STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Rascals" #40276-233 Written by Ronald D. Moore Directed by Adam Nimoy THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1992 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT STAR TREK: "RASCALS" - FINAL 09/04/92 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Rascals" CAST PICARD YOUNG PICARD RIKER YOUNG GUINAN DATA YOUNG RO BEVERLY YOUNG KEIKO TROI KID #1 WORF GEORDI GUINAN FERENGI RO LURIN KEIKO BERIK O'BRIEN MORTA MOLLY ALEXANDER COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. CHILDREN N.D. FERENGI N.D. STARFLEET STAR TREK: "RASCALS" - FINAL 09/04/92 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Rascals" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE READY ROOM 2 KLINGON BIRDS OF PREY SICKBAY ENGINEERING SHUTTLECRAFT TEN FORWARD SHUTTLEBAY OBS. LOUNGE CORRIDOR TRANSPORTER ROOM TURBOLIFT JEFFRIES TUBE O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS MOLLY'S BEDROOM PICARD'S QUARTERS RO'S QUARTERS SCHOOL ROOM SHUTTLECRAFT STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/08/92 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Rascals" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - SHUTTLECRAFT (OPTICAL) A lonely craft against a starry background. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 46235.7 Ensign Ro, Keiko O'Brien, Guinan and I are returning to the Enterprise after a fascinating visit to the planet Marlonia. 2 INT. SHUTTLECRAFT - IN FLIGHT PICARD, GUINAN, KEIKO and RO are in the back of the shuttle, relaxing. The atmosphere is very informal. Picard is still energized by his recent trip and is showing Guinan some odd pieces of pottery from a small box. PICARD ... and I found these pieces in the tertiary level of the dig. They're typical of second century Marlonian cookware. Guinan looks at the shards of pottery... she really doesn't share the Captain's interest in this stuff. GUINAN Mmmm-hmmmm. PICARD Now, see these markings... they're very similar to some early Taguan designs... but the patterns are more intricate... closer to Buranian than Taguan. Picard looks expectantly at Guinan, but she is less than enthused by this revelation. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/09/92 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: GUINAN So... you went to one of the most beautiful planets in this quadrant and spent your entire shore leave... in a cave. PICARD It was a very rewarding experience. (holds up shards) Look at these fragments... they're in nearly perfect condition... and they're over seven hundred years old. GUINAN So's my father. Picard can see he's not going to win any converts here, so he carefully puts the shards back in his box. 3 NEW ANGLE Ro is looking at the collection of bagged plants that Keiko is holding in a small tray. RO (indicates one plant) Is that a Draebidium Froctus? KEIKO Draebidium Calimus actually... you can tell by the shape of the leaves. Ro nods and turns back to the console. But Keiko suddenly realizes something. KEIKO I didn't know you were interested in plant biology. RO (a little embarrassed) I... took a class at the Academy... I just remember a few things... Before Keiko can pursue this any further, Ro is saved by Worf's Com Voice. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/08/92 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: WORF'S COM VOICE Enterprise to Shuttlecraft Fermi... RO (works) This is the Fermi. Go ahead Enterprise. WORF'S COM VOICE We have just received a distress signal from the Starfleet science team on Ligos Seven. PICARD Any indication of the problem? WORF'S COM VOICE No, sir. The call was cut off mid-transmission. PICARD Lay in a course and prepare to engage at Warp eight once we're aboard. WORF'S COM VOICE Aye, sir. The transition to 'business' is immediate and absolute. Picard looks to Ro. RO We'll rendezvous with the ship in three minutes, sir. 4 EXT. SPACE - SHUTTLECRAFT (OPTICAL) The shuttle is confronted by a bright FLASH that erupts directly in the craft's path. The light quickly fades leaving only an incandescent CLOUD-LIKE ANOMALY in its wake. As the shuttle approaches the anomaly, its vapors quickly enveloping the craft... 5 INT. SHUTTLECRAFT (OPTICAL) There's a sudden JOLT and the craft begins to SHAKE, caught in the grip of some phenomenon. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/08/92 - TEASER 4. 5 CONTINUED: Picard and Ro quickly move to the pilot area and start to work the console. RO (reading instruments) We're caught in some kind of energy field. PICARD Hard about, full impulse. RO Aye, sir. Picard, Keiko, Guinan and Ro, buffeted about. WHIRR, the power goes down. Red warning LIGHTS flash, a KLAXON sounds. 6 thru OMITTED 7 8 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship at impulse power. 9 INT. MAIN BRIDGE RIKER, DATA, and WORF at their stations, various SUPERNUMERARIES. RIKER (to Worf) What's happening, Mister Worf? WORF The shuttle's been enveloped by an energy field, sir. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Rascals" - 9/04/92 - TEASER 5. 9 CONTINUED: WORF (Cont'd) Their engines and life support have failed. RIKER (to Conn officer) Increase to full impulse. (to com) Bridge to Transporter Room Three. Prepare to beam the shuttle crew aboard once we're in range. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Ready, sir. 10 OMITTED 11 INT. SHUTTLECRAFT (OPTICAL) Red alert... all power gone... the SHAKING is really VIOLENT now. RO There's too much interference... I can't contact the Enterprise... PICARD Transfer auxiliary power to the inertial dampers... COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Structural failure imminent. Suddenly the ENERGY FIELD penetrates the hull and fills the inside of the shuttle. Everyone reacts... 12 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) O'Brien working feverishly at the controls. RIKER'S COM VOICE O'Brien, do you have them? STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/09/92 - TEASER 6. 12 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (to Com) I'm trying, sir... I can't get a pattern lock. RIKER'S COM VOICE The shuttle's coming apart, Chief. You've got to do it now. Beat. O'BRIEN I've got them. (works) There's a forty percent drop in mass. I may have lost one of them... He works and FOUR SMALL FIGURES begin to MATERIALIZE on the platform. 13 ANGLE ON O'BRIEN A low angle looking up at O'Brien from the POV of the Transporter platform. He reacts with shock to what he sees. 14 NEW ANGLE Revealing that the entire shuttle crew has now been turned into twelve year old children. YOUNG PICARD, YOUNG RO, YOUNG GUINAN, and YOUNG KEIKO all wear the same clothes the adults wore in the shuttle, but now they're a few sizes too big for them. For a split second, Young Picard is unaware of what's happened. (NOTE: Young Keiko is now carrying a tray of sprouted seedlings.) YOUNG PICARD Thank you, Mister O'Brien. Another moment and... He trails off at the sound of his own voice. He and the others look at each other in shock. Off their reactions... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/11/92 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 15 INT. SICKBAY BEVERLY, medical tricorder in hand, finishes her examination of Young Picard. Troi is with her. In the b.g., Young Ro, Young Guinan and Young Keiko sit on biobeds while an N.D. conducts tests with a tricorder. NOTE: "child" versions now wear smaller, replicated clothes, with normal sized insignias. They are still examining the fit of their new clothes. As the "grown ups" talk, we can see Young Picard grow impatient as they talk above and about him, as if he weren't even there. Beverly is reporting to Riker. BEVERLY (to Riker) According to the bio-scans, their DNA structures are now consistent with those of pre-adolescents. But as far as I can tell, only their bodies have changed. TROI (off PADD) Their individual intelligence and behavioral responses are all exactly the same as they were before the accident. Young Picard finally intercedes. YOUNG PICARD What happened to the shuttlecraft, Number One? Riker looks down, blinks for a moment as if to remind himself that this is Jean-Luc Picard, and then answers. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/11/92 - ACT ONE 8. 15 CONTINUED: RIKER The shuttle broke up just after we beamed you out. Data's coordinating the salvage effort right now. (beat) Sir. BEVERLY What about the energy field the shuttle passed through? RIKER We've been trying to scan it, but it's putting out a lot of interference. It's going to take some time. Again Young Picard makes them include him in this conversation. YOUNG PICARD We can't afford to stay here any longer. We'll leave a class four probe behind to study the energy field but the distress signal from Ligos Seven has top priority. (to Beverly) Let me know as soon as you have any further information, Doctor. Number One, you're with me. Young Picard heads for the door. BEVERLY Captain... there are some additional tests I'd like to run... YOUNG PICARD Of course... (to other 'children') The three of you will remain as needed to assist Doctor Crusher. Young Picard EXITS with Riker. As Troi and Beverly exchange a look of concern... STAR TREK: "Rascals" - 9/04/92 - ACT ONE 9. 16 ANGLE - YOUNG RO AND YOUNG GUINAN Young Ro sits on her biobed obviously not pleased with any of this. She opens and closes her fingers, not quite able to realize that these are now her hands. Young Guinan is more serene as usual and seems to be taking this all with a slight air of amusement. She studies Young Ro for a beat, who finally notices. YOUNG RO What? YOUNG GUINAN You know... you make a pretty cute kid. YOUNG RO Great. Just what I want to be... cute. YOUNG GUINAN (sarcastic) Were you this much fun when you were a kid? YOUNG RO I was in a refugee camp. "Fun" wasn't exactly in my vocabulary. YOUNG GUINAN What about now? You're not in that camp anymore. YOUNG RO "Fun" is being back at work... in my own uniform. On Young Guinan's reaction... 17 INT. TURBOLIFT Riker and Young Picard ENTER. YOUNG PICARD Bridge. They stand side by side, an awkward and silent moment for both of them. Riker can't help glancing down at this youthful version of the man he's known and served under for six years. The Turbolift finally STOPS and the doors open. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/08/92 - ACT ONE 10. 18 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS Data, GEORDI, and Worf are at their stations along with N.D. Crewmembers. Young Picard and Riker ENTER from the Turbolift. Young Picard moves directly to Worf, who looks down with astonishment at his captain. YOUNG PICARD Mister Worf. Prepare to launch a class four probe to study the energy field. Worf is unable to respond for a moment and Young Picard suddenly becomes aware of a great silence on the Bridge. He looks around and sees that every highly disciplined head is gaping at their captain. YOUNG PICARD (to everyone) I realize how unusual this must seem... (just the facts) My appearance is the result of an accident, involving myself and three other crew members... the effects of which Doctor Crusher is currently working to remedy. (in charge) I assure you, I am Captain Picard. Riker nods his assent and everyone returns to their duties. Young Picard looks expectantly at Worf for a beat. WORF (quickly) The probe. Aye, sir. He turns to work at his console as Beverly ENTERS from a Turbolift in the b.g. YOUNG PICARD Mister Data, have you secured all of the shuttle debris? DATA Almost, sir. It is being stored in Shuttlebay Two. YOUNG PICARD Very well. (to Conn) Ensign, as soon as Mister Data is finished take us to Ligos at warp eight. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - 9/04/92 - ACT ONE 11. 18 CONTINUED: Beverly quietly moves next to him. BEVERLY Captain, may I see you privately for a few moments? YOUNG PICARD Of course. They EXIT to the Ready Room. 19 INT. READY ROOM - CONTINUOUS Beverly and the young Captain ENTER. Young Picard is in charge, trying to continue on in his normal fashion. He moves to the replicator. YOUNG PICARD Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. (he gets the cup of tea) Have you been able to determine the cause of our transformation? BEVERLY Not yet. I'm still waiting for some test results. YOUNG PICARD I see. Young Picard sits down at the desk and turns on the terminal. YOUNG PICARD (off terminal) There are one hundred and three members of the science team on Ligos Seven. We should prepare shuttlebay three for a triage center in case they have large numbers of casualties. BEVERLY We'll be ready. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - 9/04/92 - ACT ONE 12. 19 CONTINUED: YOUNG PICARD Ligos Seven is prone to periodic volcanic activity... perhaps the planet has entered an active phase--- BEVERLY Jean-Luc. (he looks up) I think we need to talk. Young Picard knows what she's getting at and he faces her head-on. YOUNG PICARD All right. Let's talk. (beat) Are you here to relieve me of duty? BEVERLY I'd rather not have to take that step. YOUNG PICARD I am still Jean-Luc Picard. My judgement, my experiences, my mental capacities are all intact. BEVERLY That's true... for now. This could be the first stage of a condition which may begin to affect your mind as well. YOUNG PICARD But you've seen no evidence of that? BEVERLY Not yet. (beat) What I do know is that the Captain of this ship has just gone through an extreme physical transformation... the ultimate effects of which I can't even begin to guess. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - 9/04/92 - ACT ONE 13. 19 CONTINUED: (2) YOUNG PICARD (quiet) You are asking me to step down. There is a quiet beat before Beverly replies. BEVERLY You're still Jean-Luc Picard... what do you think you should do? As Young Picard thinks over the stakes involved... CUT TO: 20 INT. MAIN BRIDGE As before. Young Picard and Beverly ENTER from the Ready Room. He goes directly to Riker and there is no trace of hesitation or regret at his decision. YOUNG PICARD (formally) Commander Riker, please take command of the ship until further notice. RIKER Understood, sir. And with that, Young Picard and Beverly head for the EXIT. CUT TO: 21 INT. CORRIDOR Young Ro and Young Guinan ENTER from Sickbay. Young Ro is very irritated as they pause in the Corridor. YOUNG RO So what the hell am I supposed to do now? YOUNG GUINAN You're not supposed to do anything. That's what "relieved of duty" means. Young Guinan looks up at the ceiling... jumps up and tries to touch it, but can't. She smiles in delight. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - 9/04/92 - ACT ONE 14. 21 CONTINUED: YOUNG RO Well, I should be doing something... instead of just standing around waiting for them to find a cure. YOUNG GUINAN You're right. (beat) Let's go play. YOUNG RO What? YOUNG GUINAN I haven't been young for a long time... and I intend to enjoy every minute of it. YOUNG RO Fine. Enjoy yourself. Young Ro heads down the Corridor toward a Turbolift. YOUNG GUINAN (following her) What are you going to do... go back to your room and pout? Young Ro stops dead in her tracks and turns on Young Guinan. YOUNG RO I am not twelve years old. If I want to go to my quarters and contemplate my situation, it does not mean that I am... pouting. YOUNG GUINAN Okay, okay. Young Ro turns and continues toward the Turbolift. Young Guinan makes a face at Young Ro's back... then smiles to herself with the simple pleasure of acting like a girl again... then she follows Young Ro. 22 INT. O'BRIEN QUARTERS Young Keiko and O'Brien sit on the couch. There is a long, awkward silence between them as they struggle to make sense of the situation. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - 9/04/92 - ACT ONE 15. 22 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN ( awkward) I could use a... cup of coffee. How about you? It's obvious O'Brien's more in need of a distraction than any beverage. He moves to get up, but Young Keiko gestures him back into his chair and walks over to the replicator... YOUNG KEIKO I'll get it. (to companel) Two coffees... one with cream... O'BRIEN (interjects) Black... double sweet... YOUNG KEIKO I know. (to companel) One double sweet. Young Keiko picks up the two cups of steaming coffee and starts toward O'Brien. O'BRIEN Careful... that's hot... YOUNG KEIKO (a warning) Miles... O'BRIEN Sorry. Young Keiko hands him a cup and sits down next to him. A sadness falls over her features... this is a lot to absorb. Young Keiko instinctively cuddles up next to him, looking for comfort. But this has the opposite effect on O'Brien. He stands up... suddenly very uncomfortable with this kind of intimacy. YOUNG KEIKO What's wrong? O'BRIEN It's... I don't know... but this feels wrong, somehow. Young Keiko stands. Their voices slowly get louder as they grapple with complex emotions.  STAR TREK: "Rascals" - 9/04/92 - ACT ONE 16. 22 CONTINUED: (2) YOUNG KEIKO Miles Edward O'Brien. I am still your wife. O'BRIEN Technically, yes. YOUNG KEIKO Technically? O'BRIEN No. I mean, of course you're my wife... but you're also ten years old. YOUNG KEIKO Beverly said it's actually closer to twelve. O'BRIEN That's not the point. YOUNG KEIKO So what is the point? Is our marriage over? O'BRIEN I didn't say that. But until they find a way to reverse this... this effect... it's going to be hard for me to ignore the fact that you're a little girl. YOUNG KEIKO What if they can't find a way? What if I'm like this the rest of my life? What does that mean for us, for our family? MOLLY'S VOICE Mommy? They both look toward the bedroom. After a beat, they both move to the door. 23 INT. MOLLY'S BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS MOLLY is lying in her bed as O'Brien and Young Keiko ENTER. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - 9/04/92 - ACT ONE 17. 23 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (to Molly) What's wrong, Sweetheart? MOLLY I want Mommy to read me a story. YOUNG KEIKO All right. What story would you like to hear? Molly just looks at her. MOLLY I want Mommy. The words knife into Young Keiko and she doesn't know what to do for a moment. O'Brien smoothly moves to his daughter. Young Keiko leaves the room. O'BRIEN What if Daddy reads you a story tonight? Will that be okay? Molly nods her head. O'BRIEN I'll be right back. O'Brien EXITS. 24 INT. O'BRIEN QUARTERS - CONTINUOUS Young Keiko is fighting back tears as O'Brien ENTERS. O'BRIEN Keiko... Young Keiko turns around and buries her head in O'Brien's chest. He comforts her, just as he would any crying twelve year old. O'BRIEN It's going to be all right... I promise... we'll work this out... She looks up at him. YOUNG KEIKO How? STAR TREK: "Rascals" - 9/04/92 - ACT ONE 18. 24 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I don't know. As O'Brien tries to comfort his wife... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Rascals" - 9/04/92 - ACT TWO 19. ACT TWO FADE IN: 25 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship drops out of warp. RIKER (V.O.) First Officer's Log: Supplemental. The Enterprise has reached the Ligos system, and we have begun to search for the missing Federation science team. Doctor Crusher reports no progress on finding a cure for the members of the shuttle crew. 26 INT. PICARD'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Young Picard is looking at himself in the mirror, wearing his black T-shirt... staring at the strange, yet familiar face he sees. He turns his head this way and that... touches places under his eyes and around his mouth where only yesterday there were small lines of age. He hesitates for a moment... finally runs a hand through the shock of hair on his head. He grins at the image. He moves to a chair and picks up his leather jacket and tries it on. The jacket is several sizes too large now and Young Picard can't help but laugh at the comical image of himself in the mirror. The door CHIMES. YOUNG PICARD Come. Troi ENTERS. Young Picard is obviously in good spirits and Troi smiles at the sight of the boy in the man's clothes. TROI I came to see how you're doing. YOUNG PICARD (re: jacket) I'll have to speak to my tailor, but otherwise I'm well, thank you. Troi stands beside him and they both examine the way he looks in the mirror. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - 9/04/92 - ACT TWO 20. 26 CONTINUED: YOUNG PICARD It's just so... ridiculous. I can't really take myself seriously like this... He trails off as a new thought occurs to him. The smile on his face dies away and is replaced by a frown. He turns away from the mirror, troubled. TROI What's wrong? Beat. YOUNG PICARD Counselor... if Doctor Crusher can't find a cure... and I have to stay this way... no one's going to take me seriously, are they? TROI I would say the people who know you, who've worked with you for years, will be able to make the adjustment eventually. (beat) But... there are some cultures that would not accept a twelve-year-old captain as a negotiating partner or a credible emissary. Young Picard takes a long beat to consider this. YOUNG PICARD In that case, I suppose I'll have to wait until... I grow up again before I'll get another command. (beat) That could be ten years... maybe fifteen... Young Picard mulls this over for a moment... it's a long time. YOUNG PICARD The question is... what to do until then? TROI You're still a captain... I'm sure there are other assignments you could be given. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - 9/04/92 - ACT TWO 21. 26 CONTINUED: (2) YOUNG PICARD I've spent thirty years of my life aboard starships... I'm not about to sit behind a desk now. TROI You could return to the Academy... get another degree... brush up on your Latin. YOUNG PICARD (wry) And be Wesley's room-mate, I suppose. (they both smile) I will admit that returning to the Academy does have a certain appeal... but I've always spent my life looking forward... going to the Academy again feels like... looking back. Troi moves around the room... sees the usual artifacts from Picard's journeys: the Mintakan blanket, Klingon knife, and now the pottery shards from Marlonia. TROI Then perhaps you could use this time to explore another interest... archeology for instance? YOUNG PICARD Leave Starfleet? TROI Not permanently... just a sabbatical. You could spend ten years crawling through caves and digging up artifacts... and still have enough time to become the youngest admiral in Starfleet. Young Picard moves to the pottery shards and looks down at them. YOUNG PICARD It would give me a chance to accompany Doctor Langford on her exploration of the ruins on Suvin Four... but to leave the Enterprise... STAR TREK: "Rascals" - 9/04/92 - ACT TWO 21A. 26 CONTINUED: (3) TROI In a way, you're very lucky. You have a chance do what most people can only dream about... have a second childhood without the pain of growing up. But Young Picard isn't listening any longer... he's picked up one of the shards of pottery and is turning it over in the light. Troi smiles to herself and quietly EXITS. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/10/92 - ACT TWO 22. 27 INT. BEVERLY'S OFFICE Beverly is showing Riker an Okudagram display of some medical information. BEVERLY This is Captain Picard's rybo-viroxic-nucleic structure from a tissue sample I took this morning. It's the same as a sample I took before the accident -- except it's missing several key viroxic sequences. RIKER I'm afraid it's been a long time since I took genetics, Doctor. BEVERLY RVN is one of the key factors in our development during puberty. Unlike DNA, which never changes, RVN takes on additional viroxic sequences during adolescence. Those sequences determine how we develop physically. Without them... RIKER We would never mature into adults. BEVERLY Exactly. Somehow, those key sequences were eliminated in the Captain and the others during transport. Riker looks at the terminal for a moment. RIKER So what can we do? BEVERLY There are a couple of options. Beverly moves over to some SPROUTED SEEDLINGS in petri dishes. BEVERLY (continuing) These are the plants Keiko was carrying on the shuttle. Whatever turned the crew into children turned these into seedlings. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/10/92 - ACT TWO 23. 27 CONTINUED: Beverly nods and moves to a FLOWERING PLANT identical to the one seen earlier in the shuttlecraft. BEVERLY We accelerated the growth on one of them, and it developed into a perfectly normal adult plant. RIKER I don't suppose that would work on people. BEVERLY No... but it does tell us that if we do nothing, they'll probably grow up as they did before. RIKER That's one option... BEVERLY I do have adult RVN patterns on all four of them. I might be able to send them back through the Transporter pattern buffer and replace the missing sequences... but we can't even attempt that until we know why this happened in the first place. (beat) If they were, somehow, to lose more viroxic sequences... RIKER (grim) They'd come back even younger. On their reactions... CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/09/92 - ACT TWO 23A. 28 INT. SHUTTLEBAY TWO What is left of the shuttlecraft is now a lot of junk sitting on the deck of the bay. O'Brien and a few N.D. ENGINEERS are re-assembling the components of the shuttle in some rough order -- like the positioning of debris after a plane crash. O'Brien examines a piece of debris with a tricorder... he then moves it into its proper place on the deck. Geordi ENTERS, carrying a PADD. GEORDI I've got the sensor report on the shuttle break-up. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/09/92 - ACT TWO 24. 28 CONTINUED: He hands the PADD to O'Brien, who looks at it while Geordi looks over the junk on the floor. GEORDI It looks like the break-up began near the starboard bulkhead. O'Brien nods in agreement. O'BRIEN (indicates debris) There are some bulkhead fragments over here. He leads Geordi to a pile of shattered metal. Geordi bends down to examine some pieces more closely. GEORDI My VISOR's picking up torsional stress damage... some micro-fractures... (beat) Wait a minute... what's this? He holds up a ordinary-looking chunk of metal. O'BRIEN Looks like tritanium from the hull. GEORDI Yeah... but watch. 28A CLOSE ON METAL As Geordi CRUSHES the metal into DUST with his bare hand. 28B RESUME SCENE O'Brien reacts. Geordi peers at the dust in his hand. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/08/92 - ACT TWO 24A. 28B CONTINUED: GEORDI It's not tritanium anymore... somehow the molecular structure of the alloy's been changed -- broken down into its constituent elements... O'BRIEN No wonder the bulkhead shattered... GEORDI Let's get a sample down to Engineering. I want to run a metallurgical analysis. As they begin to put some of the dust into a small container... CUT TO: 29 INT. RO'S QUARTERS Young Ro is sitting quietly on the bed, lost in thought. Young Guinan is sitting on a chair, her legs dangling a bit in boredom. Young Guinan lets out a loud sigh. Young Ro ignores her. YOUNG GUINAN Well, this is exciting. YOUNG RO Would you rather be playing with dolls? STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/11/92 - ACT TWO 25. 29 CONTINUED: YOUNG GUINAN I'd rather be doing almost anything other than sitting here and watching you sulk. Young Guinan gets out of the chair and starts moving around the room, picking up random objects and playing with things. YOUNG RO This isn't some kind of glorious second childhood, Guinan. Our bodies have been violated... changed... doesn't that bother you? YOUNG GUINAN Sure it bothers me, but at the moment I can't do anything about it. So I might as well enjoy it. YOUNG RO Enjoy what? Where did you get the idea that being short and awkward is some kind of wonderful gift? Young Guinan looks at Young Ro for a beat, then goes over to sit by her on the bed. YOUNG GUINAN There must've been some part of childhood that you didn't loathe. Come on... tell me one happy memory you have. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/11/92 - ACT TWO 26. 29 CONTINUED: (2) YOUNG RO Look. It was a long, depressing period of my life and I was grateful when it was finally over. I'd rather not relive it. Young Guinan considers her for a moment. YOUNG GUINAN I bet you were a jumper. (off her look) A jumper. You know, someone who jumped up and down on furniture all the time. YOUNG RO What? YOUNG GUINAN You were a jumper all right. The quiet ones... they always look so innocent... you think you can turn your back on them... then next thing you know -- bam! They're bouncing on the bed. Young Ro smiles in disbelief at the outrageous nature of Young Guinan's statement. YOUNG RO That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Most of the time I didn't even have a bed. YOUNG GUINAN Ah... but you did have one sometimes... and I bet you jumped on it. YOUNG RO I most certainly did not. YOUNG GUINAN Yeah... I can see it in your eyes... you can barely resist the urge to leap up and start jumping around like a Tarkassian razorbeast. YOUNG RO (smiling despite herself) Guinan... STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/10/92 - ACT TWO 27. 29 CONTINUED: (3) YOUNG GUINAN Oh yeah... oh yeah... Young Guinan suddenly stands up on the bed and starts jumping up and down. Young Ro can't believe this... but she's smiling in spite of herself as the bed is violently shaken underneath her. YOUNG RO This is ridiculous. YOUNG GUINAN (jumping) That's right... and don't you dare join me, Ro Laren. You don't like jumping on beds! Young Ro gets off the bed... watches the maniacal jumping of Young Guinan for another beat... her smile grows wider and wider... finally she can't resist any longer and she leaps up and joins in. As the two of them giggle and laugh as they bounce up and down... CUT TO: 29A INT. ENGINEERING Geordi and O'Brien are talking to Riker and Beverly. Geordi gestures to a display of technical information. GEORDI We think the shuttle was caught in a molecular reversion field, which caused the structure of the ship to deteriorate. When the field penetrated the hull, it also began to affect the shuttle crew. O'BRIEN When I tried to beam them off, I wasn't able to get a lock because the reversion field was masking part of their patterns. BEVERLY (finally understanding) If the Transporter only registered part of their RVN patterns... that would explain why the key sequences are missing. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/10/92 - ACT TWO 28. 29A CONTINUED: GEORDI Exactly. And without those key sequences, the Transporter reconstructed them as children. A beat as they consider. RIKER (to Beverly) If they're right, will you be able to use the Transporter to reverse the effects? BEVERLY I think so. As long as there's no reversion field to mask the patterns, we should be able to do it. (to O'Brien) Chief, can we adjust the molecular imaging scanners to accept -- WORF'S COM VOICE Bridge to Commander Riker. RIKER (to com) Go ahead. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/09/92 - ACT TWO 29. 29A CONTINUED: (2) WORF'S COM VOICE We're entering orbit around Ligos Seven, sir. RIKER On my way. (to others) We'll discuss this later. Riker EXITS. CUT TO: 30 OMITTED 31 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise slows to orbital velocity around Ligos Seven, a planet shrouded in a gaseous atmosphere, wrapped in mystery. 32 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker, Worf, and Data at their stations. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/09/92 - ACT TWO 30. 32 CONTINUED: RIKER (to Conn) Standard orbit, Ensign. (to Data) Any sign of the science team? DATA We have been scanning the area since entering the system, but our readings are being disrupted. RIKER Cause? DATA Extreme fluctuations in the E.M. field. Riker moves to take a closer look at the console. DATA However, there is no evidence of relevant stellar or seismic activity which would cause the interference. RIKER Any response to our hails, Mister Worf? WORF No, sir. I have been attempting to--- (suddenly sees something on console) Commander, two ships decloaking fore and aft. (beat) Klingon birds of prey... B'rel class. 33 thru OMITTED 34 35 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE & KLINGON SHIPS (OPTICAL) Two BIRDS OF PREY DECLOAK and immediately FIRE on the Enterprise. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - 9/04/92 - ACT TWO 31. 36 OMITTED 37 INT. PICARD'S QUARTERS Young Picard is looking over the pottery shards under a 24th century microscope when the ship is HIT again. Young Picard instinctively jumps up and heads for the door as the ship goes to RED ALERT. 38 INT. MAIN BRIDGE As before. The ship's condition is RED. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/08/92 - ACT TWO 32. 38 CONTINUED: RIKER Maximum shields. Take us out of orbit, Ensign. Mister Worf, prepare to return fire... And the ship SHUDDERS from another direct HIT... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/08/92 - ACT THREE 33. ACT THREE FADE IN: 39 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (CONTINUOUS) As before. The ship is ROCKED by another blast. RIKER Damage report. WORF (reading console) We've lost primary life-support. Switching to secondary systems. RIKER (to Worf) Lock phasers on target bearing to port. WORF Phasers locked. RIKER Fire. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/08/92 - ACT THREE 34. 40 EXT. SPACE - KLINGON SHIP (OPTICAL) PHASER FIRE hits a Klingon ship, but the ship is protected by its shields. 41 INT. MAIN BRIDGE As before. DATA Minor damage to one ship. Its shields are holding. The ship is ROCKED again. WORF Starboard power coupling is down... warp engines off-line. RIKER Shields? WORF Down to thirteen percent. 42 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise is struck by the torpedoes from both Klingon ships. 43 INT. MAIN BRIDGE As the Enterprise recoils from the impact... WORF Casualties reported on decks twenty-six and twenty-seven... DATA Sensors and secondary generators off-line... life support down to sixty-seven percent... RIKER (to Com) Engineering, status report. Intercut as needed with: STAR TREK: "Rascals" - 9/04/92 - ACT THREE 35. 44 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi at the computer consoles... GEORDI Their last shots took out auxiliary power and emergency back-ups. It'll take at least an hour to get warp power back on-line. 45 thru OMITTED 49 50 INT. MAIN BRIDGE As before. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/09/92 - ACT THREE 36. 50 CONTINUED: WORF We've lost shields. Heavy casualties on decks thirty-five through forty. DATA (reacts; off console) I am detecting Transporter signatures in three cargo bays. (beat) We are being boarded. 50A INT. CORRIDOR Young Picard is running down a corridor toward a Turbolift. He arrives at the Turbolift and the doors OPEN -- but Young Picard pulls up short as an ARMED FERENGI comes out of the Turbolift and points the weapon at Young Picard. He's been caught. 50B INT. MAIN ENGINEERING (FORMERLY SCENE 53) Geordi is in his office. He hears the SOUND of phaser FIRE and comes running out, but it's too late -- TWO FERENGI have him and his men covered by their weapons. 50C INT. MAIN BRIDGE As before. RIKER (to Worf) Initiate intruder alert. All security teams to proceed to -- Riker suddenly turns at the SOUND of a Transporter Beam-in. 51 ANGLE (OPTICAL) TWO FERENGI, BERIK and MORTA, MATERIALIZE on the Bridge with alien rifles drawn... BERIK Put down your weapons. Worf draws his phaser and FIRES as he dives for cover, but misses... STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/09/92 - ACT THREE 37. 51 CONTINUED: The Ferengi loosen a couple of BLASTS at Worf and Data, HITTING them both. 52 RIKER (OPTICAL) Hits the deck and rolls out of the way of a phaser BLAST. He quickly hits his combadge. RIKER (urgent, to com) Computer, deactivate all command functions. Authorization, Riker-Omega-Three... COMPUTER'S VOICE All command functions suspended. All Bridge consoles DE-ACTIVATE as TWO MORE FERENGI, armed with alien rifles, ENTER from two Turbolift. MORTA (touches communicator on his belt) This is Morta. We have secured the Bridge. Begin transporting all able-bodied adults to the surface. 53 thru OMITTED 55 56 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM A FERENGI is guarding O'Brien, who is now a prisoner. As the doors open, FERENGI Guards herd more Adult Crew Members (among them, Geordi) into the room... STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/08/92 - ACT THREE 38. 57 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker is standing off to one side, under guard. Worf and Data are still unconscious on the deck. Berik and Morta are trying to work one of the aft consoles, but are having no success. BERIK They have locked out the command functions. MORTA You said they would not have time. BERIK You led the assault team, you were too slow. MORTA You dare to blame me! But before they can carry this any further, the Turbolift doors OPEN and DAIMON LURIN ENTERS. Morta and Berik quickly move to him. BERIK We have secured the ship, Daimon, but Morta's incompetence has denied us access to--- MORTA My incompetence! Daimon, you know that I am -- LURIN (firm) Enough. (to Berik) Where is the Captain of this ship? Berik looks to Riker. RIKER I'm in command of this vessel. Who are you and on whose authority do you -- STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/08/92 - ACT THREE 39. 57 CONTINUED: LURIN (cutting him off) I am Daimon Lurin and I now declare this ship to be a loss and open to claim according to the Ferengi Salvage Code. You will cooperate with our salvage operations or we will begin executing your crew. Off Riker's expression... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/11/92 - ACT FOUR 40. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 58 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE & KLINGON SHIP (OPTICALL) The Enterprise is re-entering orbit, with a Bird of Prey nearby. 59 INT. SCHOOL ROOM Young Ro, Young Guinan, Young Keiko, and SEVERAL N.D. CHILDREN are in the school room. The real kids are jabbering to each other with concern... there is an edge of fear in the air and it wouldn't take much more to turn this scene into hysteria. The doors OPEN and Young Picard ENTERS, escorted by Berik. He gives Young Picard a shove into the room and then posts himself outside the door in the Corridor, before closing the door. Young Ro, Young Guinan, and Young Keiko go immediately to Young Picard. YOUNG PICARD (to Young Ro) Is everyone all right? YOUNG RO No fatalities or injuries among the children. The Ferengi have control of Main Engineering and decks twenty-three through thirty-seven. YOUNG PICARD We have to assume they've also taken the Bridge. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/11/92 - ACT FOUR 41-42. 59 CONTINUED: YOUNG KEIKO (worried) Captain... do you know what they've done with the younger children... with my little girl? YOUNG PICARD They're taking all the adults down to the surface. It looks like they're keeping all the children on board the ship. Where was your daughter? YOUNG KEIKO In primary care on deck fourteen. YOUNG PICARD Then she's probably still there with the others. (off her worried expression) But we'll make certain. Young Picard guides them over to a table with a computer terminal. YOUNG PICARD We need to regain control of the ship. Options? YOUNG RO We could flood the ship with anesthizine gas. YOUNG PICARD That's locked out along with the rest of the command functions. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/08/92 - ACT FOUR 43. 59 CONTINUED: (3) YOUNG RO (thinks for a beat) If they're typical Ferengi, they're probably very pleased with themselves about now... maybe even getting a little overconfident. YOUNG PICARD Agreed. They might not think they need much of their crew to hold the ship. We could use the element of surprise to give ourselves a tactical advantage... YOUNG GUINAN Tactical advantage... ? (beat) Jean-Luc... look at your team for a minute. We're children. YOUNG PICARD We can't just stay here while our ship is being commandeered. YOUNG GUINAN I'm not suggesting that we do. But we can't act as if we were still adults. YOUNG PICARD What do you suggest? YOUNG GUINAN We look like children. Maybe it's time we started acting like children. Off their reactions... CUT TO: 60 INT. READY ROOM Daimon Lurin is making himself comfortable in Picard's chair, as Riker ENTERS. (We see a Ferengi guard just outside the door). STAR TREK: "Rascals" - 9/04/92 - ACT FOUR 44. 60 CONTINUED: RIKER I hope your profit margin is pretty high on this little adventure, Lurin... because you're risking war with the Federation. LURIN We're not affiliated with the Ferengi Alliance. We're... in business for ourselves. (smiles) And yes, it will be highly profitable. For an investment of two surplus Klingon ships... a few repairs... and some weapons... we've netted a Federation starship and her crew, not to mention a planet rich in Vendarite. RIKER So that's what this is all about. What did you do with the science team that was on the surface? LURIN They have proved most... helpful in extracting the mineral. RIKER You made them slave laborers. LURIN The addition of your crew will greatly speed up the process. (looks around) As for your ship... I'm sure it will fetch a handsome price on the Romulan market. (beat) But before that can happen, we need to regain access to your central computer. RIKER You don't really think I'm going to help you. Lurin fixes him with a steely look. LURIN (low, measured) I think... that the mines on Ligos Seven can be very hazardous. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/08/92 - ACT FOUR 45. 60 CONTINUED: (2) LURIN (Cont'd) (beat) How many people in your crew? RIKER (tight) One thousand, fourteen. Lurin holds his gaze for a moment. LURIN Very hazardous, Commander. Lurin EXITS, leaving Riker with something to think about. CUT TO: 61 INT. SCHOOL ROOM Young Ro and Young Keiko are taking apart a small section of bulkhead at one end of the room. 62 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Young Picard and Young Guinan are at the desktop computer terminal seen earlier. Young Picard activates the school-room terminal. Because this is the school room, a DIFFERENT Computer Voice than the one we're used to hearing responds when he turns on the terminal. NEW COMPUTER VOICE (sweetly) Hello. I'm the classroom computer system. What can I do for you, today? YOUNG PICARD Computer, display interior security grid. NEW COMPUTER VOICE (sweetly) I'm sorry, but I can't do that. Would you like to play a game? STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/08/92 - ACT FOUR 46. 62 CONTINUED: YOUNG PICARD (irritated) No, I would not. (thinks) Computer, display an internal schematic diagram. NEW COMPUTER VOICE I'm sorry, but I can't do that. Would you like to see some interesting animals? Young Picard glares at the screen in frustration, but Young Guinan intercedes. YOUNG GUINAN (to Picard) It's a child's computer, remember? (to computer) Computer, can you show me a picture of the inside of the Enterprise? A BRIGHTLY COLORED diagram of the Enterprise comes up on the screen. NOTE: this should not be one of our standard schematics. It should be a children's version of a ship diagram, with greatly simplified graphics and brightly colored designs. NEW COMPUTER VOICE The Enterprise is a Galaxy-class starship. Do you know how to spell Enterprise? E -- N -- T -- E -- YOUNG PICARD Delete audio. The Voice STOPS. YOUNG PICARD (points to diagram) All right, this will have to do... we're here... there's a service conduit that runs from here to here and then connects to a Jeffries Tube here... but you and Ensign Ro will still have to cross this corridor before you can get to Main Engineering. Young Guinan studies the display. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/11/92 - ACT FOUR 46A. 63 ANGLE ON YOUNG RO She manages to pull the final Mees panel away from the bulkhead, revealing a Jeffries Tube behind the wall. YOUNG RO Captain... Young Picard and Young Guinan come over. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/14/92 - ACT FOUR 47. 63 CONTINUED: YOUNG PICARD Excellent. (to Young Guinan) Ready? (off her nod) Make it so. Young Guinan and Young Ro EXIT to the Jeffries Tube. 64 NEW ANGLE As a TOY suddenly bumps up against Young Picard's leg. Alexander comes running up, carrying a remote control PADD and looking apologetic. The toy looks like a cross between a lunch-box and a spider, with several odd-looking armatures poking out from the sides. There are no apparent wheels, but it glides along the floor. ALEXANDER I'm sorry... Captain. Alexander moves the toy away from Young Picard and begins playing with it again by using the remote control. As Young Picard watches the toy glide across the floor, he begins to get an idea. He goes to Alexander. YOUNG PICARD (to Alexander) Alexander, would you mind if I... borrowed your toy for a little while? ALEXANDER Go ahead. YOUNG PICARD Thank you. He hands the remote to Young Picard, who takes it and then EXITS to the tube along with Young Keiko. CUT TO: 65 thru OMITTED 66 67 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship is in orbit. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/08/92 - ACT FOUR 48. 68 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM FERENGI #1 is standing behind the console. The doors OPEN and the toy seen earlier ENTERS the room. The Ferengi looks at it in puzzlement for a moment... then the toy EXITS again. The Ferengi waits a beat... then decides to follow it... he EXITS. 69 INT. CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS The Ferengi ENTERS from the Transporter Room just in time to see the toy disappear around the corner. He follows it. As the Ferengi turns the corner, Young Picard and Young Keiko peek around the corner and then quickly EXIT to the Transporter Room. 70 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM - CONTINUOUS Young Picard -- carrying the remote control seen earlier -- and Young Keiko ENTER. Young Keiko moves quickly to the storage lockers on the far side of the room while Young Picard moves to the Transporter Console and starts to rapidly enter information into the console. Young Keiko opens the locker and removes several PHASERS. The remote control PADD Young Picard is carrying suddenly BEEPS. YOUNG PICARD (off PADD) He's picked up the toy. Young Picard rapidly finishes his work and Young Keiko closes the locker, with several phasers in her arms. They run OUT the doors. A few beats pass and then Ferengi #1 ENTERS, carrying the toy. He sets the toy aside in irritation and then turns his back on it. 70A CLOSE ON TOY From this angle, we can now see that there is a COMBADGE attached to it. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/09/92 - ACT FOUR 48A. 70B RESUME SCENE The Ferengi continues his solitary watch. CUT TO: 71 INT. JEFFRIES TUBE Young Ro and Young Guinan are moving quickly down the tube on their hands and knees. YOUNG RO This is the first time these Jeffries tubes haven't seemed cramped. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/09/92 - ACT FOUR 49. 71 CONTINUED: YOUNG GUINAN How much farther do we have to go? YOUNG RO About fifty meters... don't tell me you're tired. YOUNG GUINAN I'm not as young as I used to be. Young Ro stops and they look at each other for a beat. 71A INT. BEVERLY'S OFFICE FERENGI #2 is on guard duty here... but he's pretty bored at this point and is sitting at Beverly's desk, toying with some of the items on the desk. Suddenly Alexander ENTERS from the Corridor doors. He creeps up to the glass window and then taps on the glass before running back out into the Corridor. Ferengi #2 whirls around, but doesn't see anything. He immediately gets up and heads for the Corridor. 71B INT. SICKBAY - CONTINUOUS As the Ferengi EXITS to the Corridor... Alexander ENTERS from the other door to Sickbay. He quickly moves to a storage bin and begins pulling out hyposprays. Once he has as many as he can carry, he runs back OUT of the room. 72 OMITTED 73 INT. JEFFRIES TUBE Young Ro and Young Guinan come scrambling down the tube.  STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/15/92 - ACT FOUR 50. 73 CONTINUED: They both stop... YOUNG RO (points up the ladder) This is it. Main Engineering. (beat) Now we wait. CUT TO: 74 INT. SCHOOL ROOM Alexander comes scrambling out of the Jeffries Tube, with hyposprays. Young Picard and Young Keiko are there to meet them. YOUNG PICARD (to Alexander) Report. ALEXANDER Mission accomplished, sir. The one in Sickbay never saw me. Alexander hands the hyposprays to Young Picard, who in turn, hands one to Young Keiko. YOUNG PICARD Very good. YOUNG KEIKO (to Picard) I'd say we're ready. Have you figured out how to get to the Bridge? STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/08/92 - ACT FOUR 51. 74 CONTINUED: Young Picard frowns... he's definitely not looking forward to this. YOUNG PICARD I'm afraid I can only think of one way... CUT TO: 75 INT. CORRIDOR Berik is still standing guard in the Corridor outside the school room. The doors OPEN and Young Picard ENTERS the corridor. Berik levels his phaser at him. BERIK (harsh) What do you want? Young Picard adopts a petulant little boy attitude. YOUNG PICARD I need to see my father. BERIK Go back inside. YOUNG PICARD I need to see him right now. BERIK Do not argue with me. Go back inside. YOUNG PICARD I need him now! Now! Now! Now! Berik grabs him by the shoulder, but Young Picard pulls away and pretends to be hurt. YOUNG PICARD You hurt me! I want my father! I want my father! Berik doesn't know how to react to this screaming child... finally gives in. BERIK All right. Just stop that. He grabs Young Picard and hauls him to the Turbolift. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Rascals" - 9/04/92 - ACT FOUR 52. 76 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Riker is staring outside, deep in thought. The door suddenly OPENS and Berik ENTERS, dragging the red-eyed Young Picard... BERIK (exasperated) Here he is. Now be quiet! RIKER What's going on? YOUNG PICARD Daddy! He runs across the room and directly into Riker's arms. On Number One's astonished reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/08/92 - ACT FIVE 53. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 77 OMITTED 78 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Young Picard and "Dad" Riker sit together at the table while Berik keeps a watchful eye on them. As Young Picard stares up at Riker... RIKER (awkward) So... son. How are you? YOUNG PICARD I'm okay. RIKER And what about your friends... Keiko and Guinan and Ro? YOUNG PICARD They're okay too. But... He sighs, pretends to be sad about something. RIKER What's wrong? YOUNG PICARD We don't have anything to do... none of the games are working. A look between the two of them. RIKER I know. The Ferengi made Daddy turn off the main computer. YOUNG PICARD Can't you just turn on the kid's computer in Schoolroom Eight? We just want to play a few games. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/08/92 - ACT FIVE 54-55. 78 CONTINUED: RIKER I don't know if they'll let me do that, Jean-Luc, but I'll ask. YOUNG PICARD (brightens) Thanks, Number One. Berik's head snaps around at this un-sonlike response. But Young Picard quickly catches himself. YOUNG PICARD (to Berik) He's my Number One Daddy. Riker and Young Picard both glance at Berik... and realize that they better make this look good. They both awkwardly stand and stiffly hug each other in imitation of father and son. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/08/92 - ACT FIVE 56. 79 INT. SCHOOL ROOM Alexander and the other children wait with Young Keiko. Suddenly the doors open and Young Picard is shoved INTO the room by Berik. YOUNG KEIKO How did it go? YOUNG PICARD He understood. (moves to terminal) We should have access very soon. 80 INT. READY ROOM Lurin is peering at Picard's fish with interest... he gropes about with his hand, looking for a way to reach inside. The door CHIMES. LURIN Come in. Riker, escorted by Morta, ENTERS. Lurin's eyes narrow and he gives Riker an evil smile. LURIN I understand your... son was here to see you. RIKER That's right. LURIN We Ferengi do not bring our offspring along with us aboard ships. RIKER Then I suppose that's your loss. We consider our families to be one of our strengths. LURIN (smiles) I think you will find they can also be a weakness. (beat, then firm) Unless you release the computer to our control, I will execute every child on this ship... beginning with yours. Riker appears outraged. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - 9/04/92 - ACT FIVE 57. 80 CONTINUED: RIKER Even you aren't that cruel. LURIN It is cruel to put children in danger by bringing them aboard a starship in the first place. Riker takes a step toward Lurin, but Morta jabs the phaser in his back and he stops. A tense moment... then Riker's bravado seems to collapse into weariness and resignation. RIKER All right... all right... just don't harm my son. LURIN (with relish) You will release the computer and show Morta exactly how to use it. Riker nods reluctantly and Morta shows him out of the room with pleasure. 81 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS Riker and Morta ENTER from the Ready Room. They go to one of the aft stations and sit down. RIKER (to com) Computer, release command control to this station. Authorization, Riker-Omega-Three. COMPUTER VOICE Command functions restored. The monitor at the station LIGHTS UP. Riker turns to Morta and begins to point at things on the screen and talks very fast, while making ridiculous-sounding things up in an effort to confuse him. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - 9/04/92 - ACT FIVE 58. 81 CONTINUED: RIKER (quickly) Okay, Morta. The Enterprise computer system is controlled by three primary main processing cores cross linked with a redundant melacortz ramistat and fourteen kiloquad interface modules. The core elements are based on FTL nanoprocessor units arranged into twenty-five bilateral kelilactirals with twenty of those units being slaved to the central heisenfram terminal. (beat) You do know what a bilateral kelilactiral is, don't you? Morta is lost, but unwilling to admit it. MORTA Of course I do, human. I am not stupid. RIKER No, of course not. (points to something on console) Now this is the isopalavial interface which controls the main firomactal drive unit. (slaps Morta's hand away) Don't touch that, you'll blow up the entire firomactal drive. MORTA What? Wait. (confused beat) What is... what is a firomactal? Riker just gives him an astonished look. MORTA (embarrassed) Just explain it to me. Riker takes on an air of infinite patience. He points to something to Morta's left. RIKER That is the firomactal drive unit... STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/09/92 - ACT FIVE 59. 82 CLOSE ON RIKER'S HAND As Riker distracts Morta with this nonsense, his right hand begins to quickly enter information into one of the keypads on the terminal. RIKER'S VOICE (continuing) ... it controls the central ramistat core and also keeps the ontarian manifold within forty thousand KRG. As Riker continues to enter information... 83 INT. SCHOOL ROOM (OPTICAL) Young Picard is watching the terminal. Suddenly the image of the brightly colored ship's diagram on the terminal is replaced with the STANDARD STARFLEET LOGO. Young Picard reacts and then immediately begins to work the terminal as Young Keiko and Alexander look on. YOUNG PICARD The command lockout has been released... accessing the transporter... (beat) The weapon deactivation program is in place... Transporter security field standing by... We're ready. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/09/92 - ACT FIVE 60. 84 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Ferengi #1 is still here, standing guard. He moves around the room in boredom... 84AA CLOSE ON TOY As it suddenly begins to MOVE around the room... it turns this way and that, suggesting that it is looking for something... finally it moves to Ferengi #1 and stops between his legs. 84AB FERENGI #1 (OPTICAL) Looks down at the toy in surprise... then he suddenly DEMATERIALIZES. A beat and then he REMATERIALIZES on the Transporter stage. Ferengi #1 is dazed for a moment... then tries to leave the stage, but walks INTO A FORCEFIELD. He is shocked and pulls his weapon, but it doesn't work. 84A INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY SCENE 87) TWO FERENGI are on guard here. The door to the Jeffries Tube OPENS and Young Ro and Young Guinan come creeping out. They move into position behind each of the Ferengi... exchange a look of readiness... then suddenly run up to them and place a combadge on each of their backs. YOUNG RO Tag! YOUNG GUINAN You're it! The two Ferengi whirl around in surprise as Young Ro and Young Guinan scamper away... but before they can do anything, they both DEMATERIALIZE. CUT TO: 85 INT. SCHOOL ROOM Young Picard and Alexander watch the computer terminal. They exchange pleased looks. YOUNG PICARD It's working. Your turn. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/08/92 - ACT FIVE 60A. 85 CONTINUED: Alexander smiles and heads for the door to the corridor. CUT TO: 86 INT. CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) Berik is still standing guard outside the school room. The door OPENS and Alexander ENTERS. Berik is immediately wary. BERIK (harsh) Yes? ALEXANDER I found this in the school room. Is it yours? He hands him a combadge. He looks at it for a quick beat, then DEMATERIALIZES. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/08/92 - ACT FIVE 61. 87 OMITTED 87A INT. CORRIDOR A FERENGI is guarding a corridor intersection. Suddenly, a hypospray reaches up from behind the Ferengi and is pressed against his neck. The Ferengi reacts... then FALLS to the deck, unconscious -- revealing Young Keiko standing behind him with the hypospray in hand. She looks pleased, then heads down the corridor. CUT TO: 87B INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) The Transporter platform is now filled with SEVERAL FERENGI (including Berik), who are very unhappy at their captivity. One of them BOUNCES off the FORCEFIELD. CUT TO: 88 INT. SCHOOL ROOM Young Picard is at the terminal. He looks satisfied. After a beat... picks up a phaser and heads for the door. Alexander is standing on guard in the open doorway, looking up and down the Corridor with a phaser in her hand. YOUNG PICARD That's all of them except for the two on the Bridge. Wait here until I return. ALEXANDER Yes, sir. CUT TO: 89 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker is still droning on to Morta, who is hopelessly lost at this point. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - 9/04/92 - ACT FIVE 61A. 89 CONTINUED: RIKER ... so one more time. The ramistat kiloquad capacity is a function of the square root of the intermix ratio times the sum of the plasma injector quotient. Suddenly the Turbolift doors OPEN and Young Picard ENTERS carrying a phaser. Morta turns around to see who it is, but that's when Riker HITS him with a straight elbow and Morta crumbles to the floor. Riker indicates the Ready Room to Young Picard. RIKER There's one more. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/09/92 - ACT FIVE 62. 90 INT. READY ROOM Lurin is sitting at the desk. The door CHIMES. LURIN (demanding) Come in. What do you want? Young Picard ENTERS, phaser in hand. YOUNG PICARD I believe you're in my chair. Off Lurin's stunned reaction... CUT TO: 91 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise in orbit around Ligos Seven. YOUNG PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate: 46236.3 We have taken Lurin and his men into custody. The Ferengi Alliance has quickly disavowed any knowledge of these renegades. 92 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Beverly and O'Brien are at the console, while Young Picard, Young Guinan and Young Keiko watch. YOUNG PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) With the mining operation closed and our crew back on board, we can now turn our attention to other problems. O'BRIEN Phase inducers activated... energy levels nominal... BEVERLY I'm loading the adult patterns into the buffer... O'BRIEN Transposition matrix locked in... STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/09/92 - ACT FIVE 63. 92 CONTINUED: (2) Young Picard nods and then steps up onto the platform. A moment, then Young Picard gives the order... YOUNG PICARD Energize... O'Brien works the console and Young Picard DEMATERIALIZES. A moment of tension for Beverly and O'Brien as he REMATERIALIZES... it's the ADULT Picard. Beverly pulls out her tricorder and gives him a quick scan. BEVERLY How do you feel, Captain? He looks around the room for a few seconds. He reaches up and runs a hand over his head where hair was only a moment ago. PICARD I feel fine. Everything just seems... smaller. CUT TO: 93 INT. SCHOOL ROOM Young Ro sits at a child-sized desk, drawing with crayons. A sad, lonely portrait. ADULT Guinan ENTERS, sitting at the desk next to Young Ro's. As she leans over to see Young Ro's drawing. It's a simple, elegant drawing of a woman's face. YOUNG RO It's my mother. (beat) The funny thing is... I never really drew a picture of her when I was young... but for some reason I wanted to now. Guinan looks down and sees several other crayon drawings... ships, people, planets, etc. GUINAN That's the wonderful thing about crayons... when you're a child, they can take you to more places than a starship. STAR TREK: "Rascals" - REV. 9/09/92 - ACT FIVE 64. 93 CONTINUED: Young Ro nods thoughtfully. YOUNG RO It's my turn, isn't it? GUINAN Only if you're ready. Young Ro looks around the room for a moment. YOUNG RO It's not quite as bad as I remembered it... being a child, I mean. A long beat. And there is a definite trace of sadness in Young Ro's voice. YOUNG RO We better get going. She begins to stand up, but Guinan stops her. GUINAN (warmly) There's no hurry. The Transporter will still be there... pass me the burnt umber. A moment as Young Ro looks up into Guinan's face... then Young Ro smiles in heartfelt gratitude and they begin to pick up the crayons... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END