STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Face of the Enemy" #40276-240 Story by Rene Echevarria Teleplay by Naren Shankar Directed by Gabrielle Beaumont THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1992 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT NOVEMBER 17, 1992 STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemey" - 11/17/92 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Face of the Enemy" CAST PICARD N'VEK RIKER TORETH DATA PILOT BEVERLY ALIEN CAPTAIN TROI DESEVE WORF GEORDI ENSIGN MCKNIGHT COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. CREWMEMBERS N.D. ROMULANS N.D. SECURITY N.D. ROMULAN CENTURION N.D. ROMULAN OFFICERS STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Face of the Enemy" TEASER FADE IN: 1 ECU - DEANNA TROI It's dark and we can see little of her face. Her eyes are closed tightly and she twitches restlessly, as though she's trying to pull away from something. It looks like she's having a nightmare. With a sudden, terrified GASP, her eyes SNAP WIDE OPEN. REVEAL: 2 INT. THE ROMULAN WARBIRD - TROI'S QUARTERS Deanna sits up on a bed, breathing heavily (note: we should see Deanna in dim silhouette only; the details of the room should be vague and shadowed as well). Her voice is cracked and dry. TROI Computer... lights. There is no response. The room stays dark. TROI (louder) Computer, turn on the lights. Again, nothing happens. Deanna clutches her head and moans. She moves off the bed... and almost immediately bumps into something. She reacts, surprised; clearly, this is not the room she's familiar with. She finds a wall and begins to feel her way along it. Eventually, her hands find a control panel. She taps several buttons before A LIGHT TURNS ON. REVEAL that Deanna is standing in a set of quart rs on a Romulan Warbird. The room is spartan in nature, but the Romulan Imperial Seal is clearly visible on a wall. Troi is in front of a dresser, staring into a mirror. She runs her hands over her face, her eyebrows, her ears, as her reflection stares back in utter disbelief. She looks like a Romulan. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT ONE 2. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 3 EXT. SPACE - THE ROMULAN WARBIRD (OPTICAL) at warp. 4 INT. WARBIRD - TROI'S QUARTERS Deanna has not yet recovered from the shock of her transformation. She is groggy and disoriented. She's dressed in the uniform of a Romulan officer, but it's somewhat different from the ones we've seen in the past. The color is brighter and there is a distinctive insignia on her right shoulder. Suddenly, the DOOR OPENS and a Romulan officer, SUBCOMMANDER N'VEK, ENTERS (he wears the standard Romulan uniform). Deanna tenses, instantly on her guard as N'Vek moves towards her. N'VEK Good, you're awake. TROI (woozy) Who... are you? N'VEK Please, Counselor, there is little time. The Commander will be calling for you at any moment. N'Vek moves quickly and efficiently, and there is an underlying urgency in his voice. He takes out a tech device and adjusts it. He tries to bring it near Deanna's face, but she pushes at his arm, keeping the device away from her. TROI Where am I? N'VEK You are aboard the Imperial Romulan Warbird Khazara. I am Sub-Commander N'Vek. Deanna is confused, uncertain what to do next. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT ONE 3. 4 CONTINUED: TROI Warbird? She tries to make sense of this. N'Vek begins scanning her with the tech device. Troi is still disoriented as she tries to make sense of her situation. TROI I was at the neuro-psychology seminar on Bokara-Six. The last thing I remember was returning to my quarters. I was... (unsure) ...attacked. I felt a... hypospray? N'VEK It was necessary. I could not be certain you would come voluntarily. TROI My head... is still spinning... N'VEK There are drugs in your system, but they've nearly dissipated. The disorientation will pass. TROI Why have you brought me here? N'VEK Listen to me carefully. (beat) You are no longer Deanna Troi. You are Major Rakal of the Tal Shiar, the Imperial Intelligence. Commander Toreth will-- TROI Am I a prisoner? STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/19/92 - ACT ONE 4. 4 CONTINUED: (2) N'VEK No. There is no time to explain everything. You must listen. (beat) Commander Toreth will want to know your mission. Tell her nothing. Simply instruct her to proceed to the Kaleb sector, course one-oh-two mark four. TROI The Kaleb sector... N'VEK Repeat it... heading one-oh-two mark four. TROI Heading... one-oh-two mark four... (beat) She'll... take orders... from me? N'VEK You are an officer of the Tal Shiar. She will obey you. But do not push her too far. We hear a BEEP and N'Vek stiffens instantly. TORETH'S COM VOICE Sub-Commander N'Vek. We are approaching the loading point. Bring our guest to the Bridge. N'Vek taps a com device. N'VEK Yes, Commander. Immediately. N'Vek begins hurriedly adjusting Troi's uniform, making certain everything looks correct. He hands her a disruptor. N'VEK (urgently) Please, we must hurry. TROI I'm not going anywhere... tell me what this is about. N'VEK You are a Starfleet officer disguised as a Romulan. Unless you trust me and do exactly as I have said... Toreth will discover you -- and you will be killed. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/19/92 - ACT ONE 5. 4 CONTINUED: (4) TROI How do I know I won't be killed anyway? He regards her intently for a moment. N'VEK Your only chance to get off this ship alive is to do as I say. (beat) You are an empath. You would know if I am lying. Am I? She studies him carefully for a beat, then acknowledges. TROI No. N'VEK Then let us go see the Commander. N'Vek moves to the door which OPENS. Troi stands still for a beat... but there's only one possible decision. She follows N'Vek out and they EXIT. CUT TO: 5 EXT. SPACE - THE WARBIRD (OPTICAL) as it enters orbit around a planet. 6 INT. THE WARBIRD - BRIDGE Several N.D. ROMULANS attend various stations around the perimeter. A single PILOT sits at a console in front of the main Viewscreen. The Commander's station is against the back wall. It is not a chair, but a raised platform upon which the Commander stands. It's encircled by a railing to lean on and several command consoles. The entire room is forward of the Commander. Every inch of the Bridge is under her surveillance at all times -- and nothing goes on behind her back. COMMANDER TORETH is a woman with a regal bearing and the grim look of a soldier who has seen many battles. She stands on her platform, watching the Viewscreen. Troi and N'Vek ENTER and move toward Toreth's station where they wait. Toreth pointedly ignores them both. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT ONE 5A. 6 CONTINUED: PILOT Orbit established, Commander. TORETH You may commence loading the cargo. Notify me when the transfer is complete. PILOT Yes, sir. She silently surveys the Bridge for another moment before she turns to notice them. The moment she does, N'Vek speaks up. N'VEK Sir, may I present Major Rakal of the Tal Shiar. Toreth fixes her gaze on Troi. It is a long, scrutinizing moment. She neither salutes nor extends her hand in greeting. After a moment -- STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT ONE 6. 6 CONTINUED: (2) N'VEK (to Troi) This is Commander Toreth. Troi inclines her head slightly. TORETH (to N'Vek) Attend to your station. It is an abrupt but absolute dismissal, issued without ever looking at him. N'Vek withdraws to a nearby station, trying to keep an eye on Troi, who is now alone in the lion's den. TORETH Why are you here without your guards? Troi hesitates, not sure of the right answer. TORETH Well? TROI (carefully) The mission is one of utmost secrecy. I could not... risk... bringing guards. Toreth eyes her... she senses uncertainty and weakness: this Intelligence Officer can be pushed. TORETH And exactly what is the nature of this clandestine assignment? Again, Troi hesitates. She's had no briefing on any of this; she's flying blind. TROI I... cannot reveal that. TORETH Oh? Why not? STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/23/92 - ACT ONE 7. 6 CONTINUED: (3) TROI I am under orders. Toreth moves toward her, circling, appraising -- a move intended to intimidate. TORETH You don't act like a member of the Tal Shiar. How long have you been with Intelligence? TROI (beat) Several months. A smile curls on Toreth's lips... she is feeling less threatened by this unintimidating officer. TORETH Ah. PILOT (interrupting) Commander, the cargo is on board and secured. Toreth notes the information but her attention remains fixed on Troi. TORETH Tell me... is there a reason why the Commander of the ship is being kept ignorant of its cargo? TROI I don't know what you mean... STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/23/92 - ACT ONE 8. 6 CONTINUED: (4) TORETH I've been ordered to take on cargo... but its contents are unknown to me. Does that seem wise? Troi does not respond. TORETH (continuing) I am responsible for the safety of this ship and its crew. How do I know this cargo is safe to transport? TROI I'm sure it is safe. Otherwise it would not have been loaded. Toreth's eyes sparkle with dark amusement. She begins to circle the Bridge, including every member of the crew in her indictment of the Tal Shiar. TORETH Ah. Because the Tal Shiar is so deeply concerned with the safety and well-being of the military... There are a few grim smiles at this from the others. TORETH I'm sure every person on this Bridge could offer testimony about personal experiences with the Tal Shiar... and I doubt that many would recall those encounters as tender and caring... Toreth is gaining strength and confidence. She clearly feels that this Intelligence officer is an insect to be brushed away. TORETH So you will forgive me, Major, if I am hesitant to accept your assurances that the cargo is no danger to my crew. She walks right up to Troi and stares at her, issuing a challenge. TORETH I intend to open those containers -- STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT ONE 8A. 6 CONTINUED: (5) Troi takes a beat to look around the Bridge... heads have turned to see how this Major will react to this confrontation. Her glance brushes over N'Vek, who is struggling not to give anything away. Troi realizes she is dangerously close to losing control of the situation, and must quickly re-establish her authority. She's still weak and groggy, she has no idea what she's doing here, and she knows she's in immense danger. But she'd better find an inner strength. She turns to Toreth, her eyes dark and her tone hard. TROI That cargo is the property of the Tal Shiar. You will not touch it. But Toreth hasn't given up yet. TORETH By whose authority? TROI Mine. And if you do not wish to undergo another "personal experience" with the Tal Shiar, I suggest you not question me again. Toreth stiffens slightly. The insect is stinging back. TROI Commander Toreth... you will now proceed on course bearing one-oh-two mark four to the Kaleb sector. TORETH The Kaleb sector is virtually deserted. Why would we go there? Troi looks Toreth directly in the eye. TROI Because those are your orders. Toreth meets Troi's gaze impassively for a long beat. Finally, she turns to the pilot. TORETH Pilot, set course. Bearing one-oh-two mark four. Warp six. PILOT Yes, Commander. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT ONE 8B. 6 CONTINUED: (6) In the b.g., N'Vek relaxes visibly. Off Troi's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/20/92 - ACT TWO 9. ACT TWO FADE IN: 7 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit around a small outpost. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 46519.1. We have arrived at Research Station seventy-five to take on a rather unique passenger... one whose homecoming will undoubtedly be difficult. 8 INT. CORRIDOR RIKER, BEVERLY, and WORF on the move. Beverly carries a medical tricorder; Riker and Worf do not look pleased at all. WORF The man acted dishonorably. He is a traitor. BEVERLY He risked his life to get here. It took him two weeks alone in a scout ship. WORF That does not excuse his original actions. BEVERLY Well, maybe he finally realized he made a mistake. RIKER It took him twenty years too long. They EXIT the corridor into the Transporter Room. 9 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Continuous action as Riker, Beverly, nd Worf ENTER. An N.D. CREWMAN is at the console. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT TWO 10. 9 CONTINUED: RIKER (to Crewman) Energize. The Crewman works the console and the figure of STEFAN DESEVE MATERIALIZES on the platform. He is in his late forties, but his face is lined and worn beyond his years. He wears the unadorned uniform of an enlisted Romulan soldier. The moment he sees Riker, he comes stiffly to attention. Riker reacts to the sight of the uniform; he doesn't like seeing DeSeve in it. RIKER (hard, formal) Ensign DeSeve. By order of Starfleet Command, you are hereby placed under arrest for treason. DeSeve steps off the platform. DESEVE I... understand. Beverly moves to him and begins scanning him with her tricorder. RIKER After Doctor Crusher certifies you medically fit, you will be confined to quarters until a formal courts martial can be convened. DeSeve had been prepared for this and he takes it stoically. RIKER And get some civilian clothes. I don't want to see you in that uniform. DESEVE Yes, sir. (beat) Commander -- I must speak with Captain Picard. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT TWO 11. 9 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER The Captain is a busy man. DeSeve moves toward him. DESEVE (urgent) Please... it's important. Urgent. Worf takes a step forward and DeSeve falls back, clearly intimidated. Riker waits a beat before answering. RIKER I'll tell him. Worf indicates the door and DeSeve reluctantly follows Beverly out. CUT TO: 10 INT. DESEVE'S QUARTERS DeSeve is looking around his quarters with uncertainty... he feels disoriented and alone here. He moves to the replicator. DESEVE (to replicator) Vorcha'ak. COMPUTER VOICE There is no listing for Vorcha'ak. DeSeve thinks for a moment... DESEVE (slowly) Coffee... We HEAR the replicator work and then DeSeve picks up the cup and sniffs it. The door CHIMES. DESEVE Enter. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT TWO 12. 10 CONTINUED: The DOORS OPEN and PICARD ENTERS. Through the doors, an N.D. SECURITY GUARD can be seen, stationed outside. DeSeve automatically snaps to attention out of reflex at the sight of a superior. DESEVE Commander! PICARD At ease... and it's Captain, actually. DeSeve relaxes only slightly. DESEVE I'm... sorry, sir. (beat) Captains, not Commanders... it's been so long since I've... I'll remember. Picard considers him for a moment. DeSeve does seem to be a man who's lost and alone, and Picard is not unsympathetic. But that is tempered by the knowledge that DeSeve's problems are entirely his own doing. PICARD You said it was important that I see you. DESEVE Yes... Captain. I have a message. From Ambassador Spock. Picard reacts to the name. DESEVE He said it involves further... "cowboy diplomacy." He said you would understand... Picard smiles slightly. After a beat, he indicates a chair and they sit. DESEVE There will be a Corvallen freighter arriving in the Kaleb sector in the next twelve hours. Spock wants you to rendezvous with that ship and take its cargo back to Federation space. PICARD What kind of cargo? STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT TWO 13. 10 CONTINUED: (2) DESEVE He said it was... (trying to remember the exact words) ... "important to the future of the Romulans and the Federation." Picard studies DeSeve carefully. PICARD This is why you've returned... to bring this message? DESEVE Partly. DeSeve would just as soon leave it at that, but Picard waits for him to continue. PICARD In order to know whether Spock's message is being delivered accurately... I need to understand the messenger. This is a difficult moment for DeSeve... having to admit to a mistake he made a long time ago. DESEVE I was... ready to come back. Romulus had... lost its appeal. PICARD And yet you found something very appealing about it at one time. DESEVE The Romulans are very... moral, Captain. They have an absolute certainty about what is right and what is wrong... who is a friend and who is an enemy. They have a strict moral compass which provides them with a clarity of purpose. (beat) I once found their sense of purpose, their commitment and passion, to be very compelling. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT TWO 14. 10 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD But not any longer... A long beat. DESEVE As I've grown older, I realize that clarity of purpose is a more ambiguous matter than I had thought in my youth. A long beat as Picard considers this man. He taps his combadge. PICARD (to COM) Mister Riker. Set course for the Kaleb sector. Warp eight. RIKER'S COM VOICE Aye-aye, sir. Picard EXITS. CUT TO: 11 EXT. SPACE - THE WARBIRD (OPTICAL) at warp. 12 INT. WARBIRD - CARGO BAY N'Vek is in a room with several large cargo containers stacked against the wall. An N.D. Romulan Centurion stands at attention nearby. The DOORS OPEN and Troi ENTERS. TROI You may wait outside. Make certain we are not disturbed. The Centurion bows his head and EXITS quickly, relieved to be out of Troi's presence. She notes his reaction. TROI They're all terrified of me. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/20/92 - ACT TWO 15. 12 CONTINUED: N'VEK The purpose of the Tal Shiar is to ensure loyalty. To defy them is to invite imprisonment... or death. Deanna does not like the role she's been thrust into. TROI It's time you told me what this is all about. N'VEK That is why I called you here. N'Vek moves over to one of the cargo containers and begins tapping commands into a complex-looking control panel. N'VEK This is one of the cargo containers we brought on board earlier. TROI What's in it? N'Vek taps a last command into the control panel and the CONTAINER DOOR SLIDES OPEN. 13 INSIDE THE CARGO CONTAINER is the body of a Romulan citizen in an official-looking uniform. He is wearing a tech device on his neck. 14 RESUME SCENE Troi reacts, touching his face. TROI He's alive... but in stasis. Who is it? N'VEK Vice Proconsul M'ret of the Imperial Senate... (gesturing to other containers) ... and his two top aides. Even Troi has heard of this man. TROI M'ret... he's one of the highest ranking members of the Romulan government... STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/20/92 - ACT TWO 16. 14 CONTINUED: (2) N'VEK His defection will be a profound blow to Romulus... TROI Why is he doing this? N'VEK M'ret had questioned the repressive activities of the government -- and was in danger of being imprisoned. He is willing to take this risk in order to protest Romulan policy and support the dissident movement. TROI You are part of Ambassador Spock's underground movement... N'VEK Yes. If we are able to deliver M'ret safely, Spock is hopeful that we can establish an escape route for the thousands of dissidents who live in fear of their lives. (beat) Now you realize why we are willing to go to such extraordinary lengths -- even kidnapping you -- to make sure we succeed. Troi reflects on this barrage of information. TROI You've given me the identity of a Tal Shiar officer... is there a real Major Rakal? STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/20/92 - ACT TWO 17. 14 CONTINUED: (3) N'VEK There was. She was killed so that you could take her place. Only a member of the Tal Shiar would have the authority to alter a ship's mission. TROI But -- why me? You could have found a Romulan to play this role... N'VEK Yes -- for this part of the plan. But if anything goes wrong... we will need a Starfleet officer. TROI Why? N'VEK There's no need to go into that unless it becomes necessary. Troi is bothered by the withholding of information, but before she can speak -- N'VEK For your own sake, Counselor -- the less you know about the specifics of this plan, the better. There is a silence while Troi assesses these strange events... and her role in them. Finally -- TROI What is your plan? N'Vek briefly works the control panel and closes the cargo container, sealing it shut. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/20/92 - ACT TWO 17A. 14 CONTINUED: (4) N'VEK When we reach the Kaleb sector, we will rendezvous with a Corvallen freighter. You will take these containers onto their ship and accompany them back to Starfleet Headquarters. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/20/92 - ACT TWO 18. 14 CONTINUED: (5) TROI The Corvallens are mercenaries... Do they know what's in these containers? N'VEK No. They were hired simply to take you to Federation space. TROI (beat) Very well. It is her acceptance of the lot she has drawn. N'Vek checks the container one last time, making certain it's secure. N'VEK We are due in the Ward Room shortly. The senior officers always dine together. TROI I'll go to my quarters. I think it would be best if I stayed away from the Commander. N'VEK No, you will be expected to attend. I'll go ahead... follow me after a few moments. Commander Toreth must not feel that anything is unusual. CUT TO: 15 INT. WARBIRD - WARD ROOM This is a Conference/Officer's Room which is connected by a set of doors to the Bridge. Toreth, N'Vek, and two N.D. ROMULAN OFFICERS are seated at a table. A large meal is spread out before them. The Commander and her officers are friends, and the atmosphere is relaxed. TORETH ... and we had been told that the Klingon outpost was undefended. So when their warships decloaked, they took us completely by surprise... STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT TWO 19. 15 CONTINUED: The DOORS OPEN and Troi ENTERS. In an instant, the two N.D. officers tense up, completely on edge. Toreth indicates an open seat and continues her story. Troi bows her head slightly and sits. TORETH (continuing) ... The Klingons destroyed half my squadron before we could even return fire. But when we did... they were no match for us. I destroyed their flagship myself. I received the Sotarek Citation for my actions that day. (beat, pointedly) The Intelligence Officer in charge of the mission was executed. The words are followed by an uncomfortable silence. TORETH Major. Welcome to our table. TROI Commander. TORETH I suggest you try the viinerine. It's quite good. Troi is suddenly put on the spot. She has no idea which of the various dishes Viinerine actually is... but there's no time to try to figure it out. She picks up a dish at random and begins spooning some of it onto her plate. Toreth smiles mildly. TORETH I realize it's nothing compared to what you're accustomed to on Romulus... but you could at least try the viinerine... Troi has picked the wrong dish. She quickly tries to cover her mistake and does not stop serving as she speaks. TROI I've smelled better viinerine on prison ships. TORETH No doubt. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/20/92 - ACT TWO 20. 15 CONTINUED: (2) They all continue to eat in silence for a beat. Troi wants to avoid conversation as much as possible, but Toreth won't let her alone. TORETH Tell me, Major... did you train at the Intelligence Academy or the Imperial War College? TROI (hoping it's right) The Academy. TORETH Ah -- then you know Commander Konsab. TROI I know of him. TORETH I assume you studied Military History with him? TROI Yes. TORETH I was wondering what you felt about his theory on the differences between the military and the Tal Shiar? TROI Which aspects are you referring to? Toreth stares at her for a moment. TORETH Are you sure you attended class regularly, Major? This was one of Konsab's main themes. Troi takes a bite and chews, scrambling for time. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT TWO 21. 15 CONTINUED: (3) TROI Do you have a point to make, Commander? If so, it has escaped me. Toreth flares slightly, stung. TORETH Commander Konsab believes that, in order to function, military officers have to trust each other. Members of the Tal Shiar, on the other hand, trust no one. They expect deception, so they always find it. TROI You've made your opinion of the Tal Shiar quite clear, Commander. TORETH I hope so. The tension level between Troi and Toreth cranks up a notch. Troi feels she must not back down in order to maintain credibility. TROI We ensure the loyalty of the people. Do you believe the Empire would be better off without our protection? Troi has pushed a sore spot. TORETH Protection? From whom? Was the Empire threatened by the words of an old man, a devoted citizen who merely tried to speak his mind? How did the Tal Shiar protect the Empire by dragging my father from our home in the middle of the night? This is extremely hard for Troi. She can feel Toreth's intensity and anger, and she sympathizes with her. But Troi can't let it show... she has to play her role. TROI Clearly, your father was a traitor. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT TWO 22. 15 CONTINUED: (4) TORETH No. He was just an idealistic old man... and I never saw him again. Beat. TROI I don't need your devotion, Commander. Just your obedience. TORETH That is all you have. A long, silent beat is interrupted by the COM. PILOT'S COM VOICE Commander. Sensors are picking up an unidentified ship on an intercept course. Toreth's expression hardens. She stands up and EXITS onto the Bridge. Troi, N'Vek, and the rest follow her out. 16 INT. WARBIRD - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Continuous action as Toreth and the others ENTER and take their stations. Troi stands near Toreth. TORETH What is the configuration? PILOT It appears to be a freighter, Commander. TROI Hail them. Troi says it as an order, not a request... and Toreth does not like it one bit. Toreth looks sharply at Troi who stares back unflinchingly. TORETH Visual. The Viewscreen fills with the image of an ALIEN CAPTAIN. ALIEN CAPTAIN Commander. We are glad to see you. We are prepared to transfer your cargo as agreed... STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT TWO 23. 17 ANOTHER ANGLE - TROI & N'VEK As the captain speaks, Troi's features change; something is troubling her about this man. Something is wrong here. She quietly moves to N'Vek. TORETH (O.S.) With whom do you have this "agreement"? ALIEN CAPTAIN (O.S.) Our arrangements were made with Major Rakal. You may rest assured that your cargo will be taken safely to its destination. (beat) We will transmit coordinates for you to beam it aboard. TROI (sotto; to N'Vek) He's lying. They have no intention of keeping their word. N'Vek is shocked. N'VEK (sotto) Are you certain? Troi silently nods. N'Vek looks up at the Alien Captain, then makes a difficult decision. Without another word, he moves quickly to a console and taps a command. 18 EXT. SPACE - THE WARBIRD (OPTICAL) Opens fire on the freighter, destroying it with a single shot. 19 INT. THE WARBIRD The Bridge crew is shocked. Toreth is furious and moves to N'Vek, grabbing him. TORETH Why did you destroy that vessel? STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT TWO 24. 19 CONTINUED: N'VEK I beg forgiveness, Commander, but... Major Takal ordered me to fire. Troi is stunned, but she has to hide it. OFF her reaction. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/24/92 - ACT THREE 25. ACT THREE FADE IN: A20 EXT. SPACE - WARBIRD (OPTICAL) motionless near the debris field. 20 INT. WARBIRD - BRIDGE Continuous action. Troi is still in shock over the ship's destruction and N'Vek's accusation. Toreth is furious. PILOT The Corvallen freighter has been completely destroyed, Commander. There are no survivors. TORETH (to Troi) I demand an explanation. Troi says nothing; she moves to the Pilot's station. TROI How many were aboard that ship? PILOT (off console) Approximately eighteen people, sir. The information is devastating; indirectly or not, she is responsible for their deaths, but she can't afford to show how she really feels. She wants to get off the Bridge, get some time to think, but Toreth will not let up. TORETH I don't care if there were eighteen or eight-hundred. (beat) On this ship, I give the command to fire, Major. You have no right-- Troi angrily touches the Tal Shiar emblem on her shoulder. TROI This gives me the right. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/24/92 - ACT THREE25A. 20 CONTINUED: TORETH Even you must eventually answer to someone. You will be held accountable. Troi has no alternative in this; to keep them both safe, she must defend N'Vek's actions. TROI I have been given broad discretionary powers. Sub-Commander N'Vek acted on my authority... the authority of the Tal Shiar. I assure you -- this action will not be questioned. TORETH I will nonetheless make a note in my log that I am not responsible for those eighteen lives... and that I deplore their loss. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/24/92 - ACT THREE 26. 20 CONTINUED: (2) TROI Do what you feel necessary. In the meantime, we must protect ourselves. (to Pilot) Activate the cloaking device. The Pilot looks to Toreth for confirmation; Toreth nods. 21 EXT. SPACE - THE WARBIRD (OPTICAL) shimmers away as it cloaks. 22 INT. WARBIRD - BRIDGE PILOT Cloak is engaged. Troi moves to the exit. TORETH And what are my orders now, Major? TROI Hold position -- and wait. Troi EXITS. Off Toreth's and N'Vek's expressions. CUT TO: 23 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it drops out of warp. 24 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard, Riker, Data, Worf and ENSIGN McKNIGHT at their stations. DATA There is no sign of the freighter, Sir. We are the only ship in the area. PICARD (puzzled) Ensign, verify our position. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/19/92 - ACT THREE 27. 24 CONTINUED: (2) ENSIGN MCKNIGHT (off console) We're holding at the coordinates specified by Ensign DeSeve, sir. RIKER Is there anything on long range sensors? DATA (beat; works console) Sensors indicate no other ships within three light years. RIKER (to Picard) Has this all been a hoax? PICARD That's one possibility. (beat) Mister Worf, bring Ensign DeSeve to my Ready Room. CUT TO: 25 INT. READY ROOM Picard is sitting at his desk as Worf ENTERS with DeSeve. Worf does not like this guy and stays as physically intimidating as possible. PICARD Well, Mister DeSeve. You promised me a freighter with an important cargo. The only thing here is empty space. Do you have an explanation? DeSeve is genuinely surprised. DESEVE I... don't understand... WORF Sir, he has deceived us. DESEVE No -- I was told the ship would be at these coordinates. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT THREE 28. 25 CONTINUED: Picard lifts a staying hand toward Worf. PICARD You said the message came directly from Ambassador Spock? DESEVE Yes. (beat) Well... not exactly... PICARD What does that mean? DESEVE Someone else relayed the message to me. But he said Spock spoke directly to him. Picard stares at him. The story begins to lose credibility, and DeSeve realizes that. DESEVE I trust the man who spoke to me. He would not have lied. WORF Was he Romulan? DESEVE Yes. Worf's disdain is palpable. DeSeve tries to explain. DESEVE He is a member of the underground -- a dissident. He risks his life to work with those who want a different future for Romulus. WORF Captain, he could be leading us into a trap. DESEVE No, that's not so... STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT THREE 29. 25 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD It would be risky to set a trap here, so close to Federation space... but the fact remains -- there is no freighter. (beat) Ensign DeSeve, did your contact tell you anything else that might be helpful? There is a long beat. DESEVE The freighter is an old Antaresclass vessel... it has limited range and speed. (beat) It couldn't have taken on its cargo more than a day ago... which means it has to be within fifteen light years of here. Picard and Worf stare at him. PICARD Why didn't you mention this earlier? DeSeve hesitates before answering. DESEVE It didn't seem necessary. And on Romulus, you learn not to volunteer information. (beat) It's a hard habit to break. Picard rises and circles the desk, heading for the door. PICARD Perhaps now would be a good time to start. Gentlemen, come with me. They follow him through the doors to the Bridge. 25A INT. BRIDGE Data and Riker already there. Worf heads for his station. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/19/92 - ACT THREE 30. 25A CONTINUED: PICARD Mister Data, initiate a phase three search pattern -- radius fifteen light years. DATA Aye, Captain. PICARD (gesturing to chair on his left) Ensign DeSeve, I want you to stay right here. In case you recall anything else that might have slipped your mind. Chastened, DeSeve takes the chair. 25B OMITTED 26 INT. WARBIRD - CARGO BAY Troi paces, agitated. The guard is not there. N'Vek ENTERS. He's distressed, too, though not quite for the same reason. N'VEK Our plan has collapsed... TROI Our plan? What about the people on that freighter? Why did you fire? N'VEK There was no alternative. You told me they couldn't be trusted. If I let them live... the whole mission would be in jeopardy? TROI Eighteen people lost their lives... N'Vek turns on her, drilling into her Iike a laser. He's frayed and pushed to his limits. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/20/92 - ACT THREE 31. 26 CONTINUED: N'VEK Don't lecture me, Counselor. A number of people have died in order to carry out this mission. Believe me, those eighteen won't be the last. TROI I'm sorry... but I can't dismiss those lives so easily. N'Vek regards her stonily. N'VEK Fine. Agonize all you want... but don't let it get in the way of our plan. She eyes him for a tense moment. TROI You don't have a plan anymore. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/20/92 - ACT THREE 32. 26 CONTINUED: (2) N'VEK You remember I told you if anything went wrong, we would need a Starfleet officer... She eyes him warily... TROI Yes... N'VEK (acknowledging) There is a Starfleet base on Draken Four. It is two days away at maximum warp. (beat) That's where we're going. TROI In a Romulan ship... N'VEK Yes. It's your job to order Toreth to proceed into Federation territory. TROI We'll never get through the gravitic sensor nets. N'VEK We will... if you provide the correct access codes. TROI Do you really think this has a chance of succeeding? N'VEK If you have another idea, I'll be happy to consider it. They hold a hard look for a moment... then she EXITS. He follows. 27 INT. WARD ROOM Troi and N'Vek with Toreth. TROI You will plot a course for the Draken System. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/20/92 - ACT THREE32A. 27 CONTINUED: There is a brief, surprised silence. TORETH You can't be serious. TROI Draken Four was the freighter's destination. (beat) I ordered it destroyed because I recognized the Captain -- a known Federation spy. Now, we must deliver the cargo ourselves. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/20/92 - ACT THREE 33. 27 CONTINUED: (2) TORETH Why must -- TROI I do not intend to explain myself to you. Set a course. TORETH In order to reach Draken we will have to travel through Federation space for nearly twenty hours. TROI That is not a problem. TORETH Contrary to the propaganda your superiors would have us believe, Starfleet is neither weak nor foolish. The chances of us reaching Draken undetected are not good. TROI We will be cloaked. TORETH The cloaking device does not make us completely invulnerable. You would know that if you had spent any time in the field. (beat) The Federation has littered their borders with subspace listening posts and gravitic sensors. They may even have a tachyon detection grid in operation, in which case they will know we're there. (beat) If we are discovered within Federation territory, it could be interpreted as an act of war. TROI The Tal Shiar has obtained access codes for the sensor nets. I will provide them if necessary. Toreth is very uneasy with this plan. TORETH That is no guarantee that we will escape detection. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT THREE 34. 27 CONTINUED: (3) TROI Your cowardice does not befit a Romulan soldier. Toreth stiffens at the accusation -- even N'Vek is surprised. Troi is playing her role to the hilt. TORETH People blame the military for the wars we are asked to fight. But I think it is your kind, Major, that will be the death of us all. Toreth EXITS. Troi and N'Vek follow her out. 28 INT. WARBIRD - THE BRIDGE Continuous action as Troi and N'Vek ENTER. Toreth is already at her station. TORETH Plot a course for the Draken System. PILOT (works console) Course plotted, sir. TORETH Prepare for warp -- Suddenly, the lights in the room switch to red, and the alarm klaxons begin to sound. PILOT Commander, sensors are picking up a vessel. (beat; off console) Our cloaking device is still engaged... they have not detected us. Toreth reacts. TORETH Activate Viewscreen. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT THREE 35. 29 ON THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The image fills the screen. It is the Enterprise, floating above us like a naval destroyer poised above a submarine, ready for the kill. Reactions. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/20/92 - ACT FOUR 36. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 30 INT. WARBIRD - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Continuous action. The Enterprise is on screen as before. PILOT It is the Enterprise, Commander. Troi reacts. TORETH Well, Major... it appears your suspicions about that freighter were correct after all. The Federation has come in search of their spies. (to Pilot) Status. PILOT (off console) They are scanning the debris of the freighter. Their shield levels are normal and their weapon systems are not active. (beat) They are not prepared for battle, sir. TORETH Then they were not expecting us to be here. And I see no reason to alter that perception. (beat; to Pilot) The radiation from the debris field could make our cloak detectable if we engage warp engines. Proceed at maneuvering speed -- TROI (interrupting) One moment, Commander. The sudden appearance of the Enterprise has changed everything. Troi wants to keep it nearby until she can figure out a way to contact the ship. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/20/92 - ACT FOUR 37. 30 CONTINUED: TROI We should hold our position until the Enterprise has left the area. We cannot risk detection. TORETH Even if we are detected, they will not be able to track us once we go to warp. TROI We haven't established their intentions. TORETH Their intentions are obvious... and of no concern to us, Major. (to Pilot) Proceed on course, maneuvering engines only. Go to warp when we're clear of the debris field. PILOT Yes, Commander. (off console) We will clear the field in twenty-seven minutes. Toreth is now studiously ignoring Troi. Troi moves to the doors and shoots N'Vek a meaningful glance; he understands the situation -- they have to meet. TROI (imperiously) You will keep me informed of our progress. Troi EXITS the Bridge. N'VEK It is not wise to challenge the Tal Shiar, Commander. TORETH I will not let her tell me how to run my ship. Off N'Vek's concerned expression. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT FOUR 38. 31 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) holding position in the debris field. 32 INT. ENTERPRISE - MAIN BRIDGE Picard, Riker, DeSeve and Data are at the Aft Science station, looking at a MONITOR DISPLAY of space debris. DATA The debris is widely scattered, sir. It appears to be the remains of a ship... (beat) ... My analysis indicates that it was an Antares-class freighter. Picard glances at DeSeve. DESEVE That's the ship we were supposed to meet... PICARD Could they have had some sort of malfunction... a reactor core breach? DATA I do not believe so. That would not be consistent with the debris pattern. However, sensors do indicate extremely high levels of residual antiprotons. Picard and Riker react; they know what this implies. RIKER Romulan disruptor fire... DATA That is correct. And based on the antiproton decay, I would estimate that the incident occurred within the last four-point-three hours. PICARD Then... the Romulans could still be in the vicinity. Picard and Riker exchange a concerned glance. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT FOUR 39. 32 CONTINUED: RIKER Red alert. Shields at maximum. The red alert lights go on. PICARD (to DeSeve) Whatever cargo was on that freighter, the Romulans didn't want it to reach us. Are you sure you don't know what it was? DESEVE No, sir. I swear it. PICARD All we seem to have here are questions. (beat) Mister Data, continue scanning the area. CUT TO: 33 INT. WARBIRD - TROI'S QUARTERS Troi and N'Vek. TROI Somehow, we have to get a message to the Enterprise. N'VEK That's impossible. TROI This is the perfect opportunity. The Enterprise is nearby. If we can communicate with them, they might be able to help us. N'VEK Counselor. This ship is travelling under cloak. All of our electromagnetic emissions are being monitored. If we attempted any communication whatsoever we would be discovered instantly. It could not succeed. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT FOUR 40. 33 CONTINUED: N'VEK (Cont'd) (beat) We must continue to Draken Four. That is the safest course. TROI (beat) Is there anything you can do to the ship or the cloaking device that would let the Enterprise track us? N'VEK Track us? No -- we want to get into Federation territory undetected. TROI What we want -- is to get the dissidents to safety. Now answer the question. Is there a way? N'VEK If there were, I wouldn't do it. Troi eyes him for a brief moment, and then approaches him. There is heat flaring from her -- she's had it with this whole endeavor. TROI Yes, you will. N'VEK Counselor -- TROI We're not playing it your way any more, N'Vek. I've been kidnapped... surgically altered... put in danger... I've gone along with all your plans. Now, you are going to listen to me. You figure out how to let the Enterprise track us, or I will go to Toreth and tell her I've discovered you're a traitor. I'll order you ejected into space. Do you understand me, Sub-Commander? There is a tense beat... and then N'Vek blinks. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT FOUR 41. 33 CONTINUED: (2) N'VEK (reluctantly) There is one possibility. In order for a ship to remain undetectable while cloaked, the radiative emissions from the warp engines must be precisely balanced. (beat) The ship's Engineer is a sympathizer. He may be able to slightly misalign one of the nullifier cores. It would create a small magnetic disturbance in space whenever we were in motion. TROI Good. Do it. N'VEK (still trying to avoid this) The effect would occur only intermittently. They might not even detect it. TROI If that's the best we can do, we have to try it. N'VEK Anything more would register immediately on the Bridge. (beat) Even this slight misalignment might be detected. Troi gives him a hard look. TROI It's a risk we'll have to take. You're the one who outlined the stakes to me, N'Vek. Are you getting squeamish now, just because things are getting a little more dangerous? He has no answer. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/19/92 - ACT FOUR 42. 34 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) moving slowly through the area. 35 INT. ENTERPRISE - MAIN BRIDGE Picard, Riker, Data, and Worf at their stations. Ensign McKnight is at conn; DeSeve is in the b.g. (The ship is still at red alert.) DATA (off console) Captain. Sensors are picking up a polarized magnetic distortion to our port side... PICARD Analysis. DATA (works console) The distortion is extremely weak, sir... It appears to be moving, slowly... it -- (beat; surprised) It is gone, sir. RIKER Gone? DATA The distortion no longer registers on our instruments. A beat. PICARD Mister Data, could this distortion be caused by a cloaked ship? DATA Unknown. Our understanding of Romulan technology is still limited. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT FOUR 43. 35 CONTINUED: DeSeve has been following the conversation carefully in the b.g.; he moves forward. DESEVE Captain... All turn to look at him. DESEVE Romulan ships use a forced quantum singularity as a power source. If that system is not functioning perfectly or is damaged, even slightly... it might show through the cloak as a magnetic disturbance of some kind... Picard is considering the information when something registers on Data's console. DATA (off console) The distortion has reappeared... bearing three-three-seven mark ten... (beat) It has disappeared again, sir. A beat. PICARD Mister DeSeve, is it your opinion that we're picking up a cloaked Romulan ship? DESEVE It's a strong possibility, sir. PICARD (after a beat) Mister Data, continue your scan. (to conn) Helm, link navigational control to Mister Data's console. Plot an intercept course toward that distortion. CUT TO: 36 INT. WARBIRD - BRIDGE Troi is on the Bridge. Toreth, Pilot, and N.D. Romulans at their stations. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - 11/17/92 - ACT FOUR 44. 36 CONTINUED: During the next, Varek ENTERS and quietly takes his station. PILOT (off console) Commander. The Enterprise is underway. TORETH (to Pilot) Good. What is their course? PILOT They are heading toward us, sir. TORETH (surprised) What? PILOT They appear to be on an intercept course. Troi realizes the trail is working. TORETH (beat; to Pilot) What is the status of our cloaking device? Is there a malfunction of any kind? N'Vek is clearly worried; this is the moment of truth. If they're going to find out the sabotage, it will be now. PILOT (off console) The cloaking device is functioning correctly, sir. All shipboard emissions are within normal range. N'VEK Commander. The Enterprise may simply be engaged in search operations. TORETH Perhaps. Off Toreth's thoughtful expression. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/19/92 - ACT FOUR 45. 37 INT. ENTERPRISE - MAIN BRIDGE PICARD Where is it now, Mister Data... ? DATA Dead ahead, sir. It is slowing-- (off console) It has disappeared once again, sir. (beat) It may have been coming to a halt. PICARD Stop engines. RIKER If it is a Romulan ship, will they hold position until we leave? DESEVE I don't think so, sir. A Romulan Commander's instinct would be to attack. Off reactions. 38 INT. WARBIRD - BRIDGE The atmosphere is tense. Toreth stands impassively on her platform, staring at the Viewscreen. Suddenly, she breaks the silence. TORETH Pilot. Engage maneuvering engines, forward zero-point-one. Take us directly under their hull. PILOT Yes, Commander. The engines hum to life as the warbird begins to move. Troi reacts, alarmed. TROI What are you doing? TORETH It seems the Enterprise may be able to track us even though we're cloaked. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/20/92 - ACT FOUR 46. 38 CONTINUED: TORETH (Cont'd) I intend to find out whether they can or cannot. (beat) N'Vek. Ready attack procedure. N'Vek is shocked as well but immediately snaps to the task. N'VEK (off console) Sir, disruptors are standing by. Ready to disengage cloak. TROI (scrambling) Commander, we cannot risk an engagement here. TORETH Considering the nature of our mission, I would have preferred to avoid it as well. But I see no other alternative. 38A ON THE VIEWSCREEN The image of the Enterprise begins to grow as the warbird moves slowly closer. TROI What do you intend to do? TORETH We will pass as close as we possibly can. If they do have the ability to track us, they will move to avoid a collision. (beat) And if they do... I will destroy them. Off Troi's reaction. 39 thru OMITTED 44 FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/19/92 - ACT FIVE 47. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 45 thru OMITTED 46 47 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE Picard, Riker, Worf at their stations; Data at Ops, McKnight at conn. The ship is still at red alert. DATA (off console) Sir, the magnetic distortion has reappeared. PICARD Bearing and speed? DATA It appears to be moving toward us, closing slowly at one-hundred kph... its bearing indicates a possible collision course. RIKER Time to impact? DATA I am unable to make a precise measurement. However, I estimate impact within ninety seconds. RIKER (to Picard) This doesn't make any sense. Why would they be trying to hit us? And if they were, why not hit us at full speed? Picard turns questioningly to DeSeve who looks as confused as everyone else. DESEVE I don't know. The Romulans will sometimes make suicide attacks, but only as a last resort. There's no reason for it here. DATA Time to impact, approximately sixty seconds. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/19/92 - ACT FIVE 48. 47 CONTINUED: PICARD We don't have the luxury to speculate. (to McKnight) Back us away from that distortion, Ensign. One-half impulse. ENSIGN MCKNIGHT Aye-aye, sir. Off Picard's reaction. 48 INT. WARBIRD - BRIDGE Toreth stands at her command station. Troi, N'vek, Pilot, and N.D.s in their positions. PILOT (off console) They are moving away, Commander. Toreth smiles grimly. TORETH Prepare attack sequence. The warbird engines hum as the ship prepares for attack. N'Vek shoots Troi a worried glance. N'VEK All sections report ready for battle, Commander. PILOT Disruptors are fully charged. Troi watches, her mind racing... this is the chance she's been waiting for, but she's got to act quickly. TORETH Disengage cloak on my command. Prepare to fire-- TROI (firmly) Disregard that order. The entire bridge crew freezes. All eyes are on Toreth and Troi. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/20/92 - ACT FIVE 49. 48 CONTINUED: TORETH What? TROI I do not authorize this attack. You will cease battle operations immediately. TORETH I do not need your authorization to attack, Major. This is my ship. Troi is playing her role to the hilt. She has to make this completely convincing. Troi moves to stand right beside Toreth's command station. TROI How typical of the military to resort to brute force when discretion is required. TORETH The Enterprise has demonstrated that they can track us. They must be destroyed. TROI That's correct -- they can track us. (beat) And if we attack them -- your way -- they will return fire. But we will be vulnerable as we cloak and our shields drop. They will destroy us. Toreth sees the logic of Troi's argument... but she can't back down now. TORETH Do you question my ability to command? TROI You are not fit to command. (beat) Step down. Toreth remains at her post, unmoving. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/23/92 - ACT FIVE 50. 48 CONTINUED: (2) TROI Step down or I will have you removed. TORETH Do you think anyone here will listen to you? This is the moment, the final struggle for control of the ship. Troi turns to all the Romulans on the Bridge. TROI If any one of you defies the Tal Shiar, you will not bear the punishment alone. Your families... all of them, will be there beside you. The words hit home. The Romulans exchange glances. TROI I am now Commander of this ship. You will take orders from me and no one else. Troi looks toward N'vek. TROI Remove Commander Toreth from her station. If she resists, shoot her. N'vek nods, takes out his disruptor, and holds it on Toreth. N'VEK Commander... please... step down. Without a word, Toreth slowly steps off the command platform. Troi steps onto the platform and takes her place. TROI (to N'Vek) Remove her weapon. N'Vek moves to Toreth and takes away her weapon. The eyes of everyone on the bridge are now on Troi... the new Commander. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/20/92 - ACT FIVE 50A. 48 CONTINUED: (3) TROI Now, Commander... watch and learn. In order to defeat your enemy, you must first understand them. The Federation wishes to avoid war at all cost. So I shall offer them a diplomatic solution... get them to lower their shields... and then destroy them. Off Troi's expression. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/19/92 - ACT FIVE 51. 49 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The Warbird shimmers into view as it DECLOAKS in front of the Enterprise. 50 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) WORF Captain, we are being hailed. PICARD On-screen. 50A THE VIEWSCREEN Troi APPEARS on the Viewscreen. Picard stares at her, shocked as he recognizes her, but canny enough not to reveal it. TROI I am Major Rakal of the Tal Shiar. PICARD I am Jean-Luc Picard of the Enterprise. TROI How can we be of help? PICARD A Carvallen freighter was destroyed not far from here... we detected the residual effects of disruptor fire. Can you shed any light on this? TROI A regrettable incident, Captain. The freighter was fired upon by the former Commander of this vessel. I have now taken control, and I assure you there will be no more attacks. PICARD Still, there was a significant loss of life... STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/19/92 - ACT FIVE 52. 50A CONTINUED: TROI Captain... we do not want this incident to be exaggerated. You and I can discuss it calmly... diffuse it before it becomes inflated. Picard realizes Troi must be asking for cooperation. PICARD Yes... I agree. TROI I will come onto your ship. Please lower your shields and prepare to beam me aboard. This makes sense to Picard -- Troi is asking help to get back on the Enterprise from whatever strange predicament she's in. PICARD Very well. (to com) Mister Worf, lock onto Major Rakal. Transport on my command. WORF Aye, sir. TROI Thank you, Captain. The Viewscreen returns to the starfield. RIKER What's she doing on that ship? PICARD I don't know... but she needs our help to get back. Mister Worf, keep your lock on her no matter what happens. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/23/92 - ACT FIVE 53. 50A CONTINUED: (2) WORF Yes, Captain. PICARD (after a beat) Lower the shields... 51 INT. WARBIRD - BRIDGE Troi turns to N'vek. N'VEK They are dropping their shields. TROI Activate forward disruptor array and fire when ready. N'VEK Yes, Major. N'vek works his console. N'VEK Firing... 51A EXT. SPACE - WARBIRD AND ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as disruptor fire shoots from the Warbird toward the Enterprise. (NOTE: It should be of different intensity than normal disruptor fire.) There is no apparent damage. 52 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) as the three Romulan dissidents MATERIALIZE on the Bridge, still in stasis and in the same positions we last saw them. Everyone is confused and everything is happening at once. WORF Captain, they have fired on us! PICARD Shields up... stand by phasers. (to Worf) Damage report. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/19/92 - ACT FIVE 53A. 52 CONTINUED: WORF (puzzled, off console) We sustained a direct hit... but there is negligible damage. The disruptor had almost no power. Riker and DeSeve move to examine the dissidents. DeSeve reacts when he sees who they are. DESEVE This is Proconsul M'ret... and his aides. They are part of the underground movement... STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/23/92 - ACT FIVE 54. 52 CONTINUED: RIKER They're in stasis... (to COM) Medical team to the Bridge. Nobody quite knows what's going on... and there is still one big question left. RIKER (to Picard) Where's Deanna? 53 INT. WARBIRD - BRIDGE A similar scene of confusion. PILOT (surprised) Disruptors were ineffective... the Enterprise was not damaged. They have re-established full shields. N'Vek knows exactly what's happened, but he has to cover it up. N'VEK (off console) I am reading a malfunction in our forward disruptor array... the power system has destabilized -- Toreth moves to N'Vek's station and shoves him out of the way. As she checks the console readouts, her look hardens -- she sees something isn't right. She turns to N'Vek. TORETH You are lying to me. The disruptor beam was purposely sabotaged to conceal a transporter beam within it. (to Pilot) Quickly... locate the transport coordinates. (to N'Vek) What have you done? STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/24/92 - ACT FIVE 54A. 53 CONTINUED: N'Vek does not answer. There's a tense beat as the Pilot works the console. PILOT The transporter beam originated in... our cargo bay. Something was transported from there -- to the Enterprise. Toreth whirls on Troi. TORETH So. The mysterious cargo... brought on board by Major Rakal of the Tal Shiar... has now been transported to a Starfleet vessel. (beat) It appears we have two traitors in our midst. Reactions from Troi and N'Vek -- they've been discovered. The following events happen quickly: 53A N'VEK reaches for his disruptor. 53B TORETH instinctively reaches for her weapon as well... but it isn't there -- it was confiscated earlier. N'Vek brings up his weapon, and for an instant it looks as though he'll fire on Toreth, and then, suddenly... STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/24/92 - ACT FIVE 55. 53C N'VEK (OPTICAL) is VAPORIZED. Reveal -- 53D THE PILOT holding out his disruptor. He looks grimly at Toreth; she clasps his shoulder in thanks. The Pilot brings his disruptor to bear on Troi. Toreth has now fully regained command and she reasserts her position on the Bridge. Troi is being guarded by the Pilot and an N.D. Romulan, each armed with disruptors. Toreth regards her cooly. TORETH Well, Major... now that you can no longer take refuge behind the shield of the Tal Shiar... it's time you answered a few questions. (beat) What was in those cargo containers? Troi says nothing. TORETH Not so sure of yourself now, are you? Well, no matter. We'll soon learn all we need to know. (beat) Then we will execute you. (to Pilot) Drop shields and cloak the ship. Prepare to go to warp. And on Troi's reaction -- 54 INT. ENTERPRISE - MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) as, on the Viewscreen, the Warbird SHIMMERS away -- PICARD Mister Worf -- now. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/25/92 - ACT FIVE 56. 55 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) as Troi MATERIALIZES on the Transporter Pad. GEORDI is there, waiting for her. GEORDI Counselor -- are you all right? TROI (breathless) Yes... GEORDI Let's get you to Sickbay... And they head for the Exit. 56 INT. ENTERPRISE - MAIN BRIDGE PICARD Ensign, get us out of here -- warp nine. ENSIGN MCKNIGHT Aye, sir. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/19/92 - ACT FIVE 57. 57 thru OMITTED 62 63 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at warp. 64 INT. SICKBAY Troi sits on a sickbed as Beverly scans her with a tricorder. Troi's Romulan features have been removed, but she is still in the Tal Shiar uniform. Picard stands at the bedside. The three Romulans are in the b.g., out of stasis. BEVERLY I think that does it. How does it feel to have your own face back? Troi sits up and runs her hands gingerly across her face and ears. TROI Just right. Thank you. Beverly smiles and moves away. PICARD The men you helped rescue are safe. Proconsul M'ret is deeply grateful for your help. STAR TREK: "Face of the Enemy" - REV. 11/19/92 - ACT FIVE 58. 64 CONTINUED: TROI The thanks should go to N'vek... He sacrificed himself to save them... and me... PICARD Thanks to the two of you, the way has been paved for other rescue operations. (beat) You can be sure that N'vek's efforts... and his sacrifice... were not in vain. She smiles at him, grateful for the words of comfort. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Face of the Enemy" #40276-240 Story by Rene Echevarria Teleplay by Naren Shankar Directed by Gabrielle Beaumont THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1992 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT NOVEMBER 17, 1992