STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Future Imperfect" #40274-182 Written by J. Larry Carroll & David Bennett Carren Directed by Les Landau THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1990 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT SEPTEMBER 13, 1990 STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - 9/13/90 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Future Imperfect" CAST PICARD JEAN-LUC/ETHAN/ALIEN RIKER TOMALAK DATA MINUET BEVERLY TROI GEORDI WORF Non-Speaking ROMULAN GUARDS N.D. NURSE ROMULAN TECHNICIAN TRANSPORTER CHIEF HUBBLE N.D. TRANSPORTER CHIEF (FEMALE) Non-Speaking SUPERNUMERARIES FERENGI ENSIGN KLINGON WOMAN STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - 9/13/90 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Future Imperfect" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM ONIAS THREE OBSERVATION LOUNGE TEN FORWARD ROMULAN WARBIRD CORRIDORS SICKBAY TRANSPORTER ROOM RIKER'S QUARTERS JEAN-LUC'S ROOM ONIAS THREE ALIEN CHAMBER TUNNELS SECRET ROOM HOLDING CELL ROMULAN HOLODECK/ANTEROOM ROMULAN WARBIRD CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - 9/13/90 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Future Imperfect" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE TOMALAK TOM-uh-lack ONIAS OH-nye-is DECIUS DEE-see-us MIRIDIAN MER-id-dee-un STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/25/90 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Future Imperfect" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Cruising at impulse power. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 44286.5. The Enterprise is conducting a security survey of the Onias Sector near the Neutral Zone. Despite being close to Romulan territory, our mission has been quiet and uneventful. 2 INT. TEN FORWARD Begin close on the mouth of a trombone... then reveal RIKER playing the horn to an appreciative audience made up of GEORDI, TROI and several CREWMEMBERS. Riker finishes his recital with a flourish... and a flat note. As Riker grins good-naturedly, everyone laughs and applauds. GEORDI Alright, Commander... you've got until your next birthday to get that right. As everyone laughs, Troi asides to Riker... TROI Many things improve with age... maybe your trombone playing will be one of them. Then WORF and BEVERLY approach from the bar area. Worf carries a large birthday cake covered with lit candles. BEVERLY It's candle time, birthday boy. Worf places the cake on a table. Riker blows out the candles to more applause. Then Troi approaches him. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 10/9/90 - TEASER 1A. 2 CONTINUED: TROI What did you wish for, Will? RIKER Music lessons. More laughter as we go to... 3 INT. MAIN BRIDGE DATA is at Ops and various SUPERNUMERARIES are at the other positions as PICARD steps out of the Ready Room. PICARD Mister Data, we'd better hurry or we'll miss Commander Riker's party. DATA Yes, sir. Data stands, moves to join him... DATA I find it interesting how humans place so much importance on celebrating the day of their birth... a day one cannot possibly remember... Picard smiles... but as they begin to move toward the Turbolift, a SUPERNUMERARY at an aft science station stops them with... SUPERNUMERARY Captain... I am detecting some unusual fluctuations in subspace frequencies. Picard frowns. PICARD We had better take a look, Mister Data. The Supernumerary steps aside and Data takes his place at the science station with Picard flanking him. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 10/9/90 - TEASER 2. 3 CONTINUED: DATA It appears we are being probed. Picard leans over him. PICARD Source? DATA The third planet of the Alpha Onias system. Our reports list it as presently uninhabited. Perhaps the reports were incorrect. PICARD Or perhaps the rumors of a secret Romulan base in this sector are true. They exchange looks, then... PICARD (to com) Picard to Commander Riker. 4 INT. TEN FORWARD Riker and his guests. Reacting. PICARD'S COM VOICE (continuing) I apologize for interrupting your celebration, but I need an Away Team. 5 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) As the great ship moves into a synchronous orbit over a dull, gray planet. Alpha Onias Three. 5A INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Data is at Ops, flanked by Picard and Riker. Worf is at tactical, Geordi at the engineering station. They are studying an image of Alpha Onias Three on the viewscreen before them. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 10/9/90 - TEASER 2A. 5A CONTINUED: DATA Although Alpha Onias Three is a Class M planet, our survey teams have listed it as barren and inhospitable. RIKER Any life signs? DATA No, sir... but we have traced some residual energy readings... to a cavern two kilometers beneath the surface. Riker and Picard exchange a look. WORF Romulans? DATA It is possible. But I cannot be certain. Riker digests this. Then... PICARD I suppose you'll just have to go down there and find out. As he heads toward the aft Turbolift... RIKER Worf, Geordi... you're with me. Then Picard stops him with... PICARD (half apologetic) Number One... Happy Birthday. Riker acknowledges this with a smile. Then as he, Worf, and Geordi step into the Turbolift... 6 INT. CAVERN - ONIAS THREE (MATTE/OPTICAL) Riker, Geordi, and Worf MATERIALIZE in the dark, mist-filled cavern. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/13/90 - TEASER 3. 6 CONTINUED: They light their palm beacons, sending dramatic beams sweeping through the hazy air. Then Geordi scans with his tricorder. GEORDI I'm detecting high levels of volcanic gases... sulphur dioxide, methane, hydrogen sulphide... RIKER Toxic? GEORDI We're okay for now... But I wouldn't want to spend my vacation here. RIKER What about energy readings? Worf frowns at his own tricorder. WORF Magnetic clutter is increasing. I cannot make an accurate determination. GEORDI Same here. I'm getting some very confused readings... PICARD'S COM VOICE (breaking up, through static) Bridge to Riker. Report. Please acknowledge. RIKER (keys insignia) This is Riker. 7 OMITTED 8 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard stands by Data at Ops while Troi observes. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/13/90 - TEASER 4. 8 CONTINUED: RIKER'S COM VOICE (breaking up, through static) We're having trouble reading you. PICARD And we are having similar difficulties reading you, Number One. I am advising you... 9 INT. CAVERN Riker and his Team listen to the garbled transmission. PICARD'S COM VOICE ... and your team to transport up... At once... Geordi reacts to his tricorder, turns, scans... GEORDI Good advice, Commander. We've got a sudden build-up of gases here... especially methane. He indicates a roiling, swirling cloud of lethal looking vapor which now blocks the far end of the cavern. Riker reacts, keys his insignia... RIKER Transporter Room, take us up. 10 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM TRANSPORTER CHIEF HUBBLE struggles with the Transporter Scan. HUBBLE I can't get a solid lock on you, sir. Too much interference. 11 INT. CAVERN - ON AWAY TEAM (OPTICAL) Gas boils up around them. The Away Team is coughing. Geordi drops to his knees. Worf moves to assist him. The BEAM OUT BEGINS, STOPS, then TRIES TO START again. 12 OMITTED STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/19/90 - TEASER 5. 13 INT. MAIN BRIDGE As a tense Picard steps forward... PICARD Transporter Room... What's happening? Report! 14 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM Hubble fine-tunes her equipment, then energizes... HUBBLE I'm trying again, sir. 15 INT. CAVERN Geordi and Worf are both on the floor. Motionless. Riker is the last to fall. CUT TO: 16 INT. RIKER'S SICKBAY ROOM And a bright light on the Sickbay ceiling... Camera tilts down to reveal an N.D.NURSE as she ENTERS and reacts to an unseen patient. N.D. NURSE Doctor Crusher... He's awake. Beverly ENTERS -- An older Beverly whose hair is now styled differently and streaked with gray. We do not see Riker's face as she leans over him. RIKER Beverly? BEVERLY (pleased smile) You remember me... that's good. What else can you remember, Captain? RIKER (confused) Captain? And that's when we get a good look at Sickbay -- a Sickbay which is subtly different. Riker reacts as he looks up at -- STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/13/90 - TEASER 6. 16A ANGLE - THE DIAGNOSTIC DEVICE ABOVE HIS BED With a highly reflective surface. We see Riker's face for the first time. His hair and beard are streaked with gray. 16B RIKER stunned, sits up, allowing us to see this older, grayer William T. Riker full screen... and... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: 17 INT. SICKBAY (OPTICAL) Beverly stands at the food slot. BEVERLY (to food slot) Water. Three Celsius. The water MATERIALIZES. As she brings this to Riker... BEVERLY How do you feel? RIKER Confused. BEVERLY (small smile) Understandable... considering what's happened. Riker stands, starts to pace. RIKER What has happened... to this Sickbay... to you... to me? BEVERLY Sit down, Captain. RIKER I am not "Captain." I'm Commander... Commander Will Riker. What's going on here? BEVERLY Sit... Please. Her calmness reaches him. He sits again... faces her. BEVERLY What is the last thing you remember clearly? STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT ONE 7A. 17 CONTINUED: RIKER Alpha Onias Three. The Enterprise had been probed... Geordi, Worf, and I transported down to track the source. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/19/90 - ACT ONE 8. 17 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY But all you found was toxic gas. They barely got the three of you out in time. (a careful beat) Will... that happened sixteen years ago. As much as he's seen and experienced in all his years in Starfleet, Riker is still rocked to his core. RIKER That's not possible! BEVERLY With an Altarian virus, anything is possible. In fact, we expected this. Riker shows some steel. RIKER Could you be more specific? BEVERLY That day on Onias Three you were infected with a strain of Altarian encephalitis. A retrovirus that incorporates its DNA directly into the cells of its host. It can lie dormant for years, then suddenly become active, as it did in your case ten days ago. (a beat) You've been in a coma, delirious... Your fever finally broke this morning... RIKER But what happened to my memory? Beverly crosses to a wall monitor and taps it. A graphic display of living brain cells comes up. BEVERLY This is a scan of your brain tissue. When the encephalitis became active... it caused widespread synapse degradation, interrupting the consolidation of memory... STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/19/90 - ACT ONE 9. 17 CONTINUED: (3) RIKER (get to the point) Doctor. Beverly pauses. In no hurry to give him the bad news. BEVERLY Will... this virus invariably destroys all memory back to the moment of the original infection. In your case, all the way back to Alpha Onias Three. Riker is reeling. But he fights back... denying... RIKER I can't believe this... it's a dream... or... Beverly crosses to Riker, takes his hand in hers. BEVERLY Feel my hand... flesh and bone. This is not a dream... and you are Captain William T. Riker... in command of the Enterprise. Riker relaxes slightly. He can't negate the reality of all this... at least not yet. RIKER (almost afraid to ask) The Enterprise... for how long? BEVERLY Nine years. Riker absorbs this latest blow. Then regains his balance, and comes right back at Beverly... RIKER If I've lost my memory... how do I find it again? BEVERLY Memory is formed out of association. Smells, sounds, and images in the present could possibly trigger them. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/19/90 - ACT ONE 10. 17 CONTINUED: (4) RIKER (seeing it) Like the way a song can remind you of... old friends... BEVERLY Exactly. In associational therapy, we expose the patient to familiar surroundings. This could stimulate the brain's neural synapses into regenerating. Riker heads to the door, determined. RIKER Then let's get started. There's nothing more familiar to me than the Enterprise. If anything's going to bring back... But Beverly stops him with... BEVERLY Will... I said your memory could return. In many of these cases... the damage is permanent. Off Riker's reaction... 18 INT. CORRIDOR As Riker walks down the corridor with Beverly, he reacts to the changes sixteen years have wrought upon the Enterprise and her crew. (GENERAL NOTE: Throughout the ship, the changes are extremely subtle.) RIKER What about Geordi and Worf? Were they infected, too? BEVERLY Thankfully, no. Geordi appears to have been immune and the virus has no effect on Klingons. A striking looking KLINGON WOMAN in a Starfleet uniform walks by. As she strides off, Riker stares after her. RIKER Speaking of Klingons... STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/19/90 - ACT ONE 11. 18 CONTINUED: Beverly manages a smile. BEVERLY There have been a lot of changes on the Enterprise in the last sixteen years. They enter the Turbolift. 19 INT. TURBOLIFT As the doors close... BEVERLY Which is why we should begin the associational therapy in your quarters. Personal recollections are always the most vivid. (to Computer) Deck Eight. The lift starts to move, then Riker speaks up. RIKER Belay that. As the Turbolift stops, Riker explains to Beverly. RIKER My life is on the Bridge, always has been. If anything's going to jog my memory... (to computer) Main Bridge. The Turbolift doesn't move. As Riker frowns... COMPUTER VOICE Repeat command. RIKER I said, Main Bridge. The Turbolift suddenly begins moving once more. Riker looks a question at Beverly, who responds... BEVERLY The computer has been slow all morning. A processing accelerator is down. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/13/90 - ACT ONE 12. 19 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (Cont'd) Commander La Forge is running a Level-1 diagnostic to isolate the problem. Before Riker can respond to this, the doors open. 20 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker steps out from the aft Turbolift, followed by Beverly. The first crewman they encounter is an older GEORDI standing at the aft engineering station... his back to them. Riker is delighted... RIKER Geordi... Geordi turns around, bringing still another shock with him. His VISOR is gone, replaced by normal eyes. GEORDI Good to see you up and about again, sir. Riker can't help staring... RIKER Geordi... your eyes... what happened to your VISOR... ? GEORDI My VISOR? I... (catches self) Sorry, sir. Doctor Crusher warned us... you might not remember. (starts again) I don't need my VISOR, Captain... not since I got these cloned implants... Geordi's voice trails off. Riker just nods, then moves on, past the SUPERNUMERARY at tactical and down the ramp... to see WORF at Ops. The Klingon turns to display a livid battle scar on his cheek. WORF (acknowledging Riker) Captain. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/19/90 - ACT ONE 13. 20 CONTINUED: A FERENGI ENSIGN is at the Conn. He also turns, smiles a toothy grin at Riker. Riker manages a stunned nod to both aliens, then enters the Command Area. DATA (the only crew member who is unchanged) sits in the center chair. He rises at Riker's approach. DATA Welcome back, Captain. We did not expect to see you on the Bridge so soon. RIKER Commander Data... You are my First Officer? A beat. Then Data asks carefully... DATA You remember, sir? RIKER (after a pause) No, Data. Not a single day of the last sixteen years. Reactions all around. The crews' collective concern is obvious. Then Worf speaks up... WORF Warbird Uncloaking. That gets everyone's attention. DATA On screen. 21 ANGLE ON MAIN VIEWER - ROMULAN WARSHIP (OPTICAL) A Romulan Warbird uncloaks as it cruises into view. 22 BACK TO RIKER A beat - As Riker looks about and reacts. None of his staff are responding properly to this enemy in their midst. Lost sixteen years or not, he takes command. RIKER Shields up. Go to Red Alert. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/13/90 - ACT ONE 14. 22 CONTINUED: And then he realizes that everyone is staring at him with shock and amazement. DATA Captain... we have been expecting the Decius. There is no need for alarm. Riker slowly sits in the center chair. He shows an amazing presence of mind, considering. RIKER Cancel Red Alert. (to Data) Clearly, I need to be... briefed. Before Data can reply, Worf speaks up... WORF The Decius is hailing us, Captain. The Admiral wishes to speak to you. RIKER On screen. 23 INCLUDING MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) A still trim, but older PICARD stands in the Warbird's Ready Room. An older TROI stands beside him. PICARD Will! RIKER (what's one more surprise?) Admiral... Picard. Deanna. TROI How are you feeling? RIKER I've felt better. PICARD Not surprising. Altarian Viruses can be a nasty business. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/28/90 - ACT ONE 15. 23 CONTINUED: RIKER That's... an understatement... I can't even... PICARD (interrupting) We can discuss this... after we transport over. Picard out. The viewer goes black. As Riker exchanges a look with Beverly... 23A INT. TURBOLIFT Beverly and Riker ENTER. A brief moment, then... RIKER Transporter Room Six. As the Turbolift begins to move, Beverly studies him. BEVERLY How are you holding up? RIKER (after a deep breath) I could get used to the idea of a Ferengi Ensign... but Admiral Picard... on a Romulan Warbird? What is that all about? Beverly answers carefully. BEVERLY I think I should leave the explanations to the Admiral. Riker ponders this as... 23B INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM As Riker and Beverly ENTER, an N.D. MALE TRANSPORTER CHIEF manipulates the controls on the Tranporter Scan. RIKER Whenever you're ready, Chief. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/26/90 - ACT ONE 15A. 23C ANGLE INCLUDING TRANSPORTER STAGE (OPTICAL) Picard and Troi MATERIALIZE, then smile as they step off the pad to join Beverly and Riker. PICARD Captain Riker... it's good to see you have recovered. RIKER (quietly) I'm not exactly sure you can call it a recovery, sir. Troi and Picard realize their worst fears have been realized. TROI Then there was... a memory loss. Picard turns to Beverly. PICARD How much? BEVERLY (after a beat) Everything... since Alpha Onias Three. And off Picard and Troi's reactions... 24 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE (OPTICAL) Picard stands by the window, looking out at the starfield beyond. He's in a state of shock. PICARD To lose sixteen years... He turns to Riker, who sits in the Captain's chair. Not comfortably. Troi stands near by. PICARD (continuing) ... that is almost beyond belief. RIKER (quiet) I'm having trouble believing it myself, Admiral. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/26/90 - ACT ONE 15B. 24 CONTINUED: TROI (to Riker) It must be overwhelming to have so much of your life... missing... PICARD And it couldn't have happened at a worse time. A few more days of relatively simple negotiations, and the treaty will be signed. An impatient Riker cuts in... RIKER What negotiations? What treaty? Picard sits at the table, near Riker. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/13/90 - ACT ONE 16. 24 CONTINUED: PICARD Sorry. I'll start at the beginning, which was four years ago. A Romulan battle cruiser strayed into Federation space. Its warp coils had collapsed, and its life support was failing. TROI You saved them, Will. You and the Enterprise. PICARD This impressed the Romulans, to say the least. After years of distrust and conflict, they started to talk. You have been our key spokesman... Then to Riker's inquiring look. PICARD ... in securing an alliance with the Romulans. Riker is stunned... but manages to keep his balance. RIKER How far have these negotiations progressed? PICARD The preliminaries are over. All we need do now is escort the Romulan Ambassador to the final session. TROI Where you will help complete the negotiations and sign the treaty. Riker digests all of this. Comes to a conclusion. RIKER Captain, excuse me, sir, I mean Admiral... I am in no condition to negotiate with the Romulans or anyone else. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/19/90 - ACT ONE 17. 24 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Will... you are of sound mind and body. If you were properly briefed, you could still fulfill your duties. RIKER With a sixteen year gap in my head? Riker rises to his feet, walks to the window. Picard exchanges a look with Troi, then crosses to Riker. PICARD I know this has all been... a terrible shock... but we do need you. RIKER (with difficulty) Sir, I'm not sure I'm... fit to resume command... PICARD (gently) I appreciate your candor and your concern. But despite your... affliction... there is still no one better equipped to deal with these Romulans than you. A beat. And Riker reluctantly gives in. RIKER When do we leave? PICARD (relieved) As soon as the Ambassador transports over from the Decius. I'll make the arrangements. (intently) We will get through this. As we have many times before. Picard EXITS. Then Riker turns to the window. As he watches the Romulan Warbird drift into view... RIKER I hope so. Troi approaches Riker. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/19/90 - ACT ONE 18. 24 CONTINUED: (3) TROI Let me take you to your quarters. Riker gives Troi an exhausted look. Nods. RIKER Good idea... I've had enough surprises for one day. 25 INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS The door slides open and Riker and Troi ENTER. Riker surveys a room adorned with mementoes gathered in those sixteen missing years... decorations for bravery... alien art works... furniture he has never seen before. He reacts to all of this, exchanges a look with Troi... Then they hear a trombone playing off key in the next room. Riker goes into... 26 INT. JEAN-LUC'S ROOM Riker walks in and discovers a ten year old boy playing the trombone. Then the boy turns. And smiles. JEAN-LUC Hi, Dad. And off Riker's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT TWO 19. ACT TWO FADE IN: 27 INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS Troi and a stunned Riker watch as Jean-Luc reaches under seat cushions, checks behind chairs, searching for something. The eager boy is in mid-story... JEAN-LUC ... and then Mister Greenburg asked me about the Fornax Disaster, and I knew the Enterprise had saved all the colonists. But I didn't know... (off the track) Here it is! He pulls a school PADD out from under a pile of clutter on a table, takes it to Riker. JEAN-LUC (back on track) ... But I didn't know the exact Stardate their sun went nova. If you tell me, I'll write it down. That way I won't forget. Riker stares at the PADD, then at the son he doesn't know. And the boy realizes it. His energy and excitement vanish, to be replaced by a quiet grief. JEAN-LUC You don't remember me... do you? RIKER (what else can he say?) I'm... sorry. There's an awkward silence, which Troi breaks. TROI I need to talk to your father, Jean-Luc. Could you leave us alone... for just a moment? And as Jean-Luc returns to his room, Riker faces Troi: RIKER Why didn't you warn me? STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/13/90 - ACT TWO 20. 27 CONTINUED: TROI Beverly hoped that meeting Jean-Luc like this might have an impact... help you remember. RIKER It had an impact alright... (shakes his head) TROI Give it time. Riker is still getting used to this amazing concept. RIKER (reflective) Jean-Luc. TROI (droll) The Admiral was very pleased when you chose that name. He is a wonderful boy. RIKER (the next big question) Deanna... where's his mother? A beat. Troi has difficulty telling him. TROI She died two years ago... a shuttle accident. I'm sorry, Will. Riker doesn't know how to react to this. At this point his wife is nothing more than a name to him. RIKER I have absolutely no recollection of her... what was she like? TROI 'Min' was very beautiful, of course. And strong, intelligent, patient... RIKER She had to be patient, if she was married to me. A small smile from Troi. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/13/90 - ACT TWO 21. 27 CONTINUED: (2) TROI She was an excellent Captain's wife, and a very good ship's counselor. (to Riker's look) She took over after I left. Riker reacts to that. RIKER I can't imagine you leaving the Enterprise. TROI Admiral Picard offered me a position at Starfleet Command. It was a tremendous opportunity... I couldn't refuse. A quiet moment. Then... TROI Will... What's important is that today, right now, you have a son who needs you. Spend time with him... you may find part of what you've lost. Troi EXITS. Riker ponders her words for a moment. Then he winces to the sound of someone running through the scales on a trombone. Badly. 28 INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS - JEAN-LUC'S ROOM Riker ENTERS and finds Jean-Luc sitting on a bed, playing the trombone... Jean-Luc stops playing and smiles up at him. Riker can't help smiling back. JEAN-LUC Pretty bad, huh? RIKER I've heard better. JEAN-LUC I've been practicing... but I still can't get a good tone. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/19/90 - ACT TWO 22. 28 CONTINUED: RIKER You're putting too much pressure on the mouthpiece. Relax. Just use the muscles you need. JEAN-LUC (holds out trombone) Show me again. Riker sits beside Jean-Luc, takes the trombone. Shows him how to hold it. RIKER Okay. Left hand like this. Right hand... like this. Riker runs through the scales. Jean-Luc smiles. Riker segues into a melody... the same melody he played in the opening. He finishes with a flourish -- and a flat note again. Jean-Luc laughs. Riker frowns. RIKER After sixteen years... you'd think I could get that right... Jean-Luc takes back the trombone. JEAN-LUC Come on, Dad... you always make that mistake. Jean-Luc starts playing again. And Riker thinks about what the boy just said. Then he makes a decision, which takes him back into... 29 INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS - MAIN ROOM (OPTICAL) We can hear the trombone playing as Riker ENTERS. He goes to the desk, ponders the computer screen, decides to ask a key question... RIKER Computer. Summarize service record. Riker, William T., Captain. Beginning with... the Fornax Disaster. Nothing appears. That strange time lag again. Then... COMPUTER VOICE Please restate question. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/28/90 - ACT TWO 23. 29 CONTINUED: RIKER Service record. Riker, William T. Another long pause... Riker loses patience... RIKER Damn it. Then he looks up to see... 29A ANGLE - JEAN-LUC (OPTICAL) watching him from the door of his room. JEAN-LUC (what's wrong) Dad... ? RIKER That computer time lag. I can't believe Geordi's still running his diagnostic... And then a rush of data suddenly scrolls across the desk screen. JEAN-LUC Is that what you wanted? Riker frowns at the desk screen, his instincts screaming that something is very wrong here. And then... PICARD'S COM VOICE Picard to Captain Riker. The Romulan Ambassador is ready to transport over from the Decius. Riker keys his insignia. RIKER On my way. (to the boy) I've got to go, Jean-Luc. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT TWO 23A. 29A CONTINUED: JEAN-LUC Sure. (after a pause) Dad... STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/28/90 - ACT TWO 24. 29A CONTINUED: (2) Riker stops at the door as... JEAN-LUC Everything's going to be fine. Riker isn't so certain. But he manages a smile before he leaves. 29B INT. CORRIDOR TO TRANSPORTER ROOM Riker, Troi, Picard walking. PICARD (gently) Troi tells me you met Jean-Luc. How is my namesake holding up to all this? RIKER Better than I am. TROI We did our best to prepare him. RIKER (sighs) I'm trying to catch up with all this. I've still got a long way to go. A long way. PICARD Just follow my lead with the Ambassador. You'll do fine. 30 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM As they ENTER. An N.D. MALE TRANSPORTER CHIEF stands at the console. N.D. TRANSPORTER CHIEF The Decius reports the Ambassador is waiting to transport. Picard glances at Riker, ready? RIKER Beam him aboard, chief. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/28/90 - ACT TWO 24A. 30 CONTINUED: N.D. TRANSPORTER CHIEF (to com) Enterprise to Decius... stand by for transport. As he manipulates the Transport Scan... 31 ANGLE ON TRANSPORTER PLATFORM - (OPTICAL) A uniformed Romulan MATERIALIZES. It's TOMALAK, the arrogant Commander who confronted the Enterprise at Galorndon Core and Nelvana Three... Fourteen years ago. TOMALAK Admiral Picard, Captain Riker... it's good to see you again. A stunned Riker responds with a polite nod as Picard approaches the Romulan. PICARD Ambassador Tomalak... Welcome aboard the Enterprise. Tomalak steps off the Transporter pad, smiles ingratiatingly at Picard. TOMALAK Thank you, Admiral. It is an honor to be the first Romulan to freely walk about a Federation Starship. As Picard escorts Tomalak out, Riker hangs back a moment with Troi. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/19/90 - ACT TWO 25. 31 CONTINUED: RIKER (what is this?) Ambassador... Tomalak? At Nelvana Three, he threatened to take the hull of the Enterprise home as a war trophy! TROI That was a long time ago. Many things have changed. Including Tomalak. And off Riker's doubting look... 32 INT. CORRIDOR Picard, Riker, and Troi walk with Tomalak. The Romulan is cheerful and charming. Riker is tense and watchful. TOMALAK As soon as we arrive at your Outpost Twenty-Three, the final negotiations should go quickly. Riker reacts to this, looks to Picard and Troi... But they seem oblivious to his concern. PICARD I agree, Ambassador. All of the difficult issues have been resolved. TOMALAK (with a cordial smile) After much debate. Your Captain Riker is the kind of negotiator even the Ferengi should avoid. PICARD But we have come to an agreement both sides can live with. Thanks largely to Captain Riker. They pause by the Turbolift. Tomalak smiles at Riker. TOMALAK And we are grateful, Captain. The new alliance will greatly benefit my people. Riker chooses his words carefully. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/25/90 - ACT TWO 26. 32 CONTINUED: RIKER As I hope it will benefit mine. TOMALAK (smoothly) It will, Captain. It will. Riker is not sure about this at all. The Turbolift door opens and they all enter. 32A INT. TURBOLIFT Riker, Troi, Picard, and Tomalak ENTER. RIKER Main Bridge. The Turbolift starts to move. Tomalak eyes Riker and seems to pick up on the other man's uneasiness. TOMALAK The virus you contracted, Captain. You have fully recovered? The question throws Riker for just a moment. Which is long enough for Picard to step in... PICARD (smoothly) I assure you Captain Riker is quite well. He's looking forward to attending the final negotiations... as planned. Tomalak smiles. TOMALAK Excellent. (to Riker) The signing of this treaty will be an historic occasion. You, of all people, deserve to be there. Riker is still not convinced. His response is cool but polite. RIKER Thank you... Ambassador. The door opens, and they EXIT. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/25/90 - ACT TWO 26A. 33 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard, Riker, Troi, and the Romulan ENTER. Tomalak takes a long look about the Bridge, impressed. TOMALAK So... this is the Bridge of the Enterprise. He approaches tactical and peers over the startled supernumerary's shoulder. TOMALAK And this, I assume, is your Tactical position. Impressive. Riker has had enough. He turns to Picard and Troi. RIKER Admiral, Deanna... I need a moment with you... (to Data) ... Commander Data, if you will, please accompany the Ambassador on his... tour. DATA Certainly, sir. RIKER (to Tomalak) Excuse us, Ambassador. Tomalak nods, then continues his perusal of tactical as Data moves up beside him. As Riker, Picard, and Troi head for the Ready Room... DATA You may find this of interest, Ambassador... (MORE) STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/13/90 - ACT TWO 27. 33 CONTINUED: DATA (Cont'd) (points at tactical board) ... These newly refined sensors are capable of pinpointing the power emissions of... 34 INT. READY ROOM A tense Riker faces the others. RIKER Are you telling me you trust Tomalak? PICARD I trust the process we have built with the Romulans over the past four years. They have nothing to gain by betrayal. RIKER Are you sure? You yourself have said it's always like a chess game with the Romulans. Move and counter-move, guile and deceit -- TROI (gently cutting in) I sense no such dishonesty in Tomalak. He is sincere in his desire for peace. He wants this alliance. There is no cause for concern. Riker is not convinced. RIKER No cause for concern? We're talking about revealing the location of Outpost Twenty-Three, the key to all our Neutral Zone defenses. PICARD Pardon my bluntness, Captain, but your information is out of date. The strategic importance of Outpost Twenty-Three is minimal. And has been for years. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/13/90 - ACT TWO 28. 34 CONTINUED: Riker still isn't sure. But before he can say more... BEVERLY'S COM VOICE Doctor Crusher to Riker. Are you there, Captain? RIKER (keys insignia) What is it, Doctor? BEVERLY'S COM VOICE Your son has been injured. He's been taken to Sickbay. You better come down here right away. And off Riker's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT THREE 29. ACT THREE FADE IN: 35 INT. SICKBAY Riker walks in to find Jean-Luc sitting on a diagnostic bed while Beverly tends to his arm. The boy wears a Parrises Squares outfit. The N.D. Nurse stands by. JEAN-LUC Dad! Riker is as concerned as any father would be. RIKER Are you alright? JEAN-LUC I'm fine. Then the boy winces as Beverly runs an instrument over his wrist. Riker reacts... RIKER (to Beverly) What happened? BEVERLY It's broken... But we'll have it all taken care of in a minute. She finishes treating Jean-Luc's arm. He tentatively moves his arm, grins with relief. BEVERLY Now just take it easy on that arm for a while. RIKER (to Jean-Luc) How did you do this? JEAN-LUC (shame faced) I was in the gym... playing Parrises Squares... I fell off the ramp... STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT THREE 30. 35 CONTINUED: RIKER (appalled) Parrises Squares... at your age... ? You could have broken your neck! JEAN-LUC (downcast) I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... Beverly gives Riker a look, then faces the Nurse. BEVERLY Continue the compression attenuator for two more minutes. N.D. NURSE Yes, Doctor. BEVERLY (to Riker) Can I talk to you for a moment? RIKER (to Jean-Luc) I'll be right back. Riker allows Beverly to lead him aside. BEVERLY Will... how old were you when you started playing Parrises Squares? RIKER (thinks, sighs) Alright... I was probably younger than he is... Riker looks over at Jean-Luc and the Nurse tending to him. RIKER It's just that... For all practical purposes, this is my first day as a father... my son almost kills himself... BEVERLY He didn't almost kill himself... he just broke a wrist... like a lot of other boys who fall down. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/28/90 - ACT THREE 31. 35 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER (acknowledges his over-reaction) You're right... But it's... difficult. BEVERLY Difficult for you? What about Jean-Luc? Can you imagine how he must feel? (beat) You've lost sixteen years, but Jean-Luc has lost a lot more... his mother... and now his father. Riker reacts to that... then turns from Beverly and approaches Jean-Luc. The Nurse smiles at Riker... NURSE Good as new, Captain. You can take him home. RIKER Thanks. The Nurse moves off, leaving Riker alone with Jean-Luc. RIKER How's the arm? JEAN-LUC It's fine. (beat) Dad, I'm really sorry... I know you've got more important things... RIKER Nothing as important as this, son. It's the first time he's called Jean-Luc "son," and the boy catches it. And off Jean-Luc's pleased reaction... 35A INT. TURBOLIFT Riker and Jean-Luc ENTER. JEAN-LUC Deck Eight. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/28/90 - ACT THREE 31A. 35A CONTINUED: The Turbolift begins to move. Riker studies Jean-Luc for a beat. Then... RIKER Halt. Jean-Luc gives him a questioning look. RIKER I know this must be... very hard for you. The boy smiles. JEAN-LUC It's okay, Dad. RIKER (takes a deep breath) Okay's not good enough. Riker pauses, looking for the words. RIKER When I was your age... my own father... he wasn't there for me. And I needed him. I really... needed him. (softly) I always wondered what kind of father I'd be. I never felt quite ready. Maybe the idea even scared me a little. JEAN-LUC Scared... you? RIKER Yeah. (beat, smiles) But I must have gotten over it, huh? You're here. Jean-Luc laughs... Riker laughs along with him. RIKER (to com) Resume. A long beat and then his tone turns serious again. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/28/90 - ACT THREE 31B. 35A CONTINUED: (2) RIKER It's just important to me... that I don't... let you down, Jean-Luc. JEAN-LUC You never have, Dad... you've always been there for me. RIKER I'll have to take your word for that... because I don't remember any of it... Not your first tooth, your first step... nothing... And I want to remember. They share a long look. Then Jean-Luc moves to him and hugs him... they hold each other for a moment... the Turbolift doors open, but they don't move... RIKER Guess there's only one thing to do. We've got to make some new memories... They exchange a happy look and EXIT. 36 INT. CORRIDOR As Jean-Luc and Riker walk together... RIKER I don't know if it's still in the memory banks, but I used to have this great fishing program on the Holodeck... STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/13/90 - ACT THREE 32. 36 CONTINUED: JEAN-LUC The Curtis Creek program? RIKER You know it? JEAN-LUC Sure. We've gone to Curtis Creek lots of times. RIKER Want to go again? JEAN-LUC You bet! RIKER Then as soon as the negotiations are out of the way, we're going fishing. JEAN-LUC Great! They enter the Turbolift. 37 INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS Riker and Jean-Luc ENTER. All smiles. JEAN-LUC (mid story) ... Then Mom tried to net the fish, and she fell in the creek, too. And then you tried to pull us both out, and you fell in! RIKER I'm almost glad I can't remember that! They both laugh. Then... JEAN-LUC Mom really liked Curtis Creek. We went there for picnics and stuff lots of times. RIKER (beat) What was she like... your Mom. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT THREE 33. 37 CONTINUED: Jean-Luc's good humor fades quickly. JEAN-LUC (quiet) She was great... I think about her a lot... Riker senses the boy's unspoken anguish... but doesn't know what to say. An awkward moment... then Jean-Luc fingers his game outfit. JEAN-LUC I better go change. Riker watches him leave, then takes a seat at his desk. Right now, this new world, and all it offers, is beginning to seem very real to him. Then he faces the desk console. Casual. RIKER Computer. Display family record. Riker. William T. Limit to visuals. 38 ANGLE ON COMPUTER SCREEN (OPTICAL) After a very short lag time, we see MOS home video-style images taken in Riker's Quarters. The camera unsteadily roams the room to settle on Riker working at his desk, seemingly unaware of what is happening. Then a child slips into shot, wearing a colorful costume, his face obscured by a mask. The disguised boy sneaks up on Riker... then leaps at him. Riker starts, registering mock fear. Jean-Luc takes his mask off, revealing his smiling face. Then he points to camera and as Riker "reacts" to having been caught by his son's candid camera... they both laugh and hug. 38A ANGLE ON RIKER Watching with a smile... then he frowns. Where's his wife in this? RIKER Computer. Display family record. Riker, Mrs. William T. The screen goes blank. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT THREE 33A. 38A CONTINUED: COMPUTER VOICE Please restate request. What the hell? Riker quickly becomes frustrated... and then Jean-Luc returns, sleeving into a fresh tunic. JEAN-LUC What's wrong, Dad? STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/19/90 - ACT THREE 34. 38A CONTINUED: (2) RIKER The computer's still not acting right. I'm having trouble finding a visual record of your mother. Jean-Luc frowns. Upset. JEAN-LUC But I know Mom's pictures are there. Did you give a Stardate? As Riker shakes his head, Jean-Luc faces the console. JEAN-LUC (to desk console, patiently) Computer. Display family record. Riker, Mrs. William T. Home file. Stardate 58416. The console lights up and the boy smiles as... 39 ANGLE ON COMPUTER SCREEN - (OPTICAL) No delay this time. We see more MOS home videos of the Rikers in their quarters. Jean-Luc and Riker sit at a table as a beautiful young woman (MINUET) enters the scene. She carries a birthday cake, which she places on the table. And as Jean-Luc blows out the candles and his parents applaud... RIKER (OPTICAL) Stares at the images of his "wife" -- recognizing her. His face sets... he knows... RIKER (softly, to himself) 'Min... Minuet?' Jean-Luc doesn't realize the game is over. JEAN-LUC Mom was beautiful, wasn't she? RIKER (softly) Yes... STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT THREE 35. 40 CONTINUED: He turns off the computer, gives Jean-Luc a long look. The boy reacts with puzzlement. JEAN-LUC Dad... what's wrong? A moment of strained silence... then... GEORDI'S COM VOICE La Forge to Riker. RIKER (keying insignia) Riker here. GEORDI'S COM VOICE Captain... please come to the Bridge. Riker nods, jaw set. The jig is up. RIKER On my way. A determined Riker EXITS... leaving a concerned Jean-Luc alone. 41 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker ENTERS from the aft Turbolift and approaches Geordi, who is working at his engineering station. RIKER What's the problem? GEORDI I've had to shut down the warp engines, Captain. RIKER Why? GEORDI The antimatter containment fields were fluctuating. Nothing to worry about, though. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT THREE 35A. 41 CONTINUED: RIKER (oh, come on!) We're on the edge of the Neutral Zone on impulse power, and you're not concerned? GEORDI I'll have the engines back on line in no time, sir. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT THREE 36. 41 CONTINUED: (2) Riker's anger builds. He surveys the Bridge... knowing this all a sham... and he decides to kick it apart. He glares at Geordi... RIKER (sarcastic) As fast as you tracked down that faulty processing accelerator? GEORDI (defensive) I'm running a Level One diagnostic... RIKER ... for thirty hours... ? It's never taken you more than four. You're not capable of that kind of incompetence, La Forge. GEORDI But, sir... Riker moves on to Ops to confront Worf. RIKER Where did you get that scar? WORF (proudly) In combat, sir. RIKER What battle? When? Which unit, which sector? Worf just stares at him. Riker charges on... into the command area to face Data. RIKER If we left immediately, when would we arrive at Outpost Twenty Three? DATA At Warp One, in three days, four hours... STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT THREE 37. 41 CONTINUED: (3) RIKER How about at Warp Seven? (to Data's silence) At Warp Eight? At Warp Nine? What's wrong, Data? What happened to all those millions of calculations per second? DATA Pardon me, sir... but I am receiving subspace interference which limits my abilities. I can't operate as quickly as... Riker catches the mistake, jabs home... RIKER What did you say, Commander? DATA I said I cannot operate -- RIKER No. That's not what you said. You said "I can't." You used a contraction. Didn't you? Picard, Troi, and Tomalak ENTER from the aft Turbolift and observe as... DATA Sir, I can explain -- RIKER -- No you can't. Don't even try. Picard steps into the command area. PICARD Captain Riker, this is no way to act in front of Ambassador... RIKER Shut up! Picard stops dead. Reactions all around. PICARD What did you say? STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/13/90 - ACT THREE 38. 41 CONTINUED: (3) RIKER (hammering) Shut up, as in close your mouth, and stop talking. Picard is speechless. Troi steps into the breech. TROI Will... I can sense how upset you are. You're angry, impatient -- RIKER Back off, Deanna. Picard and Troi are at a loss. There is a great silence on the Bridge. RIKER Well... anyone else want to speak up. Or can we end this... charade? 42 WIDE - THE ENTIRE BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Disappears. The Bridge, Picard, Troi, and the staff officers all SHIMMER AWAY to reveal a Romulan Holodeck. A stunned Riker is left alone with Tomalak. The Romulan steps up to Riker. Grim... TOMALAK As you wish, Commander Riker. The charade is over. And as Riker reacts... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT FOUR 39. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 43 INT. ANTEROOM TO ROMULAN HOLODECK (OPTICAL) Begin on Riker as a ROMULAN TECHNICIAN applies a blinking, hand-held device to his beard. The device GLOWS, causing the grey to vanish from Riker's beard and hair. Through this... RIKER (evenly) The Enterprise... my son... you created it all. Pull back to include Tomalak and TWO ROMULAN GUARDS. TOMALAK With the help of our neural scanners... and what you would call a Holodeck. The Technician passes the device over Riker's communicator and pips, returning them to normal. Then... TOMALAK Now please tell me... how did you discover the truth? The future we constructed for you should have been... convincing. RIKER It wasn't. There was the computer time lag, for one thing. TOMALAK Unavoidable. Our scanners have a limited response time. So whenever you strayed from our... expectations... (with a shrug) But surely that was not enough to... RIKER To smash your house of cards? No, it was the visual record of my "wife," Minuet. Bad move. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT FOUR 40. 43 CONTINUED: TOMALAK (surprised) But we chose someone from your past who is still alive... a woman you were extremely attracted to... RIKER Your mistake, Tomalak. Minuet was nothing more than a computer generated fantasy I once experienced on another Holodeck. Tomalak is not buying this. TOMALAK Impossible. In your mind, that woman exists... physically. Your feelings toward her remain quite... passionate. RIKER She was part of a very special program. Tomalak shakes his head and sighs. TOMALAK So much effort... so little accomplished. Riker cuts to the chase. RIKER If Outpost Twenty-three is what you're after... Why didn't you just use your neural scanners to probe my mind? TOMALAK Our scanners are calibrated for Romulan brain patterns. When it comes to human brains, they are less efficient. There were gaps in the information we gathered from your memory. Now it's Riker's turn to express his doubts. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT FOUR 40A. 43 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER Gaps? After what I've just seen, I find that hard to believe. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT FOUR 41. 43 CONTINUED: (3) RIKER (Cont'd) You recreated the Enterprise, the crew... every nuance, every sound, smell... perfectly accurate. I sure didn't notice any gaps... (beat) I don't buy it, Tomalak. Tomalak's tone changes, turning dangerous. TOMALAK We are wasting time. Tomalak turns and gestures to the guards. TOMALAK Bring him. Off Riker's reaction... 44 INT. TUNNEL TO HOLDING CELL (OPTICAL) As Tomalak and the two Romulan guards escort Riker... TOMALAK (mid-explanation) When you and your colleagues transported to this planet, you were less than a kilometer from this base. Your capture was a simple matter. RIKER My colleagues... ? TOMALAK We allowed them to transport safely back to the Enterprise. But your signal was... diverted. RIKER My people won't stop looking for me, Tomalak. TOMALAK They already have. Riker reacts... They pause by a holding cell cut into the living rock. One of the guards deactivates the force field lights. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/20/90 - ACT FOUR 42. 45 INT. HOLDING CELL (OPTICAL) As Riker and the Romulans ENTER... TOMALAK (ironic, to Riker) Please say hello to your son. And Riker reacts to... a ragged, dirty little boy huddled in a corner of the cell. It is Jean-Luc. RIKER (surprised) Jean-Luc? TOMALAK That is not his name, of course. Nor have you ever really met him. We merely... used his image to augment your program. Riker carefully approaches the boy... who flinches away and scuttles to another corner of the cell. Riker reacts, then glares at Tomalak. RIKER What have you done to him? Tomalak ignores the question. TOMALAK While I am gone, please give careful thought to your situation. He EXITS with the guards. As the cell's force field is reactivated, Riker faces the boy. RIKER (gently) What's your name? Silence. Riker tries again. RIKER Look... if we're going to get out of here, you've got to trust me... The frightened boy cringes in the corner, unwilling to so much as look at the man. Riker takes a step toward him, but stops as... RIKER Easy... I won't hurt you. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/20/90 - ACT FOUR 42A. 45 CONTINUED: The boy covers his face with his hands, peering fearfully through his fingers with panicky eyes. RIKER Who are you? How did you get here? No answer. But Riker doesn't give up. He kneels near the boy. RIKER My name is Will. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT FOUR 43. 45 CONTINUED: The boy slowly sits up... studies Riker... then... ETHAN/JEAN-LUC Ethan... Ethan and Riker hear footsteps and face the force field, watching, as two guards stride down the tunnel and past the holding cell. ETHAN They brought me here... with my parents... Ethan turns away from the field to face Riker. ETHAN (continuing) We were at a research station on Miridian Six. RIKER (a gentle inquiry) Miridian Six... near the Neutral Zone? I thought it was uninhabited... ETHAN The station was set up last year. (quietly) Then the Romulans came... The boy stops. Riker frowns. RIKER It's odd the Enterprise wasn't advised... Riker changes tack, probes tenderly. RIKER Where are your parents, now? ETHAN (after a pause) They took them away. Another beat. Riker doesn't know any kinder way to ask the next question. RIKER Do you know why the Romulans are keeping you here? STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT FOUR 44. 45 CONTINUED: (2) ETHAN No... (his fear showing) ... I just want to get away. Riker kneels, takes the boy by the shoulders... RIKER Ethan... I'll get us out of here... ETHAN (resigned) How? Even if we do get away, they'll find us. (beat) They found me when I escaped before. That gets Riker's attention. RIKER You escaped? ETHAN (nods) I hid in a secret place... for weeks... but they caught me when I went out to find food. They hear approaching footsteps and Riker stands to face them as... 46 thru OMITTED 47 48 INT. TUNNEL OUTSIDE HOLDING CELL (OPTICAL) Tomalak and a guard approach the cell. The guard deactivates the force field and they both ENTER. 49 INT. HOLDING CELL (OPTICAL) Tomalak faces Riker and Ethan. TOMALAK I want that information, Commander. I want the location of Outpost Twenty-Three. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT FOUR 44A. 49 CONTINUED: Riker doesn't bother to answer. Tomalak barely maintains his poise. TOMALAK Very well. I have been given permission to use whatever means are necessary... STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT FOUR 45. 49 CONTINUED: (2) Ethan suddenly bolts for the open door. Riker reacts... RIKER Ethan... no! Tomalak also reacts, shouts... TOMALAK Stop him! The guard quickly reaches out, grabs Ethan by the collar. The boy kicks and screams, struggling against the guard's grip. ETHAN Let me go... Tomalak looks away from Riker for only a moment... but it's long enough. Riker punches Tomalak, who goes down. The guard reacts, tries to keep a firm hold on the struggling Ethan as he draws his phaser. But Ethan knocks the Romulan's arm up toward the ceiling... ETHAN Don't! The phaser goes off, firing into the ceiling. Then the guard shoves the boy aside... which buys Riker the time to punch him out, too. As the guard slumps to the floor, Riker picks up his phaser, hurries to Ethan, helps him out of the cell. 50 INT. TUNNEL - OUTSIDE THE HOLDING CELL (OPTICAL)) As they hurry down the corridor... RIKER This secret hiding place of yours... ? ETHAN This way... A phaser beam suddenly blasts the wall close by. They react and RUN... 51 THE END OF THE TUNNEL (OPTICAL) Another Romulan guard approaches, weapon at the ready... But before he can fire again... STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT FOUR 46. 52 RIKER (OPTICAL) fires, knocking the guard off his feet. 53 INT. ANOTHER TUNNEL Riker and Ethan round a corner and come face to face with a surprised Romulan guard. The Romulan goes for his weapon. Too late. Riker fires first. As the guard falls, Riker and Ethan run toward... 53A ANGLE ON AIR CONDITIONING GRATE The boy stops by the floor level air conditioning grate, swings it open, and motions. ETHAN In here... Riker follows him as Ethan climbs inside, then pulls the grate shut behind them. 54 OMITTED 55 INT. A NARROW CRAWLSPACE Almost pitch black. The only light comes through the slots in that grate. Ethan hurriedly slides bolts into place, securing the grate as echoing footsteps approach in the tunnel beyond... ... Riker and Ethan freeze against the walls on either side of the grate as the feet and legs of the Romulan guards appear in the tunnel outside. One of the Romulans kneels down, peers through the grate... then suddenly seizes it with his hand and gives it a hard shake as we... 56 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/13/90 - ACT FIVE 47. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 57 thru OMITTED 60 61 INT. CRAWLSPACE - CONTINUOUS Riker's hand tightens on that captured phaser as the guard gives the grate a last shake... then steps away to rejoin his companion... 61A RIKER'S POV - THROUGH GRATE The guards move off down the corridor... paying close attention to the sensing device one of them holds. 62 OMITTED 63 INT. CRAWLSPACE Riker reacts, puzzled, to the fading footsteps of the Romulans in the tunnel. He turns to Ethan and whispers. RIKER Their sensors should have picked us up... Ethan picks up a lantern from the top of a nearby crate, activates it, and plays its beam across the rock. As they move a short way down the crawlspace to a jumble of oddly shaped crates and freight containers... ETHAN They can't... I heard them say there's something in these rocks... RIKER Heavy metals? ETHAN (nodding) Right... Ethan starts shoving a large crate aside to reveal a dark entryway. Riker moves to help him. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/27/90 - ACT FIVE 48. 63 CONTINUED: Then Ethan lights their way with the lantern as Riker follows him through the entryway into... 63AA INT. CRAWLSPACE - ANOTHER SECTION Riker and Ethan move through the narrow crawlspace. RIKER When you escaped last time... how'd you manage it? ETHAN I acted like I was sick... when the Romulans took me to the infirmary, I ran away. Ethan pauses, faces Riker. ETHAN I was lucky... I found this place the same day. Riker nods appreciateively as they move on to... 63A INT. SECRET ROOM ... Where Ethan activates a light cell, bathing the room in a soft glow. ETHAN ... The Romulans forgot all about this storeroom when they rebuilt the tunnels. The boy crosses to a pile of crates stacked in a corner of the cluttered room... starts searching through them. ETHAN After I got away last time... Ethan produces a folded piece of synthetic cloth. ETHAN (continuing) ... I mapped out all their tunnels. He lays the cloth out across a crate... to reveal a rough map of the base. As Ethan points things out... STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/27/90 - ACT FIVE 48A. 63A CONTINUED: ETHAN Supply depot, communications, living quarters... and the shuttle bay. RIKER (instantly intrigued) How many guards at the shuttle bay? ETHAN Only two or three. Riker thinks about it, shakes his head. RIKER Stealing a shuttle would get us nowhere... too easy for the Romulans to track one of their own ships. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT FIVE 49. 63A CONTINUED: RIKER (Cont'd) (points at map) But we could break into communications. Send a message to the Enterprise. Ethan looks doubtful. Shakes his head. ETHAN We can't do that... The transmitter is on a voice-activated security system! RIKER Do you know whose voice it accepts? ETHAN Only Ambassador Tomalak. RIKER (reacts) Who? ETHAN Tomalak. RIKER Ambassador Tomalak. Ethan looks up at him, suddenly aware of the man's stunned reaction. Riker just stares at him. RIKER Tomalak is a Romulan Captain. The only time he was called "Ambassador" was in their Holodeck fantasy. How would you know about that? ETHAN You... you told me about it. Riker shakes his head, no I didn't. RIKER Who are you? What's your part in all this? STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT FIVE 50. 63A CONTINUED: (2) They react to a sudden, off screen explosion and the sounds of the approaching Romulans. Ethan turns to Riker, shouts a warning... ETHAN They've found us! RIKER (calm) But you said their sensors didn't work in this tunnel. ETHAN They must have fixed them. We've got to go! He grabs at Riker, but he won't budge. RIKER And where will we go, Ethan? ETHAN To the shuttle bay! There's still time. RIKER No... I've had enough. And they both react as... 63B TOMALAK AND TWO GUARDS Step into the room. TOMALAK Commander... surrender your weapon... And as the three Romulans raise their weapons... Riker drops his phaser and casually lifts his arms, palms up. RIKER No more games. No more fantasies. I'm not going to play anymore. Then Riker makes eye contact with Ethan. A last, sad moment between them. And the boy relaxes... he knows the game has finally and truly ended. Then... STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT FIVE 51. 64 thru OMITTED 65 66 THE ROMULANS (OPTICAL) Suddenly SHIMMER away. 67 THE ENTIRE ROOM (OPTICAL) Also disappears... to reveal the immense cavern where our story began. Riker and Ethan are left alone in the huge room. Riker stares at the boy. Shocked. RIKER It was never the Romulans... it was you all along, wasn't it? Ethan hangs his head. Then we go to... 68 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - THE REAL ENTERPRISE Picard and Data are at an aft station, huddled over a monitor. DATA There is no question about it, sir. It is his signal. Picard acknowledges this with a nod. Then Troi, Worf, and Geordi watch, concerned, as... PICARD (to com) Picard to Riker... can you read me? RIKER'S COM VOICE (after a beat) Riker to Picard. I'm here. The general relief at the sound of Riker's voice is obvious. 69 INT. ALIEN CHAMBER Riker and Ethan. PICARD'S COM VOICE Are you all right? STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT FIVE 52. 69 CONTINUED: RIKER Yes... What about Worf and Geordi? PICARD'S COM VOICE We beamed them up an hour ago... They're fine. 69A INT. MAIN BRIDGE PICARD But we lost you in mid-transport. Where have you been? What is going on down there? RIKER'S COM VOICE I'm not sure, sir. Picard raises an eyebrow as we go back to... 69B INT. ALIEN CHAMBER (OPTICAL) Riker and Ethan. RIKER But I think I'm about to find out... stand by. Riker keys his insignia and faces the boy, who is sad but calm. RIKER What should I call you? Ethan... Jean-Luc? ETHAN (sad) It doesn't matter. Riker crosses to the wall, listens to a faint humming beyond. RIKER This room... it's more than just a Holodeck, isn't it? STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT FIVE 53. 69B CONTINUED: ETHAN (almost proud) Much more. The neural scanners read my mind... give me anything I want. Just like they tried to give you everything you wanted. Riker is furious... and for good reason. RIKER What I wanted? You probed the Enterprise... lured us here... so you could play games with me. I didn't want any of that... you did. Why? The boy looks older, sadder, less the child. ETHAN My world was invaded... my people... killed. My mother brought me here... so our enemies would never find me. Riker reacts... tone changing. RIKER But they found her, didn't they? Ethan nods -- the memory, distant as it is, still painful. ETHAN She knew they would never stop looking for her... So she made sure I would be safe... He touches his forehead, then gestures at the surrounding walls as... 69C ANGLE - INCLUDING CAVERN WALLS (OPTICAL) Brief SHIMMERS here and there as the various components of Ethan's scanners "uncloak" and reveal themselves. ETHAN She left the scanners to protect me... and to give me everything I wanted. STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT FIVE 54. 69C CONTINUED: Riker reacts to the youngster's pain. Abandoned by his own father, he knows what it's like to be a lonely little boy. RIKER Everything... then why kidnap me? ETHAN (after a pause) I wanted you to stay. It's been so long... I just wanted somebody... real. I... thought you would be happy... I'm sorry... Riker is gentle... but insistent. RIKER I have to return to my ship. (a beat) Come with me. You don't have to stay here anymore... you don't have to be alone anymore... The boy hesitates. A long beat as he considers. Then... 70 ANGLE - FAVORING ETHAN - (OPTICAL) The figure of the boy SHIMMERS... and for the first time, we see him in his true, alien form. THE ALIEN My real name is Barash. Riker smiles, holds out his hand, and says... RIKER To me, you'll always be Jean-Luc. The alien takes Riker's hand. A silent and special moment between them... then Riker keys his insignia. RIKER Two to transport... And as they DEMATERIALIZE, go to... STAR TREK: "Future Imperfect" - REV. 9/18/90 - ACT FIVE 55. 71 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) As she warps AWAY. (NOTE: This will be the first exterior view of the Enterprise we see after the shot of it in orbit around Alpha Onias Three.) FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END