher EM-base emitting frequencies -- we'll try to disrupt their subspace field. PICARD Your assessment of our potential effectiveness? GEORDI Shot in the dark, Captain. Best we can do for now. PICARD (acknowledges) Dismissed. 22 OMITTED STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT TWO 24. 22A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at warp. 23 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard, Riker, Worf, Data, Wesley at their positions... Shelby is also on the bridge... WORF Sir, reading an unidentified vessel just entering sensor range, bearing two-one-zero mark one-five-one... PICARD Hail them, Mister Worf... WORF No response, sir... PICARD Move to intercept. WORF (beat, reacting to console) Sir, the vessel has already changed course to intercept us. Approaching at... warp nine point three... Entering visual range... PICARD On screen. 24 ANGLE - VIEW SCREEN (OPTICAL) Long range... a small dot... PICARD Magnify. The shot changes to a closer angle -- it is the Borg ship. PICARD Mister Worf, dispatch a subspace message to Admiral Hanson -- we have engaged the Borg. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT TWO 25. 24 CONTINUED: And on reactions... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT THREE 26. ACT THREE FADE IN: 25 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise and the Borg ship face each other. Both ships have dropped out of warp. 26 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) We are now at Red Alert. WORF Captain, you are being hailed. PICARD I am? WORF Yes, Captain. By name. RIKER Data, is it the same ship we faced at J-two-five? DATA Uncertain, Commander. However, dimensions are precisely the same. PICARD On screen. He takes a defiant pose. The interior of the Borg ship appears on the viewscreen -- a great chamber with stacks and stacks of thousands of slots in which are individual Borg. PICARD I am Jean-Luc... Speaking with a hundred voices -- BORG Jean-Luc Picard, captain of the Starship Enterprise, registry NCC-1701D, you will lower shields and prepare to transport yourself aboard our vessel. If you do not cooperate, we will destroy your ship. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT THREE 27. 26 CONTINUED: Picard reacts, does not respond to the demand. PICARD You have committed acts of aggression against the United Federation of Planets. If you do not immediately withdraw... BORG You will surrender yourself or we will destroy your ship. Your defensive capabilities are unable to withstand us. Riker signals Worf to mute transmission. RIKER (to Picard) What the hell could they want with you? SHELBY I thought they weren't interested in human lifeforms... only our technology. PICARD Their priorities seem to have changed. Open channel. (to the viewscreen) We have developed new defense capabilities since our last meeting and we are prepared to use them if you do not withdraw from Federation space. If you do so immediately, I will agree to arrange a conference of our peoples at a neutral location. 27 INT. ENGINEERING On Geordi taking readings... GEORDI (to comm) Shields are being probed... I'm modulating nutation... STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT THREE 28. 28 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) As the Borg ship sends out their tractor beam... the shields deflect it... 29 INT. MAIN BRIDGE WORF Sir, the Borg are attempting to lock on to us with their tractor beam... PICARD Load all torpedo bays... ready phasers... target coordinates on the source of the tractor beam... RIKER Status of shields... DATA Holding... SHELBY (encouraged) The nutation modulation has them confused... RIKER (cautious) They have the ability to analyze and adapt, Commander... Suddenly the ship shakes violently... INTERCUT: 29A INT. ENGINEERING Geordi scurrying around trying to make adjustments in vain... GEORDI Shield modulation has failed... they've locked on... WORF Shields are being drained... ninety per cent... eighty... STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT THREE 29. 29A CONTINUED: GEORDI Trying to recalibrate nutation... damn... WORF Shields have failed. PICARD Fire all weapons... 30 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) An extraordinary sequence... as the Enterprise is grabbed by the tractor beam... we give them everything we've got... the Borg ship takes full impact and still the beam has us... 31 INT. ENGINEERING GEORDI Their subspace field is intact... new phaser frequencies had no impact... INTERCUT: 32 INT. MAIN BRIDGE RIKER Reverse engines... GEORDI Full reverse... we're not moving... PICARD Fire at will... WORF Launching torpedos... phaser spread continuing... DATA Still no damage to the Borg vessel, sir... 33 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The second Borg beam reaches out to the Enterprise... STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT THREE 30. 34 INT. ENGINEERING A deafening crack of thunder... the ship shakes... Geordi looks up... COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Outer hull breach. INTERCUT: 35 INT. MAIN BRIDGE WORF They're cutting into the hull... Engineering section... RIKER Geordi... evacuate Engineering... 36 INT. ENGINEERING People running... the thunder continuing... on the move -- GEORDI Computer. Evacuation sequence... COMPUTER VOICE Redirecting Engineering control to bridge. Sealing doors to core chamber... GEORDI Move it people! The door is sliding down... and as he runs the hell out of there... COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Inner hull failing. Decompression danger, deck thirty-six, section four. Sealing Main Engineering. 36A OMITTED STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT THREE 31. 37 INT. MAIN BRIDGE SHELBY Data, fluctuate phaser resonance frequencies... random settings... keep changing them... don't give them time to adapt... 38 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise fires another furious round... this time with fluctuating laser frequencies... unlike our usual. Unbroken beam, the beam is divided into "dots and Dashes" with slight color changes... and finally the Borg tractor breaks off... 38A INT. MAIN BRIDGE The ship shakes with the release. WORF The tractor beam has been released. PICARD Warp nine. Course one-five-one mark three-three-zero... engage... 39 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) warps away... the Borg ship follows quickly... 40 INT. MAIN BRIDGE WORF They are in pursuit, Captain. PICARD Maintain course. Geordi ENTERS from the turbolift... RIKER Damage report, Geordi. GEORDI (still in shock) Hull rupture in Main Engineering... damage is heavy... (MORE) STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT THREE 32. 40 CONTINUED: GEORDI (Cont'd) We lost a lot of good people down there. DATA Eleven dead... eight more unaccounted for, Captain. Moving to the Engineering station, taking readings... RIKER (to com) Repair teams to Engineering... seal hull breach... GEORDI They didn't get to the core... I can control functions from here... WESLEY Approaching the Paulson Nebula, sir... PICARD Drop to impulse... take us in, Ensign... 41 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Moving at impulse into the solar nebula, swirling clouds... 42 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - INCLUDE MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) as we whiz by large rocks and clumpy material... 43 ANGLE - WESLEY drawing on all of his navigational talents... Picard moves up next to him... WESLEY The field is getting too dense, sir... PICARD Steady... Mister Data, analysis of the nebula cloud... STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT THREE 33. 43 CONTINUED: DATA Eighty-two percent Dilithium hydroxyls... manganese, chromium. It should provide an effective screen against their sensors, sir... 44 PICARD PICARD Prepare to take us in, Mister Crusher. Now. Mister La Forge, prepare to reverse engines, full stop. 45 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise moves into the spiral cloud and disappearing from view. 45A EXT. SPACE - THE BORG (OPTICAL) slows at the cloud's periphery, does not go in. 46 INT. MAIN BRIDGE WORF The Borg ship is continuing scans... attempting to locate us... PICARD Good. As long as they're looking for us... they can't hurt anyone else. RIKER Shut down all active sensors, passive scanners only. Deflectors to minimum emissions. PICARD We'll maintain position. (looks at Riker and Shelby) Until we have a better idea. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/11/90 - ACT THREE34. 47 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Barely visible through the dense cloud. 48 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - CLOSE ON MONITOR (OPTICAL) Showing a silent replay of the Borg ship as seen from the Enterprise... SHELBY (O.S.) Time index five-one-four... Data started to fluctuate phaser resonance frequencies... the Borg's beam breaks contact... Freeze picture. 49 ANGLE Riker is at the head of the table, Wesley, Geordi and Data are with Shelby. They are reporting progress to him. SHELBY Take a close look, Commander... Mister La Forge? (please narrate) 50 MONITOR - FREEZE FRAME (OPTICAL) The same shot in slow motion... there is a slight wobble in the entire Borg power system. GEORDI (O.S.) There's a two percent power drop, just for an instant... but it's system-wide... The phaser frequency spread was in a high narrow band. 51 ANGLE - WIDE DATA Conceivably, the ship's power distribution nodes are vulnerable to those frequencies. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT THREE 35. 51 CONTINUED: GEORDI If we can generate a concentrated burst of energy with that same frequency distribution... I mean a lot more than anything our phasers or photon torpedos could provide... RIKER How do we do that? WESLEY The main deflector dish. GEORDI It's the only component of the Enterprise designed to channel that much power at controlled frequencies. SHELBY Unfortunately, there is one slight detail -- in the process, the blast completely destroys the Enterprise as well. RIKER (muses) But if we could get far enough away... increase the deflector range... SHELBY (nods) It could work. In the meantime, we should retune all phasers, including hand units, to the same frequency. RIKER (acknowledges) Proceed. I'll inform the Captain... SHELBY There's one other recommendation I'd like to make, Commander. Separate the saucer section... assign a skeleton crew to create a diversion... STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/9/90 - ACT THREE 36. 51 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER (shakes his head) We may need power from the saucer impulse engines... SHELBY But it would give them more than one target to worry about. RIKER (beat) No, it's too great a risk... SHELBY I'd like the captain to make that decision, sir. RIKER (cool) I bring all alternatives to the captain's attention, Commander. (dismissing them) That'll be all. As the others EXIT, Geordi lingers a moment... GEORDI I'll need to install higher-capacity power transfers to the deflector dish, Commander... RIKER How long... GEORDI Better part of a day. Riker acknowledges, stands, still bristling about Shelby... RIKER She gets a full head of steam up, doesn't she... GEORDI Yessir... she's... a formidable presence to say the least. But I'm convinced she can help us here, Commander... STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT THREE 37. 51 CONTINUED: (3) RIKER I am too, Geordi. Don't worry about it. I can handle Shelby. Riker nods and they EXIT. 52 INT. BRIDGE Riker walks to the Ready Room door and rings the chime... Worf in command. PICARD'S VOICE Come. 53 ANGLE - THE DOOR slides open and as Riker steps forward, he reacts as he sees Shelby with Picard. 54 INT. CAPT. READY ROOM - CONTINUOUS PICARD Come in, Number One... Commander Shelby was just telling me of your concerns about her plan... RIKER I'm sorry that she troubled you, sir... I already informed her... PICARD Yes, I entirely agree with you. It's not the time. But I am afraid the time may eventually come when greater risks are required. I'd like you to consider her plan as a fall-back position and make the necessary preparations. RIKER Very good, sir. 55 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker and Shelby EXIT the Ready Room and you can cut the tension with a knife... she moves to the turbolift and he's on her heels. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT THREE 38. 56 INT. TURBOLIFT As they ENTER... SHELBY Deck eight. Battle bridge. The doors close. Shelby avoids his eyes. No guilt from her. Just unstoppable. RIKER (to comm) Halt. (to Shelby) You and I have to talk, Commander. SHELBY You never ordered me not to discuss this with the captain... RIKER You disagree with me, fine. You want to take it to the captain, fine. Through me. You do an end run around me again, I'll snap you back so hard, you'll think you're a first year cadet again. SHELBY May I speak frankly, sir? RIKER By all means. SHELBY You're in my way. RIKER Really? How terrible for you. SHELBY All you know how to do is play it safe... I guess that's why someone like you sits in the shadow of a great man for as long as you have, passing up one command after another. (to comm) Proceed to deck eight. RIKER When it comes to this ship, to this crew, you're damned right I'll play it safe. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT THREE 39. 56 CONTINUED: SHELBY If you can't make the big decisions, Commander, I suggest you make room for someone who can. The door opens and she EXITS. On Riker's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT FOUR 40. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 57 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) hiding in the dust cloud in the nebula... moving back to find the Borg ship hovering over the swirl. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, supplemental. The Enterprise remains concealed in the dust cloud. And to my surprise, the Borg have maintained their position, waiting for us to come out of hiding. I have no explanation for their special interest in me or this ship. 57A INT. ENGINEERING Much activity. Repairs are continuing... supernumeraries working at the last patches in the breach area... at consoles, Geordi, Wesley, Shelby and Data huddle and compare notes... as Picard ENTERS, taking a slow, respectful inspection. The crew members look up to acknowledge Picard, who just nods, "carry-on" as he passes through... PICARD (V.O.) We continue to prepare our defenses for the inevitable confrontation. But, I must admit, on this night I contemplate the distinct possibility that no defense may be adequate against this enemy... 57B INT. TEN-FORWARD (OPTICAL) Dark and deserted. The view out the windows blinded by the nebula fog. Picard ENTERS, walking slowly... takes a long look... GUINAN (O.S.) Trouble sleeping? Picard turns... STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/9/90 - ACT FOUR 41. 57C ANGLE - GUINAN at the bar PICARD Something of a tradition, Guinan... touring the ship before a battle... GUINAN Before a hopeless battle, if I remember the tradition correctly. Picard moves to the bar. PICARD Not necessarily. Nelson toured the HMS Victory before Trafalgar... GUINAN But Nelson didn't come home from Trafalgar, did he? PICARD No, but the battle was won. GUINAN And you, Picard, do you expect this battle to be won? PICARD We may yet prevail. It is a conceit but a healthy one. (beat) I wonder if the Emperor Honorious watching the Visigoths coming over the seventh hill could truly realize that the Roman Empire was about to fall. This is really just another page of history, isn't it? Will this be the end of our civilization? (shrugs) ... Turn the page. GUINAN It is not the end. PICARD You say that with remarkable assuredness. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT FOUR 42. 57C CONTINUED: GUINAN With experience. When the Borg destroyed my world, my people scattered throughout the universe. But we survived. And so will humanity. As long as there is a handful left to keep the spirit alive. You will prevail. Even if it takes a millennium. Picard nods with appreciation for her... and then the ship shakes and they react, turn to see -- 57D ANGLE - THE WINDOWS (OPTICAL) somewhere beyond the fog, bright explosions are visible... WORF'S COM VOICE Captain Picard, report to the bridge. On the move... PICARD (keys insignia) On my way, Lieutenant. And EXITS. 58 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard ENTERS... Riker, Worf watch the viewscreen as the explosions continue periodically. Supernumeraries at conn and ops. RIKER They're some kind of magnetometric-guided charges. As one "depth charge" explodes perilously close by... PICARD Status of shields. WORF Back to forty-eight percent, Captain. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT FOUR 43. 58 CONTINUED: PICARD (to comm) Mister La Forge, I may have to take us out of the nebula... I'll need all the power you can give me. Another huge explosion rattles us... 59 INT. ENGINEERING Data, Wesley, Shelby working at stations in the background. GEORDI Engines are ready, Captain. Recommend you adjust shield harmonics to favor the upper EM band when you proceed... PICARD'S COM VOICE Acknowledged. And this time a direct hit... 60 INT. MAIN BRIDGE WORF Direct hit... deck nine... RIKER Damage report... WORF Structural latching system integrity breached... PICARD Take us out of here, Number One... RIKER Fire up the engines... half impulse until we clear the nebula... then punch it to warp nine. PICARD Ready phasers... load forward torpedo bays... RIKER Engage. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT FOUR 44. 61 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) moves out of the cloud... immediately the Borg ship follows... 62 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) WORF Borg tractor beam is attempting to lock on... PICARD Fire at will. Continue rotating shield frequ... WORF Shields are failing... The ship is rocked as the tractor beam locks on... people are almost knocked down... WORF Tractor beam has locked on. RIKER They're holding us... A Borg MATERIALIZES... Borg #1 looks around, identifies Picard, moves calmly toward him... Worf fires his phaser... the Borg's force field is ineffective... it breaks down and the Borg is blown down... immediately two more Borg MATERIALIZE... one by the fallen Borg, another behind Picard... Worf fires at the Borg (#2) near Picard. But this time the Borg's force field has changed color and repels the phasers... RIKER It's no use... they've already adapted to the new frequencies... Riker charges Borg #2 going for Picard but the Borg easily sends Riker crashing against a far wall, and grabs Picard. Worf moves toward Picard as... 62A OMITTED 62B BORG #3 removes parts of the dead Borg #1... STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/9/90 - ACT FOUR 45. 62C ANGLE - PICARD (OPTICAL) Worf reaches him just as he DEMATERIALIZES along with Borg #2 and Borg #3... a beat later, dead Borg#1 withers away into dust... and... 62D WORF quickly moves back to Tactical... WORF The Borg ship is disengaging... leaving at warp speed... RIKER (to conn) Maintain pursuit... WORF Borg vessel has reached warp nine... nine-point-four... nine-point-six... RIKER Stay with them. (to comm) Riker to O'Brien. Can you get a fix on the captain? O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Negative, sir. There's some kind of interference. I can't lock in on his signal. RIKER Senior officers report to the bridge. WORF Sir, the coordinates they've set... they're on a direct course... to sector zero-zero-one. The Terran system. RIKER (reacts) Earth. On Riker's reaction... 63 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in pursuit of the Borg ship. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/17/90 - ACT FOUR 46. 64 INT. BORG SHIP Picard is escorted by two Borgs... he reacts as he sees -- 65 OMITTED 66 INT. BORG SHIP (MATTE SHOT) The same massive chamber we saw on the Main Viewer earlier... thousands of Borg lined up... as Picard ENTERS. They speak with a thousand deafening voices: BORG Captain Jean-Luc Picard, you lead the strongest ship of the Federation Starfleet. You speak for your people. PICARD I have nothing to say to you, and I will resist you with my last ounce of strength. BORG Strength is irrelevant. Resistance is futile. We wish to improve ourselves. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service ours. PICARD Impossible. My culture is based on freedom and self-determination. BORG Freedom is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant. You must comply. PICARD We would rather die. BORG Death is irrelevant. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT FOUR 47. 66 CONTINUED: PICARD What is it you wish of me? BORG Your archaic cultures are authority driven. To facilitate our introduction into your societies, it has been decided that a human voice will speak for us in all communications. You have been chosen to be that voice. On Picard's reaction... 67 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in pursuit of the Borg vessel. 68 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker, Shelby, Geordi, Data, Troi, Worf, Beverly, Wesley. Supernumeraries are at Conn and Ops. WORF They're leading us into the heart of our own defenses... GEORDI So far, they haven't had any reason to worry about our defenses... WESLEY Commander, if the Borg stay at warp nine-point-six, we'll be forced to discontinue pursuit and power down in less than three hours. DATA Two hours, forty minutes and three seconds. RIKER (to Geordi) How soon before the deflector is ready? STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/9/90 - ACT FOUR 48. 68 CONTINUED: GEORDI We're close. Few hours maybe... (before Riker has to tell him) I know I'll get it done in two... somehow... but Commander, I need serious power from the warp engines to make this weapon work. We're using all we've got just to keep up with them... SHELBY We've got to get that ship down to impulse. RIKER I'm leading an away team over there to get the captain back. We'll find a way to bring them out of warp... (orders) Ensign Crusher... continue to assist Mister La Forge... Commander Shelby, you will take the bridge and coordinate with Starfleet... Data, Worf, Doctor Crusher, you're with me... SHELBY (protesting) Excuse me, sir... with my knowledge of the Borg... RIKER (not now) Those are my orders, Commander. Shelby blinks. Troi fills the breach. TROI Commander Riker... (beat) It is inappropriate for you to lead the away team. Until the return of Captain Picard, you are in command of the Enterprise. We are in a state of war. Your place is on the bridge. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT FOUR 49. 68 CONTINUED: (2) Riker frowns... every bit of his soul wants to lead the charge to the rescue... and suddenly he feels what it takes to command... to delegate authority, to think of the greater needs... but it's frustrating as hell. RIKER (softer) Commander Shelby, you will lead the away team. And he sinks into the big chair... RIKER Make it so. The others scramble and... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT FIVE 50. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 69 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Still at warp... pursuing the Borg ship. RIKER (V.O.) First officer's log, supplemental. Our pursuit of the Borg continues at high warp on a course that will take us to the very core of the Federation. The devastation they could bring is beyond imagination. 70 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM Shelby, Data and Beverly wait with O'Brien as Worf arrives, hands out phasers... WORF These phasers have been retuned. Each has a different frequency spanning the upper EM band. SHELBY All right... a reminder... we only get to use each of these once, maybe twice before the Borg learn to adapt. Don't fire until you have to... BEVERLY What kind of resistance can we expect? (Beverly wasn't around for the Borg last year.) DATA At our last encounter, the Borg virtually ignored us when we beamed aboard their vessel, Doctor. They clearly did not consider our being there a threat. SHELBY That could very well change, however, if we start interfering with their plans. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT FIVE 51. 70 CONTINUED: They move to the transporter... SHELBY Shelby to bridge. Away team ready. INTERCUT: 71 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker, Troi and supernumeraries. RIKER (to com) We've got fifty-eight minutes before we have to power down and disengage. SHELBY Understood. RIKER Proceed. (quick) Commander, no unnecessary risks. If it becomes clear you can't succeed, I want you back here, alive... I don't want any dead heroes. Clear? SHELBY Very clear, sir. Shelby out. O'BRIEN We've matched warp velocity for transport, Commander. SHELBY Energize. 72 INT. BORG SHIP (OPTICAL) Shelby, Data, Worf and Beverly MATERIALIZE... 73 CLOSER assume a defensive posture. There is no resistance. Many of the Borg are in stasis. Occasionally, one walks by and ignores the away team. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/9/90 - ACT FIVE 52. 73 CONTINUED: WORF (checking tricorder) Tricorder functions are minimal. SHELBY Any signs of human life? WORF Inconclusive. He continues to make adjustments on the tricorder. Beverly gets her first look at the Borg up close and personal... studying the gridwork structures... BEVERLY (awe) Look at this... this is extraordinary. DATA (acknowledges) These appear to be some kind of power waveguide conduits which allow them to work collectively as they perform ship functions. SHELBY There's no way to take out enough of these to slow them down. DATA (agreeing) The decentralized power system makes it virtually impossible. Cautiously moving forward... BEVERLY (studying the configuration) What about looking at it... from the mosquito's point of view. DATA (puzzled) An interesting metaphor, Doctor. What is your idea? BEVERLY If we sting them in a tender spot... at least we might get them to stop a minute to scratch. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT FIVE 53. 73 CONTINUED: (2) Data and Shelby exchange a glance... not a bad plan. As they move into an intersection to see the awesome conduit box... DATA Distribution nodes. SHELBY If we take out a few of these, it just might make them scratch... Data acknowledges as Worf picks up something on his tricorder. WORF The captain's communicator... it is still activated. BEVERLY (keying insignia) Crusher to Picard, can you hear me, Captain... No response. SHELBY Can you locate it, Worf? WORF (checking) This way... He leads them down a corridor... 73A INT. READY ROOM (OPTICAL) Admiral Hanson on the monitor... Riker notably standing, not sitting in the captain's chair... RIKER I strongly recommend redeploying all available defenses to protect sector zero-zero-one, Admiral... HANSON (acknowledges) We're moving to intercept at Wolf three five nine. We'll make our stand there. How much longer can you maintain pursuit? STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/9/90 - ACT FIVE 54. 73A CONTINUED: RIKER Twenty-two minutes if they stay at current speed. If we can't bring them out of warp, we'll do as much damage as we can before we have to disengage. HANSON (nods) Picard? RIKER Nothing yet, sir. 74 OMITTED 74A INT. BORG SHIP Down another corridor, Worf leading the way with his tricorder... he stops... a series of large drawers line one wall... it might almost remind us of a morgue... WORF In here. An exchange of concerned glances... Data moves forward and pulls out the heavy drawer... they react as they see inside -- 75 ANGLE - PICARD'S UNIFORM folded neatly, the communicator is visible. His empty boots. 75A RESUME - SHELBY SHELBY Shelby to Enterprise. RIKER'S COM VOICE Go ahead. SHELBY We've found the captain's uniform. And his communicator. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT FIVE 55. 75B INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker frowns... exchanges a worried look with Troi... SHELBY'S COM VOICE We're resuming our search. Behind him Wesley and Geordi ENTER from the turbolift... as Riker sees them -- RIKER (to com) Stand by, Commander. WESLEY We're in business. GEORDI It'll burn out the main deflector... but it'll be one hell of a bang. RIKER Radiation danger? WESLEY We'll need to evacuate the entire forward half of the secondary hull. And the lower three decks of the saucer. TROI I'll see to that. She moves off the bridge. RIKER (to com) Commander Shelby... we have only seventeen minutes of warp power left. Do what you can to get them out of warp. 75C INT. BORG SHIP (OPTICAL) The away team continues to move cautiously into an intersection. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT FIVE 56. 75C CONTINUED: SHELBY (to comm) Acknowledged. Shelby out. (to the team) Let's take out some of these distribution nodes and see what happens... (beat) Get ready. This may rile up our friends. Data fires his phaser at the top of the conduit box... nothing... then Worf and Data fire together... this time, the conduit box shorts out and sparks fly... they move quickly out... 76 INT. BORG SHIP The Borg are stirring. 77 thru OMITTED 79 80 ANGLE - THE AWAY TEAM reacts as the Borg begin to exit their shelves... as many as we can muster... they see our guys... and move calmly toward them... we retreat... 80A INTO ANOTHER INTERSECTION (OPTICAL) and Worf and Data shoot out another conduit box... more sparks... 81 ANGLE (OPTICAL) As more Borgs exit their shelves... see us... come at us... SHELBY Ready phasers... They raise their weapons... the Borg move in on them... SHELBY Fire. Shelby and Data fire one direction... Worf and Beverly the other... STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/6/90 - ACT FIVE 57. 82 ONE SET OF BORGS (OPTICAL) go down... 83 ANOTHER SET OF BORGS (OPTICAL) go down... but more come right behind, climbing over them... 84 THE AWAY TEAM (OPTICAL) moves down a clear corridor... SHELBY Enterprise, encountering resistance, prepare to beam us back on my signal... ... into another intersection... Data and Worf fire and destroy a third conduit box. 85 thru OMITTED 87 88 INT. BORG SHIP A portion of the lights fail... 89 THE AWAY TEAM (OPTICAL) is cloaked in shadows... the sparks creating almost a strobe effect... 89A ANGLE - MORE BORGS (OPTICAL) coming... the away team fire phasers... the Borg have adapted... none of the phasers affect them this time... we retreat again. SHELBY Enterprise... beam us... WORF Wait! Look -- He points... and 90 thru OMITTED 92 STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/9/90 - ACT FIVE 58. 93 ANGLE - ANOTHER ROW OF BORGS EMERGING FROM THEIR SLOTS in the strobe effect... and one of them at the far end... is Picard... seen in profile, he looks normal. 94 THE AWAY TEAM WORF Captain! 95 PICARD turns slowly, calmly... and push in as he does to see he has been turned into a Borg. Half his face is gone... replaced with machinery. 96 REACTIONS - CLOSEUPS of the away team... stunned. 97 PICARD moves toward them... with the Borg as they surround... 98 THE AWAY TEAM (OPTICAL) Worf bursts forward trying to get to his captain... is repelled violently by a Borg aura around Picard... falls to the floor. SHELBY Enterprise, get us out of here. As sparking effects continue from the damage to the distribution nodes, they DEMATERIALIZE. 99 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker, Troi, Wes at Conn... Geordi at Engineering station. WESLEY Sir, they did it... the Borg ship is dropping out of warp... RIKER Go to impulse. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/11/90 - ACT FIVE 59. 99 CONTINUED: GEORDI Diverting warp energy to main deflector... RIKER Move us to within forty thousand kilometers, match velocity. Commence arming sequence... Increase deflector modulation to upper frequency band... The away team ENTERS from the turbolift... Worf moves to Tactical... RIKER The captain? DATA Sir, Captain Picard has been altered by the Borg. We were unable to retrieve him... RIKER Altered... ? WORF He is a Borg, sir. Riker reacts, stunned. SHELBY We'll go back... I need more people... we need to retune the phasers again... we'll get him out of there... GEORDI Commander, reading subspace field fluctuations within the Borg ship. Looks like they're regenerating... restoring power. They could be capable of warp any minute. Riker's mind working... covering the options... RIKER Is the deflector ready? GEORDI (registering import of the pending decision) Ready, sir. STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/9/90 - ACT FIVE 60. 99 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY Will, he's alive... if we get him back, I might be able to restore... Push in to Riker... RIKER This is our only chance to destroy them... if they get back into warp, our weapon becomes useless. SHELBY We'll go back... we'll sabotage them again if we have to... RIKER (shakes his head) We can't maintain pursuit. We don't have the power. (beat) Prepare to fire. SHELBY At least consult with Starfleet Command. (to Worf) Get Admiral Hanson on subspace... RIKER Belay that order, Lieutenant. There's no time... WORF Sir, we are being hailed by the Borg... RIKER On screen. 100 thru OMITTED 101 102 ANGLE (OPTICAL) - VIEWSCREEN Picard-Borg appears... he speaks with a single but metallic Borg voice... a version of his own... and during the speech we INTERCUT: STAR TREK: "Best of Both Worlds" - REV. 4/10/90 - ACT FIVE 61. 103 MATCHING PUSHES TO CLOSEUPS OF RIKER AND PICARD (OPTICAL) PICARD/BORG I am Locutus of Borg. Resistance is futile. Your life as it has been is over. From this time forward, you will service... us. And on an extreme closeup of Riker... a deep breath, then firm without raising his voice... RIKER Mister Worf... fire. FREEZE FRAME SUPER: TO BE CONTINUED FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END