STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Man of the People" #40276-229 Written by Frank Abatemarco Directed by Rick Kolbe THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1992 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT JULY 24, 1992 STAR TREK: "Man Of the People" - 07/24/92 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Man of the People" CAST PICARD ALKAR RIKER MAYLOR DATA TALMADGE (COM VOICE) BEVERLY ADMIRAL SIMONS TROI YOUNG ENSIGN GEORDI LIVA WORF JARTH ENSIGN JANEWAY NURSE OGAWA COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking SUPERNUMERARIES TWO SENTRIES TECHNICIAN TWO MED TECHS TWO SECURITY GUARDS A TECHNICIAN, CHIEF DANIELS A DOCTOR STAR TREK: - "Man Of the People" - 07/24/92 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Man of the People" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE TRANSPORTER ROOM READY ROOM GYM CORRIDOR TROI'S OFFICE TURBOLIFT OBS. LOUNGE TROI'S QUARTERS ENGINEERING TEN-FORWARD BEVERLY'S OFFICE SICKBAY ALKAR'S QUARTERS MORGUE CONFERENCE CHAMBERS ANTEROOM (ON SERONIA) STAR TREK: "Man Of the People" - 07/27/92 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Man of the People" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE REKAG REH-kahg FRATIS FRAY-tiss ROHM GAH Rome-GAH SEVI ROHM Sevvy-ROME LIVA LEE-vuh ALKAR ALL-kar STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/29/92 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Man of The People" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship is dropping out of warp. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 46071.6. We have been called to the aid of a transport ship, which has been attacked near Rekag-Seronia. Hostilities between the two factions on that planet have intensified recently, threatening an important Federation shipping route. 2 OMITTED 2A INT. MAIN BRIDGE - (OPTICAL) PICARD, WORF, DATA, RIKER, TROI, SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. DATA Captain, sensors have located the transport ship. Two Rekag battle cruisers are flanking it. RIKER Red alert. Shields up. WORF Phasers on line. Photon torpedoes armed and ready. PICARD Is the transport still under attack? DATA The cruisers' weapons are powered up... but... He observes something new on the console. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - 7/24/92 - TEASER 2. 2A CONTINUED: DATA Sir, the Rekag ships are turning and heading out of sensor range. RIKER They don't want to take on the Enterprise... DATA We are within visual range of the transport, Sir. PICARD On screen. We see the disabled Transport, Dorian. DATA Sensors indicate damage to the Dorian's sub space emitters. Audio communication only. PICARD Open a channel, Mister Worf. WORF Aye, sir. PICARD This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation starship Enterprise. The Dorian Captain replies... but the transmission isn't good... staticky, tending to break up. TALMADGE'S COM VOICE Captain Talmadge of the Dorian. Glad you're here... we took some shield damage from the Rekag ships... but we couldn't have held out if they attacked again. PICARD Do you have injuries? Can we assist you in any way? TALMADGE'S COM VOICE No injuries... but I'd like permission to transport a couple of guests to your ship. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/27/92 - TEASER 3. 2A CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Of course... TALMADGE'S COM VOICE We're conveying a mediator to Seronia. I think he's the reason the Rekags fired on us... Now Talmadge really begins to break up. TALMADGE'S COM VOICE ...travelling... negotiations... Picard shakes his head in frustration. PICARD Captain, I'm losing you. Go ahead and beam your passengers on board... Picard turns to Troi. PICARD Counselor, will you see to our guests' needs and then escort them to my Ready Room. TROI Yes, Captain. Troi heads for the Turbolift. 2B INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Troi ENTERS the Transporter Room. The Transporter TECHNICIAN works the console and AMBASSADOR ALKAR and his mother MAYLOR MATERIALIZE. Alkar is in his 30's, very attractive. His serenity is contrasted by a deep sense of purpose. Maylor is an ancient woman, with white hair, craggy face, and stooped back. But there is a deeper power that emanates from her that is intense -- and disquieting. She simmers with rage, and while she is not loud or grating, there is a malignancy which permeates every word she speaks. She looks right at Troi. TROI I'm Counselor Deanna Troi. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/28/92 - TEASER 4. 2B CONTINUED: Alkar steps down, hand extended. ALKAR Ambassador Ves Alkar... (gestures) ... and my mother, Sev Maylor. Counselor, it's imperative that I speak with your Captain... Before Troi can answer, Maylor comes off the stage, moves right toward her, locks on and drills into her. MAYLOR You think he's attracted to you... but he isn't. You offer him nothing... There is a brief, stunned silence. Alkar moves smoothly in, takes Maylor's arm. ALKAR She hasn't been well. Could she be taken to quarters? TROI Of course. (to Transporter Chief) Chief... (to Alkar) I'll take you to meet Captain Picard... The Transporter Chief moves toward Maylor. Alkar addresses Maylor, nodding toward the Chief. ALKAR Go with him... Maylor accedes, walks toward the door... but stops and looks back at Troi. MAYLOR Don't pursue him. I won't have it... I'll stop you... The Transporter Chief eases her out the door. Alkar looks apologetically at Troi. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - 7/24/92 - TEASER 5-6. 3 CLOSE ON TROI hand at her throat, looking not just uncomfortable, but deeply upset by this strange and unexpected incident. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/28/92 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) A3 OMITTED A4 INT. READY ROOM (OPTICAL) Picard and Alkar are talking with Starfleet ADMIRAL SIMONS who is on the viewscreen. ALKAR (with some urgency) I am grateful for the Federation's offer to escort me, but if I arrive at Rekag-Seronia on the Enterprise, the armed Flagship of Starfleet, my mission as a Peace negotiator will be compromised. There must be a Federation transport ship in the area that could take me there. PICARD With all due respect, Admiral -- to put the Ambassador on another unarmed transport will only invite a second assault. ALKAR I believe the attack on us was an isolated incident, nothing more... The Admiral pauses, taking in both sides, then -- STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/28/92 - ACT ONE 7A. A4 CONTINUED: ADMIRAL Ambassador Alkar... the Rekag-Seronia dispute has threatened Federation ships for many months. We are grateful that you are willing to undertake this mission... and you have our full support. ALKAR Thank you, sir. ADMIRAL However, we also recognize that safety is an issue -- not just yours, but the crew that escorts you. To send you on an unarmed transport puts everyone at risk. I think it's best if you proceed to Rekag-Seronia aboard the Enterprise. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/28/92 - ACT ONE 8. A4 CONTINUED: (2) There is a hesitation... Alkar doesn't agree, but acquiesces. ALKAR Then I have no choice. ADMIRAL Once you get to Rekag-Seronia, you may conduct your negotiations as you see fit. Until then -- you'll be in good hands with Captain Picard. The message of the speech is not lost on Alkar, who smiles. Even when he's in disagreement, nothing seems to ruffle him. ALKAR ... I understand. ADMIRAL SIMONS Good luck, and a successful journey. The Admiral disappears from the Viewscreen. Picard looks at Alkar, then-- PICARD Picard to Riker. RIKER'S COM VOICE Yes, sir? PICARD Set a course for Seronia. 4 INT. GYM A soft-form martial arts class is in progress (like the one in "Clues"); the group wears a form of gi. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/27/92 - ACT ONE 8A. 4 CONTINUED: Worf leads it; Troi is participating -- and Alkar. Alkar's skill is evident in the way he moves. At one point, Troi looks over and smiles at him. Worf completes the final move, then -- WORF That is all for today. There will be another class tomorrow at oh-seven-hundred hours. The group moves off in casual clusters. Troi finds herself face to face with Alkar. TROI The skills are demanding... You're very disciplined. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/27/92 - ACT ONE 9. 4 CONTINUED: (2) ALKAR I believe in a strong connection between body and mind. (beat) You obviously share that conviction. She smiles at him. TROI Yes... Only sometimes I have a problem getting my body to conform to my mind's wishes... He laughs and they EXIT frame. 4A INT. CORRIDOR as they come from the gym. TROI I would imagine that your self-discipline helps you in your work... He shrugs and smiles in a self-deprecating way. ALKAR I don't know about that... I think maybe my biggest asset is patience. She gives him a questioning look. ALKAR I let everybody else talk until they're exhausted... then when I start, they're too tired to argue. She smiles at that. TROI You're going to need all your patience at Seronia... I can't imagine how you'll get the two sides talking to each other... Again, his modest smile. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/27/92 - ACT ONE 10. 4A CONTINUED: ALKAR Neither can I. I won't know that until I get there. I tend to feel my way through a situation... They have reached a Turbolift, and ENTER it. 4B INT. TURBOLIFT ALKAR Deck nine. If I were empathic, like you... I'd have a real advantage. TROI I thought Lumerians were empathic... ALKAR Only with each other, not other species. So... I don't have any idea what you might be feeling just now... She thinks, smiles to herself. TROI Curiosity... (off his look) What I sense from you is very unusual. Serenity... calmness... tranquility... you seem to embody the very qualities you hope to draw out in others. The Turbolift doors open and they EXIT. 5 INT. CORRIDOR ALKAR Tell me, Counselor... have you ever been involved in diplomatic negotiations? TROI Several times... with Captain Picard. There've been instances when having an empath along has been helpful. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/28/92 - ACT ONE 10A. 5 CONTINUED: ALKAR I'm sure. (beat) I could use some of that help. Would you come with me when we reach Seronia? TROI If the Captain authorizes it, of course I will. They have reached his quarters. ALKAR I hope to see you again. She smiles in response, and turns to head up the corridor. But suddenly the door OPENS -- and there stands Maylor, quietly furious, eyes blazing. MAYLOR You're late. ALKAR Mother, I told you I would be gone for over an hour... MAYLOR You're late because of her. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - 7/24/92 - ACT ONE 11. 5 CONTINUED: (2) She turns to Troi, and once again, her ancient, glittering eyes bore into Troi like malevolent lasers. MAYLOR Have you mated with him yet? TROI What --? MAYLOR That's what you want, isn't it? ALKAR Mother, come in, please -- But Maylor moves toward Troi, who instinctively moves back. MAYLOR I can always tell. The ones with a certain look in their eye... TROI I'd better go... Alkar takes his mother's arm, restraining her from moving in to Troi, but the venom of her words is unstoppable. MAYLOR I'll tell you this... if you do, you will regret it for the rest of your life... Troi shrinks back from the woman, obviously sensing deeply the malevolence that permeates her. ALKAR Come on, Mother... you need to lie down... He pulls the woman toward the room, her gaze still locked intently on Troi's. He gives Troi a helpless glance. ALKAR I'll see you later... Troi nods and the strange duo disappear into the quarters. Troi takes several deep breaths, trying to calm herself. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/28/92 - ACT ONE 12. 5A INT. TROI'S OFFICE The chime SOUNDS. TROI Come in. The door opens and Riker ENTERS, carrying a Padd. RIKER Hi. It's that time again... She looks at him, perplexed. She's still distracted by the incident with Maylor. Riker lifts the Padd. RIKER The dreaded crew evaluation reports. Troi makes a slight grimace. Clearly this is no one's favorite task. TROI Does it have to be today? RIKER It won't get any easier tomorrow. TROI It might... She takes a breath, obviously troubled. RIKER (concerned) What is it? TROI I've just had a very -- disturbing encounter with Alkar's mother. (beat, as her feelings emerge) Wil, she frightens me. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/28/92 - ACT ONE 13. 5A CONTINUED: TROI (Cont'd) The feelings I sense from her are -- malevolent. They're out of proportion -- evil. Riker stares at her, knowing that if Troi senses those things, they're there. But maybe there's a reason... RIKER I understand she's been ill... and she's very old -- probably senile. (a gentle grin) Listen... we might all end up like that some day. She can't help but smile... and, as usual, Riker has made her feel better. TROI You're right. Okay, let's get through these evaluations. When they're done I'm going to reward myself with two pieces of fudge. He grins and looks back to the Padd. RIKER First, molecular biology. Lieutenant Jeffrey Fratis... STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - 7/24/92 - ACT ONE 13A. 5A CONTINUED: (2) RIKER She's just a bitter old woman... don't give her the power to worry you. She smiles at him, grateful, as always, for his friendship. TROI You're right. Okay, let's get through these evaluations. When they're done I'm going to reward myself with a chocolate brownie. He grins and looks back to the Padd. RIKER Next, Physical Sciences. Lieutenant Jeffrey Fratis... STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/27/92 - ACT ONE 14. 5A CONTINUED: (2) WORF'S COM VOICE Worf to Commander Riker... RIKER Go ahead. WORF'S COM VOICE Can you report to Ambassador Alkar's quarters? There's an emergency. Riker and Troi exchange a quick glance and then Riker is out of there, followed by Troi. 6 OMITTED 7 INT. ALKAR'S QUARTERS - MINUTES LATER Riker and Troi ENTER. BEVERLY has two Med Techs there; they are already into life-saving procedures on Maylor, who lies sprawled on the floor, unconscious. Troi moves to Alkar, who is pale and drained, staring at the form on the floor. BEVERLY (to med tech) Forty cc's inoprovaline. The med tech gives her a hypospray, she administers it, watches the portable monitor. Nothing. Beverly scans Maylor's body once more, takes a breath, looks up at Alkar... shakes her head. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/27/92 - ACT ONE 15-16A 7 CONTINUED: RIKER I'm sorry, Ambassador. Alkar's jaw tightens and he sags slightly, as though his knees feel spongy. When he speaks, his voice is slightly husky. ALKAR She was ill... I should never have brought her along... Alkar turns away in despair. TROI Alkar... Troi follows Alker to comfort him. He takes a few breaths, gains control. ALKAR She was ninety-three... she'd lived a long life... I should be grateful for that. He glances at Troi. ALKAR Counselor... there's a funeral meditation... part of our rituals... as an empath you're the only person on board who could perform it with me... TROI I'd be glad to help... Off their looks -- 8 OMITTED 9 INT. TROI'S QUARTERS - A LITTLE LATER (OPTICAL) Alkar is opening a small, ornate box. He opens the box and takes out a few oddly shaped chunks of dark ore, gives one to Troi. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - 7/24/92 - ACT ONE 16. 8 CONTINUED: ALKAR Captain... PICARD I wanted to express my condolences. This must be a difficult time for you. ALKAR My mother and I were very close. It will be hard to adjust to life without her. PICARD Do you want to consider postponing your visit to Bironi? I'm sure everyone would understand... When Alkar replies, there's an edge to his voice -- the first time we've heard such an overtone. ALKAR I'm no less committed to my task than I was before my mother died, Captain. PICARD I was only thinking of your best interests... ALKAR They will be served if I can bring the Bironi and the Rekags together. For a lasting peace. The two men eye one another. Then -- WORF'S COM VOICE Worf to Captain Picard. PICARD Go ahead, Mister Worf. WORF'S COM VOICE Sensors have picked up a Bironi warship... in a parallel course just inside sensor range. PICARD Yellow alert, Mister Worf. WORF'S COM VOICE Aye, sir. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - 7/24/92 - ACT ONE 16A. 8 CONTINUED: (2) Alkar shakes his head, and again, there is a hint of anger in his voice. ALKAR You communicate distrust... you announce your warlike intentions. It's not the way to enter into peace negotiations. PICARD I must take the necessary precautions. One ship you were on has already been attacked. (beat) And I think you'd agree that a dead man cannot be a particularly effective negotiator. This gets a rise from Alkar... he stifles the instinct to step toward Picard... he clenches his fists and gains control, then EXITS, leaving Picard to stare after him. 9 INT. TROI'S QUARTERS - A LITTLE LATER (OPTICAL) Troi sits on a couch, curled up and reading. But she seems unable to concentrate. Her eyes drift away from the book and she stares into space. Then, the door CHIMES. She rises and crosses to it, it opens. Alkar stands there. He carries a small, ornate box. ALKAR Hello. TROI Alkar... come in. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/27/92 - ACT ONE 17. 9 CONTINUED: ALKAR The meditation... is one of our most sacred ceremonies. He leads her to the couch. They sit down. Alkar is edgy, and will remain so until the end of the scene. ALKAR Hold the stone... like this... STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/27/92 - ACT ONE 18. 9 CONTINUED: (2) He demonstrates, cupping the stone in both palms, arms outstretched in front of him. Troi mimics him. ALKAR Rohm gah... sevi rohm... rohm gah... (beat) Say after me... an end to grief... TROI An end to grief... ALKAR An end to pain... TROI An end to pain... ALKAR Strength comes from love... TROI Strength comes from love... ALKAR And courage from wisdom. TROI And courage from wisdom. Troi closes her eyes and concentrates intently. Alkar gazes at her for a moment. Then, slowly, he reaches out and touches his stone to hers. They both GLOW warmly for a brief instant, then die out. He pulls his hands away. Troi opens her eyes and he smiles at her. Alkar is relieved... calm and composed. ALKAR ... Thank you. Troi stares at him. She holds both her arms as though a chill had passed through her. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - 7/24/92 - ACT TWO 19. ACT TWO FADE IN: 10 INT. TROI'S QUARTERS - CLOSE - TROI'S FACE as she looks at herself in the mirror. She runs a finger underneath her eye, frowns slightly as if she's found an imperfection. 11 WIDEN to a full shot. She tugs gently at various points of her uniform but can't seem to get comfortable. She opens a drawer and rifles through her clothes, but summarily decides against all of them. There is an edge to her movements that suggests a profound dissatisfaction. TROI Computer... today's appointment calendar. COMPUTER VOICE Oh-nine-hundred hours: counseling session with Ensign Janeway. Troi gives a look that says, "Not her... " She just doesn't feel up to any of this today. COMPUTER VOICE (continuing) Ten Hundred hours: counseling session with -- TROI Cancel them. Cancel everything until after lunch. COMPUTER VOICE Acknowledged. Troi's mood lightens a bit at the prospect of a free morning -- the way she crosses back toward her dresser indicates that she knows exactly what to do with it and what to wear. 12 INT. MORGUE Picard ENTERS to find Beverly near a stasis tube which holds the body of Alkar's dead mother. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/29/92 - ACT TWO 20. 12 CONTINUED: PICARD You wanted to see me, Doctor? BEVERLY Yes... I'm sorry to bother you, Captain... but I'm a little concerned. She gestures to the body. BEVERLY I haven't been able to determine the cause of death. Picard gives her a look... Beverly wouldn't usually ask him to visit the morgue to tell him something as mundane as that. PICARD She was elderly... and Alkar said she had been ill... BEVERLY I found no evidence of disease. (beat) But I did find abnormally high levels of neuro-transmitter residue in her cerebral cortex. PICARD What are you suggesting -- ? BEVERLY I don't know. I'd like to do an autopsy... but I've already spoken to Alkar. He tells me that Lumerian custom forbids it. (beat) Could you talk to him? Picard considers the ramifications of this action. PICARD Do you have any reason to suspect her death poses some kind of threat to the Enterprise? BEVERLY ... Well, no. PICARD Then I can't see any alternative but to comply with his wishes. Beverly understands the reasons for his refusal... but she's frustrated. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - 7/24/92 - ACT TWO 20A. 12 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY (Cont'd) He tells me that Lumerian custom forbids autopsy except in cases where contagious disease might be involved. (beat) Could you talk to him? Picard considers the ramifications of this action. PICARD We're in the middle of a delicate situation. I'd prefer not to go to him with this unless you feel it's absolutely necessary. BEVERLY (understanding) I might be able to find other ways to investigate. I'll try those first. Picard nods his approval and leaves. 13 INT. GYM Troi is alone, performing Tai Chi exercises, watching her form in the mirror. Her movements are slow, controlled; the edge we saw in the previous scene seems to have been vented off. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/29/92 - ACT TWO 21. 13 INT. GYM Troi is alone, performing Tai Chi exercises, watching her form in the mirror. Her movements are slow, controlled; the edge we saw in the previous scene seems to have been vented off. But then something strange begins to happen... Her movements stray from traditional Tai Chi moves, become more free-form, charged with a certain sensuality. She stops, tries to re-focus... begins again... but her concentration is gone. She stares at her self in the mirror... aware of her body... becoming overwhelmed by the sensual feelings that have become aroused in her... slowly, she opens the top of her outfit to lower the neckline... and then she turns and heads for the exit. 14 INT. ALKAR'S QUARTERS Troi stands in the doorway to his quarters, her skin flushed, her hair in some disarray... her gi still slightly undone. Alkar smiles at her. ALKAR Deanna? TROI Hello... ALKAR Please, come in. She ENTERS, looking around as she does. TROI I thought you might like some company. Unless you're busy... ALKAR Nothing that can't wait. Would you like something to drink? TROI No. She sits and looks up at him. TROI I'd like you to talk to me. He gives her a quizzical smile, moves to sit near her. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/27/92 - ACT TWO 22. 14 CONTINUED: ALKAR About... ? TROI About you. I don't know anything about you. And... I'd like to. He smiles, shrugs. ALKAR There's not much to know. I live a simple life... TROI What kind of woman do you find attractive? He looks at her, aware of why she has taken this tack. TROI Do you find me attractive? A small beat. ALKAR Extremely. Troi reaches out, runs a hand through his hair. TROI And... when you're attracted to someone... what do you usually do... ? ALKAR That depends... on a lot of things... Her hand is now tracing his cheek. TROI Is it really so complicated? He takes her hand in his, removes it from his face. ALKAR It can be. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/27/92 - ACT TWO 23. 14 CONTINUED: (2) TROI Perhaps you overthink things... She leans in to him, her mouth close to his... but he backs away, stands. ALKAR Deanna... She rises too, not to be denied, and moves close to him again. TROI I'm here... He turns away from her, gets some distance. ALKAR I'm sorry. If I've led you to believe... (he stops, trying to find the way to say this) You are very beautiful... but our relationship can't be -- like that. She stares at him, feeling his rejection. She turns away, and he takes a step toward her, sorry he's hurt her. But she looks back at him, frustration on her face, then goes to the door... and he stares after her, genuinely distressed to have let her down. 15 thru OMITTED 18 19 INT. TURBOLIFT Troi is alone, trying to sort out her feelings. The lift stops to let someone in: a YOUNG ENSIGN in his late-twenties. He nods at her and turns to face the door. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/27/92 - ACT TWO 24. 19 CONTINUED: ENSIGN Deck four. Troi looks up at him... likes what she sees. Her eyes bore in to him... he feels the look and turns to her... smiles in an innocent way. She smiles back. 20 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) cruising at impulse. 21 INT. A CORRIDOR as Riker makes his way down it, carrying a Padd. He stops outside Troi's quarters and sounds the door chime. After a moment the door opens and Troi greets him in a robe. TROI (surprised to see him) Wil... RIKER We were going to finish the crew evaluation reports... TROI Of course, come in. 22 INT. TROI'S QUARTERS as Riker steps in to the main room and sees, in the bedroom, the young Ensign sitting on the edge of Troi's bed putting on his boots. His eyes fairly pop out of his head when he sees Riker and he instinctively stands at attention. ENSIGN Sir! STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/27/92 - ACT TWO 25. 22 CONTINUED: RIKER (bemused) As you were. ENSIGN Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. The young man grabs at his remaining boot. ENSIGN I was just leaving. Riker can't help but smile at his haplessness... but Troi isn't amused. As the Ensign passes by them, trying to be dignified... TROI If there's anything else I need... I know where to find you. The young man blinks, not sure how to respond. ENSIGN Yes, ma'am. He fumbles his way past them and EXITS. Riker, a little surprised at the way she has treated the Ensign, turns to his Padd as though to get to business. TROI Are you bothered by his being here? RIKER Of course not. TROI Good. Because it's really none of your business. He looks at her, hearing the absence of fun in her voice, confused by her mood swing. RIKER I know that... He turns back to the Padd. RIKER We were still with Lieutenant Fratis in molecular biology... STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - 7/24/92 - ACT TWO 26. 22 CONTINUED: (2) TROI Why do I think you're upset? Riker gives her a look. He can't understand why she won't let go of this. RIKER I don't know. Could we just go over these evaluations? TROI Wil, remember who you're talking to... you are bothered, I can tell... RIKER (getting annoyed) Look, Deanna, I'm sorry I intruded. When you're ready to work, why don't you let me know? TROI I will. He stares at her for a moment, not understanding her attitude. Then he moves toward the door and EXITS. 23 INT. CORRIDOR as we follow him out. He shakes his head in puzzlement, not understanding Troi's behavior... but chalking it up to her own embarrassment because he's caught her in flagrante. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/28/92 - ACT THREE 27. ACT THREE FADE IN: 24 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) In orbit around Seronia. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 46073.6. We have arrived without incident at Seronia, where two members of Ambassador Alkar's delegation have been waiting. They have joined us to report on the situation in the capital city. 25 OMITTED 25A INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Alkar and Picard are with JARTH, a heavy-set man in his mid-fifties, and LIVA, a lovely woman in her thirties, with the delicate features of a porcelain doll. There is a map displayed on the monitor. Jarth addresses both Picard and Alkar. JARTH Things have deteriorated steadily. Rekag sympathizers in outlying districts have attacked several towns. PICARD I was under the impression there was a cease fire agreement. JARTH It was broken before it went into effect. A Rekag shuttle strayed into Seronian space and was destroyed by fighter craft. LIVA Naturally the Rekags retaliated... there's been fighting ever since. But instead of reflecting the concern and anxiety evident on the face of his colleagues, Alkar's attitude is if anything more serene. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/29/92 - ACT THREE 28. 25A CONTINUED: ALKAR If they will just sit down with me... JARTH The Rekags have refused to come to Seronian territory for talks. And the Seronians won't go to Rekag. In the meantime -- they fight. PICARD Ambassador... the situation sounds volatile. Perhaps a cooling off period -- ALKAR These people need an end to the fighting now -- to delay a week, or even a few days, could cost thousands of lives. Picard moves to the map on the monitor. PICARD Then I recommend asking both sides if they will agree to meet at the coastal city of Darthen. Alkar looks at him for a beat; he's impressed with Picard's knowledge of the situation. LIVA Why Darthen? PICARD It has been neutral throughout the conflict. Both Seronians and Rekag loyalists live there. It might be acceptable as a compromise. Alkar considers Picard's proposal for a beat, then -- ALKAR Contact the leaders. If they will meet in Darthen, I will join them there tomorrow. Picard nods his acquiescence. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - 7/24/92 - ACT THREE 28A. 25A CONTINUED: (2) ALKAR No. I will not go with armed guards. I must be a man of peace before I can ask others for peace. PICARD (beat) Very well. ALKAR Please send a message to the Rekag and Seronian leaders. I will join them tomorrow. Picard nods his acquiescence. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/27/92 - ACT THREE 29. 26 INT. TROI'S OFFICE Troi is with ENSIGN JANEWAY, a young woman from the science department, who is very distraught. ENSIGN JANEWAY ... I know it must be my imagination... but it seems as though Lieutenant Pinder just -- doesn't want me in his section. TROI Why do you think that? ENSIGN JANEWAY He's so critical... I can't ever do anything to please him... and I try, Counselor, I try to make sure there's nothing he could find fault with... TROI Give me an example of what you mean. ENSIGN JANEWAY Well, yesterday I was running routine diagnostics on the sensor pallets. They checked out... but Lieutenant Pinder questioned me because I'd allowed a point oh-two-three variance. That's well within specifications. (frustrated) He goes out of his way to criticize me. TROI Do you know of any reason why he might do that? ENSIGN JANEWAY No... that's why I'm here. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/27/92 - ACT THREE 30. 26 CONTINUED: TROI Maybe he's tired of hearing you complain. ENSIGN JANEWAY (confused) Pardon me... ? TROI I'm certainly tired of it. How do you think it feels to sit and listen to someone whine about themselves all the time? ENSIGN JANEWAY I... didn't know I was -- TROI This isn't Starfleet Academy. You aren't going to be coddled. If you can't take it here, you might think about a transport ship. There's a lot less pressure there. Ensign Janeway is devastated... but trying to comport herself professionally. ENSIGN JANEWAY I love being on the Enterprise... I don't want to be anywhere else... TROI (softly) But if you aren't up to it... you don't deserve to be here. Isn't that right? ENSIGN JANEWAY I... guess so... TROI Then you'd better get hold of yourself. Or be prepared for a transfer. She rises, wounded, trying to get out before she breaks down. ENSIGN JANEWAY I will, Counselor... thank you. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/29/92 - ACT THREE 31-32. 26 CONTINUED: (2) And she's out the door. Troi still sitting quietly muses... TROI Glad I could help. 27 OMITTED 28 INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) Beverly is looking on as Geordi enters data into the console. GEORDI Here we go... Bio-filter log on Sev Maylor... A monitor displays the Transporter bio filter log for Alkar's mother. Beverly compares it to the information on her tricorder. BEVERLY Geordi, could this log have been damaged in any way... ? GEORDI I doubt it. Why do you ask? BEVERLY There's a discrepancy between the log... and the tricorder readings I took just three days later. Beverly looks again at her tricorder. She's puzzled. BEVERLY The tricorder shows massive physiological deterioration compared to her condition when she beamed aboard. It's hard to believe so much damage could have occurred in such a short time. GEORDI Well... I could run a diagnostic of the bio-filter system. And your tricorder. Beverly hands him her Tricorder, but she doesn't expect much from the test. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/28/92 - ACT THREE 33-34. 28 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Thanks. But the best way to get the information I need would be to do an autopsy. Geordi is sympathetic, but can't really do anything to relieve her frustration. CUT TO: 29 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship is still in orbit. 30 INT. TEN FORWARD A casual mingling is underway. Data is here some distance away and out of earshot. Alkar is in conversation with Jarth and Liva. Riker ENTERS. He moves to Alkar. RIKER Ambassador, we've received word from the Seronian and the Rekag leaders. Both sides have agreed to meet with you in Darthen tomorrow. Alkar is visibly pleased. Riker moves to chat with Data. 31 NEW ANGLE As Troi ENTERS the room and we see a startling change in the Counselor. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/29/92 - ACT THREE 35. 31 CONTINUED: Her hair is now done up in a more severe style which emphasizes a new white streak in her hair... she is wearing something which clings to her anatomy... and her entire bearing is more openly seductive and aggressive than we've ever seen in Troi. Her makeup is more extreme and there are signs that her skin is aging. 31A ANGLE ON DATA AND RIKER As Troi moves through the room, Data and Riker stare at her. DATA (puzzled) Counselor Troi has altered her appearance... RIKER (likewise) She certainly has... 31B ANGLE ON TROI as she moves toward Alkar and his group. Riker stares at her, amazed at the transformation. TROI Am I interrupting? LIVA Hello, Counselor... Troi's eyes bore in to her. She moves in close and speaks just above a whisper. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/27/92 - ACT THREE 36. 31B CONTINUED: TROI You want him... I can tell. But you have nothing to give him... Liva is stunned at this. Alkar, surprised, (Troi is showing signs of change this quickly) tries to steer her away. ALKAR Deanna, could we talk in private... But now Troi focuses on Jarth. TROI And you're envious of him... you pretend to support him, but secretly you want him to fail... JARTH (nonplussed) That's not so... Alkar, still holding Troi's arm, peels her away and then leans in and speaks quietly. ALKAR Please, you must return to your quarters. TROI (louder) I won't -- I want to be here, with you -- Now Riker appears by her side. RIKER Excuse me, Ambassador. The Counselor and I are needed on the Bridge. ALKAR (grateful) Of course, Commander. Riker takes her arm, and Troi leaves with him easily, smiling up at him... as though secretly delighted that he's taking her out of there. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/27/92 - ACT THREE 36A. 31C INT. CORRIDOR Riker, holding Troi by the arm, is moving Troi down the corridor at a brisk pace. He is keeping his voice down here in public. RIKER (low) I don't know what you thought you were doing in there, but you were way out of line... They have arrived at Troi's Quarters and she responds with a predatory smile as they EXIT to her room. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/27/92 - ACT THREE 37. 32 OMITTED 33 INT. TROI'S QUARTERS Riker and Troi ENTER from the corridor. Riker releases her the moment they're inside the room. RIKER All right, Deanna... just what the hell is going on? Troi smiles seductively. She moves toward him, eyes glinting. She slides her arms around his neck. There's just a hint of perversity in everything she says. Every phrase is loaded, keeping Riker off balance. TROI Imzadi... do you still care about me? But this move makes Riker even more uncomfortable. He untwines her arms. RIKER Of course I care about you. I'm worried about you... (gesturing to her attire) What is all this? TROI Don't you think I'm attractive? RIKER This just isn't... you. She smiles again, starts toward him once more. Riker, by now, is completely disrupted. TROI But it is. (arms around his neck) You want me, don't you? She kisses him... he tries to undo her arms, but she holds tight. RIKER Deanna... TROI I need you... STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/27/92 - ACT THREE 38. 33 CONTINUED: She kisses him again... then suddenly RAKES her nails across his neck and face. Riker's head jerks back in pain and he holds her away from him by the shoulders. RIKER (shocked) Hey -- what is this? Troi's skin is moist... her lips open... TROI Please... He looks into her eyes... sees nothing there that he recognizes. Something feral, and dangerous. He backs away, still staring at her, and then EXITS. Off Troi's expression... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/27/92 - ACT FOUR 39. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 34 OMITTED 35 INT. TROI'S QUARTERS Troi stands facing away from camera; the door chimes. TROI Come in... The door opens and Alkar ENTERS. ALKAR Deanna... I'm leaving for the surface. Troi turns to him and now we see that her skin has aged considerably since the last time we saw her, and her hair has more streaks of white. She is spilling over with emotion -- a mixture of pain and anger that smoulders inside her, rising to the surface when it becomes overwhelming. TROI You said you'd take me with you... Alkar, on the other hand, becomes more serene as Troi becomes more volatile. ALKAR I know... but that's not possible now -- TROI You told me I'd be helpful... you needed me... He approaches her, takes her hands in his, trying to calm her. ALKAR And I still do. You've done so much for me... TROI (more agitated) Then take me -- don't leave me here... STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/27/92 - ACT FOUR 40. 35 CONTINUED: He smiles calmly at her, unruffled, unmoved. And unyielding. Their eyes lock, and after a moment Troi realizes he isn't giving in. She pulls her hands free, moves away from him. She tries to say the next calmly, but she's beyond that. TROI Tell me... is Liva going with you? A hesitation, and Troi turns to stare at him. Alkar shrugs. ALKAR She's been on Seronia for weeks... she knows the people, the situation -- TROI She wants to take you away from me... ALKAR Deanna... you are my anchor. I need you more than you can possibly realize. Do you understand that? I need you, here... making it possible for me to do my work. But Troi will have none of this; she's too desperate, too needy. TROI I won't let her have you... I'll stop her... As Troi continues, Alkar shakes his head sadly. He moves toward the door, her frantic words hurled toward his retreating back. TROI I will go with you... don't leave me... please... Alkar... take me with you... don't do this... The doors close behind him and she stops, defeated, sinking to the floor in rage and anguish. 36 INT. BEVERLY'S OFFICE (OPTICAL) Beverly is examining the scratches on Riker's face and neck with a scanner. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/29/92 - ACT FOUR 41. 36 CONTINUED: RIKER You wouldn't have recognized her. Her dress... her hair... everything about her was... As Beverly uses a device and Riker's scratches OPTICALLY HEAL, he looks for words to describe what Troi was like. But they don't come easily. RIKER I'm closer to Deanna than anyone I've ever known... (beat) But last night she was someone I'd never seen before. BEVERLY Do you know of anything that might have caused her to act like that? RIKER No. I've thought and thought about it. I don't have an answer. BEVERLY Computer... location for Counselor Troi. COMPUTER VOICE Deck six, corridor B. They leave the office together. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 8/3/92 - ACT FOUR 42. 37 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM Picard ENTERS. Alkar, Jarth and Liva are on the Transporter platform, ready to beam down to the surface. A TRANSPORTER CHIEF, stands ready behind the console. PICARD Ambassador, we've just gotten word that the Rekags and Seronians are in disagreement about the seating arrangement at the conference table. Alkar smiles slightly. ALKAR I'm not surprised. PICARD The good news, however, is that the cease fire seems to be holding. ALKAR And that is by far more important... thank you, Captain. Picard nods, turns to the Transporter Chief to signal. PICARD Chief -- 38 ANGLE TROI (OPTICAL) She ENTERS behind Picard. There is an overwhelming sense of depravity about her. Troi's hair is now completely white, her craggy flesh completing her horrific transformation. TROI (to Alkar) Will you take me with you? ALKAR Deanna, I've already told you-- Picard reacts with astonishment. PICARD Deanna... ? STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 8/3/92 - ACT FOUR 42A. 38 CONTINUED: TROI (still focused on Alkar) I won't let her have you -- And she brings up a knife which she has held concealed along her wrist and lunges forward toward Alkar. Picard throws up his arms to stop her and is cut in his upper arm and shoulder. PICARD Security to Transporter Room Two. Jarth tries to help Alkar restrain Troi, along with Liva, but Troi, fueled by her rage, struggles, tries to break free. TROI No... let go... STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 8/3/92 - ACT FOUR 43. 38 CONTINUED: (2) Beverly and Riker ENTER followed by TWO SECURITY GUARDS. Beverly rushes to Picard's aid as Riker helps contain Troi. BEVERLY It's just a superficial wound. But Picard is more concerned about Troi. PICARD What's happened to Deanna... ? Beverly and Riker turn and stare in astonishment at the withered old woman. Then Beverly moves to Troi and quickly scans her. BEVERLY I don't know... every system in her body has elevated readings... (to Security Guards) Take her to Sickbay. The guards and Riker move a still-struggling Troi to the door. Alkar and his party, visibly shaken, stand staring, not certain whether to continue the mission. ALKAR Captain... perhaps we should delay transporting to the surface. Picard turns to them... deeply concerned about Troi... but realizing the matter at hand can't be ignored. PICARD No... I think you must proceed with your mission. ALKAR Very well. PICARD (to Transporter Chief) Chief, transport them to the surface. Alkar nods and he and his group move for the transporter platform. BEVERLY Captain... I want you in Sickbay, too. Picard, grim-faced, EXITS with Beverly. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/29/92 - ACT FOUR 44. 39 INT. SICKBAY (OPTICAL) - CLOSE ON TROI'S FACE She is in a biobed contained by a restraining force field. Troi is struggling to get free and the force field is activated when she touches it. 40 ANGLE ON BEVERLY AND OGAWA (OPTICAL) as they watch Troi and the monitors which display diagnostic data. BEVERLY (to Ogawa) We'll have to sedate her. Give her twenty cc's of melorazine. OGAWA Yes, Doctor. Ogawa pushes something to activate a flow of medication into the force field. Beverly walks toward another area of Sickbay, where a Doctor has finished healing Picard's wounds. Picard, shirtless, is flexing his shoulder. BEVERLY How's it feeling? Picard moves his arm in various ways. PICARD A little stiff, but otherwise fine. BEVERLY That'll disappear in a day or two. OGAWA'S VOICE Doctor Crusher -- Beverly turns and hurries back to Ogawa. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/29/92 - ACT FOUR 44A. 40 CONTINUED: OGAWA I think you should see these readings, Doctor. Her neuro-transmitter levels are three hundred percent above normal... Beverly stares at one of the monitors for a moment, then is joined by Picard, just adjusting the jacket he's put on (off screen). BEVERLY If you remember, I found abnormally high levels of neuro-transmitter residue in Alkar's mother. PICARD Could Deanna have picked up some kind of disease from her? STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - 7/24/92 - ACT FOUR 45. 40 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY I'm not sure. (beat) I need to do an autopsy. (off Picard's look) I don't care what the customs of Alkar's people are. I need to find out if there's a connection between what killed her and what's happening to Troi. Picard considers this for a moment, touches his communicator. PICARD Picard to Lieutenant Worf... WORF'S COM VOICE Lieutenant Worf here, Captain. PICARD Mister Worf, contact the Alliance conference on Seronia. I need to speak with Ambassador Alkar. WORF'S VOICE Aye, sir. Beverly checks her latest monitor readings. She is alarmed at what she sees. BEVERLY (to Doctor) Her brain TECH readings show neural transmitter production continues to rise. WORF'S VOICE Captain, Ambassador Alkar is at the negotiation table and cannot be disturbed. PICARD (to Worf) Let me know the moment he is available. Picard looks at Troi, then turns to Beverly. PICARD Proceed with the Autopsy. (then; softer) Let me know as soon as you have something. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/28/92 - ACT FOUR 46. 41 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship in orbit. BEVERLY (V.O.) Medical Log, Stardate 46075.1. I have performed an autopsy on Alkar's mother. But instead of answering our questions, the results have created an even deeper mystery. 42 INT. READY ROOM as Beverly and Picard ENTER from the Bridge, in mid-conversation. BEVERLY I don't have any explanation for this, Captain... but when I examined Maylor's body... I found that her heart, her lungs, her skeletal structure... most of the systems in her body... were those of a thirty-year-old. PICARD How could that be? We both saw the woman. BEVERLY And that's not all. I compared Maylor and Alkar's DNA. I don't know who that woman was -- but she was definitely not his mother. Picard is troubled by these revelations. BEVERLY Deanna's condition is deteriorating rapidly. She could die. There are questions that only Alkar can answer. Picard regards her for a moment. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/30/92 - ACT FOUR 47. 42 CONTINUED: PICARD Picard to Lieutenant Worf... WORF'S COM VOICE Here, sir. PICARD Meet me in Transporter Room Two. We're going to the surface. WORF'S COM VOICE Aye, sir. Picard, a look of determination on his face, EXITS. 43 OMITTED 44 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in Standard Orbit around Seronia 45 INT. CONFERENCE CHAMBERS ANTEROOM Picard is alone in the room with Alkar. Alkar speaks of Troi and Maylor calmly, matter of factly, as if he were talking about pieces of machinery. ALKAR No, she wasn't my mother. PICARD And she wasn't ninety-three years old. ALKAR Captain -- did you perform an autopsy against my wishes? PICARD Yes, and for very good reason. Deanna Troi is in Sickbay dying. Doctor Crusher doesn't know the cause of her condition. (beat) But I believe you do. Alkar regards Picard calmly... but before he can reply, Liva ENTERS from the conference chambers and crosses to them. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/30/92 - ACT FOUR 48. 45 CONTINUED: LIVA Alkar... we need you. The Rekags have withdrawn some of their concessions... now the Seronians are threatening to break off the talks. ALKAR I'll be right there. LIVA But -- Alkar raises a hand to silence her. She looks at Picard disapprovingly, then EXITS. Alkar turns back to Picard... wants to help him understand. ALKAR They've been arguing for hours in there. It seems hopeless. (beat) But now -- when expectations are lowest -- is the moment I can be most effective. If I am focused... centered... free of disquieting thoughts... I can turn these factions toward peace. PICARD I'm not particularly interested in your techniques as a mediator -- But Alkar raises his silencing hand again. ALKAR Hear me out, Captain. It's important that you understand. (beat) You see, I discovered long ago that I had the ability to channel my darker thoughts... my unwanted emotions... to others... leaving me unencumbered. Picard stares at him... realization dawning. PICARD Is this... what you've done to Counselor Troi? Alkar shrugs, still matter of fact. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 8/3/92 - ACT FOUR 49. 45 CONTINUED: (2) ALKAR I didn't plan it. I expected Maylor to live through this negotiation. Her death could not have been more untimely. PICARD Then... you deliberately began using Deanna... ALKAR She's an empath. I was reasonably certain I could establish a link with her. (beat) Frankly, I was amazed when I saw how quickly she was aging. Usually my receptacles survive for years. Picard is astonished by Alkar's casual attitude to his horrific behavior. PICARD Receptacles... ? ALKAR Come now, Captain -- surely you can see there is a broader canvas here. If I came to these peace talks hindered by unwanted emotions... the Rekags and Seronians would be condemned to go on fighting... But Picard is having none of this. PICARD No, Alkar... you can't explain away a wantonly immoral act just because you think it's connected to some higher purpose. Alkar steps toward him, challenging. ALKAR Do you know how many people have died on this planet in the last forty eight hours? Thousands. (beat) Deanna Troi is one individual. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 8/3/92 - ACT FOUR 50. 45 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD And you think that justifies brutalizing her? And the others you've used? ALKAR Ask the Seronian and Rekag children who go to sleep every night in fear of their lives. Alkar has no doubts about his position, no nagging moral concerns which ask him to consider another side. ALKAR Captain... I get no payment for what I do. I have no power base, no agenda. I am willing to risk my life simply to help others. PICARD If you think you appear courageous, you're mistaken. You're a coward. You exploit the innocent so you don't have to shoulder the burden of unpleasant emotions. Picard moves toward Alkar, drilling into him. PICARD This time you will be held accountable. I'm taking you back to the Enterprise to release Counselor Troi. ALKAR I have no intention of releasing her. Now -- or ever. And before Picard can retort, Liva ENTERS once more from the Conference Chambers. LIVA Alkar... everything's falling apart. You have to come now. She gestures... and TWO SENTRIES ENTER... holding Worf at phaser point. Alkar turns to Picard. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 8/3/92 - ACT FOUR 51. 45 CONTINUED: (4) ALKAR Excuse me, Captain. I am needed. He turns and heads for the Conference Chambers. LIVA (to Picard) You and your Security Chief will leave. Picard sees Alkar's retreating form, looks to Worf. Worf is ready to do something, anything to turn the tables. But Picard's look tells him, no. For the moment this is a battle they cannot win. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/29/92 - ACT FIVE 52. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 0A EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise in orbit. 46 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM as Picard and Worf step off the platform. Picard is seething, determined Alkar will not have his way. PICARD Lock on to Alkar's signal and bring him aboard. WORF Sir, I am sure the Seronians have reactivated their security field. PICARD Then work with Mister La Forge to find a way to break through it. (beat) I want that man on this ship. WORF Aye, sir. Picard heads for the door. PICARD I'll be in Sickbay. He EXITS. 47 INT. SICKBAY (OPTICAL) Picard with Beverly and Riker, having filled them in about Alkar. Troi is unconscious in the (invisible) force field. Beverly refers to monitoring devices (portable or on the wall). BEVERLY If Alkar is flooding her with this... psychic waste... that would explain the high level of neuro-transmitters. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/30/92 - ACT FIVE 53. 47 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (Cont'd) All the negative emotions pouring into her have caused an abnormal chemical response in her brain... RIKER Isn't there something you can do to counteract it? BEVERLY Enzymic decontaminants will reduce the level of the neuro-transmitters -- but I can't make any headway unless Alkar stops what he's doing. PICARD He has no intention of stopping. He feels perfectly justified in using her until she dies. Beverly looks at them for a moment, mind racing. Then she makes an incredible statement. BEVERLY Then Deanna has to die. Now Picard and Riker stare. Has Beverly lost her mind? BEVERLY The only way to save her is to break the link with Alkar. And that will only happen if she's no longer an adequate receptacle. She continues... putting together the pieces of this puzzle. BEVERLY When Maylor died, Alkar immediately turned to Deanna. Picard follows her train of thought quickly. PICARD If he thinks Deanna is dead... he'll break the link and turn to someone else -- probably one of his delegation. RIKER Wait a minute... you're talking about... about killing Deanna... STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/30/92 - ACT FIVE 53A. 47 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY I'll be able to resuscitate her, Wil... as long as it's not more than thirty minutes... the question is -- will that be enough time? Unless he establishes a link with someone else before we revive Deanna he might turn back to her. PICARD We must also keep in mind that we're putting his next victim at risk... I'll want every possible security measure taken to protect that person. Beverly agrees... and they both turn to Riker, who is grappling with the idea, trying to accept it. RIKER (to Beverly) How... will you... BEVERLY I'll give her a hypospray of dylamadon. (beat) It's the most gentle way... Riker stares at her for a minute, then nods... knowing this is the only chance... but feeling scared about it nonetheless. PICARD Proceed, Doctor. Beverly moves to a counter, begins preparing the dylamadon. 47A OMITTED 48 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it orbits Seronia. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/29/92 - ACT FIVE 54. 49 INT. CONFERENCE CHAMBERS ANTEROOM People are in a jubilant mood. Alkar, Jarth, and Liva are there. As they talk, people come by, patting them on the back, shaking hands, etc. Alkar has his arm around Jarth's shoulder, easy-going and relaxed. ALKAR Well, my friend, an era of conflict and bloodshed appears to be over... Liva slips her arm in Alkar's... a familiar, possessive gesture. Alkar smiles, light-hearted now, but suddenly he stops, as though feeling something resonate through his body. He takes a breath... a little shaky. LIVA Alkar... JARTH What is it... ALKAR I... I'm fine... just a little light-headed. LIVA You're exhausted. JARTH Do you want a doctor? ALKAR No... of course not... STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/27/92 - ACT FIVE 55. 49 CONTINUED: PICARD'S COM VOICE Enterprise to Ambassador Alkar. Respond, sir. ALKAR I'm here, Captain... 50 INT. BRIDGE - INTERCUTTING Picard is in his command chair, grim-faced and urgent. PICARD You must return to the Enterprise immediately. Counselor Troi is dying. (beat) We are prepared to transport you from the surface whether you come willingly or not. JARTH There are security force fields protecting us, Captain -- PICARD They won't protect you any longer. Transporter Room Two, prepare to energize -- But Alkar takes Liva's hand. ALKAR We're ready, Captain. CUT TO: 51 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship in orbit. 52 INT. SICKBAY Alkar and Liva, accompanied by Worf, ENTER. Alkar's anxiety has increased slightly and he is no longer the serene diplomat we've seen previously. He stops short once he sees... STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/29/92 - ACT FIVE 56. 53 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Beverly is just removing a medical device from Troi's forehead. Troi now looks ghastly... she has aged as far as did Maylor when she died. A clearly grief-stricken Riker is standing near Picard who looks grim. Beverly's voice is bitter as she looks up at Alkar. BEVERLY Computer, note in the log that death occurred at fourteen thirty hours... due to respiratory and renal failure. Alkar looks shaken by the news... he takes a beat, then turns to Liva, who is concerned about the way he's taking this. ALKAR Will you wait for me in my quarters? LIVA Of course. She EXITS. Alkar moves to Troi's lifeless body under the icy stares of the others. The bio monitors in the room all show flatlines. ALKAR It is a tragic loss. But her death had a purpose. Picard moves toward him, speaks in a steely voice. PICARD I intend to make certain that you answer for what you have done. Alkar feels certain Picard can do nothing. ALKAR Your own Federation Council has granted me safe and timely passage to my planet. I expect you to honor that. He EXITS. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/29/92 - ACT FIVE 57. 53 CONTINUED: The second the doors shut behind Alkar there is an immediate change of atmosphere in the room as their grief is replaced with a drive toward action. Beverly whirls around and pulls out a tricorder to scan Troi. Riker and Picard move to her side, while Ogawa readies several medical instruments and hyposprays. RIKER How much longer do we have? BEVERLY Three minutes, forty seconds... PICARD Picard to Transporter Room Two... lock on to the young woman in Ambassador Alkar's quarters... stand by to transport her out of there. Picard turns to Worf. PICARD Mister Worf, station yourself outside the quarters. WORF Aye, sir. He moves toward the exit. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/30/92 - ACT FIVE 58. 54 INT. ALKAR'S QUARTERS He moves to the couch, looks at her, his shaky emotions once more put forth as a grief response. ALKAR She'd helped me so much... without her, I couldn't have accomplished what I did... Her response is genuinely sympathetic. LIVA I'm so sorry... Is there anything I can do... His eyes meet hers... full of pain and need. He gets up. ALKAR Yes, there is something... Alkar get the meditation box, returns to her, sets it down between them. ALKAR If we could share the funeral meditation... 55 INT. SICKBAY (OPTICAL) Beverly, Ogawa, checking Troi's lifesigns and getting ready to revive her. BEVERLY We have a minute and a half left... (to Ogawa) Prepare a hypospray of cordrazine. OGAWA Yes, Doctor. BEVERLY We'll use that in conjunction with the cortical stimulator... Ogawa moves to prepare the necessary items. Riker, still stationed by Troi's side, looks on worriedly. 56 INT. ALKAR'S QUARTERS Liva and Alkar hold the stones... Alkar's eyes are closed... he begins the meditation. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/29/92 - ACT FIVE 58A. 56 CONTINUED: ALKAR Rohm gah... sevi rohm... rohm gah... LIVA Rohm gah... sevi rohm... rohm gah... STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/30/92 - ACT FIVE 59. 56A INT SICKBAY BEVERLY We can't wait any longer. (to Ogawa) Release the stasis field. Ten cc's of cordrazine. OGAWA Yes, doctor. Ogawa releases the field, administers the hypospray. BEVERLY Cortical stimulator... Ogawa places the cortical stimulator on Troi's forehead. BEVERLY Now. Troi's body stiffens as an electrical charge is introduced into her body. 56B INT. ALKAR'S QUARTERS as before. ALKAR ... an end to pain... LIVA ... an end to pain... 57 INT. SICKBAY as before. BEVERLY Again. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/30/92 - ACT FIVE 60. 57 CONTINUED: Ogawa works the device and Troi's body stiffens again... there is a beat, then she gasps slightly... and starts to breathe. OGAWA She has a pulse... blood pressure climbing... ninety over forty. Riker looks relieved as he realizes Troi is coming back. BEVERLY All right... let's neutralize the neuro-transmitters. Initiate the decontamination sequence... Ogawa activates another device. A beat and then -- OGAWA Levels are dropping, Doctor... down to four hundred twenty percent above normal... three hundred eighty percent... PICARD Picard to Transporter Room Three... BEVERLY (to Picard) Not yet. I won't know for certain that it's working until we get her below three hundred percent. Picard nods acquiescence. Troi's eyes flutter open for the first time. She draws a deep breath. 58 INT. ALKAR'S QUARTERS ALKAR ... and courage from wisdom... Alkar gasps, suddenly confused... he reaches out and grabs Liva. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/29/92 - ACT FIVE 60A. 59 LIVA Is surprised by his action. LIVA Alkar... what's wrong? Then her eyes widen and she stares at him. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/30/92 - ACT FIVE 61. 60 ALKAR Who looks much older. He grabs Liva and refuses to let go. 61 INT. SICKBAY (OPTICAL) as before. OGAWA Neuro-transmitter levels are down to three hundred ten -- three hundred percent. PICARD (touches communicator) Picard to Transporter Room Three. Energize. 62 INT. ALKAR'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Alkar has aged still more. He holds a struggling Liva in his grip. LIVA Let me go! Liva manages to pull away from him... he moves to grab her again, but then Liva suddenly DEMATERIALIZES and Alkar is left clutching at the air. He heads for the doors... the doors OPEN and Alkar is confronted by TWO N.D. SECURITY OFFICERS standing in the Corridor. Alkar steps back, his escape now blocked. INTERCUT: 63 INT. SICKBAY (OPTICAL) As Troi continues to get younger and younger... OGAWA Neuro transmitter level at two hundred thirty percent... STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/29/92 - ACT FIVE 62. 63 CONTINUED: Alkar's features deteriorate rapidly... Troi finally returns to her normal self and looks around the room... Alkar becomes an ancient, decrepit, old man... he falls to the floor, barely able to breathe... finally collapsing in a heap and dies. Worf and the security guard stare in amazement at the transformed man at their feet. Worf's response is understated, simple... WORF (touches communicator) Worf to Captain Picard. Ambassador Alkar is dead. END INTERCUT. 64 INT. SICKBAY Beverly and Picard react to this unexpected news with surprise. But Riker cares only about Troi, pale and weary, but otherwise just fine. She reaches out for his hand. TROI Wil... He holds her hand tight. CUT TO: 64A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit. 65 INT. TROI'S QUARTERS Riker with Troi, relaxing with coffee or tea. RIKER Doctor Crusher thinks he must have been at a susceptible point in the meditation ceremony... when he was somehow vulnerable. TROI Then the flow of negative emotions and feelings was reversed somehow -- and went back to him. STAR TREK: "Man Of The People" - REV. 7/28/92 - ACT FIVE 63. 65 CONTINUED: RIKER That's our guess. And like a man with no immune system... he just couldn't handle the sudden overload... TROI And... Liva? RIKER She seems to be fine. He never got to the point where he could establish a link with her. Troi draws a breath... it's been an overwhelming experience. TROI When I think back on the last few days... it's as though I'm looking at a Holodeck projection... of someone else. RIKER (gentle smile) That's kind of how it seemed to the rest of us... She reaches out and takes his hand. TROI Thanks for sticking by me. RIKER I always will. (wry) Even when you're old and grey. She grins and he reaches to her and gives her a hug... the two hold each other closely, drawing on the strength of their friendship. 66 OMITTED 67 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship in orbit. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END