STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II" #40274-175 Written by Michael Piller Directed by Cliff Bole WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1990 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT JULY 2, 1990 STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - 7/9/90 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Best of Both Worlds" Part Two CAST PICARD ADMIRAL HANSON RIKER LT. COMMANDER SHELBY DATA LOCUTUS (PICARD-BORG) BEVERLY TROI GEORDI WORF WESLEY Non-Speaking SEVERAL BORG GUINAN O'BRIEN GLEASON COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking SUPERNUMERARIES MISC. SECURITY PERSONNEL STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - 7/10/90 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Best of Both Worlds" Part Two SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE BATTLE SECTION BATTLE BRIDGE SAUCER SECTION CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM MAIN ENGINEERING THE STARFLEET SHIPS SICKBAY USS CHEKHOV DATA'S LABRATORY USS KYUSHU CORRIDOR USS MELBOURNE TURBOLIFT ETC. OBSERVATION LOUNGE TRANSPORTER ROOM ENTERPRISE SHUTTLE ENTERPRISE SHUTTLE THE BORG SHIP THE BORG SHIP INTERIOR CHAMBER OPERATING ROOM SATURN (FROM SPACE) ADMIRAL HANSON'S SHIP MARS (FROM SPACE) (GALAXY CLASS STARSHIP) UNMANNED PODS READY ROOM BATTLE BRIDGE EARTH (FROM SPACE) STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/3/90 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Best of Both Worlds" Part Two PRONUNCIATION GUIDE LOCUTUS low-KEW-tus ITERATIVE IT-er-ah-tiv STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/27/90 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Best of Both Worlds" Part Two TEASER FADE IN: INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) - LOCUTUS ON SCREEN barely reacts to Riker's order to fire. Red alert continues. We hear a low rumbling, slowly growing... RIKER Eyes locked on Locutus. The rumbling grows. GEORDI at the Engineering Station... monitoring readings... GEORDI Deflector power approaching maximum limits. Energy discharge in... six seconds... As the rumble heightens to a roar... VARIOUS REACTIONS Beverly... Troi... Worf... Wesley... Shelby... finally back to Riker... EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Close on the main deflector dish as it glows... pulses... and then erupts in a blinding beam that strikes -- EXT. SPACE - THE BORG SHIP (OPTICAL) A forcefield absorbing the continuing blast. INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The ship shakes... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/27/90 - TEASER 2. CONTINUED: WORF The Borg ship is undamaged. SHELBY Impossible... COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Warp reactor core primary coolant failure. GEORDI Can't maintain it much longer, Commander... Riker never takes his eyes off Locutus... COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Exceeding reaction chamber thermal limit. RIKER Cease fire. Geordi runs through a series of commands on his panels... GEORDI Shutting down warp engines. The roar stops... the silence is eerie... The Bridge crew is stunned. RIKER (unbelievable) They couldn't have adapted that quickly... LOCUTUS (on the contrary) The knowledge and experience of the human Picard is part of... us... now. It has prepared us... for all possible courses of action. Your resistance is hopeless... (beat) ... Number One. STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/2/90 - TEASER 3. 7 CONTINUED: (2) And on the frightening intimacy of the moment... on Riker's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/6/90 - ACT TWO 4. ACT ONE FADE IN: 8 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Alone... The Borg ship is gone. RIKER (V.O.) First Officer's Log, Stardate 43999.1. The Borg ship has resumed its course toward Earth. We are unable to pursue pending repairs to the Enterprise. 9 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE (OPTICAL) Riker, Geordi, Troi, Worf, Beverly and Shelby. Admiral Hanson is on the viewscreen; he is in his Ready Room on a Galaxy Starship. RIKER ... and as we anticipated, the blast burned out the main navigational deflector... we also have damage to shields and the reactor core. GEORDI We should be back up in eight to twelve hours, Admiral. Hanson frowns, acknowledges... HANSON Well, we'll miss you at the party. RIKER The Enterprise will be there, sir. Maybe a little late. But we'll be there. HANSON Your engagements gave us valuable time. We've mobilized a fleet of forty starships at Wolf 359 and that's just for starters... the Klingons are sending warships... Hell, we've even thought about opening communications with the Romulans... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/10/90 - ACT ONE 5. 9 CONTINUED: SHELBY You realize, Admiral, that with the assistance of Picard, the Borg will be prepared for your defenses. Hanson takes a long beat as though he's considering the dreadful ramifications of this fact. But that's not what he's thinking about at all. He finally speaks. HANSON Lieutenant... a few years ago, I watched a freshman cadet pass four upper classman on the last hill of the forty kilometer run on Danula Two... damndest thing I ever saw... only freshman to ever win the Academy marathon. I made it my business to get to know that young fellow... got to know him very very well... I'll tell ya, I've never known anyone with more drive, determination or more courage than Jean-Luc Picard. There's no way in hell he would assist the Borg. I want that clear. SHELBY Of course, Admiral... HANSON He is a casualty of war. BEVERLY Then... we have abandoned all hope of recovering him. HANSON (reluctantly acknowledges) In less than twenty-four hours, this armada's going to hit that Borg vessel with everything we can muster. Either they survive or we do. As for Picard... (beat) A great man has been lost. Your Captain. My friend. He sighs, looks down a beat and then up. STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/3/90 - ACT ONE 6. 9 CONTINUED: (2) HANSON Commander Riker... I hereby promote you to the field commission of Captain. Push in on Riker... HANSON The Enterprise is your ship now. Congratulations. I wish the circumstances were different. RIKER Good luck, Admiral. HANSON To us all. He signs off. 10 EXT. SPACE - THE BORG SHIP (OPTICAL) warping toward Earth. 11 INT. BORG SHIP Moving down a row... no activity... the Borg are in their regenerative state, in their compartments... finding Locutus in a compartment, 'asleep'... a shudder crosses his face as though a nightmare has invaded his mind... suddenly his eyes open in a panic... 12 MATTE SHOT - THE BORG SHIP INTERIOR (OPTICAL) An agonizing human cry echoes through the chamber... 13 A BORG IN HIS COMPARTMENT reacts to the commotion... methodically EXITS and moves to Locutus, who resists his efforts to restrain him... another Borg joins them... together they escort him out of his compartment... 14 INT. BORG OPERATING ROOM - MONTAGE SEQUENCE (OPTICAL) Small and no different than any other area of the ship except there is a medical table... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/3/90 - ACT ONE 7. 14 CONTINUED: Locutus is lying on his back, conscious as one Borg prepares to use a long, probing implant device to add a bio-chip... another Borg prepares a huge mechanical arm to attach... and as we slowly push in to Locutus' face... and into his eye... a single tear is in one corner... and as the operation commences, his eyes close and after a beat, slowly, the color in his human face begins to drain further and further away until he is ashen white. 15 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM Riker stands at the window, now wearing a Captain's rank, looks around... moves closer to Picard's desk... and studies the empty chair... and it is a symbol of the man... and he cannot bring himself to sit there. So he sits in the chair he always sits in... facing the Captain's desk. A chime. He reacts... stands... RIKER Come. Troi ENTERS. Riker is glad to see her, smiles, warm. RIKER Hi. TROI You wanted to see me? And already it's different between them... he is the Captain now and that inherently creates an emotional barrier. RIKER How's the crew? TROI Throwing themselves into the work to be done... the emotional impact hasn't been fully realized yet... RIKER (understands) I guess Starfleet training kicks in and takes over... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/6/90 - ACT ONE 8. 15 CONTINUED: TROI (acknowledges) We know the risks, tell ourselves we're prepared for the consequences... and yet, something like this cuts deeper than we can admit at first. He was our Captain. It's like losing the leader of a nation or the head of a family. RIKER (a beat) He was more of a father to me than my own. Troi nods sympathetically... RIKER When I saw him like that... mutilated... TROI You did what you had to do... nobody doubts your love for him... RIKER Was there any part of him left, Deanna? TROI (slow) Yes. I can still sense his humanity RIKER (looks down) Then you must have sensed his pain... Her silence tells him she does. RIKER I don't envy your abilities. He cannot stay with the intensity of this moment... Breaking the tension -- STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/6/90 - ACT ONE 9. 15 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER I'd better check on the progress of our repairs... (beat) There won't be any changes... as far as I'm concerned it's his ship, his crew... and everything we do, every battle we fight, it's for him. (beat, warm) I'm glad you're here to help me with this. TROI Thank you, Captain. And as they both realize their intimacy will be never quite the same again. RIKER (dismissed) Counselor... Their eyes say more than their words. And as she leaves, we stay a beat on him as he begins to realize it's lonely at the top and he glances once more at -- 16 THE DESK and the empty chair... where he still has not been seated. 17 INT. TURBOLIFT as it opens and Riker and Worf ENTER. RIKER ... and Mister Crusher has suggested a chip might be designed that will automatically retune phasers to a random setting after each discharge... WORF That would be a great advantage. STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/13/90 - ACT ONE 10. 17 CONTINUED: RIKER We should also see if we can find some way to neutralize their forcefields, Worf... we've got to show them we can adapt too. (to com) Engineering. (continuing to Worf) We're not just fighting the Borg anymore... we're fighting the life experience they've stolen from Captain Picard... how the hell do we defeat an enemy that knows us better than we know ourselves... ? WORF The Borg have neither honor nor courage... that is our greatest advantage. RIKER I hope it's enough. STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/13/90 - ACT ONE 11. 17 CONTINUED: (2) The doors open. They EXIT... 18 OMITTED 19 INT. ENGINEERING The warp reactor where Geordi and Shelby are supervising repairs, checking panels, sensors... GEORDI Engine control processors are back up... SHELBY Accelerator coils are responding normally... GEORDI Forward shields at fifty-eight percent... aft shields -- (reacts as he studies sensors) Sensors must be down... SHELBY Checking... sensors are fine... no, aft shields have completely failed... dammit... auxiliary generators are out again... Riker and Worf ENTER. Seeing Worf -- STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/27/90 - ACT ONE 11A. CONTINUED: GEORDI Just the man I need. (to Riker) We're having problems with the aft shields... generators are going on and off line... I could use your help, Worf... Riker nods his approval. Geordi and Worf start to move... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/2/90 - ACT ONE 12. 19 CONTINUED: RIKER How soon do we get underway, Geordi? GEORDI Still a couple hours... Commander Shelby can fill you in... Geordi and Worf EXIT... Riker and Shelby are alone... the first time they've been alone since the big Turbolift argument... and the tension of their relationship hangs over the scene. SHELBY The main navigational deflector is functional again... Sherbourne and Barclay are running through the final testing sequence now... RIKER The warp reactor core? SHELBY Reconstruction is proceeding normally... it's slow work. If we can nail down this shield generator problem, I agree with La Forge... we should be at operating capacity in two or three hours... RIKER Good. An uncomfortable beat of silence as they study each other... SHELBY Anything else, sir? RIKER Yes. You did a good job on the Borg ship. SHELBY I didn't get Picard. RIKER You stopped them. You gave us our shot. STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/2/90 - ACT ONE 13. 19 CONTINUED: (2) Shelby realizes that Riker is being extraordinarily generous and she appreciates it. About to apologize for her earlier attitude -- SHELBY Sir... RIKER Commander, we don't have to like each other to work well together. In fact, I expect you to continue to keep me on my toes. SHELBY (quick) Some might define that as the role of a first officer. Riker reacts, frowns... RIKER Damn, you are ambitious, aren't you, Shelby... SHELBY Yes. Riker shakes his head, almost smiles. She does have chutzpa. SHELBY (continuing) Captain Riker, based on our past relationship, there's no reason I should expect to become your first officer... except you need me. I know how to get things done. And I have the expertise in the Borg... RIKER You also have a lot to learn, Commander. SHELBY (beat, taking it as a rejection) Yessir. STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/2/90 - ACT ONE 14. 19 CONTINUED: (3) RIKER (beat) Almost as much as I had to learn when I came aboard as Captain Picard's first officer. He reminded me of that fact when I commented on what a pain in the neck you are. SHELBY (relieved) Yessir. DATA'S COM VOICE Data to Riker. Message from Starfleet, Captain. RIKER Go ahead, Data. DATA'S COM VOICE Starfleet reports it has engaged the Borg at Wolf 359. On Riker's reaction... 20 thru OMITTED 25 26 INT. ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE Riker ENTERING in a hurry from the Turbolift. Data, Wesley and supernumeraries. DATA Admiral Hanson on subspace, Captain... RIKER On screen. 27 ANGLE (OPTICAL) Hanson's image on screen... he's on a Battle Bridge at Red Alert... reception is breaking up... his ship is clearly in battle... some shaking... RIKER Admiral... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/2/90 - ACT ONE 15. 27 CONTINUED: HANSON (calm but worried) The fight does not go well, Enterprise... we're attempting to withdraw and regroup. Rendezvous with fleet... Transmission ends suddenly... subspace hiss and snow fills the screen... on Riker's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/6/90 - ACT TWO 16. ACT TWO FADE IN: 28 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) warping. RIKER (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 44000.3. Repairs are complete. The Enterprise is warping to rendezvous with Starfleet at Wolf 359. Subspace communications from the site of battle have been cut off possibly by Borg interference. 29 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Riker, Data, Geordi, Beverly, Shelby, Worf, Troi. RIKER Lieutenant Worf, everyone at this table shares my respect for your service to this ship. But right now, I need your experience at tactical... Mister Data, I realize that your very nature omits ambition. Nevertheless, I want you to know I thought seriously about you as first officer as well... DATA Thank you, sir... RIKER But this is not a time for change. I need you all where you are, where Captain Picard always relied on you. (with some tongue-in-cheek) I have been... reluctantly... forced to conclude that Commander Shelby, our expert on the Borg, is the ideal choice at this time for first officer. STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/2/90 - ACT TWO 17. 29 CONTINUED: Shelby has softened a bit by now, appreciates the humor at her expense... the staff nods congratulations. On to business... RIKER Based on our last communication, we have to assume the Borg have survived the fleet's attack... your thoughts on our next encounter... SHELBY What about the heavy graviton beam we were talking about... ? GEORDI I've gone over it four times... The local field distortion just wouldn't be strong enough to incapacitate them... DATA Doctor Crusher and I have been working on an interesting premise... BEVERLY With our recent experience in nanotechnology, we might be able to introduce a destructive breed of nanite to the Borg... SHELBY Nanites? DATA Robots small enough to enter living cells. RIKER How much time would it take to execute this... BEVERLY That's the problem. Two, three weeks. TROI In two or three weeks, nanites may be all that's left of the Federation. STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/3/90 - ACT TWO 18. 29 CONTINUED: (2) There's an ominous silence as the ideas run out. WORF We have the new phaser adapters... GEORDI (grim) Perhaps in concert with photon torpedoes... we can slow them down... But this is a crew with little hope and ultimately all eyes turn to their Captain. A long beat as Riker feels the responsibility of command. RIKER I'm sure Captain Picard would have something meaningful and inspiring to say right now. And to tell you the truth, I wish he were here to say it, cause I'd like to hear it, too. 30 ANGLE - THE FACES around the table. RIKER (O.C.) (continuing) I know how difficult this transition is for all of you. I can take over for him, but I can never replace Captain Picard and would never hope to... 31 RIKER And in that moment, Riker wonders as he looks around the table whether he's reaching them... RIKER (a beat) Whatever the outcome, I know our efforts in the coming battle will justify the faith he had in all of us. (beat, bailing out) Dismissed. As they rise to leave... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/3/90 - ACT TWO 19. 32 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM Riker ENTERS, frustrated, not sure what the hell he's going to do, not pleased with the way he handled the meeting... once more he looks at -- 33 ANGLE - THE DESK with no one behind it... 34 RIKER RIKER What would you do? A chime. RIKER Come in. The door opens to reveal Guinan. She ENTERS. GUINAN May I speak to you, Captain? RIKER (reluctant) Well, actually Guinan... right now, I... GUINAN (will not be denied) Picard and I used to talk... now and again, when one of us needed to... I guess I'm just used to having the Captain's ear... And sacrilege as it might be, she sits behind the desk in the Captain's chair. Riker reacts. GUINAN I hope I'm not imposing. Riker studies her, let's get this over with. RIKER What's on your mind? STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/3/90 - ACT TWO 20. 34 CONTINUED: GUINAN I've heard a lot of people talking down in Ten Forward... They expect to be dead in the next day or two. It is said casually, stating a fact... A beat as Riker studies her, wonders what she's getting at. GUINAN (continuing) They like you, Riker. They trust you. But they don't believe anyone can save them. RIKER (defensive) I'm not sure anyone can. GUINAN The way I see things, if a man is convinced he's gonna die tomorrow, he'll probably find some way to make it happen. (beat) The only one who can turn that around... is you. Riker has had just about enough of this tutoring session with the bartender... RIKER (with an edge) I'll do the best I can. GUINAN You'll have to do something you don't want to do. (off his look) Let go of Picard. RIKER (calmly angry) Maybe you didn't hear -- yesterday, I tried to kill him. GUINAN You tried to kill whatever that is on the Borg ship. Not Picard. Picard is still here, still in the room with us. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/3/90 - ACT TWO 21. 34 CONTINUED: (2) GUINAN (Cont'd) (beat) If he had just died, it would be easier. But he's been taken from us a piece at a time. They study each other a long beat. Both feel the loss intensely. GUINAN Did he ever tell you why we were so close? RIKER No. GUINAN Then I'm not going to tell you either. But it was beyond friendship, beyond family... and I will let him go. You must, too. (beat) There can only be one Captain. RIKER It's not that simple... This was his crew... he wrote the book on this ship... GUINAN And the Borg know everything he knows... RIKER Yes... GUINAN Then, it's time to throw the book away. (beat) You must let him go, Riker. It's the only way to beat him... the only way to save him. He reacts. She stands. GUINAN This chair is yours. And she EXITS. After a beat, he slowly moves to the empty chair and sits down. STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/9/90 - ACT TWO 22. 35 OMITTED 36 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Data, Wesley, Shelby, Worf and supernumeraries are on the Bridge. Shelby wears Commander rank pips. WESLEY (on com) Captain, we're approaching the Wolf system. RIKER'S COM VOICE On my way. Riker ENTERS from the Ready Room. RIKER Slow to impulse. Take us to the battle coordinates, Ensign... yellow alert... WORF Sensors are picking up several vessels, Captain... RIKER The fleet? DATA (checking) There are no active subspace fields... Negligible power readings... RIKER Lifesigns? DATA Negative, sir. WORF Visual contact. RIKER On screen. 37 ANGLE - VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) and the Bridge crew reacts with horror as they see the wreckage of the Starfleet armada... it is like Pearl Harbor. Passing by one dead ship after another... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/9/90 - ACT TWO 23. 38 TWO SHOT - RIKER AND SHELBY as she recognizes and calls out the names... and slow push to Riker... SHELBY The Chekhov... The Kyushu... The Melbourne... On Riker's face... 39 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it passes through the cemetery of dead ships... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/9/90 - ACT THREE 24. ACT THREE FADE IN: 40 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at impulse, going through the devastation as before. 41 INT. MAIN BRIDGE WORF Sir, sensors are picking up unusually strong magnetic eddy currents, bearing two-zero-zero, mark two-one-one. RIKER Data, your analysis... DATA It could indicate the course of the Borg ship... RIKER Ensign Crusher, set a course that follows those currents... WESLEY Aye, Captain. RIKER Commander Shelby, you will prepare to initiate your plan of separating the saucer section when we find the Borg. SHELBY Sir. I must remind you that Captain Picard was briefed on that plan... the Borg will be prepared for it... RIKER I'm aware of that, Commander. In fact, I'm counting on it. She reacts... SHELBY Crusher, Cartaino, Gleason -- report to the Battle Bridge... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/3/90 - ACT THREE 25. 41 CONTINUED: As the regulars are replaced at their posts by supernumeraries... on the move... RIKER Mister Data and Mister Worf, I have a special mission for you... 42 EXT. SPACE - THE BORG SHIP (OPTICAL) at Warp. 43 INT. BORG SHIP (OPTICAL) Locutus is escorted, almost like a pet dog on a "heel" command, to the area near the center chamber where communication takes place... he is less Picard than he was before... more Borg... The facial color is gone... a huge Borg arm has been added... as he positions himself -- 43A ANGLE (OPTICAL) a wide viewscreen reveals a small image of a ship approaching... an effect magnifies the image to reveal it as The Enterprise. 44 LOCUTUS reacts... over his face -- RIKER'S VOICE Locutus of Borg, this is Captain William T. Riker of the U.S.S. Enterprise. 45 ANGLE - THE VIEWSCREEN - RIKER'S IMAGE (OPTICAL) from the Battle Bridge... LOCUTUS You may speak. INTERCUT: STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/12/90 - ACT THREE 26. 46 INT. BATTLE BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Riker, Wesley at Conn, GLEASON at Ops, others as needed. Shelby, Data and Worf are notably absent. RIKER We wish to end the hostilities. LOCUTUS Then you must unconditionally surrender. RIKER We are prepared to meet to discuss your terms. LOCUTUS (a beat) It is unlikely that you are prepared to discuss terms. It is more likely that this is an attempt at deception. RIKER Come now, Locutus, if Picard's knowledge and experience is part of you, then you know I have never lied to him... in fact, you should implicitly trust me, is that not so? Locutus is having difficulty processing Riker's routine... LOCUTUS Picard implicitly trusted you. RIKER Then trust me now. Meet with me to discuss terms. The Borg influence takes over in Locutus. STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/9/90 - ACT THREE 27. 46 CONTINUED: LOCUTUS Discussion is irrelevant. There are no terms. You will disarm all weapons and escort us to sector zero-zero-one where we will begin the assimilation of your culture and technology. Riker turns away from the screen... signals to cut off transmission... RIKER Mister Gleason, can you pinpoint the Borg's source of transmission? GLEASON (acknowledging) I can put you within thirty meters of it, sir... RIKER (to comm) Mister O'Brien, report... INTERCUT: 47 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM O'Brien with Data and Worf... O'BRIEN The Borg have adapted their electromagnetic field to prevent main Transporter functions, sir... RIKER (to comm) As expected. Mister Data and Mister Worf, you will proceed as we discussed... DATA Aye, Captain... Data and Worf each don an armpack. 48 INT. BORG SHIP (OPTICAL) Locutus at the viewscreen. Riker turns back, reopens communications. STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/9/90 - ACT THREE 28. 48 CONTINUED: RIKER We would like time to prepare our people for assimilation. LOCUTUS Preparation is irrelevant. Your people will be assimilated as easily as Picard has been. 49 INT. BATTLE BRIDGE (OPTICAL) RIKER Does it involve a lot of needles... because I just hate needles... LOCUTUS Your attempt at a delay will not be successful, Number One. We will proceed to Earth and if you attempt to intervene we will destroy you. RIKER Take your best shot, Locutus, cause we're about to intervene. Cuts off communication... Starfield and the Borg ship return to the viewscreen. RIKER Reset subspace communications to scrambler code Riker One... GLEASON Scrambler code Riker One, acknowledged. RIKER (to com) Commander Shelby, report... INTERCUT: 50 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Shelby at command with supernumeraries at other posts. STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/9/90 - ACT THREE 29. 50 CONTINUED: SHELBY Ready for separation. RIKER Make it so. 51 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The separation begins... 51A INT. ENGINEERING GEORDI Docking latches clear, separation complete... 52 INT. BATTLE BRIDGE WESLEY Saucer velocity one hundred meters per second and increasing. RIKER Open fire... all weapons... 53 INT. MAIN BRIDGE SHELBY Fire... 54 INT. BORG SHIP (OPTICAL) Locutus watches the two separating parts of the Enterprise and this is nothing unexpected... the viewscreen scanners promptly focus on the battle section because Locutus knows that's where the power is... 55 EXT. SPACE - THE BORG SHIP (OPTICAL) reaches out its tractor beam toward the battle section... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/9/90 - ACT THREE 29A. 56 INT. BATTLE BRIDGE WESLEY Borg tractor beam attempting to lock on, Captain... 135:[1,#b] STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/9/90 - ACT THREE 30. 56 CONTINUED: RIKER Evasive manuevers... pattern Riker Alpha... WESLEY Riker Alpha, confirmed... 57 EXT. SPACE - THE BATTLE SECTION (OPTICAL) moving quickly by... 58 INT. BATTLE BRIDGE WESLEY They're ignoring the saucer section completely... RIKER (murmering toward the Borg ship) Just as you should, Captain... Ensign, evasive pattern, Riker Beta... WESLEY Riker Beta, confirmed... RIKER (to comm) Commander Shelby, proceed with second phase... 59 INT. MAIN BRIDGE SHELBY Acknowledged. (to tactical officer) Fire antimatter spread... 60 EXT. SPACE - THE SAUCER SECTION (OPTICAL) Fires a spread of antimatter pellets exploding in a spectacular display toward the Borg ship... 61 INT. BORG SHIP (OPTICAL) As the viewscreen pans toward the saucer section, Locutus and other Borg look at the antimatter display... and this is unexpected... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/9/90 - ACT THREE 31. 62 INT. BATTLE BRIDGE Pushing to Riker... RIKER Launch shuttle... 63 INT. SHUTTLE Data and Worf inside... DATA Shuttle launch sequence confirmed... departing Enterprise in three seconds... 64 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE SAUCER SECTION (OPTICAL) As the shuttle leaves the ship... becoming part of the forest of anti-matter pyrotechnics... 65 INT. BORG SHIP - LOCUTUS studies what's happening... Picard's mind working unwillingly... suggesting reponses... 66 EXT. SPACE - THE BORG SHIP (OPTICAL) The Borg ship terminates the tractor beam aimed at the battle section... initiates another beam in the other direction toward the anti-matter spread. 67 INT. BATTLE BRIDGE WESLEY The Borg tractor beam has moved toward the anti-matter spread. GLEASON They might be picking up engine ionization from the shuttle... RIKER (to com) Data, cut your engines... take her in unpowered... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/6/90 - ACT THREE 32. 67A EXT. SPACE - THE SHUTTLE (OPTICAL) to see the shuttle moving through the antimatter field toward the Borg ship... the tractor beam sweeps by, just barely missing the shuttle. 68 INT. SHUTTLE - OVER THE SHOULDER (OPTICAL) The shuttle shakes. 69 OMITTED 70 INT. BORG SHIP - LOCUTUS watches. 71 INT. BATTLE BRIDGE Favoring Riker... WESLEY They're gonna make it... INTERCUT: 72 INT. SHUTTLE - OVER THE SHOULDER (OPTICAL) As it moves up close and personal to the Borg ship... WORF Shuttle has penetrated the Borg electromagnetic field... Data is already out of his seat... DATA (checking sensors) The shuttle escape transporter should provide adequate power to beam us onto the Borg ship from here, sir... RIKER'S COM VOICE And back, Mister Data? DATA Yessir, there should be enough energy for two transports. STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/6/90 - ACT THREE 33. 72 CONTINUED: RIKER'S COM VOICE Proceed. Worf moves out of his chair... and joins Data by the transport unit as he punches some overhead keys and they DEMATERIALIZE... 73 INT. BORG SHIP (OPTICAL) Locutus and the Borg react as Worf and Data MATERIALIZE several meters away... Worf and Data have phasers... blast away at the Borg near-by, several go down... Locutus turns and as Worf rushes him, his forcefield goes on, but Worf and Data together spray a wide, fan-shaped phaser blast that dissolves the forcefield and Worf tackles Locutus to the ground as Data continues to cover him with phaser shots at other Borg... 74 LOCUTUS AND WORF (OPTICAL) struggle on the ground as Data comes up and sedates Locutus with a hypo... and then he hits the arm band and they DEMATERIALIZE... 75 INT. SHUTTLE (OPTICAL) They MATERIALIZE... WORF Mission accomplished... we have him... Touching a control panel: DATA Firing shuttle thrusters... 76 INT. BATTLE BRIDGE RIKER Beam them out of there, Mister O'Brien... 77 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM O'BRIEN Locked in... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/2/90 - ACT THREE 34. 78 EXT. SPACE - THE BORG SHIP (OPTICAL) fires their cutting beam and obliterates the shuttle. 79 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Data and Worf support the unconscious Locutus as they MATERIALIZE... O'BRIEN Transport successful, sir... 80 INT. BATTLE BRIDGE On a push in to Riker's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/9/90 - ACT FOUR 35. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 81 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Still in two sections... the Borg ship is taking no offensive action. 82 INT. BATTLE BRIDGE As before. GEORDI'S COM VOICE Captain, we've sustained damage to the impulse drive... the saucer section is disabled... GLEASON Reading subspace field fluctuations from the Borg ship... looks like they're getting ready to increase power... RIKER Stand-by, La Forge... WESLEY (to himself) The saucer section... it's a sitting duck... RIKER Prepare to draw their fire... WESLEY (surprised) Captain, the Borg ship... it's moving away... 83 ANGLE - THE VIEW SCREEN (OPTICAL) As the Borg ship warps away. STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/9/90 - ACT FOUR 36. 83 CONTINUED: WESLEY It's resuming its course to Earth, sir... RIKER Rendezvous with the saucer section... lay in a course of pursuit... 84 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) reconnects. 85 INT. SICKBAY Picard/Borg is on an emergency medical bed... Riker watches as Beverly examines him... BEVERLY There's extensive infiltration of microcircuit fibers into the surrounding tissues... his DNA is being rewritten... RIKER Can you revive him? BEVERLY (reluctant) I'd like more time to study the structural changes in the motor pathways... RIKER Doctor, we don't have more time. Once he was wired into the Borg, they knew everything he knew. I'm hoping it goes both ways. If we're lucky, he had access to everything we need to know about them... especially their vulnerabilities. Beverly understands... uses a hypo to begin to revive him... he stirs... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/10/90 - ACT FOUR 37. 85 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Jean Luc... it's Beverly... can you hear me... His eye opens... LOCUTUS Beverly... Crusher... BEVERLY Yes... don't try to move... LOCUTUS I am... on board the Enterprise. RIKER That's right. LOCUTUS A futile manuever. They react. He sits up. RIKER Locutus... LOCUTUS Incorrect strategy, Number One... to risk your ship and crew... to retrieve only one man... Picard would never have approved... BEVERLY (to comm) Security... LOCUTUS You underestimate... us... to believe this... abduction would be of any concern... Worf and two security men ENTER... LOCUTUS There is no need for apprehension... I intend no harm. There is a moment where the human Picard peeks through... seems to resist but he is helpless... Almost as a plea to his own alter ego -- STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/10/90 - ACT FOUR 37A. 85 CONTINUED: (2) LOCUTUS/PICARD No harm. Locutus continues. STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/9/90 - ACT FOUR 38. 85 CONTINUED: (2) LOCUTUS I will continue... aboard your ship... to speak for the Borg ... as they continue... without further diversion... to sector zero zero one... where they will force your unconditional surrender. On reactions... 86 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - SCIENCE STATION Riker and Beverly looking over Data's shoulder as he works at monitors... an Okudagram showing some signal measurements... Shelby at command... Wesley at Conn. DATA Using multimodal reflection sorting, I have been able to detect a complex series of subspace signals between Locutus and the Borg ship... BEVERLY That's how they're controlling him? DATA It is not just a matter of control, Doctor. The signals are interactive across a subspace domain similar to that of a Transporter beam. I would hypothesize that these frequencies form the basis of the Borg's collective consciousness. RIKER Can't we block them? DATA Possibly. But, as you will recall, on several occasions, we have witnessed the Borg removing key circuits from injured comrades... no doubt separating them from the group consciousness. RIKER The injured Borg immediately self-destructed. STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/3/90 - ACT FOUR 39. 86 CONTINUED: DATA That is correct, sir. BEVERLY Cutting the link to Locutus might be fatal to Captain Picard. Riker frowns... thinks... RIKER We have to find a way to reach him... we must know what he knows... BEVERLY Without these interactive signals, it would only be a matter of microsurgery... I could do it... but as long as those Borg implants are functioning, there's no way I can separate the man from the machine. DATA (beat, an idea) Then perhaps... there is a way I can access the 'machine', Doctor. Riker reacts and... 87 INT. SICKBAY Worf and the two security men watch as Picard examines Sickbay... as though he is scanning the technology... satisfied, he comes to Worf and begins to scan him... LOCUTUS Worf. Worf silently studies him, mixed feelings. LOCUTUS Klingon species. A warrior race. (beat) You too will be assimilated. WORF The Klingon Empire will never yield. STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/2/90 - ACT FOUR 40. 87 CONTINUED: LOCUTUS Why do you resist? We only wish to raise... quality of life... for all species... WORF I like my species the way it is. LOCUTUS A narrow vision. You will... become one with the Borg. You will... all... become one with the Borg. Riker, Data and Beverly ENTER... LOCUTUS The Android... Data... primitive artificial organism... you will be obsolete in the new order... As he scans Data, Beverly comes around and hypos him in the neck, he loses consciousness... Riker and Worf grab him as he falls... RIKER (to Security men) Take him to Data's lab... SHELBY'S COM VOICE Shelby to Riker... RIKER Go ahead... SHELBY'S COM VOICE Captain, the Borg have entered sector zero-zero-one... On Riker's reaction... 88 EXT. SPACE - THE BORG SHIP (OPTICAL) As it moves by us at impulse... we follow to reveal the familiar 'Monument Valley', if you will, of our own solar system... as the Borg ship passes by Saturn... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/3/90 - ACT FIVE 41. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 89 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) still at warp. 90 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Shelby at command, Wes at conn, Riker and Worf ENTER from the Turbolift. Supernumerary at Ops. SHELBY The Borg have dropped out of warp, sir... Jupiter Outpost Nine-Two reported visual contact at twelve hundred hours, thirteen minutes... RIKER Planetary defenses? SHELBY Responding. No reports on effectiveness... but I can't believe that against the Borg... RIKER (interrupting) Mister Crusher, at their current speed, when will they reach Earth? WESLEY Twenty-seven minutes... RIKER The soonest we can intercept? WESLEY (beat, grim) Forty-two minutes, sir. RIKER (to com) Riker to Data... your status? INTERCUT: STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/13/90 - ACT FIVE 42. 91 INT. DATA'S LABORATORY This is the set up we had in "The Offspring"... the raised biobed, the impressive technical equipment... Troi, Beverly, O'Brien and the one security man observe... Picard is off-camera... Data is working at panels... checking monitors... he is seen in profile... DATA The initial cybernetic connection into Captain Picard's neural net pathways has been established... Mister O'Brien is ready to process the Borg signal through the transport pattern buffer. RIKER Make it so. And with dispatch, Mister Data... As Data turns, he reveals an open panel on his head... DATA Proceeding immediately, sir. Data out. Over the above, Data has hit a series of panels and now... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/13/90 - ACT FIVE 43. 92 ANGLE - THE BIOBED begins to lower... revealing Locutus, still unconscious, stripped of clothes, his hideous mutilation clearly exposed... transfers are patched to the Borg side of him... Data moves into position beside him and begins to attach himself to the biobed transfer device... DATA The neural link will be established in three stages... Doctor, I suggest you closely observe Captain Picard's lifesigns while Chief O'Brien monitors my positronic matrix activity at each stage... Counselor, hopefully you will be able to determine if I am reaching Captain Picard. O'BRIEN At what point should I shut it down if there's a problem? DATA I do not know. I have never done this before. (touching a series of panels) Initating first neural link... 93 BEVERLY at monitors with human lifesigns displayed... BEVERLY The Captain's vital signs are stable... 94 O'BRIEN looking at an Okudagram... O'BRIEN Positronic activity unchanged... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/2/90 - ACT FIVE 44. 95 RESUME - DATA DATA First neural connection is confirmed... I cannot report any significant access to the Borg consciousness... He glances at Troi who shakes her head, no... 96 EXT. SPACE - THE BORG SHIP (OPTICAL) moving by Mars... unmanned pods attack it... the Borg ship destroys them easily... moves on... and now we reveal their final destination... the familiar shape of Earth straight ahead... 97 INT. MAIN BRIDGE WORF It is confirmed... the Borg have broken through the Mars defense perimeter... WESLEY Enterprise approaching the Terran system, sir... RIKER Slow to impulse... time to intercept... WESLEY Twenty-three minutes, fourteen seconds, sir. 98 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at impulse power moving by Saturn... 99 INT. DATA'S LABORATORY DATA Second neural connection is confirmed... I still cannot report any significant access... proceeding with the final link... He pushes a series of panels... and this time the result is dramatic... there is a visible jolt to Picard... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/9/90 - ACT FIVE 45. 100 BEVERLY reacts... checking her monitor... BEVERLY Significant increase in premotor area and hypothalamus activity... his heartrate is accelerating rapidly... 101 O'BRIEN watching his sensors... O'BRIEN Sir, your submicron matrix activity is increasing exponentially. Data is absorbing information at an incredible rate... like an internal blastoff... DATA Neural connections are complete. I... have... access to the Borg subspace signals... Processing... processing... TROI Data... DATA Stand by... processing... O'Brien looks at Beverly with great concern... DATA Fascinating. The Borg group consciousness... is divided into subcommands... necessary to carry out all functions... communications, defense, navigation... they are all controlled... by a root command... implanted in each -- Suddenly... 102 THE BORG ARM on Picard rises and attempts to disengage the connections on the biobed... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/13/90 - ACT FIVE 46. 103 THE SECURITY MAN charges forward... and the arm pushes them easily off the biobed... it moves back toward the connections, but 104 DATA grabs the Borg hand and holds it back from the controls using his extraordinary strength... 105 THE TWO ARMS locked in a symbolic arm wrestle for control of Picard... and finally after straining at both ends, Data wins by breaking the arm off at the wrist joint... 105A THE BROKEN BORG 'HAND' continues to move in Data's hand... 106 RESUME SCENE BEVERLY Data, I'm picking up increased neural activity in Captain Picard... localized in the prefrontal and parietal lobes... O'BRIEN The Borg might be trying to terminate their link with him... DATA Negative... subspace signal configuration is unchanged. The cause of increased neural activity is unclear... TROI No, it's not... it's him... Slowly... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/9/90 - ACT FIVE 47. 107 PICARD'S HUMAN ARM is reaching out, his hand struggling to find -- finally grasping -- Data's wrist and holds it tightly... clinging to life... a first contact with the human... 108 REACTIONS from Data... Beverly... O'Brien... 109 INT. MAIN BRIDGE TROI'S COM VOICE Troi to Bridge. Data has made first contact with Captain Picard... RIKER Can you communicate with him, Data? DATA'S COM VOICE I have been unable to create a neural path around the Borg implants, sir... it is Captain Picard himself who has somehow managed to initiate contact... WORF Sir, the Borg have halted their approach to Earth... SHELBY I think we got their attention... RIKER Time to intercept... ? WESLEY Two minutes, four seconds... RIKER They're worried... they're worried that we've got access to Picard... we've got two minutes to figure out what we can do with it... INTERCUT: STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/9/90 - ACT FIVE 48. 110 INT. DATA'S LABORATORY DATA Sir, it is clear the Borg are unable or unwilling to terminate their subspace links... BEVERLY That may be their achilles heel, Captain... their interdependency... RIKER What do you mean, Doctor? BEVERLY He's part of their collective consciousness... Cutting him off is like asking us to disconnect an arm or a foot... we can't do it. SHELBY (extrapolating) They operate as a single mind... RIKER If one jumps off the cliff... they all jump off the cliff... (to com) Data, is it possible to plant a command in the Borg collective consciousness... DATA It is conceivable, sir... it would require altering the pathways from the root command, to affect all iterative branchpoints in... RIKER (interrupting) Make every effort, Mister Data... DATA What command shall I try to plant, sir... ? RIKER Something straightforward... like 'disarm your weapons systems'... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/9/90 - ACT FIVE 49. 110 CONTINUED: WORF Visual contact with the Borg... SHELBY On screen. 111 ANGLE - THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) to see the Borg ship long range... Earth in the background. RIKER Magnify. The image is magnified... WORF Sensors reading increased power generation from the Borg... RIKER Red alert. Load all torpedo bays... ready phasers... WORF Aye, Captain... RIKER Status of the Borg weapons... WORF Borg weapon systems are fully charged... RIKER Data... ? INTERCUT: 112 INT. DATA'S LABORATORY DATA Attempting to reroute subcommand paths, Captain... defense systems are protected by access barriers... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/9/90 - ACT FIVE 50. 112 CONTINUED: Panning down to find Picard's hand still holding on to Data's wrist... 113 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) and the Borg squaring off one last time with Earth as the backdrop... the Borg ship sends out their tractor beam... 114 INT. MAIN BRIDGE The ship shakes... WORF Borg attempting to lock on tractor beam... RIKER Rotate shield frequencies... (to com) Data, report... INTERCUT: 115 INT. DATA'S LABORATORY Shaking continuing... DATA I am unable to penetrate defense systems command structure, Captain... SHELBY Try the power systems, Data... see if you can get them to power down... DATA Acknowledged... attempting new power subcommand path... 116 ANGLE - PICARD shaking with the ship... stirring... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/27/90 - ACT FIVE 51. INT. ENGINEERING - GEORDI at a console... GEORDI Shields have failed... INT. MAIN BRIDGE RIKER Fire all weapons. EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) once again in the grips of the Borg tractor beam... firing at will... but it is a hopeless cause... INT. DATA'S LABORATORY DATA I cannot penetrate the Borg power subcommand structure... all critical subcommands are protected, Captain... INTERCUT: INT. MAIN BRIDGE Close on Riker as the truth sets in... SHELBY Then it's over. RIKER Mister Crusher, ready a collision course with the Borg ship... Wesley reacts, turns and looks for confirmation... Repeating -- RIKER (quietly) You heard me. A collision course. WESLEY Yessir. RIKER Mister La Forge, prepare to go to warp power... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/9/90 - ACT FIVE 51A. 122 INT. DATA'S LABORATORY Picard groans, whispers... PICARD Sleep. STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/9/90 - ACT FIVE 52. 122 CONTINUED: And it is only by sheer force of will, the power of the man, that Picard is able to reach through the control of the Borg consciousness... and whisper this word... BEVERLY Data, he's regaining consciousness... PICARD Sleep. TROI (reacts) It is Captain Picard speaking, not Locutus. PICARD Sleep. Data. And then under extreme pressure, his will is suppressed and he loses consciousness... BEVERLY He's exhausted. DATA Yes, Doctor... but if I may make a supposition, I believe his message was not intended to express fatigue but to suggest a course of action. 123 INT. MAIN BRIDGE WORF Borg cutting beam activated... And Captain Riker prepares to give the last fateful order of his short but colorful career... RIKER Mister Crusher, en... DATA'S COM VOICE Data to Bridge... stand by... RIKER Stand by all stations... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/2/90 - ACT FIVE 53. 123 CONTINUED: DATA'S COM VOICE I am attempting to penetrate the Borg regenerative subcommand path... it is a low priority system and may be accessible... 124 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The Borg cutting beam reaches out to the Enterprise... 125 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Crack of impact... a dreadful shake... COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Outer hull breach. WORF Sir... shall I execute evacuation sequence... RIKER Negative, Mister Worf... Mister Data, your final report... DATA'S COM VOICE Stand by... RIKER I can't, Mister Data... COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Inner hull failure imminent on decks twenty-three, twenty-four, and twenty-five... Decompression danger... 126 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Suddenly, the attack simply ends. 127 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Reactions. STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/3/90 - ACT FIVE 54. 127 CONTINUED: RIKER Data? What the hell happened? INTERCUT: 128 INT. DATA'S LABORATORY DATA I successfully planted a command in the Borg collective consciousness, sir. It misdirected them to believe it was time to regenerate. In effect, I put them all to sleep. 129 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Reactions. RIKER To... sleep. DATA Yessir. RIKER Status of Borg power drive... ? WORF Minimal power... RIKER Electromagnetic field? WORF Nonexistent. RIKER (reacts) Commander Shelby, take an away team and confirm that the Borg... are... asleep. SHELBY Delighted, sir. As she EXITS... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/9/90 - ACT FIVE 55. 130 INT. BORG SHIP (OPTICAL) Shelby, Worf and Gleason MATERIALIZE... They examine the Borg... who are all in their compartments... SHELBY (keys insignia) Shelby to Enterprise. It's true. They're all in their regeneration mode. INTERCUT: 131 INT. ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR Riker on the move... RIKER (keying insignia) Any indication to how long we can keep them like this... 132 INT. BORG SHIP SHELBY Checking... WORF (to Shelby) Commander, tricorder readings are fluctuating rapidly... Shelby comes over... reacts... SHELBY Enterprise... there are indications here that their entire power net's about to feed back on itself. I'd say we're looking at a self-destruct sequence activated by the Borg's malfunction... do you want us to attempt to disarm it... 133 INT. DATA'S LABORATORY Riker has just entered... Beverly has heard. Data is still tied up with Picard... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/10/90 - ACT FIVE 56. 133 CONTINUED: BEVERLY There's no way to know what the destruction of the Borg ship will do to him... DATA We should also consider the advantages of further examination of the Borg and their vessel, sir. RIKER (beat) I don't think so. Mister Data, separate yourself from Captain Picard. Data follows the order as -- RIKER (keys insignia) Away Team, get yourselves home. Mister Crusher, upon their return move us to a safe position. And as Beverly watches with a personal concern, Data gently removes Picard's hand from his wrist... 134 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise moves away and... the Borg ship explodes... in several decentralized small bursts. INTERCUTTING: 135 INT. DATA'S LABORATORY Picard shudders... 135A THE BORG SHIP blows apart. 135B PICARD lies still... After a long beat, his eyes open... he smiles weakly... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/18/90 - ACT FIVE 57. 135B CONTINUED: BEVERLY Life signs are stable... the DNA around the microcircuit fiber implants is returning to normal... TROI How do you feel? With a voice hoarse from fatigue... PICARD Almost human. (smiles slightly) With a bit of a headache... BEVERLY We'll get you to Sickbay... (to Riker) We won't have any trouble getting these implants out now. RIKER (to Picard) How much do you remember? PICARD Everything. (beat) Including some brilliantly unorthodox strategy by a former first officer of mine. There's a special look between them and... 136 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Orbiting Earth. 137 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM Picard has had his surgery... his face is half-bandaged... he is back in uniform. With him is Riker, still wearing his Captain's pips. STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/6/90 - ACT FIVE 58. 137 CONTINUED: RIKER ... and Earth Station McKinley has advised they're ready to begin refitting the Enterprise. PICARD Have they estimated the time for repairs... ? RIKER Five to six weeks... A chime. PICARD & RIKER Come. They glance at each other as Shelby ENTERS... slightly confused... moves to Riker... SHELBY Request permission to disembark, sir... Riker defers to Picard, thereby clearly relinquishing command. PICARD Permission granted. They picked a fine officer for the task force, Commander. SHELBY We'll have the fleet back up in less than a year... (to Riker) I... imagine you'll get your choice of any Starfleet command, sir... Riker grins, exuding confidence... RIKER Everyone's so concerned about my next job. With all due respect, Commander... sir... (with a nod in Picard's direction) ... my career plans are my own business, no one else's. (beat) But it's nice to know I'll have a few options. STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/6/90 - ACT FIVE 59. 137 CONTINUED: (2) SHELBY I hope I'll have the fortune of serving with you again. (turning to Picard) Captain... Picard nods, dismissing her. And she EXITS. RIKER Course to Station McKinley is laid in and ready, sir... PICARD Make it so, Number One. Riker grins and EXITS and we stay a beat on Picard as he turns in his chair and looks out his window... and as he drinks his tea, there is a definite incomplete thought here, not an entirely happy ending... a man recovering but not recovered. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END DISTRIBUTION DATE JULY 2, 1990 FROM MICHAEL PILLER SUBJECT "THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS" PART TWO Every effort is being made to preserve the cliffhanger ending of this script in order to maintain the element of surprise and anticipation for our television audience. Your cooperation is very much appreciated. Each script has been secretly coded and a number assigned to each person on the distribution. Therefore, this script is not to be reproduced, reprinted or otherwise duplicated, either manually or electronically, in whole or in part, for any reason what-so-ever, without express permission from the production office. Do not give the script away, throw the script away, or otherwise dispose of the script. When you finish with it, please return it to the production office for shredding. Mike and J.R. will collect them. Thank you.