STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Starship Mine" #40276-244 Written by Morgan Gendel Directed by Cliff Bole THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1992 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT JANUARY 14, 1993 STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 1/14/93 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Starship Mine" CAST PICARD DEVOR RIKER HUTCHINSON DATA KELSEY BEVERLY KIROS TROI NEIL WORF ORTON GEORDI POMET SALTER WAITER COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. CREWMEMBERS N.D. ARKARIANS STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 1/14/93 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Starship Mine" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE TURBOLIFT ARKARIA BASE CORRIDOR READY ROOM REMMLER ARRAY TRANSPORTER ROOM SICKBAY ENGINEERING WORF'S QUARTERS JEFFERIES TUBE TEN FORWARD ARKARIA BASE MULTI PURPOSE ROOM STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 1/15/93 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Starship Mine" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ARKARIA ARE-care-ee-uh BARYON BARE-ee-on TRILITHIUM tri-LITH-ee-um STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Starship Mine" TEASER 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) docked at a GIANT ARRAY of some kind in orbit above a planet. The ship is sandwiched between two banks of reflector dishes. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 46682.4. The Enterprise is docked at the Remmler Array, where it will undergo a routine procedure to eliminate accumulated baryon particles. In preparation for the sweep, we are evacuating the ship. 2 INT. CORRIDOR We see the commotion of evacuation, N.D.s crisscrossing in the corridor. PICARD, rounds the corner, a purposefulness in his stride. He soon encounters TROI, PADD in hand, waiting to speak with him. They talk on the move. TROI Captain... we're still behind schedule on decks seven and eight. Shall I tell Arkaria Base there'll be a delay? PICARD No. Open up the Transporters in Cargo Bay Two and divert everyone from deck seven there. That should get us back on track. TROI Right. Picard nods and moves on. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: He now passes by BEVERLY, who falls into step with him and we STAY with them, on the move. BEVERLY Captain... Arkaria Base does not have the medical storage units I requested. I have seven living tissue samples that won't survive the baryon sweep anymore than you or I would. I've tried to reason with them, but -- PICARD Have Mister LaForge transport a stasis unit from the astrophysics lab. You should be able to convert it to store tissue samples. BEVERLY Thank you. She smiles, turns, heads back to Sickbay. Picard continues on. 3 TURBOLIFT ENTRANCE The doors whoosh open and RIKER steps off... just in time to intercept the approaching Picard. Behind Riker, the Turbolift doors close. RIKER Captain... I was just heading for deck seven. I've put the auto-shutdown sequence on hold until we get back on schedule. PICARD I think we can resume the sequence. Counselor Troi is taking care of the situation on deck seven. RIKER Aye, sir. The two head in opposite directions. The Turbolift doors again whisk open as Picard approaches. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - TEASER 3. 4 INT. TURBOLIFT We see DATA inside. DATA Captain. PICARD Mister Data. (as he faces front) Bridge. The doors close and the Turbolift's in motion. A silent beat. DATA It has been quite a day, has it not? Picard's one-tracked, no time for chit-chat... but at the same time he's a bit surprised at Data's uncharacteristic approach. PICARD Yes it has. Beat. DATA However, a change of routine is often invigorating and can be a welcome diversion after a long assignment. PICARD (more of the same) Exactly. Beat. DATA I understand that Arkaria has some very interesting weather patterns. Picard gives Data a look... PICARD Data -- are you alright? DATA Yes, sir. I was attempting to fill a silent moment with non-relevant conversation. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - TEASER 4. 4 CONTINUED: PICARD (thinks) Small talk? DATA Yes, sir. I have found that humans often make "small talk" during awkward moments. Therefore, I have written a new subroutine designed for that purpose. How did I do? PICARD Perhaps it was a little too... non-relevant. However, if you're interested in small talk keep your eye on Commander Hutchinson during the reception this afternoon... (not looking forward to it) ... he's a master. The Turbolift STOPS and they both EXIT onto the Bridge. DATA Thank you sir, I will. 5 INT. BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS Picard and Data ENTER to find the last leg of a frenetic race: Bridge regulars and a handful of N.D.s shutting down consoles. Picard is set upon simultaneously by Geordi and Worf. GEORDI WORF I just finished... Request permission... GEORDI (to Worf) After you... WORF (to Geordi) No sir. I believe you spoke first. PICARD We're running out of time, gentlemen. Mister Worf? STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - TEASER 5. 5 CONTINUED: WORF The computer needs your authorization to disable command functions during the baryon sweep. PICARD Are we ready, Mister La Forge? GEORDI Almost. I've requested some additional field diverters for the computer core and the Bridge and they haven't been installed yet. PICARD (concerned) Additional units? GEORDI We've logged more warp hours in five years than most ships do in ten, so our baryon particle levels are pretty high. I'm a little worried that when the Remmler Array starts sweeping the ship it might have to use a stronger beam than normal to clear out all the radiation. PICARD (understanding) And that might overload the field diverters protecting our key systems. How long until the new ones are in place? GEORDI I'd say another twenty minutes. PICARD Very well. (to com) Computer, disable all command functions in thirty minutes. Authorization: Picard gamma-six-zero-seven-three. COMPUTER VOICE Authorization acknowledged. Worf's console BEEPS. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - TEASER 6. 5 CONTINUED: (2) WORF (off console) Incoming message, Captain. It's the station administrator, Mister Orton. PICARD In my Ready Room. WORF Sir. Request permission to be excused from Commander Hutchinson's... reception. PICARD Permission granted. I only wish I could excuse myself as well. GEORDI Captain, permission to -- PICARD Sorry, Mister LaForge... I can't excuse the entire senior staff. Worf beat you to it. Picard EXITS to the Ready Room. Worf looks pleased and Geordi gives him a dirty look. 6 INT. READY ROOM - CONTINUING Picard ENTERS, goes behind his desk, and activates the terminal. PICARD Go ahead, Mister Orton. He gets out his satchel and, under the following, loads it with odds and ends. ORTON'S COM VOICE Captain, if you're on schedule, I'd like to confirm that we'll begin the baryon sweep at fifteen hundred hours -- approximately one hour from now. PICARD Confirmed. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - TEASER 6A. 6 CONTINUED: ORTON'S COM VOICE Commander Hutchinson also wanted me to make sure that you'll be able to attend his reception this afternoon. Picard's expression tells us that he's not exactly thrilled about this particular event. PICARD Tell him... I'm looking forward to it. ORTON'S COM VOICE He'll be delighted to hear that. Arkaria Base out. Picard closes his satchel. Time to go. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - TEASER 7. 7 INT. BRIDGE Picard ENTERS to find it... empty. It takes him a moment to adjust. He walks around, drinks in the solitude, savors it. Finally, he sits in his chair. A long, quiet beat... 8 NEW ANGLE - INCLUDE TURBOLIFTS Suddenly, the fore and aft Turbolifts OPEN and SIX TECHNICIANS ENTER the Bridge: four humanoids -- KELSEY, NEIL, POMET and DEVOR and two aliens -- SATLER, and KIROS. (Full descriptions to follow later in the script). They are all wearing plain-looking overalls and two of them are carrying FIELD DIVERTERS -- about the size and shape of a trash can -- while the others carry Tricorders and other pieces of equipment. As soon as the doors open, they fill the Bridge with noise and chatter, effectively destroying Picard's brief moment of solitude. KELSEY (overlapping) Tell Arkaria base that we're almost finished here... NEIL (overlapping) We're going to need two more conduits... KIROS (overlapping) I need to run a diagnostic on the diverter... DEVOR (overlapping) Get the diverter aligned so that we can begin the isolation procedure. NEIL (overlapping) Where's the ODN interface? Picard heads for the Turbolift over the above and the technicians take no notice of him. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - TEASER 8. 9 ON PICARD He stops and gives one last look around. So much for peace and quiet. And as he ENTERS the Turbolift... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT ONE 9. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 10 EXT. ARKARIA BASE - DAY (OPTICAL) A lone outpost in the middle of nowhere... 11 INT. ARKARIA BASE - MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM A festive reception is underway. There's a CONTROL PANEL at one end, but the room otherwise has a party feel to it. There are tables of food. A WAITER circulates with drinks. ORTON can be seen in the b.g. 12 ANGLE - HUTCHINSON As he works the room. Hutchinson is a middle-aged, jovial man who lives for gatherings like this and loves nothing more than to entertain a starship crew. Data is quietly observing Hutchinson's technique and he unobtrusively follows the gregarious Commander about the room, watching and learning. HUTCHINSON Beverly! (kiss on the cheek) Lovely as ever... how do you manage it? BEVERLY It's good to see you again. HUTCHINSON It's been far too long -- what is it, four years? Now I want to hear all about what happened after you left Starfleet Medical. And I have so much to tell you. (sees someone else) Oh, that must be Commander Riker. Excuse me, won't you? BEVERLY Of course. Beverly is quietly grateful that he's moved on and she takes a drink off a tray in relief. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT ONE 10. 12 CONTINUED: HUTCHINSON You must be Wil Riker. RIKER I guess I must. HUTCHINSON Calvin Hutchinson -- call me Hutch. Calvin -- awful name, I've never forgiven my parents. As soon as I saw you, I knew you had to be the Enterprise's first officer. RIKER Oh? HUTCHINSON Of course. Your reputation proceeds you -- flashing blue eyes, square jaw... quite the ladies man I hear. Now don't be modest, Wil -- may I call you Wil? RIKER Uh, sure. HUTCHINSON I've also heard that you're a musician. I hope you'll play something for us. It's not often that I get a chance to entertain the command crew of the flagship... and speaking of command, hello Captain Picard. Riker takes this opportunity to slip quietly away and leave Picard. Picard's face has that frozen smile of forced cheerfulness on it as Hutchinson natters on. PICARD Commander. HUTCHINSON I was just telling your first officer what a real pleasure it is to have you all... 13 NEW ANGLE As Riker moves over to stand with Beverly. Riker gives her a look and she smiles in commiseration. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - ACT ONE 11. 13 CONTINUED: Data (who has been observing Hutchinson) approaches the two of them. He tries to talk quickly and easily -- patterning his behavior after Hutchinson. DATA It is very good to see you both again. May I call you Beverly? -- Beverly, do you find the mean temperature here on Arkaria to be slightly above normal for human comfort levels? Riker and Beverly exchange a look... they can't believe this. DATA I have found that most humans prefer a temperature of twenty-one degrees C in order to operate most efficiently. However, there are some cultures which actually... 14 PICARD AND HUTCHINSON Hutchinson is going on as Picard looks for a way out. HUTCHINSON ... I tell you, you've never seen anything like it. There were thousands of these creatures... the whole northern sky turned dark. Picard suddenly sees a way out as Geordi and Troi walk by. PICARD Geordi! Deanna! I don't believe you've met our host. (to Hutchinson) Allow me to introduce Commander Geordi La Forge, Counselor Deanna Troi. This is Commander Hutchinson. HUTCHINSON Hutch. GEORDI Hello. TROI Hello. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - ACT ONE 12. 14 CONTINUED: HUTCHINSON I was just telling your captain about some of the fascinating sights here on Arkaria. Is either of you interested in ornithology? TROI Uh... well... Picard is starting to make his getaway. HUTCHINSON The mating habits of the Arkarian horn fowl are quite interesting. If the weather were better, we could take horses to the southern promontory and visit the nesting grounds. Picard stops, turns. PICARD Horses? HUTCHINSON Yes... there's a network of trails through the plains. Unfortunately, they aren't very pleasant right now... muddy, cold. Not a soul for kilometers. PICARD That sounds... perfect. (beat, then to Geordi) How long until the baryon sweep begins on the Enterprise? GEORDI At least twenty-five minutes. PICARD Then I'll have time to get my saddle. This is met with blank stares from the other three. TROI Your... saddle? STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - ACT ONE 13. 14 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Yes. (notices their looks) A saddle is a very personal thing. It has to be broken in... worn... cared for... GEORDI You keep a saddle... on the Enterprise? PICARD Yes. (beat) I've had it since the Academy. (beat) I never know when I'll have the opportunity to ride. TROI I see. PICARD It's perfectly normal. Most serious riders have their own saddles. TROI Of course. GEORDI Yes, sir. HUTCHINSON Absolutely. PICARD If you'll excuse me. They smile as Picard EXITS. But the mirth on Troi and Geordi's faces vanishes as they soon realize that they still have Hutchinson to deal with and that they have no smooth way out. HUTCHINSON (re: Picard) An amazing man. He reminds me of another officer I knew many years ago... a Captain Edwell. Now he was fascinating... born on Gaspra Seven but you wouldn't know it from the way he looked... STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT ONE 14. 14 CONTINUED: (3) Off their strained expressions... CUT TO: 15 INT. CORRIDOR The door to Picard's quarters opens and Picard ENTERS the corridor, his saddle slung over his shoulder. He has now changed into civilian clothes -- casual work clothes with a jacket. COMPUTER VOICE Auto-shutdown sequence in progress. Defensive systems off-line. Baryon sweep begins in eight minutes. Picard walks just a little faster. Then he rounds a bend and sees something. He slows, looking concerned. 16 PICARD'S POV (OPTICAL) A wall panel just above floor level has been removed, some fiber-optic cables yanked out. Picard approaches, sets his saddle down and kneels to inspect the open panel. Suddenly -- DEVOR'S VOICE What are you doing? Picard looks up to see Devor, one of the technical crew, standing over him, a pistol-size laser-welder in his hand. Picard rises, wary. PICARD Somone left this ODN junction box open. (beat) I thought your crew was supposed to leave the ship once the field diverters were in place. DEVOR The diverters have to be synchronized. (re: laser) I was laser-bonding a backup link. Picard regards him evenly. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT ONE 15. 16 CONTINUED: PICARD I see. Well, I suppose I'd better let you finish up so you can get off the ship. Picard scoops up his saddle, moves off, his back to Devor. The alien realizes Picard suspects something. DEVOR Wait a minute -- As Picard turns, Devor raises the laser-welder, but Picard has anticipated him. He slams Devor with the saddle, sending him back hard into the wall. The welder DISCHARGES into the air. Devor springs back into a combat stance... but Picard is ready for him. He dodges, yanks him around in a hammer lock and wedges the side of his hand into Devor's carotid. Devor struggles for a second, then slumps. COMPUTER VOICE Auto shut-down sequence in progress. Inertial dampers off-line. Baryon sweep begins in six minutes. Then the lights go out. Backup lighting kicks in -- slightly dimmer than what we're used to (and we'll see this all over the ship from now on). Picard takes off -- fast, without his saddle -- and heads for Transporter Room One. 17 ANOTHER CORRIDOR Picard is moving fast when he hears voices ahead. He slows and squeezes back against the side wall. COMPUTER VOICE Auto shut-down sequence in progress. Life support off-line. Baryon sweep begins in three minutes. 18 NEW ANGLE - INCLUDE INTERSECTION AHEAD Kelsey and Neil round the bend headed in the same direction Picard was going. They don't see Picard, but they've unwittingly cut him off. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/18/93 - ACT ONE 16. 18 CONTINUED: KELSEY (to Neil) We still have to by-pass the magnetic containment conduit. NEIL That should be down on deck thirty. KELSEY Get Pomet started on it right away. COMPUTER VOICE Auto shut-down sequence in progress. Primary power off-line in one minute. 19 ON PICARD Frustration shows on his face. He waits a beat, then turns and heads back the way he came. 20 OMITTED 21 INT. CORRIDOR Picard comes around a corner fast. COMPUTER VOICE Primary power off-line in thirty seconds. Picard runs into a Transporter room. 22 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM Working feverishly, he sets the controls. COMPUTER VOICE Final warning. Primary power off-line in ten seconds... 23 EXT. SPACE - REMMLER ARRAY (OPTICAL) Green energy beams emit from each side of the array. They converge in a two-dimensional field that slices through a cross-section of the ship at the tail end of the nacelles. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT ONE 16A. 24 RESUME PICARD As he leaps up onto the stage the Transporter begins to power up... STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - ACT ONE 17. 24 CONTINUED: Suddenly, the stage goes dark and the Transporter shuts down. We HEAR the ship seem to slump into dormancy. The Enterprise is as we've never heard it: completely silent. Off Picard, knowing he's trapped here... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT TWO 18. ACT TWO FADE IN: 25 INT. ARKARIA BASE The reception continues. Data's chatting up a non-appreciative Orton. Orton is a native Arkarian and is the Chief Administrator for the base. He carries himself like an upper-class butler in the face of Data's stream of small talk (he's probably had practice at this with Hutchinson). DATA I find it fascinating that your family chose to drop the prefix "Pel" from your surname. It was my understanding that "Pel Orton" would be considered a more noble appellation on Arkaria than simply Orton. ORTON Yes. Data is undeterred by this less than encouraging response. DATA Perhaps the recent Arkarian trend toward a more egalitarian society is partly responsible. ORTON Perhaps. 26 RIKER AND HUTCHINSON Riker has been waylaid by Hutchinson. HUTCHINSON The crew of the Magellan actually put on a talent show here. Captain Conklin did a poetry reading, if you can imagine that. RIKER I'm trying to. HUTCHINSON Did I ever tell you how I came to be stationed here? It's a fascinating story. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - ACT TWO 19. 26 CONTINUED: Riker desperately wants a way out of here and suddenly he thinks of one. HUTCHINSON You see, I was serving on Admiral Mitchell's staff on Starbase ninety-seven -- awful place, by the way -- RIKER Hutch. Have you met our Commander Data? HUTCHINSON Why no, I don't think so. Riker takes him by the arm and steers him toward Data and Orton. By the look on Orton's face, even his stiff upper lip is beginning to crack under Data's onslaught. DATA (to Orton) ... there are several cultures in this sector with remarkably similar etymological histories -- RIKER Data, allow me to introduce our host. This is Commander Hutchinson -- call him Hutch. (to Hutchinson) This is our second officer, Commander Data. HUTCHINSON A pleasure. DATA (to Hutchinson) The pleasure is mine. I have been meaning to compliment you on your choice of colors here. HUTCHINSON You really think so? It wasn't easy to make the final decision, let me tell you. DATA I am sure of that. The light in this room makes color selection exceptionally problematic. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - ACT TWO 20. 26 CONTINUED: (2) HUTCHINSON Precisely. Riker and Orton make a quiet getaway. ORTON (to Riker) Thank you. RIKER You're welcome. (glancing back) I'm not sure which one to feel sorry for. An Arkarian Waiter catches Orton's attention. WAITER Mister Orton? ORTON If you'll excuse me, Commander. Orton goes to talk with the Waiter. Riker moves to Geordi. RIKER Geordi... what happened to the Captain? GEORDI He went back to the ship to get his saddle. Beat. RIKER His saddle? GEORDI (like it's obvious) Any serious rider would have his own saddle. RIKER Oh. GEORDI He probably went right to the stables. I bet he's ten kilometers from here already. RIKER (glances at Hutchinson & Data) Lucky him. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - ACT TWO 21. 27 EXT. SPACE - REMMLER ARRAY (OPTICAL) The green swath is now partway through the nacelles. 28 INT. CORRIDOR On feet dragging. WIDEN to see Picard pulling Devor toward Sickbay. The laser torch is now stuck in Picard's pants. Picard sets Devor down, and takes out a small suction device from a pocket: an emergency manual door-opener. He uses it to open the Sickbay door. 29 INT. SICKBAY Picard drags Devor inside and sets him down. He goes to a supply cabinet and gets out a hypospray and a phaser... suddenly he HEARS STATIC... 30 ON DEVOR The communicator strapped to his upper arm crackles to life... KELSEY'S COM VOICE Kelsey to Devor. (beat) Devor, this is Kelsey. Reply. Picard moves close to Devor and removes his communicator. KELSEY'S COM VOICE Devor, do you read me? (beat) Kelsey to Kiros. KIROS'S COM VOICE This is Kiros. KELSEY'S COM VOICE Devor isn't responding. There must be too much interference from the baryon sweep. Go find him and see if he finished by-passing the regulator on deck seven, then meet us in Main Engineering. KIROS'S COM VOICE Understood. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - ACT TWO 22. 30 CONTINUED: Picard is taking this all in. Devor groans. Picard goes over to Devor, kneels next to him, and points the phaser at him. PICARD Who are you? What are you doing on my ship. Devor looks at the phaser and sneers. DEVOR The baryon sweep uses a high-frequency plasma field. That phaser won't work. PICARD (unfazed) You're probably right. Picard calmly pulls the laser-torch and points it to Devor's head. PICARD But I'm willing to bet that this will. Devor swallows hard, but stiffens his resolve. PICARD (continuing) What's going on in Main Engineering? Devor says nothing and Picard presses the laser-torch harder against his head. PICARD I suggest you cooperate. Devor thinks for a moment, then his eyes narrow. DEVOR You're Starfleet... you won't kill me. PICARD Are you sure? They look at each other for a moment, then Picard tightens his grip on the torch... suddenly Devor's eyes go wide and then he slumps back unconscious. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - ACT TWO 23. 31 WIDEN Revealing that Picard has just hyposprayed Devor. PICARD (to Devor) I guess you're right. He puts Devor's communicator and laser-torch in his pockets and then EXITS. 32 INT. CORRIDOR Picard is cautiously moving through the Corridor, trying to be quiet and avoid running into anyone. 33 ANOTHER CORRIDOR Picard moves into an alcove where there is a Turbolift entrance. He looks around and then pulls out his door-opening device. He opens the door to the Turbolift, then puts the device back in his pocket. 34 INT. TURBOLIFT - CLOSE ON PICARD He reaches up to the ceiling and starts to open the hatch... suddenly a WEAPON is put to the back of his head. 35 NEW ANGLE Revealing Kiros standing in the Corridor holding the weapon to Picard's head. 36 INT. ARKARIA BASE The ongoing reception. Hutchinson and Data are still at it -- they feed off each other, and the feeling here is almost that of one-upsmanship. DATA ... yes, but Tyrellian laser-art is very similar in form and composition. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT TWO 24. 36 CONTINUED: HUTCHINSON Oh, of course. Funny you should mention that. I used to be stationed on Tyrellia. DATA Really? There are five Tyrellians currently serving aboard the Enterprise. HUTCHINSON Fascinating. Not many people know this, but Tyrellia is one of only three known inhabited worlds without a magnetic pole. DATA I was aware of that. Are you aware that Tyrellia is also one of seven known planets... 37 NEW ANGLE - RIKER who is watching Data and Hutchinson from across the room. Troi moves to him and follows his gaze. TROI Are they still at it? RIKER Non-stop. I have to admit it has a sort of strange fascination... I mean, how long can two people talk about... nothing? They continue to watch. 38 ON GEORDI who is piling some food onto a plate from one of the tables. The Waiter seen earlier is standing nearby. Geordi suddenly frowns and looks down at the table in puzzlement. He puts his hand on the table, feeling it for heat. The Waiter immediately moves next to him. WAITER Is something wrong? STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - ACT TWO 25. 38 CONTINUED: GEORDI Uh... I don't know. I'm getting a weird energy reading from your table. WAITER I'm sure it's nothing serious. Perhaps the heating element under the tray is malfunctioning. GEORDI Maybe I should take a look at it. As Geordi starts to bend down, Orton is suddenly there and tries to get him away. ORTON (smiles) I'm sure we can handle this, whatever it is, Commander. There's no need to concern yourself. GEORDI I really think I should look at that heating element. If it overloads under -- Orton takes him by the arm -- a gentle but firm gesture. ORTON (firmer) It's all right. 39 RIKER AND TROI The conversation between Geordi and Orton has gotten Riker's attention. He frowns. RIKER What's that all about? He starts moving toward Geordi. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - ACT TWO 26. 40 ORTON AND GEORDI ORTON We'll look into it. You don't have to concern yourself. Over the above dialog, the Waiter suddenly sees Riker walking towards them with a concerned look on his face. He looks from Riker to Orton for a moment, then makes a snap decision. WAITER Orton, now! The following happens very quickly: 41 THE WAITER (OPTICAL) reaches under the food cart and yanks out an ALIEN PHASER from the hidden compartment. He FIRES at Riker, narrowly missing him. Riker dives for cover. 42 ORTON shoves Geordi out of the way and grabs his own weapon. 43 HUTCHINSON AND DATA react to the attack. 44 GEORDI (OPTICAL) recovers and goes for Orton, but the Waiter FIRES a burst into his chest, knocking him unconscious. 45 HUTCHINSON (OPTICAL) Goes for the Waiter, but now Orton has his phaser out and he FIRES at Hutchinson. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT TWO 27. 45 CONTINUED: He takes the blast full in the chest and goes down. 46 WIDE Orton and the Waiter now have the entire room under their weapons. ORTON Stay right where you are. Everyone freezes. Riker and Data exchange looks. They don't see a way out. Off Riker's look... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT THREE 28 ACT THREE FADE IN: 47 EXT. SPACE - REMMLER ARRAY (OPTICAL) The rays are halfway through the Enterprise's nacelles... 48 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING The room has been taken over by the terrorists. A field diverter is sitting between the engine core and the pool table and there are many pieces of odd equipment lying about. The entire engine core is off. Pomet and Satler are working on open Mees panels located on the upper level of Engineering. Satler is checking something on a PADD as Pomet makes adjustments in the panel. SATLER Reduce the plasma pressure to zero point six percent nominal. POMET (works) Zero point six. SATLER How does the conduit look? POMET (checks) It's clear. Satler turns and calls down to Neil. SATLER (to Neil) All right. The main plasma flow is shunted to the aft conduit. We're ready up here. 48A ANGLE ON KELSEY AND NEIL Kelsey is standing beside Neil, who is working on an open Mees panel on the bulkhead near the pool table. Kelsey is a tall, striking woman with an almost feline grace and power. She is observing Neil as he makes some adjustments to the circuitry with a DEVICE. Neil is slightly built and has a nervous demeanor. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT THREE 28A. 48A CONTINUED: NEIL (to Satler) Okay. (works) That should do it. I think. KELSEY (calm) Be sure, Neil. NEIL (checks something) Uh... yes... yes, that does it. (calls over his shoulder) All right... transfer five hundred milligrams from the reserve system to the engine core. 49 ANGLE ON ENGINE CORE Pomet and Satler work for a moment and then the center of the core and the side tubes come to life with a low hum. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT THREE 29. 50 RESUME KELSEY AND NEIL Neil is pleased. NEIL (big smile) Perfect. KELSEY Adequate. Disable the containment overrides and get the interlocks off the magnetic seal. NEIL (chastened) Right. Kelsey moves to the engine core. KELSEY Pomet, prepare the transport assembly. (to Satler) Keep watching the power flow, it might... She trails off as Picard and Kiros ENTER. Kiros still has his weapon pointed at Picard's back. Everyone in the room stares for a moment. KELSEY (to others) Keep working. They go back to work as Kelsey moves to Picard and Kiros. KELSEY (to Kiros) Where did he come from? KIROS I found him on deck seven. KELSEY (to Picard) Who are you? Picard thinks for a moment... decides there is an advantage to be gained here. He looks at her blankly for a beat and acts befuddled and harmless. PICARD My name is Mott. I'm... the barber. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT THREE 30. 50 CONTINUED: KELSEY The barber? What the hell are you doing here? Everyone was supposed to be evacuated to the surface. PICARD I... I know. But, I wanted to go riding and I didn't have my saddle, so I came back -- KELSEY Your saddle? PICARD That's right. I left it in the corridor on deck seven. When the power went off, I got lost and didn't know where to go so -- KELSEY All right, shut up. (to Kiros) Any sign of Devor? KIROS No. Kelsey flushes with anger. KELSEY If he's off looting at a time like this... (beat) All right, go find him and make sure nothing's wrong. (turns) Salter. Get over here and keep an eye on our... barber. Kiros EXITS as Satler comes over and moves Picard to one side of the room while holding a weapon. SATLER (to Picard) Sit down. PICARD (meekly) Sure, okay. You don't need to point that at me. SATLER Just do what I tell you, and you won't have to worry. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT THREE 30A. 50 CONTINUED: (2) Picard sits down meekly and Satler stands near him with his weapon ready. Picard takes this opportunity to watch the terrorists in action and try to figure out what they're doing. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT THREE 31. 51 NEW ANGLE Picard watches as Kelsey moves toward Pomet, who has come down from the upper level of Engineering and is working on a thermos-sized trilithium resin containment unit. KELSEY (to Pomet) How long until you're ready? POMET (considers) Forty, maybe fifty minutes. KELSEY The baryon sweep hits this compartment in thirty minutes. POMET The field diverter will protect us. KELSEY It's not us I'm worried about, it's that storage unit. I want the trilithium resin... 52 ANGLE ON PICARD When Kelsey says the word "trilithium" Picard reacts with dismay. KELSEY (continuing) ... in there and secured before the sweep gets here. I don't want to take any chances. POMET Understood. Pomet goes to work. Off Picard's expression as he considers what he's heard. CUT TO: 53 INT. ARKARIA BASE The hostages are standing in different parts of the room. Orton is maintaining his cool composure, watching the hostages with a calm expression while the Waiter patrols the room occasionally. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - ACT THREE 32. 53 CONTINUED: Off to one side and away from the other hostages, Beverly is kneeling on the floor next to an unconscious Geordi, applying some lo-tech first aid. Hutchinson's body lies near Geordi, but he's not moving. 54 ANGLE - RIKER Standing near Troi. They converse sotto voice... TROI They haven't tried to communicate with the outside. RIKER No demands, no political statements, no theft... they must want something. Data moves to join them. TROI Orton is not as calm as he looks. He's very agitated and nervous... as if something's gone wrong. Troi now casually moves away. DATA It is possible that Geordi upset their timetable when he saw the hidden weapons. RIKER Orton could be improvising... maybe he didn't plan to take us hostage this early... so now he doesn't know what to do... DATA If they do not have a plan for this contingency, we may have the initiative. RIKER (nods) Maybe, but we have to think of a way to use it... Beverly now moves over to them -- Orton watching her carefully the whole way. RIKER How's Geordi? STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - ACT THREE 33. 54 CONTINUED: BEVERLY There's no permanent damage. I've adjusted the optical transducer in his VISOR to block some of the pain receptors in his brain, but it's only partially effective. RIKER What about Hutchinson? BEVERLY (grim) There was nothing I could do for him. (beat) I still need to get Geordi to a medical facility. RIKER (glances at Orton) I doubt he'll agree to that. (beat) If we told him Geordi was dying he might give us access to a medical kit... maybe we could make a weapon from some of the tools... Data suddenly has an idea. DATA Perhaps we can use the VISOR as a weapon. If the optical transducer were modified, it may be possible to generate a hypersonic pulse. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/18/93 - ACT THREE 34. 54 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY (understanding) A hypersonic pulse would overload the audio receptors of everyone in the room. It would cause immediate unconsciousness. Riker glances at Orton. RIKER (to Beverly) Can you make the adjustments to the VISOR by yourself? It's going to look suspicious if both of you go over there. Beverly thinks for a moment. BEVERLY I'll try... Geordi may have to help me through some of it. RIKER All right... try to keep it casual. Let us know when you're ready. Beverly nods and then moves back to Geordi. Orton watches her, but does nothing. CUT TO: 55 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING Picard is still sitting against a bulkhead. Satler is standing guard over him, but he's not paying strict attention to this mild-mannered "barber". 56 ANGLE - BEHIND THE ENGINE CORE Kelsey is watching Pomet attach the thermos-storage unit seen earlier to an interface inside the box on the side of the large vertical cylinder which is right behind the engine core. Pomet makes a few adjustments, then a LIGHT comes on the thermos. POMET (to Kelsey) Ready. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT THREE 35. 56 CONTINUED: Kelsey turns to Neil, who has opened the large panel near the engine core. KELSEY Begin draining the trilithium at one hundred milligrams per minute. Neil nods and works in the panel. Kelsey and Pomet keep a close watch on the thermos. 57 PICARD is watching Satler (his guard) carefully. Satler's attention is on the operation near the core. 58 CLOSE ON PICARD'S HAND as he carefully takes the laser-torch out from where he had concealed it in the back of his shirt. 59 RESUME PICARD & SATLER Satler is still unaware of what Picard is doing. Picard glances down to his left. 60 CLOSE ON PICARD'S HAND as he places the tip of the laser-torch directly next to a small sensor which is set into the bulkhead. 61 RESUME PICARD He glances at Satler... then glances at the ceiling. 62 CLOSE ON LASER TORCH (OPTICAL) as Picard ACTIVATES the torch and it DISCHARGES against the sensor. 63 NEW ANGLE - WIDER There is a pause, then suddenly vast quantities of GAS begin to flood the compartment, ALARMS SOUND, and the ISOLATION DOOR begins CLOSING. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT THREE 36. 63 CONTINUED: Picard takes advantage of the confusion to knock Satler to his knees and then he grabs the laser torch and moves quickly to the field diverter. 64 KELSEY is trying to get control of the situation. She yells over the sound of the alarms and tries to see through the clouds of gas. KELSEY Neil, what's going on!? 65 PICARD (OPTICAL) presses the laser torch against the side of the diverter and activates it. The diverter goes DEAD. Picard ducks under the Isolation door and heads for the Jefferies Tube. 66 SATLER recovers and goes after Picard, barely making it under the door before it closes completely. 67 INT. JEFFERIES TUBE Picard's now in a horizontal section, scrambling through for all he's worth. 68 ANOTHER SECTION OF TUBE Satler is scrambling after Picard, with his weapon in hand. 69 PICARD is moving quickly around a corner. He comes to a hatch, opens it... 70 PICARD'S POV (OPTICAL) The BARYON SWEEP -- a transparent sheet of green is flickering on and off directly ahead of Picard. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - ACT THREE 37. 71 RESUME PICARD He's trapped... the field is ahead of him and Satler is behind him. Off his expression... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT FOUR 38. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 72 INT. JEFFERIES TUBE Satler comes around the corner and sees the now closed hatch where Picard was at the end of Act Three. Directly in front of the hatch, Picard's jacket is lying on the floor of the tube. Satler moves to the jacket and picks it up... 73 POV STATLER The jacket was hiding a manhole-sized hole cut into the floor of the tube. 74 RESUME SATLER (OPTICAL) She's looking down the hole. A sudden o.c. HUM makes her look up just in time to see the green BARYON SWEEP come through the closed hatch directly toward her. There is no time to escape. CUT TO: 75 INT. CORRIDOR Picard, now without his jacket, runs down the corridor... over which we HEAR Satler's brief, painful SCREAM in the b.g.. Picard's expression acknowledges this as he keeps on. CUT TO: 76 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING The Isolation door has been reopened, the gas is gone and the alarms have been turned off. Kelsey is standing over Neil, who is examining the deactivated field diverter. After a beat, Neil shakes his head and lets out a long breath in resignation. NEIL The primary inducer is completely fused. There's no way to fix it. (beat) Without the diverter, we don't have any protection from the baryon sweep. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/18/93 - ACT FOUR 39. 76 CONTINUED: KELSEY (irritated) I know that. How long until the baryon sweep hits this section? NEIL About twelve minutes. We should go to Ten Forward, it's the last place on the ship that'll be swept by the baryon field. Kelsey thinks for a moment... looks at the engine core for a beat then makes the decision. KELSEY All right, we're leaving. But we're taking the trilithium with us. NEIL (shocked) What? The storage unit wasn't designed to be portable. We can't just start hauling it through the ship -- She silences him with a look. NEIL (fearful) I'll... I'll try to make some modifications. He hurries toward the engine core. 77 NEW ANGLE As Pomet comes out of the Jefferies Tube. POMET (to Kelsey) Satler's dead... he ran into the baryon sweep. KELSEY And what about Mott? STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - ACT FOUR 40. 77 CONTINUED: POMET I don't know. But I don't think he's a barber. I found this in the Jefferies Tube. Pomet hands her something. 78 CLOSE ON KELSEY'S HAND Pomet has handed her a Starfleet combadge. 79 RESUME SCENE Kelsey's face darkens with the realization that they're facing a formidable opponent. CUT TO: 80 INT. CORRIDOR Picard rounds the corner and stops at a particular room. He uses his door-opener to get in. 81 INT. WORF'S QUARTERS Picard ENTERS what we immediately recognize as WORF'S ROOM, replete with Klingon weapons on the wall. He begins to examine the weapons, trying to decide which ones will be the most useful. The alien communicator squawks in his pocket and he takes it out to listen. KELSEY'S COM VOICE Kelsey to Kiros. KIROS'S COM VOICE This is Kiros. 82 INTERCUT - MAIN ENGINEERING Kelsey's on the communicator. Neil and Pomet are working with the thermos and the open panel behind the engine core. KELSEY (into communicator) We have a problem. There's a Starfleet officer still aboard. He killed Satler and he may have killed Devor. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - ACT FOUR 41. 82 CONTINUED: KELSEY (Cont'd) He also destroyed the diverter in Engineering so we have to leave here before the baryon sweep enters this section. KIROS'S COM VOICE What about the trilithium resin? KELSEY (into communicator) We're taking it with us to Ten Forward. Picard had just taken the crossbow off the wall when he hears this. He reacts with shock and picks up the communicator. KELSEY (continuing) There should be enough time before -- PICARD (firm, into communicator) Kelsey. Don't be a fool. You know better than to try moving that resin. In Engineering, Kelsey reacts for a moment... then her eyes narrow and she adjusts to the new situation. KELSEY Mister Mott... or should I call you Lieutenant... Lieutenant Commander perhaps? PICARD You may call me whatever you wish, but moving trilithium resin requires very specific equipment. You can't simply improvise something. Kelsey gets Pomet's attention and waves him over. KELSEY I wouldn't need to improvise if you hadn't damaged our field diverter. As Picard answers her, Kelsey mouths the words "Find him" to Pomet, who then nods and EXITS. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT FOUR 42. 82 CONTINUED: (2) KELSEY (continuing) But if you're so concerned about the trilithium, I suggest you stop interfering with us -- before you set off an explosion that would destroy the Enterprise... and you. PICARD I would rather destroy this ship than allow that material to fall into the hands of terrorists. KELSEY What makes you think I'm a terrorist? PICARD Trilithium resin is a highly toxic waste material produced by our engines. There's no possible use for it except as a weapon. KELSEY You might be right, Mister Mott. But we've been planning this for a long time, and I doubt that you'll really be able to stop us... or even slow us down. She shuts off the communicator. END INTERCUT. 83 INT. WORF'S QUARTERS Picard puts the communicator back in his pocket and slings the crossbow over his shoulder and grabs some arrows before EXITING. 84 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING Kelsey moves to where Neil is working on the thermos, which is still attached to the open panel behind the core. A few blinkies on the side of the thermos are winking on and off, indicating that it is active. Neil works for a moment with a DEVICE... then seems satisfied. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/18/93 - ACT FOUR 43. 84 CONTINUED: NEIL That's it... three hundred milligrams of trilithium. Neil picks up a PIN. 84A INSERT on the pin in Neil's hand. It is about the size and shape of a grenade pin, with a small ring at one end. NEIL'S VOICE (re: pin) I'm using a dynamic stabilizer to act as a control rod... 84B RESUME SCENE Neil carefully inserts it into the thermos... there is an audible CLICK and a GREEN LIGHT comes on the thermos. NEIL There. That should keep the resin stable enough for transport. There is a beat, and then Kelsey reaches out and removes the thermos from the panel. Neil winces slightly at the casual way Kelsey handles the unit. KELSEY Don't look so tense, Neil. If something goes wrong, you won't have time to worry about it. She smiles at him and Neil manages a wan smile in return. KELSEY Let's go. They EXIT. CUT TO: 85 EXT. SPACE - REMMLER ARRAY (OPTICAL) The energy beams have reached the aft end of the saucer. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT FOUR 43A. 86 INT. SICKBAY Picard is dipping an arrow tip into a VIAL of colored liquid. He then loads the arrow into the crossbow. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - ACT FOUR 44. 87 INT. JEFFERIES TUBE Kelsey and Neil are climbing up a vertical section of tube. Kelsey is in the lead, with Neil behind her. The thermos is strapped onto Neil's back. NEIL How much further? KELSEY Three more decks... then we take corridor fifteen-B all the way to Ten Forward. Kelsey suddenly stops short. NEIL What's wrong? KELSEY We have to find another way up. 88 NEW ANGLE Revealing that all the ladder rungs above Kelsey are GONE. She looks at the remains of one of the rungs. 89 INSERT - RUNGS The two stubs jutting out from the wall of the Jefferies Tube are burnt and melted, as if cut with a torch. 90 RESUME KELSEY Her face darkens. CUT TO: 91 INT. SICKBAY Picard is now carefully pouring a small amount of WHITE POWDER from a container into a petri dish. The communicator in his pocket suddenly crackles to life. KELSEY'S COM VOICE That wasn't very clever, Mister Mott. INTERCUT: STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/18/93 - ACT FOUR 45. 92 INT. JEFFERIES TUBE - INTERCUT SICKBAY As Kelsey and Neil come down off the ladder and then move through a section of horizontal tube. Kelsey is talking into her communicator. KELSEY (continuing) If you knew where we were, you should've attacked us. Now we'll just take another route... one you might not be able to predict. As they talk, Picard pours some BLACK POWDER into another petri dish and then picks up a long wand. PICARD (to com) There are only so many ways to Ten Forward... and Ten Forward is the only logical place to go if you want to stay ahead of the Baryon sweep. Picard takes the wand and touches it to the white powder, then removes it and places it in the black powder. As soon as he touches the black powder, there is a SMALL EXPLOSION and puff of smoke. KELSEY (over above action) That sweep is just as big a threat to you as it is to us. In fact, if I were you, Mister Mott, I'd be trying to find a way off this ship. Picard is satisfied with the results of his experiment. He puts lids on the tops of the containers and puts them in a pocket. PICARD (to com) I plan on leaving the same way you do... on your ship. KELSEY What ship? PICARD Come on, Kelsey. If you've been planning this for so long, you must have a way to get off the Enterprise and leave this system. I think there's a ship coming for you. And I plan to be on it.  STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT FOUR 46. 92 CONTINUED: KELSEY It's a small ship, Mott... I don't think there's going to be room for both of us. PICARD I'm sorry to hear that... I'll send your regrets. Picard slings the crossbow over his shoulder and EXITS. END INTERCUT. 93 OMITTED 94 INT. ARKARIA BASE Riker is casually watching Beverly and Geordi from across the room. Beverly is kneeling next to Geordi, working on his VISOR. After a beat, she puts the VISOR down, says something quietly to Geordi and then moves to rejoin the others. RIKER (normal voice) How is he, Doctor? BEVERLY He's in a lot of pain, but he should be fine. He needs some water. She moves to get some water from a table. Troi is standing next to the table. Beverly talks quickly and quietly to Troi as she pours some water into a glass. Neither woman looks at the other as Beverly gets out her information. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT FOUR 47. 94 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (sotto, quick) We're almost ready. But when we set the VISOR to emit the hypersonic pulse, there'll be a short burst of light. We need a distraction. Beverly returns to Geordi and Troi casually sits down. Riker moves within earshot. TROI (sotto) They need a distraction. RIKER How long? TROI A few seconds. Riker thinks for a moment. RIKER I think I can keep Orton busy for a few seconds. TROI I don't think Orton's in a talking mood, Wil. RIKER You just have to know how to talk to him. Riker looks at Beverly. She makes a final adjustment to the VISOR... glances at Riker, looks away and then carefully nods her head. 95 RIKER Gets up and moves toward Orton who watches him carefully. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - ACT FOUR 48. 95 CONTINUED: RIKER Orton, I think we should discuss this situation. ORTON There's nothing to discuss. Sit down. RIKER I think there's a lot to discuss. Can't we be reasonable here? ORTON I'm not interested in hearing your hostage negotiation tactics, Commander. RIKER It won't hurt you to listen, will it? Orton sighs... willing to give this a shot if it will shut him up. ORTON (bored) All right. RIKER Thank you. Now the first thing I think we should discuss is this... Without the slightest warning, Riker throws a powerful right cross that catches Orton unaware and sends him sprawling. Riker throws a plate of food at the Waiter, but he quickly moves in with a well-placed kick that knocks Riker back. 96 ON BEVERLY (OPTICAL) As she adjusts the VISOR. A brief rainbow BURST OF LIGHT comes out and then disappears. 97 RIKER is picked up off the floor by the Waiter who holds him. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT FOUR 49. 97 CONTINUED: ORTON Well, Commander... Here's my response. Orton slams a fist into Riker's gut. CUT TO: 98 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The BARYON BEAM is now halfway through the saucer section. 99 INT. CORRIDOR Pomet is walking carefully through the corridor... looking for Picard with his weapon in hand. He approaches an intersection... begins to turn the corner, then stops as he hears something behind him. He doesn't turn right away... takes a another couple of steps forward, as if he didn't hear anything... then suddenly whirls around. 100 POV POMET Looking down the empty corridor. There's no one there. 101 RESUME POMET He's annoyed... thought he heard something, he begins to turn around and as he does we RACK FOCUS to see Picard, several feet down the corridor. He's already got the crossbow aimed. 102 PICARD FIRES the crossbow. 103 POMET is HIT in the leg with the arrow. He yells out in pain, but it's not a mortal wound and he whips up his weapon to fire back at Picard. But suddenly he pauses... dizzy... can't see straight... and he collapses to the ground. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - ACT FOUR 50. 104 WITH PICARD as he runs to Pomet. He checks the man's pulse -- alive -- and then moves to remove the weapon from Pomet's reflexive grip. But before he can, there's another weapon prodding the back of his head. KIROS (O.S.) Put your weapon down... slowly. 105 WIDER Kiros has gotten the drop on Picard! Off Picard... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/92 - ACT FIVE 51. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 106 INT. CORRIDOR Picard is standing with his hands on his head, facing away from Kiros, who never takes his eyes off him as he activates his communicator. KIROS (to com) Kelsey, this is Kiros. I'm on deck ten. I have Mott. INTERCUT: 107 INT. JEFFERIES TUBE Kelsey and Neil are climbing up another tube. KELSEY Is he alive? KIROS Yes. KELSEY Good. Meet us at intersection forty-one. KIROS Understood. Kiros points down the corridor with his weapon. KIROS Move. They begin to head down the corridor. CUT TO: 108 EXT. SPACE - REMMLER ARRAY (OPTICAL) The green field is now three quarters of the way through the saucer section. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT FIVE 52. 109 INT. CORRIDOR - JEFFERIES TUBE ENTRY The door to the Jefferies Tube OPENS and Kelsey crawls out into the corridor. Neil follows her, breathing heavily. KELSEY Give me the trilithium. 110 NEIL takes off the thermos and bends over, catching his breath. NEIL (panting) How... how much farther do we have to go? KELSEY Not far. (looks at thermos) With all the modifications you made to this unit, will we have any trouble removing the trilithium? NEIL No... you just remove the control rod and then drain the unit... there shouldn't be any problem. KELSEY That's all I wanted to know. She pulls out her weapon and points it at Neil's chest. Off his shocked expression... CUT TO: 111 ANOTHER CORRIDOR Picard and Kiros come about the corner just as Kelsey shuts the door to the Jefferies Tube. The thermos is on the deck... Neil is nowhere to be seen. Kelsey turns as they approach. KELSEY (to Picard) Well... not as clever as you thought. Where's Pomet? STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - ACT FIVE 52A. 111 CONTINUED: KIROS He shot him with some kind of arrow. PICARD He's not dead. KELSEY Well, he will be soon. The baryon sweep's nearly here and we don't have time to go back for him. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT FIVE 53. 111 CONTINUED: (2) KIROS What about Neil? KELSEY The sweep got him. Let's go. (to Picard) And you can lead, Mister Mott. That way if we come to any more of your little surprises, you'll be sure to let us know. Kelsey picks up the thermos as Kiros prods Picard down the corridor. CUT TO: 112 INT. ARKARIA BASE Riker is sitting at one of the tables, his face is slightly bloodied and bruised. Troi dabs a cloth to one of the cuts. TROI I thought you were going to talk with him. RIKER I did. He just didn't like what I had to say. Suddenly, a light on the computer panel begins FLASHING and BEEPING. Orton moves to the panel and begins working it. The Waiter keeps a close eye on everyone. Data moves to Riker. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/18/93 - ACT FIVE 54. 112 CONTINUED: DATA (re: computer panel) That was a perimeter warning from the Remmler Array. A small ship is approaching. (beat as he watches Orton) I believe Mister Orton has just dropped the defense shields. RIKER This has to be what they've been waiting for. Riker looks at Beverly. She makes a couple of adjustments to the VISOR and then nods... she's ready. RIKER Data, you're going to be the only one unaffected by the hypersonic burst. As soon as everyone's unconscious, you've got to get to the computer panel and stop that ship somehow. DATA I will try, sir. Riker takes a deep breath... then nods to Beverly. 113 BEVERLY activates the VISOR. 114 WIDER a VERY LOW HUM can be heard... Orton looks up in curiosity... then suddenly he (and everyone else in the room) puts his hands to his head in confusion... and sinks to the floor, unconscious. Everyone follows suit, leaving only Data awake. He moves quickly to the computer panel. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT FIVE 55. 115 EXT. SPACE - REMMLER ARRAY (OPTICAL) The sheet of green is almost through the saucer section. 116 INT. CORRIDOR Picard, Kiros and Kelsey move along at a clip. Picard's trying to figure things out... but also trying to keep his captors off-center, look for an opening. PICARD Kelsey -- perhaps we can work out a deal. KELSEY You're the only one who needs a deal, Mott. PICARD My name's not Mott. It's Jean-Luc Picard. Kelsey reacts... it all makes sense now. KELSEY Captain Picard... this is all beginning to make sense... PICARD Leave the trilithium here and take me with you. You can use me as a hostage instead of threatening -- KELSEY I'm not a terrorist Captain, and I don't have a political agenda... (beat) But I know some people who do have agendas... and who are very interested in this little container. PICARD Profit. This is all about profit. KELSEY I prefer to think of it as commerce. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/92 - ACT FIVE 56. 116 CONTINUED: They have reached the doors to Ten Forward. KELSEY (to Picard) Open the door. Picard uses his suction device and opens the door. KELSEY Now go through... slowly. 117 INT. TEN FORWARD as they ENTER single file: Picard, Kiros, then Kelsey. Kiros's weapon is steady on Picard's back and Kelsey is looking around for a possible trap. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/93 - ACT FIVE 57. 118 CLOSE ON PICARD'S FEET He steps squarely into a strip of WHITE POWDER on the ground... then carefully side-steps a strip of BLACK POWDER which is just ahead of it. 119 KIROS follows Picard warily. 120 CLOSE ON KIROS'S FEET as Kiros steps first onto the white, then directly onto the black powder with the same foot. As soon as his foot touches the second strip of powder, the chemicals react and there is an EXPLOSION. 121 WIDER As the explosion blows Kiros against the wall, knocking her out. Picard takes advantage of the explosion and whirls around... he lunges at Kelsey and knocks her to the ground. She loses her grip on the thermos. 122 THE THERMOS Bounces across the floor. 123 NEW ANGLE As Picard moves for Kiros's weapon, which is on the floor, but Kelsey recovers quickly and she catches him with a well-placed kick. Suddenly a noise makes both of them stop for a moment and turn toward the back wall. 124 ANGLE ON WALL (OPTICAL) As the BARYON SWEEP suddenly comes THROUGH the wall. 125 KELSEY AND PICARD (OPTICAL) Kelsey and Picard react to the sight. Then Kelsey swings at Picard and they begin to fight across the room toward the windows... only a few feet ahead of the BARYON SWEEP. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT FIVE 58. 125 CONTINUED: Kelsey knocks Picard back, goes for the thermos on the floor, but then Picard lunges at her, knocking them both to the ground... there is a brief struggle for the thermos as they roll around on the ground... finally Kelsey knocks him away and picks up her weapon. Picard freezes as Kelsey takes the thermos. Kelsey's communicator begins to BEEP and FLASH. KELSEY (touches her communicator) I guess, I'll be the one to send your regrets. Before Picard can make another move, Kelsey and the thermos DEMATERIALIZE. 126 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Picard looks around... trying to think of some way out. But there's nowhere for him to go. He climbs up on a window support, giving him a few extra seconds, but the sweep is getting every closer. He adjusts the communicator for a moment. PICARD (to com) Arkaria base, this is Captain Picard. Deactivate the baryon sweep. (urgent) This is Captain Picard on the Enterprise. Deactivate the baryon sweep immediately. He presses back against the window, still looking around for some way out. Anything. And then... it STOPS. The green glow fades. DATA'S COM VOICE Data to Captain Picard... do you read me Captain? PICARD (keys it) Picard here. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/92 - ACT FIVE 58A. 127 INTERCUT - ARKARIA BASE Data is at the computer panel. Riker is keeping guard on Orton and the Waiter in the b.g. and everyone looks a little woozy still. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/15/93 - ACT FIVE 59. 127 CONTINUED: DATA Are you all right, Captain? PICARD Yes. DATA Sir, an unidentified scout ship has just beamed someone off the Enterprise. Do you know anything about it? PICARD (beat; low) I know they won't get very far. 127A EXT. SPACE - SCOUT SHIP & ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) (Formerly Scene 130A) A small SCOUT SHIP is moving away from the Enterprise. Suddenly the scout ship EXPLODES. 127B INT. TEN FORWARD (Formerly 130B) The ship rocks slightly from the o.c. explosion. Picard is still looking out the windows. Picard unclinches his hand and looks down. 128 OMITTED 129 CLOSE ON PICARD'S HAND he's holding the safety pin from the thermos which he had surreptitiously removed during the scuffle. 130 RESUME PICARD Off his grim expression... CUT TO: 131 EXT. SPACE - THE REMMLER ARRAY (OPTICAL) The Enterprise is still docked. It's all lit up, per normal operation. The array is turned off. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/92 - ACT FIVE 59A. 132 INT. SICKBAY Beverly is patching up Picard's bumps and bruises with a medical DEVICE. BEVERLY Hold still... you've got a nasty cut here... Troi ENTERS. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - REV. - 01/18/93 - ACT FIVE 60. 132 CONTINUED: PICARD (to Troi, very concerned) Any luck? TROI I'm sorry, Captain. I don't know what could've happened to it. Riker ENTERS. RIKER (shakes his head) I've had three security teams search deck seven and they couldn't find anything. Picard's face falls. BEVERLY (firm) Hold still. I can't heal this cleanly if you keep fidgeting. Worf finally ENTERS, awkwardly holding Picard's saddle by one stirrup. WORF I found it, Captain. Someone put it in a maintenance locker. PICARD (takes saddle) Thank you. Worf looks puzzled at Picard. WORF You keep a saddle on board? RIKER Worf, I'm surprised at you... BEVERLY Any experienced rider would naturally have his own saddle. TROI It's perfectly normal. Beat. WORF Of course. STAR TREK: "Starship Mine" - 01/14/92 - ACT FIVE 61. 132 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD It came in very handy. (beat) I just wish I'd had a chance to use it on a horse. Off their reactions... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END