STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Attached" #40277-260 Written by Nick Sagan Directed by Jonathan Frakes THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1993 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Attached" CAST PICARD LORIN RIKER MAURIC DATA AIDE BEVERLY PRYTT COM VOICE TROI KES COM VOICE WORF TROOPER Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. CREWMEMBERS ARMED GUARDS STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Attached" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE BRIDGE PICARD'S QUARTERS MOUNTAINSIDE TRANSPORTER ROOM OBSERVATION LOUNGE BORDER AREA CORRIDOR KES QUARTERS SLOPE DARK CELL RAVINE CAVES CUL DE SAC CAVE ENTRANCE STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Attached" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ARCTURUS ARK-toor-us HORATH HO-rath KESPRYTT KES-prit MAURIC MOR-ik OHN-KOR ON-kor STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: The Next Generation "Attached" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE Orbiting an Earth-sized, blue-green planet. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log: Stardate 47304.2. The Enterprise has arrived at Kesprytt Three in order to evaluate an unusual request on the part of the Kes for associate membership in the Federation. 2 INT. PICARD'S QUARTERS PICARD and BEVERLY are seated at the table, finishing up the last remnants of a large breakfast. The fare this morning consists of some strange-looking soup with the consistency of molasses and plates of exotic fruits. Beverly eats heartily, thoroughly enjoying every bite -- Picard is somewhat restrained... making vague motions at the soup and mostly contenting himself with a cup of tea and a biscuit. Picard seems a little distracted, but otherwise, the atmosphere is very casual and relaxed. BEVERLY She's been very secretive... every time I ask her about it or try to edge around the subject, she changes the subject. Personally, I think she's in love. PICARD Mmmmm. BEVERLY Didn't you hear me? I said, she's in love. Picard's not sure what sort of response Beverly's looking for. PICARD Yes? STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Is that all you can say? PICARD What would you like me to say? I'm very pleased for them both. BEVERLY Both of who? Picard thinks for a moment... but he has no idea. PICARD The two... people we were discussing. Beverly gives him a look and after a beat, she leans forward with a mock-scolding look on her face. BEVERLY (with a smile) You don't have the slightest idea who I'm talking about, do you? Picard finally drops all pretense and laughs as he picks up a cup of tea. PICARD (laughing) No... no, I'm sorry... but I really don't. BEVERLY (smiling) I'll try not to take that personally... I've been talking about Nurse Ogawa and Ensign Markson for almost fifteen minutes. PICARD Oh, now it hasn't been that long. BEVERLY How would you know? You haven't heard a thing I've said since I got here. PICARD You're right. I'm sorry. BEVERLY Are you worried about this mission with the Kes? STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/07/93 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) Beverly's hit it on the head. Picard picks up his cup of tea and leans back in his chair. PICARD Not worried exactly... just uneasy. This notion of admitting half of their planet to the Federation while leaving the other half out... BEVERLY Well, first of all, the Kes are not half the planet, they're almost three-quarters of it. And the Prytt are not being left out -- they simply don't want any outside contact with the Federation or anyone else. PICARD Every member of the Federation has entered as a unified world... and that unity said something about them... that they had resolved certain social and political problems at home and were ready to join a larger community. BEVERLY From all indications, the Kes are a very unified, very progressive people. PICARD But the Prytt are not. They are reclusive to the point of xenophobia. BEVERLY Think about Earth -- what if one of the old nation-states, say Australia, had decided not to join the World Government in twenty-one fifty? Would that have disqualified us from being a Federation member? PICARD That analogy is not entirely -- RIKER'S COM VOICE Riker to Captain. STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - TEASER 4. 2 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD (to com) Go ahead, Number One. RIKER'S COM VOICE We've received word from Ambassador Mauric that he's ready to see you and Doctor Crusher. PICARD Inform him we're on our way. RIKER'S COM VOICE Acknowledged. Picard gets up and puts his jacket on. Beverly grabs a couple more bites of soup as she grabs her lab coat. PICARD Thank you for breakfast. BEVERLY Wait until tomorrow... I have something very special planned. It's a Vulcan dish -- that's all I'll tell you. They EXIT. CUT TO: 3 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) WORF is working at the console along with a N.D. Crewmember as Beverly and Picard ENTER. WORF Captain. Doctor. I have the coordinates of Ambassador Mauric's chambers. PICARD Let's not keep them waiting, Mister Worf. STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - TEASER 5. 3 CONTINUED: Picard and Beverly step onto the platform. WORF (to com) Enterprise to Kes Security Relay Station One. We're ready to commence transport. KES COM VOICE Acknowledged, Enterprise. We have lowered our defense shield. Worf checks something on the console. WORF Confirmed. He looks up at Picard. PICARD Energize. The Transporter Chief works the console and Beverly and Picard DEMATERIALIZE. A beat passes and Worf heads for the door. KES COM VOICE This is Security Relay Station One. We are ready to receive your Captain and Medical Officer. Worf stops in his tracks. He moves to the console. WORF (to com) This is the Enterprise. We have completed the transport sequence. You should have them. A long, agonizing beat. KES COM VOICE Negative, Enterprise. They are not here. OFF Worf's expression... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 4 INT. DARK CELL A small, dingy prison cell -- damp and inhospitable. Picard lies prone on the floor. Beverly is propped up against a wall. Both are unconscious. Slowly, Picard begins to come to his senses. Shaking the cobwebs out of his head. He spots Beverly. Realizes something terrible's happened. He tries to key his insignia, but it's nowhere to be found. Picard moves to Beverly's side and gently shakes her. PICARD Beverly... Beverly... Her eyes flutter open. BEVERLY What happened? PICARD I don't know. BEVERLY The last thing I remember... was beginning the transport... Picard unsteadily stands and begins to look around the room. PICARD I would assume that we're on Kesprytt... in some kind of prison cell. He turns his back to Beverly and examines the closed door to the cell. PICARD (continuing) The question is why? I can't imagine that Ambassador Mauric would -- Beverly reacts in alarm to something she sees on the back of Picard's head. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/08/93 - ACT ONE 7. 4 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Jean-Luc. He reacts to the look on her face. PICARD What is it? BEVERLY I'm not sure. Beverly stands and moves to him. She turns his head around and now we can see some kind of electronic IMPLANT at the base of his neck. Beverly examines it gingerly. BEVERLY It's an implant... looks like it might be connected directly to the brainstem. PICARD Some kind of coercive device... ? Beverly reaches behind her own neck with a hand... then nods -- she has one too. BEVERLY (continuing) Whatever they are... I doubt they're designed for our health. The door to the cell suddenly slides OPEN and MINISTER LORIN ENTERS. She is a tall, elegant, woman dressed in sleek military regalia. Lorin scans them both with a Kes version of a tricorder. TWO ARMED GUARDS step into the cell with her and the door CLOSES behind them. PICARD Why are we being held? But Lorin is more interested in the readings on her device than in answering Picard's questions. She continues to work the small tricorder. STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - ACT ONE 8. 4 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY If you tell us why you've taken us hostage, we might be able to -- Lorin flatly and unemotionally cuts her off without looking up. LORIN You are not hostages. You are prisoners. PICARD Prisoners. By whose authority? Lorin closes her tricorder with a snap and then eyes them with the dull interest of a keeper checking over an exhibit. LORIN You are being held under the authority of the Prytt Security Ministry. The charge is conspiring with the enemy. PICARD The enemy... you mean the Kes. LORIN We are not fools. We are aware of the Federation attempt to establish a military alliance with the Kes. It will not be tolerated. PICARD Your information is in error. There are no plans to enter into any -- LORIN There is no point in trying to mislead us, Captain. The devices which have been implanted in your cerebral cortexes will soon be calibrated to your psi-wave patterns. At that time, we will get all the information we need. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/09/93 - ACT ONE 9. 4 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD And you will discover that we're telling the truth. Lorin gives him a polite and tolerant smile. LORIN We shall see. Lorin now taps in a command on her tricorder, and the door OPENS again. She and the Guards EXIT. CUT TO: 5 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship in orbit. 6 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM DATA is on the platform, examining a raised section of the Transporter with a tricorder. Worf and RIKER are standing at the console. DATA There is nothing wrong with the Transporter. I have run a complete diagnostic and checked all the targeting components. RIKER Then what happened to the Captain and Doctor Crusher? Worf reacts to something on the console. WORF Commander. The Transporter sensor log shows an unusual concentration of antigraviton particles in the emitter coil. These particles do not occur naturally -- something must have interfered with the Transporter. RIKER Interfered? STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/08/93 - ACT ONE 10. 6 CONTINUED: DATA A concentration of antigraviton particles would suggest a tractor beam. It might have deflected the Transporter beam to a different set of coordinates. RIKER Is there a way to locate those coordinates? DATA No, sir. (beat) However, it may be possible to determine the point of origin of the tractor beam itself. RIKER Well, that's a start. Data begins to work the console as the others crowd around to watch. After a beat, Data has an answer. DATA The tractor beam originated from somewhere within the Prytt Alliance. RIKER The Prytt... things just got a little more complicated. (beat) Can we scan for them? DATA (shakes his head) Prytt territory is shielded by a high-energy forcefield. It cannot be penetrated by our sensors. WORF Why would the Prytt want Captain Picard and Doctor Crusher? STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - ACT ONE 11. 6 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER I don't know. And it's not going to be easy to find out... the Prytt have consistently refused all outside contact and somehow I don't think they're going to be eager to start now. We'll have to work through the Kes. (to Worf) Contact Ambassador Mauric and tell him we need a meeting right away. WORF Aye, sir. Worf heads for the door. CUT TO: 7 INT. DARK CELL Picard is meticulously studying one section of the cell wall with infinite patience... he's looking for any way out of here. Beverly is sitting calmly against one wall watching him. They've been here for quite some time. After a few beats, Picard stops probing the wall and turns around to give Beverly a questioning look. PICARD What? BEVERLY (confused) What? PICARD You're staring at me. BEVERLY Sorry. I was just wondering how long you were going to keep at this. PICARD (returns to the wall) As long as it takes. With any luck, there may be a structural flaw that would allow us to escape. BEVERLY (without conviction) Right. STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - ACT ONE 12. 7 CONTINUED: Beverly's confidence is clearly low, but Picard concentrates on the wall and refuses to concede an inch. PICARD The important thing during any confinement is to think positively and not to give up hope... there is a way out of every box... there is a solution to every puzzle... it is simply a matter of -- Suddenly the door slides OPEN again and a Guard ENTERS, carrying a food tray. Beverly gets to her feet and Picard tenses, looking for an opening. But the Guard is wary and careful... he keeps his weapon out and ready as he sets the food tray down on the floor, never taking his eyes off the prisoners. The Guard then slowly backs out the door, which then CLOSES behind him. As the door slides into the wall, Picard jumps to the doorway and tries to keep the mechanism from completely closing, but it's no use and the door CLICKS shut. PICARD Damn. Picard examines the door frame. BEVERLY Well, at least this means we're not going to starve to death. PICARD (grim) What it means is that they plan on keeping us here for a while... Beverly takes a deep breath... she hadn't considered that. BEVERLY I'm starting to think negatively, Jean-Luc. A few silent beats pass... Beverly finally looks at the food tray... she picks up the lid out of curiosity and is shocked to find her own MEDICAL TRICORDER sitting on the plate. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/13/93 - ACT ONE 13. 7 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY My tricorder! Picard turns around and is equally astonished. Beverly picks up the tricorder and opens it. PICARD Does it work? BEVERLY (works) Yes. But something's been added to the main directory. 8 INSERT (OPTICAL) Which shows a close-up view of the tricorder screen. The tiny monitor displays a complicated map with a path marked by arrows and text. 9 RESUME Picard and Beverly study the monitor screen. PICARD It's a map... BEVERLY An escape route. That guard must be working for the Kes... PICARD Possibly. BEVERLY What else could it be? PICARD It could be part of a very carefully laid trap. STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - ACT ONE 14. 9 CONTINUED: BEVERLY If you ask me, I'd rather take my chances out there. Picard considers for a quick beat. PICARD Agreed. Is there a way to open the cell door? Beverly checks the tricorder for a beat. BEVERLY Yes. The code's been entered. Picard nods and Beverly points the tricorder at the cell door. She works for a moment... then the door slides OPEN. Picard moves quickly to the doorway... pokes his head outside... takes a quick look around, then nods to her -- everything is clear. Together Picard and Beverly slip out the door and head into the unknown... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - ACT TWO 15. ACT TWO FADE IN: 10 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Riker, Worf, and TROI are sitting at the table with AMBASSADOR MAURIC. The Ambassador is a distinguished, impressive-looking humanoid, with all the charm of a refined southern gentleman. Mauric is accompanied by an AIDE, who stands neatly at attention behind Mauric's chair. MAURIC On behalf of my government, I would like to take this opportunity to present our profound apologizes to you regarding this unfortunate incident. RIKER That's very kind, Ambassador. But I don't think anyone here blames you or the Kes government for what's happened. TROI Our primary concern is not to assign blame, but to recover our missing officers. MAURIC Of course. (beat) We are prepared to insert a hostage rescue team into the Prytt capital city on three hours notice. Riker and Troi exchange a surprised look. RIKER Ambassador... we haven't even tried a diplomatic effort yet. I'd rather not use force until we've exhausted all other options. MAURIC I don't believe we have any... diplomatic options, Commander. There are no formal relations with the Prytt... (MORE) STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - ACT TWO 16. 10 CONTINUED: MAURIC (Cont'd) ... no ambassadors... there's simply no way to contact them. TROI Surely you must have some means of communication in case of a planetary emergency. MAURIC We have never had need of such a system. WORF We can determine their communications frequencies and establish a link. Mauric hesitates... he's trying very hard not to offend his hosts here, but he knows all this will go nowhere. MAURIC Allow me to be blunt. (beat) The Prytt are a fanatical, xenophobic people, with little regard for civilized discourse. Even if you do establish a communications link with them, it will be a complete waste of time. TROI How long has it been since your last diplomatic contact? MAURIC Almost a century. TROI Then it's possible that they've changed over the years. MAURIC (a tolerant smile) We have had other... less formal contacts with the Prytt -- contacts that I cannot discuss. But I can assure you, they have changed very little. Riker and Troi shift uncomfortably. STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - ACT TWO 17. 10 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER Mister Ambassador... with all due respect, I feel I should make an attempt to communicate with the Prytt before I sanction the use of force. Mauric smiles easily. MAURIC Of course, Commander. In the meantime, I will continue to make preparations for a rescue attempt. RIKER Agreed. MAURIC I do have one request. We believe that the Prytt obtained their information about the transport of your captain and doctor through a breach in our communications network. If I could set up a base of operations here on the Enterprise, I would feel much more secure. RIKER (nods) Mister Worf will help you. MAURIC Thank you. Mauric, the aide, and Worf EXIT. 10A INT. CORRIDOR Worf leads Mauric and the aide to a door and enters the code on the keypad. The door slides open. Worf gestures to them to enter, but Mauric hangs back... looks up and down the corridor... into the room. MAURIC You first. Worf is slightly puzzled but precedes Mauric and the aide into the room. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/08/93 - ACT TWO 17A. 10B INT. KES QUARTERS Worf stands to the side as Mauric and the aide swiftly inspect the room... checking everything carefully as though looking for anything amiss. WORF Is there a problem, Ambassador? MAURIC Probably not. I am simply securing the area. WORF I can assure you there is no need. Mauric smiles pleasantly at him. MAURIC I'm sure you're right. (beat, as he checks one last area) This will do nicely. WORF As Security Chief of the Enterprise, I would be glad to assist you in any way possible -- MAURIC There's no need. We'll take care of everything. (beat) Thank you, Lieutenant. There is an uncomfortable pause as Worf realizes he's being dismissed. He nods curtly and leaves. CUT TO: 11 INT. CAVE (OPTICAL) An empty cavern, a mile beneath the planet's surface. Utterly secluded -- there's no one about. Somewhere, off in the distance, there's the faint sound of water dripping. Suddenly, a section of the cave wall PIVOTS open and a secret passage is revealed. Picard and Beverly ENTER the cave through the passage. Picard CLOSES the section of cave wall behind them. STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - ACT TWO 17A. 10B INT. KES QUARTERS Worf stands to the side as Mauric and the aide swiftly inspect the room... checking everything carefully as though looking for anything amiss. WORF Is there a problem, Ambassador? MAURIC Probably not. I am simply securing the area. WORF I can assure you there is no need. Mauric smiles pleasantly at him. MAURIC I'm sure you're right. (beat, as he checks one last area) Well. This will do nicely. WORF As Security Chief of the Enterprise, I would be glad to assist you in any way possible -- MAURIC There's no need. We'll take care of everything. (beat) Thank you, Lieutenant. There is an uncomfortable pause as Worf realizes he's being dismissed. He nods curtly and leaves. CUT TO: 11 INT. CAVE (OPTICAL) An empty cavern, a mile beneath the planet's surface. Utterly secluded -- there's no one about. Somewhere, off in the distance, there's the faint sound of water dripping. Suddenly, a section of the cave wall PIVOTS open and a secret passage is revealed. Picard and Beverly ENTER the cave through the passage. Picard CLOSES the section of cave wall behind them. STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - ACT TWO 18. 11 CONTINUED: PICARD (re: cave door) Someone obviously put a lot of time and effort into this. BEVERLY It might have been the guard's personal escape route. PICARD You're assuming he's a Kes agent. BEVERLY Seems logical. Beverly checks the directions on her tricorder as Picard wipes sweat from his forehead -- it's hot in here. PICARD There must be a lava flow or a hot spring somewhere near by. BEVERLY (nods, off tricorder) It's a lava flow... about thirty meters beneath us. (beat) We're supposed to head this way. Beverly leads the way. They take a few steps and then Beverly takes a breath of air and instantly realizes that something's wrong. BEVERLY (continuing) I smell gas... Suddenly a small FIREBALL explodes a few feet to one side. They both freeze in their tracks. Beverly works her tricorder as Picard watches ANOTHER FIREBALL explode further down the cave. BEVERLY (off tricorder) This whole chamber is filled with pockets of a methanogenic compound... STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - ACT TWO 19. 11 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Can we get through it? BEVERLY I think so... She moves slightly ahead, scanning the area. A beat, then -- PICARD What did you say? Beverly turns, puzzled. BEVERLY I didn't say anything. (off tricorder) There seems to be a fairly regular pattern to these eruptions... if we're careful we should be able to navigate through them. Picard moves to her side. PICARD Say when... Beverly waits. A burst of FLAME erupts just a few feet away. BEVERLY Now... They start off slowly, Beverly guiding him along the cave floor slowly, adjusting from left to right on the basis of her readings. As they shift direction, a little burst of flame will jet out behind them. They proceed in this manner for a short distance, then realize that the little fireballs have ceased. They stop. PICARD The eruptions have stopped... BEVERLY (scanning behind them) The gas is building up! She grabs his hand, yanks at him. STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - ACT TWO 20. 11 CONTINUED: (3) They start running as, behind them, a large fireball several feet high ignites and flows toward them. They fling themselves sideways into an intersecting chamber just as it whooshes past them with a BLAST OF SCORCHING FLAME. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/07/93 - ACT THREE 21. ACT THREE FADE IN: 12 INT. BRIDGE AFT SCIENCE (OPTICAL) Data is working at Science Station One. Riker and Worf are standing nearby. There is a complex OKUDAGRAM on the monitor. DATA I have scanned the entire Prytt communications system and I believe this is the primary access module for the central government. RIKER Can you determine which of these com links is connected to their prime minister's office? DATA I believe so. However, the Prytt have no link designed for extraterritorial communications. Our hail may come as a surprise to them. RIKER Well, they're going to have to adjust. Open a channel. Data works and after a beat, a voice comes on-line. PRYTT COM VOICE This is Prime Minister Horath's headquarters. How can I be of service? RIKER This is Commander William T. Riker of the Federation starship Enterprise. I know this is an unusual way to -- PRYTT COM VOICE (shocked) The Enterprise? You mean the ship in orbit? RIKER That's right. PRYTT COM VOICE Why are you on this com-link? STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - ACT THREE 22. 12 CONTINUED: RIKER Well, we didn't know how to contact your government directly, so we had to start somewhere. Now if I could talk with your-- PRYTT COM VOICE Did you get authorization for this communication from the Security Ministry? RIKER No. As I said, we didn't know how to contact you so-- PRYTT COM VOICE I cannot participate in an unauthorized communication. There is a CLICK as the transmission ENDS. Riker and Data exchange a look. RIKER Not very friendly are they? DATA No, sir. STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - ACT THREE 23. 12 CONTINUED: (2) There is a BEEP on Worf's console. WORF Sir. We are being hailed... it is the Prytt Security Council. RIKER Looks like we got somebody's attention. On screen. Worf works and the image of Lorin appears on one of the small monitor screens at the aft station. Lorin appears very angry. LORIN Enterprise, this is Security Minister Lorin. You will immediately cease all attempts at communication with our people. RIKER Minister, we've been trying to contact someone in your government. It appears that you've detained two of our officers and we would like to discuss this situation. LORIN There is nothing to discuss. If you do not terminate these transmissions, we will be forced to take aggressive action against your ship. With that, Lorin ENDS the transmission. Riker looks to Worf. (In the b.g. Ambassador Mauric ENTERS with his Aide.) STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - ACT THREE 24. 12 CONTINUED: (3) WORF Their weapon systems pose no threat to the Enterprise. RIKER Just the same, let's keep the shields up for the time being. WORF Aye, sir. MAURIC (to Riker) Is there a problem, Commander? RIKER Our efforts with the Prytt just ran into a wall. MAURIC I am sorry. But perhaps this will brighten your spirits -- we have freed your Captain and doctor. RIKER (shocked) What? MAURIC They were being held in a prison just outside the Prytt capital. One of our operatives was able to arrange their escape. WORF Where are they now? MAURIC They should be en route to the Kes border. Our operative provided them with a detailed map and instructions on where to go. RIKER How do you plan to get them across the border? MAURIC At the moment, that information is confidential. But trust us... we do have a plan. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/08/93 - ACT THREE 25. 12 CONTINUED: (4) Riker and Worf exchange a concerned look... they're not happy about just blindly trusting Mauric. RIKER Ambassador... I'm afraid I must insist that you provide us with more information. Mauric hesitates... looks around the Bridge for a beat, then decides to acquiesce. MAURIC I understand your concern, of course. But I would feel more... comfortable discussing operational details in a... less public environment. RIKER Certainly. We can step into the Ready Room. Riker indicates the direction, but Mauric doesn't move. MAURIC I would prefer... the quarters you provided me. They're safer. Riker is a little puzzled by just what the hell that means, but he sees nothing wrong with the request. RIKER All right. Riker and Mauric EXIT. CUT TO: 13 INT. ANOTHER CAVE (OPTICAL) Picard and Beverly ENTER. They've reached what seems to be a dead end and they stop. PICARD There's no way out of here... BEVERLY Maybe we took a wrong turn... Beverly studies the tricorder as Picard moves around the chamber, searching for the way out. STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - ACT THREE 25A. 13 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (without looking up) Me too... PICARD (puzzled) What? BEVERLY I'm thirsty too. PICARD I didn't say anything about being thirsty. BEVERLY I heard you. You said, "I'm very thirsty." PICARD I was thinking about it, but I didn't say anything. They regard each other silently for a moment as a new thought dawns on them both. BEVERLY You were thinking it... STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - ACT THREE 26. 13 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (touches implant) The transceivers. Lorin said they would align themselves to our psi wave patterns... BEVERLY The implants might be transmitting our thoughts. (beat) What am I thinking? A beat as Picard concentrates. PICARD I don't know. BEVERLY I can't hear your thoughts, either. Maybe it was just a fluke. PICARD (nods) For now, I'm afraid we have more immediate concerns. Does the map indicate a way out of here? BEVERLY Yes. We go up. She gestures to the rock face of the chamber. BEVERLY (continuing) There's a ledge about thirty meters up that connects to another tunnel which should lead to the surface. Picard takes this in matter-of-factly. PICARD Right. He moves to the rockface and begins looking for his first hand-hold. Beverly remains where she is, looking up at the rockface towering above her. Picard turns after a moment, a surprised look on his face. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/09/93 - ACT THREE 27. 13 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD (continuing) I heard that. (off her look) They weren't words exactly... I suddenly had this... sense of fear... a fear of heights. BEVERLY So much for it being a fluke. Picard is taken aback by the experience. PICARD What a strange sensation... your thoughts just appeared in my mind. Beverly manages a wan smile and looks up at the rockface. BEVERLY If you sensed fear of heights, you sensed pretty accurately. Picard smiles and steers her toward the wall. PICARD Come on. We've done this before... it's just like on the Holodeck. (takes her hand and puts it on rock) One hand-hold at a time... nothing too fast... just a slow, gentle climb. BEVERLY (deep breath) Right. They both begin to climb the wall... CUT TO: 14 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship in orbit. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/09/93 - ACT THREE 28. 15 INT. KES QUARTERS The room has been changed from the usual guest accommodations. Some of the furniture has been shoved over to one side and the room is littered with SEVERAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES. The desk now supports a large ALIEN COMPUTER console with odd cabling and gizmos attached to it. The Aide seen earlier is working at a console. Ambassador Mauric and Riker ENTER. As soon as Riker is in the room, the Aide immediately picks up a Kes tricorder, moves to him, and begins to scan Riker up and down. Riker looks around the room with a little surprise. RIKER I see you've done some redecorating. MAURIC Just a few pieces of equipment we needed for security reasons. You understand. RIKER Certainly. The Aide finishes his scan of Riker. AIDE He is all right. Mauric indicates a chair and he and Riker sit down. As Riker gets near the Kes equipment in the room, the Aide quietly moves about and turns the equipment OFF so that Riker can't see any of the screens. RIKER Ambassador... how do you plan to get my people out of Prytt territory? MAURIC You must realize that what I am about to tell you cannot leave this room. (off his nod) For some time now, we have had certain... friends among the Prytt. Citizens who have realized that the long struggle between our two peoples can only end when the Prytt government is made to see reason. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/08/93 - ACT THREE 29. 15 CONTINUED: RIKER You've recruited a few Prytt spies. MAURIC A crude, but accurate term. These friends will be waiting for your Captain and Doctor when they reach the village of Ohn-Kor near the Kes border. The map we provided your officers will take them to a tavern there. RIKER Forgive me, Ambassador, but is it wise to send two human fugitives in Starfleet uniforms into a Prytt village? MAURIC The danger is minimal. Our operatives control most of the town. Riker isn't entirely happy with that answer, but Mauric continues. MAURIC (continuing) Once they have made contact with Captain Picard and Doctor Crusher, our friends will escort them across the Kes border. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/08/93 - ACT THREE 30. 15 CONTINUED: (2) Riker absorbs this, still worried about the danger to Beverly and the Captain. RIKER I'd still feel better if they could rendezvous with your operatives in a less public place. MAURIC Commander, I assure you we know what we're doing. We have a great deal of experience in dealing with the Prytt. And we would hardly risk the safety of your people... after all -- we're still hoping you'll recommend our entrance into the Federation. This makes sense, and Riker accepts it. But he's still bothered. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - ACT THREE 31. 16 EXT. CAVE ENTRANCE - DAY Picard and Beverly come out from the caves. They blink for a moment in the bright sunshine, then Beverly points in a direction and they head out... CUT TO: 17 EXT. SLOPE - DAY Picard and Beverly carefully make their way down a tricky slope... picking through the brush, always looking around for any sign of pursuit. They look worn, tired and hungry. Silence for a while... PICARD One of us is hungry. BEVERLY That would be me. PICARD Try to think of something else. You're making me hungry. BEVERLY What would you like me to think about? PICARD Something other than a large bowl of vegetable soup. BEVERLY (with relish) My grandmother used to make it... with beans and peas and carrots -- PICARD Beverly. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/08/93 - ACT THREE 32. 17 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Sorry. Picard suddenly pulls up short and glares at her. PICARD (having "heard" her) I am not being unreasonable. BEVERLY I didn't say you were. I may have thought it, but there's a difference. Picard takes a beat... tries to clear his head for a moment. PICARD You're right. We can't react to every random thought that crosses the other person's mind. (beat) It's astonishing how much... clutter there is in our consciousness. Odd memories coming to the surface... bits of half-remembered songs... BEVERLY (nods) Stray day-dreams... scattered minutiae... I wonder how true telepaths sift through it all. How can they get to what someone's really thinking if their minds are constantly churning all this flotsam to the surface? A beat. Beverly suddenly reacts to something she "hears." BEVERLY That is not funny. STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - ACT THREE 32A. 17 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (lightly) I just wanted to see if you were listening. BEVERLY I think the link is getting stronger. PICARD (nods) Maybe we should put some distance between us... that might weaken it. (wry) Not that I'm tired of hearing your most intimate thoughts... STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/09/93 - ACT THREE 33. 17 CONTINUED: (3) BEVERLY Certainly not. They share a smile and then Beverly takes a few strides away from him. She gets about five or six feet away... then suddenly they both stagger and double over, hit by a wave of dizziness and nausea. BEVERLY Jean-Luc... He has to crawl to get to her... but as he does, the sickness starts to fade. As he gets to her, he's fine and so is she. Beverly pulls out her tricorder and scans them both. PICARD What happened? BEVERLY I don't know... I suddenly felt a wave of nausea. PICARD Me too. BEVERLY (off tricorder) I don't see anything wrong with either of us. (beat) Maybe the air is toxic... Beverly gets up and takes a few steps, scanning, but quickly the nausea returns and she retreats back toward Picard and it passes. PICARD The same thing... but when you moved back toward me... I felt better. They stare at each other for a moment, the implications of this sinking in. He smiles gamely at her, trying to downplay the situation. PICARD It would seem we're stuck with each other. OFF their faces... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - ACT FOUR 34. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 18 EXT. RAVINE - DAY A short time later. Beverly and Picard are walking along and then come to a stop. (From this point on, they should be no more than three feet apart at any time.) Beverly checks her map and frowns. PICARD What's wrong? Beverly points at two different mountain ridges. BEVERLY I can't tell if we're supposed to go over this hill... or that one. The topography on this map is a little vague. PICARD Let me see. Picard takes the tricorder and examines the map and the distant ridge line. A beat, then he points in direction. PICARD (continuing, confidently) This way. He takes a step, but Beverly stays in place. BEVERLY You don't really know, do you? PICARD What? BEVERLY You're acting like you know exactly which way to go... but you're just guessing. Do you do this all the time? Picard's been caught, but he takes it with good grace. PICARD No. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - ACT FOUR 35. 18 CONTINUED: PICARD (Cont'd) (beat) But... there are times when it's important for a Captain to give the appearance of confidence. Beverly smiles and they resume their walk. After a beat, Picard "hears" something -- he turns and looks at her in surprise. Beverly laughs and holds up her hands. BEVERLY I'm sorry... I'm sorry. I couldn't resist... PICARD I'm beginning to realize that you seem to always have some... acerbic remark on the tip of your tongue. BEVERLY At least I've trained myself not to say it anymore. When I was a little girl, my mouth was always landing me in trouble with my parents... my teachers... PICARD (reading her thoughts) Your friends... and someone named Tom Norris... ? BEVERLY (smiles) That's right. We had one date... which I brought to an abrupt halt with the words... "Is that a beard or is your face dirty?" PICARD (overlapping) "Or is your face dirty?" They both laugh for a moment... then Picard senses something else. PICARD There's something more... you're laughing, but... (surprised) You actually feel... embarrassed about that incident. STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - ACT FOUR 36. 18 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY (a little sad) Yes. (beat) I thought I was being cute... but I really hurt him. A few beats pass and they silently look at each other, unspoken words travel back and forth. Beverly breaks the silence and tries to shake off the moment. BEVERLY (continuing) That was a long time ago. And it taught me a valuable lesson. PICARD (shakes his head) This... sharing of thoughts and feelings... it's compelling in a strange way... BEVERLY Very. (beat) We'd better get going. They head out again. 19 NEW ANGLE As Picard is alarmed by something he sees in the distance. He's about to say something to Beverly, but she whirls around without his saying anything. They both duck behind some brush for cover and then cautiously peek out. 20 POV BEVERLY & PICARD Revealing TWO PRYTT TROOPERS walking along the ridge directly ahead of them. 21 RESUME BEVERLY & PICARD as they watch the Troopers. Beverly shakes her head -- responding to something she "heard." STAR TREK: "Attached" - 09/07/93 - ACT FOUR 37. 21 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (quietly) I don't think so, either. Maybe there's another way to reach the village. Beverly hands him the tricorder without looking -- again, responding to an unseen "thought." Picard studies the tricorder for a moment. PICARD No. We'd have to backtrack several kilometers to find another way over this ridge. Beat. Then Picard makes a decision. PICARD (off tricorder) The border's only two kilometers east of here... there's a forcefield protecting it, but we'll have to find a way to deal with that when we get there. They carefully move off in a different direction, being careful to use what cover is available. CUT TO: 22 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship in orbit. 23 INT. CORRIDOR Worf and Riker walk down the Corridor and stop outside the Kes Quarters. Riker presses the door panel and the doors slide OPEN after a beat. They EXIT to... STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/08/93 - ACT FOUR 38. 24 INT. KES QUARTERS - CONTINUOUS Riker and Worf ENTER and are immediately confronted by the Aide, who uses a Kes tricorder to carefully and thoroughly scan both Riker and Worf from head to toe. Mauric is seated at the table, his hands folded neatly in front of him while TWO N.D. Aides stand on either side of him. Mauric is looking at the Enterprise officers with a cool eye. Riker and Worf exchange a glance -- what's this all about? The Aide finishes his scan and turns back to Mauric. AIDE (to Mauric) All right. RIKER (to Mauric) Is something wrong? Mauric looks at them both for a long beat... his friendly and open demeanor is now gone -- he's completely neutral and unreadable. After a long beat, he gestures to two chairs. MAURIC Have a seat. Riker and Worf sit. Mauric studies them both for a moment. MAURIC (continuing) Captain Picard and Doctor Crusher did not show up at the designated rendezvous point. Riker and Worf exchange a worried look. RIKER Do you know what happened to them? MAURIC No. We have no idea what happened to them. (beat) We find it strange that your officers would follow the escape plan so precisely -- but then fail to make a crucial rendezvous with our operatives. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/09/93 - ACT FOUR 39. 24 CONTINUED: WORF It is possible they have been recaptured. MAURIC (shakes his head) Our sources would have informed us instantly if that had happened. (beat) But of course, if they weren't captured... if they simply... made a different rendezvous... we might not ever know about it. RIKER A different rendezvous? I'm not sure what you mean. MAURIC (sarcastic) Of course you're not. You wouldn't know if your Captain and Doctor were meeting secretly with the Prytt. (beat) Meeting in order to set up a military alliance with the Federation... RIKER What? Mauric is on his feet now, pacing about the room... he's completely sure of himself -- a keen mind outlining the details of a crime. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/08/93 - ACT FOUR 40. 24 CONTINUED: (2) MAURIC It was a clever scheme... first you pretend to "lose" your officers during transport... then you ask us for help... and get us to expose several of our undercover operatives in the process. But what you didn't expect was for us to get your people out of prison so quickly. They needed more time... more time to plot the destruction of the Kes with their new Prytt friends. Riker's had enough of this. He gets to his feet. RIKER This is ridiculous. You're starting to see conspiracies everywhere. We were invited here by the Kes, why would we want to ally ourselves with the Prytt? MAURIC Why indeed? RIKER You can believe what you want... we're going to find our people with or without your help. MAURIC Then I believe it's time for us to be leaving the Enterprise. RIKER (re: equipment) Just make sure you take all that junk with you. Riker and Worf EXIT. CUT TO: 25 EXT. CUL DE SAC - NIGHT Beverly and Picard have stopped for the night in a small Cul de Sac, shielded from view by rocks and vegetation. Picard is tending a small FIRE as Beverly sits nearby scanning a collection of plants with her tricorder. After a beat, she reacts with disappointment -- Picard doesn't have to see her to know what's wrong. PICARD No luck. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/13/93 - ACT FOUR 41. 25 CONTINUED: BEVERLY I'm beginning to think there's not a single thing on this planet we can eat. PICARD Well... if we're lucky, we'll be back on the Enterprise by this time tomorrow and you can plant yourself in front of a replicator with a knife and fork. She smiles as Picard sits down. BEVERLY Remember that Vulcan dish I promised you for breakfast? I was just thinking... She trails off... suddenly struck by something she "hears" from Picard. BEVERLY (continuing, surprised) You hate having breakfast with me. PICARD That's not true. BEVERLY Yes, it is. As soon as I said, "breakfast" I heard you say, "I hate that." PICARD That's not quite what I meant... BEVERLY Well, what did you mean? PICARD I simply... don't like... BEVERLY ("hearing" him) ... don't like what I've been choosing for breakfast. PICARD No, no. It's... just that I feel breakfast should be... a simple meal... and recently they seem to have become more elaborate. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/13/93 - ACT FOUR 42. 25 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY ("hearing" him) Tea and scones. That's all you really want, isn't it? Tea and scones. Why didn't you say so? PICARD It didn't seem that important... Suddenly he stops as he "hears" something from her. PICARD (continuing) You don't like those elaborate meals either. BEVERLY (laughs) I usually prefer something simple myself... but somehow I thought you might enjoy more variety. They both share a laugh. BEVERLY (continuing) Well, it's tea and scones for both of us from now on. They both smile and sit back. They are very comfortable here... very much at ease with each other. A long silent beat passes as they look into the fire. PICARD (continuing) I love firelight. BEVERLY (overlapping) I love firelight. PICARD There's something about the flame... the smell of the smoke... I've always felt it's intoxicating in a way... Beat. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/13/93 - ACT FOUR 43. 25 CONTINUED: (3) BEVERLY (smiles) I remember when Jack and I took Wesley on his first camping trip to Balfour Lake. Wesley kept throwing manta leaves in the fire to watch them pop... Jack kept telling him... She trails off... and slowly looks at Picard with a very shocked and puzzled look on her face. She just "heard" a fragment of something very important. Picard stares resolutely into the fire. BEVERLY What? He doesn't answer. BEVERLY (continuing, gently) Jean-Luc... I heard you. Don't push it away. PICARD Beverly, please. I don't want to talk about this right now. But Beverly isn't about to let this go. She moves closer to him. BEVERLY When I said, "Jack and I"... I could feel this sudden wave of... something. (beat, then surprised) I never knew you felt that way. PICARD Didn't you? BEVERLY I guess I always knew there was... an attraction between us, right from the start. But I had no idea how strongly you felt... (beat) Why didn't you ever tell me you were in love with me? STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/09/93 - ACT FOUR 44. 25 CONTINUED: (4) Picard stops trying to get away from this... these are things that he's never confronted directly and this is very difficult for him. PICARD You were married to my best friend. (beat) At first, it seemed like a harmless infatuation... something more hormonal than emotional. But then... He trails off and Beverly picks up the thought. BEVERLY ("hearing" more) But then as the months went by... and the three of us starting spending more time together... PICARD I began to realize that it was something more. (beat) It wasn't right... and I knew I wouldn't act on it... but I couldn't help the way I felt. Beat. BEVERLY ("hearing" more) And when Jack died... you felt guilty. PICARD I felt guilty before he died... having those kind of feelings for my best friend's wife. Then... later, after the accident... I told myself that no matter what happened I would never let you know how I felt. BEVERLY You didn't want to feel as if you were... PICARD Betraying my friend... A long beat. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/08/93 - ACT FOUR 44A. 25 CONTINUED: (4) BEVERLY That's why you didn't want me on the Enterprise seven years ago. PICARD I didn't know how I would react. (beat) But gradually, I found that I didn't feel that way anymore... that twenty years was indeed a long time... Beat. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/09/93 - ACT FOUR 45. 25 CONTINUED: (5) BEVERLY And now we're friends... Another beat. PICARD Yes... friends. They look at each other. They've shared something very profound and intimate and Picard seems disquieted. Beverly regards him for a moment, then turns away. BEVERLY We still have a lot of ground to cover tomorrow. We should get some sleep. PICARD Right. They both lie down by the fire and get comfortable. The two of them lie on their back, looking up at the sky. After a beat, Picard puts out his arm, and Beverly puts her head on his shoulder. She closes her eyes, but his remain open, staring up at the sky. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/08/93 - ACT FIVE 46. ACT FIVE 26 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Riker, Data, and Worf at their stations. Mauric ENTERS from the Turbolift. His attitude is cool toward Riker... he clearly doesn't trust him. RIKER Ambassador. Thank you for coming. MAURIC Commander. RIKER We're about to clear up this misunderstanding once and for all. (to Worf) Hail Minister Lorin, please. WORF Aye, sir. Worf works and then Lorin appears on the Viewscreen. LORIN Enterprise, I have warned you about these unauthorized communications... RIKER Yes, I know. But I think it's about time we all sat down together and tried to work this out. I have Ambassador Mauric here and -- LORIN That is your misfortune. We have nothing to say to either of you. Lorin ENDS the transmission. MAURIC (to Riker) Commander... I know you're working with the Prytt. Putting on a little show like that for my benefit does neither of us any good. Riker seems very unperturbed by this and he gives Mauric a calm smile. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/09/93 - ACT FIVE 47. 26 CONTINUED: RIKER We'll see. (to Worf) Mister Worf... Worf works his console for a moment... then looks up at Riker and nods. RIKER (to Mauric) I think there's someone waiting for us in the Observation Lounge. Riker gestures toward the door... after a puzzled beat, Mauric heads in the indicated direction and they both EXIT to... 27 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - CONTINUOUS Riker and Mauric ENTER and find a very angry Minister Lorin standing in the room. She is keeps a handle on her temper, but she is coldly furious. LORIN I should have known that anyone willing to deal with the Kes would be capable of such an outrage. RIKER I'm sorry I had to resort to these drastic measures, Minister, but you left me little choice. MAURIC Don't pretend that the two of you are enemies. It is too late for a charade. LORIN If that is an attempt to hide your military alliance with the Federation, you needn't bother. I already know far more than you can imagine. Riker tries to get control of the situation. RIKER Let's all just sit down and try to talk about what's happened to Captain Picard and Doctor Crusher. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/08/93 - ACT FIVE 48. 27 CONTINUED: LORIN I will not sit at a table with... him. MAURIC (quickly) No more than I would sit with her. RIKER All right... then we'll stand. The important thing is that we start talking. LORIN I am not authorized to talk with a Kes official. RIKER Then talk to me. Where are my officers? MAURIC (to Riker) As if you don't already know. Riker's frustration level is clearly building. Off his reaction... CUT TO: 28 EXT. MOUNTAINSIDE - DAY Beverly and Picard are climbing a steep slope. Beverly sees something up ahead and she silently motions Picard down. They both duck for cover. 29 NEW ANGLE Revealing A PRYTT GUARD walking at the top of the ridge ahead of them. 30 RESUME BEVERLY & PICARD As they double back down the way they came... trying to keep out of sight. 31 ON GUARD As he looks around the area... suddenly he looks down and sees something. He lifts his weapon... STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/08/93 - ACT FIVE 49. 32 ON PICARD (OPTICAL) As a PHASER BURST hits the ground very close to him. Picard takes a tumble down the slope, bouncing off a large boulder. 33 BEVERLY (OPTICAL) Rushes to Picard's side, but the Captain gets to his feet with only a few bumps and scrapes. PICARD I'm all right. Another PHASER SHOT hits nearby and they start to run. CUT TO: 34 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Riker's patience is just on the verge of running out. LORIN We are already aware of your plan to use Federation technology to build new attack satellites. You will find that we are prepared for them. MAURIC An interesting, if pointless lie. I would rather discuss your own plans to use Federation aid to stage a takeover of Kolrod Island. LORIN We have been over this before. Kolrod clearly belongs to the Prytt who originally-- RIKER (hard) That's it. They both fall silent and look at him in surprise. Riker has decided to take charge here. RIKER (continuing) I can see that... diplomacy is not going to get us anywhere today, and I don't have time for an extended negotiation session. So it's time to lay all the cards on the table. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/08/93 - ACT FIVE 50. 34 CONTINUED: Mauric and Lorin exchange a puzzled look -- card playing must not be a Kes or Prytt activity. RIKER (continuing) That means it's time to stop fooling around and get serious. (to Lorin) You're concerned that the Kes are about to be admitted into an associative membership with the Federation. LORIN Correct. RIKER As First Officer of the Enterprise I think I can promise you that is not going to happen. The Kes will be denied membership. They both look at him in shock. MAURIC You do not have the authority to do that. Despite whatever games you may have played with the Prytt since your arrival, we still plan on taking our petition directly to the Federation Council. They will listen to our-- RIKER They will listen to the report of the Enterprise Captain and his First Officer. And I can tell you right now that the First Officer's report will go something like this: (he moves about the room) "Kesprytt is a deeply troubled world with social, political, and military problems that it has yet to resolve. The Kes, although a friendly and democratic people, are driven by suspicion, deviousness, and paranoia. In the opinion of this officer, they are not ready for membership." STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/08/93 - ACT FIVE 51. 34 CONTINUED: (2) Mauric has definitely been put in his place. Riker now notices that Lorin is looking pretty smug -- she seems to have won. RIKER Now to the matter of our missing officers... LORIN They are still charged with spying, Commander. I have heard nothing here which would alter that. RIKER Then maybe you should consider this: If anything happens to them, Starfleet is going to want a full investigation. That means more starships will be sent to Kesprytt... and those ships are going to want answers... which means they'll be putting your country under a very large and very uncomfortable microscope. Riker leans in close to Lorin... she doesn't like the sound of any of this. RIKER (continuing) Remember how unhappy you were when we contacted just one of your people without authorization? Well, think of what it'll be like when ten starships start looking for answers. They'll be contacting hundreds of your people... they'll conduct massive sensor sweeps... they might even start sending down Away Teams. And all because you wouldn't help me find my missing officers... Lorin is definitely starting to worry about this not so bright future. Off her look of concern... CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/08/93 - ACT FIVE 51A. 35 EXT. BORDER AREA - DAY (OPTICAL) Picard and Beverly run toward the FORCEFIELD BORDER between Prytt and Kes territory. The forcefield itself is invisible unless touched, but the border is clearly marked by signs and by large stanchions which operate the forcefield. They stop just in front of the border. Beverly pulls out her tricorder and begins working as Picard looks behind them. BEVERLY I think I can use the tricorder to set-up a multiphase pulse. That should weaken the field enough for us to get through. She continues to work as Picard keeps an eye out. He "hears" something and responds without turning around. PICARD No, no. The modulation frequency should be in the upper-harmonic range. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/09/93 - ACT FIVE 52. 35 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Right. The forcefield in front of her now suddenly becomes VISIBLE... a small section of it starts to WARP and DISTORT as Beverly works. 36 NEW ANGLE As FOUR PRYTT TROOPERS come running through some brush and toward Picard and Beverly. 37 RESUME NEAR FORCEFIELD (OPTICAL) Beverly reacts to something she "hears". BEVERLY I'm going as fast as I can. The distortion in the field gets LARGER. Picard and Beverly get closer to the field. The following takes place very quickly: -- The Troopers rush them... weapons drawn... -- The distortion in the field is almost the size of a single person... -- Beverly glances over her shoulder and then makes a lightening decision. She suddenly PUSHES him THROUGH the distortion. -- Picard falls to the other side of the border. -- The distortion now writhes and fluctuates wildly after his passage... Beverly can't get through. Picard jumps to his feet and looks back at Beverly in horror as the Troopers rush up -- they've got her. Picard and Beverly silently look at each other from opposite sides of the border... unheard thoughts rushing back and forth. The troopers keep their weapons trained on Beverly, but they don't fire. One TROOPER activates his communicator. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/08/93 - ACT FIVE 53. 37 CONTINUED: TROOPER Minister, we have the human female. The male is standing in Kes territory. CUT TO: 38 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - CONTINUOUS Where Riker and Mauric listen as Lorin communicates with the surface. LORIN Very well. Transmit their coordinates to the Enterprise Transporter Room. TROOPER'S COM VOICE Understood. RIKER Thank you, Minister. Now, if you'll excuse me... Riker EXITS... leaving two very chastened people in the Observation Lounge. CUT TO: 39 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship in orbit. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/08/93 - ACT FIVE 54. 40 INT. CORRIDOR Picard, Beverly and Riker ENTER from the Transporter Room walking down the corridor. Picard and Beverly are still dirty and bedraggled from their adventure. Midconversation. RIKER Mauric is determined to take his protest to the Federation Council, but I don't think he'll get very far. PICARD I tend to agree, Number One. They walk for a few beats, then Picard suddenly laughs at something and turns to Beverly with a smile. She looks at him for a moment and then she laughs too... sharing some silent, private joke. Riker looks from one to the other in puzzlement. RIKER Did I miss something? PICARD (to Beverly) I know... I know... you're absolutely right. Picard and Beverly continue to trade telepathic thoughts as they continue down the corridor, much to Riker's confusion. CUT TO: 41 INT. PICARD'S QUARTERS It's much later. Picard and Beverly are just finishing up the last remnants of an intimate dinner. They're both in civilian clothes and the mood is warm, inviting. Beverly pushes back her plate and looks very contented. The implants are gone. BEVERLY (re: food) That was wonderful. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/08/93 - ACT FIVE 55. 41 CONTINUED: PICARD My pleasure. Picard clears away the dishes and Beverly sits back in her chair. BEVERLY Don't take this the wrong way, Jean-Luc... but I'm glad we're not joined at the hip anymore. PICARD Were you getting tired of my company? BEVERLY Just tired of bumping into you every thirty seconds. I was beginning to feel like you were part of my uniform. Picard now produces a bottle of champagne. BEVERLY Champagne... ? He pops the cork. Beverly smiles as he pours the champagne. BEVERLY (lifts her glass) What shall we drink to? They look into each other's eyes for a moment. There are many things they could drink to, but Picard opts for something safe after an awkward beat. PICARD Our... freedom. BEVERLY Freedom. They clink glasses and sip the champagne. There is a long quiet beat. BEVERLY Penny for your thoughts. PICARD I was just thinking... that as distracting as it was... I was beginning to get used to... "hearing" your thoughts. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/08/93 - ACT FIVE 55A. 41 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY So was I. It was very... intimate. Picard nods and Beverly looks down into her glass. BEVERLY You know... last night... I woke up... PICARD Oh? Beverly nods... she gives him a look full of sexual innuendo. BEVERLY I was awake for several hours. And thanks to the implant, I got to "hear" some very interesting dreams of yours. Picard shifts for a moment... but he takes it with good humor. PICARD A man can't be held responsible for what his mind does when he's asleep. BEVERLY What about when he's awake? There is a long beat... Picard studies her for a moment... then slowly gets up and moves closer to her. After a moment, Beverly looks up at him. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/08/93 - ACT FIVE 56. 41 CONTINUED: (3) There is a crackle of attraction in the air... Picard reaches out... she takes his hand... gets out of her chair... and for one moment, they both realize that anything is possible in this moment... PICARD So now that we've had this... unique experience... what do we do now? BEVERLY (innocent) What do you mean? PICARD You know exactly what I mean. BEVERLY No I don't. The implant's been removed, remember? PICARD I mean now that we know how we each feel... perhaps we shouldn't be afraid to explore those feelings... Beverly takes a long moment... looks at Picard, then makes her decision. BEVERLY (gently) I'm not afraid... but I'm also not ready. Picard nods silently. A moment... then she kisses him on the cheek -- maybe just a little longer than normal... and she heads for the door. BEVERLY Good-night. PICARD Good-night. Beverly EXITS... 42 INT. CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Beverly ENTERS and stops just outside the door... looks back... then walks off. STAR TREK: "Attached" - REV. 09/08/93 - ACT FIVE 56A. 43 INT. PICARD'S QUARTERS Picard looks after her for a moment... then blows out the candles. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END