STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Aquiel" #40276-239 Story by Jeri Taylor Teleplay by Brannon Braga & Ronald D. Moore Directed by Cliff Bole THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1992 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT NOVEMBER 5, 1992 STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - 11/05/92 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Aquiel" CAST PICARD AQUIEL RIKER MORAG DATA TORAK BEVERLY TROI WORF GEORDI COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. CREWMEMBERS N.D. KLINGON N.D. SECURITY THE DOG (Maura) MEDICAL N.D. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - 11/05/92 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Aquiel" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE TEN FORWARD RELAY STATION SICKBAY GEORDI'S QUARTERS BIRD OF PREY MORAG'S QUARTERS CORRIDOR AQUIEL'S QUARTERS OBS. LOUNGE READY ROOM SHUTTLEBAY RELAY STATION - AQUIEL'S QUARTERS OPS AQUIEL'S SHUTTLECRAFT STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - 11/05/92 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Aquiel" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE AQUIEL UHNARI ah-kwee-EL ooh-NAR-ee HAHLIIAN hah-LEE-in OUMRIEL ohm-RYE-el BATARAEL bah-TAR-ray-el ROCHA RO-cha (as in Roach) STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - 11/05/92 - TEASER 1-2. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Aquiel" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at impulse. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 46461.3. The Enterprise has entered the Ipai Sector, where we are scheduled to deliver supplies to a remote communication relay station near the Klingon border. 2 OMITTED 3 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it pulls up to a SUBSPACE RELAY STATION. The station is small compared to the Enterprise, with several exotic-looking antennae sticking out of it. 4 INT. MAIN BRIDGE PICARD, RIKER, WORF, N.D.'S. Worf reacts to his console. WORF Station forty-seven is still not responding to our hails, Captain. Riker glances at his armchair console. RIKER Should be two people aboard. Lieutenants Aquiel Uhnari... and Keith Rocha. PICARD Life signs? A beat. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - 11/05/92 - TEASER 3. 4 CONTINUED: WORF It is difficult to scan through the concentrated subspace signals. Picard sends a look to Riker -- no words are necessary. RIKER (on the move) Mister Worf... As Worf and Riker head for the Turbolift... CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/09/92 - TEASER 4. 5 INT. RELAY STATION - OPS (OPTICAL) Riker, Worf, Geordi and BEVERLY MATERIALIZE in the small room, which is crowded with various consoles and communications equipment. The SOUND of unattended subspace MESSAGES can be heard playing -- a cacophony of voices and signals and static -- weird and disorienting. They react to the noise. WORF What is that noise? GEORDI (over the din) They must've left the audio monitoring system on! We're hearing a few thousand subspace messages! I'll try to shut it off! Geordi moves to a nearby console and starts to work. Riker and Worf begin to look around the room, while Beverly scans with a tricorder. There are no people in sight... 6 WORF stops at a door. He touches a control on the wall and the doors slide OPEN... he enters the unseen room. 7 GEORDI continues to work the console. Finally, the subspace messages STOP playing. He breathes a sigh of relief, turns to join the others... And hesitates, hearing something. He listens intently. There is a faint THUMPING sound coming from somewhere nearby. GEORDI (to Riker) Commander... Riker walks over and Geordi motions toward the direction of the sound. They follow the thumping noise across the room... down along a wall... and toward a service duct OPENING near the floor. GEORDI It's coming from inside this service duct... could be a loose cover plate... Riker kneels down beside the small entrance. The thumping grows LOUDER. Riker and Geordi exchange a mystified look. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/09/92 - TEASER 5. 7 CONTINUED: Riker carefully looks into the service duct... 8 ANGLE IN SERVICE DUCT A medium-sized female DOG is sitting in the shaft, her tail wagging, thumping against the metal. 9 RESUME SCENE The dog comes out of the duct and licks Riker's face. RIKER (to Geordi) Here's your loose cover plate... Geordi kneels down to pet the dog. GEORDI Hey there, pooch... Worf returns from the quarters. WORF The shuttlecraft is gone. There is no one aboard. Beverly calls to them from offscreen -- BEVERLY (O.S.) Commander... They move to join her... 10 BEVERLY is kneeling in a remote corner of the room, scanning a section of the floor with her tricorder. There are smears of BLOOD on a nearby console. Several pieces of equipment are overturned. Evidence of a struggle. They react as they see that something's happened here. Beverly indicates an area of the floor she is scanning -- a three foot square section which has been MELTED and is surrounded by nasty-looking scorch marks. Blood and a dark, hardened FLUID can been seen mixed in with the twisted metal. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/09/92 - TEASER 6. 10 CONTINUED: RIKER (re: the stain) What is it? BEVERLY Cellular residue... I think it's the remains of one of our Lieutenants. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/09/92 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 11 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) holding position near the relay station. 12 INT. RELAY STATION - OPS (OPTICAL) Worf and an N.D. are working near the damaged section of floor. Worf is using a PHASER to cut out the section of deckplate which has been melted. 13 NEW ANGLE Riker and Beverly are standing at the scene of the struggle. Geordi is working at a console in the background. BEVERLY All of the blood traces I found match Lieutenant Aquiel Uhnari. She indicates the section of melted deckplate. BEVERLY For now I'll assume these are her remains... but I'll need to take the deckplate back to Sickbay to make sure. RIKER It would take a powerful weapon to do this... BEVERLY I'll have a better idea after I've analyzed the deckplate. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - 11/05/92 - ACT ONE 7A. 13 CONTINUED: Riker looks at the deckplate a moment. RIKER If that is Lieutenant Uhnari... Where's Rocha? BEVERLY The station's shuttle is gone. Maybe he took it. RIKER Before Uhnari died... or after? They consider this mystery for a moment. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/10/92 - ACT ONE 8. 14 WORF AND N.D. (OPTICAL) Worf finishes cutting with the phaser. He and the N.D. pick up the melted section of deckplate and set it aside. WORF (to Riker) We're ready, Commander. 15 RIKER nods and moves to Geordi. The dog is sitting at Geordi's feet. RIKER Any luck downloading the station logs? GEORDI Not yet. I can't get past the security lock-outs. (beat) But I think I know why... Geordi indicates a monitor. GEORDI All encrypted subspace messages are sent through this channel. Look at the signal notation... Riker looks for a moment. RIKER It's out of sequence. GEORDI (nods) I'd say somebody tried to by-pass the access protocol and break into the coded messages. It caused the security lock-outs to freeze up. RIKER Are there any messages missing? GEORDI I won't know until I can get into the files. Geordi moves to pick up his equipment case. The dog follows him. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - 11/05/92 - ACT ONE 9. 15 CONTINUED: GEORDI I'm going to try accessing the logs from another console. Riker nods, eyes the dog. RIKER (re: dog) Looks like you've made a friend. GEORDI Yeah... Geordi smiles, gives the dog a friendly pat. RIKER We're going back to the ship. Let me know as soon as you have something. GEORDI Aye sir. Riker joins Beverly. Worf and the N.D. are holding the section of deckplate. RIKER (taps combadge) Riker to Enterprise. Four to beam back. Geordi turns to the dog. GEORDI Come on, girl... Geordi grabs a couple of tools and walks across the room, as we HEAR the dematerialization, toward a set of doors still carrying the computer module. He taps a button and the doors SLIDE OPEN... 16 INT. RELAY STATION - AQUIEL'S QUARTERS Geordi ENTERS with the dog. The room is decorated with exotic artwork... various personal items can be seen... the bed is unmade. The place is cramped, but it has a comfortable, "lived in" look. There is a desk with a workstation. Geordi sits down and activates the MONITOR -- it shows STATIC. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/09/92 - ACT ONE 10. 16 CONTINUED: Geordi now opens a MEES PANEL on the wall, begins to adjust the inner-workings with one of his tools. As he works, he casually talks to the dog... GEORDI All right... what do you say we try repolarizing the interface... A beat. Then we HEAR a burst of garbled VOICES and STATIC. Geordi glances at the monitor -- it hasn't changed. He plugs the computer module into a corresponding slot on this terminal. From offscreen, the dog WHINES. Surprised, Geordi turns to look -- the dog is sitting nearby, staring up at a shelf. Geordi stands, moves to the shelf, which holds several knick-knacks and a JEWELLED HEADBAND. He can't resist picking it up and examining it. GEORDI (re: headband) This doesn't look like yours... Geordi looks on the shelf again and sees a dog's BONE. Geordi picks up the bone. GEORDI (re: bone) Is this what you're looking for? He tosses the bone to the dog, who takes it happily. Geordi looks at the headband for another beat then he replaces it on the shelf and eyes a few other items on the shelf... he's intrigued... Geordi returns to the wall panel... makes a final adjustment to the circuitry, then taps a control on the monitor. GEORDI Computer, run station logs in sequence. A burst of static -- then we HEAR the VOICE of Aquiel Uhnari. The log picks her up in mid-sentence: STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/11/92 - ACT ONE 11. 16 CONTINUED: (2) AQUIEL (V.O.) -- Log, Stardate 46458.3. Today we configured the relay controller grid. It was the last primary system we had to overhaul. We are scheduled to recalibrate and align the antennae systems in the next three days. The log STOPS. Geordi takes a beat, having been caught up by the sound of the woman's voice. GEORDI Computer, access visual output. Geordi taps the desktop control -- still no picture. STATIC, then Aquiel's VOICE again. She sounds irritable. AQUIEL (V.O.) ... sent in my third request for a message delay buffer. Until it arrives, Lieutenant Rocha and I have rigged a memory module to compensate. It'd better work... or about a half million subspace messages are going to end up drifting through space. (beat) Computer, open Uhnari correspondence file. A burst of STATIC, then silence. GEORDI Computer... access correspondence files... Lieutenant Aquiel Uhnari. A brief silence, then STATIC. Geordi works the controls. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/09/92 - ACT ONE 12. 16 CONTINUED: (3) AQUIEL (V.O.) Hello, Shianna. Sorry I haven't talked to you in a while... but I've been dealing with the new Lieutenant, Rocha. So far he's been rude, arrogant, and condescending -- and he's only been here two days. This might be a long year... More STATIC... Geordi works the controls. GEORDI Come on, Lieutenant... stick with me... Aquiel's VOICE comes in clearly again, mid-log. There is a strained quality to her voice this time -- she's upset about something. AQUIEL (V.O.) -- I had the dream again. Mother is calling out my name... she's somewhere in the house... I get to the top of the hill all right... but then the house is slanted... I'm still walking uphill. I can't find her... doors everywhere and they all look the same... The log ENDS. A beat as Geordi absorbs what he's heard. He starts to work at the wall panel circuitry... As he works... CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/09/92 - ACT ONE 13. 17 INT. SICKBAY (OPTICAL) The section of deckplate is sitting on a table in the center of the room. The DONUT has been placed over the deckplate. From beneath the donut can be seen SMALL BEAMS which are SCANNING the leading edge of the metal. Thin WISPS of SMOKE are coming up from where the beams touch it. Beverly and a MEDICAL N.D. are monitoring the armature as Picard and Riker look on. BEVERLY The cellular residue is completely fused with the metal of the deckplate. (beat) We're trying to micro-vaporize the metal... so I can get a clean DNA sample. They move away from the table. PICARD Do you have any idea what killed her? BEVERLY Well... this is just a guess, but from the molecular deposition on the plating I'd say it was a highlevel phaser blast. RIKER Could it have been a Klingon disruptor? BEVERLY Possibly. Picard looks at Riker. RIKER Geordi found evidence that the encrypted messages might have been tampered with. (with import) We're pretty close to Klingon space... This is a serious matter. Picard thinks for a moment. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - 11/05/92 - ACT ONE 14. 17 CONTINUED: PICARD There hasn't been a Klingon raid against the Federation in over seven years. (beat) I don't want to risk a diplomatic incident until we have more evidence. BEVERLY And there's still the question of what happened to Lieutenant Rocha... Picard nods. PICARD (to Riker) Get Rocha's personnel file from Starfleet Command. And ask Starbase Two-Twelve to help search for that shuttle. RIKER Aye sir. PICARD (to Beverly) Keep me apprised. Beverly nods as Picard and Riker head for the door... CUT TO: 18 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & RELAY STATION (OPTICAL) As seen before. 18A INT. RELAY STATION - AQUIEL'S QUARTERS Geordi is still at the wall panel, working to access more logs. The dog is lying on the floor, asleep. Geordi makes a final adjustment to the panel, then glances at the monitor screen -- still STATIC. GEORDI Alright... let's try this again... He makes another adjustment, looks at the screen -- static. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/09/92 - ACT ONE 15. 18A CONTINUED: GEORDI The phase inducers are aligned... this should be working... (beat) Come on, Lieutenant... I know you're in there somewhere... He takes a hard look at the screen -- gets an idea. GEORDI (to computer) Computer -- run a subsystem diagnostic, with a frequency range of ten to one hundred megahertz. COMPUTER VOICE Diagnostic cycle will be complete in twenty seconds. The circuitry starts to blink. FOLLOW Geordi as he stands and crosses to a replicator slot. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - 11/05/92 - ACT ONE 16. 18A CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI (to replicator) Iced coffee. We HEAR a glass of iced coffee MATERIALIZE. Geordi takes a sip of the coffee... Offscreen, the dog BARKS. Geordi reacts, startled. GEORDI What is it, girl? He moves back into the room. The dog is now awake, sitting in front of the desk with one paw up on the desktop, staring at the computer screen. She BARKS at the screen. Geordi walks to the desk to look at the screen... 19 thru OMITTED 20 21 ANGLE - COMPUTER SCREEN (OPTICAL) The static is gone -- in its place the freeze-framed image of AQUIEL UHNARI. She is an alien woman, dressed in a Starfleet uniform. She has an exotic look: her head is totally bald... she has piercing green eyes, similar to a cat's. She's alien... striking... beautiful... 22 ON GEORDI as he reacts to the sight... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/11/92 - ACT TWO 17. ACT TWO FADE IN: 23 INT. RELAY STATION - AQUIEL'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) A few minutes later. Geordi is at the desk, fiddling with the computer module, the image of Aquiel is still on the monitor. After a beat, the image COMES TO LIFE and she begins to speak. She is in her quarters. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/11/92 - ACT TWO 18. 23 CONTINUED: AQUIEL Hello, Shianna. By the time you get this... the Batarael will be over. This is the first year I haven't been there... I've been wondering who's singing the Horath in my place... Aquiel is silent a moment... then she begins to SING a soft and beautiful alien melody, which obviously has special meaning for her. Geordi sits back and listens, entranced by the singing. AQUIEL (sings) "Jomiael hahnalia ma marou nitalia Rumael tavariel fatra di va Jomiael Batarael... " Over this, Geordi stands and begins to eye various personal items on the shelf -- exotic figurines, books, etc. He stops at a nightstand. An open BOOK is lying face down on the table, along with a half empty glass of liquid. Geordi notes the title of the book: "THE FATAL REVENGE." There's something else on the nightstand -- an alien PERFUME BOTTLE. He carefully picks it up... removes the stopper... reacts to the pleasing fragrance. AQUIEL (sings) "continues to sing song - TBD" Geordi turns and glances around the room. His eye falls on an intricate glass and crystal PRISM which is sitting on a stand by itself. Light SPARKLES on his face as he picks it up... AQUIEL (sings) "finishes song - TBD" Aquiel stops singing, overcome by emotion. She looks down for a moment, then back up. AQUIEL I had the dream again... the one where Mother is screaming... I climb the hill to our house... but I can't get to her... (MORE) STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/11/92 - ACT TWO 19. 23 CONTINUED: (2) AQUIEL (Cont'd) (beat) Shianna, this time I ran away. I was so scared I ran back down the hill... There is a pause as Aquiel looks down... trying to come to grips with her feelings. AQUIEL I think I know why I've been having dreams about danger... it's because of what's been happening with that Klingon. Geordi sits up at the mention of a Klingon. AQUIEL He's getting more aggressive all the time. Geordi works the control for a quick beat. The log plays her last couple of sentences again. AQUIEL ... it's because of what's been happening with that Klingon. He's getting more aggressive all the time. Not just the usual threats... Morag actually locked his disruptors on the station this time. (beat) I don't really think there'll be any trouble... it just gives me those panic feelings... wanting to run, wanting to get away from danger. (beat) Shianna, I couldn't say this to anyone but you... but... the panic... is the same thing I used to feel when Father got angry... when I knew he was going to punish me... (MORE) STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - 11/05/92 - ACT TWO 19A. 23 CONTINUED: (3) AQUIEL (Cont'd) (beat) Only now I'm out here in space and there's no place to run. Geordi stares at the screen, feeling an intruder in this person's private life... and yet knowing he has heard something that might lead to her killer. He touches a button and ends the playback. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/11/92 - ACT TWO 20. 24 INT. READY ROOM Geordi is reporting to Picard. GEORDI There are at least three references to a Commander Morag -- a Klingon officer who patrols this section of the border. Apparently he would pass the station every few days and harass them. PICARD Perhaps Morag was the one interested in obtaining the encrypted messages. GEORDI Could be. She didn't say. (beat) I still have several days worth of logs left to watch. Maybe I'll learn more. PICARD Very well. In the meantime, I'll talk to the Klingon Governor about Commander Morag. They all EXIT. CUT TO: 25 thru OMITTED 25A 26 INT. GEORDI'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) The dog is lying on the floor. Geordi is at his console, connecting the computer module (as seen on the station) to the desk terminal. He makes a final adjustment. GEORDI (to computer) Computer -- access Aquiel Uhnari's personal logs. (beat) Begin playback. A beat. Then Aquiel's face APPEARS on the screen -- but this time she's wearing an elaborate WIG. She looks ridiculous... and she seems to know it. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/11/92 - ACT TWO 21-22. 26 CONTINUED: AQUIEL Shianna, you always said I'd look great with a wig. So here it is. (leans into the camera) What do you think? Geordi responds as if she were really asking him the question. GEORDI Definitely not you. She laughs and pulls off the wig. AQUIEL Okay... maybe I'm getting a little crazy... you would, too, if you were on a relay station in the middle of nowhere with no one for company except an egomaniac like Keith Rocha. Geordi listens carefully... there is a continuing thread of conflict between her and Rocha. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/10/92 - ACT TWO 23-23A 26 CONTINUED: AQUIEL I took a big risk today... I countermanded an order he gave... I agreed to handle the com traffic of Relay Station one-nine-four while they shut down for maintenance. Rocha said we couldn't handle the additional signal load... but I think he's wrong. She leans toward camera. AQUIEL (continuing) When he finds out... he'll be furious. Aquiel sits back, a little calmer after venting a bit. AQUIEL It's days like this that I wish I was home. You know what I miss? (beat) Muskan seed punch. (beat) Real Muskan seed punch. I can get it from the replicator... but it's not the same. I'd give anything for some of the punch Mother used to make... with chunks of the seeds still in it... There's a pause as Aquiel reflects on the past. Her mood darkens. AQUIEL I had the dream again. On the computer, there's a strange sound OFF CAMERA. Aquiel looks sharply off to her side. AQUIEL Keith? Is that you? A brief pause... and then the computer screen goes to STATIC. Geordi stares at it, pensive. The dog nuzzles his hand, and Geordi pets him in silence. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/09/92 - ACT TWO 24. 27 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & RELAY STATION (OPTICAL) The two hanging in space. 28 INT. RELAY STATION - OPS Worf is kneeling down in the corner of the station where the murder occurred. He scans with a tricorder as Riker looks on. WORF Commander... there are DNA traces here. They are Klingon. Riker reacts -- this is serious. RIKER So Klingons did board the station... WORF I have only found DNA from one Klingon so far. I will continue to scan. Riker nods. Worf goes back to scanning with his tricorder. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/11/92 - ACT TWO 25. 29 INT. RELAY STATION - AQUIEL'S QUARTERS Geordi is sitting at the desk, reading the book seen earlier on the nightstand -- "The Fatal Revenge." A DEVICE with an optical conduit is hooked up to the computer terminal... the device is flashing and beeping softly. Geordi turns a page in the book... he reacts to something and shudders slightly. GEORDI (to himself) How could she read this stuff... ? Riker ENTERS from Ops. RIKER How's it going? Geordi puts the book down. GEORDI I've managed to access all of Lieutenant Uhnari's logs. I'm looking for Rocha's now. Whatever happened to the encrypted messages had a cascade effect on the whole storage system, and I can't find any of his files. RIKER Maybe Rocha didn't make the official logs... Uhnari might have been responsible for them. GEORDI I don't think so. Aquiel was the junior officer. Riker takes note of Geordi's casual familiarity with the dead woman. RIKER "Aquiel"? Geordi looks at him, realizes... is a little embarrassed. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - 11/05/92 - ACT TWO 26. 29 CONTINUED: GEORDI Lieutenant Uhnari. (beat) I was up all night watching her personal logs... I guess I'm starting to feel like I know her. RIKER What was she like? Geordi thinks for a moment, smiles at the thought of her... GEORDI Well... she was Hahliian... she had one sister, named Shianna... she drank muskan seed punch... she had a sense of humor that I could only describe as... "unique." (beat) She loved to sing... and read... (beat) ... books of questionable taste. PICARD'S COM VOICE Enterprise to Commander Riker. RIKER Riker here. PICARD The Klingon ship Qu'Vat has arrived with Governor Torak. Please report to the Observation Lounge. RIKER On my way, sir. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - 11/05/92 - ACT TWO 27. 30 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Riker, Beverly and Geordi are seated at the table. PICARD Torak claims to be bringing evidence that the Klingons had no involvement in the murder of Lieutenant Uhnari. RIKER Really. We just found evidence that there was at least one Klingon at the scene of the murder. Picard reacts. PICARD This should be an interesting meeting. The doors slide OPEN and Worf ENTERS with Torak right behind him. Worf looks disturbed about something. WORF Governor Torak, sir. Picard and the others stand. PICARD Governor. Welcome aboard... Torak looks smug. TORAK Do not bore me with your human pleasantries. I told you we did not kill the woman. Now I will prove it to you... Torak calls out the door -- TORAK ghoS! (Come!) An N.D. KLINGON ENTERS, escorting a very alive Lieutenant Aquiel Uhnari into the room. TORAK This is Lieutenant Aquiel Uhnari. Aquiel breaks free of the Klingon's grip, hot-tempered. Everyone is shocked. OFF Geordi's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/06/92 - ACT THREE 28. ACT THREE FADE IN: 31 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE A few moments later. Everyone has taken a seat at the table. Aquiel is talking to the group -- trying to make a report, but the past couple of days have been a strain on her. A nasty-looking WOUND can be seen on her temple. Her uniform is torn. She is fatigued, on edge. AQUIEL We were running a level two diagnostic of the message buffer... nothing special. Rocha had been on edge all morning, but he'd been irritable ever since he got there, so I didn't think anything of it... (beat) We were mid-way through the procedure... and suddenly... he attacked me... She pauses -- this is clearly a disturbing memory. She tries to maintain her composure. AQUIEL (continuing) He grabbed me... and threw me against the port bulkhead... I yelled at him to stop, but he wouldn't listen. He took me by the throat... I broke free and tried to get to the weapons locker... (beat) I'm not sure what happened next... but somehow I got aboard the shuttle and left... A grim beat as they take in the story. TORAK We found her on our side of the border heading toward Sector Two Five Two Zero. She is lucky my patrol ship did not destroy her vessel on sight. Aquiel shoots an agitated look at the Klingon -- she's had enough of them. Picard tries to ease the tension. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/06/92 - ACT THREE 29. 31 CONTINUED: PICARD Lieutenant... why didn't you contact Starfleet and report what happened aboard the Station? AQUIEL I... don't know, sir. Maybe I passed out. I'm not even sure how long I was in the shuttle before the Klingons picked me up. GEORDI Forty-six hours. She looks at him. GEORDI You've been gone forty-six hours. She nods. BEVERLY We assumed you were dead. Your blood stains were found at the murder scene. Aquiel touches the wound on her head. AQUIEL I think I cut my head when he threw me against the bulkhead. WORF Then the remains we found must be Lieutenant Rocha. BEVERLY I can't confirm that. (beat) Until we can separate the cellular residue from the deckplate, I won't be able to get a clear DNA scan. Riker has to ask the obvious question, but his tone is non-accusatory. RIKER (to Aquiel) You said you tried to get to the weapons locker... is it possible that you did? STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/06/92 - ACT THREE 29A. 31 CONTINUED: (2) She throws him a look. AQUIEL No, I... I didn't. But Riker catches her hesitation. RIKER You're sure? AQUIEL I don't... exactly remember everything after he attacked me... A beat as she struggles to remember. She looks up, concerned. AQUIEL I'm sorry. It's as if my memories were... drained right out of me... A quiet beat as they weigh the situation. Nobody is sure what to think of her story. But for now, they give her the benefit of the doubt. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/06/92 - ACT THREE 30. 31 CONTINUED: (3) GEORDI Your logs said that a Commander Morag had been harassing you... did you ever let him or any other Klingon aboard the station? AQUIEL Absolutely not. WORF (to Picard) If that is true, then Morag or some other Klingon boarded the station after she left. (to Torak) We found Klingon DNA traces aboard the station. TORAK You still try to blame us! WORF Have the courage to admit your mistakes. Or are you a lo'Be Vos? TORAK (furious) At least I do not wear the uniform of a P'tak! PICARD Governor Torak... we are merely exploring all the possibilities. Lieutenant Uhnari's logs said Commander Morag was harassing the station -- TORAK He was doing his job! PICARD If he was only doing his job, then I'm sure you won't mind if we speak with him. Torak fumes for a moment, then rises. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/06/92 - ACT THREE 31. 31 CONTINUED: (4) TORAK Very well. In the interests of diplomacy, I will allow you to speak to Morag... but my patience has limits. Torak EXITS with the other Klingon. Once they're gone, then tension level in the room drops. Geordi turns to Aquiel. GEORDI (to Aquiel) Lieutenant... I know a friend of yours who's very eager to see you. She looks at him in curiosity. AQUIEL Who? GEORDI Come on... As they EXIT. CUT TO: 32 OMITTED STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/10/92 - ACT THREE 32. 33 INT. GEORDI'S QUARTERS - CLOSE ON DOG as she comes bounding across the room into Aquiel's arms, nearly knocking her over in her enthusiasm. Aquiel is surprised and pleased to see her. AQUIEL (kneels to pet dog) Maura! I was worried about you... good girl... GEORDI Maura... so that's her name. AQUIEL Yes, it's from "Cold Moon Over Blackwater." Have you read it? GEORDI No... I'm not much for gothic fiction. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - 11/05/92 - ACT THREE 32A. 33 CONTINUED: AQUIEL Most people aren't nowadays. Aquiel notices a chewed-up boot laying nearby. She realizes what happened and gives Geordi an apologetic look. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - 11/05/92 - ACT THREE 33. 33 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI Yeah... Maura got a little... restless. AQUIEL (to dog) Maura, shame on you. This isn't like you... GEORDI It's alright... Geordi bends down to pick up a second boot, which has also been chewed to pieces. GEORDI (continuing) At least she's chewing them up in pairs. Aquiel stands and gives him a genuine smile... the first we've seen from her so far. Geordi smiles back. There is an awkward moment. GEORDI I'll arrange quarters for you. I'm sure you'd like some time alone... AQUIEL Actually... I've been stuck on that station for over nine months... I wouldn't mind going someplace with some activity. A beat. GEORDI I know just the place. CUT TO: 34 INT. TEN FORWARD Geordi and Aquiel are sitting at a table near the windows. Aquiel looks around the room, which is filled with N.D. CREWMEMBERS. She's starting to relax a little... and her natural charm and allure is starting to surface. Geordi is clearly attracted to her -- but he tries to maintain a cordial distance. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - 11/05/92 - ACT THREE 34. 34 CONTINUED: A bartender has just set two drinks in front of them. Hers is the punch seen in the logs. She takes an enjoyable quaff. AQUIEL (re: drink) Have you ever tried Muskan seed punch? GEORDI Yeah... it nearly made me sick. AQUIEL You have to be raised on it. It's very nutritious... and the taste grows on you. GEORDI (in Hahliian) Batar al nalia. (But not on me) Aquiel is surprised. AQUIEL You speak Hahliian? GEORDI (shrugs) Nelo, nelo... (a little, a little) AQUIEL Your accent is wonderful... almost flawless. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - 11/05/92 - ACT THREE 35. 34 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI Thanks... I've always had a knack for languages... probably because my folks moved around so much... AQUIEL We never travelled. My family has lived in the same house for five generations. GEORDI The one on the hill? She stares at him. Geordi realizes he's made a revelation. AQUIEL How did you know about that... ? GEORDI Well... to be honest... when we thought you were dead... I had to review your logs... and your personal correspondence... for any possible clues about what happened. Aquiel takes a beat. AQUIEL (quiet) All of it? GEORDI Most of it. There is a brief, awkward beat. Clearly, Aquiel feels a little violated. Geordi senses her discomfort. GEORDI You have to remember... we thought you'd been murdered. We needed information. She stares at him for a moment, struggling with the sense of intrusion. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - 11/05/92 - ACT THREE 36. 34 CONTINUED: (3) AQUIEL I'm sorry... it's just that... I say things to my sister that I wouldn't say to anyone else. I guess I'm feeling a little... exposed. GEORDI I'd feel the same way. His understanding makes her relax a little. AQUIEL Especially if I'd seen you in a (TECH) wig... Geordi can't help but laugh. And she smiles, too, relieved to have the tension eased a little. AQUIEL I'm curious... now that you've met me... am I what you expected? Geordi regards her, a bit surprised by the question, which is completely straightforward and seemingly without artifice. He tries to respond in kind. GEORDI I'm not sure. The woman I saw on those logs is very complicated. (beat) I think there's more to you than meets the eye, Lieutenant. AQUIEL In what way... ? GEORDI Your relationship with Rocha, for example. He'd only been there five days... but there was already a lot of friction... and you almost seemed to delight in doing things that would upset him. Why would you take on extra com traffic... when you knew it would make him angry? STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - 11/05/92 - ACT THREE 36A. 34 CONTINUED: (4) She has begun scratching a fingernail on the table top, tracing little doodles. AQUIEL Is that a personal question? Or part of a murder investigation? A beat. GEORDI I don't know. Maybe both. She looks up at him, holding his look with her strange alien eyes. AQUIEL Keith Rocha was obnoxious from the minute he reported for duty. He treated me as though I were beneath contempt. (beat) I dealt with him the best way I could. I felt like I had to battle him just to hold my own. But that doesn't mean I wanted him dead. GEORDI Why do you think he attacked you? AQUIEL (beat) I don't know. And there seems to be nothing else to say. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/09/92 - ACT THREE 37. 35 INT. READY ROOM Riker is reporting to Picard. They are looking at a desktop monitor, which displays the personnel file of LIEUTENANT KEITH ROCHA. His image can be seen on the screen -- a fit man in his late thirties. RIKER Rocha's file is spotless. Two decorations for valor... three outstanding evaluations from his previous commanders... (beat) Doesn't sound like the same man Lieutenant Uhnari described. PICARD What have you found out about Uhnari? RIKER I checked into her record, too. (beat) Her last posting was on Deriben Five. I spoke with her commanding officer there. He said she's argumentative... quick to take offense. He told me that he transferred Uhnari to this relay station because she was hampering their efforts. (beat) To be honest, sir... I'm beginning to have doubts about her story. PICARD Why? STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/09/92 - ACT THREE 38. 35 CONTINUED: RIKER I had Worf check the weapons locker on the relay station... there's a phaser missing. PICARD You think she lied? RIKER Lied... conveniently forgot... I'm not sure. I just think it's something we have to consider. Picard considers this for a moment. PICARD As of now, we don't have sufficient evidence one way or the other... I want you to examine her shuttle... perhaps there's something there which will shed some light on her story. RIKER Aye sir. CUT TO: 36 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & RELAY STATION (OPTICAL) Hanging in space. 37 INT. CORRIDOR Geordi and Aquiel walking along. There is a strained silence before they speak, and we get the feeling it's been like that. AQUIEL How much longer do you think the investigation will take? GEORDI Hard to say. Maybe two or three more days... Another silence. They reach her quarters. She stops, turns to face him directly. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/09/92 - ACT THREE 39. 37 CONTINUED: AQUIEL I know I'm a suspect in this murder. Let me ask you something... (beat) You watched my logs... you know me better than anyone here... (beat) Do I seem like the kind of person who could kill someone? Her directness can be difficult at times. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/09/92 - ACT THREE 40. 37 CONTINUED: (2) Geordi looks at her... into those strange eyes... searches for an honest answer to her honest question. GEORDI No. She takes a breath... sheer relief... AQUIEL I don't think I realized how much I needed to hear that... GEORDI Aquiel... it's been a hard couple of days... I think you need some sleep. Acknowledging the truth of what he says, she touches a control on the wall and the doors slide open. But she hesitates before entering. She turns back to him. AQUIEL You called me complicated... you're right. And I don't make friends easily... She reaches up a hand -- gives Geordi's cheek a quick and gentle stroke. AQUIEL Oumriel. She turns into her quarters and the doors slide shut. Geordi takes a breath... stands there a moment, considering his feelings for this complex woman... GEORDI (quiet) Oumriel... He turns and continues down the corridor... STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/16/92 - ACT THREE 41. 37A INT. SICKBAY Beverly is examining a tray filled with the gelatinous FLUID which has finally been separated from the deckplate. She runs a tricorder over the fluid and checks the readings. The medical N.D. stands nearby, working. Picard is looking on. BEVERLY I've managed to isolate the cellular residue from the metal of the deckplate. We've begun a full spectrum tissue scan... (beat) But something destabilized the DNA to such an extent, that I can't get a clear scan of it. PICARD Could a high level phaser blast have caused this kind of DNA disruption? STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/16/92 - ACT THREE 41A. 37A CONTINUED: BEVERLY Possibly. But it would take a continuous burst of thirty to forty seconds to cause this kind of damage. (beat) I'm going to try to reform the DNA with a resonance frequency burst... see if I can reconstruct it to get an accurate scan. Picard nods. OFF their concern and intrigue as they watch the graphic... 38 INT. SHUTTLEBAY Aquiel's SHUTTLECRAFT is in the bay, its doors open. 38A INT. AQUIEL'S SHUTTLECRAFT Riker and Worf are inside, searching for clues. Riker is looking in the back. Worf is at the main control panel, scanning the area. After a moment, he opens a compartment on the console... looks inside... reacts to what he finds... WORF Commander... Riker joins him. Worf shows that he is holding a PHASER. WORF (re: phaser) It is set to kill. OFF Riker's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/06/92 - ACT FOUR 42. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 39 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) holding position at the relay station. 40 INT. ENTERPRISE - AQUIEL'S QUARTERS Aquiel is being questioned by Riker and Worf, as Geordi looks on. Riker's attitude is reasonable but firm. RIKER (to Aquiel) We found a type two phaser in your shuttlecraft. It was taken from the weapons locker on the station. Aquiel is surprised -- and a little defensive. AQUIEL I told you I don't remember what happened. Maybe I did get to the weapons locker... RIKER The phaser was set to level ten. (beat) Standard procedure requires that all phasers are set to level one when they're in storage. WORF That means someone deliberately changed the setting. (beat) And there is the matter of your conflict with Lieutenant Rocha. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/06/92 - ACT FOUR 43. 40 CONTINUED: Aquiel reacts with shock at the implications. She stands and starts to move around the room, feeling trapped... her instincts telling her to flee the situation. It's all she can do to stay in the room... AQUIEL Rocha and I had our disagreements... but I would never kill him... RIKER Have you been able to remember anything at all about what happened after he attacked you? Aquiel struggles to recall. AQUIEL No... nothing... (beat) I... suppose it's possible... maybe in self-defense I... She trails off, unable to complete the awful thought. Riker takes a beat. RIKER Doctor Crusher tells me that in order to inflict the kind of molecular damage found in Rocha's remains... it would take a sustained phaser discharge of at least thirty to forty seconds. (beat) That doesn't sound like "self-defense" to me. Aquiel doesn't know how to respond. Geordi is protective of Aquiel -- he wants to believe her story. GEORDI Wait a minute. We haven't even established this phaser as the murder weapon yet. (beat) And even at level ten... I don't see how a phaser could do what the medical evidence says it did. A subspace disruptor like a Klingon weapon, maybe... STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/06/92 - ACT FOUR 43A-B. 40 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER Look -- we're not here to make accusations... Just to find out what happened. (beat) Commander Morag is due to arrive in two hours. We'll see what he has to say. Aquiel nods. GEORDI I'd like to go back to the station... and try accessing Rocha's personal logs again. RIKER Good idea. They head for the door. Geordi glances at Aquiel, who is obviously unnerved by the situation. He offers her a reassuring look, then he EXITS with Riker and Worf... STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/09/92 - ACT FOUR 44. 40A INT. CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Riker, Worf and Geordi ENTERS from quarters. Geordi heads one direction, while Worf heads another. Riker stops Geordi. RIKER Geordi... wait a second. Geordi stops, looks at him. Riker's tone becomes quiet and intimate. He's concerned about his friend. RIKER This is off the record. I'm saying this as your friend, not your superior officer. (beat) It might be best if you weren't so... personally involved with Aquiel right now. There's a lot about her we don't know... GEORDI There's a lot about her that I do know... (beat) If she's innocent... I'd like to help her prove it. RIKER I think you're letting your personal feelings cloud your judgement. Geordi doesn't want to hear this. GEORDI (hard) I'm not the one making judgements. Geordi walks off. OFF Riker's concern... 41 EXT. SPACE - THE RELAY STATION As seen before. 41A INT. RELAY STATION - OPS (OPTICAL) Geordi is working at an opened panel near a MONITOR, trying to access Rocha's logs. He's been at it awhile. He completes an adjustment, and the monitor COMES TO LIFE with a Starfleet logo. Geordi is pleased. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/09/92 - ACT FOUR 44A. 41A CONTINUED: GEORDI Got it... (to computer) Computer -- display personal logs of Lieutenant Rocha. Stardates 46455 to 46461. The computer works -- then one by one, a listing of LOGS appears on the monitor. Each log is identified by a stardate and additional information. Geordi watches as the logs scroll by... then something catches his eye. The information by three consecutive stardates is absent -- there's a gap in the entries. He stops the logs and studies them a moment. GEORDI Computer -- what happened to the log entries for Stardate 46460? COMPUTER VOICE The logs have been deleted. GEORDI (reacts) Who deleted them? COMPUTER VOICE Unknown. Geordi thinks. GEORDI Computer -- access internal records for Station forty-seven. Authorization La Forge Theta Nine Nine Two. (beat) Perform a command function trace on the instructions to delete the log entries. As Geordi works... STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/10/92 - ACT FOUR 45. 41A EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE, BIRD OF PREY, & RELAY STATION (FORMERLY SCENE 43) A Klingon BIRD OF PREY has joined the Enterprise and the relay station. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log: Supplemental. The Qu'Vat has arrived with Commander Morag. We are preparing to question him regarding his involvement in the murder of Lieutenant Rocha. 41A INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE (FORMERLY SCENE 44) Picard, Riker, Worf, Torak, Data, Troi and COMMANDER MORAG -- a Klingon officer -- are seated around the table. The Klingon N.D. seen earlier is standing off to one side. Morag is outraged. MORAG I killed no one! RIKER (unruffled) We found your DNA on the consoles, and on the bulkheads... we know you were there. Morag glances at Torak, looking for support but finding none. TORAK Answer their questions. Morag shifts uncomfortably in his chair. MORAG (uncertain) Yes... (then bolder) Yes, I was there. My patrol route takes me near the station every six days. Three days ago I hailed them and there was no response. I was... concerned. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/10/92 - ACT FOUR 45A. 41A CONTINUED: TROI Concerned... ? MORAG (bluff) Yes. I went aboard to see what had happened. No one was there, so I left. RIKER And that's all? MORAG That's all. Riker looks to Data. DATA Commander Morag, we have discovered that the encrypted message bank on the station has been tampered with. Our analysis indicates that twenty-seven priority Starfleet messages are missing. MORAG What of it? DATA Your DNA was also found on the message control module. Morag jumps to his feet, feigning outrage. MORAG This is outrageous! We will not tolerate these accusations! Morag heads for the door, but the Klingon N.D. blocks his way. He looks back to Torak for support, but Torak is thinking about his own hide. TORAK This is a... diplomatic matter, Morag. (beat) Do not make me searcn your ship. Morag looks from Torak to the grim-faced N.D. and suddenly realizes that he's alone here. He returns to the table. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/09/92 - ACT FOUR 45B. 41AB CONTINUED: (2) MORAG (grudgingly) Yes... I did take the messages... PICARD Did you kill Lieutenant Rocha? MORAG No. There was no one there. I saw blood... and signs of a struggle. I took the codes, but I killed no one. PICARD Governor, we would like Commander Morag to remain aboard the Enterprise until our investigation is complete. TORAK Take him. They all rise. Picard nods to Worf who gestures to a crestfallen Morag. WORF This way. Morag reluctantly goes with Worf. CUT TO: 41B EXT. SPACE - RELAY STATION (OPTICAL) As seen before. 41C OMITTED 41D INT. RELAY STATION - OPS Geordi and Aquiel are standing near the console where Geordi was working. The monitor displays the logs with the missing entries. The mood is tense. Midconversation. GEORDI Last night, after I dropped you off at your quarters... (MORE) STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/11/92 - ACT FOUR 45C. 41D CONTINUED: GEORDI (Cont'd) you established a subspace link with this console... (beat) You deleted some of Rocha's personal file... didn't you? STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/11/92 - ACT FOUR 46. 41D CONTINUED: (2) Aquiel hesitates, nervous... glances at the monitor... sees the evidence in front of her and can't deny it. AQUIEL Yes... I did. GEORDI Why? AQUIEL I found... a letter Rocha was planning to send to Starfleet Command... about me. (beat) The letter said I had become belligerent... and insubordinate. He was going to ask for a formal hearing. Geordi is disturbed by the revelation. AQUIEL Geordi, I know how this looks... GEORDI Yeah -- it looks pretty bad. (beat) I find out you've erased a letter that contained a possible motivation for murder -- AQUIEL (firm) I didn't kill him. GEORDI Then explain this... A tense beat. Aquiel starts to move around the room, feeling trapped... her impulse to run almost overwhelming her... AQUIEL I was afraid if they found the letter... I'd be blamed for the murder. (beat) I'm not a model officer, I realize that. Sometimes I act on impulse instead of thinking things through... STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/11/92 - ACT FOUR 46A. 41D CONTINUED: (3) GEORDI Aquiel... this really complicates things... Aquiel turns away and intently heads for her quarters. 42 INT. RELAY STATION - AQUIEL'S QUARTERS - CONTINUOUS Aquiel ENTERS and grabs a small suitcase and quickly starts to throw some clothing into it. Geordi ENTERS and watches her for a beat. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/11/92 - ACT FOUR 47-49. 42 CONTINUED: GEORDI What are you doing? AQUIEL Getting out of here. Geordi moves close to her, takes her gently by the arm. GEORDI (continuing) Aquiel... running away isn't going to prove your innocence... facing the situation will. A beat. Aquiel stops what she's doing... she knows he's right. Suddenly, she looks very lost and alone... AQUIEL I'm scared, Geordi... She turns to Geordi... then moves into his arms. Geordi holds her tight... GEORDI We'll get through this. I promise... A beat as they hold one another. Aquiel looks up at him. AQUIEL Then... you believe me? Geordi stares at her for a long beat. GEORDI Yes. I do. Aquiel's features soften. She and Geordi are slowly drawn together... the sexual tension between them undeniable... and they kiss. As they fall into a deep and passionate embrace... STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/09/92 - ACT FOUR 50. 43 thru OMITTED 44 45 INT. SICKBAY (OPTICAL) Beverly is examining the tray filled with the dark, gelatinous fluid. She is holding a hand-held scanning INSTRUMENT over the tray. The medical N.D. stands nearby. BEVERLY Alright. Initiate the resonance frequency burst... The N.D. hits the controls on a console -- in response, Beverly's device activates, and she sweeps a thin LASER over the fluid. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/10/92 - ACT FOUR 51. 45 CONTINUED: Beverly reacts to the readings on the instrument... BEVERLY I'm starting to get a stable DNA scan... this is odd... (beat) The nucleotide sequences are starting to fluctuate... the DNA is becoming motile. She turns to the N.D., and as she does so her hand drops casually down to the lip of the tray. BEVERLY Let's try another frequency burst -- increase the resonance level by twenty percent -- Over Beverly's dialogue: 46 ON TRAY (OPTICAL) The organic fluid suddenly COMES TO LIFE -- it MOVES toward Beverly's hand and TOUCHES her. 47 BEVERLY jumps back from the touch. She looks down at the tray... then her shock turns to amazement as she sees... 48 IN THE TRAY the fluid has now transformed itself into an exact replica of BEVERLY'S HAND. 49 BEVERLY reacts to this strange and disturbing sight. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/09/92 - ACT FIVE 52. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 50 EXT. SPACE - RELAY STATION (OPTICAL) as before. 51 INT. RELAY STATION - AQUIEL'S QUARTERS A couple of hours have passed. Geordi is sitting on the edge of the bed. Aquiel is lying next to him, her eyes closed... face peaceful. Geordi looks at her a moment... then he stands and crosses to a nearby desk. Aquiel opens her eyes. AQUIEL What is it... ? Geordi sits down at a computer terminal. He's feeling restless -- wants to get back to the task at hand. GEORDI We've... got a lot of work to do... Aquiel is still feeling vulnerable... and doesn't want this moment of intimacy to end. She watches him work a moment, then stands and moves to him... AQUIEL I haven't felt this close to someone in a long time... I don't want to let go of it... Geordi turns to her... speaks gently... GEORDI Me neither... (beat) But we've got over six hundred logs to go through... AQUIEL Alright. But first... there's something I want to share with you. A way that we can become... more intimate. Geordi looks at her, curious. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/10/92 - ACT FIVE 52A. 51 CONTINUED: AQUIEL (explains) My people are partially telepathic... we use something called the Canar to help us focus our thoughts. Aquiel reaches for the small table which holds the crystal prism seen earlier. She carefully picks up the crystal and shows it to him. AQUIEL (re: prism) We also use the Canar to establish a stronger emotional link during... love. GEORDI I was wondering what that was... STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/09/92 - ACT FIVE 53. 51 CONTINUED: (2) Aquiel looks up at Geordi, and in her eyes there is an unspoken invitation. GEORDI (softly) Do both of us have to be... telepathic for it to work? A beat. AQUIEL Let's find out. Aquiel reaches up for his VISOR, hesitates... GEORDI Go ahead... Aquiel carefully removes Geordi's VISOR and sets it on the table. She gently guides his hand to the prism... AQUIEL Think of me... As they shut their eyes and concentrate... 52 INT. SICKBAY Picard, Riker and Worf are listening to Beverly. The replica of BEVERLY'S HAND is still sitting in the tray. BEVERLY (re: hand) It's a perfect reproduction of my hand -- all the way down to the DNA structure. They look at the hand in amazement. PICARD (re: hand) You said it was formed from the organic matter found in the deckplate? STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/11/92 - ACT FIVE 53A. 52 CONTINUED: BEVERLY When I infused the matter with a resonance frequency burst, it activated the DNA. Then it touched my hand... and started to mimic my cellular structure... Picard eyes the hand. PICARD (re: hand) Doctor... what exactly is this? BEVERLY It's going to sound pretty farfetched... A beat as she forms her thoughts. BEVERLY Have you ever heard of coalescent organisms? RIKER No... BEVERLY Rare microscopic lifeforms which must absorb other organisms in order to survive. Now, that's not so unusual... but coalescents become the organism they've absorbed -- right down to the cellular level. WORF Do you think that is what happened with your hand? BEVERLY There have been reports that these organisms can exist on a larger scale. What happened to my hand seems to support that theory. They consider the strange hypothesis. RIKER Are you saying that Lieutenant Rocha was killed by one of these -- organisms? STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/10/92 - ACT FIVE 54. 52 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY It's possible it happened before he reported for duty on the relay station. WORF I do not understand. BEVERLY I've checked the records. Just before he was posted to the relay station, Rocha served on an outpost in the Triona System... (beat) That's in a remote sector... maybe he was absorbed by a coalescent during that mission... RIKER (onto the idea) Then... what came aboard the station, was actually an organism that looked and acted like Rocha... They consider, grim-faced. WORF How often must they change bodies? BEVERLY The microscopic organisms have a cycle of no more than five to ten seconds. We can only assume a larger, more complex coalescent would have a cycle of at least several days... or weeks. The implications sink in. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - 11/05/92 - ACT FIVE 54A. 52 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD If what you're saying is true... Rocha attacked Uhnari because he needed a new body... BEVERLY Right. RIKER But that means... Uhnari's now a coalescent. WORF There was another person on the station -- Morag. It is possible he was the one who was... absorbed. PICARD (to computer) Computer -- locate Commander Morag and Lieutenant Uhnari. COMPUTER VOICE Commander Morag is in his quarters. Lieutenant Uhnari is not aboard the Enterprise. WORF (to computer) Where did she go? COMPUTER VOICE Lieutenant Uhnari transported to Relay Station Forty-Seven at eighteen thirty hours. RIKER (to Worf) You get Morag. I'm going to the station. They're out the door... 53 INT. RELAY STATION - AQUIEL'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Geordi and Aquiel are holding the prism, which is now ALIVE WITH LIGHT -- RADIATING VIBRANT COLORS onto their faces. Aquiel opens her eyes and looks at Geordi. AQUIEL Geordi... ? STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - 11/05/92 - ACT FIVE 55. 53 CONTINUED: There is a beat. Geordi's eyes remain closed, but his face changes... an expression of wonderment comes over his features... GEORDI I can see you... He takes in a sharp breath. GEORDI And I can... feel you... Aquiel smiles... 54 INT. ENTERPRISE - MORAG'S QUARTERS The Klingon Commander Morag is pacing the floor in his quarters, obviously pent-up and frustrated at being confined. Suddenly the doors slide open and Worf and a Security N.D. ENTER, phasers pointed. WORF Do not move. MORAG What is this -- ? WORF Come with us. Confused, Morag has no choice. He walks warily out of the room, followed by the others. 55 INT. RELAY STATION - AQUIEL'S QUARTERS Aquiel sets the prism (no longer glowing) back onto the table. She takes Geordi's face into her hands... rests her cheek against his... AQUIEL (whispers) You've never been as close to someone as you're about to be... think of me... Geordi concentrates... their mental and emotional connection builds... STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/09/92 - ACT FIVE 56. 56 OMITTED 57 INT. RELAY STATION - AQUIEL'S QUARTERS Aquiel and Geordi react to the SOUND of someone materializing in the other room -- 58 INCLUDE RIKER AND SECURITY N.D. as they ENTER the room. Geordi quickly puts on his VISOR as Riker points his phaser at Aquiel. RIKER (to Aquiel) Step away from him, Lieutenant... slowly. GEORDI What is it, Commander? RIKER That might not be Lieutenant Uhnari... GEORDI What? AQUIEL What are you saying? RIKER Step away. Now. Aquiel backs away, eyes wide. Off Geordi's stunned reaction... 59 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at the relay station. BEVERLY (v.o.) Chief Medical Officer's Log, supplemental. Commander Morag and Lieutenant Uhnari are being kept under close observation. So far, no sign of coalescent behavior has surfaced. 60 INT. GEORDI'S QUARTERS Riker is talking to Geordi, who is sitting in a chair, absently petting the dog, Maura. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/09/92 - ACT FIVE 57. 60 CONTINUED: RIKER Uhnari and Morag will be transferred to a secure medical facility at Starbase Two-twelve. Maybe we'll know more by the time we get there. Geordi is subdued. The events of the past few days have taken him on an emotional roller coaster. GEORDI Yeah... maybe... RIKER (beat) It might be Morag... there's no way to tell... GEORDI (not believing it) Right... There is an awkward silence. RIKER Get some rest. This has been a tough couple of days... GEORDI Thanks... Riker EXITS. Geordi sits there a moment, thoughtful... then he moves to his desk and sits down at a computer terminal. GEORDI (to computer) Computer -- display the Engineering duty roster for the next three days. A beat, then Geordi begins to quietly work at the terminal... INTERCUT: 61 ANGLE - THE DOG (OPTICAL) as it steps up behind Geordi and looks at him, WAGGING its tail. Geordi doesn't notice the dog... keeps working... The dog moves to Geordi's feet and BITES at his boot. Geordi gently kicks the dog away. A beat. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/09/92 - ACT FIVE 57A. 61 CONTINUED: Then the dog bites at his boot again. Geordi glances down. GEORDI (to dog) Come on now... stop it... He nudges her away and continues to work. The dog stands back and stares at him a moment... then it begins to quietly GROWL in an eerie way. Geordi keeps working, oblivious to the dog. Then he finally hears the growling... turns toward the dog... sees it growling and stands, alarmed. GEORDI Maura... ? Without warning, the dog TRANSFORMS into a DARK, TERRIFYING, FLUID-LOOKING CREATURE which rears up and moves at Geordi -- it's the coalescent creature. Geordi reacts, shocked, and leaps out of the way. The creature goes after him, roaring -- Geordi scrambles out of the way as the creature makes several frightening LUNGES toward him. He runs into a table and almost falls -- manages to stay on his feet, only to find himself being backed into a corner as the creature moves inexorably closer... The creature makes a final LUNGE. Geordi jumps toward a nearby desk -- opens a drawer and grabs out a phaser. He aims at the creature and FIRES -- The creature is JOLTED back -- but quickly recovers and moves to attack again, roaring, furious. 61A INSERT - PHASER as Geordi rapidly taps the phaser, adjusting the force setting to level fourteen. 61B RESUME as Geordi aims and FIRES at the creature with an intense, sustained BURST. The creature DISINTEGRATES in a FLASH OF LIGHT. Gone. OFF Geordi's startled reaction... CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/05/92 - ACT FIVE 58. 62 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) At impulse. 63 INT. TEN FORWARD Geordi and Aquiel are sitting at one of the tables. Aquiel is trying to make sense of everything that has happened. GEORDI Maybe the reason you don't remember what happened after Rocha attacked you... is that the coalescing process had begun... remember you felt like the memories had been drained right out of you? That's probably just what happened... AQUIEL Then... maybe I did take the phaser... GEORDI Whatever happened, at least you got away. AQUIEL So he turned on Maura. There is a small silence as they sip their drinks... not quite knowing where to take the conversation. GEORDI Well. What now? AQUIEL I guess I'll be going to Starbase Two-Twelve for re-assignment. Another silence. GEORDI (trying to be casual) You know... I had a talk with Chief Pendleton in Communications. There's an opening for a level two specialist. She stares at him, surprised. STAR TREK: "Aquiel" - REV. 11/05/92 - ACT FIVE 59. 63 CONTINUED: AQUIEL Really? (beat) I'm sure there's a waiting list so long I'd be grey before I got here. GEORDI (off-hand) I could put in a good word. She eyes him... understanding what he's saying, and appreciating it... but needing to stay her own person. AQUIEL It's an appealing offer... (beat) But I think I'd rather get here on my own merits. He smiles... it's exactly what he expected her to say... and he wouldn't have it any other way. AQUIEL Don't be surprised if you see my name at the end of that list. They share a look... which holds promise for the future. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END