STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Liaisons" (fka "The Journey") #40277-254 Story by Roger Eschbacher & Jaq Greenspan Teleplay by Jeanne Carrigan-Fauci & Lisa Rich Directed by Cliff Bole THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1993 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT JULY 6, 1993 STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Liaisons" CAST PICARD BYLETH RIKER LOQUEL DATA PILOT BEVERLY ANNA TROI BOY WORF GEORDI Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. ENGINEERS STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Liaisons" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE WORF'S QUARTERS SHUTTLEBAY PLANET'S SURFACE TEN FORWARD CORRIDOR ALIEN SHUTTLECRAFT ENGINEERING OBSERVATION LOUNGE RIKER'S QUARTERS ALIEN SHUTTLECRAFT CARGO FREIGHTER STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Liaisons" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE BUSSARD buh-SARD BYLETH BYE-leth IYAARANS ee-YAR-uns IYAR ee-YAR KTARIAN kit-AR-ee-un PAPALLA puh-PALL-uh TARVOKIAN tar-VOKE-ee-un TERELLIAN teh-RELL-ee-un VOVAL voh-VALL ANNA AH-nah STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: The Next Generation "Liaisons" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. WORF'S QUARTERS CLOSE ON WORF'S FACE. He looks disgusted. Off camera, his hands are working furiously at something... and he grows more and more agitated by whatever he's doing... 2 WIDEN TO REVEAL Worf standing in front of a mirror. He is wearing a Starfleet DRESS UNIFORM -- a thigh-level tunic with pants underneath. He is attempting to tie an ornate SASH around his chest, but it isn't easy. He steps back and takes a look -- it's crooked and sloppy. Frustrated, he undoes the sash and starts tying it again. He just can't get it right... The door CHIMES. WORF Enter. RIKER ENTERS, also in a dress uniform. He's surprised to see that Worf is not ready. RIKER Worf, they're going to be here any minute. Worf tugs at his sash -- it's hopeless. WORF I am having... problems. Riker moves over and starts to help him tie the sash. RIKER If I didn't know you better, I'd say you were procrastinating. WORF Klingons do not procrastinate. Riker gives him a look, and Worf is forced to back down a bit. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: WORF (continuing) It is a... tactical delay. RIKER (tying sash) All you have to do is spend five minutes greeting the Iyaarans and another hour or so making small talk at the reception. I'm the one who has to spend the next three days escorting them around the ship. WORF I do not enjoy these diplomatic situations. RIKER It's all part of being in Starfleet. (ties sash) There. They look in the mirror. Worf eyes his dress uniform -- the sash... the short-hemmed tunic. WORF And I do not see why it is necessary to wear these ridiculous uniforms. RIKER Protocol. WORF They look like... dresses. RIKER Worf, that is a remarkably outmoded and sexist attitude. I'm surprised at you. They head for the door. RIKER (continuing) Besides, you look great in a dress. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) OFF Worf's look... CUT TO: 3 INT. SHUTTLEBAY An ALIEN SHUTTLECRAFT sits in the bay. PICARD and TROI (Picard in his jacket, carrying a duffel bag; Troi in dress uniform;) are facing the shuttle. Riker and Worf are also present. Clearly, this is a very important moment for all of them. Except for Worf, who looks distinctly uncomfortable. The shuttle doors OPEN and three distinctive-looking aliens -- IYAARANS -- step out to greet the group. AMBASSADOR LOQUEL... AMBASSADOR BYLETH... and the shuttle's PILOT, VOVAL. All three wear featureless clothing -- there are NO ornaments or extraneous styling whatsoever -- it should suggest a purely functional, utilitarian garment. Picard steps forward to greet the Ambassadors. PICARD Ambassador Loquel... Ambassador Byleth. I'm Captain Picard. Welcome aboard the Enterprise. The Ambassadors bow politely, a ceremonial gesture. LOQUEL It is our pleasure to be here, Captain. PICARD We are honored to be the site of the first cultural exchange between the Iyaaran people and the Federation. BYLETH Yes, yes. The next seven days should prove most illuminating. Loquel gestures toward the pilot. LOQUEL Allow me to introduce Voval. He will be taking you back to our homeworld. Picard nods and smiles at the pilot. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - TEASER 4. 3 CONTINUED: PICARD Pleased to meet you. The pilot stares back silently, a neutral expression on his face. It throws Picard off for just a second, then -- PICARD (to Ambassadors) I'm looking forward to meeting with the Premier of Iyar. 4 INLCUDE WORF as the diplomatic pleasantries continue. He is bored stiff... PICARD (continuing) There will be a reception in your honor where you'll meet the rest of the Senior Staff. I'll be on my way to your home world, of course -- but I'm leaving you in the hands of my most experienced officers. He gestures toward Worf. PICARD Lieutenant Worf, of the Klingon Empire, is our head of security. He will be responsible for your safety while you're on board. Worf nods stiffly, and Byleth in particular takes notice of him, staring intently. Picard moves on, but Byleth continues to look at Worf. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - TEASER 4A. 4 CONTINUED: PICARD Counselor Deanna Troi from the Planet Betazed will be your personal liaison, Ambassador Loquel. Troi smiles and steps forward. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - TEASER 5. 4 CONTINUED: (2) TROI Ambassador Loquel, it's an honor to meet you. May I show you to your quarters before we attend the reception? LOQUEL Please. Loquel follows Troi toward the door. PICARD And my First Officer, Commander William Riker from the planet Earth, will be assigned to you, Ambassador Byleth. BYLETH (looking at Worf) I want this one. Worf reacts to this, puzzled and surprised. Picard looks from one to the other. PICARD Commander Riker is a skilled diplomat, with wide experience in inter-species contact -- BYLETH I'm sure, I'm sure. But I have decided. I want this Lieutenant Worf. Worf looks stricken... glances at Picard for salvation... but Picard wants to accommodate. PICARD Well. That will be -- just fine. Mister Worf... ? There's no out. Worf takes a breath, turns to Byleth. WORF Yes... Ambassador, I would be pleased to -- BYLETH (waving dismissal) Yes, yes. Enough of that. Show me to my quarters. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - TEASER 5A. 4 CONTINUED: (3) And he turns and stalks toward the door. Worf gives one last desperate look toward Riker, then follows Byleth. Riker exchanges a glance with Picard. This should be interesting... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 5 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at impulse. 6 INT. TEN FORWARD The reception is in progress. Riker, Worf, Troi and DATA are there with several other Starfleet Officers. (They are still in their dress uniforms.) A large BUFFET TABLE has been set-up -- it's topped with various FOOD and DRINKS. 7 ON TROI AND AMBASSADOR LOQUEL moving along the buffet table. Troi holds an empty plate; Loquel also holds a plate, but his is piled high with food. As they talk, he keeps putting more food onto his plate. TROI So first thing tomorrow, I thought I'd take you on a tour... show you the operational centers and the residential decks of the ship. Then after that, we could spend some time discussing some of the cultural underpinnings of your society -- LOQUEL Are you going to eat? Troi stops. TROI Excuse me? He gestures at her empty plate. LOQUEL You have no food on your plate. Are you going to eat? STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - ACT ONE 7. 7 CONTINUED: TROI Oh... actually, I was waiting until we got to the dessert tray. He looks at her, not entirely clear on the concept. LOQUEL "Dessert... " What is that? TROI It's something we eat after the main course. It's usually very sweet... usually very bad for you. We eat it purely for pleasure. (beat) If you ask me, it's the best part of any meal. He considers this. LOQUEL My people eat only for nourishment. Troi leads him to the DESSERT TRAY, which is filled with various treats. Loquel looks on with fascination. TROI (continuing) Let me introduce you to some of my favorites... (indicates desserts) Here we have peach cobbler with whipped cream. Tarvokian powder cake... (beat) But over here -- this is my very favorite. Troi indicates a dome-shaped confection half the size of a bowling ball -- and completely covered with chocolate. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - ACT ONE 8. 7 CONTINUED: (2) TROI (continuing) This is a Ktarian Chocolate Puff. I'm not exactly sure what's in it... but I think there are at least seventeen varieties of chocolate inside. Troi takes a modest slice and puts it on her plate, offers it to him. Loquel takes a small bite with his fork... considers the taste... then reacts with intense pleasure. He tries to find words to describe the sensation... LOQUEL It is... it is... TROI Delicious? LOQUEL (smiles at the word) "Delicious... " Troi smiles. TROI Ambassador... I think we're going to get along very well. She gestures toward a table. TROI Shall we? He nods. Troi moves toward the table to sit down. Loquel eyes the dessert tray a moment, then innocently picks up the entire platter of desserts and follows Troi... 8 WORF, BEVERLY AND AMBASSADOR BYLETH sitting at a table. They all have food in front of them. Byleth takes a bite of his food, reacts with disgust. He shoves his plate of food toward Worf. BYLETH This is unacceptable. WORF I am sorry if you do not care for our -- STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - ACT ONE 9. 8 CONTINUED: BYLETH Bring me new food. I require a higher protein and enzymatic content. Worf takes a beat, tries to hold his temper. Beverly intercedes. BEVERLY Our custom in a situation like this is to serve ourselves. It's called a "buffet," and usually people prefer to choose -- BYLETH (to Worf, as if to a child) Bring... me... new... food. Worf rises stiffly as Beverly tries to reach Byleth. BEVERLY Ambassador... WORF It is all right, Doctor. I am happy to bring more food. Worf moves off to the buffet table. He picks up a long knife and begins cutting at some meat... going at it with a decidedly violent sub-text. Data approaches. DATA (to Worf) How is your diplomatic assignment progressing so far? WORF (terse) Fine. Data watches as Worf hacks at the meat. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT ONE 10. 8 CONTINUED: (2) DATA I have found that in moments of diplomatic tension, it is often helpful to find elements of commonality. Worf considers this for a moment. WORF Ambassador Byleth is... demanding... temperamental... rude... DATA (innocently) You share all of those qualities in abundance. Perhaps you should build on your similarities. Worf shoots him an irritated look, grumbles and walks off with the plate of food. OFF Data's look -- he was only trying to help... CUT TO: 9 EXT. SPACE - ALIEN SHUTTLECRAFT (OPTICAL) The shuttle seen in the Teaser, at impulse. 10 INT. ALIEN SHUTTLECRAFT The Pilot (Voval) seen earlier is at the controls. (There's a small INSIGNIA PIN on the Pilot's uniform at the sternum. It should not call attention to itself in any way.) Picard is sitting next to him, trying his best to strike up a conversation with the man. It isn't easy. The Pilot is unresponsive, apparently uninterested in anything Picard has to say. PICARD So... I understand your homeworld has some of the most spectacular crystal formations in the sector. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - ACT ONE 11. 10 CONTINUED: The Pilot just grunts and stares straight ahead. An awkward beat. PICARD (continuing) Is there any place in particular that you recommend I visit while I'm there? PILOT No. Picard sees that a conversation with the man is all but impossible. PICARD Yes, well... what's our ETA? PILOT Seventeen hours, thirty-two minutes. Picard reacts -- it's going to be a long trip. He stands. PICARD I think I'll go update my itinerary... STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT ONE 12. 10 CONTINUED: (2) Picard moves toward the rear of the shuttle. Suddenly -- WHAM! The shuttle is JOLTED and all of the lights GO OFF. EMERGENCY LIGHTS come up. Picard quickly sits down. PICARD What happened? The Pilot scans the console. PILOT There has been a system wide power failure. PICARD What's the cause? PILOT (working) We have entered an energy disruption field. I do not recognize the configuration. The shuttle ROCKS HARD and keeps TREMBLING. PILOT (off console) Attitude controls failing. The shuttle is LURCHING to and fro -- it's all they can do to hang on. Picard scans the navigational console. PICARD There's an M-Class planet in this system. Can we reach it? PILOT I will try. As the Pilot works... STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - ACT ONE 13. 11 ANGLE - WINDOW (OPTICAL) as a distant planet comes into view. 12 RESUME SCENE As before, trembling. PICARD Inertial dampeners are off-line... life support is failing... PILOT Entering the planet's atmosphere... (works) Prepare for impact. They brace for collision -- 13 EXT. SPACE - THE PLANET (OPTICAL) The shuttlecraft SPIRALS down through the planet's atmosphere... and disappears from sight... CUT TO: 14 EXT. PLANET'S SURFACE - NIGHT (OPTICAL) A rocky, inhospitable surface. It's windy, and large spider-like formations of PLASMA LIGHTNING can be seen arcing up from the ground in the distance, lighting up the darkened sky. 15 MOVE TO REVEAL The alien shuttlecraft lies wrecked on the surface. 16 INT. ALIEN SHUTTLECRAFT It's dark. Smoke hangs in the air. Emergency lights are flickering weakly. The light from the distant plasma lightning FLASHES through the windows. The Pilot is slumped over the controls, semi-conscious, a nasty-looking WOUND on his forehead. 17 ON PICARD lying on the floor, disoriented. He sits up, grabs hold of a console and pulls himself to his feet... looks around the shuttle, spots the Pilot, moves to him. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT ONE 14. 17 CONTINUED: PICARD Voval... The Pilot stirs slightly and moans in pain. Picard glances him over, eyeing the wound on his forehead. PICARD (continuing) You may have a concussion... try not to move. Picard moves to the COM console... 18 ON COM PANEL A distinctive panel with several diamond-shaped controls on it (NOTE: It is undamaged and functioning). Picard hits a few buttons. PICARD (to com) Picard to Enterprise... (beat) Picard to Enterprise... do you read me? No response -- just static. He hits a few more controls... reacts with frustration... PICARD I can't get through... too much interference... Picard makes his way to the rear of the shuttle and manages to find his duffel bag amidst the debris. He opens the bag and pulls out a tricorder, flips it open and scans in a wide circle... PICARD (off tricorder) There's a structure and some energy readings... about two kilometers south of here... Picard snaps the tricorder shut and moves to the Pilot, carefully takes off his jacket and wraps it around the man. PICARD I'm going to try to find help. Do you understand? STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - ACT ONE 15-16. 18 CONTINUED: The Pilot manages a nod. PICARD Try to stay conscious. And don't leave the shuttle... there's some sort of plasma energy on the surface. (beat) I'll be back as soon as I can. Picard moves to the shuttle doors and studies them for a moment... finds a manual latch, pulls down on it and forces the doors open... 19 EXT. PLANET'S SURFACE/ALIEN SHUTTLECRAFT - CONTINUOUS Picard walks outside, bracing himself against the wind. Somewhere offscreen, plasma lightning is FLASHING. He scans the region with his tricorder, then begins to make his way across the rocky terrain with great difficulty... 20 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Picard trying to move quickly. Offscreen, A BRIGHT FLASH of plasma lightning causes him to stop and hang back. After a beat, he presses on. The wind is howling... Suddenly, another much larger flash of OFFSCREEN plasma lightening erupts; Picard is thrown back onto a rock, where he cracks his head sharply. He falls to the ground, unconscious. A few beats go by... 21 A SHAPE is moving among the rock formations. It's a humanoid figure... its identity hidden by the dim light. The figure makes its way toward Picard... 22 CLOSE ON PICARD still unconscious. After a moment, TWO HANDS reach into frame and firmly grip him by the shoulders. As the hands drag him away... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - ACT TWO 17. ACT TWO FADE IN: 23 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at impulse. 24 INT. WORF'S QUARTERS Worf is lying in bed, fast asleep. After a moment, the door CHIMES. Worf stirs slightly. The door CHIMES again and Worf wakes up. He straggles out of bed, groggy, crosses to the door and touches a control. The door slides open to reveal -- Ambassador Byleth, who has a stern expression on his face. BYLETH You're late. WORF (reacts) Late... it is oh-five hundred hours! BYLETH I told you last night I wanted to meet at this time. We are supposed to tour the arboretum and bio-labs. WORF I do not recall you saying anything about -- BYLETH Are you calling me a liar? Worf bristles. WORF No... I simply do not remember the conversation. BYLETH I will have to add this to your list of inadequacies. (beat) Now, don't just stand there. Get dressed and meet me in the arboretum. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - ACT TWO 18. 24 CONTINUED: He turns and walks off down the corridor. OFF Worf's reaction -- he can't take much more of this... CUT TO: 25 INT. CORRIDOR Troi and Ambassador Loquel are walking along, mid-conversation. Loquel is carrying a elaborate-looking cup of orange-colored liquid with a straw sticking out of it -- it looks like the 24th century equivalent of a "Big Gulp." Throughout the scene, he takes little sips of it. TROI This deck is devoted mainly to stellar cartography, biological research, and astrophysics... Loquel takes a sip of his drink and gives a little moan of pleasure at the taste. He seems more interested in the drink than anything else. TROI (continuing) We have over a thousand people on board, engaged in all facets of the ship's -- Loquel holds out the drink to Troi. LOQUEL Are you sure you don't want some of this... (remembers) This... "papalla juice?" TROI No, thank you. I'm still recovering from all those desserts last night. LOQUEL Are you sure? It is very... "delicious." TROI I'm sure. Loquel stops, again holds the drink out to Troi, insistent. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT TWO 19. 25 CONTINUED: LOQUEL Please. You have been so kind. Please. Finally, Troi takes the cup and takes a cursory sip. TROI Yum. Loquel looks satisfied, takes back the drink. They continue walking. TROI (continuing) Next we're going to go to Deck Eight, which is interesting because it's not really finished. It's sort of a... multi-purpose deck... STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT TWO 20. 25 CONTINUED: (2) As Troi speaks, something catches Loquel's attention -- 26 LOQUEL'S POV A MOTHER and her SON (a six year-old boy) walk past a nearby intersection... 27 LOQUEL reacts to the sight, curious. He turns and follows the mother and son. 28 TROI doesn't notice at first. She keeps walking. TROI (continuing) Sometimes when we need an extra lab... another cabin, we -- She stops, realizing that Loquel is no longer alongside her. She glances around, but he's nowhere to be seen. TROI (continuing) Ambassador? STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - ACT TWO 21. 29 thru OMITTED 30 30A INT. ANOTHER CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Troi rounds the corner and stops at what she sees -- 30B INCLUDE LOQUEL who is kneeling before the young boy, holding him with both hands at arm's length. He turns the boy from side to side, staring at him with intense curiosity, as if he's never seen a child before. The boy is staring back at him with a startled expression on his face. The mother looks imploringly to Troi. Loquel glances at Troi. LOQUEL (re: boy) What is this? Troi approaches Loquel, speaks calmly. TROI That's a child. LOQUEL "Child"... TROI Children are our offspring. Our young. They grow into adults over a period of many years... they grow into beings like us. Loquel releases the boy, eyes him. LOQUEL (re: boy) Offspring. TROI Ambassador, I'm curious... how does your species procreate? LOQUEL (matter of fact) Post-cellular compounding. We emerge from the natal pod fully grown. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - ACT TWO 22. 30B CONTINUED: TROI I see... Loquel turns to the boy, speaks gently. LOQUEL (to boy) Do you have a name? BOY Eric... Loquel smiles at him. LOQUEL Eric, do you like... dessert? After a moment, the boy smiles and nods eagerly. Loquel looks to Troi and the mother. LOQUEL May I give Eric some dessert? Troi and the mother exchange a look -- then the mother nods her approval. TROI That sounds like a wonderful idea. As the three walk off together... CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - ACT TWO 23-23A 31 OMITTED 32 INT. CARGO FREIGHTER CLOSE ON Picard, who is lying on his side on a small make-shift cot... unconscious. The room is dimly-lit. Gradually, Picard wakes up... groggy and disoriented... tries to sit but is too weak... He looks around... 33 PICARD'S POV - THE ROOM It's a long, tunnel-like room, with a single door along one side. A few half-charred consoles can be seen... and several cargo containers, which are nothing more than shapes in the dim light. The room is CANTED slightly, as if it's been in a crash. 34 PICARD (OPTICAL) lays his head back down... takes a ragged breath... then reacts to a sharp pain in his side. He looks down at his body... STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - ACT TWO 24. 34 CONTINUED: His shirt is ripped and torn. He moves to touch his side, and his hand activates a small ENERGY FIELD which jolts his hand away. Picard reacts... and sees that a small METALLIC DISC with several blinking lights on it has been attached to his rib cage. What is it... ? A NOISE is heard across the room. Picard looks around, trying to see in the darkness. PICARD Is someone there? Who's there... ? No answer. But something catches Picard's eye... and he squints into the darkness... still very groggy... 35 INCLUDE THE ROOM As one of the dark shapes slowly begins to move, rising from where it was sitting in a chair. Clearly, it is a person -- and it is moving toward Picard. Picard watches with growing concern as the person moves closer... almost menacing. He tries to sit up... PICARD What do you want? Who are you... A WOMAN'S HAND moves into the light and gently places a finger on Picard's lips. WOMAN'S VOICE Shhh... The hands lay Picard back down on the cot... placing his body just so... almost nurturing. Picard looks up at her, tries to make out her face... 36 ON THE WOMAN (ANNA) as her face moves into the light. She is human, midthirties... a very pretty woman whose face has seen many years of pain. Her skin is very pale... her clothes torn in a few places, ragged. She wears a distinctive-looking NECKLACE with a pendant around her neck. She stares down at Picard with an unreadable face. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - ACT TWO 25. 36 CONTINUED: PICARD Who... are you? A long moment, then the woman moves back into the shadows and walks toward the door. PICARD (continuing) Wait. Someone else was with me... the pilot of the shuttlecraft... he's wounded... please, he needs your help... The woman stops by the door. She speaks, her voice hoarse. ANNA'S VOICE He's dead. The woman opens the door to reveal the planet's surface outside. Wind howls into the room, then the woman exits and slams the door shut. OFF Picard's reaction -- where is he... and who is this mysterious woman... ? FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT THREE 26. ACT THREE FADE IN: 37 EXT. PLANET'S SURFACE - CARGO FREIGHTER (OPTICAL) The ship lies wrecked on the surface. 38 INT. CARGO FREIGHTER A few hours later. CLOSE ON Picard asleep, lying on the cot. He wakes with a start, alarmed, and glances around the room... then finally remembers where he is... A small FIRE is now burning in a cargo container the center of the room. The woman seen earlier is sitting on a chair a few feet away, silently watching him. Her face is visible in the flickering light. It's a mysterious and somewhat eerie sight... Picard eyes her. PICARD Hello... The woman just stares at him. Picard notices a tray of FOOD sitting on a crate next to the bed -- a bowl of soup, a cup of water, and a piece of alien fruit. PICARD (continuing, re: soup) This smells good. Thank you... He sits up awkwardly, still very weak... takes the bowl of soup... tries a sip of it. The woman watches him, looking a little curious now... PICARD This is a Terellian cargo freighter, isn't it? Is this your ship? Were you one of the crew? A beat. When she speaks, her voice is hoarse, halting... ANNA No... I was a passenger... we crashed... STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - ACT THREE 27. 38 CONTINUED: PICARD How many people survived? Are you the only one? She nods. Picard eyes her. PICARD (continuing) Well, you're certainly not a Terellian... unless you've lost two of your arms... She smiles slightly at the humor, and a little of the tension in her face melts away... the moment is broken. PICARD (continuing) What's your name? (beat) I'm Jean-Luc Picard. I'm a Starfleet officer. ANNA Anna. PICARD Anna... (beat) Anna, is there anyone else on this planet? She shakes her head, no. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - ACT THREE 28. 38 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (continuing) How long have you been here? She hesitates. ANNA I... don't know. You can't see the sun here... I've... lost track of time. PICARD Do you remember the date your ship crashed? She thinks a moment. ANNA Stardate... 40812... PICARD (reacts) That's seven years ago. Anna reacts, disturbed. She stands. It's a frightening revelation. ANNA Years... PICARD Anna... it's all right... She becomes agitated, starts moving about the room. ANNA Seven years... I thought... one year... or two maybe... but how could it be seven... PICARD Anna, listen to me... STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT THREE 29. 38 CONTINUED: (3) The sound of assurance in his voice makes her stop. PICARD (continuing) On my shuttle, there's a lot of equipment that survived the crash. We can use it to contact Starfleet. They'll send a ship for us. We can leave. She stares at him -- a tiny bit of hope creeps into her expression. ANNA Leave? PICARD Yes. Both of us. If you can get me back to the shuttle... He tries to sit up, he winces in pain. Anna quickly moves to him, lays him back down. ANNA Don't move... it's bad... PICARD Don't worry... I won't move. She takes a breath -- focuses her thoughts and looks at him. ANNA You have... three broken ribs... She indicates the device on Picard's side. ANNA (continuing) The restriction device... will... hold the bones in place... let them... She can't find the words... interlocks her fingers to demonstrate... STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT THREE 30. 38 CONTINUED: (4) PICARD Let them knit... let the bones knit... She smiles at him, and for the time we can see she has a lovely smile. ANNA (continuing) It's been a long time.... since I talked to anyone... A beat, then she sits down on a crate by the bed, thoughtful. ANNA (continuing) I used to talk... to myself. But then I thought... it might mean that I was crazy. So I stopped talking... She takes a moment. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT THREE 31. 38 CONTINUED: (5) ANNA It will be a while before you can walk. PICARD Anna... maybe you could go to the shuttle... bring the equipment back here... ANNA (nods) I can do that. PICARD Good. (beat) Go into the cockpit, and look for a small com panel in the center of the instrument bay. See if you can remove it, and bring it to me. She nods, determined. ANNA Stay in bed. I'll be back. She moves to the door... walks out side and shuts the door. There's a beat, then the door opens again and she walks inside the doorway and moves to him. She lightly touches his face. PICARD What is it? ANNA I just... wanted to make sure you were real. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT THREE 32. 38 CONTINUED: (6) A beat, then she EXITS. OFF Picard's face as he lies back down, exhausted... 39 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at impulse. 40 INT. ENGINEERING Worf and Byleth are walking through the room, Worf showing him around. GEORDI is working in the background, as well as a couple of Engineering N.D.s. Worf is trying his best to be polite. He indicates the large back-wall graphic of the Enterprise. WORF The Engineering sections encompass twelve decks of the secondary hull. Deck forty-two contains the antimatter storage facility. Deck thirty-six houses the -- BYLETH (cuts in) What is the mass flow rate of the antimatter replenishment stream to the containment pods? Worf looks at him, thrown off by the detailed technical nature of the question. WORF Excuse me? BYLETH The antimatter replenishment rate. What is it? WORF I am... not certain of the exact rate. Byleth glances around the room, impatient. BYLETH Perhaps there is someone here who does know the answer. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - ACT THREE 33. 40 CONTINUED: Byleth looks at Geordi, moves to him. BYLETH You. Are you smarter than this one? Worf looks at Geordi, seething. Geordi hesitates, on the spot, not sure how to respond -- there's no good answer to this question. GEORDI Ah... well... why do you ask? BYLETH Never mind. Byleth walks off toward the warp core chamber, eyeing it with interest. Worf takes a breath, then moves to him. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - ACT THREE 34. 40 CONTINUED: (2) BYLETH I wish to see the Bussard collectors. Take me to them. It's all Worf can do to keep from strangling him. WORF This way. Worf leads him onto the ELEVATOR. There is an awkward moment as they position themselves stand side-by-side, very close. Byleth begins to sniff the air around Worf. BYLETH Do you bathe? OFF Worf's outrage... 41 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Worf, Riker and Troi. Worf is on his feet, fuming. WORF I am going to kill him! With my bare hands, I will take his neck and -- RIKER Worf. Worf paces around the room, wild-eyed, angry. WORF I have failed in my mission, Commander. I am clearly a bad diplomat. For the sake of the ship and the Federation... I request reassignment. RIKER Denied. WORF But Commander, these Iyaarans are irritating... arrogant... They cannot be reasoned with! TROI Ambassador Loquel is quite pleasant. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT THREE 35. 41 CONTINUED: They look at her. TROI I will admit, he's a little... unusual. RIKER What have you learned about him so far? TROI He seems preoccupied with... recreation. In the past two days, I've spent more time in Ten Forward and the Holodeck than I have in the past two months. (beat) And he's obsessed with food. Especially chocolate. RIKER You must be in heaven. TROI To be honest... he's even testing my limits... WORF (seizing on this) You see? They are insane! TROI Worf... you've been patient with Ambassador Byleth, and that's good. But maybe it's time to let him know that some behavior is unacceptable to us. I think it's all right to suggest limits for the Ambassador... STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT THREE 36. 41 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER Maybe we need to loosen things up a little bit... meet in a less official capacity. WORF Like what? RIKER Well... how about a friendly game of poker? Troi smiles, sparking to the idea. OFF Worf's doubtful expression... 42 EXT. PLANET'S SURFACE (OPTICAL) The crashed cargo freighter, as seen before. 43 INT. CARGO FREIGHTER It's hours later. Picard is lying on the cot, alone. The fire is still burning. A quiet moment passes... then Picard reaches for the cup of water -- it's empty. He glances across the room, sees a large jug of water sitting on the floor. He decides to get up... Slowly, painfully, he manages to get to an upright position... hobbles out of bed and across the room to the jug of water. The exertion is intense, he's sweating... he takes a long drink of water then sets down the jug... He looks around the cargo room... He carefully makes his way to the door, trying not to jar his ribs too severely. He grabs a handle on the door and tries to open the hatch -- it won't budge. It's locked. He's definitely puzzled by this. He turns and looks around for another exit, but there are no other doors. As he considers, there is a CLANG of metal at the door, and it swings open, letting in blast of WIND which almost knocks Picard off his feet. Anna ENTERS. She's shocked to see him on his feet. ANNA What... what are you doing? Get back in bed! STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT THREE 37. 43 CONTINUED: She takes him by the arm and gently but firmly guides him to a nearby chair. PICARD Anna... why is the door kept bolted from the outside? ANNA For your protection... PICARD From what? ANNA There are dangerous animals here. (changing subject) I got the com panel... it's right here. She moves to the door, opens it, comes back inside holding the small gray COM PANEL from the shuttle. She carries over to Picard and sets it on a cargo container near him. ANNA (continuing) It wasn't easy... I had to force open the equipment bay to get it... STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT THREE 38. 43 CONTINUED: (2) Picard begins to examine the com panel, tapping controls, tries to get it working. PICARD If I can boost the output field, I might be able to send out a distress signal... Still no response from the com panel. Picard is puzzled. PICARD (continuing) There's something wrong with it... He turns over the com panel, and reacts to what he sees... 44 ON THE COM PANEL The rear of the com panel is CHARRED with SCORCH MARKS, heavily damaged. 45 RESUME Anna looks worried. ANNA What's the matter? PICARD The entire transmitter module's been destroyed... Picard eyes the charred circuitry a moment... then sets down the com device. He looks at her, wanting an answer. PICARD How did this happen? It looks as though it's been hit by a phaser blast. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT THREE 39-40. 45 CONTINUED: ANNA I had to use a phaser to cut it free... maybe I accidentally damaged it... you can fix it, can't you? PICARD No. Anna stares at the com device. She looks suddenly anxious. She stands. ANNA I'm sorry.... I'm sorry... She begins to cry softly. ANNA (continuing) I'm sorry... Picard lays a hand on her, comforting. He speaks quietly. PICARD We will get out of here, Anna. But it's not going to be easy... we need to work together... STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT THREE 41. 45 CONTINUED: (3) Anna raises her head and looks around the dark and decimated room... remembering her experiences here... ANNA I can't believe I did that... ruined our one chance... after waiting so long... She retreats into memory, reliving some of her experiences here... ANNA (continuing) At first, I kept hoping that I'd be rescued... every day I'd set up a microfusion flare... and I'd look up in the sky and wait for someone to take me away... (beat) ... and it never happened. She gets a haunted look in her eyes... ANNA (continuing) There's a precipice near here... I used to go there and stare down into the gorge... and think... I could just step off... and it would all be over... (beat) Then I realized... it was the hope that was driving me crazy... I had to accept that I was never going to get out of here... She looks into his eyes... there is a desperation in her face. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT THREE 42. 45 CONTINUED: (4) Picard stares at her for a long moment. PICARD Anna... no matter how long it takes, we will get out of here. A beat... then she nods, feeling better. She carefully helps Picard back into the chair. As she lays him down, she leans in close and gently strokes the side of his face. She looks absorbed in the intimacy of the moment... ANNA (continuing) From the moment I saw you, I knew you were here to save me... (beat) I'll do anything you want... just don't leave me. I don't want to be alone again... And she moves closer to him... closer... her eyes closing, mouth parting... and she kisses him tenderly on the lips. She pulls away... and whispers into his ear... ANNA (continuing) I love you... A moment. Then she turns and walks away. As Picard watches her go, clearly uncomfortable and concerned with what's just happened... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT FOUR 43. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 46 EXT. PLANET'S SURFACE (OPTICAL) The crashed cargo freighter, as seen before. 47 INT. CARGO FREIGHTER It's a few hours later. Picard is standing on top of a cargo container, working at an OPENED PANEL on the wall. He's trying to dismantle a COMPONENT (A POWER CELL) from its position in the circuitry. After a moment, the door opens and Anna ENTERS. She's carrying a small SACK. Her appearance has changed. She has cleaned herself up quite a bit, and her hair is tied back in a simple but pretty style. Clearly, she has made an effort to be more attractive. She doesn't see Picard at first. ANNA (excited) I found some coltayin roots. They're not much to look at... but they taste good... She sees Picard and stops, alarmed. ANNA What are you doing? She moves to him. Picard is preoccupied with his work, doesn't look down at her. PICARD Trying to dislodge this power cell... Anna moves to him, suddenly agitated. ANNA You're... going to hurt yourself up there... let me... PICARD I've almost got it... (works) There. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/09/93 - ACT FOUR 44. 47 CONTINUED: Picard yanks out the power cell. He gingerly steps down off the container, wincing at the pain in his side. Anna helps him down, and he sets the cell on a table and sits down in the chair. He starts examining the cell. PICARD (re: cell) Its energy relays are corroded... but it might be able to hold one more charge... (beat) If I can regenerate the cell... we may be able to reactivate the shuttlecraft's engines... Picard works on the device. Anna watches him a moment, not liking the fact that his attention is on this device and not on her. She moves to sit near him and smiles. ANNA Well... I'd say this is cause for celebration... She starts digging through the bag of roots. ANNA (continuing) You know, I may still have some Terellian spices around here... I could boil these roots and make a nice broth for us... Picard's attention stays focused on the power cell. PICARD Sounds delightful... He keeps working. Anna pulls out a ROOT and begins to peel it with a small knife. She keeps looking at him, thoughtful... ANNA Jean-Luc... if we ever do get out of here... will you promise to show me this starship of yours... this Enterprise? PICARD Of course. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/09/93 - ACT FOUR 45. 47 CONTINUED: (2) She holds his gaze for just a little too long. Clearly, she is becoming infatuated with him. Picard breaks her look. PICARD If you'll hand me my tricorder, I think I can repair these energy relays. She picks up Picard's tricorder, and as she passes it to him she takes the opportunity to hold his hand. Picard stops. ANNA I meant what I said before... (beat) I do love you. Picard takes a deep breath, sets down the com panel. He has no choice but to confront the issue head on now. He doesn't want to hurt her feelings, but it must be dealt with. It's awkward. PICARD Anna. I... care for you a great deal. I am grateful that you saved my life... you are a warm and compassionate person. I have a great deal of sympathy for what you've gone through... alone... here on this planet... (beat) But I don't think you're really in love with me. Anna reacts, genuinely surprised. ANNA How can you say that? Of course I love you... Picard chooses his words carefully. PICARD I'm the first person you've seen in seven years. And I've brought you the hope of leaving this place... (beat) Isn't it possible that your feelings are a little... confused right now? STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - ACT FOUR 46. 47 CONTINUED: (3) ANNA No... I know how I feel. And I love you. This is getting difficult. Picard tries to help her understand. PICARD Look... sometimes when a person has gone through a traumatic experience, like yours... they come to look upon the person who rescues them as a sort of... larger than life figure. Sometimes they become infatuated with their rescuer. They may even think that... they're in love with that person... Anna thinks about this a moment. ANNA So... you're not attracted to me. PICARD That's not true. You're a very lovely woman. I just think this is... a little premature. We don't know anything about each other. Anna looks away... grows very thoughtful... and finally seems to yield a little. ANNA I understand... and I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. Picard nods. PICARD It's all right. He picks up the tricorder and works it a moment. He aims the tricorder at the power cell and hits a control -- the power cell HUMS and starts to GLOW. Picard looks pleased. PICARD It'll take a couple of hours for the power cell to charge. After that, we'll have to take it to the shuttle immediately. The cell casing is already breaking down... STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - ACT FOUR 47. 47 CONTINUED: (4) Picard looks at her and smiles gently. PICARD We're going to get out of here, Anna. She smiles back, hopeful. Picard turns his attention back to the cell... Anna keeps looking at Picard, and her hopeful expression darkens. She looks thoughtful... almost worried about something. OFF her look... CUT TO: 48 INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS Riker, Loquel, Troi, Worf and Byleth are sitting around a table in that order, playing five card draw. The Ambassadors are clearly new at the game. Loquel is eating from a small plate of chocolate candy, which he keeps nibbling on during the scene. RIKER I'll bet ten. Riker tosses in a chip. He looks to Loquel. RIKER Ambassador, the bet goes to you... Loquel considers his cards, which are smudged with chocolate. LOQUEL I will... "see" the bet. (excited) And I will... "raise" ten. He tosses in two chips. TROI That's twenty to me... Troi tosses in two chips. Worf studies his cards a moment. WORF I'm in. And I raise twenty. He tosses in four chips. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT FOUR 48. 48 CONTINUED: BYLETH You are -- you are... (finds the word) ...bluffing. Worf shoots him a look. Quickly and with feeling, Byleth tosses four chips into the pile -- but Worf notices that Byleth surreptitiously takes two of them from Worf's pile! WORF (to Byleth) Excuse me, Ambassador. Those are my chips. BYLETH You are in error. Those chips are mine. WORF I saw you take two chips from my pile. Byleth's eyes widen. He stands. BYLETH You dare to accuse me of stealing? Worf stands and faces him, glaring. WORF Yes. BYLETH You are lying because you are losing the game! WORF Perhaps I am losing because you've been cheating all along! It looks like this might come to blows. RIKER Wait a minute, let's just calm down... BYLETH (ignoring Riker) Even if I were cheating, how would a plodding animal like you know it? STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT FOUR 49. 48 CONTINUED: (2) WORF (outraged) You are an insulting, pompous fool! If you were not an Ambassador, I would disembowel you right here! BYLETH Do not let my title inhibit you, Klingon! Byleth gives Worf a little SHOVE. Worf's eyes widen with rage -- that's it. He GRABS Byleth and THROWS HIM into the wall. RIKER Lieutenant Worf -- stop! That's an order! Worf tries to restrain himself, though he's trembling with rage. Byleth looks at him -- suddenly very pleased. BYLETH Yes! Good! Without warning, he KICKS Worf backward, sending him slamming against the wall. Worf is enraged. The two men FIGHT -- each of them getting off a PUNCH or two before Riker finally GRABS Worf and holds him back. BYLETH (recovering) Wonderful... very good! Everyone looks at him. BYLETH Thank you, Lieutenant Worf. I think I understand now. That was a very effective demonstration. Worf looks at him in astonishment. WORF What? BYLETH If you will excuse me, I would like to document this experience. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT FOUR 50-51. 48 CONTINUED: (3) Byleth swiftly EXITS. Riker, Worf and Troi exchange a confused look... then they to Loquel, who is sitting in his chair, eating a piece of chocolate. He looks up at them and smiles. OFF their mystified reactions... CUT TO: 49 EXT. PLANET SURFACE (OPTICAL) The crashed cargo freighter. 50 INT. CARGO FREIGHTER (OPTICAL) A while later. Picard is working on the power cell, which is still humming and glowing. Anna sits nearby, quietly watching him... PICARD The power cell's ready. We need to get to the shuttle... She tenses. ANNA We can't go right now... PICARD Why not? ANNA The plasma storms are too strong... it's dangerous. Wait a few hours... then we'll go. PICARD We don't have a few hours. I told you, the cell's already degrading... STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT FOUR 52. 50 CONTINUED: (2) Anna moves to him, gently tries to convince him to stay. ANNA Jean-Luc... it's a difficult journey... The restriction field will make it hard for you to walk... PICARD I'm feeling much better now. And I don't intend to use this any longer... He pulls aside his shirt and reaches for the device, but Anna quickly stops him. ANNA (quickly) No... you can't remove it yet -- Picard pulls away from her. PICARD (firm) Anna. She stops. Picard reaches for the device, and his hand is jolted back as it emits an ENERGY FIELD. Determined, Picard grabs the device. He winces at the pain as the FIELD FLASHES ON AND OFF for a moment -- then he pulls off the device. He looks down. There is no wound on the side of his body -- no sutures, nothing. Picard takes a deep breath and moves around his arm experimentally. There is no pain. He slowly looks up at Anna... realizing... putting everything together... very suspicious now... PICARD There's no pain. It would seem that my ribs weren't broken after all... ANNA Jean-Luc... PICARD (hard) What the hell's going on? Why are you trying to keep me here? STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT FOUR 53. 50 CONTINUED: (3) ANNA Please... I love you... Picard ignores the remark -- presses on, wanting answers. PICARD Why do you keep me locked inside this freighter? You say there are dangerous animals... but I've yet to see or hear a single one of them... ANNA Jean-Luc... PICARD And what about that com panel? You said you damaged it while cutting it out of the shuttle... Did you? I find it hard to believe you would be that clumsy with the one piece of equipment that could save you after seven years. Picard holds up the device. PICARD (re: device) And what was this really for... to keep me immobilized? Anna is frightened. She backs away, starting to break down. ANNA Please... I was so afraid... I didn't want you to leave me... PICARD So you found it necessary to hold me captive? STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT FOUR 54. 50 CONTINUED: (4) ANNA I was scared... I wanted you to stay... to love me... She starts to cry softly. Picard eyes her a moment, decides not to encourage her feelings in any way. He sits down and starts preparing the power cell. PICARD I'm going to go find that shuttle myself... ANNA No... Anna's face fills with intense emotion and she rushes at him, wraps her arms around his neck and shoulders -- pulls him close and kisses him passionately. Picard pulls away. PICARD Anna... ANNA Don't fight me... She kisses him again, this time more insistently. Picard reaches up, takes her arms and firmly pulls her away and breaks the kiss. PICARD Anna, no. A look comes over Anna's face -- puzzled, disturbed... and vaguely threatened. ANNA You should love me now. We're together... we depend on each other... I know more about you... (beat) Love me. Anna forcefully throws him back onto the ground. She grabs his face and forces herself on him, kissing him with a strange ferocity. The moment builds, then -- Picard manages to THROW her off of him. PICARD Stop it! STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT FOUR 55. 50 CONTINUED: (5) Anna looks at him for a moment... confused... hurt... and then her face changes. She looks suddenly very serious. ANNA I failed... you don't love me... it's over... She turns and races for the door. PICARD Anna, wait... where are you going? Picard moves to grab her, but she pulls away. As it happens, Picard's hand catches her necklace and it BREAKS away from her neck as it pulls into his hand. Anna quickly EXITS. The door slams shut. PICARD Anna! Picard moves to the door, dropping the necklace by the fire. He tries to open the door, but it's locked. He thinks, looks around the room, picks up a metal bar and starts to work at the door, trying to force it open... He works for a moment... then there's the sound of heavy FOOTSTEPS outside. Picard stops, listens... the steps come closer... and then a MAN'S VOICE: VOICE (calling out) Hello! Is anyone in there? PICARD looks to the wall opposite the door, following the voice. VOICE (continuing) Hello! PICARD Over here! There's a door on the opposite side! The footsteps pause... then start moving around the freighter. Picard pounds a fist on the door. PICARD (continuing) Over here! The door's over here! STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - ACT FOUR 56. 50 CONTINUED: (6) A couple of beats... then there's the sound of the door being unbolted from outside. The door opens to reveal: 51 VOVAL the shuttle pilot -- he's alive and well. OFF Picard's shocked reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/08/93 - ACT FIVE 57. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 52 INT. CARGO FREIGHTER Continuous action. Picard and the Pilot looking at one another in surprise. (NOTE: The small insignia pin seen earlier on the Pilot's sternum is now gone -- this is a subtlety that neither we nor Picard should notice.) PICARD Voval... The Pilot enters and Picard shuts the door. The Pilot is tired, but he looks okay. PICARD (continuing) I thought you were dead... The Pilot looks at him. PILOT Dead? PICARD Yes. There's a woman who lives here... she went to the shuttle... she told me you were dead... The Pilot realizes what must have happened. PILOT Yes... that is understandable... (explains) When my species is injured, our metabolic rate slows until our body can heal itself... (beat) This state could easily be mistaken for death. PICARD I see... The Pilot shivers a little, cold -- and he moves to the fire and begins to warm himself. Anna's necklace is visible on the floor next to the fire. PILOT When you did not return to the shuttle... I attempted to track you. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT FIVE 58. 52 CONTINUED: PILOT (Cont'd) The surface conditions made it very difficult... (shivers) So cold... The Pilot glances toward the door, concerned. PILOT I saw someone running away from here... was it the woman? PICARD Yes... PILOT Why would she leave this shelter? PICARD She was upset. The Pilot considers this -- he looks worried. PILOT Do you think she might... harm herself? (off his look) There's a dangerous precipice near here... she was headed in that direction... Picard eyes the Pilot, curious at the statement. PICARD It's possible... PILOT Then we should go find her. A beat. Picard is a little suspicious of the Pilot's urgency to find her, but he decides to play this out. PICARD All right. You stay here -- warm yourself. I'll go look for her... The Pilot moves to join him. PILOT We will go together. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT FIVE 59. 52 CONTINUED: (2) Picard nods. The Pilot opens the door and they EXIT. 53 thru OMITTED 55 56 EXT. PLANET'S SURFACE - ROCK LEDGE (OPTICAL) A short time later. Picard and the Pilot stop at a LEDGE that overlooks a bottomless CHASM. The Pilot looks into the darkness below with concern. PILOT Captain -- this ridge extends for a kilometer in either direction. I suggest we separate -- we can search it twice as fast. Picard nods and they head in opposite directions... STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/08/93 - ACT FIVE 60. 57 EXT. PLANET'S SURFACE - ROCK LEDGE - ANOTHER LOCATION Picard walking... searching... calling out... PICARD Anna! He keeps walking for a moment... then he sees something -- 58 PICARD'S POV (OPTICAL) Visible in the distance, standing near the edge of the cliff -- is Anna. She's staring down into the chasm. PICARD Anna... Picard quickly makes his way to her. Anna does not even look up at him. She's despondent. ANNA Get away from me... Picard stops several feet away from her. He eyes her a moment, not sure whether she's willing to carry out her threat. But he's determined to find out what's really going on... and he tries to draw out her true intentions... PICARD You don't have to do this. I found Voval, the shuttle pilot -- he's still alive. He can help us get away... ANNA I don't care. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/08/93 - ACT FIVE 61. 58 CONTINUED: Anna shifts her weight to one leg, and her body sways for a moment. Picard tenses, afraid she's going to jump -- but she turns around to face him. ANNA I'll jump... unless you promise... to love me... PICARD Anna -- 59 PICARD'S POV ON ANNA'S NECKLACE, which is now back around her neck. 60 RESUME PICARD (OPTICAL) He knows something is definitely wrong here. His expression hardens. PICARD No... no, I won't promise that. You've been manipulating me, haven't you? ANNA Jean-Luc, what are you saying? PICARD Your necklace. I broke it. It was lying in the cargo freighter, by the fire... I left it there. (beat) Now it's whole again and back on your neck. How? She ignores the inquiry. ANNA Tell me about your love... I must know... Picard is starting to put the pieces together... STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT FIVE 62. 60 CONTINUED: PICARD Where's Voval? Isn't it convenient that he arrived at the freighter only moments after you left... and then he insisted that I come looking for you. He took me here to the ledge... where I found you... on the cliff, about to jump. Very well-timed, wouldn't you say? Anna steps dangerously close to the ledge. ANNA Jean-Luc... PICARD Are you working together? Voval's the only one who could've gotten the necklace and given it to you... ANNA (urgent) Tell me about your love -- or I will jump! PICARD Go ahead. She blinks, unsure how to react to that statement. PICARD (continuing) What are you waiting for? It's a long fall... at least two hundred meters. You should die instantly... if that's what you really want. She glances down into chasm. PICARD (continuing) But somehow, I don't think it is. A long beat as Anna's expression fades to resignation. She steps away from the ledge... and touches the pendant on her necklace -- STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT FIVE 63. 60 CONTINUED: (2) ANNA TRANSFORMS INTO THE PILOT, VOVAL. The necklace is now gone, and in its place we see that Voval is touching the small insignia pin at his sternum, which is actually an alien holographic projection device. PILOT I have failed. Picard reacts, trying to understand. PICARD Failed. Voval... what was the purpose of all this? Voval looks disappointed. PILOT My name is Ambassador Voval. PICARD Ambassador... PILOT My mission was to study human intimacy... specifically the concept you call love... Picard is astonished. PICARD You staged the crash... faked my injury... and arranged all this to see if I would fall in love with you? PILOT (innocently) In our study of your culture, we did not understand certain concepts. So we sent three representatives to study them... to experience them... Picard takes a moment. PICARD What gave you the idea that trapping me here would give you the opportunity to explore love? The Pilot gestures at the environment. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT FIVE 64. 60 CONTINUED: (3) PILOT Several years ago, we discovered the remains of the Terellian freighter on this planet. The ship contained logs made by a single survivor -- a human woman. That was our first contact with human culture... (beat) The woman lived alone here for seven years... until another human crashed on this planet. A human male... PICARD (realizing) And that man was injured... the woman nursed him back to health... they fell in love... PILOT (nods) In the logs, she described many concepts we found difficult to understand. Pleasure... antagonism... love. These were alien to us. We wished to experience them ourselves. (beat) Ambassador Loquel was sent to experience pleasure... Byleth was sent to experience antagonism. And I was sent to experience... love. Was this wrong? Picard takes a moment -- it all makes sense now. PICARD Well... let's just say that we're not used to such a... direct approach. (beat) Ambassador Voval... I must tell you that in our culture, what you've done would be considered dangerously close to a crime. Voval looks at him in confusion. PILOT (tries the word) "Crime... "? Picard sees that they have a big gulf to cover. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT FIVE 65. 60 CONTINUED: (4) PICARD We can... talk about that later. Picard looks around the rough terrain. PICARD (continuing) The first order of business would seem to be getting off this planet. Am I to assume the shuttle is not as badly damaged as it looked? PILOT That is correct. I only simulated the crash. We can leave at any time. PICARD Then let's go... As they turn and walk off across the rough terrain... CUT TO: 61 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at impulse. 62 INT. SHUTTLEBAY The Iyaaran shuttlecraft is sitting in the bay with its doors open. Picard and Voval are getting out -- Picard in his jacket, carrying his duffel bag. They have just returned. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/09/93 - ACT FIVE 66. 62 CONTINUED: Riker, Worf, Troi, Loquel and Byleth are ENTERING the room together, saying their goodbyes. The mood is upbeat. As they make their way to the shuttle... 63 RIKER, WORF AND BYLETH walking along, mid-conversation. Byleth is fine, but Worf is rubbing his back and shoulders, clearly in a great deal of pain. Riker takes note. RIKER (to Worf) You seem a little sore... Worf nods and groans a little. BYLETH (explains) Lieutenant Worf was kind enough to engage me in eleven hours of Holodeck battle exercises. RIKER (reacts) Eleven hours... BYLETH I learned a great deal about the concept of antagonism. Worf smiles at the memory. WORF It was... excruciating. 64 TROI AND LOQUEL stop at the shuttlecraft. Loquel turns to face Troi and hands her a stack of plain brown WAFERS. LOQUEL (re: wafers) Counselor, these are bio-enzymatic supplements that my people consume for food. I'm afraid you will find they are not as... delicious... as your chocolate. Troi takes the wafers and smiles. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - REV. 07/07/93 - ACT FIVE 67. 64 CONTINUED: TROI After the past few days... I could use something a little bland. As Loquel returns her smile... 65 PICARD AND VOVAL standing at the shuttle, face-to-face. PILOT Thank you, Captain. This has been an enlightening experience. PICARD For me as well, Ambassador. Voval frowns a little. PILOT And I am sorry if our... diplomatic methods offended you. PICARD On the contrary. I found your approach... intriguing. (off his look) We humans tend to take a rather... balanced approach to life. Never too much, never too little. It's nice to find a culture that's willing to take an experience to its furthest extremes. Voval smiles. VOVAL Goodbye, Captain. STAR TREK: "Liaisons" - 07/06/93 - ACT FIVE 68. 66 WIDE ON EVERYONE as Voval, Loquel and Byleth bow ceremoniously. Picard joins Riker, Worf and Troi, and they all bow in return. It's a warm moment. The three Ambassadors turn to board their shuttlecraft. OFF the proud faces of Picard, Riker, Worf and Troi... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END