STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION The Quality of Life" #40276-235 Written by Naren Shankar Directed by Jonathan Frakes THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1992 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT SEPTEMBER 28, 1992 STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" 09/28/92 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Quality of Life" CAST PICARD FARALLON RIKER KELSO DATA TECHNICIAN (COM VOICE) BEVERLY TROI WORF GEORDI COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking SEVERAL N.D.'s N.D. NURSE STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 09/28/92 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Quality of Life" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE TRANSPORTER ROOM SPACE STATION ENGINEERING JEFFRIES TUBE READY ROOM DATA'S QUARTERS TEN FORWARD SICKBAY OBS. LOUNGE STATION CORE STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 10/02/92 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Quality of Life" TEASER FADE IN: A1 INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS Riker, Beverly, Geordi and Worf at the poker table. Beverly is shuffling. Geordi notices that Worf is looking at him peculiarly. WORF Commander... is it your intention to continue growing your beard? GEORDI I'm not sure, Worf. Why? WORF I am just asking. BEVERLY Seven-card stud, one-eyed jacks are wild. Frankly, I like your beard, Geordi. GEORDI Thanks, Doctor. She has finished dealing, and inspects the table. BEVERLY The king is high... your bet, Wil. The players contribute chips during the next. BEVERLY Of course, I'm always a little suspicious of men with beards. In that she's sitting at a table with three bearded men, this brings a reaction. WORF For what reason? BEVERLY I don't know... it's as though they're trying to hide something. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 10/02/92 - TEASER 1A. A1 CONTINUED: RIKER Hide -- ? Doctor, that's ridiculous. Beards are a proud and ancient tradition. GEORDI Some of the most esteemed men in history had beards. BEVERLY I know... but after the razor was invented... I think beards became mostly a fashion statement. She deals the next round. WORF I am not concerned with fashion. To a Klingon, a beard is a symbol of courage. RIKER I think it suggests a certain... strength. BEVERLY Sure. After all, women can't grow one. GEORDI Doctor, I get the feeling you think beards are nothing more than an affectation. BEVERLY I do. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that... women wear makeup and nail polish for the same reason. (beat) I just think you men should admit it. RIKER My beard isn't an affectation. BEVERLY Oh? Then why not shave it off? RIKER I could lose it in a minute. (beat) I've just gotten used to it. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 10/06/92 - TEASER 1B. A1 CONTINUED: (2) Beverly glances around at all of them, then at her hand. BEVERLY Okay... what do you say we up the stakes a little? If I win this hand... you all shave off your beards. GEORDI What if one of us wins? What do you give up? BEVERLY (shrugs) I'm open to suggestions... RIKER I've always wondered what you'd look like as a brunette... BEVERLY I tried it once when I was thirteen. I couldn't wait to change it back. RIKER That makes me even more curious... She gives him a look... so it's going to be like this, is it? She glances down at her cards... obviously feels very confident. BEVERLY Fine. If one of you wins -- I become a brunette. Are we on? There's a hesitation... they look at their cards... then at each other, hoping someone has a good hand. GEORDI We'll take that bet. Worf glares at him... he'd better have a good hand. RIKER (are you sure?) Geordi... BEVERLY Sounds like you have the hand to beat, Commander. (MORE) STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 10/06/92 - TEASER 1BA. A1 CONTINUED: (3) BEVERLY (Cont'd) (tossing out chips) I'm in for two hundred. GEORDI I'll see that and raise two hundred. He and Beverly stare at each other. She puts in the chips. BEVERLY Call. All eyes turn to Geordi... he looks at his cards... takes a breath... starts to put them down... PICARD'S COM VOICE This is the Captain. We have arrived at the Tyran system. All senior staff to the Bridge. Geordi immediately throws down his cards, face down, as do the others, making an indiscriminate pile. They rise. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 10/02/92 - TEASER 1C. A1 CONTINUED: (3) BEVERLY Wait -- RIKER Sorry, Doctor, you heard the Captain. Duty calls. He smiles sweetly as they head for the door. RIKER I'm sure we can try this another time. They all hurry out as Beverly stares after them, frustrated. 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship is in orbit around the fiery, red moon of a planet. A small SPACE STATION also orbits the moon, and a glowing blue PILLAR OF ENERGY extends from the station down to the surface of the moon. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, stardate 46307.2. We have just come into orbit of Tyrus-Seven-A to monitor progress on the Tyran particle fountain, a radically new mining technology. 2 INT. STATION CORE (OPTICAL) The station core is unfinished, with equipment consoles scattered about. In several places, the walls are cut through with holes which lead away to access tunnels deep within the station. A Transporter pad and console are in one corner. In the center of the floor is a large, glowing circular core (similar to the Enterprise's warp core). Several NDs are working in the b.g. The atmosphere should be that of a large-scale construction project: constant activity in the b.g., problems with equipment, and the tension of working under a deadline. PICARD (V.O.) So far the project has been fraught with problems, and is well behind schedule. Mister La Forge has been assigned to evaluate the situation. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 10/02/92 - TEASER 1D. 2 CONTINUED: GEORDI is standing with the project leader, DOCTOR FARALLON. She's an attractive humanoid alien woman about the same age as Geordi. They're discussing an Okudagram of the particle fountain displayed on a wall monitor. From the tone of Geordi's voice, it's clear this isn't the first disagreement they've had. STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: GEORDI (patiently) Doctor Farallon. The original design called for the particle fountain to lift five-hundred kilograms per minute from the surface -- so far it hasn't come close to that. FARALLON That's why I want to increase the stream density -- that should boost the lift capacity by seventy-two percent. GEORDI Yeah... and overload the field generators in the process. FARALLON (shakes her head) Not if we distribute the overload evenly throughout the system. Geordi regards her... an eager, ambitious young woman... bright and dedicated, but a little strung out right now with fatigue and the pressure of this difficult project. GEORDI Doctor... forgive me... but maybe we should concentrate on getting this phase of the project completed... before we start talking about re-designing it... Farallon stares at him... wilts a little. FARALLON Commander... I know you're here to evaluate this project... GEORDI (acknowledging) Starfleet is considering whether to use a particle fountain on Carema Three... they want to know how feasible it is. FARALLON And will your opinion be the deciding factor? STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 9/30/92 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI Not really... I'll make my report to Captain Picard... he'll make the official recommendation to Starfleet... and they'll decide. FARALLON Well. What's your feeling so far? GEORDI I guess the question we have to ask... is if this technology is any more efficient than conventional mining techniques. Farallon eyes him... and speaks with the utter conviction of someone who is dedicated to her cause. FARALLON Commander... I know we've had problems here. It seems like nothing's gone right... it's taking a lot longer than I thought to get the particle stream to full strength. (beat) But I know it can work. This is the direction mining will take in the future... and it should be implemented on Carema Three. GEORDI I agree that potentially it's very exciting... FARALLON I want to show you something I've been working on... something that might help us complete this project more quickly. She moves toward an equipment locker. FARALLON I've used these on a limited basis... I think they've earned a try... Suddenly, the LIGHTS DIM and the STATION TREMBLES. ALARM KLAXONS begin to sound. Geordi and Farallon rush over to check the readout on a wall panel. They exchange a concerned look. STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - TEASER 3A. 3 INT. ENTERPRISE - MAIN BRIDGE DATA sits at the Aft Science station, studying the monitor with concern. WORF is at Tactical. DATA Enterprise to Commander La Forge. I am reading significant power fluctuations from the station core. Please report. GEORDI'S COM VOICE La Forge here... there's been a malfunction in one of the power grids... 4 INT. STATION CORE Lots of ND activity in the b.g. as Geordi and Farallon work a pair of consoles. GEORDI (to COM) ... we're losing particle stream confinement. STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - TEASER 4. 4 CONTINUED: DATA'S COM VOICE Do you require assistance? GEORDI Stand by. Geordi turns to Farallon. He knows she isn't going to like this, but the situation does not look good. GEORDI I think we're going to have to shut it down. FARALLON It took four months to get the particle flux up to this level. If we shut down, it'll take another four months just to get it back. GEORDI We have less than five minutes before we lose confinement. When that happens, the particle stream will flood the entire station, and then we'll have to shut it down anyway. FARALLON Then we'll just have to fix the power grid. GEORDI How do we do that? (gesturing to a console) The defective grid is two hundred meters down conduit A-Four. We'd have to disassemble four bulkheads to get to it... FARALLON Well... here's the perfect opportunity to show you what I had in mind... Geordi looks puzzled as she goes to the equipment locker, opens it, and takes out -- STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 9/29/92 - TEASER 5. 5 thru OMITTED 6 7 A STRANGE DEVICE It's a box-like device with a CONTROL PANEL with flashing indicators and various sensor attachments -- this is an EXOCOMP. (Note: the exocomp should be small enough to be carried easily by one person.) 8 RESUME SCENE She takes a CONTROL PADD out of the locker. She moves quickly to an access tunnel hole and places the exocomp in front of it. GEORDI What is it? FARALLON This is an exocomp -- the experiment I was telling you about... She quickly taps several commands into the PADD; the panel on the exocomp flashes in response. (Note: a subtle sound effect should indicate the exocomp in operation.) She hits a final key on the control PADD. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 9/30/92 - TEASER 6. THE EXOCOMP (OPTICAL) With a replicator-like effect, a new arm-like appendage MATERIALIZES, attached to the exocomp. Then, the exocomp RISES INTO THE AIR, and moves into the tunnel. 10 RESUME SCENE FARALLON If it doesn't work, we'll still have time to shut down the fountain... 10A INT. MAIN BRIDGE Data studies his console. DATA Enterprise to La Forge... what is your situation? GEORDI'S COM VOICE Unchanged for the moment... but we're working on it... 10B INT. STATION CORE Farallon and Geordi stand at the access tunnel, waiting. GEORDI If this doesn't work pretty soon, I recommend you shut down... Farallon doesn't answer, just stares down the access tunnel. Then suddenly, the station LIGHTS COME BACK UP and the flashing ALARM LIGHTS TURN OFF. GEORDI (off console) The confinement field is at full strength... particle flux steady... all power levels normal. STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - TEASER 7. 10B CONTINUED: Geordi looks at Farallon, amazed. She smiles triumphantly and joins him at his console. INTERCUT: 11 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) DATA Commander La Forge, please report. GEORDI'S COM VOICE We're fine, Data. The power grid has been fully restored. Data reacts, surprised. DATA How were you able to accomplish the repair so quickly? On the station, THE EXOCOMP EMERGES from the tunnel, and drops slowly to the floor. The ARM DISAPPEARS (OPTICAL). Geordi stares at it. GEORDI You know... I'm not exactly sure. Off Data's puzzled reaction. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - ACT ONE 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 12 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) As before, in orbit near the space station. 13 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Data is waiting in front of the platform. TRANSPORTER CHIEF KELSO is at the console. DATA Energize. KELSO Aye, sir. Kelso operates the console... and Geordi and Farallon MATERIALIZE on the platform. She's carrying the exocomp. DATA Welcome to the Enterprise, Doctor. I am Lieutenant Commander Data. Farallon's face brightens as she sees Data. STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - ACT ONE 9. 13 CONTINUED: FARALLON Mister Data. I was hoping I'd have a chance to meet you. I've done extensive studies of your positronic network. DATA And I have studied your design for the particle fountain, Doctor. I find the concept to be highly innovative. FARALLON Thank you. DATA I am curious how you were able to repair the power grid so quickly. Farallon taps the exocomp. FARALLON This should make it clear, Commander. GEORDI We can set up in Engineering. He gestures toward the door and they move toward it; but Farallon's attention remains firmly fixed on Data. FARALLON Is it true that your computational speed is limited only by the physical separation of your positronic links? DATA Actually, that is no longer the case. (MORE) STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - ACT ONE 10. 13 CONTINUED: (2) DATA (Cont'd) I recently converted my main interlink sequencer to asynchronous operation, which removed that performance constraint. Geordi gently prods them toward the door. GEORDI Doctor, this way please... Data and Farallon go out, still wrapped up in their discussion. FARALLON I see. But how did you resolve the signal fragmentation? DATA The interlink sequencer is now bi-directional. It compensates for... They EXIT through the door, absorbed in talking, and Geordi follows. CUT TO: 14 INT. ENGINEERING The exocomp is on the pool table. It has been opened up, and inside is a complex mass of circuitry and components. 15 WIDEN TO INCLUDE Data, Geordi, and Farallon. STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - ACT ONE 11. 15 CONTINUED: FARALLON We've been using devices like this on Tyrus Seven for years... the basic unit is a common industrial servo-mechanism. (beat) A few years ago... I started tinkering with one... this is the result. Geordi is looking closely inside the device. GEORDI (impressed) Boridium power converter... axionic chip network... very sophisticated. (glancing at Data) In terms of sheer computational speed, this little guy could almost compete with you, Data. FARALLON Oh, the exocomps don't come close to Data's sophistication... DATA "Exocomps... ?" FARALLON That's what I call them. She closes up the exocomp and turns it on. The exocomp panel light flashes, indicating that it is active. She picks up the Control PADD. FARALLON Let's say you had an anti-matter flow converter that was fluctuating. How would you repair it? DATA The correct procedure would be to adjust the converter. FARALLON With what? DATA A mode stabilizer. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 9/30/92 - ACT ONE 11A. 15 CONTINUED: (2) FARALLON Okay, let me input the problem into the exocomp. (as she taps commands) ... a fluctuating anti-matter flow converter... (beat) Now let's see what happens. The exocomp's panel flashes. STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - ACT ONE 12. 16 THE EXOCOMP (OPTICAL) With a replicator-life effect, a tech tool MATERIALIZES on the exocomp. 17 RESUME SCENE Geordi studies the new tool and smiles. GEORDI A mode stabilizer. Very nice. DATA You have incorporated a micro-replication system into the device... in order to fashion tools. FARALLON It's more than that. I designed the exocomps to be problem solvers. Whenever they perform a task they've never done before, the micro-replicator creates new circuit pathways within the unit's memory. DATA So... in a sense, they are "learning." FARALLON Exactly. The more situations they encounter, the more circuit pathways they build. They become better tools as they work. GEORDI Well, it's impressive technology, no doubt about it. Once it's out of the experimental stage there'll be plenty of applications -- FARALLON Commander, I'm hoping the experimental stage is over. STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - ACT ONE 13. 17 CONTINUED: FARALLON (continuing) When are we supposed to brief Captain Picard on the status of the particle fountain? GEORDI At sixteen hundred hours. FARALLON Good. I have something to ask him. CUT TO: 17A OMITTED 18 INT. READY ROOM Farallon is there with Picard, Data, and Geordi. FARALLON Captain, I know you're supposed to give your evaluation to Starfleet today. I'd like you to postpone that report another forty-eight hours. PICARD The Enterprise is scheduled to leave the Tyran System tomorrow. If I'm to change that plan, I'll need a good reason. FARALLON I realize that, sir. She hesitates, looks around the room, then plunges in. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " REV. 9/29/92 - ACT ONE 14. 18 CONTINUED: FARALLON If you're going to make a recommendation to Starfleet about using the particle fountain on Carema... it seems only fair that you see it working at full strength. PICARD Agreed. FARALLON I think I can complete the project... and boost the efficiency of the particle stream... if I use exocomps -- the new devices I've constructed. Picard ponders this. PICARD I understand one of these devices successfully repaired the faulty power grid... FARALLON Yes, sir. I've been testing them on a limited basis, but I think they're ready to be used on a larger scale. PICARD Mister La Forge, what are your thoughts? GEORDI I guess the only risk... is falling even further behind. FARALLON I'm willing to take that risk. PICARD Mister Data? STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - ACT ONE 15. 18 CONTINUED: (2) DATA The exocomps are highly sophisticated devices, sir. If they perform to expectations, their potential to advance this project is considerable. Farallon can't help but smile at Data's vote of confidence. PICARD I'm inclined to agree. I don't think forty-eight hours is too much time to risk -- particularly when the gains might be substantial. (beat) You may proceed, Doctor. FARALLON Thank you, sir. (beat) If possible, I'd like Commander Data to work with me. Picard glances at Data. DATA Thank you, Doctor. I would welcome the opportunity. Picard rises, signalling the end of the meeting. CUT TO: 19 INT. STATION CORE (OPTICAL) Data watches carefully as an exocomp works on a darkened console. A panel is open, and a robot-like arm sprouting from the exocomp is working inside. Suddenly, the darkened console LIGHTS UP and hums to life. Farallon comes up to Data. STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - ACT ONE 15A. 19 CONTINUED: FARALLON Commander. There's a plasma conduit in one of the access tunnels that's ready to be sealed. It's the perfect job for an exocomp. DATA I agree, Doctor. STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - ACT ONE 16. 19 CONTINUED: (2) Farallon points out one of the conduit openings. Data takes out the control PADD and taps in commands. The exocomp PANEL FLASHES in response and... 20 THE EXOCOMP (OPTICAL) It ENTERS THE TUNNEL. 21 RESUME SCENE (OPTICAL) FARALLON Well, Mister Data. What is your analysis so far? DATA I have successfully completed fourteen separate tasks with this exocomp in the past hour. I estimate it would have taken two people nine hours to accomplish the same tasks. I would characterize the unit's performance as excellent. FARALLON (pleased) I hope Commander La Forge and Captain Picard agree with you. DATA I am confident that they will. Commander La Forge is an excellent -- At that moment, the EXOCOMP EMERGES FROM THE TUNNEL and settles slowly to the ground. Puzzled reactions from Data and Farallon. Farallon picks up the exocomp and puts it on a table. She checks a console readout. FARALLON (puzzled) It didn't finish sealing the plasma conduit. (beat; to Data) Send it back in. STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - ACT ONE 17. 21 CONTINUED: Data taps some commands into the control PADD, but this time there are no corresponding flashes from the exocomp -- it is completely unresponsive. DATA It is not accepting my commands. Farallon takes the PADD from Data. FARALLON Maybe there's a malfunction in its control processor. Let me see if I can override it... She begins to work the PADD. and the PADD OVERLOADS in a surge of electricity. Startled, she drops the PADD. DATA Doctor -- FARALLON (quickly) I'm all right. The control padd just overloaded. (beat) What's the matter with this thing? They're both looking curiously at the exocomp when suddenly, the access tunnel EXPLODES. The shock of the blast staggers them both. Off their startled reactions as various NDs rush over to control the situation. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - ACT TWO 18. ACT TWO FADE IN: 22 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit near the space station. 23 OMITTED 24 INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) Geordi with Data and Farallon, examining the unresponsive exocomp. Geordi's in the process of connecting an optical cable from the exocomp to a computer console. FARALLON The exocomp came out of the plasma conduit... we tried to override the commands and send it back in... but it just -- shut down. It's been completely unresponsive ever since. GEORDI Let's see what our computer has to say... He makes the final connection and a nearby monitor reveals a SCHEMATIC which shows a dense, chaotic web of circuit pathways within the exocomp. Some of the lines are dark to indicate that they are not functioning. DATA The interface circuitry which links the exocomp to the control padd has been completely burned out. GEORDI That's strange... is there any evidence of secondary power surges? DATA No. Geordi points to a section of the monitor. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 9/30/92 - ACT TWO 19. 24 CONTINUED: GEORDI But what's going on there... ? Data, increase magnification in section Gamma-Four. The monitor now displays a MAGNIFIED portion of the internal circuitry. DATA Interesting... the number of circuit pathways within the exocomp has increased by six-hundred thirty-two percent. FARALLON Oh, no... GEORDI What is it? Farallon is not surprised... but she is disappointed. FARALLON Sometimes an exocomp starts forming large numbers of new pathways -- totally at random. Eventually, it reaches a point where it shuts down. Just like this one. She disconnects the optical cable from the ship's computer. Data is puzzled at the peremptory move. DATA Doctor... the new pathways do not appear to be interfering with the original circuitry -- FARALLON (explaining) Once an exocomp is this badly corrupted, it's useless. You have to erase the unit and start all over again. And there's no time for that now. GEORDI That leaves you with only two of them... it's going to slow you down... STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - ACT TWO 20. 24 CONTINUED: (2) FARALLON (touchy) Yes, Commander. You have the right to point out that you told me so... GEORDI I just wanted to say that we'll be happy to add an extra shift to take up the slack... Farallon stops, a little embarrassed. FARALLON I'm sorry. I guess I'm touchy these days. GEORDI It's okay... you've got a lot on your shoulders. She grins gamely. FARALLON Guess I'd better get back to it... (beat) Thanks, Commander. And she EXITS. Geordi turns to Data, who is still studying the circuitry schematics of the exocomp. GEORDI I feel sorry for her. This project has had nothing but problems. (beat) Why did that plasma conduit explode? DATA Apparently there was a micro-fracture in the conduit wall. The fault did not register on our instruments. STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - ACT TWO 21. 24 CONTINUED: (3) GEORDI (offhand, joking) I guess it's a good thing the exocomp malfunctioned... almost seems like it knew just when to leave. Data reacts to Geordi's statement. He had not considered the exocomp's behavior in this way. DATA Geordi, are you implying that the exocomp was exhibiting a form of self-preservation? GEORDI (surprised) Of course not. TECHNICIAN'S COM VOICE Lieutenant Pierson to Commander La Forge... sir, could you join us in the systems monitor room? GEORDI On my way. He EXITS. Data moves back toward the deactivated exocomp... stares at it... picks it up... and then EXITS with it in his hand. 25 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS Data is at his desk with the exocomp and its control padd nearby. Several TECH tools are lying about. Data links the exocomp to the ship's computer with an optical cable. DATA Computer... perform a level one diagnostic on the exocomp's command module. There is a brief pause, and then -- COMPUTER VOICE The command pathways are functioning normally. DATA How can that be... if the interface circuitry is burned out? STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 9/30/92 - ACT TWO 22. 25 CONTINUED: COMPUTER VOICE The interface circuitry has been repaired. DATA Curious... He ponders for a moment. DATA Computer, access the exocomp's sensor logs and confirm that there was a failure of the interface circuitry within the last twelve hours. COMPUTER VOICE Confirmed. Interface failure occurred at eleven hundred fifty hours today, when the exocomp produced a power surge which burned out the linkage. DATA How... and when... was it repaired? COMPUTER VOICE The exocomp activated a self-repair program at thirteen hundred forty hours. DATA Why would the exocomp burn out its own interface circuitry... and then repair it two hours later? COMPUTER VOICE Unknown. Data stares pensively at the exocomp. CUT TO: 25A INT. TEN FORWARD Geordi ENTERS, spots Farallon sitting alone at a table, gazing out the windows. He approaches. GEORDI There you are... I thought you'd be hard at work by now. STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - ACT TWO 23. 25A CONTINUED: She looks up at him, smiles. FARALLON I wanted a quiet cup of tea before I went back... gathering strength, I guess... He sits with her. GEORDI I came to tell you I've assigned two engineering teams to work on the particle fountain. FARALLON Thank you, Commander. I'm grateful. GEORDI I really admire the work you've done. And I'm sorry if the exocomps aren't working out... She smiles at him... a little weary, a little battered by the recent events. FARALLON You were right... I'm trying to move too fast. (beat) I guess I lack that conservative streak most scientists have... I always seem to be out on the edge, taking chances... GEORDI I'll bet you were the kind of little girl who was always climbing one branch higher than the other kids... She laughs. The feeling between them is looser, more amiable than previously. FARALLON Anything to get to the top of the tree... GEORDI ... and I bet you never fell. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " REV. 9/28/92 - ACT TWO 24-24A 25A CONTINUED: (2) FARALLON Oh, no -- I fell all the time. Usually breaking a bone in the process. (beat) I just never let it stop me. Geordi grins, shakes his head. GEORDI (grinning) Well, if it comes down to sheer determination -- you'll get that particle fountain built. FARALLON You're right about that, Commander. I've spent the last six years of my life on this project. It's the first thought I have when I wake up and the last before I go to bed. Whatever it takes to prove this technology... I'll do it. 26 INT. SICKBAY BEVERLY and WORF are dressed in loose workout uniforms. Beverly is sitting on a sickbed; there is a bruise on her forearm. An ND NURSE administers to her with a TECH device. WORF stands near the bed, lecturing Beverly patiently. Beverly seems more excited than hurt. WORF Doctor, if you wish to master the bat'telh sword, you must learn to strike and avoid in the same motion. STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - ACT TWO 25. 26 CONTINUED: BEVERLY I almost got in under your guard, Worf. Worf points to the bruise. WORF Almost. BEVERLY (smiles) OK... I'll try to keep that in mind for my next lesson. Worf nods and leaves, encountering Data as he ENTERS. The nurse is finishing her treatment. BEVERLY Thanks. As the Nurse moves away, Data approaches. DATA Doctor, are you injured? BEVERLY Just my pride, Data. (beat) What can I do for you? DATA I would like to ask you a question. What is your definition of life? Beverly gives him a look -- that's a tall order. BEVERLY That's a big question, Data. Why are you asking? DATA I am searching for a definition which will allow me to test an hypothesis. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 9/30/92 - ACT TWO 26. 26 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY Well, the broadest scientific definition might be... that life is what enables plants and animals to consume food... derive energy from it, grow, adapt themselves to their surroundings... and reproduce. DATA And you would suggest that anything which exhibits those characteristics would be considered alive? BEVERLY In general, yes. DATA What about fire? BEVERLY Fire? DATA Yes. It consumes fuel to produce energy... it grows... it creates offspring... by your definition, is it alive? Beverly smiles... he's finding the exception to the rules. BEVERLY Fire is a chemical reaction. You could make the same argument for growing crystals... but obviously, we don't consider them alive. DATA And what about me? I do not grow... I do not reproduce... and yet I am considered to be alive. BEVERLY That's true. But then you're unique. DATA I wonder if that is so... STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 9/30/92 - ACT TWO 26A. 26 CONTINUED: (3) BEVERLY Data, if I may ask... just what is it you're getting at? DATA (beat) I am curious... as to what transpired between one moment when I was nothing more than an assemblage of parts in Doctor Soong's laboratory... and the next moment when I became "alive." What was it that endowed me with life? Beverly smiles at a recollection. BEVERLY I remember Wesley asking me a similar question when he was little. I tried desperately to give him an answer... but everything I said sounded inadequate. She looks at Data... who is concentrating intently on everything she says. BEVERLY Then I realized that scientists and philosophers had been grappling with the same question for centuries... without coming to any conclusion. DATA Are you saying that the question can never be answered? BEVERLY No... I think I'm saying that we struggle all our lives to answer it... and it's the struggle that's important. That's what helps us define our place in the universe. Data regards her calmly for a moment. DATA I think I understand, Doctor. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 9/30/92 - ACT TWO 27. 26 CONTINUED: (4) BEVERLY I don't feel like I've helped you very much... DATA On the contrary, Doctor -- you have helped a great deal. Thank you. Data EXITS. CUT TO: 27 INT. STATION CORE Geordi approaches Farallon. GEORDI Okay. I've split the engineering teams among all the shifts. If nothing else goes wrong, that should be enough to help you finish on time. FARALLON With the help of the exocomps, I think we will. GEORDI (beat, joking) Do you think they'll toe the line... ? She smiles and picks up the exocomp PADD, begins programming it. FARALLON (lightly) Don't worry... they know who's in charge... Data ENTERS from the adjoining room. DATA Doctor, please... I must ask you to stop using the exocomps. FARALLON Why? Is there something wrong with them? STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - ACT TWO 28. 27 CONTINUED: DATA No. It is not that. He looks first at Geordi, then back at her. DATA I have reason to believe that the exocomps are alive. And off Farallon and Geordi's puzzled reactions -- FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - ACT THREE 29. ACT THREE FADE IN: 28 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) and the space station, in orbit as before. 29 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Data, Troi, Beverly, Geordi, and Farallon. Farallon is fuming. FARALLON Captain, I object to being called here. I'm wasting time that could be better spent elsewhere. PICARD Doctor, I appreciate the time constraints you're under. But recognizing new life -- whatever its form -- is the principal mission of this vessel. (beat) Mister Data, what makes you think the exocomps could be alive? DATA Sir, when the exocomp left the access tunnel prior to the explosion, I believe it may have been attempting to save itself from destruction. FARALLON Do you have any basis for that conclusion? DATA I believe so. When you attempted to override the exocomp and send it back into the tunnel, it responded by deliberately burning out its control interface. BEVERLY Deliberately? STAR TREK: "The Quality... " REV. 9/29/92 - ACT THREE 30. 29 CONTINUED: DATA The computer diagnostic showed that the exocomp disabled its own interface. FARALLON That could have been nothing more than a malfunction... DATA However, two hours later, when the exocomp was aboard the Enterprise and no longer in danger... it repaired itself. There is a small silence at this. DATA I believe that the exocomp was protecting itself. And if that is true, it has demonstrated an awareness of its environment -- and an ability to adapt to that environment. FARALLON You're anthropomorphizing these units. Like any mechanical device, they occasionally malfunction. One time, I saw an exocomp enter a reaction chamber for no apparent reason and vaporize itself. Is that supposed to make me think it was suicidal? TROI (gently) Doctor, why is it so difficult for you to accept the fact that the exocomp could be alive? (re: Data) After all, you're talking to a living machine right now. FARALLON And I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for Doctor Soong's accomplishment. But his intention was to create an artificial life form... (MORE) STAR TREK: "The Quality... " REV. 9/29/92 - ACT THREE 31. 29 CONTINUED: (2) FARALLON (Cont'd) (beat) I created the exocomps to be tools. And there's a big difference between Data and a tool. DATA There is a big difference between a humanoid and a virus, Doctor. But both are alive. PICARD If the possibility exists... no matter how slight... that the exocomps are lifeforms, then we must examine that possibility. DATA Thank you, sir. And until we have a definitive answer, I believe that it is inappropriate to exploit the exocomps as laborers. FARALLON Captain, that's absurd. BEVERLY If they are intelligent life forms, we have no right to force them to work for us. FARALLON (to Beverly) That's like me telling you not to use your tricorder. BEVERLY Tricorders aren't alive... FARALLON Neither are exocomps. STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - ACT THREE 32. 29 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD Clearly these are difficult issues to resolve. We must proceed carefully. The first task is to test Mister Data's hypothesis. GEORDI Data, you're claiming that this exocomp may be alive because it demonstrated a survival instinct, right? DATA Yes. GEORDI So why don't we just threaten its survival again and see what happens? Off reactions. CUT TO: 30 INT. ENGINEERING - ANGLE ON JEFFRIES TUBE Farallon, Data, Geordi, and Picard are gathered near the Jeffries tube. Farallon is standing near the exocomp with the control PADD in her hands. Geordi works a console briefly and looks up. GEORDI We're almost ready, Doctor. You can start programming it. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 9/30/92 - ACT THREE 33. 30 CONTINUED: As Farallon starts tapping commands into the control PADD; the exocomp flashes in response. GEORDI What we've done is to recreate a situation similar to the one the exocomp encountered in the plasma conduit. DATA We have created a small conduit breach in this tube. The exocomp would normally require several minutes to complete this type of repair. However, once it enters the tube, it will find that a plasma cascade failure is in progress. PICARD I assume that is only a simulation... GEORDI Yes, sir. We're running a transient overload signal that will simulate a failure in exactly one minute. Farallon has finished programming the exocomp and has joined the group. FARALLON If the exocomp does possess a survival instinct, as Mister Data claims... it should exit the tube before the minute is up in order to save itself. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 9/30/92 - ACT THREE 34. 30 CONTINUED: (2) Picard nods; he likes the plan. PICARD Very well. Proceed. Geordi moves to the console. GEORDI I'm beginning the test sequence now. He taps a final command. GEORDI One minute. Farallon taps a final command on the control PADD. 31 THE EXOCOMP (OPTICAL) MATERIALIZES the same tech tool as seen in Act One. Then it RISES UP and MOVES DOWN THE JEFFRIES TUBE out of sight. 32 RESUME SCENE Geordi begins a countdown. GEORDI Fifty seconds... INTERCUT: 33 INT. JEFFRIES TUBE (OPTICAL) As the exocomp works quickly as it attempts to repair the tube systems. GEORDI ... thirty seconds... Various reactions shots of each person: Farallon is skeptical, Picard and Geordi even, and Data impassive. STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - ACT THREE 35. 33 CONTINUED: Inside the tube, the exocomp works diligently, as though unaware of any impending disaster. GEORDI ... ten seconds... Farallon allows herself a small smile; she feels she's about to be vindicated. Data remains impassive. Inside the tube, the exocomp is working furiously. GEORDI ...five... four... three... two... one... (beat) That's it. If this had been for real, the tube would've exploded... with the exocomp inside. Reactions as the implications sink in. GEORDI Go ahead and bring it back, Doctor. Farallon taps the control panel. A short beat later, the exocomp emerges from the Jeffries tube and settles gently to the ground. Data stares curiously at the exocomp for a beat. FARALLON Well, Captain, I think we've spent more than enough time answering this question. (to Data) I hope the outcome wasn't too much of a disappointment, Mister Data. It certainly came as no surprise to me. Data does not react to her tone and answers evenly. DATA Thank you for your help, Doctor. STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - ACT THREE 36. 33 CONTINUED: (2) FARALLON You're welcome. Farallon EXITS. PICARD You may rest assured that I consider this time well spent. DATA As do I, sir. Thank you. Picard EXITS. Off Data's reaction as he stares purposefully at the exocomp. CUT TO: 34 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit. 35 INT. ENGINEERING - ANGLE ON JEFFRIES TUBE (OPTICAL) Data is at the console with the exocomp's control PADD nearby. Sporadic flashes coming from the Jeffries tube indicate that there's something going on inside it. COMPUTER VOICE ... thirty seconds... It's clear that the exocomp is inside the tube. Data has been running the test over and over again. Data's attention remains fixed on the console (the computer voice continues to count down in the b.g.). A short beat later, Beverly ENTERS in the b.g.. She crosses to Data, a look of concern on her face. BEVERLY Commander Riker said you were still down here. (beat) He also said the exocomp failed the test. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " REV. 9/29/92 - ACT THREE 37. 35 CONTINUED: DATA That is true. The console beeps. COMPUTER VOICE Time expired. Test complete. Data does not immediately react to the computer's notification. DATA I have completed thirty-four additional trials, and the results have been the same in each of them. (beat) Perhaps I was wrong in suspecting the exocomp was alive. BEVERLY (beat) This was important to you, wasn't it? Data reflects on this question. DATA You said earlier that I am unique. If so, that means I am alone in the universe. As I investigated the exocomps, I realized that I might be encountering a progenitor of myself. Suddenly the possibility existed that I was no longer alone. (beat) For that reason, it was -- At that moment, the EXOCOMP EMERGES from the tunnel and drops slowly to the floor. It now has a different tool. Data looks at it curiously. DATA The exocomp has returned... BEVERLY Isn't that what it's supposed to do? STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 9/30/92 - ACT THREE 38. 35 CONTINUED: (2) DATA In the previous thirty-four trials, I brought it back once the simulated failure occurred. This time, we were talking, and I neglected to do that. BEVERLY I distracted you. I'm sorry. DATA Do not apologize, Doctor. I believe we have discovered something significant. BEVERLY What? DATA The exocomp has replicated a different tool... that is not the molecular fuser it had when it entered the Jeffries tube. Data hits controls at his console. DATA Doctor... the exocomp not only completed the repairs... it also deactivated the overload signal. BEVERLY I thought that was just a simulation. DATA It was. And the exocomp must have realized that. It saw there was no real danger... and completed the repairs... STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 10/01/92 - ACT THREE 39. 35 CONTINUED: (3) BEVERLY ... and then replicated the correct tool to eliminate the false overload signal. DATA I see no other possible explanation. BEVERLY The exocomp didn't fail the test -- it saw right through it. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 10/01/92 - ACT FOUR 40. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 36 INT. STATION CORE (OPTICAL) Farallon is at a console, talking to Geordi and Picard. FARALLON We're definitely making progress, Captain. I'm not sure we'll be at full capacity within the forty-eight hour deadline... but we'll be close. GEORDI It looks like there's still some difficulty with the phase selectors... FARALLON That's true... but I'm sure it's the last real problem. She is quietly determined... but Picard, though kindly, sees it differently. PICARD For the sake of the project, I hope you're right. FARALLON I understand, sir. We're going to do our best -- Suddenly, the STATION LIGHTS GO OUT. After a moment, the red BACK-UP LIGHTS TURN ON (Note: the alarms do not sound here). Farallon is obviously disappointed. She moves over to study a console, and Geordi and Picard follow. FARALLON (off console) This is strange. Primary power is still on-line. STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - ACT FOUR 41. 36 CONTINUED: GEORDI (checks console) Maybe it's another power grid malfunction? Farallon works the console; she looks worried. FARALLON I don't think so... something seems to be drawing power into the main particle impeller. That's not a good sign. It could mean -- Suddenly, there's a tremendous EXPLOSION which rocks the entire station. The ALARM KLAXONS begin to sound. In the center of the room, the core begins to RIPPLE WITH ENERGY, filling the room with a FLICKERING GLOW. FARALLON We've lost internal confinement... the particle stream is beginning to surge. Geordi checks the console and turns quickly to Picard. GEORDI (urgently) Captain, a radiation field is going to flood this chamber. If we don't get everybody out of here immediately... PICARD Understood. Doctor, we are evacuating this station. FARALLON Captain, I might still be able to -- PICARD That is an order, Doctor. Assemble all personnel on the Transporter pad, now! Farallon realizes that it's the only choice. She makes no further protest and rushes to get her people together. Picard on the move hits his COM. PICARD Picard to Enterprise... STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - ACT FOUR 42. 37 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker and Worf at their stations. The concern on their face is evident... they know the situation. PICARD'S COM VOICE (heavy static) ... ard to Ent... RIKER Riker here, sir. There is no response. WORF The radiation field is increasing, sir. We are losing communications. PICARD'S COM VOICE (heavily static) Ent... pare for trans... RIKER Red alert. Red alert SOUNDS. RIKER Riker to Transporter Room Two. Prepare for emergency transport. 38 INT. STATION CORE (OPTICAL) Picard herds two NDs onto the Transporter pad. Geordi is already at the Transporter console. Secondary explosions continue to go off in the b.g. Picard is not on the pad. GEORDI The radiation is setting up a field ionization effect, sir. We've got less than a minute to beam out. Farallon rushes over with two more NDs and they all crowd onto the platform. PICARD Is this everybody? Farallon takes a quick head count. FARALLON Where's Takenta? She points toward the far corner of the station. STAR TREK: "The Quality of Life" - 9/28/92 - ACT FOUR 43. 38 CONTINUED: FARALLON He was over there, near the impeller control. GEORDI (quickly, to Picard) I'll get him, sir. Geordi immediately turns and heads away into the darkened station and Picard takes his place at the console. A tense beat passes. Suddenly we hear a muffled explosion. PICARD Mister La Forge! There is no answer and sign of Geordi. PICARD Stand by to transport. Picard hits the panel. The Transporter effect begins... FARALLON Captain -- you'll be trapped here -- ... and Farallon and her team DEMATERIALIZE. Picard moves back through the station. PICARD Mister La Forge... Mister La Forge! In the far corner of the station, Geordi is on his hands and knees. Beside him is the motionless body of an ND. Both their uniforms are blackened from an explosion. Picard rushes over. PICARD Geordi, are you all right? GEORDI I'm okay... I only caught the edge of it... Picard looks at the ND body. GEORDI He's dead, sir. Picard looks from the body to the glowing core. The implications are clear: they could both soon be joining him. Off their reactions. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "The Quality... " REV. 9/29/92 - ACT FOUR 44. 39 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM The five people from the station are walking off the platform, having just beamed in. INTERCUT: 40 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Data ENTERS from the Turbolift and takes his position. RIKER Chief, do you have them? KELSO They're here, sir. RIKER Is everyone all right? She moves to a com panel. FARALLON We're fine, sir. (beat) But Captain Picard and Commander La Forge are still on the station. Riker reacts. RIKER Kelso, can you get them off? KELSO (works console) I've been trying, sir... I can't establish a pattern lock... FARALLON Commander... we barely managed to transport off ourselves. The field ionization is too intense. Riker reacts. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 10/07/92 - ACT FOUR 45. 40 CONTINUED: DATA (off console) Commander, the particle fountain is continuing to surge. At the present rate, the radiation within the station core will reach fatal levels in twenty-three minutes. CUT TO: 41 INT. STATION CORE (OPTICAL) Geordi and Picard are lit by the flickering glow of the core. They have moved a few consoles into an area of the station farthest from the core. There's a feeling of urgency as Picard moves a final console into place. GEORDI Captain, if I can access the field emitters, we should be able to establish a force field... see if you can link your console to my command system sub-routine. PICARD All right... Geordi and Picard works the consoles for a beat. PICARD Link established. GEORDI Okay, here goes... He taps a command and the FORCE FIELD EFFECT comes on. They and the consoles are surrounded. The EFFECT looks staticky and unstable. PICARD I'm reading power fluctuations... the field's not stable... GEORDI Yeah... the radiation levels are too high... the emitters are beginning to deteriorate... PICARD How long can we expect this force field to last? STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 10/07/92 - ACT FOUR 45A. 41 CONTINUED: GEORDI Not very long... PICARD We have to keep it up long enough to give Commander Riker the time he needs to get to us... GEORDI Maybe we can help him out... see if you can access the emergency shut-down routine... I'll try to activate the ionic dampers. They get to work. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "The Quality... " REV. 9/28/92 - ACT FOUR 46. 42 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Data and Riker are at the Aft science station. DATA A force field was activated on the station a few moments ago. It is possible that Commander La Forge has established a low-intensity deflector field. RIKER It won't last long in that radiation... DATA No, sir. My readings indicate that it will fail in approximately twenty-two minutes. Riker moves away and Data follows. 43 NEW ANGLE Farallon is now on the Bridge. The air is tense and grim. Riker and Data move to the command chairs. RIKER All right, we've got twenty-two minutes. I want some options. WORF Can we send a shuttlecraft to evacuate them? FARALLON (shakes her head) We'd never get to them in time. RIKER Then we'll have to find a way to shut down the particle fountain. Farallon considers the problem. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " REV. 9/28/92 - ACT FOUR 47. 43 CONTINUED: RIKER (continuing) What if we detonated a low-yield photon torpedo within the particle stream? Wouldn't that shut it down? FARALLON We'd have to configure the torpedo very carefully... the shape of the shock wave would be critical. (beat) But it could work. RIKER How long would it take to set up? DATA I estimate that it would take a minimum of sixty-five minutes to properly configure the torpedo. RIKER We don't have that much time. A beat. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " REV. 9/28/92 - ACT FOUR 48. 43 CONTINUED: (2) FARALLON Commander -- maybe the exocomps can help us. They all look at her, intrigued. FARALLON I can program their boridium power cells to explode on command. They can be configured just like a photon torpedo... but it would only take a few minutes. Riker hesitates, realizing the sensitivity of this issue. DATA Commander. I must object to this plan. Riker sympathizes with Data's concerns, but he's a man without many options. RIKER Data, we've been through this already. We tested the exocomp... and it failed. DATA Sir, Doctor Crusher and I discovered that the exocomp did not fail the test. It is still my belief that we are dealing with a new life form -- STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 9/30/92 - ACT FOUR 49. 43 CONTINUED: (3) RIKER (urgently) Data, you know how much I value your judgment. But I can't risk the Captain and Geordi on the basis of your "belief". (to Farallon) Doctor... prepare the exocomps. DATA Commander, if I am correct, the exocomps will not allow themselves to be destroyed. They have a sense of survival, and will shut down before they will comply with the order. Farallon gives him a look... he's probably right... then, to Riker -- FARALLON I could disconnect their command pathways before I program them. That way they can't malfunction. RIKER Do it. Farallon EXITS through the Turbolift. Off Data's reaction. CUT TO: 44 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Farallon and Kelso. The three exocomps are on the Transporter platform. Farallon is tapping the last few commands into the control PADD. She finishes and moves a com panel. FARALLON Commander Riker... we're ready. INTERCUT: 45 INT. MAIN BRIDGE RIKER Mister Worf, target two hundred meters below the apex of the particle stream and feed the coordinates to Transporter Room Two. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " REV. 9/28/92 - ACT FOUR 50. 45 CONTINUED: WORF Aye, sir. (works console) Coordinates received. RIKER Mister Kelso... Energize. An instant before Kelso he can comply, his Transporter controls go out. He tries to reactivate them... nothing. He continues to work the darkened panel with mounting frustration. RIKER Mister Kelso? KELSO (confused) I'm sorry, sir... the Transporter system just went dead... there's some kind of malfunction... RIKER (quickly) Run a diagnostic immediately. Try bypassing the -- Data turns to Riker from his chair. DATA Commander, that will not be necessary. The Transporter is not malfunctioning. I have locked out the controls. Off Riker's stunned reaction. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 10/01/92 - ACT FIVE 51. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 46 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE as the doors OPEN and Riker and Data ENTER. Riker is furious, but he's keeping it tightly in check. RIKER Mister Data, I gave you a direct order. Release the Transporter lock-out. Now. DATA I cannot do that, sir. RIKER If you don't, I'll relieve you of duty. DATA That is your prerogative, sir. Under Starfleet regulations, direct insubordination is a court martial offense. (beat) But I cannot release the Transporter. Riker stares at him in frustration. RIKER Data, those are two of your friends out there. They've saved your life more times than I can remember. I can't believe you'd be willing to sacrifice them like this. DATA Commander, please do not think I have made an arbitrary decision. I have considered the ramifications of my actions carefully. And I do not believe it is justifiable to sacrifice one life form for another. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 10/01/92 - ACT FIVE 52. 46 CONTINUED: RIKER But you don't know that the exocomps are life forms... DATA It is true that I am acting on a personal belief. But I do not see how I can do otherwise. RIKER You're risking a lot on the basis of a belief... DATA I have observed that humans often base their judgments on nothing more than what is referred to as "intuition" or "instinct." Because I am a machine, I lack that particular ability. However... it is possible that I may have an insight into other machines that humans lack. RIKER If there were a way to save the Captain and Geordi without destroying the exocomps, I'd jump at it. But I'm running out of time... and this is the only solution I've got. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 9/30/92 - ACT FIVE 53. 46 CONTINUED: (2) DATA Then let me offer an alternative. If you transport me to the station, I will try to complete a manual shut down of the particle stream. RIKER The radiation levels are too high, even for you. Your positronic net would be ionized within minutes. I can't let you sacrifice yourself. DATA If I give up my life to save my fellow officers, that is my choice. The exocomps no longer have that choice. They've reached an impasse... Riker is frustrated and desperate to find a solution. RIKER Then... what if we re-connect their command pathways and give them a choice? DATA A choice, sir? RIKER Data, you've assumed the exocomps will shut themselves down before undertaking this mission... at least, we can ask them if they're willing to proceed. Data ponders this for a beat... DATA That seems reasonable, sir... if they choose to go, I would be willing to release the Transporter lock-out. RIKER Fair enough... And they head for the door. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 10/01/92 - ACT FIVE 54. 47 OMITTED 48 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Data, Riker, and Farallon. She is working the control PADD. The three exocomps are on the Transporter pad. FARALLON All right... I've enabled the command pathways. She hands the PADD to Data. He takes it and begins entering commands. DATA If the exocomps do not shut down after I have programmed them, we may assume that they are willing to go. Data finishes programming, and the three turn to look at the exocomps. They are blinking and beeping like mad. Then the blinking and beeping subsides. RIKER What does that mean? Are they willing to go or not? FARALLON They haven't shut down... DATA They seem to be re-programming the commands I entered... RIKER Re-programming them... ? DATA Clearly, they are not willing to be transported into the stream for detonation... however, they may have an alternate solution. FARALLON Something we haven't considered? Now you're suggesting they have superior intelligence. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 10/02/92 - ACT FIVE 55. 48 CONTINUED: DATA Not at all... but they do have superior experience, Doctor... during their service, they have interfaced with every part of the station core... something none of us has done, including yourself. They may have another way to control the particle surge. KELSO Sir... new coordinates are being fed to the Transporter -- by the exocomps. (beat as he studies) The coordinates are inside the station core. Data, Farallon, and Riker exchange glances. This seems pretty conclusive evidence. RIKER Kelso -- energize. KELSO Aye, sir. 49 INT. STATION CORE (OPTICAL) The exocomps MATERIALIZE near the damaged core. Picard, working on his console, sees them arrive. PICARD Mister La Forge... Geordi moves toward him, sees the exocomps. They are now arranged around the core in a triangular pattern. GEORDI What are they up to? The exocomps MATERIALIZE identical tools. GEORDI Those look like power-taps of some kind... Now, an energy beam jumps from one exocomp's tool to the core... a leaping pulse of phased energy... now the second exocomp does the same... then the third... STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 10/07/92 - ACT FIVE 56. 49 CONTINUED: PICARD That's exactly what they are... the exocomps are siphoning off power from the core... GEORDI They're trying to distort the particle stream frequency. That might open up a window that the Enterprise can use to beam us out... They watch expectantly as the exocomps continue working. GEORDI If they can modulate the radiation field... it'll work. But they'll have to get the sub-harmonic frequencies to resonance... Geordi checks his console... GEORDI The particle stream frequency is fluctuating... they're having trouble controlling the feedback... it may be more power than they can handle... PICARD Can we help them? Is there any way we can moderate the power transfer? GEORDI We've done all we can, sir... it's up to them now. There is an anxious moment... and then suddenly there is a qualitative change in the SOUND from the exocomps. GEORDI This is incredible... they're balancing the power absorption rates... (beat) It's working... the particle stream is beginning to distort... (beat) Almost at resonance... (beat) They've got it. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 9/30/92 - ACT FIVE 57. 49 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Drop the force field. Geordi hits a control and the force field vanishes. 50 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) KELSO Commander, I've got a pattern lock! RIKER Energize -- As Kelso works the Transporter... Picard and Geordi MATERIALIZE on the platform. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief. DATA (to Kelso) Can you lock on to the exocomps? KELSO (working) I'm trying, sir... 50A INT. STATION CORE (OPTICAL) Two of the exocomps begin to DEMATERIALIZE... one of them remains intact, projecting the energy beam... making it possible for the other two to transport. Then they are gone... it is left alone... the energy beam DISAPPEARS. The exocomp BEEPS once... and then its lights blink out one by one. 50B INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM The two exocomps are in place on the platform. Kelso is working at the console. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 9/30/92 - ACT FIVE 57A. 50B CONTINUED: KELSO I'm sorry, sir. I was only able to lock onto two of them. For some reason I couldn't fix a signal on the other one. GEORDI One of them had to continue disrupting the particle stream... absorbing that much power would prevent a signal lock... DATA It was the only way to save the other two. And as they absorb this... CUT TO: STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 10/01/92 - ACT FIVE 58. 51 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit near the space station. The particle fountain is now extinguished. 52 INT. READY ROOM Picard, Data, and Farallon. FARALLON I must admit you've given me a lot to think about, Commander Data... I'm not exactly sure what the exocomps are... but you can be assured that until I do, I won't be treating them as simple tools. DATA Thank you, Doctor. (beat) I wish your work on the particle fountain had been more successful... perhaps the exocomps will be able to help you to re-construct it. FARALLON I hope they will... (to Picard) ... and I predict in a year or two you'll be able to recommend the technology to Starfleet. PICARD I'll look forward to it. She smiles her good-bye and EXITS, but Data does not follow her. PICARD Something more, Mister Data? DATA Yes, sir. I thought you might be curious why I would be willing to risk your life for several small machines. PICARD I think I understand the predicament you were in. It cannot have been an easy choice. STAR TREK: "The Quality... " - REV. 10/01/92 - ACT FIVE 59. 52 CONTINUED: DATA No, sir. It was not. Several years ago, when my status as a living being was in question, you fought to protect my rights -- and for that, I will always be grateful. (beat) The exocomps had no such advocate, sir. If I had not acted in their behalf, they would have been destroyed. I could not allow that to happen. Picard understands, and is touched by Data's sentiments. 53 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) warps away. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END