STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Half a Life" #40274-196 Story by Ted Roberts and Peter Allan Fields Teleplay by Peter Allan Fields Directed by Les Landau THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1991 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT FEBRUARY 22, 1991 STAR TREK: "Half a Life" - 2/22/91 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Half a Life" CAST PICARD LWAXANA TROI RIKER MR. HOMN DATA TIMICIN BEVERLY DARA TROI B'TARDAT GEORDI WORF O'BRIEN Non-Speaking SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: "Half a Life" - 2/22/91 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Half a Life" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM OBSERVATION LOUNGE TRANSPORTER ROOM CORRIDORS NEAR TURBOLIFTS LWAXANA'S QUARTERS TIMICIN'S QUARTERS KAELON TWO B'TARDAT'S OFFICE STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - 2/22/91 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Half A Life" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship moves into a synchronous orbit around a planet... Kaelon Two. TROI (V.O.) Counselor Deanna Troi, personal log, stardate 44805.3... 2 INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE TURBOLIFT The turbolift doors open, and PICARD emerges rather tentatively. Before taking a step, he looks both right and left to ensure the coast is clear. Over This: TROI (V.O.) (Continuing) ... My mother is on board. Picard's taken about two steps before LWAXANA TROI sweeps INTO FRAME from a doorway, with: LWAXANA (ebullient) Jean-Luc, you delicious man, you were just thinking of me, weren't you? PICARD As a matter of fact, I... LWAXANA Well think no further, Dear Heart... She's here! She winds her arm through his; will move with him along the corridor, as: PICARD Yes, indeed. LWAXANA Serious; always so serious. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: PICARD Well at the moment, Lwaxana, I am rather busy. LWAXANA And you're always busy with something or other. (sultry) Never the right thing, though. My daughter says we're picking up someone interesting here? PICARD Yes. The leading scientist of Kaelon Two and... LWAXANA Kaelon Two? Never heard of it. In desperation, Picard resorts to reason. PICARD This is a delicate situation, Lwaxana... our first real contact with a very reclusive people... (trying to disengage) And as it will be something of an official greeting... LWAXANA Ah, diplomacy; I adore diplomacy. Everyone dresses so well... 3 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM ONE GEORDI waiting; O'BRIEN alongside his panel -- as Picard and the still-entwined Lwaxana ENTER. PICARD Energize, please, Mister O'Brien. 4 INCLUDING TIMICIN (OPTICAL) as he MATERIALIZES. A big, in-shape, inordinately handsome man of sixty, he will stand stony-faced and motionless. An imposing, and at first almost menacing, figure, carrying a metallic clothing case. He is humorless, colorless, distant... even wary. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/26/91 - TEASER 3. 4 CONTINUED: PICARD Doctor Timicin? I am Jean-Luc Picard, Captain of The Enterprise. This is Lieutenant Commander La Forge. Not a flicker of response from the grim visaged Timicin. He glances around with anxious curiosity like a man who just stepped off the boat at Ellis Island. PICARD (Continuing; beat) We welcome you aboard, Sir. 5 CLOSE - TIMICIN gathers himself slightly... TIMICIN I beg your pardon, Captain... this is my first time aboard a Federation starship... Picard extends his hand and it takes Timicin a beat to realize its significance... TIMICIN Oh yes, they told me... shaking of hands... a greeting... He shakes hands with Picard. Lwaxana CLEARS HER THROAT pointedly. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/26/91 - TEASER 4. 5 CONTINUED: PICARD Ah, I beg your pardon. Doctor Timicin, may I present Lwaxana Troi, of Betazed; also a guest on board, and... Timicin awkwardly extends a hand... and she wraps her arm around his arm moving ever so close to him, smiling to the rather taken back fellow... Throughout: LWAXANA (overriding) ... And Daughter of The Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed, and what are you doing for dinner? TIMICIN Well, I... (eyes others) ... I don't know, really. PICARD We have quite a bit of work planned... LWAXANA The man's never been on a starship before, Jean-Luc... somebody certainly ought to make him comfortable before you get started. She starts to lead him out... PICARD It, uh... would seem Mrs. Troi is our acting ambassador of good will today. Exit line -- LWAXANA (vamping him) Just think of me as your Entertainment Director. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/26/91 - TEASER 5. 5 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI That man is in a lot of trouble. He and O'Brien exchange looks. The latter nods ruefully, as we 6 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: 7 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Sweeping through space at warp speed. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log. Stardate 44805.7. For generations, the people of Kaelon Two have been working to revitalize their dying sun. The Federation has offered to assist in testing what may be a solution to this problem. 8 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE (OPTICAL) Picard, RIKER, Timicin, DATA, TROI, BEVERLY and Geordi, who holds a PADD. Timicin is still remote, cool and official though not unfriendly... TIMICIN (mid-conversation) The basic theories for helium fusion enhancement have been discussed for over a century... but there's been no method of practical application until now... DATA The modifications that you have made on the torpedo's guidance systems are remarkable, doctor... Timicin doesn't smile... he's a man who doesn't easily accept a compliment... especially from a stranger... TIMICIN We'll see. They still have to be proven in a practical test. As he gestures toward it, we see for the first time, an image of a red giant star displayed on the MONITOR. TIMICIN (continuing) At least, now it is possible. I never dared hope to find such a perfect match with our own sun. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT ONE 7. 8 CONTINUED: PICARD (nods) Our only regret is that it took us three years to find a suitable star after you first contacted us. Timicin clears his throat... obviously struggling to say something personal here... it doesn't come easily... TIMICIN This means a great deal to us, to me... We are not used to dealing with other worlds... to asking for anything from others. But your offer to help... it has given us a possible means to our survival. GEORDI It's your work that's made this possible, Doctor... BEVERLY That's right, we're only the delivery service here... TIMICIN (humble) It has taken forty years of my life to develop the programming which will control your photon torpedos... it has been my life... my only wish has been to find a way to revive our sun before I die... thank you for giving me this opportunity. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT ONE 8. 9 INT. MAIN BRIDGE WORF at his post, contending with a superficially inquisitive Lwaxana. Supernumeraries at other posts. WORF Mrs. Troi, I must protest your unauthorized presence on the Bridge. LWAXANA (touching panel) What does this little one do, Mister Woof? WORF (quickly) Please, Madame! That is a torpedo launch initiator. And it, uh... it is Worf, Madame; not Woof. LWAXANA Oh. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/26/91 - ACT ONE 9. 10 ANGLE INCLUDING RIKER, TROI & TIMICIN as they ENTER the Bridge. LWAXANA (Continuing; to Troi) Ah, there you are, dear; I've been waiting for you. But Lwaxana walks right past her daughter to Timicin. LWAXANA (Continuing) And so nice to see you again so soon. TIMICIN (awkward smile) Mrs. Troi. TROI Yes, Mother, what did you want? LWAXANA (lost) What? TROI You were waiting for me. LWAXANA Of course I was, dear. (to Timicin) You really must let me do something to relieve the tedium of all this work, work, work... TIMICIN As a matter of fact, we really haven't... TROI Mother. LWAXANA Yes, dear. You go play now; mother'll be fine. TROI Mother! STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT ONE 10. 10 CONTINUED: TIMICIN I'm afraid I'm expected in Engineering. I'm really terribly sorry... RIKER Mrs. Troi? I'll have to ask you to clear the Bridge now, please. LWAXANA I don't see why. There are lots of other people here. TROI Mother? Please! Lwaxana will sweep out, unintimidated and unabashed, as: LWAXANA (to Timicin; brightly) Don't you worry, we'll just have to chat a bit later. Lwaxana EXITS. Timicin, looks after her curiously... TIMICIN I'd never have thought her old enough to be your mother. She's so... vibrant. 11 CLOSE - TROI Though Smiling politely in reply, she'll take a deep breath and roll her eyes slightly as she turns away. 12 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Still at warp speed. 13 INT. ENGINEERING It's clearly been a long session; the pool table is littered with PADDs and styluses. As Timicin, Geordi, and Data examine a schematic of a photon torpedo displayed on a monitor... STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT ONE 11. 13 CONTINUED: GEORDI (mid-discussion) Is that why you reset the torpedo sustainer engines to run on less reactants? TIMICIN Exactly... once we were able to protect the triggering mechanism, the flight engine power levels could be minimized... (moving to another console) ... now if we take a look at another simulation, you'll see that the temperature should stabilize at two-twenty... STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT ONE 12. 14 INCLUDING LWAXANA & MR. HOMN He is interrupted by the opening of the doors and the swooping ENTRANCE of Lwaxana -- who'll be followed by her valet, MR. HOMN. He is carrying a picnic basket loaded with (covered) picnic fare. Throughout: LWAXANA Enough is enough; rescue is at hand. Doctor Timicin, will you clear all that mess from the table, please? GEORDI That mess? Mrs. Troi... LWAXANA Now now now, you've been shut up in here for hours; perfectly ridiculous. (to Timicin) The table, please. Timicin is a little overwhelmed by the energy of this woman... glances at Geordi... begins to tentatively clear the table... as she continues... LWAXANA (continuing) If you boys don't eat something you're going to be sick and who's that going to help? I've made some irresistible Mantickian pate. Mister Homn will lay it out for us. As Mister Homn acknowledges this with a bow, Lwaxana explains to a bemused Timicin... LWAXANA Mister Homn is my valet. He doesn't say much. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/26/91 - ACT ONE 13. 14 CONTINUED: GEORDI (mutters) How can he? DATA It is true that the intellectual efficiency of high order beings does diminish proportionately when the deprivation of rest or nutritious fuel is... GEORDI (interrupts; gives up) All right, all right; don't you start. TIMICIN Mrs. Troi... And his voice turns all heads to him... has he had enough, is he fed up with her? Is this where he cuts her off? A dramatic pause... TIMICIN You are a wise woman. I'm sure we could use a respite. LWAXANA These two call me Mrs. Troi. You call me Lwaxana. Mister Homn? Spread it. As Hohm spreads the tablecloth over the pool table, Goerdi sighs and frowns... but for the first time since we've met him, Timicin smiles. 14A INT. TURBOLIFT As Lwaxana and Timicin ENTER... LWAXANA So, knowing that my daughter's starship would be passing fairly close to Betazed, I maneuvered a ride, and here I am. (to Com) Deck Eight. As the turbolift starts to move, Lwaxana reacts to... STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/26/91 - ACT ONE 14. 14A CONTINUED: TIMICIN I also have a grown daughter. She has a little boy of her own. LWAXANA Then you're married. TIMICIN My wife died quite some time ago. Off her reaction... 15 INT. CORRIDOR Lwaxana and Timicin EXIT the turbolift. As the walk down the corridor... LWAXANA One thing I don't understand... if your people have known for generations that their sun is dying... why not simply evacuate the planet? TIMICIN It is our home... it defines who we are as a people. If Kaelon ceases to exist... so do we... LWAXANA Then you definitely should fix it. They come to a stop outside the door to Lwaxana's Quarters. TIMICIN With the Federation's help... I hope we will. LWAXANA And the Federation is pleased to offer whatever help it can. Which means you will come in for a nightcap? TIMICIN That's extremely kind of you, but... STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/26/91 - ACT ONE 15. 15 CONTINUED: LWAXANA My valet sleeps elsewhere. He chuckles. TIMICIN You are delightful. You make me laugh. I mean, I don't mean your invitation makes me laugh... I mean I take it quite seriously but... LWAXANA Then say yes. And I'll make you laugh some more. TIMICIN (beat) I... wish I could. But I have to say "no". And there is clear regret in his eyes... but this is the right thing to do... TIMICIN Goodnight, Lwaxana. She's disappointed, but undaunted. She throws him a last coy smile as she disappears into her quarters. He turns toward his own door -- has a second thought -- turns back and raises his hand preparatory to Ringing the Chime -- but catches himself. His face reflects that he is troubled beyond what he's allowed her to see. He finally turns again and goes through into his own quarters. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - 2/22/91 - ACT TWO 16. ACT TWO FADE IN: 16 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The great ship approaches a red giant star. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 44807.5. The Enterprise has arrived at the Praxillus system, where we will conduct Doctor Timicin's helium ignition test. 17 OMITTED 18 INT. LWAXANA'S QUARTERS Mister Homn presents item after item to her as Lwaxana selects just the right gown and just the right accessories to go with it. As Troi watches this from the side... TROI Mother, how much... STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/26/91 - ACT TWO 17. 18 CONTINUED: LWAXANA (TELEPATHIC V.O.) (cutting her off) Little one... why do you refuse to use telepathy even when we are alone? Troi gestures toward Mister Homn. TROI We are not alone, Mother. Now how much longer will this take? You've been selecting for twenty minutes. LWAXANA (TELEPATHIC V.O.) I am a woman dressing for a man. Something you might try now and then, dear. I wonder if Timicin likes green. TROI That's not very telepathic of you. LWAXANA (aloud) I tried telepathy on him; he's the wrong species. Right species for everything else, though. And you might try that once in a while, too. TROI You know, you're not just incorrigible; you're insatiable. 19 OMITTED 20 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard and Riker in their Command Chairs; Data, Worf and Supernumeraries at their posts. WORF Captain... I have completed long range scans. No life forms are present in the system. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT TWO 18. 20 CONTINUED: RIKER Spacecraft? WORF No others within sensor range... Picard nods, then speaks to the com... PICARD Picard to Engineering... 21 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi at his console, Timicin at another nearby, and SUPERNUMERARIES in attendance. They all react to... PICARD'S COM VOICE ... the system is clear, Mister La Forge. Timicin and Geordi exchange nods and start working... GEORDI Final pre-launch diagnostic. Level Five. Timicin, at a console... TIMICIN All systems verified. GEORDI (to com) We're ready when you are, Captain. 22 INT. MAIN BRIDGE PICARD Very well. Mister Worf? WORF Photon torpedoes... armed and targeted. PICARD Fire in sequence. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/26/91 - ACT TWO 19. 23 EXT. ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) In quick succession, ten photon torpedoes spew forth one by one. 24 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Worf responds to his board... WORF First volley released... DATA Tracking torpedoes... entry program confirmed. WORF Second volley released... third volley... 25 EXT. SPACE - ON STAR BETA PRAXILLUS (OPTICAL) As the torpedoes start to strike, we begin seeing the onset of the SECONDARY EXPLOSIONS. 26 thru OMITTED 27 28 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi works at his console... Timicin at his. GEORDI Torpedoes now entering the stellar core. TIMICIN Their shields are holding. Guidance systems normal. GEORDI Ignition sequence... six seconds... three seconds... Now. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" -REV. 2/28/91 - ACT TWO 20. 29 EXT. PRAXILLUS (OPTICAL) We see the massive PRIMARY EXPLOSION deep in the star's core... stirring its fiery red surface. 30 INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) Geordi reads off data as... GEORDI Shock wave patterns within predicted range. Seventeen hundred percent rise in gamma radiation levels. Helium fusion rate increasing... TIMICIN (concern showing) What about the heat and pressure levels? GEORDI Steady so far. Density at eleven hundred grams per cubic centimeter. Temperature approaching sixty million degrees Kelvin. TIMICIN We want it to stabilize at two hundred and twenty million. 31 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Data makes his own report... DATA Pressure wave harmonics dispersing. Temperature in target zone increasing... to eighty-one million degrees. 32 INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) GEORDI Still rising. Ninety million degrees Kelvin... And now one hundred ten million. (to Timicin) Looking good. Timicin's emotions are peaking. Obviously, this means everything to him. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/28/91 - ACT TWO 21. 33 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Everyone reacts to... GEORDI'S COM VOICE One hundred thirty-seven... DATA (re his board) Radiation and pressure levels still stable. GEORDI'S COM VOICE Temperature one hundred sixty million degrees Kelvin... 34 INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) Geordi and Timicin are starting to feel very good... their confidence rising along with the temperature level on Praxillus. GEORDI One seventy... one ninety... Now two hundred million... TIMICIN (thrilled) It's happening. 35 EXT. PRAXILLUS - (OPTICAL) The star's turbulent surface is changing color... transforming from a bright red into a brilliant yellow as it shrinks in size by about thirty percent. 36 INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) Everyone is tense, but hopeful. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT TWO 22. 36 CONTINUED: GEORDI Two-oh-seven, and rising. (beat) Two-nineteen... (whoopee!) And twenty! Two twenty! (long beat) And holding! This is the triumph of Timicin's life... a dream come true. As he beams at Geordi... GEORDI Looks like congratulations may be in order. 37 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) An amazed Picard and Riker turn to the viewer... and the image of the revitalized, gleaming yellow star. PICARD (hopeful) Mister Data? DATA Turbulence patterns are within predicted parameters. 38 INT. ENGINEERING All smiles here. An air of hope and celebration. When... 39 CLOSE - GEORDI (OPTICAL) Still with one eye on the monitor, his face suddenly deadens, with: GEORDI (quietly) Two-twenty-two... STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT TWO 23. 40 INT. MAIN BRIDGE There is suddenly dead, stunned silence on the Main Bridge as Data monitors his board... DATA Temperature is rising in the core again, Captain. Two hundred and thirty million degrees Kelvin... 41 INT. ENGINEERING Timicin stands rooted; frozen in place. As... GEORDI (dull, flat) ... Now two-fifty-one. Still rising. Two hundred sixty million degrees. 42 INT. MAIN BRIDGE DATA Rate exceeding critical levels. Core density becoming unstable. RIKER Let's get the hell out of here. Picard turns to the helm... PICARD Warp two, Ensign; now! 43 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE AND PRAXILLUS (OPTICAL) The Enterprise takes off, moving OUT OF FRAME at warp speed. HOLD on Praxillus. Beat; then the star EXPLODES in a nova-like reaction. 44 INT. ENGINEERING - CLOSE ON TIMICIN'S REACTION He is totally shattered; sinking into an all-consuming misery. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - 2/22/91 - ACT TWO 24. 45 ANGLE INCLUDING GEORDI Geordi doesn't know what to do or say. GEORDI I'm sorry. Timicin acknowledges this with a nod; moves automaton-like toward the doorway -- then stops, for: TIMICIN (to com) Captain Picard? Permit me... 46 thru OMITTED 47 48 INT. MAIN BRIDGE as all listen sadly to: TIMICIN'S COM VOICE (Continuing) ... to express my appreciation to you and your crew. I am... 49 INT. ENGINEERING TIMICIN (Continuing) ... most grateful. (quietly to Geordi) Most grateful. Timicin turns; EXITS. Geordi can only stand there. 50 INT. MAIN BRIDGE There is nothing else to do or say. But... PICARD (to helm) Ensign... set a course for Kaelon Two. Warp factor five. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/26/91 - ACT TWO 25. 51 INT. TEN FORWARD (OPTICAL) - START ON TIMICIN seated staring ahead, out at the stars; at nothing, really. PULL BACK AND WIDEN to Discover Lwaxana, as she approaches. She Pauses briefly, noting his mood -- then moves to place a commiserating hand on his shoulder. LWAXANA Timicin, I'm so sorry. He can only Nod, forcing a flicker of a polite smile which lasts about a second. Still watching him with close concern, Lwaxana sits, rather tentatively -- not knowing what to say next. Finally, she plays against the moment, albeit without the usual flippancy in voice or manner. LWAXANA (softly; at stars) I had one of those named after me once; by a brilliant young astronomer from Rigel Four. (trying to evoke his smile) Of course, I sparkled a bit myself in those days. (beat; seeking any response) That's called fishing for a compliment. You're supposed to tell me that I still sparkle. (beat; softly) I'm sorry, I'm not helping, am I? TIMICIN You're very kind. I'm just not adequate company right now. LWAXANA That's all right, I can make enough conversation for both of us. He's unresponsive despite himself -- and, sensitive to that, she now begins to rise, with: LWAXANA (Continuing) I'll leave you alone. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - 2/22/91 - ACT TWO 26. 51 CONTINUED: TIMICIN (suddenly) No. Please stay... I wanted to tell you how much I wish that... That we had met... years ago. LWAXANA What difference do a few years make? She covers his hand with hers. Gives him a meaningful look. TIMICIN Unfortunately, a great deal. (beat) The fact is, Lwaxana... I'm going home now... to die. 52 REACTION - LWAXANA Open-mouthed, but speechless. Aghast, as we -- FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT THREE 27. ACT THREE FADE IN: 53 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) In orbit around Kaelon Two again... PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 44812.6. We are orbiting Kaelon Two, and have established contact with Science Minister B'tardat. 54 INT. READY ROOM (OPTICAL) Picard, Riker, and Data are facing the viewer, on which appears the image of the youngish Science Minister B'TARDAT -- who is quiet-voiced and courteous, but pronouncedly aloof. PICARD (mid-discussion) The experiment did achieve a stable core temperature for a short time, Minister... that is a significant step forward... RIKER We're studying the sensor logs and torpedo telemetry to see if there was any malfunction... if we can discover the problem, another test might be successful. B'TARDAT But wouldn't that require a lengthy search to find a suitable star for a second test? PICARD The Federation is willing to assist in the search. RIKER In the meantime, all of our facilities would be available to Doctor Timicin while he analyzes the experiment. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/26/91 - ACT THREE 28. 54 CONTINUED: B'TARDAT A most thoughtful and generous offer. But Timicin has obligations at home. And it will take some time to select his replacement. PICARD (after a beat) We're more than willing to extend our visit, sir. B'TARDAT That will not be necessary. We'll contact you when we're ready. (a beat) We expect Timicin to return home as soon as possible. Again, gentlemen, thank you. B'Tardat's image DISAPPEARS from the viewer. Before any one can comment, the door CHIMES. PICARD Come... 55 INCLUDING LWAXANA as she marches into the room. LWAXANA Jean-Luc, are you aware that these people you're so graciously helping, are murderers? PICARD I beg your pardon? STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - 2/22/91 - ACT THREE 29. 55 CONTINUED: LWAXANA Well the next thing to it. When a person on this benighted little world reaches the age of sixty, which Timicin is about to do, they're expected to simply kill themselves. Did you know that? Picard reacts to this, turns to Data for confirmation. PICARD Mister Data? DATA The people of Kaelon Two are isolationists. Almost to the point of being xenophobes. Regrettably, we know very little about their customs. LWAXANA Well, I know -- Timicin himself just told me. He's supposed to go down there to his loving friends; be wined, dined, honored for his achievements and then kill himself. It's a barbaric ritual. "The Resolution", it's called. (a beat) Obviously, you can't let him go, Jean-Luc. PICARD I'm afraid I have no choice. LWAXANA I don't think you've been listening to me. The man is supposed to kill himself! You don't just let that happen. You don't just turn your back. What's the matter with you! PICARD Lwaxana, I'm sorry, but I have no jurisdiction here; irrespective of any personal feelings. We simply cannot interfere -- STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/26/91 - ACT THREE 30. 55 CONTINUED: (2) LWAXANA But you have to. In a situation like this, you absolutely have to interfere. (almost pleading) Go down there and talk to those people, Jean-Luc. Do all the things you do so well... open their eyes, educate them... PICARD (gently, but firmly) The Prime Directive forbids us to interfere with the social order of any planet. Lwaxana's eyes flash with anger. LWAXANA It's your Prime Directive -- not mine! Infuriated by her frustration and helplessness, Lwaxana wheels around; rushes OUT. PICARD Computer? Locate Counselor Troi. 56 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM ONE An irate Lwaxana faces a reluctantly stalwart O'Brien. LWAXANA What d'you mean I "can't" go down there? Are you telling me I'm a prisoner on this ship? 57 INCLUDING TROI (OPTICAL) as, anxiously, she ENTERS, with: TROI Mother? What's going on? What are you doing? O'BRIEN (to Troi) I'm sorry, Counselor, but... I'm not sure what to do here. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - 2/22/91 - ACT THREE 31. 57 CONTINUED: LWAXANA Well I'm sure. (to Troi) I am a Betazoid ambassador; the Daughter of the Fifth House, and those people are going to answer to me! (to O'Brien) So you just energize this damned thing and get me down there! TROI He can't, Mother. he has his orders. LWAXANA His orders don't apply to me. TROI No, they apply to him. LWAXANA Don't try your professional patronizing on me, young lady. They expect Timicin to die, don't you realize that? He expects to die. Because he's sixty! What is sixty; it's nothing! Lwaxana is for the moment too choked by her Tears to speak further. Troi looks over at O'Brien -- a Silent Plea for a few moments of familial privacy. O'BRIEN (awkwardly) I'll, uh... go check the pattern buffers. O'Brien takes a step toward the doors; has a thought; turns --and locks off his instrument panel -- before finally EXITING. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/26/91 - ACT THREE 32. 58 TROI & LWAXANA Now slipping her arm around Lwaxana's shoulder, Troi will lead her (still most gently) toward the transporter pad -- on which they'll wind up sitting; closely. Throughout: TROI (TELEPATHIC V.O.) Come on, Mother, let's sit down. LWAXANA (TELEPATHIC V.O.) (tearful; confused) I'm sorry, little one. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm sorry. TROI (TELEPATHIC V.O.) There's no need to be. LWAXANA (TELEPATHIC V.O.) But I'm crying. I don't cry. TROI (TELEPATHIC V.O.) You cried when father died. LWAXANA (aloud) You remember that? TROI Of course I remember. We both cried. LWAXANA But this isn't the same... Is it? TROI What do you think, Mother? Lwaxana thinks about it. Sighs. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/26/91 - ACT THREE 33. 58 CONTINUED: LWAXANA I don't know. I just can't accept that fate would allow me to meet him like this... and then take him away. He's not ill. He hasn't had a tragic accident. He's just going to die... for no good reason... except his society has decided he's too old... so they dispose of him. As though his life no longer has value or meaning. Troi is silent for a beat, studies her mother... gives her space to say more as a good therapist knows to do... finally... LWAXANA You can't possibly understand at your age... but at mine... sometimes, you feel tired. And afraid. TROI (surprised) You... afraid? I never could tell... LWAXANA You weren't supposed to. Life really does pass, Deanna. The fun of it; the joy; the... being attractive. TROI You're feeling very vulnerable; very... (gentle smile) ... mortal, if I may say so. I know you so well, Mother. And believe me, you will never be one of those who dies before they die. Now it's Lwaxana who puts her arm around Troi. After a quiet beat... STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT THREE 34. 59 thru OMITTED 60 61 INT. TIMICIN'S QUARTERS Timicin enters data on a PADD... not happy with what he sees. Then as the door CHIMES... TIMICIN Come in. Lwaxana ENTERS, the antithesis of her usual flighty self. They study each other for a long moment. Then she manages a smile. He gestures toward the PADD. TIMICIN I've been studying the preliminary reports from the test. I don't understand where I went wrong... I thought I'd anticipated all of the variables; deep convection patterns, the proton reactions, neutrino count... He shakes his head. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT THREE 35. 61 CONTINUED: Without coyness or invitation, she moves behind him -- begins to knead his weary shoulder and neck muscles. TIMICIN I'll say it again. You're a kind woman. LWAXANA I'm a hateful woman. I hate what you're going to do, and I hate you for doing it. He reaches up to place his hand on hers as she massages him; then draws her gently around to sit facing him on the edge of the chair. 62 CLOSER as they face each other; intimately. The electricity between them heightens. TIMICIN It's the way of my world. I wish you could accept that. Their faces move closer together. Almost touching now. LWAXANA I never will... Never... STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - 2/22/91 - ACT THREE 36. 62 CONTINUED: And THEY KISS, as we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT FOUR 37. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 63 INT. TIMICIN'S QUARTERS Dark. Lwaxana, dressed in a man's robe, sits in a chair near the bed, staring at Timicin as he sleeps. He stirs, realizes she's not beside him, looks over and sees her watching him. He sits up. He is wearing pajamas. TIMICIN How long have you been sitting there? LWAXANA I'm not sure. A minute. An hour. TIMICIN Lwaxana... LWAXANA Do you want anything... some tea... ? TIMICIN Lwaxana, I want to explain. I want very much for you to understand. She studies him. There's no way in hell she'll ever understand. TIMICIN Until fifteen or twenty centuries ago, we had no "Resolution"; no such concern for our Elders. As people aged, their health failed; they became invalids. Those who could no longer be cared for by their families were put away in deathwatch facilities, where they simply waited in loneliness for the end to come; often for years. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT FOUR 38. 63 CONTINUED: TIMICIN (Cont'd) They had meant something; and then they were forced to live past that; through a terrible time of meaning nothing; of knowing they could now only be the beneficiaries of younger people's patience. We are no longer that cruel, Lwaxana. LWAXANA (not buying it) No, you're not cruel to them. You just kill them! She gets up and moves away... Timicin sighs, gets out of bed, puts on a robe, follows her... TIMICIN The Resolution is a celebration of life... we can end our lives with dignity... LWAXANA "Celebration of life"... it all sounds very noble, very caring. What you're really saying is you got rid of the problem by getting rid of the people... TIMICIN I know it must sound that way... (redefining it) It is a time of transition... one generation handing the responsibilities of life to the next... LWAXANA What about the responsibility of taking care of the elderly? TIMICIN But that would create a dreadful burden for our children... STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 3/4/91 - ACT FOUR 39. 63 CONTINUED: (2) LWAXANA We raise them and care for them, suffer for them and keep them from harm their whole lives... eventually, it's their turn to take care of us. TIMICIN No parent should expect to be paid back for the love they've given their children. LWAXANA Why the hell not. Timicin shakes his head, laughs to himself... this woman is something. 64 thru OMITTED 66 67 ANGLE (OPTICAL) She goes to a food dispenser... LWAXANA (to com) Oskoids. As it MATERIALIZES... the oskoids are a leafy finger food. TIMICIN What's that? LWAXANA Oskoids. A Betazed delicacy. TIMICIN Looks interesting. Instead of giving him some, she casually walks away with it as... LWAXANA You should have tried it while you were still alive. No reason to bother now. She sits, munches on an oskoid. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT FOUR 40. 67 CONTINUED: LWAXANA Why sixty? Why not... sixty-two... or fifty-eight... TIMICIN A reasonable age had to be set... LWAXANA ... but it's not reasonable... certainly not in your case. Right now, you're as healthy and vital a man as I've ever known. TIMICIN ... And I want to say good-bye to my family and colleagues while I'm still that way... in complete command of my faculties... knowing they'll always remember me as a strong, vigorous man. LWAXANA But it makes no sense. Some of your people could still be active at seventy or eighty... others might get seriously ill at fifty... how cruel of you to make them wait so long to commit suicide... TIMICIN Setting a standard age for the resolution makes it uniform for everybody. To ask each individual family to decide when their elders are to die... would be heartless. LWAXANA I agree. How about letting everybody die when they die. TIMICIN (sighs) Lwaxana... LWAXANA You have a grandson, you said? TIMICIN Almost seven. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT FOUR 41. 67 CONTINUED: (2) LWAXANA Wouldn't it be better for him to know his grandfather? Not the vague memory of someone who once loved him, but a living person who does love him? You really don't believe that's better? Timicin pauses for a beat... searches for a proper response, has a little trouble finding it, then shakes his head, presses on... TIMICIN Lwaxana, I attended the Resolution of my own parents when it was their time. It was beautiful. It's a custom I've known and accepted all my life. Lwaxana considers this... forms a counter-argument. LWAXANA The women of Betazed used to wear huge wigs; with large holes in the middle for tiny caged animals. First it was a fashion; then it went on long enough to become a custom. A tradition. But it was uncomfortable for the woman and cruel to the animal. Then one day one very formidable woman finally said so; and refused to wear another of those wigs. And fairly soon the custom stopped. She had the courage to stand up and fight for change. TIMICIN She must have been a lot like you. She stands and moves closer to hammer home her point. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT FOUR 42. 67 CONTINUED: (3) LWAXANA Timicin, there is no one more qualified, more experienced, or more likely to save your planet than you. And they would have you kill yourself? TIMICIN Younger scientists will take my place. The work will continue. LWAXANA Your planet has what... thirty, forty years left? What if they can't find the answer without your help? What then? What chance will your grandson have of reaching the age of sixty? TIMICIN Enough; please. It is my time, Lwaxana. That is the way it is. She moves closer to him, speaks intimately, softly but the force of her words strike home -- LWAXANA If that's the way it is, why is anyone bothering to try to save your world at all? If its time has come, let it die. Where's the difference, Timicin? Where? And he has no easy answer. 67A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) As before. 68 INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) As Geordi and Data vainly study the monitors looking at test results, a thoughtful Timicin quietly observes... still considering what Lwaxana has told him. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT FOUR 43. 68 CONTINUED: DATA ... Until the pressure levels destabilized, all the results were exactly as you had predicted... TIMICIN The triggering programs... ? GEORDI Worked perfectly... that much we're sure of... TIMICIN And we had always assumed that was our greatest hurdle... He shakes his head, takes a thoughtful beat... GEORDI (consoling) Just getting this far is a big step, Doctor... no one's ever been able to do even this much before... But Timicin is not dwelling on the past... he's looking forward, mind working furiously, alive with energy... tapping on a console... seeing on the monitor -- TIMICIN Convection boundary uncoupling. The reaction caused gas turbulence of a totally unexpected magnitude... Why? DATA (possible explanation) There was a evidence of a delayed surface shock... TIMICIN (continues to work furiously on the panels) No, I anticipated that I thought I'd anticipated all the possible variables... but stars... they're like living entities in a way... quite unpredictable. I wouldn't be surprised if this were the result of... STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT FOUR 44. 68 CONTINUED: (2) His mind is racing ahead of his ability to get it out of his mouth... interrupting himself -- TIMICIN Look here... forty-two seconds into the test, a rise in the level of hydrogen-alpha emissions... and here, another one... You see, I'm right... He looks at Data and Geordi who exchange a look, don't get it yet... TIMICIN (don't you see?) There had to be neutron migration within the star's inner core as the reaction grew. DATA (concerned) Perhaps, but there is no known method of controlling neutron migration, Doctor. Pushing in to him... TIMICIN Yes, yes, but it is theoretically possible. Using these test results, we could construct a new computer model of the energy dynamics of the star that can test a new detonation program. I'm certain it can be accomplished. Certain. It's just a matter of time. (beat) A matter of time. 69 INT. READY ROOM Picard sits working, as the Door Chime SOUNDS. PICARD (calls o.s.) Come. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT FOUR 45. 70 INCLUDING TIMICIN as he ENTERS. Timicin is a little shaky as though he's not completely sure what he's about to do is right. PICARD Timicin. Time for you to leave us, then. TIMICIN Captain Picard... I've come to... officially request asylum aboard The Enterprise. And off Picard's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/26/91 - ACT FIVE 46. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 71 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Still in orbit around Kaelon Two. 72 INT. READY ROOM (OPTICAL) Picard and Timicin facing Science Minister B'Tardat, whose IMAGE appears on the Viewer. B'TARDAT Timicin, I cannot believe this. Why asylum? Asylum from what? TIMICIN I turn sixty in four days, Minister... B'TARDAT Yes, and your family and colleagues are already gathering for your resolution... TIMICIN I... And he pauses, wanting to carefully present the next words which he knows will have an extraordinary impact... and there is uncertainty, guilt, searching for the strength. TIMICIN I believe it is time for us as a people to re-examine the wisdom of The Resolution. B'tardat blinks, incredulous... after a silent beat... B'TARDAT Timicin, are they forcing you into this? Are you being coerced? TIMICIN Influenced, perhaps; not coerced. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT FIVE 47. 72 CONTINUED: B'TARDAT Captain Picard, your "influence" is an example of why we originally chose isolation and no doubt will again. PICARD Any influence, Minister, is by example only. Timicin's decision is of his own free will, I assure you. B'TARDAT I cannot believe that a man of Timicin's stature would "freely" reject his own culture. The minister nods a signal to an off camera presence... TIMICIN B'Tardat, no one on Kaelon Two understands the project as I do. There are new theories that would take others a decade to test and confirm. With my guidance, we can be ready in half that time. I must finish my work... B'TARDAT Others started your work. Others will finish it. It's always been that way... it always will... RIKER'S COM VOICE Captain, scanners indicate two Kaelon warships rising on an intercept course. PICARD Acknowledged, Commander. (to the monitor) Minister, we are here in friendship, hoping to provide assistance... B'TARDAT You've helped quite enough, Captain. I suggest you return Timicin and depart. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/26/91 - ACT FIVE 47A. 72 CONTINUED: (2) B'TARDAT (Cont'd) If you attempt to leave orbit with him on board, our ships have been ordered to open fire. TIMICIN B'tardat, there's no purpose in... STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/26/91 - ACT FIVE 48. 72 CONTINUED: (3) But the image on the screen goes off and returns to the starfield. Picard shuts it off, rises... TIMICIN It should not have come to this... I handled it poorly... PICARD Doctor, you have acted in good conscience... I don't know what else you could have done... TIMICIN I could have... let well enough alone... and returned home... (beat) What do you think, Picard? Have I done the right thing? Picard studies him a beat. PICARD I'm afraid you're the only one who can answer that, Doctor. TIMICIN Lwaxana would have me lead a revolt, but I am only a scientist. I wish I had her strength... she is a woman of extraordinary conviction, isn't she? PICARD (beat, with history) Isn't she. They EXIT. 73 thru OMITTED 79 80 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) The main viewer shows three warships from Kaelon Two approaching the Enterprise. Beverly is on the Bridge as Picard and Timicin come in from the Ready Room. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT FIVE 49. 80 CONTINUED: PICARD Any communication, Number One? RIKER No, sir. We have an open channel. WORF The warships have taken a standard attack posture... staggered approach vectors... within weapons range. PICARD Shields up. Red Alert. TIMICIN Captain... Picard sits in command. PICARD Doctor, I suggest you return to your quarters... TIMICIN No. I don't want there to be any bloodshed because of my decision... And Timicin is in the way. Beverly sees she can help... she moves to him... quietly but firm -- BEVERLY They'll be doing everything they can to avoid it... but we need to get out of their way now... Overlapping in the background -- PICARD (at work) Mister Worf, ascertain their offensive potential... WORF Aye sir. Answering Beverly -- STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT FIVE 50. 80 CONTINUED: (2) TIMICIN Yes... yes I understand... He starts to move toward the turbolift... glances back with concern... then EXITS with Beverly. 80A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) As the two ships move into attack posture. 81 INT. ENGINEERING Timicin ENTERS to approach Geordi and Data. TIMICIN We must transmit the new analysis of the neutron migration immediately... if I can make them see the direction I've taken... GEORDI We've already tried... DATA They refuse to accept further reports from you, Doctor. TIMICIN But they have to accept them... He sits at a console, tapping furiously... TIMICIN If I can re-establish computer interface with the science ministry... GEORDI They've disengaged the link-up, sir... Timicin's not getting anywhere with the panels... there's no response... TIMICIN Why don't they answer!? He slams his fist down in frustration. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/26/91 - ACT FIVE 51. 81 CONTINUED: TIMICIN Even if I find the solution, they would not accept it! (beat) Because I do not terminate my life, they terminate my work. Alive, I am a greater threat to my world than a dying sun. As he is filled with frustration and sadness, he looks up to see -- 81A ANGLE - LWAXANNA AT THE ENTRANCE watching him. 82 INT. CORRIDOR Walking... LWAXANA Jean-Luc will find a way to settle this. He always does... TIMICIN No, my decision will only lead to more distrust of other worlds... nothing will change... LWAXANA Don't be foolish. Stopping... TIMICIN I am not being foolish. And there is an anger there... a why-have-you-pushed-me-into-this? He immediately regrets it. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 3/1/91 - ACT FIVE 52. 82 CONTINUED: TIMICIN Lwaxana, I want to live because I see in you how much there is to live for. You make me realize there is still some value to my life. I can still contribute. I can be an example to my people. But discovering these new desires in myself... and not being able to do anything with them... not being able to finish my work, not being able to reach my people... LWAXANA You have made a statement about the sanctity of life. It will be heard, Timicin. TIMICIN Who will hear it... from lightyears away. Where do I go now, Lwaxana? A man without a world. Who can never go home. As she reacts with concern... LWAXANA Timicin... RIKER'S COM VOICE Bridge to Doctor Timicin... 83 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker and Picard in the command area. RIKER (continuing) ... you have a visitor coming aboard. TIMICIN'S COM VOICE (hopeful) B'Tardat? STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/26/91 - ACT FIVE 52A. 84 INT. CORRIDOR - LWAXANA AND TIMICIN RIKER'S COM VOICE No, doctor... it's your daughter. And off their reactions... 85 INT. TIMICIN'S QUARTERS Timicin's adult daughter, DARA, is waiting for them as Timicin and Lwaxana ENTER. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/26/91 - ACT FIVE 53. 85 CONTINUED: DARA Father... TIMICIN Dara. They come together, yearning to reach out and hug one another... but held back by the barrier that's already grown up between them. TIMICIN You look... wonderful. Dara shoots a look at Lwaxana. TIMICIN This is Lwaxana Troi. She's been a host and a friend. LWAXANA I've been looking forward to meeting you, Dara. That gets a look. TIMICIN Whatever you have to say to me, you can say in front of her. DARA I see. And that's said with -- so you're the one who did this to him. DARA Father, come home. This is wrong. TIMICIN Dara, there is so much for me still to do. If I could show you the work I have begun... DARA There's nothing for me to look at. It is irrelevant. LWAXANA Your father's work may save your world, my dear. I would hardly consider that irrelevant. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/26/91 - ACT FIVE 54. 85 CONTINUED: (2) DARA (to Timicin, not Lwaxana) All that matters to me now is you. Not your work. Your work's over. It is your time to rest. LWAXANA Perhaps you will feel differently as you get a little older... say approaching sixty. DARA (sharp) My father has taught me to cherish The Resolution. I don't know how you have poisoned him to reject it but... LWAXANA It is an obscene ritual. DARA How dare you. How dare you criticize my way of life, my beliefs. TIMICIN Please. A silent beat. Softer, sadder... DARA Where will you go? TIMICIN I don't know. DARA Where will you die? A long beat. DARA I cannot bear the thought that you will be laid to rest on some other world... STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT FIVE 55. 85 CONTINUED: (3) DARA (a tear rolls down her cheek) ... that you will not lie beside my mother... and I will not be able to lie beside you when my resolution comes. The emotional impact of this hits Timicin... his pain is great... DARA I'm sorry, Father. I do not understand how you can go on with your life knowing each day you live is an insult to everything we believe in. I love you. But I am ashamed. She EXITS. Lwaxana searches for words of comfort... TIMICIN I... need to be alone now. Lwaxana nods silently. 86 OMITTED 87 EXT. THE ENTERPRISE AND THE WARSHIPS (OPTICAL) Suspended in orbit together. Still locked in a stalemate. 88 thru OMITTED 90 91 INT. LWAXANA'S QUARTERS Lwaxana and Deanna... Lwaxana is in a sad, pensive mood... LWAXANA I am suddenly... suddenly not sure of myself... and it is a feeling I am not at all used to... I don't think I like it very much, Little One... With much empathy, therapist as much as daughter... STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT FIVE 56. 91 CONTINUED: TROI Not sure of yourself? LWAXANA My life has been full. Now and then it's even overflowed a little, I'll admit. But I Now I am asking myself -- is it possible that I've been wrong to encourage Timicin to choose life? TROI You were honest with him, mother... how could you be anything else? LWAXANA Maybe I want him to live... just to keep me company. TROI Of course you do. But you didn't do this for yourself, mother. You did it for him. LWAXANA Did I? Then look what I've done to him. He is like a man who has lost his faith. I never considered how deeply ingrained this resolution liturgy is. TROI Ritual provides a structure for a society... good rituals, bad rituals alike... LWAXANA Well, this is a bad one... TROI Your point of view. LWAXANA It should be the point of view of any reasonably intelligent middle-aged person. (beat) But apparently it is not. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/26/91 - ACT FIVE 56A. 91 CONTINUED: (2) The door chimes. Troi goes to the door, opens it to reveal Timicin... he ENTERS... TROI I'll see you later, mother. She EXITS. Timicin looks at Lwaxana a long beat, looking for a way to tell her... she does it for him... STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT FIVE 57. 91 CONTINUED: (3) LWAXANA You're going back. He nods. TIMICIN Do you believe I love you? She nods. TIMICIN I do you know. But if that finally is my only reason to stay alive... LWAXANA It's not enough. TIMICIN Almost. Not quite. I can't be that selfish, Lwaxana. LWAXANA You'd never be happy. TIMICIN I'm sorry. I guess I'm not the one to lead the revolt. She embraces him, holds onto him. 92 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The other ships are gone. 93 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM O'Brien at the console. Picard escorts Timicin in... TIMICIN I apologize for all the turmoil I created, Captain... PICARD I would deeply regret it, Doctor, if you were returning only to ease diplomatic tensions... STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/27/91 - ACT FIVE 58. 93 CONTINUED: TIMICIN No, it is more, much more. PICARD Then I wish you and your people well. TIMICIN When the time comes for another test, I will encourage them to seek out your assistance again. Picard acknowledges. Lwaxana is notable by her absence. PICARD If there's any reason you'd like to wait a few minutes... TIMICIN No. We've... we've said our good-byes. Picard acknowledges as Timicin climbs on board the pad. But then Lwaxana, ENTERS, carrying a small case... TIMICIN (reacts) Lwaxana... ? LWAXANA It is the custom for your loved ones to join you at this... resolution, is it not? TIMICIN You don't have to do this. LWAXANA Yes. I do. LWAXANA Permission to disembark, Captain... I promise not to cause any problems down there. Picard looks at her with new respect. STAR TREK: "Half A Life" - REV. 2/26/91 - ACT FIVE 59. 93 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Permission granted. She climbs aboard the pad, links arms with Timicin LWAXANA We're ready, Mister O'Brien. And with her head held high... they DEMATERIALIZE and on Picard's last reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END