STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Reunion" #40274-181 Story by Drew Dieghan and Thomas Perry & Jo Perry Teleplay by Thomas Perry & Jo Perry and Ronald D. Moore & Brannon Braga Directed by Jonathan Frakes THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1990 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT SEPTEMBER 4, 1990 STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Reunion" CAST PICARD K'MPEC RIKER DURAS DATA GOWRON BEVERLY K'EHLEYR TROI ALEXANDER GEORDI KLINGON GUARD #1 WORF KLINGON GUARD #2 TRANSPORTER TECHNICIAN SECURITY OFFICER Non-Speaking Non-Speaking SECURITY GUARDS 4 KLINGON RETAINERS 2 CHILDREN NURSE MEDICAL TECHNICIAN SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: "Reunion" - 9/4/90 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Reunion" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE CORRIDOR KLINGON SHIPS: TURBOLIFT 1 ATTACK CRUISER MAIN ENGINEERING 2 BIRDS-OF-PREY SICKBAY TRANSPORTER ROOM K'EHLEYR'S QUARTERS WORF'S QUARTERS DURAS' QUARTERS DAY CARE CENTER READY ROOM OBSERVATION LOUNGE K'MPEC'S SHIP K'MPEC'S QUARTERS DURAS' SHIP DURAS' QUARTERS STAR TREK: "Reunion" - 9/4/90 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Reunion" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE QAB JIH NAGIL Kwab gee nah-GEL SONCHI Son-CHEE JA'CHUQ Zha-JUK MEV YAP Mev-YAP K'EHLEYR KAY-lar DURAS DYURAS K'MPEC KIM-peck GOWRON GOW-ron BAT'TELH BAT-telth JIH DOQ BATLH Gee DOK ba-tel VORN Vorn BURUK BOO-ruk JIH DOK gee DOK MAJ DOK mazh DOK HA'DIBAH KHA-di-bakh PAH DOQ CHA pah-DOK-cha TOMALAK TOM-ah-lack SHIVARRE she-VAR MOT'CHA MOT-cha STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/5/90 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: The Next Generation "Reunion" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship moving at impulse power. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log: Stardate 44246.3 We are investigating radiation anomalies reported in the Gamma Arigulon system by the starship LaSalle. Preliminary readings are inconclusive. 2 INT. MAIN BRIDGE PICARD, RIKER, DATA, WESLEY, and WORF at their stations. RIKER Mister Data? DATA No change, Commander. I can detect no abnormalities in the star's radiant energy. PICARD Prepare two class one probes. Data presses a few panels. DATA Probes ready, sir. PICARD Initiate launch sequence. Data begins to work his console. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/5/90 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: WORF (reads console) Captain... Klingon attack cruiser decloaking, bearing zero-one-zero mark three-two-seven. PICARD Belay that order, Mister Data. RIKER Did Starfleet mention any Klingon ships in this sector? Picard shakes his head. PICARD On screen. 3 thru OMITTED 4 5 ON VIEWER (OPTICAL) The attack cruiser (bigger than a bird-of-prey) DECLOAKS. 6 RETURN TO SCENE WORF We are being hailed. RIKER All stop, Mister Crusher. WESLEY Aye, sir. All stop. PICARD Open channel. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/5/90 - TEASER 3. 7 ON VIEWER (OPTICAL) K'EHLEYR, the striking half-human, half-Klingon woman appears on the screen. She wears an attractive tunic and is standing in front of a Klingon bulkhead. She is here on important business and it shows on her face. K'EHLEYR Hello, Captain Picard. 8 ON WORF He is pleasantly surprised at the sight of K'Ehleyr... but then he seems to remember something disturbing, and he pulls himself back into his customary Klingon stoic pose. 9 NEW ANGLE - INTERCUT AS NEEDED (OPTICAL) PICARD (surprised) Ambassador K'Ehleyr... This is an unexpected pleasure. K'EHLEYR It's good to see you again, Captain. (beat) Lieutenant Worf. It is said with a pleasant affection and a past relationship is obvious. Worf is uncomfortable, but manages a slight nod of acknowledgement. PICARD How may we be of assistance, Ambassador? K'EHLEYR There is an urgent matter we must discuss, Captain. Permission to come aboard? PICARD Granted. The viewer returns to a shot of the cruiser. Picard turns to Worf. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/5/90 - TEASER 4. 9 CONTINUED: PICARD Lieutenant, please receive our guest. WORF Captain... I must request permission to... send another officer. Picard is a little surprised. PICARD May I ask your reason? WORF My... dishonor among Klingons... may offend Ambassador K'Ehleyr. Picard frowns... PICARD (firm) You are a member of this crew, Lieutenant... and I will not have you go into hiding whenever a Klingon ship uncloaks. WORF I withdraw the request, sir. Picard nods and Worf EXITS. CUT TO: 10 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM TRANSPORTER TECHNICIAN behind the console. Worf ENTERS. TECHNICIAN I just received coordinates, sir. Ready to transport two from the Klingon vessel. WORF Two? TECHNICIAN Yes, sir. Worf isn't sure what to make of that. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - 9/4/90 - TEASER 5. 10 CONTINUED: WORF Energize. Worf tries to prepare himself. He is inwardly excited at the prospect of seeing this woman from his past, but holds himself tightly in check. The tech works the console. 11 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) K'Ehleyr and a Klingon boy (ALEXANDER) MATERIALIZE. (The boy should look about five human years old). K'Ehleyr smiles, glancing from the boy to Worf. On Worf's stunned reaction... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: 12 thru OMITTED 13 13A INT. DAY CARE CENTER (As seen in "The Offspring") Worf is standing in the outer office watching K'Ehleyr and Alexander through the glass. K'Ehleyr is saying goodbye to Alexander in the classroom area. There are SEVERAL CHILDREN playing in the b.g. K'Ehleyr ENTERS the outer office. K'EHLEYR (a little concerned) I hope he'll be all right. Alexander hasn't had much contact with other children. Worf looks at her for a beat... glances back at Alexander... decides not to respond and moves toward the Corridor door. K'Ehleyr follows. 14 OMITTED 14A INT. TURBOLIFT - CONTINUOUS As they ENTER. WORF Bridge. The turbolift MOVES. Worf is staring straight ahead, avoiding K'Ehleyr's gaze. She studies him, waiting for some kind of response. After a long beat, she grins sardonically. K'EHLEYR Not even a bite on the cheek for old time's sake? Worf doesn't see the humor in this, as usual. WORF Perhaps you are not aware of my dishonor. I have accepted... discommendation. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT ONE 6A. 14A CONTINUED: K'EHLEYR I've heard. So now what? I have to perform some ridiculous ritual to talk to you? Worf turns on her, rage boils to the surface. This is not a matter he takes lightly. WORF You may not respect our traditions... I do! Beat. K'EHLEYR (unabashed) Sorry. I just thought you might want to talk. (beat) A few minutes ago, you looked like someone with a question to ask. WORF Must I ask the question? K'EHLEYR Yes. You must. Worf looks at her... almost says something... then the mask closes over his face once more. The doors OPEN. Worf takes a step to leave, but K'Ehleyr stops him and tries once more to reach him. K'EHLEYR (continuing) What should I tell Alexander... that he has no father? Now it's been said aloud. A beat before Worf forces himself to EXIT. K'Ehleyr is disappointed... but she follows him. CUT TO: 14B INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE (FORMERLY SCENE 12) Picard, Riker, Data, TROI, and Worf listening to K'Ehleyr. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT ONE 7. 14B CONTINUED: K'EHLEYR The Klingon Empire is at a critical juncture. We may be facing civil war. Reactions around the table. RIKER War over what? K'EHLEYR The usual excuses... tradition... duty... (with glance at Worf) honor... DATA The word "excuses" implies that there are ulterior motives for a conflict. K'EHLEYR I won't bore you with the intricacies of Klingon politics. Basically, two factions are trying to seize power. PICARD Do you believe there is a threat to the Federation in this... struggle? K'EHLEYR Klingon wars seldom remain confined to the Empire. Sooner or later they'll drag in the neighboring star systems, then the Tholians, the Ferengi... the Federation won't be able to stay out of it for long. (beat) This has been coming for some time. Only K'mpec, the head of the council, has been able to maintain the peace. TROI Now something has changed that. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT ONE 8. 14B CONTINUED: (2) K'EHLEYR Correct. (beat) K'mpec is dying. Picard's frown deepens. He leans forward. K'EHLEYR He is aboard the cruiser. He has come specifically to meet with you, Captain. Alone. On Picard's reaction... CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/5/90 - ACT ONE 9. 15 OMITTED 16 EXT. SPACE - KLINGON CRUISER (OPTICAL) The ship hangs in space. 17 INT. K'MPEC'S QUARTERS A large cabin intended to house visiting admirals or dignitaries. There are a few nasty-looking weapons in plain view along with decorative banners and emblems of the Empire, denoting its current occupant's rank as head of the High Council. There are several chairs and tables. A flagon of wine sits on one table. A single set of doors is visible. The doors OPEN and Picard is escorted in by a Klingon sentry. 18 NEW ANGLE K'MPEC moves out of a dark corner and steps into the light. He looks older, more frail than when we saw him before. His cloak hangs on him like the shawl of an old man rather than the cape of a warrior, but there is still a vestige of steel left in his eyes. K'MPEC It's about time you arrived, Picard. Didn't she tell you I was dying? He waves out the sentry. K'mpec is easily winded and he sits. PICARD I heard you were ill. K'MPEC (matter-of-fact) I'm not ill, I'm dying. Sit. Picard sits. K'mpec's bravado disappears. K'MPEC (continuing) I need your help. PICARD If the Enterprise medical facility... STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT ONE 10. 18 CONTINUED: K'MPEC Too late. For months I've been poisoned with small doses of Veridium Six. (indicating wine) The wine. There is no cure. K'mpec picks up the flagon and drinks a large gulp of wine in a contemptuous gesture. He takes a ragged breath... winded again. The poison is catching up with him. Picard absorbs this... knows that K'mpec doesn't want his sympathy. PICARD What do you want of me? K'MPEC After I die... you will act in my name to arbitrate the struggle for power. Picard reacts. A beat. Picard, incredulously, studies the old leader... PICARD I will? K'MPEC No one on the Council can be trusted and... I have my reasons for wanting an... outsider. PICARD K'mpec. You can't be serious. A Federation officer has no business... K'MPEC (interrupting) Nonsense. You are an accomplished mediator. This is no different than any other dispute requiring your services. PICARD On the contrary, I think it is very different. And I must respectfully decline. K'mpec rises and regains a bit of the fire we've seen before... STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT ONE 11. 18 CONTINUED: (2) K'MPEC If you refuse the dying request of the Klingon Supreme Commander... it will be a Federation insult to all Klingons! Picard stares at him. Off-handed -- K'MPEC Besides, I've already sent the orders to the leaders of the two opposing factions. They're on their way. PICARD (angry) You had no right to involve me without my permission. K'MPEC If I'd asked, you would have said no. PICARD This is not a case of simple mediation... you are asking me to choose the next leader of the Klingon Empire. K'MPEC No. By tradition, the two strongest challengers fight for the right of succession. But as mediator only you can designate those challengers. PICARD But you've just said there are only two challengers arriving. What is the point? K'MPEC The point, my good Captain Picard, is for you to discover which one of them has killed me -- Gowron or Duras. Picard reacts to Duras' name. K'MPEC Yes -- Duras. I thought you'd find that interesting. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT ONE 12. 18 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD (dry) Interesting? Yes, I would say that, since he conspired to strip Worf of his good name and tried to have me killed... K'MPEC And I approved. And shrugs, so what? Picard studies him. K'MPEC All for the good of the Empire. That should be my epitaph. This takes a great deal out of him. K'mpec leans back in his chair, exhausted. K'MPEC Find the assassin. The Klingon who kills without showing his face has no honor. He must not lead the Empire. Such a man would be capable of anything. Even war with the Federation. Picard is a little moved by the sight of this lion in winter. He takes a long beat to think it over... makes the decision. PICARD Very well. I accept. There is a trace of relief in K'mpec's face... his final task completed. K'MPEC If there is war... it will not end quickly. Millions of warriors... hundreds of worlds... destruction on a galactic scale... (beat) Part of me regrets that I'll miss it. As he drinks deeply from his wine, on Picard's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT TWO 13. ACT TWO FADE IN: 19 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE AND KLINGON SHIP (OPTICAL) PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log: supplemental. K'mpec, who ruled the Klingon Empire longer than anyone in history, is dead. We await the arrival of Duras and Gowron... rivals for the leadership of the High Council. 20 OMITTED 20A INT. DAY CARE CENTER There are SEVERAL CHILDREN playing, ages 5 to 10. Alexander is being taught how to play a game using large blocks and balls by three other kids. As he tries his hand at the game... but instead of following the rules, he just grabs all the blocks to the protest of the other kids. They try to stop him... Alexander bares his teeth, as if to challenge them all... just as Worf's HAND suddenly moves into frame and restrains him. 20B thru OMITTED 22 23 NEW ANGLE Revealing Worf standing over Alexander and the other kids. Alexander looks up defiantly at Worf. WORF There is no honor in attacking the weak. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT TWO 14. 23 CONTINUED: ALEXANDER I would have won! WORF You must earn victory... As Worf leads him out... 24 INT. CORRIDOR Worf and Alexander are heading for K'Ehleyr's quarters. Alexander is very curious... trying to probe. Worf is resistant, doesn't want to establish a connection with the boy, but it's difficult to distance himself. ALEXANDER Where are the other Klingons? WORF There are no others on board. ALEXANDER Why? WORF The Federation and the Klingon Empire were enemies for many years. No other Klingons have asked to serve in Starfleet. ALEXANDER Why? Worf is really getting tired of this. WORF (firm) A warrior does not ask so many questions. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/5/90 - ACT TWO 15. 24 CONTINUED: ALEXANDER (a little surprised) I don't want to be a warrior. Worf's eyes flash... this is not what he wants to hear from his own son! 25 INT. K'EHLEYR'S QUARTERS K'Ehleyr is studying an Okudagram on a terminal. The door OPENS and Worf and Alexander ENTER. Alexander runs to his mother, gives her a quick hug. She looks at Worf with surprise. K'EHLEYR (to Alexander) Hello! You're back early. ALEXANDER He made me leave. K'Ehleyr gives Worf a questioning look. K'EHLEYR Why don't you go to your room and play. Alexander EXITS to adjacent bedroom. K'EHLEYR (sarcastic) Is he under arrest? Worf doesn't want to play her game of verbal give-and- take. WORF (angry) He knows nothing of our ways! K'EHLEYR Our ways? You mean Klingon ways, don't you? WORF He is Klingon! K'EHLEYR He is also my son... and I am half- human. He will find his own ways. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT TWO 15A. 25 CONTINUED: K'EHLEYR (Cont'd) Why the sudden concern? You won't even acknowledge that he's yours. He knows she's right... it deflates some of his anger, but not all of it. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/5/90 - ACT TWO 16. 25 CONTINUED: (2) WORF Why did you not tell me? K'EHLEYR And what would you have done? Worf looks away, knows where she's going with this. K'EHLEYR (continuing) That's right... you would have insisted that we take the oath... just as tradition would demand. WORF You should not have kept this from me. K'EHLEYR (softer) Well, now you know. A beat of silence. K'Ehleyr moves to Worf... there is still a great deal of attraction and passion between them. Worf responds to her gentler tone, but this is very difficult for him. WORF I cannot... acknowledge my relationship to the boy. K'Ehleyr turns away, bitterly disappointed. WORF (continuing) It would only harm him. K'EHLEYR Because you were dishonored? WORF As my son, he would also bear my disgrace... as would his children. K'Ehleyr is frustrated... she wants to understand, but Worf is still holding out on her. K'EHLEYR Why did you accept discommendation from the High Council? STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT TWO 17. 25 CONTINUED: (3) Worf looks away, as if watching the scene from the past being replayed all over again. WORF (quiet) My father was accused of collaborating with the Romulans at Khitomer... K'EHLEYR I know. And I also know that you challenged it... WORF Yes... at first. Ultimately... I withdrew my challenge. K'EHLEYR But why, Worf? I can't believe you'd just give up. He forces himself to crush down the feelings of rage and betrayal that rise to the surface. K'Ehleyr knows that Worf still isn't telling her everything. K'EHLEYR (continuing) What really happened? Worf wants to answer... debates with himself for a second... but knows that he can't. He heads for the door... furious at the situation. RIKER'S COM VOICE Lieutenant Worf, Ambassador K'Ehleyr, report to the Bridge. Worf stops, irritated. WORF (hits communicator) On our way, Commander. K'Ehleyr moves to him... they share a look that says there is still much to discuss... CUT TO: 26 EXT. SPACE - KLINGON SHIPS (OPTICAL) TWO KLINGON BIRDS-OF-PREY approach the Enterprise and the first Klingon ship. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT TWO 18. 27 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard, Data, Riker, and Wesley at their positions. SUPERNUMERARY at Tactical. WESLEY Klingon vessels Vorn and Buruk holding stations at thirteen kilometers. PICARD Open a channel, Mister Data. DATA (works console) Channel open. Vorn responding to hail. PICARD On screen. 28 ON VIEWER (OPTICAL) (INTERCUT AS NEEDED) DURAS appears, standing in front of a bulkhead. His impatience is obvious. DURAS Let's get this over with, Picard. PICARD In good time, Duras. DURAS Even in death, K'mpec makes foolish decisions. You should not be involved in this, human. PICARD (coolly) The Sonchi ceremony will take place in one hour aboard K'mpec's ship. DURAS (furious) One hour! What is the delay? PICARD There is no delay. It is the time I have chosen. Worf and K'Ehleyr ENTER from turbolift. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT TWO 18A. 28 CONTINUED: DURAS (frowns) Exactly one hour, Picard. Do not be late. Duras sees Worf and reacts. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT TWO 19. 28 CONTINUED: (2) DURAS (continuing, re: Worf) Keep that pahtk away from the ceremony, Picard. He has no place on a Klingon ship. PICARD (will not be pushed) Picard... out. Picard motions for Data to end the transmission and Duras' face is replaced by the view of the Klingon ships. Picard stands. PICARD (to Data) Contact Gowron's ship, tell him to meet us aboard K'mpec's vessel. Ambassador, I'll meet you in Transporter Room Six in an hour. We'll begin the ceremony a little late. (moves to Ready Room) Mister Worf. Worf follows. CUT TO: 29 INT. READY ROOM As they ENTER. PICARD Worf, I know the next couple of days will be difficult for you... WORF You have made it clear that I am to perform my regular duties, sir. PICARD (beat) I want you to know I am aware of your... discomfort. WORF Thank you, sir. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT TWO 19A. 29 CONTINUED: They share a look between commander and officer that is very intimate. Picard is pleased. They sit. PICARD Ambassador K'ehleyr will be preparing me for my role in the rite of succession. But I have no doubt that I will be calling upon you for assistance as well, Lieutenant. WORF Permission to speak freely, sir? PICARD Granted. WORF Duras must not be allowed to lead the council. PICARD He has a legal claim, Worf. Your personal feelings toward him... WORF It is not personal, sir. His father betrayed my people to the Romulans. Duras is a traitor. Picard takes a moment. PICARD Klingon tradition may blame the son for the father's sins. I cannot, Worf. Treason was his father's disgrace. Duras' crime was to put that blame on your father... I will not forget that. But you should not forget that you chose to accept the consequences of that lie. WORF (acknowledges) To preserve the Empire. PICARD The issue now is whether or not he killed K'mpec. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT TWO 20. 29 CONTINUED: (2) WORF Sir? PICARD He was murdered... poisoned. WORF (shocked) A Klingon would not use poison... the murder would have no honor. PICARD K'mpec believed the assassin to be either Duras or Gowron. WORF (reacts) I know little of Gowron. Only that he is an outsider who has often challenged the council. But Duras... I know him... his heart is not Klingon. On Picard... CUT TO: 30 EXT. SPACE - KLINGON SHIP (OPTICAL) K'mpec's ship. 31 INT. K'MPEC'S QUARTERS K'mpec's body has been left sitting in his chair. There should be no feeling of this being a "wake" in the human sense of the word... K'mpec's corpse is accorded no reverence. Picard and K'Ehleyr stand at the head of the room. K'Ehleyr is holding a painstick. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/6/90 - ACT TWO 21. 32 NEW ANGLE as the doors OPEN. GOWRON and TWO KLINGON RETAINERS ENTER. One of the retainers carries a painstik. Gowron looks hostile, impatient... not a likely ally for Picard. They barely glance at the corpse and move to the left of K'mpec's still form. 33 ON PICARD AND K'EHLEYR K'EHLEYR (quiet) That's Gowron. Picard looks at K'mpec's dead body. PICARD (with distaste) I hope this is brief. K'EHLEYR It will be just long enough to prove that K'mpec is dead. 34 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) as Duras and TWO MORE RETAINERS ENTER. One of Duras' men also carries a painstik. Duras wears a cloak showing him to be a member of the Council. Duras and Gowron snarl with hate at the sight of each other. Their retainers tense and it looks like they might fight it out right here... the moment passes and Duras moves to the opposite side of the room from Gowron. Both parties look expectantly at Picard. K'Ehleyr hands the painstik to Picard. He moves forward and stands before K'mpec's corpse. PICARD Qab... jIH... nagil (Face me if you dare!) He places the end of the painstik on K'mpec's chest and there is an ELECTRIC BUZZ as the stick discharges. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/6/90 - ACT TWO 22. 34 CONTINUED: Picard moves away from this distasteful duty and goes back to his position. Gowron immediately moves forward and takes his painstik. GOWRON Qab jIH nagil! Gowron plunges the 'stik into K'mpec and relishes the moment as the stick BUZZES. He removes the 'stik, and Gowron goes back to his place. Duras now takes his turn. DURAS Qab jiH nagil! Duras viciously jabs the body of K'mpec, holding the 'stik in for a long beat. He goes back to his place. K'EHLEYR Sonchi. (He is dead) The ceremony has ended. Duras and Gowron move to Picard. DURAS (scowls, to Picard) Now complete the Rite of Succession. It's obvious who the two challengers are. PICARD We will proceed according to the traditions and precedents set down in Klingon law. GOWRON What do you know of Klingon law, Human? PICARD We will reconvene on the Enterprise within--- DURAS No! Finish it here, now! STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/6/90 - ACT TWO 23. 34 CONTINUED: (2) Gowron is about to say something when there is a sudden EXPLOSION from where Duras' men are standing. Everyone is knocked off his feet and it is not clear who is dead or injured. Linger on the smoke and rubble... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT THREE 24. ACT THREE FADE IN: 35 INT. K'EHLEYR'S QUARTERS K'ehleyr is standing near the window. Worf ENTERS. He is obviously concerned... moves to her. He almost comforts her... pulls himself back... tries to pretend he came here on official business. WORF I... have not received your report on the explosion. K'Ehleyr looks at him... and slowly smiles. She can see through this charade. K'EHLEYR Two Klingons killed... a few minor injuries. (beat, then soft) Were you concerned about me? WORF As head of security... it is my duty to be concerned. K'EHLEYR Is that it? Just official concern for my well-being? WORF (difficult) You know my... feelings. K'EHLEYR Maybe I've forgotten. They share a look... and it's clear that neither one of them has forgotten any of the feelings they share. WORF You were right... I would have insisted that we take the oath. But not just because of tradition... K'EHLEYR I thought about telling you... wanted to tell you. I wasn't ready. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/6/90 - ACT THREE 24A. 35 CONTINUED: She steps closer to him and the sexual tension rises another degree. K'EHLEYR When I left, you said you'd never be complete without me. It took some time... but I came to realize... I need you too. You're part of me, Worf. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT THREE 25. 35 CONTINUED: (2) They unconsciously move closer... pulled by feelings they can barely control. Worf breathes deeply of her scent... her eyes blaze with passion... Worf softly quotes the ancient Klingon words of devotion. WORF jIH dok (My blood) K'EHLEYR (hearing the call) maj dok (Our blood) They are inches away from each other... the attraction is almost overpowering. But Worf finally pulls away and breaks the moment. WORF I cannot allow you to... suffer my humiliation. K'EHLEYR There would be no suffering... I don't care what other Klingons think of you. WORF But what of the boy? He may want to live in the Empire someday. He would be an outcast... another traitor from a family of traitors. K'EHLEYR "Family of traitors?" I don't believe that for a minute. But now Worf reaches out to her... makes a personal appeal and connection. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/6/90 - ACT THREE 25A. 35 CONTINUED: (3) WORF (quiet) Respect my wishes in this matter. I cannot take the oath with you... (very difficult) And I cannot claim your son. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT THREE 26. 35 CONTINUED: (4) K'Ehleyr looks in his eyes... sees the pain there and reluctantly acquiesces. A long beat. K'EHLEYR If you cannot be his father... at least be his friend. Worf considers this... and nods his agreement. They continue to look at each other with barely restrained feelings of mutual need... CUT TO: 36 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) 36A INT. READY ROOM K'Ehleyr and Picard. PICARD (frustrated) We haven't completed our analysis of the bomb debris... and Doctor Crusher is still studying the remains of the two men killed in the explosion. (beat) We need more time. K'EHLEYR Duras and Gowron will be here in a few minutes. I don't think you can delay this meeting again. PICARD Is there some way of stretching out the formalities once they arrive? K'EHLEYR In the modern Rite of Succession, only a brief proclamation that two challengers have been chosen is necessary. PICARD You said "modern Rite"... how was the ritual performed in the past? K'Ehleyr thinks for a moment. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT THREE 26A. 36A CONTINUED: K'EHLEYR The old forms dictated that the challengers perform the ja'chuq. (beat as she recalls) It's a long, involved ceremony where the challengers list the battles they've won, the prizes they've taken... the idea is to prove their worthiness to lead the Council. PICARD Can the old form still be used? K'EHLEYR (a small smile) It's up to you... you can use any form you want. Picard sees a plan and smiles to himself in satisfaction. K'EHLEYR Captain... What do you know about Worf's discommendation? Picard's expression goes neutral. K'EHLEYR (continuing) My interest is... personal. I understand that you were there... you stood by him before the Council. I'd like to know what happened. Picard looks away... thinks for a beat... knows there can be only one answer. He turns back to K'Ehleyr. PICARD I'm sorry... but I cannot discuss it. K'Ehleyr is disappointed... she waits a beat and then EXITS. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT THREE 26B. 37 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Duras and Gowron are moving restlessly in the room... like caged animals. TWO N.D. SECURITY GUARDS are posted in the center and they watch the two men closely. Picard and K'Ehleyr ENTER. Picard moves to the head of the table, K'Ehleyr stands at his side. DURAS The Council must have a leader... now! (re:Gowron) Complete the rite so I can kill this ha'DIbah. Gowron turns on Duras... the Security Guards move closer, ready to separate them if necessary. GOWRON (deadly) You will die slowly, Duras. DURAS You've already proved you don't have the courage to face me... perhaps you should plant another bomb... Gowron explodes. He HITS one security guard, knocking him out of the way. Duras prepares himself for attack as Gowron moves on him. The other security guard pulls his phaser and points it at Gowron. PICARD mev yap! (Stop!) Duras and Gowron stop automatically... the first security guard gets up and pulls his phaser. A tense beat. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT THREE 27. 37 CONTINUED: PICARD (firm) Sit down. The two Klingons make no move to obey, but neither do they move toward each other. PICARD (continuing) We will begin the ja'chuq. That got their attention... they both react and turn to Picard. GOWRON What! DURAS (re: K'Ehleyr) This woman is giving you bad advice, Picard. The ja'chuq is obsolete. Picard is unfazed by this. He gestures to the two Security guards, and they put away their phasers. PICARD I choose to respect the ancient ritual. Each of you must prove your worthiness to lead the High Council. GOWRON That will take hours! K'EHLEYR Or days... depending on your cooperation. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT THREE 28. 37 CONTINUED: (2) Neither of them is prepared to wait that long. A tense beat... and then they both sit. A look between K'Ehleyr and Picard: we've got them. CUT TO: 38 INT. WORF'S QUARTERS Worf is trying to interest Alexander in some of the Klingon artifacts in his room. Alexander is bored and his attention wanders. Worf is holding a small Klingon statue. WORF Kathless... the Unforgettable... he united the Homeworld in the year... Alexander walks over to another part of the room... looking for something more interesting. Worf puts down the statue and tries again. Alexander is examining a tricorder. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/6/90 - ACT THREE 29. 38 CONTINUED: WORF A tricorder... (takes device) It is operated by activating the... Alexander's interest is momentary, however, and he goes into the bedroom. Worf follows. 39 NEW ANGLE revealing more of Worf's bedroom. Alexander is looking with keen interest at something on a bulkhead. MOVE TO REVEAL a mounted case with a weapon inside. It is semi-circular curved blade that branches to four points. It is about three feet wide. There is a terrible beauty about the blade. Worf sees that he can make a connection here. WORF It is a bat'telh. Alexander continues to stare at the weapon. Worf carefully removes it from the case. The bat'telh is held by two handles on the mid-exterior of the blade. There is a sense of reverence and respect in his attitude toward the sword. WORF (continuing) It belonged to my father... it has been in our family for ten generations. Alexander is fascinated... he has an instinctual attraction to the weapon. ALEXANDER Let me hold it. He hands it to Alexander. It's heavier than he expected. Alexander swings it in an awkward fashion. Worf steps in... acting like a patient teacher. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/6/90 - ACT THREE 30. 39 CONTINUED: WORF No. (takes the weapon) Do not think of it as a weapon... make it part of your hand... your arm... make it part of you. Worf moves in an intricate dance of parry and thrust that combines both power and grace. The bat'telh can be used as either shield or sword. Worf hands it back to Alexander... the boy tries to emulate the movements. Worf starts to physically guide him through the motions. A small bond forms as they practice together... CUT TO: 40 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE K'Ehleyr is sitting at the table, working on a padd. Gowron ENTERS. K'EHLEYR (without looking up) The next meeting is in three hours. GOWRON I would speak with you alone, Ambassador. She looks up. K'EHLEYR (sardonic) I'm honored. Beat. Gowron's attitude is probing... trying to get K'Ehleyr on his side. GOWRON Picard is prolonging the ja'chuq. Why? K'EHLEYR He has sufficient reason to proceed carefully. GOWRON He relies on you for his knowledge of Klingon law... STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/6/90 - ACT THREE 31. 40 CONTINUED: K'EHLEYR Yes. GOWRON Then he values your advice. You could quicken the pace. K'EHLEYR Possibly. Why should I? He casually moves to the windows. GOWRON Your position is... unique. Have you never wondered about serving the Klingon Empire? K'EHLEYR I serve in my own way. GOWRON As a Federation Ambassador. (beat) A few rewards... but little glory. K'EHLEYR What do you want? GOWRON What do you want? Command of a ship... a seat on the Council? There are many opportunities for you in the Empire. K'EHLEYR Opportunities that will present themselves only if you come to power. You talk like a Ferengi. Gowron's expression hardens. GOWRON K'mpec was also stubborn... he too refused to listen... now he's gone... you need not make the same mistake. K'Ehleyr hears the threat in his voice, and isn't frightened by it. She stands. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT THREE 32. 40 CONTINUED: (2) K'EHLEYR (with steel) K'mpec was old and weak... I am not. Gowron sees the rejection in her eyes. There is a long tense beat, and then Gowron EXITS. On K'Ehleyr's expression... 40A INT. MAIN ENGINEERING GEORDI and Data at the pool table. They are working on one of the consoles. Riker ENTERS and goes over to them. GEORDI (to Riker) We've completed our analysis of the bomb debris. DATA The explosive was a triceron derivative. GEORDI The entire device couldn't have been more than three cubic millimeters in size... RIKER Then it could have been hidden anywhere in the room. GEORDI (acknowledges) There's one other thing, Commander... The bomb had a molecular-decay detonator. DATA Only one race uses that device, sir... RIKER (nods) The Romulans. On Riker... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT FOUR 33. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 41 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Riker, Data, Worf, K'Ehleyr, and Geordi. PICARD How could Romulans have planted a bomb aboard a Klingon attack cruiser? WORF It would be impossible. K'EHLEYR Not if the Romulans had help... from one of the Klingons. Reactions from around the table... GEORDI (with disbelief) Klingons and Romulans working together? They've been blood enemies for seventy-five years. PICARD Perhaps Duras or Gowron wishes to improve that relationship. RIKER A new Klingon alliance with the Romulans? DATA If true, it would represent a fundamental shift of power in the quadrant. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT FOUR 34. 41 CONTINUED: PICARD Indeed. (beat) It would put the Federation in a very uncomfortable position. RIKER (a beat) Gowron or Duras? K'EHLEYR Gowron came to me alone... wanted me to speed up the ja'chuq... offered me a seat on the Council if I'd help him. PICARD (reacts) But does that suggest a Romulan connection? K'EHLEYR (shrugs, perhaps) He also implied that I would end up like K'mpec if I didn't cooperate. Picard nods... takes this into account. After a beat... WORF Captain... I disagree. It must be Duras. Worf and Picard exchange a look. K'Ehleyr notices. K'EHLEYR (to Worf) Why? STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT FOUR 34A. 41 CONTINUED: (2) Worf remains silent. PICARD We have had prior dealings with Duras that showed him to be... untrustworthy. She waits for him to continue... finally pushes for more information. K'EHLEYR (with an edge) Can you be more specific? STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT FOUR 35. 41 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD No. K'Ehleyr isn't happy with that response, but keeps it to herself. Picard, thoughtful, turns and studies Worf a beat... PICARD Mister Worf, we now have a conspiracy on our hands that could be a direct threat to the security of the Federation. WORF Yes sir. PICARD As Chief Security Officer, you will accompany me to the next transition proceeding. WORF (reacts) Captain, they will be incensed. My presence will be... disruptive. PICARD (nods, a beat) Yes. It will. K'Ehleyr studies the silent communication between the two men and is losing patience with being left on the outside. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Reunion" - 9/4/90 - ACT FOUR 35A. 41A INT. MAIN BRIDGE Worf ENTERS from Observation Lounge... K'Ehleyr has been waiting for him. They EXIT to turbolift together. 42 INT. TURBOLIFT - CONTINUOUS Worf and K'Ehleyr ENTER. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT FOUR 36. 42 CONTINUED: WORF Deck Twenty-Three. The turbolift MOVES. A beat of silence. K'EHLEYR Halt. The turbolift STOPS. K'EHLEYR (continuing) You suspect Duras. Why? WORF I cannot--- K'EHLEYR Don't tell me that again! I'm trying to do my job while you withhold vital information... Her anger sparks Worf's temper and the tension in the turbolift steadily rises. WORF I will not discuss this with you or anyone else. K'EHLEYR Captain Picard seems well- informed. (Worf stonewalls) There's more at stake here than your personal honor. WORF I am aware of what is at stake here! K'EHLEYR But you're still willing to hide the truth! WORF I am hiding nothing! STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT FOUR 37. 42 CONTINUED: (2) K'EHLEYR (pushing hard) You're hiding everything, just like you always do... behind that precious Klingon honor. Why? Because you don't have the courage to face life without clinging to some archaic ritual? The accusation stabs Worf and he moves toward her in rage... she blocks him with a forearm. They glare at each other for a beat. K'Ehleyr steps back... they both realize they've gone too far. K'EHLEYR Exit. The doors OPEN and K'Ehleyr EXITS. A beat on Worf's reaction... CUT TO: 43 OMITTED 44 INT. K'EHLEYR'S QUARTERS K'Ehleyr ENTERS, still upset over the scene with Worf. She takes a deep breath... settles herself and then sits down at the computer terminal. K'EHLEYR Computer, list stardates of the last Enterprise mission to the Klingon home planet. COMPUTER VOICE Stardates 43685 through 43689. K'EHLEYR How many ship's logs during that period? COMPUTER VOICE Forty-three officer's logs. Ten personal logs. She takes a beat... hesitates, but asks anyway... STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT FOUR 38. 44 CONTINUED: K'EHLEYR Is there a personal log for Lieutenant Worf? COMPUTER VOICE Affirmative. Access is restricted. K'EHLEYR (a long beat, finally deciding) Eliminate all personal logs. List the other forty-three in chronological order... we'll take them one at a time... As the computer begins to list available logs... 45 thru OMITTED 46 46A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) 47 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard sitting at the table with Duras. Gowron is standing at the far end of the room, reciting part of the ritual. The two security men continue to watch in the b.g. GOWRON (with fervor) jIH DoQ batlh! (I claim the honor!) He looks to Picard, who nods and then Gowron sits down. PICARD Both your claims have been properly made and recorded. We are ready for the final phase of the ja'chuq. There will be a recess while I review your petitions. Gowron and Duras start to rise. But Picard motions for them to stay.  STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT FOUR 38A. 47 CONTINUED: PICARD (beat) I know that you're as concerned as I am about the explosion aboard K'mpec's ship. I assume both of your investigations are continuing... STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT FOUR 39. 47 CONTINUED: (2) GOWRON (dismissive) The investigations are complete. They revealed nothing of any importance. PICARD That's very interesting... because our analysis turned up some startling results. (keying insignia) Will you join us? 47A NEW ANGLE As Worf ENTERS. Duras and Gowron are on their feet instantly. GOWRON (outraged) He has no place here, Picard! DURAS I will not sit at the same table with that! Worf takes their reactions stoically. PICARD (final) It is my prerogative to investigate anything relevant to the Rite of Succession. Lieutenant Worf is my chief of security. His presence is required. DURAS We will not proceed... PICARD I will determine how we proceed. If you wish to withdraw from the ja'chuq... that is your option. Duras continues to glare for a few seconds... sees no way out... sits down. Gowron slowly follows suit. Picard nods to Worf. He moves forward and starts to press Gowron and Duras. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT FOUR 40. 47A CONTINUED: WORF What did your investigations reveal about the explosion? DURAS (mocking) It was a bomb. WORF (to Gowron) Was your analysis just as... insightful? GOWRON It was a common explosive. WORF (impatient) What type? GOWRON (tired of this) Triceron. WORF What about the detonator? DURAS This is pointless! The findings were inconclusive. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT FOUR 41. 47A CONTINUED: (2) WORF Fortunately, our investigation was more... thorough. Worf leans on the table and stares at Duras. WORF (continuing) The bomb used a molecular-decay detonator. Worf continues to stare at Duras, who can't hold his gaze. GOWRON What! PICARD (nods) A Romulan device. The unspoken accusation hangs in the air for a moment. DURAS (stands) I will return to my ship. I want to confirm these... conclusions myself. GOWRON As will I. PICARD Lieutenant, please be sure to send a complete record of our findings to both vessels... and to the High Council. (beat) We are adjourned. Duras and Gowron EXIT. Worf's eyes never leave Duras. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/11/90 - ACT FOUR 42. 48 OMITTED 49 INT. K'EHLEYR'S QUARTERS K'Ehleyr reading information on the terminal, reacting to what she sees... K'EHLEYR ...Khitomer... (beat) Computer, why was the Enterprise crew studying the transmission logs from the Khitomer outpost? COMPUTER VOICE Reference Chief Engineer's entry, stardate 43686.1. Certain transmission logs between the Khitomer outpost and the Romulan patrol ships were altered after the destruction of the colony. K'EHLEYR Altered. By whom? COMPUTER VOICE That information is not available. She takes a thoughtful beat... K'EHLEYR Computer, interlock with the Klingon Imperial information net. After a beat, the monitor changes to Klingon writing and symbols. COMPUTER VOICE Interlock established. K'EHLEYR Federation Ambassador K'Ehleyr requesting diplomatic access to High Council record. Security code pah doQ cha! COMPUTER VOICE Proceed. K'EHLEYR Computer, display summary of the most recent High Council inquiry regarding the Khitomer massacre. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT FOUR 42A. 49A INSERT (OPTICAL) Klingon information scrolls briefly on the terminal screen and then stops. A large Klingon word ("Denied") appears in the middle of the screen and blinks on and off. COMPUTER VOICE Access denied. Restricted materials, du-ko-cha clearance only. 49B RETURN TO SCENE As before. K'EHLEYR By whose order? COMPUTER VOICE Council member Duras. She reacts. A long beat. K'EHLEYR Access biographical files. Subject name: Councilor Duras. CUT TO: 50 INT. DURAS' QUARTERS (ENTERPRISE) One of Duras' lieutenants (GUARD #2) is leaning over the computer reading a message as Duras ENTERS. An Enterprise SECURITY OFFICER takes his position outside the door. DURAS Advise my counselors on the Vorn to convene... there is much to discuss... (re: the computer) What is that... GUARD#2 Priority message to you from the home planet on a secure channel. Duras watches the information on the screen. His expression hardens. He exchanges a disturbed glance with the guard. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT FOUR 42B. 50A OMITTED 50B INT. CORRIDOR Guard#2 ENTERS from Duras' quarters... walks swiftly by the security officer and down the hall... the officer reacts... SECURITY OFFICER Excuse me, sir... The Klingon takes no notice, moves away... the officer follows him quickly... SECURITY OFFICER Sir, you cannot leave your quarters without an escort... Well down the corridor, the Klingon stops and turns to the approaching officer... GUARD#2 I am not helpless. I don't need a Starfleet escort. 50C ANGLE - FAVORING THE OFFICER Behind him, Duras slips out of his room and disappears down the opposite end of the corridor. SECURITY OFFICER I'm sorry, sir... Captain's orders. I'll be happy to call a security officer to accompany you... GUARD#2 (growls) It's an outrage. An insult. I will return to quarters. And storms back to the same room. On the security officer's reaction... 51 INT. K'EHLEYR'S QUARTERS K'Ehleyr is working at the terminal. The door CHIMES. K'EHLEYR Come. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT FOUR 43. 51 CONTINUED: Duras ENTERS. K'Ehleyr stands up. DURAS I have been informed of your attempt to access restricted Council records. K'Ehleyr is not intimidated by his attitude. K'EHLEYR I've been investigating what happened at Khitomer. Duras' eyes narrow. K'EHLEYR (continuing) Not an easy task... considering that most of the records are sealed... DURAS Worf's father was a traitor. K'EHLEYR No, the evidence was altered to make it appear that way. (beat) I found it interesting to read that your father was also at Khitomer. And you are the one who sealed the records. DURAS You would dare to insult my father's name? K'EHLEYR Don't play the wounded Klingon for me, Duras... you don't do it very well. (beat) What happened in the council chambers... how did you get Worf to take the blame for you... STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT FOUR 43A. 51 CONTINUED: (2) DURAS Do not pursue this matter further... K'EHLEYR The son betrays his people to the Romulans just as his father did... Eh, Duras? On Duras' reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT FIVE 44. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 52 OMITTED 52A INT. BEVERLY'S OFFICE Beverly escorts Riker into her office... BEVERLY One of the Klingons who died in the explosion was with Duras... the other with Gowron. I've been examining the bodies... trying to get a clue to where the bomb was hidden. She turns on a PADD which shows an Okudagram of autopsy results... (or possibly photographs or MRI images -- we don't need to see clearly)... BEVERLY (continuing) There's always a pattern to the lacerations and tissue damage. It would normally give us a clear indication of direction, distance, force of impact... RIKER 'Normally'? BEVERLY In this case, the pattern was virtually impossible to identify... I couldn't understand it until I checked the dynascans... She points to one picture... BEVERLY This wound is different from all the others... it was made from the inside out. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT FIVE 44A. 52A CONTINUED: BEVERLY (Cont'd) (he reacts) The bomb was implanted in one of their forearms. RIKER It is considered an honorable way for a Klingon to die, Doctor... a suicide that also takes an enemy. (beat) Which one of them was it? BEVERLY Duras' man. Off Riker's reaction... 53 INT. CORRIDOR Worf and Alexander moving toward K'Ehleyr's Quarters. WORF When we have more time I will take you to the holodeck and demonstrate in more detail... They have arrived at the door. 54 INT. K'EHLEYR'S QUARTERS - CONTINUOUS Worf and Alexander ENTER the quarters... suddenly see K'Ehleyr lying on the floor. Worf quickly moves to her and can now see that she is lying in a small pool of blood. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT FIVE 45. 54 CONTINUED: WORF (hits communicator) Medical Emergency, Deck Eight, Room one-four-two! Worf holds her in his arms... Alexander looking on in shock. K'Ehleyr's eyes flutter open for a moment. She looks up into Worf's anguished expression. WORF Gowron... ? K'Ehleyr barely shakes her head. Worf reacts. WORF Duras? She looks at him, acknowledging. Worf's eyes blaze in hatred. She's fading fast... manages to hold on for just a few seconds more... K'EHLEYR Alexander... The boy comes to her... she takes his hand, puts it in Worf's hand... Worf nods in acceptance. 54A ON K'EHLEYR as she grabs Worf's arms with a last burst of strength and passion... their eyes lock... then she's gone. 54B ON WORF After a beat, a LOW RUMBLING GROWL begins in Worf's chest... finally explodes as his throws back his head and ROARS, not just for the ritual, but with rage and agony. 54C ON WORF AND ALEXANDER The boy backs away from Worf and K'Ehleyr in a mixture of fear and shock... Worf moves to him... looks into his face. WORF You have never seen death? Alexander manages to shake his head. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT FIVE 45A. 54C CONTINUED: WORF Then look... Slowly, the boy looks back at his mother. WORF And always remember. 54D NEW ANGLE Beverly and a N.D. NURSE ENTER. They rush to K'Ehleyr. Worf and Alexander share a look... WORF Stay with the doctor. 55 ON BEVERLY She's checking K'Ehleyr... there's no hope. She looks up... BEVERLY Worf, when did you... ? STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT FIVE 46. 56 NEW ANGLE ... but Worf is gone. CUT TO: 57 INT. WORF'S QUARTERS Worf moving quickly, determined... he removes his insignia and sash... then takes the bat'telh sword from the frame on the wall... 58 INT. K'EHLEYR'S QUARTERS K'Ehleyr's body is being taken out on a gurney by the nurse seen earlier and another MEDICAL TECHNICIAN. Beverly is standing with Picard and Riker... their faces are grim. BEVERLY Multiple stab wounds to the chest and abdomen... too much trauma to the internal organs. There wasn't enough time to get her into stasis. PICARD Where's Worf? BEVERLY I don't know... he left just after I got here. RIKER (hits communicator) Riker to Worf. (beat) Computer, locate Lieutenant Worf. COMPUTER VOICE Lieutenant Worf is not aboard the Enterprise. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT FIVE 47. 58 CONTINUED: PICARD Where is he? COMPUTER VOICE Lieutenant Worf transported to the Klingon ship Vorn at seventeen-thirty hours. A beat as this registers. He glares at Riker who doesn't need to be told... RIKER On my way. CUT TO: 59 EXT. SPACE - KLINGON BIRD-OF-PREY (OPTICAL) The ship hangs in space. 60 INT. DURAS' QUARTERS (KLINGON SHIP) Similar to K'mpec's Quarters seen earlier. The same sense of a visiting dignitary aboard ship, but not as high a rank as K'mpec. The atmosphere is darker, more sinister. Duras, and TWO RETAINERS are huddled over a computer terminal. The doors OPEN... Worf, carrying the bat'telh, and a KLINGON GUARD ENTER. Duras looks up, shocked to see Worf. DURAS (to Guard) How could you let him in here? A glance between Worf and the Guard. GUARD He has claimed the right of vengeance. The retainers step back from Duras and the Guard moves to one side. Their attitude is respectful. DURAS You have no rights here, traitor! STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT FIVE 48. 60 CONTINUED: Worf moves to the center of the room and speaks not to Duras, but to the other Klingons. WORF K'Ehleyr... was my mate. Everyone looks at Duras... he's surprised. A long beat as it becomes clear that no one is going to stop Worf. A retainer brings Duras a long scythe-like weapon with a wicked blade. Duras holds it... he and Worf exchange a look of challenge. CUT TO: 61 INT. CORRIDOR Riker, Data, and TWO N.D. SECURITY GUARDS moving quickly along the corridor. Riker's expression is deadly serious. DATA And if Lieutenant Worf resists, sir? RIKER He's coming back with us one way or another. Set phasers to maximum stun. They ENTER the Transporter Room. CUT TO: 62 INT. DURAS' QUARTERS (KLINGON SHIP) A tremendous CLANG of metal as Worf's sword deflects Duras' weapon. This isn't as brutish as normal Klingon fights... they skillfully manipulate their weapons with a sense of grace and balance... two samurai stalking and probing the defenses of each other. Worf is focused, intent... and there is a feral quality to his expression, as if the veneer of civilization has been stripped away and only the warrior is left. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT FIVE 49. 63 ON WORF AND DURAS The combat continues... flashes of metal, snarls of fury... the ferocity builds... their weapons become tightly locked together... Worf glares into Duras' face with hatred. DURAS I'm the only one, Worf... the only one who can prove your innocence. Kill me... and you will always be known as a traitor. WORF (without hesitation) Then that is how it shall be. They break the clinch... (NOTE: the following two scenes take place very quickly) 64 NEW ANGLE as Riker, Data, and the Security Guards ENTER. They stop at the sight of Worf and Duras. RIKER Worf! 65 ON WORF AND DURAS Worf and Duras pay no attention to Riker's arrival. (NOTE: and it should not in any way appear that Riker's appearance acts as a diversion that affects the outcome of the fight.) Worf kicks Duras' legs out from under him. 65A DURAS' FACE reacts at the bat'telh is driven deep into his chest... he gasps, shudders, then is gone. 66 WIDE ANGLE Worf stands over his fallen adversary... the bat'telh sticking out of Duras's chest. 66A RIKER AND DATA react. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT FIVE 49A. 66B WORF Eyes still filled with rage, stares at Duras. 67 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship hangs in space. 68 INT. READY ROOM Worf standing before Picard. PICARD Lieutenant, you are a fine officer... your service aboard this ship has been exemplary... (beat) Until now. WORF Sir, I acted within the boundaries of Klingon law and tradition. PICARD The High Council seems to agree with you. They consider the matter to be closed. (beat) I do not. Worf stands a little more stiffly... at attention. PICARD The Enterprise crew currently includes representatives from thirteen planets, Mister Worf. They each have their individual beliefs and values and I respect them all. But every member of the crew has chosen to serve Starfleet. If anyone cannot perform his duties because of the demands of his society, he must resign. Picard lets that hang there for a beat. PICARD Do you wish to resign, Lieutenant? STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/10/90 - ACT FIVE 49B. 68 CONTINUED: WORF (swallows hard) Captain... PICARD I would hope you would not throw away a promising career. WORF No sir. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - REV. 9/7/90 - ACT FIVE 50. 68 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (softer) I understand your pain... we all felt very close to K'Ehleyr. (long beat) A reprimand will be on your record. Dismissed. Worf turns to leave. Picard thinks for a beat then... PICARD Worf... Worf stops. Picard's attitude is more intimate... more personal. PICARD Isn't it time for the truth about your father's innocence to be told? After all, the reasons you accepted this dishonor were to protect the name of Duras, and hold the Empire together. Now that he's died in disgrace... where is the honor in further silence? WORF Each member of the Klingon high council shared in that lie. They will not be so willing to admit their own dishonor. (beat) But the day will come when my brother and I will... "convince" them to speak the truth. Worf EXITS. On Picard's reaction... CUT TO: 69 INT. WORF'S QUARTERS Worf is speaking to Alexander on the couch. STAR TREK: "Reunion" - 9/4/90 - ACT FIVE 51. 69 CONTINUED: WORF My parents... my human parents will meet us at Starbase Seventy-Three. They will care for you. ALEXANDER Why can't I stay with you? WORF You deserve a home... a family. My parents can provide that... I cannot. Alexander accepts this reluctantly... he looks away. Worf knows what's running through this boy's mind. WORF (gently) I miss her too. Alexander looks directly into Worf's eyes. A long probing stare from the boy before he asks... ALEXANDER Are you my father? Worf struggles for a second... makes the decision. WORF Yes... I am your father. The human part of Alexander needs something more from his father. Alexander hesitates... reaches out... puts his arms around Worf. After a beat, Worf returns the embrace. 70 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship moving off into space. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END