STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Birthright" #40276-242 Written by Brannon Braga Directed by Rick Kolbe THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1992 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT DECEMBER 10, 1992 STAR TREK: "Birthright" - 12/10/92 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Birthright" CAST PICARD SHREK RIKER BA'EL DATA GI'RAL (DOCTOR SOONG) BEVERLY L'KOR TROI WORF GEORDI BASHIR Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D SECURITY ROMULAN GUARD VARIOUS N.D.'s KLINGONS STAR TREK: "Birthright" - 12/10/92 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Birthright" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE (DOCKED AT DS9) SICKBAY ENGINEERING SHREK'S SHUTTLECRAFT CORRIDOR JUNGLE TEN FORWARD DATA'S QUARTERS READY ROOM WORF'S QUARTERS DS9 PROMENADE REPLIMAT SHREK'S SHUTTLECRAFT PRISON COMPOUND GARDEN MEETING HALL STAR TREK: "Birthright" - 12/10/92 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Birthright" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ALTURE all-TOUR CARRAYA car-EYE-ah GHOS GOSS JAGLOM JAG-lom KAHLESS KAY-less KHITOMER KIT-oh-mer MAJQA mazh-KA MEGAJOULES MAY-ga-jewels MOGH MOGH NAGOR NAY-gore NO'MAT no-MAT SYMNAY sim-NAY TAQUA tak-KWA YRIDIAN yir-ID-ee-un STAR TREK: "Birthright" - 12/10/92 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Birthright" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) docked at DEEP SPACE NINE. PICARD (v.o.) Captain's Log, Stardate 46578.4. The Enterprise has arrived at Station Deep Space Nine, where we will assist in the reconstruction of the Bajoran aqueduct systems damaged during the Cardassian occupation. 2 INT. DS9 - PROMENADE - LOWER LEVEL PICARD and BEVERLY come out of an AIRLOCK and begin walking down the street, past the storefronts and activity. Picard is carrying a briefcase; Beverly has a medical kit. Mid-conversation. BEVERLY I should be finished with the water contaminant analysis in a few hours. Then I'm going to try one of the Holosuites. (beat) I hear they've got a relaxation program here from Alture Seven. First you get bathed in a protein bath... and then a cloud of chromal vapor carries you into a meditation chamber... You should try it. Picard sighs at the thought. PICARD I'm afraid I won't have the time. I'll be too busy discussing the finer points of water management with ten Bajoran bureaucrats. (beat) And they won't be carrying me on chromal vapor... Beverly smiles. As they ENTER a TURBOLIFT... STAR TREK: "Birthright" - 12/10/92 - TEASER 2. 3 INT. REPLIMAT WORF and GEORDI are moving away from the wall of replicators, having just made identical plates of FOOD. As they head for a table... WORF (re: food) What is this? GEORDI Pasta al fiorella -- you'll love it. They sit down. GEORDI I'd like to take a look at those Ktarian antiques... I hear there's a twenty-first century plasma coil -- in perfect condition. WORF First we eat... then we shop. 4 NEW ANGLE - JAGLOM SHREK A thin, creepy-looking ALIEN who is pointedly watching Worf from across the street. He slowly starts to make his way toward the Replimat. OFF his intent... 5 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE DATA, RIKER, VARIOUS N.D.s at their positions. A small WARNING ALARM sounds on Data's console. DATA (off console) Commander -- I am reading a minor power drain in the Starboard EPS conduits. RIKER What's causing it? DATA (works) The problem is originating in Sickbay. There has been an unauthorized access into the computer's bio-imaging systems. Riker is not overly concerned, but still... STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - TEASER 3. 5 CONTINUED: RIKER You'd better check it out. DATA Aye sir. Data stands and heads for the Turbolift... 6 INT. SICKBAY JULIAN BASHIR is by himself, working on a TECH DEVICE -- a large, battered-looking cylinder. The device has been connected to a medical console with a small cable. Data ENTERS and reacts to the sight of this strange man in Sickbay. DATA (to Bashir) Excuse me. Do you have authorization to work in this area? Bashir glances at Data, missing the question, completely absorbed in his work. He waves Data over. BASHIR Come here... come here... I need a hand with this field generator... Data walks over. Bashir touches a control on the cylinder, then indicates a medical console. BASHIR See if you can boost the power output to sixty-five percent. Data looks at the cylinder. DATA I am sorry. Use of Sickbay equipment is limited to the ship's medical personnel. Bashir turns to Data -- offers him a hand. BASHIR Doctor Julian Bashir -- Chief Medical officer, Deep Space Nine. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - TEASER 4. 6 CONTINUED: BASHIR (Cont'd) (off Data's pips) And you are Commander... ? DATA Data. They shake hands. Bashir reacts to the name... BASHIR Commander Data... the synthetic lifeform? DATA Yes. Bashir smiles, delighted -- shakes Data's hand with renewed vigor. BASHIR An honor to meet you, sir. I've heard so much about you... (beat) You must have a fascinating perspective on bio-cybernetic research. I'd be delighted if we could discuss the subject sometime... Bashir's charm catches Data off guard. DATA I would be happy to do so. However, I must ask you to stop your experiment. A beat. BASHIR Yes, of course... you're right. I realize I should have asked before using your Sickbay. Bashir disconnects the cylinder from the console. BASHIR (continuing) It would've taken me days to analyze this device with the computer I have on DS Nine... Data eyes the cylinder. STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - TEASER 5. 6 CONTINUED: (2) DATA What type of device is it? BASHIR It was discovered in the Gamma Quadrant. I think it may be some kind of medical instrument. Data examines the cylinder. DATA It appears to employ beam inputs. BASHIR (nods) I'm hoping it's a medical scanner. I want to use your computers to find out how it works. Beat. DATA I suggest we go to Engineering and begin with a full circuit pathway diagnostic. Bashir smiles at the invitation. BASHIR Splendid. Data lifts the cylinder. As they head for the door, Bashir eyes Data with genuine curiosity. BASHIR I must admit, Commander... I didn't think you'd be so... personable. Data gives him a look. As they EXIT... 7 INT. DS9 - PROMENADE - REPLIMAT Geordi and Worf are sitting at the table. Geordi's plate is still full and pushed away from him. Worf eats with enthusiasm. GEORDI I'll have to talk to Chief O'Brien about the replicators. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Birthright" - 12/10/92 - TEASER 6. 7 CONTINUED: GEORDI (CONT'D) I don't know how you can keep eating it... (beat) It tastes like... liquid polymer. Worf's plate is almost empty -- he's just finishing. WORF Delicious. Geordi pushes his plate away, stands. GEORDI I think I'll try the kiosk on the other side of the Promenade. It looked like they've got real food. Worf nods. Geordi walks off down the Promenade. A beat goes by as Worf eats... then: SHREK (O.S.) Klingon... you are the Starfleet Klingon. Worf looks toward the voice. INCLUDE Shrek -- the alien seen earlier. He is standing near Worf's table. WORF Yes... I am Lieutenant Worf. SHREK Worf... son of Mogh? Worf eyes him warily. WORF What of it? Shrek sits down at the table. He leans in close to Worf, speaks in a low voice -- manipulative but articulate. SHREK I am Jaglom Shrek. A man with information to sell. WORF You have no information I could want. SHREK I wouldn't be so sure... STAR TREK: "Birthright" - 12/10/92 - TEASER 7. 7 CONTINUED: (2) Worf is growing annoyed -- he stands to go. SHREK (quickly) It is about your father... Mogh. Worf stops, stiffens -- turns to Shrek. WORF My father died twenty-five years ago at Khitomer. Shrek fixes him with a look. SHREK That is what you believe... (beat) What if I told you... he is still alive? OFF Worf's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - ACT ONE 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 8 INT. DEEP SPACE NINE - REPLIMAT As before, Worf and Shrek. Worf is disbelieving. WORF My father is dead. SHREK He's not. I know where he is. WORF How is that possible? Shrek leans back in his chair, eyes Worf shrewdly. SHREK I expect to be paid for my information. Perhaps we can negotiate an exchange. The location of your father, for fifty bars of -- Worf's temper flares -- he GRABS Shrek by the shirt. WORF (hard) Tell me what you know. Shrek is shaken, but determined to make a deal. SHREK Not all of the Klingons at Khitomer were killed during the massacre. Many were captured by the Romulans... and placed in a prison camp on a remote planet... (beat) Your father was among them. WORF Where is this planet? SHREK Not far from here... I can give you the location... for a price. STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - ACT ONE 9. 8 CONTINUED: Worf considers. He grows angry. WORF A Klingon would rather die than be taken prisoner. I should kill you for spreading lies about my family. (adamant) My father was killed defending Khitomer. Worf lets go of Shrek, then storms off down the Promenade. As Shrek watches him go... CUT TO: 9 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) docked at DS9. 10 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE Later. RIKER, TROI, N.D.s at their positions. Worf is standing at tactical, looking agitated. A SECURITY N.D. ENTERS from a Turbolift and crosses to Worf. He hands Worf a PADD and turns to go. Worf reads it. WORF (to N.D.) Ensign Lopez. The N.D. turns to Worf. WORF (snaps) This duty roster is unacceptable. The assignments must be listed in order of priority. Prepare it again. The hapless N.D. takes the PADD and stares down at it, confused by the harsh command. WORF I will expect it no later than oh nine hundred hours. Understood? The N.D. nods, cowed, and quickly heads for a Turbolift. Worf continues working. Riker walks up behind Worf at Tactical. STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - ACT ONE 10. 10 CONTINUED: RIKER Worf, I'll need that rendezvous schedule sent over to Commander Rudman on the Merrimac as soon as you -- WORF (cutting him off) I am aware of your request, Commander. Riker reacts to Worf's abruptness, a little taken aback. RIKER Lieutenant... are you alright? Worf calms himself -- knows he's made a mistake. He's on edge, and it shows. WORF I am... fine, sir. (beat) I will send the schedule... Excuse me, sir... Worf heads for a Turbolift and EXITS. As Riker and Troi exchange a concerned look... 11 INT. WORF'S QUARTERS Later. Worf is dressed in his workout uniform, practicing his martial arts (as seen in "Man of the People"). His motions are slow and deliberate at first, as he tries to clear his mind... calming himself... Gradually, it becomes clear that he is having trouble concentrating. His actions grow sharper and faster -- more violent with emotion. Finally, his anger flares and he yells out, SMASHING his arm down onto a table, SHATTERING it into several pieces. He stands there a moment, breathless, staring at it. The door CHIMES. WORF Enter. The door OPENS and Troi comes in, takes in the scene -- sees the broken table. TROI Did the table do something wrong? STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - ACT ONE 11. 11 CONTINUED: Worf is agitated. WORF No... TROI I'm glad you weren't that hard on Ensign Lopez. WORF He made a mistake. The duty roster was inaccurate. TROI (right back at him) Would you like to talk about what's bothering you... or would you like to break some more furniture? Worf glances at the broken table and manages to calm down a little. He takes a breath... this is difficult for him to talk about. WORF Today on the Promenade... I was approached by a Yridian. He knew who I was... and tried to sell me information about... Mogh. TROI Your father? Worf nods grimly. WORF He claimed that my father is alive... being held in a Romulan prison camp. TROI (reacts) My god... could it be true? Worf begins to move about the room, restless, his emotions stirring once again. WORF A Klingon would never allow himself to be captured. A warrior fights to the death. STAR TREK: "Birthright" - 12/10/92 - ACT ONE 12. 11 CONTINUED: (2) WORF (Cont'd) (beat) If my father were alive... it would dishonor his sons and their sons for three generations... (beat) Even Alexander would bear the burden of guilt. TROI So you're willing to ignore the possibility... because you're concerned about dishonor? Worf's anger rushes to the surface. WORF My father is dead -- the Yridian is selling lies! Troi stares at him, unruffled. TROI If you're so sure of that... why are you still upset? A long beat. Worf doesn't have an answer. TROI (continuing) Worf... you can't deny the possibility just because you don't want it to be true. Worf is silent, fuming, struggling with his feelings about the situation. Troi can sense that this isn't going anywhere. She tries to comfort Worf. TROI (continuing) If you want to talk about this... you know where to find me. Troi turns and EXITS. Worf is left to stare at the broken table, Troi's words still hanging in the air... 12 INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) Data, Bashir and Geordi are examining the battered cylinder seen earlier. Data indicates several input ports on the cylinder. STAR TREK: "Birthright" -REV. 12/11/92 - ACT ONE 13. 12 CONTINUED: DATA If we transfer twenty megajoules of energy from the dilithium chamber into the plasma inputs, it should be enough to activate the device. Geordi nods. GEORDI Sounds like it's worth a try. (beat) You two can start by connecting the coil to the chamber. I'll configure the energy transfer... BASHIR Right. Data and Bashir move to the warp core. They begin to connect a fiber optic cable to the cylinder. As they work... BASHIR Data... may I ask you a personal question? DATA Certainly. BASHIR Does your hair grow? Data thinks a moment, taken aback by the question. DATA I can control the rate of my follicle replenishment. However, I have not yet had a reason to modify the length of my hair. (beat) Why do you ask? BASHIR Just curious... Bashir finishes connecting the cable to the cylinder. BASHIR Power conduits ready... STAR TREK: "Birthright" -REV. 12/11/92 - ACT ONE 14. 12 CONTINUED: (2) Data connects the other end of the cable to the dilithium chamber. Bashir opens a PANEL on the side of the cylinder and starts to make adjustments to the circuitry. Data kneels beside him to assist. They work for a moment... then Bashir glances at Data. Something about his face catches his attention. He moves closer, staring directly at his nose. Data takes note. DATA Is there something wrong, Doctor? BASHIR You're breathing... DATA Yes. I do have a functional respiration system. However, its purpose is to maintain the thermal control of my internal systems. I am, in fact, capable of functioning for extended periods in a vacuum. Bashir nods, fascinated. He reaches over and feels Data's wrist. BASHIR And you have a pulse... DATA My circulatory system not only produces bio-chemical lubricants, but regulates micro-hydraulic power. Bashir looks impressed. They work for a moment. DATA (intrigued) Most people are usually interested in my extraordinary abilities. How fast I can compute, my memory capacity, how long I will live. (beat) But no one has ever asked me if my hair can grow, or noticed that I can breathe. Bashir smiles. STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - ACT ONE 15. 12 CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR Your creator went to a lot of trouble to make you seem human... I find that fascinating. Data considers. Geordi completes his work at the console. GEORDI We're ready to begin the transfer. Data completes the last connection on the cylinder. DATA The power connections are complete. BASHIR (to Data) I'll monitor the coil's saturation rate. Will you keep an eye on the transient power response? DATA Of course. Data picks up a nearby tricorder and points it toward the cylinder. DATA We are ready, Geordi. GEORDI (working) Initiating energy transfer... We HEAR a HUMMING NOISE from the warp core -- then the cylinder's lights come ALIVE, blinking. BASHIR (off cylinder panel) Power levels are holding steady... DATA (off tricorder) Transient response is normal. Suddenly, the cylinder's lights begin to pulse FASTER. Bashir looks concerned. STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - ACT ONE 16. 12 CONTINUED: (4) BASHIR Hold on... I'm picking up a power surge... (beat) Reduce the transfer rate... Geordi works the console. GEORDI Reducing rate by... twenty percent. Without warning, a TENDRIL of ENERGY arcs out from the coil and directly onto Data's tricorder. Data's body CRACKLES with BLUE LIGHT and he is JOLTED BACKWARD onto the floor. 13 CLOSE ON DATA'S FACE as he falls to the floor. Geordi and Bashir can be heard talking, alarmed -- BASHIR (V.O.) Geordi -- shut it down! GEORDI (V.O.) His net's been overloaded -- Their voices grow distant... then fade away into total silence. Data's eyes are closed. PULL BACK TO REVEAL: 14 INT ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR Data is now lying on the floor in the corridor. He gets to his feet, glances around, startled at the change in setting. He begins walking down the corridor. The hall is empty and totally SILENT. There is an eerie and surreal quality to the scene, as in a dream. WE ARE EXPERIENCING DATA'S INTERNAL VISION. Data keeps walking, until a METALLIC BANGING SOUND is heard echoing in the corridor, cutting through the silence -- like metal on metal. Data stops, listens a moment, then turns down a different corridor, following the sound... STAR TREK: "Birthright" - 12/10/92 - ACT ONE 17. 15 INT. ANOTHER CORRIDOR Data walking along. He sees something ahead of him... slows down at the sight... 16 A BLACKSMITH in full blacksmith attire, is sitting on a small bench in the middle of the corridor, a few feet away from Data. The man is pounding on a steel ANVIL with a HAMMER. His head is turned down, his face obscured. 17 DATA approaches the man... curious... He stops at the man, stares down at him... 18 THE BLACKSMITH looks up at Data -- it is DOCTOR NOONIAN SOONG. He is a younger Soong than seen in "Brothers" -- a man in his late forties, hair graying slightly. 19 DATA reacts to the sight. Suddenly the scene... FADES TO BLACK. FADE IN: 20 INT. ENGINEERING Data opens his eyes. He is still lying on the floor -- but a PANEL on the side of his head is now OPENED. Geordi is working on the circuitry within. Bashir stands nearby, watching anxiously. Data sits up and glances around the room. BASHIR Data, are you alright? DATA I believe so. (beat) What happened? GEORDI A plasma shock overloaded your positronic net. You were down for a good thirty seconds. STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - ACT ONE 18. 20 CONTINUED: Data thinks a moment. DATA That cannot be correct. (beat) I have a memory record for that period of time. I can recall a series of images. Data tilts his head, perplexed -- he looks at Geordi. DATA (continuing) I saw Doctor Soong... my father. OFF their reactions... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - ACT TWO 19. ACT TWO FADE IN: 21 INT. ENGINEERING A few hours later. Data is running an internal self-diagnostic. A PANEL on his head is OPEN. Geordi is scanning Data's circuitry with a diagnostic INSTRUMENT. Bashir looks on, concerned. GEORDI (off instrument) I can't find anything wrong with your positronic sub-processors... or with your controllers... Geordi shuts off the instrument. GEORDI No sign of a residual energy fluctuation... cascade overload... DATA My internal diagnostic indicates that my memory systems are functioning within normal parameters. (beat) For the forty-seven seconds that I was inactive, there is no record of any cognitive activity. GEORDI There's no doubt about it, Data -- you were completely shut down. STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - ACT TWO 20. 21 CONTINUED: A beat as they try to make sense out of the strange situation. GEORDI Maybe you had some kind of random power fluctuation... and it accessed one of your memory files. DATA That is not possible. The image I saw was of Doctor Soong as a young man. I encountered him only much later in his life. Data is perplexed. DATA (continuing) There does not appear to be a rational explanation for my experience. They consider. Finally, Geordi CLOSES the panel on Data's head. GEORDI I'll take a look at the diagnostic log again... (beat) In the meantime, we'd better disconnect that medical device... Geordi moves to a console across the room. Bashir and Data cross to the dilithium chamber and begin to disconnect the cylinder from the core. BASHIR (casually) Maybe we're going about this the wrong way... STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - ACT TWO 21. 21 CONTINUED: (2) DATA What do you mean? BASHIR Maybe you had a dream... or a hallucination... DATA I am not capable of either of those functions. BASHIR But you can't account for what happened today... can you? DATA At present, I cannot. Bashir picks up the cylinder, turns to Data. BASHIR Maybe you should approach this from a more... human standpoint. You're right that machines can't have hallucinations... (beat) But then again... most machines can't grow hair. Data looks at him. OFF his intrigue... CUT TO: 22 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as before, docked at DS9. 23 INT. TEN FORWARD Worf is sitting alone by the windows, a drink on the table. His back is turned to everyone in the room -- clearly, he does not want to be bothered. He is lost in thought, reflecting on the day's events... 24 INCLUDE DATA as he ENTERS and scans the room -- sees Worf and heads for his table. He slows as he gets closer, not sure how to approach the inpenetrable-looking Worf. STAR TREK: "Birthright" - 12/10/92 - ACT TWO 22. 24 CONTINUED: He opens his mouth to say something, thinks better of it, then turns to go... Worf sees him. WORF Wait. Data stops. Worf turns. WORF (continuing) What is it, Commander? DATA I am sorry to bother you. But I have a question of a personal nature. Do you have a moment? Worf is not in the mood for this, but... WORF A moment. Worf gestures to a chair and Data sits down. DATA I have heard you mention that you once experienced a vision. WORF Yes... when I was young... my adoptive parents arranged for me to partake in the Rite of MajQa. DATA I understand it involves deep meditation inside the lava caves of No'Mat. Prolonged exposure to the heat induces a hallucinatory effect. Worf thinks a moment... remembers his experience. WORF I spent six days in the lava caves. For five days I saw nothing. Then, on the sixth day, as I was preparing to leave the caves... Kahless came to me. STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - ACT TWO 23. 24 CONTINUED: (2) DATA Kahless. The entity you invoke during the Klingon Death Ritual? WORF (nods) When he appeared before me... he told me that I would do what no Klingon had ever done. Data considers. DATA You did become the first Klingon in Starfleet. WORF Yes. It is as he said. A beat as Worf remembers the event -- clearly, it has great meaning in his life. He looks at Data. WORF Why are you asking me about this? DATA I have recently had an unexplained experience, which might be described as a "vision". Worf leans forward, fascinated. WORF What happened? DATA An accident in Engineering shut down my cognitive functions for a short period of time. And yet, I seemed to remain conscious. (beat) I saw my father. Worf reacts -- the image strikes a chord in him. WORF You are fortunate. That is a powerful vision. DATA If it was a vision, I am not sure how to proceed. WORF (it's obvious) You must find its meaning. Data gives him a quizzical look. STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - ACT TWO 24. 24 CONTINUED: (3) Worf contemplates. WORF (explains) If it has anything to do with your father, you must learn all you can about it. (beat) In the Klingon MajQa ritual, there is nothing more important than receiving a revelation about your father. As Worf gives advice to Data, he suddenly realizes he's talking to himself as well... WORF (continuing) Your father is part of you... always. Learning about him tells you about yourself... (beat) That is why, no matter where he is... or what he's done... you must find him. Data looks puzzled. DATA But I am not looking for my father. Worf looks at him. WORF Yes, of course... Worf's next words are meant just as much for him, as they are for Data. WORF (continuing) Do not stop until you have the answer. Data thinks for a beat. DATA Thank you, Worf. Worf nods. Data stands and heads for the door. Worf takes a breath... stares out the window into space... reflecting... STAR TREK: "Birthright" - 12/10/92 - ACT TWO 25. 25 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) docked at DS9. 26 INT. DS9 - PROMENADE - LOWER LEVEL Worf is walking past the storefronts, searching through the crowd. He glances upward -- sees Shrek on the upper level. He heads for the stairs with intent... 27 ANGLE - UPPER LEVEL where Shrek is standing, munching on a snack, his eyes sweeping the crowd as though on constant alert. Suddenly he senses something behind him, turns -- and sees Worf standing there, staring at him. He steps back, startled. SHREK Lieutenant Worf... you have reconsidered... WORF Yes. I wish to go to the Romulan prison camp. Shrek smiles. SHREK Excellent. I can provide you with the coordinates... WORF No. You will take me there. Shrek reacts. SHREK That is impossible. I have no means of transportation -- Worf steps toward him, menacing. STAR TREK: "Birthright" - 12/10/92 - ACT TWO 26. 27 CONTINUED: WORF I checked the station records. You have a vessel capable of warp speed. SHREK (stammering) I do not... have the time... I have other business... Without warning, Worf GRABS Shrek by the shirt and PINS him against the railing. Shrek glances nervously at the promenade below. WORF What is the real reason you do not want to take me? Is it because what you have said is not true? Shrek hesitates, nervous -- comes clean. SHREK The camp is located on the edge of Romulan space. It is a dangerous journey... WORF Dangerous... (beat) It would be more dangerous for you to refuse. Shrek is cowed. SHREK Very well... But I will require full payment in advance... WORF I will pay you after. SHREK But -- Worf pushes him a little further off the railing. SHREK (quickly) Yes... yes, of course. After. Worf moves close to him, face-to-face. STAR TREK: "Birthright" - 12/10/92 - ACT TWO 27. 27 CONTINUED: (2) WORF And if you are lying... if there is no prison camp... (beat) I will kill you. Worf releases him, turns and walks away. OFF Shrek's shaken expression... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - ACT THREE 28. ACT THREE FADE IN: 28 EXT. SPACE - SHREK'S SHUTTLECRAFT (OPTICAL) at impulse. 29 INT. SHREK'S SHUTTLECRAFT (OPTICAL) (Redress of Enterprise shuttle.) Shrek and Worf at the controls. Worf is dressed in DARK CAMOUFLAGE CLOTHING. They are studying a console MONITOR that shows a blurry, grainy GRAPHIC of a jungle and the surrounding terrain -- like a reconnaissance photo. SHREK (re: graphic) The Romulan guards have a detection perimeter. It will be necessary to transport you to the surface thirty kilometers from the prison camp. Worf eyes the graphic. WORF The foliage is very dense. It will take me approximately twelve hours to reach the camp. (beat) I will have to travel during the night. SHREK That would be unwise. This is not an empty jungle. There are many predators. WORF (confident) I am prepared. SHREK Very well. But I would recommend that you look up from time to time. The arboreal needle snake likes to attack from above. Worf shoots a him a look. Shrek works the console. SHREK I will provide you with a map of the camp... STAR TREK: "Birthright" -REV. 12/11/92 - ACT THREE 29. 29 CONTINUED: Worf watches Shrek for a moment, curious. WORF How did you learn of this camp? SHREK That is not important for you to know. WORF Why have you not informed the Klingon government of this place? SHREK I sell information... I do not give it away. Worf grows angry. WORF (accusing) You withhold this information... for profit. Shrek bristles at the accusation -- he fixes Worf with a cold look. SHREK I have my reasons, Mister Worf. WORF What reason could you have for letting these people suffer? A tense beat. Shrek opts not to answer, turns back to the console. STAR TREK: "Birthright" -REV. 12/11/92 - ACT THREE 30. 29 CONTINUED: (2) SHREK We will arrive in the Carraya Sector in approximately three hours. I suggest you get some rest. Worf eyes him a beat, then stands and moves to work at the rear of the shuttle. 30 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) docked at DS9. 31 INT. READY ROOM Picard is at his desk, studying a computer terminal. The door CHIMES. PICARD Come. Data ENTERS. PICARD Yes, Mister Data? DATA I am sorry to disturb you, sir. STAR TREK: "Birthright" - 12/10/92 - ACT THREE 31. 31 CONTINUED: PICARD Not at all. I'm just studying the intricacies of Bajoran aqueduct management... (lightly) I could use an interruption about now. Please, sit down. Data sits. DATA I require your advice. I have come to an impasse regarding my recent unexplained experience. Picard leans forward, intrigued -- he's heard about the incident. PICARD Oh yes... of course... your "vision" of Doctor Soong. How's your investigation coming along? DATA I have analyzed over four thousand different religious and philosophical systems, as well as over two hundred psychological schools of thought in an effort to understand what happened. PICARD What have you found? DATA I have been unable to find a single interpretation of the images I saw during the time I was shut down. (beat) The image of a hammer, for instance, could have many different meanings. Klingon culture views the hammer as a symbol of power. However, the Taqua tribe of Nagor views it as an icon of hearth and home. The Feregni see it as a sign of sexual prowess. Picard considers. STAR TREK: "Birthright" -REV. 12/10/92 - ACT THREE 32. 31 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD I'm curious. Why are you looking at all these other cultures? DATA The interpretation of visions and other metaphysical experiences are almost always culturally derived. (beat) And I have no culture of my own. PICARD Yes you do. You are a culture of one. And that's no less valid than a culture of one billion. Picard stands, begins to walk around the room, compelled by Data's mystery. PICARD (continuing) Perhaps the key to understanding your experience is to stop looking into other sources for meaning... (explains) You wouldn't look at Michaelangelo's David... or Symnay's Tomb... and ask "what does this mean to other people?" The real question is, "what does it mean to you?" Data considers this. PICARD (with emphasis) Explore the image, Data. Let it capture your imagination. Focus on it... spend some time with it... and see where it takes you. Let it inspire you. Data nods. He stands, driven by Picard's words. DATA I believe I understand, sir. Thank you. PICARD Good luck, Data. Data EXITS. Picard smiles after him for a moment... then his face falls as he turns to the comparatively mundane matters on his terminal... STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - ACT THREE 33. 32 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS Decorated as usual; including a large POTTED PLANT visible in the corner. Data ENTERS and walks to his desk. He sits down and begins to contemplate the day's events. His CAT, Spot, hops up onto his lap. Data pets him a moment, absorbed in thought... He gets an idea. He glances across the room, toward a CANVAS which sits on an easel. He eyes it a moment, then stands and crosses to it. He picks up a paint brush. A long moment goes by as he considers the blank canvas... letting his thoughts form and take shape... then he dips the brush into a palette of oils and begins to PAINT... After a beat, he stops to eye what he's done so far... satisfied, he continues to paint... faster... and faster... MOVE TO REVEAL: THE PAINTING. It's the beginnings of a blacksmith at an anvil. As Data paints, faster, now at android speed... 33 EXT. JUNGLE - NIGHT A small, moonlit clearing in a dense tropical FOREST. From out of the foliage, Worf and Shrek appear. Worf is in his dark clothing, a BACKPACK strapped to his back. Shrek looks nervous. He takes a step forward, eyeing the area... then points the way... SHREK The camp is in a Southeasterly direction. After approximately ten kilometers, you will reach the edge of the sulfur canyons. Look for a riverbank -- follow it until you reach the camp. Worf nods -- peers into the dark forest. He's anxious to get going. Shrek hands Worf a small DEVICE. SHREK (re: device) This is a homing device. It will allow you to find my ship when I return. I will not be landing in the same location. STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - ACT THREE 34. 33 CONTINUED: WORF When will you be back? SHREK Fifty hours. (beat) Do not be late. Shrek turns and walks away. Worf watches as he disappears into the trees. Then he turns and peers into the direction of the prison camp. A long beat as he considers the dense and mysterious jungle. He takes a few steps forward... From somewhere in the distance, the SCREECH of a wild animal is heard. Worf hesitates, listening... silence again, except for the gentle rustling of the trees. Worf nervously looks above him... just checking for needle snakes... then tightens the backpack, steels himself, then begins to walk through the forest. As he disappears into the murky jungle... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - ACT FOUR 35. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 34 EXT. JUNGLE - NIGHT Worf is moving through the trees, covered with mud and brush -- he's been travelling for many hours, and it's beginning to show. He stops at a tree, leans against it to take a rest... takes off his backpack and pulls out a CONTAINER of water. He takes a long, thirsty drink. A quiet moment as he catches his breath... Somewhere in the distance, the SOUND of splashing water can be heard. Worf freezes at the sound, listens... then quietly puts on his backpack and makes his way through the jungle toward the noise... 35 NEW ANGLE of Worf moving through the jungle, following the splashing sound. The noise grows louder as he gets closer... closer... until he stops and parts the trees... peers out and reacts to something he sees... 36 WORF'S POV of a POND in the jungle. Splashing around in the water is a young and beautiful KLINGON WOMAN -- BA'EL. She is nude, and oblivious to Worf's presence, enjoying her bath... 37 WORF steps back slightly and watches in silence... curious about the woman... surprised at the sight of her... 38 BA'EL rinses herself a few more times, luxuriating in the water. Then she begins to make her way toward the shore. As she emerges from the water... 39 WORF moves back into the jungle so he cannot be seen. Ba'el can be glimpsed in the background, partially obscured by trees, as she comes out of the water and slips into a loose-fitting robe... STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - ACT FOUR 36. 39 CONTINUED: Worf accidentally brushes against a branch -- it makes a slight CRACKING sound. 40 BA'EL stops at the noise -- glances around, startled. BA'EL Who's there? Worf remains motionless, silent. Ba'el pulls the robe against her body, covering herself. She takes a step toward the trees... BA'EL Toq... is that you? No answer. She peers hard into the dark forest -- and can make out a shape behind the trees. She reacts, annoyed. BA'EL I can see you... (wry) I hope you're enjoying yourself. She takes a step toward the trees. 41 WORF isn't sure what to do. He watches as the Klingon woman makes her way toward him... closer... BA'EL Toq, I swear I will hang you by your... She pulls aside the branches and sees Worf. She gasps, stumbling backward, alarmed at the sight of him. Worf goes after her, tries to calm her down. WORF Stop, please... She stops at the edge of the pond, shaken. BA'EL Who are you? STAR TREK: "Birthright" -REV. 12/11/92 - ACT FOUR 37. 41 CONTINUED: WORF I have come to help you... She stares at him, confused. BA'EL Help me... ? WORF Yes... (beat) How did you get out of the camp? Does anyone know you are gone? BA'EL Yes... I come here often... Worf moves to her, urgent. WORF You must lead me to the camp. She studies his face, amazed. BA'EL You are Klingon... Where have you come from? WORF That does not matter. I am here to take you home. BA'EL (confused) Home... this is my home... Before Worf can respond, a NOISE is heard from offscreen. Someone is approaching. Worf reacts, startled. STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - ACT FOUR 38. 41 CONTINUED: (2) WORF (quickly) It is important that you tell no one you saw me. Ba'el isn't sure what to make of him... or what he says. But she nods anyway, intrigued with him. Worf quickly hides amongst the trees. 42 A ROMULAN GUARD appears from within the jungle and walks up to Ba'el. The Romulan says something to her, but his words are not clear. Ba'el nods, grim-faced, and the two of them continue walking through the trees. Worf watches them, tense. Then he begins to move after them with Klingon stealth and speed. As he follows... CUT TO: 43 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) docked at DS9. 44 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS CLOSE ON A PAINT BRUSH sweeping across a canvas, quickly laying down bold strokes of color... PULL BACK TO REVEAL: THE PAINTING. It portrays a bird. Only Data's hand can be seen, working on the painting... The door CHIMES. DATA (O.S.) Enter. 45 ANGLE ON DOORS as they open and Geordi ENTERS. GEORDI Data, where have you been? We were supposed to... Geordi trails off, amazed at what he sees... STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - ACT FOUR 39. 45 CONTINUED: GEORDI Data... what are you doing? 46 MOVE TO REVEAL: THE ROOM There are at least TEN PAINTINGS of various shapes and sizes spread around the room, many on easels, others hanging where there is available space. Geordi ventures into the cramped area and gazes at the various paintings. Some of the paintings are complete; others are works in progress. All of the images are variations on a single theme: images derived from Data's "vision." Many paintings show various angles of a blacksmith, his face obscured, working at an anvil. Others portray a bird's wing -- full views and details of feathers. One shows a blue sky, with a flock of birds visible flying in formation. The image of smoke is prevalent, as well as other details from the vision: The bucket. An Enterprise corridor. An anvil. A hammer. A hand. A piece of glowing hot metal. 47 INCLUDE DATA who is standing between two canvases, a brush in each hand, working on two paintings at once. One painting shows a plume of smoke rising out of the bucket; the other is a rough sketch of what appears to be his father's face. Data wears an artist's smock, which is colorfully splattered with paint. DATA I am painting. GEORDI I can see that... Geordi tries to take it all in. GEORDI (continuing) How long have you been at this? STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - ACT FOUR 40. 47 CONTINUED: DATA I have created twenty-three individual illustrations over the past six hours, twenty-seven minutes. (beat) I believe you could say -- I have been "inspired." GEORDI I'll say... DATA I have done as Captain Picard suggested: I have tried to explore the images. GEORDI Has it helped? DATA I am not sure. Data stops painting and moves amongst the maze of paintings. Geordi follows. DATA (re: paintings) I began by painting the image of the blacksmith. Then the anvil. The hammer. Doctor Soong's face. Data then stops at a painting of a BUCKET, out of which a plume of SMOKE is blasting upward. Strange, violent. DATA (continuing) The thought then occurred to me that I should paint -- smoke. Geordi reacts. GEORDI Smoke... why smoke? STAR TREK: "Birthright" -REV. 12/11/92 - ACT FOUR 41. 47 CONTINUED: (2) DATA I cannot explain it. It was not an image I saw during my vision. Geordi contemplates the painting. GEORDI Well... you have the smoke coming out of a bucket of water. Blacksmiths sometimes used water to cool the metal. Maybe that's why you painted it... DATA Perhaps. Data moves to another painting -- the image of a BIRD'S WING. DATA (re: painting) After I painted smoke, it occurred to me to paint -- a bird's wing. Data gestures to various paintings: DATA I then drew an entire bird. A flock of birds flying in formation. An individual feather. (beat) If the image of a bird is related to my vision, I do not understand how. (beat) I am left with more of a mystery than ever. Data considers, lays down his paint brush. He has come to a decision. STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/16/92 - ACT FOUR 42. 47 CONTINUED: (3) DATA (continuing) Geordi, I would like to recreate the experiment which caused my initial shut down. Geordi reacts -- he doesn't like the idea. GEORDI What for? DATA I do not know how much longer my vision would have continued, had I not been reactivated. GEORDI (dubious) Your neural net was almost fused by that plasma shock. I don't think it's such a good idea to try it again... DATA I am aware of the risks involved. But I can see no other way to investigate my experience. (beat) Will you help me? Geordi considers -- he doesn't like the idea, but he wants to help his friend. Finally... GEORDI Okay... I'll get Doctor Bashir. DATA And I will prepare the power transfer. Geordi nods and EXITS. Data turns to a painting of a bird. As he stares at it, his face unreadable... CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Birthright" -REV. 12/11/92 - ACT FOUR 43. 48 INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) A few hours later. Bashir is present, and is setting up the plasma coil cylinder seen earlier. He is connecting the optical cable from the cylinder to the dilithium chamber. Everything is similar to the experiment in Act Two, but now Data is sitting on a chair near the chamber. A PANEL on his head is OPEN, and an optical cable leads from his head to a console. Geordi is making a final adjustment to his circuitry. GEORDI (to Data, re: cables) We're going to monitor every subsystem in your positronic net. If I see any neural pathways overload beyond sixty-five percent... I'm shutting down the experiment. DATA Agreed. Bashir finishes connecting the cable from the cylinder to the dilithium chamber. BASHIR We're ready. Geordi takes a breath, then moves to a console. GEORDI Initiating energy transfer... STAR TREK: "Birthright" -REV. 12/11/92 - ACT FOUR 44. 48 CONTINUED: The sequence of events are exactly as they were before; but now the attitudes are markedly different: everybody knows what is about to happen. Geordi and Bashir take a few steps away from Data, keeping a safe distance. GEORDI Get ready, Data... Data picks up a tricorder and makes a few adjustments. He then points it at the cylinder, as he did the last time. We HEAR a HUMMING NOISE from the warp core -- then the cylinder's lights begin to blink rapidly. BASHIR (off cylinder panel) Power levels are rising... The humming noise INTENSIFIES. Data braces himself. GEORDI Should be any second now... And it happens: A TENDRIL of ENERGY arcs out from the coil and directly onto Data's tricorder. Data's body CRACKLES with BLUE LIGHT and he is JOLTED BACKWARD -- 49 CLOSE ON DATA'S FACE as he falls back into the chair. Geordi and Bashir can be heard talking, but their voices grow distant... then fade away into total silence. Data's eyes are closed. PULL BACK TO REVEAL: 50 INT. ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR He begins walking down the hall. It is empty and silent. There is an eerie and surreal quality to the scene, as in a dream. STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - ACT FOUR 45. 50 CONTINUED: We are experiencing Data's internal vision, as seen in Act One. Data keeps walking, until a METALLIC BANGING SOUND is heard echoing in the corridor, cutting through the silence. Data stops, listens a moment, then turns down a different corridor, following the sound... 51 INT. ANOTHER CORRIDOR Data walking along. He sees something ahead of him... slows down at the sight... 52 A BLACKSMITH in full blacksmith attire, is sitting on a small bench in the middle of the corridor, a few feet away from Data. The man is pounding on a steel ANVIL with a HAMMER. His head is turned down, his face is obscured. 53 DATA approaches the man... curious... he knows this is the blacksmith from his original "vision." He stops at the man, stares down at him... 54 THE BLACKSMITH looks up at Data -- it is Doctor Noonian Soong. 55 DATA reacts to the sight. He looks down at the anvil... 56 ANGLE ON THE ANVIL as the hammer moves away to reveal what is not a piece of metal -- but a delicate BIRD'S WING. 57 THE BLACKSMITH/DOCTOR SOONG stares at Data a moment, then picks up the bird's wing with a pair of metal tongs... and dunks the wing into a BUCKET. SMOKE bursts up out of the bucket. STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - ACT FOUR 46. 57 CONTINUED: Data steps back from the smoke. Then the smoke clears away to reveal: Soong is gone. The bucket is also missing -- in its place is a live BIRD. Data stares at the bird, confused. Suddenly, the bird FLIES away -- and off down the corridor. Data watches it go... DATA (to himself) That bird did not appear in my original experience. This vision is different. From offscreen: SOONG (O.S.) Of course it's different. Data turns toward the voice. In the blink of an eye, everything changes: 58 INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) Data is now standing on the Bridge. It is empty, except for the potted plant from his room, and a few of his recent paintings, which hang on various walls of the Bridge. His cat, Spot, is sleeping in the Captain's chair. Doctor Soong is standing in front of Data. There is a whimsical quality to Soong. SOONG (continuing) It's never the same. Always changing. Unpredictable. It doesn't make sense... Soong begins to move about the room -- and the SOUND of a FLOCK OF BIRDS is heard rushing overhead. Data looks up, but sees nothing. DATA (to Soong) Father, what is happening? SOONG I don't know, Data. What is happening? STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - ACT FOUR 47. 58 CONTINUED: Data glances around. DATA We are on the Bridge of the Enterprise. My cat is present, and my potted plant, and my paintings. Soong looks pleased. SOONG A wonderful beginning. Still a little grounded in the mundane, but showing promise... Data looks puzzled. DATA I do not understand. Soong moves toward Data. The SOUND of the blacksmith's hammer POUNDING on metal can be heard with each step that he takes. Surreal. SOONG You're not supposed to. No man should know where his dreams come from. It spoils the mystery... the fun. Soong reaches out a hand and touches Data's face.... he smiles. SOONG (continuing) I'm proud of you, son. I wasn't sure you'd ever develop the cognitive abilities to make it this far... (beat) But if you're here... if you can see me... it means you've crossed the threshold from being a collection of circuits and subprocessors... and have started a wonderful journey. DATA What type of journey? In the blink of an eye, it all changes: STAR TREK: "Birthright" -REV. 12/11/92 - ACT FOUR 48. 59 NEW ANGLE - A BED is now on the Bridge. Data is lying on the bed, startled by the change in setting. Soong is standing beside the bed. The sound of birds SINGING can be heard. Data looks around, startled by the change in setting. SOONG (continuing) Think of it as an empty sky. Soong begins to pull up the bed covers, as if tucking in a small child. Data considers his words. DATA I do not understand. Soong gently closes Data's eyes. SOONG (gently) Shhh.... just dream, Data... dream... Soong leans in close to Data and whispers into his ear. SOONG You are the bird. MOVE CLOSE ONTO DATA'S FACE -- as he opens his eyes, suddenly understanding what it all means... DISSOLVE TO: 60 INT. ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR We are MOVING down the corridor in a floating POV -- as though through the eyes of a bird. Faster down the empty corridor... then we turn down another corridor and see Soong the blacksmith working at the anvil... and we SWOOP UPWARD into the light on the ceiling as the scene... DISSOLVES TO: STAR TREK: "Birthright" - REV. 12/10/92 - ACT FOUR 49. 61 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) A bird's eye view, MOVING past the Enterprise... and away from it... out into space... the stars whipping past... exciting... vast... The SOUND of a flock of BIRDS can be heard as we soar off into space... DISSOLVE TO: 62 INT. ENGINEERING CLOSE ON DATA'S FACE as he begins to regain consciousness. Geordi and Bashir are standing nearby. As Data reacts to his extraordinary experience... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Birthright" -REV. 12/11/92 - ACT FIVE 50. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 63 INT. CORRIDOR Data and Bashir walking along, mid-conversation. Data is clearly back to normal again -- conscious and safe. DATA The images I saw during the time I was shut down were generated by a series of previously dormant circuits in my neural net. (beat) I believe Doctor Soong incorporated those circuits into my base programming, intending them to be activated when I reached a certain level of development. BASHIR (onto the idea) But the plasma shock activated them prematurely... DATA That is correct. They walk for a beat. BASHIR I'm curious... now that those circuits are active... what do you intend to do with them? DATA I plan to shut down my cognitive functions for a brief period of time each day. (beat) I hope to generate new internal visions. BASHIR It sounds like you're talking about dreaming... DATA An accurate analogy. STAR TREK: "Birthright" -REV. 12/11/92 - ACT FIVE 51. 63 CONTINUED: Bashir finds this fascinating. BASHIR Remarkable... This is just the kind of thing that could get me published in the Starfleet Cybernetics Journal... (beat) Would you mind if I authored a paper about all this? DATA Of course not. They reach a Turbolift. Bashir turns to him and smiles. BASHIR Thank you, Data. (beat) And... sweet dreams. Bashir enters the Turbolift and the doors slide shut. OFF Data's face as he considers his words... 64 EXT. PRISON COMPOUND - NIGHT - ANGLE - A CONCRETE WALL as seen from inside the compound. It's a tall security wall that surrounds the perimeter of the prison camp. A HAND clamps down from the outside of the wall and grabs hold of the edge... then a second hand appears. A moment later, Worf's head becomes visible as he hoists himself up and peers into the camp... INTERCUT: 65 WORF'S POV of the large, dimly lit compound. A couple of small BARRACKS are visible... a MEETING HALL... and a small GARDEN area. The architecture is 24th Century, but it's clearly a little rough around the edges. TWO KLINGONS -- middle-aged, dressed in simple tunics -- round a corner and walk across the camp. Worf watches them carefully, trying to ascertain the situation. The two Klingons round another corner and disappear into the center of the camp, which cannot be seen... STAR TREK: "Birthright" - 12/10/92 - ACT FIVE 52. 65 CONTINUED: Worf pulls himself up onto the wall, tries to get a better view of the camp. FIRELIGHT can be seen flickering on a barrack wall... and faint VOICES can be heard. It is clear that people are gathering somewhere nearby. The faint strains of a haunting Klingon ARIA can also be heard. Although the voice is weathered and a little past its prime, it carries great feeling, and Worf is momentarily caught up by it... 66 TWO ROMULAN GUARDS suddenly round a corner. Worf immediately drops his head below the wall's edge to avoid being seen. He waits a tense moment before pulling himself up again. He glances around to make sure the coast is clear, then he pulls himself over the wall and DROPS to the ground inside the camp... 67 NEW ANGLE - WORF inside the compound. He stays close to the wall a moment, silent and alert. Then he quickly runs to the shadows afforded by a barrack wall, and flattens himself against it. He looks around the corner toward the center of the compound... 68 WORF'S POV - ON THE CENTRAL SQUARE A half-dozen KLINGONS -- young and old -- dressed in the tunics are gathered around a large CAMP FIRE, listening to the gentle aria being sung by an elderly looking Klingon -- L'KOR. L'KOR (sings) "van'aj javDIch Qong DIr Sa'VIch ghIH yot quelI'Pa qevas HoH Qa... " (beat) "teblaw'nghu mughato'Du ylja'Qo' ylja'Qo' ylja'Qo'... " L'Kor trails off, ending the lullaby. The crackle of the fire a moment. Then L'Kor stands to go. He parts the crowd as he leaves the central square and makes his way across the camp. Worf watches him as he enters the meeting hall... STAR TREK: "Birthright" - 12/10/92 - ACT FIVE 53. 69 INT. MEETING HALL A large, sparsely appointed room. Various rectangular tables are located here and there, with accompanying chairs. The room is dimly-lit. L'Kor walks across the room, past a shadowy corner... Without warning, Worf jumps out from behind the darkness and GRABS L'Kor, clamping a hand over his mouth. L'Kor yells out in surprise, but his voice is muffled. Worf drags the struggling Klingon back into the shadows, where they cannot be seen. L'Kor continues to thrash about, tries to call out. WORF (harsh whisper) Quiet! I am a friend. A beat goes by... then L'Kor stops struggling. Worf removes his hand from L'Kor's mouth. L'Kor stares at him, stunned by the sight. L'KOR Who... who are you? Worf releases his grip on L'Kor, who turns to face him. They stare at one another... tense... WORF I am Worf... son of Mogh. L'Kor's eyes widen. L'KOR Why have you come here? Worf takes an anxious step toward him. WORF I have come to find my father. Is he alive? Is he here? L'Kor's expression darkens... L'KOR Your father... fell at Khitomer. Worf reacts to the news -- turns away. It's a shock. Deep down, he wanted to believe his father was alive... made the journey to find him... and now -- disappointment. After a beat, he recovers... STAR TREK: "Birthright" -REV. 12/11/92 - ACT FIVE 54. 69 CONTINUED: WORF Did he... die in battle? L'KOR (nods) He was fortunate. Worf eyes him. WORF You were captured... L'Kor nods, uncomfortable speaking of the matter. L'KOR During the battle, many Klingons were taken prisoner. We fought our captors... but we failed... Worf is angered by what has been done to them. WORF The Romulans robbed you of your right to die with honor. As if the memory were too much to bear, L'Kor nods grimly. Worf takes action -- speaks quickly, urgent. WORF There is little time. How many Klingons are being held here? L'Kor hesitates. L'KOR Seventy-three... WORF How many Romulans guard the camp? L'Kor isn't sure how to respond -- he tries to stall. L'KOR Worf... there are... things you do not understand... WORF What do you mean? STAR TREK: "Birthright" -REV. 12/15/92 - ACT FIVE 55. 69 CONTINUED: (2) L'KOR (halting) I must... speak with the Elders. L'Kor moves to the door and opens it... peers outside. L'KOR (summons) ghoS! (Come!) He turns back to Worf... moves to him... eyeing his face... remembering... L'KOR I knew your father well, Worf... L'Kor allows himself to become lost in the memory... L'KOR (continuing) And I remember you... a boy... barely able to lift a Bat'telth... (beat) Once... your father insisted we take you on the ritual hunt. You were so eager, you tried to take the beast with your bare hands... it mauled your arm... Worf instinctively touches his arm, remembering... WORF Yes... I still have the scar... Worf studies L'Kor's face... WORF I remember you now... A moment between them. Then L'Kor turns away, his face graven. L'KOR You should not have come here, Worf. Worf reacts. WORF I do not understand. STAR TREK: "Birthright" -REV. 12/11/92 - ACT FIVE 56. 69 CONTINUED: (3) L'KOR (with sadness) You should not have come. Suddenly, THREE OLDER KLINGONS -- two Elders and GI'RAL, a female -- ENTER. They stop at the sight of Worf, stunned by his presence. GI'RAL (re: Worf) Who is this? Worf steps forward. WORF I am Worf... son of Mogh. I have come to help you escape. The Elders exchange an uncertain glance. L'KOR (to others) He does not know. Gi'ral is alarmed at the situation. GI'RAL He must leave at once... L'KOR No. It is too late for that. He would bring others... L'Kor gestures to Worf. L'KOR (a command) vang ghaH! (Take him!) Without hesitation, the two Elders move toward Worf in a threatening manner. Worf reacts, makes a quick move toward the side door to get away -- but is grabbed by L'Kor. STAR TREK: "Birthright" - 12/10/92 - ACT FIVE 57. 69 CONTINUED: (4) A quick struggle -- until two of the Elders also seize Worf... and they drag him to a chair and pin him down... Worf can hardly believe his eyes. Here are his fellow Klingons, who he thought to be prisoners -- but their actions are utterly inexplicable. It's a chilling predicament, and Worf never stops resisting. L'Kor looks down at Worf, his expression hard -- threatening. L'KOR We are not leaving here. And neither are you. OFF Worf's astonishment... SUPER: TO BE CONTINUED FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END