STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Power Play" (f.k.a. "The Invaders", "Terror In Ten-Forward" and "Feeling Poorly") #40275-215 Story by Paul Rubin and Maurice Hurley Teleplay by Rene Balcer and Herbert J. Wright & Brannon Braga Directed by David Livingston THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1991 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT NOVEMBER 26, 1991 STAR TREK: "Power Play" - 11/26/91 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Power Play" CAST PICARD RIKER DATA BEVERLY TROI GEORDI WORF O'BRIEN KEIKO ENSIGN RO TRANSPORTER OFFICER Non-Speaking A NURSE BABY MOLLY CREWMEMBERS IN TEN FORWARD CIVILIANS IN TEN FORWARD N.D. SECURITY N.D. MEDICAL SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/27/91 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Power Play" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE CARGO BAY SHUTTLE CORRIDOR CRAWL SPACE MAB-BU SIX MOON SURFACE READY ROOM SICKBAY TEN FORWARD TURBOLIFT TRANSPORTER SHUTTLE STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 11/27/91 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Power Play" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Approaches a MOON, which is cloaked with angry storm CLOUDS and LIGHTNING arcs of tremendous electrical activity. All silhouetted against a nearby massive, glowing gas-giant PLANET, the mother of this dark child. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 45571.2. We are going into orbit around an unexplored M-class moon of Mab-Bu Six. Though the moon was reported to be uninhabited, we have picked up a weak distress call. 2 INT. BRIDGE Picard and Riker are at Data's station... listening to an audio distress signal... puzzled... WORF is at tactical. ENSIGN RO is at the conn, and TROI ENTERS from the turbolift. DATA The intense electromagnetic whirlwinds on the moon's surface make it virtually impossible to locate the source of the signal, sir... PICARD Any indications of life, Mister Worf? WORF Scanners read negative, sir. But they may be affected by the interference. RIKER Have you ever heard anything like that, Data? STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: DATA (curious) I believe so, Commander... at Starfleet Academy... PICARD The Academy? DATA Yes, sir, let me verify it... Running panels... DATA (continuing) As I thought, sir... it is a Starfleet subspace distress signal... standard to Daedalus class starships... RIKER (reacts, to Picard) There hasn't been a Daedalus class in service for... what... ? DATA One hundred seventy-two years, Commander... PICARD Any record of missing ships in this vicinity, Data? Checking -- DATA The U.S.S. Essex under the command of Captain Bryce Shumar disappeared in this sector over two centuries ago... PICARD Daedalus class... STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 11/27/91 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) DATA (checking) Yes, Captain... I have accessed the subspace transponder signature of the Essex... it is identical to the signal coming from the moon's surface... RIKER We've arrived a little late... 3 ANGLE ON TROI As she experiences curious empathic feelings... PICARD (o.c.) Mute it, Data. Data turns off the sound. 3A RESUME PICARD (to Riker) With the storm activity down there, I don't think it's worth the risk to check on a ghost ship, Number One... advise Starfleet we've solved the mystery of Captain Shumar and the Essex... TROI I'm not sure we have... They turn to look at her... TROI Someone's down there... alive... Off reactions... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/04/91 - ACT ONE 4. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 4 EXT. MOON - THE SHUTTLE (OPTICAL) in the atmosphere. RIKER (V.O.) First officer's log, supplemental. The electromagnetic interference on the surface was judged too dangerous for anyone to transport down. So we have taken a shuttle to investigate. 5 INT. SHUTTLE - IN FLIGHT On RIKER, TROI and DATA, being buffeted inside on an instruments-only run, a rough-as-they-come flight. Over this, the distress SIGNAL mournfully plays, stronger. A burst of nearby LIGHTNING brightens their faces. The THUNDER following this sounds like the voice of doom. DATA Shields are holding... RIKER (checking instruments) Wind shear is incredible, Data... keep an eye on the stabilizers... (glances at Troi) If it's anything like this on the ground, I don't see how anyone could survive on this moon for long. TROI Maybe they've been living underground. RIKER (off console) Question is where? I still can't locate the source of the damn signal... it's bouncing around more than we are... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/04/91 - ACT ONE 5. 5 CONTINUED: They suddenly take a severe hit... Red warning LIGHTS flash, a KLAXON sounds. DATA Sir, forward thrusters have failed. We are losing power. RIKER Enterprise... ? 6 INT. BRIDGE Picard at command. PICARD Go ahead. No response for a beat, then in scratchy reception: RIKER'S COMM VOICE We've lost our thrusters... attempting to compensate with secondary boosters... With a burst of CRACKLE, Riker's voice disappears. WORF Sir? The shuttle's impulse generators have shut down... PICARD Commander? Can you hear me? 7 INT. SHUTTLE Riker and Co. struggle to keep their small, shaking craft aloft. PICARD'S COM VOICE (completely fritzed) Enterprise to shuttle, please respond. RIKER Hold on! We're going down... DATA Initiating emergency landing procedures... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT ONE 5A. 7 CONTINUED: RIKER Maintain the approach attitude Data... I'm taking her in... The craft hits the ground roughly... the crew tossed violently from side to side... the LIGHTS FAIL and we're consumed by darkness... and finally silence. 8 EXT. MOON SURFACE - INSIDE FOG CAMERA PANS through the murk, until we see the SHUTTLE. It's battered, sitting deadly still. More THUNDER booms, as LIGHTNING cracks. But no sign of life shows from inside the fallen craft. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT ONE 6. 9 INT. BRIDGE A flurry of activity. Our people are down there. RO The shuttle has crashed on the surface... PICARD Do you have their position? WORF (off console) I am picking up the shuttle's trace signature... but the surface interference is distorting its position... Worf continues to struggle vainly with his console... PICARD (urgent) Can you locate them... RO I think I can... I followed their entry almost all the way in... we can calculate the coordinates from their angle of descent... 10 EXT. MOON SURFACE On the shuttle. The hatch blows off and Riker emerges, holding his arm. Data and Troi follow, shook-up but intact. FOG swirls all around them, as distant thunderbolts brighten the scene: a BARREN LANDSCAPE with charred rocks and terrain, as if a forest fire has swept through the area. Dark and windy. RIKER (taps communicator) Enterprise? But no answer from above. Troi looks around, Data runs a tricorder scan. Riker's in pain but trying to ignore it. DATA It is unlikely, sir, that we will be able to establish communication with the ship, given the severe electromagnetic interference... 131:[1,#b] STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/06/91 - ACT ONE 7. 10 CONTINUED: RIKER (in pain) Then we'll stay put right here until the Enterprise finds us... (looks around) Data, run an inventory of what's still usable inside the shuttle. DATA Yes sir. Data moves to the shuttle door, looks back inside. TROI Your arm... RIKER Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's broken... Riker checks the terrain with a tricorder... RIKER The surface is composed of nonporous rock... makes me think it's even more unlikely anyone could live here... Troi nods thoughtfully, as something else catches her attention, behind Riker. Data returns from the shuttle. DATA There are no instruments left of practical value that have not been damaged by the impact of our landing. TROI (points to horizon) What is that? 11 ANGLE (OPTICAL) to include distant GLIMMERING lights, seen ghostly through the fog and clouds. Dancing in the mist. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/06/91 - ACT ONE 7A. 11 CONTINUED: RIKER Doesn't look like any storm front I've ever seen... DATA (checking with the tricorder) The tricorder is picking up high levels of E-M bursts across the spectrum. RIKER Are you picking up anything else, Data... like signs of life... ? DATA Other than our own, sir... negative. Riker looks to Troi... TROI There is someone alive here... I'm more certain of it now than ever... RIKER Well, I hope they can find us... because we don't have a way to find them... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT ONE 8. 11 CONTINUED: TROI (realizing) They're coming... they're coming with the storm... A rumble of thunder in the distance... off Riker's reaction... 12 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM On O'Brien and Geordi at the controls... GEORDI We can't get a pattern lock on the communicators because of the E-M bursts, Captain. There's no way to beam them out of there... not under these conditions... INTERCUT 13 INT. MAIN BRIDGE PICARD The same conditions won't permit a shuttle to land safely, Mister LaForge... any suggestions... ? 14 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM O'Brien touches the console, muting the transmission. O'BRIEN (to Geordi) Sir, let me beam down with a pattern enhancer... GEORDI Chief, there's no guarantee you won't rematerialize in a million pieces if your signal gets caught up in that electromagnetic whirlwind... O'BRIEN I can boost the confinement beam. One person might be able to make it... During the following, O'Brien takes tech equipment out of a storage closet or cabinet... Geordi HITS the companel. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT ONE 9. 14 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI (beat, to com) Captain, Chief O'Brien wants to beam down to the surface with a pattern enhancer... 15 INT. MAIN BRIDGE GEORDI'S COM VOICE (continuing) His chances of getting down there safely are no better than fifty- fifty in my judgement... WORF Captain, a major storm front is moving in on the away team's coordinates... PICARD (beat) Mister O'Brien... you are aware of the risks? O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Yessir. I think I can make it. 16 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM PICARD COM VOICE Prepare to transport. O'BRIEN Aye, sir. And as he moves toward the transporter pad... 17 EXT. MOON SURFACE (OPTICAL) Riker rests, as Troi and Data survey the foggy area. O'Brien MATERIALIZES between them and the shuttle. Only to be greeted by more thunder and LIGHTNING. RIKER Glad you could join us. O'BRIEN Great spot for a picnic, sir. He begins to unload the equipment pack... handing gear to the others, they all know basically what to do... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT ONE 10. 17 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN We need to distribute the enhancer rods at seven meter legs... that ought to do it... RIKER Storm front going to affect the transport, Chief... ? O'BRIEN I'd really like to get us out of here before it hits, Commander... see, I'm supposed to be feeding the baby lunch... Molly gets in a terribly foul mood if I'm late... RIKER I'm with you... Equipment handed out, Riker struggling with one arm to do his part... 18 UP ANGLE They hurriedly position three upright ENHANCER RODS around them to form a triangle. Thunder approaches. Data and O'Brien spread out... Riker goes with Troi... 19 ANGLE ON STORM (OPTICAL) A spectacular system of LIGHTNING BOLTS explode, light up the sky. Followed by rolling THUNDER, inside angry, swirling CLOUDS. Within seconds, wind howling, thunder crashing, the STORM overtakes our away team. RIKER Lunch time, O'Brien! Let's do it! O'Brien attempts to activate his rod but a moment later -- FLASH! A LIGHTNING BOLT strikes the rod -- and blows O'Brien away from it. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/27/91 - ACT ONE 11. 20 thru OMITTED 22 23 WIDE ANGLE (OPTICAL) All of them, stunned by the concussion, on the ground inside the rod triangle. The air fills with weird HUMMING... Mysterious ENERGY RINGS OF LIGHT suddenly appear, dive about like wavy alien fireflies. THREE RINGS eerily PULSE down onto Data, Troi and O'Brien... ANOTHER tries to approach Riker but is repelled somehow... 24 RIKER (OPTICAL) Crawls up to O'Brien's enhancer rod, determined. And reaches out for the enhancer rod, throws the final switch. Three BEAMS OF BLUE LIGHT instantly turn on and connect - making a horizontal TRIANGLE OF LIGHT between the upright rods, which encloses them. Riker collapses. 25 ON GROUP (OPTICAL) As they DEMATERIALIZE, HUMMING to feedback levels, as we gratefully: FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/27/91 - ACT TWO 12. ACT TWO FADE IN: 26 INT. SICKBAY TIGHT on Troi, eyes closed, unconscious. WIDEN to BEVERLY who scans Troi on a table with a medical tricorder. A quiet moment goes by... Then without warning, Troi's EYES JERK OPEN and she BOLTS UPRIGHT, knocking aside equipment -- crying out in terror, as if awakened from a nightmare. Beverly's startled, and grasps Troi by the arms to keep her from struggling. BEVERLY Easy, Deanna... TROI W-where... ? Beverly calms her, as Troi nervously rubs her arms. Troi keeps looking around, as if to reorient herself. BEVERLY You're back on the Enterprise... Everything's okay now. TROI But my skin... It's tingling. BEVERLY You are experiencing some afterimages from the electromagnetic discharge. The sensation will pass. Try to relax... Troi does relax a little, but sees Riker and O'Brien lying on nearby tables, being tended by a NURSE. Data stands nearby. Worried, Troi looks back to Beverly. BEVERLY (continuing) They're all fine, too. Now take your time, Counselor, okay? Doctor's orders. Troi nods, eases back onto the bed. Picard ENTERS and Beverly moves to meet him, to have a private exchange. PICARD (casual) Injury report, Doctor? STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT TWO 13. 26 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Mostly minor abrasions. But Commander Riker took the worst of it with a broken arm... The biofilter scans showed their nervous systems were generating unusally high levels of synaptic energy. I don't think it's anything to worry about... Picard acknowledges, moves with Beverly over to the team. O'Brien and Riker are back on their feet, looking alert. Troi now sits on the edge of the table, still a bit woozy. PICARD Good work, Mister O'Brien. O'BRIEN Thank you, sir. RIKER Ready for duty, Captain. PICARD Are you sure, Number One? RIKER (nods, flexes his injured arm) It's not the first bone I've broken. As they prepare to exit, Picard turns his attention to Troi, who weakly smiles. PICARD And how are you, Counselor? TROI Very glad to be here. Picard acknowledges, leads them out, as Riker moves next to him. They EXIT... PICARD (to Riker) What happened down there? STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT TWO 14. 26A INT. CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS RIKER It was just one hell of a storm... moved in on our position faster than anything I've ever seen. They enter the turbolift... 26B INT. TURBOLIFT - CONTINUOUS PICARD Did you find any evidence of life? RIKER No, but if Troi was right, we weren't far away from it... PICARD (to com) Bridge. (beat) How do you suggest we proceed? RIKER We're gonna have to find a way to modify the scanners to penetrate those storms. Got any ideas, Data... ? DATA (a beat) It is p-p-possible we might be able to employ virtual imaging to interpolate missing data... Everyone reacts to his unusual stutter. Troi shares a quick look with Data. Something we'll connect later. PICARD Is there something wrong, Data? The turbolift stops and the doors open. 28 INT. BRIDGE As they exit... a quick beat as Data internally analyzes himself. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/27/91 - ACT TWO 14A. 28 CONTINUED: DATA My apologies. It seems my primary speech processors are experiencing a minor fluctuation. I will have it corrected in a... m-m-moment. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT TWO 15. 28 CONTINUED: (2) Worf is at tactical. Ensign Ro at the conn, ND at ops. Picard, Riker, and Troi EXIT the turbolift, head for command. Data to ops, O'Brien goes to the aft science station. Troi and Data again share a look, unseen by the others. TROI Captain... may I speak with you a moment? In private? PICARD Of course, Counselor. (to Riker) Take the bridge, Number One. Riker nods as Picard and Troi head to the ready room. Data relieves ND at ops and begins to study the console. The ND EXITS. RIKER Mister Data, deploy sensor scans when you're ready. Ensign, move into a synchronous orbit aligned with our crash site. RO Aye sir. Data reacts, turns to Riker. DATA Sir? Given the E-M field properties of this moon, I would recommend a search pattern beginning at the southern p-p-polar region. RIKER (reacts) The polar region... But that's starting from scratch, Data. The last reading we had on the Essex would suggest we begin the scans near our crash site... DATA The Essex signal was never clearly located, sir. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT TWO 16. 28 CONTINUED: (3) DATA (cont'd) A broader, systematic survey of the moon from a p-p-polar orbit might be more practical. RIKER (considers a beat) Well, you might be right. Still, I'd like to give the crash site a once-over first... We'll maintain our present orbit for now. DATA Understood, sir. Data turns to the console. OFF his face as he works... 29 INT. READY ROOM Picard behind his desk, speaks to Troi, who is pacing nervously in front of the desk, arguing her point. TROI I've never felt anything quite like it... It was almost as though they were calling to me... PICARD (reacts) Are you saying someone was communicating telepathically, Counselor? TROI Perhaps. For an instant. It was like their voices were carried on the wind. PICARD What were they trying to communicate? TROI I'm not sure... but they were calling me to the southern polar region... I believe that's where we should look for the Essex... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT TWO 17. 29 CONTINUED: On Picard's reaction... 30 INT. BRIDGE (OPTICAL) As before. Ensign Ro reacts to her console, confused. ENSIGN RO Commander? Did you override my orbital heading? RIKER Override them? ENSIGN RO We've moved into a polar orbit. Riker reacts, looks at Data... ENSIGN RO I'm locked out, the helm isn't responding... RIKER Mister Data, do you know anything about this? Data doesn't respond, but continues to calmly work his console, his back to Riker. Riker moves toward Data. RIKER (continuing) Data... ? Riker reaches out, touches Data's shoulder. Suddenly, Data spins and looks at Riker, Data's face contorted with intense anger. Riker reacts, stunned. Data, lightning-fast, thrusts his arms forward, STRIKING Riker hard in the chest, knocking Riker back on the floor. All follows very quickly, as Riker responds: RIKER (continuing) Security to the bridge! Worf quickly reacts, drawing his phaser -- but O'Brien catches him offguard from behind, GRABS Worf's wrist and wrenches the phaser free. He SLAMS Worf to the floor, hard, stunning him. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/03/91 - ACT TWO 18-18A 30 CONTINUED: Ro jumps up, fires a phaser at O'Brien, but O'Brien FIRES his phaser back at her, STUNNING her and she drops to the floor. RIKER (continuing) Computer, transfer command to engineering... Full security alert! O'Brien fires again, stunning Riker, as audio alarms go off. Suddenly all bridge consoles DEACTIVATE, as Data futilely works his console, bangs it in frustration. COMPUTER VOICE All command functions transferred to engineering. 31 INT. READY ROOM ALERT sounding, Picard hurriedly moves to the door. But Troi blocks his way, throws out an arm to STRIKE Picard in the chest and knocks him down. Troi races out. 32 INT. BRIDGE Troi angrily ENTERS, looks around the bridge to Data. Riker, Ro and Worf are splayed out on the floor, as O'Brien robs the bridge locker for two more PHASERS. All is played on the move to the turbolift... O'BRIEN This way! TROI What happened? DATA He would not move to a polar orbit. TROI (angry at Data) You could not wait? The captain would have done it for me... Riker, still recovering from his phaser stun, reacts to this new member of the revolt, as O'Brien speeds to the turbolift, calls out to them. Troi and Data follow O'Brien into the turbolift. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/03/91 - ACT TWO 19. 33 INT. TURBOLIFT Troi, Data, O'Brien stop. The doors slide shut. O'BRIEN (to lift) Deck thirty-six. Engineering. The turbolift immediately starts MOVING down. O'Brien gives the two extra phasers to Troi and Data. 34 INT. BRIDGE Riker, Worf, Ro and the N.D. all back on their feet, a little worse for wear. Picard groggily ENTERS. Security N.D.s RUSH IN. RIKER (quick) Computer, reenable bridge control. Authorization: Riker-Omega-Three... PICARD Report... The bridge consoles LIGHT UP again, as Ro, Worf and Riker all weakly return to their stations. RIKER They're in turbolift four. WORF Engaging turbolift override controls, now... 35 INT. TURBOLIFT Troi, Data and O'Brien react as the turbolift abruptly STOPS. But the doors don't open. The three look at each other, all under an alien influence. Their movements bristling with great tension. Not happy alien campers. DATA They have t-t-trapped us... what will we do? TROI What deck is this? O'Brien reads a small control panel near the door. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT TWO 20. 35 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN We are on deck ten. TROI Can you move us again? O'BRIEN (nods) I know how to override the bridge command... He works the control panel -- fiddles with the interior, his fingers moving quickly... 36 INT. BRIDGE Worf reads his console. RIKER Activate all security fields on decks eight through fifteen... WORF (off console) Sir? The turbolift is moving again. They're still inside. PICARD Initiate emergency bulkheads in turboshaft four... WORF Aye, sir. (off console) They've been stopped at deck thirteen. PICARD (nods the order) Mister Worf... Worf acknowledges... hustles to the other turbolift, headed for trouble. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT TWO 21. 37 INT. DECK THIRTEEN Worf and two Security N.D.s race up, stop at the turbolift. Worf hits a coding sequence, as the doors SLIDE OPEN to reveal: THREE COMMUNICATORS on the floor. OFF their reactions... 38 INT. DECK TEN - CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) Troi, Data, O'Brien move carefully down the hall. They encounter into a SECURITY FIELD - right behind them another appears. They are cut off, between fields. TROI (to O'Brien) Do you know how to deactivate this? O'BRIEN (considers) The computer will not allow us to override an emergency forcefield command... DATA My entity's artificial substructure may be useful... Data RIPS off a wall panel, STICKS HIS FINGERS right into the circuits -- short circuiting them, causing SPARKS to sizzle all around him. The security fields start to fritz, then they both DEACTIVATE... Data then rips his hands back out. They continue pell-mell on their way. 39 INT. BRIDGE Riker at tactical -- he reacts to the console. RIKER They've broken through a security field, deck ten, section two... PICARD (reacts) Security to Ten Forward... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/03/91 - ACT TWO 22. 40 INT. TEN FORWARD A dozen CIVILIANS and CREWMEMBERS sit tight, calmly waiting out the Intruder Alert. All except one: BABY MOLLY, who's crying in KEIKO's arms. Keiko rocks her. KEIKO (softly) Shh... Mama's right here... 41 NEW ANGLE - ENTRANCE Suddenly, the DOORS whoosh open -- as Troi, Data and O'Brien RUSH INSIDE, phasers drawn. Troi yells to all: TROI Everyone get down on the floor! A beat of confusion in the crowd -- isn't this the bridge crew? What was the order, freeze or lie down? KEIKO (confused) Miles... ? O'Brien looks at Keiko, then waves a phaser at her... O'BRIEN On the floor! She reacts, follows his instructions... 42 INCLUDE - OTHER ENTRANCE (OPTICAL) Worf and TWO SECURITY N.D.s burst into the room, phasers ready. And they spread out, as the room shifts to them. WORF Everyone down! Now!! O'Brien aims to fire his phaser, but Worf FIRES first, hitting O'Brien. He stumbles back, a little stunned but not stopped by the blast. As the crowd scrambles for cover, a quick and harrowing phaser fight takes place: O'Brien FIRES back, just missing Worf but BLASTING a vase, as a CREWWOMAN tumbles over a table. Keiko protects her still-crying Molly. People dive under cover, screaming. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT TWO 22A. 42 CONTINUED: Data gets HIT, is not stopped and without hesitation, FIRES and drops the first security N.D. Troi coolly OPENS FIRE -- shooting short, wild bursts around the room, scattering and DROPPING PEOPLE left and right under the barrage. Drops the second N.D. in the process. Troi takes a hit from Worf, but it doesn't hurt her. Then RETURNS FIRE and stuns Worf. All this happens in a matter of seconds. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT TWO 23. 43 INT. BRIDGE Riker at tactical. NDs as needed. Picard's worried. RIKER (off console) Multiple phaser shots in Ten Forward. PICARD Picard to Worf -- report. 44 INT. TEN FORWARD - ON WORF PICARD'S COM VOICE Mister Worf... acknowledge. Worf looks up as we suddenly WIDEN to Troi, who is aiming a phaser right at him. Worf stares into Troi's eyes. It is unsettling -- whoever's in there is utterly alien. PICARD'S COM VOICE Can you hear me, Lieutenant Worf? TROI Yes, bridge. He can hear you. 45 OMITTED 46 INT. BRIDGE As Picard and Riker react, we anxiously: FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/27/91 - ACT THREE 24. ACT THREE FADE IN: 47 INT. THE ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE Picard and Riker at command. Ro has moved to tactical. Geordi's at ops. Supernumerary at the conn. Urgency is in the air. RIKER Position security teams at both entrances... RO Yes sir. PICARD Mister La Forge, shut down all computer access in Ten Forward... GEORDI (reacts to console) I can't, Captain. They've already set up a remote security lock-out... We'd have to shut down all computer functions in the saucer section... RIKER (to com) Transporter room three, can you get a pattern lock on Commander Data, Counselor Troi and Chief O'Brien in Ten Forward... ? 48 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM TRANSPORTER OFFICER Attempting to lock on, sir... He works the panels furiously... 49 INT. TEN FORWARD On Data and O'Brien at the computer terminal behind the bar... O'Brien working the controls with equal fervor... O'BRIEN You were correct. They are attempting to engage their transporters. But I know how to shut them down. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/02/91 - ACT THREE 25. 50 INT. BRIDGE TRANSPORTER OFFICER COM VOICE Bridge, the entire transporter array has been taken off-line and placed in a diagnostic mode... I can't override... it will take a couple of hours to complete the cycle... Picard and Riker exchange a frustrated glance... PICARD How many people are down there? RO (reading scanners) Seventeen... (off console) They just shut down the internal scanners too, Captain. PICARD (to com) Doctor Crusher to the bridge... BEVERLY'S COM VOICE On my way. 51 INT. TEN FORWARD Troi has moved to the computer, where Data now works with lightning speed on the computer panels... O'Brien collects all the communicators from the hostages in Ten Forward. TROI What are you doing now? DATA I can reverse the p-polarity of their forcefields to isolate this room. TROI Good. O'Brien brings the communicators over to the bar. O'BRIEN (to Troi) Their communicators. Now they will learn nothing but what we tell them. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/27/91 - ACT THREE 26. 52 INT. BRIDGE As before. Off console... RO They've done something to the force fields on deck ten, section one. RIKER Geordi? Geordi at ops, checking the readings, shakes his head... GEORDI I don't recognize the configurations... (off console) But they've completely isolated Ten Forward. RIKER How about flooding their air vents with anesthizine gas? GEORDI That won't affect Data. No rescue plan will work if we don't knock out all three of them. RIKER A concussive charge would blow out the security field. Then we could go in with phasers on wide beam. Stun everybody. Sort it out later... Picard considers it... inherently fears the risk... Beverly ENTERS from a turbolift... PICARD Doctor, go back to the biofilter readouts taken during the away team's transport from the moon's surface... see if you can come up with any kind of clue that might explain this... She acknowledges silently, moves quickly to an aft station begins to work a computer... a beat... Picard takes a deep breath... as he readies himself to begin standard hostage procedures... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT THREE 26A. 52 CONTINUED: PICARD (to com) Ten Forward, this is Captain Picard. I am prepared to discuss this situation. There is no need for further violence... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/27/91 - ACT THREE 27. 53 INT. TEN FORWARD (NOTE: INTERCUT all Bridge/Ten Forward exchanges as needed). Troi and O'Brien are relatively controlled. Data seems more nervous, waves a phaser aimed at the hostages. PICARD'S COM VOICE (continuing) Please identify yourself. But Troi chooses to ignore the captain's plea. TROI (to O'Brien) They will now attempt to negotiate for the safety and release of their people. (beat, realizing) Interesting. Under normal circumstances, I would be counseling the captain at a time like this... O'BRIEN What would you tell him to do? TROI I would help him find a way to secure our trust. 54 WITH DATA who comes near Worf, who stares at him, waiting for a chance... DATA W-what are you looking at? Worf just stares at him... DATA I am speaking to you, Klingon. Data pushes him hard... Worf grunts, almost comes back at him... DATA (taunting) Attack me. Or are you afraid? WORF I have no fear of death. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/03/91 - ACT THREE 28. 54 CONTINUED: DATA And I have no fear of killing you... TROI Stop it. Data looks over at Troi, chastised. Back at Worf, then walks away from him... PICARD'S COM VOICE Please respond, Ten Forward. Are there any members of my crew who require medical assistance? Troi decides to answer this time. TROI We can discuss your wounded, Captain. But first, you will move the ship. INTERCUT: 55 INT. BRIDGE PICARD Move it where? TROI'S COM VOICE You will will change the ship's orbit to an inclination of eighty degrees, south. Picard looks to Ro, who's working the console, signals her to mute... (This will be required visual communication any time the bridge crew interrupts their exchange with Ten Forward for private dicussions.) RIKER (to Picard) The southern polar region -- that's where Data tried to move the ship. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/27/91 - ACT THREE 29. 55 CONTINUED: PICARD And exactly what Troi asked me to do, but why? (beat) Ten Forward -- if you could be more specific about our intended destination, perhaps we could... TROI'S COM VOICE (interrupting) You have thirty seconds to change your heading -- or additional members of your crew will "require medical attention." Picard nods to Ro again to mute... PICARD (to Riker et al) We need to stabilize this situation and play for time. I suggest we move the ship as they have asked. Agreed? They all silently agree. PICARD (to conn officer) Set the new heading. But take us there as slowly as you can... (nods to Ro to resume com) Ten Forward, we are moving the ship as you requested. 56 OMITTED 57 INT. TEN FORWARD Data stands at the row of windows, looking outside. DATA He's telling the truth... their heading has changed... Troi reacts, pleased... 58 INT. BRIDGE Beverly moves over from the aft station... played with urgency -- STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/03/91 - ACT THREE 30. 58 CONTINUED: BEVERLY I've compared the away team's last transport trace patterns to earlier records. They're exactly the same, except in Troi, Data and O'Brien there's an unusual synaptic activity -- some kind of anionic energy. It may be a life-form superimposing neural patterns onto our people. RIKER Why wasn't I affected? BEVERLY I don't know. But one difference between you and the others was that you were injured. RIKER My broken arm... BEVERLY (nods) The fracture caused pain receptors to fire which may have made you immune... to this energy. Picard and Riker consider this theory. PICARD If your theory is accurate, what would happen if we inflicted pain on the others... BEVERLY That might force whatever it is out of our people. RO (getting an idea) A plasma shock -- it would be painful but it wouldn't cause any physical harm. GEORDI (acknowledges) I could hook up a modified laser scanner to a plasma invertor... RIKER What about Data? STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/03/91 - ACT THREE 30A. 58 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI A plasma shock would certainly overload his neural net. It might work for him too... RIKER We'd have to find a way to penetrate the forcefield around Ten Forward. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/27/91 - ACT THREE 31. 58 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI I might be able to interrupt the forcefield for a few seconds... but I'll be fighting the computer for control... timing would be critical... RO We'd have to hit all three with a single discharge... if they're standing together, it shouldn't be a problem... PICARD (to Geordi) How would you gain access? GEORDI We could use a micro-optic drill through the ceiling and they'd never detect it... BEVERLY If this is going to work, we need some way to contain that anionic energy after we get it out of our people. PICARD Yes, Doctor... that will be your top priority. (beat) Very well. Proceed. Geordi, Beverly and Ro EXIT... supernumeraries take their place as needed. PICARD (to com) Bridge to Ten Forward. Now that we are moving the ship as you requested, I would like to know the nature of the injuries to members of my crew. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT THREE 31A. 59 INT. TEN FORWARD Troi glances toward the hostages -- sees the various crew and Security ND all lying unconscious on the floor. Other crew are looking after them, as best as possible. TROI Five of your people have been injured. PICARD How serious is their condition? Troi looks momentarily confused. She looks to Worf. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/27/91 - ACT THREE 32. 59 CONTINUED: TROI (to Worf) You tell him, Klingon. She presses her combadge for him... WORF Captain. One person has suffered what looks like a level five phaser hit... INTERCUT: 60 INT. BRIDGE As before. WORF'S COM VOICE And four others have secondary burns. They require medical attention... Picard and Riker react - not good news. 61 INT. TEN FORWARD Worf tries for a bit more information to the bridge. WORF (continuing) And our captors are not affected by phaser stun settings... Data shoves Worf roughly backwards, indicating Worf will say nothing more. Worf glares back at Data. DATA Silence, Klingon. PICARD'S COM VOICE Ten Forward -- those people must be released so they can receive proper medical treatment. TROI I will release no one. 62 INT. BRIDGE Picard turns to Riker. A troubled beat. Picard weighs his options, and makes a tough decision - not pleased, but knows it's necessary. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT THREE 33. 62 CONTINUED: PICARD If you release the wounded... (beat) I will take their place. Reactions on the bridge. Riker starts to protest, but Picard quiets him with a hand gesture. 63 INT. TEN FORWARD Data looks nervous. DATA It may be a... d-deception. TROI (thoughtful beat) The crew values Picard's life above all others... (to bridge) Captain Picard. We agree to your proposal. 64 INT. BRIDGE Mixed reactions. PICARD (to Troi) Expect a medical team to accompany me. TROI'S COM VOICE Acknowledged. Picard nods to Riker to cut off the transmission. PICARD (to com) Picard to sickbay. Send an emergency medical team to meet me outside Ten Forward. RIKER Sir, putting you down there just strengthens their position. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT THREE 34. 64 CONTINUED: PICARD As long as they're on board, I'm a hostage no matter where I am. We all are. I must find out who we are dealing with... Moving toward the turbolift... PICARD If La Forge and Ro can attempt a rescue in short order, proceed with it. If they can't... I'll provide you with another opportunity. Watch for it. RIKER Yes, sir... Picard EXITS into the turbolift... off Riker's grim expression... 65 INT. TEN FORWARD (OPTICAL) The hostages are all now in the middle of the room, with Troi, Data, and O'Brien pacing anxiously around them. Baby Molly starts to CRY again, despite Keiko's efforts. Data throws an irritated glance toward the child. DATA Silence that... ch-child! Keiko clutches Molly tighter, sitting and rocking with the baby bundled in her arms. O'Brien passes and stares at Keiko a moment, his expression betraying a hint of recognition. He speaks matter-of-factly... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT THREE 35. 65 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I know you. I know who you are... Keiko reacts, terrified at his advance. O'Brien stares at Molly, fascinated by the child. O'BRIEN And I know who this is... O'Brien reaches out and touches Molly, who stops. But then starts crying even louder. O'Brien quickly recoils, frowning. Keiko rocks Molly, trying to quiet her down. KEIKO She's frightened... why don't you let us go? Keiko pleadingly looks at him, as O'Brien hesitates... captivated by Keiko's expression. But he frowns too, mimicking her expression. Then his face hardens. O'BRIEN No. Make it stop. O'Brien moves away, as Keiko tries to hush Molly. Troi observes the scene. PICARD'S COM VOICE Ten Forward, we are outside the door. TROI (to O'Brien) Lower the force field. Troi and Data stand ready with phasers, as O'Brien moves behind the bar and hits a command into the computer console. There's a brief HUM of the force field and... 66 PICARD ENTERS, followed by MEDICAL N.D.'s with gurneys. Picard reacts to Data, who rips off Picard's communicator, grabs Picard's arm, and JERKS him into the room. The medical team moves directly to the wounded... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT THREE 36. 67 TROI takes a step toward Picard. TROI Welcome, Captain. Allow me to introduce myself... Troi almost smiles in greeting. TROI I am Captain Bryce Shumar, of the Federation Starship Essex. OFF Picard's surprised expression... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT FOUR 37. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 68 INT. TEN FORWARD As before. The medical team prepares the wounded for a quick exit, watched by Data and O'Brien. Picard faces Troi, startled by what he's just heard. PICARD (measured) The Starship Essex vanished over two hundred years ago... TROI Indeed. I know. I was there. Picard eyes her, unsure what to make of this. Troi gestures to Data and O'Brien, and they step forward. TROI (re: Data) This is my First Officer... Commander Steven Mullen. (re: O'Brien) And my Security Chief... Lieutenant Morgan Kelly. Everyone in the room watches, bewildered. Worf more so. PICARD You're telling me that you've survived this long as... (searching for the right word) TROI Spirits? Ghosts? But you are a man who would never believe in ghosts, Picard. Isn't that true? Picard chooses not to respond, studies her... TROI You see, I know you. Troi knows you. And so I do, as well. PICARD Then Counselor Troi is still... alive? STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/27/91 - ACT FOUR 38. 68 CONTINUED: TROI Yes, of course she is, and I have no wish to harm her. Or to harm anyone else. PICARD I'm pleased to hear that. TROI We have been forced to take this action because we need your help, Captain. PICARD My help... ? TROI Our consciousness has been trapped on this moon for two centuries... we must escape this torture... Picard takes measure of her... he does not accept what she says... he only pursues it for information... PICARD How did this happen to you? TROI I cannot explain how it occurred, only that it did. (beat) The Essex was caught in an electromagnetic storm just as your shuttle was. Moments before we crashed, the bridge was struck by lightning. The ship was ripped apart. Somehow, in that instant, our consciousness was absorbed in the magnetic currents on the surface. PICARD Why didn't you tell us this? Why the deception, the violence? TROI As I said, Captain. I knew you wouldn't believe us. Even now, I'm sure you do not. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/03/91 - ACT FOUR 38A. 68 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (beat) What was your vessel designation and complement? TROI (without hesitation) NCC One-seven-three... Daedalus class starship. Crew of two hundred twenty-nine. PICARD Under whose command in this sector? STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/27/91 - ACT FOUR 39. 68 CONTINUED: (3) TROI (right back) Admiral Uttan Narsu, Starbase Twelve. You will find all of this in Starfleet records... PICARD I do not need to see the records. TROI Then you know I am correct. A beat. PICARD End this now and I will do whatever I can to help you... Troi eyes him... TROI (with regret) No. You do not trust me. And I cannot risk trusting you. Data, who's been pacing nervously as this dialogue has continued, now inserts himself into the conversation... DATA It is taking too long. We sh-should have been there by now... Troi gives him a stern look... DATA He is manipulating you... TROI Captain Picard has every right to be curious... DATA He will try to delay until a rescue attempt is possible. TROI I know that. But I also know that he will make every effort to protect the lives of his crew. They turn to watch the medical crew exit with the injured crewmen... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT FOUR 39A. 68 CONTINUED: (4) TROI (turns to Picard) Since our demands are not excessive, I hope you will see it is simpler to accede than to risk further injuries. PICARD What do you want? STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/06/91 - ACT FOUR 40. 68 CONTINUED: (5) TROI All you need to know for now, Captain, is that we want to rest. Simply, finally... to rest. 69 INT. CRAWL SPACE (OPTICAL) Geordi and Ensign Ro crawl toward camera, in a small access area between decks, carrying their equipment. GEORDI (reading signs) ... Section Two - B... A... Section One... RO (cramped, behind him) Finally. I hope I never see this part of the Enterprise again... GEORDI (chuckles) I hear you. This is what starship designers call "easy access"... Ro reacts. Geordi checks out the floor with his tricorder, as Ro catches up to him. As Ro sets up a device nearby to do the drilling, Geordi fixes on a spot amid the relays and hard component arrays. GEORDI (continuing) This is it. I thought we might have a problem with conduit two- twenty-seven -- but it looks like we can get by it... Ro angles the device in position. She taps the device and a thread-size BEAM shoots out, down into the deck... with a silent sizzle. A beat. Maybe two, then Ro shuts the device off. RO We're through... Geordi turns it off... GEORDI Let's hook up the scanner and see what we've got... He moves a small monitor device that looks like an etch-a-sketch into position... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/06/91 - ACT FOUR 40A. 69 CONTINUED: Ro works under it to make the unseen connection... RO Got it... As she moves around to join Geordi, he turns it on... 70 INSERT (OPTICAL) - TEN FORWARD HIGH VIEW somewhat optically distorted with a grid representing the invisible forcefield in front... Troi and Picard are visible... A lighter circle in the viewfinder identifies the line of fire... RO (o.c.) All three of them have to be in the circle if it's going to work... 71 RESUME GEORDI We're halfway home... (taps communicator) La Forge to Crusher. How's it going? STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/03/91 - ACT FOUR 41. 72 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker is with Beverly at an aft station... BEVERLY I think I've come up with an idea for a containment field. This anionic energy seems to be vulnerable to the same magnetic flux density we monitored in the storms. If I can duplicate that, we can trap it once it's out of our people. GEORDI You ought to be able to do it by pumping Ten Forward full of ionogenic particles. BEVERLY Exactly what I was thinking... RIKER How long will it take to get it all ready? GEORDI We still have to calibrate the plasma invertor, Commander... I'm guessing forty-five minutes to an hour... BEVERLY I'll have the containment field ready by then. RIKER Keep me advised. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT FOUR 42. 73 thru OMITTED 74 75 INT. TEN FORWARD ON PICARD AND WORF Picard takes a seat next to Worf. They watch as Troi joins Data and the two of them begin a hushed conversation across the room. O'Brien acts as a sentry, pacing around the hostages. Picard whispers to Worf -- PICARD Impressions, Mister Worf? WORF Spiritual possessions of this sort have been reported throughout Klingon history. It is called "Jat'yIn" -- the taking of the living by the dead. PICARD Yes, Human history is also full of similar legends. WORF Then, you believe they may be telling the truth? PICARD Not for a moment. WORF Sir, they seem to know much about the Essex... if it really is the spirit of Captain Shumar... PICARD (not really serious) ... then he should be on much better behavior, don't you think... ? A Starfleet Captain? WORF After living disembodied for two centuries, perhaps they have gone mad... PICARD Mister Worf, I assure you these are not Jat'yIn. Our job is to find out what they are... and then to determine how to deal with them... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT FOUR 42A. 75 CONTINUED: Data has moved in this direction, waves his phaser at them... DATA Stop speaking! STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/27/91 - ACT FOUR 43. 76 ANGLE ON KEIKO AND MOLLY as O'Brien comes out from behind the bar. He crosses to Keiko, who rocks Baby Molly. Keiko eyes O'Brien. After a beat, O'Brien moves closer, intrigued by a little bracelet that Keiko wears on her wrist. O'BRIEN I gave you that... Keiko looks up, startled by the remark. The alien inside O'Brien can see the memories, but he does not understand their meaning. He is simply speaking the words, his expression blank... O'BRIEN In a place called McKinley Park. Green grass... tall trees. Hearing memories in this awful context terrifies Keiko. KEIKO Please... don't... But O'Brien is lost in the imagery, even though it's a mystery to him. O'BRIEN I hid the bracelet... in your pocket. You were... surprised. KEIKO ...please... O'Brien reaches out for the bracelet, her hand trembling. Keiko stiffens as he touches it... O'BRIEN You said, "You make me so happy, Miles." O'Brien seems to marvel at the words. Keiko can barely stand another instant... she covers her ears to block out the words. O'Brien looks confused. His hand starts to move up Keiko's arm. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/27/91 - ACT FOUR 44. 76 CONTINUED: He touches her, mesmerized by her body, her face. Keiko swats his hand away. KEIKO Get away from me. O'Brien reacts -- reaches out for her again. KEIKO (continuing) Get away. Troi stops behind O'Brien. TROI (stern) Leave her alone. O'Brien throws Keiko another look, then moves away. As Keiko cradles Molly... Picard rises. PICARD Captain Shumar... Troi looks over... PICARD We will reach the polar position you requested in minutes... I will need to give additional instructions... TROI (takes a beat to consider) Very well. We are taking you to our crash site... PICARD (reacts) At the southern pole... ? TROI That is correct. PICARD (suspicious) Nothing our sensors were able to detect indicated that the Essex went down in the polar region... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/27/91 - ACT FOUR 44A. 76 CONTINUED: (2) DATA (quick) Well, it d-did. TROI (smooth) I told you, Captain... the ship broke apart in the atmosphere. The bridge went down here. Picard studies her. TROI When we reach it, you are going to beam what's left of our skeletal remains aboard this ship... and take them back to Earth for a proper burial. Picard studies her evenly... a beat... TROI See how simple a request it is... ? STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT FOUR 45. 76 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD Let these people go... and I will order the bridge to follow your instructions. TROI (beat) No. No one will be released. PICARD If you are who you say you are, there is no need for any of this... we will gladly take you home. TROI (shakes her head) I wish you were truly so open-minded, Picard... PICARD If you do not release the hostages, I will not cooperate. DATA You will cooperate... you will c-cooperate... or someone will die, Captain... who will it be... ? Data grabs Worf and pushes him forward... DATA How about the Klingon? Worf looks at Data... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/03/91 - ACT FOUR 46. 76 CONTINUED: (4) DATA (to O'Brien) Get another one. O'BRIEN (looking at Keiko) You. He grabs Keiko, roughly separates her from the baby... a supernumerary takes Molly as she starts to cry... KEIKO No... please... O'Brien pushes her forward... She sobs with fear... Data aims the phaser... DATA Pick one to die, Captain. Or I will kill them both... Picard turns to Troi, looking for some help... She just looks at him dispassionately... WORF Choose me, Captain. 77 HIGH ANGLE - MONITOR (OPTICAL) of the same scene... Troi, O'Brien and Data all within the central circle... but Data is always moving nervously in and out of the circle... RO (o.c.) They're all in range. I need to do it now... 78 ANGLE - INT. CRAWLSPACE Geordi working feverishly on a patched in computer panel... with great urgency -- GEORDI I'm only gonna be able to shut down the forcefield for about seven seconds before the computer compensates... RO If they're the right seven seconds, it'll be enough... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/27/91 - ACT FOUR 46A. 78 CONTINUED: GEORDI Bridge, stand by to release the ionogenic field on my signal... 78A INT. BRIDGE Riker and Beverly at the aft station... RIKER Standing by... 78B INT. CRAWLSPACE Geordi finishes his preparation... GEORDI (to Ro) Ready... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/27/91 - ACT FOUR 47. 79 ANGLE ON RO INCLUDING THE MONITOR (OPTICAL) Data moves into the circle... RO Kill the forcefield! GEORDI Forcefield down... The grid disappears... Ro punches panels with both hands... RO Firing plasma charge... But Data moves out of the circle just as she fires... 80 INT. TEN FORWARD (OPTICAL) An energy blast strikes Troi and O'Brien and they cower in pain as the energy rings streak out of them but Data wasn't hit. 80A INT. CRAWLSPACE RO Damn... ! 80B INT. TEN FORWARD (OPTICAL) Data grabs Picard roughly, moving quickly out of the line of fire... and holding him by the neck high up against a wall... holding a combadge between his thumb and forefinger in the other hand... DATA Tell them to stop, or I'll kill everyone in this room! Starting with you. PICARD Picard to bridge. Abort immediately. 81 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker frowns... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/27/91 - ACT FOUR 47A. 81 CONTINUED: RIKER As you say, Captain... (beat) Riker to La Forge, return to the bridge. 82 INT. CRAWL SPACE Ro and Geordi exchange a defeated glance... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT FOUR 48. 83 INT. TEN FORWARD (OPTICAL) The entities return to Troi and O'Brien... Keiko has run back to her baby... Worf is on his feet, prepared for anything... Troi moves slowly over to Data, who is still holding Picard against the wall... TROI Are you prepared to cooperate? PICARD (beat, hoarse) Yes. She nods to Data, and as he lowers him to the floor... FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT FIVE 49. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 84 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) In polar position beneath the angry storm moon. RIKER (V.O.) First officer's log, supplemental. The Enterprise has moved into a synchronous orbit near the southern polar region. We await further instructions from Ten Forward. 85 INT. BRIDGE Riker at command. Ro at tactical. Beverly remains at an aft station. Geordi at ops. ND at the conn. RIKER Any sign of the Essex? GEORDI Negative, Commander. The electromagnetic disturbances are even worse here... scanners can't read a thing... Riker frowns... RIKER Bridge to Ten Forward. INTERCUT 86 INT. TEN FORWARD Troi is with Data and O'Brien... Picard is with Worf near the other hostages... RIKER Intense storm activity over the southern pole is making it virtually impossible for us to pick up any trace of the Essex... Troi and the others exchange a glance, not at all concerned with this report... Picard takes note, listens carefully to the exchange... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/03/91 - ACT FIVE 50. 86 CONTINUED: TROI We're giving you the exact coordinates of our remains aboard the wreck of the Essex... Data taps them in at the console. 87 INT. BRIDGE GEORDI I'm receiving the coordinates now... RIKER (signals Ro to mute) Geordi, can you tell what's there? GEORDI (shakes his head) Just your basic ionic cyclone. I can't read a thing. RIKER I'm sure as hell not going to just beam up whatever might be down there... GEORDI I've got a good excuse for you. The transporters aren't going to work any better than the scanners... Riker muses on that statement... RIKER Bridge to Ten Forward... the same interference that is blocking our scanners would prevent us from using the transporters... 88 INT. TEN FORWARD Troi glances at O'Brien... O'BRIEN They're lying... Picard picks up on this, stands... approaches them... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/03/91 - ACT FIVE 51. 88 CONTINUED: PICARD On the contrary, we've had a difficult time with transport since our arrival... that's why we had to send down the shuttle. You should all be well aware of that fact. They are forced to acknowledge... DATA We must be able to use the transporters... PICARD In fact, Chief O'Brien was the one who successfully executed the return of the away team... he is the most qualified on board to operate the transporter under these circumstances... The others turn to O'Brien... he nods. TROI Can you do it from here? O'BRIEN No... I would have to use a transporter pad. PICARD (to O'Brien) I would be willing to grant you safe passage to the transporter pad in one of the cargo bays... DATA It is a trick... he is trying to divide us... TROI (paces, thinks) We must not be separated. PICARD I offer to grant you all safe passage. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/03/91 - ACT FIVE 52. 88 CONTINUED: (2) DATA Why are you b-being so helpful suddenly? PICARD Because I assume if you go to the cargo bay, you will choose not to take all of the hostages. Their safety is my primary concern. TROI (to the others) What are the risks when we leave this room? DATA Without the p-protection of the forcefield, we are vulnerable in a number of ways... O'BRIEN They could use the transporter against us... Once the forcefield's down, they could beam us back to the surface. (beat, as he gets an idea) But there is a way to neutralize that threat... (to com) Bridge, transfer all transporter functions to Ten Forward... INTERCUTTING 89 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker reacts... doesn't want to... a beat... gambit... RIKER Ten Forward, in order to do that, you'll have to release your computer control lock-outs... O'BRIEN (to Troi) That is not true... PICARD Let me speak to him. She nods, "go ahead," hits her combadge for him. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/03/91 - ACT FIVE 53. 89 CONTINUED: PICARD Number One, I think we have an opportunity to end this seige... Riker reacts to the word "opportunity"... PICARD (continuing) But it will require cooperation from all concerned. Our guests will be moving shortly to cargo bay four, where the transport will occur. You are to ensure their safe passage from Ten Forward to the cargo bay. RIKER Understood, Captain. (signals to mute) Mister La Forge, Doctor... Geordi moves to the aft stations... GEORDI Aye, sir... 90 INT. TEN FORWARD O'Brien at the computer... O'BRIEN Transporter controls are being transferred... He stops as he sees something unusual on the monitor... hits the companel... O'BRIEN Ten Forward to bridge. I said all transporter controls. Including those aboard all your shuttlecraft. 91 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Ro angrily pushes back from the tactical station with frustration... her trick failed... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/03/91 - ACT FIVE 54. 91 CONTINUED: RIKER (frowns) Almost had them, Ensign... nice try... (to com) Ten Forward. Our mistake. Remaining transporter functions are being transferred to you... 92 INT. TEN FORWARD O'Brien goes to work on the computer... O'BRIEN By creating our own access code, we will be able to prevent anyone from using the transporter against us as we move to the cargo bay... DATA What about their weapons? TROI We will each take a hostage for protection... Captain Picard, you are mine. Data points to Worf, O'Brien takes Keiko... the baby cries as she feels the motions... KEIKO Please... let her stay... Fed up with the crying, O'Brien takes the baby and puts it in the hands of a supernumerary... TROI (to Data) Lower the forcefield. Data works the computer. 93 INT. BRIDGE As before. Riker at command. RIKER Security teams, stand by. ENSIGN RO They're heading through section five... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/03/91 - ACT FIVE 55. 94 INT. DECK TEN - CORRIDOR - NEAR TURBOLIFT Troi holds a phaser to Picard, as Data/Worf and O'Brien/Keiko trail behind - all push by a security team, who stand at the sides, helpless to aid their captain and crewmates. The group ENTERS a turbolift. 95 INT. MAIN BRIDGE RIKER Mister La Forge, Doctor -- they'll be at their destination in less than a minute... ENSIGN RO They've stopped at deck eighteen, sir... RIKER (into com) Security, allow them access into cargo bay four... 96 INT. CARGO BAY As they enter. O'Brien goes immediately to the console, leaving Keiko at the side, as Troi/Picard and Data/Worf stand nearby. There's room aplenty inside the bay. And at the rear backside, the huge DOORS... that open out to space. O'BRIEN (to Data) I will require some assistance. O'Brien and Data move to the transporter pad... begin to make some PADD adjustments... Picard addresses Troi, who really would rather not be bothered with him right now... PICARD Captain Shumar, may I ask a foolish question? TROI You are not one to ask foolish questions, Picard... PICARD Nevertheless, I must ask how you intend to achieve your "rest"... when all is said and done... TROI What do you mean? STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 11/26/91 - ACT FIVE 56. 96 CONTINUED: PICARD How do you intend to free yourself of this existence that has trapped your consciousness? TROI It will fade as we move further from this planet... PICARD Really? What is your scientific basis for that? TROI (impatient) I don't need a scientific basis. Just be quiet. PICARD Perhaps you will be required to perform a noble deed before you can rest. TROI What are you talking about? PICARD Surely you recall the old story of "The Canterville Ghost"... TROI Do not insult me with foolish ghost stories, Picard... PICARD I would ask the same of you. (beat) When are you going to tell me who you really are? She stares at him... before she can answer... O'Brien calls from the transporter controls -- O'BRIEN I have initialized the transporter signal... TROI (still staring at Picard) Proceed. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/03/91 - ACT FIVE 57. 97 INT. MAIN BRIDGE As before. RO They're powering up the transporter, Commander... RIKER Mister LaForge... GEORDI I've isolated cargo bay four with a neutrino field, sir... But it won't take O'Brien and Data more than a couple of minutes to override it once they discover it's there... RIKER I hope that'll be enough time for the captain to play his hand... RO You know what he's going to do? RIKER There's only one reason he chose cargo bay four... (grim, to Ro) If it becomes necessary, Ensign, you will blow the cargo bay hatch on my orders. They all react. RO Aye, sir. 98 INT. CARGO BAY - WIDE (OPTICAL) O'Brien hits his panels... A large ENERGY CLOUD also MATERIALIZES -- alive with hundreds of diving, flying ENERGY RINGS (as in Act One). A powerful HUMMING takes over, as if inside a hive. 99 OMITTED 100 ON TROI AND DATA They look as if they've waited a lifetime for this. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/03/91 - ACT FIVE 58. 101 ON PICARD (OPTICAL) TROI You're quite right, Picard. We're not ghosts. And it is not rest, we seek. Only escape. PICARD Escape? TROI We were brought to this moon over five centuries ago from a star system called Ux-Mal... We were separated from our bodies and left to drift in the storms. Once we almost escaped... on board the Essex... but that ship was incapable of eluding the moon's electromagnetic currents... PICARD Did you really think using their identities would gain our sympathy... ? TROI It was a better approach than asking you to allow hundreds of condemned prisoners on board... PICARD Then, this moon is a penal colony... TROI That is correct. But now we have your ship... and your bodies to carry us home... 102 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Off tactical -- RO I'm reading dozens of them... hundreds... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/03/91 - ACT FIVE 58A. 102 CONTINUED: BEVERLY They have the same anionic signature we saw on the biofilter scans... RIKER (pleased) I think we can give the captain a new bargaining chip. Doctor Crusher, flood the cargo bay with your containment field... Off an aft terminal -- as Beverly proceeds... 103 INT. CARGO BAY (OPTICAL) Reactions as the TECH field fills the cargo bay... the energy rings are held in stasis, powerless... STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/09/91 - ACT FIVE 59. 103 CONTINUED: TROI Let them go, or you will all die. PICARD Your threats are meaningless now. O'BRIEN We are still in control of these three bodies. We will not leave them. PICARD Are you prepared to sacrifice the lives of the others? Because they will all die when the hatch to the cargo bay is blown... They glance to the cargo bay door... DATA (to Picard) You will die too... KEIKO I would die to save the life of my child. WORF To die defending his ship is the hope of every Klingon. PICARD And if you each know the officers you inhabit, you know they are equally ready to give their lives for this ship. (beat) Free them now... And I will return you to the moon's surface. Troi studies him a long beat... realizing... she glances at Data and O'Brien and after a moment... TROI I advise you, Picard, not to pass our way again. 104 ANGLE (OPTICAL) The rings emerge from Troi, Data and O'Brien... they each sag weakly to the floor while Data remains standing, still. Keiko rushes to O'Brien who has fallen unconscious. STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/09/91 - ACT FIVE 60. 104 CONTINUED: Worf helps Data steady himself... Picard helps Troi to the ground... PICARD (hits combadge) Picard to bridge, our guests will be leaving shortly... I need an emergency medical team here... BEVERLY'S COM VOICE On our way, Captain. PICARD Mister Worf, transport these... prisoners... back to the moon's surface... WORF Gladly, sir... And he goes to the transporter pad and presses a few panels... and they DEMATERIALIZE... 105 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit around the moon. 106 OMITTED 106A INT. SICKBAY Close on Troi pulling back to reveal she is talking to Picard... in the background, Beverly runs some scans on O'Brien as Keiko holds Molly beside him... Data is completing some self-diagnostics with Worf near-by... TROI It was almost as though my own consciousness were pushed to the side... I was watching it all happen... hearing my own voice... but I couldn't control any of it... PICARD What about the entity that controlled you... what were your perceptions of him? STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/03/91 - ACT FIVE 61. 106A CONTINUED: TROI He was intelligent, actually. Thoughtful... in a ruthless sort of way. Cold. She shudders at the memory... off Picard's reaction... 106B ON WORF AND DATA Having completed his diagnostic, Data is prepared to leave... DATA I must apologize for my inadvertant misconduct toward you, Lieutenant. WORF There is no need to apologize. DATA Your restraint was most remarkable for a Klingon. Worf takes a half-step closer to Data, almost smiles. WORF (beat) You have no idea. They exit... 106C ON O'BRIEN AND KEIKO (AND MOLLY) Beverly finishes her treatment... BEVERLY How do you feel? O'BRIEN Hungry. BEVERLY Good sign. She moves off... an uncomfortable moment between husband and wife... O'BRIEN How do you feel? STAR TREK: "Power Play" - REV. 12/09/91 - ACT FIVE 62. 106C CONTINUED: KEIKO I'm just glad to have you back. O'BRIEN If I could've killed that thing inside me... I would have... KEIKO I know. Molly smiles... KEIKO (continuing) We both know. He exchanges a loving glance with his wife, hugs her and the baby. And as Picard, Troi and Beverly look over, pleased that the long nightmare has ended happily, we... 107 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) As it leaves orbit of the stormy moon... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END