STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Phantasms" #40277-258 Written by Brannon Braga Directed by Patrick Stewart THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1993 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT AUGUST 17, 1993 STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/25/93 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Phantasms" CAST PICARD TYLER RIKER SIGMUND FREUD DATA WORKMAN BEVERLY ADMIRAL NAKAMURA TROI WORF GEORDI Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. ENGINEERS N.D. WORKMEN N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. SECURITY SPOT STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/17/93 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Phantasms" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE BRIDGE CORRIDORS DATA'S QUARTERS ENGINEERING TEN FORWARD HOLODECK FREUD'S OFFICE GRID TROI'S OFFICE READY ROOM TURBOLIFT OBSERVATION LOUNGE SICKBAY STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/17/93 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Phantasms" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE KTARIAN kuh-TAR-ee-uhn TERRAN TERR-an THANATOS THAN-uh-toes STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: The Next Generation "Phantasms" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. ENTERPRISE - CORRIDOR DATA is walking along, carrying a PADD. GEORDI catches up to him from behind... out of breath, excited about something. GEORDI Data, there you are... we need to install that plasma conduit right away. We're bringing the new warp core on-line in less than three hours. DATA I will go to deck twenty and begin modifications. GEORDI Great. Meet me in Engineering as soon as you're finished. (excited) This should be a lot of fun. As they head in different directions... 2 INT. ANOTHER CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Data walking along. Gradually, a RINGING SOUND is heard echoing somewhere in the distance. Data tilts his head in pain at the noise. The ringing is intermittent, and sounds like an old-fashioned telephone. A couple of rings go by. Data heads down the corridor to find the sound... 3 INT. ANOTHER CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS As Data walks, the ringing gets louder. He sees something ahead of him... and stops at what he sees -- STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - TEASER 2. 4 WIDEN TO INCLUDE a group of THREE WORKMEN. They are dressed in plain gray coveralls, holding old-fashioned PICKS and SHOVELS. They have removed a large section of the WALL -- visible within is a distinctive-looking WARP PLASMA CONDUIT. They are hacking at the conduit with the tools. Data reacts to the sight. Who are these people? DATA Excuse me. Do you have authorization to work in this area? The workmen ignore him. Data eyes the wall with concern. DATA (continuing) You are dismantling a warp plasma conduit. I must ask you to stop. Again, no response. Data takes a step toward the workmen and opens his mouth to speak -- but inexplicably a HIGH-PITCHED SHRIEK comes out, piercing and strange. Data is startled to hear it. He closes his mouth. Suddenly, the workmen turn as one and head right for Data -- their expressions are cold and ominous. WORKMAN Be quiet! One of the workmen GRABS Data's arm and TEARS THE ARM FROM ITS SOCKET. Data reacts, stunned. He moves to defend himself but the workmen converge on him and Data falls to the ground. We hear the sound of RIPPING CLOTHES and WRENCHING METAL as they start to tear Data apart, limb from limb. We see an arm... a leg... Data's head... shocking -- 5 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS - CONTINUOUS Data bolts awake in his bed, as if from a nightmare. He glances around the room in momentary confusion... then realizes it was a dream. OFF his startled expression... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT ONE 3. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 6 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship is docked at a STARBASE. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 47225.7. Commander La Forge has completed the installation of our new warp core. We are preparing to test its capabilities. 7 INT. BRIDGE RIKER and various N.D.s at their stations. PICARD ENTERS from his Ready Room, looking very grim-faced. Riker takes note. RIKER Something wrong, sir? PICARD I just got a message from Starfleet command. RIKER Bad news? PICARD You could say that... Picard sits heavily. PICARD (continuing) I've been invited to the annual Starfleet Admiral's banquet. Riker reacts somberly, knows what he's talking about. RIKER My condolences. PICARD I've managed to avoid it for the last six years. I guess my luck just ran out... (MORE) STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/25/93 - ACT ONE 4. 7 CONTINUED: PICARD (Cont'd) (beat) I can't imagine anything more tedious. Fifty Admirals shaking hands, making dull conversation... uninteresting food... boring speeches... RIKER Can't you find an excuse not to go? PICARD After six years, I don't have any excuses left. Besides, I've been invited by Admiral Nakamura, the Sector Commander. He'd consider it an insult if I turned him down. Riker considers a moment. RIKER (with humor) We could cause a diplomatic crisis. Take the ship into the neutral zone and attack the Romulans... that should get you out of the banquet. PICARD (wry) I wouldn't count on it. OFF Picard's resigned expression... 8 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi and Data are working at the "new" warp core, which looks slightly different than the old one: the dilithium chamber drawer has a new and distinctive design... and it is not active. (NOTE: This is a redress of the existing warp core set.) A couple of ENGINEERING N.D.s are working in the background. Geordi is looking at Data in surprise. Midconversation. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/19/93 - ACT ONE 5. 8 CONTINUED: DATA Have you ever had nightmares before? GEORDI Sure. Everybody does from time to time... DATA I have had one hundred eleven dreams since I first discovered the program nine months ago. In all of that time, I have never experienced such strange and disturbing imagery in a dream. (beat) I believe it was... a nightmare. Geordi keeps working. GEORDI Nightmares are part of dreaming, Data. Maybe you just discovered a new level to your program. Data considers this. DATA Perhaps. I have also noted that I am spending an inordinate amount of time thinking about nightmare imagery. One could almost say that I am... preoccupied. GEORDI Well, that's perfectly normal. When I have a nightmare, sometimes I can't shake that weird feeling for days... Suddenly, a woman's voice interrupts from off camera -- TYLER'S VOICE Commander La Forge! GEORDI Speaking of nightmares... A fresh-faced, young woman -- ENSIGN TYLER -- approaches Geordi. She looks like she just walked out of the Academy. And she's clearly infatuated with Geordi. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/19/93 - ACT ONE 5A. 8 CONTINUED: (2) TYLER (excited) I just finished recalibrating the starboard EPS module. Geordi forces a smile, tries to be polite. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/17/93 - ACT ONE 6. 8 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI That's great. Thank you, Ensign. TYLER It's just like you said -- reset the power tap... and the module came right on-line. You have such a wonderful grasp of engineering principles. I'm learning so much just by being around you... She smiles at him. An awkward moment. GEORDI Well. Ah... why don't you go help Farrel check the deuterium cartridges. We're about to bring the warp core on-line. TYLER Anything you say. She gives him a big smile and walks off. Geordi's smile fades away. Data gives him a puzzled look. DATA Geordi, you do not seem to appreciate Ensign Tyler's enthusiasm. GEORDI Oh, she's enthusiastic all right... about me. DATA I do not understand. GEORDI She has a crush on me, Data. DATA And you do not share her affection? GEORDI Frankly, no. And it's getting a little awkward... Data considers. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/19/93 - ACT ONE 7. 8 CONTINUED: (3) DATA I believe I understand. You are concerned about unintentionally hurting Ensign Tyler's feelings. GEORDI Yeah... something like that... DATA It would appear that you require a third party to intervene on your behalf. I would be happy to speak to her. GEORDI (quickly) No, Data... I'll take care of it myself. Thanks. A moment as they work the console. Data still looks preoccupied by his recent experience. DATA When I first woke up from my nightmare, there -- PICARD'S COM VOICE Bridge to Commander La Forge. What's our status? GEORDI (taps communicator) We're ready to bring the core on-line, Captain. Stand by. (to Data) All right. Let's do it. Data and Geordi move to different consoles. GEORDI Initializing deuterium infusion sequence... Geordi hits a command and the warp core COMES TO LIFE with a different SOUND than we're used to hearing. The light pulses are much faster than we've seen. Geordi reacts to the sight, excited. This is an important moment for him. GEORDI (re: core) It's a beauty, isn't it? Now let's see how fast she can run... (MORE) STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/16/93 - ACT ONE 8. 8 CONTINUED: (4) GEORDI (Cont'd) (to com) La Forge to Bridge. Warp power at your discretion, Captain. 9 INT. BRIDGE Picard, Riker, N.D.s, as before. Picard and Riker on their feet. PICARD Acknowledged. (then) Ensign Russell, plot a course to Starbase Two-nineteen. Warp six. A beat. This is an exciting moment for all them. PICARD (continuing) Engage. 9A INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN The stars are static... indicating that the ship isn't moving. A long beat goes by. PICARD (continuing, a little louder) Engage... The Ensign works but nothing happens. PICARD (continuing, to com) Bridge to Engineering. Mister La Forge... why isn't my ship moving? GEORDI'S COM VOICE I'm on it, sir. There's a warp plasma conduit out of alignment, but I think I've fixed it... (beat) Ready, sir. PICARD Very well. Ensign Russell? The Ensign works. Suddenly, there is the SOUND of POWER DROPPING and ALL OF THE LIGHTS ON THE BRIDGE GO OUT. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/25/93 - ACT ONE 9. 10 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) hanging in space. ALL OF THE LIGHTS ON THE SHIP GO OUT. 11 INT. ENGINEERING Dark, except for EMERGENCY LIGHTING. Geordi, Data and the N.D.s all quickly working. PICARD'S COM VOICE Mister La Forge? GEORDI Stand by, Captain... DATA I will take the warp engines off-line. Data works and the warp core SHUTS DOWN. A moment later, the normal LIGHTS COME UP in the room. GEORDI (to com) La Forge to Bridge. I'm sorry, Captain. We're going to have to reconfigure the plasma conduit. It's going to take a few hours at least, sir. 12 OMITTED STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/16/93 - ACT ONE 10. 13 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS A while later. Data is sitting quietly by his desk, intently watching his cat SPOT, who is sleeping on the desk top. The door chimes. DATA Enter. TROI ENTERS. She is wearing her regulation Starfleet uniform. TROI Hello, Data... She walks up to him, sees Spot. TROI (continuing) What are you doing? DATA I am watching Spot sleep. In the past fifteen minutes, he has had twelve muscles spasms, which indicates that he is dreaming. (beat) I have often wondered what he dreams about. His twitching and his rapid breathing would seem to suggest anxiety -- but Spot has never seen a mouse or any other form of rodentia. Nor has he encountered an insect, or been chased by a canine. Data considers. They watch Spot for a moment. TROI (continuing) I understand you've had some interesting dreams lately... (off his look) Geordi was a little worried about you. He just wanted me to check in and see how you were doing... STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/17/93 - ACT ONE 11. 13 CONTINUED: DATA That was very thoughtful of him. (beat) I have been debating whether or not to initiate another dream sequence. TROI Because of the nightmares... ? DATA (nods) I have found them to be quite... unsettling. Troi takes a seat next to him, speaks gently. TROI Data, you shouldn't be afraid to experience dark imagery in your dreams. It's a natural expression of your unconscious... (catches herself) ... if you have an unconscious. I'm not really sure how your positronic brain works... but if it's anything like our brains, then there's part of you that's trying to express itself through your dream state. And I think you should allow yourself to experience it. (beat) As Sigmund Freud would have said... "Dreams are the royal road to the knowledge of the mind." Data is intrigued by her words. DATA Thank you, Counselor. I believe I will initialize the dream program now. TROI (smiles) Let me know how it goes. Good night, Data. DATA Good night, Counselor. Troi EXITS. Data gives Spot a gentle pat. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT ONE 12. 13 CONTINUED: (2) DATA (continuing) Good night, Spot. Data stands and crosses to his bed. He takes a little woolen NIGHT CAP off of a nearby table and places it on his head. DATA (continuing) Computer -- dim lights. The LIGHTS DIM. Data sits on the bed and fluffs his pillow. He then very consciously stretches out his arms and "yawns". He lies down on the bed... 14 CLOSE ON DATA'S FACE as he shuts his eyes. A long moment goes by as we PUSH IN on his face... then... 15 PULL BACK TO REVEAL: 16 INT. TEN FORWARD CLOSE ON DATA as he opens his eyes. He is now sitting at a table in the room. There is an eerie and surreal quality to the scene. WE ARE EXPERIENCING DATA'S DREAM. 17 INCLUDE WORF sitting opposite Data at the table. He is eyeing a piece of CAKE that has a distinctive blue color similar to that of a Starfleet science uniform. Sitting atop the cake is a communicator pin, which Worf plucks off and sets aside. He takes a bite of the cake. WORF Mmm. It is delicious. DATA What kind of cake are you eating? WORF (matter of fact) It is cellular peptide cake... with mint frosting. Would you like a bite? STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT ONE 13. 17 CONTINUED: DATA No, thank you. Suddenly, the distinctive RINGING SOUND is heard echoing somewhere in the room (as heard in the Teaser). Data reacts in pain and touches his head. DATA (continuing) Excuse me, Mister Worf. Data stands and looks around the room, tries to locate the source of the ringing sound (NOTE: the ringing continues faintly throughout the scene). He starts walking... sees something ahead of him... slows down at the sight... 18 INCLUDE RIKER AND BEVERLY sitting at the bar. BEVERLY is sipping from an opaque STRAW that is sticking out of Riker's temple. She seems to be enjoying the "drink". Tiny slurping noises can be heard. RIKER (re: ringing) Aren't you going to answer that, Mister Data? DATA Sir? RIKER That damn ringing. Answer it, will you? DATA Yes sir. FOLLOW Data as he walks across the room, trying to find the ringing sound. It gets louder... he seems to be getting closer... 19 THE THREE WORKMEN (as seen in the Teaser) are huddled around a table, engaged in some unseen activity. Data approaches them. DATA (to workmen) Please identify yourselves. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT ONE 14. 19 CONTINUED: The workmen ignore him. DATA (continuing) I must know what you are trying to -- Data's voice gives way to the high-pitched SHRIEK heard earlier. Immediately, a workman turns and flashes him a threatening look. WORKMAN Be quiet! Data shuts his mouth. Another workman turns and hands Data a large KNIFE -- an over-sized, exaggerated version of a knife, dream-like. Data takes the knife, unsure what to do with it. The workmen all step away from the table, parting to reveal -- 20 TROI lying on her back on the table top. She is staring up at Data with a frightened expression on her face. Her legs are gone and HER TORSO IS A GIANT CAKE -- made to look exactly like her real torso, blue uniform and all. A piece has already been cut out of her chest where the communication pin usually is. Data reacts to the sight. DATA Counselor... A workman gestures at Troi's right shoulder, as if to say "take a piece." Data eyes his knife. TROI (scared) Data, please... don't hurt me.. The workman shoves Data toward the table, insistent. Data lifts the knife, drawn by the image of Troi... DATA I am sorry, Counselor. Data jabs the knife into the cake at Troi's shoulder. TROI No... STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT ONE 15. 20 CONTINUED: Data takes a moment, then begins to slice a piece out of Troi with the knife. TROI Data, no! DATA! Suddenly the scene changes -- 21 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS - CONTINUOUS Data wakes up in his bed. TROI Data! Data sits up to see that Troi, Geordi and Worf are all standing around him, staring at him with concern. DATA What is wrong? TROI We've been trying to wake you up for the past five minutes. GEORDI When you didn't show up in Engineering on time, I got worried... I called security... Data thinks a moment, reacts. DATA My internal chronometer was supposed to wake me thirty-five minutes ago. WORF You must have... overslept. DATA That is not possible... (beat) Something is wrong. OFF Data's face... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT TWO 16. ACT TWO FADE IN: 22 INT. ENGINEERING A while later. Geordi and Data working. GEORDI I can't find anything wrong with your internal time-base... and as far as I can tell, your primary systems check out fine. DATA My chronometer is functioning normally, as well. (beat) I will compare my autonomic logs to the ship's chronometer. Perhaps we overlooked something. Data moves to a console and starts working. Geordi considers him for a moment. GEORDI You know, Data... there's a lot we don't know about your dream program. Maybe it was designed to cause some side-effects... (beat) For all we know, Doctor Soong intended for you to oversleep now and then... as part of the human experience. Data is intrigued by the idea. DATA It is a possibility. However, I would prefer to make certain there are no anomalies in my neural net. Geordi nods. They work for a moment. GEORDI I'm curious... what were you dreaming about when we woke you up? Data thinks, recalling the dream... and he seems distracted for a moment. It's clear that he doesn't want to talk about it. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/16/93 - ACT TWO 17. 22 CONTINUED: DATA I have not fully assimilated its impact. I would prefer to study the images further before discussing them. GEORDI Sure... I understand. (beat) Sounds like it must've been pretty strange... DATA "Strange" is not a sufficient adjective to describe the experience. OFF Data's thoughtful expression... 23 INT. HOLODECK/SIGMUND FREUD'S OFFICE Early 1900's -- distinctly Viennese. SIGMUND FREUD is sitting in a leather chair, holding a note pad. This is Freud in his prime, with his trademark beard and glasses. He speaks in a heavy German accent. FREUD Tell me more about this... "cake." 24 MOVE TO REVEAL (OPTICAL) Data lying on an analyst's couch, staring up at the ceiling. DATA It is difficult to explain. Counselor Troi's body was -- a cake. Freud raises a bushy eyebrow, intrigued. FREUD Her upper-body... (scribbles a note) Describe the knife you used to... "cut" the Counselor. DATA It had a black handle and a serrated blade. And it was quite long. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT TWO 18. 24 CONTINUED: Freud reacts. FREUD How long? DATA Approximately twenty-five centimeters in length. Freud nods and grunts, as if this has great meaning. FREUD What happened next? Data remembers. DATA One of the workmen pointed to her right shoulder. At that moment, I felt an overwhelming urge to cut a piece out of the cake. FREUD And did you... ? Data's face darkens slightly -- he's troubled by the memory. DATA Yes. As I began to slice the cake, she reacted as though I was causing her pain. And yet, I could not stop cutting. (beat) It was then that I woke up. FREUD Mmm... Freud jots down another note. DATA I am curious, Doctor Freud... what do my nightmares mean? Freud takes a moment, then he sets down his note pad and stands... moves to a nearby cigar box and takes out a VERY LARGE CIGAR. He toys with it throughout the scene. FREUD I believe you are experiencing a classic dismemberment dream. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/17/93 - ACT TWO 19. 24 CONTINUED: (2) FREUD (Cont'd) Or in your case... being a mechanical man... a dismantlement dream. DATA I do not understand. As Freud explains, he moves about the room, quickly rattling off his theories with great enthusiasm. FREUD Your mechanistic qualities are trying to reassert themselves over your human tendencies. Ego and id are struggling for domination. The "workmen" symbolize the ever-present id constantly working to destroy the ego. (beat) The image of Counselor Troi, a female, is devoured by you... clearly indicating an unconscious desire to possess your own mother. DATA But I do not have a mother. FREUD (quickly) Do not interrupt. The knife and its violent connotation suggests a certain feeling of sexual inadequacy... DATA I have no sexual desires. FREUD (reacts) Ach! Repression on top of everything. It is all becoming clear to me now... (thinks) There might be a paper in this... I could call it "Mister D: An Analysis of Android Dementia." Data stands up from the couch -- he's had enough. DATA I do not believe I am being helped by this session. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/25/93 - ACT TWO 20. 24 CONTINUED: (3) Freud turns to Data, raising his voice. FREUD Classic transference! Your anger toward me is, in fact, the animosity you feel toward your father. (beat) You are a polymorphously-perverse individual, Mister Data, and I recommend full psychoanalysis. He glances at his note pad. FREUD (continuing) I believe I can fit you in... next Tuesday. DATA That will not be necessary. (to computer) Computer -- end program. Freud's office VANISHES and the Holodeck GRID APPEARS. As Data takes a moment, relieved, then heads for the door... 25 INT. BRIDGE Picard, Riker, Worf, N.D.s. Picard is on his feet, pacing, impatient. WORF (off console) Captain. Incoming message from Admiral Nakamura. Picard and Riker exchange a look -- they've been expecting this. Picard takes a breath, then... PICARD On screen. 26 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The image of ADMIRAL NAKAMURA comes up -- a stern-looking man in his late fifties. Picard smiles politely. PICARD Admiral. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/25/93 - ACT TWO 21. 26 CONTINUED: NAKAMURA Captain, we were expecting you this morning. Is there a problem? Picard tries to make light of it. PICARD Actually, we've been experiencing a few minor difficulties with our new warp core. But my Chief Engineer assures me that we'll be under way within the hour. Nakamura nods, a little irritated. NAKAMURA I was hoping we'd have a chance to discuss your new mission orders before the banquet... but I guess it'll have to wait. PICARD My apologies, Admiral. Nakamura eyes him. NAKAMURA You're not trying to... avoid this particular engagement, are you, Captain? PICARD Oh, no... certainly not, sir. I'm looking forward to it. NAKAMURA Good. I'll expect you soon. Nakamura out. The Viewscreen goes back to a starfield. RIKER (lightly) I think he's on to you, sir. Picard shoots him a look. Then -- GEORDI'S COM VOICE La Forge to Bridge. PICARD (to com) Go ahead, Geordi. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/16/93 - ACT TWO 22. 27 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi, Data, Tyler, N.D.s at work. The warp core is ACTIVE -- glowing and humming. GEORDI We've just started her up, sir. All systems are holding steady... (beat) Ready when you are, Captain. 28 INT. BRIDGE Picard takes a breath, looks to the Com. PICARD Ensign Russell -- set course and engage. The Ensign works... 29 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise's engines FLARE brightly and there is the roar of the great ship going into warp -- but it does not move. The engines keep FLARING, brighter and brighter, then completely GO OUT. 30 INT. ENGINEERING The warp core DIES DOWN and SHUTS OFF with a loud RATTLE. Alarmed, Geordi rushes to a console and starts working. PICARD'S COM VOICE Engineering -- report! DATA (to com, off console) The warp field has collapsed, sir. GEORDI (off console) It looks like we've blown out the entire power converter, Captain. Impulse engines are down, too -- we're not going anywhere... (quickly) But I know exactly how to fix it. Give me two, three hours, tops. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/25/93 - ACT TWO 23. 30 CONTINUED: The warp core starts to make an awful RATTLING NOISE. Geordi reacts, appalled. GEORDI (continuing) Now what? As he moves to the core... 31 INT. BRIDGE As before. Picard is frustrated. RIKER Talk about going nowhere fast. PICARD Mister Worf, open a channel to Starbase Two-nineteen. Advise Admiral Nakamura... I'll be later than I thought. OFF Picard's face... 32 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) hanging motionless in space. 33 INT. ENGINEERING A while later. Geordi is working on one of the WARP PLASMA CONDUITS. (NOTE: It is the same kind of conduit the workmen were working on in the Teaser). Data and Ensign Tyler are working nearby. The core still RATTLES from time to time, and it's playing on Geordi's nerves. GEORDI (to Tyler) Tyler, how are you coming with that relay diagnostic? TYLER Almost done, sir... Tyler works her conduit a moment, then quickly moves to Geordi. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/17/93 - ACT TWO 24. 33 CONTINUED: TYLER (continuing) If you'll excuse me, I need this plasma inverter... She bends down and reaches her arms around Geordi as if the physical closeness were nothing, and grabs a (TECH) TOOL off the conduit. Geordi is uncomfortable with the closeness. She smiles at him, then moves off. Data gives Geordi a bemused look. DATA Ensign Tyler still appears to have a "crush" on you, Geordi. It is clear that you did not speak with her. GEORDI (annoyed) I haven't had a chance, Data... (beat) Here. Give me a hand with this coil brace. Geordi and Data reach into the conduit and pull out a long, thin piece of BRACING MATERIAL. The brace is about a foot in length, with a few sharp protruding edges -- like a ruler with a serrated edge. GEORDI (re: bracing) Could you perform a metallurgical scan on the brace... see if there are any microfractures? Be careful, it's kind of sharp. Data nods and turns with the brace -- and stops, staring down at the brace... 34 CLOSE ON BRACE Data's hand is wrapped around it in exactly the same way that he was holding the over-sized knife in his dream. In fact, the metal and shape of the brace is very suggestive of the knife. 35 DATA stares at the image, disturbed by the memories it conjures. Geordi glances at him. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT TWO 25. 35 CONTINUED: GEORDI Is there a problem, Data? Data looks up. DATA I am reminded of a recent dream. This brace is reminiscent of... Suddenly, Data sees something on the back of Geordi's neck -- 36 CLOSE ON GEORDI (OPTICAL) Clearly visible on the back of Geordi's neck is a large ANIMAL MOUTH -- teeth bared and HISSING. 37 DATA steps back in shock. Suddenly, the RINGING SOUND is heard from somewhere in the room. Data turns at the noise -- 38 NEW ANGLE As Data turns -- everyone in the room is gone. Data is alone, and the room is completely silent, except for the ringing. Data looks around in confusion. RIKER'S VOICE Aren't you going to answer that, Commander? 39 RIKER walks up to Data. The straw is sticking out of his temple (as seen in Act one). He points to Data's stomach in irritation. RIKER What are you waiting for? Answer it! Data glances down at his stomach... then he slowly reaches down and OPENS a small PANEL on his abdomen. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/16/93 - ACT TWO 26. 40 CLOSE ON DATA'S ABDOMEN (OPTICAL) Visible inside his stomach is an old-fashioned TELEPHONE RECEIVER -- and it's ringing. Data pulls out the receiver... puts it up to his ear to "answer the phone". DATA (into phone) Hello? FREUD'S VOICE is heard on the other end -- FREUD'S VOICE Kill them. You must kill them all... before it's too late. Data reacts to the words. Suddenly, a HAND grabs Data from behind -- GEORDI'S VOICE Data. Data turns -- 41 NEW ANGLE As Data turns -- Geordi and Ensign Tyler are standing nearby, staring at him in concern. Geordi has just taken Data by the arm. Everything is back to normal. GEORDI Data, what's wrong? Data is shocked, confused. DATA I do not know. OFF his concern... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT THREE 27. ACT THREE FADE IN: 42 INT. TROI'S OFFICE Data is holding the coil brace seen earlier, and he's contemplating it with a serious look. He's on his feet, pacing the room, determined to understand his recent experiences. DATA Everything seems to remind me of the nightmare -- objects, sounds, smells. And now I have seen elements from the dream while still in a waking state. (beat) I cannot explain it. Troi tries to comfort him. TROI Data... if you were one of my human patients, I might be concerned right now. I'd say you had a waking dream... or a hallucination... (beat) But you're not human. It seems to me that we might be looking at some sort of technological problem... DATA I have run three complete self-diagnostics. All of my systems are functioning normally. Troi considers this. Data paces a moment... looking for explanation... DATA (continuing) I have studied over one hundred thirty-eight different theories of dream analysis in an effort to explain my nightmares. TROI What have you found? STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/16/93 - ACT THREE 28. 42 CONTINUED: DATA I have been unable to find a single interpretation of my nightmares. For instance, Neo-Platonic hermetic texts from the Ancient Near East would suggest that my experience indicates a prophetic function -- that I have perceived an impending disaster. (beat) Professor Syrus of Tilonus Four would consider my dreams nothing more than epi-phenomena in my neural net. Random discharges with no meaning whatsoever. (beat) Doctor Freud of early Twentieth century Earth suggested that my dreams represent a latent psychosexual complex. Data stares down at the (TECH) brace. DATA (continuing) Perhaps Freud was correct... and the knife I dreamed of is the embodiment of my unconscious desire to inflict violence. Troi reacts to this. TROI Data... even Freud said "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." (beat) A lot of the theories you've examined are interesting... but they're also flawed and obsolete. Troi stands and moves to him. TROI (continuing) That knife could just as well be an archetypal symbol of rational clarity -- it's sharp... it cuts through things that are dull... Data looks at her, starting to hear the sense in her words. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/16/93 - ACT THREE 29. 42 CONTINUED: (2) TROI (continuing) The bottom line is... I think you may be developing an almost... obsessive interest in your own inner-workings. (beat) I'd almost call it the beginnings of a... neurosis. Data reacts. DATA That is not possible. TROI Why not? You've eliminated all the technical explanations. And it makes sense that as your neural net becomes more complex... more human... you might experience the same kind of psychological complexities as a human. Data is excited by the possibility. DATA (hopeful) Do you really think it is possible? Troi smiles. TROI You may be the first person who's come into my office who's actually been excited by the prospect of a new neurosis. (beat) But yes... I do think it's possible. In fact, I'd like to start counseling you on a regular basis. DATA (pleased) Daily? STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/25/93 - ACT THREE 30. 42 CONTINUED: (3) TROI No... we'll start weekly. And as a first step, I want you to shut down your dream program until our next session... just to be safe. Give yourself a chance to reflect on this experience. Data nods. DATA Thank you, Counselor. I look forward to our next meeting. Troi smiles gently. Data heads for the door... TROI And Data... (lightly) Next time... see me before you see Sigmund. Data nods and EXITS. OFF Troi's expression... 43 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as before, hanging in space. 44 INT. READY ROOM (OPTICAL) Picard sitting at his desk, talking to Admiral Nakamura on the desktop MONITOR. Picard is frustrated, and a little embarrassed. PICARD Admiral, I can explain... NAKAMURA Let me guess. Your new warp core is... "malfunctioning" again? Picard nods, awkward. PICARD Unfortunately, the problem has affected our impulse systems now. At the moment, we are... adrift. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/25/93 - ACT THREE 31. 44 CONTINUED: NAKAMURA (a jab) Are you expecting to have the problem fixed soon... or shall we send out a tow ship to bring you in? Picard bristles at the remark. PICARD That won't be necessary. I have full confidence in my Engineering staff. I will be at the banquet on time. Nakamura nods. NAKAMURA Incidentally, Captain... the banquet really won't be as bad as you might expect. (beat) The key note speaker is going to address Bajoran aqueduct management. And I hear they're serving Ktarian spice cake for dessert this year. Picard forces a smile. PICARD Yes, I know... it sounds... delightful. NAKAMURA (with emphasis) It is not to be missed. Understood? PICARD Yes, sir. Picard out. Picard taps the terminal and the transmission ENDS. OFF his expression... 45 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi is at an OPEN PANEL, working on the same kind of plasma conduit seen earlier. Data and Ensign Tyler are working nearby. Picard is there, too, standing next to Geordi -- he's restless, eager to get under way. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT THREE 31. 44 CONTINUED: CHAPMAN (a jab) Are you expecting to have the problem fixed soon... or shall we send out a tow ship to bring you in? Picard bristles at the remark. PICARD That won't be necessary. I have full confidence in my Engineering staff. I will be at the banquet on time. Chapman nods. CHAPMAN Incidentally, Captain... the banquet really won't be as bad as you might expect. (beat) The key note speaker is going to address Bajoran aqueduct management. And I hear they're serving Ktarian spice cake for dessert this year. Picard forces a smile. PICARD Yes, I know... it sounds... delightful. CHAPMAN (with emphasis) It is not to be missed. Understood? PICARD Yes, sir. Picard out. Picard taps the terminal and the transmission ENDS. OFF his expression... 45 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi is at an OPEN PANEL, working on the same kind of plasma conduit seen earlier. Data and Ensign Tyler are working nearby. Picard is there, too, standing next to Geordi -- he's restless, eager to get under way. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/17/93 - ACT THREE 32. 45 CONTINUED: PICARD Have you tried reconfiguring the plasma conduit? GEORDI Yes, sir... we did that two hours ago. Picard nods. He watches Geordi for a moment. PICARD What about the relays? Have you made absolutely sure they don't need a new phase invertor? DATA I am currently running a level three diagnostic on the relays, sir. We will have the results of the analysis in approximately ten minutes. PICARD I see... Picard stands. Data crosses the room to work at another console... 46 ANGLE ON DATA as he starts to work. He stops a moment, thoughtful... then turns to look at something... 47 THE COIL BRACE seen earlier is lying nearby. An N.D. is scanning it with a diagnostic instrument. 48 DATA considers the image... his face neutral... 49 RESUME PICARD, GEORDI AND TYLER Picard eyes a panel of isolinear chips, moves to it. PICARD Perhaps I can help you reconfigure these isolinear chips... STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/17/93 - ACT THREE 33. 49 CONTINUED: GEORDI No, sir, please don't touch that -- Geordi quickly stops Picard... then speaks carefully, trying to give Picard the hint. GEORDI Sir... Commander Data and I have the situation under control. If you'd just let the two of us take care of it... we can get the work done a lot faster... Picard nods, calming a little. PICARD You're right... (beat) If you don't mind, I'll just wait here and observe your progress. Geordi reacts -- this isn't what he wanted to hear. GEORDI Actually, Captain... Ensign Tyler quickly jumps in. TYLER (to Picard) Captain. We could use an extra hand moving the containment pods... Picard brightens, eager to help. PICARD Not at all. I'd be happy to... Picard moves off with Tyler, who turns and flashes Geordi a triumphant smile. Geordi smiles in return, genuinely grateful. Picard and Tyler EXIT. Geordi breathes a sigh of relief... returns to his work... GEORDI (quiet, to himself) Good work, Ensign. I thought he'd never leave... (beat) Data, would you help me lock down this plasma conduit... ? STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT THREE 34. 49 CONTINUED: (2) A beat goes by. GEORDI Data? No response. Geordi slides out from under the console, looks around. 50 INCLUDE THE ROOM Data is nowhere to be seen -- he's gone. GEORDI Data... ? OFF Geordi's puzzled reaction... 51 OMITTED 52 INT. CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Troi walking along. FOLLOW her as she walks along the hall... and turns a corner... 53 NEW ANGLE as Troi turns the corner -- and she stops, sensing that she is being watched. She turns to look behind her... 54 OMITTED STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT THREE 35. 55 TROI'S POV of the corridor. The hall is empty. 56 TROI reacts... then she shrugs off the feeling and continues on her way. She stops at a Turbolift. The doors open and she enters... 57 INT. TURBOLIFT - CONTINUOUS TROI (to lift) Deck Thirty-six. The doors start to close... and just as they do, a HAND slips in and forces them back open. Data ENTERS the lift. Troi smiles at him as the doors slide shut. TROI Hello, Data. Data doesn't answer -- he just stares straight ahead. The lift starts MOVING. Troi eyes him. TROI (continuing) Data... are you all right? No response. Slowly, Data looks over at Troi and eyes her right shoulder with an intent look on his face. Troi sees that he is holding the coil brace in his hand. TROI (continuing) What are you doing? Data very calmly raises the brace. DATA I am sorry, Counselor. Before Troi can react, Data STABS the brace into Troi's shoulder (offscreen). Troi cries out and falls backward. Data moves toward her with the brace, face expressionless. Troi stares at him in disbelief. TROI NO! STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT THREE 36. 57 CONTINUED: As he moves to stab her again... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT FOUR 37. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 58 INT. CORRIDOR Riker and Worf walking along, mid-conversation. Worf is annoyed. WORF Ever since you gave Alexander that music program... he has been playing it all night... every night. RIKER I was just trying to broaden his horizons. Besides, he likes it. They walk up to a Turbolift. Riker taps a control by the door and they wait. WORF It is screeching... pounding... dissonant. It is not music. RIKER Worf, it's better than music -- it's jazz. 59 NEW ANGLE as the Turbolift doors open -- it's a shocking sight. Troi is slumped on the floor, unconscious, blood visible on her shoulder. Data is standing over her with the coil brace. Riker and Worf are stunned by the sight. Before they can say anything, Data turns to them. He immediately ATTACKS Riker, swinging the brace toward Riker's face -- RIKER Data -- ! Riker raises his arms to protect himself. Worf quickly grabs Data from behind and tries to subdue him. Data struggles a moment, then stops. A look of realization crosses his face as he suddenly comes to his senses. He drops the coil brace to the floor and stops resisting... glances at Worf in confusion... STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/16/93 - ACT FOUR 38. 60 RIKER moves to Troi. RIKER (taps his communicator) Medical emergency, deck seventeen, section three alpha! Riker puts his hand on her wound to staunch the flow of blood. OFF his concerned look... 61 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE A short time later. Worf and TWO Security Guards are standing on either side of Data, keeping an eye on him. Picard, Riker and Geordi are questioning Data, who is back to his normal self. The mood is tense. DATA I believe I had another waking dream, sir. But this time, I felt an uncontrollable urge to... eliminate the image I saw. PICARD And what you saw was some sort of a... "mouth" on Counselor Troi's shoulder... DATA Yes, sir. And for a reason I cannot explain, I felt the need to destroy it. RIKER What about me? Did you see one of these mouths on my head? DATA No, sir. I saw a straw coming out of your head. A beat. They don't know what to make of this. PICARD A straw? DATA As I said, these are all images that I originally experienced in my dream program. I do not have a rational explanation for them. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT FOUR 39. 61 CONTINUED: RIKER But you said you shut down your dream program... DATA That is correct. Picard turns to Geordi. PICARD Mister La Forge? GEORDI We've run every possible diagnostic on Data's positronic net... but we can't find anything wrong. I can run a sub-polymer scan... but it'll take some time to get the equipment together. PICARD Make it so. (to Data) In the meantime, Mister Data... I'm going to have to relieve you of duty and confine you to quarters. DATA A sensible precaution, sir. Data stands and EXITS, Worf and the Security Guards close behind. As Picard and the others exchange a grim look... 62 INT. SICKBAY Troi is lying on the surgical table, unconscious. She's dressed in a medical gown, and her right shoulder is exposed -- a MEDICAL DEVICE is covering the wound. Her eyes flicker open... she's starting to wake up, disoriented. Beverly moves to her. A Nurse is standing nearby. BEVERLY (to Troi) It's all right, Deanna... you're in Sickbay. Everything's going to be all right. TROI Data... STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT FOUR 40. 62 CONTINUED: BEVERLY He's not here... try to relax. Beverly examines the medical device. BEVERLY The vascular pad has healed your wound. But you've lost a lot of blood... so I want you to lie still for a while. Troi nods. Beverly removes the medical device from Troi's shoulder... and reacts with surprise to what she sees. Visible on Troi's skin is a strange, mottled red DISCOLORATION. BEVERLY (continuing) That's odd... there shouldn't be any discoloration after the treatment. This looks like some sort of rash... Beverly picks up a medical tricorder and scans Troi's shoulder. TROI What is it? BEVERLY (off tricorder) I'm picking up cellular degradation. But I don't think it's related to the lacerations... (scans) And there's some kind of residual interphasic signature... Troi looks worried. Beverly thinks a moment. BEVERLY (to Nurse) Nurse, get me an interphasic scanner... I want to take a closer look. The Nurse nods and heads off. Beverly gingerly touches the discolored area with her finger. BEVERLY Does that hurt? STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT FOUR 41. 62 CONTINUED: (2) TROI Not at all... OFF Beverly's puzzled reaction... 63 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS Data and Worf ENTER. The two Guards can be seen outside in the corridor. WORF I will have to confiscate your sidearm. Data moves to his desk reaches underneath -- pulls out his phaser and hands it to Worf. DATA May I ask a personal favor? WORF Yes? Data walks over to the couch, where Spot is lying down. He indicates the cat. DATA Will you take care of Spot for me? WORF Your... animal? DATA (nods) I am concerned that if I have another waking dream, I may... injure him. Worf is moved by the sentiment. WORF Of course. Worf eyes the cat, not quite sure how to deal with it. WORF (continuing) Spot. Come here. DATA Unlike a canine, Spot will not respond to verbal commands. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT FOUR 42. 63 CONTINUED: Data gently picks up Spot and hands him to Worf. Worf handles the cat awkwardly. Data reaches out and pets Spot on the head gently. DATA (continuing) Goodbye, Spot. Worf heads for the door. DATA (continuing) He will need to be fed once a day. He prefers feline supplement one-twenty-five. WORF I understand. DATA And he will require water. And you must also provide him with a sand box. Worf nods. DATA (continuing, one last thing) And you must talk to him. Tell him he is a pretty cat, and a good cat... WORF (cutting him off) I will... feed him. DATA Perhaps that will be enough. Worf EXITS. OFF Data's face... thoughtful, and very troubled by what has happened... 64 INT. SICKBAY Beverly is standing next to Troi, who is still lying on the surgical table, semi-conscious. Picard and Riker ENTER. Beverly turns to them, urgent. BEVERLY Captain. We have a problem. Take a look at this... STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/17/93 - ACT FOUR 43. 64 CONTINUED: Beverly points to the discoloration on Troi's shoulder, which has gotten noticeably worse -- the red mottling has spread. BEVERLY (continuing, re: rash) Her tissue is breaking down on a cellular level... and it's spreading. At first I thought it was a rash from the coil brace she was stabbed with... but when I used the interphasic scanner, I found something else... Beverly picks up an INTERPHASIC SCANNER and activates it -- the scanner sends out a BLUE LIGHT. She shines it onto Troi's shoulder... 65 ANGLE ON TROI'S SHOULDER (OPTICAL) As the light hits Troi's skin, it ILLUMINATES a previously unseen CREATURE. The creature is large and leech-like in appearance, frightening -- and it is gripping Troi's skin with several thin tendrils. 66 RESUME (OPTICAL) As Beverly takes the light away. Reactions. PICARD What is it? BEVERLY The better question is... what are they? Beverly shines the light on her own forearm. We now see a SIMILAR CREATURE latched onto her arm. She takes the light away. BEVERLY I've only checked the medical staff... but I've found them on almost everyone so far... STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT FOUR 44. 66 CONTINUED: Beverly moves to Riker, shines the blue light over his chest... his arms... then over his face... and discovers a CREATURE hugging the side of his face at the temple. Beverly shines the light over Picard -- revealing a CREATURE clamped onto his neck... and another one gripping his chest. OFF their shocked reactions... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT FIVE 45. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 67 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Riker, Worf, Geordi and Beverly, middiscussion. BEVERLY The infestation rate has reached seventy-three percent of the crew so far. The cellular decay is accelerating in all cases. I haven't found a way to stop it... or even slow it down. Riker unconsciously touches the side of his face, where we saw the creature earlier. He knows it's there, and it gives him the creeps. RIKER What are we dealing with here? Are these creatures... feeding off us? BEVERLY In a way... They appear to be extracting our cellular peptides. It's roughly analogous to the way Terran leeches consume hemoglobin. PICARD Can we reverse the process? BEVERLY Not until the organisms are removed. And if they're not removed soon, our bodies will begin to lose all cellular cohesion... we'll collapse into nothing but a few pounds of chemicals. Reactions to the grim image. PICARD Can we affect the organisms in any way? STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/17/93 - ACT FIVE 46. 67 CONTINUED: GEORDI We've tried E-M radiation... subspace fields... thermal protons... nothing works. They seem to exist in an interphasic state, just beyond our visual and sensor acuity. The only way we can see them is to use an IP scanner... tricorders can't even pick them up. RIKER Do we know where these things came from? WORF I have scanned the vicinity with an IP scanner. There is no sign of any similar creatures, or any unusual interphasic activity. PICARD Perhaps Starbase Eighty-four... could we have picked them up there during the installation of the warp core? GEORDI I contacted the Starbase and had them use IP scanners. Nothing. Picard thinks for a long beat. PICARD What about Mister Data? There must be some connection between his odd behavior and these creatures. Is he infested, as well? BEVERLY No. I scanned him, but I didn't find anything. PICARD Data attacked Counselor Troi because he said he saw a... "mouth" on her shoulder... (to Beverly) And in that same area, you first discovered one of the organisms... STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/16/93 - ACT FIVE 47. 67 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER (onto idea) He also saw a "straw" on the side of my head... and Beverly found an organism in the same spot. GEORDI (thinks) Those were all images from his dreams... maybe he's unconsciously perceiving these creatures... Picard considers... makes the decision. PICARD I think it's time we took a closer look at Mister Data's dreams. 68 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS Picard and Geordi talking to Data, mid-scene. DATA It is an interesting hypothesis. If I am being affected by these interphasic creatures on an unconscious level, it may also explain my waking dreams, and my subsequent anti-social behavior. GEORDI What we want to do is link your neural net into the Holodeck... and have you activate your dream program, so as you're dreaming... we can observe the dream images. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/16/93 - ACT FIVE 48. 68 CONTINUED: PICARD Perhaps we can learn more about the creatures by interpreting the symbols and images in your dreams. DATA (onto the idea) I see. The concept is similar to the method of Directed Dreaming. PICARD Exactly. (to Geordi) How soon can you have the link ready? GEORDI We'd need about an hour to establish all the interface parameters. PICARD Make it so. (beat) In the meantime, Mister Data... I'd say you should prepare for bed. OFF Data's face... 69 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as before. 70 INT. HOLODECK GRID (OPTICAL) Picard is standing inside the ARCH on the empty Holodeck GRID. Data is sitting on a chair -- his head is OPEN and a couple of high-tech CABLES connect his circuitry to a panel on the arch. Geordi is making adjustments to Data's circuits. Two Security Guards stand nearby. GEORDI I think we're ready, Captain... the link is active, and the Holodeck has been calibrated to Data's neural net. Geordi completes his work and stands. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/17/93 - ACT FIVE 49. 70 CONTINUED: PICARD Ready, Mister Data? DATA Yes, sir. Picard takes a breath. PICARD (to Data) Normally, I would wish you pleasant dreams... but in this case, bad dreams would be more helpful. DATA I understand. (thinks) I am initializing my dream program. Stand by... Data closes his eyes. There's a beat, then the Holodeck CHANGES TO -- 71 INT. ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) Picard and Geordi look around. Data is nowhere to be seen. PICARD Keep your eyes peeled. Even an apparently insignificant image could be an important symbol. GEORDI Right... After a beat, Data comes quickly walking around a corner. He sees them. DATA Hello. He walks on by. Picard and Geordi follow him down the hall. PICARD Can we talk to Data directly... or will that wake him up? STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT FIVE 49A. 71 CONTINUED: GEORDI He should be perceiving us as just another part of his dream. Anything we say to him will be taken in that context... Suddenly, the familiar RINGING SOUND begins. Data stops and reacts the sound in pain. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT FIVE 50. 71 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD That sounds like a telephone ringer... (looks around) I don't see a receiver... With determination, Data continues walking... and EXITS into Ten Forward. Picard and Geordi follow... 72 INT. TEN FORWARD - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) We see the same setting and group of people as seen in the dream in Act One (the workmen are not present). Data, Picard and Geordi ENTER. The ringing sound has stopped. Data looks around the room, then walks over to a table where the "Troi cake" is lying on the table. There are several pieces missing, and Troi is now unconscious. Worf sits nearby, eating a piece of the cake. Data picks up the large knife seen earlier and begins to cut a slice out of her right shoulder. Picard and Geordi react to the bizarre sight. Data offers Picard a piece of cake. DATA Cake? PICARD Thank you. Picard takes the cake. Data starts to cut another piece out of her shoulder. Picard stares at the image, realizing... PICARD (continuing) Look at that... her right shoulder... the same place he stabbed her... GEORDI Wait a minute... in his waking dream, he said there was a mouth on her shoulder... PICARD (thinking) They're both symbols of... consumption. Food... a mouth... (to Data) Mister Data, what kind of cake is this? STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT FIVE 51. 72 CONTINUED: DATA (matter of fact) It is cellular peptide cake. WORF (chiming in) With mint frosting. Picard and Geordi exchange a look. GEORDI Cellular peptides... that's exactly what the creatures are extracting. Suddenly, the RINGING SOUND begins. Data reacts in pain. RIKER'S VOICE Will someone answer that damn ringing! Data drops the knife and moves over to the bar, where Riker and Beverly are sitting. Beverly is sipping from a straw sticking out from Riker's temple, as seen before. Picard and Geordi react to the sight. RIKER (to Picard, urgent) Captain -- the ringing is getting worse. PICARD (to Geordi) What could the ringing symbolize? Sound... a bell... an old way of communicating... Beverly holds offers the straw to Geordi. BEVERLY Want some? It's delicious. Beverly continues slurping the drink. The ringing continues. Riker points to Data's stomach, annoyed. RIKER Will somebody please get that! STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/17/93 - ACT FIVE 52. 72 CONTINUED: (2) Geordi moves to Data and listens at Data's midsection... reacts to something on Data's abdomen... reaches over and OPENS a PANEL on his stomach (as seen before). There is a telephone receiver inside. Geordi reacts to the sight... then picks up the receiver... GEORDI (into phone) Yes... ? Geordi listens a moment, then hands the phone to Picard. GEORDI It's for you. Picard takes the phone. PICARD (into phone) Picard. The same voice heard earlier -- it's Freud. FREUD'S VOICE Kill them. PICARD Kill who? FREUD'S VOICE Kill them... before it is too late. PICARD Who is this? In the blink of an eye, the SCENE CHANGES -- 73 INT. FREUD'S OFFICE (OPTICAL) As seen before. Picard and Geordi are standing in the exact same positions, but Data is now lying on the analyst's couch. Data's "phone" is gone. Freud is holding an old-fashioned telephone to his ear. He hangs up the phone. FREUD I am Doctor Sigmund Freud. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/17/93 - ACT FIVE 53. 73 CONTINUED: GEORDI (to Picard) How does he fit into all this? FREUD If I were to interpret my own appearance in this dream, I would say I am the symbolic representation of Data's unconscious mind trying to warn him about the dangers he perceives around him. Freud pops the cigar in his mouth with satisfaction. PICARD You mean, the interphasic organisms... FREUD Of course. PICARD Tell me, Doctor... how can we kill them? The RINGING SOUND begins. Data reacts in pain. FREUD (re: ringing) Answer it. Picard moves toward the old-fashioned phone to answer it. Freud stops him. FREUD Nien, nien, nien. Do not be so literal. When I say answer it, I mean respond to it... to them. Suddenly, the door BURSTS OPEN and the three workmen rush in. WORKMAN (to Freud) Be quiet! One of them pulls out an old-fashioned GERMAN LUGER and SHOOTS Freud, who slumps into his chair, dead. The workmen immediately move to a piece of FURNITURE and push it aside -- revealing the WARP PLASMA CONDUIT seen in the Teaser and in Act Two and Act Three. They start to work on the conduit with their picks and shovels. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/17/93 - ACT FIVE 54. 73 CONTINUED: (2) The ringing sound continues, getting faster and faster as the scene builds. PICARD (re: workmen) What do they represent? Geordi eyes the warp conduit. GEORDI I don't know... but I recognize that junction they're working on. It's the plasma conduit we installed with the new warp core... Picard looks at the telephone. PICARD (re: ringing) "Respond"... respond to them... what does that mean? Picard picks up the telephone, but the ringing does not stop. He considers, desperate to figure this out. Geordi walks up to the workmen. GEORDI (to workmen) What is it you're doing? WORKMAN (a threat) Go away. Leave us alone. PICARD (to workmen) Who are you? One of the workman turns toward Picard. WORKMAN We are... your enemies. The workmen suddenly turn as a group and GRAB Picard and Geordi. Picard and Geordi struggle, but it's no use. The three workmen raise their picks, preparing to STAB Geordi and Picard... Data sits up on the couch. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/17/93 - ACT FIVE 55. 73 CONTINUED: (3) DATA (to workmen) Stop. You are hurting my friends and I must -- Data's voice gives way to the high-pitched SHRIEK heard earlier. Immediately, the workmen let go of Picard and Geordi and converge on Data, angry. WORKMAN Be quiet! Data leaps up from the couch... backs away from the workmen... suspense building as they raise their picks and shovels, getting closer... Picard watches the workmen... starting to realize... PICARD (quickly, to Data) Data, the shrieking noise you made -- it causes them pain! Data glances at Picard, then opens his mouth and emits the high-pitched SHRIEK. The workmen stop and react in pain. WORKMAN Be... quiet! The workmen try to move toward Data, but the shriek is too painful. They stumble backward in response to it. Data takes a step toward them, mouth open, emitting the shriek. One workman drops his tools and slumps against the wall, helpless. The other two drop their tools and fall to their knees. A moment later, they all slump to the floor, unconscious. Data closes his mouth. The shrieking stops. A look of realization crosses his face. DATA I believe I understand. Suddenly, everything VANISHES -- STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/19/93 - ACT FIVE 55A. 74 INT. HOLODECK GRID Picard and Geordi in the same positions. They look toward Data, who is still attached to the arch. Data opens his eyes and looks at them. DATA (urgent, to Geordi) Geordi, you must adjust my positronic subprocessor to emit an interphasic pulse. Geordi nods and quickly kneels beside Data, starts to make adjustments to the circuitry on his head. PICARD Data, what's going on? DATA (explains) The workmen in my dreams represent the organisms which are trying to demolish the ship. The incessant ringing of the telephone, and Freud's cautions at the other end, were warnings of the dangers around us. PICARD What about the shrieking noise you made? STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/19/93 - ACT FIVE 56. 74 CONTINUED: DATA My positronic subprocessors were detecting high-frequency interphasic signatures from the organisms... which were symbolically represented in my dreams by the high shriek. PICARD When you made those sounds, the workmen reacted in pain... DATA That is why I have asked Geordi to adjust my subprocessor. If I can produce a high-frequency interphasic pulse, it may have a similar effect on the creatures. Geordi completes his adjustments. GEORDI Ready... PICARD (taps communicator) Picard to Sickbay. Beverly, we're going to be sweeping the ship with a high-frequency IP pulse. Monitor the creatures for any response. BEVERLY'S COM VOICE Understood. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT FIVE 56A. 74 CONTINUED: (2) Picard nods to Geordi, who then hits a circuit on Data's head. We hear a HIGH-PITCHED WHINE (similar to the SHRIEK in dream). The whine gets higher and higher, more intense... finally going up and out of the range of human hearing... STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT FIVE 57. 75 INT. SICKBAY - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) Beverly is shining the IP light on Troi's shoulder. We see the creature hugging her skin. After a moment, the creature DISINTEGRATES -- gone. Beverly then shines the light on her own arm -- no sign of any creature. BEVERLY (to com) It's working, Captain... 76 INT. HOLODECK GRID Picard reacts with relief. A silent moment as they all exchange a look... 77 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as before. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, supplemental The creatures infesting the Enterprise have been completely eliminated. We believe the infestation originated within the warp core we obtained on Starbase Eighty-four. 78 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi is showing Picard the warp plasma conduit seen earlier. Ensign Tyler works nearby. GEORDI (re: conduit) This conduit was manufactured on Thanatos Seven using a new interphasic fusion process. We think that process must've attracted the organisms to the conduit... where they lay dormant... until we activated the warp core. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - REV. 08/17/93 - ACT FIVE 58. 78 CONTINUED: GEORDI (Cont'd) (beat) That's also why we couldn't get the warp core on-line. The creatures were disrupting the plasma flow. Picard nods. PICARD How long until we have warp power again? GEORDI We'll have to manufacture a new conduit. I'd say another six hours. PICARD The banquet is in eight hours... (beat) Take your time. Give yourself another twelve hours, if you need it. GEORDI Understood, sir. Picard EXITS. Geordi looks at Tyler.... considers her a moment, then... GEORDI (continuing) Ensign Tyler. She turns. TYLER Yes, Commander? GEORDI There's something I've been meaning to tell you... TYLER Sir? Geordi takes a beat, then smiles. GEORDI Thanks. You've been doing a great job. We've got to work on toning down your enthusiasm a little... but I think you're going to fit in just fine. STAR TREK: "Phantasms" - 08/16/93 - ACT FIVE 59. 78 CONTINUED: (2) TYLER (smiles) Thank you, sir. OFF the moment... 79 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS Data working at his desk, Spot nearby. The door CHIMES. DATA Enter. Troi ENTERS, carrying a platter with a cover on it. DATA (continuing) Counselor, I did not get a chance to apologize for my behavior... TROI Data, don't worry about it. Geordi explained everything. It wasn't your fault. (beat) But somehow I felt turnabout would be fair play... so I made us a little something to snack on... She sets the platter on his desk and removes the cover 80 ANGLE ON PLATTER revealing a small CAKE shaped and decorated exactly like Data. Data considers the cake. DATA I wonder... what would Freud say about the symbolism of devouring oneself? TROI Data... sometimes a cake is just a cake. As Data picks up a knife and starts to cut into the cake... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END