STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Ethics" #40275-216 Teleplay by Ronald D. Moore Directed by Chip Chalmers THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1991 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT DECEMBER 9, 1991 STAR TREK: "Ethics" - 12/9/91 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Ethics" CAST PICARD DOCTOR TOBY RUSSELL RIKER ALEXANDER DATA BEVERLY TROI GEORDI WORF Non-Speaking NURSE OGAWA INJURED CREW & CIVILIANS TRANSPORTER TECHICIAN AN INJURED MAN AN INJURED WOMAN Non-Speaking SUPERNUMERARIES DOCTORS NURSES CIVILIAN MEDICS STAR TREK: "Ethics" - 12/9/91 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Ethics" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM TRANSPORTER ROOM CORRIDOR CARGO BAY SHUTTLEBAY TROI'S QUARTERS RIKER'S QUARTERS SICKBAY BEVERLY'S OFFICE MEDICAL LAB WORF'S SICKBAY ROOM STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/13/91 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Ethics" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) In orbit around a planet. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 45587.3. We are picking up a consignment of chlorinide from Starbase Twenty-seven for transportation to the Mylaira system. Once we have delivered this material, we will investigate reported subspace anomalies in the Kelnaria region. 2 INT. CARGO BAY WORF and GEORDI are scanning some LARGE CARGO CONTAINERS with tricorders. There are other N.D. CREWMEMBERS in the b.g. checking the containers as well. The containers have been stacked in an intricate framework of metal support beams, pallettes, and lattices which reaches to the ceiling and almost completely fills the room. GEORDI (to Worf) No question. She was bluffing. WORF Bluffing is not one of Counselor Troi's strong suits. Geordi works his tricorder for a moment. GEORDI (off tricorder, to Worf) I'm still reading some chlorinide leakage, but I can't pin it down. Worf frowns at his tricorder. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - 12/09/91 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: GEORDI (points to different section) Maybe over there... They move to another section of containers and Geordi crawls up in the lattice work to take some more readings. WORF It would have been unwise to call. My hand was not strong enough. GEORDI You had jacks and eights and she bluffed you with a pair of sixes. WORF (outraged) Sixes! Worf fumes for a moment as Geordi climbs down from the lattice. He suddenly looks at Geordi with suspicion. WORF How do you know what I had? Geordi slowly smiles and then deliberately adjusts his visor. GEORDI Let's just say... I had a special insight into your cards. Worf reacts and Geordi chuckles. GEORDI (off his look) Hey, next time bring a deck that's not transparent to infrared light. Worf shakes his head slightly in disgust. GEORDI (with humor) Don't worry, I only peek after the hand is over. Geordi checks his tricorder one more time. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/13/91 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI (frustrated, off tricorder) Still nothing. Well... I'll get a dynoscanner and try again. Geordi moves to a different part of the bay. 3 WORF scans the containers again. He moves closer to the container structure... 4 A CARGO CONTAINER high above Worf. There is a thin wisp of GAS LEAKING from the container. The gas is MELTING part of the support upon which the container is sitting... 5 WORF Continues to scan the structure. He moves closer... 6 THE CARGO CONTAINER The structural support GIVES WAY and the cargo container starts to FALL. 7 WORF hears the RUMBLE from above and starts to move out of the way, but it's too late. 8 WIDER ANGLE as the heavy containers COLLAPSE on top of Worf. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/13/91 - TEASER 4. 9 INCLUDE GEORDI who turned around just in time to see the collapse. GEORDI Worf! Geordi and the other crewmembers rush over to Worf and start to move the containers off of him. They lift one container and find Worf unconscious. As Geordi hits his communicator, PUSH IN on Worf's face. GEORDI (urgent, to communicator) La Forge to sickbay! Medical emergency in cargo bay three! Hold for a beat on Worf's face... CUT TO: 10 INT. SICKBAY Worf is lying on his back with his eyes closed. He is dressed in a medical robe and is lying in one of the diagnostic beds. NURSE OGAWA is standing over Worf. After a beat, Worf moves slightly. Worf's eyes finally open and he looks around in confusion. BEVERLY moves to stand on the other side of him. WORF What... happened? BEVERLY The containers you were checking fell on you. You're lucky to be alive. Worf tries to sit up... then stops when he realizes that he can't move his lower body. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/12/91 - TEASER 5. 10 CONTINUED: WORF I will not attempt to leave sickbay without your approval, Doctor. The restraining field is not necessary. Beverly and Ogawa exchange a look. Ogawa moves off to give them a little more privacy. Worf looks up at Beverly in confusion... what's going on here? Beverly puts on her best bedside manner. BEVERLY Worf... there is no restraining field. WORF (objecting) But I cannot move my legs. BEVERLY I know. (beat) You can't move because one of the containers shattered seven of your vertebrae... and crushed your spinal cord. Worf is shocked and this is very difficult for Beverly, but there's no way to sugar-coat it. BEVERLY I'm afraid... there's no way to repair this kind of injury. On Worf as he realizes the full impact of what she's saying... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/17/91 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 11 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship still in orbit. 12 INT. WORF'S SICKBAY ROOM Worf has been moved to a private room just off main sickbay. There are several monitors, some medical equipment, and a diagnostic bed. Worf is sitting up in bed and has swung his legs over the side. His face is a mask of determination as he carefully grips the side of the bed and moves his feet down to the floor. Worf manages to get to a standing position, but it's only by using his hands and arms to maintain an iron grip on the bedframe. His legs are useless. He struggles as he tries to will his legs to work. 13 NEW ANGLE As the doors OPEN and Beverly ENTERS. Worf wrenches his body as he tries to move his legs, but the effort causes him to lose his grip on the bed. Both legs fold under his weight... Beverly rushes over to him and catches him just in time. She helps him back into bed. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/17/91 - ACT ONE 7. 13 CONTINUED: BEVERLY I know what you're trying to do and I understand why. But it's important that you remain in bed. WORF Klingons do not... lie in bed. BEVERLY They do if they have extensive internal injuries which need time to heal. WORF The muscles in my legs will atrophy unless they are used. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/17/91 - ACT ONE 8. 13 CONTINUED: (2) WORF (cont'd) A vigorous program of exercise will be necessary for a full recovery. Beverly moves closer to him. Her tone is compassionate, yet firm as she lays out the simple truth to him. BEVERLY I understand that as a Klingon this is difficult for you... but you have to face your situation as it really is... not as you want it to be. (beat) I've sent for a neurogeneticist, but... you need to realize that you'll probably never regain total use of your legs. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - 12/09/91 - ACT ONE 9. 13 CONTINUED: (3) Worf looks away, unable to deny the facts away any longer. A long beat passes. WORF (quiet) Leave me. Beverly moves toward the door... then stops. BEVERLY Your son has been asking to see you. WORF (forceful) No. I will not have him see me like this. Beverly almost argues with him... then decides against it. BEVERLY All right. She EXITS to... 14 INT. SICKBAY - CONTINUOUS The doors CLOSE behind Beverly after she ENTERS. She pauses for a moment, depressed and anguished over Worf's situation. She tries to shake off the feeling... picks up a PADD and starts to work it. RIKER'S COM VOICE Bridge to Doctor Crusher. The Potemkin has arrived and Doctor Russell is ready to transport aboard. BEVERLY (to com) I'm on my way. She heads for the exit. CUT TO: 15 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & POTEMKIN (OPTICAL) The Enterprise and the Potemkin running side by side while still in orbit. (STOCK) STAR TREK: "Ethics" - 12/09/91 - ACT ONE 10. 16 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Beverly is waiting near the platform as the TRANSPORTER TECHNICIAN works the console. DR. TOBY RUSSELL MATERIALIZES. Doctor Russell is petite and her features are delicate, doll-like. She has an easy and friendly manner, but she tends to command a room and is used to being center stage at any gathering. Russell has a knack for settling instantly into her environment, and she already seems very much at home. BEVERLY Welcome aboard the Enterprise, Doctor Russell. I'm Beverly Crusher. They shake hands. RUSSELL A pleasure. (to Technician) I have some equipment aboard the Potemkin. Please have it sent to one of your medical labs. BEVERLY (to Technician) Send it to medlab four. The Technician nods and works the console. Russell turns to Beverly with a warm smile and then takes Beverly's arm as they begin to leave the transporter room. RUSSELL (on the move) Before we get down to business, I just wanted to say that I had the pleasure of reading your paper on cybernetic regeneration recently. They EXIT to... 17 INT. CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Russell and Beverly walk down the corridor. Russell has definitely turned on the charm. BEVERLY (pleased) Really? You're the first person to mention it. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/10/91 - ACT ONE 11. 17 CONTINUED: RUSSELL Oh, I thought it was brilliant. Your ideas on bioactive interfaces border on revolutionary. It's going to be a genuine pleasure working with you. BEVERLY Thank you. (beat) Have you had a chance to review Worf's case history yet? RUSSELL Only briefly. I must admit, I was a little shocked to find the state of Klingon neurological medicine to be so... primitive. BEVERLY It's a cultural bias. When I contacted the Klingon Medical Division, I was told they usually let the patient die in a case like this... as a result they've done almost no research on neurological trauma. RUSSELL (with relish) We'll be in uncharted waters. Beverly doesn't share Russell's anticipation, but she's not bothered by it either. BEVERLY Worf's been having a hard time dealing with his injuries. He's always been a difficult patient, but now... They have arrived outside of sickbay and Beverly moves to go inside. The doors OPEN. BEVERLY He's a little tough to get along with at first, but I think you'll get to like him after--- RUSSELL Doctor. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - 12/09/91 - ACT ONE 12. 17 CONTINUED: (2) Beverly stops in the doorway. Russell seems to hesitate for a moment... then speaks in a soft and understanding voice. RUSSELL I know that as a starship doctor, you have to maintain close ties with patients. But I think it would be best if I maintain a discreet distance. That way, I can give you a completely objective opinion regarding treatment. Beverly looks at her for a beat... decides that Russell is making sense. BEVERLY Yes... you're probably right. RUSSELL (warm smile) Good. Well... I believe you said I'll be working in medlab four? BEVERLY Yes. This way. Beverly leads Russell down the corridor. CUT TO: 18 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship in orbit. 19 INT. WORF'S SICKBAY ROOM Worf is propped up in bed as RIKER ENTERS. Riker forces himself to smile at his friend and try to put him at ease. RIKER You look pretty good for someone who's been eating sickbay food for three days. Worf makes a half-hearted attempt to return the smile, then indicates a chair. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - 12/09/91 - ACT ONE 13. 19 CONTINUED: WORF Please sit down, Commander. Riker sits down. Worf is very uncomfortable and embarrassed. He tries to sit a little straighter... pulls the bedclothes up a little further on his chest. WORF Thank you for agreeing to see me in... this condition. RIKER Worf, I'm not Klingon... I don't think there's any shame in being injured. WORF I am not merely injured... Doctor Crusher believes my... paralysis will be permanent. Riker takes a beat to take that in. RIKER I'm... sorry. Worf looks away from Riker, not wanting to see any pity in his face. This is very difficult for Worf, but he tries to keep his voice as even and restrained as possible. WORF I have a personal favor to ask. RIKER Name it. Long beat. WORF I want you to assist me in performing the... Hegh'bat ceremony. (beat) I want you to help me die. Riker recoils from the idea and looks at Worf with shock. RIKER What? STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/10/91 - ACT ONE 14. 19 CONTINUED: (2) WORF When a Klingon can no longer stand and face his enemies as a warrior... when he becomes a burden to his family and friends... it is time for the Hegh'bat... time for him to die. RIKER Worf, there have to be other options. Worf turns back and meets Riker's eyes. WORF (firm) No, there are not. (beat, then quieter) I will not live as an object of... pity... or shame. My life as a Klingon is over. RIKER I won't help a friend commit suicide. Worf struggles... his voice drops down low as he makes a direct appeal to Riker. WORF We have served together for many years... fought side by side... I know you to be a brave and honorable man... if you truly consider me your friend... help me now... help me end my life as I lived it... with dignity and honor. (beat) Please. Riker wasn't prepared for this personal appeal from Worf. On Riker's reaction as he struggles with his conflicting emotions... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/12/91 - ACT TWO 15. ACT TWO FADE IN: 20 INT. MEDICAL LAB (OPTICAL) A room filled with medical equipment of every size and description. Beverly and Russell are standing near a large unit which is projecting a HOLOGRAPHIC IMAGE of Worf's back and spinal column in mid-air. Beverly is pointing to the damaged vertebrae, which have been highlighted. BEVERLY The cortico-spinal tract has continued to deteriorate over the past seventy-two hours despite CPK enzymatic therapy. Russell walks slowly around the hologram... considering the injury from all angles. RUSSELL What about alkysine treatment? BEVERLY Ineffective. RUSSELL Overdesigned. (off Beverly's look) Klingon anatomy... twenty-three ribs, two livers, eight-chambered heart, double-lined neural pia mater... I've never seen so many unnecessary redundancies in one body. BEVERLY Klingon medicine refers to it as the brak'lul... almost every vital function in their bodies has a built-in redundancy in case the primary organ or system fails. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/11/91 - ACT TWO 16. 20 CONTINUED: RUSSELL It's a good design in theory, but in practice, all the extra organs mean there's just that much more that can go wrong. Russell glares at the hologram for a moment, then turns to Beverly. RUSSELL Let me show you something. Russell leads Beverly over to a strange-looking piece of medical equipment that has been moved into the lab on a cart. It should be even more advanced than our normal sickbay equipment. RUSSELL We've been experimenting with DNA-based generators... this is a genetronic replicator. It reads the DNA coding of damaged organs, translates that into a specific set of replicant instructions and then begins to "grow" a replacement. Beverly looks over the odd equipment with curiosity. BEVERLY I've read some of the preliminary work you've done... I thought this was still in the experimental stage. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/12/91 - ACT TWO 17. 20 CONTINUED: (2) Russell picks up a PADD and works it for a moment. RUSSELL (continuing) The early results have been very encouraging... She hands the PADD to Beverly... who begins to glance at it... Russell lets her read on for a moment... then decides the time is right to push for her plan. RUSSELL Beverly, the genetronic replicator can create a completely new neural conduit for your Lieutenant Worf. BEVERLY (a little shocked) Replace his entire spinal column? RUSSELL Exactly. Instead of splicing and pasting together broken connections like a couple of glorified tailors, we create a new, living system. Beverly takes a beat to consider this... she glances down at the PADD in her hand... presses some buttons to move the text forward... she has some serious doubts. BEVERLY (looking for the data) I had no idea you were already using this on humanoids... RUSSELL I haven't been. This'll be the first time. BEVERLY (reacts) First time? RUSSELL I've done dozens of holosimulations... the success rate is up to thirty-seven percent... STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/12/91 - ACT TWO 18. 20 CONTINUED: (3) BEVERLY Thirty-seven percent... even a holographic patient would balk at those odds. RUSSELL Sooner or later it has to be tried on a living patient. BEVERLY We're talking about a spinal column. Even to attempt it, you'd have to remove his existing spine. We don't know enough about Klingon neurological medicine to reattach it. If something goes wrong, he'll die. Beverly sets the PADD down and regards Russell seriously. BEVERLY I agree it has remarkable potential but it's still in the most preliminary stages of research. We can't possibly justify the risk to Worf. I'm afraid we'll just have to make do with the more conventional approaches. Russell almost continues to fight... then seems to reconsider. She smiles slightly at Beverly. RUSSELL You're probably right. It's too radical an approach. Beverly is relieved that Russell isn't going to push for this approach, but that doesn't solve their problem. PICARD'S COM VOICE Doctor Crusher, please report to the bridge. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - 12/09/91 - ACT TWO 19. 20 CONTINUED: (4) BEVERLY (to com) On my way. Beverly EXITS. CUT TO: 21 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship goes into warp. 22 INT. MAIN BRIDGE PICARD, DATA, and Riker at their stations. Beverly ENTERS from a turbolift. PICARD Doctor, the transport ship Denver has struck a gravitic mine left over from the Cardassian war. They've sustained heavy damage. RIKER Their last message said they were attempting to crash land on one of the planets in the Mericor system. We should arrive in just under seven hours. BEVERLY How many people were aboard? DATA The Denver's standard crew complement is twenty-three, but they were transporting five hundred seventeen colonists to the Beloti sector. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - 12/09/91 - ACT TWO 20. 22 CONTINUED: BEVERLY I'll need to convert all three shuttlebays to emergency triage centers. I also want all civilians with medical training to report for duty. PICARD Make it so. Beverly EXITS and Picard heads for the ready room. RIKER (to Picard) Captain, may I speak with you in private? PICARD Certainly, Number One. Mister Data, you have the bridge. DATA Aye, sir. Riker & Picard head for the ready room. CUT TO: 23 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship at warp. 24 INT. READY ROOM (OPTICAL) Riker is moving about the room... restless, clearly disturbed. Picard is calmly listening to his officer. RIKER I've always tried to keep an open mind... not to judge someone else's culture by my own... but for me to be a part of this "ceremony"... Riker trails off and Picard waits for a beat before speaking. PICARD I understand that Doctor Crusher believes he will never regain the use of his legs. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - 12/09/91 - ACT TWO 21. 24 CONTINUED: RIKER That doesn't mean his life is over. PICARD That's a very... Human perspective, Will. But to any Klingon in Worf's position... life is over. RIKER I can't accept that. Picard takes a beat... looks out the window for a moment. PICARD If you were dying... terminally ill from a disease for which there was no cure... and the few remaining days of your life would be spent in pain. Don't you think that you might come to see death as... a release? RIKER Worf isn't dying and he's not in pain... he can live a long life without--- PICARD (firm) You or I could learn to live with a disability of this kind. But to Worf... his life ended when those containers fell on him. We don't have to agree with it... we don't have to understand it... but we do have to respect his beliefs. RIKER (repeating for emphasis) I can respect his beliefs, but Worf wants me to take an active role in ending his life. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - 12/09/91 - ACT TWO 22. 24 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD He asked for your help because you're his friend. That means that you'll have to make your decision based on that friendship. RIKER Which leaves me right back where I started. PICARD I'm sorry, Will. I can't make this decision for you... but I can tell you that Klingons choose their friends with great care. If Worf didn't feel he could count on you... he never would have asked. On Riker's troubled expression... CUT TO: 25 INT. TROI'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) TROI is trying to deal with a very angry ALEXANDER. ALEXANDER Why won't you let me see him? TROI Alexander, I told you it's not my decision. Your father doesn't want to--- ALEXANDER I don't believe you. My father wants to see me. You're the one keeping me away from him! Troi regards him coolly for a beat... refusing to get into a shouting match with this kid. Her voice is calm and assured. TROI I think you know that's not true. Alexander's anger recedes a little in the face of Troi's serene visage. His voice becomes somewhat less strident. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/16/91 - ACT TWO 23. 25 CONTINUED: ALEXANDER Then why can't I see him? TROI Your father is going through a very difficult time. He needs to be alone for now. ALEXANDER But why? Troi moves to a couch and motions to Alexander, who sits with her after a beat. Troi keeps her voice calm and soothing as she tries to reassure the boy. TROI He's been injured, Alexander, and he's... embarrassed. To have anyone see him now would make him feel worse... even if it were you. Alexander thinks about this for a beat. ALEXANDER This is part of that Klingon stuff, isn't it? (MORE) STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/16/91 - ACT TWO 24. 25 CONTINUED: (2) ALEXANDER (cont'd) My mother always said that Klingons had a lot of dumb ideas about honor. TROI Alexander, that... "Klingon stuff" is very important to your father. ALEXANDER (hurt) Well, it isn't very important to me. I don't care about being Klingon, I just want to see my father. It's obvious that Alexander is exhausted... this whole experience has been very draining for him. Troi moves to him and her voice becomes softer, more soothing. TROI It's been a long day... why don't you get ready for bed and we'll talk about this again in the morning. Alexander nods glumly and then EXITS to the adjacent room. Troi watches after him for a moment. CUT TO: 26 INT. WORF'S SICKBAY ROOM Worf is lying in bed as he listens to Troi. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/16/91 - ACT TWO 25. 26 CONTINUED: TROI Alexander is scared... confused... hurt... and all because his father is refusing to see him. WORF You know why I left those instructions. TROI Yes I do. It's not the "Klingon" way, right? WORF It is a question of honor, and I would ask you to respect my wishes in this matter, Counselor. TROI All I care about at this moment is a little boy who's terrified he's going to lose his father. Beverly and Russell ENTER. Troi glances at them... leans down and fixes Worf with a hard look. TROI (quiet, but firm) Maybe it's time you stopped lying around here worrying about your honor... and began thinking about someone else... like your son. Troi turns and EXITS. Beverly and Russell exchange a look... what was that all about? BEVERLY Would you like us to come back later? STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/10/91 - ACT TWO 26. 26 CONTINUED: (2) WORF No. Come in, Doctor. BEVERLY This is Doctor Toby Russell from the Adelman Neurological Institute. She specializes in spinal injuries like yours. WORF (to Russell) Doctor. RUSSELL Lieutenant. Doctor Crusher has been updating me on your case. We'd like to talk to you about some of your options. WORF Please proceed. BEVERLY We've discussed a variety of surgical procedures... I'm afraid none of them would be able to repair the spinal cord. But we do have a way for you to regain most of your mobility. 27 INCLUDE MONITOR (OPTICAL) Beverly moves to the monitor and activates the screen. A diagram of Worf's body comes up with SEVERAL IMPLANTS highlighted on the schematic. BEVERLY (indicating monitor) We can implant a series of neural transducers in your lower torso and legs. They're designed to pick up the electrical impulses from your brain and then stimulate the corresponding muscles. With a little work, you'll eventually regain sixty to seventy percent of your motor control. Russell picks up two motor assist bands (about the size and shape of a dog collar and as seen in "Transfigurations"). STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/16/91 - ACT TWO 27. 27 CONTINUED: RUSSELL The first step would be to fit your legs with motor assist units like these. Russell places the band around Worf's right leg. RUSSELL They're a training device... once you've mastered using them, we can move on to the implants. Now, try to move your leg. Worf looks down at his leg for a moment... then watches in horror as it suddenly jerks and spasms. Neither Beverly nor Russell seem at all concerned about this. BEVERLY That's good for a first try. It'll take some time before you get used to manipulating the--- WORF (firm) No. Worf rips the band from his leg. WORF I will not live like that. BEVERLY These are very sophisticated devices. With enough time, they will give you-- WORF Sixty percent of my mobility. I will not be seen... lurching through corridors like some half-Klingon machine... an object of ridicule and disgust. Beverly takes a beat, then moves closer to Worf. She lowers her voice and makes a personal connection and plea with her patient. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - 12/09/91 - ACT TWO 28. 27 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY I understand how you feel... and I know that right now, this all sounds a little frightening... but I think it's important that you take your time before making a decision. All I ask is that you give this some thought. Worf keeps his expression neutral... but he doesn't actually reject it. Beverly decides that's at least something and she moves to leave. Russell makes no move to follow her. Russell steps forward. RUSSELL There is one other option I'd like you to consider... it's called genetronic replication.... Worf looks up. Beverly is surprised. RUSSELL It's still in the experimental stage... but if it works, it will return virtually all of your mobility... and without the need for artificial implants. On Beverly's expression... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/11/91 - ACT THREE 29. ACT THREE FADE IN: A28 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship at warp. 28 INT. SICKBAY Beverly and Russell ENTER from Worf's sickbay room. Beverly turns and confronts Russell. BEVERLY I thought we had discussed genetronics. RUSSELL We did. BEVERLY And I also thought we had decided against recommending it. RUSSELL You heard him... he'd rather die than live with the implants. I just gave him a better option than suicide. BEVERLY He's grasping at straws and you're giving him one. Now, instead of dealing with his paralysis, he's going to be thinking about this miracle cure of yours. RUSSELL There's a real chance this could work. And if it does, it'll be a major breakthrough in neurogenetics that will change a lot of people's lives. BEVERLY You're using the desperation of an injured man as an excuse to try a procedure you couldn't do under normal circumstances. I checked with Starfleet Medical and they've refused your requests to test genetronics on humanoids three times already. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - 12/09/91 - ACT THREE 29A. 28 CONTINUED: RUSSELL Are you really going to hide behind the rules of some bureaucracy? Your patient's life is at stake here. PICARD'S COM VOICE Picard to Doctor Crusher. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/20/91 - ACT THREE 30. 28 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY (to com) Go ahead, Captain. INTERCUT: 29 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard and Data are at the aft science station. PICARD We've located the survivors from the Denver. BEVERLY We're ready down here. I have triage teams standing by. PICARD Very well. We'll begin transporting the casualties aboard immediately. Bridge out. Russell looks at Beverly and gives her a small smile. RUSSELL Could you use an extra pair of hands? Beverly returns her smile... a truce seems to have been called. BEVERLY Absolutely. CUT TO: 30 thru OMITTED 33A 34 INT. WORF'S SICKBAY ROOM Troi and Alexander ENTER. The boy is surprised to see Worf standing by the bed. Worf is wearing the motor assist bands on his legs and is standing very still with one hand clamped to a table for support. ALEXANDER Father? WORF Come in, Alexander. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/20/91 - ACT THREE 31-33. 34 CONTINUED: ALEXANDER (confused) Deanna said you hurt your back... that you couldn't walk. WORF I am... still struggling with my injury. ALEXANDER I was worried about you. WORF We have much to talk about, Alexander. There will be difficult times ahead... you must be strong. ALEXANDER I understand. WORF Good. Worf pauses for a moment to gather his thoughts. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - 12/09/91 - ACT THREE 33A. 34 CONTINUED: WORF As Klingons, we must always be prepared for any--- Forgetting for a moment his precarious position, Worf tries to shift his weight and suddenly FALLS to the floor at Alexander's feet. The boy is horrified and bends down to help his father along with Troi. ALEXANDER Father! STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/20/91 - ACT THREE 34. 35 WORF Looks up at his son and feels humiliated. WORF (to Troi) Take him away. TROI Worf, let me help you--- WORF (harsh to Alexander) Leave! Alexander takes a step back and looks at Troi. She realizes that it would be best for him to leave. TROI Go on, Alexander. It'll be all right. I'll take care of your father. Alexander looks once more at his father and then runs out of the room. Worf sags on the ground... he puts his head down and his face burns with shame. Troi knows that the best thing to do is to say nothing for now, so she sits next to him in silence... CUT TO: 36 INT. SHUTTLE BAY The bay has been converted into an emergency hospital/triage center. The room is filled with a variety of medical equipment, diagnostic beds, gurneys, etc. There are MANY INJURED CREWMEMBERS & CIVILIANS lying on the deck or in the beds and they are being tended to by DOCTORS, NURSES, and CIVILIAN MEDICS. People are moving about quickly and efficiently and there is a sense of urgency in the room. Beverly walks across the bay, pausing occasionally to glance at this patient or that one. She's been at this for a while. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/20/91 - ACT THREE 35. 37 NEW ANGLE Where we see Russell looking at an injured MAN who is lying on a diagnostic bed with a sheet over his head. Russell is running a scanner over his arm and then places the arm back on his chest. The man is dead. Russell goes to a monitor and studies an Okudagram. Beverly comes over and sees the dead man. She picks up a PADD sitting at the foot of the bed. Her attitude is professional and there is no hint of recrimination in her voice. BEVERLY What happened here? RUSSELL He went into neural metaphasic shock. BEVERLY (puzzled) From leporazine? That's unusual. RUSSELL He couldn't take leporazine, his blood pressure was too low. So I had to try a different treament. BEVERLY A morathial series? RUSSELL No. I tried a new rybotherapy I've been working with. It's called Borathium, and I've had some very good results... Beverly is more surprised than angry. She has trouble believing that Russell would actually do this. BEVERLY You used this man for one of your experiments? RUSSELL Borathium is decades ahead of leporazine or morathial. Beverly starts a slow burn. BEVERLY Morathial would have saved his life. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/11/91 - ACT THREE 36. 37 CONTINUED: RUSSELL His injuries were so severe I don't think any conventional treatment could've saved him. BEVERLY The point is, you didn't even try the standard treatments. RUSSELL I made the choice I thought gave him the best chance of surviving. (with a trace of sarcasm) Isn't that what you would have done? BEVERLY I think you took advantage of the situation in order to test one of your theories -- just like you're trying to do with Worf. Russell eyes her briefly, moves a step closer. RUSSELL That's what this is really about, isn't it? Lieutenant Worf. I'm offering him the chance to recover fully -- a chance you can't give him. BEVERLY What this is about is the kind of medicine you seem to practice. RUSSELL I make no excuses about my approach to medicine. I don't like losing a patient any more than you do. But I'm looking down a long road, Doctor... this man didn't die for nothing -- the data I gathered was invaluable... it will eventually help save thousands of lives. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/10/91 - ACT THREE 36A. 37 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY I doubt that will comfort his family. RUSSELL Let me ask you this: if, some years from now, Borathium therapy were to save the life of someone you loved... would you still condemn me? BEVERLY I won't get drawn into a hypothetical argument, Doctor. Your research on this ship is over. You're relieved from all medical duties until further notice. Is that clear? RUSSELL (ice) Perfectly. The two doctors glare at each other for a moment, and then Russell walks away. On Beverly's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/13/91 - ACT FOUR 37. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 38 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship in orbit. 39 INT. WORF'S SICKBAY ROOM Worf is in bed as Beverly ENTERS. Her attitude is warm, cheerful... this is Beverly at her best, caring for a patient and trying to help him through a difficult time, but Worf isn't going to make this easy for her. His mind is obviously elsewhere. BEVERLY Good morning. WORF Doctor. She checks the diagnostic monitor above the bed, then checks his pulse herself and makes a couple of other hands-on checks of his condition. BEVERLY I'd like to run a couple of tests today... most of it is fairly boring: blood work, molecular studies, things like that. Worf doesn't react to the humor or light tone in Beverly's voice. His mind is obviously elsewhere. WORF Why do you wish to do these tests? BEVERLY I need the data for some preparatory work I've been doing. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/13/91 - ACT FOUR 38. 39 CONTINUED: WORF Work... on the implants? BEVERLY Yes. Worf looks away and his expression hardens. WORF I will not submit to the test. Beat. BEVERLY I'm not trying to pressure you... but we need to have some of this work done in case you change your mind. WORF I have made my decision. I wish to die. BEVERLY There are alternatives other than full recovery and ending your life. The use of neural implants is only one of them. WORF I am not interested. BEVERLY (frustrated) You haven't even heard me out. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - 12/09/91 - ACT FOUR 39. 39 CONTINUED: (2) WORF No! (beat, then quieter) Leave me... please. Beverly looks at him for a beat, but sees no point in continuing this argument. She finally EXITS. 39A INT. BEVERLY'S OFFICE Beverly ENTERS and sits down at her desk. She's had a grueling couple of days and the previous scene with Worf has only added to the strain. She picks up a PADD and then tosses it back on the table in irritation. PICARD Doctor? Beverly looks up in surprise to see Picard standing in the doorway. Picard is quick to pick up on Beverly's frustration and turmoil. PICARD I was on my way to look in on your patient. BEVERLY Be my guest... but don't expect a lot of conversation, he's in full Klingon mode: honorable, strong... and closed-minded. Picard waits a beat... quietly changes the subject for a moment. PICARD I understand you've relieved Doctor Russell of duty. BEVERLY That's right. She's irresponsible. I won't have her practicing medicine on this ship. Picard sits down... adopts a more personal and intimate tone. PICARD Beverly... maybe you should consider letting her go ahead with the genetronic procedure. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/10/91 - ACT FOUR 40. 39A CONTINUED: Beverly looks at him with astonishment. She's been under a lot of stress and her anger and frustration are very near the surface. BEVERLY How can you say that? She has a theory, based on a little empirical data and a lot of supposition... PICARD If he can't make a full recovery... Worf's going to kill himself. BEVERLY (firm) Not in my sickbay, he's not. I'll put him in a restraining field and post security outside the door before I let him commit suicide. Picard keeps his voice low and reasonable, letting Beverly vent her emotions. PICARD How long could you keep him like that? A week... a month... a year? BEVERLY If I have to. Suicide is not an option. (beat) Setting aside for the moment the fact that a paraplegic can live a very full life, there is also a conventional therapy that can restore much of his mobility. PICARD But not all of it. BEVERLY (frustrated) No, not all of it! There are some things I can't fix. Klingon or not, he's got to accept that his condition--- STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/12/91 - ACT FOUR 40A. 39A CONTINUED: (2) Picard breaks in gently, but firmly. PICARD He can't make the journey you're asking of him, Beverly. (beat) You want him to go from contemplating suicide to accepting his condition and living with the disability. But that's too far... the road in between covers a lifetime of values and beliefs... he can't do it. Beverly leans back in the chair and rubs her eyes briefly in fatigue and frustration... she's been having the same argument with herself, and so far she hasn't heard any good options. Picard continues after a beat. PICARD But perhaps he can come part of the way... maybe he can be persuaded to forgo the ritual... in order to take a chance at regaining the kind of life he needs. (beat) A Klingon may not be able to accept defeat... but he knows all about taking risks. Beverly thinks about this for a beat... she's starting to waver a little. Her next argument is not nearly so forceful as her last. BEVERLY Starfleet Medical has rejected her proposals to use genetronics on humanoids three times. PICARD If they were aware of all the circumstances in this case... don't you think it might affect their decision? Beverly thinks for a long beat... she's not so sure they wouldn't agree with Picard. She tries one last argument. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/11/91 - ACT FOUR 40B. 39A CONTINUED: (3) BEVERLY The first tenet of good medicine is don't make the patient any worse. Right now he's alive and functioning... but if he goes into this operation he'll probably come away a corpse. PICARD It may not be good medicine... but for Worf, it may be the only choice. Picard waits for another moment... then finally stands and quietly EXITS, leaving Beverly with a great deal to think about. CUT TO: 39B INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS Riker is carrying a cup of tea and sitting down at his desk. He's been at this for a long time and he's tired. He takes a sip and then turns back to the computer terminal. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - 12/09/91 - ACT FOUR 41. 39B CONTINUED: RIKER (to computer) Continue program. 39C ON TERMINAL (OPTICAL) The screen comes to life and shows a great deal of Klingon text. 39D RESUME SCENE Riker continues reading the information on the screen... suddenly he sees something unexpected... and he begins to get an idea... CUT TO: 39E thru OMITTED 40 41 INT. WORF'S SICKBAY ROOM Worf is lying in bed as Riker ENTERS. Riker is carrying a Klingon ceremonial robe, a knife, and other ceremonial objects. He puts them on the bed. Worf reacts with surprise for a moment... he hadn't expected Riker so soon. But he quickly composes himself and then speaks with great formality. WORF I am ready, Commander. Riker regards Worf for a moment. Riker's definitely got a chip on his shoulder and a hardline attitude. He's not here to meekly go along with this Klingon business and it shows. RIKER I've been studying this ritual of yours, and you know what I've decided? (beat) I think it's despicable. Worf is shocked by this blunt appraisal, but Riker continues without waiting for some kind of response. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/16/91 - ACT FOUR 42. 41 CONTINUED: RIKER I hate everything about it... the casual disregard for life... the way it tries to cloak suicide in some glorious notion of honor. I may have to respect your beliefs... but I don't have to like them. WORF It is not something I expect you to understand. RIKER No... All you really expect me to do is bring you the knife and then walk away, so you can kill yourself in peace. Well, I'm not going to make it that easy for you. WORF It is not easy for me. But each of us must die when his time comes... and my time--- RIKER Do you remember Sandoval? Worf remembers, but does not acknowledge. RIKER Hit by a disruptor blast two years ago. She lived for about a week. How about Fang-lee... Marla Aster... Tasha Yar... how many good men and women -- how many friends have we watched die? Even I've lost count. But every one of them -- every single one -- fought for life until the very end. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/10/91 - ACT FOUR 42A. 41 CONTINUED: (2) WORF I do not welcome death, Commander. RIKER Are you sure? I get the sense you're feeling pretty noble about the whole thing. (mocking) Look at Worf... isn't he courageous? Isn't he an honorable Klingon? Worf glares at him but Riker keeps boring in. RIKER Well, let me remind you of something... a Klingon does not put his own desires above those of his family and friends. (beat) How many people on this ship consider you a friend? How many owe you their lives? Have you given any thought to how you have affected the people around you? And how they might feel about your dying? Worf looks away, not wanting to hear this. RIKER And what about the Klingon Empire? If you hadn't put yourself on the line, the Empire would be ruled by Duras and allied with the Romulans. Maybe you should think about what you still have left to do instead of lying around and -- WORF (a shout) Enough! Riker pulls back and there is a tense beat between the two men. Riker has touched a nerve and Worf takes a moment to restrain his emotions. WORF (quieter) Will you, or will you not, help me with the Hegh'bat? Riker picks up the knife and considers it for a moment. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - 12/09/91 - ACT FOUR 42B. 41 CONTINUED: (3) RIKER You're my friend... and in spite of everything I've said... if it were my place, I'd probably help you. (beat) But I've been studying Klingon law and ritual... and I discovered that it's not my place to fill that role. (beat) According to tradition, that honor falls to a family member... preferably the oldest son. Worf is surprised -- and not happy -- that Riker has discovered this. WORF That is not possible. He is a child. RIKER "The son of a Klingon is a man the day he can first hold a blade." True? WORF Alexander is not fully Klingon... he is part Human. RIKER That's an excuse. What you really mean to say is that it would be too hard for you to look at your son and tell him that he must hand you the knife... watch you stab it into your heart... and then pull the knife from your chest and wipe the blood on his sleeve. (beat) That is the rite of death, isn't it? Worf maintains a stony silence. Riker tosses the knife back on the bed. RIKER I'm sorry, Worf... but I can't help you. There's only one person on board who can do that. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/10/91 - ACT FOUR 43. 41 CONTINUED: (4) Riker EXITS, leaving Worf to make his decision. 41A OMITTED 42 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship at warp. CUT TO: INT. WORF'S SICKBAY ROOM Alexander ENTERS and goes to the bed. Worf is holding the knife... he looks up at his son for a long silent moment. ALEXANDER You... wanted to see me? WORF I need you to help me. ALEXANDER Anything, Father. WORF I've taught you about Klingon customs... the beliefs which we value. (beat) According to tradition, I must take my life after suffering this kind of injury. Alexander looks shaken by this, but tries to be brave. Worf looks at him for a long moment. WORF But I have decided to break with tradition. I have decided to live. Alexander is flooded with relief. ALEXANDER I am glad, Father. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - 12/09/91 - ACT FOUR 44. 43 CONTINUED: WORF I must still undergo a dangerous operation. I may still die. But it will not be by my own hand. He hands the knife to Alexander. WORF Return this to our quarters. ALEXANDER Yes, sir. Alexander turns to go... hesitates... then turns back and impulsively hugs his father. Worf warmly returns the embrace as we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/16/91 - ACT FIVE 45-46. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 44 OMITTED 44A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship at warp. BEVERLY (V.O.) Chief Medical Officer's log, supplemental. After further consultation with Starfleet Medical, and a great deal of soul-searching... I have reluctantly granted Lieutenant Worf's request to undergo the genetronic procedure. 45 INT. WORF'S SICKBAY ROOM Worf is lying in bed, listening to Alexander as Troi looks on. ALEXANDER We started doing multiplications today. The teacher said I'm faster than anybody else in my class. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/10/91 - ACT FIVE 47. 45 CONTINUED: Nurse Ogawa ENTERS and gives them a small smile... they all know it's time to go. Worf looks at Alexander for a moment. WORF We will speak again soon. ALEXANDER Yes, Father. A brief beat and then Alexander gives his father a tight hug. Worf hugs the boy back and then they finally let go. Alexander backs away without another word and EXITS. Worf looks up at Troi. WORF If I die... he must be cared for... TROI I'll make sure he reaches your parents' home safely. WORF No. My parents are elderly. They cannot care for Alexander. (beat) Counselor, I have given this a great deal of thought... I have a serious request to make of you. Would you consider... Worf is more well, intimate, than we've ever seen him... he is too embarrassed to continue... she realizes what he was about to ask... TROI You want me to raise Alexander... ? WORF (softly, warm) I have come to have a great... (unsaid affection) ... respect for you, Deanna. You have been most helpful in guiding me since Alexander's arrival. I cannot imagine anyone who would make a better parent to my son. (beat as they look at each other) If it is too much to ask... STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/18/91 - ACT FIVE 47A. 45 CONTINUED: (2) Troi is surprised and deeply touched by this request. She takes his hand in hers... they share a look for a moment. TROI I'd be honored. Worf nods in satisfaction... then Troi EXITS. Worf watches after her for a beat, then turns to Ogawa. WORF I am ready. CUT TO: 46 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship moving at warp speed. 47 INT. MEDICAL LAB (OPTICAL) The scene is similar to the one we saw earlier in the holodeck, but there is more tension present. Beverly and Ogawa are assisting Russell in the procedure. Everyone is wearing surgical gowns and masks. The surgical clamshell is in place over Worf's back. All the medical talk during surgery should be short and clipped... no time for wasted words or actions here. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/18/91 - ACT FIVE 48-48A. 47 CONTINUED: RUSSELL Focus the drechtal beams on the anterior and posterior spinal roots. Beverly works the clamshell for a moment. BEVERLY Focused. RUSSELL Initiate. A THICK GREEN BEAM comes down from the overheard doughnut and goes into the clamshell. A corresponding GREEN GLOW can be seen underneath the clamshell as the radiation works on Worf's back. BEVERLY (off monitor) All neural connections below the first cervical vertebrae have been separated. She works the clamshell again and the green BEAM STOPS. RUSSELL (to Ogawa) Microtome. Ogawa hands her the instrument. RUSSELL I'm severing the brain stem... (uses instrument at base of Worf's head) Now. Ogawa touches a control at one of the monitors. From now on, the pace picks up even quicker as they now race against the clock. OGAWA Cerebral cortex placed on life support at zero eight thirty-one hours. Three hours twenty-six minutes remaining until onset of primary brain dysfunction. RUSSELL (to Beverly) Okay... let's remove the support frame. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/11/91 - ACT FIVE 49. 47 CONTINUED: (3) They remove the surgical clamshell, exposing Worf's back. BEVERLY (to Ogawa) Exo-scalpel. Ogawa hands her an instrument. Beverly activates the device, producing a thin LASER beam. She uses it to begin making an incision along Worf's back. CUT TO: 48 INT. READY ROOM (OPTICAL) Picard and Riker are looking over some reports on a couple of PADDs, but it's clear that there's something else on both their minds. RIKER I've notified Starfleet that our survey of sector three-seven-six-two-eight will have to be delayed at least a week while we drop off survivors from the Denver. PICARD Good. (beat) I understand Mister La Forge has reported a minor fluctuation in the starboard warp coil. RIKER (acknowledges) I've scheduled a stress simulation routine for this afternoon to check it out. There's a silent pause... neither of them is really interested in these reports. Riker waits for a moment... then in a very quiet voice... RIKER Has there been any word? PICARD No. They both ponder that for a moment... CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/11/91 - ACT FIVE 50. 49 INT. MEDICAL LAB (OPTICAL) Russell and Beverly are working at the genetronic machine seen earlier. Worf's entire SPINAL COLUMN has been placed on the genetronic device and the gleaming white of the bone is in stark contrast to the dark surfaces of the machine. Ogawa is standing near Worf's unconscious form in the b.g., monitoring his signs. RUSSELL (to Beverly) Initiate DNA sequencer. As Beverly works the console, a LASER-LIKE BEAM scans the bone and DNA coding information begins to scroll across a monitor on the machine. They both watch the screen for a moment... BEVERLY Reading initial sequences at ten to the ninth base pairs per second. RUSSELL Once we're past the first two levels, we'll begin the encoding sequence. (turns to Ogawa) Increase TCH levels to--- An ALARM sounds from gentronic device and the LASER STOPS. BEVERLY (concerned) What happened? RUSSELL (reading monitor) The scanner is having trouble reading the Klingon dorsal root ganglia. Russell works the machine for a moment... the LASER APPEARS... then STOPS again. Russell frowns. BEVERLY (concerned) Did this show up in your simulations? RUSSELL Yes... but I thought we'd made sufficient adjustments. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/10/91 - ACT FIVE 50A. 49 CONTINUED: RUSSELL (cont'd) (to Ogawa) Bring me the detronal scanner. Ogawa brings an instrument and Russell points it at the spinal column. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/10/91 - ACT FIVE 51. 49 CONTINUED: (2) RUSSELL I can scan the ganglia manually... it'll just take longer. Beverly looks a question to Ogawa, who then checks a monitor. OGAWA One hour forty-three minutes until primary brain dysfunction. Russell keeps working. CUT TO: 50 OMITTED 51 INT. SICKBAY Troi and Alexander are sitting on the couch. He's halfheartedly playing with some game, but his mind is clearly elsewhere. Troi puts her arm around him and Alexander accepts the comforting gesture. CUT TO: 51A INT. MEDICAL LAB Russell is standing near the genetronic machine while Beverly and Ogawa wait near Worf's body. 52 THE GENETRONIC MACHINE which has a SMALL CLEAR BOX sitting on the machine next to Worf's spinal column. We can see a long, thin piece of tissue which looks like fettucini, floating in some clear liquid in the box. 53 RESUME SCENE Ogawa takes the clear box from the machine and carefully takes it over to the table and sets it down on a nearby cart. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/11/91 - ACT FIVE 52. 53 CONTINUED: RUSSELL (to Ogawa) Forceps. Ogawa hands her two pairs of forceps and Russell uses them to pick up the thin piece of tissue. She and Beverly begin to place the tissue into Worf's back (which is o.c.). RUSSELL (to Beverly) Retract the paraspinal muscle. BEVERLY Got it. (beat) Watch the proximal nerve endings. RUSSELL I see them. Make sure that the cranial segment is at least fifteen centimeters from the brain stem. OGAWA I'm reading a slight fluctuation in the isocortex. BEVERLY Twenty cc's inoprovaline. Ogawa uses the hypospray. RUSSELL (to Beverly) Okay, release the retractors on the paraspinal, please. Beverly works. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/11/91 - ACT FIVE 52A. 53 CONTINUED: (2) RUSSELL How much longer can we keep him on life support? OGAWA Twenty-seven minutes. Russell and Beverly exchange a quick glance. Russell steps back and Ogawa slides the clamshell back into place. RUSSELL (to Ogawa) Close, please. Ogawa works the clamshell for a moment as Russell moves to the genetronic machine. OGAWA Ready. Russell works the genetronic machine for a moment... and LIGHTS flash on the machine in respose. Russell crosses back to the operating table and the three of them watch the screen on the clamshell. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/10/91 - ACT FIVE 53. 54 ON CLAMSHELL (OPTICAL) The monitor screen on the clamshell shows a schematic view of Worf's back and torso. As they work, a new spinal column and cord begins to GROW on the monitor. The effect is similar to watching time-lapse photography of plants or crystals being grown as the bone and nerve endings begin to take form in Worf's back. 55 RESUME SCENE (OPTICAL) As they watch the screen. RUSSELL (pleased) Tissue growth proceeding at the anticipated rate... no initial signs of rejection... As they continue to watch the monitor... CUT TO: 55A INT. SICKBAY Troi is still on the couch... Alexander has fallen asleep in her lap. She strokes the boy's hair for a moment... now that she doesn't have to put up a brave front, we can see the anxiety Troi is actually feeling. 55B INT. MEDICAL LAB (OPTICAL) Beverly and Russell are still watching the clamshell monitor. Ogawa's attention is focused on a monitor. The atmosphere is tense and urgent. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/11/91 - ACT FIVE 54. 55B CONTINUED: RUSSELL Okay. We're ready. Terminate life support. OGAWA Life support disengaged. They turn to watch a group of readouts which show various vital medical information. BEVERLY Looking good so far... For a moment, all seems fine... suddenly all hell seems to break loose as various ALARMS start to go off. The following dialog is overlapping and urgent as they try to save Worf. OGAWA Fluctuations in the isocortex. BEVERLY Forty cc's inoprovaline. Ogawa applies the hypospray. RUSSELL Synaptic response falling. OGAWA BP dropping... now sixty over ten. VeK'tal response falling rapidly. BEVERLY Increase oxygen mixture to ninety-five percent. RUSSELL (working) Beginning direct synaptic stimulation. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/11/91 - ACT FIVE 55. 55B CONTINUED: (2) OGAWA Respiration is shallow and rapid. (beat) No response in the isocortex! BEVERLY Seventy-five cc's inoprovaline. OGAWA Heart rate erratic. RUSSELL He's going into cardiac arrest. BEVERLY Okay... let's go to chlromydride. Fifteen cc's. Ogawa applies another hypospray. RUSSELL We're losing him. OGAWA (off monitor) No BP, no pulse. RUSSELL Brain activity? OGAWA Showing no higher brain functions. BEVERLY All right... twenty-five cc's of cordrazine. RUSSELL That'll kill him. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/11/91 - ACT FIVE 55A. 55B CONTINUED: (3) BEVERLY (bitter) Looks like we've done a pretty good job of that already, Doctor. Ogawa hands Beverly another hypospray and Beverly applies it. They watch the monitors... but there is no sign of life. OGAWA No BP, no pulse... no activity in the isocortex. BEVERLY Cortical stimulator. Ogawa grabs a device and places it on Worf's head. Beverly goes to a monitor showing Worf's brain activity (which is null at this point). BEVERLY Now. Ogawa activates the instrument and Worf's body JERKS slightly. There is a corresponding BURST of activity on the monitor screen... then nothing. BEVERLY Again. RUSSELL Doctor... Again Worf twitches, there is a burst on the screen... and then nothing. BEVERLY (insistent) Again. RUSSELL Beverly. Still nothing on the monitor. There is a very long, quiet beat. Beverly finally takes off her gloves. BEVERLY All right... (to Ogawa) Make a note in the log. (beat) Death occurred at... twelve hundred, forty hours. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/11/91 - ACT FIVE 55B. 55B CONTINUED: (4) They all wait for a moment... then Ogawa begins moving equipment away from Worf and shutting off the monitors. RUSSELL It was all going so well... no anomalies during replication... no initial rejection... Beverly looks up at Russell with bitterness and pain in her eyes. She EXITS. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/10/91 - ACT FIVE 56. 55C INT. SICKBAY Troi and Alexander are still on the couch as Beverly ENTERS, exchanges a look with Troi. TROI (reacts) No... Alexander wakes up at the sound... looks at Beverly... BEVERLY Alexander... I'm so sorry... ALEXANDER I want to see him. TROI Alex... ALEXANDER No. I want to see him! And as Beverly and Troi exchange a glance... CUT TO: 56 OMITTED 56A INT. MEDICAL LAB Beverly, Ogawa, Russell, and Troi watch as Alexander bravely walks over to his father's body, which is still lying on the surgical table. Russell watches, helplessly, in a room where only moments ago she was confident and clearly in charge. Alexander is trying to hold back his tears... to behave like his father would have wanted... he puts his hands on Worf's head... manfully throws back his head and tries to yell a Klingon howl at the ceiling... but his voice breaks and the shout of defiance breaks into a sob and the tears finally begin to roll down his face. Troi quickly moves to him and takes the boy into her arms to comfort him. Beverly, emotionally exhausted, looks on for a moment... her eyes turn to Worf. 56B BEVERLY'S POV Worf's still form on the table... suddenly his neck stiffens, chin snaps back slightly and he takes in a quick, shallow breath... holds it for a beat... then releases it. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/11/91 - ACT FIVE 56A. 56C BEVERLY takes a moment to realize what's happening, then she reacts and races over to Worf. BEVERLY (to Ogawa) Activate biomonitors. Twenty-five cc's polyadrenaline. Ogawa turns on a few of the monitors in the b.g. and hands Beverly a hypospray. Troi and Alexander look up with curiosity. Beverly moves to the monitors and begins to scan them quickly... they all still show nothing. RUSSELL What's going on? BEVERLY (still looking at monitors) I'm not sure... (beat, realizing) But, if I'm right, one of those "unnecessary redundancies" might be--- OGAWA Doctor! They all look at Ogawa's monitor, which is beginning to show an irregular HEART BEAT. BEVERLY That's it! Begin cardio-aid and ventilation. More and more monitors begin to come to life and show a living body once again. BEVERLY (amazed) Look at that... he must have a backup for his synaptic functions as well. OGAWA Vital signs are stabilizing... Alexander hugs Troi with joy as relief sweeps the room. CUT TO: 57 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship in orbit around the planet seen in the Teaser. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - REV. 12/12/91 - ACT FIVE 56B. 58 INT. BEVERLY'S OFFICE Beverly is at her desk as Russell ENTERS from sickbay. Russell's attitude is light and pleasant. RUSSELL Well, I'd say your patient's recovery is going well. I've never seen anyone up on their feet so soon after this kind of surgery. Beverly doesn't answer, but turns to look at a PADD sitting on her desk. Russell's light manner falls away as she realizes that Beverly isn't going to let bygones be bygones. RUSSELL You're not even going to acknowledge what I did for him are you? You just can't admit that it was my research which made this possible. Beverly looks up and considers Russell for a moment. BEVERLY I'm delighted that Worf is going to recover. You gambled. He won. Most of your patients aren't so lucky. (beat) You scare me, Doctor. You risk peoples' lives and justify it in the name of research. But genuine research takes time... sometimes a lifetime of painstaking, detailed work to get results. Not you -- you take shortcuts... right through living tissue. You put your "research" ahead of your patients, and as far as I'm concerned, that's a violation of our most sacred trust. (beat) No one remembers the patients who died unnecessarily... not in the glow of a remarkable achievement like this one, do they? I'm sure the work you've done here will be hailed as a stunning breakthrough. Enjoy your laurels, Doctor. I'm not sure I could. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - 12/09/91 - ACT FIVE 57. 58 CONTINUED: Beverly turns away from Russell and picks up the PADD again. Russell watches her for a moment... then EXITS. CUT TO: 59 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship leaves orbit and goes into warp. 60 INT. WORF'S SICKBAY ROOM Worf is standing between two parallel bars which are at waist level. Some of his weight is on his arms, which are tightly gripping the bars, but he is making good progress as he tries to walk. Troi, Beverly, and Alexander stand off to one side and watch. BEVERLY I told you this would take time, Worf. Worf struggles to lurch forward another step. BEVERLY Your muscles are still sorting out the new neural inputs... don't rush it. STAR TREK: "Ethics" - 12/09/91 - ACT FIVE 58. 60 CONTINUED: Worf moves forward another step and his leg falters... he almost falls, but catches himself on the bars. Alexander almost rushes over, but Troi gently puts a hand on his shoulder. TROI (softly) Alexander, remember what we talked about. Your father wants to do this by himself. Alexander nods reluctantly and waits with Troi. 61 WORF Steadies himself again... he looks at Alexander for a moment... sees the look of concern and helplessness on the boy's face. Worf thinks for a few seconds and then turns to Troi. WORF It's all right, Counselor. I would... appreciate some help from my son. Alexander's face lights up and he runs over to his father and helps him to straighten out his leg. WORF (to Alexander) We will... work together. ALEXANDER Yes, sir. They share a moment together and now with his son at his side, Worf resolutely begins to put one foot forward again. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END