STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Inner Light" #40275-225 Story by Morgan Gendel Teleplay by Morgan Gendel and Peter Allan Fields Directed by Peter Lauritson THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1992 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT MARCH 24, 1992 STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - 03/24/92 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Inner Light" CAST PICARD ELINE RIKER BATAI DATA ADMINISTRATOR BEVERLY MERIBOR YOUNG BATAI GEORDI WORF Non-Speaking NURSE OGAWA TOWNSPEOPLE INFANT SON Non-Speaking SUPERNUMERARIES SUPERNUMERARIES MEDICAL TEAM STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - 03/24/92 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Inner Light" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE PICARD'S QUARTERS PROBE KAMIN MAIN ROOM KAMIN HOME COURTYARD & GARDEN TOWN SQUARE OPEN FIELD STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV 03/27/92 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Inner Light" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE BATAI b'TIE ELINE el-EEN EMIRISTOL em-er-IS-tahl KAMIE KAY-mee KAMIN KAY-min KATAAN K'-TAHN KENOMAY KEN-oh-may MERIBOR MARE-ih-bore NUCLEONIC noo-klee-AHN-ik RESSIK RESS-ik STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - 3/24/92 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Inner Light" TEASER FADE IN: 1 thru OMITTED 2 3 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at warp. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 45944.1. We're en route to Starbase Two-eighteen after a magnetic wave survey of the Parvenium Sector. We will give our report directly to Fleet Admiral Gustafson. 4 INT. BRIDGE PICARD, RIKER, DATA, WORF, and GEORDI at their positions; N.D.'s as necessary. There is a light-hearted mood on the bridge. PICARD The last time I encountered Admiral Gustafson... I ended up spending nine straight hours at the opera. GEORDI Nine hours... ? PICARD The entire "Ring" cycle at one sitting... RIKER That's a little too much Wagner for me. PICARD And for me... but not, apparently, for Admiral Gustafson. She went back the next day and sat through it all again. I warned her that this time -- STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - 3/24/92 - TEASER 2. 4 CONTINUED: WORF Sir, sensors detect an unidentified object... twenty-two thousand kilometers off the port quarter. PICARD On screen. 5 ANGLE - VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) An alien object of unusual shape can be seen, though still at quite a distance. Picard moves toward the screen, between t conn and ops. PICARD Magnify. The object springs into greater relief. It is strange, and somehow foreboding. PICARD Mister Data? DATA It appears to be a probe of some kind... but there is no Starfleet record of this shape or design. RIKER Is it scanning us? WORF No sir... but it has assumed a relative position and is holding course with us. DATA The probe is composed of... paricium and talgonite... a ceramic alloy. GEORDI Not a very sophisticated technology... WORF Sir, I'm detecting a low-level nucleonic beam coming from the probe. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - TEASER 3. 5 CONTINUED: RIKER Shields up; stand by phasers. DATA The beam is scanning the shield's perimeter. (frowns) The probe is emitting an unusual particle stream -- WORF Captain, the beam is penetrating our shields -- A point at the top of the probe seems to FLARE briefly, as... PICARD Increase power to -- Suddenly Picard staggers backward, as though struck. He sags, losing consciousness. Riker is already rushing to him as he begins falling. RIKER Captain?... 6 CLOSER - PICARD As he falls, losing consciousness, Riker's hand ENTERS FRAME behind Picard's head so as to protect it, cushion it, against the hard deck toward which it's falling... 7 PICARD'S POV (OPTICAL) Riker's face leaning in close... RIKER Captain, I've got you; it's all... Riker and his surroundings DISSOLVE in a DAZZLE OF COLORS. A beat later the COLORS RE-DISSOLVE INTO... STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - TEASER 3A. 8 PICARD'S NEW POV (OPTICAL) ELINE, a fine looking mid-thirtyish woman -- whose face becomes a thing of radiance when she smiles -- leans over him, blotting his forehead with a moist towel. ELINE Well.. finally. We'll now see that Picard and Eline are: 9 INT. KAMIN MAIN ROOM - DAY He realizes he's seated in a deep and comfortable chair in the modest, certainly unusual (to us), but well-kept and inviting main room of what is apparently a home. In addition to the front entry, there are openings to the (o.s.) kitchen and (o.s.) bedroom. Picard just peers around; confused. ELINE (continuing, gently) How are you feeling? STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - 3/24/92 - TEASER 4. 9 CONTINUED: As she lightly strokes his face with the moist towel: ELINE (gently) Kamin... can you answer me? Picard rises to a sitting position, still scanning the room, a little groggy and disoriented. PICARD Where is this... ? A frown of concern on the woman's face. ELINE You're still feverish... Picard looks around, getting control of his faculties. Everything he sees is strange, unaccustomed. Might he be in a holodeck program? PICARD Computer, freeze program. (beat) End program. Nothing. The woman keeps moving, trying to blot his forehead. He gets to his feet, automatically reaching for his communicator. PICARD Picard to Enterprise -- But there is nothing there to hit. He looks down at his garb -- strange and alien. ELINE Kamin, please don't try to get up yet... you're still not well. PICARD I asked you... what is this place? Her look is of loving concern. ELINE This... is your home, of course. MOVE IN ON PICARD'S FACE, and HOLD, until we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - 3/24/92 - ACT ONE 5. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 10 INT. KAMIN MAIN ROOM - DAY (CONTINUOUS) Picard and Eline just as they were. He's up and moving, inspecting the room. PICARD Where is my uniform? My communicator? She looks truly worried. ELINE I'd better call the doctor again... PICARD I am Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation Starship Enterprise. I would like to speak with whoever is in charge here. ELINE (frightened now) If you'll just lie down, I'll brew you some nice warm kenomay... PICARD Just tell me this -- am I a prisoner here? Her eyes widen in alarm. ELINE Please, dear... you've had a high fever for three days... you mustn't push yourself too quickly... Picard has discovered a panel in the wall which contains a small metallic square in the center. He touches it, it opens. ELINE You shouldn't go outside... Picard moves to EXIT... a bit cautiously... STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - 3/24/92 - ACT ONE 6. 11 OMITTED 12 EXT. COURTYARD FRONTING KAMIN HOME - DAY (CONTINUOUS) The dwelling is smooth and pale, with the appearance of a Mediterranean villa. There is a modest front courtyard with a garden -- now blooming with odd and alien flora. Picard steps out into the courtyard, shading his eyes against the bright sunlight; stops as the door closes behind him to survey the area. Eline follows him, concerned. ELINE Kamin... please come back inside... She follows him briefly as he makes his way out of the courtyard, then stops in frustration, realizing he will not listen. 13 EXT. TOWN SQUARE - HIS POV More of the white stucco-like dwellings, a square area in the center where SEVERAL TOWNFOLK have gathered. A fine-looking, pretty-faced youngish woman crosses Picard's path en route to the gathered group. She smiles in recognition, and waves at him as she goes. 14 ANGLE ON GROUP (OPTICAL) as Picard approaches. There is a small group of people gathered around a man -- BATAI, a genial-looking man in his 50's -- who is just finishing the planting of a sapling tree, tamping down the earth and then rising to address the group. BATAI This sapling is planted as an affirmation of life... in defiance of the drought and with expectations of long life. Whatever comes -- we will keep it alive, as a symbol of our survival. The group applauds... and then Batai spots Picard. BATAI (happy relief) Kamin! You're back on your feet! How do you feel, my friend? STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - 3/24/92 - ACT ONE 7. 14 CONTINUED: PICARD Are you in charge here? Batai is a bit taken aback by the brusque question. BATAI In charge... ? PICARD I want to be returned to my ship immediately. The group has a reaction to this... exchanging curious glances. Batai moves closer to Picard. BATAI What... ship is that? The honest confusion in the man frustrates Picard. He looks around, takes a breath... tries again. PICARD Please... if you could tell me... what is this place? Where am I? BATAI (getting it) The fever... it's taken your memory. Picard stares at him... mind working quickly... frustrated by his inability to get straight answers from these people. He decides on a different tack. He smiles a bit ruefully. PICARD That must be it. Perhaps you could help me... BATAI Anything, my friend. PICARD My name is Kamin... and you are -- ? BATAI (wary, this is strange) Batai... (helpful) Council leader. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - 3/24/92 - ACT ONE 8. 14 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Ah. And you say I've been ill... BATAI For over a week. Eline should've put you in the hospital, but she insisted on caring for you herself. PICARD Eline. BATAI Your wife. If you don't remember that, maybe it's safer not to go home. Picard allows himself a genial smile. He is at least getting information. PICARD And... what is this place? Batai becomes wary again, alarmed by his friend's total memory loss. BATAI Perhaps you should see the doctor... PICARD Please -- I'm sure it will come back to me... BATAI (gesturing) This... is the community of Ressik. Northern province. PICARD What planet? Batai appears mystified, then comes toward Picard, puts an arm around his shoulder. BATAI Come... let me take you back home. PICARD I'm really quite all right. If you'll just answer... STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT ONE 9. 14 CONTINUED: (3) BATAI (carefully) This is the planet Kataan. PICARD Kataan... not a Federation planet. Batai looks at him, puzzled. Picard gives the group a reassuring smile. PICARD I think I'll take a walk... A hesitation. BATAI You've been ill for a week... PICARD Exercise will do me good. I'd like to -- re-acquaint myself with the surroundings. He gives a nod, then begins to stride purposefully out of the square. Batai stares after him, as do the mystified townspeople. 15 thru OMITTED 16 16A EXT. FIELDS - DAY Picard roams the hills beyond the town, searching for clues to his mysterious abduction. He climbs a small ridge, stares off in the distance, then climbs down and proceeds on his way. 17 OMITTED 18 INT. KAMIN MAIN ROOM - NIGHT Eline sits at a small table, idly stirring soup in a bowl, when she hears something outside. She jumps up, goes to the door, activates it. Picard is standing there, bone-weary. ELINE Thank goodness... She ushers him in and he settles in the chair... grateful to be off his feet. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT ONE 10. 18 CONTINUED: ELINE I've had people out trying to find you everywhere. Why did you worry us like that? He is silent. She tries again. ELINE Are you hungry? PICARD Hungry, thirsty... weary... I suppose that proves this isn't a dream, doesn't it? She stands, stunned, staring at him. ELINE You think this... your life... is a dream? The note of anguish in her voice catches him. His reply is gentle. PICARD It's not my life... I know that much. Stricken, she blinks away tears, turns to get food. ELINE I've kept something hot for you. He sits at the table and she carries a bowl of soup to him. ELINE Where did you go? PICARD I walked. For hours. He begins eating the soup. ELINE (concerned) And you just out of bed... She sits opposite him, grateful to have him back, devotion in her eyes. Picard busies himself with the soup. PICARD This is delicious... STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT ONE 11. 18 CONTINUED: (2) ELINE (pleased) You always say that... He looks up at her, reminded of his apparent history with this woman. He decides to approach her head-on. PICARD Would you -- answer some questions for me? No matter how strange they might seem to you? ELINE Of course... PICARD Are there other planets in this star system? Do you visit any other systems... ? Shocked, she literally just gapes at him. He reads her response. PICARD All right. Is there any kind of communication system here? How do you send messages to... to other communities? Other places? ELINE The usual way... by voice-transit conductors. Do you want to send a message? PICARD Yes. When can that be arranged? ELINE (shrugs) Tomorrow. (beat) Don't you want to ask about... us? Picard hears the note of anguish in her voice. He sets down his spoon, softens. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT ONE 12. 18 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD Of course. Anything you can tell me would be helpful. We are... married? She nods, clearly in pain that he has no recollection of this. ELINE Three years ago... the happiest day of my life was the day we got married. (beat) You're probably tired of hearing it... but I've loved you since I was seven years old. That's when I decided I was going to be your wife, and no one was going to change my mind. She smiles at him, reaches out and covers his hand with hers. ELINE I'm glad I was so stubborn... He stares at her. Her warmth, her sincerity are obvious. It puts him in an uncomfortable position. He tries to return to his agenda. PICARD What is it that I do... here in Ressik? ELINE (great pride) You're the best iron weaver in the community. At least I think so. You prefer playing the flute, of course. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT ONE 13. 18 CONTINUED: (4) PICARD The flute? She rises, goes to a nearby shelf (or whatever) and brings to him. It is a device much like a penny-whistle. He holds it, turning it over in his hands; it is completely unfamiliar. PICARD And when did I learn to play it? ELINE (laughing again) I'm afraid you've never learned, dear. You do keep trying. Picard puts the device to him mouth... tries a few notes... it sounds pretty awful. Even Picard can't help but smile. PICARD I see what you mean. He sets the flute down, rises. PICARD Thank you for the soup. And for your help. Tomorrow will you help me send a message? She smiles as though indulging a child. She has him back... he isn't saying strange things anymore. It's enough for now. ELINE Of course. Will you come to bed now? He stares at her. This is a bit awkward. He looks off toward a door which must lead to a bedroom, then back at the reclining chair. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT ONE 14. 18 CONTINUED: (5) PICARD I'll sleep here... ELINE Oh, no... please come with me... In her voice, genuine concern. Picard tries diplomacy. PICARD I've been sick... I may be tossing and turning... it wouldn't be fair to you. ELINE (a smile) Let me be the judge of that. She moves toward him... stretches her arms to hold him... and as she does, her dress falls open at the neck. Picard stares at what he sees. 19 OMITTED 20 CLOSE - ICON MEDALLION It is a replica, an exact miniature, of the probe. PICARD (o.s.) Where did you get this? 21 RESUME - SHOT ELINE (taken aback) It's... the first gift you ever gave me. 22 CLOSE ON PICARD as he stares at her. 23 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - CLOSE ON PICARD as Riker's cushioning hand finishes lowering Picard's head gently to the deck (in continuation of the action in progress during the instant we were last on the main bridge; as Picard was falling). RIKER ... I've got you; it's all right... STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - 3/24/92 - ACT ONE 15-17. 24 FULL SHOT as Riker remains kneeling over the prone and motionless figure of Picard. RIKER Riker to sickbay. The captain's been hurt. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT TWO 18. ACT TWO FADE IN: A25 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) hanging in space. 25 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard's inert form remains where it was on the deck, with Riker kneeling in close attendance. Geordi stands just behind him; Data, Worf and the Conn Officer still at stations -- as BEVERLY, with emergency medical equipment, rushes in from the forward turbolift to begin preliminary on-spot diagnosis. DATA The nucleonic beam is no longer scanning, Commander. There is a narrow reciprocating band focused directly on Captain Picard. RIKER Mister Data, find out how that beam is getting through the shields and what we can do to cut it off. DATA Yes, Commander. RIKER Geordi, start scanning the probe for any identifying marks, anything that might tell us where it came from. GEORDI Understood. He goes to work at an aft station. Beverly is giving preliminary readings. BEVERLY Pulse and blood pressure normal... I'm getting hyperactive fibrogenic activity... this is odd... STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT TWO 18A. 25 CONTINUED: RIKER What is it? BEVERLY There's no evidence of injury or trauma... vital signs are normal, but his neurotransmitter production is off the scale. What's going on? Riker looks in frustration toward the viewscreen. RIKER That probe is doing something to him... Data, any progress? DATA No, sir. The particle emission is most unusual. I am unable to block it. WORF Destroy the probe. Phasers are armed and ready. BEVERLY (as she begins scanning) I don't think that's wise. Not until we know exactly what it's doing to him... RIKER Agreed. Stand down phasers, Mister Worf. Worf reluctantly obeys. RIKER In the meantime, let's see if we can move out of range. Ensign, thrusters only... one hundred kph... nice and easy... There is a pause as the ship attempts to move from the probe. RIKER Mister Data? DATA The probe is moving with us, sir -- holding relative position. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT TWO 19. 25 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY It's connected itself to him... like a tether. Perplexed, Riker looks from the main viewer to Picard, then back again. HOLD on his FACE, before going to: 26 EXT. TOWN SQUARE - DAY - CLOSE ON SMALL TREE Reestablishing. The sapling has matured with five years of growth. 27 EXT. KAMIN HOME COURTYARD - DAY Picard stands in the courtyard, holding a sextant and shooting the sun. He takes a measurement... then records his findings in a journal that's lying on a bench. Then he holds the instrument up to his eye again, continuing. 28 ANGLE ON ELINE who comes from the house and approaches Picard, who is absorbed in his work. She watches him silently for a moment, aware of his intense preoccupation. She moves toward him. ELINE You've been dreaming of that starship again, haven't you? 29 PICARD AND ELINE He lowers the instrument, turns toward her. This is an old conversation. PICARD I'm just charting the sun's movements. It might give some clues to the cause of this drought. ELINE I think you're still trying to figure out where you are... where that ship of yours is... what you can do to get back to that life... Picard sets the sextant down. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT TWO 20. 29 CONTINUED: PICARD The memory's five years old now, but it's still inside me. (shrugs) My other existence may be gone, but I still wonder about it. She regards him solemnly, then begins idly circling the courtyard... breaking off a dead flower or branch now and then. The garden has deteriorated; what were once abundant blooms are now small sickly plants without blossoms. ELINE Was it so much better than this one? He gives her a sharp look. Undaunted, she proceeds. ELINE So much more gratifying... so much more fulfilling... that you cling to it with such stubbornness? PICARD Eline... ELINE It must have been extraordinary... but never once, in all the stories you've told me... have you mentioned anyone who loved you as I do. He is pained. She is right... PICARD It was real... as real as this is. You can't expect me to forget the lifetime I spent there... ELINE Yes, I can. He looks at her. There is a new sound in her voice, a tilt to her chin. ELINE I've been patient, Kamin. For five years I have shared you with that other life. (MORE) STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - 3/24/92 - ACT TWO 21. 29 CONTINUED: (2) ELINE (cont'd) I have listened, I have tried to understand... and I have waited. (beat) When do I get you back? He is silent for a beat... fully understanding her frustration. PICARD I know this has been hard for you... ELINE It's not as though it hasn't been interesting... all this talk about starships and distant planets... I have never been bored. (beat) But I have been lonely. Knowing that your heart is really... somewhere else. PICARD You have been amazingly tolerant. ELINE When are you going to let go? When are you going to start living this life? (beat) When are we going to start a family? Before he can answer, a hail from behind them -- BATAI (o.c.) Kamin, Eline! They turn to see Batai approaching them, genial as always. BATAI Good morning! PICARD Good morning, Batai... But Eline is strangely silent. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT TWO 22. 29 CONTINUED: (3) BATAI Are you ready? The administrator has already arrived. PICARD Yes... (to Eline) Will you come along? ELINE No, thank you... (with an edge) ... You do very well on your own. And she strides back into the house. Picard turns back to Batai, frowning. Batai smiles with understanding. BATAI She always was strong-minded. Even when she was a child. They start walking toward the town square. PICARD It isn't her fault. These last few years have been difficult for her. Batai gives him a glance. BATAI And for you, I think. Picard takes a breath. But makes no acknowledgment. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 4/02/92 - ACT TWO 23. 30 EXT. TOWN SQUARE - DAY (CONTINUOUS) A group of the townspeople are gathered near the tree. The ADMINISTRATOR, a youngish man in an outfit which distinguishes him from the others, stands inspecting the tree. As Picard and Batai approach, he turns to them. ADMINISTRATOR There you are, Batai. Perhaps you can explain to me... when crops are dying all over, how this tree is flourishing? Batai smiles his genial smile. BATAI This tree is our symbol... our affirmation of life. Everyone in this town gives a part of their water rations to keep it alive. (beat) We have learned, Administrator, that hope is a powerful weapon against anything... even drought. The Administrator eyes him, assessing. The young man is a politician, and has learned not to interfere too drastically in local government. He nods, accepting. ADMINISTRATOR A good point. Perhaps I will recommend a symbolic tree in each of my communities... (smiling broadly) Now. What business do we have today? STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 4/02/92 - ACT TWO 24. 30 CONTINUED: BATAI We need help if we're to increase the water supply. We think there are ways to reclaim some of our water... ADMINISTRATOR Batai, you're being a bit of an alarmist. True, we're in a drought... but water rationing has produced a sizeable savings. Picard can no longer keep quiet. PICARD If the weather pattern doesn't change, rationing won't be enough. We will run out of water. The Administrator looks at Picard in some surprise. ADMINISTRATOR Who's this? BATAI Kamin, sir. ADMINISTRATOR Kamin... do I know you? PICARD No. I haven't spoken to you before. The Administrator smiles, acknowledging a new constituent. ADMINISTRATOR Well, Kamin -- I'm open to all the people of this town. I'm delighted to hear what you have to say. Did you have a specific proposal? STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - 3/24/92 - ACT TWO 25. 30 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD I suggest we build atmospheric condensers which could extract water from the air. The Administrator chuckles a little... condescending. He's very charming... but gives nothing. ADMINISTRATOR Well. Very ambitious. Kamin, was it? And your occupation is -- ? PICARD Iron weaving. (beat) And playing the flute. The Administrator looks sharply at him... not sure if he's being tweaked -- which he is. But Picard is straight-faced. ADMINISTRATOR I don't mean to quash your very creative idea... but building atmospheric condensers would be a monumental undertaking. We could not hope to sustain such a project. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT TWO 26. 30 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD Each community would be responsible for its own. These condensers could mean the difference between watering our crops... or watching them die. The Administrator is too experienced to get into a wrangle. He smiles and agrees -- an effective stonewalling. ADMINISTRATOR Well -- I'll be glad to pass along your suggestion. You'll see that this kind of participatory government works for everyone. He starts away from the group, genial as ever. ADMINISTRATOR Be well, Batai. I shall see you next month. (to Picard, coolly) Good to meet you, Kanin. The mispronunciation is not intentional, just careless. The Administrator turns and begins striding away. BATAI Go carefully, Administrator... Batai turns back to Picard, who stands staring after the Administrator. BATAI That went very well. I think he was impressed with you. Picard can't help but chuckle at this. PICARD We'll never see an atmospheric condenser... STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - 3/24/92 - ACT TWO 26A. 30 CONTINUED: (4) BATAI These things take time. It will happen, I'm sure of it. Picard changes the mood, claps him on the shoulder. PICARD Come to dinner tonight, my friend. I'll make a vegetable stew. We'll talk about building our own condenser. Batai nods, acquiescing. As Picard starts to turn away -- BATAI Kamin -- Picard turns back. BATAI Hearing you talk to the Administrator... I realized that for the first time in years, you were speaking as though you were truly a member of the community. (beat) It was good to hear that again. He nods and walks off. Picard looks after him, absorbing his statement. 31 thru OMITTED 32 33 EXT. KAMIN COURTYARD AND GARDEN - THAT NIGHT Batai, beverage in hand, is sprawled on one of the benches; Picard is seated, barefoot, playing his flute. Not very well, and not any melody that we can recognize. But he's playing nonetheless, and it's a marked improvement from last time. He hits a couple of sour notes, and stops, working his fingers over the keys. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - 3/24/92 - ACT TWO 26B. 33 CONTINUED: BATAI You've been brooding behind that flute all evening. PICARD I'm not brooding. I'm immersed in my music. BATAI Music... PICARD (re: flute) I've found it helps me think. (a smile) The real surprise is that I enjoy it so much. BATAI The real surprise is that you may actually be improving. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT TWO 27. 34 INCLUDING ELINE as she emerges from within the home. ELINE Batai? BATAI Yes, ma'am. ELINE Go home. BATAI Yes, ma'am. (Rises) Goodnight, Kamin. PICARD Goodnight, my friend. ELINE Go carefully, Batai. As Batai departs, Eline picks up Picard's shoes, which are flung on the ground. ELINE Don't forget these. I won't put them away for you again. PICARD Yes, ma'am. She gives him a sidelong glance... sees the humor in him, and smiles back. ELINE I've done nothing but nag today. I'm sorry. PICARD I'm the one who's sorry. (beat) Everything you said this morning was absolutely right. She stares at him, surprised. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT TWO 27A. 34 CONTINUED: PICARD I've given you so little... and you have given me so much... tenderness, patience... and a good talking to when I needed it. (beat) You've been more than I could ever have hoped for. More than I deserve. Hearing these unaccustomed and longed-for words, Eline hastens to reassure him. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT TWO 28. 34 CONTINUED: (2) ELINE You're a good man, a wonderful husband... I didn't mean to imply -- He touches her mouth gently with his fingertips. PICARD Not such a wonderful husband. He puts his arm around her, musing. PICARD I spend my spare time charting the stars... I disappear for days at a time exploring the countryside... and I never put away my shoes. I lead my life very much as I did -- before. (quick glance at her) Old habits. ELINE You're gentle and kind... you've never raised your voice to me... PICARD I'd like to ask your permission to build something. ELINE Kamin, you've built your telescope, your laboratory -- you don't need my permission to build anything... PICARD In this case, I think I do. ELINE What is it? PICARD A nursery. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT TWO 29. 34 CONTINUED: (3) Beat -- as she digests the enormity of this. Then, absolutely beaming, she wraps her arms around him. ELINE Really? Really? PICARD Unless you'd rather have a porch. It'd certainly be easier to build... She laughs, flinging her arms around him; he smiles. Then, tenderly, lovingly... he takes her face in his hands... kisses her soft, generous mouth... 35 thru OMITTED 36 37 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard is still unconscious; more equipment is being set up by a MEDICAL TEAM including NURSE OGAWA and one other -- diagnostic apparatus, monitor, etc. Beverly hovers over Picard. BEVERLY (to the team) He's showing heightened activity in the cerebral cortex... OGAWA Pulse and blood pressure are slightly elevated... BEVERLY Systemic activity? OGAWA Increasing. And I'm getting heightened tactile responses. BEVERLY Set up a galvanic scan. RIKER Geordi, any progress identifying the probe? GEORDI Maybe. I've picked up some residue on the probe's shell. I think it's from the propulsion system. Looks like it used a solid propellant as fuel. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT TWO 30. 37 CONTINUED: RIKER Solid propellant? GEORDI Sensors read this stuff as crystalline emiristol. It produces a radioactive trail that ought to be traceable. RIKER Then we can send out a probe of our own. Trace it back to the point of origin. GEORDI I'll get on it. DATA Commander, I have been analyzing the nucleonic beam. I believe it would be possible to reflect the particles back toward the probe in a way that would disrupt the signal. Riker turns to Beverly... with a tough question. RIKER Doctor... ? But she has no easy answers. BEVERLY I don't know what it's doing to him, or what'll happen if we stop it... RIKER He could be dying by inches... BEVERLY His vital signs are stable. There's no indication he's in a life-threatening situation -- RIKER I'm not willing to let that thing keep drilling into him -- STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT TWO 30A. 37 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY I simply don't know the risk of shutting down the beam. If someone gets stabbed, you don't necessarily pull the knife out right away -- that might do more harm than leaving it there. WORF The captain is under attack. We must act. A long moment as Riker weighs his choices. RIKER I'm inclined to agree. Doctor, monitor him closely. Mister Data, prepare to disrupt the beam. We're going to try to cut this cord. 38 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - 3/24/92 - ACT THREE 31. ACT THREE FADE IN: 39 EXT. TOWN SQUARE - DAY - FAVORING PLANTED TREE The tree is now twelve years old. One of the N.D. Townfolk is watering it (sparingly) from a hand-held pot. 40 EXT. COURTYARD & GARDEN FRONTING KAMIN HOME - DAY It is seven years since we were last here. What was once the beautifully blossoming flower garden is now a rock garden. The entry door stands ajar. In the rock garden, an adorable little girl, MERIBOR, age six, plays happily. She's dressed in her best. We hear (o.s.) a lovely lullaby being played on a flute. The music continues thru into: 41 OMITTED 42 INT. KAMIN MAIN ROOM - DAY - ON PICARD (MAKEUP CHANGE #1) It is an older Picard who stands playing the lovely lullaby. As he does, WIDEN to discover not only that he's playing to the infant son cradled (and rocked gently) in Eline's arms, but that Several N.D. Guests are present... gathered to watch, with smiling faces, this ritual ceremony. On a fairly long table set up for the occasion, are (as yet untouched) food snacks and stuff to drink for the guests. As the lullaby continues -- 43 ANOTHER ANGLE Six year old Meribor, whom we've just seen outside, comes running into -- and part of the way through -- the room, before stopping to watch. She swings her arms a bit, and foot-fidgets (the way kids do who think they're standing in place), until stopped by: ELINE (softly) Meribor, this is your brother's ceremony; now don't fidget. And, as little Meribor dutifully complies, the lullaby ends. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 4/02/92 - ACT THREE 32. 43 CONTINUED: Picard turns and smiles at Eline, then addresses the guests. PICARD We name this child for a dear friend who died last year... but who will now live on through his namesake. ELINE (to baby) We name you -- Batai. In his honor. Picard now turns to their guests: PICARD He's starting life in the warmth of friends. Thank you. (re: long table) Please, help yourselves to something to eat. As the audience of guests becomes just a homogeneous, relaxed group enjoying the fare on the long table, MUSIC from an unseen source begins playing. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - 3/24/92 - ACT THREE 33. 44 thru OMITTED 47 48 PICARD & ELINE as a female guest comes and takes the baby from Eline. She and Picard are now momentarily alone. ELINE It seems like just yesterday that we had Meribor's naming ceremony. PICARD I remember. I was so nervous I thought I might drop her. (beat) Now look at her... a little lady... ELINE She's no lady... tromping through the hills with you all day, digging those soil samples you insist on collecting... she's her father's daughter. Picard smiles, then grows a bit pensive -- Eline picks up on it. ELINE What is it? PICARD (an admission) I'd always thought I didn't need children to make my life complete... now, I can't imagine life without them. She gives him a warm smile and holds out her arms to him... they embrace lovingly. 49 VERY CLOSE ON ELINE her face reflecting her silent, joyously contented knowledge of what he's experiencing. 50 VERY CLOSE ON PICARD Another long beat... Now, suddenly, his face changes to a surprised grimace of pain. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT THREE 34. 51 ANGLE Eline Reacts to Picard's expression of pain. And, as he GRUNTS in still further pain, and clutches his left arm: ELINE Kamin! 52 OMITTED 53 ON PICARD Gasping for breath now, he goes first to his knees -- then to the floor on his back. ELINE (o.c.) Get the doctor -- hurry! And as CAMERA MOVES in on his face -- 54 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Riker stands well back; Data and Worf at stations. Beverly is bent over Picard, frantically trying to revive him, Ogawa at her side. Picard begins to gasp for air. BEVERLY I'm losing him! OGAWA I'm getting massive somatophysical failure... BEVERLY Two cc's delactovine... Ogawa hands her the hypospray, which she administers. Picard continues to gasp for air. RIKER Data, get that beam back. OGAWA There are severe fluctuations in the isocortex... synaptic responses are failing... Picard begins to CONVULSE. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT THREE 35. 54 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Begin full cardiac induction... The other medical team member uses an instrument on Picard. OGAWA Blood pressure is dropping rapidly... seventy over twenty -- BEVERLY Data, you have to reestablish that beam. DATA I am attempting to do so, Doctor. OGAWA Losing response in the isocortex -- BEVERLY Cortical stimulator... The other medical team member hands her a pair of blinkies that she affixes to either side of Picard's head at the temples. BEVERLY Start at ten percent... DATA Doctor, the beam is fully restored. They wait for a tense beat as the device does its thing. OGAWA Blood pressure up to ninety over forty... (relief) ... and rising... BEVERLY Isocortical functions are stabilizing... vital signs approaching normal levels... STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT THREE 36. 54 CONTINUED: (2) Finally, Beverly removes the apparatus from Picard, and, in totally spent relief, literally sags against one of the command chairs. The others breathe a collective sigh of relief. 55 thru OMITTED 60 61 EXT. KAMIN COURTYARD - DAY A lovely, intelligent-eyed girl, MERIBOR, (age sixteen, so another ten years have passed) kneels using a portable core sample-extraction device. Having taken a core sample, she'll now read it as the device measures its chemical content. PICARD (o.c.) Meribor... ? She looks around and up. She has a great grin, reminiscent of her mother's. MERIBOR Happy day, father... 62 INCLUDING PICARD He has just come from the house. We realize only slowly, as he grows nearer, that this is a Picard who -- despite his continued physical fitness -- is now about seventy years old. PICARD That's my hobby; find your own. MERIBOR You're the one who taught me. Don't complain if you turned me into a scientist. PICARD And what has the scientist been up to today? MERIBOR Analyzing soil samples. (beat) There's not even any anerobic bacteria. The soil is dead. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - 3/24/92 - ACT THREE 37. 62 CONTINUED: She looks at him with grave, lovely eyes. MERIBOR This isn't just a long drought, is it? (no response) I have entries in my log that go back ten years. You have data that precedes that by fifteen years. You've reached the same conclusion, I know you have. Picard regards her... a loving father who would rather protect his daughter from the awareness of dire things. The result is a bit terse and testy. PICARD I haven't reached any conclusion. A good scientist doesn't function by conjecture. MERIBOR (unfazed) A good scientist functions by hypothesizing and then proving or disproving that hypothesis. That's what I've done. PICARD (beat) Tell me... why don't you spend more time with that young fellow Dannick? MERIBOR You're changing the subject. PICARD I'm not; I'm hypothesizing that he's in love with you. MERIBOR You've taught me to pursue the truth -- no matter how painful it might be. It's too late to back off from that. She rises, collecting her instruments. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 4/02/92 - ACT THREE 38. 62 CONTINUED: (2) MERIBOR I've analyzed the rings in old trees. I've examined rock strata to correlate evidence of climactic changes over the centuries. (beat) Father -- this planet is dying. He looks at her with a mixture of anguish and adoration. PICARD Perhaps I should have filled your head with trivial concerns... games and toys and clothes... She smiles gently at him. MERIBOR I don't think you mean that. PICARD No... but it saddens me to see you bear the burden of knowing things... things you can't change. MERIBOR It's no more a burden than you bear. PICARD But I'm not sixteen. With my life ahead of me. A beat, and then, pensively -- STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 4/02/92 - ACT THREE 39. 62 CONTINUED: (3) MERIBOR Father? I think I should marry Dannick sooner rather than later... don't you? PICARD I can only say... (Beat) ... Live now, Meribor. Always make "now" the most precious time. "Now" will not come again. MERIBOR I love you, father. She puts her arm around his waist, and he puts his around her shoulder. They walk like that into the house. 63 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Beverly and one of the medical team working over Picard, with Riker watching from behind them; Geordi at an aft science station; Data and Worf at stations. BEVERLY Vital signs are holding... he's been stable ever since the beam was restored. (beat) I don't know what more to do for him. Riker takes a few steps toward the viewscreen, staring at the alien probe in frustration. GEORDI Commander, we're starting to receive telemetry from the probe we launched. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT THREE 40. 63 CONTINUED: RIKER Go ahead. GEORDI (off console) We've charted the alien probe's radiation trail for just over one light year. RIKER Can you extrapolate a point of origin? GEORDI Our best guess would be a star system in the Silarian sector... Kataan. RIKER Kataan... I've never heard of it. Data... ? DATA It is an unmapped system of six planets. RIKER Any of them inhabited? DATA Not any longer, sir. The star went nova. All life in the system was destroyed approximately one thousand years ago. HOLD on Riker's look, until we... 64 thru OMITTED 65 FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 4/02/92 - ACT FOUR 41. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 66 EXT. TOWN SQUARE - NIGHT - ON TREE Reestablishing. The tree, though thirty-two years old, is now dead. 67 EXT. KAMIN COURTYARD - NIGHT Ten years have passed since we saw Picard last. He is peering through his telescope, occasionally entering data in his journal. Eline emerges from the house. ELINE I put your shoes away for you again. PICARD Ah. Thank you, dear. She moves toward him, and as he turns away to enter notes, she peers through the telescope. ELINE I've been looking through this thing off and on for almost thirty years... and I still can't see what you and Meribor find so fascinating. He moves back toward her. PICARD Fine. Then maybe you'll sit down and rest the way you're supposed to. ELINE (relinquishing the telescope) You treat me like some frail flower. People have surgery all the time. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 4/02/92 - ACT FOUR 42. 67 CONTINUED: At this moment, the sound of a flute being played in the house draws Picard's look. He shakes his head a little, moves again to his telescope. Eline sees the reaction. ELINE He loves playing. And he's very good at it, you know. There is a hint of frustration in Picard's voice as he discusses his son. PICARD He loves doing a lot of things -- too many. One week he wants to be a botanist, the next week a sculptor. I wish he could find some focus in his life. ELINE I think he has. He looks at her, surprised and curious. ELINE Maybe you should talk to him. Picard realizes something is going on. PICARD (calling) Batai? The MUSIC abruptly stops, and YOUNG BATAI, twenty, emerges from the house, carrying a flute. YOUNG BATAI Father... ? PICARD I get the feeling from your mother that you have something to tell me. Mother and son exchange quick glances. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT FOUR 43. 67 CONTINUED: (2) YOUNG BATAI Yes. I was waiting for the right moment... but that won't ever come. (beat) I'm leaving school. PICARD Leaving school -- ? No, you're not -- YOUNG BATAI I want to concentrate on my music. It's what I care about. PICARD Last year, all you cared about was mathematics. A year before that it was botany. Now -- YOUNG BATAI But through it all there was my music. I think you know that, father... (beat) This is the life I want. Picard looks at him... realizing that children will go their own way, regardless. PICARD We'll... we'll discuss it. Young Batai smiles, suspecting acquiescence. YOUNG BATAI Thank you, father. And he bounds back into the house. Picard picks up his journal, leafs through it pensively. ELINE Even after all these years... you have the ability to surprise me. PICARD If music is what he wants... why should I stand in his way? (beat) Who knows how much time he'll have to follow any dream. Eline watches as he flips through his journal. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 4/03/92 - ACT FOUR 44. 67 CONTINUED: (3) ELINE Are you still planning to talk to the Administrator tomorrow? PICARD Yes. (beat) It's possible he'll dismiss me from the Council. ELINE Unless, of course, you keep quiet. PICARD The evidence is too pronounced. I can't stay silent. ELINE (gentle smile) What a surprise. 68 thru OMITTED 69 70 EXT. TOWN SQUARE - NEXT DAY Picard and the Administrator -- now having aged by twenty-seven years -- are in the square. Although some townspeople are seen in the B.G., they are alone. Picard carries his journal. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 4/03/92 - ACT FOUR 45. 70 CONTINUED: ADMINISTRATOR Kamin, what do you hope to accomplish? Spreading rumors that the planet is doomed... there could be chaos. During the next, their voices rise slightly, each topping the other. PICARD (brandishing journal) The facts are here. At least show them to someone who will recognize what they mean. ADMINISTRATOR I won't be a party to your making trouble -- PICARD If you won't take them, I most certainly will. The Administrator suddenly realizes that they are speaking loudly, and have drawn a few curious looks. He lifts a warning hand to Picard, glances around, then, casually, begins to walk. Picard falls in line with him. ADMINISTRATOR (quietly) Your observations... your findings... our scientists reached those same conclusions two years ago. Picard stares at him. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT FOUR 46. 70 CONTINUED: (2) ADMINISTRATOR Well, what did you expect us to do? Make it public? Can you imagine the effect... ? PICARD Surely the technology exists to save something of this world... perhaps some people could be evacuated... ADMINISTRATOR Evacuated to where? Our technology is limited. We're just beginning to launch small missiles... PICARD A collection of genetic samples, then -- something, anything -- you can't just let this civilization die -- ADMINISTRATOR Enough! (beat; defeated) There is a plan in the works. I can't tell you more than that. And before Picard can reply -- YOUNG BATAI (o.c.) Father! 71 INCLUDING YOUNG BATAI He comes barreling toward them, out of breath, his face pale. Picard moves toward him. PICARD What is it -- ? YOUNG BATAI It's mother. Hurry. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 4/03/92 - ACT FOUR 47. 72 OMITTED 73 INT. KAMIN MAIN ROOM - MINUTES LATER As Picard and Young Batai hurry in, a grim-faced Doctor is just rising from his inspection of Eline, who lies pale and blanket-covered on the chair. Picard goes to her. PICARD Doctor -- ? But the man simply shakes his head sadly. ELINE (wry) You see... I'll go to any lengths... to get your attention. PICARD (in kind) You always had a flair for the dramatic... ELINE Doctor... Batai... leave us alone for a moment. I want to talk to my husband. As Young Batai and the Doctor EXIT: ELINE Did the Administrator look at your evidence? PICARD He didn't have to. They already know. ELINE So he didn't throw you off the Council... PICARD (small smile) No... She reaches up and touches his cheek lightly. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 4/03/92 - ACT FOUR 48. 73 CONTINUED: ELINE Remember -- put your shoes away. PICARD I will. And, without any indication that it's happening, Eline is dead. Picard looks down at her for a long beat. Then he buries his head in the folds of her blanket. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT FIVE 49. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 74 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard, and all others, as we last saw them (with Beverly moving between her equipment and her patient) ... 74A ON PICARD Still unconscious, breathing evenly... his features composed and even. 74B ANGLE - RIKER (OPTICAL) A picture of frustration, pacing, staring out at the alien probe, stymied. Ogawa is studying the medical monitors. OGAWA Doctor... BEVERLY What is it? OGAWA I'm not sure. He's showing physiological alterations... His systemic readings are changing... BEVERLY (moving to monitor) So are his respiratory functions. RIKER Is he in danger? BEVERLY I don't know... I don't understand what's happening. The changes are subtle, but... A beat as she looks up at him. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT FIVE 50. 74B CONTINUED: BEVERLY ... If I didn't know better, I'd say these are the metabolic rates of an eighty-year-old man. Off the look shared by Riker and Beverly... 75 INT. KAMIN MAIN ROOM - DAY An eighty-five-year-old Picard (somewhat frail, bespectacled and slightly stooped) is on his hands and knees at the moment, playfully "chasing" a giggling six year old boy, KAMIE, around the large chair. Kamie is playing keep-away with Picard's old flute. Picard "hides" behind the chair; "scares" Kamie, who squeals with delight as Picard catches him by the ankle, and moves to begin tickling the boy. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 4/03/92 - ACT FIVE 51. 76 INCLUDING MERIBOR who, now in her mid-thirties, enters from the front door to see the goings-on. She is wearing a wide-brimmed hat. MERIBOR Some children are certainly making a lot of noise in here. PICARD You shouldn't be out there for so long. It's damaging, you know that. MERIBOR I'm wearing plenty of your skin protector. PICARD Mmnph. (to Kamie) Do you wear your skin protector outdoors, young man? Picard tickles him again, and the boy's only answer is another spurt of giggling. 77 INCLUDING YOUNG BATAI as he ENTERS. He's now about thirty, and he wears a wide-brimmed hat, too. YOUNG BATAI Happy day, everybody! It's time to go see the launching. PICARD What "launching"? What's he talking about? MERIBOR They're sending up a missile, father. We're going to watch it. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 4/03/92 - ACT FIVE 52. 77 CONTINUED: PICARD Are we, indeed. I'm not going anywhere to watch anything. Meribor makes the mistake of moving to help her father off his knees. Picard, crustily independent, wrenches his arm away from her hand, and will make it (a bit creakily) to his feet on his own -- as Meribor smiles her affectionate understanding. Young Batai takes his nephew's hand, and will lead him out after grabbing a hat for him, too. YOUNG BATAI Come on, Kamie; let's go see the launching. As Young Batai and Kamie disappear: PICARD (looking after them) Breaks my heart to look at him... STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - 3/24/92 - ACT FIVE 53. 77 CONTINUED: (2) MERIBOR Who? PICARD My grandson. Breaks my heart... he deserves a full rich life, and he's not going to get one. Meribor collects a hat for herself and for Picard; she puts her own on. MERIBOR He's my child, and I tell you he is getting one. I wish it could be longer, but it's as full and rich as we can possibly make it. She turns to him, finds him staring at her, as though looking at her when she was born. She gives him a smile, puts his hat on his head, and takes his hand. MERIBOR Please come, father. As she leads him out: PICARD Why didn't I hear anything about a launching? 78 OMITTED 79 EXT. TOWN SQUARE - DAY Picard and Meribor walk together toward a group which has collected in the square, all looking toward the sky in one direction. PICARD Did everyone know about this except me? He sits down on a bench. PICARD I can see all right from here. She sits next to him. A beat, and then -- STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 4/02/92 - ACT FIVE 54. 79 CONTINUED: PICARD You go on with the others. Go hold onto my grandson, and watch the damned thing go up... for all the good it'll do. What is it they're launching? Meribor turns to him. There is a knowing look in her eyes. MERIBOR You know about it, father. You've already seen it. PICARD Seen it? What are you talking about? I haven't seen any missile. BATAI (o.s.) Yes, you have, old friend... Don't you remember? 80 CLOSE ON PICARD looking up, and off, in a different direction from that of the townspeople. PICARD (in disbelief) Batai? 81 ANGLE ON BATAI who approaches, looking as he did those many years ago. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/27/93 - ACT FIVE 55. 81 CONTINUED: BATAI You saw it... just before you came here. He moves toward Picard, smiling. BATAI We hoped our probe would encounter someone in the future -- someone who could be a teacher... who could tell others about us. 82 OMITTED 83 FAVORING PICARD as he digests these last words. Through the memories of thirty years, he struggles to comprehend. PICARD A probe... that encounters someone... The mists of recollection begin to part... PICARD ... someone in the future... (realizing) ... it's me, isn't it? I'm the someone... It becomes clearer and clearer now. PICARD I'm the one it finds... that's what this launching is -- a probe that finds me... in the future... ELINE (o.s.) Yes, my love... Picard turns to see -- 84 ANGLE ON ELINE who approaches. She is the Eline from Act Two, when he made his commitment to her. PICARD Eline... ELINE The rest of us have been gone for a thousand years... STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT FIVE 56. 85 OMITTED 86 ANOTHER ANGLE Eline and Meribor stand together in their equally loving farewell to Picard -- and will be joined not only by Batai, but by Young Batai and Several Townfolk -- who collect before Picard, during: ELINE If you remember what we were, and how we lived... then we'll have found life again. PICARD Eline... He starts to reach out toward her -- when he hears the deep (far o.s.) RUMBLE & ROAR which now takes his attention. All the others continue looking at Picard... Only he looks off, to see -- and the RUMBLE & ROAR continues thru into: 86A MISSILE CONTRAIL AGAINST SKY (OPTICAL) We see the glowing POINT of the missile, followed by the vapor trail against the sky. The RUMBLE and ROAR begins to die out. 86B CLOSE REACTION - PICARD He's realized what that contrail is; what it represents. 86C ON PICARD AND ELINE ELINE Now we live. In you. Tell them of us... my darling... 87 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - CLOSE ON PICARD'S FACE as he stirs slightly. BEVERLY (o.s.) Something's happening... STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT FIVE 57. 88 ANGLE (OPTICAL) Picard has begun to regain consciousness. Beverly's working; Riker's standing by. DATA The nucleonic beam has ceased, Commander. The probe has shut down. BEVERLY His cerebral functions are stabilizing. RIKER Mister Worf, put a tractor beam on the probe. I want it in shuttlebay two for examination. WORF Yes, Commander. PICARD (very weak) What... He struggles upright. BEVERLY Please, Captain... don't get up too quickly... PICARD How long? How long have I been... like this? RIKER At least twenty, maybe twenty-five minutes. In typical fashion, Picard makes every effort to sit up; to grasp his surroundings and gauge his acuity. PICARD (lost) Twenty-five minutes? Picard's been away for over thirty years. He's groggy, trying to reorient himself to this reality after a lifetime's journey. BEVERLY Captain, I need you in sickbay now. I want to run a full diagnostic. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT FIVE 57A. 88 CONTINUED: Picard now gets to his feet... takes a second to realize that he's no longer the old man he's just been... no longer need walk stooped, or unsteady. PICARD Very well, Doctor. But as soon as you're done... I have a great deal to tell you. He smiles and the others looks puzzled as -- 89 thru OMITTED 90 91 INT. PICARD'S QUARTERS Picard is alone, walking about his quarters as though reaquainting himself with these surroundings. The door CHIMES. PICARD Come. The doors open and Riker ENTERS, carrying a metal box. RIKER Hello, sir. Feeling better? PICARD Yes, thank you... but I find I'm having to remind myself that this -- (gesturing) -- is really my home. RIKER We were able to open the probe and examine it. Whatever it was that locked onto you must have been self-terminating. It isn't functional any longer. He holds out the box to Picard. RIKER We found this inside. He hands the box to Picard, who takes it and opens it. 91A INSERT - THE BOX Inside, rests Picard's old flute. STAR TREK: "The Inner Light" - REV. 3/26/92 - ACT FIVE 57B. 91B BACK TO SCENE as he lifts it from the box; nods his thanks to Riker, who, understanding that this is not a moment for words, acknowledges silently -- and EXITS. Picard carries the flute to a chair, and, facing away from CAMERA, begins playing the now familiar lullaby. The flute music continues into: 92 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) For a long beat, while the ship travels at impulse and end credits appear, we continue to hear the same, sweet lullaby. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END