STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Timescape" #40276-251 Written by Brannon Braga Directed by Adam Nimoy THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1993 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT STAR TREK: "Timescape" - 3/29/93 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Timescape" CAST PICARD ROMULAN RIKER ROMULAN/ALIEN DATA ROMULAN/ALIEN #2 BEVERLY ENSIGN WORF TROI GEORDI COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. CREWMEMBERS THREE ROMULANS TWO N.D. MEDICAL SEVERAL ROMULAN N.D.'S TWO N.D. SECURITY TWO N.D. ENGINEERING STAR TREK: "Timescape" - 3/30/93 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Timescape" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE TRANSPORTER ROOM RUNABOUT ENGINEERING SICKBAY ROMULAN WARBIRD DATA'S QUARTERS RUNABOUT COCKPIT LIVING SECTION ROMULAN WARBIRD ENGINEERING STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/06/93 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Timescape" TEASER FADE IN: A1 INT. SICKBAY (OPTICAL) RIKER is sitting on a bed, a nasty-looking SCRATCH on the side of his face. BEVERLY is scanning his face with a medical tricorder. BEVERLY You really did it this time, Wil. It's not just a scrape... it's a deep cut. Riker tries to move his face, winces in pain. Beverly picks up a healing DEVICE and starts to wave it around his face, HEALING THE WOUND. BEVERLY I can heal it... but it would serve you right if I didn't. Riker gives her a look. BEVERLY (continuing) You can't keep playing Parises Squares like you're twenty-one years old. One of these days you're going to fall and break your neck... and I won't be able to heal that so easily. Riker looks a little sheepish through all this. RIKER Actually... I wasn't playing Parises Squares... Beverly continues the healing process. BEVERLY Mmm... Worf's calisthenic program again... RIKER No... Beverly cocks an eye at him, her interest piqued. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/06/93 - TEASER 1AA. A1 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Oh? What were you doing? Riker is embarrassed. RIKER I was trying to feed Spot. BEVERLY Data's cat? RIKER (nods) I told Data I'd feed it while he was away... Riker is disgruntled. RIKER All I remember is setting down the food... and then a hissing ball of fur came out of nowhere. (beat) I hate cats. Beverly completes her scan. BEVERLY You've just got to know how to handle them. RIKER Maybe you'd like to feed Spot. BEVERLY I'd be happy to... WORF'S COM VOICE Commander Riker to the Bridge. RIKER (taps combadge) On my way. Riker stands, heads for the door. He gets an idea and stops, reaches into a nearby medical drawer -- and pulls out a phaser. RIKER Oh, and Doctor... Beverly looks at him. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/06/93 - TEASER 1AB. A1 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER You're going to need this. Riker tosses her the phaser, and EXITS. OFF Beverly's amused look... B1 INT. BRIDGE WORF at tactical; N.D.S. at various positions. Riker ENTERS and moves to Command. RIKER Report. WORF We are picking up a distress call on the long range sensors. (beat) It is Romulan, sir. RIKER Romulan? WORF (off console) They claim they have suffered a complete engine failure. Their power levels are dropping... and their life support is failing. (dubious) It could be a trick. Riker considers. RIKER How long until our rendezvous with Captain Picard? WORF Approximately thirteen hours. Riker makes the choice -- it's a risk. RIKER Set course for the Romulan ship, Mister Worf. (beat) Raise our shields, and go to Red Alert. I want to be ready for anything. OFF Riker's tension... STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/06/93 - TEASER 1AC. 1 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) at impulse. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 46944.2. Commander Data, Mister La Forge, Counselor Troi and I are en route to the Enterprise, after attending a three day conference on the psychological effects of long-term deep space assignments. 2 INT. RUNABOUT - COCKPIT DATA is at the controls. He hits a few controls. DATA (to computer) Computer -- activate automatic helm control. COMPUTER VOICE Helm control activated. Data stands and moves to the rear of the ship... 3 INT. RUNABOUT - LIVING SECTION (OPTICAL) This is a NEW SET: A large room with a table, chairs, a couple of beds and a console. PICARD, GEORDI and TROI are seated around the table, finishing the remnants of a sparse lunch: a BOWL OF FRUIT, sandwiches, drinks, etc. The mood is fun, light. Data ENTERS and joins the conversation. TROI So just as I'm leaving the reception, a Ktarian walks up to me and says... STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/02/93 - TEASER 1A. 3 CONTINUED: Troi impersonates someone's voice: TROI (continuing) "So Diane... I understand you're an empath. I'm a very... sensitive man myself. I'm doing a thesis on interspecies mating rituals. Would you care to join me in some empirical research?" Picard and Geordi laugh. GEORDI Don't tell me -- Doctor Mizan. TROI (surprised) That's right. GEORDI He's notorious. But he really is an expert on interspecies mating practices. DATA (to Troi) Did you help him with his research, Counselor? TROI Absolutely not. DATA But I thought that topic interested you. TROI (awkward) Yes... but... Picard jumps in. PICARD I'll explain it to you later, Data. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/02/93 - TEASER 1B. 3 CONTINUED: (2) The others exchange an amused look. Troi takes a seat at the table. GEORDI (to Troi) What did you think of the rest of the conference? TROI To be honest... I was bored. I spent most of my time in Doctor Wagner's phylobiology seminar. (beat) I thought the idea of a seminar was that we would all participate... bring different points of views to the discussion... (MORE) STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 03/30/93 - TEASER 2. 3 CONTINUED: (3) TROI (Cont'd) (beat) He gathered two hundred scientists from all over the Federation... and all he did was put us to sleep. DATA (to Troi) I have a memory record of the entire lecture, Counselor. I can repeat the portions you missed, if you -- TROI (quickly) No thank you, Data. Picard leans back in his chair, fatigued. PICARD It wasn't any better at the physiognomy workshop. Doctor Vassbinder gave an hour long dissertation on the ionization effect of warp nacelles -- before he realized the topic was supposed to be psychology. GEORDI Why didn't somebody tell him? PICARD There was never an opportunity -- never a pause. He just kept talking... like he was speaking in one incredibly long, run-on sentence. (beat) It was almost... hypnotic. Troi smiles. They continue to eat and drink, trying to relax. GEORDI Well, I had a good time. The warp energy symposium was fascinating. (beat) I actually got the chance to touch a plasma field. TROI Really. What was it like? STAR TREK: "Timescape" - 03/29/93 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: (2) Geordi gestures with his hands, trying to describe it. GEORDI Incredible. I could feel the plasma crawling up my arm. It was warm... and it gave off a tingling sensation that -- Suddenly, inexplicably, everyone except Troi FREEZES IN MID-MOTION -- AS IF TIME HAS STOPPED. COMPLETELY MOTIONLESS. Geordi in mid-speech and gesture. Picard with a cup of tea half-way to his mouth. Data listening, face placid. It's like a picture-still photograph. Troi reacts, stunned by the sight. TROI Captain? (beat) Data... ? A moment later, TIME RESUMES. Everyone CONTINUES THEIR MOTION as if nothing is wrong. Only Troi has noticed what happened. GEORDI (continuing dialogue) -- went all the way down my chest. It was kind of like taking a bath in pure energy. DATA It was not painful? GEORDI Not at all. In fact... Geordi notices that Troi looks shaken. GEORDI Is there something wrong, Counselor? The conversation stops. All attention to Troi. TROI I'm... not sure... STAR TREK: "Timescape" - 03/29/93 - TEASER 4. 3 CONTINUED: (3) OFF Troi's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Timescape" - 03/29/93 - ACT ONE 5. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 4 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) at impulse. 5 INT. RUNABOUT - LIVING SECTION A few minutes later. Troi is on her feet, confused, trying to make sense out of what happened. Geordi scans Picard with a medical tricorder... then scans Troi. Data looks on. GEORDI (off tricorder) Our bio-scans check out. There are no physiological anomalies. (beat) If something did happen, it didn't leave any biological traces. Troi looks troubled. Picard tries to help her remember. PICARD (to Troi) How long did it appear to you that we were... frozen? TROI I don't know... four, maybe five seconds. You just... stopped... and then started again... (beat) I can't explain it... Data thinks. DATA (continuing) My memory record does not indicate a pause or disruption during that period of time. Data turns and works the nearby console. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - 03/29/93 - ACT ONE 6. 5 CONTINUED: DATA My internal chronometer and the ship's computer are perfectly synchronized. There does not appear to be a temporal discrepancy. A beat. No one has an explanation. GEORDI Data -- let's run a ship-wide diagnostic. Maybe there's something we missed... Data nods and they move to the cockpit of the Runabout. Troi and Picard sit down at the table. (NOTE: The bowl of fruit is still on the table.) PICARD Let's go through it again. You were sitting there... and we were sitting here... (beat) Describe the exact moment when things appeared to freeze. Troi thinks. TROI Geordi was talking about what it felt like to touch the plasma field... You were lifting the cup, about to take a drink... Beat. PICARD Did you sense anything from us during that time? Any unusual emotions? TROI No... not a thing. I was empathically aware of you, right up to the moment you froze, but then it all stopped... Troi sighs... tries to relax. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - 03/29/93 - ACT ONE 7. 5 CONTINUED: (2) TROI The past few days have been exhausting. Maybe it was my imagination... (lightly) There were moments in that lecture hall when I thought time was standing still, too... Picard smiles. PICARD There is another possibility, Counselor. Perhaps this was nothing more than a simple -- 6 NEW ANGLE - FROM TROI'S POINT OF VIEW IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE, THE ENTIRE SCENE HAS CHANGED. Picard, Data and Geordi are now standing closely around Troi, looking at her with concern. Geordi is scanning her with a medical tricorder. Troi is stunned -- it takes her a moment to realize what has happened. PICARD Are you alright? TROI What happened? DATA You have been motionless for three minutes, eleven seconds. TROI Motionless... ? PICARD It appears to be the same effect you described to us. (beat) Can you remember anything? Troi thinks, unsettled... STAR TREK: "Timescape" - 03/29/93 - ACT ONE 8. 6 CONTINUED: TROI No... one second I was sitting here talking with you... the next, you were all standing around me. Geordi works the tricorder. GEORDI (off tricorder) Wait a second... this is weird... TROI What is it? GEORDI I had the tricorder run a comparison between the bio-scan I took of you earlier... and the one I took just now... (beat) In the time between the two scans, you should have aged twenty-three minutes. But according to your cellular decay levels... you've only aged twenty minutes. PICARD (reacts) What could account for the discrepancy? GEORDI I don't know, sir. It's as if for three minutes, time stopped for Counselor Troi. They consider the situation -- this is getting weird. PICARD Mister Data -- contact the Enterprise. Tell Commander Riker to get to the rendezvous point as soon as possible. Have him begin scanning the region for temporal anomalies. DATA Aye sir. Data EXITS into the cockpit. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - 03/29/93 - ACT ONE 9. 6 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI I'll take a look at the sensor logs... see if I can find anything. Picard nods. Geordi starts to work a nearby console. DATA (O.S.) Captain. Picard and Troi EXIT into the cockpit... 7 INT. RUNABOUT - COCKPIT Data at the controls. Picard and Troi join him. DATA The Enterprise is not responding to our hails. PICARD Are we within sensor range yet? DATA No sir. PICARD Increase speed to the rendezvous coordinates. DATA Aye sir. Data works... 8 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) As it goes into WARP. 9 INT. RUNABOUT - COCKPIT (OPTICAL) A few minutes later. Data and Geordi at the helm. Picard and Troi look on. A small warning alarm goes off on the console. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - 03/29/93 - ACT ONE 10. 9 CONTINUED: DATA (off console) We have an engine failure warning in the -- Suddenly, the ship JOLTS and VEERS TO THE RIGHT. Picard and Troi hang on as the ship SHAKES. PICARD Report! GEORDI The starboard nacelle just cut out! Data works -- the ship STOPS shaking. DATA Attitude control has been restored. PICARD Full stop. (beat) What happened? Geordi reacts to the console, surprised. GEORDI The starboard antimatter pod is completely drained. The fuel reserves are empty. PICARD Is there a containment leak? GEORDI (works) No sir. The containment field is intact... all engine systems are operational... The fuel is just gone. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - 03/29/93 - ACT ONE 11. 9 CONTINUED: Data reacts to the console, surprised. DATA Geordi -- I believe I have an explanation. According to the plasma conversion sensor, the starboard engine has been in continuous operation for over forty-seven days. GEORDI (reacts) Forty-seven days? Let's take a look at that sensor -- it must be malfunctioning. PICARD I'll check the fuel consumption logs... Picard moves toward the living section... 10 thru OMITTED 11 12 INT. RUNABOUT - LIVING SECTION Picard ENTERS and moves to the console. He works for a moment... then something catches his eye. He glances at the table, reacts to what he sees. He walks up to the table, staring down at the bowl of fruit... 13 INCLUDE - THE BOWL OF FRUIT The fruit is now completely ROTTEN -- shriveled and black. Picard reacts, curious. He reaches a hand toward the fruit to take a piece... and stops, reacting to a sudden pain in his hand. He yells out and jerks his hand away -- 14 INSERT - PICARD'S HAND HIS FINGERNAILS HAVE GROWN A HALF INCH -- AS IF TIME HAS ELAPSED. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - 03/29/93 - ACT ONE 11A. 15 PICARD falls back into a chair, gripping his hand in pain. Data, Troi and Geordi quickly ENTER and move to him. TROI What happened? STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/01/93 - ACT ONE 12. 15 CONTINUED: PICARD My hand... Picard holds out his hand, which is convulsing. Troi takes out a medical tricorder and scans Picard's hand. TROI (off tricorder) The cells in your hand are metabolizing at an incredible rate... almost fifty times normal... Picard reacts. The trembling starts to subside... he takes a breath and flexes his fingers... PICARD The pain is going away... TROI Your metabolism is stabilizing... Picard looks to the table. PICARD It happened when I reached for the bowl of fruit. Data glances toward the fruit, moves to a console and begins to work. He reacts, surprised. DATA Captain. I am detecting a temporal disturbance which intersects the table. (beat) It would appear that within this disturbance, time is moving at a highly accelerated rate -- approximately fifty times faster than normal. They stare at the table a moment. 16 ANGLE ON BOWL OF FRUIT the fruit has now completely DISINTEGRATED INTO DUST. 17 RESUME Data continues his scan. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - 03/29/93 - ACT ONE 13. 17 CONTINUED: DATA (off console) The disturbance is roughly spherical in shape. It extends outward through the hull, approximately seventeen meters beyond the ship. GEORDI (realizing) That would cover the starboard nacelle. No wonder it used up all its fuel. PICARD (to Data) Check the hull integrity. Data works the console. DATA It does not appear to be affected. A tense beat. PICARD See if you can move us away from the disturbance, Mister La Forge. GEORDI Aye sir. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/01/93 - ACT ONE 14. 17 CONTINUED: (2) Geordi ENTERS the cockpit... INTERCUT: 18 INT. RUNABOUT - COCKPIT Geordi sits and works the helm. GEORDI (working) Lateral thrusters on-line... (to Data) Data, plot a course away from the disturbance. Make sure it doesn't come in contact with our other engine. DATA (working, to Geordi) Course plotted. Adjust pitch to twenty-seven point three degrees. Set heading one-eight-zero mark zero. Geordi works. GEORDI Got it. Reversing at fifteen meters per second... We HEAR the SOUND of the engine powering up. DATA (off console) We are clearing the phenomenon... Suddenly, the ship JOLTS briefly. Data's console BEEPS. DATA (quickly) All stop. Geordi works. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - 03/29/93 - ACT ONE 14A. 18 CONTINUED: GEORDI What's the matter? DATA There is another temporal disturbance directly behind us. Geordi reacts to the console. GEORDI Captain, you'd better take a look at this... Picard, Data and Troi move to him. GEORDI (off console) The sensors are picking up temporal disturbances throughout the region. Different configurations... different sizes... they're everywhere. Geordi hits a few controls... 19 INTERCUT: CONSOLE MONITOR (CRT) It DISPLAYS a GRAPHIC of the Runabout in space. The ship is surrounded by dozens of irregular FRAGMENTS in space -- like glowing shards of glass. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - 03/29/93 - ACT ONE 15. 19 CONTINUED: DATA (off graphic) Within each disturbance, it appears that time is moving at a different rate. GEORDI It's almost like something shattered the space-time continuum... DATA (off graphic) The fragmentation effect increases along a heading of two-seven-zero mark one-five. GEORDI That's the direction of the Enterprise. An ominous beat. PICARD Can we navigate around these... "fragments"? GEORDI We'll have to limit our maneuvering speed to one half impulse... but I think we can do it. PICARD Get us to the Enterprise. As they work... 20 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) as it takes off through space, at impulse... 21 INT. RUNABOUT Later. Data and Geordi at the controls. Picard and Troi standing nearby. Geordi looks out the window, perplexed. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/01/93 - ACT ONE 16. 21 CONTINUED: GEORDI These are the coordinates... They look out the window. PICARD Perhaps they've been delayed... GEORDI (off console) I've got the long range sensors on maximum, sir. No sign of the Enterprise. A silent beat as Geordi works. GEORDI (working) But... I am picking up a faint reading... possibly metallic, but I can't tell for sure... (beat) The energy levels are practically non-existent. PICARD Take us to it. GEORDI Aye sir... Geordi works... a quiet beat as they wait... DATA (off console) The fragmentation effect is increasing... GEORDI Slowing to one eighth impulse... A tense moment goes by... they watch out the window, waiting... then they see it: PICARD There she is... Their reactions turn to mounting disbelief -- then shock. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - 03/29/93 - ACT ONE 17. 21 CONTINUED: (2) TROI My God... 22 EXT. SPACE - THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) as it slows to a stop in front of an incredible sight: THE ENTERPRISE AND A ROMULAN WARBIRD ARE FACE TO FACE, HANGING IN SPACE, COMPLETELY FROZEN -- AS IF TIME HAS STOPPED. They appear to be engaged in mid-battle. The Warbird is firing a DISRUPTOR toward the Enterprise, but the beam is FROZEN in mid-blast. The Enterprise's SHIELDS are half-raised, and the ship is DAMAGED in a few places. It's like a photograph. Both ships frozen in time. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Timescape" - 03/29/93 - ACT TWO 18. ACT TWO FADE IN: 23 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND ROMULAN WARBIRD (OPTICAL) As before -- face to face in mid-battle, completely motionless. 24 INT. RUNABOUT - COCKPIT (OPTICAL) Picard, Data, Geordi and Troi staring out the window, stunned by the sight. PICARD Mister Data... ? DATA (off console) The Enterprise and the Warbird both appear to be trapped within one of the temporal fragments. GEORDI The fragments seem to converge at this point... I'd say we're looking at the center of the temporal disturbances. PICARD Scan for life signs. DATA Sensors cannot penetrate the subspace field. I am unable to scan within the vessels. They stare at the ships a long moment, trying to make sense of it all. TROI It looks like the Enterprise has been damaged... (points) There, on the starboard nacelle... STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/01/93 - ACT TWO 19. 24 CONTINUED: Geordi stares out. GEORDI The Warbird doesn't look damaged at all... I wonder if the Enterprise even got off a shot... TROI The Romulans could've decloaked before the Enterprise had a chance to respond... PICARD There's a second energy beam. It's coming from the Enterprise deflector array... any idea what it could be? DATA It is impossible to tell from a visual inspection. But it appears to be focused on the Warbird's Engineering section. They consider. Picard stares out the window, frustrated by the situation. PICARD We're not going to figure out what happened from here. We need to get aboard the Enterprise. DATA That would be unadvisable, sir. In each of the three instances we came into contact with a temporal fragment, we were integrated into its time frame. GEORDI (off that) If we beamed aboard the Enterprise, we'd be frozen in time, just like they are. PICARD Then we've got to find a way to stay unfrozen... STAR TREK: "Timescape" - 03/29/93 - ACT TWO 20. 24 CONTINUED: (2) Picard thinks... gets an idea. PICARD Mister La Forge... what about a subspace forcefield like the one we used on Devidia Two? Could something like that protect us from the effects of the temporal fragment? GEORDI Possibly. But we'd need a pretty sensitive phase discriminator to modulate that kind of field... Data gets an idea. DATA The emergency Transporter armbands contain a type-seven phase discriminator. It should be possible to reconfigure their subspace emitters. GEORDI Yeah... that would certainly isolate us from the effects of the other time frame... As he talks, Geordi stands and opens a nearby storage compartment. He takes out a couple of TRANSPORTER ARMBANDS (as seen in "Best of Both Worlds II"). He examines them... GEORDI (continuing) But if we want to interact with that environment... we'd have to restrict the field. It would have to be practically skin-tight. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - 03/29/93 - ACT TWO 21. 24 CONTINUED: (3) DATA I will attempt to narrow the field. Data takes out the rest of the Transporter armbands. GEORDI (to Picard) This might work, Captain. But it's going to take some time... Picard nods, looks out the window at the frozen ships. PICARD It would seem that time is one thing we have plenty of... 25 EXT. SPACE - THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) As before. Near the frozen Enterprise and Warbird. 26 INT. RUNABOUT - COCKPIT Later. Picard, Data and Troi are each wearing a Transporter armband on their arm. They each have a phaser and a tricorder strapped to their waist. Geordi is making the final adjustments to Picard's armband. GEORDI I've channeled communications through the subspace relays in the armbands. We'll be in continual contact. TROI How long will the fields last? STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/01/93 - ACT TWO 22. 26 CONTINUED: GEORDI An hour, maybe less. Don't worry. I'll monitor you very carefully... Geordi completes the adjustment to Picard's armband. He moves to a nearby console, works the controls... 27 NEW ANGLE - PICARD, DATA, TROI (OPTICAL) As a FIELD FLASHES AROUND EACH OF THEM BRIEFLY. (NOTE: The fields should look skin-tight, like electrical "wetsuits.") Troi reacts to a dizzy feeling, puts a hand to her head. Data takes note. DATA Is there something wrong, Counselor? TROI I got a little dizzy there for a second... GEORDI We're generating an artificial pocket of time around you -- it's probably playing tricks on your equilibrium... (beat) It might take a little while to get used to. Let me know if it gets any worse. PICARD (to Geordi) Beam us directly to the Enterprise Bridge. GEORDI Aye sir. Picard, Data and Troi step toward the Transporter platform, offscreen. Geordi works the controls. GEORDI Energizing... We HEAR them DEMATERIALIZE... STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 03/31/93 - ACT TWO 23. 28 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard, Data and Troi MATERIALIZE in an open area. They look around the room -- it's a startling sight: 29 WIDEN TO REVEAL - THE ROOM (OPTICAL) EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE IS COMPLETELY STOPPED, FROZEN IN PLACE. The ship is utterly SILENT. The Bridge has been caught in mid-crisis. The ship is at Red Alert, consoles and warning lights stopped in mid-flash. The room is DAMAGED in a few places -- scorch marks on the walls, etc. N.D. CREWMEMBERS are present, all of them MOTIONLESS with looks of concern on their faces, some of them gripping consoles for support. 30 A ROMULAN is FROZEN at the Conn position, hands poised above the console. An N.D. crewmember is lying on the floor next to him, a nasty-looking scorch mark on his face -- he appears to be dead. Another ROMULAN stands nearby, watching. 31 RIKER (OPTICAL) is backed up against a wall in another part of the room -- his hands raised in a defensive posture against a third ROMULAN. Their expressions are tense, urgent -- they appear to be frozen in mid-struggle. 32 PICARD, DATA, TROI take in the picture-still scene. Picard starts to move toward the Command Area, taking in all the details. PICARD Three Romulans... all armed with disruptors... one at Conn... (looks around) There are none of our security officers on the Bridge. They must've taken us by surprise.... Data moves to the Ops position. Troi moves to Riker. Picard moves to Riker's chair. He carefully reaches down to the chair... and deliberately moves the swingarm console. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - 03/29/93 - ACT TWO 24. 32 CONTINUED: PICARD It would appear that we can move objects in this time frame. Troi is staring at Riker and the Romulan. Picard joins her. TROI (re: Riker) Maybe we can do something to help Wil... Picard is cautious. PICARD I'm wary about making changes in this time continuum until we understand more about what's going on. 33 DATA is studying the console at Ops. He carefully reaches around the motionless crewmember and punches a few controls on the console. No response. DATA None of the equipment is functioning. (studies console) However, the information currently displayed indicates that there was a massive power surge in Engineering. Picard moves to the Tactical position -- studies the consoles there. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/06/93 - ACT TWO 25. 33 CONTINUED: PICARD (off console) Security teams had just been sent to Transporter Room Three... and Sickbay. Picard turns to the others. PICARD Counselor -- you go to Sickbay. Have a look around. Data, go to Main Engineering -- see if you can determine the cause of the power surge. I'll be in Transporter Room Three. (beat) Picard to La Forge. GEORDI'S COM VOICE La Forge here, sir. PICARD Lock onto our signals. I want you to beam Counselor Troi to -- GEORDI'S COM VOICE I'd rather not, Captain. We've got limited power... and your isolation fields consume a lot of energy. PICARD Understood. We'll use the Jefferies Tubes. (to others) Let's go. As they all turn to go... 33A INT. JEFFERIES TUBE Picard, Troi and Data are climbing downward (in that order) through the cramped space. On the move: PICARD T-Sixteen is directly ahead -- it's the main junction for this section of the ship. We should have reasonably easy access to our destinations from there... STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/06/93 - ACT TWO 25A. 33A CONTINUED: (2) They come to the hatch in the platform floor. Picard uses a door-opening device (as seen in "Starship Mine") to pry it open. He stops, startled to see a FROZEN FACE staring right up at him on the other side of the hatch: a CREWMEMBER stopped in mid-climb below, an urgent look on his face. Two more CREWMEMBERS can be seen behind him, also caught in mid-climb. They are carrying several pieces of (TECH) equipment, making it impossibly cramped on their side of the Tube. Picard, Troi and Data eye the frozen crewmembers. TROI Maybe we can get around them... A beat -- it looks unlikely. PICARD No. We'll find an alternate route. (beat) Let's go back up. As they start to climb up along the Tube... 33B EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as before -- frozen. 33C INT. ENGINEERING ANGLE on the doors to the Jefferies Tube. Slowly, they start to OPEN... and we reveal that Data is prying them apart with android strength... Data gets them open and enters the room. He glances around, taking in the scene... then sees something in the direction of the engine core. He reacts, clearly concerned. As he moves toward the core... 34 INT. CORRIDOR Troi walking down the utterly silent hallway. She passes a FROZEN CREWMEMBER who has been caught in midstride. She eyes him as she passes... it's a disarming sight... STAR TREK: "Timescape" - 03/29/93 - ACT TWO 26. 35 INT. ANOTHER CORRIDOR Troi arrives at the entrance to Sickbay. TWO SECURITY GUARDS are stopped in the open doorway, phasers drawn, in the middle of ENTERING the room. Troi carefully brushes past them and enters the room... 36 INT. SICKBAY - CONTINUOUS As Troi ENTERS and looks around. The room has been fixed in mid-moment. TWO MEDICAL N.D.S are visible frozen in mid-work. They have urgent expressions. Troi glances beside her. A frozen ROMULAN WOMAN is standing against the wall by the door. Troi walks further into the room... surveying the scene... and stops at what she sees: 37 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) BEVERLY is standing a few feet away with her arms spread apart, body in mid-jolt, eyes wide with shock. A DISRUPTOR BLAST HAS PENETRATED HER CHEST -- THE GLOWING BEAM CAUGHT IN MID-FLASH. A nasty-looking HOLE has been burned through her chest. A ROMULAN MAN stands a few feet away, firing the phaser at her. It has all been FROZEN in time. 38 TROI reacts. She takes a step toward Beverly, disturbed by the sight. It looks hopeless. Finally, Troi turns and heads for the door. As she goes, she passes the Romulan who is standing by the door... 39 CLOSE - THE ROMULAN WOMAN A beat goes by. Then, inexplicably, the Romulan's eyes follow Troi as she exits. She turns toward the door. Clearly, she is not frozen in time. OFF her unreadable face.... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/05/93 - ACT THREE 27. ACT THREE FADE IN: 40 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) As before. Motionless. 40A INT. CORRIDOR Picard walking along the empty hall. He passes a Turbolift whose doors are partially open... and something catches his eye. He moves to the doors... positions himself to get a good look inside the Turbolift... 40B PICARD'S POV - TURBOLIFT Just visible beyond to the half-closed door, a ROMULAN and an N.D. CREWMEMBER are standing side-by-side, motionless, apparently caught in mid-conversation. 40C PICARD reacts to the sight, curious... then moves off down the corridor... 41 INT. ENTERPRISE - TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) The scene is FROZEN in a tableau. THREE ROMULANS are motionless on the Transporter stage. One is holding his arm, injured, a look of pain on his face. Another is helping him along. The third Romulan is stepping down off the Transporter platform, his mouth open in mid-speech. TWO SECURITY N.D.S are frozen at the foot of the stage, facing the Romulans, phasers drawn. 42 PICARD is moving from person to person, exploring the scene for clues. He stops at WORF, who is FROZEN at the Transporter console. Picard tries to read the console display, but Worf's hands are covering it. Picard considers... then gently slides Worf's hands out of the way... PICARD Excuse me, Mister Worf... Picard examines the console with interest... STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/06/93 - ACT THREE 27A. 43 TROI ENTERS, looking shaken by her recent experience in Sickbay. She crosses to Picard. TROI Captain... PICARD Counselor. Take a look at this... Picard indicates the console. PICARD It appears that Mister Worf had just beamed these three aboard... (MORE) STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 03/30/93 - ACT THREE 28. 43 CONTINUED: PICARD (Cont'd) (off console) According to this, three other Romulans were beamed directly to Sickbay just seconds before. TROI I know. I just saw them... Troi tries to find a way to tell Picard what she just found. But Picard is absorbed in the mystery. PICARD Why would we be transporting Romulans onto our ship in the middle of a battle? Picard gestures toward the Transporter stage -- at the Romulans standing there... the Security N.D.s with their phasers drawn... PICARD (re: Romulans) They don't have any weapons... and that one looks injured. If they were part of an invasion, why are they unarmed? It doesn't make sense... Troi hesitates, trying to find the best way to put this. It's a difficult moment. TROI (continuing) Captain... there's something I have to tell you... (beat) Doctor Crusher has been hit by a disruptor blast at point blank range... if time returns to normal, I don't see how she can survive. A grim beat as Picard absorbs the news. He heads for the door, determined. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 03/30/93 - ACT THREE 29. 43 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD There must be something we can do... DATA'S COM VOICE (fritzed) Data to Captain Picard. PICARD Picard here. DATA'S COM VOICE Please come to Engineering immediately. It is urgent. Picard and Troi exchange a concerned look. As they EXIT... 44 INT. ENGINEERING Data is studying the Pool Table read-outs. FOUR ENGINEERING N.D.S can been seen FROZEN in the room. One of them is working frantically; the other is running toward the door, a look of concern on his face. Picard and Troi ENTER through the opened Jefferies Tube entrance and cross to Data. PICARD What's the problem, Mister Data? Data turns to them. DATA I believe I have discovered the cause of the power surge. (beat) There is a warp core breach in progress. They react. Data indicates the engine core. They walk up to it... INTERCUT: 45 ANGLE ON ENGINE CORE (OPTICAL) A CLOUD OF VIOLENT BLUE-WHITE GAS IS BALLOONING OUTWARD FROM THE CORE, FROZEN IN TIME. It is a warp core EXPLOSION, stopped at its beginning -- a strange and terrifying sight. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 03/30/93 - ACT THREE 30. 45 CONTINUED: DATA (re: explosion) It is the flashpoint of a warp core explosion. (beat) And it is expanding. PICARD Expanding... I thought time was suspended on this ship. DATA We were incorrect. I have determined that time is moving forward at an infinitesimal rate. TROI Why didn't we notice it before? DATA Our initial conclusion was based on our observations of the crew. A warp core breach moves at a much faster rate. He indicates the breach cloud. DATA (continuing) The motion of the cloud is within my visual detection threshold. Based on its current expansion rate, it will consume the ship in approximately nine hours, seventeen minutes. They react to the news -- troubled. PICARD Is there any way we can stop it? DATA It is no longer a question of stopping it, sir. The explosion has already occurred -- The fact that it is moving slowly changes nothing. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 03/30/93 - ACT THREE 31. 45 CONTINUED: (2) Picard stares at the breach cloud for a long moment... becoming very thoughtful... PICARD Astonishing... to see it frozen like this... Picard studies the explosion... moves offscreen as Data and Troi continue talking... TROI Do we know what caused the breach? DATA No. However, the console displays indicate that there was a power transfer in progress from the Enterprise to the Romulan vessel at the moment time decelerated. (beat) That is why there is a second beam between the two ships. TROI Why would we be sending them power? DATA Perhaps we should go aboard the Romulan ship. The answer to that question may -- From offscreen, Picard LAUGHS. They turn to see -- 46 INCLUDE PICARD (OPTICAL) standing near the breach cloud. He has just TRACED two eyes and a mouth in the gaseous cloud -- a big smiling face. He studies the result... then looks at Data and Troi. He points to the face and starts laughing again. Clearly, something is wrong with him. DATA Captain? Picard reacts to a sudden pain in his head, dizzy... stumbles backward and leans against the wall. Troi and Data rush to him. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/01/93 - ACT THREE 32. 46 CONTINUED: TROI Captain, what's wrong? Picard looks up at them, serious. PICARD My head... dizzy... I can't... And he starts laughing again, uncontrollably. Data reaches for him, but Picard pulls away, suddenly panicked. PICARD No! Picard struggles against Data, losing all control. He looks deranged. Troi taps her armband. TROI Troi to La Forge. Get us out of here, now! 47 EXT. SPACE - THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) As before. 48 INT. RUNABOUT - LIVING SECTION Picard is sitting at the table. He has returned to normal, but looks exhausted. Geordi is studying an opened PANEL on one of the Transporter armbands. Data looks on. GEORDI It looks like you weren't completely protected from the effects of the other time continuum... (beat) The neuro-physical stress must've been overwhelming. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 03/30/93 - ACT THREE 33. 48 CONTINUED: DATA In much the same way that deep sea divers can experience nitrogen narcosis -- you experienced a form of temporal narcosis. Picard considers -- it's a disturbing revelation. PICARD Can we modify the subspace isolators to give us better protection? GEORDI I don't think so. All we can do right now is be careful -- limit our exposure to their time frame. We probably shouldn't stay any longer than ten minutes per trip. And we should stick together while we're there... just in case. Picard nods, stands. PICARD Very well. Our next step is to find out why the Enterprise was transferring power to the Romulan ship. (to Troi) We'll begin our search in their engine room. Counselor -- you spent several days on a Romulan ship -- you know more about their lay-outs than anyone here. Perhaps you can -- Picard reacts to a pain in his head, dizzy. TROI Captain. It might be better if you stayed here this time and gave yourself a chance to recover. Picard is reluctant, but he knows she's right. PICARD You're right... (to all) I'll monitor your progress from here. Ten minutes... no more. OFF their apprehension... STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/01/93 - ACT THREE 34. 49 EXT. SPACE - ROMULAN WARBIRD (OPTICAL) hanging motionless. 50 INT. ROMULAN WARBIRD - ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) (Similar to the Engineering room as seen in "The Next Phase.") Data, Geordi and Troi MATERIALIZE in a clear space in the room. They look around -- 51 NEW ANGLE - THE ROOM EVERYTHING IS FROZEN. There are several ROMULAN N.D.S. stopped in various activities. There is a sense of urgency to their actions -- clearly, something urgent was happening when time stopped. 52 DATA, GEORDI, TROI take it all in. TROI Geordi, there should be a power utilization monitor over there... Geordi nods. They quickly move to different consoles and begin to study the displays... 53 DATA AND TROI stop at a console. They study the screen. DATA (off console) This is highly unusual. The crew is not at Battle Stations. The ship is on Evacuation Alert. TROI Is that why Romulans were being transported to the Enterprise... ? They consider. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/01/93 - ACT THREE 35. 54 GEORDI moves to a corner of the room and reads a console. (NOTE: This corner is empty -- there are no Romulans standing nearby). He reacts to the display. GEORDI (to others) Take a look at this... Data and Troi move to him. GEORDI (off console) There's an energy feedback returning through the transfer beam. It's probably what overloaded the Enterprise's engine... and caused the core breach. They consider. DATA Perhaps the Warbird was trying to destroy the Enterprise. GEORDI (off console) I don't think so. According to this, the Romulans were trying to shut down the power transfer. A puzzled beat. TROI Whatever happened, this is beginning to look less and less like a Romulan attack... GEORDI Let's take a look at their engine output. They move to a console near the ENGINE CORE... study the readings. DATA (off console, surprised) Geordi -- the engine core is completely inactive. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 03/30/93 - ACT THREE 35A. 54 CONTINUED: TROI (reacts) That's impossible. The Romulans use an artificial quantum singularity as their power source. Once it's activated, it can't be shut down. GEORDI Maybe we should take a closer look.... STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/02/93 - ACT THREE 36. 54 CONTINUED: (2) Data nods. They move to the engine core. Geordi manually opens a large ACCESS PANEL on the core chamber... looks inside... and steps back, a look of surprise on his face. GEORDI I think we found the problem... Geordi moves aside and Data and Troi look inside the core. INTERCUT: 55 ANGLE - ENGINE CORE (OPTICAL) The core is filled with an otherworldly KALEIDOSCOPE -- AS IF SPACE ITSELF HAS BEEN FRAGMENTED, LIKE A SHATTERED MIRROR. IT IS CONTINUALLY SHIFTING, MOVING. (NOTE: Also visible within the kaleidoscope effect are several DARK SPOTS -- which we will later learn are ALIEN EGGS.) Data pulls out his tricorder and takes a reading of the vortex. Throughout the conversation, Data continues to scan. DATA (off tricorder) It appears to be a highly focused aperture in the space-time continuum. Its energy signature matches that of the temporal fragments we observed earlier. However, it is approximately one point two million times as intense. (beat) I believe this may be the origin of the temporal fragmentation. Data continues to scan the core... intrigued... TROI What are these dark spots? DATA (continuing, off tricorder) I am not certain. They exhibit complex bio-electric patterns. Very possibly organic. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/01/93 - ACT THREE 36A. 55 CONTINUED: GEORDI (surprised) Organic? DATA From their molecular configuration, it would seem -- Suddenly, the tricorder BEEPS. DATA The aperture is beginning to fluctuate. I believe we are -- Suddenly, the vortex emits a BLINDING FLASH OF LIGHT. 56 WIDE ANGLE ON ROOM TIME RESUMES. THE ENTIRE SCENE COMES TO LIFE, CONTINUING ITS MOTION AND SOUND. Romulan N.D.s start working frantically, yelling out commands. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - 03/29/93 - ACT THREE 37. 56 CONTINUED: A WARNING KLAXON is heard. Confusion, chaos. 57 ANGLE ON DOOR as a distinctive-looking ROMULAN/ALIEN (MALE) rushes into the room, concerned. He stops at the sight of Data, Geordi and Troi. What are they doing here? 58 INT. RUNABOUT Picard at the controls, concerned. 59 PICARD'S POV - OUTSIDE WINDOW (OPTICAL) as the ENTERPRISE EXPLODES from the warp core breach... 60 RESUME The cabin FILLS with BRIGHT LIGHT from the explosion. Picard throws up his hands to shield his eyes -- An instant later, the bright light of the explosion begins to... FADE AWAY... 61 PICARD'S POV - OUTSIDE WINDOW (OPTICAL) THE ENTERPRISE IS COMING BACK TOGETHER AGAIN. TIME IS REVERSING ITSELF. 62 INT. ROMULAN WARBIRD - ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) Everything we've just seen over the past few seconds -- Romulans working, voices, sounds, etc -- IS NOW MOVING BACKWARD, TIME REVERSING ITSELF. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - 03/29/93 - ACT THREE 38. 63 DATA, GEORDI, TROI (OPTICAL) watch in utter amazement as EVERYTHING MOVES BACK INTO ITS ORIGINAL POSITION AND STOPS AT THE EXACT POINT WHERE TIME WAS ORIGINALLY FROZEN. Utter silence. Everything completely motionless. OFF their stunned reactions... FADE OUT. END ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/02/93 - ACT FOUR 39. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 64 INT. ROMULAN WARBIRD - ENGINEERING A few minutes later. Data, Geordi and Troi talking to Picard on the com, mid-conversation. DATA (to Picard) I believe my tricorder emissions caused the temporal aperture to activate. I suggest we avoid exposing it to any further energy emissions. INTERCUT: 65 INT. RUNABOUT - COCKPIT Picard at the controls. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 03/30/93 - ACT FOUR 40. 65 CONTINUED: PICARD When time resumed, did you observe any activity in the engine room that suggested what the Romulans were doing? 66 INT. ROMULAN WARBIRD - ENGINEERING They glance around the room. DATA It appeared they were trying to eject the engine core. TROI I thought I heard one of the Engineers say something about the power transfer. Something about an energy feedback... GEORDI It looks like they were trying to stop whatever was happening here... A beat. PICARD Mister La Forge -- from where you are can you determine what's happening on the Romulan Bridge? Geordi looks around. GEORDI I think so... STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 03/30/93 - ACT FOUR 41. 66 CONTINUED: Geordi moves to the empty corner of the room where he was working in Act Three, and begins to examine the console. A beat goes by, then Geordi stops working... senses that something isn't quite right. He glances around, curious... GEORDI Wait... something's different here... He finally sees it -- 67 INCLUDE - THE ROMULAN MALE (OPTICAL) last seen running into the room in Act Three, as time moved forward. He is standing in the corner, apparently motionless, staring in Geordi's direction. He was not there before time moved forward. Geordi eyes him. GEORDI Data... was this man always standing right here -- The Romulan lunges at Geordi. Geordi jumps back, startled. The Romulan grabs him with both hands -- As the Romulan makes contact, Geordi's isolation FIELD FLASHES VIOLENTLY around them. They are both JOLTED BACKWARD to the floor. The Romulan hits the ground, unconscious. Geordi starts to convulse wildly. 68 TROI AND DATA run to Geordi, kneel down to help him. Troi quickly scans him with a tricorder while Data tries to hold him down. TROI (re: Geordi) He's going into neural shock! DATA We must get him back to the Runabout. TROI There's not enough time -- he's dying. Troi hesitates, unsure what to do. Finally, she gets an idea. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/02/93 - ACT FOUR 41A. 68 CONTINUED: She removes Geordi's Transporter armband... 69 ON GEORDI (OPTICAL) As Troi removes the armband, GEORDI IS THROWN INTO FROZEN TIME. He STOPS in mid-convulsion, a look of agony caught on his face. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/01/93 - ACT FOUR 42. 70 TROI turns to Data. TROI At least this way, he'll be alive in the other time frame... we might have a chance to save him later. (beat) Is the Romulan still alive? Data nods, crosses to the unconscious Romulan who attacked Geordi. He scans the Romulan. DATA (to Troi) Yes. However, I am getting unusual readings from his bioscan. (beat) I am not sure that he is a Romulan. OFF Troi's reaction... 71 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) As before. 72 INT. RUNABOUT - LIVING SECTION (OPTICAL) Later. Picard, Data and Troi standing by one of the beds. Lying on the bed is the Romulan who attacked Geordi. He's unconscious. DATA (re: Romulan) His cellular structures do not conform to any known species, and his bio-electric patterns are in a state of temporal flux. (beat) I do not believe that this being is native to our time continuum. They eye the Romulan. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/01/93 - ACT FOUR 43. 72 CONTINUED: PICARD Mister Data... you said you discovered organic matter within the temporal aperture... DATA That is correct. PICARD I want to take a closer look at those readings. Data nods and turns to work a nearby console. Picard joins him. Troi keeps an eye on the Romulan. As Data works, A MONITOR displays a GRAPHIC of the TEMPORAL APERTURE seen earlier -- the DARK SPOTS are visible. DATA (re: graphic) This is a bio-spectral analysis of the temporal aperture. (indicates dark spots) The organic readings originated from these dark spots. Picard studies the screen. PICARD They appear to contain some sort of energy patterns... (beat) Can you isolate one of them and magnify? Data works. The graphic MAGNIFIES to show one single DARK SPOT. Within the spot is a pattern which suggests a cluster of CELLS. PICARD (off graphic) It looks like a cellular cluster... DATA Its bio-electric patterns are similar to that of the alien. However, it is significantly less complex. (beat) The cellular structures appear to be in a state of mitosis. Picard is struck by a notion. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 03/30/93 - ACT FOUR 43A. 72 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Data. This could be some sort of... embryo... DATA It is possible. If I could scan the aperture further, I might be able to -- From offscreen, the Romulan GROANS in pain. TROI (O.S.) Captain. Picard and Data quickly join Troi at the Romulan. 73 OMITTED 74 ANGLE ON ROMULAN (OPTICAL) as he glances around, disoriented. He tries to sit up but reacts to a pain in his head, dizzy. He falls back down... looks up at the others with fear and confusion. He tries to speak -- his VOICE is ALIEN, halting, jerky, strange. Clearly, he is not a Romulan. ROMULAN/ALIEN Must... save... no... STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/01/93 - ACT FOUR 44. 74 CONTINUED: They react to his words. Picard eyes him. PICARD (to Romulan) Who are you? The Romulan looks at Picard. He's in pain -- it's a struggle for him to speak. ROMULAN/ALIEN This body is... not mine... it was necessary to assume it... to exist in your... time... Troi steps forward. TROI Why are you here? The Romulan reacts to a pain in his entire body. He writhes on the bed a moment... catches his breath... tries to speak again... ROMULAN/ALIEN We had to come... to save them... they were... in danger... PICARD Who was in danger? ROMULAN/ALIEN Our young... they will die... in the gravity well... it is artificial... TROI Artificial... gravity well... (realizes) You mean, the Romulan engine core? ROMULAN/ALIEN Yes... our young... are trapped... We must get them out... return them to our time... The Romulan reacts to a pain, and his entire body PHASES IN AND OUT IN A KALEIDOSCOPE EFFECT for an instant. Data scans him with a tricorder. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/02/93 - ACT FOUR 45. 74 CONTINUED: (2) DATA His molecular structure is destabilizing. The urgency in the room rises a notch. PICARD How did your young become trapped in the core? ROMULAN/ALIEN We must use a natural gravity well... to incubate our young... (beat) We thought the Romulan core... would suffice... it did not... Data realizes, turns to Picard. DATA Captain -- I believe his species mistook the artificial singularity, which the Romulans use in their engine, for a natural one... a black hole. They tried to use it as a nest. They piece it together... TROI That's what deactivated the Warbird's engine core... so the Romulans sent out a distress call... PICARD (off that) The Enterprise responded... found the Warbird suffering an apparent engine failure... and attempted a power transfer. The Romulan seizes onto the words -- speaks with emphasis: ROMULAN/ALIEN Power transfer... we must stop the power transfer... it has... ruptured time... it will destroy... our young... DATA (interpreting) I believe that when the power transfer made contact with the alien nest, it disrupted the space-time continuum. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/02/93 - ACT FOUR 46-47. 74 CONTINUED: (4) Picard nods, eyes the Romulan. PICARD (realizing) Was it you who attacked the Enterprise? ROMULAN/ALIEN Yes... we had to stop the power transfer... The Romulan PHASES IN AND OUT again -- he's fading fast. PICARD Are there others like you here? The Romulan is barely holding on. ROMULAN/ALIEN One other... PICARD Do you know where he is? Can he help us restore normal time? Suddenly, THE ROMULAN FRACTURES IN A KALEIDOSCOPE EFFECT AND VANISHES. GONE. Reactions... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/01/93 - ACT FIVE 48. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 75 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) As before. 76 INT. RUNABOUT - LIVING SECTION Minutes later. Data is working the console. Picard and Troi pacing the room, tense. DATA I estimate the core breach will consume the Enterprise in approximately seven hours, two minutes. Picard is frustrated, searching for a way out of the situation. PICARD Is there a way to lock onto the core itself... beam it into space? DATA No, sir. We would need to surround the core with a subspace isolation field. It is not possible to generate a field of that magnituide from the Runabout. They consider -- it looks hopeless. Picard paces the room as an idea starts to form in his mind... PICARD Mister Data... when you scanned the temporal aperture with your tricorder... it caused time to move forward, and back again... DATA That is correct. PICARD What if we found a way to reverse that process -- make time move backward... then forward. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 03/30/93 - ACT FIVE 49. 76 CONTINUED: TROI (onto the idea) We might be able to run time back to a point before the warp core breach occurred... and then find a way to prevent the power transfer. So when time moves forward again... PICARD ... The breach won't happen. Data considers the radical notion. DATA I can attempt to modify the tricorder's scan frequency. It might allow us to manipulate the temporal aperture's effects. Picard nods, giving him the go-ahead. PICARD Make it so, Data. Data moves off to work. Picard looks at Troi, intent. PICARD If this works, we may not have much time to prevent the power transfer. We'll have to decide precisely where to be and what to do the instant time begins to move backwards... Troi nods. OFF their determination... STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 03/30/93 - ACT FIVE 50. 77 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) As before -- facing the frozen Enterprise and Warbird. 78 INT. ENTERPRISE - ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) The scene frozen, as before -- except now, the GASEOUS CLOUD OF THE CORE BREACH EXPLOSION IS LARGER. 79 NEW ANGLE - DATA standing at a console, holding a small PADD-like device. He taps his Transporter armband. DATA (to com) Captain -- I have placed the tricorder in the Romulan engine room. Standing by. INTERCUT THE FOLLOWING: 80 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE Everything frozen. Picard at the aft science station, standing ready. PICARD (to com) Acknowledged. Counselor -- are you in position? 81 INT. ENTERPRISE - SICKBAY (OPTICAL) Troi standing a few feet away from Beverly, who is still frozen in mid-death. She positions herself near Beverly, phaser drawn, ready. (NOTE: The Romulan Woman by the door -- who was seen watching Troi in Act Two -- is no longer present). TROI (to com) Ready, sir. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 03/31/93 - ACT FIVE 51. 82 INT. ENTERPRISE - ENGINEERING Data as before. PICARD Alright, Mister Data. DATA Initiating tricorder emissions... Data hits a control on the PADD-like device... 83 INT. ROMULAN WARBIRD - ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) A TRICORDER has been placed on the floor facing the engine core. It is BLINKING. A moment later, the core SENDS OUT a FLASH OF LIGHT... 84 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE Picard waiting, looking around him... 85 NEW ANGLE - THE ROOM (OPTICAL) Suddenly, EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE STARTS TO MOVE BACKWARDS -- TIME RUNNING IN REVERSE. All of the sounds and motions begin to move backwards. (NOTE: The action here is the exact reverse of the forward action in scene 94). 86 OMITTED 87 INT. ENTERPRISE - SICKBAY (OPTICAL) ON BEVERLY AS THE ROMULAN DISRUPTOR BLAST REVERSES DIRECTION AND GOES BACK INTO THE WEAPON. 88 OMITTED 89 INT. ENTERPRISE - ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) Data standing ready at the console. The gaseous cloud of the warp core breach is now gone. N.D.S can be seen in the background, WORKING BACKWARDS. Data speaks over the strange NOISE of sounds running backwards. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 03/31/93 - ACT FIVE 52. 89 CONTINUED: DATA (off console) Captain -- the warp core breach has been reversed. PICARD Be ready, Mister Data. DATA Aye, sir. Data poises his hands at the console, ready. 90 NEW ANGLE - THE ROMULAN WOMAN (OPTICAL) seen in Act Two. She is walking forward through the room, clearly unaffected by the time reversal. 91 DATA (OPTICAL) senses her and spins around -- too late. The Romulan Woman comes at him -- speaks in the same ALIEN VOICE heard earlier. ROMULAN/ALIEN #2 You must stop! The Romulan woman pushes Data away from the console. As they make contact, Data's isolation FIELD FRITZES around the two of them, then both fall to the floor... 92 NEW ANGLE - THE N.D.S (OPTICAL) as they slowly COME TO A STOP, THEN START MOVING FORWARD -- TIME HAS RESUMED ITS NORMAL COURSE. One of the N.D.s starts to operate the console where Data was standing ready. 93 DATA gets to his feet, a little dazed. The Romulan woman remains unconscious. A beat, then Data quickly moves to the N.D. at the console. DATA (to N.D.) You must not initiate the power transfer. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 03/31/93 - ACT FIVE 53. 93 CONTINUED: The N.D. turns to him. ENSIGN I'm sorry, sir. I already have. Data immediately works the console. DATA We must shut it down. ENSIGN (off console) The transfer beam is at saturation, sir -- it can't be disengaged. DATA (quickly, to computer) Computer -- place a Level three containment field around the warp core. COMPUTER VOICE Containment field activated. 94 INT. BRIDGE (OPTICAL) TIME MOVING FORWARD. We see the following action happen quickly: The ship is JOLTED. The Conn console EXPLODES, knocking the Starfleet N.D. to the ground. A Romulan quickly moves in to take control. Riker and the Romulan Commander are thrown across Bridge. Riker manages to catch him before he crashes into him. (This is the moment where time was frozen). The action continues without pause. Riker sees Picard and reacts to the sight of him. RIKER Captain? PICARD (quickly) No time to explain, Number One. Continue the evacuation of the Romulan ship. You'll find LaForge in the Romulan engine room -- beam him directly to Sickbay. Riker moves to a console -- STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/01/93 - ACT FIVE 54. 95 INT. SICKBAY (OPTICAL) Troi KNOCKS Beverly aside just as the DISRUPTOR BLAST shoots by Beverly and HITS the wall. The Romulan takes a step toward Beverly, but Troi immediately aims her phaser at him. TROI (to Romulan, a threat) Step away -- now. Beverly looks at Troi, confused. BEVERLY Deanna, it's okay -- he wasn't firing at me. Troi looks at the Romulan. ROMULAN (to Troi) There was an alien here... who'd taken Romulan form. I was firing at her... (indicates Beverly) The doctor got in the way. Beverly looks around the room, alarmed. BEVERLY Where did she go... ? OFF their concern... 96 INT. ENTERPRISE - ENGINEERING Data has moved to another console. PICARD Status, Mister Data? DATA (to com) I was attacked by another alien, sir. I was unable to prevent the power transfer. He rapidly works the console. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 03/31/93 - ACT FIVE 55. 96 CONTINUED: DATA (continuing) It cannot be disengaged and the containment field will fail in seventeen seconds. (beat) A core breach is again imminent. 97 INT. BRIDGE As before. Picard and Riker, urgent. PICARD (to Riker) Can we move the ship? Riker moves to his armchair console. RIKER The feedback from the transfer beam would tear us apart. Tension -- now what? Picard gets an idea -- rushes to Tactical. PICARD (to Riker) Patch me into the navigational control on the Runabout. Riker moves to the Conn, works. The ship SHAKES -- tension building RIKER Got it! Picard hits a few commands at tactical. PICARD I'm bringing the Runabout in... 98 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND WARBIRD (OPTICAL) The Runabout FLIES into the space between the Enterprise and the Romulan ship, INTERRUPTING the TRANSFER BEAM. The Runabout EXPLODES. The Romulan Warbird FRACTURES IN A KALEIDOSCOPE EFFECT AND COMPLETELY VANISHES. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 03/31/93 - ACT FIVE 56. 99 INT. ENGINEERING - (OPTICAL) Data at the console. A few feet away, the unconscious Romulan VANISHES IN A KALEIDOSCOPE EFFECT. Data reacts. PICARD'S COM VOICE Mister Data? DATA (to com) The core breach has been prevented, sir. Data begins scanning the region where the Romulan was lying. INTERCUT: 99A INT. BRIDGE Picard reading tactical. PICARD (off console) Data -- it appears that severing the power transfer has not only prevented the core breach, but has also restored space-time to normal. 99B INT. ENGINEERING DATA The alien who attacked me has vanished, sir. PICARD The Warbird has vanished as well. DATA (off tricorder) Judging from the residual temporal fluctuations... I believe they have returned to their own time continuum. 99C INT. BRIDGE Riker looks at Picard, puzzled. RIKER Captain? STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/06/93 - ACT FIVE 56A. 99C CONTINUED: PICARD It's going to take a little time to explain, Number One... OFF Riker's reaction... 100 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at impulse. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 46945.3. We successfully evacuated the crew of the Romulan ship. We're on course to the Neutral Zone to bring them home. 101 INT. ENTERPRISE - DATA'S QUARTERS A couple of days later. Data is sitting at a table, staring intently at a small TEA KETTLE, which is on a burner. The door CHIMES. DATA Come in. Riker ENTERS, glances around, a little nervous. RIKER (to Data) Where's that cat of yours? Data does not look up from the kettle. DATA Spot is sleeping, sir. Why do you ask? RIKER No reason... Riker crosses to Data, hands him a PADD. RIKER I've worked out the new rotation schedules. I'd like you to cross check the personnel assignments and notify all department heads. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/06/93 - ACT FIVE 56B. 101 CONTINUED: RIKER (Cont'd) (beat) Your new Bridge shift begins at twenty-three hundred hours. Data takes the PADD without looking up -- his attention remains fixed on the kettle. DATA Understood, sir. Riker eyes him. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 04/02/93 - ACT FIVE 57. 101 CONTINUED: Data watches the kettle. A beat goes by. Then the kettle begins to WHISTLE. Data looks thoughtful. RIKER Data, what are you doing? DATA Recent events have compelled me to study how humans perceive the passage of time. (beat) For example, I have often heard people comment that time seems to pass more "slowly" in one instance, or more "quickly" in another. Yet in reality, the actual passage of time remains fixed. Riker considers. RIKER I guess everybody perceives time a little differently... it depends on the exact situation... how you're feeling... Data indicates the kettle. DATA I have been testing the aphorism that "a watched pot never boils". (beat) I have boiled the same amount of water in this kettle sixty-two times. In some cases, I ignored the kettle. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Timescape" - REV. 03/31/93 - ACT FIVE 57A. 101 CONTINUED: (2) DATA (Cont'd) In others, I watched it intently. In every instance, the water reached its boiling point in precisely fifty-one point seven seconds. They stare at the kettle a moment. STAR TREK: "Timescape" - 03/29/93 - ACT FIVE 58. 101 CONTINUED: (2) DATA It would appear that I am not capable of perceiving time any differently than my internal chronometer. Riker thinks. RIKER Why don't you turn it off? DATA Sir? RIKER Data... people don't have internal chronometers. See what happens when you turn yours off. Data looks intrigued. DATA Thank you, Commander. I will try that. Riker smiles. RIKER Just don't be late for your shift. Riker gives Data a smile, and EXITS. Data watches him a moment. Suddenly, we hear the kettle WHISTLE. Data turns quickly at the sound. OFF his intrigued expression as he watches the pot... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END