STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Brothers" #40274-177 Written by Rick Berman Directed by Rob Bowman THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1990 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT JULY 13, 1990 STAR TREK: "Brothers" - 7/13/90 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Brothers" CAST PICARD DOCTOR NOONIAN SOONG RIKER LORE DATA JAKE POTTS BEVERLY WILLIE POTTS TROI GEORDI WORF WESLEY O'BRIEN ENSIGN KOPF COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking VARIOUS SECURITY TEAMS NURSE VARIOUS SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: "Brothers" REV. 7/19/90 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Brothers" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE READY ROOM SOONG'S PLANET OBSERVATION LOUNGE FOREST TURBOLIFT MAIN ENGINEERING STARBASE 416 GEORDI'S OFFICE ENTERPRISE DOCKED SICKBAY QUARANTINE AREA CORRIDORS (VARIOUS) TRANSPORTER ROOM JEFFERIES TUBE SOONG'S PLANET DR. SOONG'S LAB STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/19/90 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Brothers" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) traveling at warp speed. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 44143.7. Due to a medical emergency, we have been forced to cut short a two-day liberty on Ogus Two and set course for Starbase Four-One-Six. 1A INT. CORRIDOR A turbolift door opens and TROI and a trembling twelve- year-old boy, JAKE POTTS, emerge and head down the corridor. PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) It seems a young man's practical joke has come dangerously close to a lethal conclusion. 2 thru OMITTED 3 3A INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE (OPTICAL) RIKER is standing alone at the window (with the ship travelling at Warp speed) as Troi and Jake ENTER. Troi motions Jake to sit. RIKER Well Mister Potts, why don't we start at the beginning? JAKE (still trembling) It was a joke, sir. I just meant to scare him. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/19/90 - TEASER 2. 3A CONTINUED: RIKER From the beginning, please. JAKE (nervously and very quickly) We were at the arcade, sir. I brought this balloon with me, filled with red pillion dye. You see, Willie is always making fun of me. I figured I'd get him back. I only meant to scare him. TROI Slow down, Jake. JAKE (slower) We programmed the game for an ordinary laser duel. You know, twenty-one points. Four points for a... RIKER (interrupting) I'm familiar with the game. Go on. JAKE We went out to the forest behind the east arcade. I told Willie that his laser pistol looked kind of funny, almost like a real one. When I went behind the trees, I put the balloon into my vest, and then... STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/24/90 - TEASER 3. 3A CONTINUED: (2) RIKER So you made your nine year-old brother think he killed you? JAKE Yes, sir. RIKER And then he ran away. JAKE Yes, sir. RIKER And while he was hiding he ate the fruit of a cove palm. JAKE It was just a joke. I didn't... RIKER I assume you are aware of the infectious nature of the parasites which inhabit cove palms? JAKE I am now, sir. RIKER Are you familiar with the condition upon which I agreed to allow you two boys to remain on the Enterprise when your parents went on sabbatical? JAKE That we'd stay out of trouble, sir. RIKER (keys insignia) Mister Data. (to Jake) Think about it Mister Potts. And while you're at it, think about what might have happened had we not been this close to a starbase medical facility. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/19/90 - TEASER 4. 3A CONTINUED: (3) Data ENTERS from the Bridge and moves over to stand next to Jake. RIKER Have you contacted the boy's parents? DATA (nodding) They are fully aware of the situation, sir. RIKER Good, escort this young man to the quarantine anteroom. Perhaps he'll be helpful in lifting his brother's spirits. DATA Yes, sir. The two begin to EXIT. RIKER (to Jake) Please don't think that you have heard the last of this, Mister Potts. JAKE No, sir. I mean yes, sir. Data and Jake EXIT. Troi looks to Riker. TROI He's very frightened. RIKER As well he should be. I've never been a proponent of practical jokes. More often than not, they have unfortunate results. TROI I wouldn't be surprised if this was his last practical joke for a long while. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/24/90 - TEASER 5. 3A CONTINUED: (4) RIKER I'm more concerned with his brother's future at the moment, Counselor. 4 INT. TURBOLIFT Moving downward. Data and Jake. DATA Our Sickbay does have the facility to isolate parasitic proto-viruses but not in a favorable time frame for your brother. JAKE (more to himself) He really could die. DATA Fortunately we are only two days from Starbase Four-One-Six, and their laboratory can... Data freezes. His head begins to jerk in a more pronounced fashion than usual. JAKE Can what sir? Data, not responding, continues to twitch. He raises his arm and touches the turbolift control panel twice. We hear the turbolift stop briefly and change directions. JAKE Their laboratory can do what, Commander? Data continues not to respond. JAKE (continuing) Sir, I know I made a mistake... I can tell you're angry... but if you're not going to talk to me... STAR TREK: "Brothers" - 7/13/90 - TEASER 6. 4 CONTINUED: The doors open to the Bridge and Data, silently EXITS. On Jake's confused expression -- FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/19/90 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: 5 INT. MAIN BRIDGE PICARD, WORF, and WESLEY. SUPERNUMERARY at Ops. FOLLOW Riker and Troi, as they ENTER from the Observation Lounge and cross to the Command Center. DATA descends the ramp toward Ops. RIKER Back so soon, Mister Data? Data does not respond. He relieves a supernumerary at Ops and immediately begins programming something into his panel. Before Riker can react... GEORDI'S COM VOICE La Forge to bridge. PICARD Go ahead, Commander. 6 INT. ENGINEERING GEORDI We've completed our dilithium vector calibrations, sir. You're clear to increase to warp seven. 7 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (INTERCUT AS NEEDED) PICARD Very good, Geordi. Let me know if you... WORF (cutting in) Captain, did you request a course correction? Before Picard can respond... GEORDI'S COM VOICE Sir, I didn't say we could increase speed to warp nine-point- one. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/30/90 - ACT ONE 8. 7 CONTINUED: WESLEY (surprised) New course set for heading three-four-one mark two-two-one. RIKER Course set by whom? WESLEY Not me, Commander. PICARD (to Riker) What's going on? RIKER (notices Data calmly working his panel) Data, who programmed the new coordinates? Data calmly works on without responding. WESLEY Warp nine-point-three, sir. GEORDI'S COM VOICE I don't advise this, Captain. If we're going to maintain the realignment progression we shouldn't be pushing more than warp eight for at least an hour. Picard looks to Troi who hasn't got a clue. He rises and approaches Data. PICARD (to Data, calmly) Commander... STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/30/90 - ACT ONE 9. 7 CONTINUED: (2) Data doesn't react. He pushes one last button which is followed by a loud KLAXON. COMPUTER VOICE Evacuate bridge. Deck one life support failure in fifteen seconds. PICARD Turbolifts Three and Four, gentlemen. (to com) Geordi, transfer helm to Engineering. GEORDI'S COM VOICE Aye, sir. Everyone hurries to the two stage-left turbolifts. COMPUTER VOICE Evacuate bridge. Deck one life support failure in ten seconds. RIKER Reassemble in Engineering. (to com) La Forge, let's get a diagnostic sweep underway... The turbolift doors close before he finishes. COMPUTER VOICE Evacuate bridge. Deck one life support failure in five seconds. All is silent but the beeps coming from Data's panel. The CAMERA PANS to find him busy at work. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/24/90 - ACT ONE 10. 7 CONTINUED: (3) COMPUTER VOICE Deck one life support has been terminated. Data continues at his panel. 8 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi, ENSIGN KOPF and TWO SUPERNUMERARIES are at the pool table. ENSIGN KOPF Our velocity is holding steady at warp nine-point-three. Do you wish to override, Commander? GEORDI Not yet. Computer, isolate cause of life support failure. COMPUTER VOICE Atmosphere conditioning pumps on Deck one are operating in negative mode. GEORDI (to Kopf) How could that be? There are seven independent safety interlocks to prevent that. Picard, Worf, and TWO MORE SUPERNUMERARIES ENTER from the Turbolift and head for the pool table. GEORDI Sir, I think we've found the problem, but it doesn't really make sense. PICARD (to Geordi) It seems we have more than one problem. Bring the Enterprise to a full stop, Commander. GEORDI Full stop, Ensign Kopf. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/19/90 - ACT ONE 11. 8 CONTINUED: KOPF (hits the panel) It's not responding, sir. Riker and Wesley ENTER from around the corner. PICARD I ordered all helm control transferred down here, damn it! GEORDI We did sir. We've been waiting for your instructions. Geordi tries the panel himself. GEORDI (continuing) I'm going to have to do this at the manual input level, sir. He motions to Wesley. GEORDI (continuing) Wes... Geordi and Wesley quickly step to a far panel. RIKER (reading a wall panel) We're still on the altered heading, Captain, holding at warp nine point three. WORF (at another panel) Force fields have been established on all Main Bridge turbolift doors and service crawlways, sir. PICARD (putting it all together) Computer, locate Lieutenant Commander Data. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/24/90 - ACT ONE 12. 8 CONTINUED: (2) COMPUTER VOICE Commander Data is on the Main Bridge. RIKER What the hell is he up to? PICARD Number One, take a security team up to Deck Two. See if you can break through from below. Riker eyes Worf and they EXIT. Geordi reappears with Wesley. GEORDI Everything's locked up, Captain. No control of impulse or warp engines down here. WESLEY Navigation doesn't respond either, sir. PICARD Picard to bridge. Commander Data do you hear me? 9 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Data is at Science One busy at work. PICARD'S COM VOICE I repeat. Data, do you hear... Data turns and presses a button on Worf's station, muting Picard. DATA Computer. Recognize Data, Lieutenant Commander. Alpha One clearance. COMPUTER VOICE Priority clearance recognition Alpha One. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/19/90 - ACT ONE 13. 9 CONTINUED: DATA Maintain minimum auxiliary power and disengage subspace communications. COMPUTER VOICE Acknowledged. 10 INT. ENGINEERING Picard, Geordi, Wesley, Ensign Kopf, and supernumerary, as before. WESLEY (studying a panel) He is on the Bridge, sir. PICARD Commander La Forge, prepare for saucer separation. WESLEY Sir, we're at Warp nine-three! PICARD I'm aware of the risks, Ensign. (to Geordi) When the umbilical splits, we should regain primary control... do you agree? GEORDI (getting the plan) Yes, sir. PICARD (to Worf) . Be prepared to sweep back and pull it in with a tractor beam. WORF Aye, sir. PICARD (to Geordi) Initiate auto sequence. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/18/90 - ACT ONE 14. 11 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Data, still at Science One, is reading something on the console. DATA (in Picard's voice) Computer, recognize Picard, Jean- Luc. Alpha Two clearance. COMPUTER VOICE Priority clearance recognition, Alpha Two. DATA (in Picard's voice) Cancel separation sequence. COMPUTER VOICE Sequence cancelled. DATA (in Picard's voice) Isolate all remaining command functions and accept related orders and inquiries from Main Bridge only. 12 INT. ENGINEERING As before -- a series of beeps from Geordi's panel. GEORDI The separation sequence has been aborted, Captain. PICARD Computer, recognize Jean-Luc Picard Alpha Two priority and re-establish separation procedures immediately. COMPUTER VOICE Orders regarding command functions are no longer accepted from your present location. PICARD And just what location are they accepted from? STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/25/90 - ACT ONE 15. 12 CONTINUED: COMPUTER VOICE Interface terminals on Main Bridge only. WESLEY (to Picard) You're the only one who has clearance to localize command functions, sir. PICARD (disgusted) It seems Mister Data has acquired them, as well. Off Wesley's look... 13 INT. JEFFERIES TUBE Worf and a SECURITY OFFICER have opened a large ceiling panel. Riker climbs into it. WORF (studying a schematic on a panel below) The isolinear subprocessor extends three-point-five meters. RIKER (O.C.) I've got a clear path to panel J14-Baker. What's that going to do for us? Worf, still at the schematic. WORF J14-Baker backs onto Science Station Two, Commander. RIKER (O.C.) Have they reinverted the environmental control sequencer? WORF Yes, sir. Life support has been re-established. RIKER (O.C.) Then, you and Casey get up here. Let's get to it. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/25/90 - ACT ONE 16. 13 CONTINUED: Worf and the security guard climb the ladder into the ceiling. 14 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Data is seated in Picard's chair working his console when he hears a series of high-pitched beeps. He crosses to his Ops panel, sits, and presses a quick series of commands. DATA Computer. Configure a perimeter field charge, sections Nine-K through Twelve-T. 15 INT. JEFFERIES TUBE The ceiling panel is open. No one is visible in the tube itself. A bright flash appears from the opening above. RIKER (O.C.) What the hell was that? WORF (O.C.) He's activated a force field, sir. RIKER (O.C.) Great! Just great!! 16 INT. ENGINEERING Picard, Geordi, Wesley, Kopf, and supernumeraries. Picard is pacing near the pool table. PICARD (keys insignia) Chief O'Brien. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Yes, Captain. PICARD You had better disable the site- to-site transport function. When we get to wherever we're going, I don't want him beaming off the bridge. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/20/90 - ACT ONE 17. 16 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE I'll get right to it, sir. PICARD (keys insignia) Doctor Crusher. BEVERLY'S COM VOICE Yes, Captain. PICARD Is your quarantine intact, Doctor? BEVERLY'S COM VOICE Sickbay force fields don't seem to have been affected. PICARD The boy? INTERCUT: 17 INT. SICKBAY - QUARANTINE AREA Beverly watches Willie in the background. BEVERLY He's alright. But he's not going to stay alright. Sir, we need to get this ship to a starbase medical facility... 18 INT. ENGINEERING - CONTINUOUS PICARD It seems, Doctor, that Mister Data has other plans for the Enterprise right now. On Picard's concerned look, we -- FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/24/90 - ACT TWO 18. ACT TWO FADE IN: 19 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) is traveling at warp speed. 20 INT. SICKBAY - QUARANTINE AREA (OPTICAL) Beverly passes her hands through two holes in the glass wall. We see a brief blue flicker as her hands break through the invisible quarantine field. She gently holds WILLIE POTTS' head, examining him. BEVERLY C'mon, I can't believe that! Everybody's played a practical joke at one time or another. WILLIE Not me. BEVERLY (continuing exam) Not even a little one? How about April Fools'? Are you telling me you've never tried to pull something on April Fools' Day? WILLIE (shaking his head) What for? It's never funny to the one getting fooled. BEVERLY Well, I'm sure your brother didn't intend this to get out of hand. She pulls one hand out of the opening and we see the brief blue flicker. She picks up an instrument and passes it back through the opening. We again see the gentle flash. BEVERLY (continuing) Certainly not to the degree it has. Take a deep breath. Beverly raises the instrument to Willie's chest. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/19/90 - ACT TWO 19. 20 CONTINUED: WILLIE What's so funny about making someone think you killed them? BEVERLY A deep breath. Willie reluctantly does as he's told. Beverly passes the beeping device from side to side. BEVERLY Have you been drinking all the water I asked you to? WILLIE Yes. BEVERLY Well, keep it up. We may have a short delay in reaching the starbase and I want you... Willie sees something behind Beverly. He spins around and quickly walks to the far side of the quarantine area. Beverly turns to see Troi and Jake ENTERING. JAKE (to Troi) There! You see? How can I tell him if he's not going to listen to me? TROI Why don't you try, Jake? JAKE It's just a waste of time. He won't listen. Jake turns and storms out. Troi and Beverly share an understanding beat. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/18/90 - ACT TWO 20-22. 21 thru OMITTED 22 23 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise comes out of warp and enters orbit of Soong's planet. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/19/90 - ACT TWO 23. 24 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Data is again seated at Science One, punching in coordinates. DATA Computer, prepare to transport me directly to the following coordinates. COMPUTER VOICE Site-to-site transport interlocks have been manually deactivated. DATA Can you override? COMPUTER VOICE Negative. DATA Show me the shortest route to Transporter Room One. The computer beeps and a route map appears in front of Data. DATA Computer, prepare to activate a cascade force field sequence in the following progression. Data types in his instructions at breathtaking speed. 25 INT. ENGINEERING Picard exits Geordi's office and strides out toward the pool table where Riker, Geordi, Wesley and Worf are working. GEORDI No matter what we try, the computer will only acknowledge commands from the bridge, sir. WORF (disgusted) He's blocked every subspace channel, Captain. We can't even call for help. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/24/90 - ACT TWO 24. 25 CONTINUED: PICARD (to Wesley) Have you tried tracing back navigation inputs? WESLEY (nodding his head) We don't even know what star system we're in, sir. RIKER The only way we knew we'd come out of warp was by looking out a window. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE O'Brien to Captain Picard. PICARD Go ahead, Chief. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Captain, he's up to something. PICARD What now? INTERCUT: 26 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM O'Brien is studying a panel. O'BRIEN He discovered the site-to-site lockout. I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to make it to a transporter room now. PICARD'S COM VOICE How much further can you safely disable the ransporters, Mister O'Brien? O'BRIEN I'm afraid I've done all I can, sir. As soon as he realized we had knocked out the primary power bus he put up force fields around the secondaries. I don't recommend anyone going near those circuits now. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/25/90 - ACT TWO 25. 27 INT. ENGINEERING - CONTINUOUS PICARD (to Worf) I want security teams along the main passageways and in every transporter oom, Lieutenant. See if the computer would be good enough to give you the specific stun setting to disable Mister Data. Worf EXITS. PICARD Computer, estimate time from this location to Starbase Four-One-Six at warp nine. COMPUTER VOICE Inquiries regarding command functions are no longer accepted from your present location. On Picard's frustration we... CUT TO: 28 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Data at Science One. DATA (in Picard's voice) Computer, establish a security code for access to all functions previously transferred to Bridge. COMPUTER VOICE Enter code. DATA (in Picard's voice speaking at a breakneck speed) Four, one, three, three, six, eight, Tango, one, eight, one, one, seven, one, Charlie, four, Victor, three... eight, eight, eight, zero, Foxtrot, six, one, five, three, three, five, nine, five, seven, lock. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/18/90 - ACT TWO 26. 28 CONTINUED: COMPUTER VOICE Security code intact for all specified inquiries and orders. Data walks to upstage left Turbolift. DATA (in Picard's voice) Computer, initiate cascade sequence, accepting instructions from Commander Data en route, now. The computer beeps as the Turbolift doors whoosh open and Data ENTERS. The doors close. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/18/90 - ACT TWO 27. 29 thru OMITTED 30 31 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi, Wesley, Riker and Picard as before. GEORDI He's out. Security team approaching location. NOTE: The following three corridor scenes take place very quickly. 32 INT. CORRIDOR "A" (OPTICAL) The Turbolift doors open as Data ENTERS, turns left and heads down the corridor. A SECURITY TEAM runs toward him from behind, but is stopped by a force field which appears across the corridor in front of them. NOTE: The force field only appears for an instant when the first member of the team runs into it. Force fields are only visible when they appear, disappear, or are touched by people or phaser fire. Another force field in front of Data vanishes when he reaches it, only to be replaced by another ten meters ahead. Immediately after Data passes through a force field in front of him, it reappears as a force field protecting his back. The force field, which previously protected his back, then vanishes. Data continues down the corridor and sees ANOTHER SECURITY TEAM coming toward him. DATA Intersection Eight-J. Aft-port. Establish. The force field in front of Data disappears only to be replaced by another further down the corridor. The new force field runs across the corridor at a point where it intersects with another corridor. The security team which is still on the far side of the force field cannot move forward. Data reaches the intersection and turns left. 33 INT. CORRIDOR "B" (OPTICAL) A new force field appears in front and behind Data as before. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/20/90 - ACT TWO 28. 33 CONTINUED: A THIRD SECURITY TEAM headed by Worf appears around the corner in front of Data. Unlike the previous encounter, Data has no intersecting corridor between himself and the security team. Unfazed, Data continues ahead as Worf raises his phaser. WORF I order you to stop. DATA Computer, begin scan-phase. The force field between Data and the security team becomes visible and starts to move in the same direction as Data. Seeing this, Worf stops and fires. The phaser fire disperses with a flash as it hits the force field. Worf fires again, with the same results, only now the flash is even closer. The security team is now backing away from the encroaching force field. A guard raises his phaser to fire. WORF No, it's too close. Data, his expression unchanged, walks forward only meters from the retreating security team! The creeping force field is all that separates them. When Data reaches the intersection, which Worf had earlier entered from, he turns right. The force field stops at the far side, sealing off Worf and his team. 34 INT. CORRIDOR "C" Data, now alone, walks to the entrance of the Transporter Room. 35 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) The doors hiss open and Data ENTERS to find Riker, O'Brien and a N.D. SECURITY guard standing on the transporter pad, phasers raised. RIKER This has gone far enough, Data. DATA Computer, three-meter cross-seal. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/20/90 - ACT TWO 29. 35 CONTINUED: One of Data's force fields appears separating the pad from the rest of the transporter room. Riker aims his phaser. O'BRIEN I wouldn't advise that, sir. The phase coils don't take well to ricochets. Data has walked over to a wall panel, opened it, and has begun rearranging isolinear chips. RIKER What's he doing? O'BRIEN He's reactivating the site-to-site transport interlocks. RIKER Does that mean he'll be able to... Before Riker can finish his question, Data DEMATERIALIZES. Disgusted, Riker lifts his hand to reconfirm the force field. He is answered by a sharp zap to his raised hand. RIKER Great! O'Brien walks to the back of the transporter pad and carefully touches the wall. Nothing happens. O'BRIEN The force field only seems to go across the front of the pad, sir. Security should be able to cut through from behind. RIKER Great! On his frustrated look we CUT TO: 36 EXT. SOONG'S PLANET - NIGHT Data with the same glazed look trudges through a misty forest into a clearing where a small structure can be seen. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/24/90 - ACT TWO 30. 36 CONTINUED: As he approaches the structure the door whooshes open to reveal a dark, cavernous room within. 36A INT. SOONG'S LAB (OPTICAL) A cluttered, dark room filled with an odd mix of high tech equipment and everyday necessities. At one end is an elaborate panorama filled with dozens of model dinosaurs. Silhouetted by the misty outside light, Data ENTERS as the doors whoosh shut behind him. He purposefully walks to a central spot in the room and stops. A mumbling figure scuttles out of the shadows. DOCTOR NOONIAN SOONG is a ninety-year-old human dressed in an odd, somewhat oriental, lab jacket. He has more than a slight resemblance to Data. SOONG You're right on time. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/20/90 - ACT THREE 31. ACT THREE FADE IN: 37 INT. SOONG'S LAB (OPTICAL) (A note about Soong: like many of history's greatest minds, Noonian Soong is usually pre-occupied and often self-indulgent. He has few social graces and is rather inarticulate when discussing anything other than cybernetics. Behavior which could easily be attributed to an insensitive or arrogant nature is nothing more than a mixture of scatterbrained genius and playful whimsy.) Data is sitting in a chair not unlike a dentist's chair. His communicator has been opened, exposing micro-circuitry. Soong, using a small metallic tool, adjusts something inside the communicator and snaps it shut. Using the same tool, he begins working inside Data's mouth. SOONG Open. Data opens his mouth. SOONG One of these... He does something with the tool and we hear a click. SOONG (continuing) And one of these... Another click. SOONG (continuing) And... We hear a final click. SOONG (continuing) There we are. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/24/90 - ACT THREE 32. 37 CONTINUED: Data straightens up and looks around the room. He stands. He is quite confused. DATA I fail to recall how I arrived here. SOONG I sent for you... In a manner of speaking. Data reacts, no less confused. He hits his communicator. DATA Data to Enterprise. Silence. DATA Enterprise, do you read me? There is no reply. Soong looks closely at Data's face. SOONG I always loved that face. Please sit down. DATA (still standing) We were headed for a medical facility. I was taking the boy's brother to Sickbay and... SOONG (interrupting) I'm sure your starship will be back for you soon. Please, sit. Data remains standing. DATA I must find a way to contact the Enterprise. SOONG Tell me, do I look somewhat familiar to you? Data carefully studies Soong's face. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/18/90 - ACT THREE 33. 37 CONTINUED: (2) DATA You do bear a resemblance to Doctor Noonian Soong, the cyberneticist who constructed me. But, Doctor Soong was killed shortly afterward by the Crystalline Entity. SOONG (laughs softly to himself) It's your lucky day, Data. You've found your long lost father, and he's alive. What do you think of that? DATA But the colony was destroyed, there were no survivors. SOONG I've never felt too comfortable living anywhere without a prearranged route of escape. I admit, I wouldn't have guessed I'd be running from a giant snowflake, but... (he shrugs) Data studies Soong's face. DATA It is really you. SOONG Indulge an old man and stand on one leg for me. Data is truly confused. How did he get here? What should he say to Soong? Why is he being asked to stand on one leg? SOONG Please. Data obediently lifts one leg. Soong stares silently for a long beat. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/18/90 - ACT THREE 33A. 37 CONTINUED: (3) SOONG Excellent! You know before I activated your positronic net, I had the damnedest time working out those fluidic equilibrium circuits. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/30/90 - ACT THREE 34. 37 CONTINUED: (4) Data remains on one foot. DATA Perhaps you could help me contact my ship. SOONG If you can't raise them with your... (he points) communicator, what can I do? (re: Data's foot) It's alright. You can put it down. Data puts his foot down. SOONG (continuing) They'll be back for you. I'm certain. Trust me. (beat) Now, tell me. How are you at differentiating between a humid day and a dry one? DATA (a bit confused by the quick change in subject) The moisture content of the ship's atmosphere is maintained at a moderate thirty-seven percent. SOONG No, No. Not your ship. When you're on land, a planet. DATA I can differentiate between varying hygrometric levels. SOONG Without some sort of external sensor? DATA Yes, sir. SOONG What then? What's the difference? STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/30/90 - ACT THREE 35. 37 CONTINUED: (5) Data's not sure what he's asking. SOONG (continuing) Between humid and dry? DATA Humid air feels different against my skin, sir. And it carries smells differently. I assume this is due to the fact that moisture... SOONG (interrupting) How wonderful. I tried so hard to get that right. It's very important you know. A delighted Soong walks to his dinosaur collection and begins fiddling with a very small model. DATA May I ask why you have brought me here? SOONG I incorporated an encoded homing circuit into your sublogic controller. DATA Your response refers to how you brought me here, not why. Soong continues to fiddle with his model, not looking up. SOONG (somewhat sarcastically) Haven't you missed me, Data? Answering his own question. SOONG (continuing) I suppose that's impossible. DATA I assumed you dead, sir. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/24/90 - ACT THREE 36. 37 CONTINUED: (6) Soong puts the tiny dinosaur back in place. SOONG Well, my longevity isn't the only surprise I have in store for you, Data. On Data's perplexed reaction we CUT TO: 38 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise in orbit of Soong's planet. 39 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING Picard, Geordi, Riker and Wesley... GEORDI The quarantine field in Sickbay, sir. PICARD You have access to it? WESLEY (nodding) When he transferred force field control to the Bridge he must have only specified fields he was planning to initiate. The quarantine field was already operating. GEORDI Under normal circumstances, we could divert that field energy and use it to cancel the force field protecting the bridge... But we have to retain the medical quarantine. PICARD Determine the absolute minimum field energy that Doctor Crusher needs... and use the rest to get me onto my bridge. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/24/90 - ACT THREE 37. 40 INT. SICKBAY - QUARANTINE AREA (OPTICAL) CLOSE on a NURSE'S hand holding a hypospray as it passes through the quarantine field openings, causing the brief blue flicker. PULL BACK to see her deliver the injection into Willie's neck. Beverly ENTERS and sits in the chair the nurse has vacated. Willie doesn't look well. BEVERLY How are you feeling this morning? WILLIE Not so great. I'm having trouble standing up. I get sorta dizzy. BEVERLY You know the old story about the man who tells his doctor, "It hurts when I raise my arm like this?" Beverly raises her arm. Willie replies by shaking his head. BEVERLY (continues, lowering her arm) The doctor says, "Then don't raise your arm like that." Willie manages a hint of a smile. WILLIE (catching on) So, if I get dizzy standing up... BEVERLY Don't stand up. Geordi and a supernumerary ENTER carrying monitoring devices. GEORDI Okay Doc, we're ready. If all goes well you shouldn't notice a thing. BEVERLY Make sure all goes well, Commander. Geordi and the supernumerary EXIT as Beverly turns her attention back to Willie. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/24/90 - ACT THREE 38. 40 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Your brother says you still won't speak to him. WILLIE So? BEVERLY This is very hard on him, too. He feels very guilty about what happened. He's your brother. WILLIE (angry) Why is everybody so worried about him? I'm the one who's sick... I'm the one who's gonna die. Willie gets up and almost loses his footing, he's trembling. BEVERLY Nobody's going to die, Willie. Do you hear me? Nobody! Willie struggles to his bed within the quarantine area and buries his head in his hands. 41 INT. MAIN BRIDGE The Bridge is empty. After a beat, the turbolift doors open and a cautious Worf with two N.D. security guards ENTER, phasers drawn. After a quick look -- WORF (to com) Captain, we are in. PICARD'S COM VOICE We're on our way, Lieutenant. Worf walks to his station and hits a button. WORF Computer, restore Tactical Station. COMPUTER VOICE Deactivation of command function overrides requires Alpha Two clearance. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/18/90 - ACT THREE 39. 41 CONTINUED: Worf snarls in frustration as we CUT TO: 42 INT. TURBOLIFT Picard, Riker, and Geordi. The turbolift is moving upward. RIKER Beverly thinks its going to be tight. Let's hope he didn't take us too far off course. PICARD Let's hope. 43 INT. MAIN BRIDGE The turbolift doors open and Picard and Riker cross to Worf. Geordi goes to his aft station. WORF (to Picard) It won't answer to my clearance, sir. PICARD (to Computer) Computer, this is Captain Picard. Return all command functions to stations. COMPUTER VOICE Alpha Two clearance recognized. Please enter security code. PICARD (furious) Security code!? GEORDI I was afraid of something like that. A series of beeps is heard from Worf's station. WORF Sensors are operative. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/30/90 - ACT THREE 40. 43 CONTINUED: RIKER Well at least that's something. What have you got? WORF (checking his panel) No fix on Data. But I am picking up a single lifeform on the surface, sir. It appears human. PICARD That's one human who's got the answers to a lot of questions. WORF Something else, sir. PICARD What is it? Worf studies his board. WORF A small vessel... entering orbit. I detect no lifeforms aboard. On Picard's look we CUT TO: 44 INT. SOONG'S LAB (OPTICAL) CLOSE ON Data's face. One hand is patting his head rhythmically. PULL BACK to reveal his other hand, palm open, making circular movements on his stomach. Soong sits opposite, entranced. SOONG Good. Good. Keep it up. Ah huh... Soong giggles with delight. SOONG (continuing) Old Tom Handy swore you'd never master that. Whistle! Data, still patting and rubbing, begins to whistle "Pop Goes the Weasel"... poorly. Soong's face sinks. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/30/90 - ACT THREE 41. 44 CONTINUED: SOONG Ah, well. Enough Data, sit. Data stops whistling, patting and rubbing... and sits. SOONG I've been able to keep track of you from time to time. You've become somewhat of a celebrity in cybernetic circles. (after a beat) Why Starfleet? DATA Sir? SOONG I gave you the ability to choose whatever you wanted... to do whatever you wanted. Why Starfleet? DATA It was Starfleet officers who rescued me. SOONG Ah. So you decided to emulate your emancipators. How disappointing. DATA What choice of vocation would have met with your approval? SOONG I often hoped you might become a scientist... perhaps a cyberneticist. DATA To follow in your footsteps, as it were? SOONG I see -- nothing wrong with that. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - 7/13/90 - ACT THREE 42. 44 CONTINUED: (2) DATA May I ask you a question, sir? SOONG Certainly. Anything you'd like. DATA Why did you create me? SOONG (after a beat) Why does a painter paint? Why does a boxer box? You know what Michelangelo used to say? The sculptures he made were already there before he started, hidden in the marble. All he had to do was remove the unneeded bits. It wasn't quite that easy with you Data. But the need to do it, my need to do it, was no different than Michelangelo's need. (he rises) Now, let me ask you a question. Data cocks his head. SOONG (as if posing a riddle) Why are humans so fascinated with old things? DATA Old things? SOONG (nodding) Old buildings, churches, walls, ancient things, antique things... tables, clocks, knick knacks... Why? DATA There are many possible explanations. SOONG If you brought a Noophian to Earth he'd look around and say, "Tear that old village down. It's hanging in rags. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/20/90 - ACT THREE 43. 44 CONTINUED: (3) SOONG (Cont'd) Build me something new, something efficient." But to a human, that ancient wall, that old house, is a shrine, something to cherish.... Again I ask you, why? DATA Perhaps, for humans, old things represent a tie to the past. SOONG And what's so important about the past? People needed money, they got sick. Why tie yourself to that? DATA Humans are mortal. They seem to need a sense of continuity. SOONG Ah hah!! Why? DATA To give their lives meaning... A sense of purpose. SOONG And does this continuity only run one way, back into the past? DATA I suppose it is a factor in the human desire to procreate. SOONG So you believe that having children gives humans a sense of immortality, do you? DATA It is a reasonable explanation to your query, sir. SOONG (smiling) And perhaps to yours, as well, Data. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/20/90 - ACT THREE 44. 44 CONTINUED: (4) A loud whoosh from offscreen causes Data and Soong to turn. In the now-open doorway, we see a figure lit from behind. The door whooshes closed as the figure walks toward us through the shadows. Data and Soong stand. SOONG It appears we have a visitor. The figure walks to the same central spot to which Data did when he first arrived. As he comes out of the shadows to a halting stop, we see that the intruder is LORE. Data's "brother" is dressed in an odd outfit reminiscent of the Pakleds. He is in the same dazed state in which Data appeared when he arrived. DATA Lore!! SOONG (equally surprised) Well, well, it seems we've got ourselves a family reunion. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/19/90 - ACT FOUR 45. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 45 INT. SOONG'S LAB (OPTICAL) Lore is now seated in the same "dentist" chair in which we found Data earlier. Soong is standing over him, arranging some tools. Data stands beside Soong. DATA Doctor, I implore you, please do not reactivate him. SOONG Don't be ridiculous, Data. (to Lore) Open. Lore obediently opens his mouth as Soong reaches in with an instrument. SOONG (continuing to Data) Lore is far from the maniacal android you have made him out to be. In any case, he'll obey me. He always did. DATA But he admitted to an alliance with the Crystal Entity. To gain its favor he betrayed the colonists and would have betrayed the Enterprise as well had I not... Soong is distracted by his work. He interrupts Data. SOONG (to Lore) Hold still... Soong does something with the tool and we hear a click. SOONG (continuing) There. One more. We hear another click and Soong continues working, not looking up as he speaks to Data. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/24/90 - ACT FOUR 46. 45 CONTINUED: SOONG (continuing) I'm well aware of Lore's shortcomings. Remember, it was I who deactivated him. DATA And, as I have explained, it was I who was responsible for his reactivation. But it serves no purpose to make the same mistake twice. SOONG (still working) In science, Data, making the same mistake twice is often not a mistake at all. Quite the contrary. The instrument makes a final click. SOONG (continuing) That should do it. Lore straightens up and looks around. He sees Data and then Soong. LORE (with sarcasm) So, you're still alive. I'm surprised you woke me. Why didn't you just take me apart and be done with it? That is why the two of you captured me? SOONG (patiently) Data had nothing to do with this, Lore. And no one captured you... not exactly, that is. You see, both of your brains contain a simple homing device. Data's was activated purposefully. Yours... well until you walked in that door I didn't know you had ever been reassembled. LORE (to Soong) No thanks to you. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/30/90 - ACT FOUR 47. 45 CONTINUED: (2) Lore turns to Data. LORE But thanks to you, dear brother, I spent nearly two years drifting in space. If it hadn't been for a fortunate encounter with a Pakled trade ship, I'd still be out there. DATA I had no alternative. You would have destroyed the Enterprise. Lore gives a disgusted smile. LORE (to Soong) Well, since I appear to be an uninvited guest at your little party, I'll leave you with your beloved son and be on my way. SOONG No, wait. Stay here... There are questions I can answer. You'll have no chance to ask them later. (very matter of factly) You see, I'm dying. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/24/90 - ACT FOUR 48. 45 CONTINUED: (3) DATA (after a beat) Dying from what, sir? LORE (pacing) Wait a minute. Wait a minute. What do you mean you're dying? You look fine. You're not that old. You look fine. What is this? Some kind of trick to see how we'd react? Lore is agitated, emotional. SOONG (gently) I wish it were. Lore stares at him, sees he's telling the truth and lowers his head, shaking it in disbelief. He is truly feeling grief. Data's face shows no emotion. He calmly repeats himself. DATA Dying from what, sir? Soong looks up at Data and smiles understandingly. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/19/90 - ACT FOUR 49. 46 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in around Soong's planet. 47 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Riker, Beverly, Troi, Geordi and Worf. WORF We have control of sensors, life support and auxiliary power, Captain. Nothing more. PICARD The code, Mister La Forge? GEORDI (shaking his head) We can't even locate the file address. At least that would tell us how many digits we're talking about. Not that it would really help. PICARD I want something that will really help. BEVERLY And quickly. Willie Potts has twenty-four hours, thirty-six tops. If it goes longer than that, the only thing Starbase Four-One-Six will have left to do is a postmortem. RIKER (to Geordi) Geordi, if the computer's programmed to allow Data to transport down, it would figure that it would allow him to beam back up. Right? GEORDI It would figure. RIKER And Data left a trace imprint when he beamed down? STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/19/90 - ACT FOUR 50. 47 CONTINUED: GEORDI (nodding) Everyone does. RIKER So what would be involved in pulling that trace and finding a way to make the computer think someone else is Data? Maybe a few someone elses? GEORDI We'd have to access the transport controller and reset it to a testing mode; convince it that it's back in school accepting simulated inputs. It's going to be tough without the main computer, but we could network a few tricorders together. PICARD Try, Mister La Forge. GEORDI Yes, sir. Geordi and Riker exchange a look and EXIT. 48 INT. SOONG'S LAB (OPTICAL) Soong is repositioning his model dinosaurs as Lore paces behind him, still visibly upset. Data is seated. LORE You did what you had to do? What kind of answer is that? SOONG The only one I can give you. You were not... (he thinks of the right word) ... "functioning" properly. DATA Lore told me the colonists became envious of him because you made him "so completely human." STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/24/90 - ACT FOUR 51. 48 CONTINUED: SOONG (smiles sadly) I wouldn't exactly have used the word "envious." LORE (ignoring Data's line of thought) You disassembled me. Took me apart... and so soon after you had put me together. You gave me no chance. DATA Lore also said the colonists petitioned you to replace him with a "less perfect" android? Soong looks to Lore as if to say, "Did you really tell him that?" SOONG (to Data) The last thing you should think of yourself as Data is "less perfect." The two of you are virtually identical... except for a bit of programming. DATA (to himself) It was a lie. Another lie. LORE (to Soong) I would have proven to you that I was worthy, if you had given me the chance. But it was easier to turn your back and build your precious Data. Soong stands and turns to Lore. SOONG You were the first. You meant as much to me as Data ever did. But you were unstable. The colonists weren't envious of you, they were afraid of you. You were unstable. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/19/90 - ACT FOUR 51A. 48 CONTINUED: (2) DATA (to himself) I am not less perfect than Lore. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/19/90 - ACT FOUR 52. 48 CONTINUED: (3) LORE (to Soong, pleading) Why didn't you try to fix me? It was within your power to fix me! Soong sits back down at his dinosaur table. After a beat. SOONG It wasn't as easy as that. The next logical step was to construct Data. Afterward, I planned to get back to you... to "fix" you. But I never got that chance. LORE (angry and almost in tears) Next logical step?! DATA (to himself) I am not less perfect than Lore. SOONG Enough! Sit down, both of you. They both sit. SOONG For all these years I've been plagued by what went wrong. (to Lore) With all the complexities you possessed, the nuances... basic emotion seemed almost simple in comparison. But the emotion turned, and twisted, and became entangled with ambition... Lore, if I had known you were no longer sitting in pieces on a distant shelf... If I had known I could push a button and bring you here... I would have spent those years trying to make things right for you as well. But all I knew of was Data. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 8/6/90 - ACT FOUR 53. 48 CONTINUED: (4) SOONG (Cont'd) (to Data) So I worked, long and hard, and now I believe I've succeeded. Soong pulls a little circuit chip from a small container and holds it up. SOONG (continuing) This is why I brought you here. Basic emotions, Data. Simple feelings. Your feelings. Data cocks his head, but says nothing. He steps closer to inspect the chip. SOONG (continuing) I've imagined how hard it's been for you... living amongst beings so moved by emotion. Lore crosses to Data. LORE (seemingly sincere, he whispers) I don't have to imagine. I know how hard it's been. But, you'll be surprised Data... feelings do funny things. You may even learn to understand your "evil" brother... to forgive him. We will be more alike, you and I. You'll see. I'm happy for you. DATA I question your sincerity, Lore. SOONG (re: the chip) Perhaps with this you'll learn to be more trusting, Data. Your brother has had good reason to be bitter. DATA But sir, Lore was responsible for... STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/24/90 - ACT FOUR 53A. 48 CONTINUED: (5) SOONG (interrupting) He wasn't given the chance you and I were given... to live. (still talking to Data, he looks at Lore) But now I'm sure he understands why I had to do what I did. (to Lore) If there was only time left, I could help you as well... what a shame. (Soong turns) The procedure is quite simple, but I'll need to rest first, I'm tired. LORE And after the procedure, what then? STAR TREK: "Brothers" - 7/13/90 - ACT FOUR 54. 48 CONTINUED: (4) SOONG I assume Data will return to his ship, and you to yours. LORE No. You'll need someone to care for you. I will remain. Soong stares at Lore warmly, and then at Data. SOONG I need to rest now. Soong begins to leave the room. LORE May I assist you... with the procedure? Soong dismisses the offer with a wave of his hand. SOONG It's a simple insertion... no need. He EXITS. Lore and Data are alone. Lore smiles at Data. Data cocks his head but does not return his brother's smile, as we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Brothers" - 7/13/90 - ACT FIVE 55. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 49 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit of Soong's planet. 50 INT. CORRIDOR Picard and Riker are walking at a brisk pace. PICARD They're sure this is going to work? RIKER Nobody knows the Transporters better than O'Brien and La Forge. They tell me they've managed more than a little sleight of hand with our authorization codes. PICARD And they can insert them into the recall loop? RIKER (nodding) The computer should think all three of us are Data. 51 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) The Transporter doors open as Picard and Riker ENTER, continuing their conversation. Worf and Geordi are already on the pad. O'Brien is behind his console. RIKER (continuing; joking) Let's just hope we don't all beam back looking like Data. Riker climbs onto the pad as Picard goes over to O'Brien. O'BRIEN Whenever you say, sir. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - 7/13/90 - ACT FIVE 56. 51 CONTINUED: PICARD (to Riker) Bring him home, Number One. Picard turns to O'Brien. PICARD (cont'd) Energize. The away team DEMATERIALIZES. 52 INT. SOONG'S LAB (OPTICAL) Lore is seated in the "dentist" chair, as before. He appears unconscious. Rather than working in his mouth, Soong is busy inside an open flap on Lore's neck. Finally, he runs a scanner over the area and carefully closes the flap. Soong reaches behind Lore and manipulates the on/off switch hidden in his back. Lore opens his eyes and looks around. SOONG (quietly) Data? Lore smiles and slowly begins to sing. LORE The sons of the prophet Were valiant and bold And quite unaccustomed to fear But of all the most reckless Or so I am told Was Abdul Abulbul Amir. Soong watches curiously. SOONG How do you feel? LORE I've always loved that ditty. I could never quite get the cadence down before. Thanks, Father. SOONG (smiling) You called me Father. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/24/90 - ACT FIVE 57. 52 CONTINUED: LORE Would you prefer I call you "Often- Wrong?" SOONG (puzzled) What did Lore tell you about that? LORE Often-Wrong Soong! That is what the colonists called you, isn't it? A very sloppy rhyme... Lore tries unsuccessfully to make the two words rhyme. LORE Wrong Soong. Wrong Soong. No, doesn't work. Let's see... He stands and struts about the room, thinking up a good rhyme. Soong watches. Something's obviously wrong. SOONG Data, tell me how you're feeling. Lore stops. He's got one. LORE (reciting) Often-Wrong's got a broken heart Can't even tell his boys apart. SOONG Lore! LORE Well, well, you're not quite as feeble as I thought. SOONG This won't work. Those circuits, they weren't designed for you. Soong looks around the room. SOONG (continuing) Where's Data? STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/24/90 - ACT FIVE 58. 52 CONTINUED: (2) LORE (mimicking) "Where's Data?" You didn't fill Data with substandard parts! That honor was bestowed upon me, remember? You owe me, old man. Not him, me! Lore jerks and stiffens momentarily. He relaxes. SOONG You're not listening to me. It was not meant for you. It must be removed. LORE (laughing) Nice try, Often-Wrong. Lore stiffens again and relaxes. LORE I'm not quite sure what it's doing. But its doing something. Soong grabs Lore, a pleading look on his face. SOONG I didn't know you were alive. If I had... Lore savagely flings Soong across the room with his intense strength. Soong crumples to the floor. Lore turns unfazed, and lifts one of his fingernails. The hinged nail exposes a small button which Lore presses. Lore begins to DEMATERIALIZE in the fashion of a Pakled transporter. LORE (singing) There were brave men a plenty All well known to fame Who served in the ranks of the Czar... The song FADES and ECHOES eerily as Lore VANISHES. Soong lies motionless. 53 EXT. SOONG'S PLANET - NIGHT The Away Team is walking through the same misty forest we saw earlier. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/19/90 - ACT FIVE 59. 53 CONTINUED: Upon seeing the lights of Soong's dwelling, they stop. Worf reads his tricorder. WORF The human is there. RIKER And Data? WORF No way of knowing. Riker pulls out his phaser and the others follow suit. RIKER On stun. Worf and Geordi set their phasers and follow Riker toward the light. 54 INT. SOONG'S LAB (OPTICAL) Soong is still spread out on the smashed panorama. He has begun to stir. The door bursts open and Worf ENTERS, phaser raised. He scans the room as Riker and Geordi follow him in. Riker runs to the semi-conscious Soong and motions Worf to check out the rest of the dwelling. RIKER Worf. Worf cautiously EXITS through a door as Geordi joins Riker. RIKER (comforting Soong) It's all right, take it easy. GEORDI (stares at Soong and recognizes him) It's Noonian Soong. RIKER That's impossible. Soong's dead. (he continues to check out Soong) I think it's okay to move him. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/20/90 - ACT FIVE 60. 54 CONTINUED: Geordi has walked to a laboratory table and is glancing at the equipment. GEORDI (shaking his head) Look at this stuff. I'm telling you. It's Soong. He walks back and helps Riker carry Soong to a chair. Soong is in bad shape. RIKER I'm Commander William Riker of the Starship Enterprise. Worf appears through another door carrying the lifeless Data. He places him in the "dentist" chair. Data is wearing Lore's Pakled clothing. Silently, Geordi and Worf stare at Data. Is he dead? Riker leaves Soong and walks to Data. RIKER Here. Let me. Riker surreptitiously reaches behind Data and resets his on/off switch. Data's eyes open and he sits up and studies his surroundings. RIKER Do you mind telling me what's going on, here? Data, still booting up, ignores Riker's question. He sees Soong and goes to his side. DATA (to Soong) He surprised me. He rendered me unconscious. What happened? Soong is still too weak to respond. RIKER Who surprised you? Soong is disgusted with himself. SOONG (barely audible) So alike... I couldn't tell you apart... (MORE) STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/19/90 - ACT FIVE 60A. 54 CONTINUED: (2) SOONG (Cont'd) He's gone.... back to his ship, I think... (MORE) STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/24/90 - ACT FIVE 61. 54 CONTINUED: (3) SOONG (Cont'd) There was only one chip... yours... I tried to tell him... Not enough time to build another. RIKER Who went back to his ship? Damn it, Data, what's going on?! DATA (turning to Riker) Lore, sir. He was inadvertently summoned here by the same signal which activated my homing circuitry. It seems that after two years in interstellar space, he was... RIKER (interrupting) Mister Data. We've got a very sick boy on the Enterprise who's not getting any better. And we're dead in the water until you get us out of here. Data hasn't the slightest idea of what Riker's talking about. SOONG (weakly, to Data) It's all right. Access your third nested memory file and execute instruction five-one-five-five. It will clear your memory block. Data twitches slightly as he executes the instruction. His memory floods back and he recalls all he had missed. DATA (to Riker) I was unaware of the inconvenience I have caused, sir. RIKER We'll discuss it later. (turning to Soong) You're coming, too, Doctor. You need to get to Sickbay. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/19/90 - ACT FIVE 61A. 54 CONTINUED: (4) SOONG No, no, no. I'll be fine. GEORDI With all due respect, sir, you don't look fine to me. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/24/90 - ACT FIVE 62. 54 CONTINUED: (5) SOONG I've lived here a long time, young man. I have no plans of dying anywhere else. DATA But sir, our medical facility could most likely... SOONG (interrupting) Go, Data. Go with your friends. Data walks to Riker. DATA (whispers) May I say goodbye to Doctor Soong, sir? Riker nods, but stays put. DATA (whispering) Alone, sir? Riker motions to Worf and Geordi and they EXIT. Data kneels by Soong. SOONG Everybody dies, Data. Data cocks his head and Soong modifies his statement. SOONG (managing a slight smile) Well, almost everybody. DATA Do you believe... in some ways, we are alike? SOONG In many ways, I'd like to believe. DATA Then it is alright for you to die... because I will remain alive. Soong reaches out and touches Data's shoulder. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - REV. 7/25/90 - ACT FIVE 63. 54 CONTINUED: (6) DATA (continuing) You know I cannot grieve for you. SOONG (smiles softly) You will, in your own way. Goodbye Data. DATA Goodbye.....Father. 55 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise is docked at Starbase Four-One-Six. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 44149.1. We have been at Starbase Four-One-Six for three days. Young Willie Potts is responding well to treatment and has been returned to the Enterprise. 55A INT. CORRIDOR Picard and Beverly walk through the corridor on their way to the quarantine area. PICARD The transfer went well? BEVERLY (nodding) He'll remain in quarantine for another week or two, but he's out of the woods. 56 INT. SICKBAY - QUARANTINE AREA As Picard and Beverly ENTER the quarantine area, they find Data watching Jake and Willie at a distance. Jake sits at the window with his hands through the openings. The brothers are playing with two model dinosaurs. They argue for a moment, but then smile. Picard and Beverly approach Data. STAR TREK: "Brothers" - 7/13/90 - ACT FIVE 64. 56 CONTINUED: DATA Yes, Captain. The boys appear to have reconciled their differences. BEVERLY They're brothers, Data. Brothers forgive. We PUSH IN on Data as he turns his gaze from the boys to Doctor Crusher, weighing her statement. He turns his eyes back to the boys, as we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END