STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Remember Me" #40274-179 Written by Lee Sheldon Directed by Cliff Bole THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1990 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT AUGUST 9, 1990 STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/14/90 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Remember Me" CAST PICARD DOCTOR DALEN QUAICE RIKER TRAVELER DATA CARA HILL BEVERLY TROI GEORDI WORF WESLEY O'BRIEN NURSE COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking N.D. DOCTORS, NURSES & PATIENTS SECURITY OFFICER SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - 8/9/90 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Remember Me" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM STARBASE 133 OBSERVATION LOUNGE CORRIDORS TRANSPORTER ROOM MAIN ENGINEERING SICKBAY TURBOLIFT TROI'S OFFICE DR. QUAICE'S QUARTERS WESLEY'S QUARTERS CREW QUARTERS STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/14/90 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Remember Me" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. STARBASE 133 - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) is docked at this starbase on the edge of a planetary system. A planet is clearly visible. BEVERLY (V.O.) Chief Medical Officer's log, Stardate 44161.2. We are docked at Starbase One-Three-Three for scheduled crew rotation. I look forward to welcoming aboard my mentor, and dear friend, Doctor Dalen Quaice, who will be traveling with us to his home planet, Kenda Two. 2 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) BEVERLY stands waiting patiently. O'BRIEN is at the console. A quite elderly man in a Starfleet uniform MATERIALIZES on the Transporter pad: DALEN QUAICE. He carries a small bag. As he steps slowly off the pad, Beverly moves to embrace him. BEVERLY Dalen! QUAICE It's good to see you again, Beverly. BEVERLY You look wonderful. QUAICE (smiles) A lie I can live with. It's kind of your captain to ferry me home. BEVERLY It's on our way. (to O'Brien) Thank you, Chief. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/21/90 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN My pleasure, Doctor. Beverly and Quaice EXIT. 3 INT. CORRIDOR As Beverly and Quaice walk along. BEVERLY Dalen, I was sorry to hear about Patricia. QUAICE She'd been ill for some time. BEVERLY Is her death the reason you're giving up your post here? QUAICE (nods) We had a lifetime together, doing all the things we'd ever dreamed. And more. But when she was gone, I couldn't continue to work in that office, sleep in that bed without her... the absence of her was too... distracting... (shakes his head) I'm not sure I'm making any sense. BEVERLY Jack and I didn't have a lifetime, only a few short years. But I understand. When you realize someone you love is lost forever... She shakes her head. QUAICE You know what the worst part of growing old is? So many of the people you've known all your life are gone... and you realize you didn't take the time to appreciate them while you still could... (MORE) STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/21/90 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: QUAICE (Cont'd) (beat) I'm sorry. There was no reason to heap all this emotional baggage on you. (indicates bag) I usually travel light. She puts her arm through his, comforting him, as they walk on. Her face is reflective as she thinks about what he said. 4 INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) WESLEY is immersed in work at a computer as GEORDI and a couple of SUPERNUMERARIES make final preparations for departure. GEORDI Wes, time for the experiment is over... I want my warp engines back. Now. Beverly ENTERS, stands near the warp drive, watching Wesley in silence, Quaice's words still fresh in her mind. WESLEY (working furiously) Almost done, Commander. On his computer screen is the CAD representation of his experiment: the warp drive and a network of shifting lines of energy forming a distinctively-shaped bubble within it. GEORDI Almost isn't good enough. You want to explain when the Captain says "Engage," and we just sit here? WESLEY Just a couple more minutes! I'm ready to try the new warp field! (sees Beverly) Mom? BEVERLY (pensive) Don't let me interrupt. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/17/90 - TEASER 4. 4 CONTINUED: WESLEY (on the fly) Hi! GEORDI Wes! 4A EXCLUDE BEVERLY (OPTICAL) WESLEY Right! Okay! His fingers dance across the console. On the computer screen the bubble suddenly flares larger. There's an odd flash of light, almost subliminal, but everybody notices it. GEORDI Computer, level two diagnostic on warp drive systems. COMPUTER VOICE Antimatter containment positive. Warp drive within normal parameters. Geordi hurries over to Wesley. GEORDI Talk to me. WESLEY (stunned) That shouldn't have happened. GEORDI Ensign Crusher -- WESLEY Why would there be any visible phenomena outside the drive? RIKER'S COM VOICE Umbilical disconnect. GEORDI Are you done? WESLEY Uh, yeah... STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/17/90 - TEASER 5. 4A CONTINUED: Geordi quickly returns to his station. Wesley saves his work, shuts down the experiment, looks around for his mother. 4B ANGLE - FAVORING WESLEY'S P.O.V. Beverly has gone. 4C BACK TO SCENE RIKER'S COM VOICE Clear all moorings. Engineering, aft thrusters. Geordi stabs at his console, his team working quickly, but methodically around him. GEORDI Aft thrusters, aye. Impulse power to the helm. Wesley starts to go, stops, shoots a last concerned look around Engineering. 5 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) moves away from the starbase. 6 OMITTED 7 INT. CORRIDOR - THE NEXT MORNING Beverly steps off a turbolift, heads for the door to some guest quarters, activates the door chimes. There is no acknowledgement. She tries again, then causes the door to open. 8 INT. QUAICE'S QUARTERS Beverly ENTERS, looks around the room. Nothing looks disturbed. BEVERLY Dalen? (no reply) Dalen, it's Beverly. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/17/90 - TEASER 6. 8 CONTINUED: She keys her communicator. BEVERLY Computer, current location of Doctor Dalen Quaice. COMPUTER VOICE There is no Doctor Dalen Quaice aboard the Enterprise. As Beverly reacts, we: 9 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/17/90 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: 10 INT. QUAICE'S QUARTERS Beverly is waiting when the door opens. WORF ENTERS. WORF Doctor? BEVERLY Lieutenant Worf, yesterday, before we left starbase an old friend of mine came onboard: Doctor Dalen Quaice. I requested quarters for him. He was assigned here. WORF I was not aware of this passenger. BEVERLY I'm sorry. I thought it was standard procedure for you to be notified once Captain Picard approved passage. WORF It is. Please proceed. BEVERLY We were to meet for breakfast. But I can't seem to find him... or any of his things... WORF Computer, where is Doctor Dalen Quaice? COMPUTER VOICE There is no Doctor Dalen Quaice aboard the Enterprise. BEVERLY Lieutenant, Doctor Quaice is very old, and rather frail. If he fell somewhere... if his communicator were damaged... WORF I will order a search immediately. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/21/90 - ACT ONE 8. 10 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Thank you. Worf pauses in the doorway, turns to look at Beverly. WORF Even if Doctor Quaice had been injured... why would his belongings be missing? She answers him with an equally puzzled look. Worf nods, EXITS, leaving Beverly alone in the empty room. 11 INT. READY ROOM PICARD is seated at his desk. Facing him are DATA, Worf and Beverly. WORF Sir, I have several teams conducting a deck-by-deck search. It is not yet complete. DATA I have scanned the entire ship, Captain. Other than the Enterprise's regular complement, I can find no one else onboard. BEVERLY (fearing the worst) Your sensors wouldn't detect him... if he were dead... DATA That is correct, Doctor. PICARD (to Beverly) Could your friend have returned to the starbase without telling you? An emergency of some sort? STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/17/90 - ACT ONE 9. 11 CONTINUED: BEVERLY There were a lot of people going back and forth between the ship and the starbase yesterday. DATA We can easily check the transporter I.D. traces. PICARD By all means check the trace log. But even if the results are negative, contact Starbase Command. We should leave nothing to chance. DATA Yes, sir. Picard nods, dismissed. Worf and Data EXIT. Beverly starts to go. PICARD Doctor, one moment please. (she turns back) I'm sure you are aware of procedures involving passengers. BEVERLY Of course. I don't know why Lieutenant Worf wasn't told about Doctor Quaice. PICARD I was not informed either. BEVERLY (startled) But I sent in a request weeks ago. PICARD I never received it. BEVERLY I'm sure I had a confirmation. Picard studies her for a moment, then: PICARD Computer, search passenger requests. Doctor Dalen Quaice. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/17/90 - ACT ONE 10. 11 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (Cont'd) Point of embarkation: Starbase One-Three-Three. COMPUTER VOICE No listing. Picard looks at Beverly. BEVERLY Captain, I sent in that request. And it was approved. PICARD Then it must have been intercepted before it reached me. BEVERLY And someone else sent the approval? Why? PICARD Doctor Quaice had been stationed at the starbase for some time? BEVERLY Six years. PICARD It might be prudent to find out if he'd acquired any enemies there. He stands, follows Beverly out. 12 INT. BRIDGE Wesley is at the helm. Riker nods as Beverly and Picard emerge from the Ready Room. RIKER On course for Durenia Four, sir. PICARD Very good, Number One. Mister Data? STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/14/90 - ACT ONE 11. 12 CONTINUED: DATA Sir, Starbase One-Three-Three has no record at all of a Doctor Dalen Quaice. Picard exchanges a look with Beverly. PICARD I thought he was stationed there for six years. DATA Not according to their computer. I have also accessed Starfleet records. There is no doctor currently serving in Starfleet named Quaice. In fact I cannot find any service record whatsoever. There are no birth records with that name. I find no -- BEVERLY Data, I interned with him on Delos Four. I've known him for fifteen years. DATA I do not doubt you, Doctor. However I have tried one hundred seventy-three phonetic variations of the name, and -- BEVERLY His name is Dalen Quaice. Q-U-A-I-C-E. Whatever the records say, they're wrong. Turbolift doors open. Worf appears. PICARD Mister Worf? WORF Captain, we have completed our search. We cannot locate Doctor Quaice. RIKER You're not alone. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/17/90 - ACT ONE 12. 12A ANGLE - TO INCLUDE WESLEY as he begins to realize a terrible possibility. BEVERLY He was onboard. I met him in Transporter Room Three myself. PICARD Then it appears, for reasons unknown, someone has gone to great pains to erase all traces of this man. RIKER (to Beverly) Who was on transporter duty when he came aboard? HARD CUT TO: 13 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM - O'BRIEN overseeing an N.D. CREWMAN working at an exposed panel. PULL BACK to see Riker and Beverly with him. O'BRIEN (reacting) Doctor Quaice? Was he part of the regular crew rotation? RIKER No. He's a friend of Doctor Crusher's. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/14/90 - ACT ONE 13. 13 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN When did he arrive? BEVERLY Sixteen hundred hours yesterday. O'BRIEN (startled) That was my watch. I beamed this man onboard? BEVERLY Yes. I was here to greet him. An elderly man? Not in the best of health? O'BRIEN I'm sorry. I do remember you were here for a short while. But you were alone. Beverly stares at him. BEVERLY Was he invisible? Did I carry on a conversation with thin air? O'Brien looks at her as if she's doing that right now. O'BRIEN No, Doctor. As far as I can recall, you came in, looked around for a few moments... I asked you if I could help you with anything... All you said was "Thank you." I said "My pleasure," or something. That was the end of it. There was no one else here. Beverly is stunned. She exchanges a glance with an equally astonished Riker. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/14/90 - ACT TWO 14. ACT TWO FADE IN: 14 INT. TURBOLIFT Beverly and Riker on their way to the Bridge. BEVERLY I can't accept that Chief O'Brien might be lying... RIKER He believes what he says. And there is no trace imprint for Doctor Quaice. BEVERLY Will, I didn't conjure up one of my best friends from a test tube. RIKER If the ship's records have been tampered with, then the transporter records could have been changed as well. BEVERLY And with everybody coming and going yesterday, maybe O'Brien just doesn't remember, or... RIKER Or? BEVERLY It might be a good idea to run a diagnostic on him. RIKER To make sure he hasn't been tampered with? BEVERLY What do you think? RIKER It's worth a try. The door opens at the Bridge. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/23/90 - ACT TWO 15. 14 CONTINUED: RIKER I'll check the replicator activity logs -- eighteen hours is a long time to go without food. Or without someone seeing him. He EXITS. 15 INT. SICKBAY O'Brien is waiting when she arrives. BEVERLY Chief, this examination should only take a few minutes. O'BRIEN But I feel fine. Only TWO NURSES are in sight. Beverly glances around, puzzled. BEVERLY (to Nurse) Things are awfully quiet around here. Is everybody really that healthy? NURSE (smiles) I'm not complaining. BEVERLY We should still have a full staff on duty. She turns back to O'Brien, not noticing the odd look the Nurse gives her. BEVERLY Sit down, over here... STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/21/90 - ACT TWO 16. 15 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Doctor, it won't do any good to check my eyesight. I didn't see your friend. BEVERLY (indicates examination table) I'll be a little more comprehensive than that, Chief. (keys communicator) Crusher to Doctor Hill. (nothing) Respond please. Doctor Selar, what is your present location? (silence) Computer, current whereabouts of Doctors Hill and Selar. COMPUTER VOICE There is no Doctor Hill or Doctor Selar aboard the Enterprise. Beverly reacts. 15A INT. CREW QUARTERS (FORMERLY SCENE 19) A middle-aged woman, CARA HILL, frowns at Beverly. CARA I'm afraid I don't understand. BEVERLY Your husband: Doctor Richard Hill... CARA With all due respect, you're mistaken. I'm not married. Beverly stares at her. BEVERLY Of course you are. Your husband is my staff osteopath. You came onboard together six months ago. CARA I did report for duty six months ago. But I was alone. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/21/90 - ACT TWO 17. 15A CONTINUED: CARA (Cont'd) I am not married. I've never been married -- (a wry smile) -- except perhaps to exobiology. This shakes Beverly. 16 INT. READY ROOM Picard listens as Beverly explains. BEVERLY Doctors Hill and Selar, and four other members of my medical staff have all vanished. All record of their ever having been on the Enterprise has been excised from the computer's memory. PICARD Did they come aboard with Doctor Quaice? BEVERLY (shakes her head) No. They've been here for months. But the two duty nurses don't remember them. Their families don't even remember them... PICARD As O'Brien didn't remember Doctor Quaice... ? BEVERLY (nods) I checked O'Brien thoroughly. I found no physiological abnormalities. WESLEY'S COM VOICE Crusher to Captain Picard. PICARD Go ahead, Ensign. 16A INT. ENGINEERING Wesley and Geordi are at a computer. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/17/90 - ACT TWO 17A. 16A CONTINUED: WESLEY I'm in Engineering, sir. I think there's something here you'd better see. It might be connected to Doctor Quaice's disappearance. PICARD'S COM VOICE On my way. Wes exchanges a glance with Geordi. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/21/90 - ACT TWO 18. 17 INT. BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS As Beverly and Picard ENTER from the Ready Room, Riker is in his chair, Data at Ops, Worf at Tactical. On the move... PICARD (to Riker) Number One, any progress? RIKER (shakes his head) No one's seen him. The replicator in his quarters hasn't been used. PICARD (to Worf) Check shield and hull integrity for any sign of intruders... WORF Yessir... but I have been closely monitoring onboard sensors... there has been no indication... PICARD (interrupting) Then give me a Level One diagnostic of all onboard sensors, and run a manual sweep for any anomalous airborne or electromagnetic readings. I want some answers. Picard and Beverly get on the turbolift. 18 INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) Wesley and Geordi are at a computer. PULL BACK to find Beverly and Picard behind them. WESLEY I've been experimenting with Kosinski's warp field equations... Trying to find a way to improve engine efficiency. PICARD (nods) I've read your reports. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/21/90 - ACT TWO 19. 18 CONTINUED: GEORDI We did a test run while we were at the starbase. Geordi indicates the terminal where we can see the CAD diagram as before. GEORDI (continuing) Here's what the computer recorded. 18A THE MONITOR - OKUDAGRAM (OPTICAL) It is a very distinctive, twisting shape... unique enough to be recognized later. WESLEY This is the static warp field we created inside the warp drive. The experiment was designed to see if we could keep a bubble like this intact. GEORDI As you'll see in a moment, we couldn't. On the screen the bubble expands, then contracts again in the blink of an eye. 18B RESUME SCENE GEORDI There was a momentary flash of light. It was all over the spectrum. BEVERLY I remember that. PICARD Are you suggesting this bubble could have made Doctor Quaice disappear? WESLEY If he were caught in it... yessir, it would seem to us like he'd disappeared. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/21/90 - ACT TWO 20. 18B CONTINUED: BEVERLY Where would he go? GEORDI (sighs) Who knows... he could even end up outside our space-time continuum... PICARD Was Doctor Quaice in Engineering during your experiment? GEORDI No, sir. PICARD And this bubble never expanded beyond Engineering? WESLEY Nossir. PICARD Then how could it have trapped Doctor Quaice or the others? WESLEY Other people are missing? BEVERLY Yes, and they weren't anywhere near Engineering either. WESLEY (shakes his head) It doesn't make sense. PICARD And I doubt warp bubbles could alter computer records, or erase memories. (beat) Keep at it, Ensign, Mister La Forge. It's the only working theory we have for now. They acknowledge. Picard and Beverly EXIT... STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/17/90 - ACT TWO 21. 19 OMITTED 20 INT. SICKBAY Beverly ENTERS. Sickbay is totally deserted. She stands frozen in the middle of the room, fighting off a rising panic. She turns and hurries out. 21 INT. BRIDGE Beverly ENTERS from the turbolift. Data is at Ops, Picard and Riker looking over his shoulder. Worf is at Tactical, a SUPERNUMERARY at Conn. There are no other crew members present. PICARD Has something else happened? BEVERLY Sickbay is totally empty. Apparently I no longer have any staff. Picard, Data and Riker exchange glances. RIKER And that surprises you, Doctor? BEVERLY (stares at him) Surprises me? I'll say it surprises me! There should be at least four members of my staff on duty at all times. DATA I am afraid the ship's records do not concur. BEVERLY What are you talking about? DATA You do not have a staff. Again the panic begins to rise. Again Beverly fights it off. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/17/90 - ACT TWO 22. 21 CONTINUED: BEVERLY You're telling me I'm the sole medical officer on a ship with over a thousand people on board?! DATA Excuse me, Doctor, but the entire ship's complement is two hundred thirty. Beverly fights her emotions, trying to digest this. BEVERLY No. That's wrong! Whatever is happening is affecting your memories, too. Picard studies her... PICARD Doctor, may I see you in my Ready Room? Beverly looks at the others... who look at her... and follows Picard into the Ready Room. 21A INT. READY ROOM As they enter, sit. Picard takes a long beat. The tone is low-key... PICARD Beverly, you're saying this ship has lost nearly eight hundred of its personnel... ? BEVERLY I know how it must sound... PICARD None of the scans reveal any anomalies... there is no sign of an intruder... Wesley's experiment clearly did not have the scope to affect an entire starship... BEVERLY The Enterprise is in serious danger. You must believe me... STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/21/90 - ACT TWO 23. 21A CONTINUED: PICARD I have no choice but to believe you. The safety of my crew is at stake. But I want to be sure... BEVERLY That I haven't lost my mind? They look at each other in a very personal way. BEVERLY I just examined myself... being the only doctor on board, I had to do it myself... there is no sign of dysfunction... yes, there's an elevation of adrenalin which I think is understandable... A beat, she collects herself... PICARD Did you find anything that might suggest why you're apparently the only one among us unaffected by this... phenomenon? BEVERLY No. (meets his eyes) I'll talk to Troi. PICARD It wouldn't do any harm. They exchange a glance in which Picard reveals a deeper personal caring for her. BEVERLY Jean-Luc, please... return to Starbase One-Three-Three for a full diagnostic. I realize you have only my word to convince you... STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/17/90 - ACT TWO 24. 21A CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (keys insignia) Mister Riker, set a course to return to Starbase One-Three-Three immediately. RIKER'S COM VOICE Aye, sir. She looks at him gratefully PICARD Your word has always been good enough for me. On her reaction... 22 thru OMITTED 23 23A INT. BEVERLY'S OFFICE Beverly ENTERS. We TRACK with her. Suddenly she stops dead, her eyes trying to focus on something she sees before her. 24 BEVERLY'S POV (OPTICAL) Something is forming in the air: a swirling vortex of color and sound, spiraling larger, the sound a roar of white noise, growing in intensity. 25 BACK TO SCENE (OPTICAL) As the vortex grows, its wind begins to buffet her. She finds herself being drawn by its force. She braces herself against the wall. But the pull grows stronger and stronger. Before she knows it she's caught up in a whirling, blinding maelstrom. She grabs on to something as she finds herself being inexorably pulled into the vortex... Beverly screams. There's a blinding flash of light. The vortex is gone in a wink. She falls to the floor, and lies there, trying to catch her breath. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/21/90 - ACT THREE 25. ACT THREE FADE IN: 26 thru OMITTED 29 30 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Troi, Geordi, Riker and Beverly are present. GEORDI I've had a team in Sickbay for two hours. We've run the mass spectrometer on all particulates... we've scanned the EM spectrum in case a wave guide was somehow leaking radiation... we've even crawled into the life support ductwork... Captain, I don't know what this vortex was that Doctor Crusher saw... BEVERLY I didn't just see it. I felt it. I barely got away from it! And she realizes how paranoid this sounds... and the others look at her. GEORDI Well, there's nothing there now. And no sign there ever was. A silence. Picard frowns. PICARD Is there any possible connection to Mister Crusher's experiment... could this warp bubble be... floating around the ship perhaps... GEORDI No, sir. The bubble was definitely contained in Engineering. There's no way it could affect something up on Deck Twelve. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/17/90 - ACT THREE 26. 30 CONTINUED: Data ENTERS. DATA Sir, I have completed level-1 computer diagnostics. There are no malfunctions. RIKER Any other ships respond to our queries, Data? DATA The Wellington is the only Federation vessel in this sector... it reports normal operations. A Ferengi ship within communications range also reports nothing unusual. RIKER Have external sensors detected anything out of the ordinary? DATA The interstellar medium in this sector is slightly denser than average. However, all readings are well within normal parameters. Picard mulls this over. Beverly asks the big question -- BEVERLY Are all members of the crew accounted for? DATA Yes, doctor. BEVERLY How many are there? DATA There are one hundred fourteen people on the Enterprise. Everyone turns to look at Beverly. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/21/90 - ACT THREE 27. 30 CONTINUED: (2) DATA That is the exact number there should be. BEVERLY (shakes her head) There are now close to nine hundred missing. The others exchange glances... Picard's eyes stare at the table top. BEVERLY (explodes) Deck after deck of this ship is now deserted. How do you explain all the empty rooms? If only a hundred fourteen people are supposed to be on board, why all the extra space? DATA (rattling off logical explanations) Transportation of colonists... diplomatic missions... emergency evacuations... PICARD (enough) Thank you, Mister Data. He looks up for the first time. Calmly -- PICARD Have security confine all nonessential personnel to their quarters. Computer, Red Alert. The Red Alert lights begin to flash. BEVERLY Sir, I'd like Lieutenant Worf to program onboard sensors to monitor all personnel... if we can catch the exact moment someone disappears... This is met with absolute silence. She sees their reactions. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/21/90 - ACT THREE 28. 30 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD (gives her a blank stare) Whom did you say? BEVERLY Worf... chief of security... the big guy who never smiles... Klingon? On Beverly as she looks at them, the Red Alert lights continue to flash and... 30A INT. CORRIDOR Troi moves down the hall. Beverly, trying to contain her frustration, hurries after her... BEVERLY Deanna? Troi stops, waits for Beverly. BEVERLY I need you to tell me if I've gone completely mad. TROI (smiles) If you can ask the question, I'd say no. BEVERLY Don't evade the question. TROI (sympathetically) Then ask me one I can answer. A beat. Moving... BEVERLY Deanna, I've delivered babies who no longer exist! No one else remembers them. But I can close my eyes, and see their faces as clearly as I can see yours! What if it isn't some huge conspiracy?! What if it's just me?! STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/23/90 - ACT THREE 29. 30A CONTINUED: TROI What if it is just you? BEVERLY Then, I've delayed a mission, scared a lot of people... including me... TROI So what? (beat) Beverly, you've acted in the best interests of your ship and crew. What more could you ask of yourself? If it turns out to be a... mistake... we'll be a little late to Durenia Four... that's all. BEVERLY It's not a mistake... I wish it were... TROI When we reach Starbase, I'll order a complete workup: both physical and psychological. BEVERLY If we reach Starbase. (beat) Wesley... where's Wesley... ? She doesn't finish, just turns and goes. On Troi's concerned reaction... 31 INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) Only one supernumerary is working when Beverly rushes in. She goes to the computer station he was working at before. The same distinctive Okudagram is on the monitors, graphically illustrating the warp field bubble. But Wesley's not there. Red Alert continues. BEVERLY Wesley!! STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/21/90 - ACT THREE 30. 31 CONTINUED: Wes comes out from behind the drive. WESLEY Mom? You all right? Beverly brings herself under control. BEVERLY No. (beat) We may have very little time left... Wesley looks at her with concern... BEVERLY You don't believe me... WESLEY I don't know, Mom... BEVERLY I don't have time to convince you. Hundreds of people are gone and your experiment is the only possible explanation we have to work on right now... He indicates the monitor where we again see the CAD representation of the distinctively-shaped bubble. WESLEY There it is. I don't know what else to do... BEVERLY Then find someone who does... someone who knows more about... about warp bubbles... WESLEY (overlapping) I've already talked to Kosinski on subspace... he can't explain it either and it's all based on his equations. There is someone who might be able to help us, but I can't reach him. BEVERLY Who? STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/21/90 - ACT THREE 31. 31 CONTINUED: (2) WESLEY He was Kosinski's assistant... an alien from Tau Alpha C... He said he was a "Traveler"... somehow he combined warp technology with the energy of his own thoughts... BEVERLY (thoughtful) Yes, I remember... he took us where thoughts and reality became indistinguishable... (beat) Wesley, is it possible you've accidentally re-created something he did? Something that could alter reality? WESLEY I don't see how. But he's the only one who could tell us... I've sent a message by subspace, but Tau Alpha C is so far away, it'll take days to get there. BEVERLY (pulling him along) Maybe the Captain can help us... We've got to find him. Come on... WESLEY I don't even know if he's still alive. He was sick. BEVERLY Wesley, it's a chance, we have to... They turn a corner. 31A NEW ANGLE When Beverly comes around the corner, Wesley is gone. No optical. No sound effect. Just: no Wesley. BEVERLY (continuing) -- try it... She reacts as she realizes Wesley is gone. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/20/90 - ACT THREE 32. 31B WIDE to show her completely alone in Engineering. BEVERLY Nooooo... ! 32 thru OMITTED 33 34 INT. BRIDGE Red Alert continues. Picard is in his chair. When Beverly gets off the turbolift, she sees there's no one else with Picard. BEVERLY (calm) They're all gone... ? Picard looks at her. BEVERLY (continuing) Riker, Troi, Data... let me guess -- you've never heard of any of them. PICARD (anger growing) Doctor, I believe I have been more than fair. I have done everything I can to substantiate your... your perceptions -- STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/20/90 - ACT THREE 32A. 34 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Will Riker! Your First Officer. He's very good at poker, likes to cook, listen to jazz, plays the trombone... PICARD I cannot find any evidence... BEVERLY (not to be interrupted) ... Commander Data, the android who sits here at Ops, dreams of being human, never gets the punch line to a joke... ? PICARD ... Beverly, we'll be arriving at Starbase One-Three-Three in a few hours... BEVERLY ... Deanna Troi, you ship's counselor, half-Betazoid, loves chocolate, the arrival of her mother makes you shudder? And Geordi, O'Brien, Worf... Wesley, my son -- They have been the living, breathing heart of this crew for over three years. They deserve better than to be shrugged off... brushed aside... to be pinched out of existence like this! (a deep breath) They all do. All nine hundred. They deserve so much more... 35 thru OMITTED 38 39 ANGLE - PICARD AND BEVERLY Picard goes to Beverly, touches her gently on the arm. PICARD Perhaps you should confine yourself to Sickbay until we arrive... STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/20/90 - ACT THREE 33. 39 CONTINUED: BEVERLY It's perfectly logical to you. The two of us roaming about the galaxy in the flagship of the Federation. No crew at all. PICARD We've never needed a crew before. She sits beside him. BEVERLY I don't suppose you remember an alien from Tau Alpha C who was once onboard... called himself a Traveler... ? Picard gives her a look of concern and sadness. BEVERLY Jean-Luc, I don't know how, but you and I must find this Traveler or another from his race... if anyone can help us... PICARD You have my word... as soon as we return to the starbase, I'll make every effort to find him. BEVERLY This isn't a delusion. It isn't a dream. There is a physical, measurable phenomenon at work. (beat, an idea) Maybe you can help me identify it... PICARD How? BEVERLY I'd like to use the ship's computer to monitor your life functions. PICARD Until I disappear. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/20/90 - ACT THREE 34. 39 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY It will happen. PICARD Very well. Computer, continuous scan: Captain Jean-Luc Picard vital signs. Audible readout. Begin now. The computer begins a low volume recitation of Picard's vital signs. There are electronic EEG sounds and: COMPUTER VOICE One ten over seventy. One ten over seventy. The readouts run continuously in the b.g. BEVERLY I promise you I'll continue to do whatever I can to figure out what's happening, and to bring you all back. (beat) I'm sorry I lost my temper. You do remember that? PICARD Vividly. But if I have forgotten my closest friends and comrades, as you say, I deserved every word. BEVERLY For quite awhile now there's something I've been meaning to say to you. I may not get another chance. Jean-Luc, you and I -- The computer readout is gone in a wink. She is talking to empty air. She looks around the bridge, shakes her head. BEVERLY I won't forget. I won't forget any of you! She hears a faint roaring noise, rapidly growing in intensity. She turns. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/21/90 - ACT THREE 35. 40 INCLUDE (OPTICAL) the vortex forming again in front of the viewscreen. She begins to feel herself being dragged towards it. She grabs on to Tactical, holds on for dear life, as the vortex tries to claim her. It pulls her horizontal to the floor. But she is successfully fighting it. As her struggle continues, the camera pans across the vortex, as it begins to collapse. It fills the screen and DISSOLVE TO: 40A THE VORTEX STILL FILLING THE SCREEN (OPTICAL) The pan continuing. The screaming heart of the maelstrom. Another place can be discerned in the distance. A VOICE becoming more distinct. VOICE (WESLEY) I'm losing it... The link isn't holding, Commander! 41 OMITTED 42 INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) We are on the other side of the vortex. Wesley and Geordi sit at computers, rapidly executing commands. No Red Alert. The vortex is swiftly contracting. GEORDI I'll try the secondary equations! WESLEY No, it's too late. Look. The vortex contracts until only a minute point of energy hangs in space near the drive. Then this point, too, is gone. WESLEY I've lost it. GEORDI I'm sorry, Wesley. WESLEY It's over. We'll never get her back. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/17/90 - ACT THREE 36. 42 CONTINUED: A beat. TRAVELER (O.C.) It's not over, Wesley. Wesley and Geordi turn in surprise. 43 WIDER ANGLE (OPTICAL) The Traveler phases in. TRAVELER (continuing) There's still a way. On their reactions... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/24/90 - ACT FOUR 37. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 44 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Moving at impulse speed against a backdrop of stars. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 44162.5. Two attempts to retrieve Doctor Crusher have failed. And now the Traveler, a mysterious visitor from our past, has reappeared. 45 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Riker, Wesley, Geordi, Troi, Worf and the Traveler. He is friendly and wants to be helpful, at the same time he is a clearly superior being and is a bit smug in this knowledge. WESLEY And then I sent a message by subspace to Tau Alpha C asking for help... but I didn't think it would reach there for days... TRAVELER Actually, it didn't reach me... not by subspace... GEORDI Then how did you know about the warp bubble? The Traveler looks at him with a vaguely patronizing smile... a beat... TRAVELER It would take too long to explain... PICARD (impatient) Is she alive? TRAVELER (reassuring, authoritative) As long as she thinks she is alive, she is alive. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/24/90 - ACT FOUR 38. 45 CONTINUED: RIKER What the hell does that mean? TRAVELER (sighs with controlled frustration) Your species have very narrow perceptions of time and space and thought. (beat, trying to make it simple) When Beverly Crusher was caught in the static warp bubble, she created her own reality. Her thoughts at the precise moment she was trapped determined its shape and form. TROI Can you go in and get her back? TRAVELER No, it is her reality. I cannot enter it... any more than I can enter her thoughts. WESLEY But you said there's still a way. The Traveler moves to Wesley - and there's an intensity between them... Clearly, in Wesley, the Traveler sees a being who can begin to reach beyond his limitations and is excited by that possibility. TRAVELER I can help, but I can't do it myself. Wesley, there is a power within each of us that most people haven't begun to realize... you have, or I would not have known to come here now... (beat, dramatically) Together, we may be able to open a gateway for her. But she must choose to walk through it. Off reactions... STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/23/90 - ACT FOUR 39. 45A INT. SICKBAY Red Alert continuing. Beverly walks slowly everywhere, examining everything, looking for something out of place, any clue that might help her... she's been doing a lot of thinking... takes a deep breath... (and there's a thread of gallows humor in all this for her now)... BEVERLY Computer, we're going to apply precise diagnostic methodology. Once we've cataloged the symptoms, we'll proceed to determine the illness, and find a cure. (considers) We'll start with the assumption that I'm not crazy... if I am, it won't matter one way or the other... She thinks about that a beat. Then... BEVERLY Computer, read the entire crew roster for the Enterprise. COMPUTER VOICE Doctor Beverly Crusher. BEVERLY Have I always been the only member of the crew on the Starship Enterprise? COMPUTER VOICE Affirmative. BEVERLY (not serious) If this was a bad dream, would you tell me? COMPUTER VOICE (beat) That information is not available. She walks into -- 45B INT. CORRIDOR Opening doors as she walks down the deserted hallway... glancing inside... STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/21/90 - ACT FOUR 40. 45B CONTINUED: BEVERLY What date did I report on board? COMPUTER VOICE Stardate 41154. Fourteen hundred hours, three minutes. BEVERLY That sounds about right. (beat) Computer, is there more than one U.S.S. Enterprise? COMPUTER VOICE This vessel is the fifth starship to bear the name U.S.S. Enterprise. It is currently the only one in service. BEVERLY What is the primary mission of the Starship Enterprise? COMPUTER VOICE To explore the galaxy. BEVERLY Do I have the necessary skills to complete that mission alone? COMPUTER VOICE Negative. BEVERLY Then why am I the only crew member? (a beat) Aha, gotcha there... COMPUTER VOICE That information is not available. She frowns. Enters a turbolift... STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/21/90 - ACT FOUR 41. 45C INT. BRIDGE Red Alert continuing. As she ENTERS from the turbolift... BEVERLY Computer, are you familiar with the inhabitants of Tau Alpha C? COMPUTER VOICE Affirmative. BEVERLY Are any presently located on a starbase or vessel within communication range? Beverly sits in the Captain's chair... COMPUTER VOICE Negative. BEVERLY Estimated time to Tau Alpha C at warp nine-point-five... COMPUTER VOICE One hundred twenty-three days. BEVERLY (beat, deciding) Lay in a new course for Tau Alpha C. And send them a subspace message advising our arrival. COMPUTER VOICE Acknowledged. BEVERLY Engage. Nothing happens. She reacts. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/23/90 - ACT FOUR 42. 45C CONTINUED: BEVERLY Computer, did you change course? COMPUTER VOICE State new destination or coordinates. BEVERLY I stated it, dammit... Tau Alpha C... COMPUTER VOICE There is no Tau Alpha C listed on current star maps... On her reaction... 45D EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) At impulse. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 44162.8. At the direction of the Traveler, the Enterprise is returning to Starbase One-Three-Three and the precise position where the subspace bubble was formed. 46 OMITTED 47 INT. ENGINEERING Wes and the Traveler moving to the pool table. Geordi works in the b.g. Wesley is very task-oriented here... the Traveler patient, calm... TRAVELER Our goal will be to create a stable gateway between our reality and your mother's reality... WESLEY We've tried to stabilize it. The link won't hold. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/17/90 - ACT FOUR 42A. 47 CONTINUED: TRAVELER Of course not. The equations are only the first step. We will be going beyond mathematics. WESLEY Just tell me what I have to do. The Traveler studies him... STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/17/90 - ACT FOUR 43. 47 CONTINUED: (2) TRAVELER It's nothing I can tell you, Wesley... WESLEY (frustrated) Then how am I supposed to do it? (off the Traveler's even stare) You said you'd help. TRAVELER You must allow me to help. WESLEY I don't know how. The Traveler takes a long look at the distressed boy... puts an arm on his shoulder. He motions for Wesley sit down at the pool table in front of a panel display... TRAVELER Begin by letting go of your guilt, Wesley. WESLEY It was my fault. I should never have tried... TRAVELER (interrupting) Focus on the present. You will have to be here... completely... to help her back. You must open yourself to time and space and the intricate threads that bind them. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/20/90 - ACT FOUR 44. 47 CONTINUED: (3) The Traveler sits opposite him at another station. TRAVELER Begin entering your warp field equations... Wesley begins to enter data into the panel, eyes watching his hands, smoothly professional, determined to do it right... the Traveler begins to enter data at the same time, eyes on Wesley... TRAVELER Close your eyes. Wesley glances up curiously at the Traveler who nods encouragement... Wes closes his eyes... TRAVELER Continue to enter the equations... WESLEY I don't have any more equations. TRAVELER See past the numbers. Trust yourself... Wesley tries but he cannot go on... he opens his eyes... groans with frustration. WESLEY I can't. I can't do it. The Traveler looks calmly at him, supportive. TRAVELER When the time comes, you will, Wesley. You will. Now, begin again... Wesley is not convinced... but he takes a deep breath, begins to enter the equations. 48 OMITTED 49 INT. BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Beverly is at Tactical. Red Alert still on. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/20/90 - ACT FOUR 45. 49 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Starbase One-Three-Three, this is the Enterprise. (no response) Starbase One-Three-Three, this is the Enterprise. Please acknowledge. (beat) Viewscreen on. There is nothing on the viewscreen but a gray, misty void. BEVERLY It's not just people... Everything is disappearing! She continues to stare at the viewscreen, trying to put it together. BEVERLY Computer, what is that... mist... I'm seeing? COMPUTER VOICE Sensors indicate it to be a mass-energy field seven hundred and five meters in diameter. BEVERLY It surrounds the ship? COMPUTER VOICE Affirmative. BEVERLY (to herself) If there isn't anything wrong with me... maybe there's something wrong with the universe... Computer, what is beyond the mass-energy field? COMPUTER VOICE Sensors cannot penetrate the field. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/21/90 - ACT FOUR 46. 49 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY Computer, here's a question you shouldn't be able to answer... What is the nature of the universe? COMPUTER VOICE (without hesitation) The universe is a spherical region seven hundred and five meters in diameter. Beverly stares at the gray mist on the viewscreen in shock. 50 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) nears Starbase One-Three-Three. 50A INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard, Riker, Data, Worf. DATA Approaching Starbase One-Three- Three, Captain... PICARD Slow to ten meters per second. RIKER Mister La Forge, prepare for precision station-keeping. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/17/90 - ACT FOUR 47. 51 INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) Geordi at a console... A couple of SUPERNUMERARIES work in the b.g. GEORDI Acknowledged. Readying thrusters. Moving to find Wesley and the Traveler still at the pool table... Wesley is shaky as the moment approaches. The Traveler works his panel alone... closes his eyes... TRAVELER There... there it is... On the monitors, a moving graphic of the warp bubble appears... Wesley reacts... the Traveler opens his eyes... TRAVELER We're moving into phase now (tech)... there's your warp bubble, Wesley... But his eyes narrow as he takes a close look... and even his calm exterior shows some concern now... WESLEY What? What's wrong. TRAVELER It's collapsing. On Wesley's reaction... 52 thru OMITTED 56 FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/20/90 - ACT FIVE 48. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 57 thru OMITTED 59 60 INT. BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Beverly paces, trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together, moves to a Science Station. BEVERLY Computer, give me a graphic representation of the universe. On a monitor a CAD diagram looks hauntingly familiar: the same distinctive shape as Wesley's CAD diagram. Pushing in on her as she recognizes it... BEVERLY (reacts) I've seen that before... (beat) Wesley's experiment... the bubble. Of course... But that would mean I'm the one trapped in the bubble... As she considers the implications, the ship suddenly shakes. BEVERLY Computer, what's happening? COMPUTER VOICE Explosive decompression: Decks Five through Fourteen. Sealing off forward sections. BEVERLY Cause? COMPUTER VOICE A flaw in the ship's design. BEVERLY (this is a new one) Show me. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/20/90 - ACT FIVE 48A. 60 CONTINUED: The image on the monitor switches to a cross section of the Enterprise showing a part of the ship simply missing, the section where more of the ship should be is outlined in flashing red. BEVERLY Analysis... ? STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/20/90 - ACT FIVE 49. 60 CONTINUED: (2) COMPUTER VOICE No ship's structures exist forward of Bulkhead Three-Four-Two. BEVERLY Superimpose the previous image over this one. Same scale. And continue to monitor. On the monitor the bubble now appears around the Enterprise. The ship shakes again. On the monitor the bubble contracts, and at its edge more sections of the ship are missing. BEVERLY (realizing) It's collapsing... COMPUTER VOICE (continuing) Hull integrity now compromised on Decks Three through Fifteen. BEVERLY How long can life support be maintained? COMPUTER VOICE Four minutes, seventeen seconds. Again the ship shakes. On the monitor the bubble contracts, and another section is gone. 60A INT. BRIDGE Picard, Riker, Troi, Worf and Data. DATA Sir, we have reestablished the exact coordinates and attitude. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/20/90 - ACT FIVE 50. 60A CONTINUED: RIKER (to com) Geordi, we're in position... your status? 61 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi examining the bubble on a monitor... GEORDI The warp bubble is contracting at a rate of fifteen meters per second... we'll lose it in about four minutes... He glances toward the pool table... the Traveler acknowledges, turns to Wesley... TRAVELER (calm) It's time, Wesley. Wesley swallows hard... sits back at his position... as the Traveler sits opposite him... GEORDI (to com) We're ready, Commander. 61A INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker glances at Picard who nods, begins to move toward the Turbolift... RIKER Proceed. PICARD I'll be in Engineering. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/20/90 - ACT FIVE 51. 61B INT. ENGINEERING As before the Traveler and Wesley punch equations into their computers. The Traveler never watches the computer, only Wesley... Wesley is concentrating, trying too hard... TRAVELER Let it go, Wesley... let go of the anticipation... the expectations... the demands upon yourself... let it all go... leave it behind. Wesley breathes deeply... lets go off tension in his face... TRAVELER Yes. The ability is there... inside you... you don't need to look for it... As Wesley closes his eyes, continuing to punch in equations... 62 INT. BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The Red Alert continues. Beverly is pacing, stops to stare at the diagram again as the ship shakes, then resumes pacing. COMPUTER VOICE Three minutes thirty seconds to life support failure. BEVERLY (to herself, quick pace, pressing herself to complete equation) The Traveler used his thoughts to alter warp fields... and thoughts became reality... Now I'm in a warp field... (beat) Could my thoughts have changed this reality? She's still not quite there, gives herself a pep talk: STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/20/90 - ACT FIVE 52. 62 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (continuing) Come on, Beverly! What's the next step?! (an idea) What was I thinking at the moment Wesley's bubble formed? Dalen Quaice... He said... all the people he'd known were gone... I thought of Jack... I went to see Wesley... the flash in Engineering... And that's when it started... when I started losing everybody! (lightbulb) My thoughts created this universe. Can they get me out of it again? COMPUTER That information is not available. BEVERLY I'm not talking to you. (beat) Click my heels together three times and I'm back in Kansas? Can it be that simple? She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes... PUSH IN to her face as she concentrates... a beat later, she opens her eyes. Nothing. BEVERLY (continuing; frowns) No, it can't be that simple. 62A INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) No Red Alert. Picard ENTERS. Geordi and supernumeraries are nearby. Wesley's relaxing into the task... still entering equations with his eyes closed. The Traveler, satisfied, closes his eyes... after a beat, he begins to phase... 63 INT. BRIDGE The Red Alert continues. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/20/90 - ACT FIVE 53. 63 CONTINUED: COMPUTER VOICE Two minutes thirty seconds to life support failure. BEVERLY Computer, hypothetical situation... a person is trapped inside a static warp bubble. Determine a means of escape... COMPUTER VOICE Escape would theoretically depend on establishing a stable threshold between the warp field and the outer environment. BEVERLY Can you describe this threshold? COMPUTER VOICE Negative. There are no known practical applications of this theory. BEVERLY Extrapolate from theoretical database. How might it manifest itself? COMPUTER VOICE A dynamic atmospheric disturbance of great intensity. BEVERLY Disturbance? The vortex! They must have been trying to reach me! But how do I find it... ? Wesley, where do I go? Help me... 63A INT. ENGINEERING Close on Wesley... as he goes deeper and deeper inside himself... using his extraordinary mental abilities, trying to reach out for his mother... 63B INT. BRIDGE Red Alert continuing. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/20/90 - ACT FIVE 53A. 63B CONTINUED: BEVERLY Stable threshold... They've been trying to create a stable threshold. Where are they trying to do it? (the final piece of the puzzle) Where did they do it the first time? Engineering! She bolts for the turbolift... COMPUTER VOICE One minute thirty seconds to life support failure. STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/20/90 - ACT FIVE 54. 64 thru OMITTED 70 70A INT. TURBOLIFT Beverly waits. Suddenly the turbolift jars to a halt. BEVERLY Engineering! COMPUTER VOICE Failure in Turboshaft Four. Unable to proceed to Main Engineering. BEVERLY Just get me anywhere on Deck Thirty-Six! The Turbolift begins moving again. 70B INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) No Red Alert. The Traveler is still phasing. His eyes and Wesley's eyes are still closed. And then, incredibly, Wesley begins to phase too... In the background, the vortex begin to form. Reactions. 71 INT. CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) Beverly steps off the turbolift. It vanishes behind her, revealing the gray, misty void. She sees it, takes off at a run. As she runs, pieces of the ship disappear behind her. She's only keeping a few steps ahead of it! 72 INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) Picard and Geordi watch as Welsey's phasing begins to sync up with the Traveler. The vortex grows even brighter. But then Geordi glances at his readouts, shakes his head, looks at Picard, quietly -- STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/21/90 - ACT FIVE 55. 72 CONTINUED: GEORDI We're losing the bubble... 73 INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) Red Alert. Beverly charges in. The vortex is there, but beginning to break up! She leaps through! 74 INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) Beverly half falls, half tumbles out of the vortex. The vortex vanishes in a flash of light. Picard moves to her. Wesley and the Traveler stop phasing. Wesley collapses, exhausted. And the Traveler, too, looks drained. Picard helps Beverly to her feet. He smiles, embraces her. BEVERLY Jean-Luc... (sees the Traveler, reacts) You... He stares at her. BEVERLY Do I have you to thank for getting me back? TRAVELER No. He steps aside to reveal Wesley. Wesley stands slowly, uncertain. She holds out her arms. Wesley moves to hug her. They hold each other in silence. BEVERLY Captain, if I may ask: how many people are there onboard? STAR TREK: "Remember Me" - REV. 8/21/90 - ACT FIVE 56. 74 CONTINUED: PICARD (surprised) One thousand fourteen, including your guest, Doctor Quaice. She closes her eyes. GEORDI Is there something wrong with that count? BEVERLY (smiles) No. That's the exact number there should be. She holds Wesley even tighter. 75 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it holds its position near the Starbase. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END