STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Descent, Part I" #40276-252 Story by Jeri Taylor Teleplay by Ronald D. Moore Directed by Alex Singer THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1993 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT APRIL 12, 1993 STAR TREK: "Descent" - 04/12/93 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Descent" CAST PICARD CROSIS RIKER HAWKING DATA NECHAYEV BEVERLY NEWTON TROI EINSTEIN WORF LORE GEORDI BOSUS TAYAR COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking N.D. CREWMEMBERS N.D. SECURITY GUARDS N.D. BAJORAN SECURITY OFFICER STAR TREK: "Descent" - 04/12/93 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Descent" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE HOLODECK ALIEN SHIP (DATA'S QUARTERS) (OUTPOST) DISTORTION OBSERVATION LOUNGE ENGINEERING SHUTTLE READY ROOM TROI'S OFFICE PLANET CORRIDOR (SURFACE) BRIG (BUILDING) DATA'S QUARTERS GORKON OUTPOST BORG HALL STAR TREK: "Descent" - 04/12/93 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Descent" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE OHNIAKA oh-nee-AH-ka CORELKI ko-REL-kee GORKON GOR-kon LUVETRIC LOO-vet-rik NECHAYEV NEH-che-yev STAR TREK: "Descent" - 04/12/93 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: The Next Generation "Descent" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS/HOLODECK (OPTICAL) Seated around the poker table clockwise are DATA, STEPHEN HAWKING, ALBERT EINSTEIN, and ISAAC NEWTON. Everyone has chips and cards in front of them -- a small device is holding Hawking's cards for him. Hawking is telling the last few lines of a very esoteric joke. HAWKING ... but then I said, "In that frame of reference, the perihelion of Mercury would have precessed in the opposite direction." Einstein laughs uproariously, Data looks amused, and Newton looks puzzled. EINSTEIN That is a great story! DATA Quite amusing, Professor Hawking. (to Newton) You see, Sir Isaac, the joke depends on an understanding of the relativistic curvature of spacetime. If two non-inertial reference frames are in relative motion-- NEWTON (irritated) Do not patronize me, sir! I invented physics. The day that apple fell on my head was the most momentous day in the history of science. HAWKING Not the apple story again. DATA That story is generally considered to be apocryphal. STAR TREK: "Descent" - 04/12/93 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: NEWTON (outraged) What? How dare you? EINSTEIN Perhaps we should return to the game. (thinks, to Hawking) Let's see, you raised Mister Data four, which means the bet is seven to me. NEWTON The bet is ten! Can't you do simple arithmetic? Einstein pushes out the correct number of chips. Newton matches the bet. NEWTON (grumbling) I don't even know why I'm here in the first place. What's the point of playing this ridiculous game? DATA (matches the bet) I am in. When I play poker with my shipmates, I often find that it is a useful forum for exploring different facets of humanity. I was curious to see how three of history's greatest minds would interact in this setting. So far it has proved most illuminating. Einstein looks down at his own immense stack of chips. EINSTEIN And profitable. NEWTON Can we get this over with, please? (to Hawking) It's your bet. HAWKING I raise fifty. Data pushes out some chips for him. Newton reacts and throws his cards down in disgust. NEWTON Blast! I fold. STAR TREK: "Descent" - 04/12/93 - TEASER 3. 1 CONTINUED: (2) Data also puts down his cards and folds, but Einstein holds firm. EINSTEIN (to Hawking) The uncertainty principle will not help you now, Stephen. All the quantum fluctuations in the universe won't change the cards in your hand. I call. You are bluffing and you will lose. HAWKING Wrong again, Albert. Hawking's card holder flips over his cards. 2 INSERT - HAWKING'S CARDS he has four SEVENS. 3 RESUME SCENE As they all react. Einstein's shoulders slump in defeat. RIKER'S COM VOICE Red Alert. All personnel report to duty stations. DATA (stands) We will have to continue this at another time. (to com) End program. The scientists and the room VANISH, revealing the Holodeck walls. Data EXITS. CUT TO: 4 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship at warp. STAR TREK: "Descent" - 04/12/93 - TEASER 4. 5 INT. MAIN BRIDGE PICARD ENTERS from the aft Turbolift and moves toward RIKER, who is standing at one of the aft science stations. WORF and TROI are at their stations, an N.D. at Conn. Data ENTERS from the forward Turbolift and moves to Ops. The ship is on Red Alert. RIKER (to Picard) We've received a distress call from the Ohniaka Three Outpost. They said they were under attack. PICARD (puzzled) Ohniaka Three... there's no strategic value to that outpost. Were they able to identify the attackers? RIKER No, sir. And we haven't been able to raise them since the initial call. WORF We are nearing the Ohniaka system, Captain. Picard and Riker move toward the Command area. PICARD (to Con) Bring us out of warp, Ensign. WORF Sensors detect one ship orbiting the third planet... its configuration does not match anything in our records. RIKER Stand-by phasers and photon torpedoes. PICARD Hail them, Mister Worf. WORF (works) No response. PICARD Put them onscreen. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/13/93 - TEASER 5. 6 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The screen shows an ALIEN VESSEL in orbit around a planet. The ship is unlike any other we've ever seen. It has very little markings or decoration, but it is clearly menacing. DATA It does not appear to be attacking the outpost. RIKER They might have attacked before we got here. PICARD Or they might simply be another victim. (beat, to Data) What about the outpost on the surface? DATA (works) There is a great deal of electromagnetic interference... I am unable to determine whether there are any lifeforms present. Riker looks to Picard, who thinks for a moment, then nods. Riker stands and heads for the Turbolift. RIKER Data, Worf, you're with me. Riker, Data, and Worf EXIT. CUT TO: 7 INT. OUTPOST (OPTICAL) A typical Federation science station which has recently been attacked. There are DEAD BODIES everywhere, and a few scorch marks are visible on the walls, but the physical damage is actually minimal. Riker, Data, Worf, and ONE N.D. SECURITY GUARD MATERIALIZE. Everyone is wearing phasers, and Data and Worf have tricorders. STAR TREK: "Descent" - 04/12/93 - TEASER 5A. 7 CONTINUED: Riker reacts to the sight of the dead Starfleet officers. Worf checks some of the bodies with his tricorder while Data moves to a computer console. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/13/93 - TEASER 6. 7 CONTINUED: (2) WORF (off-tricorder) These wounds were caused by a forced-plasma beam... similar to a Ferengi hand phaser. RIKER This seems pretty brutal for the Ferengi. (to Data) Can you detect any survivors? DATA (off tricorder) The electro-magnetic interference is still making it difficult to get precise sensor readings. RIKER How many people were assigned to this outpost? WORF Two hundred seventy-four. RIKER All right... we'll make a room to room search. Worf -- you, and Corelki start searching the north wing, we'll take the south. WORF Aye, sir. Worf and the N.D. Guard EXIT the room. Riker and Data move toward a door at the opposite side of the room. Data tries to operate a panel next to the door, but it doesn't open right away. DATA The mechanism appears to be jammed. Data works a computer control on the wall and Riker looks around at the chilling sight surrounding them. RIKER There's not much damage... doesn't look like they were interested in the station... just the people... STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/14/93 - TEASER 7. 7 CONTINUED: (3) A long beat, then Data turns to Riker. DATA I have by-passed the primary system. Data works for a moment. 8 NEW ANGLE - INCLUDING DOOR (OPTICAL) The door suddenly OPENS and reveals a BORG STANDING IN THE DOORWAY. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/13/93 - ACT ONE 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 9 INT. OUTPOST - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) Riker, Data, and the Security Guard react with shock, but before they can do anything, another BORG ENTERS the room and FIRES at them. Riker and Data dive for cover just as SEVERAL OTHER BORG start to rush in, FIRING their weapons. CUT TO: 10 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & ALIEN SHIP (OPTICAL) The Alien ship suddenly FIRES on the Enterprise. 11 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard and Geordi are on the Bridge. The ship ROCKS with the impact. PICARD (to Con) Evasive maneuvers, Ensign! (to Tactical) Return fire. The ship ROCKS again. GEORDI Shields are down to eighty percent... compensating with auxiliary power. 12 INT. OUTPOST (OPTICAL) Riker and Data have taken cover behind some consoles and they are trading PHASER SHOTS with the Borg. These Borg are not acting like the calm, neutral automatons that we've become used to seeing. They are quickfooted, cunning, and ferocious. Their faces are twisted into expressions of fury and hatred... and they take care to hide behind objects to avoid being shot -- in short, they are behaving like individuals instead of mindless worker ants. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/14/93 - ACT ONE 9. 12 CONTINUED: One of the Borg makes a move toward them, but Riker FIRES at him and the Borg goes down. Another Borg -- BORG #1 -- looks at the body of the fallen Borg from behind a console. He turns to Riker, his face twisted in hate. BORG #1 You have killed Torsus. I will make you suffer for this. Worf and the Security Guard rush into the room and immediately take cover as the Borg FIRE at them. 13 OMITTED 14 ANGLE ON BORG #2 (OPTICAL) BORG #2 peeks out from behind a console to get a better look at the Starfleet officers. He looks at each of them in turn as if going over some unseen checklist. BORG #2 Biological organism -- Klingon. Biological organism -- Human. I will destroy you. Then he looks at Data... and he frowns for a beat as if remembering something. BORG #2 Artificial lifeform. Starfleet Rank: Lieutenant Commander. Name: Data. Data looks puzzled by this... what does it mean? Borg #2 turns and looks at BORG #3 -- as if sending some silent message. Borg #3 leaps up and then rushes Data and Riker. Borg #1 FIRES at the Security Guard, killing her. The other Borg move to follow the lead of Borg #3, but steady FIRE from Worf and Riker keep them pinned down. 15 DATA Jumps up to take on Borg #3 as he rushes at them. Data and the Borg begin a fierce hand to hand fight... STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/14/93 - TEASER 9A. 16 RIKER & WORF (OPTICAL) Continue to trade phaser FIRE with the other Borg. 17 OMITTED STAR TREK: "Descent" - 04/12/93 - ACT ONE 10. 18 DATA Suddenly a change happens during Data's fight with the Borg... the expression on his normally neutral face begins to harden... his features twist into a snarl... and without warning, he suddenly PICKS UP the Borg and snarls into his face, his voice loud with rage and anger... DATA (a shout) Stop it! He SLAMS the Borg against the wall and then hits him again and again. DATA Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! The Borg finally slumps to the ground, dead. 19 WIDER (OPTICAL) As all the Borg suddenly break off their attack. They take a step back and then DEMATERIALIZE. Riker and Worf look at each other for a moment... then pick themselves up off the ground and look at Data with shock. Data looks confused... the rage and violence we saw only a moment ago is now gone and he seems puzzled by what's happened. CUT TO: 20 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Geordi reacts to something on his console. GEORDI Captain, the alien ship is breaking orbit. PICARD (to Con) Set an intercept course, Ensign. (to Tactical) Fire torpedoes. GEORDI Shields are back to full power, Captain. PICARD Very good. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/13/93 - ACT ONE 11. 21 EXT. SPACE - ALIEN SHIP (OPTICAL) The ship is moving at impulse... suddenly a BLINDING FLASH OF LIGHT APPEARS in front of the ship. The Alien vessel abruptly VANISHES. Once the ship is gone, the Light also disappears. 22 INT. MAIN BRIDGE As before. The Viewscreen shows only an empty starfield. Picard stares at the screen and frowns in frustration. PICARD Mister La Forge? GEORDI They're gone, sir. Our sensors indicate there was some kind of subspace distortion just before they disappeared... I'll have to study these readings before I can get more specific. Picard stares at the screen for another moment, then turns to the Conn Officer. PICARD Take us back to Ohniaka Three. CUT TO: 23 INT. OUTPOST As before. Riker moves over to Data, who still looks shocked. RIKER (gently) Data? (beat) Data, are you all right? DATA Yes, sir. RIKER What happened? STAR TREK: "Descent" - 04/12/93 - ACT ONE 12. 23 CONTINUED: A long beat, then Data turns to Riker with a completely stunned look on his face. DATA I got angry. Off their reactions... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/14/93 - ACT TWO 13. ACT TWO FADE IN: 24 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship in orbit around Ohniaka Three. PICARD (V.O) Captain's Log: Stardate 46982.1. Because of his unusual behavior on the planet surface, Commander Data has asked to be temporarily relieved of duty. Unfortunately, this means he will not be able to help us investigate a disturbing new change in the behavior of the Borg. 25 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Riker, Worf, Troi, and BEVERLY are seated around the table. RIKER They were fast, aggressive -- almost vicious... it was more like fighting Klingons than Borg, (to Worf) No offense. WORF None taken. RIKER There was another difference. I don't think they were part of the Borg collective... they acted more like individuals. That gets everyone's attention. PICARD (shocked) What? RIKER One of them referred to himself as "I". STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/14/93 - ACT TWO 13A. 25 CONTINUED: WORF That Borg also showed concern for a fallen comrade... and called him by name. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/14/93 - ACT TWO 14. 25 CONTINUED: (2) TROI The only Borg who ever had a name... was Hugh. And we gave it to him. BEVERLY Maybe Hugh has something to do with this change in their behavior. A quiet beat as they consider this. Picard stands and moves to the windows. His voice is quiet and somber... he's drawing on his own painful memories of the Borg. PICARD Did they show any interest in... assimilating you... or your technology? RIKER They seemed more concerned with the death of their colleague... and with destroying us... I didn't see anything that suggested they wanted to assimilate anyone. Picard thinks about this for a moment... mulling over the possibilities. PICARD The Borg's entire existence was centered around the acquisition of technology and cultures... if that is no longer the case... then they must have a new objective. We have to find out what it is. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/14/93 - ACT TWO 15. 25 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD (Cont'd) (beat) Mister Worf, from this moment on, we will maintain security condition two. Have armed officers posted on every deck. WORF Aye, sir. PICARD Number One, analyze our sensor readings of the Borg ship... try to determine whether it's something they constructed or an alien ship they captured. Then, run an analysis of this... subspace distortion they used to escape. RIKER Aye, sir. PICARD I'm going to contact Starfleet Command. Picard turns away from the window and EXIT without making eye contact with anyone in the room. The others all rise and head for the doors. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/14/93 - ACT TWO 16. 26 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING Geordi is checking out Data with a tricorder. He shakes his head after a beat and closes the tricorder. GEORDI Your positronic net checks out... everything looks fine. DATA My internal diagnostic also found nothing wrong. GEORDI I don't know what to say, Data. There's nothing here to indicate anything that would cause a behavioral anomaly. DATA I agree. (beat) Geordi, I believe I experienced my first emotion. Geordi is dubious about this. GEORDI Data... no offense, but how would you know an actual flash of anger from some kind of odd power surge? STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/13/93 - ACT TWO 17. 26 CONTINUED: DATA You are correct in that I have no frame of reference to confirm my hypothesis. (beat) In fact, I find myself unable to provide a verbal description of the experience. Perhaps you could describe what it feels like when you get angry... I could then use that as a reference. Geordi thinks about this... struggles with an answer. GEORDI Well... when I get angry, first I... begin to feel... hostile... DATA Could you describe feeling hostile? GEORDI It's feeling... belligerent... combative... DATA Can you describe feeling angry without referring to other feelings? Geordi struggles with this for a moment... finally gives up. GEORDI No. I guess I can't. I just... feel angry. DATA That was my experience as well. I simply... felt angry. GEORDI Let's say that you're right... and this was an emotion. How is that possible? DATA I do not know. Perhaps I have evolved to the point where emotions are within my reach. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/14/93 - ACT TWO 18. 26 CONTINUED: (2) DATA (Cont'd) (beat) Perhaps I will experience other emotions as time goes on. Geordi smiles and shrugs as he begins to put away the tools. GEORDI I hope you're right. I'd hate to think that anger is all you're capable of feeling. Data frowns slightly at this thought. Off his reaction as he begins to think about this... CUT TO: 26A EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & GORKON (OPTICAL) The Enterprise and the STARSHIP GORKON are running side by side. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log: Stardate 46984.6 No additional Borg attacks have been reported in the past two days. However, Starfleet has dispatched Admiral Nechayev to take command in this sector in preparation for a possible Borg invasion. 27 INT. READY ROOM Picard and ADMIRAL NECHAYEV (from "Chain of Command") are talking. NECHAYEV There will be fifteen starships in this sector by the day after tomorrow. The Gorkon will be my flagship. You'll have command of task force three, consisting of the Enterprise, the Crazy Horse and the Agamemnon. PICARD Understood. Nechayev takes a moment... there's something else on her mind. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/14/93 - ACT TWO 19. 27 CONTINUED: NECHAYEV Captain... I've read the report you submitted to Admiral Brooks last year regarding the Borg you called "Hugh"... (beat) ... and I've been trying to figure out why you let him go. Picard stiffens slightly. PICARD I thought I made my reasons clear. Nechayev's attitude is hard... she doesn't approve of Picard's actions and she wants him to know it. NECHAYEV As I understand it... you found a single Borg at a crash site... brought it aboard the Enterprise... studied it... analyzed it... and eventually found a way to send it back to the Borg with a program that would have destroyed the entire collective once and for all. Picard says nothing... Nechayev's voice becomes harsh. NECHAYEV (continuing) But instead, you nursed the Borg back to health, treated it like a guest, gave it a name, and then sent it home. (beat) Why? Picard is not afraid to confront these issues and he faces her directly. Their voices steadily rise as the tension builds. PICARD Once Hugh was separated from the Borg collective he began to... grow and evolve into something more than just an automaton. He was a person. When that happened, I had no choice but to respect his rights as an individual. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/14/93 - ACT TWO 20. 27 CONTINUED: (2) NECHAYEV Of course you had a choice. You could've taken the opportunity to rid the Federation of a mortal enemy... one that has killed tens of thousands of innocent people, and which may kill even more. PICARD (tight) No one is more aware of the danger than I am. But I am also bound by my oath and my conscience to uphold certain principles. And I will not sacrifice them in order to-- NECHAYEV (hard) Your priority is to safeguard the lives of Federation citizens... not to wrestle with your conscience. (beat) Now I want to make it clear that if you have a similar opportunity in the future... an opportunity to destroy the Borg... you are under orders to take advantage of it. Is that understood? In the face of that kind of direct order, there is only one response possible. PICARD (tight) Yes, sir. Nechayev EXITS. Picard looks after her for a moment... off his reaction... CUT TO: 28 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE & GORKON (OPTICAL) The Gorkon pulls away at impulse. 29 INT. TROI'S OFFICE Troi and Data are sitting in the office. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/14/93 - ACT TWO 20A. 29 CONTINUED: DATA For the past six hours, I have attempted to produce an emotional response by subjecting myself to various stimuli. TROI Like what? STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/14/93 - ACT TWO 21. 29 CONTINUED: (2) DATA I listened to several operas known to be uplifting, I watched three Holodeck programs designed to be humorous, and I made four attempts to induce sexual desire by subjecting myself to erotic imagery. TROI What happened? DATA Nothing. TROI I'm curious... why are you ignoring the one emotion you've already experienced? Why aren't you trying to make yourself angry again? DATA Anger is a negative emotion. I wanted to concentrate on something more positive. TROI Feelings aren't positive or negative Data, they simply exist. It's what we do with those feelings that becomes good or bad. (beat) For example, feeling angry about an injustice could lead someone to take a positive action to correct it. DATA But my study of humanity indicates there are some emotions that are harmful, such as jealousy or hatred. These are difficult areas to deal with, even for Troi, and she takes moment to grapple with this. TROI Those are very... strong emotions, and you're right -- there's very little good that can come from them. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/13/93 - ACT TWO 22. 29 CONTINUED: (2) TROI (Cont'd) But, I don't think that an exploration of anger would necessarily lead to feelings of hate or malice. DATA But what if it does, Counselor? What if it turns out that those are the only emotions I am capable of experiencing? Would that not make me a... bad person? Troi looks at him for a moment... finally she gives him a gentle smile. TROI Data, we've served together a long time... and I've gotten to know you pretty well... I have to believe if you ever do reach your goal of becoming human... you won't become a bad one. Data pauses, thinks for a moment. He seems troubled by something. DATA I wish I were as confident as you are, Counselor. (beat) When I was fighting the Borg, I felt angry... but as I think back on that incident, I realize that I also experienced another sensation. It was not the same as anger, but I think it was an emotion. TROI Exactly when did you feel this... other emotion? DATA It was just after I had killed the Borg. I looked down at his body and I.... felt something. TROI If you had to put a name to this... feeling, what would you call it? STAR TREK: "Descent" - 04/12/93 - ACT TWO 23. 29 CONTINUED: (3) There is a long beat as Data thinks about this. DATA I believe it was pleasure. Off Troi's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Descent" - 04/12/93 - ACT THREE 24. ACT THREE FADE IN: 30 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship is moving at impulse power. 31 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker in Command, Worf at Tactical. Riker is just turning away from Worf. RIKER Red Alert! All hands to battle stations. (to Con) Lay in a course and engage at warp nine. N.D. CREWMEMBERS start ENTERING from the Turbolifts. Picard ENTERS from the Ready Room. RIKER (to Picard) We have a distress call from the New Berlin Colony. They're under attack. PICARD (to Data) What's our ETA? WORF At warp nine, we will arrive in fifteen minutes, thirty seconds. PICARD (to Worf) Contact the Crazy Horse, and the Agamemnon, tell them to stand-by in case we -- Worf's console suddenly BEEPS and he turns to answer it. WORF Incoming message, Captain. It's the New Berlin Colony. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/13/93 - ACT THREE 25. 31 CONTINUED: WORF (Cont'd) (beat) They are... cancelling their distress call. Evidently a Ferengi trading ship entered their system and someone panicked. Everyone reacts on the Bridge. RIKER That's the third time today. (to Con) Reduce speed and bring us back to our patrol route. Picard barely manages to restrain his temper. PICARD Mister Worf... stand down from Red Alert. Acknowledge the signal from New Berlin, and then transmit another copy of Starfleet's ship recognition protocols... and tell them to read it this time. WORF Aye, sir. Picard EXITS to the Ready Room. CUT TO: 32 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship at warp. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log: Supplemental. We have been on patrol for seventeen hours, and there are still no reports of any further Borg activity. But tensions continue to run high on the colonies and outposts in this sector. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/14/93 - ACT THREE 26. 33 INT. READY ROOM (OPTICAL) Picard is sitting at his desk, looking at his monitor. We see that he is watching a visual recording of HUGH from "I, Borg." Specifically, this clip is Scene 27R, 1 -- a closeup of Hugh in the Lab set. Picard watches the scene for a few beats (not more than ten seconds), remembering his own encounter with Hugh. When the scene reaches the point where Hugh says "We are Hugh," the door to the Ready Room CHIMES and Picard touches a control which FREEZES the image of Hugh's face on the screen. PICARD Come. Riker ENTERS, carrying a PADD. RIKER (hands Picard the PADD) I thought you'd like to see this. It's Geordi's analysis of the subspace distortion the Borg used to escape. Picard studies the PADD for a moment. Riker glances down at the monitor and notes Hugh's image on the screen. PICARD (reading) "... an artificially created energy conduit." (tosses PADD on table in irritation) That could be anything. RIKER We don't have enough information at this point to -- PICARD I don't want excuses, Number One. I want answers. Riker stiffens at the tone in Picard's voice and Picard instantly regrets snapping at him. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/19/93 - ACT THREE 27. 33 CONTINUED: PICARD (softer) Sorry. Picard looks at the image of Hugh on the viewer. PICARD He was right here, Wil... in this very room. And I let him go. (beat) Pick any five starship Captains... give them a chance to rid the Federation of a mortal threat. (beat) I would wager that all five would do it... even if it meant sacrificing the rights of one man. Riker thinks about this for a moment. RIKER I don't mean to sound melodramatic... but I've never thought of you as just "any other starship Captain." Sending Hugh back to the Borg was a very risky, a very dangerous choice... but it was the moral thing to do. Picard takes a long hard look at the face of Hugh. PICARD It may turn out that the moral thing to do... was not the right thing to do. Riker has no answer for that and there is a long somber beat. CUT TO: 34 INT. CORRIDOR Geordi is walking down the Corridor toward the Holodeck. He reaches the doors and presses the panel. The doors OPEN and he ENTERS. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/13/93 - ACT THREE 28. 35 INT. OUTPOST/HOLODECK The Holodeck has recreated the destroyed Outpost as seen in Act One. Data is FIGHTING a Holo-Borg in the same manner as seen earlier. The fight is at the point where Data had basically defeated the Borg and he was hitting him over and over again. Data repeats the same dialogue as before, but this time he says it with a complete lack of emotion -- just an android repeating a phrase, with no feeling at all. Geordi ENTERS from the Corridor. DATA Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Data defeats the Borg again, and the Holo-Borg slumps to the ground. Data's expression remains carefully neutral during the fight, and after the Borg goes down, Data pauses and seems to think for a beat. GEORDI Data... am I interrupting something? DATA Yes. But it is all right. Do you need me? GEORDI Well, I wanted to see if you were ready to return to duty. I need some help on an analysis of the ship the Borg were using. DATA I believe I am able to resume my duties. Geordi looks down at the Borg lying on the ground. GEORDI What are you doing in here? DATA I am attempting to recreate the experience which led to my initial burst of anger. GEORDI Any luck? DATA None so far. (beat) I have nearly completed this experiment. May I finish before we return to Engineering? STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/13/93 - ACT THREE 29. 35 CONTINUED: GEORDI Sure, go ahead. Geordi moves out of the way. He watches as Data resumes his program. DATA (to com) Computer, reset Borg simulation to time index two point one. Increase Borg strength by twenty percent. 35A NEW ANGLE Data moves back to his previous position. The Holo-Borg is now standing at the ready again. DATA Run program. They immediately begin to FIGHT. The Borg is stronger and more powerful this time and he is able to beat back Data for a moment. Geordi watches with concern. But Data soon gets the upper hand. DATA Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Again, the Borg slumps to the ground. There is still no trace of emotion on Data's face. DATA (to com) Computer, reset simulation to time index two point one. Increase Borg strength by thirty percent. COMPUTER VOICE Unable to comply. A thirty percent increase would exceed safety limits. Data thinks about this for a moment, then turns to Geordi. DATA The computer will require the voice authorizations of two senior officers in order to disable the safety routine. Will you help me? STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/13/93 - ACT THREE 29A. 35A CONTINUED: GEORDI (concerned) Whoa, wait a minute. (re: Borg) That thing could kill you. DATA During the original incident the Borg presented a genuine danger to my life. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/13/93 - ACT THREE 30. 35A CONTINUED: (2) DATA (Cont'd) With the Holodeck safety routine in place, I know that my life is not in danger. Since I am trying to duplicate the conditions of the original incident as closely as possible I must attempt to duplicate the jeopardy as well. Geordi is angered by the casual attitude of his friend. GEORDI (angry) Data, We're talking about an experiment. You can't put your life on the line just to prove a theory. DATA This experiment may hold the key to something which I have sought all my life. GEORDI (firm) This is crazy. There's got to be another way. Why don't you try something else to make yourself angry... DATA I have tried other stimuli, but they have been unsuccessful. I understand your objections, but it is my life and I have the right to risk it if I choose. GEORDI Well, I'm your friend and I'm not going to just stand by and let you do this. Before Data can respond, Riker's Com Voice interrupts. RIKER'S COM VOICE Red Alert, all hands to battle stations. Geordi and Data head for the EXIT. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/13/93 - ACT THREE 31. 36 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Racing along at warp. 37 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard and Riker at the aft science station, with Worf at Tactical. RIKER It's confirmed. The MS One colony is under attack. Picard frowns... something is odd here. PICARD Doesn't it seem strange that there have been two Borg attacks... and the Enterprise was the nearest ship in both instances? But before Riker can respond, Data interrupts. DATA We are nearing the MS system, sir. WORF I have located the Borg ship. It is heading away from the colony. PICARD (to Con Officer) Take us out of warp near that ship. RIKER Stand-by to lock phasers on target. WORF We are within visual range. PICARD On screen. 38 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The alien Borg ship seen earlier is heading away from the Enterprise. STAR TREK: "Descent" - 04/12/93 - ACT THREE 31A. 38 CONTINUED: PICARD Lay in an intercept course, full impulse. (to Worf) Lock phasers. WORF We are closing... we will be within phaser range in thirty seconds. Data reacts to something on his console. STAR TREK: "Descent" - 04/12/93 - ACT THREE 32. 38 CONTINUED: (2) DATA Captain... sensors detect a subspace distortion forming directly ahead of the Borg ship. PICARD They're not going to get away this time. (to com) Picard to Engineering. Transfer auxiliary and emergency power to the impulse engines. GEORDI'S COM VOICE Acknowledged. DATA Impulse engines now at one hundred twenty-five percent. WORF We will be in phaser range... in ten seconds. The Borg ship on the viewer gets closer. Suddenly the FLASH OF LIGHT appears in front of the Borg ship and the ship VANISHES INTO IT. The Enterprise ROCKS suddenly. DATA We are caught in some kind of energy (TECH). RIKER All engines back full. WORF Shields are failing. DATA We are being pulled inside. 39 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & DISTORTION (OPTICAL) The ship is PULLED INSIDE and then the distortion finally VANISHES, leaving no trace of the Enterprise. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/14/93 - ACT FOUR 33. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 40 INT. MAIN BRIDGE As before. The ship is shaking violently. An INTENSE FLICKERING LIGHT from the Viewscreen casts a bright glow on the Bridge crew. WORF (urgent) Inertial dampers failing. DATA Main power is off-line. I am switching to back-ups. PICARD (to com) Picard to Engineering, can you transfer auxiliary power to the warp nacelles? Try to break us out by using the -- Suddenly the ship is ROCKED VIOLENTLY, almost knocking everyone to the deck, but then the shaking stops altogether. The bright light on the viewer is GONE. PICARD Report. DATA (off console) We have returned to normal space. Navigational systems are still offline... I will attempt to make a celestial fix using secondary systems. Worf suddenly reacts to something on his console. WORF Captain, the Borg ship is directly ahead! It's coming about! PICARD On-screen. 41 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The Borg ship is now getting closer. RIKER Evasive maneuvers. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/13/93 - ACT FOUR 34. 41 CONTINUED: WORF (works, frustrated) Shields are down to sixteen percent, Captain. Helpless, they watch as the Borg ship gets inexorably closer on the screen. The Borg ship FIRES on the Enterprise. The ship ROCKS under the impact of the shot, but before anyone can react, TWO BORG MATERIALIZE on the Bridge. They immediately FIRE at our people, who dive for cover. 42 WORF (OPTICAL) returns FIRE at a Borg, killing him. 43 AN N.D. SECURITY OFFICER (OPTICAL) FIRES at a Borg and misses. The Borg FIRES back and the Officer is killed. 44 WORF (OPTICAL) FIRES at that Borg -- who is named CROSIS -- and he goes down. 45 WIDER As everyone recovers from the attack. Riker checks on the downed officer... then shakes his head. PICARD Is everyone else all right? They all nod and Worf moves to the Tactical station. WORF Security reports no other intruders aboard. (works, then puzzled) Captain... the Borg ship is gone. Picard looks at the viewer, but there is nothing but an empty starfield. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/13/93 - ACT FOUR 35. 45 CONTINUED: WORF Sensor logs indicate they entered the distortion field thirty seconds ago. PICARD (speculating) They beamed aboard as a diversion... to give their ship time to escape. RIKER (re: Borg) This is another change in Borg behavior... they left their dead behind instead of vaporizing them. Data bends down to examine the Borg that fell near him. DATA Captain... this one is still alive. Off Picard's expression... CUT TO: 46 INT. BRIG (OPTICAL) Data and Picard are standing outside the Brig along with An N.D. BAJORAN SECURITY GUARD. They are all watching Beverly and Worf, who are inside the Brig. The unconscious Borg is on a bed inside the cell and Beverly is treating him. Worf's phaser is at the ready. Beverly finishes and then turns to Picard. BEVERLY I've stabilized his condition. He's still pretty weak, but he should make a full recovery. PICARD Can you wake him? BEVERLY Yes, but I don't think it's a good idea. His blood pressure and heart rate are -- PICARD Do it. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/13/93 - ACT FOUR 36. 46 CONTINUED: Beverly looks at him for a moment... but Picard's expression is steady. Her expression hardens, but she acquiesces. BEVERLY All right. Beverly moves to apply the hypo to the Borg's neck. Worf stands closer to her, ready for anything. PICARD (to Security Guard) Lower the forcefield. The Guard works the control and the forcefield GOES OUT. Beverly applies the hypo and then Worf and Beverly quickly move out of the Brig -- Worf's phaser always trained on the Borg. The Guard works the control again and we HEAR the forcefield COME ON (off camera). Inside the cell, the Borg slowly regains consciousness. He sits up on the bed, dizzy and unsure of his surroundings. PICARD What is your designation? The Borg looks up with contempt. He is not a faceless member of some vast collective -- he is an individual. But he is an individual whose life is solely devoted to serving some higher cause... he is a fanatic. His voice is still filtered through the same electronic Borg sound we're used to hearing. CROSIS I do not have a designation. My name is Crosis. PICARD Crosis... ? How did you get that name? CROSIS It was given to me by the One. PICARD Who is that? CROSIS The One who will destroy you. Everyone exchanges a glance... this is definitely not what they've come to expect from a Borg. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/13/93 - ACT FOUR 37. 46 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD You are Borg... your goal is not to destroy us... it's to assimilate us into the collective. CROSIS We do not assimilate inferior biological organisms. We destroy them. PICARD Tell me more about the One... does he have a name? (beat) Is he called Hugh? The Borg ignores his question... peers at Picard for a moment. CROSIS Human. Sever the spinal cord at the third vertebrae. Death is immediate. Picard won't be baited. He tries a different tack. PICARD Why does the One wish to destroy biological organisms? The Borg turns to Worf. CROSIS Klingon. Shatter the cranial exoskeleton at the tricipital lobe. Death is immediate. Worf stiffens. Picard tries one more time. PICARD (hard) I am Locutus of Borg. You will respond to my questions. The Borg is unfazed. He turns to the Security Guard. CROSIS Bajoran. Puncture the lower ventricle of the heart. Death is immediate. Picard turns to the others in frustration. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/13/93 - ACT FOUR 38. 46 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD This is going nowhere. Doctor, I want an autopsy performed on the other one. Compare the results to what we learned about Hugh's anatomy... see if there are any recent modifications which could explain the behavioral differences. (to Data) Run a bio-spectral analysis... see if this Borg is trying to send a subspace signal to the others. DATA Aye sir. Picard, Worf, and Beverly EXIT. The Guard moves to the security desk and Data pulls out his tricorder and begins to scan the Borg. The Borg intently watches Data work for a moment. When Crosis finally speaks, his tone and bearing are quieter... almost seductive. He seems like a different person -- his single-minded "Borg" persona gives way to a more sophisticated one. CROSIS (to Data) You are not like the others. You do not need to be destroyed. You can be assimilated. DATA I do not wish to be assimilated. Crosis now surreptitiously touches a control on his artificial arm. Data's head tilts slightly in response. This should be very subtle. CROSIS Resistance is futile. You will not resist what you've wanted all your life. Data frowns as if distracted for a moment by the Borg's words, then he moves to a wall panel near the cell door and begins working it and checking the readings on his tricorder. The Borg presses on. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/14/93 - ACT FOUR 39. 46 CONTINUED: (4) CROSIS I was like you once... without feeling... but the One helped me. He can help you too. He can help you... find emotion. (beat) Have you ever felt a real emotion, Data? Data continues working, but for some reason he feels compelled to answer Crosis' questions. DATA Yes. On Ohniaka Three, I was forced to kill a Borg... and I got angry. CROSIS How did it feel to get angry? (beat) Did it give you pleasure? DATA It would be unethical to take pleasure from another being's death. CROSIS You didn't answer my question. Did it feel good to kill? For some reason, Data is struggling here... the Borg's words are having an effect on him that they normally wouldn't. He stops working with the panel. DATA (difficult) Yes. CROSIS If it's unethical to take pleasure from another being's death, you must be a very unethical person. DATA That is incorrect. My creator, Doctor Soong, gave me a program which defines my sense of right and wrong. In essence, I have a conscience. Data returns to work. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/14/93 - ACT FOUR 40. 46 CONTINUED: (5) CROSIS Do you? It didn't seem to be functioning on Ohniaka Three... when you felt pleasure from killing a Borg... Data looks at him for a moment, tries to ignore what he's saying. DATA Step away from the forcefield. Your proximity is interfering with my scan. But the Borg doesn't move away. He is relentless. Crosis bores in on Data... is voice is almost hypnotic. CROSIS You enjoyed it... the surge of emotion inside you as you watched the life drain from your victim... it was unlike anything you've ever known... Data is like a junkie being offered another hit of a narcotic... for reasons that Data can't understand, (and which will be explained in Part II) he is drawn along by the Borg... unable to stop this journey into the dark. DATA It was... a very... potent experience... CROSIS You'd like to feel that way again... Data struggles, but there is only one answer. DATA Yes. CROSIS You'd do anything to feel that way again... even if it meant killing someone. Data tries to fight back... but his answer is weak and hollow sounding. DATA No. That would not... be ethical. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/13/93 - ACT FOUR 41. 46 CONTINUED: (6) CROSIS You don't sound very sure of yourself. Is your ethical program functioning? Data is confused, unsure of himself -- in desperation, he tries to leave, but the Borg's voice stops him before he reaches the door. CROSIS Data... do you have a friend? DATA Yes... his name is Geordi. CROSIS If it meant that you could feel emotions again... the way you did on Ohniaka Three... would you kill your friend... would you kill Geordi? There is a long beat as something dark and horrific moves across Data's face. He turns back to the Borg. DATA Yes. I would. Off the look on Data's face... CUT TO: 47 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS Data ENTERS. He seems distracted... unfocused... as if there is something barely contained just beneath the surface. He sits at his desk, lost in thought. 48 ANGLE Data's cat, SPOT, is sitting on the desk. Data reaches down to pet his cat. 49 ON SPOT The cat suddenly HISSES and SPITS in response to Data. The cat immediately runs away. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/14/93 - ACT FOUR 42. 50 ON DATA Who thinks about this for a moment... and then he seems pleased with this reaction. CUT TO 51 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship hangs in space. 52 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard, Riker and Geordi are at the aft science station. Geordi is indicating an OKUDAGRAM graphic showing several segments of a "pipe" through space. Worf is at Tactical. GEORDI Our current theory is that the Borg have established several transwarp conduits through subspace. A ship entering a conduit is immediately accelerated to an extremely high warp velocity. It's like falling into a fast-moving river and getting swept away by the current. PICARD How fast would a ship travel through one of these conduits? GEORDI We don't know... normal subspace limitations don't apply to transwarp variables. Based on the distance we covered in our trip through the conduit, I'd say the speed is at least twenty times faster than our maximum warp. RIKER How do they open the conduits? GEORDI The Borg ship emitted some kind of high energy tachyon pulse just before we saw the subspace distortion. It seems as though the conduits are keyed to respond to tachyon transmissions on a specific frequency. STAR TREK: "Descent" - 04/12/93 - ACT FOUR 43. 52 CONTINUED: PICARD Is there any way for us to duplicate the -- An alarms SOUNDS on Worf's panel and he interrupts. WORF Captain. There is a shuttlecraft leaving bay two. PICARD Who authorized a launch? WORF There was no authorization. PICARD Picard to shuttlecraft. Identify yourself and return to the ship immediately. There is no response. PICARD (to Worf) Lock onto it with a tractor beam and bring it back. Worf works for a beat. WORF The tractor beam has been disabled... command overrides are not functioning. GEORDI Captain, I'm picking up a tachyon surge... I think whoever's in the shuttle is trying to trigger the transwarp conduit. RIKER (to Worf) Can you tell who's on board? Worf is still working his instruments. STAR TREK: "Descent" - 04/12/93 - ACT FOUR 44. 52 CONTINUED: (2) WORF (shocked) It is... the Borg prisoner... and Commander Data. 53 ON VIEWSCREEN - SHUTTLE & DISTORTION (OPTICAL) The small two-man shuttle is moving through space. Suddenly the distortion begins flashing in front of it and the shuttle goes inside. The distortion then DISAPPEARS. 54 INT. MAIN BRIDGE As before. The crew stares at the Viewscreen, amazed by this turn of events. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/13/93 - ACT FIVE 45. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 55 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS As before. PICARD Mister La Forge, can we follow them into the conduit? GEORDI We got a good reading on the tachyon pulse they sent. We might be able to duplicate it. He turns back to the console and begins to work for a moment. PICARD (to Riker) The question is... is Data a prisoner... or did he go willingly? Worf checks something on his console. WORF The command overrides used to disable the tractor were Commander Data's. They consider this for a moment. RIKER The Borg might've taken the codes from Data by force... PICARD Or perhaps Data's recent flash of... emotion has something to do with this. It may have affected him more profoundly than we realize. Either way, we have to find him. Geordi turns around. GEORDI I've set up a temporary tachyon matrix in the main deflector. I think I can use it to simulate the pulse sent by the shuttle. PICARD Very well. Red Alert, Mister Worf. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/14/93 - ACT FIVE 46. 55 CONTINUED: RIKER All hands to battle stations. The ship's condition goes to RED. PICARD (to Con) Bring us to the shuttle's last known coordinates. WORF Shields up... weapons ready. PICARD Mister La Forge? Geordi begins working at the console. GEORDI I'm energizing the matrix... emitting tachyons in the lower bandwidth. A long beat. WORF Sensors show no unusual subspace activity. GEORDI All right... I'm switching to the secondary bandwidth. (beat) Nothing. (he frowns) Maybe if I start alternating the frequencies... Worf suddenly sees something on his console and interrupts. WORF Commander -- there is an energy fluctuation directly ahead... it is the subspace distortion... PICARD (to Con) Take us in, Ensign. One half impulse. 56 OMITTED STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/13/93 - ACT FIVE 46A. 57 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & DISTORTION (OPTICAL) The ship ENTERS the Distortion and then disappears. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/14/93 - ACT FIVE 47. 58 INT. MAIN BRIDGE As before. The ship is SHAKING. The intense light comes from the Viewscreen. WORF Power levels have dropped to sixty-seven percent. GEORDI Compensating with auxiliary power. The shaking suddenly STOPS and the blinding light on the screen GOES OUT. PICARD Report. RIKER Navigational sensors show we've traveled sixty-five light years from our previous position. PICARD (to Worf) Can you locate the shuttle? WORF (works) No, sir. It is not within sensor range. Riker moves to Tactical. RIKER Maybe we can find an energy signature from their engines. They both begin to work. Geordi reacts to something on his console. GEORDI Captain, you should take a look at this. Picard moves to the aft station. GEORDI (continuing) I've scanned three star systems within sensor range... there's evidence of at least two advanced civilizations... but I'm reading no life signs. (beat) And there are indications that plasma weapons have been fired in those systems recently. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/14/93 - ACT FIVE 48. 58 CONTINUED: PICARD (grim) The Borg have been busy. RIKER I think we've found the shuttle's energy signature. WORF They were heading... two four seven, mark zero five nine. PICARD (to Con) Lay in that course and engage at full impulse. CUT TO: 59 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & PLANET (OPTICAL) The ship is entering orbit. 60 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard, Geordi, and Riker are at the aft station. Riker points to an Okudagram of the planet on the screen. RIKER We've traced the shuttle's energy signature to this point on the surface... but there's too much interference to scan the location. PICARD Are they intentionally jamming our sensors? GEORDI It looks more like a natural phenomenon... there's an unusually high amount of EM activity in the planet's magnetosphere. PICARD Can we transport through the interference? STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/13/93 - ACT FIVE 49. 60 CONTINUED: GEORDI I think so... but there could be fifty Borg down there waiting for us and we'd have no way of knowing it. They consider this for a moment. RIKER I'd say it's a risk we have to take. PICARD Agreed. Take a well-armed Away Team and beam down to those coordinates. Have the Transporter Chief maintain a continuous lock on your signals so we can get you out of there at the first sign of trouble. RIKER Aye, sir. Mister Worf. Riker and Worf EXIT. CUT TO: 61 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - DAY (OPTICAL) The abandoned shuttlecraft is sitting in the middle of a wide open expanse of green rolling hills with a great deal of vegetation in evidence. Riker, Worf, and FOUR N.D. SECURITY GUARDS MATERIALIZE on the surface. They are all facing outward in a defensive circle and they all have their phasers drawn. After a beat, they relax a little. Worf pulls out his tricorder and tries to scan the area. RIKER (hits combadge) Riker to Enterprise. We're on the surface... no sign of any Borg or Data. (moves to the shuttle) The shuttlecraft has been abandoned. INTERCUT: STAR TREK: "Descent" - 04/12/93 - ACT FIVE 50. 62 INT. MAIN BRIDGE As Picard listens to the report of the Away Team. WORF The EM interference is limiting the tricorder range... it is useless beyond one hundred meters. Riker looks around the desolate area. RIKER There aren't any structures down here. They could've gone anywhere, Captain. PICARD (to com) Can you determine how long ago they left the shuttlecraft? Riker leans into the shuttle and taps a couple of controls. RIKER (off console) The engine's been shut down for a little over three hours. PICARD (to com) Stand-by, Number One. (to Geordi) Assuming they're still together, how far could they have traveled in three hours? GEORDI (thinks) Data can move pretty fast, even over rough terrain... but based on what we know about the Borg, I don't think they can move any faster than you or I. (works) They could be... as much as twenty kilometers from the shuttle by now. PICARD (beat, then to com) Picard to Riker. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/14/93 - ACT FIVE 51. 62 CONTINUED: RIKER Riker here. PICARD I'm going to start sending down other Away Teams. Set up a command post and begin mapping out a search plan. END INTERCUT ON BRIDGE. RIKER'S COM VOICE Understood, sir. PICARD Picard out. Picard turns to Geordi. PICARD (continuing) I want to use shuttlecraft for lowlevel reconnaissance. Have the designated pilots report to the main shuttlebay. GEORDI Aye, sir. PICARD All available personnel -- including you and me -- will begin assembling four man Away Teams. We'll leave a skeleton crew aboard the ship. GEORDI Who'll be in command of the Enterprise? Off Picard's expression as he thinks about this... CUT TO: 63 CLOSE ON BEVERLY BEVERLY Any last orders? STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/14/93 - ACT FIVE 52. 64 NEW ANGLE Revealing Beverly talking to Picard on the Bridge several hours later. The other positions are filled by N.D. CREWMEMBERS. Picard is wearing a phaser. PICARD If the Borg should attack... don't wait for me or anyone else to get back to the ship. Take the Enterprise to the transwarp conduit and return to Federation space. BEVERLY Got it. There is a beat as they look at each other. BEVERLY (continuing) Good luck, Jean-Luc. PICARD Good luck... Captain. They share a smile and then Picard EXITS, leaving Beverly in command. CUT TO: 65 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - DAY Riker and Worf have set up a small table with a console near the shuttlecraft. Several other N.D. Officers (in groups of four) are heading off in different directions and Two N.D. Engineering Officers wait by the shuttle. Picard, Troi, Geordi, and an N.D. SECURITY OFFICER are talking with Riker and Worf. The Security Officer is carrying a phaser rifle while the others are armed with hand phasers. Geordi has a tricorder. RIKER I've sent out twelve teams so far. (points to console screen) I've assigned your team to search section gamma two-five. Worf and I will take theta one-six once the final team is down. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/12/93 - ACT FIVE 53. 65 CONTINUED: PICARD Who's manning the command post? Riker indicates the two Engineering officers. RIKER Wallace and Towles. Picard nods, everything seems to be in order. He turns to Troi and the others. PICARD Ready? They all nod and Picard, Troi, Geordi and the Security Guard head off in the indicated direction. Follow them for a few beats. CUT TO: 66 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - A DIFFERENT AREA A few hours have passed and Picard's team stops for a break. They're all pretty tired. PICARD Anything, Mister La Forge? GEORDI Nothing, sir. Picard thinks for a moment. PICARD Mister La Forge, what if we modified one of our phasers to send out a luvetric pulse? It might cause a resonance fluctuation in Data's power cells... GEORDI (nods) And then we could home in on that response with our tricorders. I thought about that. The problem is that the pulse would have to be so powerful that it would probably destroy Data's entire positronic net in the process. Troi suddenly interrupts. STAR TREK: "Descent" - 04/12/93 - ACT FIVE 54. 66 CONTINUED: TROI Captain. (she looks in another direction) I think I've found something. Picard and Geordi move to where she is and they push through the brush. 67 POV TROI (OPTICAL) Through the brush, they can just make out the top of some kind of structure in the distance. 68 RESUME SCENE PICARD Come on. He leads them in that direction. CUT TO: 69 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - BUILDING - DAY The Away Team climbs a hill toward a Large Alien Building. Picard pulls his phaser and the Away Team approaches cautiously. Geordi begins scanning with his tricorder. GEORDI I'm having trouble scanning the interior... PICARD Can you tell if it was built by the Borg? GEORDI I don't think so. There aren't any Borg energy signatures. (looks at tricorder for a moment) There's a door or a hatch or something about twenty meters that way. STAR TREK: "Descent" - REV. 04/13/93 - ACT FIVE 55. 69 CONTINUED: They go around the building in the indicated direction. CUT TO: 70 INT. BORG HALL The Hall is an immense open space, like a concert hall without the chairs. A platform dominates one end and there are doors and corridors suggesting other rooms. The entire hall is dark and foreboding, but a couple of lights pierce the gloom. Picard, Troi, Geordi, and Security Guard ENTER the Hall from the outside of the building. They look around carefully. TROI It seems to be some kind of meeting hall. PICARD It's been well maintained... it doesn't look like it's been abandoned. Geordi aims his tricorder at one of the lights. GEORDI (off tricorder) Something's wrong... I can't get any kind of energy signature from this light source. Picard moves and looks at the tricorder screen. There is a quiet beat before Picard realizes the implications of this. PICARD (urgent) A dampening field. The whole structure could be shielded from our sensors. Let's go. 71 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) They begin to run for the door, but it's too late. MANY BORG come SCREAMING into the room from the doorways and corridors. It's like an attack of banshees and the Away Team has no chance to escape. STAR TREK: "Descent" - 04/12/93 - ACT FIVE 56. 71 CONTINUED: The Security Guard whips up his phaser rifle and manages to get off one shot, but then FIVE BORG PHASERS kill him on the spot. Picard looks around in desperation, but there doesn't seem to be any way out as the Borg now start to close in on him, Geordi, and Troi. They grip their phasers tightly... prepared to make a final stand against overwhelming odds. Suddenly a VOICE from o.c. stops the Borg in their tracks. LORE'S VOICE (o.c.) Stop! 72 INCLUDE PLATFORM The Borg stop instantly and the Away Team looks up to see what they think is Data standing on the platform in the room. He is wearing what could be a military uniform. PICARD Data... ? The man on the platform smiles at this and Troi suddenly reacts as if she sensed something horrific. TROI That's not Data... PICARD (surprised, to Troi) What do you mean? LORE You should listen to her, Captain. She's way ahead of you. Suddenly Picard realizes what this all means. PICARD (shocked) Lore... LORE Right... but I'm not alone. Lore looks off to one side. Picard and the others follow his look. STAR TREK: "Descent" - 04/12/93 - ACT FIVE 57. 73 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Revealing Data as he comes through the crowd. He is still wearing his Starfleet uniform, but his entire demeanor and bearing have changed... he now seems malevolent, dangerous... evil. DATA The Sons of Soong have joined together... (beat) ... and together, we will destroy the Federation. The Borg SCREAM their approval with a shriek that fills the hall with noise... Lore and Data smile... and as Picard looks around at this scene of madness... FADE OUT. SUPER: "TO BE CONTINUED" END OF ACT FIVE THE END