STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Outcast" #40275-217 Teleplay by Jeri Taylor Directed by Robert Scheerer THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1992 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT JANUARY 2, 1992 STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Outcast" CAST PICARD SOREN RIKER KRITE DATA NOOR BEVERLY TROI GEORDI WORF Non-Speaking Non-Speaking SUPERNUMERARIES MISC. J'NAII STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Outcast" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM SHUTTLE TEN FORWARD SICKBAY ENGINEERING SHUTTLE BAY CORRIDOR DATA'S QUARTERS (POKER GAME) TROI'S QUARTERS RIKER'S QUARTERS SHUTTLE J'NAII PLANET CIVIC CHAMBER COURTYARD GARDEN WOODS STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Outcast" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at impulse. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 45614.6. We have been contacted by an androgynous race called the J'naii to investigate the disappearance of a shuttlecraft. 2 INT. BRIDGE PICARD, RIKER, WORF, DATA, SUPERNUMERARIES, and several J'naii, including SOREN and KRITE. The J'naii are a genderless species; Soren and Krite, like the others, possess no demonstrable sexual characteristics. All the J'naii look remarkably alike: strikingly attractive, with lithe, slim bodies and chiseled, delicate features. Soren is near Riker; Krite at an aft station. DATA We are approaching the designated coordinates, Captain. PICARD On screen. 2A ANGLE - VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) It shows the starfield -- no sign of a shuttlecraft. PICARD Long-range scan, Mister Data. Data enters commands. DATA Sensors find no evidence of the shuttle anywhere within the star system. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - TEASER 2. 2A CONTINUED: SOREN It couldn't have travelled outside the system. RIKER Mister Data, reconfigure for a high-resolution sweep with a radius of one million kilometers. Look for possible debris. Data works controls once more. DATA Scan shows no debris within that radius. KRITE I don't understand it. A shuttle doesn't simply vanish. Soren turns to Riker, frustrated. SOREN There has to be an explanation... But before Riker can answer-- STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - TEASER 3. 2A CONTINUED: (2) DATA Captain, I am detecting an unusual reading... It appears to be a neutrino emission with no visible source. PICARD Explanation? DATA I have none. I recommend we launch a probe. PICARD Make it so. Soren peers intently at the viewscreen. WORF The probe is launched. A probe shoots off from the Enterprise and is clearly visible on the viewscreen. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - TEASER 4. 2A CONTINUED: (3) DATA The probe is transmitting information within normal parameters. Sensors do not show evidence of any unusual phenomenon -- Suddenly the probe vanishes from the screen, and from Data's instruments. DATA The probe is no longer transmitting. SOREN What happened? Where did it go? And on the various reactions around the bridge -- 2B thru OMITTED 2C FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT ONE 5. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 3 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit around a blue-green planet. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, supplemental. The sudden disappearance of our probe suggests that we may have found the first instance of what is called null space -- an anomaly which until now had been only theoretical. Commander Riker has been working around the clock with a team of J'naii specialists to formalize this hypothesis. 4 INT. J'NAII CIVIC CHAMBER - DAY (OPTICAL) Riker, Soren, Krite, NOOR (head of government), and other J'naii leaders are gathered to discuss the situation. The room is not huge -- just larger than the observation lounge. Soren and Riker are standing near a monitor in the wall, upon which an Okudagram illustrates the gases and vapors that swirl into the formation of a star. SOREN During the creation of a star system, when clouds of interstellar dust and gas coalesce... turbulent regions of magnetic and gravitational fields may develop. The monitor reflects this, showing dense fields of disturbance. SOREN If certain conditions occur, these fields can condense into abnormal pockets of space. Soren turns and glances at Riker. He and Soren have been working together on this project, and there's already an easy familiarity between them. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT ONE 6. 4 CONTINUED: RIKER We think your system contains one of these null pockets. Riker pushes controls and the monitor shows a star system in which one section, or "pocket" is significantly different from the space surrounding it. Riker points to it. RIKER If we're right, this pocket would absorb electromagnetic energy from anything that entered it... SOREN Like a shuttlecraft. RIKER Or a probe. Making them powerless. SOREN But outside the pocket, all energy is bent around it -- making it naturally cloaked. That's why we can't see it, and sensors don't read it. NOOR Is the shuttle still there? RIKER We think so. The ship probably couldn't sustain its power... but other than that it wouldn't be damaged. SOREN Since our shuttles carry plestorene-based backup systems, we think life support would sustain for as long as ten days. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT ONE 7. 4 CONTINUED: (2) NOOR Then perhaps our crew has survived... RIKER We can send one of our shuttles into the null space -- but its energy output would be absorbed as well. Our chief engineer is working on a way to maintain the power reserves long enough to rescue your crew. NOOR Commander... we're grateful for your help. (rising) Whatever resources we can provide are yours. Noor heads for the door, followed by the others. Riker turns to Soren. SOREN I've been thinking... when the time comes, I'd like to pilot the shuttle. Riker is a little surprised at this. RIKER It's a Starfleet craft... SOREN I can't ask you to put yourself in danger to rescue our crew. RIKER You can't pilot a shuttle you're not familiar with. Soren hesitates, realizing the truth of what he's saying... but not wanting to give up. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT ONE 7A. 4 CONTINUED: (3) SOREN I happen to be a good pilot... A beat. RIKER I happen to be a good pilot, too. I also know my way around Starfleet shuttles. So... what if we team up? Soren considers, looks at him, smiles. SOREN When can we go over your shuttle flight operations? RIKER Right now. And he gestures Soren out of the room. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT ONE 8. 5 INT. SHUTTLE BAY Riker and Soren walk around the shuttlecraft. RIKER It's a short-range craft... with two twelve-hundred fifty millicochrane warp engines... SOREN Looks like microfusion thrusters... RIKER Right. SOREN Armament? RIKER Usually none. But it's been fitted with two type-four phaser emitters... we'll use them to chart the null space. SOREN (puzzled) Chart it? RIKER Commander La Forge wants to get an idea of how big this pocket is. He thinks the rate of energy absorption will be linked to its size. SOREN I'm not sure how we go about mapping something we can't see... RIKER That's where the emitters come in. We'll shoot a series of photon pulses into the pocket and chart the points where they disappear. We should be able to plot a fairly complete outline that way. Soren gives him a look and smiles, nodding. She turns to ENTER the shuttle. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT ONE 9. 5 CONTINUED: SOREN Let's take a look at the controls. Soren enters the shuttlecraft, followed by Riker. 5A INT. SHUTTLE They sit at the controls. RIKER Maybe later we can try a flight simulation, but first let's do a systems review. (taps controls) I'll walk you through it... Soren gives him a quick look, puts hands on the controls. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT ONE 10. 5B CLOSE ON MONITOR (OPTICAL) The monitor on the panel jumps to life, scrolling through a systems review. 5C BACK TO SCENE SOREN Propulsion system... transfer conduits... where's the schematic of the reactor assembly? Oh, there it is... engine nacelles... She looks over at Riker, who is watching her go through the review at top speed. SOREN There's nothing here that's unfamiliar. She continues manipulating the console like a pro. SOREN Navigational deflector... redundant graviton polarity source generators... Riker is watching in admiration. RIKER You're handling those controls like you grew up in a shuttle... SOREN I did. My parents were pilots. I started flying with them before I could walk. And as soon as I was old enough, I entered flight school. Krite was my instructor. RIKER He had a good student. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT ONE 11. 5C CONTINUED: Soren looks at him, coolly amused. SOREN "He?" Commander, there are no "he's" or "she's" in a species without gender. Riker grins, throws up his hands. RIKER Okay. For two days I've been trying to construct sentences without personal pronouns. I give up... what should I say? "It?" To us, that's almost rude. SOREN We use a pronoun which is neutral. But it doesn't really have a translation. RIKER (good-naturedly) Then I'll just have to muddle through... so be tolerant if a stray "he" or "she" slips by, okay? Soren smiles at him and they work for a beat more. SOREN Well, if that's the systems review, I don't see any problems here. What's next? Riker smiles in admiration for this quick study. RIKER Lunch. Soren looks at him. Smiles. 6 thru OMITTED 7 8 INT. TEN FORWARD Riker at a table with Soren. In the background, beyond them, is a couple in intimate conversation, heads close. We will see them later. A waiter has just set bowls of soup on Riker's table. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT ONE 12. 8 CONTINUED: Soren peers down at it, puzzled. SOREN What is it? RIKER Split pea soup. My father's recipe. I had it programmed into the replicators. Soren takes a spoonful, touches her tongue to it. (NOTE: From this point on, for the sake of convenience, feminine pronouns will be used in reference to Soren.) She tastes it, is not displeased, takes a little more. RIKER Well? SOREN Unusual... but I think I like it... RIKER It's very healthy. Helps keep you warm on a cold Alaskan night. SOREN We prefer to stay warm by sleeping with a friend. The statement is startling in its casualness. Riker looks at her, taken aback. RIKER I see... SOREN (explaining) Not to mate... just to sleep together. For warmth. RIKER Sounds better than pea soup. Soren gives him a direct, penetrating look. SOREN We are puzzling to you, aren't we? STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT ONE 13. 8 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER A little. It's hard to grasp the idea of having no gender... SOREN It's just as hard for us to understand the strange division you have in your species... males and females. Riker can't help but smile. Soren's gaze drifts to the couple in the corner, who are being openly affectionate with each other. SOREN You... are male. Riker nods, not certain where this is leading. SOREN Tell me... about males. What is it that makes you different from females? A tall order. Riker considers. RIKER Snips and snails and puppy dog's tails... She stares at him, dumbfounded. SOREN You have a dog's tail? RIKER (laughing) That's an old nursery rhyme. Girls are made of sugar and spice. Boys are made of snips and snails... STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT ONE 14. 8 CONTINUED: (3) SOREN That makes it sound better to be female. RIKER It's an old fashioned way of looking at the sexes. Not to say that there aren't real differences. Physically, men tend to be bigger... stronger in the upper body. We have different sexual organs. Men don't bear young... SOREN What about... feelings? Emotional attitudes? Are they different? RIKER Well... most people think so. But that's the kind of question that might take an hour or two to answer. She smiles and glances again at the affectionate couple. RIKER Let me ask you... (struggling a bit) What's it like... on a planet where the people have no gender? She gives him a curious look. SOREN I'm afraid I don't understand. RIKER Well... who leads when you dance? If you dance... SOREN We do... and... whoever's taller leads. She gives him a direct look, and he can't tell whether she's kidding or not. He keeps it in a playful mode. RIKER Without the "battle of the sexes"... you probably don't have as many arguments... STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT ONE 14A. 8 CONTINUED: (4) She regards him with amusement. SOREN Just because we don't have gender doesn't mean we don't have conflict. We're very strong- minded... we love a good fight. He eyes her, taken by her wit and her forthrightness. RIKER Sounds like there aren't that many differences between your species and mine... She smiles, looking directly at him. SOREN Maybe not. Soren hesitates only briefly before the next question, which she asks casually. SOREN What kind of woman do you find attractive? Riker gives her a slight look, wondering where this questioning is coming from. RIKER I like a woman who's intelligent and sure of herself... somebody I can talk to and get something back. (beat) But the most important thing of all -- she has to laugh at my jokes. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT ONE 15. 8 CONTINUED: (5) Soren does. SOREN And is that the kind of woman all human males prefer? RIKER Not at all. Some men like quiet, demure women... others prefer a lot of energy... some respond only to physical attractiveness... others couldn't care less. There aren't any rules. She smiles at him. Her eyes flicker over to the couple, who exchange a brief kiss. SOREN You make it sound very complex. RIKER Believe me -- it is. Soren looks into his eyes. A subtle but unmistakable change comes over her... the look is seductive. Her voice takes on a sensuous tone. SOREN Perhaps it is that complexity... which makes differences in the sexes... so interesting. She smiles at him, leaning forward slightly, waiting for a response. Riker is taken aback. He stares at her, not sure how to respond. He is rescued from the dilemma by the arrival of Krite, who approaches the table from behind Soren. KRITE Good evening, Commander. RIKER Good evening. SOREN (rising) Please take my place, Krite. I have to be going. Riker looks up at her; she has undergone another transformation. Gone is the seductiveness, the alluring voice, the pliant body language. She is erect and formal -- a typical J'naii. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT ONE 15A. 8 CONTINUED: (6) SOREN Thank you for going over the flight protocols, Commander. It's been very helpful. And she walks away, Riker looking after her, puzzled. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT TWO 16. ACT TWO FADE IN: 10 EXT. SPACE - SHUTTLE AND ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as the shuttle moves away from the Enterprise. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 45616.3. Commander Riker and the J'naii pilot have set out on a mission to chart the null space pocket. If they are successful, we can then proceed with a rescue attempt. 11 INT. SHUTTLE (OPTICAL) Riker and Soren. SOREN I've illuminated the delta-four grid map. We can start there and then expand. RIKER Stand by forward phaser array... Riker hits controls, and he and Soren begin their collaborative charting effort. 12 EXT. SPACE - THE SHUTTLE (OPTICAL) A thin stream shoots from the shuttle but quickly runs into an "invisible wall" -- the stream disappearing into the null space. 13 INT. SHUTTLE as Soren measures. SOREN The pulse vanished at delta four-point-two by point three. RIKER Firing second burst... SOREN Delta four-point-four by point five. Riker glances at the monitor. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/6/92 - ACT TWO 17. 13AA ANGLE - MONITOR (OPTICAL) which shows a gradually lengthening curved line -- the outline of the null space pocket. RIKER It's working. I think we'll be able to give Commander La Forge the information he needs. SOREN Delta four-point-five by point seven... RIKER I'm initiating computer task hand-off... 13AB RIKER AND SOREN (OPTICAL) as they settle into an easy rhythm, a give-and-take that becomes unspoken as they anticipate and respond to each other's moves. Presently, Soren glances over at him. SOREN Commander... tell me about your sexual organs. Riker gives her a startled look. RIKER Ahhh... SOREN Is that an uncomfortable subject for Humans? RIKER No... but it doesn't tend to be a topic of casual conversation... SOREN I'm interested in your mating practices... what is involved when there are two sexes. Riker takes refuge in a moment of distraction from their mapping project. RIKER Correcting course... zero-two-one mark zero... STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT TWO 18. 13AB CONTINUED: The graph is gradually taking fuller shape, delineating the outline of the null pocket. Soren looks at him... he looks over at her, sees her watching, waiting for his response. SOREN Mating. RIKER Right. Well, it's pretty simple. The men inseminate the women and the women carry the babies. Soren absorbs this. SOREN Our fetuses are incubated in fibrous husks which both parents inseminate. From what we know of other species, our method is less risky and less painful. RIKER (to himself) And less enjoyable... SOREN (hearing him) Less enjoyable? RIKER (trying to explain) For Humans... the sexual act brings a closeness... an intimacy... it's a very pleasurable experience... (beat: on the other hand) Inseminating a husk... Soren laughs at this. SOREN That's just the last step. Mating is a long ritual for us... full of variety and invention... I assure you -- it's extremely pleasurable. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT TWO 18A. 13AB CONTINUED: (2) Riker turns his attention to the controls once more. RIKER I'm picking up a neutrino emission... from within the null space. SOREN That may be coming from our shuttle. I'll note these coordinates. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT TWO 19. 13AB CONTINUED: (3) They work for a moment in silence, then -- SOREN I wonder... A beat. RIKER What... ? SOREN If a Human and a J'naii would be sexually compatible... A provocative question. Riker doesn't know where it's coming from. RIKER I don't know... SOREN Of course, it would never be permitted. RIKER Why not? SOREN The idea of gender... it's offensive to my people. You see, long ago we had two sexes, as you do. But we evolved... into a higher form. (beat) I don't mean to sound insulting... but on my planet we've been taught that gender is... (struggling for the least offensive word) ...primitive. RIKER (good naturedly) Primitive. SOREN Less evolved... RIKER Maybe so. But sometimes there's a lot to be said for an experience that's... primitive. She gives him a look... then turns to her controls. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/6/92 - ACT TWO 19A. 13AB CONTINUED: (4) SOREN Delta-five grid is fully plotted... RIKER (checking monitor) Adjusting course... zero-two-nine mark zero. 13A EXT. SPACE - THE SHUTTLE (OPTICAL) as it turns slightly to port, the port engine nacelle suddenly disappears, the re-appears. The shuttle starts to go into a spin. 13B INT. SHUTTLE where things are suddenly going crazy. The shuttle rolls wildly as Soren and Riker try to regain control. RIKER The port engine is down... SOREN Reducing power in the starboard nacelle... RIKER That's not enough... I have to activate the maneuvering thrusters to correct the spin... He keys controls. SOREN Thrusters aren't responding... She gets out of her seat and moves toward a wall panel. SOREN I'll try to reroute the firing sequence... RIKER Inertial dampers are failing... hang on! STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/6/92 - ACT TWO 19B. 13B CONTINUED: Riker fights to correct the spin. But a wild roll flips Soren and topples her onto the deck. GEORDI'S COM VOICE Enterprise to shuttle... do you read me? RIKER Affirmative... we've lost an engine... GEORDI'S COM VOICE We'll try to get a tractor beam on you... Riker is being pinned back in his seat by the G forces. RIKER (with difficulty) The sooner the better... STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/6/92 - ACT TWO 20. 13B CONTINUED: (2) And the shuttle gradually stabilizes. As it comes under control... RIKER Enterprise, we have an injury. Transport Soren directly to sickbay. GEORDI'S COM VOICE Right away, Commander. And on Riker's concern -- 14 thru OMITTED 15 15A EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise at rest. 16 INT. SICKBAY Beverly ministers to Soren, who is sitting on a bio-bed. BEVERLY It's just a mild concussion... You're going to be fine. (using tricorder) This will reduce the inflammation. She works for a beat, then -- SOREN Doctor... you are female. Beverly looks at her curiously. BEVERLY Yes... SOREN Forgive me... I don't mean to be rude... but I'm curious. What is it like? A question Beverly's rarely had to consider. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT TWO 20A. 16 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Well... it's... just the way I am. I've never thought about what it's like. SOREN What is it that makes you female? STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT TWO 21. 16 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Very specific biological factors. Females carry two X chromosomes, males carry an X and a Y. Hormone levels are distinctly different; males produce primarily testosterone, while women produce estrogen. Our sexual organs are very different -- females' are geared to bearing and nursing the young. Soren takes this in for a moment. SOREN I've noticed... that you tend to have longer hair... you arrange it more elaborately... and you apply color to your bodies. Beverly is bemused by this objective assessment. BEVERLY Color... ? SOREN You put color on your mouths... your eyes... your cheeks... even your fingernails. The men don't. BEVERLY That's true... SOREN Why do you decorate yourselves like that? BEVERLY It's a long-time custom... we're used to it... (beat -- with a smile) ... but I think the real reason -- is to attract men. SOREN Really? BEVERLY Mmmm-hmmmm... Soren ponders this a moment. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT TWO 21A. 16 CONTINUED: (2) SOREN Then... it's up to women to attract the men? BEVERLY Oh, believe me, men want to be attractive, too -- but they go about it differently. SOREN No color... BEVERLY No color. They'd rather pretend they're not doing anything to attract a woman... even when it's the most important thing on their minds. SOREN It's very confusing. (beat) Are women considered superior? Or are men? BEVERLY Neither. In the past, women were often considered weak and inferior. But that hasn't been true for a long time. SOREN Do you... enjoy being a woman? Beverly thinks, decides, smiles. BEVERLY Yes. As a matter of fact, I enjoy it a lot. Soren smiles at her, and at this point Riker ENTERS. BEVERLY Will... your co-pilot is fine. The injury was minor. Riker's smile toward Soren is relieved. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/6/92 - ACT TWO 22. 16 CONTINUED: (4) RIKER I'm glad to hear it. Riker approaches her, and during the next, Beverly picks up on the attitude... subtle but unmistakeable... that Soren is very attracted to Riker. SOREN (lightly) I'm afraid you're not rid of me yet, Commander. I'll be able to complete the mission. RIKER Then you should hear my new regulation: no more gymnastics in the shuttlecraft. She smiles. He looks at her, a more serious tone in his voice. RIKER I'm glad you're all right... She hears the concern in his voice, flushes slightly, looks down. She seems unaccountably nervous, and Beverly takes note. SOREN What happened... why did the shuttle go into a spin? RIKER Apparently, the port engine nacelle nicked one of the protrusions from the null pocket, and shut down. SOREN Are we still on schedule for the rescue attempt? RIKER That depends on how you're doing. She slips off the bed. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT TWO 22A. 16 CONTINUED: (4) SOREN I'm fine. We should check out the port engine -- Riker puts his hands on her shoulders to restrain her. She stops instantly, as though the touch has electrified her. RIKER Whoa... let's get the doctor's opinion first... He takes his hands off her shoulders and she takes a breath, turns to Beverly. SOREN Doctor... ? BEVERLY I don't see a problem. But if you have any symptoms... headache, dizziness -- come back. SOREN You have my word. They EXIT, and Beverly looks after them, wondering if she saw something -- something personal -- happening between them. 17 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS A poker game in session -- Data, Worf, Troi, Beverly. Troi is shuffling. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT TWO 23. 17 CONTINUED: TROI All right... this round, the game is -- Federation Day. Worf reacts with distaste. WORF What is that? TROI The Federation was founded in Twenty-one-sixty-one. So twos, sixes, and aces are wild. Worf looks almost queasy. WORF That is a woman's game. TROI (unbothered) Oh? Why is that? She proceeds to deal. WORF All those wild cards... they support a weak hand. A man's game has no wild cards. BEVERLY Let me get this straight. Are you saying it's a woman's game because -- because women are weak and need more help? WORF (why else?) Yes. BEVERLY (with a sigh) And just this afternoon I was insisting to one of the J'naii that those attitudes were nothing but a distant memory. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT TWO 24. 17 CONTINUED: (2) WORF (a touch of scorn) The J'naii... He arranges his cards. WORF They bother me. TROI Why, Worf? WORF They just do. She gives him a penetrating look. WORF They are all alike. No males. No females. TROI I'm sure we're just as strange to them. Worf gives her an incredulous look. BEVERLY Well, one of them seems to be overcoming the differences... at least with regard to one of us... They stare at her, uncomprehending. WORF What are you saying, Doctor? BEVERLY I could be wrong... but I get the definite impression that Soren... is attracted to Commander Riker. They all take this in. Worf is certain in his pronouncement. WORF A human and a J'naii? Impossible. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT TWO 25. 17 CONTINUED: (3) DATA (puzzled) Why? A long silence. TROI Good question. Worf? Worf grunts and buries his nose in his cards. WORF With all the wild cards, it is difficult to know exactly what is in my hand. (beat) However, I will open with... fifty. Smiling, he pushes chips into the middle. The others reevaluate their hands. 18 OMITTED 18A INT. SHUTTLE Soren and Riker working on panels and controls inside the shuttle. SOREN The port engine nacelle functions are fully restored... maneuvering thrusters are operational... STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/6/92 - ACT TWO 26. 18A CONTINUED: RIKER The portable transporter array is in. Once we get into null space, we'll have to initialize it before we transport the J'naii crew to this shuttle. But there should still be enough power left to beam all of us back to the Enterprise. SOREN Is the buffer field generator installed? RIKER Not yet. Geordi figures it'll be ready to go at oh-eight-hundred hours tomorrow. (to Soren) We should adjust the engine balance before that. Can you access the starboard thrust manifold? She squeezes her self next to Riker, sitting on the floor with her back to the wall. They are pressed close. She now accesses the thrust manifold. SOREN There... RIKER Okay, calibrate it to arc at six-point-three while I optimize the plasma flow. They work together for a beat. Riker is concentrating intensely on his work. Soren sneaks a glance over at him. Makes a decision. Takes a breath. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/6/92 - ACT TWO 26A. 18A CONTINUED: (2) SOREN Commander... RIKER Mmmmm? SOREN I'd like... to tell you something. Something that's not easy to say. RIKER (still involved in work) What's that? SOREN I... find you attractive. Riker stops his work, turns to look at her. SOREN I'm taking a terrible risk, telling you that. It means... revealing something to you... Something that, if it were known on my planet, would be very dangerous for me. He stares at her, not knowing what she means. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT TWO 27. 18A CONTINUED: (3) As Soren reveals her story, she is at first halting, uncertain, and timorous. SOREN Occasionally, among my people, a few are born who are -- different. Who are throwbacks to the era when we all had gender. Some are born with strong inclinations toward maleness... and some have urges to be female. (beat) I am one of the latter. RIKER I have to admit... I got the feeling you were different. SOREN I was hoping you would. But in front of Krite and the others, I must be careful not to reveal myself. RIKER Why? SOREN On our world these feelings are forbidden. Those who are discovered are shamed and ridiculed. Only by undergoing psychotectic therapy and having all elements of gender eliminated can they become accepted into society again. Riker is dismayed by her story. SOREN Those of us who have these urges... live secret, guarded lives. (MORE) STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/6/92 - ACT TWO 28. 18A CONTINUED: (4) SOREN (cont'd) We seek each other out... always hiding, always terrified of being discovered... Riker is a bit overwhelmed by all this. His mind struggles to accommodate the bizarre story she is telling. RIKER How long have you known you were like this? SOREN I've known I was different all my life. But I didn't understand how or why until I was older. RIKER And when you realized... what then? Soren pauses a moment, searching to provide a context for the answer. SOREN I remember when I was very young... before I understood what I was... there was a rumor in my school that one of the students preferred a gender... in that case, male. The children started making fun of him... every day, they got more cruel... They could tell he was afraid... and that seemed to encourage them. (beat) He appeared in class one morning, bleeding... his clothes ripped. He said he'd fallen down. She takes a breath, trying to regain composure in the face of this ugly memory. SOREN Of course the school authorities heard about it... They took him away and gave him psychotectic treatments. (MORE) STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/6/92 - ACT TWO 28A. 18A CONTINUED: (5) SOREN (cont'd) (beat) When he came back... he stood in front of the whole school and told us how happy he was now that he had been cured. There is a long silence. SOREN After that... I knew how dangerous it was to be different. And as I got older, and realized what I was, I was terrified. (a breath) I've lived with that fear ever since. RIKER Do you have... relationships... with others? SOREN Yes -- with those who have discovered they are male. Riker stares at her, mind reeling. She lifts a hand and touches his face, gently. SOREN I've had to live a life of pretense and lies. With you... I can be honest. He starts to speak, but she covers his lips with her fingers. SOREN Don't say anything. Just... think about it. They look into each other's eyes for a moment more, then Soren wriggles out and moves out of the shuttle. Riker stares after her, a myriad thoughts and emotions overwhelming him. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT THREE 29. ACT THREE FADE IN: 19 INT. SHUTTLE BAY Riker and Soren are preparing for the mission launch. They are strangely silent, not meeting the other's eye. Geordi emerges from the shuttle, where he's made a flight check. GEORDI Okay, Commander, everything checks out. The energy buffer is installed and functioning. I estimate it should reduce the power drain to your systems by about forty percent. RIKER Any guess how long we'll have? GEORDI Let just say... you don't want to waste any time once you get in there. Geordi looks from Riker to Soren. GEORDI (to Soren) You'll have to give him continuous readouts on energy consumption. I can't even predict if the drain will be at a constant rate. SOREN I understand. She casts a glance at Riker, who isn't looking at her. Geordi looks from one to the other. GEORDI Then... that's it. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT THREE 30. 19 CONTINUED: Now Riker and Soren exchange glances. He gestures her into the shuttle. She nods and ENTERS. GEORDI I'll monitor you as far as I can, Commander. But once you get into that pocket -- you're on your own. RIKER Since we don't know the condition of the shuttle crew, I'll beam us all directly to sickbay. GEORDI I'll notify Doctor Crusher to be standing by. Riker ENTERS the shuttle, closes the doors. Geordi touches his combadge. GEORDI La Forge to bridge... PICARD'S COM VOICE Picard here... GEORDI We're ready to initiate shuttle prelaunch sequence. He turns and EXITS. 20 INT. BRIDGE Picard, Data, Worf, N.D.'s, and Krite at a science station. PICARD Proceed, Mister Data. DATA (working controls) Prelaunch sequence is underway. RIKER'S COM VOICE Request flight clearance. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT THREE 31. 20 CONTINUED: DATA Clearance is granted. (beat) The shuttle is underway. PICARD Good hunting, Commander. RIKER'S COM VOICE Thank you, sir. See you for dinner. 21 INT. SHUTTLE Riker and Soren. RIKER Heading three-five-five mark zero-one-two. SOREN Heading confirmed. They fly in silence for a moment, each busy with controls. SOREN Energy readings are normal, with power reserves stabilized at one hundred percent. RIKER Acknowledged. SOREN It's dead ahead, approximately fifty kilometers. RIKER Riker to Enterprise. We're going in. Riker pushes controls and the ship moves forward. 22 EXT. SPACE - THE SHUTTLE (OPTICAL) as it moves forward... and, as it reaches the "pocket," begins disappearing -- starting with the nose and gradually all the way down the body of the craft. Then, it is gone. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT THREE 32. 23 OMITTED 24 INT. SHUTTLE (OPTICAL) Through the front window, we see a white glare -- null space. RIKER (testing) Riker to Enterprise... (beat) Riker to Enterprise... No answer. SOREN (checking instruments) Power reserves are down to eighty-four percent. RIKER Look... She looks up to see -- 25 ANGLE THROUGH WINDOW (OPTICAL) revealing the J'naii shuttle, very small, in the distance. RIKER Try hailing them... SOREN Calling the "Taris Murn... " Do you read me? There is no response. Worried, she turns to Riker. RIKER I'm getting sensor readings. They're unconscious -- but they're alive. (beat) Stand by. I'm going to transport them over here. SOREN Power reserves at sixty-eight percent and dropping. Riker keys controls. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/6/92 - ACT THREE 33. 26 ANGLE - INCLUDING REAR OF SHUTTLE (OPTICAL) The shimmering EFFECT of MATERIALIZATION begins, showing the shape of two unconscious forms. But the signal doesn't hold and the EFFECT shimmers away. RIKER The null space must be affecting the annular confinement beam... SOREN We used ten megajoules with that attempt. We're down to thirty-four percent of reserves. RIKER We can give it one more try. More than that and we won't have enough power to get ourselves out of here. Grimly, he keys controls again. The EFFECT shimmers in, fades, reappears, pulses -- and, finally, holds, as the two unconscious J'naii MATERIALIZE on the rear deck of the shuttle. Soren immediately gets to her feet and goes to them, inspects them. SOREN They need medical attention quickly. Riker rises and joins the huddle of figures. RIKER Okay. Stand by to transport to the Enterprise. He turns to a panel on the wall and enters coordinates. RIKER Here we go... The EFFECT shimmers in again, DEMATERIALIZING the group of four. There is an instant of clear screen, as though they've made it -- but then they SHIMMER back into view, then pulse a few more times, as though the transporter is giving its all. But finally, the group MATERIALIZES onto the rear deck of the shuttle, intact -- and still inside null space. Riker and Soren look at each other. It didn't work. RIKER Energy consumption? STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/6/92 - ACT THREE 34. 26 CONTINUED: SOREN (checking controls) We're down to nine percent. Will, we don't have enough to get back. Riker thinks for a moment, mind racing to figure a way out of this predicament. Soren is using a tricorder, inspecting the unconscious shuttle crew. RIKER If we just sit here, we'll lose all our systems within an hour -- including life support. Riker turns to the controls, begins tapping instructions. RIKER I'm rerouting the propulsion system to the transporter... (to Soren) Rechannel the navigation systems... Soren obeys, working quickly. RIKER Let's transfer every microjoule of energy we've got... sensors... life support... this might give us one last shot. SOREN An energy shift of that size... it'll overload the phase compensators... the shuttle -- RIKER Will explode. But if we stay here we're dead, anyway. He works his controls once more. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT THREE 35. 26 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER Maximum energy levels in five seconds... He watches the console, monitoring the energy surge. A HUM is swelling in intensity. Their eyes meet... a charged look... RIKER See you in a minute. He pushes controls and the shimmering EFFECT takes them over, pulses slightly... the HUMMING sound gets louder... they vanish... and the shuttle EXPLODES from the force of the energy surge. 26A EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) as the shuttle explodes. 27 INT. ENTERPRISE - SICKBAY (OPTICAL) as the two unconscious J'naii, and Riker and Soren MATERIALIZE. Picard, Beverly and medical personnel, and Krite are waiting for them. Beverly and her team hurry to the J'naii; Krite follows. KRITE Doctor... ? BEVERLY (as she inspects them) They've been oxygen-deprived... but I don't think there's any significant damage. (to orderly) Prepare some dexalin. Relieved, Krite moves toward the others. 28 ANGLE - RIKER AND THE GROUP KRITE Commander -- thank you. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT THREE 35-36A 28 CONTINUED: RIKER Your colleague Soren was a great help. KRITE (to Picard) Captain... if you would all join us this evening... we would like to express our gratitude... PICARD We'd be happy to. Krite moves toward Soren. KRITE Noor will be eager to get a first-hand report. We should return to the surface. Soren nods and turns toward Riker; their eyes meet. SOREN (formally) I will see you tonight then, Commander? Riker inclines his head, just as formally, but still holding her look. Krite notices the look, and then Soren and Krite EXIT. 28A EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise in orbit of J'naii. 29 EXT. J'NAII PLANET - NIGHT A courtyard/garden. To one side is the exterior wall of the civic chamber; to the other are trees and greens suggesting a secluded, wooded area. Riker is sitting on a bench, listening to the SOUND of festivities within. Presently, Soren appears. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT THREE 37. 29 CONTINUED: SOREN There you are, Commander. I wondered what had happened to our guest of honor. RIKER Just getting some fresh air. (beat) I can take so much of these social functions... then I need to breathe a little. She sits on the bench -- at a distance. She is erect and proper. SOREN I would think you had attended so many affairs like this it would be second nature to you. RIKER I was raised in the outdoors. I'm never that comfortable in crowded rooms... There is a silence. The tension between them is palpable. Several of the J'naii from inside stroll by. As though fearing exposure, Soren and Riker fall into a polite formality. SOREN What do you think of our planet? Isn't it beautiful? RIKER Yes. Quite beautiful. SOREN We have many varieties of plant life... (gesturing into the woods) Perhaps you would like to inspect some of them. RIKER Yes, I would. I've always been interested in exobotany. She rises, maintaining the formal posture. SOREN Please. Let me take you on a tour. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT THREE 38. 29 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER (rising) Thank you. It's very kind of you. They move off toward the woods. Camera pans back toward the civic chamber. Standing in the darkness, watching them, is Krite. 30 EXT. PLANET - INTO THE WOODS Riker and Soren walk along a path. She points out various trees and shrubs. SOREN One of my favorites is this menellen tree. The leaves first turn pure white, and then blue when the weather gets cold... They move on, deeper into the woods. SOREN This is called a falla bush... it produces a fragrant flower on only one day of the year... She moves on... but Riker reaches out and takes her arm, turns her back to him. They stand like that for an instant, staring at each other, shrouded in the cover of the woods, moonlight catching and reflecting in Soren's eyes. She parts her lips... moves toward him without even realizing she's doing it... and then they are locked in one another's arms, kissing deeply, as though it were the most natural thing in the world. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT FOUR 39. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 31 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) still in orbit of the blue-green planet. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 45620.4. We remain in orbit of J'naii, charting the null pocket. We hope that a detailed map of the anomaly will prevent the loss of other ships. 32 INT. TROI'S QUARTERS Troi sits on her couch, inspecting the contents of a box which rests on the floor. There are several artifacts spread out on a coffee table -- small figures, a doll, pictures, little books, etc. Troi holds a larger book on her lap and is leafing through the pages. The door CHIMES. TROI Come in. The door opens and Riker ENTERS. She looks up, smiles at him. TROI Hello, Will. He comes to her, sits nearby, where he can see what she's looking at. RIKER What's all this? TROI Wonderful things... my mother sent me a box that belonged to one of my father's ancestors. It had been stored on Earth years ago and just recently turned up. Riker picks up one of the pictures. RIKER Do you know who these people are? STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/6/92 - ACT FOUR 40. 32 CONTINUED: TROI No. A few of the pictures are marked with names... but most of them aren't. I look at all these faces... and wonder who they are... if they might be related to me... Riker picks up a small, worn, stuffed animal and turns it in his hands. RIKER (playful) This one looks like you... She smiles at him... there's a long beat between them. Then-- RIKER Deanna... I've got something on my mind... and I had to see you... STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT FOUR 41-41A. 32 CONTINUED: (2) TROI Has something happened? He looks up at her, nods. RIKER I've met someone... someone who's becoming important to me... TROI Soren... RIKER Yes. There is a moment as the two friends gaze at each other, the look speaking of trust and affection that is deep-seated. RIKER You're my friend... so it seemed like... (beat) I'm not sure. It just seemed right to tell you. TROI I'm glad you did. RIKER Nothing will change between us, will it? She smiles. TROI Of course it will. All relationships are constantly changing. She reaches out and touches his cheek. TROI But we will always be friends. Maybe even better friends. You're part of my life, and I'm part of yours. That much will always be true. He leans forward and they kiss, sweetly and tenderly. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT FOUR 42. 33 INT. ENGINEERING Riker and Soren work with Geordi; Krite and another J'naii are in the background, monitoring a console. Riker and Soren are in their formal mode. GEORDI Turns out the null pocket is even more irregular than we expected, Commander. RIKER Maybe its configuration is shifting. GEORDI I don't think so... the measurements you took are holding. It just has more projections than we thought. It's going to take longer than we planned to get it mapped. No response from Riker or Soren, with whom the delay is just fine. GEORDI I'm headed for the shuttle bay. We're fitting another shuttle to help in the survey. Geordi turns and EXITS. Riker and Soren do not look at each other. RIKER (casually) Have you made plans for dinner this evening? SOREN I have some paperwork to do... I thought I'd start on it... RIKER I'd like to discuss some of our suggestions for regulating travel around the null space. Maybe we could have an early dinner... so you could still get your work done afterwards. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT FOUR 43. 33 CONTINUED: SOREN I'd like that. RIKER Nineteen hundred hours? SOREN That would be fine. An innocuous enough exchange... they keep on working. 34 CLOSE ON KRITE Observing them. 34A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) still in orbit. 35 INT. CORRIDOR Riker walks the corridor toward Soren's quarters, finds the right one, presses the panel. The door opens to reveal Krite. Riker is surprised. RIKER Hello. I'm here to see Soren... KRITE I know. RIKER We had an appointment. (beat) To discuss plans for regulating the -- KRITE I don't think so, Commander. RIKER Excuse me? STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT FOUR 43A. 35 CONTINUED: KRITE We know about the two of you. We know what you're doing. RIKER (worried now) Where's Soren? KRITE And we're going to make sure it doesn't happen again. RIKER Answer me -- where is Soren? STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT FOUR 44. 35 CONTINUED: (2) A little smile from Krite. KRITE Gone. In custody. And there's nothing you can do about it. Riker stares at him, mind racing, trying to figure what to do. He makes a decision. RIKER The hell there isn't. And he turns and strides down the corridor. 36 INT. PLANET CIVIC CHAMBER Soren sits before a panel of "judges," including Noor. A gallery of citizens fills the room. NOOR You are aware of the charges against you? SOREN Yes. NOOR Do you intend to dispute them? Soren does not answer. NOOR Well? What is your response? Suddenly the doors to the chamber slam open and Riker ENTERS, striding toward the judges' table amid the hubbub of the startled onlookers. He marches right toward Noor. Soren stares at him, astonished. RIKER Are you in charge here? STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT FOUR 45. 36 CONTINUED: NOOR Commander Riker -- these proceedings are closed to anyone but -- RIKER I think I just opened them. NOOR Sir, this is a private matter. We are grateful for your recent help, but that gives you no right to interfere with our personal concerns -- RIKER I want you to know what really happened. It's all my fault. I was attracted to Soren. I pursued... I insisted. I didn't understand your ways until Soren told me. And rejected me. Nothing happened between us. He pauses, looking from one to the other for an indication of their response. RIKER I ask your forgiveness. I behaved... inappropriately. Noor takes this in. Ponders it. Turns to Soren. NOOR Is this true? Soren hesitates... looks at Riker. Then she rises, moves toward Noor. SOREN No. RIKER Soren -- SOREN (to Riker) I am tired of lies. She turns to Noor, head held high. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT FOUR 46. 36 CONTINUED: (2) SOREN I am female. I was born that way. I have had those feelings... those longings... all my life. She takes a breath, desperately hoping to communicate to her countrymen. SOREN It is not unnatural. I am not sick because I feel this way. I do not need to be helped, and I do not need to be cured. What I do need -- what all of those like me need -- is your understanding and your compassion. She walks along the line of her accusers. SOREN We do not injure you in any way. And yet we are scorned, and attacked. And all because we are different. A hush has fallen over the room as everyone listens to her impassioned speech. SOREN What we do is no different from what you do. We talk and laugh... we complain about work and we wonder about growing old... we talk about our families, and we worry about the future... (beat) We cry with each other when things seem hopeless. (beat) All the loving things that you do with each other... that's what we do. And for that, we are called misfits, and deviants... and criminals. She looks around at her countrymen, head high, unafraid, angry. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT FOUR 46A. 36 CONTINUED: (3) SOREN What right do you have to punish us? What right do you have to change us? What makes you think you can dictate how people love each other? She looks straight at Noor, passion and conviction burning in her eyes. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT FIVE 47. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 37 INT. CIVIC CHAMBER (OPTICAL) Continuous action. Soren has just make her declaration. Riker stares at her, knowing she has fully incriminated herself. Noor is regarding Soren with impersonal objectivity. NOOR I congratulate you, Soren. Your decision to admit your perversion makes it much more likely that we can help you. He lifts his hand to gesture toward guards. RIKER No, wait... you don't have to do this... Noor turns to him, mildly irritated. NOOR Commander? RIKER Let me take her away. She can come with me, we'll give her asylum on the Enterprise. You'll never have to see her again. Noor hesitates, as though considering the suggestion. RIKER That would solve the problem, wouldn't it? You'd be rid of her... she couldn't influence anyone else... Noor smiles gently at Riker, as though at a small child who just doesn't get it. NOOR Commander, after Soren's diatribe, you must think we are a cruel, repressive people. Nothing could be further from the truth. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT FIVE 48. 37 CONTINUED: RIKER I'm just trying to find a solution that would satisfy everyone -- NOOR In fact, we are a remarkably free and open society. Our people have rights and liberties which give them a great deal of self-determination. We are, by all measurements, an enlightened race. RIKER Then how is it... that Soren has no choice about her sexual orientation? NOOR We are concerned about our citizens. We take our obligations to them seriously. Soren is sick... and sick people need to get well. RIKER Did it ever occur to you she might prefer to stay the way she is? NOOR You don't understand. We have a very high success rate in treating deviants like this. And without exception -- they have become happier people after their treatment. And grateful... that we care enough to cure them. (MORE) STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT FIVE 49. 37 CONTINUED: (2) NOOR (cont'd) (beat) You see, Commander... on this world, everyone wants to be normal. RIKER She is -- But Noor turns away from Riker and gestures to a nearby functionary, who moves to Soren and takes her arm. NOOR Take her to quarters. Treatment will begin tomorrow. RIKER Don't do this -- Riker moves toward her, but several of the J'naii step between him and Soren, and a crowd envelops her, whirling her away from him. The last he sees of her is her head, twisting back to look for him, her eyes wide and frightened, like a rabbit's as the eagle swoops down. RIKER Soren -- Riker starts to plow through the group around him, but Noor steps directly in front of him and fastens him with a stern glance. NOOR No more, Commander. Riker sees Soren disappear through a far door, knows it's futile to go after her now. Glaring at Noor -- RIKER (touching combadge) Enterprise. One to transport. The effect shimmers, and he DEMATERIALIZES. 38 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT FIVE 50. 39 INT. READY ROOM Riker has finished telling the story to Picard, who has taken it all in and is reflecting on it now. RIKER I can't just leave her there. They'll give her these psychotectic treatments... (beat) I don't know what to do. Picard, troubled, looks at his first officer. He knows that this is a matter of utmost import to Riker, and wants to try to help. PICARD I could talk to Noor. Perhaps there's a way to work this out -- RIKER (frustrated) Sir, their minds are set. They don't want to hear another solution. Picard takes this in, considers it. PICARD Then I'm not sure there's much we can do. Riker looks up at him. He speaks quietly, but with resolve. RIKER There has to be. He struggles to frame this in a way that Picard can understand. RIKER My relationship with Soren isn't trivial... she's very important to me. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/7/92 - ACT FIVE 50A. 39 CONTINUED: There is a beat as Riker seems to come to some inner decision. RIKER It's my fault this has happened. And I have to help her. PICARD Will, if you've come here for sanction... to take matters into your own hands... I can't give it to you. RIKER I know that, sir. But I know I have to do something. Picard is alarmed at the direction this is taking. PICARD Interfering in the internal matters of the J'naii is prohibited by the Prime Directive... RIKER I'm aware of that. Picard senses that Riker is becoming more resolved to act. PICARD If you violate it, you may be putting your career in jeopardy. Riker does not respond. PICARD Starfleet doesn't take these matters lightly... and I can't defend you if you go too far... (beat) Do you understand that? RIKER You've made yourself very clear, sir. Riker's implacability is deeply disturbing. PICARD Will... don't risk everything you've worked for... STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT FIVE 51. 39 CONTINUED: (2) Riker rises. RIKER Thank you, sir. May I be excused now? There is a heavy beat before Picard nods. Riker turns and wheels out, leaving a very concerned Picard. 40 INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS Riker, still in uniform, is assembling some equipment -- a phaser, binoculars, a few other tools. As he does so, the door CHIMES. He looks up, hesitates to answer. The door CHIMES again. RIKER Who is it? WORF'S VOICE Lieutenant Worf. Riker conceals the small pack of equipment. RIKER Come in. The door opens and Worf ENTERS, carrying a PADD. WORF Commander, I have the plan for deploying warning buoys around the null space. RIKER Fine. Just leave it, I'll look at it later. Riker has to work to control his impatience -- a fact which Worf notices. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT FIVE 52. 40 CONTINUED: WORF Yes, sir. But Worf doesn't turn to go. Riker stares at him. RIKER Thank you. You're dismissed. WORF Commander... I am aware of what transpired on the planet's surface... Wary, Riker doesn't respond. WORF Are you by any chance considering an... unannounced visit? Again, Riker is silent, but this gives Worf the answer. WORF I will go with you. RIKER (starting to protest) Lieutenant -- WORF Sir... you are my commanding officer... and if you order me to stay on board, I will obey. (beat) But I ask you not to give that order. A warrior does not let a friend face danger alone. Touched by Worf's steadfast loyalty, Riker nods. WORF I suggest we change clothing first. 41 EXT. J'NAII PLANET - NIGHT The courtyard/garden. Riker, now dressed in N.D. dark clothing, is positioned in the woods, watching toward the civic center. The building is lit, and there is activity inside. Worf, also in dark clothing, comes up to him through the trees. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT FIVE 52A. 41 CONTINUED: WORF The meeting is ending. I think they will bring her out of the building soon. RIKER Okay. They'll probably come down that path... we can take cover there -- (gesturing) -- behind those rocks. WORF Yes, Commander. RIKER She'll be under guard... no telling how many... WORF I will handle the guards. You take her to cover. Riker notices something in the building. RIKER Something's happening... He lifts the binoculars, peers through them. 41AA thru OMITTED 41AB 41AC CIVIC CENTER - HIS POV (OPTICAL) Through a futuristic grid, an opening to the civic chamber shows the J'naii moving about in the room. RIKER They're leaving. 41A ANGLE - ON WORF AND RIKER as they emerge from the shadow of the trees. They creep across the courtyard, moving from shadow to shadow, toward the civic chamber. Several J'naii EXIT into the courtyard. Riker and Worf take cover. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/3/92 - ACT FIVE 53. 41B ON THE J'NAII Two J'naii walk by their position... neither one is Soren. 41C RIKER AND WORF glance at each other. Riker points toward the doors -- opening once more. 41D THREE J'NAII EXIT and walk off in another direction. 41E RIKER AND WORF exchange another frustrated glance. Then Worf nods toward the doors, seeing another group. 42 ANGLE - HALLWAY LEADING TO CIVIC CHAMBER as Soren and two guards EXIT the structure, heading down the path toward the courtyard. 42A ANGLE - RIKER AND WORF exchange a look and crouch down. As the trio approaches, Riker and Worf step out in front of them. The guards react, surprised. Riker smiles at them, ingenuously. RIKER Could you excuse us? I have to talk to her... But the guards go into attack mode, throwing punches toward Riker. He blocks the blows and then Worf steps in and engages the two of them. Riker takes Soren's arm and pulls her toward the woods. 43 ON RIKER AND SOREN hurrying into the woods. SOREN Wait... RIKER Don't worry... we'll be out of here in a minute... STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/6/92 - ACT FIVE 54. 43 CONTINUED: He is intent on getting to their prearranged meeting place. They are pushing through bushes, shrubs, etc. SOREN Will, please... RIKER We're almost there... Finally they move into a clearing, where they are sheltered by trees and bushes, but moonlight illuminates the clearing. Riker stops, turns to her. SOREN You can't do this... RIKER I won't let them hurt you. You'll be safe on the Enterprise. She turns away from him, silent. Puzzled, he takes a step toward her. RIKER Soren... She turns back, looking at him with curious detachment. SOREN I'm so sorry... it's my fault you got involved in all this... RIKER It's going to be all right... everything's going to be fine... SOREN No, it's not. He stares at her, not comprehending her strange attitude. RIKER What are you talking about? SOREN It was all a mistake. I should have realized it from the beginning... RIKER What... ? STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/6/92 - ACT FIVE 54A. 43 CONTINUED: (2) SOREN That I was sick. I had these terrible urges... that's why I reached out to you... but it was wrong. I see that now. And now he understands. She's already been treated. He is too late. SOREN (a little shake of her head) I don't understand how I could have done... what I did. He grasps for anything... STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - REV. 1/6/92 - ACT FIVE 55. 43 CONTINUED: (3) RIKER Maybe... maybe Doctor Crusher could treat you... bring you back... to the way you were before. She smiles sadly at him, truly sorry for his pain, but disconnected from it. SOREN Why would I want that? RIKER Soren... I love you. She looks at him, not even vague regret in her eyes... as though looking at someone she knows she once loved, but can't remember why. SOREN I'm sorry. And she turns and melts into the darkness. Riker stares after her. 44 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit. 45 INT. BRIDGE Picard, Data, and N.D. personnel. Picard is forward, talking to Data and the Conn Officer. PICARD How long to the Phelan system? DATA At warp six, fifty-three hours, sir. STAR TREK: "The Outcast" - 1/2/92 - ACT FIVE 56. 45 CONTINUED: The turbolift doors open and close, pulling Picard's look. Riker EXITS the turbolift and starts down the ramp. PICARD Commander... ? Riker is impassive, his face revealing nothing, but his voice is tight. RIKER Captain. They hold a look for a moment. Riker sits. PICARD Starfleet has just sent a message asking us to proceed to the Phelan system to negotiate a trade agreement. RIKER Yes, sir. PICARD I wasn't sure when to tell them we'd be underway. (beat) Is our business with the J'naii finished? RIKER Finished, sir. There is another beat, and then Picard turns to the Conn Officer. PICARD Very well. Ensign, take us out of orbit, set a course for the Phelan system. Warp six. (beat) Engage. OFF Riker's reaction... 46 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) jumps into warp speed and away. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END