STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "First Contact" #40274-189 Teleplay by Joe Menosky & Ronald D. Moore and Michael Piller Story by Marc Zicree and David Bischoff & Dennis Russell Bailey Directed by Cliff Bole THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1990 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT NOVEMBER 28, 1990 STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 11/30/90 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "First Contact" CAST PICARD CHANCELLOR DURKEN RIKER MINISTER MIRASTA YALE TROI MINISTER KROLA DATA DOCTOR NILREM BEVERLY DOCTOR TAVA GEORDI DOCTOR BEREL WORF NURSE LANEL MALE INTERCOM VOICE Non-Speaking SUPERNUMERARIES Non-Speaking Malcorians: MALE NURSE 3 N.D. DOCTORS 2 MEDICAL TECHS 2 NURSES A SECURITY GUARD STAR TREK: "First Contact" - 11/28/90 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "First Contact" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM MALCOR (MATTE SHOT) TRANSPORTER ROOM CAPITAL CITY TEN FORWARD MAIN ENGINEERING CORRIDOR MALCOR MEDICAL FACILITY (HOSPITAL) CORRIDOR RIKER'S ROOM CHANCELLOR DURKEN'S OFFICE MIRASTA'S SCIENCE LAB STAR TREK: "First Contact" - 11/30/90 - PRONUNICATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "First Contact" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ADRULMINE ah-DROOL-mine BEREL BER-rul COSTAL CAHS-tul DURKEN DURH-ken ICHOR EYE-kohr KROLA KROH-la LANEL lan-EL MALCORIAN mahl-KOHR-ee-an MARTA MAR-tah MIRASTA mear-AST-ah NILREM NILL-rehm OCTARES OKT-tairs PENTADS PEHN-tahds QUADROLINE KWAHD-row-leen RIVAS JAKARA REEV-ass ja-KAH-ruh SIKLA SICK-la TAVA TAH-vah TELENCEPHALON tell-en-SEHF-ah-lahn STAR TREK: "First Contact" - 11/28/90 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "First Contact" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. ALIEN MEDICAL FACILITY - CORRIDOR - DAY CLOSE ON a wide sliding door opening... TWO MALCORIAN MEDICAL TECHNICIANS rush someone on a gurney through the doors and into a small room crowded with medical equipment for emergency trauma care. The level of technology in evidence is approximately mid 21st century Earth with just enough differences to tell us that this is an alien world. There are two treatment bed/tables, cabinets and trays with medical instruments, and a display for reading scans. The Malcorians are humanoid with a slight difference in facial features... their hands are shaped like mittens without fingers (and if this is a difficult makeup job, they can all wear gloves.) There is a sense of urgency as the Technicians rush the gurney into the Emergency Room... two young Malcorian physicians, NILREM (male) and TAVA (female) quickly move equipment and get a table ready for the incoming patient. Throughout the following scene, we should NOT SEE the face of the man lying on the gurney, but he is in Malcorian civilian garb and has a large bandage on his head. We may notice he does wear gloves (mittens) on his hands. They have the gurney in position and the Technicians help to move the victim off the gurney and onto the table. NILREM Ready... lift! They all lift and move the victim on the table. The Technicians now move away and EXIT. STAR TREK: "First Contact" - 11/28/90 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: The two doctors move with the smooth efficiency of hurried professionalism. They begin to attach the victim to alien emergency equipment... NILREM He took a severe blow... possible trauma to the telencephalon... TAVA (examining patient) Start fifteen octares of quadroline. We'll need a complete del-scan series. Nilrem takes stethoscope-type device and puts it on the patient's STOMACH. Nilrem listens... frowns... NILREM (incredulous) I can't find his cardial organ... Tava quickly grabs the patient's wrist... TAVA What do you mean? I'm reading a steady circulation... Nilrem goes searching for the heart with his scope... moves it around... finally places it on his chest... NILREM There it is... up here... TAVA In his digestive tract? NILREM Have you ever seen anything like this... ? They exchange a puzzled look and then Nilrem gets back to work as Tava gingerly uses his hands to probe the man's stomach... TAVA He's missing three costal struts on one side and four on the other... NILREM You think that's something... look at this... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 11/30/90 - TEASER 3. 1 CONTINUED: (2) Moving to see Nilrem at the man's feet, having removed his shoes and socks, showing toes -- NILREM He has digits on his terminus... Reactions... they move to his hands and peel off his gloves... to reveal fingers on his hand... more reactions. They exchange a look. Look at him. TAVA (quietly) What are you? MOVE TO REVEAL RIKER lying unconscious on the table. His face has been altered so he looks like a Malcorian. On Riker... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/6/90 - ACT ONE 4. ACT ONE FADE IN: 2 INT. RIKER'S ROOM - DAY Close on Riker in a bed, head bandaged, monitors working... waking up... he gropes for his bearings a second, then reacts as he sees -- 3 ANGLE - A GROUP OF SIX DOCTORS including Nilrem and Tava are at the foot of his bed, watching him with extraordinary curiosity... Riker feels the pain in his head... RIKER What happened? A senior physician (BEREL) has joined the group... an overworked man who doesn't need any more in his life right now, certainly not an alien in his hospital. BEREL You're in the crisis room at the Sikla Medical Facility. You've had a severe injury, but you're going to be all right. Riker takes this in for a moment... nods again in understanding. His head hurts terribly. RIKER I was caught in the riot when the police moved in... that's the last thing I remember. BEREL Can you tell us your name? Riker is careful... it's all starting to come back to him and he wants to make sure he doesn't say the wrong thing. RIKER Rivas. Rivas Jakara. BEREL Rivas Jakara. Where do you live? STAR TREK: "First Contact" - 11/28/90 - ACT ONE 4A. 3 CONTINUED: RIKER (well-rehearsed) In the Marta community on the southern continent... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/6/90 - ACT ONE 5-5A. 3 CONTINUED: (2) TAVA You're a long way from home. (beat) Are there any members of your family we should notify... RIKER No... I have no family. He lifts his hand as if to rub his head and then sees the primitive equipment he's attached to. RIKER I can't stay here... I have to get back... BEREL You're in no condition to leave yet... Berel studies him with an experienced eye... doesn't believe Riker's telling the truth... still, using very good bedside manner, he manages a reluctant grin as he moves to a more intimate position, perhaps sitting on the corner of the bed... BEREL There are several... unusual things about your case, Mister Jakara... your cranial lobes, for example. They seem to be surgical implants... RIKER I did have some cosmetic surgery... to correct a genetic birth defect... Picking up his hand... looking at the fingers... BEREL And these? Another birth defect? STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/6/90 - ACT ONE 6. 3 CONTINUED: (3) RIKER (acknowledges, of course) Yes, isn't that something? My father's were the same way... NILREM (sharp) You want us to believe that all your abnormalities are inherited genetic traits? Berel shoots him a look, and Nilrem backs off. RIKER I understand your confusion. My personal physician is much more familiar with these... genetic irregularities... to be honest, I'd feel better if I were back home under her care... BEREL Why don't I talk to her about that... what's her name? RIKER (beat) Crusher... but actually, I'm not sure you'll be able to reach her. BEREL Why not? RIKER She's taking... a sabbatical. A long look by Berel. Then... BEREL Well, we'll do the best we can for you. Berel pats him on the wrist, rises. About to leave, a 'Columbo' afterthought... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/6/90 - ACT ONE 7. 3 CONTINUED: (4) BEREL Oh, there was one other thing... (he pulls a phaser out of his pocket) We found this curious looking device in your clothes... what is it? RIKER Oh, it's just a toy I was taking home... a present... BEREL I thought you didn't have any family... RIKER For a neighbor's child. (beat) Did they find anything else, I had one piece of jewelry... a metal pin... BEREL No, I'm sorry. This was all we found... Berel glances at the others, they all leave. Riker immediately breaks his pretense, looks to the heavens with an 'oh shoot' look, tries to get up... but pain shoots through his head and he must retreat back to bed... 4 INT. MEDICAL FACILITY CORRIDOR As the group comes out. Tava moves to Berel... NILREM (voice rising) "Genetic irregularities"?... that thing isn't even the same species as we are... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/6/90 - ACT ONE 8. 4 CONTINUED: BEREL (looks hard at him) Keep your voice down. (beat) The last thing we need is a panic in here over some... He sighs, cannot bring himself to say it... Nilrem finishes it... NILREM It's all the space flights... they've attracted creatures from outer space... BEREL Now, that's exactly the kind of thing I don't want to hear ... is that understood? TAVA What are you going to do? BEREL (sighs) With all the medical facilities available, why did he have to end up here? NILREM I think we ought to call Central Security. BEREL I'm not calling anybody yet. Not until we've done a lot more. A lot more. I want his story checked out... (MORE) STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/6/90 - ACT ONE 9. 4 CONTINUED: (2) BEREL (Cont'd) Run a complete search through the medical library... be absolutely certain there's never been anything like him... NILREM What if there're more of them? They could be everywhere... BEREL (calm down) Somebody get Nilrem a calmative. (beat) We ought to see if we can find the physician Crusher. And give this thing... (handing the phaser to Nilrem) ... to somebody in technical to check out. On the move -- TAVA What about him? BEREL Cordon off this wing... I want security on his door twenty-nine hours a day... and I want this kept quiet... (frowns) They've already questioned my judgement on the diagnostic center, criticized my resource allocations... all they need to hear now is that I'm treating alien creatures... The last is said going away as they turn a corner, down a hallway... 5 EXT. CAPITAL CITY (MATTE SHOT) - DAY A large, metropolitan city that could be from mid 21st century Earth, with a few alien touches. Moving in on an impressive government building... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 11/30/90 - ACT ONE 10. 6 INT. DURKEN'S OFFICE - DAY (OPTICAL) DURKEN is the leader of his people and this is a fitting office for a man of his stature, oval shaped with windows that look outside. Durken himself is in his fifties, slight in stature, no Ronald Reagan here, there is a gentle, Woodrow Wilson quality, thoughtful, brilliant, committed. With him here is MIRASTA, a woman 30-35 years old, and the Minister for Internal Security, KROLA. He is older than Durken, with a keen intellect and piercing eyes. Two other non-speaking members of the cabinet are present. Mirasta, the Minister of Science, is displaying a star chart with some rough animation on a wall monitor... MIRASTA At twelve-point-four after launch, the warp field generator will be activated... DURKEN That's when it would break the light barrier? MIRASTA Yes, Chancellor. If we're successful, the craft will leave our star system in a matter of minutes and will be on its way toward the Garth system... KROLA (non-supportive) And then what? MIRASTA (with a disarming smile) And then, Krola, we'll see what's there... DURKEN How long, Mirasta? MIRASTA We have the prototype design for the warp engine... it would simply be a matter of building the actual production units. If I get your approval today... ten months, maybe less. STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 11/30/90 - ACT ONE 10A. 6 CONTINUED: Krola shakes his head, but is extremely pleasant and politic throughout... this is an argument they've had many times before, there is even a smile on his face... KROLA Chancellor, I'll admit Mirasta's enthusiasm for her work is seductive, but perhaps we're moving too fast... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 11/30/90 - ACT ONE 11. 6 CONTINUED: (2) DURKEN (acknowledging, with humor) As fast as the speed of light, Krola... KROLA Why am I always the only realist in a room full of dreamers... ? All laugh... KROLA Please, I must be serious... there was another demonstration today... some violence. Your opponents will see this as another example of your determination to pull us further from our traditional ways... Durken stands, moves as he talks... DURKEN My opponents look back as I look forward. I cannot believe that my people would choose to retreat after all we've done... MIRASTA I agree. KROLA The people were willing to accept your social reforms because they believe in you, Chancellor. But there are many who say we have gone far enough... all of these new ideas... new technology... and now space travel... it confuses them, frightens them... DURKEN And I will not allow them to remain in the dark ages... the warp program will proceed as you have outlined, Mirasta... (beat, smiles to Krola) And then we will slow down, Krola, to let everyone catch their breath including you... Krola nods and as they all rise to leave... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 11/30/90 - ACT ONE 12. 7 INT. MIRASTA'S LAB - DAY (OPTICAL) From this room, a person can personally supervise and control rocket launches, satellite operations, radio and optical telescope functions, receive telemetry, etc. If the head of NASA wanted to be completely "hands-on" in the next fifty years, this is the kind of place he/she would have. There should be computers, monitors, printers, observational equipment, models of spacecraft, etc. Mirasta enters... sits down at one of the computer monitors and taps in a few commands. Behind her, Picard and Troi MATERIALIZE. Mirasta turns in her chair toward the door reacting to the noise... Picard is dressed in his uniform, Deanna in conservative civilian garb. They are not posing as aliens. PICARD Excuse me, Mirasta Yale? She glances at them curiously. MIRASTA Yes? PICARD My name is Jean-Luc Picard. This is my associate Deanna Troi. May we come in? Mirasta is already on her feet... their appearance is clearly not of local origin. MIRASTA Who are you? TROI Please don't be alarmed by our appearance... we've come with some... important information. MIRASTA About what? PICARD About space. About the universe you are preparing to enter. Off her look... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/4/90 - ACT ONE 13. 7 CONTINUED: TROI We are from a federation of planets, Mirasta... Captain Picard is from a planet called Earth more than two thousand light years from here. I am from another planet called Betazed. MIRASTA (beat) Uh huh. PICARD We have been monitoring your progress toward warp drive capability. When a society reaches your level of technology and is clearly about to initiate warp travel, we believe it is time to make first contact. We prefer meeting like this rather than a random confrontation in deep space. TROI We've come to you first because you are a leader in the scientific community. And scientists can generally accept our arrival more easily than others. PICARD We almost always encounter fear and shock on this sort of mission. We hope you will be able to help facilitate our introduction. A beat as Mirasta digests this, then... MIRASTA Is this a joke? Did Lupo and the others at the lab put you up to this? PICARD (grins) I assure you this is no joke. (holding up his hands) You can see we are quite physically different than Malcorians. (MORE) STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/4/90 - ACT ONE 14. 7 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (Cont'd) And with your permission, I am prepared to prove what I am saying. MIRASTA (tentative) All right... PICARD (keys insignia) Picard to Enterprise. Three to beam up. They DEMATERIALIZE. 8 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) As they MATERIALIZE... she reacts, astounded. Worf and Beverly are there to greet them. SUPERNUMERARY at transport. WORF Welcome aboard. And this is standard procedure. Worf is there for security precautions. Beverly is there in case the newcomer faints... and as Mirasta looks around with awe and wonder, somewhat shaky as Picard leads her off the transporter pad.... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 11/30/90 - ACT TWO 15. ACT TWO 9 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) In orbit. 10 INT. TEN FORWARD (OPTICAL) Picard, Troi and Mirasta ENTER... MIRASTA It's beyond words... everything I've ever dreamed about... (beat) When I was a child, my parents would take me to the planetarium... and we would sit in the dark and it was as if I was on a spaceship on my way to another world... to meet people from other planets... TROI Now that you're about to travel beyond your own solar system, you will meet a great many more people from other planets, Mirasta... PICARD The Federation prefers to make first contact like this... rather than a random confrontation in deep space. MIRASTA A part of me still expects the lights to come up as the program ends... They sit at a table looking down at the planet... MIRASTA How did you know about me? This becomes a little more touchy and Picard and Troi are well experienced in breaking the ground... PICARD We try to learn as much as possible about a planet before first contact. STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 11/30/90 - ACT TWO 16. 10 CONTINUED: TROI (gently smiles) One of the things we do is monitor broadcast signals... We listen to your journalism, your music, your humor... try to better understand you as a people... MIRASTA I hate to think how you would judge us based on our popular music and entertainment. PICARD To be sure, we get an incomplete picture from long distance... that's why we also do on-surface reconnaissance. Mirasta does not react negatively to this and has yet to grasp the hard realities of what lies ahead... she's enchanted by the moment... her reaction is almost like she's just been let in on a wonderful secret... MIRASTA You've had people on our planet? TROI For several years. PICARD (off her reaction) We've found that the most hazardous aspect of this kind of mission is a lack of sufficient information... MIRASTA You don't have to explain. I understand. (beat) But not everyone on my planet would. They'd think you were trying to infiltrate our society. PICARD We do have a complication here, Mirasta. One of our people is missing. My first officer, Commander William Riker. (MORE) STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 11/30/90 - ACT TWO 16A. 10 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (Cont'd) He was on the surface to coordinate the final details with our observation team when he disappeared. Our people have made inquiries... but we have not been able to locate him. If there's any way you can help... MIRASTA Of course. Where was Riker's last known location? STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 11/30/90 - ACT TWO 17. 10 CONTINUED: (3) TROI The capital city. He was there under the name of Rivas Jakara, a tourist from the Marta community. Mirasta acknowledges. MIRASTA We've got to find him before someone realizes what he really is... if this gets out prematurely, it will seriously complicate matters. And now she begins to take stock of what is forthcoming. MIRASTA Introducing you to this world will not be an easy matter. TROI It never is. MIRASTA You must already know that my people are in a transitory stage... an old staid culture has been pulled into the future by Chancellor Durken... but it is not easy to discard deep-rooted beliefs. Our entire ideology is based on the assumption that the Malcorian is the supreme lifeform and that our world is the center of the universe. Your arrival will change our entire understanding of life... (beat, frankly) Some will not want it to change. PICARD What about Durken? STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 11/30/90 - ACT TWO 18. 10 CONTINUED: (4) MIRASTA Durken will be open-minded. But cautious. I strongly suggest that you do not discuss your surveillance teams with him... not right away at least. PICARD But, with the disappearance of Commander Riker, wouldn't it be prudent... MIRASTA (interrupting) Captain Picard, you must trust me on this. If you tell the Chancellor about Commander Riker, it would undermine everything you hope to accomplish here. (Picard and Troi react) Durken would assign Krola, the Minister of Security, to find him. Krola has his own political agenda. He will perceive you as the greatest threat my people have ever known. And he will not hesitate to use Riker to prove he is correct. Off Picard's reaction... 11 INT. MEDICAL FACILITY CORRIDOR - DAY Berel enters to see the hallway is full of doctors and nurses and medical personnel talking in hushed voices... NILREM (to a pretty nurse) It doesn't make sense that he's the only one... think about it... As Berel passes people we catch snatches of conversations... as they see him, they stop talking, get back to work... moving with him -- OVERLAPPING VOICES (VARIOUS O.C.) From another planet, hundreds of them... invasion from space... (MORE) STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 11/30/90 - ACT TWO 18A. 11 CONTINUED: OVERLAPPING VOICES (Cont'd) Somebody said he's not bad looking... what if that's just a disguise... meat-eaters... I've heard he can see through walls... thousands of them... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - 11/28/90 - ACT TWO 19. 11 CONTINUED: Berel's face grows more and more concerned as he walks... he comes to Tava... BEREL I thought I said this was to be kept a secret... TAVA (much prior experience) You know Nilrem... BEREL (nods, sighs) Well, it's getting out of control... (beat, concerned) ... I don't know what else he is, but he's still a patient in this medical facility and we have a responsibility for his care and recovery... remind them of that, will you? TAVA (acknowledges) Berel, you're not going to be able to contain this much longer. BEREL (sighs) I know. TAVA If people get scared enough, anything could happen... He considers this seriously, sighs, turns and walks on... 12 INT. RIKER'S ROOM As Berel enters... Riker is awake... BEREL Mister Jakara, we have been unable to confirm anything you told us. No physician named Crusher is on file... not on this planet... (MORE) STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/6/90 - ACT TWO 20. 12 CONTINUED: BEREL (Cont'd) Your address in Marta is an eating establishment... the cook has never heard of Rivas Jakara. RIKER There's obviously been some misunderstanding... BEREL There's a growing number of people on the other side of that door who believe you are not one of us. RIKER Not one of you... ? BEREL That you're from another planet. Riker reacts, 'incredulous'... BEREL Are you, Mister Jakara? RIKER (laughs) Do you realize what you're saying? STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/6/90 - ACT TWO 21. 12 CONTINUED: (2) BEREL I know how it sounds. And I am not anxious to make a fool of myself. (beat) Mister Jakara, this new era of space flight, it does fire the imagination. People see unidentified vessels in the sky that turn out to be weather balloons. RIKER It is far more likely that I'm a weather balloon than an alien. BEREL (shrugs, suggesting another possibility) Our medical journals have documented several cases of genetic mutation in recent history... some unusual physical disfigurations have occurred... RIKER I guess I'm another case for the medical journals then... BEREL Perhaps. But you, Mister Jakara, are hiding something. Unless you tell me the truth about yourself, this rumor will persist and grow and could even become dangerous. Most especially to you. He EXITS... off Riker's growing concern... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/5/90 - ACT TWO 22. 13 INT. DURKEN'S OFFICE - CLOSE ON AN INTERCOM DEVICE Pulling back to see Durken at his desk studying documents, stamping a few... MALE COM VOICE ... the delegate from the Central Province at four-point-three... the conference with capitol journalists is at six-point-one... and Minister Yale of the Space Bureau would like to introduce you to someone... DURKEN (frowns) Call her back and see if the Vice-Chancellor will do... MALE COM VOICE They're out here waiting to see you, sir... DURKEN All right. Send them in. The door opens and Mirasta enters with Picard... he rises, puts on his best political smile... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - 11/28/90 - ACT TWO 23. 13 CONTINUED: DURKEN Always time to meet your friends, Mirasta. MIRASTA Chancellor, please sit down... you may want to clear your afternoon schedule for this. As Durken sits and glances curiously at Picard... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "First Contact" - 11/28/90 - ACT THREE 24. ACT THREE FADE IN: 14 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) 15 INT. CORRIDOR Picard, Durken, Mirasta walking away from the transporter. Worf and Beverly trail and quickly go their separate ways... PICARD The security chief and a medical officer are always present during a first contact transport -- a matter of policy... we've learned to expect the unexpected... MIRASTA Your fortitude is impressive, Chancellor... my knees buckled the moment we... we... what do you call it... ? PICARD "Beamed up"... MIRASTA Yes, beamed up... Durken is always thinking ahead, reserved, not showing his own hand, fishing for as much information as he can get... DURKEN It sounds as though you have done this quite often. PICARD Personally, I have been involved with four first contact missions. DURKEN And what happened to those other four planets? Picard grins knowingly. PICARD They're still there, Chancellor. STAR TREK: "First Contact" - 11/28/90 - ACT THREE 25. 16 INT. ENGINEERING As they ENTER. MIRASTA This is their warp drive, Chancellor. Do you believe it... ? Our theories were correct... Durken studies the impressive machinery, calmly nods... without looking at Picard... DURKEN I can only imagine the sort of armaments your vessel carries, Captain Picard. PICARD This vessel also carries families and children, Chancellor. It is not a warship. The Federation is dedicated to the peaceful exploration of space. Durken looks Picard in the eye now... measures him. A beat. Walks on. Walking away -- DURKEN And do you expect all the worlds you contact to become members of your federation? PICARD Not at all, Chancellor. Some desire membership. Some do not. And in some cases the philosophical differences are so great, it is not even a consideration... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - 11/28/90 - ACT THREE 26. 17 INT. MAIN BRIDGE DATA is in the Command Chair. WORF and supernumeraries fill the other posts. The door opens, Picard, Durken, and Mirasta ENTER. Data stands in greeting. PICARD This is my bridge. DATA Captain. PICARD Mister Data. Allow me to introduce Chancellor Avel Durken and Space Administrator Mirasta Yale. DATA How do you do? Both Durken and Mirasta react to Data's appearance. And can't help but glance at Worf as well. PICARD Data is my Second Officer. MIRASTA He is an android, Chancellor. (off Durken's puzzlement) A constructed being. DURKEN A machine? DATA In a manner of speaking. The term "artificial lifeform" is more accurate. Durken nods and takes a deep breath, clearly overwhelmed. STAR TREK: "First Contact" - 11/28/90 - ACT THREE 27. 17 CONTINUED: Mirasta is staring at the forward screen, smiling. MIRASTA Chancellor. He glances over and she indicates the screen. 18 INCLUDE THE SCREEN (OPTICAL) And the planet below. Durken can't completely suppress his wonder. DURKEN Captain Picard. Is there somewhere we might speak together? Without distraction? Picard nods. MIRASTA Chancellor, with your permission, I will... beam back to the surface. (with a glance toward Picard, re: Riker) I have several matters to attend to. DURKEN (nods) Not a word to anyone about this, Mirasta. MIRASTA Of course. PICARD Mister Data will escort you to the transporter room. Picard and Durken go into the Ready Room. As Data leads the way to the turbolift... MIRASTA Has there still been no communication from Commander Riker, Data? STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 11/30/90 - ACT THREE 27A. 18 CONTINUED: DATA No, Minister. He has not returned to our designated transport coordinates. We have continued to scan the capitol city without success. They EXIT into the turbolift... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 11/30/90 - ACT THREE 28. 19 INT. CAPT. READY ROOM Picard pours two glasses from his bottle of Chateau Picard... PICARD I've been saving this for a special occasion. My brother on Earth produces fruit known as grapes which he turns into wine. He's really quite good at it. He raises the two glasses... offers one to Durken. PICARD We have a tradition, Chancellor, called a toast... a drink to salute one's friends and good fortune. I propose a toast to a new friendship. They drink. DURKEN (surprised, recognizing the taste) We have something very much like this here on Malcor Three. PICARD I am sure we will find much in common. DURKEN And much that is not in common. PICARD An opportunity to learn from one another. Durken studies Picard, stands, thoughtful... DURKEN You speak the language of diplomacy very well, Captain Picard... it is a language I appreciate and understand... but I have learned to not always trust it... PICARD Trust requires time and experience... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - 11/28/90 - ACT THREE 29. 19 CONTINUED: DURKEN My world's history has recorded that conquerors often arrived with the words, "we are your friends." PICARD Chancellor, we are not here to conquer. DURKEN What do you want? PICARD Today, all I wish to have is a drink between friends. (Durken smiles) A beginning. How we proceed is entirely up to you... DURKEN (reacts) And if my wishes conflict with yours... ? PICARD There will be no conflict. DURKEN (only a test) And if I were to tell you to leave and never return to my world... PICARD We would leave and never return. (beat) We are only here to help guide you... into a new era. I assure you we will not interfere with the natural development of your planet... that is, in fact, our Prime Directive. DURKEN (beat) I could infer from that directive that you do not intend to share all this extraordinary technology with us... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 11/30/90 - ACT THREE 30. 19 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD That is not the whole meaning... but it is part of it. DURKEN Is that your way of maintaining superiority? PICARD To instantly transform a society with technology would be harmful and destructive... DURKEN (a slow nod) You're right of course. (beat) I am overwhelmed, Captain Picard. Quite overwhelmed. (looks out the window) I come home each night to a loving wife and two beautiful daughters... we eat the evening meal together as a family, I feel that's important... and they always ask me if I've had a good day. PICARD How shall you answer them tonight, Chancellor? Durken turns... DURKEN Well, I'll have to say... this morning, I was the leader of the universe as I knew it... this afternoon, I am only a voice in a chorus. (beat, a nod) But I think it was a good day. He exchanges a solid look with Picard... and the first brick of the new foundation is in place. On Picard's pleased reaction... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/6/90 - ACT THREE 31. 20 INT. RIKER'S HOSPITAL ROOM - NIGHT Riker is on his feet, battling the pain in his head and dizziness... he looks in the closet and finds the clothes he wore when he was brought in, starts to get dressed... 21 ANGLE - THE WINDOW he examines it... it is sealed shut... as he begins to look for something he can use to break it, a nurse (LANEL) ENTERS the room. She stops short as she sees Riker at the window, but instead of crying out for help, she glances out toward the guard and allows the door to close with her inside. She is quite nervous. LANEL There are guards out there. You'll never escape that way. Riker reacts, curious about suddenly having an ally... LANEL (tentative) I'm not afraid of you. RIKER Good. Because there's nothing to be afraid of... LANEL We shouldn't fear the unknown. We should embrace it. RIKER Can you help me get out of here? LANEL Are you really an alien? It's all right to tell me. RIKER No, I'm not an alien... LANEL I don't believe you. You are an alien. RIKER Listen, I really have to leave... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/6/90 - ACT THREE 32. 21 CONTINUED: LANEL I could divert the guard's attention. You might have a chance if you took the service exit down the hall to the left... RIKER To the left. All right. Let's do it. LANEL Why should I? Riker takes a deep breath... moves closer to her... with dramatic flair... RIKER You know why. Because I don't belong here. Because I have to get back to my ship in space. She looks into his eyes. LANEL I believe you. RIKER Now, will you help me? LANEL If you make love to me. RIKER What? LANEL I've always wanted to make love with an alien. RIKER Listen, Miss... LANEL Lanel... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/10/90 - ACT THREE 33. 21 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER I really have to get going... all the... other aliens are expecting me... She moves closer and puts her arms around him... LANEL It's not so much to ask. And then I'll help you escape. RIKER It's not that easy. There are... differences... in the way my people make love. LANEL I can't wait to learn. RIKER But... LANEL (firm) It's your only way out of here... my alien... He doesn't move to get away. DISSOLVE TO: 22 OMITTED 23 INT. CORRIDOR A GUARD is stationed outside Riker's room. Lanel rushes out, apparently upset... LANEL Something's happened to him... I think he's dead... hurry, go get help... The guard rushes down the hallway to the right... after a beat, she opens the door for Riker... LANEL Okay... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/10/90 - ACT THREE 33A. 23 CONTINUED: He moves out quickly, glances in both directions... He starts to move, she moves with him a few steps... LANEL Will I ever see you again... ? RIKER I'll call you next time I'm passing through your star system. And he rushes quickly down the hallway as she watches him go with a sad, satisfied smile. STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 11/30/90 - ACT THREE 34. 24 ANGLE shooting past Riker... Nilrem and another physician turn the corner walking toward him... react as they see him... NILREM Hey! Riker reacts, sees his escape is blocked... freezes, turns... Nilrem and the other man run toward him... NILREM Stop him! Somebody stop him! He's escaping! The alien's escaping! Riker looks the other way and now A DOZEN OTHERS are arriving from other directions... people yell, somebody screams... VOICES (ad lib) He's loose! Get him! Don't let him get away! Kill him! Stop him! Where's he going? He's dangerous! Block the exits! Knock him down! Kill him! LANEL (over the walla) Leave him alone! And people are grabbing things... chairs, and bottles and... and it's funny but not so funny... as this is turning into a mob scene... Riker takes his best shot at the doctor with Nilrem... downs him with a solid blow to the chin and that leads to more noise, yells, screams... he tries to get to the service exit... as Nilrem jumps on his back, Riker throws him off, but the others have arrived and overwhelm him, pummel him... and he could very likely be dead if it weren't for the arrival of Berel and Tava... BEREL Stop it! All of you! Stop it now! His booming voice of authority gets their attention slowly... and as they release Riker, he looks in worse shape than before... he falls slowly to the ground... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 11/30/90 - ACT THREE 35. 24 CONTINUED: BEREL Have you all lost your minds? He kneels down and looks at Riker's wounds... TAVA They've aggravateded the injury to his telencephalin... he's bleeding internally... BEREL (to orderlies) Get him into a surgical cubicle... (to a nurse) And call Central Security. This has gone too far. As the mob dissipates, on Riker... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/6/90 - ACT FOUR 36. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 25 INT. MEDICAL FACILITY - NIGHT Riker is in surgery... they're working on his forehead below his hair line... Berel in surgical clothes works carefully but quickly... but is confused by what he is encountering... Tava assists... two other medical assistants are present... with urgency -- BEREL Recommendation? TAVA I don't know... it doesn't match anything... BEREL (interrupting) Forget your training. What do you see? TAVA The ichor pooling under the cranial bone... it seems to be exerting abnormal pressure. Ordinarily, I'd say we have to drill to relieve it. BEREL Agreed. (to nurse) Suction... She puts an instrument into the wound that we can hear suck out the blood... BEREL (to another nurse) Three-point-six aspiration drill. STAR TREK: "First Contact" - 11/28/90 - ACT FOUR 37. 25 CONTINUED: Berel sighs as the nurse hands him a drill, he studies Riker... BEREL I wonder what his own kind would do for him... (beat) I have to believe it'd be better than this... As he starts the drill and moves toward Riker's head we pan away and we hear the drill meet bone... and the pan ends on a wall with a window.. and standing there looking through it, watching, is Krola. And as we push in on him, we can see in his hand is the phaser. As he glances at it... 26 EXT. CAPITOL CITY (MATTE SHOT) - DAY 27 INT. DURKEN'S OFFICE - DAY The cabinet, including Mirasta and Krola, have just been told the facts of life by Durken. Durken is on his feet... the others are seated... DURKEN Their leader, Picard, has made it clear that how we proceed is entirely our own decision... KROLA You cannot possibly be suggesting surrender, Chancellor... MIRASTA They are not hostile... KROLA Mirasta, you are incredibly naive. Can you be so enraptured with the notion of space travellers that you are blind to the threat they represent... ? STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/5/90 - ACT FOUR 38-38A. 27 CONTINUED: DURKEN I have seen their vessel, Krola... if they chose to be hostile, I don't think we would be standing here now... KROLA Why should they use force when we are ready to lay down in fear... DURKEN (angry) I do not lay down in fear... to them or to you, Krola. KROLA (sincerely) Chancellor, I mean no disrespect. But I have repeatedly warned you about your policies... taking us so quickly where we had no business going in the first place... New philosophies, new economics, new technologies. There are many people who still value our traditional way of life... and I for one am willing to die to defend it. MIRASTA Open your eyes, Krola. We are part of a greater community now. We cannot ignore it. KROLA You would ignore them... as they infiltrate and spy on us... Mirasta sits up in her chair at the sound of that... does he know about Riker? DURKEN What are you saying, Krola? STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/5/90 - ACT FOUR 39. 27 CONTINUED: (3) KROLA We have captured one of their spies. Reactions. MIRASTA Chancellor, he is Captain Picard's first officer, Commander Riker. DURKEN You knew about this? MIRASTA He has been missing for two days. I told Captain Picard not to discuss it because I was afraid this is exactly what would happen... Durken is furious and disappointed with her, and expresses it with his eyes... DURKEN What else do you know, Mirasta? Everything. MIRASTA (beat) They've been on our planet, observing us for several years... KROLA Years... Imagine what they have done... influenced our young, stirred up dissent... MIRASTA They were collecting information... Durken holds up his hand to silence her. Softly controlled, to Krola -- DURKEN Where is this Commander Riker now? Krola doesn't immediately answer, stares at Mirasta and the message is clear... he doesn't trust her to know. STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/5/90 - ACT FOUR 39A. 27 CONTINUED: (4) Off the look, Durken turns to Mirasta and in his softest voice... DURKEN You will not discuss this with Picard or the other aliens. If you are not comfortable with that, Mirasta, you may leave now. She swallows hard, remains. Durken turns back to Krola, nods go ahead... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/5/90 - ACT FOUR 40. 27 CONTINUED: (5) KROLA He is at the Sikla Medical facility, recovering from surgery... he suffered head injuries in an attempt to escape. He will recover consciousness in a few hours. Off Durken's reaction... 28 INT. RIKER'S HOSPITAL ROOM Riker is attached to monitoring equipment, still unconscious... pull back to see Krola entering with Berel. KROLA Will he survive? BEREL I didn't think he would have survived the injuries. The real question is can he survive the treatment.. KROLA I have to interrogate him before he dies. BEREL At least give him time to regain some strength. Come back tomorrow. KROLA It cannot wait until tomorrow. STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/6/90 - ACT FOUR 41. 28 CONTINUED: Mirasta ENTERS, reacts as she sees him. MIRASTA Krola, we can get help from his ship. With their medical technology, he might recover. KROLA We're not giving him back. He is the one advantage we have now. (to Berel) Use your drugs to revive him... BEREL (reluctant) Those drugs increase cardial rate and vascular pressure... that's the last thing we want to do to him right now... MIRASTA It will probably be enough to kill him... you can't do it... KROLA Revive him. STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/6/90 - ACT FOUR 42. 28 CONTINUED: (2) And Berel is not a forceful man but he is a decent one... he sort of scratches his cheek and clears his throat as he takes a beat. BEREL I'm just a physician, Minister. I don't know much about affairs of state. But he is a living, intelligent being. I don't care if the Chancellor himself calls down here. I have sworn an oath to do no harm. And I will not. KROLA Then I will find someone to replace you. Furious, he wheels and EXITS. Mirasta looks at Berel with great admiration. BEREL He won't have any trouble finding someone, you know. Mirasta nods, moves closer to Riker, studies him, her conscience struggling... 29 INT. DURKEN'S OFFICE - DAY Finding Durken silhouetted against the tall window as he looks out, his hands folded behind his back, a thoughtful pose. He turns to the sound of the transporter effect... 30 ANGLE (OPTICAL) as Picard MATERIALIZES. PICARD (greeting) Chancellor... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/5/90 - ACT FOUR 43. 30 CONTINUED: DURKEN You are punctual, Captain. PICARD (toss away) I know how busy you are. DURKEN Do you? It is an odd response and Picard reacts curiously. Durken sits and Picard follows. DURKEN I think you know a great deal more about me than I know about you. PICARD In what respect? DURKEN I can't know what motivates you... how you make decisions... what value you place on life... you speak of trust and peace and working together to enter a new era... at the same time you conduct secret surveillance... posing as Malcorians... Picard finally understands... PICARD Commander Riker. STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/5/90 - ACT FOUR 44. 30 CONTINUED: (2) DURKEN Commander Riker. PICARD (beat) Mirasta felt it would be a mistake to discuss... DURKEN (interrupting) Yes, she's tried to accept the responsibility. Picard takes a long, thoughtful beat... then nods. Cut your losses and start to rebuild... PICARD You're right. It was my error, not hers. Picard rises. STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/5/90 - ACT FOUR 45. 30 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD Chancellor, no starship mission is more dangerous than first contact. We never know what we face when we open the door to a new world. How will we be greeted? What are the dangers? Centuries ago, a disastrous first contact with the Klingon Empire led to decades of war. It was decided then that we must do surveillance before making contact. It was a controversial decision. But I believe it prevents more problems than it creates. Durken leans back, more comfortable with what Picard is saying, but still not satisfied... DURKEN I appreciate the logic of your position, Captain. But it would seem a full disclosure after contact would have been in order. PICARD (nods) In time, there would have been full disclosure. I know I can only ask you to believe that. On some worlds, it is not even an issue. But here, everything our observers reported suggested the people of this world would almost certainly react negatively to our arrival. We could see our surveillance might even be interpreted as an act of aggression. (beat) I was hoping that we would find Commander Riker before you did... so the matter would not complicate our introduction. And it was a mistake. STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/6/90 - ACT FOUR 46. 30 CONTINUED: (4) A more open expression appears on Durken's face... he almost smiles. DURKEN A mistake I might have made in your place. (beat) I rather like it actually. PICARD Like it? DURKEN That you make mistakes like any man. PICARD Oh, I've made some fine ones in my time. There is another connection between the two men that goes a long way toward healing this rift. PICARD Will you release my officer? And Durken never changes expression and his eyes never leave Picard's... DURKEN We'll talk again later, Captain. That's the best Picard can do for now. He acknowledges. PICARD (to insignia) Enterprise, one to beam up. He DEMATERIALIZES. Durken stares a beat at the empty space and thinks. 31 INT. RIKER'S ROOM - NIGHT On Berel who is on a telephone like device. BEREL Yes I understand. STAR TREK: "First Contact" - 11/28/90 - ACT FOUR 47. 31 CONTINUED: He hangs up. Turns to Nilrem who is standing with Mirasta and Krola. In an even voice -- BEREL I've been relieved of my duties... as I'm sure you already know. You are acting director of the facility, Nilrem. Nilrem avoids Berel's look. Berel EXITS. KROLA Revive him. After a beat, Mirasta EXITS, frustrated and alarmed... and as Nilrem prepares a syringe... push in on Riker and... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "First Contact" - 11/28/90 - ACT FIVE 48. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 32 EXT. CAPITOL CITY - DAY (MATTE SHOT) 33 INT. RIKER'S ROOM - DAY Close on Riker's bandaged face as he regains consciousness... he is in bad shape... the pain in his head is suffocating and yet the drugs in his system won't let him rest... there is a drugged intensity in his eyes... on the monitors, graphs measuring his life signs make beeping sounds which move more quickly as the drugs take hold. He cannot raise his head. As we pull back, he sees Krola and Nilrem. KROLA (to Nilrem) Leave us. Nilrem EXITS. Krola moves closer to Riker. He is deceptively calm, sympathetic. KROLA I am Minister Krola from Internal Security. You are Riker, an alien... Riker's eyes narrow. KROLA Yes, we know. Riker struggles to speak... RIKER Please. Bring my people here. The beep on the monitor skips a beat. Riker blinks with the shock of his internal agony. KROLA In time. In time. But first, I need to ask you some questions... 34 INT. DURKEN'S OFFICE - DAY As Mirasta ENTERS... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 11/30/90 - ACT FIVE 49. 34 CONTINUED: MIRASTA Thank you for seeing me. Durken looks at her, still disappointed. DURKEN If I did not depend so much on your expertise in space matters, I would have asked for your resignation. MIRASTA I felt I was acting in the best interests of our people, Chancellor. DURKEN (sharp) When you are selected to occupy this office, then you'll have the privilege of deciding the best interests of our people. (softens, personal) Picard, I can excuse. But you, Mirasta, you should have trusted me. Her eyes drop, she nods, understands. MIRASTA (beat) Chancellor -- we must release Riker to Picard... Any hope for a relationship with these people depends on it... Durken knows what's she's after, shakes his head. DURKEN I cannot afford to be the idealist you are, Mirasta. MIRASTA Riker... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/6/90 - ACT FIVE 50. 34 CONTINUED: (2) DURKEN (interrupting) I am prepared to release Riker after we've interrogated him... MIRASTA Are you prepared for him to die, Chancellor? (off Durken's look) His injuries are extremely serious. A mob at the medical facility almost killed him. Krola has ordered drugs to be used to revive him for questioning, drugs that are dangerous in his condition. Without medical aid from his ship, I believe Riker will not survive the day. You must tell Picard where he is. Off Durken's look... 35 INT. RIKER'S ROOM - DAY The interrogation continues. Riker is exhausted. KROLA You have lied since the moment of your capture... and I believe you are lying now, Commander. RIKER We... are here on a mission of peace... KROLA Such noble creatures. He pulls out the phaser. STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/6/90 - ACT FIVE 51. 35 CONTINUED: KROLA Why do peaceful people develop such lethal weapons? Riker looks at the phaser... KROLA (continuing) Or do you still insist it is a toy? 36 ANGLE (OPTICAL) Krola aims it at a lamp in the corner and destroys it. KROLA Yes, my experts were able to make it function. An interesting toy to be sure. RIKER It is... for defense... The beeper on the medical monitor flutters... Riker's eyelids come halfway down... Krola glances at the machines... KROLA Perhaps, like many conquerors, you believe your goals to be benevolent. I cannot. For however you would describe your intentions, you still represent the end to my way of life. I cannot permit that to occur. Riker reacts, puzzled. Explaining -- STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 11/30/90 - ACT FIVE 52. 36 CONTINUED: KROLA Eventually, Durken would choose to welcome your people with arms open and eyes closed. I must force him down another path. He puts the phaser in Riker's limp hand... aims it at himself... KROLA When they find us, I will be dead, killed by your weapon. The lines will be drawn. A peaceful accord will no longer be an option. Struggling for one word... RIKER No... KROLA (quietly) For my people. A calm smile comes to his lips... and he presses Riker's finger on the phaser, fires at himself. He goes down. 36A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit. 36B INT. READY ROOM Picard studying something on his computer. WORF'S COM VOICE Captain, Chancellor Durken has requested your immediate presence on the surface. It's in regard to Commander Riker. Picard is already on his way out the door... PICARD Acknowledged, Lieutenant. ... and he's out. STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 11/30/90 - ACT FIVE 52A. 36C INT. RIKER'S ROOM Riker struggles to reach out toward the phone device... but the sound of the VITAL SIGN MONITOR STUTTERS... and he collapses... as we PAN to a monitor displaying very low peaks, widely separated... 37 A MATCHING MONITOR at a station in a corridor... manned by Tava and Nilrem, a few medical personnel around, reacting... TAVA (urgent) Life signs failing on one... Nilrem just looks at her... rushing past him... TAVA ... he's dying, Nilrem... you can't just stand here... or can you... ? She runs down the hall, Nilrem finally follows along with two others... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 12/3/90 - ACT FIVE 53. 38 INT. RIKER'S ROOM As they ENTER... react to the scene before them... TAVA What... ? NILREM (adding it up) He shot him. The alien shot Krola... Tava goes to Riker as Nilrem goes down to see if Krola is alive... everybody moving with expert efficiency, controlled chaos... TAVA NILREM Get me three octares I have a circulation of adrulmine... high pattern, very weak... frequency E-M charge we need to get him unit... now! on vital buffers right now... They turn and react frozen in terror to the sound of... 39 ANGLE (OPTICAL) Beverly, a MALE STARFLEET NURSE and Worf MATERIALIZING... she goes directly to Riker and uses the tricorder to assess his condition... Tava and Nilrem back away in fear... BEVERLY I'm a physician... don't be frightened... (seeing Krola) What happened? NILREM (terrified) The... he shot him... (re: phaser) with that thing... The nurse goes to Krola. Beverly gives Riker an air hypo... BEVERLY (keys insignia) Crusher to Picard. INTERCUT: STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 11/30/90 - ACT FIVE 53A. 39A INT. DURKEN'S OFFICE Picard is with Durken and Mirasta. PICARD Go ahead, Doctor. BEVERLY'S COM VOICE Commander Riker is near death. But there is still brain activity... I've got to take him back to the ship... PICARD Acknowledged. BEVERLY'S COM VOICE Minister Krola has a phaser wound in his upper chest. Reactions from Picard, Mirasta, Durken. BEVERLY'S COM VOICE I should take him with us. PICARD (tacit approval) We'll meet you on the Enterprise. STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 11/28/90 - ACT FIVE 54. 39B INT. RIKER'S ROOM (OPTICAL) BEVERLY Enterprise, five to beam up... directly to Sickbay... energize... They DEMATERIALIZE. On Tava and Nilrem's reaction... 40 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit. 41 INT. SICKBAY Picard escorts Mirasta and Durken in... Beverly greets them... BEVERLY They're both going to be okay... we were able to stabilize Will... if we'd been any later... The ending is obvious... DURKEN Krola? BEVERLY He was never in any real danger... the phaser was on stun... MIRASTA Stun? PICARD It is a defensive weapon. We do not use it to kill. (to Beverly) Have you been able to ascertain what happened? BEVERLY I have a good idea. Based on the angle of impact... it suggests that Krola had his right hand on the phaser when it went off... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - 11/28/90 - ACT FIVE 55. 41 CONTINUED: DURKEN They were struggling for the weapon? BEVERLY (shakes her head) Commander Riker was in no position to offer any kind of struggle, Chancellor. MIRASTA Krola was trying to be a martyr... ? Durken takes a deep breath... moves over to Krola... who opens his eyes... sees where he is. Durken takes his hand, holds it in his two hands. KROLA Where is this? DURKEN (gently, with a sad smile) You are aboard the starship, my foolish old friend. KROLA No. Chancellor... you must not... you must not pursue relations with them... you must not... Durken pats his hand... nods... DURKEN (softly) I know. I know. 42 INT. READY ROOM Mirasta, Durken, Picard. MIRASTA But Chancellor... DURKEN Mirasta, it goes against every instinct in my being... (MORE) STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 11/30/90 - ACT FIVE 56. 42 CONTINUED: DURKEN (Cont'd) (to Picard) ... but my people are not ready to accept what you represent. Everything that happened at the hospital proves it. Krola is the best evidence of all. We must slow down and allow all those like him to join us in the present before we move into the future. MIRASTA But when we encounter other beings in space, our people must be ready... DURKEN The warp program will have to be delayed... we will divert more resources into education and social development to prepare for the day when we are ready. MIRASTA Chancellor, I strongly disagree. DURKEN (nods, sadly) I know. (beat) Captain Picard, you once said that if I ask you to leave, you would without hesitation. I'm afraid I must ask you to do just that. PICARD It is your decision, Chancellor. But I must say I regret that we won't have the opportunity of knowing your people better. DURKEN (acknowledges) We are a good people, Captain. A society with much potential. Once we cross this threshold of space, we will have to give up the self-importance, the conceit that we are the center of the universe. (MORE) STAR TREK: "First Contact" - REV. 11/30/90 - ACT FIVE 57. 42 CONTINUED: (2) DURKEN (Cont'd) But this is not the time. For now, it is better that we continue to enjoy that sweet innocence. PICARD But how can you keep us a secret... when so many have seen and heard so much? DURKEN The stories will be told for many years, I have no doubt... of the ship that made contact... of an alien who was held prisoner in a medical facility... there will be charges of a government cover-up... some of the witnesses will tell their tales and most people will laugh at them and go back and watch more interesting fiction on the daily broadcasts. It will pass. MIRASTA I'm sorry to say... he's probably right. Picard rises. MIRASTA Captain, I have one last request... take me with you. Picard reacts, glances at Durken. DURKEN (tacit approval) She will be unhappy with the restrictions I must place on her at home, Captain. PICARD (to Mirasta) We may not be back in your lifetime. And I have to believe that you are not fully prepared for the risks of space, Mirasta... STAR TREK: "First Contact" - 11/28/90 - ACT FIVE 58. 42 CONTINUED: (3) MIRASTA I have been prepared for the risks of space since I was nine years old sitting in a planetarium. PICARD Mister Worf, to my Ready Room... Worf ENTERS. PICARD Escort Chancellor Durken to the transporter room, Lieutenant... and then assign quarters to Minister Yale. She'll be staying on board. WORF Aye, sir. PICARD Until we return then... DURKEN With luck, we will both still be around to renew our friendship, Captain. As they EXIT... 43 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) As the ship slowly moves out of orbit, leaving the planet behind. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END