STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Nth Degree" #40274-193 Written by Joe Menosky Directed by Rob Legato THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1991 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Nth Degree" CAST PICARD REGINALD BARCLAY RIKER ALBERT EINSTEIN DATA VOICE OF THE PLANET BEVERLY TROI GEORDI WORF ENSIGN APRIL ANAYA LIEUTENANT LINDA LARSON ENSIGN BROWER COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking N.D. ENGINEERS N.D. SECURITY OFFICERS SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Nth Degree" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM SHUTTLECRAFT OBSERVATION LOUNGE SICKBAY "SUPERSPACE" ENGINEERING CORRIDOR SUPER PLANET HOLODECK EMPTY SHIP'S THEATRE 17TH CENTURY FRENCH DINING ROOM UNDRESSED STAGE SHUTTLECRAFT STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/29/91 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Nth Degree" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ANGSTOM ANG-strum AXONS ax-ONS CORPUS CALLOSUM CORE-pus kuh-LOW-sum CYTHERIANS sigh-THEAR-ee-n DENSITOMETER dense-uh-TOM-uh-ter GIGAWATTS GIG-uh-watts ICONIC eye-KAH-nick INTERROGATIVE in-ter-ROG-ah-tiv PERMEABILITY per-mee-ah-BILL-uh-tee POST-SYNAPTIC POST sin-AP-tic SERO-AMINO SEHR-oh uh-MEAN-oh TERAWATTS TEHR-uh-watts STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - REV. 1/28/91 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Nth Degree" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. 17TH CENTURY FRANCE - DINING ROOM A very spare, period dining room -- simple wooden table and two chairs, more functional than fancy. BEVERLY CRUSHER wears a beautiful dress; REGINALD BARCLAY, has the clothes of a duellist -- and a LARGE NOSE. They are doing CYRANO DE BERGERAC. BEVERLY -- You were like a brother to me. We played in the park near the lake. BARCLAY Of course -- Every summer you came to Bergerac! BEVERLY You used to make swords out of the reeds -- And when you cut your hand, you would run to me, and I would say -- (taking his hand) "Let me see --" She sees real blood on the hand from a cut, and reacts. BEVERLY Oh! How did you do that? BARCLAY "Playing" near the Porte de Nesle. She wets a handkerchief and starts to wash his hand. BEVERLY And how many were against you? BARCLAY No more than a hundred. BEVERLY Tell me! STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - REV. 1/30/91 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: BARCLAY No... Let it go. You tell me what you were going to say. Do you dare? BEVERLY (still holding his hand) I do dare... I love someone. BARCLAY Ah! BEVERLY But he does not know. BARCLAY Ah! BEVERLY Not yet. He is proud, noble, brave and beautiful -- BARCLAY (turns pale, quickly rises) Beautiful! BEVERLY What's the matter? BARCLAY (smiling to cover it) With me? Nothing. Just my hand. (beat) He is in the Guards? BEVERLY Since this morning. Baron Christien de Neuvillette. In your own regiment. BARCLAY Ah... BEVERLY Promise to be his friend. BARCLAY I promise. BEVERLY And never let him fight a duel. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - REV. 1/30/91 - TEASER 2A. 1 CONTINUED: (2) BARCLAY God forbid. BEVERLY Oh, I love you. (standing) I must go now. You never told me what happened last night. And tell him to write me. A hundred men against one. To write, remember. A hundred men! What courage! BARCLAY (aside to audience) Oh... I have done better since... Barclay holds the moment in character. He is met with applause. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - REV. 1/29/91 - TEASER 3. 2 INCLUDE AUDIENCE RIKER, DATA, GEORDI, TROI, WORF, and a few supernumeraries still clapping. RIKER Bravo. TROI Wonderful. Data reacts with puzzlement to the applause. He himself has not joined in. DATA (to Riker) Lieutenant Barclay's performance was superficially adequate but clearly not rooted in The Method approach. As a result, his customary anxiety was evident. I do not understand why... RIKER (still clapping) -- Because it's polite, Data. Data considers for a beat, and joins in the applause as it finishes. Beverly and Barclay step off the "stage" area to meet their friends, who stand to greet them. GEORDI (re: Barclay) Not a bad showing after only six weeks of lessons. BEVERLY Not a bad showing period. BARCLAY (sheepish, re: Beverly) I... we have a very... patient teacher. Beverly eyes Worf. BEVERLY There's an opening in my workshop... Worf. Worf grunts his disapproval of the suggestion, and the others laugh as the group begins to break up. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - TEASER 4. 3 ON TROI AND BARCLAY TROI Well done. BARCLAY Thank... thank you... Counselor... Barclay is more confident than we saw him in his debut episode, but still a far cry from Enterprise norm (he still has trouble meeting another's gaze). And he's noticeably even less sure of himself than he appeared in the acting scene only moments ago. TROI You've come a long way, Reg. BARCLAY After... more rehearsals than I can count. TROI I don't just mean your acting ability. It takes a great deal of courage to put yourself on display like that. BARCLAY You think so... TROI (acknowledges) There was a time when nothing could have dragged you onto a stage in front of an audience. You've made tremendous progress. BARCLAY I... I guess... He's hesitant. She picks up on it, encourages him. TROI Don't you think so? BARCLAY Well... She waits him out for a beat. He indicates his costume. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - TEASER 5. 3 CONTINUED: BARCLAY (continuing) I still feel more... more comfortable playing somebody else. Maybe all this is no better than escaping into a holodeck fantasy. TROI I disagree. This isn't fantasy -- it's theatre. You used to withdraw into the holodeck. You isolated yourself inside your own imagination, avoiding contact with real people. She indicates the stage. TROI (continuing) Look at yourself now... and look at all the other people you're with... you're not just acting, you're inter-acting. Give yourself some credit, Mister Barclay! He nods. BARCLAY Maybe... you're right. Troi smiles and goes out the door. Stay on Barclay, alone in costume, audience gone. Despite some progress, we get a sense of just how painful it still is to be Barclay. 4 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise hovering in front of the ARGUS ARRAY. It is a huge subspace radio telescope -- a series of panels, resembling several very long box-kites stacked one on top of the other. It looks absolutely immense. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 44704.2. We have arrived at the Argus Array, the remote subspace telescope at the very edge of Federation space. (MORE) STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - TEASER 6. 4 CONTINUED: PICARD (Cont'd) The unmanned structure mysteriously stopped relaying its data nearly two months ago. 5 INT. BRIDGE PICARD, Riker, Worf, Data, Geordi and ENSIGN APRIL ANAYA. DATA The fusion reactors that power the array are extremely unstable. The risk of overload is high. RIKER What about the computer systems? DATA (testing panels) They do not seem to be functioning at all. WORF (off instruments) Captain! I am picking up an unidentified device! One point eight kilometers from the array! PICARD Onscreen. 6 thru OMITTED 7 8 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN -- THE PROBE (OPTICAL) We see a panel of the Array, and hanging in front of it, a silent, probe-like device. PICARD Magnify. The image on the viewscreen is replaced by a highly MAGNIFIED VIEW of the probe. RIKER Some kind of probe. I'll bet that's what damaged the array. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - REV. 1/28/91 - TEASER 7. 8 CONTINUED: PICARD (to Worf) Is it emitting any signals, Lieutenant? WORF Negative, sir. I show no activity. PICARD Mister La Forge, why don't you go out and take a closer look. GEORDI (exiting) Aye, sir. (to Com) Mister Barclay, report to Main Shuttlebay. As the turbolift closes behind Geordi, OFF Picard as he stares at the viewscreen... 9 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The shuttle is already in space... moving away from the ship. 10 INT. SHUTTLE Geordi at the helm, Barclay at his station. GEORDI Enterprise, this is Shuttle Five, in position. Ready to begin short-range scan. RIKER'S COM VOICE Proceed, Shuttle Five. 11 INCLUDE SHUTTLE WINDOW (OPTICAL) At this close distance, the Array can be seen only as a grey, metallic backdrop. Hanging motionless in front of it, only meters from the shuttle, is the alien probe, vaguely cylindrical, about ten meters tall and three wide. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - TEASER 8. 11 CONTINUED: GEORDI (to Barclay) Let's start with the passive high res series. Barclay is a little nervous, but it's combined with an excitement about being there. BARCLAY Electromagnetic band? GEORDI Give it a try. Barclay nods and touches his instrument panel. BARCLAY I'm picking up visual wavelengths only. Between forty-five... forty-five hundred and seven thousand angstroms. GEORDI Try the neutron densitometer. Barclay touches the panel. BARCLAY Nothing. GEORDI Hmmmm. Doesn't seem to want to give up any secrets. Let's go to active scan. Barclay keys it in. They're both surprised at the instruments. BARCLAY No... No modulation. GEORDI (to probe) You are definitely not from our neighborhood. (to Barclay) Increase to three point zero. Barclay does so. Glances over at Geordi. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - TEASER 9. 11 CONTINUED: (2) BARCLAY (hesitantly) Commander? GEORDI Yeah, Reg? BARCLAY Thanks for... for assigning me to this mission. GEORDI Don't mention it. You're one of my top engineers. It's about time you started to do the interesting stuff. (re: situation) This is why I'm in Starfleet. BARCLAY (off instruments) Still no modulation. GEORDI Hit it with the positron emission. Barclay touches his panel -- the probe responds with a BLINDING FLASH of white light that lights up the entire inside of the shuttle for an instant before shutting down again. GEORDI (continuing) What was that? (looking at instruments) Our computer is down! He glances over -- Barclay is slumped back in his chair, unconscious. Geordi is alarmed. He shakes Barclay. GEORDI Reg! Reg! Geordi puts a finger on Barclay's neck to feel for a pulse. OFF the concern on his face. FADE OUT: END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT ONE 10. ACT ONE FADE IN: 12 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship maintaining position near the Array. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, supplemental. An intense energy surge from the alien probe has severly disabled the shuttle's onboard computer. The away team has been transported directly to Sickbay. 12A INT. BRIDGE Picard, Riker, Data, Worf, Ensign Anaya. RIKER Any indication of the probe's energy source, Data? DATA No sir. Power emissions do not match any known radiation patterns. We have not encountered this technology before. PICARD Very well. Isolate the probe and place it in tow. We'll take it to Science Station Four-Oh-Two in the Kohlan system... WORF (interrupting) Captain. The probe has begun to move. It is approaching the Enterprise. RIKER Shields up! WORF Aye, sir. OFF Picard's reaction... STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT ONE 11. 13 INT. SICKBAY Barclay is sitting up on a diagnostic bed, looking completely normal. Beverly and Geordi are standing next to him. Crusher turns to Barclay. BEVERLY (to Barclay) There was enough energy in that flash to overload your optic nerves. It knocked you unconscious. GEORDI My VISOR must have filtered it out. BEVERLY Exactly. (to Barclay) Well, there's no apparent retinal damage and the cornea looks fine. But I'm still waiting for the full sero-amino readout. I'll call you when it comes in. Barclay takes this as a dismissal, and gets down off the bed, joining Geordi. Beverly heads for another part of Sickbay. Barclay thinks for a moment, then hesitantly calls after her. BARCLAY You shouldn't have to... wait so long for the results... Beverly stops and turns back to him, puzzled. BEVERLY What do you mean? BARCLAY Couldn't you use a global mode in your scanner... It would be a lot faster. She's a bit taken aback by the suggestion, and by who it's coming from. So is Geordi. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - REV. 1/28/91 - ACT ONE 12. 13 CONTINUED: BEVERLY That's not possible. (a smile) These are human cells we're talking about, not isolinear circuits. (kiddingly) You'd better stick to engineering. Barclay, still a bit sheepish about bringing it up, thinks for a second. BARCLAY The cells have a... an electromagnetic signature... just like a circuit element does... Conceptually, it should work... with a few adjustments... She's interrupted by the RED ALERT lights and klaxons sound. Geordi quickly heads for the door, Barclay follows. On the way out he looks back toward Beverly over his shoulder. BARCLAY (continuing) I could set it up for you if you'd like... HOLD a moment on Beverly as Geordi and Barclay disappear out the door. Despite the Red Alert, she's still curious about his suggestion. 14 INT. BRIDGE Picard, Riker, Data, Worf, Ensign Anaya at their positions. RED ALERT klaxons and lights in background. WORF Probe now closing at fifteen point three meters per second. Collision course. 14A INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN The Array is in the distance. We gradually discern the probe approaching from its direction. It is miniscule by comparison. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT ONE 13. 14A CONTINUED: DATA Captain, sensors are reading no particulate emissions or subspace field distortions. Picard reacts. PICARD Then how is it able to move? DATA The method of propulsion is unknown. RIKER Ensign, take us away from it. One quarter impulse. ENSIGN ANAYA Aye, Sir. She touches her controls. 15 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The probe continues hanging before them as they move, inert -- no blinkies or indication of any activity -- but threatening in its silence. 15A INT. MAIN BRIDGE WORF The probe is matching our speed and course. DATA Captain, an energy field is forming around the device. Intensity is three point two terawatts, and increasing. WORF Sir, the shuttlecraft shields did not provide sufficent protection for its computer. Our computer may also be vulnerable. I recommend withdrawal to a safe distance. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT ONE 14. 15A CONTINUED: PICARD Ensign Anaya, full about, go to one-half impulse. ENSIGN ANAYA (touching panel) One-half impulse. WORF The probe is following. Reactions. 16 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at impulse. The probe moving parallel. 17 INT. BRIDGE PICARD Options, Number One? RIKER We can't use photon torpedoes. An explosion this close to the ship could cripple us. WORF Sir, recommend full phasers. PICARD Proceed. WORF Firing phasers. Worf fires the phasers. 18 thru OMITTED 19 20 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The phasers fire point blank on the probe. Nothing happens. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT ONE 15. 21 RESUME The staff reacts. WORF No effect, Captain. DATA (off instruments) The probe's field intensity is continuing to build... we are in danger, Captain... RIKER (to COM) Riker to La Forge. Can you increase phaser power? INTERCUT AS NEEDED: 22 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi is at his controls, Barclay a couple of panels down, other N.D. engineers including LIEUTENANT LINDA LARSON hurrying around to various panels, checking readings and making adjustments. The RED ALERT continues. Barclay appears to be working furiously. GEORDI (to COM) Attempting to now, Commander. (to Barclay) Isolate phasers eighty through one twenty and shunt all plasma... BARCLAY ... to the emitters, yessir, I'm already on it... ready. Geordi glances at the instrument panel with some surprise at how quickly Barclay anticipated the move. Everything appears to be ready. GEORDI (to COM) Captain! Phasers are as hot as we can make them! 23 INT. BRIDGE The RED ALERT continues. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT ONE 16. 23 CONTINUED: PICARD Mister Worf. WORF Aye, sir. Worf fires the phasers. 24 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) A narrow, intensely bright burst of phaser fire strikes the probe for several seconds, then stops -- no change. 25 RESUME RIKER Nothing. PICARD Go to warp two. ENSIGN ANAYA Aye, sir. (beat) Warp two. 25A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at warp. The probe still alongside. 25B INT. BRIDGE WORF The probe is still with us, sir. RIKER At warp two? WORF Yessir. DATA Captain. The probe's energy output is overloading our shields. Failure anticipated in forty-seven seconds. Picard looks around. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - REV. 1/29/91 - ACT ONE 17. 25B CONTINUED: PICARD I'm willing to entertain suggestions... WORF (interrupting) Captain! We're dropping to impulse. 26 INT. ENGINEERING The RED ALERT continues. Barclay is still working feverishly at his instrument panel. LARSON (puzzled) Commander, warp power has been transferred to the shield grid. Equally surprised, Geordi glances at the instruments. Then looks over at the cause -- Barclay. GEORDI Barclay, what are you doing? Barclay holds up a "hold-on" finger, leans back from the instrument panel as if finished with something, hitting his insignia. BARCLAY (keys insignia) Lieutenant Barclay to Captain Picard. You can fire photon torpedos. Maximum yield, full spread. 27 INT. BRIDGE RIKER We're too close. BARCLAY'S COM VOICE Our shields will hold. Picard and company react to the suggestion. PICARD (to COM) La Forge? STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - REV. 1/28/91 - ACT ONE 17A. 28 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi is pouring over Barclay's instrument panel, amazed. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT ONE 18. 28 CONTINUED: GEORDI (to COM) I don't know how Barclay did it, but shield strength has been increased by over three hundred percent. It should be enough. 29 INT. BRIDGE Continue RED ALERT as Geordi's words sink in. PICARD Mister Worf. Photon torpedos. Maximum yield, full spread. WORF Aye. Worf touches the panel as though it's his final act. 30 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) A full spread of photon torpedos fires away, hitting the probe. There is a tremendous explosion. 31 INT. BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS The ship is buffeted terribly for several seconds, then everything calms suddenly down. 32 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Only the background -- the probe has vanished. 33 RESUME Everyone reacts to the narrow escape. A beat as they collect themselves. PICARD (to Com) Thank you, Mister Barclay... 34 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi and Barclay. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT ONE 19. 34 CONTINUED: BARCLAY (to COM) You're welcome, Captain. Barclay out. Barclay turns to Geordi, who is looking at him. BARCLAY (continuing) I'm sorry if I overstepped my authority. A beat. GEORDI Don't mention it... OFF Geordi's still stunned reaction. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT TWO 20. ACT TWO FADE IN: 35 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Holding position in front of the Argus Array. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 44705.3. The Enterprise has destroyed the alien probe. But now we are left with the difficult task of repairing the Argus Telescope. Failure to do so would represent an irreplaceable scientific loss. 35A INT. CORRIDOR Barclay is walking slowly along towards a turbolift, lost in thought as he glances over a PADD. RIKER (O.S.) Mister Barclay. 35B INCLUDE RIKER catching up to Barclay, heading the same direction, smiling with obvious admiration. RIKER (continuing) ... Everyone's still trying to figure out exactly how you did it. BARCLAY It... it just occurred to me that I could set up a frequency harmonic between the deflector and the shield grid... using the warp field generator as a power flow anti-attenuator and that of course naturally created an amplification of the inherent energy output. (TECH?) Riker lost him a long time ago. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT TWO 21. 35B CONTINUED: RIKER Uh huh. (beat) Nice job. 36 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Data, Geordi, Troi. Barclay and Riker ENTER. PICARD Mister Barclay, I'm glad you could join us. (to Geordi) Your report, Mister La Forge. Geordi steps over to a schematic representation of the Array on the monitor. GEORDI Each of the telescope's subspace antenna clusters is powered by its own fusion reactor. But a single computer controls them all. RIKER So, all eighteen reactors were affected when the computer was damaged... ? GEORDI (nods) They're starting to overload, and could eventually go critical. If that happens, the explosion would destroy the Array. And I wouldn't want to be next door if that happens. DATA A standard isolation procedure would be advisable. GEORDI (nodding) I agree. We'll cut off each reactor from the damaged control system and repair them one by one. RIKER How long will that take? STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - REV. 1/29/91 - ACT TWO 22. 36 CONTINUED: GEORDI Two, three weeks -- at least. PICARD Alright then, Mister La Forge -- BARCLAY (O.C.) I don't agree. A beat. Reactions. Everyone turns to Barclay. A beat, as he rises, steps over to the schematic. There is a steadiness in his voice we've never heard before. BARCLAY We could repair all the reactors simultaneously instead of one by one. PICARD (reacts) Simultaneously? All eighteen? BARCLAY Yessir. GEORDI But the Argus computer is inoperable. BARCLAY Not entirely. The core memory is still intact. We could program a completely new control system. DATA That is an interesting suggestion, Lieutenant. However, such an approach would require more time than our original plan, at least seven weeks. BARCLAY (studying the schematics) -- I can have it ready in two days. RIKER (incredulous) What? STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - REV. 1/29/91 - ACT TWO 23. 36 CONTINUED: (2) BARCLAY (to Geordi) If you could assist me in the morning, Commander... Geordi glances at Picard -- they share a reaction. GEORDI (awed) Sure, Reg. Glances at the others... the staff reacts with shock. A beat. 37 ANGLE ON TROI OFF the curiosity on her face. 38 INT. UNDRESSED STAGE Same area as previous CYRANO scene, but with only a chair. Barclay is sitting on it, not in costume but in character. Beverly is not in character, but is observing as instructor. This is an acting class and it's much looser than the scene we saw played previously. A few more students are watching and waiting their turn. One of the spectators is Troi, standing off to one side. This time, Barclay is the consummate actor as he rehearses the death scene. BARCLAY The moon -- yes, that will be my home. My paradise. I shall find there, all the souls I love -- Socrates, Galileo... BARCLAY (continuing) "But what the devil is he doing among us?" (he raises himself, declaiming) Philosopher. Scientist. Poet, musician, duellist -- Here lies Hercule-Savinien De Cyrano de Bergerac. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - REV. 1/28/91 - ACT TWO 24. 38 CONTINUED: He falls back into the chair, half fainting. When he gathers himself, he stares straight into Beverly's eyes. BARCLAY (continuing) I would not have you weep any less for that charming, good, handsome Christien. I only ask this: that as the great cold surrounds my bones, you allow a double meaning to your mourning veil. And when your tears fall for him, some few will be... for me. The scene ends. Beverly has genuine tears in her eyes. Troi is also impressed. BEVERLY (understatement) That was... a real improvement. Barclay comes out of character. BARCLAY Thank you, Doctor. Same time day after tomorrow? BEVERLY Same time... Barclay nods, smiling, and leaves the room. Beverly is still moved -- and now, puzzled. She glances over at Troi and they exchange a look -- they're both feeling the same way. 38A INT. TEN-FORWARD Barclay is sipping from a glass at a table, studying a PADD. Troi steps over to his table, a cup of tea in hand. TROI May I join you? BARCLAY Of course. Please... Sit down, Counselor. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT TWO 25. 38A CONTINUED: TROI Hard at work? BARCLAY (re: PADD) Getting prepared for tomorrow's meeting in Engineering. We're planning our repair strategy. A beat. TROI I enjoyed the scene you just performed. BARCLAY (laughs) You're a very forgiving audience. TROI Not at all. (a beat) I thought you were brilliant. Barclay smiles in response. Another beat as Troi studies him carefully. TROI You've... changed. BARCLAY Is that a professional opinion? TROI Pure observation. Barclay studies her for a moment. BARCLAY It's true. I can't explain it. But in the last few days I've found a confidence that I never knew was there. TROI I'm proud of you, Reg... and I'm glad for you, too. He gives her a meaningful look -- not like a lounge lizard, but like someone who has always had a crush and is finally confident enough to act on it. Noting the sexual tension, she decides it's time to leave. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT TWO 26. 38A CONTINUED: (2) TROI (stands) Well, I'd better be going. BARCLAY Must you? TROI I... think so... BARCLAY (stands) Wouldn't you like to take a walk with me through the arboretum? The zalnias should be in bloom... TROI Reg, as your former counselor... I... don't think it would be appropriate... BARCLAY -- I don't need a counselor. What I need is the company of a charming, intelligent woman. Troi stares at him for a beat -- the offer is not without its appeal. She decides against it. She rises and Barclay follows suit. TROI (with a smile) Goodnight, Mister Barclay. He nods and returns her smile -- not at all feeling rejected. Then sits back down as she leaves, watching her go. 39 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Holding near the Array. 40 INT. ENGINEERING BROWER and Larson are waiting around the pool table as Geordi steps in with a PADD. Notices they're one short. GEORDI Where's Lieutenant Barclay? STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT TWO 27. 40 CONTINUED: LARSON I stopped by his quarters on my way over. He wasn't there. GEORDI Computer, location of Lieutenant Barclay. COMPUTER VOICE Holodeck Three. Geordi scowls. Turns and quickly heads for the exit. OFF the look between Brower and Larson. 41 INT. HOLODECK - CLOSE ON a man who appears to be ALBERT EINSTEIN, writing a long equation on a blackboard in the undressed holodeck. The board is already covered with mathematical symbols. EINSTEIN G sub I J of t as t approaches infinity... A hand reaches in and rubs out the appropriate symbol. BARCLAY (O.S.) That's G of t over G-naught. 42 INCLUDE BARCLAY standing next to Einstein, chalk in hand. He makes the correction on the board as the great physicist watches. EINSTEIN So it is, so it is. Barclay points to a different part of the formula. BARCLAY I still don't see how you can incorporate the quantum principle into general relativity without adjusting the cosmological constant a lot more than you're doing here. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT TWO 28. 42 CONTINUED: EINSTEIN If we increase the value as you suggest, we must face the possibility of twenty-six dimensions, instead of ten! BARCLAY (laughs) I'm not sure if I'm ready for that. EINSTEIN (good humored) I certainly am not. Barclay thinks a moment. Points to the board. BARCLAY But if this semiset was curved into the subatomic, the infinities might cancel each other out. Einstein gives Barclay an amazed look. EINSTEIN Gruss Gott. They just might. As Einstein feverishly continues writing on the board, the two hear someone CLEARING HIS THROAT. As they turn towards the sound -- 43 INCLUDE GEORDI standing in the doorway, staring at the board -- clearly unable to decipher it. GEORDI We had a meeting at Oh-seven hundred... BARCLAY I'm sorry, Commander. (to Einstein) Thank you, Professor. (to computer) End program. Einstein DISAPPEARS in mid-chalk stroke. Barclay quickly joins Geordi and they walk together out of the holodeck. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT TWO 29. 43 CONTINUED: GEORDI What was that all about? FOLLOW them outside and into corridor. 44 INT. CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Geordi and Barclay walking away from the holodeck. BARCLAY I had some ideas late last night... I needed to consult the computer about some quantum electrodynamic calculations. A holodeck Einstein program seemed like the best way. I guess I went a little overboard. GEORDI A little? Most of the stuff on that blackboard was way out of my league. Yours too. BARCLAY Not really. I just never thought along those lines before. It's all pretty evident now... I'm sure if you put your mind to it -- Geordi stops, interrupting him. GEORDI -- Ever since our run-in with the probe, something's been different about you. A long beat as Barclay looks at Geordi. BARCLAY Because I'm starting to behave a little more like the rest of the crew? With confidence in what I'm doing? GEORDI (continuing) You just spent the entire night arguing Grand Unification Theories with Albert Einstein! STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT TWO 30. 44 CONTINUED: BARCLAY Yes, but -- GEORDI -- Something's happened to you, Reg. We can't ignore that. Barclay pauses, looks at Geordi. BARCLAY I've finally become the person I've always wanted to be. Do we have to ask why? A moment between them. GEORDI (reluctantly) Yeah, I think we do... 45 INT. SICKBAY Barclay is on a diagnostic bed, Beverly and Geordi standing next to him. Beverly is looking at the data displayed one the readout above the bed. She is stunned by what she finds. BEVERLY Incredible. The production of neurotransmitters in your brain has jumped by over five hundred percent. Pre and postsynaptic membranes have increased their permeability to match it. (a beat) I couldn't even guess at an I.Q. level. BARCLAY Probably somewhere between twelve hundred and fourteen fifty. BEVERLY But that isn't all. She indicates a readout on the wall. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT TWO 31. 45 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (continuing) The corpus callosum -- the connecting bridge between the two sides of the brain. It's so active that the hemispheres have essentially become one. GEORDI So it's not just raw intelligence we're talking about. BEVERLY Creativity, imagination, resourcefulness, inspiration -- it's all been enhanced. A beat as they consider the implications. BEVERLY (continuing) Lieutenant, you are the most advanced human being who has ever lived. OFF everyone's reactions. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT THREE 32. ACT THREE FADE IN: 45A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) By the Array. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log; supplemental. Apparently as a result of his exposure to the alien probe, Lieutenant Barclay has gained an extraordinary new level of intelligence. The question now is -- how are we to deal with it? 46 INT. READY ROOM Picard, Beverly, Geordi, Troi, and Riker. RIKER We could confine him to his quarters. GEORDI How can we do that? What's he done? You're talking about locking him up for being too smart. RIKER If he's under an alien influence, doesn't that put us all at risk? BEVERLY Not necessarily. For all we know it could be more like a simple allergic reaction to a bee sting... PICARD (a beat) Has Mister Barclay done anything that could be considered potentially threatening? TROI He did make a pass at me last night. They react. Riker particularly, raises an eyebrow. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT THREE 33. 46 CONTINUED: TROI (continuing) A good one. GEORDI I wouldn't exactly call that a threat. TROI No, but it's definitely unusual behavior for Barclay. BEVERLY (corroborating) He taught violin technique at the music school last night. RIKER I didn't know Barclay even played the violin. BEVERLY He didn't... until last night. A beat. GEORDI Look... if we want to save the Array, we need Barclay... It's as simple as that... Picard considers for a beat. PICARD Until he does something more menacing than what's been described -- I see no reason why we should prevent him from continuing his work. LARSON'S COM VOICE Larson to Commander La Forge. GEORDI (to COM) Go ahead, Lieutenant. 47 INT. ENGINEERING Barclay, Brower, and Larson are at their respective consoles, working as quickly as possible. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT THREE 34. 47 CONTINUED: LARSON (to COM) We're having trouble containing reactor nine, sir. It's starting to chain. 48 INT. READY ROOM - CONTINUOUS Geordi glances at Picard, who nods his permission. GEORDI (to COM) I'll be right there. Geordi takes off towards the door. As the others begin to leave, Riker moves next to Deanna -- with a twinkle in his eye; no jealousy intended... RIKER You said he made a pass... you forgot to mention whether it was successful or not... Deanna controls a grin, EXITS without answering... 49 INT. ENGINEERING Barclay, Larson and Brower at their respective control panels. Geordi is quickly moving between them and other stations, coordinating the work. It's damage control time. BARCLAY Thermal levels up one hundred seventy seven percent. Comparable increase in neutron emissions. GEORDI Is the interface between our computer and the Array still in operation? BARCLAY Yes. (re: instruments) But our computer is just too slow to direct the repairs; the parameters are changing too quickly for it to keep up. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT THREE 35. 49 CONTINUED: GEORDI We'll have to try a remote shutdown from here. LARSON Transmitting commands to the Array now, Sir. Starting close down sequence. BARCLAY (to Brower) Brower, increase the intake of liquid Helium Three into the reactor wall. We've got to cool it off. BROWER (working panel) Transmitting commands... (alarmed) Thermal levels increasing! Geordi rushes over. GEORDI What happened? BARCLAY Unclear... the interface isn't fast enough. Barclay's fingers are flying over the keyboard. He's frustrated. LARSON Commander La Forge! Overload indications on Argus generator Five... (a beat as he looks at instruments) Seven and Fourteen. La Forge quickly moves over to Larson. GEORDI Damn. 50 ON BARCLAY thinking out loud. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT THREE 36. 50 CONTINUED: BARCLAY Can't do anything from here... I've got to have a better interface... Barclay pushes away from the console. 51 RESUME GEORDI (to COM) La Forge to Bridge. We're looking at a cascade reactor failure on the Argus. In the background, Barclay disappears unnoticed out the door. 52 INT. BRIDGE Picard, Riker, Data, Worf, Ensign Anaya. GEORDI'S COM VOICE I don't think we're gonna pull this one out. DATA (off instruments) Reactor Nine will reach critical in ten minutes, forty three seconds. The subsequent explosion will create a chain reaction along the entire length of the Array. 53 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) As Picard considers the vast structure for a beat. RIKER (to COM) La Forge. You've got ten minutes. PICARD (to Anaya) Ensign, standby for a jump to warp two. ENSIGN ANAYA Yes, Sir. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT THREE 37. 53 CONTINUED: RIKER Mister Worf, Red Alert. WORF Aye, Commander. Worf touches he panel and the RED ALERT KLAXONS and LIGHTS begin. 54 INT. CORRIDOR Barclay is hurrying along the corridor, RED ALERT alarms blaring around him. He reaches a door marked HOLODECK THREE. The door opens and he heads through it. FOLLOW him inside. 55 INT. HOLODECK - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) Barclay steps quickly into the bare room. BARCLAY Computer. COMPUTER VOICE Standing by. BARCLAY Begin new program. Create as follows: Work station chair. A chair MATERIALIZES in front of him. He sits down in it. BARCLAY (continuing) Create a standard alpha-numeric console positioned for left hand. A console MATERIALIZES on his left. BARCLAY (continuing) ... Now, an iconic display console positioned for right hand. Another work station console MATERIALIZES to his immediate right. Barclay sits in the chair, begins testing both consoles... STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT THREE 38. 55 CONTINUED: BARCLAY (continuing) Tie both consoles into the Enterprise main computer core, utilizing a neural scan interface. COMPUTER VOICE (a beat) There is no such device on file. BARCLAY No problem. Here's how you build it... 56 thru OMITTED 57 58 INT. BRIDGE Picard, Riker, Data, Worf, Ensign Anaya. As the RED ALERT continues. DATA Argus Reactor Nine is twenty-eight seconds to critical. RIKER Let's get out of here. PICARD Warp two, Ensign. ENSIGN ANAYA Yes, Sir. Before she can execute the command, several of the console and display lights suddenly GO OUT on the Bridge. ENSIGN ANAYA Helm is not responding. WORF Captain! We have lost computer control! RIKER What? DATA Twelve seconds to critical, Sir... STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT THREE 39. 58 CONTINUED: PICARD (quickly to Anaya) Go to manual. Ensign Anaya attempts in vain to manually engage the helm... ENSIGN ANAYA I'm attempting to, sir... but it's... RIKER There's not enough time... The console lights suddenly brighten back to normal. As everyone reacts to these unexpected events --. WORF The computer is coming back on line, sir. DATA (puzzled; off instruments) Captain, the Argus reactors are shutting down. (to Picard) We are no longer in danger. PICARD What happened? DATA (checking) Unknown, sir... RIKER La Forge, what did you do? 59 INT. ENGINEERING GEORDI Wasn't me, sir. 60 INT. BRIDGE PICARD Computer, how were the Argus reactors shut down? STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT THREE 40. 60 CONTINUED: BARCLAY'S VOICE A neural interface was created to expedite the repairs. Reactions. RIKER Barclay? Puzzled reactions. PICARD Computer! Respond. BARCLAY'S VOICE I am responding, sir. I'm sorry if I caused you any alarm. It was necessary in order to secure the Array. Everyone is stunned. RIKER Barclay? BARCLAY'S VOICE Yes, Commander... 61 thru OMITTED 62 63 INT. HOLODECK Barclay is in his chair, the two consoles around him. Hovering above is a massive half-globe shaped laser scanner that continuously plays tiny laser lights over Barclay's head. Conduits of all sizes and shapes lead away from the device to the walls of the holodeck, effectively wiring Barclay in. His LIPS DO NOT MOVE when he speaks. BARCLAY'S VOICE (continuing) It's me... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE (NOTE: Red Alert ends during the act break.) STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT FOUR 41. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 64 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Motionless in space next to the Array. 65 OMITTED 66 INT. HOLODECK Picard, Riker, Geordi and Worf are staring at Barclay in his interface chair, the tiny lasers continuously scanning his head. His lips are not moving as he speaks. Red Alert has been cancelled. BARCLAY'S VOICE I was only trying to help. Our computer was too slow to compensate for the overload on the Array. So I created an interface that communicated my thoughts directly to the central processing unit. RIKER Exactly what does that mean? BARCLAY'S VOICE My body is as you see it here. But much of my higher brain functions and memory have been transferred to the starboard computer core. A beat as the officers all look at each other. Picard turns to Barclay. PICARD Mister Barclay, please remove yourself from the computer system and leave the holodeck. BARCLAY'S VOICE I'm afraid I can't, Sir. PICARD Why is that? STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - REV. 2/1/91 - ACT FOUR 42. 66 CONTINUED: BARCLAY'S VOICE My primary cerebral functions are now operating almost entirely from within the computer. They have expanded to such a degree that it would be impossible to return to the confines of my human brain. A beat. BARCLAY'S VOICE (continuing) Any attempt to do so would mean my death. OFF the reactions. 66A thru OMITTED 67 68 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - ON GEORDI finishing up at a wall panel that has been removed to expose some circuitry beneath. GEORDI That's it. 69 INCLUDE SENIOR STAFF Picard, Riker, Worf, Data sitting at the conference table. Geordi replaces the panel. GEORDI (continuing) I disconnected the visual and audio pickups. We can talk without being monitored by... (hesitates) the computer... WORF By Barclay. Geordi joins them at the table. PICARD (to Geordi) Report, Commander. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT FOUR 43. 69 CONTINUED: GEORDI It's now almost impossible to tell where Barclay ends and the computer begins. He's actually rewriting the isolinear chips each time he extends himself a little further. RIKER How do we get him out of there? GEORDI We don't. Not without killing him. PICARD (beat) This is an intolerable situation... I have no wish to harm him, but we cannot allow Mister Barclay to continue to act as the ship's computer... I don't care how smart he is. DATA Lieutenant Barclay has not yet extended himself into the Engineering subsystems. It may be possible to establish an ODN bypass directly to the Bridge. PICARD That won't give us control of the ship. GEORDI No... But we would have access to the propulsion systems. Enough to get us to the nearest Starbase. RIKER How long would it take to set it up? GEORDI A few hours. PICARD Make it so. All rising... STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT FOUR 44. 69 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI Should we... discuss this with Barclay, Captain? PICARD I think not. 70 INT. JEFFRIES TUBE Geordi is working in a Jeffries Tube. BARCLAY'S VOICE Commander La Forge? A pause, as Geordi debates whether to respond. He keeps working. GEORDI Yeah, Reg? BARCLAY'S VOICE I thought you would be in your quarters. GEORDI Just catching up on some work. (lying) That level-3 diagnostic we talked about. (beat) How're you doing? BARCLAY'S VOICE (a beat) I wish I could convey to you what it's like for me now. What I've become... GEORDI Give it a try. BARCLAY'S VOICE I can conceive almost infinite possibilities, and can fully explore each of them in a nanosecond. I perceive the universe as a single equation, and it is so simple, I... understand... STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT FOUR 45. 70 CONTINUED: GEORDI Understand? BARCLAY'S VOICE (beat) ...everything. GEORDI Do you understand how this happened to you? BARCLAY'S VOICE I believe it is a gift... that I have been chosen to fulfill a great purpose... GEORDI (concerned) Uh huh. BARCLAY'S VOICE (a beat, suddenly concerned) Do you suppose all this has changed the way people think about me? Geordi is touched for a moment -- it's still the real Barclay somewhere in there. GEORDI I'll be honest with you. We don't know what to think. BARCLAY'S VOICE I've been concerned about that. (a beat) But soon everyone will understand what I can do for humanity. GEORDI They will... ? BARCLAY'S VOICE We have always perceived the maximum speed of the Enterprise as a function of warp... but I know now there are no limits... (MORE) STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - REV. 1/29/91 - ACT FOUR 46. 70 CONTINUED: (2) BARCLAY'S VOICE (Cont'd) We will explore new worlds that we could never before have reached in our lifetime. I will take us to them... Off Geordi's reaction... 71 INT. BRIDGE Picard, Riker, Data, Worf, Ensign Anaya. Worf looks up in alarm from his instruments. WORF Captain! I am picking up a subspace distortion. 72 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) where the stars appear to be stretching away from the Enterprise. PICARD Mister Data? DATA (off instruments) This disturbance is the result of a highly charged graviton field emanating from our warp nacelles. It is creating a severe bias in the subspace continuum. Everyone reacts. A beat. PICARD Lieutenant Barclay, are you responsible for this graviton field disturbance? BARCLAY'S VOICE Yessir, I'm altering subspace in a way that's never been conceived of before. I'm fairly certain it will allow us to travel half-way across the galaxy in a matter of only... STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT FOUR 47. 72 CONTINUED: PICARD Mister Barclay, I'd like you to hold off on this experiment for now. BARCLAY'S VOICE Captain, if you'd only allow me... PICARD Lieutenant, this is a direct order. Discontinue whatever it is you're doing. A beat. BARCLAY'S VOICE I really would rather not, sir. I'm positive you'll be pleased with the result once I've finished. Picard glances at Worf, gives him the CUT OFF sign. Worf touches the controls. WORF Audio is disconnected. We may speak freely. RIKER (to Data) How soon before the ODN bypass is in place? DATA I have been monitoring Commander La Forge's progress. It will be operational in approximately seventeen minutes. TROI (to Picard) Captain, let me go to the holodeck. Try to talk to him. WORF (off instruments) Sir, the subspace distortion is continuing to increase... Picard nods to Troi... she EXITS. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT FOUR 48. 72A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship hovering near the distortion. 72B INT. HOLODECK (FORMERLY SCENE 72A) The door opens and Troi ENTERS. She is taken aback by the sight of Barclay all plugged in. As before, when he speaks, his mouth does not move. BARCLAY'S VOICE Hello, Deanna. TROI Reg... BARCLAY'S VOICE I'm sorry that we can't take that walk in the Arboretum. TROI So am I. (beat) Reg, you've frightened everyone... I can't imagine that is your intent. BARCLAY'S VOICE Young children are sometimes frightened of the world. That doesn't mean their parents should let them stay in their cribs. TROI Are we children to you, now? BARCLAY'S VOICE I can see so much more than you are capable of. You should trust that. A beat. BARCLAY'S VOICE (continuing) Deanna, I've always wanted to earn your respect. TROI You've got it... From all of us. We don't need any more convincing. (MORE) STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT FOUR 49. 72B CONTINUED: TROI (Cont'd) Please obey the Captain's orders... stop whatever you're doing... BARCLAY'S VOICE You must trust me... TROI How are we to trust an officer who doesn't follow orders... ? BARCLAY'S VOICE Trust me... A beat as Troi gives up. TROI The Captain will do everything in his power to stop you. She waits a beat, there is no further replay... she turns and EXITS. 73 INT. JEFFRIES TUBE The RED ALERT SOUNDS. Geordi reacts. PICARD'S COM VOICE Picard to La Forge. Status? Geordi makes one final adjustment in his work. GEORDI Ready now, Captain. PICARD Proceed. GEORDI Acknowledged. He quickly puts his hand to an interface and works the controls. BARCLAY'S VOICE Commander? GEORDI (startled) What. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - 1/25/91 - ACT FOUR 50. 73 CONTINUED: BARCLAY'S VOICE You're too late. 74 INT. BRIDGE Troi is back on the Bridge. Data looks up from his console. DATA (surprised) Captain, the ODN bypass to the Bridge has been blocked. We have not regained control of the propulsion systems. 75 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The intense horizontal curvature of space is beginning to glow. RIKER (to computer) Barclay! BARCLAY'S VOICE Yes, Commander Riker? RIKER (re: viewscreen) Shut that thing down! 76 OMITTED 77 RESUME No response. All are facing the viewscreen. WORF Captain. We are going in. 78 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) as the ship begins to move slowly toward the distortion. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - REV. 1/29/91 - ACT FIVE 51. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 79 thru OMITTED 81 82 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship is inexorably heading towards the disturbance -- which has now begun to assume a more tunnel-like appearance. The stars inside and along the edges look stretched. 83 INT. BRIDGE PICARD Mister Barclay! (beat) Respond at once! Still no answer. Picard motions Worf to cut the audio... WORF Audio is disconnected. PICARD (to Worf) Lieutenant, take a security team to Holodeck Three. (beat) Disconnect Mister Barclay from the computer. WORF (understanding implication) Aye, Captain. Worf quickly heads for the door. 84 OMITTED 84A INT. HOLODECK The door opens and Worf and TWO N. D. SECURITY MEN ENTER, phasers in hand. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - REV. 1/29/91 - ACT FIVE 52. 85 INCLUDE BARCLAY plugged into the interface. He seems to be in a higher state of consciousness... hardly acknowledges Worf's arrival. The ship suddenly SHAKES. Worf and his men steady themselves, then head quickly towards Barclay, BOUNCING OFF a force field directly in front of him. They quickly recover. BARCLAY'S VOICE I want you to know, Lieutenant Worf, that I understand your duty in this matter... WORF Phasers. Maximum setting All three pull their phasers. BARCLAY'S VOICE (continuing) ... and that I in no way will take your actions personally. WORF The conduits. They aim at the interface unit above Barclay's head. Again, the ship SHAKES. WORF Fire. They fire -- with no result. The force field holds. Suddenly, the entire room JOLTS violently to one side, then back. Worf and the others fall... 86 OMITTED 87 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship has been drawn into the 'tunnel'... the ship moves incredibly fast -- stars blur by at an extraordinary rate... STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - REV. 1/29/91 - ACT FIVE 53. 88 thru OMITTED 91 92 INT. BRIDGE SHAKING. The staff is holding on... watching the viewscreen. There is a change becoming apparent -- as everything on the Bridge, including personnel and voices, starts to distort. The effect continues through Scenes 92 and 96. RIKER (to Con) La Forge! Initiate stabilization procedure! GEORDI'S COM VOICE Resetting stabilizers to match subspace flow matrix... stand by... Slowly, the ship STABILIZES... PICARD Mister Data... ? DATA (off instruments) We are experiencing a quantum level oscillation delay... Doubling in intensity, every twelve point three seconds... Worf ENTERS from the turbolift... WORF (reporting) He is protected by a force field... we could not disconnect him. RIKER Data, how long can we take this? DATA Bio-cellular disruption is imminent. Everyone holds on for a few difficult beats. ENSIGN ANAYA (re: viewscreen) Sir! STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - REV. 1/29/91 - ACT FIVE 54. 93 thru OMITTED 95 96 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Where all the star lines converge into one bright mass, which we approach at immense speed, until it engulfs the screen, and we burst through... with a WHITEOUT... 97 RESUME Everything on the Bridge is suddenly normal. Everyone reacts. RIKER Where are we, Ensign? ENSIGN ANAYA (off instruments, amazed) Unless something is wrong with the sensors... We're almost thirty thousand light years from where we were. Everyone reacts with astonishment. 98 OMITTED 98A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) surrounded by more stars than we've ever seen before -- there's more light than the blackness of space. 98B INT. BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Include viewscreen... Everyone stares in amazement at the countless stars. PICARD (awed) The center of the galaxy. ENSIGN ANAYA Sir, our heading has been altered. Approaching a planetary cluster. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - REV. 1/29/91 - ACT FIVE 55. 98B CONTINUED: DATA (off instruments) Captain, all systems are back under helm control. The computer has resumed normal functioning. Suddenly, directly in front of the viewscreen appears a holographic-type image of an alien being. It is an odd combination of intense curiosity, lightheartedness, quickness and benevolence. WORF Captain! Worf quickly moves to position himself between it and Picard, pulling his phaser. ALIEN (re: Worf's action) Emotive. Electro-chemical stimulus-response. (a beat) Cranial plate. Picard puts out a hand, holding Worf off. Worf stops. They all watch the alien as it takes them in, glancing quickly around the Bridge. ALIEN (continuing) Bipedal locomotion. Endoskeletal. Contiguous external integument. PICARD I am Jean-Luc Picard, Captain of the Federation Starship Enterprise. ALIEN (aha!) Hierarchical collective command structure! PICARD Who are you? ALIEN (still describing what it sees) Interrogative. Picard realizes it's describing him. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - REV. 1/29/91 - ACT FIVE 56. 98B CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Yes. I am interrogative... And I would appreciate an explanation... BARCLAY (O.C.) I believe I can help with that, Captain. 98C ANGLE - BARCLAY has arrived from the turbolift... walking toward command... He is returning to normal... a little rattled by the experience. RIKER Mister Barclay. I thought it would be fatal if you left the holodeck. BARCLAY The Cytherians have reintegrated me, sir. ALIEN (affirming) Cytherians. BARCLAY The probe was designed to instruct outsiders on how to reach this system. But the technologies aren't always compatible. It failed with the Argus computer, and with the computer on the shuttle. But it was able to reprogram... me. PICARD (to the alien) What do you want of us? ALIEN The same as you. PICARD (explain) Mister Barclay... ? STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - REV. 1/29/91 - ACT FIVE 57. 98C CONTINUED: BARCLAY You both have the same mission, Captain... PICARD Mission... ? BARCLAY Yessir. The Cytherians are exploring the galaxy just as we are... The difference is they never leave their home -- they bring others here. They only wish an exchange of knowledge... (beat) They want to know us. The alien hologram nods and grins at Picard. Picard glances at Riker, who smiles -- he knows what Picard's decision will be. 99 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) At impulse speed through normal space. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 44721.9. The Cytherians have returned the Enterprise to Federation space. We bring back knowledge of their race that will take our scholars decades to examine. Lieutenant Barclay is apparently no worse for his experience. 100 thru OMITTED 102 103 INT. TEN-FORWARD Geordi, Troi, and Barclay are standing at the bar. Several couples and others dot the lounge, including two crew members playing three dimensional chess. Barclay seems basically his pre-transformation self. TROI How much do you remember? STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - REV. 1/29/91 - ACT FIVE 58. 103 CONTINUED: BARCLAY I can still remember doing everything -- I just can't remember how or why. There's a melancholy in his look... he can't disguise it. Troi and Geordi exchange a glance. TROI And how do you feel now? BARCLAY (sad chuckle) Smaller... GEORDI Just plain old Barclay, huh... BARCLAY It always seems to come back to that, doesn't it.. TROI Most everyone has a moment in their lives when they exceed their own limits... achieve what seems to be impossible... GEORDI The tricky part is what happens afterwards. TROI (nodding) You almost always feel a sense of loss. But it's possible to carry something of that experience through the rest of your life -- in ways that you're not even aware of now. BARCLAY I... I think I see what you're saying... GEORDI Either way, you're an important part of this crew. (rising) In fact, I could use your help tackling that level-3 diagnostic... STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - REV. 1/29/91 - ACT FIVE 59. 103 CONTINUED: (2) Barclay and Troi rise too... BARCLAY Sure... TROI Excuse me, Commander... but I believe Mister Barclay and I had a date scheduled for a walk in the Arboretum... ? Barclay reacts, walks into a chair, stumbles a tad... she supports him... GEORDI The diagnostic can wait. See you later... He EXITS. BARCLAY You don't... don't have to do this, you know... TROI (grins, takes his arm, leading him) I know. He smiles and as they walk past two players at the chess game... he glances and pauses. He looks at one of the players. BARCLAY May I? The player nods, giving a look of: "go ahead, I'm losing anyway." Barclay moves a piece on the board. BARCLAY (continuing) Checkmate in nine moves. The players react... so does Troi, and Barclay leads the way out... TROI I didn't know you played chess. STAR TREK: "The Nth Degree" - REV. 1/29/91 - ACT FIVE 60. 103 CONTINUED: (3) BARCLAY (surprised) I don't. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END