STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Cost of Living" #40275-220 Written by Peter Allan Fields Directed by Rick Kolbe THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1992 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT FEBRUARY 3, 1992 STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/3/92 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Cost of Living" CAST PICARD LWAXANA TROI RIKER ALEXANDER DATA CAMPIO BEVERLY ERKO TROI JUGGLER GEORDI YOUNG MAN WORF YOUNG WOMAN POET TRANSPORTER OPERATOR Non-Speaking MR. HOHM FIRE ARTIST LEARNERS Non-Speaking TATTOED FEMALE DANCER SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/3/91 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Cost of Living" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE OBSERVATION LOUNGE SHIRALEAN VI VARIOUS CORRIDORS GLADE/MUDBATH TRANSPORTER ROOM ENGINEERING JEFFERIES TUBE TURBOLIFT TEN FORWARD TROI'S OFFICE TROI'S QUARTERS LWAXANA'S QUARTERS WORF'S QUARTERS HOLODECK ENTRANCE STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/3/92 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Cost of Living" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE KOSTOLAIN COST-uh-lane NITRIUM NYE-tree-um PELLORIS pel-ORE-us PETROKIAN peh-TRO-kee-'n SHIRALEA SHEER-ah-lee STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/03/92 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Cost of Living" TEASER FADE IN: 1 OMITTED 2 INT. BRIDGE PICARD, RIKER, DATA, and WORF; N.D.s as needed. The atmosphere on the bridge is tense -- they're in the middle of a pursuit and racing against a clock. Red alert is already on. WORF Forward tubes armed and ready, Captain. PICARD Fire. 2A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Photon torpedoes burst from the forward tubes. 2B EXT. SPACE - ASTEROID (OPTICAL) The torpedoes speed toward a huge asteroid which is streaking toward a nearby planet, and EXPLODE against it. 3 INT. BRIDGE WORF A direct hit, sir. DATA The asteroid has shattered. However, the core is still intact -- and still on a direct collision course with Tessen Three. RIKER Is it big enough to be a threat? STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/03/92 - TEASER 2. 3 CONTINUED: DATA Yes, sir. It is of sufficient size and density to cause planetwide damage. PICARD Time to impact. DATA It will reach the upper atmosphere in forty-four seconds and impact with the planet eleven seconds later. RIKER Ready torpedoes. DATA Sir, the core is composed of densely compressed nitrium and chrondite. It is unlikely that another photon torpedo will have any effect on it. PICARD Mister Worf, prepare the tractor beam. WORF Yes, Captain. DATA Time to impact is thirty seconds. WORF Sir, I cannot get a positive lock with the tractor beam. There is magnetic field interference emanating from the core materials. PICARD Suggestions? DATA If we project a particle beam through the deflector dish, we may be able to produce a disruptive nuclear effect in the core. PICARD Make it so. 4 thru OMITTED 6 STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/03/92 - TEASER 3. 6A EXT. SPACE - THE ASTEROID CORE (OPTICAL) A beam has emitted from the Enterprise into the asteroid core. It buzzes and hums for a second -- and then the core bursts apart. 6B INT. BRIDGE WORF The target has been destroyed, sir. DATA The largest piece of remaining debris offers no threat to the planet. PICARD Well done. Ensign, put us back on course for the Moselina system. Warp four as soon as we've cleared the debris field. 7 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE & TWINKLING STUFF (OPTICAL) As the Enterprise flies through the debris, we see a host of small, Twinkling Bits of the shattered asteroid make contact with, and adhere to, the ship itself. Beat, then -- with Twinkling Stuff attached to its hull -- the Enterprise goes into warp drive, and away. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT ONE 4. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 8 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at warp speed. 9 INT. TROI'S OFFICE WORF and his son ALEXANDER sit stiffly -- side by side but separated by their anger at each other -- venting it all before a patient TROI. WORF My instructions were clear! ALEXANDER They were not! WORF Before being allowed to play, he was to put his soiled clothing in the garment reprocessor. ALEXANDER I was not! TROI I sense a touch of hostility here, gentlemen. WORF I specifically told you that! ALEXANDER You told it to me yesterday; not today! TROI If I may suggest... WORF You know very well that the same rules apply today that... STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/04/92 - ACT ONE 5. 9 CONTINUED: TROI Please! (beat; on their silence) Why not simply draw up a contract, which defines the duties of each family member? ALEXANDER You mean he tells me what he wants and I have to do it. TROI No, it means you both agree on your responsibilities. And when you've done the things you've agreed to do, then you've earned the privilege of doing things you want to do. (to Worf) When he's cleaned his room, for instance, then maybe he's earned a visit to the holodeck to fight his alien monsters. WORF You suggest bribery? TROI I suggest working out an equitable system where the rules are spelled out as clearly as possible. For the child and the parent. You must list your responsibilities, too. (to Alexander) What would you like your father to promise? ALEXANDER No yelling. WORF (loudly) I do not yell. TROI Then you should have no trouble with that part. She looks from one to the other. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/04/92 - ACT ONE 6. 9 CONTINUED: (2) TROI Well. Why don't you both go back to your quarters and talk it over? Decide on the points each of you wants in the contract... WORF (beat; grumpy) Very well. Alexander's answer is a noncommital shrug. Troi smiles, with: TROI One day you'll be glad your father cared enough about you to insist on rules. It may seem hard to imagine right now... but eventually, most children come to appreciate their parents. RIKER'S COM VOICE Riker to Counselor Troi. Your mother's just come aboard. Troi hears this, takes it in... then... TROI On the other hand... LWAXANA'S COM VOICE Deanna, my dear... it's mother! 10 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM ONE A Supernumerary stands alongside LWAXANA and MISTER HOMN. As she absently gestures Mister Homn to get a move on with the abundance of luggage he carries, she twines RIKER'S arm in hers. LWAXANA (effervescing; into com) And I've got such deliciously exciting news, you're going to be absolutely thrilled! I'm getting married! STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT ONE 7. 11 OMITTED 12 INT. TEN-FORWARD Troi and Lwaxana are seated -- Troi initially immobilized by her shock. LWAXANA (peering around) You know, with just a bit of redecorating here and there, this Ten-Forward room should make a very nice wedding hall. TROI I beg your pardon? LWAXANA My dear, where else? Among all my good friends... in the presence of my adored daughter... TROI Mother, where did you... when did you meet this man? Who is he? I mean... marriage. When did all this happen? LWAXANA Ah, my poor plodding little Deanna, with her questions questions questions. Wherever did you inherit such pedestrian genes? What matters, my sweet, is that your mother's happy. TROI Mother, if you're happy, then I'm happy for you. I only asked who this man is, and where you met him. Those are not unusual questions. LWAXANA He's a wonderful man, my dear; he has such good breeding, I tell you, he's absolute perfection. TROI Who is he? STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT ONE 7A. 12 CONTINUED: LWAXANA He is Campio; third minister to the Conference Of Judges on the planet Kostolain. Royalty, my dear; naturally. TROI Naturally. I didn't know you'd ever been to Kostolain. Or was he on some diplomatic mission to Betazed... ? LWAXANA Well, neither, actually. I haven't exactly met him yet, really. Oh, but the profiles we've exchanged. They're in such accord that you'd absolutely weep, my dear; you'd weep at the harmony between us. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT ONE 8. 12 CONTINUED: (2) TROI Mother. Don't you think you should at least meet the man you're going to marry before committing to spend the rest of your life with him? LWAXANA Deanna, I love you, but you do make everything sound like an epitaph. 13 INCLUDING WORF & ALEXANDER as they ENTER. Heading for Troi's table, they're locked in animated debate. ALEXANDER I don't want to agree! WORF You have to agree. That's what an agreement is. (to Troi) Excuse the intrusion, Counselor, but we are having some difficulty drawing up our contract. (nods to Lwaxana) Mrs. Troi. ALEXANDER He isn't fair! WORF The boy is unreasonable. LWAXANA (liking Alex) Well of course he's unreasonable; he's a child. (chucks Alex under chin) And such a child. Making little boys reasonable only gives them pimples. TROI Alexander, this is my mother. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT ONE 9. 13 CONTINUED: LWAXANA Alexander! What a wonderful name. I once knew a tall, handsome warrior named Alexander who utterly adored me. We went everywhere; simply everywhere. Have you been anywhere yet? (abruptly; to Troi) Contract? What contract? TROI It's between father and son. A fair and balanced way of achieving a mutual sense of order. LWAXANA (to Alex) How ghastly for you. (to Worf) And you're doing this to your own child, Mister Woof? TROI Mother! WORF It is Worf, Madam. LWAXANA Contracts are usually for people who don't really trust each other. (to Worf) A child who is trusted becomes worthy of that trust. TROI Mother, will you kindly stay out of this? LWAXANA (to Worf) If he doesn't perform his contractual duties, I assume he would be chastised? WORF He would be... sanctioned, yes. LWAXANA But if you fail to perform your duties, what's the child supposed to do about it? STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT ONE 10. 13 CONTINUED: (2) TROI Mother, will you please! WORF I, not perform my duty?! LWAXANA Alexander. Life's true gift is the capacity to enjoy enjoyment. Now... She draws Alexander gently toward her; leans to put herself almost nose-to-nose with the boy -- cupping his little chin in her hand, as: LWAXANA (cont'd) ... Have I arrived too late, or... (grins warmly) ... Can you still smile? And, still nose-to-nose with the smiling Lwaxana, Alexander grins from ear to ear. An unmistakable and very personal one-on-one bonding here. Friendship. 14 INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE TURBOLIFT Picard and Riker move along the corridor, during: PICARD Married? She's getting married? RIKER If we hold present course, we'll rendezvous with her intended groom in thirty-one hours. PICARD I will not continue to have this ship used by that woman for her convenience, simply because her daughter is one of my officers. RIKER Apparently, Deanna's being aboard was only part of the reason. PICARD The other part being? STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT ONE 11. 14 CONTINUED: RIKER She seems to think that the honor of giving away the bride should belong to you. PICARD (halts, musing; resumes walking) Permission for an on-board wedding is granted, Number One. Nothing would please me more than giving Mrs. Troi away. 15 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) As Picard and Riker recede into b.g. along the corridor, CAMERA discovers -- along a seam of ceiling in f.g. -- a moving line of the Twinkling Particles seen earlier outside the ship. As it moves, the line drips, like drops of sparkling liquid, through the air to the flooring, where it forms a sort of glittering puddle. Beat -- then it disappears downward through the flooring itself. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT ONE 12. ACT TWO FADE IN: 16 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) moving along at warp. 17 INT. TROI'S OFFICE Alexander sits, alone and disconsolate -- as Lwaxana ENTERS. LWAXANA Ah! My little warrior. And how are you this morning? Alex, staring sadly at the floor, just shrugs in response. LWAXANA (gently) Oh, I see. And, having dropped her usual off-handed effervescence, she sits quietly down beside him. LWAXANA Being punished for something, are we? ALEXANDER It's just my regular time with Counselor Troi. She's not here yet. LWAXANA You came early. Well, that's very responsible of you. ALEXANDER No, I just wanted to be out of my room before... (shrugs) LWAXANA Before what? (beat) Now if we're going to be real friends, we have to share only the truth. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT TWO 13. 17 CONTINUED: ALEXANDER Why? LWAXANA Well for one thing, it's easier. When you tell the truth, you never have to remember later what you lied about. Alex doesn't particularly want to smile -- but he can't help it. LWAXANA (cont'd) But mostly, a true friend is a person you can always tell the truth to without worrying about it. ALEXANDER I wanted to leave before my father got back. LWAXANA Ah. ALEXANDER I hate him. I wish my mother was here. (angrily) But she died. She gently hugs Alexander to her, without overwhelming him. LWAXANA And that's not very fair, is it? ALEXANDER All he cares about are rules. I'm supposed to do everything right all the time. (wilting; blurts:) And I don't know how! He buries his head against her. She hugs him more firmly; more securely. LWAXANA Tell you the truth, little warrior, neither do I. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT TWO 14. 17 CONTINUED: (2) LWAXANA (cont'd) But I do know one marvelous thing you can do with rules. Taking his hand in hers, she rises and heads for the exit, as: ALEXANDER (unsure) I'm supposed to wait for Counselor Troi. LWAXANA (mischievous Grin) Exactly. And they're out of there. 18 INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE HOLODECK Lwaxana and Alexander are headed for the (o.s.) holodeck. LWAXANA I'll bet you've never been to the colony of free spirits. ALEXANDER What do they do there? LWAXANA Whatever they want. Artists, philosophers, free-thinkers... She leans and tweaks his nose a little, as: LWAXANA (cont'd) ... people who don't quite fit other people's rules. Personally, I come for the mudbaths. You'll adore the mudbaths. (at Holodeck door) Computer? I'm assuming you have the Parallax Colony of Shiralea VI? COMPUTER VOICE That program is available. LWAXANA Then run it for us, dear. As Lwaxana leads Alexander through the door, we go to: STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/12/92 - ACT TWO 15. 19 EXT. CENTER OF SHIRALEA VI GLADE (HOLODECK) (OPTICAL) as, having entered, Lwaxana and Alexander look off (o.s.) to see: 19A A LARGE FLOATING SPHERE (OPTICAL) which descends toward them. Contained in the sphere is a wild, wonderful alien face... 19B LWAXANA AND ALEXANDER react as the sphere bounces in front of them... then SHOOTS back up and out of sight. ALEXANDER What was that? LWAXANA A Wind Dancer... he stands guard. Only those whose hearts are joyous may enter. Now their attention is caught by something ahead: 20 THEIR POV - FIRE ARTIST (OPTICAL) Standing by herself in the clearing, a Fire Artist holds a burning firebrand in her hand. She brings it up close to her mouth, and, exhaling deeply, uses her breath (which catches fire) to create a lovely fire design in the air before it finally disappears. 21 RESUME - LWAXANA & ALEXANDER Alexander is wide-eyed at the (o.s.) sight. LWAXANA Fire sculptor. We'll chat with her later if you're not wearing anything flammable. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/12/92 - ACT TWO 16. 22 INCLUDING JUGGLER as he ENTERS both FRAME and the conversation. Constantly juggling several multicolored, variously sized balls. JUGGLER A few of us were just gathering together for our laughing hour. Would you care to come laugh with us? LWAXANA Actually, we were about to experience a mudbath. JUGGLER Were you! What an idea! My friends and I will join you. One can always... (beat) ... laugh in the bath. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/12/92 - ACT TWO 17. 22 CONTINUED: ALEXANDER (re: balls) Do you ever drop one? JUGGLER No, no, no. They are my worlds, and I protect them. I am a master of worlds, and they fly only as I wish. 23 INCLUDING YOUNG MAN & WOMAN Emerging from behind a structure are a YOUNG, extremely attractive (humanoid) MAN & WOMAN. JUGGLER (to Young Couple) We're having guests for laughing hour. Come join us! YOUNG MAN We'd love to! YOUNG WOMAN No, thank you. YOUNG MAN (pleasantly) Yes. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/05/92 - ACT TWO 18. 23 CONTINUED: YOUNG WOMAN (pleasantly) No. YOUNG MAN Why do you always say "no" when I say "yes"? YOUNG WOMAN I don't. YOUNG MAN You just did. YOUNG WOMAN There you go again. You are the most negative person! They will continue arguing (o.s.), as: ALEXANDER Why are they arguing like that? JUGGLER They're friends. They love contradiction... they thrive on challenge... they flourish in conflict... ALEXANDER Then why are they friends? LWAXANA Who else can you fight with if not your friends? 24 INCLUDING POET A tall, white-bearded old POET, in white toga, suddenly appears before them, with hand raised -- like Moses -- to block their way. POET Hold! What is the lesson for today!? STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT TWO 18A. 24 CONTINUED: LWAXANA Damned if we know. We're just here for some fun and a mudbath. POET Every moment requires a purpose. LWAXANA (nicely) No, it doesn't. POET Every purpose requires a plan. JUGGLER He does this every day; usually while everybody's food gets cold. Rather boring. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT TWO 19. 24 CONTINUED: (2) POET (pronounces) The higher... the fewer! Nobody knows what the hell that means. They all regard each other quizzically. Finally: LWAXANA Well, that's a conversation-stopper if I ever heard one. 25 FAVORING ALEXANDER Beat -- then he rushes back to the locale of the still-arguing Young Man and Woman, and: ALEXANDER Excuse me! The Young Man and Woman Pause in their verbal duel to regard Alex. ALEXANDER If you're going to argue, you should remember... (pronounces) The higher, the fewer! HOLD for a LONG BEAT on the Young Man & Woman -- as they just stand there; trying to fathom that. The fight's ceased. As Alex runs off again, we 26 RESUME - GROUP Lwaxana is delighted with Alexander; welcomes him with a hug. LWAXANA So, my little warrior wants to see more in life than just fighting. Ah, the mind opens, and in creeps wisdom. (takes Alex's hand) Onward, to the laughing! 27 INT. WORF'S QUARTERS Worf is tidying up after Alex, as his door CHIMES. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT TWO 20. 27 CONTINUED: WORF Come. Troi ENTERS. Worf looks surprised. WORF (cont'd) Isn't Alexander supposed to be with you? TROI (now concerned) He didn't show up for his appointment, so I assumed he must still be here. WORF Computer. What is the location of Alexander Rozhenko? COMPUTER VOICE Alexander Rozhenko is in holodeck two. TROI Is he there alone? COMPUTER VOICE He is with Lwaxana Troi. Troi and Worf exchange looks for a very dubious beat -- then, without a word, move quickly to EXIT. 28 EXT. EDGE OF SHIRALEAN VI GLADE - DAY (HOLODECK) At a site fronting one of the tents, Lwaxana, Alex, the JUGGLER, the Young Man & Woman -- even the old Poet -- sit side by side in a long, trench-like rectangular mudbath. Up to their shoulders. The Helper is pouring a final (small) tub of mud into the bath. Only the two green-smocked Learners remain seated out of the mudbath, opposite its occupants; studying and listening. At the moment, all bathers hold high a form of (edible) cup, containing some liquid, in a general toast: POET To all the creatures within us! All drink to that toast -- then begin munching happily on the now empty cups. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/04/92 - ACT TWO 21. 29 CLOSER ON LWAXANA & ALEXANDER ALEXANDER (puzzled) All the creatures within us? LWAXANA Of course. Every one of us has a thousand different kinds of tiny people inside us. Some of them want to get out and be wild; some want to be sad, or happy, or inventive or even go dancing. That's why we have different urges at different times. JUGGLER Are we ready for the entertainment?! ALL IN GROUP Ready! Yes! Absolutely! LWAXANA (still to Alex) And all those different little people inside us? We must never be afraid to take them with us wherever we go. Who knows when we might need one of them to pop up and rescue us from ourselves. Variety, my little Alex. The great secret is not the variety of life; but the variety of us! 30 EXT. CENTER OF SHIRALEAN VI GLADE - DAY (HOLODECK) (OPTICAL) as Troi and Worf arrive; look around. Suddenly, the Wind Dancer descends toward them -- a menacing look on his face. The ball dances in front of Worf, blocking him from moving forward. Frustrated, Worf SWATS him aside -- and the Wind Dancer pops! Worf and Troi exchange a surprised look and move forward. MUSIC as well (a one instrument tune, the rhythm of which is not unlike that which would accompany a 20th- century bellydance). Troi and Worf begin Walking toward the (o.s.) sounds. 31 EXT. EDGE OF SHIRALEAN VI GLADE - DAY (HOLODECK) A great-looking Tattooed Female Dancer is entertaining our group (including Alexander, of course, whose joyous receptiveness is in concert with that of everyone else). STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT TWO 22. 32 REACTION - TROI & WORF They just gape -- in total stunhood. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT THREE 23. ACT THREE FADE IN: 33 INT. TROI'S QUARTERS A slightly rigid Troi confronts a thoroughly relaxed Lwaxana. TROI Mother, I'm trying to help this boy learn the value of responsibility. You're not helping by giving him a lot of mixed messages. LWAXANA I exposed you to all sorts of mixed messages at that age, and you still turned out deadly dull; what're you so worried about? TROI Among other things, his relationship with his father. No more holodeck, Mother. Please. (Beat) And why aren't you all absorbed in your wedding plans? It's only three days away. LWAXANA Oh, I'm letting Mister Homn take care of all the mundane details. He knows my tastes. TROI (dubious) Mother... LWAXANA There's really nothing to do, you nosey little girl. Campio's already sent me his mother's wedding gown, which Mister Homn is now altering for me. Outside of that... TROI Wedding gown? Mother. Stop. Are you telling me you're not going to be naked at your own wedding? STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT THREE 24. 33 CONTINUED: LWAXANA Campio is from a different planet with different traditions. He wouldn't approve of a traditional Betazoid wedding, so I'm adapting; simple as that. (moves to replicator) Care for some nice jestral tea, dear? TROI I can't believe I'm hearing this from the Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed; Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx. LWAXANA Computer... jestral tea, please. TROI I think it's time you tell me about this mysterious marriage to a man you've never met. LWAXANA Why shouldn't I get married if I choose to? You make it all into such a mystery. There is no mystery, Deanna. 34 ANGLE INCLUDING REPLICATOR (OPTICAL) As she's speaking -- and to her sudden great perplexion -- she finds herself facing a very long, fat sausage-like food which MATERIALIZES for her in the replicator and sits in the tea cup. LWAXANA (cont'd) (beat) ... except about this Petrokian sausage. All I wanted was a cup of tea. Dear, I think your replicator's having some sort of nervous collapse. 35 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi and Data are running a diagnostic at their respective consoles: STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/11/92 - ACT THREE 25. 35 CONTINUED: DATA A Level Four diagnostic of the food replication system has failed to detect any faults in the orientation terminals. GEORDI That may be... but we've still got almost two hundred reports of replicators malfunctioning. Data REACTS to a BEEP from the console, with: DATA There is an energy fluctuation in one of the utility access corridors. GEORDI (rising) Well, we'd better look into whatever it is before the captain decides to order dinner. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT THREE 26. 36 INT. JEFFERIES TUBE Geordi and Data crawl toward us to a panel in immediate f.g. Geordi carries his tool kit; both have tricorders at the ready. GEORDI Dash four three; here we are. Geordi scans around with his tricorder; homes in on the small panel, with: GEORDI (continuing) Some kind of intermittent E-M field pattern. Give me a hand here, will you, Data? Together, they remove the panel. Geordi picks up his tricorder; scans. GEORDI (continuing) No plasma leakage... just a little negative ion charging. Just as Geordi is about to put his hand up into the space previously covered by the panel, viscous little drops of orange substance DRIP from within the space to the flooring right in front of Geordi's nose. 37 INT. LWAXANA'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Lwaxana, wearing a not-unflattering wedding dress, stands before a mirror as MISTER HOMN finishes tailoring it on her. Homm wears a large pin cushion around his forearm, and carries pins in his mouth. LWAXANA Bad enough having to wear anything at my own wedding. But this. Maybe if we lower the bodice... Mister Homn shakes his head. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/04/92 - ACT THREE 27. 37 CONTINUED: LWAXANA (cont'd) ... Raise the hemline, then. Mister Homn shakes his head. LWAXANA (cont'd) What a constant joy you are. The door CHIMES. She nods to Mister Homn, prompting him to the door. 38 INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE LWAXANA'S QUARTERS - CLOSE (OPTICAL) on the back of Alexander's head, as he faces the door. It opens -- to reveal Mister Homn's lower extremities at Alex's eye level. As Alexander looks slowly upward along Mister Homn's body, CAMERA FOLLOWS HIS GAZE -- until Alex, and we, are looking far up at the looming face of Mister Homn. REACTION - ALEXANDER Wide-eyed and open-mouthed at the (o.s.) living apparition before him. 40 INT. LWAXANA'S QUARTERS (CONTINUOUS) as Lwaxana sees Alexander at the door; brightens; waves him toward her, during: LWAXANA My little warrior; come in, come in and give me a hug. Alexander complies (hesitating only initially as he has to pass the overwhelming Mister Homn on the way in). LWAXANA (cont'd) You're not escaping another appointment, are you? ALEXANDER No, Ma'am. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/03/92 - ACT THREE 28. 40 CONTINUED: LWAXANA (more to herself) No... I suppose eventually we all have to live up to our obligations... (cheerful again) Now tell me; what brings you here to brighten my day? ALEXANDER I wanted to say I'm sorry if I got you in trouble. LWAXANA That's very sweet, dear. But I really wasn't in any trouble... until I saw this dress. Come sit down. (re: dress) Ugly, isn't it? ALEXANDER What's it for? LWAXANA I'm getting married. ALEXANDER Why? LWAXANA Are you sure my daughter didn't send you? (quickly) That's only a little joke. She now dismisses Mister Homn with a gesture which sends him dutifully into the (o.s.) adjoining room. LWAXANA (cont'd) People get married because they want to spend their lives with someone. ALEXANDER Their whole life? I guess you'd really have to like them a lot. LWAXANA If you're young... and lucky... it'll be someone you like a lot, yes. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT THREE 29. 40 CONTINUED: (2) LWAXANA (cont'd) When you're older... (voice trails off; shrugs) ALEXANDER Are you very old? Initially, and for just an instant, Lwaxana shoots the kid a look -- but then softens again, even more than she has before. And now, she'll be staring ahead at nothing but her own thoughts, as: LWAXANA I'm alone, Alex. And when you do get older... when you can no longer pick and choose from whatever may come your way... Well, then you do what we call "compromise". It keeps you from being afraid. 41 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - AFT SCIENCE STATION As Geordi and Data report to Picard, Riker is in his command chair; Worf at tactical; and an ENSIGN at the conn. DATA We have traced the failure to a data net interface which routes replicator selections to the correct subprocessors. GEORDI When we opened the panel, we found that the interface had been transformed... into a gelatinous material that we haven't been able to identify. Suddenly, the bridge now begins to shudder. Red alert goes on automatically; Geordi turns to his console and Data heads for ops. All present brace themselves to retain their balance. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/03/92 - ACT THREE 30-31. 41 CONTINUED: WORF We have intermittent failure of the inertial damping system. PICARD Take us out of warp, Ensign. RIKER Primary attitude control has failed; we've gone to secondary systems. The bridge begins SHAKING SLIGHTLY. DATA We have lost helm control. The bridge SHAKES more VIOLENTLY, as we: 42 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/04/92 - ACT FOUR 32A-B. 46 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) On impulse power. 47 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Geordi and Data face Picard and Riker. On the table before them rests a covered petri dish in which is a glob of the orange goo seen earlier. GEORDI The same thing that happened to the replicator happened to the stabilizer. The transfers in both systems were turned into... (re: petri dish) ...this. RIKER Some kind of corrosion? DATA We have not yet identified the substance, Commander. GEORDI Whatever it is, it looks like there's been a conversion process -- transforming some of the metal into gelatinous residue. But what caused it is a mystery. PICARD The stabilizers and the replicators. Two totally unrelated systems... GEORDI Yessir, and we still don't know why the sensors didn't catch the problems. RIKER Why don't you run a mass spectrometer analysis -- find out just what this stuff is. TRANSPORTER OFFICER'S COM VOICE Transporter room one to Captain Picard. Minister Campio is beaming on board, sir. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT FOUR 33. 47 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD I'll be right there. (to Geordi and Data) The bridegroom. 48 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE & KOSTOLAIN VESSEL (OPTICAL) A relatively small vessel, from Kostolain, stands adjacent to the Enterprise. 49 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM ONE (OPTICAL) Troi and Lwaxana wait as a Transporter Operator, standing alongside his panel, causes CAMPIO and his entourage of one, ERKO, to MATERIALIZE. Campio is a fine-looking, mid-50's humanoid -- patrician in posture and manner; eminently gracious. Erko is an older, pompous-appearing stiff. LWAXANA Ah! Campio! Lwaxana moves forward with both hands extended. Campio, ever-polite, will step to meet her -- take her hands in his, and regard her with most gracious and complimentary admiration. Erko remains right where he first appeared. Throughout the above: LWAXANA (cont'd) My dear, your compatibility profile didn't do you justice. I, of course, am Lwaxana, and any introductory compliments you'd care to make will be happily received. CAMPIO Indeed, Mrs. Troi... you are even lovelier in person. Neither tastelessly, nor in an overbearing manner -- but merely in bright spirit and to be warmly welcoming -- Lwaxana leans to kiss him on the cheek, with: LWAXANA That one sounded just fine. While "casually" slipping his own hands out of hers, Campio AVOIDS the kiss, with: STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/04/92 - ACT FOUR 34. 49 CONTINUED: CAMPIO (polite smile) Now, now... we don't wish to be too familiar at this early juncture. 50 INCLUDING PICARD as, moving briskly, he ENTERS. PICARD Please excuse my tardiness; ship's duties. Minister Campio? I'm Jean-Luc Picard, Captain of the Enterprise. Welcome aboard, sir. Picard extends his hand, but Campio -- still smiling pleasantly and certainly not being a prig on purpose -- ignores the outstretched hand and bows deeply and with deference before Picard. CAMPIO I thank you, Captain, and greet you with appreciation for permitting this wedding aboard your fine vessel. PICARD Not at all, sir. LWAXANA Campio, may I present my daughter? Deanna Troi, meet, uh... well, your future stepfather, come to think of it. CAMPIO Ah, yes. (formal bow) If I recall the profile, you are the ship's counselor. TROI (matches his bow) I am, sir. CAMPIO (re: Erko) And my escort, who need not be addressed in this company: Protocol Master, Erko. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT FOUR 35. 50 CONTINUED: LWAXANA Protocol master? PICARD He is nonetheless welcome. LWAXANA Campio, dear, personally I adore every ounce of ostentation I can get, but... a protocol master? CAMPIO I would not do you nor our benevolent hosts the disservice of failing to ensure that priorities are observed. LWAXANA Oh, well that's... very thoughtful. CAMPIO After all, it would be unpardonable to simply abandon ourselves to the moment, would it not? LWAXANA (shellshocked) Unpardonable. 51 PICARD AND TROI They exchange a quick, almost involuntary glance of mutual apprehension at this mismatch-in-the-making. 52 OMITTED 53 INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE TRANSPORTER ROOM (CONTINUOUS) Excepting the Transporter Room Officer, the group emerges into the corridor, as: LWAXANA Of course, it was my thinking that we might just get acquainted a bit. I could show you around and we could... develop a feel for each other, so to speak. (to Picard) Jean-Luc? STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT FOUR 36. 53 CONTINUED: PICARD Of course. The ship is yours. CAMPIO How very thoughtful of you. But I must remain in the company of Master Erko until the wedding ceremony itself. LWAXANA (halts for beat) You're joking. CAMPIO Is there some objection? LWAXANA (deferential; real surrender) No, of course not. But please try to bear with me until I have a little better grasp of your rules, and... (glance at Erko) ...protocols. 53A REACTION - TROI Confused surprise at this suddenly different Lwaxana. 53B RESUME SHOT CAMPIO Certainly. Our culture is so totally new to you. I assure you of my utmost patience. And any tutoring you may desire about our customs, in addition to those regarding the wedding procedures... RIKER'S COM VOICE Captain Picard to the bridge, please. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT FOUR 36A. 53B CONTINUED: PICARD (to com) On my way. (to all) Excuse me. (to Troi; not without humor) Counselor, I'll trust you to keep everything running smoothly. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/03/92 - ACT FOUR 37. 53B CONTINUED: (2) TROI Thank you, Captain. And Picard turns to head off in another direction. 54 OMITTED 55 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - SCIENCE STATION as Geordi and Data work at the consoles, keying controls, scrolling data, etc. GEORDI It looks like the only alloy common to the stabilizer and the replicator is nitrium. (to computer) Computer, analyze the nitrium content of the affected stabilizer and replicator. COMPUTER VOICE There is no nitrium present in the affected stabilizer or replicator. Reactions. Data scrolls the computer. DATA There is none present in the residue, either. Geordi keys more instructions, and the monitor scrolls further. GEORDI According to the mass spectrometer, the elements in the residue have been broken down into simpler molecular structures... DATA That would suggest the nitrium has been organically metabolized. Geordi sits back in his seat, musing on this. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/03/92 - ACT FOUR 37A. 55 CONTINUED: GEORDI Maybe that's it, Data... if a living organism ingested the nitrium... DATA This residue could be the waste left behind. Geordi reflects on the implications. GEORDI If that's true, if something's eating away at the nitrium on the ship... (beat; uncomfortable) That means the dilithium chamber is vulnerable... and the power transfer conduits. We'd better get down to engineering. They get up and EXIT to the turbolift... STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT FOUR 38. 56 INT. WORF'S QUARTERS As Worf brings food for Alexander and himself, the boy is doing a breathing exercise: Holding his hands against the sides of his diaphragm, he first inhales deeply -- holds it for a beat -- then exhales with a loud and happy-faced blurt of: ALEXANDER Ha! WORF Eat well, son. ALEXANDER Ha! WORF What are you doing? What is that noise? ALEXANDER Ha! It's my laughing hour. Ha! Ha! WORF That is enough, please. It is your eating hour. Eat. ALEXANDER (shakes head) Ha! I promised to meet Mrs. Troi for another lesson in happy wisdom. Ha! WORF Will you stop doing that, please. Alexander, eat your food. Wisdom will wait, I assure you. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT FOUR 39. 56 CONTINUED: ALEXANDER But I promised. Ha! Should I break my promise, Father? WORF No Klingon ever breaks his word. Alexander rises and moves toward the door, as: WORF Where are you going? ALEXANDER You said no Klingon breaks his word. WORF I did not mean now. Now you will sit down and eat. ALEXANDER I don't understand. You're confusing me. WORF (losing it) Understand later. Now, just eat! Seeing Worf's overflowing frustration, Alexander's face in no way reflects any kind of defiance -- but only a gentle concern for his father's agitation -- which he will attempt to soothe, with: ALEXANDER Father... ? The higher, the fewer. As Alex turns again, and EXITS, Worf's mouth works, but -- since he hasn't the slightest idea what that means -- nothing comes out. He finally just slumps back in his chair; exhausted. 57 INT. TROI'S OFFICE Troi sits with a confused, disconsolate Worf. She, too, seems a bit downtrodden... as weary of dealing with her mother as Worf is of coping with Alexander. WORF I do not understand. I have been very clear with the boy as to his obligations. And yet -- he continues to ignore me. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/04/92 - ACT FOUR 39A. 57 CONTINUED: TROI I know what you mean. I've been quite clear with my mother about her not interfering with Alexander... but she does what she wants in spite of it. There is a beat as the two of them reflect on their strangely shared experience. WORF When I was six years old, I listened to what my parents said. I obeyed their rules. She casts him a look. He turns away. WORF Most of the time. A beat, as she remembers. TROI When I was six, she gave me a birthday party. Halfway through it, she disappeared... and finally came back dressed as a Koropian princess... carried in a sedan chair by four young men. It was mortifying. WORF My mother would not have done that. TROI It seems that all my life I've felt like I'm the parent... and my mother is the child... STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/04/92 - ACT FOUR 40. 57 CONTINUED: (2) TROI I wonder why I'm at such a loss to put a stop to it? WORF And I wonder why I have lost control of Alexander. Troi leans forward. TROI You know... it's been said that grandparents and grandchildren get along so well because they have a common enemy. Worf gives a half smile. Troi smiles back. 58 INT. LWAXANA'S QUARTERS Alexander sits, an interested observer, looking up at Lwaxana standing on one side of him, and Campio on the other. Erko is in b.g. behind Campio; Mister Homn in b.g. behind Lwaxana. CAMPIO I don't wish to be authoritative, my dear, but Master Erko says that now is our proper time for discussion of certain details. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT FOUR 40A. 58 CONTINUED: LWAXANA (ever-chipper) Well, I certainly don't wish to be considered anti-Erko, dear, but I did promise Alexander one more holodeck trip. (takes Alex's hand) So come, my little love. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT FOUR 41. 58 CONTINUED: (2) CAMPIO Surely there'll be other occasions for you to spend time with the boy. LWAXANA My goodness, Campio. You and I are going to have the rest of our lives. Tell you what: I'll be back with you in one hour. Exactly. All right? ERKO Minister, the woman should not be addressing you in the familiar. 59 QUICK REACTION - LWAXANA For one beat, she shoots Erko a look that indicates she'd like to drop-kick him into the next county. 60 RESUME - SHOT As Alex approaches the doors, they open -- and we see Troi and Worf just arriving. Those two ENTER, with: TROI Mother, we need to talk... LWAXANA We certainly do, dear, but not just now. (to Erko) How do I address him? TROI Mother, we've come for Alexander. (to all) Please forgive the intrusion, but... ERKO Preferably, he should be called by his ministerial title. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT FOUR 42. 60 CONTINUED: LWAXANA (to Erko) Ah. I'll remember. Mister Homn? You make everybody comfortable until we get back; especially... (re: Campio) ... the Minister. (to Campio) One hour, darling; see you then. She starts to leave, but Worf happens to be standing between Lwaxana and the door. WORF Mrs. Troi, it is Alexander's dinner hour. LWAXANA How thoughtless of me. (to Alex; brightly) We'll have a little picnic before the mudbath. CAMPIO But we have business to deal with here. Leaving is simply not acceptable. LWAXANA Oh, can't we pretend it's acceptable? We'll be back. CAMPIO You are missing the point. WORF Alexander, you will please return to quarters and have your dinner. ALEXANDER But we're going to the holodeck. TROI Mother, you are undermining every effort we're trying to make here. LWAXANA Don't be absurd. ERKO It is essential that the wedding procedures be discussed now. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT FOUR 42A. 60 CONTINUED: (2) LWAXANA Well, then... Minister, darling, perhaps you and the Gerko there can come with us. (quick aside, to Troi) Poor dear, don't they ever let you change those colorless outfits? STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT FOUR 43. 60 CONTINUED: (3) CAMPIO Lwaxana, this exceeds all boundaries. LWAXANA Oh. Well, half an hour, then. No longer. I promise. Your duties, Mister Homn. CAMPIO Counselor Troi, have you no influence? TROI Hah! Alexander, recognizing that sound, puts his hands against his diaphragm (as we've seen him do earlier) and exudes his own "Laughing Hour" sound: ALEXANDER Ha! CAMPIO Lwaxana, if you will remain, I may allow the boy to stay while we... ERKO Definitely not. At this point, Lwaxana and Alex will EXIT (o.s.). WORF Definitely not. My son is to return to quarters! ERKO Nor may a servant be present during a prenuptial consultation. TROI Well, sir, I'm afraid even the bride won't be present for this one. Those still present look around to discover that Lwaxana and Alexander are, indeed, gone. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/05/92 - ACT FOUR 44. 61 INT. ENGINEERING Data, with tricorder, has been examining the dilithium chamber housing. In b.g., tricorder sweeps are also being made by two crewpersons. Data rounds a corner and into -- 61A INT. ENGINEERING SIDE ROOM where Geordi is inspecting power transfer conduits. DATA The dilithium chamber shows no anomalous readings. GEORDI So far, these transfer conduits are clean, too -- hold on, I'm getting something here... Data moves toward him as Geordi runs his tricorder over an access panel. GEORDI There's a pretty severe energy fluctuation in this access panel... 62 OMITTED 62A FAVORING GEORDI AT ACCESS PANEL OPENING (OPTICAL) He traces the "hot spot" to the panel seam. As he removes the panel itself: Beat -- and then a FLOOD of orange goo comes down through the panel opening. As Geordi's recovering from that surprise, he's startled anew by the "escape" of a much larger amount of the "Twinkling Stuff" than we saw earlier. 63 FOLLOWING TWINKLING STUFF (OPTICAL) as it travels up another seam and disappears into another duct. 63A RESUME - GEORDI His face reflects his stunned incredulity. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/05/92 - ACT FIVE 45. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 64 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at impulse power. 65 EXT. EDGE OF SHIRALEAN VI GLADE - DAY (HOLODECK) Lwaxana and Alexander sit on the edge of the mudbath, their feet dangling down. The JUGGLER sits cross-legged nearby; obviously forlorn -- and with nothing to juggle. ALEXANDER What happened? JUGGLER I was just juggling... and I happened to catch one in my mouth. It tasted good, so I ate it. Then before I knew it, I'd eaten every one of my worlds. It hadn't occurred to me that, once they were gone, I'd have nothing left to juggle. If you ever have a world, plan ahead. Don't eat it. Alexander thinks that's funny, laughs, as: LWAXANA Well, now. Almost time to go back. ALEXANDER Are you sad? LWAXANA (brightly) Why, of course not. I'm about to be a bride. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/07/92 - ACT FIVE 46. 65 CONTINUED: ALEXANDER That man you're going to marry? He wouldn't ever come for a mudbath, would he? LWAXANA Oh, he might... Probably not. As they rise and she takes his hand to walk away: ALEXANDER Maybe this would be a good time to get one of those little people that live inside you to come out and tell you what to do; or help you, or something. LWAXANA Alexander, what are you talking about? ALEXANDER I'm sorry. She suddenly puts her arm tightly around him. The hug she's giving him this time is all heart and gentleness -- and out of her own need. LWAXANA (quietly fervent) No... Don't you dare be sorry. Beat -- then, a GURGLING sound (as from a backed-up drain) is heard. Lwaxana peers off (o.s.) to see: 66 OMITTED 66A HER POV - WALL GRID (OPTICAL) The holodeck wall grid is peeking through. A great gob of Orange Goo flows out of the grid -- cutting through the "fantasy" world. 66B REACTION - LWAXANA She stiffens with apprehension. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT FIVE 46A. 67 RESUME - SHOT LWAXANA Something's wrong. She takes his hand, rises with him -- her eyes still riveted on the (o.s.) Goo. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/06/92 - ACT FIVE 47. 67 CONTINUED: She starts leading him away, in a direction opposite that in which she's seen the (o.s.) Orange Goo, with: LWAXANA (continuing) Come, dear, let's not leave everyone waiting for us. 68 OMITTED 68A ON WALL GRID (OPTICAL) The Orange Goo continues flowing downward. 69 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi and Data with Picard. GEORDI When we saw that photonic trail moving through the walls, we realized we must be dealing with a metal parasite of some kind. DATA We believe the parasites came through the ship's hull when we destroyed the asteroid near Tessen Three. PICARD Are they attacking anything other than nitrium alloy? GEORDI Not that we can tell. But we've got nitrium everywhere -- ventilation, life support, engines, computers... even in the dilithium chamber. Picard takes this in, mulls it over. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/04/92 - ACT FIVE 47A. 69 CONTINUED: PICARD Mister Data... you said the asteroid we destroyed was rich in nitrium... DATA Yes, sir. PICARD That asteroid was from the Pelloris Field... if the rest of that field is rich in nitrium... it would have been a natural feeding ground. GEORDI We should think about going back there... it's possible the parasites could be lured back to the asteroids... for a meal that's more appealing than we are. PICARD How long to the field, Mister Data? DATA At warp nine, five hours twenty minutes, sir. PICARD (keys combadge) Picard to the bridge... RIKER'S COM VOICE Riker here, sir. PICARD Set a course for the Pelloris asteroid field -- warp nine. RIKER'S COM VOICE Aye, sir. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/04/92 - ACT FIVE 48. 69 CONTINUED: (2) DATA Captain, with our sensors unable to detect the parasites... and given the speed with which they appear to be moving through the ship -- PICARD -- then we may not have five hours and twenty minutes. I'm aware of that. What can we do to slow them down? DATA In several cases, an exanogen gas barrier has been known to slow the progress of metal parasites. PICARD They don't like the cold, eh? Make it so. GEORDI The problem is finding them. By the time we spot an energy fluctuation, they've consumed all the nitrium and moved on. Suddenly, the lights DIM alarmingly. Geordi springs to his console. GEORDI Primary power systems are going down. I'll reroute to the secondary generators. The lights GROW BRIGHT again. PICARD Advise the bridge. (turns to exit) Mister Data, with me. Picard and Data EXIT, leaving Geordi working furiously. 70 OMITTED STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/04/92 - ACT FIVE 48A. 70A INT. CORRIDOR NEAR TURBOLIFT As Picard and Data move briskly to the turbolift, and ENTER. PICARD Bridge. The doors close. 70B INT. TURBOLIFT as Picard and Data ride upward: PICARD Commander, do you have any suggestions on how we could encourage the parasites to leave the ship once we reach the Pelloris Field? DATA If we reconfigure a particle beam with a high concentration of nitrium, and project it toward one of the asteroids... PICARD They'll follow the beam... like a trail of breadcrumbs. Very well -- He stops, his eye drawn upward by something. They both look toward: 70C UPPER WALL VENT Orange Goo begins oozing out, spilling down along the wall. It's coming in larger quantities than we've seen before. 70D PICARD AND DATA react to the sight. Another beat, and -- DATA Turbolift velocity is beginning to fluctuate, Captain. The turbolift JOLTS briefly to a halt; almost immediately begins rising again. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/04/92 - ACT FIVE 48B. 70D CONTINUED: PICARD Computer; stop at next level. (no response) Computer, acknowledge. As, after another beat, the turbolift does halt, but the doors remain closed. Data pries them apart enough to peer out. DATA We have reached the bridge, sir. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/04/92 - ACT FIVE 49. 70E thru OMITTED 79 80 INT. BRIDGE The turbolift doors are pried open by Data. Picard slips out, followed by Data, and the doors SNAP shut behind them. Red Alert is already on. Picard moves to command, Data to ops, as: PICARD Report, Number One. RIKER Life support and ventilation are failing at random spots all over the ship. WORF Captain, we've dropped to warp five-point-seven. PICARD Picard to engineering. GEORDI'S COM VOICE La Forge here... 81 OMITTED 81A INT. ENGINEERING - INTERCUTTING as Geordi labors at his console, a loud, intermittent BUZZING sound issues from the engine room. In b.g., crewpersons are spraying a cold gas around wall panels and the dilithium chamber. PICARD What's happening, Mister La Forge? We're slowing down. GEORDI The parasites must've gotten into the primary warp controller, sir. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/04/92 - ACT FIVE 50. 81A CONTINUED: GEORDI (continuing) I'm trying to do a bypass patch to isolate the backup controllers... but it looks like warp six is the best I can give you. PICARD At that speed there won't be a ship left to reach the Pelloris Field. Do what you have to. GEORDI Working on it, sir. DATA Captain, we're losing life support on decks eleven and twelve. PICARD Mister Worf, have security evacuate all personnel from those decks. 81B OMITTED 81B INT. CORRIDOR Lwaxana and Alexander, hand in hand, are among the several others being ushered through the corridor by security personnel. LWAXANA They're just moving us to another deck. Don't you worry, my little warrior; we'll be fine. She and Alex hurry with the others toward a turbolift. 81C OMITTED 81D INT. ENGINEERING Geordi is still at one of the consoles. The crewpersons continue to spray various parts of engineering. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/04/92 - ACT FIVE 51. 81D CONTINUED: GEORDI (keys combadge) Engineering to bridge. We've got warp six-point-five... but I don't know how much more coaxing I can do here. PICARD'S COM VOICE We need more speed than that, Commander. 81E OMITTED 81F INT. ENGINEERING Everybody here is beginning -- visibly -- to perspire. Orange Goo is seen oozing from several wall panels. Another alarm sounds, and one of the consoles starts blinking warning lights. Geordi rushes to that console. GEORDI The matter-antimatter injectors are failing... I'm rerouting to secondary injector power now. (to crewpersons) Watch the antimatter containment for any system failure! STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/04/92 - ACT FIVE 52. 82 INT. BRIDGE Everybody is now not only perspiring profusely, but is now having some breathing difficulty (excepting, of course, Data). RIKER Atmospheric systems are down to twenty-seven percent. We're going below tolerable oxygen limits. WORF We must evacuate decks twenty through twenty-four, Captain. PICARD Make it so... and shut down all life support to those decks. The lights DIM again. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/04/92 - ACT FIVE 53. 82 CONTINUED: By the minute, breathing is becoming more difficult. It is by now labored. Everyone (except Data) is limp with oxygen and fluid loss. One of the Supernumeraries slumps to the deck, unconscious; others go to help. RIKER (to com) Direct all evacuees to decks nine and ten. PICARD (to Data) Divert emergency life support to those decks. DATA Yes, Captain. PICARD Time to the asteroid field? DATA If we maintain current speed -- and there is no guarantee that we will -- two hours, twenty-three minutes. PICARD Mister Data. The rest of us may lose consciousness. If we do, it will be your job to execute the plan as discussed. DATA Aye, Captain. Picard slumps back in his chair... trying to preserve oxygen... struggling to stay conscious. 82A thru OMITTED 82B 82C EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) drops out of warp with the asteroid field in view. 82D INT. BRIDGE - SOME TIME LATER Data is the only one conscious on the bridge. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/04/92 - ACT FIVE 54. 82D CONTINUED: COMPUTER VOICE Structural integrity of the dilithium chamber is at thirty-four percent. Estimated breach in one minute. Data keys instructions, looks up at the viewscreen. 83 ANGLE ON MAIN SCREEN (OPTICAL) We see myriad multisized asteroids in a gigantic field. DATA Computer, transfer power from warp engines to life support. COMPUTER VOICE Transfer complete. During the next, we will hear a HISS as oxygen begins flowing again, and lights BRIGHTEN slowly. DATA Activate Bussard collector. COMPUTER VOICE Activated. Breach of dilithium chamber in forty seconds. DATA Reconfigure hydrogen-plasma mixture to include thirty percent nitrium. COMPUTER VOICE Mixture complete. DATA Project emitter beam, heading zero-two-four, mark zero-four-one. 84 thru OMITTED 87 88 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE AND ASTEROID (OPTICAL) A particle beam shoots from the ship to the nearest asteroid. A beat -- and then masses of the "Twinkling Stuff" ride the beam, off the Enterprise and onto the asteroid. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/05/92 - ACT FIVE 55. 89 INT. BRIDGE (CONTINUOUS) Red Alert is off... People are beginning to regain consciousness. Picard is waking up, trying to clear his head. COMPUTER VOICE Structural integrity of the dilithium chamber is at twenty-eight percent and holding. PICARD Mister Data... ? DATA The plan was successful, sir. PICARD Well done... He looks around him, assessing the situation. PICARD Mister Worf... coordinate your teams with Doctor Crusher and Commander La Forge... assess damage and injury. WORF Aye, Captain. And Picard takes deep breaths... sits a little straighter... and realizes they've squeaked through once again. 90 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) moving at impulse. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 45733.6. Temporary repairs to the ship have been completed. (beat; wry) Our attention now turns to matters of a more festive nature. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - ACT FIVE 56. 91 INT. TEN FORWARD From somewhere (o.s.), formal (dull) wedding music plays. At the makeshift altar stands Erko, who is to officiate. To his right, Picard and Riker; to his left, Troi and Alexander. In the center stands the ritually robed, pleasantly expectant Campio. All await the (o.s.) bride. 92 CLOSE - PICARD & RIKER RIKER (thru closed lips) You'd think she'd at least get to her own wedding on time. The music now swells. 93 INCLUDING LWAXANA (AS DESIRED) She is smiling infectiously, happily, at everyone. Though we see only noncensorable parts of her, it is obvious that she has made this appearance STARK NAKED. 94 CLOSE REACTION - CAMPIO Thunderstruck. 95 ERKO Open-mouthed, wide-eyed horror. 96 TROI The beginnings of a relieved, certainly understanding, smile. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/05/92 - ACT FIVE 57. 97 CLOSE ON LWAXANA She not only saves her most radiant expression for (the o.s.) Alexander, but throws him a conspiratorial WINK to boot. 98 CLOSE ON ALEXANDER In response, he once again grins happily from ear to ear. 99 ANOTHER ANGLE Erko takes Campio's arm. ERKO Minister, this is infamous. Infamous!... We leave immediately! The speechless Campio is literally led off by his irked Erko. 100 ON LWAXANA She shrugs. C'est la vie, folks. 101 EXT. EDGE OF SHIRALEAN GLADE - DAY - CLOSE ON LWAXANA She sits contentedly in the mudbath... draws a deep breath of contentment. LWAXANA Ahhhhh... heavenly. Every pore is tingling with contentment... A beat as she turns her head; camera WIDENS to show Alexander sitting next to her. LWAXANA Isn't it wonderful how things work out, Alexander? I wanted to teach you how to grab the joys of life... and then you turned around and taught me not to let go of them. How very mutual... WIDEN FURTHER to discover that, alongside Alex, sits Troi, as: STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - REV. 2/05/92 - ACT FIVE 57A. 101 CONTINUED: TROI We still have to learn how to live in the real world. All of us, Mother. LWAXANA When necessary; yes. (to Alex) She is right about that, Alexander. (sotto) But only when necessary. Now WIDEN AGAIN to reveal, seated alongside Troi, Worf. He alone is utterly blank-faced as the others enjoy themselves. He peers first at the others; then down at the mud; then: WORF (lost) You're just supposed to sit here? FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - APPENDIX 1. TEXT OF COMPLETE ARGUMENT IN SCENES 23-25 23 INCLUDING YOUNG MAN AND WOMAN Emerging from one of the tents are a YOUNG, extremely attractive (humanoid) MAN and WOMAN. JUGGLER (to Young Couple) We're having guests for laughing hour. Come join us! YOUNG MAN We'd love to! YOUNG WOMAN No, thank you. YOUNG MAN (pleasantly) Yes. YOUNG WOMAN (pleasantly) No. YOUNG MAN Why do you always say "no" when I say "yes"? YOUNG WOMAN I don't. YOUNG MAN You just did. YOUNG WOMAN There you go again. You are the most negative person! YOUNG MAN You're the one who said "no." YOUNG WOMAN Now it's my fault? YOUNG MAN I didn't say anything about fault. YOUNG WOMAN Yes, you did. YOUNG MAN You're wrong, as usual. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - APPENDIX 2. 23 CONTINUED: YOUNG WOMAN I'm not usually wrong. I'm never wrong. YOUNG MAN You're wrong if you think you're never wrong. YOUNG WOMAN And you're being negative again! YOUNG MAN I most certainly am not! YOUNG WOMAN You just were -- you're being negative when you say you're not negative! YOUNG MAN And you're being stubborn and narrow-minded. YOUNG WOMAN You could not be more wrong. As usual. YOUNG MAN I'm not usually wrong. I'm never wrong. YOUNG WOMAN You're wrong if you think you're never wrong. YOUNG MAN Now who's being negative? YOUNG WOMAN You. YOUNG MAN I don't think so. You are the most negative person. YOUNG WOMAN How can you say that? It's simply not true. YOUNG MAN Every time you open your mouth, you say something negative. STAR TREK: "Cost of Living" - 2/03/92 - APPENDIX 3. 23 CONTINUED: (2) YOUNG WOMAN You're the one who is negative. You negate everything I say. YOUNG MAN I do not. YOUNG WOMAN And you are extremely stubborn. YOUNG MAN I am not. You are! YOUNG WOMAN I - am - not!